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Darby Allin has arrived! + Our biggest figure haul ever?!? image

Darby Allin has arrived! + Our biggest figure haul ever?!?

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
We discuss the captivating performance by Darby Allin in the main event of this week's AEW Dynamite. How cringe is Ric & Lacey? Plus, our biggest figure haul ever! BONUS: Here our Super Bowl predictions! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Shop Homage and support the show when you use this link Become a premium Foley Fam member at

Welcome Back to Sharpshooter Studio

Welcome to the Chick-Fully show.
What is up, Chick Foley fan?

The Long Journey Home

We are here with episode 111 of the Chick Foley show and it's going to be a fun one. I hope everybody's having an awesome 2021 so far. It's been a great year for us. We're finally back here in Sharpshooter Studio in Virginia. Yes. Yes. Tell them about the travel we had over the last couple of days. Oh my gosh. Episode 111. I feel like this is like lucky. All the ones lined up is going to be a lucky number. So this should be a good episode. Like he said, it's our first episode back in Sharpshooter Studio.
After driving 12 hours overnight with two babies and two dogs, it was an adventure. It was brutal. I'm still recovering. Yeah, I'm still recovering too. It was like 36 straight hours with no sleep. We were dragging. I drank my first energy drink since 2016.

Energy Drinks & Singles Day

I have not had an energy drink since 2016. She caved and drank the eight-ounce tropical Red Bull. Marco, we've never talked about this. What's your energy drink of choice, Marco?
I usually have regular Red Bull. What size can? Because that makes a big difference. What size do you usually go with? I usually vary. Sometimes it depends. Depends on your needs. I like the answer, dude. Even if I want a lot of Red Bull, I'll get two 8-ounceers instead of getting like a 12-ounce or 16-ounce. I feel like the 8-ounce is like the sweet spot.
I don't know, it just hits different to me.
But now I would get the yellow can. That was when they were just first debuting like the new like the new flavors of Red Bull and stuff. But yeah, now it's like there's like so many different ones. But yeah, I'm not getting back full time, but it was an emergency situation. So I had to like, you know,
I go red bull and then full throttle, the black can full throttle, not the blue can. I really like full throttle a lot. You guys talked about episode 111 being lucky. I recently learned, do you guys know that there's a holiday called Singles Day? No. It's November 11th. 11-11, yeah. 11-11, yeah. Interesting. I can't remember if I heard that on another podcast or Reddit.
But yeah, that's a holiday. So keep that in mind for all the singles in your life. You guys got about 10 months now to shop for them. So yeah, November 11th. So it's like singles, like the opposite of Valentine's Day. Like it's like for single people. Yeah. I've heard February 13th. I've also heard it called... That's Gallantines Day. But I really like... I like November 11th as a singles day. I like that better too. February 13th is officially Gallantines Day. So it can't be singles day. It needs to be its own day in November.
Hell yeah.

Life in Quarantine

Marco, how's everything been going up in your neck of the woods? Going good. Just living that quarantine life. We're always getting extended. I feel like we've been saying that for like, what, 10 months now, yeah? Yeah. Yeah, they're always, I mean, if you watch the news, if you go by all the states, Massachusetts is pretty strict when it comes to that stuff. So they extend the weeks if they have to and reduce capacity at places.
that type of stuff. So I think they eased up a little bit this week. It goes kind of week by week or every other week where they change it. I don't think Virginia is that bad, but I think we're basically quarantined anyway because we have two small kids. So life isn't really much different than it would be. You know what I mean? Like getting out and about and stuff. We built a playhouse in the backyard this afternoon. So thanks to Sheena's mom for getting that for the kids.
It's definitely been a benefit to our kids. They're another one of the people you hear about, Jeff Bezos and stuff. But Brett and Stella Phelps, they've also come up during the quarantine. Because being stuck at home, I think we have a little bit of parental guilt on them not being able to get out and have as many activities and adventures. So our house is just tricked out right now.
she know a question like you know like if we're doing it for the kids like you look around at this like i would not and i had a really great childhood but like these kids have got like more stuff than like anybody so saying yes definitely i think for especially for little kids like ours that i don't really know like they're not no routine at school and stuff yet i think it's definitely probably been a uh
A plus for them, at least from a toy standpoint. Yeah. So, you know, tell me where they can find you guys at on social

