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The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays5 years ago
Wow what a week! Phil and Sheena recap Clash of Champions, the debut of NXT on USA, Ghostbusters figs, and of course Baron Corbin winning the King of the Ring! Sign up for bonus content here:

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show

All hail King Corbin, first of his name. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chick Foley Show. I am here live in the beautiful, coming together, Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. And

Clash of Champions Discussion Begins

welcome. We have a lot to talk about. We have Clash of Champions to recap. Wanna say hello to my co-host, Sheena Phelps. What's going on, Sheena?
Not a whole lot, man. Just got done watching, like you said, just got done watching the debut of NXT on USA.

Popeyes vs. Chick-fil-A: The Chicken Debate

So I'm excited to dive into that a little bit. And I have some, I have some exciting news too. I finally got to try the Popeyes chicken sandwich. You found it? I found it. Holy shit. Okay. We need to throw the script away. This is all we're talking about for the next hour. Where'd you find it? I thought it was like gone.
I thought it was sold out too. We called one of the locations and yeah, they had it deep in the heart of Norfolk. They had some crispy chicken sandwiches left, man. And let me just tell you, that shit was good.
It was really freaking good. And, um, like, uh, it's such a, it's such a toss up for me. Cause God, I love me some Chick-fil-A. Like I'm not even gonna lie. I love Chick-fil-A. Um, but that sandwich was really good. It was different. That crispy crust, like the mayonnaise. That's one thing that's got a little step above is the, um, above the Chick-fil-A sandwiches. It got some sauce on them. The sauce boss, you know, I don't eat dry food. That's for, that's for the birds. You know, you gotta have some sauce on there.
Whoo, Lord, Papa stepped it up. But what I will say is if I only have one chicken sandwich left in my life and it was the end of days, speaking of Baron Corbin, I would probably pick Chick-fil-A just because the consistency is there. I mean, I've been to some really good Popeyes and I've been to some really shitty Popeyes, you know what I mean? And I'm not going to risk my last chicken sandwich on stuff. Yeah, they're a crapshoot for sure.
yeah on some sketch Popeyes but you know what I've never been disappointed at Chick-fil-A so like I said super excited I got to try that that is your that is your foodie foodie blurb for the day if you can find the Popeyes chicken sandwich is freaking delicious got the brioche bun which is also a thing it sets it apart from from the Chick-fil-A sandwich so
Yeah, man, damn it. Pregnancy cravings. Now I'm like, it's like 10 o'clock, and I'm like, I need a chicken sandwich. Well, I'm not pregnant. I'm craving it too. I want to do a blind taste test on the show next week or something if I can find it here. It was amazing that Chick-fil-A was out of chicken for like a month. How's it hard to find a chicken breast? What was the? Oh, the Popeyes? Yeah. Oh, yeah. You said Chick-fil-A. But yeah, I was like, dude, that's one thing. Chick-fil-A don't run out of chicken. You know what I mean?
Popeyes like they they totally underestimated their demand and you know Then then everybody try to get in on it like once Popeyes ran out of chicken McDonald's was like knocking down door like hey We got this like barbecue chicken sandwich, you know flub over here, which was you know bull crap, but yeah Everybody was trying to get in on it. But yeah chick-fil-a man. They're they're on there. They're on their stuff I don't know if you've ever seen that
that viral, like, YouTube video that lady made about, you know, Chick-fil-A and how efficient they are and how they've been trained by the military and stuff, but it is the truth, man. Like, you go to Chick-fil-A, they're like, you know, my pleasure, and you get what you order in a timely fashion, except for on Sundays. That's one thing they got going against them is the whole God thing, and, you know, I'm glad to get people think, like, days off on Sunday, but sometimes you just want a freaking chicken sandwich on a Sunday, man, and your heart's broken.
Chick-fil-A, you can hit us up at askchickfoli at

Engagement and Sponsorships

You can pay us in chicken sandwiches, coupons, whatever you want to do. Follow me. Marco, how are you this evening, sir? Do you have any food that we should know about that was interesting? I have nothing out of that. That was probably one of the best intros ever, and I can't follow it up with anything fascinating like that at all. He's like, I had a six-piece nugget from McDonald's. Yeah.
frozen chicken nuggets tonight with my my kids. So that's I mean, that's that's all they eat. So they don't need anything else I can give them. So it's chicken nuggets every night. But you make five of them and eat like two of them and then you're like left eating the cold ones. Like when they're done eating, that's always the best. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Tag here at life. Sauce boss over here as

Wrestling Excitement and Music Discoveries

well. I'm dipping in and catch up with the mayonnaise. But, you know, it's
It's all I have over here. But other than that, feeling great. Oh, you always get that little adrenaline rush after watching some good old-fashioned wrestling. Yeah, I'm wide awake now. Yeah, I am.
As well as bumping some Lizzo over here too. Trying to get pumped off of some Lizzo going. For you guys who don't know, Marco just has recently discovered Lizzo and usually it's like a female empowerment thing and all of a sudden Marco hits me up in the DMs and he's like, you know what, I just discovered Lizzo and I just discovered she's pretty awesome and I'm like, I've been telling you guys, I've been telling you, you just listen to me, I will never steer you wrong.
I'll have to play her on the outro. I am, I have not delved into the Lizzo thing, but I think, I think Maro made a reference to, to Lizzo tonight. Oh, tonight he did? Yeah. Oh, Mr. Missed it. Yeah. He makes, I think I'm going to start hating Maro Ronaldo. Is that, is that a hot take?
Yeah, that's a very hot take. Morrow is the man. He traps way too many pop culture, like, corny dad jokes for me. Oh, that's why I love him so much, dude, because he's in the know, and he, like, he knows... He is. He is. That's true. Dude, you have to be so witty. I would give anything for, like, half of his, like, speed of wit, just, like, to come up with these things on the fly with just the emphasis that he puts on. I'm like, he's... God, he's a freaking man.
Let's get into it. Well, let's get some plug skis out of the way here first. I dropped the email address.

Patreon and Merchandise Opportunities

It's askchickfoli at If you need to send us a question or a concern or anything like that. Or a chicken sandwich. Chicken sandwich recipe. Whatever it is, hit us up there. You can check us out on Patreon. It's slash chickfoli show.

NXT's Debut on USA

For any chicken related conversations, we do it there. You can join our Facebook group. It starts at a dollar a month.
We use our Facebook group to buy and sell and trade figures with all of our awesome Patreon subscribers. And if you want, we can start talking about chicken on there, whatever you want. It's an open forum. There's no chicken shaming or anything like that. Ringside Collectibles does not sell chicken, but they do sell some awesome wrestling figures. And you can use Code Chick Foley and get 10% off there. They have an awesome sale going on right now, a hell of a sale, they call it.
So check it out there. Chalk line is a bunch of jackets and cool gear that if you follow Sheena on Instagram, she's wearing almost daily and you can get 15% off their code CHICK, C-H-I-C-K.
Speaker is one of our favorite sites for some really good t-shirts. Use code CHICK for 10% off, but if you're listening today, I think it's code NXT this evening. You're probably not going to get this until tomorrow. I apologize, but it's 25% off. But they do sales like that all the time. If you follow them on social media around the holidays and stuff like that. And if you want to buy our shirts, it's Just do a search for Chick Foley.
And you can find all our stuff there. So that is that. Let's before we get into Clash of Champions, guys, let's talk about NXT because tonight was a big night. We had three straight nights of wrestling, four straight nights of wrestling, actually. Yeah, which is awesome. And I enjoyed almost all of it. But we can start with what happened tonight. The premiere of NXT on USA. I'll start with you, Sheena. What did you think of the overall look of the show? It was a little bit different than what we've seen on the network episodes.
Yeah, you know, it was still at full sale, which I totally appreciate. I love, I love just the feel of full sale, the full sale audience. You know, those are your hardcore like NXT fans, you know, they are, they are totally there for it. They are in it to win it. They're going to, they really do bring a lot to the show just with their excitement.
and their knowledge of you know all the people which is which is really are with all the superstars which is really awesome but yeah it looked a little bit different i mean the crowd i felt like was a little bit darker the lighting was a little bit different i felt like they had they had um
Maybe I have just never noticed it, but they had like a ceiling graphic. Have you guys ever noticed that before an NXT

Spotlight on NXT UK and Women's Division

yet? I think that might be new where they would like come up onto the ring apron and they would do this shot from like below and then there was like the name graphic and everything up on up on the ceiling and then I think that the Titan Tron behind them actually got a little bigger or maybe I'm just making all this up and it's like some sort of placebo effect and I'm like it's on TV so everything's bigger and
Bigger and more awesome, but those were my takeaways just from the overall look in the feel of it But it's and as far as the matches and stuff like we're gonna we're gonna dive into a few of those matches But yeah, they just they just brought the heat out man I think everybody knew like for the stakes they were on the line and you know what what this meant to the company and what it meant for NXT and they just laid it all out there and
Yeah, good stuff. I totally agree with everything you said there. Damien Priest wrestled on last week's show. And that's the first time I remembered or I realized that they had that ceiling graphic because he did like kind of the bow and arrow move and shot up his kind of graphic up on top of the ring on like kind of hanging above the ring, but that's the first time I noticed it. So that's pretty cool.
And a couple people were bitching on Twitter that they don't have the ramp and stuff. I don't know why it even matters, but people need to complain about something. I think the feel was good. I loved the lower lights during the matches, and they've done something like that in previous NXT iterations. But I just like that feel. It kind of looks like a house show. It makes it look a little more intimate.
They did it at Clash too. Did you notice they did that at Clash of Champions? During the intros they did it and they raised the lights but it looked awesome. I love that look for wrestling shows. Just have like a spotlight on the ring and that's all you can focus on. You don't see the beach balls and all the other dumbasses in the crowd trying to get attention.

Cruiserweights in NXT

exactly all the gimmick fans. Yeah, but it was a good show People were a little upset with the switch over to annexed to WWE Network. I apologize there to WWE Network Because I guess everyone was trying to log on all at the same time and it was it was messing up. I missed the Whatever match that was before the Leo rush match I missed it just because I was putting the kid to sleep But I think a lot of people were having trouble
you guys have any problems
whatever AEW I think what is it October 4th I think is when everything is really gonna go like fully live and the whole two hours is gonna be on USA but for this next couple of weeks it's gonna be like what you saw tonight so your first hour is gonna be on USA Network and then you're gonna switch over to WWE Network to watch that to watch that final

NXT's Unique Atmosphere and Future

Yeah, I mean, I don't mind it. I think if it's just for two weeks, it would be annoying if you had to do that all the time. Yeah, every week, yeah. But I think it's going to get some people switching over and maybe some new subscribers, so that's cool. For sure, yeah. What are they doing? We saw a lot of people. I mean, we saw Rhea Ripley last week, and now Pete Dunn seems to be a weekly addition. We saw Walter tonight, of course. Are these folks going to jump a tour? Yeah, that was a surprise, dude. Yeah, for sure.
I could not believe Walter was there tonight. I don't know if that had been leaked out anywhere, but I've been kind of off the grid all day today. But yeah, when Imperium showed up, I was like,
What is happening here? And then for a brief moment, I was like, well, maybe it's just them. You know what I mean? Like surely like Walter's not here. And then all of a sudden they like lined up and the music hit. And I was, I mean, the pop for Walter was insane. It was awesome. Um, but it was, it was great. Like I loved, loved, loved seeing him here. And I mean, that's how you kick off, you know, a network debut.
Hey, that just gives a bigger spotlight to the NXT UK show. And I'm sure they tape those so they can, those guys are kind of just sitting around for, they don't tour, I don't think on a regular basis over there. So I mean, why not use those guys, Rhea Ripley and Pete Dunne and some of these other big names. I'd love to see Tyler Bate come over and maybe wrestle some cruiserweight matches or something. I think you can definitely fill those two hours. Sadly, you could probably fill three hours, but
you know, Tyler Bate in the future. Obviously we saw Walter tonight. I'm not sure what that means for his future as far as like, you know, I mean, obviously he has the UK title, so at some point he's going to have to drop that back in the UK. But, you know, I don't know what that means for him, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Tyler Bate, Tony Storm, all of those people kind of like migrating over to NXT over here on USA.