Social Media & Figure Hunting

media. So you guys know you can find me on the Instagram machine at Chick Foley. And then Marco is working his Twitter gimmick over at Chick Foley show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam at Chick Foley That's where we have.
you can get access to our exclusive Facebook group. Starts at a dollar a month, well worth it. We were fig hunting in Kentucky. We went to this little Podunk Walmart in the middle of Franklin. Sheena almost didn't want to go. Yeah, I wanted to go to the closer Walmarts. Everybody that we're sending figures to in a couple days, Sheena was like, let's just go to the ones here in town. And I was like, no, let's hit up Franklin. It's like Sheena said, it's Podunk as Podunk gets. They were definitely people in that Walmart not wearing masks.
All kinds of hijinks and I got to work my gimmick again. I'm starting to work myself into a shoot with this thing. It's going to be more weird when you go and don't find a case for it. I found another fresh case of AEW figures. We checked the pegs. It was a few stray elites, nothing special. Then, sure enough, we checked the pallets and it was the last pallet. We had gone through all these pallets, nothing.
And we're at the last palette and it was a big one. It was a whole lot of tiny boxes. And again, Sheena being negative Nancy, she was ready to give up. She was like, oh, these all look like they're packed in pretty tight, you know? And maybe we should give up on these. And I was like, no. I was like, let's look. And then sure enough, just in the middle between like some blippy toys and I think a case of, of, um,
It's Fortnite. Fortnite, yeah. Fortnite, that's what it was. Yeah, it's a case of Fortnite figures. AEW wave two right there on the box. So we grabbed it. Me and Foley fan member Jordan Wells, who's kind of like the Michael Jordan figure hunting. We got scolded last time he was here in Virginia for busting open the toys right there by the employees. So me and Sheena quickly made our way over to the home goods section. The little laundry section. Yeah, we found a stray aisle, bust out the keys, and I popped that thing open. Yeah, sure enough, a minty set
of, uh, of AEW series two, which was good. Cause I know a lot of people have had problems, um, finding those boxes in good condition. Yeah, we happen to, we have, I packed them up really well. So even though I didn't want to go to Franklin, even though I was, I was ready to give up on the pallets, I did get you guys packed up nicely. So all you guys who want them MOC they're, they're coming at you looking super fresh, but yeah, we've got that. We found a, uh, we found an extra set of the Baxter and splinter turtle set, found a, uh, some of the ultimate additions, uh, Hollywood Hogan and Bray that, that folks needed and some Motu.
And remember, the biggest thing is that all of those figures are retail plus shipping all the time. You guys will never get upcharged in the foley fam and it's not just us.
Like we said, Jordan's been finding all kinds of figures and everybody else too, so. Yeah, people are trading stuff. People are selling old stuff. And it's just an awesome, good community. And you know, you can join the mid-card too. You get all of our bonus content. We're doing a Royal Rumble series right now. We have all of our stuff backlogged. So yeah, you can check that out of our bonus episodes. So yeah, it's a great time. Join the fam. All right. And before we get into all the news of the week, I want to remind you guys to use code ChickFoli for all your purchases.

Darby Allen vs. Brian Cage

at Ringside Collectibles, the number one wrestling figure retailer in the world. I saved 10% and a lot of amazing stuff there here in the early part of 2021. So let's get into it. We'll move into the chicks top six for our favorite six stories of the wrestling week. Remember this segment is brought to you by Amage. Use the Amage code that you'll find in the show notes that helps support the show. And we'll get you a discount there at Amage also. So first story.
Darby has arrived. I think everybody that watched AEW Dynamite last night was really captivated by that Brian Cage Darby Allen match. This feud's kind of been simmering. It's kind of heated up and cooled off or going all the way back to the summer. And now we finally got it in an AEW ring. This could have been on any pay-per-view and would have fit right in. Big fight feel going into it. But I think the story everyone was talking about afterwards was
the amazing performance by Darby. Don't get me wrong, Brian Cage looked like a million bucks with all his power offense. He had a great guy to be in there with, with Darby. But Darby ended up getting the 1-2-3, got the assist from his buddy Sting, and just looked like a superstar. What were you guys' thoughts on the match in general and Darby Allen's performance specifically?

Darby Allen's Career

As our AEW correspondent, I'll let you speak first on this one, Marco.
Oh boy, yes. I said for a while that for Darby Allen, he's definitely one of the stars, being stars at NAEW. Obviously last night, him being in the main event spot.
solidified that. No, the mattress is great. Darby, obviously, he's not the biggest guy. Besides Marco Stunt, I think he might be the smallest guy. Yeah, exactly. I don't even believe that he weighs 170 pounds. I think Seth weighs 170 pounds and Darby is way smaller than Seth. Yeah, I think I weigh more than Darby as well.
He showed last night that he's definitely one of their top guys, if not that closest to the top guy there.
Like I said, he's not the biggest guy, but he has this presence, this persona, that dark brooding thing. He's not a big brooding guy, obviously, but he has that, his aura around him is very brooding, very booty, very in line with Sting. I know that's the later Sting, I should say, Crow Sting. That's where they get the significance from there.
Yeah, no, that's last night was just another reason why he's definitely one of their top stars, if not the top star right now. I mean, just for him to like the way that him and Brian Cage fought together, like, you know, this like David and Goliath situation, I thought it was amazing. I mean, you know, he did the suicide dive out to the outside and
Um, Brian cage just caught him in midair. He didn't like carried him back up to the ring. Like, like he was nothing. And then, you know, he threw him over the top rope into the table. Like just, I mean, like you would sling a stuffed animal or something. It was just, it was insanity. And you know, we always talk, you know, when Darby first debuted and he was doing those insane coffin drops and everything, you know, we would just, you know, talk about how.
How, what's Darby's longevity looking like? You know, he's still taking those insane bumps. Um, but I

Darby Allen & Sting Partnership Speculations

mean, it is highly entertaining. And if that's what he wants to do, I mean, that's his prerogative, but, um, damn dude, like he, he hit hard on some of those, those bumps. Respect the garbage. Yeah, I think that's definitely the big concern now. This is overall longevity. Cause he's, he's a small guy and not only is he small, he's like skinny, you know, he's then got a body that's kind of built to take.
a lot of punishment. Um, to me, Marco, you said, uh, you talked about the steam comparisons. The guy he puts me most in mind of is Jeff Hardy. You know, I think just with the, uh, the, the presence, you know, a little bit of, uh, an enigma, you know, that's what they always called Jeff Hardy for the longest time, the Daredevil style. And just the way that he is just a true blue baby face, you know, he's cut from that same Jeff Hardy, um, Ricky Morton style. Just never say die, get your ass kicked, but somehow find a way to get it, put together enough moves to get the win.
Um, he's cut from that same cloth. And I kind of think that Jeff Hardy's career is kind of the ceiling for Derby also, obviously not from the tag team standpoint, but for a singles run, you know, I think he's a guy who is going to be over as long as he is wrestling and can maintain the style he's doing right now. I think he's always going to be over just like Jeff Hardy has been over for 20 plus years now. And I think he's going to be a guy who stays close to the top of the mid card and then has a few, uh, a few, you know, flirtations with Lori, you know, probably, I could see him, him fighting for, you know, having a few short reigns with the title, but that's what I see.
What do you see long term for Darby Marko? I definitely see him in the title picture, the main title picture at some point.
You can't keep him away from that spot too long. He's holding true with the TNT title, so he's proven he can defend it on the main stage, on a big platform, being in the main event. I'm not sure if he'd win the title, which would be awesome if he did.
Um, that also show that he's definitely solid environment as one of their stars, like one of their, uh, I think we talked about this before on shows where like a lot of the stars obviously come from different organizations, uh, where Darby Allen's is kind of like their home grown, uh, guy. So I would definitely love to see him with a title at some point. I think it's, I think it's in his future. He's definitely going to be in that, in that spot where he, he's like you said, the baby face and he's going to go up against the, the, the next hill that has that, that, uh, title, probably not Kenny Omega. Um,
I could be wrong, but I think it's going to take an MJF hold in that title in that sense for Darby to go against him because you want to have the complete opposite of the heel and babyface. Darby is that complete opposite of MJF. MJF talks a lot.
Darby doesn't so I think I think they need to I think they just need to let him enjoy this TNT title run though I think yeah this is a great way to get the TNT title over because it's been a little bit controversial since inception and you know no shade to Cody well I mean unless you're Seth
But he's a baby face, but he's kind of like a, you know, polarizing baby face in that way. And then Brody, obviously, you know, he's a heel. So I think this is a really great way to get the title over. It's got a facelift. It looks really great. And I think letting him, you know, just kind of be the title holder and, you know, carry that torch for a little while is a great way to make this mid card matter.
Yeah, exactly. Great points all around. We saw Sting finally get physical this week for the first time. So far, he's just come out, done some stare downs. For the past several weeks. Made it snow. Yeah. And he's had his badass interest music playing, which shout out to who had made his interest music. Where do you guys, you know, where do you think this relationship with Darby is heading? Are we going to see a tag team match with those guys going up against Team Taz? Do we see Sting or Darby turning on one another at some point? What do you think this thing's going?
Yeah, I could see it being a tag team situation. Long term, I could see it being more of like a mentorship type situation, you know, where Sting is like his, his mentor. I mean, they love to do that in AEW. I mean, they got Taz, they got, you know, Jake, they got, you know, Arne. Yeah. So I can see them pairing Sting with, with Darby and kind of like that, that role and position. If we're going about you, are we, will we eventually see Sting versus Darby Allen? Um,
I'd like to say yes, only because they can definitely team up, do the tag team thing for a little bit. Then at some point, you get to have the match where you pass on the baton over to Darby. Yeah, they're like, I don't want to be in your shadow. I think Sting versus Darby is tailor made for an awesome cinematic match. They can do some really good stuff. Yeah, for sure.