NXT's Strong Women's Division

What were your thoughts before we get into some of the matches, Marco?
I thought it was actually really good. The presentation pretty much stayed the same. They didn't change up too much. The matches were the same ones you would have seen on the network. They didn't change it up at all. They didn't make it TV friendly. They kept it with the hard-hitting action that they've always done. I just thought overall it was a really great show. If you're an NXT fan, you're going to love it regardless.
I'm just hoping that the new viewers tuned in and they were actually able to see it for themselves if they weren't networked subscribers or anything like that and actually really prove that they can hold a TV show on their own and it's pretty legit.
I loved how they kicked it off with that women's four-way match. And I tweeted out and got a couple people chirping at me. But Mia Yim, Bianca Belair, Candice LeRae, Io Shirai. I don't think AEW has anyone that can touch those four. And they are on NXT. And they're not even the time. I mean, that's not even touching Rhea Ripley and Tony Storm and Shayna Baszler and some of these other folks. So they are so stacked.
with women's talent on this show, but that was an awesome four-way match. So good. It was so good. They just take more bumps. I don't know what it is compared to the main roster shows, but the women down in NXT are just bumping like crazy, and it's just a more realistic product. All four of them, I could have watched that match every single week. Those four can go, all four of them. They're super fun.
Somebody tweeted me that there's three of them were like when he was like, yeah, no shit, dude. They're three of the best women's wrestlers of all time. And then one blue chipper. I was like, uh, three of the best of all time. I don't know yet about that. But that's a little, that's a little overarching, but they are incredible. You know what I mean? I mean, if you, if you put these women, I mean, no, no shade to any of these women, they're all amazing. But if you put these women in the ring with Becky, Charlotte and Sasha, even it would be like, like lights out. You know what I mean?
Like, it would be no competition. And like I said, I love all four of these women, and I think they're incredible. But yeah, they just put on a hard-hitting, high-flying match, and I thought it was really good. I was a little bit, I mean, I guess I wasn't surprised to see Candice LeRae win, because she's the only one who hasn't, like, head-to-head with Shayna so far. And so this is her chance, but I mean, come on, let's be real for a second here. She's gonna get demolished by Shayna.
Yeah, it's a cool underdog story because she plays that role really well, but she can go in the ring too. But yeah, definitely the size differential. I was hoping somebody would come out. Oh, she looks like a little troll doll next to Jessamyn Duke and Shana and all them. I was like, oh my God, it looks like a little troll standing next to, and I don't mean troll in the bad sense, but she's all colorful and Barbie-esque.
and then you got like the darkness like the dark side around her and they're all like towering over her i was like man look at this matchup we have here
I was wondering if somebody was going to come out and kind of be at her side, but I don't know if she has any allies left.

NXT's Growing Cruiserweight Talent

She's already lost her best friend, man. So yeah. We saw the return of Leo Rush, who is already now the number one contender for the Cruiserweight title. So it sounds like, I don't know if they've even announced this anywhere, but it sounds like 205 Live is done with or going away. I don't know if we talked about that last week or not. My days are running together.
I guess this is going to be the new home for kind of the cruiserweights because we have a number one contenders match here. I'm all for it too. I think it's going to be a better platform for them on network TV and just- It'll help them round out that second hour too, I think. You know what I mean? Without really diluting the one hour of NXT that we know and love.
I was really hoping we'd see Champa tonight, but that didn't happen. Yeah, I think they're holding off maybe until like it's all two hours on USA, but yeah, I mean, I have no doubt that we're gonna see him sometime in the near

Undisputed Era's Championship Triumph

future. What about, I mean, we cannot not talk about the North American Championship match. I mean, that was a really, really good match by both men, but we fulfilled a prophecy tonight, Phil, a prophecy that we've been talking about for,
Nine months, you know, and I we talked about it at the beginning of the year when we did like our New Year kickoff show and all that stuff about the Undisputed Era being draped in championship gold and we've come close so many times but it's like it just never happened but tonight
Roderick Strong is your new North American champion and he he fulfilled the prophecy and it was such a cool moment seeing all four of those guys standing up there with all the gold and you know like I said no matter how long-lasting it is like the fact that it happened in that image is just something that's gonna be like you know it's just it's just a moment it's just iconic you know
Yeah, hats off to him.

Positive Reception for NXT on USA

He's such a great worker in the freaking ring, man. And I don't think Velveteen Dream really needs the title. I'd like to see him maybe move up and contend for the gold off of Adam Cole going forward. But yeah, it was a cool sight to see. That was a great match. And again, I have really high hopes. People were kind of down on NXT moving to USA. And I think if they keep it how it is, then they're not touching the product.
It's really just made for the hardcore wrestling fan and I think this is going to get a lot more eyeballs. I saw more talk about NXT on Raw and SmackDown last week than I've seen in like six months. I mean, they're now finally promoting it and this is going to be from Gargano saying he's staying there. This is going to be a third brand. I think I'd love to see a couple people move down from the main roster.
going forward once they go to two hours live on USA. But it's hard to criticize anything on the show. I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. I just felt like it was kind of a cop-out ending. And it was just a lot of guys. It felt like a battle royale, where guys were just standing around, forearm punching everybody. It's just kind of like, yeah, here we are. We're here, too. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, but did you notice did you catch this because I didn't catch this initially. I don't know what the hell I was doing when I missed that AEW aired a commercial during during the show.
Yeah, I guess no, I did not. I think it was anybody who who has direct TV. So it sounds like or somebody, somebody tweeted me that it's not that not the USA network that does any of the advertising and stuff like that. It's the actual cable companies. That's why you'll see like local car dealership commercials and shit like that.
Um, but I guess they just bought space on direct TV during it. Okay. That makes sense. Cause I was like, I was sitting here the whole time and I would have, that would have been something that I would have noticed. You know what I mean? If I was looking down at my phone, I would have noticed like Cody Rhodes voice coming over my, my speakers. Um, and I w I went back and I found it on Twitter and I watched the ad, you know, and it talks about, I mean, it's just like an ad for AEW, you know, pretty generic, but I mean, it was a cool ad.
But yeah, pretty crazy that they that they bought ad space during. I guess it's not crazy. It's smart. But it's just funny how this is actually turning out to be something, you know, like an actual Wednesday night war. Yes. I mean, super smart. Yeah. I mean, why would you not want to appeal to? I mean, just make sense. You're appealing to the people. Yeah. Wrestling fans like who else? What are you going to do? Advertise during The Bachelor or something like it's. Yeah.
I don't know why people on Twitter are so like amazed by it. It's you know, it's business. Yeah, I'm sure WWE would do it. Yeah, I think it was just unexpected. You know, you're thinking like, okay, well, I'm gonna watch NXT, you know, you just you just don't expect to see an AEW
Add on that type of platform when you're just kind of watching that, you know, I kind of get just caught people caught people off guard But yeah, pretty cool. I'm super excited. I'm very hopeful for the future of NXT I hope that they keep up this momentum and I hope that they can keep up this level of work and
I mean, they have no shortage of talent down in NXT, so I have no doubt that the quality of matches and stuff like that is gonna continue to be the quality that we know and love from NXT. But yeah, I think it was a good first night, and that really says a lot. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and I think they really did a good job tonight. Let's move on to Clash of Champions from Sunday evening.
A pretty good show. I think people were kind of mixed on it from what I've read. There were some matches that were better than others, as always. But what are your overall thoughts on this card as we head into Hell in a Cell next month?
I thought it was good. I thought there were some high spots and some low spots. I thought, like I said, there were some good matches and some that weren't so great, but it wasn't a long show, I don't guess. I don't know. I just felt tired by the end, but the show ended at what, like 10, 30 or 11 or something? Yeah, super early. I was surprised. It wasn't even that late, but at the same time, I was like, man, that was a...
banger of a show. It just felt like it was like on and on and on. I guess because it was like title match after title match. Maybe, you know, when you're watching a title match, you're just a little bit more engaged than you would be if you're like, okay, well, this is a popcorn match. Like I can just scroll my phone and like, you know, watch this a little bit in the background. But overall, I thought it was, I thought it was a good show. Nothing special, nothing spectacular. I mean, we did have some really cool moments with The Fiend and, you know, we'll talk about that, but, you know, nothing, nothing mind blowing.
Yeah. My favorite match of the night was the, uh, the Becky Lynch Sasha Banks match going into the crowd and of course setting up for a hell in a cell match next month. Uh, it was, it was a great back and forth. I mean, there were several times I thought Sasha was going to win and they were going to kind of make it an ongoing feud where they, they kind of pop potato the title back and forth. Um, but we have to talk about the guy in the first row that freaking tried to grab Sasha Banks ass as they're going over the barricade and he is getting lit up on social media rightfully.
I saw that. I did not see it when it happened, but I saw a bunch of people talking about it today or like right after the show and on Monday and stuff and I was like, what? And then I saw that I saw the little gift that somebody had made of it. And, you know, part of me is like, is he really trying to like grab her butt or pat her butt or maybe it was just like an unfortunate reach? Like, I don't know. You know, like sometimes like you could like graze, you know, somebody's like boob with your elbow and you're like, oh, God,
Sorry, you know what I mean? You're just kind of like, I didn't mean to do that. But do you feel like it was intentional, or do you feel like he was just a drunken jerk? Or do you feel like it was unintentional, or do you feel like he was just a drunken jerk trying to get a grope? Yeah, no, I feel like it was on purpose. And I feel he was trying to make it look like it was not on purpose. Because he went back a second time. I don't know if Marco can check the film. I don't have it in front of me. But it just looked like a skeevy looking dude. And I'm not going to make judgment on him.
until I, you know, for sure. We're gonna be breaking it down like there's a cruder film. Back and to the left. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But yeah, don't touch, I mean, I guess, I shouldn't say don't touch, you know what I mean? I know people like slap, slap superstars in the back and stuff when they come by them and stuff, but like, don't be a jerk, don't be that guy, you know what I mean? Don't attack, don't attack legends in the middle of the ring, in the middle of their Hall of Fame speech, and don't grab superstars private parts, you know what I mean? I decided you have to even say that.
Yeah, men and women included. I don't want to just seclude or just talk about women, but don't be grabbing men either. Marco confirmed he did go for a second feel. I knew there was a second feel. There was a second feel. He said it happened to Alexa, but it's the same guy. Come on, man. Just save your money and go to a strip club if you are that desperate for human interaction that you have to reach out and
What you could tell he was trying to record it like it was like on he was on his phone like he had his phone up recording So it may have just you know He's trying to do it for the gram trying to be cool and like, you know smack Sasha Banks's butt and yeah But I love when that stuff backfires and those people get like, you know mega heat on online whenever they do stupid shit like that, you know
I mean, I'm glad he didn't get punched in the face by, you know, Dash Wilder, but at the same time, like, you know, yeah, just just light him up a little bit and make him feel, feel icky for doing that shit. Just have Dash Wilder ringside for every every. Just like it could be his gimmick, you know, he just like beats the shed of fans.
Yeah, he's just like, you know, a ring, ringside security. But yeah, I agree. Uh, the Sasha Becky match was definitely in my top matches of the night. Um, besides that horrible ref bump, I mean, I don't know who they, who that guy was, who like they had practiced that spot or what the hell happened there, but he like turned into it.
and just like died and the whole thing so awkward. But other than that, the match was really good. I mean, they did those spots with like the disarmor through the guardrail, the disarmor through the table. And I thought the DQ finish, like, you know, nobody likes to see a DQ finish. Like, let's be real. But I thought it was a great way to keep both women looking strong, building to what could possibly be like a freaking banger of a match at Hell in a Cell.
Except for the fact that Sasha won. They didn't even play her music or even announced that she was the winner. I noticed that. I'm like, so Becky's like leaving the ring with her belt and it's like playing Becky's music and Sasha won the match. So, yeah, that whole thing was kind of, you know, was kind of backwards. But I guess that's nitpicking. I don't know. I don't know if that's nitpicking or not. That's pretty bad. Oh, Marco said she cried. She cried after.
I know. Marco, you didn't have to tell us that. After the show, they showed this Chronicle thing where I watched the first three minutes of it and she cried like two times. I watched the whole thing. She cried a lot. And I'm not trying to discredit anyone's pain or anyone's turmoil. And I'm a crier, let me just say. As hard ass as I come off on here sometimes, as hard ass as I come off on social media sometimes, I'm a very soft,
Compassionate empathetic person who like is a crier? He cries when the toy story on toy story three when like the the toys are headed to the incinerator You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean like that's the kind of stuff like I'm such a I'm a very I'm a softie I'm a big softie I think that's why I have such a tough exterior is because like I'm only hiding this soft inner shell I
So I'm not discrediting anybody for crying, but I don't know why it just bothers me so much that Sasha Banks cries so publicly all the time, especially when she has this boss persona. I think that's what it is. If she was like, I can't even think of anybody who would be a good person, their gimmick would be good for crying. But she's a badass boss, and yet she cries and gets flowers after every match. And it's just kind of like, okay, Sasha, come on.
You know, what was her reason for being for leaving after resumes? You just needed a break or Yeah, she was just in a really bad space mentally, you know and I mean I can totally see how being on the road and all the things and you know and she talked about being very grateful for all the opportunities that she'd been given and you know, just kind of losing herself to to the
the lifestyle that is uh being a wwe superstar you know and honestly like i cannot imagine there is no part of being a wwe superstar that appeals to me you know what i mean like i do not want to be on the road that much i don't want to be traveling that much i don't want to be away from my family um they they do a lot of stuff to get the freaking fame and fortune and glamour and all the stuff that they have you know what i mean it's not easy
being them. You know, it's not like when you're just like a Kardashian and people just like throw money at you for doing nothing. You know what I mean? Like these people work their freaking ass off and drive from city to city and little shitty rental cars don't have proper insurance. Um, you know, so it's just kind of like, you know, I totally get, you know, people just being burned out and needing a break and needing respite from all the hustle and bustle. But at the same time, um,
And I feel bad because you can't really get that when you're, when you're in the public eye. You know what I mean? Like people are always going to speculate. People are always going to hate on you. And people are always going to make assumptions about why you're doing what you're doing when they have no actual clue. You know what I mean? Um, so, I mean, I do respect her for taking the time that she needed and she's back and she's better than ever. So, you know, I mean, shit, maybe that maybe some other people should take a nice little four or five month break, you know?
Well, I wanted to touch on that because I feel like, you know, David Shoemaker on his podcast talks about needing like an off season for wrestling or where we cycle people, give people like a month or two break. But I mean, how great has it been seeing her come back and Rusev come back and there was somebody else on my mind that just came back recently?
I mean, obviously we saw Bray Wyatt come back from a long time. Yeah, Harper on Clash of Champions coming back. I mean, it gets the fans excited and it gives them a fresh kind of coat of paint. And, you know, you get tired of seeing, I mean, we saw Roman Reigns come back from having cancer and getting like, you know, actually cheering instead of boot every time. And fans still don't, you know, don't have the disdain for him that they used to have.
I don't know. I feel like you could, you know, especially with injuries and stuff. I mean, I'm sure when Jeff Hardy comes back and, and Samoa Joe, who seems to be Samoa Joe hurt again, I feel like he's always hurt. Um, yeah, as much as I love him. And I know Junior Mahal's out with like a pretty bad injury. So, um, Elias and I mean, and that's, we, we, we've talked about that countless times here on the show. You know, if you go back and listen, like we, we've talked about this many times.
in back in the archives um we talked about how you know just when you have the same people on every week i mean there's only so much wear and tear that your body can take before it just breaks down i mean inevitably there's going to be an injury or something like that so you know yeah either having an off season or like you said like cycling people in and out um would just make for such a better i mean your your body
It needs that recovery. It just can't just keep going at that capacity all the freaking time. It's eventually just going to crap out on you. And we see it over and over. And then that's what happens when you see like this huge IR list, this huge injured reserve list of people. And you're like, holy shit, how has everybody hurt? And you're like, well, I mean, should they been going for how long, you know, before they finally broke down?
You know, we talked about it before. Like when you look at like between 1995 and 2000, I mean, that was a ton of different, you know, entirely different roster. You wouldn't even think it's the same freaking company, but you can go back to Clash of the Champions or Knight of Champions, you know, 2004 or something and you're going to see a Dolph Ziggler intercontinental title match or something like, Jesus Christ, this guy's been wrestling that long. But, you know, it's just, you know, that's just crazy to think about. What was I thinking about the other day? That was crazy that I tweeted out.
Oh, the Total Divas has been on longer than Nitro, which is crazy. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I forget who tweeted that. I stole that from someone's tweet. Oh, God. That makes me feel old, because I've been watching Total Divas. I didn't know it's been on that long. I mean, it just leads to half a time. Yeah. Wow. That's pretty crazy. I think about Nitro. It was on from, what, 94 to 2,000 maybe, six years. So I'm sure Total Divas is probably hitting eight or nine, 10 years by now.
Yeah, crazy. So we talked about we saw Luke Harper come back during that Roman Reigns match. And how often do you see Roman Reigns lose? How many people has he lost to in the last five years besides Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar? I mean, the MVP can look it up if there's a website for such things. But I don't even know if that's possible. But who has beaten Roman Reigns? I know it was kind of a kabuki-ish finish, but still.
Yeah, you know, Roman Roman has a has a way of has a way of going over. I mean, you know, Drew Drew McIntyre. I mean, I guess.
Yeah, I don't know but it's it's pretty crazy, but I like it I like that they're they're kind of like not Putting the pedal to the metal with Roman Reigns like I think he's in a very I think he's in a very good spot right now You know with getting you know getting enough shine to be on TV every week and you know do his thing but not being like you know quote unquote as the mark say like cram down your throat and
They're using him obviously they want to do something big with Eric Rowan. I mean you're you're splitting them up. He's turning on They better be doing something I don't know what the hell they're doing with any of this like I had none of none of it makes sense to me I mean, I'm just watching for like it's like one of those it's like a car crash. You know, you can't take your eyes off of it I'm like, well, what's happening here? Like what is
What's the endgame here with this storyline? Because I feel like it is 150% convoluted. Well, they're definitely not getting him in any acting classes because that promo on SmackDown was just the drizzling dogshits of... I mean, he is awful on the mic. If you're going to have him and Luke Harper together, I don't know if Harper can talk on the mic. I don't even know if I've ever even heard his voice.
put Paul Elleringer with them or something or somebody just just to give them like a mouthpiece and be like a badass tag team or something. I didn't think he was that bad but yeah I mean it's just he's just not somebody that I find compelling to talk um my question was is like so are
are these the bludgeon brothers again like now that they're back or are they the Wyatt family like what iteration do we have here like what is this new this new collaboration between Harper and Rowan like what are we calling this you know what I mean yeah it's a good point yeah are they like uh are they just back to who they were before just without the stupid gimmick or yeah what but uh
Yeah, it's cool to see someone else going over a little bit here in the place. Marco says, Roman, getting back to Roman, he's lost more than we think. So yeah, I'd be curious. He said there's a website with a win-loss record for Roman. Sweet. Yeah, I think of who he lost to. I mean, maybe Finn Balor. I think no, he's lost to Finn Balor once or twice.
Yeah, I think we, you know, we give a lot of credit to Roman and I think we just automatically think like he wins every match that he's in. But speaking of drizzling shits, what would you say was your disappointing match of the night? What were you excited about that you felt like kind of just like fell short?
I mean, I was excited to see Charlotte and Bailey wrestle for more than like 30 seconds, which didn't really happen. I don't know what the point of that was, maybe just because the car was so full. You had like 11 or 12 matches on this thing. Yeah.
I could not stand watching The Miz as a face or Nakamura as anything. It just doesn't interest me. I just don't enjoy it. It's just not my type of wrestling that I like. It's just boring to me. And that's just me. Yeah. So I've never watched the since gay Nakamura match and been like, wow, how did you do that? Or just like.
I don't know. I like Shinsuke. I feel like he just doesn't have any momentum at the moment. You know what I mean? There's so much else going on that I feel like Shinsuke is kind of becoming an afterthought. I'm not taking away from his level of talent or his ability because Shinsuke is the man, but it is just one of those things. It's hard because
he's just kind of gotten lost in the shuffle you know been back and forth he's been with rusev he's been you know intercontinental title he's been um you know us us champion it's just kind of like one of those things where it's like he's been a little bit of everywhere and you're like well what are they really trying to do with him you know now they got him now they've got him with sammy zane um for me i felt like the disappointing match of the night was kofi and randy
I felt like it was just so slow and I know like Randy Orton is known for like, you know, slow, methodical, blah, blah, blah. But I feel like like I told somebody on Instagram, I was like, you know, there's slow, methodical. And then there's like a snail trying to climb up a hill slow. And I just felt like there was like I was not interested in that match at all. And the fact that it didn't even pay off.
You know, because I thought, you know, the revival won the tag titles earlier in the night and I was like, Oh, this is going to be cool. You know, the revival, you know, FT RKO is going to have all the championship gold. Right. Um, and you know, Randy will go into Fox being the, you know,
the SmackDown champ, or not the SmackDown champ, the WWE champ. But that didn't happen, Kofi retained. And I just felt like it just kind of, the whole storyline didn't really lead to anything. And there was a lot of polarized thoughts on this, on Instagram and Twitter and stuff. People were like, well, Randy doesn't need to win. He's there to put other talent over and all this stuff. And I'm like, yeah, but he should have at least won
one match of the few, you know what I mean? Like I feel like it was just kind of like it was just very anticlimactic for me, especially for a storyline that had an actual story to it, you know, and a shoot story and something that was legitimately interesting.
I felt like it just kind of they just really flattened it out and you know, I'm glad it's over. Thank God. I'm glad it's over and we're getting you know, Kofi Kofi and Brock at which will touch on later Kofi and Brock on Fox. But yeah, that was kind of the disappointment of the night. That was the wet part of the evening.
Overall, it was a good card, though. It was fun. I think it was because it wasn't super long. It wasn't really drawn out. The Revival New Day match was good. We got new SmackDown champions. We had new Raw tag champions.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got to. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. I want to know who which one of us has this as a Chick Foley prediction championship because I. Oh yeah. I currently hold it. Marco, I think has the numbers all calculated and computed.
Well, we'll have to see, but first we gotta talk about Seth and Braun. Um, because, so, you know, they lost the, they lost the tag titles earlier in the night, which I predicted. I mean, I felt like it just made the main event more compelling because there was more on the line, you know, for, for Seth and Braun in this. Um, and we saw Braun Stroman go off the top freaking rope. I was like, I mean, I was scared for him for a second. I was like, Oh my God, like.
he's gonna die or ses gonna die somebody's gonna die right here um and you know it wasn't like big and you know crazy but it was just like he just like fell i mean he's like a giant you know sequoia tree in the forest just like falling over on you and i was like there is no way
for Seth Rollins to take this bump and not just absolutely just feel like he got hit by a Mack truck, you know? Because, I mean, that much weight coming off the top rope is like crazy. Yeah, it looked like it hurt Braun just as much as it hurt Seth. Oh, yeah, you know it did. I mean, his knees and everything that he's had trouble with in the past, that's a lot of weight coming down.
Yeah, and he's not an old dude. So I mean, it is crazy that he's had those problems. But it was a pretty good match. I don't know where he goes from here. But it was cool to see the pedigree come back with Seth Rollins doing the pedigree, getting the win there. And then we saw The Fiend attacking him at the end, which was kind of cool. You think the show's going off the air. We saw The Fiend merge and challenge him to the, well, didn't really challenge him, but just kind of
Yes, at the stage. Yes, at the stage, if you will. And now we're going to get a Hell in the Cell match between those two. And I've called it. I think the Fiend, I mean, I don't think you can have Seth beat the Fiend in this match. I think you have to, you have to have it be some sort of either the Fiend wins and becomes a champion or you have to have some sort of Kabuki-ish finish where
where the demon baller comes comes out and in kind of sidetracks I don't think I don't think baller is going to get involved in this at all but I do like that's the only two options there has to be some sort of schmaz finish where you know where it doesn't take anything away from the fiend the fiend cannot lose do you know what I mean like losing for him is not an option because of the momentum and the build and everything