Singles Day Significance & Quarantine Projects

Yeah. All right. So yeah, I think we're all on board the, uh, the Darby train excited to see where it goes this year. Also Darby brother, if you're out there listening, um, we are dying to get our hands on that series three chase figures. It's keeping me up at night. You know, the, uh, so far the AW chases for the most part have been like passable to me. I really liked the chase MJF, but I can totally live without it, but I feel like I got to have this, uh,
this Darby figure in my life. And I can't bring myself to drop 500 bucks plus for a general release figure, but I definitely need that figure. So Darby, if you're out there, hook us up and slide to those DMs and we'll keep promoting you on the show. All right, story number five.
All right, the Dusty Rhodes Classic kicked off this week. In addition to being big fans of Derby Island, we're all big fans of tag team wrestling on here. Dusty Rhodes Classic is an awesome tournament. It's been entertaining every year they've done it. We're back to the 16 team field this year, which is good. Let's just quickly go around. Marco, who's your prediction to win this? I wish we could have done this before the tournament actually kicked off. We did see a few first round matches.
last night, but WWE's got a bad habit of showing us the bracket like five minutes before the tournament starts. That's why we couldn't do that. Marco, who's your prediction to win this thing this year? I hate to go with the generic answer, but probably Adam Cole and Roderick Strong are probably going to take it, I think.
Just because they obviously, Undisputed already needs to get back up in that, the glory spot. They had an NXT in years prior. So I think this would be like a great way to get them like back in that, not that they ever faltered and then they're like doing like opening matches and stuff like that. But they didn't call it O'Reilly won it one time. They won it before, right? Yeah. That was the time when Roddy Strong turned on Pete Dunne in the final or Roger Strong turned on Pete Dunne. So there's some history there for him too.
And if they do win, I think they'll be the first team ever to win the dusty classic twice or something like that. I think they said they mentioned something like that. So I think it's kind of destined for them to win who they're facing. Um, they beat Breezango last night. Yeah. They should get a free pass through the second round. I'm not really concerned about Tony Neeson, Daivari or Adonis and Troy. Yeah. Um, Gargano with the area might be, it might be an issue for them if, if that ever comes up, but, um, I thought it was going to be ever rise. I thought they were going to be like kind of like the,
No, I think they're going to be playing good with young vets in the final four. Yeah. I can already tell you, so I rarely do this because it takes some of the fun out of it, but I can see it from here, how that bottom half of the bracket is going to play out. I think Kushida and Leon Ruff are going to beat Gargano and Theory somehow next week, right? And then the next week, Gargano and Theory will cost them the match against grizzled young veterans. That's what I see there. That's like wrestling booking 101, you know?
Cause those are two powerful teams. Um, or at least two like strongly booked teams right now to have going up in the first round. So I think both those teams ended up canceling each other out. My heart wants to go for the, uh, the Bollywood boys. I love those guys. They were, they were pretty entertaining as, um, gender Mahal's henchmen, but they were in the dark match at NXT takeover Orlando that, uh, me and Sheena were at against heavy machinery back when most people didn't really know who heavy machinery was.
And it was just super entertaining. Those guys were so funny as heel. So I've been big supporters of, uh, of herve and gerve, um, since, uh, since then. So I don't think it's in the cards for them, but that would, that would be my sentimental pick to see them go on a run. Uh, Sheena, you got any, any predictions or some, or a rooting interest in this year's field? Yeah, I think grizzled young veterans, I think they could make a run. Um, yeah, they're a great team. Yeah, they are a great team and I'd be excited to see them win for sure.
Alright so also we saw the Mr. Team of MSK debut last night so that was the rascals at an impact so they were really really hype free agents. I was actually a little bit surprised to see them sign with WWE just because from the little bit I know of them they have like AEW written all over them but I guess you know Triple H rolled that
you know, rolled the brain strike up to their house and got them signed. Marco, I know you're a little bit more familiar with the smaller independence than I am. What can you tell us about the rascals? What do we need to know about these guys? I mean, if it's any indication of what you see last night, that's just pretty much like a little piece of what they do there. Some hot fliers, dude. Yeah. They're definitely the wild... See, they're the wild card out of this dusty classic, because I could totally see that being the final four.