Um, but I, there's gotta be a way to keep him strong. I mean, but my, my prediction is that he's going to be the universal champion. I feel like they are, they're going to strap a rocket to him and just, and just go with it, you know? And there was a lot of people saying like, Oh, it's too soon. And I thought it was too soon too. I had talked about this on the show. I was like, I worry that, excuse me, that it's too soon for them to do this. And I, my, my whole thing about like, why does this character even care about being the universal title and all those things that I talked about previously, but
I feel like, you know, when I really sat down and thought about it, I was like, this isn't too soon. I mean, how long have we been building up to?
this, this, the fiend being an in ring. I mean, what did this happen? Like back in April, when we first saw the Firefly Fun House, you know, on, on TV. So this has been building for months and months and months. And not to mention Bray's been with the company six years. This is not a new talent. Everybody's like, Oh, it's just too soon. They're pushing him. They're going to push him down our throats. I'm like, you realize he's been on the main roster for six years, right? Like this is not,
this is not a new a new character that we're talking about here so um yeah i don't know i i have mixed emotions about it marco kind of has a theory so i'll let marco chime in for a second so yeah i was talking to some uh some of my uh co-workers that i watch wrestling too and now we we had the same conversation about the hell in us all match and how we think we'll end um without like you know hurting the feed character if he has to like you know lose the match essentially um but
Our idea is where it's a Hell in a Cell match and there technically is no way to win unless it's a pin. Our theory is it just may not even end. It could just like he's like a kabuki finish where just like they both disappear or Bray just he he just wants to face Seth Rollins because he took something away from him. He doesn't really care about the universal title and if you watch the promos, he doesn't even mention the universal title.
avenging, like what happened, what they took away from him, what the shield took away from him when he and his former life. So he doesn't even essentially care about it. Um, and I think the other thing they could do, which I'm not sure is going to happen. Um, but where he, I know we didn't talk about raw or anything like that, but where he attack came that kind of plants a seed for a, uh, face off with the undertaker. Um, that's another route. Um, they could go where like the finish of the Hell in a Soul matches, he hears the gong.
Yeah, Undertaker's not there. Just the presence of him kind of freaks out the Fiend and the match just like doesn't like he just disappears and there's no winner at all. That type of thing. They could go that route. That's my prediction is there's not going to be an end to the match. I don't think he's going to win the title. I think it's going to be some weird finish.
personally yeah I could I could see that I could see it just being like a total non-finish and then just like going off the air like what just happened you know what I mean yeah yeah I could I could yeah I could totally see that and you know part of me is like I like I said I'm kind of torn whether I would what I want like I don't know what
I don't know what I want. Give me what I want. Yeah, give me what I want. But I don't know. You know, because part of me is like, yes, give him the title. Then part of me is like, no, it's too soon. Then part of me is like, why does he want the title? So it's this really conflicting feeling. I don't I mean, I guess I'm just going to watch and enjoy whatever happens because I'm fully behind the fiend. I really hope that this thing
gets and stays over. It's already over, but I hope it stays over. And I hope this is, you know, this is the moment that Bray has been working for his entire wrestling career. So I'm hoping that this really pays off for him in so many ways. You know, storyline wise, career wise, all of the above. So overall, Class of Champions, good, good. It was really just setting us up for Hell in a Cell, which is essentially just setting us up for Survivor Series. Am I right?
and setting us up for Royal Rumble. And then, yeah, yeah. The cycle just continues and continues and continues and we will still be here covering it all. Let's find out if I am a two time chick. Oh God. Champion or you got the numbers. I do. I do have the numbers and it is a it is an upset. I'll tell you that much. Oh, God. Huge upset.
It is a, it is a, um, a win for the, uh, for the, for the queen of card style. Sheena has won seven to four, seven, seven, seven matches to Phil's four. Cause you guys doubled a lot of the matches you pickle a couple of the same, but you, you edged them out in the, the, the Seth and Braun match.
You picked obviously Seth and he picked Bronn. What was I fucking thinking? I'll just go with the ones that you guys were different on. Oh, for the new day in Revival, Phil, you picked the new day to retain. Sheena, you picked the Revival to win. Actually, probably one of the worst matches, the Miz and Shinsuke,
Sheena, you picked Shinsuke to win and Phil picked the Miz for some reason. I don't remember why. I think maybe turn your mic off for the rest of the show. Awesome. Pretty much equal.
The Chick-Foli show where wins and losses matter. Yes. I want you to take a picture with one of your 100 belts that you have. Oh, I definitely will. So next pay-per-view is a tiebreaker here. We're one and one. So let's see. I'm really going to be studying up for Helen Estelle.
Yeah, it's going to be good. Hopefully I get that title back. Let's touch on Raw and SmackDown real quick. The only thing you need to know about Raw is that the Street Profits hosted a party. It was a gender reveal party for Maria Kanellis. When I heard that, I was like, dude, the ratings are about to be through the roof. It's going to be so good. Oh my God, you guys.
I, you guys know, I have not spared my feelings about this whole Maria thing, right? Which whatever, you know, some people liked it. Um, but how come we have not seen this for weeks?
weeks and weeks and weeks and nobody missed it can we talk about like nobody asked like where's maria and mike no not at all right and then all of a sudden they they just reappear and for just just to basically like make this really convoluted storyline between ricochet and rusev and mike canellas and for the record i don't even i don't even like
Gender reveal parties of people going to gender reveal parties for people that I love like, you know My friends and my family because I always feel like it's like awkward like they make you pick a side and then like, you know If you're wrong, you're like, oh, well, I wanted it to be a boy, but it's a girl But I guess I'm excited. You know what I mean? Like it just feels so
I don't know if you guys have ever been to a gender reveal party. I guess, you know, some people have like, yeah, but it's just like, yeah, it's so awkward because they're like, you know, is it boy or girl? And listen, I'm a mom. I get it. You're excited. I always want to know the gender of my kid as early as possible. And I want to like tell everybody. But I also like didn't want to throw a party for it because I felt like I just felt like it was like so awkward. You know, I'm like, I don't know. So I definitely didn't want to go to Mike and Maria's gender reveal party. And they forced me there and
Street prophets were the only good thing about that segment. I would just say that well we did to get the Heath Slater Memes from lies face in the background and Curt Curt Hawkins in the background I guess I didn't see I didn't see the the Kurt and The Heath memes you have to send those to me Yeah, I totally missed those my favorite thing was the baby on a pole match and then Maria I was like, okay, you got you get this freaking Dawkins and
straight profits are just amazing. They're just the best. Yeah. The Maria on the pole matches. That's, that's definitely an attitude error joke for sure. But, uh, uh, you know, it's supposed to be what Ricochet was the father. And then, uh, we got rusev being the father. It's just, yeah, I bet Katie Kenanzaro, the whatever a little American ninja chick was like, what the F like, I wonder if they, she knew they were going to make that joke. You know what I mean? Yeah, she bought a spitter, spitter kale salad out while she was watching.
He looks really good. See, see what time off will do for you. Um, but he's at Lana on a pole matches. He's been doing those quite a bit. So, well, I don't know about now. I mean, if he's been, you know, he's been canoodling with Maria Canellas. I don't think, I don't think Lana's been on a pole in a while for, I would imagine. So, um, yeah, that's the only thing I was disappointed about. I'm like, we brought back Rusev who is awesome. Like, you know, Rusev has had a lot of ups and downs in his career.
for sure but we did get the return of rusev it did bring about the return of rusev
so far with WWE, but like Rusev, I feel like he's an upper mid card or like main event.
talent. Do you know what I mean? Like he's a very, he's a brooding force. Like he just has the look. He's very talented. I loved him with Lana. You know, um, when he was the Bulgarian brute and she was his mouthpiece, like that was just amazing. Right. Um, but now they've lumped him in, they bring him back to lump him into this like Maury Povich storyline with Maria and Mike Kanellis. Like what the hell is happening here?
Yeah, I don't know where another storyline and I don't know where they're going with and I don't think they know either I think they're just trying these people want out of their contract. So they're saying you're gonna know you're gonna we're paying you so you're gonna come to work. That's true. Yeah, that Lana and rusev have definitely been very open about wanting to get out of their contract. So maybe this is like their their cross to bear for
being so openly, you know, openly and honest about the how their feelings of the of the company. But we'll move on to something more exciting. We got to see the mayor of Knoxville. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. His debut, his debut, his first match ever.
The very first match he won the 24 seven title from from our truth, which I thought everything that they did in those little segments was awesome. I thought, you know, the 24 seven title is kind of losing a little bit of its luster. But I did think that those segments in Knoxville with Glenn Jacobs and our truth were really good.
Why couldn't they call him Kane though? I don't know. Like really? We're going to like totally like he's never been called Glenn Jacobs on wrestling on W television before. We're going to call him his real name. I think that's part of the joke. It's like we're all in on the joke. You know what I mean? It's just kind of, it's kind of like, like I said, it's just like an inside joke that we're all a part of. Like, you know, it's Glenn Jacobs, but like we know that's a big red machine, you know?
Um, but yeah, I thought that was really good. And then we got, speaking of the big red machine, we got to see him, um, come in and interfere, which was, which was pretty cool. Yeah. It was really freaking cool to see, to see Kane. Um, so that, that was exciting. And then all the Firefly Funhouse stuff, dude, so good. Oh yeah. That last segment at the end of the show was awesome.
That was weird though, right? Like I thought something was wrong with my TV. I was like, I mean, not that it was like flipping, but I was like, this is going for a really long time. It did go on for a long time. I'm like, I'm wondering if this is like supposed to be happening or if they like screwed something up. But I think, you know, I was reading some stuff about it and listening to some other people talk about it and they were like, no, I think it's just for you to like kind of like lean into like the uncomfortableness of it. You know, like they did that intentionally. Like it was like 90 seconds or something, but isn't it crazy how 90 seconds
in wrestling TV felt like 10 minutes. I was sitting there like, what's going on? You know? Yeah, it was probably a minute, but it felt like 10 minutes type of thing.
Yeah, for sure. But yeah, I thought all of his stuff with like the his little friends that he had their eyes crossed out. I thought that was really excellently executed. I thought, you know, him just kind of like totally, you know, like like Marco kind of alluded to, like he never mentioned the universal title. He was just talking about his friend, quote unquote, friend, Seth.
um and how you know the the fiend had to come say hello at clash of champions and all these things and it was just very eerie and creepy um and i loved it i thought i thought all of his segments were really good and they did a good job sprinkling him throughout the show i thought
Yeah, it wasn't overdone. It was really, you know, I just think they're doing everything right with this character, which is, you know, we bag on them for a lot of stuff that they do and a lot of the cheesy stuff that they do in these segments. But I mean, I think, you know, they've not to have the park with the fiend.
When we saw we saw seth actually interact with the fiend or interact with the mr. Rogers version of the fiend Which was pretty cool because we've net we've always just seen these pre-recorded segments You know that come on and they play the firefly funhouse and he's giving us some sort of message, you know subliminally or otherwise but I
Like Seth was like he was talking to Seth in the ring and then Seth was like responding to him, which I thought was pretty cool. So my goal is this is what it's going to be like going forward. Is this how the feud is going to continue? And this is how he's going to carry his feuds in the future, right? Like the whoever his opponent is is going to be in the ring and then he's going to be hiding behind this. You know, Mr. Rogers character in the Firefly Fun House, you know, delivering all these messages and then all of a sudden the fiend just kind of kind of like show up.
You know, yeah, because you can't have the fiend ever talk, you know, it's like, yeah, that's just to be a silent, it ruins the mystique for sure, which is cool to have like that other side to it, because then you can have him be more than one dimensional. Like, you know, when Cain first debuted, he was just like, you know, a silent, silent monster. But it makes them terrifying. Right. Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
I thought that was really good. And then the last thing that we have to touch on on Raw was we had the King of the Ring finals, which was Baron Corbin versus Chad Gable. And I thought it was a really good match. It was a great match. Yeah, I thought you touched on at the top of the show, obviously, so hashtag spoiler alert if you haven't seen this. It's King Corbin. First of his name, King of the Andals, is now
the uh your 2009 king of the ring without a crown without a um without a cloak and without a throne chag gable demolished all of his beautiful accessories so i don't know what this means for the gimmick if he's gonna still be known as king of the ring but he's just not gonna have to wear all the the goofy garb i don't know
I would assume so, but I was hoping. I mean, he was the people that were in the tournament. He was the perfect guy to be a shitty heel wearing like corny ass. I mean, really still will, but what a way he's come from having like the shitty, like wet.
thinning hair with like his horrible like long belly button hanging out. He was the lone wolf. Listen, he lost a lot of weight. He had the man some credit. You know what I mean? Not everybody's going to be finned freaking baller with 30 abs. True. True. Yeah, no, I'm not. I'm not criticized. I'm just saying he's come a long way. I think he's, you know, that was a great match. And I feel like I'm on the, I've been on the Baron Corbin bandwagon for a while. I think he's one of the few people that get really natural heat from the crowd.
and people love to hate him. And this is his spot. This is his spot right here. The reason why we hated Corbin before was not because of Corbin's lack of charisma or his lack of in-ring talent. It was because Corbin has no place vying for the universal title. You know what I mean? That is not a spot for him. Maybe give it to him for one pay-per-view and then move him back down to the upper mid card.
When you just when they just continually you know just put him in the main event picture over and over and over and over again I was like
Dude, come on, I gotta get out of this Groundhog Day nightmare, like get me out of here. But this is such a good spot for him, and I think we can really sit back and appreciate all that he brings to the table, right? Like you said, his ability to get natural heal heat, his charisma, his move set, which is awesome. So I'm excited to see what he does with this King of the Ring gimmick, where it goes, and what it actually leads to.
And I'm also excited because they actually use this in two ways because now, I mean, who gave a shit about Chad Gable before this thing? I think they could make him into something. I mean, they could use him now. I mean, fans were cheering when he was destroying the crowd and all that stuff. He was over, yeah, for sure.
Even though it was kind of like a heelish move, not a heelish move, just kind of a petty, shitty thing to do. You wouldn't think a babyface would do that, but still, I think you could pull these guys. I think in the right context, yeah, it's okay. I'm sure they'll have a match together at Hell in the Cell, and hopefully Chad Gable can go in the ring. We know that, so hopefully they can build him into something going forward.
That's what this tournament is for, is to kind of find some new people and elevate some people. Well done. Well done. We talked about NXT. We talked about Brock showing up on SmackDown and getting the title match on the debut. I'm all for this. I mean, Kobe's had that title for six months. He's had a good run with it.
Yeah. And if he beats Brock, it's going to be a huge upset. The crowd's going to go crazy. If not, I think it's, you know, it's good to have him on a fresh brand and get some, once we do the draft, uh, which we'll talk about a little bit, uh, he gets him some new match ups. So I'm, I mean, I'm all for this. I mean, Brock Lesnar is a draw man. Shit.
Yeah, people can hate on Brock all they want, but Brock is money. You know what I mean? And Fox, like they are a network dedicated to legitimate sports and they want a legitimate athlete. Not, not saying like, don't come, don't come at me. Don't at me. Um, that these superstars are not legitimate athletes. They are. They're like, you know, elite level athletes. But I mean, Brock is a proven
beast. He's a fighter, you know what I mean? And they want somebody like that to draw the numbers. And it's been proven. I mean, they wouldn't continue to put Brock
on these big shows if they didn't want people to put butts in seats. You know what I mean? And that's what Brock Lesnar does and that's what he brings to the table. I don't know what his schedule, you know, what his renegotiation looks like with Fox. I don't know what his contract looks like. I have none of that information. Like this is all just speculation on my part. But I would assume that he's going to be on
Fox more than he was on USA when he was the universal title, right? Everybody's like, Oh God, the title is going off TV again. But I'm like, I don't feel like they would do that in this brand new platform that they have. You know what I mean?
Yeah, a hundred percent and he is a draw like you said he's a draw and I think I don't know It's crazy to think about as far as long as I've been watching wrestling and as big as wrestling has been up and downs added to their here and there The this Fox thing is huge man. I mean, this is like
a 20, you know, times 20 audience for people that don't have cable, you know, being on like a USA as far as, I mean, you're going to get a ton of eyeballs and this is going to be, you know, this is huge for wrestling. I think it's people are totally underselling it. It's, you know, I mean, they're running, they're running WWE ads during NFL games. You know what I mean? Like that is, it doesn't get any bigger than that. Like it really truly doesn't.
Yep, no, I totally agree. One of my brands that I sell is where we just found out today that we're going to be starting to get some commercials during the NFL games on Sundays, which is, you know, that's the holy grail. Yeah, I mean, that's as many eyeballs as you want. It's a perfect market for this.
I think, you know, I think Kofi's going to stay around. I don't think he's going to go back and just be the third member of the new day. I think he's going to still be kind of in that picture in an upper, if anything, upper mid Carter and still, you know, he, he's now a drone. He can be used to get some other people over in other spots here.
We'll see what happens, I'm fine either way. Let's talk about the rapper offset appearing on SmackDown this week dressed up like Ric Flair. At first, I didn't know who it was and I was like, what is this guy doing in the ring dressed up like Ric Flair? What is happening here? I'm so confused. And then it hit me and I was like, oh, this is still awkward though.
Like even after, even after I figured out who it was and why he was there, it still was just like so kind of like cringe to me.
Yeah, his intro was pretty awful, too. I don't know if he even knew. You said Queen, Queen Flair or something. Queen Flair. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He definitely botched it up a little bit. But yeah, that was pretty, pretty bad. Marco says Rick Flair showed up on WWE TV. A lot of people missed it. Yeah, I didn't see that.
I did not see Ric Flair show up. I didn't know. It was one of those little things right before the commercial where you can't hear what they're saying, where they're just kind of like, I'll come up next. And they were like, the locker room. But I didn't know that Offset was married to Cardi B. That's interesting.
I can't keep up with all that stuff. That stuff's above my pay grade, you know what I mean? Yeah, you never know who's married to who these days. So I'm like, huh, can't keep up. But other than that, oh, Kevin Owens. You got to talk about Kevin Owens. He took a seat in the crowd and apparently he served
He served Shane with legal paperwork, which, you know, was suing him for wrongful termination and like all of this stuff. And then, you know, they had a moment in the ring. So I'm curious like where this is going, whether this is going to be like the final end for Kevin Owens and he's going to go down to NXT or if this is the end for Shane McMahon as an onscreen talent.
Remember when, uh, when Stone Cold got fired by Vince McMahon and he came out and beat the shit out of him and it was like the best episode of Raw ever. And now Kevin Owens is suing Shane McMahon. Like what, what is this? What is going on? Like, come on, dude. Just feel this is, this is 2019 frivolous lawsuits are abundant. Okay. That's true. That is true.
It's the easy way to go. You can't just be kicking people's asses anymore. You gotta take it legal action. We can't see these two in another match again. Can we? I mean, this is coming up for like almost a year now. Yeah, I hope not. But I don't see any way around this. I mean, they're obviously leading up to something at a hell in a cell. I mean, there's no other way. Oh my God. Jesus Christ.
Which I mean, let's let's be honest, entertainment wise, Shane versus Kevin Owens. And if they do it inside Hell in a Cell, I doubt they'll do that because they're going to have, you know,
The Fiend and Seth inside Hell in a Cell and Sasha and Becky inside Hell in a Cell. So I don't know if they'll do three Hell in a Cell matches at Hell in a Cell. All the matches at Hell in a Cell should be in a Cell. Am I right? No. No, you seriously think that? Really? No, I don't think that. I was going to say. But yeah, but I'm just saying like, you know, the pay-per-view, it's the name of the pay-per-view. So it should be, you know, some, but I think
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, if they did it inside Hill and so it would be awesome. I think it would, but I feel like it loses its luster if you have every match, but I think they're going to have more than two. I feel like they're going to have three or four Hell in a Cell matches. I mean, how many more feuds do we have? We have this one. We have the Roman Reigns thing. We have, what am I missing? I would be surprised if Kofi and Randy was a blow off in a Hell in a Cell. Yeah.
No, they've got to do something else with Kofi. They can't have him fight Randy again after being challenged by Brock Lesnar. Is that the night or is that the week before? When is that fall? Because Helena Sells on the 13th or the 18th, I can't remember, of October. So it's like a couple of weeks after. OK, so maybe that I'll be done with by then.
Yeah, but other than that, Smackdown was pretty like,

AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament

want, want. There was some good moments and then there was some moments that are just like, you know, whatever, like, you know, go, go take a peek, go take a bathroom break. But, um, that is all for raw and Smackdown. What? Oh, oh, I forgot to mention, um, I posted this week on the Instagram feed. Did you guys see the AEW tag team, uh, championship tournament?
Uh, bracket has been, has been released. You know how much we love a bracket here on the chick Foley show. We do. Yeah, I did see that. I don't have it here in front of me. I'm going to pull it up right now, but, uh, we do know that, uh, the evil order have a buy in the first. Is that their name? That's her name, right?
The dark order whatever same. Oh, it's evil. Uno is the guy's name. That's pretty funny Yeah, they got a buy in the first round from like fighter fest or fight for the fall And one of those one of those free shows that they they won for the fight for the free fallen Express Yeah, for sure. They they won that buy and my whole theory behind that is that
like people just wanted to see them wrestle as little as possible so we're gonna go ahead and give them a buy in the in the first round but um i don't know how i see this playing out i have mixed emotions because my my knee-jerk reaction is like duh the young bucks are gonna win this but part of me feels like as you know as ownership in the company that they're gonna kind of be like
not want to put themselves over like that you know i mean maybe they'll feel a little bit hesitant to put put themselves over like that um i'm kind of sad to see lucha brothers and jurassic express go head to head in the first round because i like both of those tag teams um but maybe because the lucha brothers are the triple a champions maybe jurassic express will go over i don't know because i love me some luchasaurus
Yeah I'm thinking dress express goes over just because they're they're huge and they can go up against a young box probably losing them in the second round I don't know if they are gonna lose to private party but I don't think young bucks when I think they're I mean if they're smart they use us to crown somebody that is you know not a well-known name like the YouTube lucha bros or a young box
I don't see the best friends. Well, I mean, look at the other side. I mean, it's got to be, I mean, it's got to be either the best friends SCU or dark order from that side. You know what I mean? Like the other side of the bracket is stacked. I mean, you have freaking private party.
Young Bucks, Lucha Brothers, and Jungle Express all, you know, all on one side of the bracket, so... We talked about with Michael Anum on our AEW All Out recap that for some reason AEW loves the Dark Order. I mean, they've been on every single show. I don't think they've lost a match yet. They're an awful gimmick, awful team. They're not entertaining at all, but I can see them being, at least in the finals, I don't know if they win it, but
oh god i i just nothing about them appeals to me i know there's wrestling for everybody and not all wrestling should appeal to everyone but you heard it here from me i there's nothing about the dark order that appeals to me and it should be like a cool gimmick i feel like it's one of those things that like
They feel like it's cool, but for some reason it's just not, it's just not hitting with myself or I mean a pretty, pretty good chunk of the audience that I've talked to are like, what the hell is going on with the dark order? You know what I mean? So it's not just me. Um, I know I have some pretty polarizing opinions on here sometimes, but, um, I know there's a lot of people out there that are not feeling the dark order. And if they win this thing, I don't know.
I don't know. I can I can see them making it to the finals, but I don't see them. I don't see them playing the whole thing. I am a out of shape fat guy. So, you know, I'm not going to take anything away from this evil guy, but he is the least athletic looking fucking wrestler I've ever seen in my life. I don't know where they fucking found this guy.
I don't, you know, I don't need, I don't need to see like Finn Balor's and every single match, but this guy is just looks like Marco said it perfectly. They're, they're unwatchable. They are unwatchable. They are not entertaining at all. Um, and I'm sure, I'm sure they've gotten a feedback from the, how can you say, how can you say that you don't like
Evil Uno, but like we we praise Otis and put Otis over on this show all the time and like Otis is probably one of the least Like you know quote-unquote least athletic looking guys, but like the dude is a frickin star Like it's one of those things I think we just have like a negative like we're already having a negative response to him So anything he anything he does we're like, oh god is the worst, you know? Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's just
It's just cause you're already down on him. If he was, if he was a freaking star, like Otis, you wouldn't care what he freaking looked like, you know, but, but because he's lumped in with this like dark order, hot mess, you're like, it's just like any little thing he does. It's like, you know, when you, when you finally get over the threshold with like, you know, that, that girlfriend or that friend where like every little thing they do just gets on your nerves and you're like, Oh my God, like they could like chew or like blink their eyes the wrong way. And you're like, you're the worst. You know, like that's how, I think that's where we are with, with the dark order.
sending you this picture that I just found in the dark order on the Skype chat. It's disgusting. Oh, God. Yeah. It looks like a... I mean, they just look like some S&M gang bang, like Bang Brothers promo or something. You know what I mean? I don't understand what's happening here.
Anyway, moving on, I'm excited for that to take place and to crown the inaugural AEW Tag Champions and to see the tag belts. I'm curious to see what design they go with with some with some new titles. And, you know, they keep if they keep it the same kind of like UFC or like all the belts like look look the same, but they have like, you know, they're a little bit different or if it's like a totally different, a totally different design.
our buddy JB, JB toys one on Instagram. He designed the actual AW world title. So I don't know if he's, he's a good follow JB toys one on Instagram. I don't know if he's going to design those tag team belts or not, but he, uh, he, uh, he did a good job with that, that world title for sure. Nice. I did not. I did not realize