I can see them in the final four because they got, I mean, they wouldn't have said they were mystery opponents. You know what I mean? They were, they were trying to create a little bit of a mystique around them to bring them in. So they're going to give them a little bit of a push for sure. They're not just going to bring them in and let them like get squashed. So yeah, they could be final four for sure. Yeah, definitely in the, uh, definitely in the vein of like, um, private party and all those guys here. That's why, so I mean, that's why I think, I mean, they probably didn't, they probably get lost in that shuffle. If they signed AEW, uh, when it comes to that, like,
them as a tag team because he did a lot of tag teams. Yeah. They had that same style though. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it wouldn't mesh well. So they don't really have that many high fire type of tag teams in NXT and WWE alone. So that was like a perfect fit. But yeah, definitely there. I say just sit back and see. I don't like to give spoilers. I'll definitely say do your research. Look for them.
definitely search on YouTube if you have the Impact Plus app. Search them on the Impact Plus app and sit back and watch AR. They're definitely a tag team to be reckoned with. Actually, my prediction is going to be Imperium and you leave. Yeah, Imperium was a good pick too. I really thought about going with Imperium, but yeah, I went with Grizzly Young Veterans. Yeah, Imperium definitely could make a run. Did I miss it last night? Do we know what MSK stands for?
I definitely didn't hear it on the show, but I was flipping back and forth between the two.
Okay, so that's, we got a little bit of mystery then. We got something to keep us tuning back in next week. Yeah, I don't, I mean, I'm not the best at naming people, but like Wes Lee and Nash Carter, I just like, I don't know what it is. These are just like the most generic, like, creative player names. That's exactly what I was going to say, it's creative player names. If you took a five question quiz on Facebook that your aunt posted, it's like, what's your pro wrestler name? Like, what are some of the ones that would just spit out? Wes Lee with two E's, you know, Nash Carter.
Yeah, like, you know Desmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz definitely sound more Hey, I'm sure people were saying the same thing about Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, you know eight years ago No, Rollins is a cool name. I mean set this I mean no offense to you said but sets a pretty basic name But I set the basic name
I mean, it's like a normal name. How many other sets do you know besides me? It's not like T-bar. How many other sets do you know besides me? Personally, I don't think I know any other sets. Then it's not a basic name. Jesus. Okay. Anyways.
All right, MSK, what's it stand for, Marco? You said you want to take a guess at it. Oh, no, I said, do you guys want to guess? I have no, because mine is going to be like a NSFW version, so I'm going to stay away from it. Yeah, we'll stay away from those. We want to keep it a hard PG-13 out there. I have no idea. Yeah, me neither. Didn't we have an impression request for Marco that came from our German friend?
Yes, we had an impression request. Hang on. I'll find it. Washing is looking it up. I'll give another shout out to our international listeners because there was something I wanted to address. Looking on the stats and stuff from last week's episode, someone from Angola listened to our podcast. That's the first I've seen Angola come up.
If you're out there, if we made enough of a impression of you to tune in again this week, slide into the DMs. We want to know your story. We love, love, love hearing from all of our international listeners. Can I be like, are you smarter than a fifth grader? I don't even know where Angola. It's in West Africa. Okay, okay. Yeah. West Coast of South Africa, yeah. Yeah, because I get a map, it's basically like a heat map style. And so we got, America is like crimson red, Canada is like hot pink.
Britain's pretty good red. We got our fans in Greece, our fans in Mexico. And then I didn't even notice it at first. It was like the lightest shade of red it could possibly be was in Angola. And I looked and sure enough, we had one listener in Angola last week. So it could have been somebody that just drunkenly stumbled onto our show somehow.
But if you're out there and you listen to it, hit us up because we'd love to hear what's popping with the Foley family and go. Yes. Okay. So our German friend, Daniel Rau, I think that's how you say it. I mess this up all the time. Specifically requested this from you, Marco. Yes. He sent me a message that I hope you're doing fine. I need a new Marco impression in my life. He said, my wish, Steve Austin ordering some wheat beer and sauerkraut at Oktoberfest.
as a shout out to the European listeners. Cheers. Oh, geez. All right. If you need some prep time, that's fine. Let's do some prep. Let's do the show and then... We'll come back to it next week. We'll come back to it next week. I'll let you get some car time for you to practice, but Daniel, we are going to get the impression out to you. And that's a little tease for everybody to come out next week. Yeah, definitely.