WWE Mock Draft Plans

that. Oh yeah. Come on girl. I know. I need to, I need to get, I need to get familiar.
I also want to give a shout out to our buddy Big Mouth AJ, one of our Patreon subscribers who photoshopped a picture of myself, Sheena, and Marco, the MVP, into a picture of Offset Charlotte and Ric Flair that I posted to Twitter that people really enjoyed. So thank you, AJ, for doing that for us, man.
AJ's the man. He will Photoshop something for you in a harpy. Yeah, he was quick. He was real quick. Yeah. I thought Martha did that shit. I've totally shot him over stuff before and he sends it right back. I'm like, damn, AJ. I was just giving you something to do at some given point in time and it's like right back. So yeah, AJ is the man. But I think that's all for our inside the squared circle. So it wasn't, I mean, I feel like it wasn't as much as we've had in previous weeks where it was just like we had
AEW and NXT and Raw and SmackDown and the WWE pay-per-view all stacked together. So this was like a nice little refreshing recap. It was kind of easily digestible. I wanted to go figure. One thing we didn't talk about is the WWE draft that we will be talking about on Patreon. So this weekend, myself, Sheena and Marco will be recording a couple of Patreon episodes. One of them will be our own WWE mock draft.
Well, I think she, I don't know how we should do it. We can kind of talk it out right now, but should we include NXT people? Should we include the champions? How should we do it? I think we're going to get, I'm going to get 10 picks. You're going to get 10 picks and we'll let the listeners pick who has the better roster. But how should we, who should we exclude? I guess is the question.
I mean, I think if we're doing it realistically, we can't include people who are currently in NXT. We would have to pick as if we were realistically picking from the current main roster talent. As much as I would love to fantasy draft all the NXT guys up to the main roster, I think if we're trying to make the best roster possible for Fox and USA, that we will just pick within our boundaries of the main roster.
Okay, I'm down with that. And should we have champions just stay on their respective brands? Like should we be able to draft Seth and all those guys? Everybody's fair game? I think it's everybody's fair game. Yeah. Cause if you're, if you're doing that, I mean, you're really going to be limited. You know what I mean? There's so many damn titles. You've already got five people on your roster that, you know, if you're only picking 10, you've got five people that are like locked in. So I think, I think everybody is up for grabs ease in the draft.
We were going to do that on tonight's show, but we're going to move that to a Patreon exclusive, and we're also going to do our best finishing moves bracket that we've been hyping for since Avatar came out in theaters. Life's busy, man. It is. We're starting to settle down a little bit, so that's good.
Both of those will be up early, and I recorded a Patreon unboxing video. It was over an hour long last weekend, but I can't get this fucking thing to upload to YouTube because it takes- Because it's over an hour long. Yeah, how do I just do it when I go to sleep and then just wait? Because if my screen goes to black on my phone- I think you just break it up, dude. You're going to have to chop that shit up.
Oh, I need I might need someone to help me with that. I don't know. You only need some movie, some movie action. You know what I mean? Star wipes in there. But some some good little transitions. Yeah. Musical outros. But yeah, for sure. An hour. That's yeah. That's a long ass video. That's a lot of data to upload.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. So we have some cool stuff coming to you guys. We're going to do some watch along videos as well as we get into kind of the fall here and things settle down. So, you know, yeah. So Sheena and Sheena pops that baby out that we can do our Power Hour episode. So I'm excited for that, too. Yeah, for sure. We talked about the bracket. Let's get into our go figure segment. Here comes the money. Here we go.
Alright folks, your favorite segment of the show, it's our Go Figure segment where we do some serious fake hunting. We talk about our purchases of the week, whether it's wrestling figures, memorabilia, and everything in between. Let's start with Marco this week. Marco, do you get to pick anything up this week? Yeah, technically I did, but technically I didn't.
Long story short, I was a couple of nights ago, I'm just like, pretty much down in the dumps because there's like nothing around in this area. Like, it's been pretty barren. I think I just like out of like, you know, habit, I just go places and know there's nothing there. Look at them, like try to stare and think they appear out of nowhere. But yeah, so I get a message. Like, I never check my phone at a certain time because I'm usually like doing
putting the kids in bed or doing a bath or something, um, fatherly, I should say. So I happened to check my phone and it's like, it's, and it's, and it's a message. It says, Hey, do you still need some, some of the Ghostbusters figures? And I'm like, yeah, of course I do need that. Where, where, let's get it done. So I, um, it was a message from the, from the, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I know you call her the, the, uh, the queen of pod style.
I'm going to call her the queen of fig style. Okay. Yeah. Um, Sheena messaged me and she asked me if I needed Ghostbuster. I was like, yes, definitely. Put it on the board. I need those right now. Um, so she went out of her way to grab me, um, the Ghostbuster figures. So it was the, um, at the time, Undertaker, Rock, Austin, and Cena. And she's like, you know, they have no more, um, you know, Shawn Michaels.
I grab the last one for me. I'm like, yeah, that's fine. I can do without Sean. It's, you know, I get the, I get those guys. It's cool. No, no big deal. Just send them my way. I'm all for it. So next day I'm like, you know, Hey, when can I, uh, you know, send you the payments for it? Nothing. I'm like, okay, maybe she forgot. Maybe she's busy. Whatever. So in the back of my mind, I know.
This person is a completist. And I know deep in the back of her mouth, she's like, I have to find the Sean Fig. I have to find it. I'm not sending an incomplete set. I'm not doing it. I was like, I knew it. I was like, this is in my mind. I'm like, I know she's looking for it. So sure enough, I got you the Sean Fig. I'm like, what the hell? Oh, my God. She got it. So, yeah. So, yeah, that's my purpose of the week. The complete collection of the
Those are supposed to figures. I'm very excited about that. Actually, I'm kind of torn because I'm in the let them breathe phase, but those packages are pretty sweet.

Wrestling Collectibles and Merchandise Adventures

Oh, no, no. You want to let them breathe, man? Let them breathe. Come on. I don't know. I'll have to see an unboxing first, maybe.
I'll do an unboxing. I'll do an unboxing first and then you can decide whether or not you might because I'm definitely letting them breathe so You can you can see if if you want to go ahead and let them out or not But yeah the packaging on those special like it was the same with the turtles I was like god the packaging on this is so sick when they did the th meat Ninja Turtles collab and
Um, but yeah, dude, that, that hunting, so I went out to Walmart. Let me, I'll tell my story, um, about finding the Ghostbusters. So I've been checking brick seek. There was literally nothing within like a hundred mile radius of, of my, of my house.
And so I just kept checking every day. And then all of a sudden, um, I got the, I got, I got an itch and I was like, Oh, maybe I should check brick seek. Um, and I check it and sure enough, like five stores around me, like light up with like in stock. And I'm like, Oh crap. Like I need to make this happen tonight.
Um, but the problem was, is it was like bedtime for the baby face. And I'm like, Oh God, like, what do I do? You know, I'm here by myself. Like if I screw, if I screw this up in the baby face, like just refuse to go to bed or I like screw up his bedtime. Um, like I'm going to really regret this, but we were like, you know what? Screw it. We're.
We're the big life all the way. So we went out, we freaking went to Walmart. Um, and I searched all around. I was so pissed because I was like, there was two stores that had 12 in stock, which was the whole case. I searched all around. I went, they went to the WWE section. They were not on the pegs. I was like, shit. There was a whole cart. You know how they like the little roll out the inventory, like, um, pallets, like with all the toy boxes and everything. I like, I tore that thing apart looking for Mattel boxes. Maybe they just had, maybe they just haven't unpacked it yet.
So I looked for the retail boxes. There was nothing. I looked up on top of the shelves where they had like overstock up there. There was nothing. And I had seen the end caps, but I literally looked all around like, you know, anywhere that I thought would have like the little, the little end cap, nothing. So I'm like, at this point I'm like totally dejected. I'm like, I just like, you know, screwed up my baby's bedtime, drove all the way over here. And of course it wasn't the Walmart. There's a Walmart five minutes for me. It wasn't, there was none in stock at that Walmart. It was the Walmart across town. So.
Like I screwed up my baby's bedtime, did all this stuff and I'm not even going to come home with any figs. Sure enough, I see this, this guy, you know, kind of looks, it looks a little Luke Harper, a Jace, um, stock in the camping section. And I was like, I was like, let me just ask this guy, like, you know, you know, when you get a Walmart employee, you never know whether you're going to get someone helpful or somebody that's just like, you know, doesn't give two shits about what you're looking for or to help you at all. So I'm like, Hey man.
Is there any way you can tell me?
If you have something in stock, um, the, the stock, the skew is showing that it's here, but before I leave, I want to make sure that it's, I don't see it on the peg. So I want to make sure that it's not here before I leave. And he's like, well, you know, he looks at the skew and he's like, well, what is it? And I was like, it's WWE elites. Um, but they're dressed like Ghostbusters. How crazy is that to sound like it's WWE elite action figures, but they're, they're dressed like Ghostbusters. And he was like, Oh,
Yeah, he's like I was wondering. There's a little thing right over here. He's like, I was wondering why the rock was dressed like a ghostbuster. And I mean, in that moment, I just felt victory like running through my veins. I was like, yeah. I mean, if he said he saw the rock just like a ghostbuster, I knew they were there and they were on the floor.
Um, so he took me over and it was like by the bicycles It was not by like the the action figures at all Like I feel like Walmart just popped this thing up and was like I always put these things right here You know, um, it was a small stand it was about like, you know, like I don't know about three four feet high maybe um, and it had like it had 12 action figures in there and
I think they're short packed. I don't know if Sean is short packed everywhere, but there were four seen us and there was only one Sean, which I thought was was kind of strange. You know what I mean? I feel like they would at least at least give two complete sets. You know what I mean? And then have like two extra seen as because seen as like obviously like the most popular current guy. But yeah, they only had one.
They only had two, um, or sorry, they only had one John Michael. So I was excited to find that other HB shizzle for, for the MVP at another Walmart, like, you know, way down the way, which the, which the husband got the rock Walmart elite. Remember I told you guys a while back that we weren't getting that figures. Like I had hit set up and I was like, Hey, uh, our buddy Mike Lanham ask if we want the rock Walmart elite.
And he's like, yeah, I don't think, he's like, I think we're going to pass on that one. I was like, cool, cool. So I hit, I hit up my glam and I was like, yeah, we're going to pass. Cause you know, we're kind of, we're not completionists anymore. We're trying to like thin the hurt a little bit. Um, just collect what we love. And then this fool goes into Walmart, sees the rock Walmart elite, and then comes out with it. And I'm like, what happened to not getting that one? He was like, he's like, I saw him person and it looks so awesome. I had to get it. Um, but he, he had the worst time getting that one. That's when we were going to get the.
the hbk for for marco he went in and it wasn't ringing up in the system and i mean he would have thought he was talking to like some you know freaking circus monkeys in there like you know just trying to be like dude just like i'm sure it won't matter just like key in 15 like they're like all the elites cost the same you know what i mean like just ring it up and it was it was a fiasco he was in there for like 20 minutes trying to get
this figure and they call like the manager over and it was one of those type situations. So I hope it was worth it, Seth, after I could have had it for you a freaking month ago, um, from our, from our buddy, Mike Lanham. But other than that, we got a heart foundation chalk line jacket and a Yokozuna chalk line jacket, the chalk line. Yeah. So, so they're so sick. I haven't even taken pictures of them yet, um, or taken them out of the plastic. So I need to do that and take some pictures because you guys like they're so mage.
We talked about the Patreon earlier. I don't want to just be a shell for ourselves here, but I mean, we have a pretty awesome group. There's 62 of us on this Facebook group. It's Patreon subscribers only. It starts a dollar a month, gets you our show notes emailed to you every week, gets you access to our giveaways that we do on the show.
and also access to this Facebook group. And it's been awesome because everyone's kind of posting stuff that they buy, if people find extra stuff. She saw that display and posted a picture of it, let people know that they were available as long as she was in the store. So our buddy TJ, who was on the group, has an awesome story that I wanted to just read. I'm going to read the whole post of what he wrote. He posted this to our Facebook group last night at 10 o'clock.
He said, something pretty awesome just happened. Went back to Walmart to pick up these two for the group. This is a Ghostbusters, I think it's a Ghostbusters rock and a rock elite. I said, well, standing in line behind a Vietnam vet, learned a while back to say welcome home to Vietnam vets. He was buying some cans of dog food and a few other little things. I said, I got this welcome home. He looked at me and said, no, I got yours. He demanded that he buy these figs for me.
I was like, these are $17 a piece. He didn't care. He said people have bought his items for him before and he wanted to do something for someone who had offered to buy him stuff for him. We talked for about 20 minutes afterward, long post, but to pay it forward for his generous action, I'm going to give these two figures away for free. First two people to reply, which one you want gets it.
So, TJ, you're awesome. You've been an awesome addition to our Patreon group. You post quite a bit on there, and that's a cool story of trying to pay it forward and then turning around and somebody hooking you up, and you doing the same for us here in the group.
Like I said, it's a dollar a month to sign up for our patreon and it's gonna definitely pay for itself when you see some of the You know go on ebay or mccary and try to trick try to get that out Undertaker Ghostbusters figure right now. It's it's going for like 80 bucks Some people some scalpers are out there selling it So we always try to sell it to each other for for retail price or close to it with current stuff So it's it's definitely been pretty cool.

Toy Drive and Community Engagement

So Just wanted to read that story that TJ posted on to the Facebook group. But yeah
A lot of the Walmarts here have not received them here in Maryland yet as far as I know in the last couple of days. They're going to be coming. I encourage everybody to stay patient because if you go online right now and go on eBay, the prices for the Ghostbusters figures are stupid. Ridiculous. Yeah, stupid expensive right now. Same with the Liv Morgan and the Sonya Deville. It's just absolutely ridiculous.
absurd than anyone is paying that amount for you know a figure period that is a new figure for that matter you know we don't even know what the distribution or the demand for these things is so just stay patient guys these things will pop up if you give it a few weeks like the the prices will drop so dramatically as these things continue to be pushed out
So don't go on, I guess you do what you want with your pocketbook. I'm not trying to tell you how to spend your money. But don't panic and feel like you have to get them off eBay just because you're seeing them pop up and they're not hitting your area yet because they will. I think these things are gonna be pretty widespread.
Yeah, I think so, too. I think it's going to be something they want to have on the pegs, especially because it's all big name guys on the thing. But I did, like I talked about last week, I picked up off of Instagram. I paid a little extra to get it shipped out here to me. But with the shipping and everything, it was worth it. I got the Undertaker figure. It's a cool looking figure as much as I ship these. Oh, so sick, yeah. I mean, it's an awesome, especially if it makes me want to collect all the Undertakers now, now that I have two or three of them in the box.
Yeah, it's a cool figure. I did want to give a shout out to our friends on the Patreon that have been sending us figures for our giveaway. We have this toy drive that's been going on that we wanted to tell you about. It's pinned to our Twitter account. It's at Chick Foley Show. But the address is PO Box 3203, Catonsville, Maryland, 21228. Set up a PO Box here at the local post office. So if you have any figures you want to send,
I've been trying to post on Twitter, Sheena, and to our Facebook group if I see any deals on Amazon or any of these other websites for some cheap stuff. Five dollar figures. The key is to get Amazon to get free shipping and just send it right to the address instead of using it to your house and then paying for shipping.
But, you know, anything counts. We're going to do a big giveaway to the Toys for Tots here in Baltimore in December. So that's going to a good cause as far as maybe, maybe we'll do an awesome giveaway for anybody who donates to, to the toy drive. You know what I mean? I'm totally, I'm totally willing to put forth something, something awesome for, you know, to get this donation to be really big and successful and to have our toy drive be just off the chain.
For sure. So yeah, I picked up the Ghostbusters Undertaker figure. I went to Burlington Code Factory. I don't know if it's not Burlington Code Factory anymore. I think it's just Burlington now. OK, Michael Scott. Yeah, yeah. Shoo-la-la, you know, for the big occasions in a man's life. Did anyone throw fake blood at you?
You went to the Burlington Coke factory. You go to Burlington with $500. You can literally live like a king. No, but the major brothers posted there was Pete Duns there for 10 bucks. Some people were finding, I didn't find any of those, but I did find a Neville elite, the king of the cruiserweights. A pack? A what? Well, yeah, a pack. Yeah, sorry, sorry. Two pack.
But I sold that to one of our Patreon subscribers, Wayne St. Germain. He was looking for that figure. So I sold it to him there. And I continue to find the Retro Series 8 at the Marshall stores nearby me for $4.99. I can't resist them. I keep picking them up. I end up probably donating most of those. I already have a whole mint on card collection. And I now almost have a whole second mint on card collection. It's getting pretty disgusting over here. The wife doesn't need to know all about these. They're all hidden.
There's like they're going to they're going to kids at Christmas. It's going to be fine. There you go. Just let it just let her know. And also, can we just acknowledge what a mage named Wayne St. Germain? Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah. Like that's that's just like such a cool name. I don't know. It rolls right. It rolls right off the tongue. Let's go like a hockey porn star. Like you could be like, yeah, play hockey during the day. I was going to say I was going to say an athlete. Yeah. But yeah, I guess the Saint Germain really adds a little bit of bow chicka bow wow. Like a French like a French porn star. Yeah.
Yeah, but it's a nice aim there. The website was supposed to have the Mr. Perfect and the Iron Sheik Retro Fest on Sunday at noon. They were doing a flash sale, and it just never happened. It ended up happening on Tuesday, so I ended up grabbing the Iron Sheik, even though I already bought it off of eBay. And I think Wayne St. Germain is going to buy that from me as well.
Uh, you know, it pays to be a patron subscriber, man, because, uh, you know, we, we always have, uh, and we have 60 sets of eyeballs going out and buying stuff and finding things and selling and trading and stuff like that. So, uh, and I, so I sold all my, um, well, not all of them, but I sold like, you know, my, my chocolate and jackets, that's where I put them first was on Patreon. A lot of the patrons, uh, grabbed those up before I offered them to the masses. So you never know what you're going to find on our Facebook group.
We have to talk about the outrageous, well, we kind of already talked about it, but the Liv Morgan elite, I guess, has already been seen on eBay, even though it hasn't been seen in Targets. And I think someone posted in the group that it was on for like $265, somebody had the balls to try and sell that figure for like almost $300.
Oh my God. Was it listed? I can't remember if it was listed or if it was a sold listing. Yeah, it was a sold listing. Or like someone had like hit the best offer on it. Yeah. Yeah. I have to wonder if those people ever pay up. Like, you know what I mean? Like I always question those types of things. Like if somebody like makes like an outrageous bid and then they just don't end up paying because I cannot for the life of me see any sane person paying 245
dollars for a figure that's not even been distributed yet. Do you know what I mean? Like I would have a hard time paying $245 for like a holy grail like one of one. You know what I mean? Like I'd be like,
not really need that you know what i mean i'm not i'm not like the thousand dollar broski i don't know i'm gonna be dropping five grand on you know a freaking big boss man you know it's just not my just not my style so the fact that people are spending like you know two three hundred bucks on these target exclusive figures that i mean we have i mean
I know this probably doesn't have anything to do with the collectability of the figure, but I mean, we haven't even seen Liv Morgan on TV in weeks. You know what I mean? Like, what is she even doing now? You know, it's not like a Charlotte figure or something, you know? Sheena, how often have we seen? I talked to some I was talking to somebody about this the other day. The fucking Alexander Wolf figure that we were all chasing. That guy, I've never even seen that guy wrestle like.
He's an imperium now. He's a, you know, he's part of Walter's crew. Mattel has just the best game plan here. Like the figures they know are not going to sell or, you know, do well. If there was, you know, if Pat Patterson was like just in a regular set of elites, you think any kid is picking that up off the shelf? Hell no. That would be the ultimate peg warmer. But because we think it's rare and it's hard to find, we're all hunting for it. I mean, it's pretty smart on their end.
Yeah, they're not done. This isn't their first charade. In their first rodeo, yeah. Yeah. We did get word that the network spotlight figures are going to show up at New York Comic Con via Entertainment Earth, and then they'll be available through Target. So that's Diesel, Asuka, Jinder Mahal, and Rey Mysterio. Any interest in those figures? Are you going to pick any of those up?
The Oscar's pretty awesome with the little headdress and everything. Probably picked that one up. I do like that. I like the Jinder Mahal. It's a good looking figure, too. Yeah. The Diesel looks exactly like the Diesel I opened up on the Patreon unboxing video. It's like the Hall of Fame one. It looks exactly the same. I don't know what they're trying to pull. And then they've had 5,000 Rey Mysterios. They all look pretty cool, but once you have two or three of them, it's like, come on, I don't need another Rey Mysterio.
I know they've really been pushing the Rey Mysterio figures out as of late. I mean, I feel like, I feel like there's been a, there's been like a Rey in every set recently. Yeah. I mean, we, we had the, uh, the hall, the Halloween havoc one and the lead 69. So yeah, it's been, it's been almost like every other set for sure. So, uh, those are coming out and what about the Don Morocco one or the survivor series figures? One of those, one of those hitting.
That's a question for the intern. I would imagine, wouldn't you think that they would come out around Survivor Series? Wouldn't that make- That's a pretty good, yeah. The most sense, right? Like I would feel like that would be like a maybe a Black Friday, like November drop or something, right? Yeah, true. Good call. So, I mean, obviously I cannot remember for the life of me when those were supposed to drop, but I would imagine it would be some time around that.