Ric Flair & Lacey Evans Storyline

We'll hear the first one. They're in the beverage break next week. Yes. All right. Let's move on to story number four.
All right, so he may be Charlotte's dad, but he's Lacey Evans daddy. Ric Flair is back on our TV on a weekly basis. Dave Meltzer reported that Ric Flair is going to be a regular part of the show going forward. We know the guy loves the spotlight, but this is really nothing like hauling the 71 year old out during the pandemic. Yeah, this is really one of the kind of weirdest wildest stories we've had.
And at least from a love triangle or sexual relationship type standpoint, obviously we had a dude get set on fire on pay-per-view last week, so David W.E.'s definitely going. We had lead on edge, you know, have relations on. Yeah, that was back in ruthless aggression right there. I'm talking in the last like 12 months or so. Okay, gotcha, gotcha. But yeah, David W.E.'s definitely...
We heard maybe three or four months ago that they're going a little bit more adult on the storylines, and they definitely are. We've had Ric Flair basically turn on his daughter, arguably the greatest female wrestler ever, and is now partnering up with Lacey Evans. No, he's turned on by Lacey Evans. Yeah, he's turned on his daughter, but turned on by Lacey. They haven't come out and said it yet.
all the implications there that it is like a romantic relationship between Lacey and Rick Blair. I don't think you just call your casual friend daddy. That's a thing. What are you guys thoughts on the storyline where we're at with it so far? I mean, this is just repug. First of all,
the okay they brought charlie back she's you know the tag team she's a tag team champion with aska like has all this potential looks like a million freaking bucks you know what i mean like comes back and she says she's not coming back until she has a meaningful storyline and then they do this to her and pair her with rick flare which i didn't like her whole
her whole turning on Ric Flair the last time she did it. Like every time they get together these two butt heads and so they butted heads the week before last or you know two weeks ago or whatever when he tripped her and she was like get out of my ring get out of my face like don't ever come back and then she went on twitter and was like I could never stay mad at you blah blah blah and now he's pulling high jinx again and he's paired up with Lacey and it's just a hot mess. It's like it's like getting to the point where it's like Lana and Rusev wedding
Like Bobby Lashley wedding stuff, you know what I mean? Like I just I I cringe even thinking about it And with everything that's went down and like the last year, you know with all the speaking out and all that stuff I'm like, they're really putting this in a racy storyline, you know, they're like pimping Lacey Evans out here to Ric Flair, you know, and by all accounts based on what we've seen it's definitely consensual but like come on and
You guys remember last year, Dave Meltzer was reporting it that the Bobby Lashley, Lana, Rusev stuff was routinely the highest rated segments on Raw. That's true. A part of the audience that this stuff appeals to. People love their stories. Ric Flair still draws a cry. We were watching it at Sheena's parents' house and Sheena's stepdad who doesn't watch wrestling at all. He popped when he saw Ric Flair on the screen.
If you're just randomly flipping the, there's a lot of people that are, if they're just flipping the channels on Monday night, they're going to stop when they see Ric Flair on there. And then maybe they see a storyline like this. They want to, they want to check it out. He was busting out all the old Ric Flair quotes and everything, you know what I mean? He hasn't watched wrestling. And I mean, I can't even remember him watching wrestling in recent history.
Marco, what's your take on the storyline so far? Oh, man. It is kind of weird to see, but I was hoping it was going to be some type of, like, Ric Flair was going to be, like, herd manager type of thing, and kind of, like, elevate, at least see a little bit better, because they were kind of, like, pushing her. I want to see these years are kind of, like, merging together. The year before last, when they were doing, like, the Baron Corbin, Becky, Seth matches every single week. It was just all them four always fighting each other. So they kind of, like,
They're pushing her to the forefront and kind of putting her in that title picture, but then she kind of like disappeared. So I thought this was like a way to get her back in that, like have like Rick Flair as a mentor, kind of like how AEW does, has mentors for everybody and like teach her. Cause she's, she's pretty like, she said she's like, she's like, you know, classy and all that stuff, but obviously she's like, she's one of like, she's a dirty player.
And she's dirty. All right. Listen, listen to this tweet. Yeah, I see it. Yeah. Yeah. Good head game. Brain emoji finger, fingernail painting emoji. Hashtag winner, winner, Ric Flair for dinner. Hashtag work smarter, not harder. Jesus. I mean, that is, um, that's something. Let me tell you, that's two weeks in a row. We've talked about it on the show. We need to change the rating. Yeah. We can get the streak.
So unfortunately, as wrestling fans, we're no strangers to storylines like this. And cringe moments. It's just part of the game. This is the latest in a long line of these kind of storylines, really kicking off with the attitude era. What's some of you guys' biggest cringe moments in wrestling?
Oh, cringe mode. I mean, definitely I can say like in recent history, the Lana and Bobby thing, it was just like the worst, the worst of the worst. And it wasn't that it was like so bad, like offensive or anything like that, but they just drug it on and on and on and just kept making it worse and worse and worse. The dog food angle was pretty cringe too.
Roman and Baron Corbin. That was, that was the type of stuff that like, if you're happy to be watching wrestling with a non-wrestling fan, same time, like you're embarrassed. Like you'd have to like look at them and like, you know what I'm like, Hey, you know what? It's usually not like this, you know? I promise it's not normally like this. Marco, you got any, uh, any favorites you want to express feelings on?
Are we just doing like relationship stuff or just a gym? Anything that made you cringe. Yeah, anything where you roll your eyes in the back of your head like oh my god They said you gotta you always have to go to the go-to the debris
Nikki Bella. Oh, I forgot. I wasn't even thinking about that. Yeah, that that was pretty bad. That one. That one was still like that one was still pretty entertaining. It had a solid payoff on the match. Do you remember when
AJ and Paige were like on and off best friends. They had some pretty cringe moments where Paige was like, you're my worst best friend. Paige was like the big show of women dressing there for a time where one week she was a good guy, one week she was a bad guy. You're my worst best friend. Yeah, but I think mine going back to the attitude era, I still remember as a kid, do you remember when Val Venus was making his debut, Marco, cutting a little vignette?
Oh yeah. Yeah. I remember like, like if I happen to be watching wrestling, I would change the channel to WCW real quick. Cause I'd be so embarrassed that like, you know, not necessarily my dad, but like, but I'd be embarrassed. My mom would see that. That's what I was watching, you know, cause that stuff was pretty freaking racy for the attitude era. Oh yeah. Definitely. Those, those videos, when he started out, they had a,
I think Bruce Richard actually talks about that on something to wrestle, because they use his house and his pool and all that stuff to shoot those. Oh, nice. Yeah, even the video, his tight drawn video was pretty cringy. It was like, now looking at it back then, you're like, oh my God, that's so funny. But when you look at it as an adult, you're like,
Well, it ended up being played a lot more for a joke after he debuted. But like when he was when he was first shown the videos and stuff, like it looked like, OK, legit, this dude's going to be a porn star that also happens to wrestle. Yeah, pretty, pretty wild stuff. So obviously, Ric Flair and Lacey Evans, you know, they're currently trending in the direction to go down in the Hall of Fame and current storylines.

Drink Choices for the Show

But but we'll see how it plays out over the next few weeks.
Oh baby, you hear that jazz flute? And you know what time it is. It's time for the weekly beverage break. Alright Marco, what are you sipping on this week? Oh man, the original, the Lord Hobo Imperial Stout. Yeah, it's a Godmother Imperial Stout, it's so good. I actually couldn't find it for a while.
I happened to be around like a store in our area and I was like, I want to pop in and see if they ever got it because I only seen it once and it was only like one, four pack of it. Never. There was a 90 thousand multiples of it. So I stopped in and lo and behold, it was there. So I was like, sweet. Grab it. Nice. That's what I'm sipping on. She needs to speak for both of us while we drink in the suite.
We're drinking the official brew of the Chick-fil-A show, Miller Lite. A fine Pilsner. A fine Pilsner. There you go.
Yep. Still, still, they haven't left us on red. Still in the DMs. Come on. She said she's switching it up to tequila for the, uh, the, the official drink of the show for, for the foreseeable future. I think I'm going to try some hard liquor instead of beer. You know what I mean? I'm going to, I'm going to make this year, the, the year of the, uh, Oh, the year of the beer would have been sound so much better than the year of the tequila. Yeah.
I still, you guys still might find me sipping on some beers through our beverage breaks, but we talked about tequila last week, and then I got some confirmation in the Facebook group that tequila is the way to go, so I think I'm gonna stick with that. We are, it's January 14th, so we are two weeks into 2021, and I've still yet to try the Dream Team IPA. So if only there was a close friend that I had in the Northeast.
They could track that down for us and get some down to the Tidewater area of Virginia. But I don't know. I'll keep trying to come up to a solution to this problem. But yeah, Dream Team IPA. Still number one on my wish list. COVID restrictions, man. That's how it works, man.
It's COVID. That's the excuse we use nowadays, because we're called COVID. Sorry, man. Can't help you out with that right now. Is that what the breweries saying? Are they saying they're having COVID caused shortages or something? No, no, not even. I was just doing that myself. I haven't been able to find it. That brewery actually makes other types of beers, but I haven't seen... I'm wondering if it was just like a summertime
type of limited edition thing. So I'm hoping around like spring, springtime they like it, it comes back out again, because I definitely wanted to drink it again. That was part of my favorite IPA next to the Broken Skull. It was awesome. Yeah, I'm reading the description. It sounds like it's right up my alley. I'm a big fan of Broken Skull. I like the more like, you know, balanced, easy