Retro Wrestling Recommendations

All right, let's get into our random merch of the week. And this is from a good, good, good brother, Michael, who was on our AEW recap show. And he's got a pretty interesting item here.
Yeah, Mark Lanham sent us via DM his random merch. We've been asking some of our followers and stuff like that to send us random wrestling merch that they have around their house with a story behind it, something that's a little bit kind of obscure.
Mike's definitely, like, meets the criteria. So here's his story. It says, in September 2008, Midway, the company that brought you NBA Jam, releases TNA Impact for PS3, 360, and Wii. As the number one selling store in the nation for this game, I was awarded a round trip fair for two and hotel to Orlando to catch a pay-per-view. Also, part of the prize was every piece of merchandise they put out for an entire year.
Ended up with all kinds of t-shirts signed photos and authentic world title And he said one item he ended up with was this thumb wrestling ring He searched up and down on eBay and never seen another one since Yeah, it was originally slated to be a pre-order bonus for smaller retailer for a smaller retailer game crazy I can't find much about it So maybe it never got handed out or saw the light of day if anyone else can find info on this I would love to hear it
I found one photo and that's it and I attached it below. So I'm going to post a photo on our Instagram and I'll probably post it in the Instagram stories too so you guys can see it. But it's actually it's it's pretty funny. It's a little ring. It's like an octagon.
And it's it's got T and T and a impact logo right in the middle and it's got two holes for your thumbs so he's posted this picture of Joe and Jay lethal is what I imagine. I think it's Jay lethal Thumb wrestling and it when this thing so each person puts their thumb in the ring and then you wrestle while you're like kind of like holding hands It's actually a pretty cool little thing
Um, but it is definitely random and it looks like a piece of merch that would come in like a loot crate or something. Um, but, uh, yeah, I'm going to post it on there and see if, you know, I mean, I know we got a lot of eBay sluice that can like find stuff. Seth is like the man at finding, um, random crap on eBay like this. So yeah, we'll definitely have to look it up and see if we can, we can find you another one, but yeah, I'll post the pictures. It's pretty cool.
And yeah, that is our random merch. So thanks, Mike, for sending that in because this is exactly the kind of stuff we're looking for. It's amazing that TNA had Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Sting, AJ Styles, and still could not even like be competitive with, you know, I don't know if it was just poorly managed. I wasn't a huge TNA watcher back then, but I mean, they definitely had some badass talent. Yeah.
It doesn't, I mean, poor, poor management can ruin everything. I mean, we've seen that over and over again in wrestling. It doesn't matter how good your talent is. Um, I mean, you can still, you can still find a way to F it up if you get piss poor, piss poor management. All right. Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. And this is, uh, Oh man, this is a, a pay-per-view that I hold near and dear to my heart.
Oh, really? I did not realize this when I chose this. I picked it because it was kind of timely with what we have going on on SmackDown. We saw Brock and Kofi go head to head and they're going to face on the debut of SmackDown Live on Fox. But so this is a match from July 4th, 2015. This is Kofi versus Brock from Beast in the East.
This is this is a great pay-per-view. I don't I don't know how many people really like it's not one that gets talked about a lot I don't think Because it was kind of like off the beaten path. You know what I mean? It was kind of just like out of it out of nowhere but there is some really really good matches on this card and although Kofi versus Brock is not like an instant classic or anything like that basically Brock just like squashed Kofi and he squashed and
the other members of the New Day as well as when they tried to come out and help Kofi. I feel like this is a really cool match to go back and watch simply because just to see the evolution of Kofi. Kofi's in a totally different place now than he was back then. I think back then the New Day were only one-time tag champs at this point. We've seen them just accomplish so much since then and how their characters have evolved,
you know, in-ring work has evolved, how their mic skills and their characters have evolved. And it's really cool to see the new day in 2019 versus like the new day in 2015. And I think now, like you know, like I said, Brock basically squashed the entire new day. And I cannot see that being the case in 2019. I feel like if anything, it's gonna be a hell of a fight.
Yeah, it's going to be a totally different story. It's interesting main event, Dolph Ziggler and John Cena versus Kane and King Barrett. I don't know how that fit, but we also got Finn Balor defeating Kevin Owens. I thought the main event was Finn Balor defeating Kevin Owens for the NXT Championship. Maybe I was wrong. I don't know. I can't remember the order of the card, but for some reason I always think of Finn Balor versus Kevin Owens when I think of this card.
Yeah, I don't know if that was the last match or next to last match. I'm trying to remember, too. You know, it's Finn Balor versus Kevin Owens for the NXT Championship. That was a great match, too. I woke up early. My son was born in March of that year, so he was what, like four months old or something? Yeah, four or five months old, yeah.
So we were kind of trading off on waking up in the middle of the night or something, and I knew that this pay-per-view was coming, so I volunteered to wake up early with him as a small little baby. Oh, cool. Yeah. Because it was in Japan or something. Yeah, it was in Japan. And it started, I want to say, it started like five in the morning or something?
4 or 5 in the morning. So it was on 4th of July, like you said. So I woke up with him, and we came downstairs and sat on the couch. He wasn't really watching it, but it was kind of our first wrestling event we watched together. So it was pretty cool. And I love 4th of July. So I was amped up to start the day off early and watch a wrestling event before eating a bunch of hot dogs and watching fireworks. So it was cool. Yeah, it was a good show.
Yeah, I think for us it came on at like 11 o'clock or midnight because I remember Seth being like, you know, you need to go take a nap before Beast in the East comes on because I know you're going to fall asleep during this. But yeah, it came on. It was late at night because yeah, if it was four o'clock in the morning for you, it was definitely like either like midnight or 11 o'clock for us over in Hawaii.
Um, yeah, pretty, pretty crazy. Um, and you know, I always liked those events cause it just feels, it just feels different. Like when we were watching, you know, the UK takeovers and stuff like that, just watching wrestling at a different. Like part of your day, if you're able to, obviously some people, you know, they work and they have to catch the replay. But if you're like, um, if you're able to watch those things live, it's like really cool to like watch it at a different point of day. It just kind of gives you a different perspective.
For sure. Yeah, check out that show and that was probably the best match. There was a couple of good matches on that car, but yeah, the Finn Balor, Kevin Owens is the best. I forgot to give a shout out to at TMNT underscore WWE underscore toys. He had tweeted out, they had found the Zack Ryder retro fest. I'm sorry. The Zack Ryder retro series eight at his local marshals. I was like, dude, I need one of those. That's the only one I can't find.
He's like, okay, send me your address. And he sent it to me and I hadn't heard from him. And he's like, uh, it should be there pretty soon. I'm like, what should be? He's like, what are you talking about? He thought I was crazy, but he sent it to me. I was like, okay, how much I owe you. And he just wouldn't let me send him a payment. So, uh, thank you, Jerome. I appreciate it. Yeah. I mean, that's just, uh, the, the, the bright spots of the figure community, like helping each other out. And I'm going to pay that forward for sure. So I wanted to, I wanted to touch on that and we want to touch about, talk about our boy wrestling for sale, starting a whole new, uh, new project, man.

New Wrestling Marketplace Launch

freaking most rare amazing like vintage finds in the game and you know from time to time he'll do like a pop-up at like big events like summer slam or like a mania or something like that and bring out some stuff but I mean I like like I said some of the stuff is just like incredible to see I don't you know some of it's too rich for my blood but at the same time I'm like damn dude like those things it's just so awesome how long some of these things have been around
Um, but, uh, him and, uh, extra cooler, who we also love Nick from extra cooler, uh, Zorro Mendez, who's like the king of L J N's, uh, Pollyanna and lapel. Yeah. They have all like kind of joined forces to create this like all in one, like wrestling marketplace. So you're not just going to, you're not just going to find, um, vintage
wrestling merch there anymore. I mean you're gonna find pins and art and like all kinds of amazing, you know, wrestling merch that's unique. And I love to support makers and artists and things like that. So it is definitely, definitely my jam.
Yeah, it's a pretty cool website. If you go to, it's kind of like an eBay, but just for wrestling figures, you can buy and sell stuff on here. So if you just basically snap a picture, sell your item, ship it out. And it's just kind of a go to spot. So hopefully we can be more involved with this going forward. I enjoy all four of those people. They're all good followers on Instagram. So check them out there for sure.
Yeah, it's at wrestling and then the number four and then sale S A L E on Instagram. So he's still post stuff there daily. Um, you know, uh, so make sure you check him out on Instagram if you don't check out the website, but the website is actually pretty cool and it's been a project he's working on for a long time. So I'm excited that it's actually come to fruition and he's partnered with some really amazing, some really amazing guys out there in the wrestling community. And, uh, I'm excited to see where this goes and how, how it grows, you know,
Yeah, it's a pretty cool idea. I'm surprised I feel like this has come along before. Yeah, and speaking of awesome guys, on Instagram, I also have to give a shout out to the Wrestling Classic. Just a good friend of Chick Foley. I literally have been following the Wrestling Classic since I started Chick Foley four and a half years ago. He recently started a podcast.
wealth of knowledge when it comes to wrestling and I just I he's a really great guy a really awesome member of the wrestling of the wrestling IWC so make sure you follow him at the wrestling classic and then go subscribe to his his Podcast over on Apple iTunes. I'm sure you can find it on all your favorite podcast platforms But I think most of our people probably use the iTunes. Am I right? I
I think so. I think that's kind of the preferred spot. And if you do go to iTunes, give us a nice review on there, a nice little five-star ski review. Yeah, while you're there. Well, while you're there, save yourself some time. Yeah.
because we got some cool stuff coming up down the pike. We're going to do those Patreon episodes this weekend. I'm going to eat some chicken sandwich. The wife is away this weekend for work, so I'm just going to eat chicken sandwiches by the whole, the whole weekend. I'm just going to eat. Nice. I can't stop thinking about this whole episode. I've been kind of distracted because I'm just thinking about chicken sandwiches. Yeah, for sure. Dude, get your hands on one of them. Popeye's chicken sandwiches and the spicy is the way to go. The original was good because Seth and I... Wait, is Seth home now?
He got home, yeah. He snuck in under the cover of darkness. Yeah, the heel husband made his debut. It was later than expected, but earlier than his, he got extended. So he still got home earlier than his predicted extension date. So yeah, he got home yesterday, which was really cool. So that one of our first stops, we were like, let's find us some Popeye's chicken sandwiches. So romantic. We made the first date back.
Do we are? We are suckers for for some fine dining. But yeah, we went to our favorite Popeyes establishment and we we got some chicken sandwiches and we got we got one.
Original and one spicy and then we split it, you know all romantic style lady in the tramp style Yeah, I was like you eat half there. You eat half the original. I'll eat half the spicy and then we'll switch And then so it was really good and both of us the verdict from from both of us Is that the spicy was the way to go? It does have a little bit of kick to it I don't mind it but if you are sensitive to spicy food, maybe the original might be
might be your calling but um if you like a little bit of you know kicking your food it's spiciness so damn good very nice yeah i can't wait i cannot wait to try that i've gone on record i prefer if i had the choice between chicken or steak the rest of my life i'd go chicken just more some more versatile meat just uh i like it in many different ways chicken salad i love chicken tenders i love
I don't know, you know. Yeah, I like chicken too. I love me a good steak. I'm not gonna lie. I do okay. I love steak too. Do you like dark meat or do you like white meat on your chicken? I did not start eating dark meat chicken until I met my wife because her parents eat it all the time, like chicken thighs. My parents only ever made grilled chicken breasts when I was a kid, like dry ass grilled chicken.
chicken grass. My mom was the worst. I love my mom for a lot of things, but she cannot cook for the shit. So yeah, we just always had rice and carrots and a grilled piece of chicken for dinner once a week. Oh my gosh. I went to college and discovered this other way of actually being able to cook food and making it bad for you. That was my downfall.
Yeah, I'm a dark meat all the way. If I could only eat one, definitely wings, wings thighs, drumsticks. That's my wheelhouse. Chicken breasts, you can just take that and feed it to the dogs. I don't really care about chicken breasts. Even though the chicken sandwich is a chicken breast, but obviously it's crispy and fried and covered in mayonnaise and pickles. Yeah, it's going to be good that way. But yeah, if you're just cooking regular chicken, it's got to be dark meat. What about you, Marco? Before we close out this show, what's your preferred chicken
darkness level or lightness level. This is a hard-hitting question. Yeah. Oh my God, it's so hard, I don't even know how to answer this one. No, definitely dark meat. My father is a southern boy, or was a southern boy. Grew up in Mississippi, so always had those great southern dishes every night for dinner. My mother's Italian too, so nice Italian dishes.
nice seven dishes but yeah definitely definitely the dark meat fried chicken is was definitely my favorite he cooked it exactly how like Kentucky fried chicken or any or Popeye's like it tasted just like that my friends would come over like oh you guys ordered
I could tell you fried chicken. I'm like, nah, my dad just going some oil in a pot and fried up some chicken. You got to soak it in the buttermilk and let it break down. Fried chicken is such a monumental pain in the ass to cook. But man, the payoff is so worth it if you do it right. It is so freaking good. So man.
I can't believe I have to go to bed. There is not a piece of chicken in this damn house. I told you my wife is on this like diet where, you know, not diet, but just like trying to eat all vegetables. And I went to the butcher shop the other day and they had beef ribs for 99 cents a pound. So I got like this.
it's basically like pork ribs but it's like it looks like what they put on the flintstones carbs like you know it's like a foot long and i put in the oven to cook that tonight and just like i was just eating them over the sink while she was eating a salad i just felt like so she's like i feel like you're eating now that i'm eating salads only i feel like you're eating more meat i like yeah i know this is not
It's like a whole rack of ribs cost me like four to five dollars. You're like, I have to make up for your percentage that you're not eating. Like Ron Swanson said, like you brought me food that my food eats.
All right, so next week we won't have any kind of pay-per-view to recap or preview, which would be nice. We will talk about some purchases and get into some wrestling. But again, if you're a Patreon subscriber or you're thinking about it, this is a good time to do it. This weekend we will do our WWE mock draft.
Sheena versus Phil. Uh, it will not be Marco deciding cause of course he's going to see a side with Sheena. Of course. Uh, he's always, he's always biased against me. He's always, he always has been. Uh, but we're going to leave this up. We're going to leave this up to the listeners and you guys could be able to vote on social media who has the better squad. Maybe we'll do two. You have to draft two tag teams and two female wrestlers and the rest can be whatever you want. Cause we want to have a pretty diverse squad.
We're equal. We're equal opportunists here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One, one midget, one cruiserweight and one, uh, I'll get El Torito. You can have, uh, the other guy. Remember we had this one. Yeah. El Torito. I like El Torito. Yeah. You can talk about, you can talk about the little people, but the wheel C match was freaking me. Awesome. I love the wheel C match. Yeah. It's, it's, it's one of my favorite, like, just like,
unsuspecting moments in WWE, I love that. All right, Lizzo, play us out. We'll be talking to you guys next week. Thank you for listening for Sheena and Marco. This is Phil Gentile. Stay classy, Marx. We will talk to you soon.
But you have to try If you need advice, let me simplify If he don't love you anymore Just walk your fine ass out the door I do my head talk, check my nails Baby, how you feeling? Head talk, check my nails Baby, how you feeling? Feeling good as hell Baby, how you feeling?
so fuck your