Impact's Hard to Kill Event

drinking IPAs. I don't necessarily need to, you know, taste like I just bit into a bowl of potpourri.
I definitely definitely intrigued to try it out. All right, so let's move to our number three story of the week
All right, impact hard to kill is going down this weekend. Admittedly, I, you know, I've said before here, I do not keep up with impact at all. If there's like a, you know, a change for the world championship or something, I'll click on a news article to see, you know, see who won it. And that's about as close to tabs as I keep on it. But obviously, there's a huge match going down this week.
with Kenny Omega and the Good Brothers, Gallows and Anderson, taking on Rich Swann and the Motor City machine guns, Alex Shelley and Chris Saban. So it's the first time and really since all in back in 2018 that we've had a major cross promotion event going down. Marco, I'll ask you, so it's going down Saturday night. Are you going to be watching it live? Are you going to be following along on social media, reading a recap afterwards or just completely ignoring it?
I probably won't be able to watch it live definitely will follow it on social media though because I'm very interested on how they play this out and if it leads into any type of like crossover into an AEW pay review because I believe the next one is revolution right for for this year for AEW so I'm wondering if it's gonna you know the good brothers are gonna show up or maybe
another tag team or another star of my trip on AEW and started cross-promoting that way so yeah I'll definitely follow on social media but um if I can find the video somewhere or order it I'll definitely order it the next day or something like that
Yeah, I agree. I'm kind of, I'm not even necessarily super interested in that match. I kind of just want to see the storyline fall out for that. Like I say, if we see another, another turn on this in this invasion storyline, I'm interested to see if somebody else from AWW shows up or just wherever the storyline goes. So I may take a peek on, on Twitter and keep up with it, but I'll most likely probably be checking out the recap afterwards. But I hope it's a success. I hope
I hope people support this thing because the more major wrestling promotions we have, the better. So best of luck to them. Put out a great show there in Nashville on Saturday night. Story number two.
So at the end of Raw this Monday night, we got another kind of bizarre ending. We saw Alexa Bliss basically go and get the Fire Flower from Super Mario Brothers and launch it right at Randy Orton's face. This was after Triple
Triple H's sledgehammer just miraculously appears on fire. You know, we had a literal, you know, there's the move, the burning hammer, this just, you know, legendary move in Japanese wrestling. And then we had a legendary burning, you know, a legit burning hammer in the ring. So, Marco, what did you think on the ending of Raw?
actually i enjoyed it um i know like uh just reading like raw was like kind of as far as like the whole the whole the show in a hole but uh i thought i thought it was an awesome ending it's always good to see triple h like impromptu um obviously what happened with uh with drew uh they had to like scramble and get someone you know to jump in that spot and who better than
the cerebral assassin, Triple H has shown up. It's always good to see him in the ring. We talked about this before. He wasn't in the ring at all in 2020, so it was good to see Triple H back. Even in a small role, and obviously, his history with Randy Orton, I enjoyed the exchange that they had at the beginning.
Right the Triple H is always money on the mic and obviously in ring too. It was good to see him take bumps He looks great. He looks like he's in great shape. He can go go whenever he wants As far as like I like the fact that like, you know, like fate the feed use of prey on legends Or like people that you know have conflicted Personalities we say they have brought this up before where I'm not I think you might have been away you might have been overseas or you're talking about this but
The fiend always preys on people that have multiple personalities, or they have a hard time grasping who they are. So when he attacked Mick Foley, he has those three personalities. Kane, he has corporate Kane, and then he's regular Kane. He didn't attack Stone Cold, because Stone Cold is who he is. He doesn't change for anyone. He's the same person through and through. But I think that's why he goes towards Randy Orton, because Randy Orton, he's a snake. He's a viper. He doesn't hide who he is.
Yeah, and he hears voices just like the Fiend. Triple H, on the other hand, he kind of has that dual personality rule. Obviously, he is Triple H. You can flip a switch off a drop of a dime, but at the same time, he's corporate Triple H. And then other days, he's a game. So he might be involved with this. Who knows? He might be a scapegoat where Randy Orton has that relationship with Triple H, even though they hate each other.
The Fiend could use Triple H as kind of like leverage the same way Randy Orton tried to use Alexa Bliss as some type of leverage. So who knows? I think it'd be pretty interesting if Triple H was involved with this. Yeah, I think that would be kind of cool if he is. It's hard to say just because with Drew going out seemingly like that afternoon for the show and
Sounded like if you read the the dirt sheets only there was a handful of other guys that also got Got bounced off the show for that night. It may have just been an emergency thing with sticking triple H in there for one night only Supposedly they are building towards another gimmick match at the Royal Rumble my question is just though what could they even do as far as giving matches go to top the the Firefly Inferno match my mind's immediately going to have to be something, you know cinematic just because
You know, we literally saw the theme get set completely on fire. And I don't know how you top that. At least with my imagination. So do you get any thoughts, Mark, of what we're going to see here?
Oof, the only thing I think of is bringing it back to the Firefly Funhouse match, and if they do a cinematic with the John Cena, just bring Randy Orton through his, through his, get inside Randy Orton's mind. Yeah. Remember that part of the original, one of the original cinematic matches was Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt, if you remember back at, it was either like Payback or Backlash or something back in 2017.
Yeah, the best thing for the feed to do is just beat Randy Orton mentally, not physically, because obviously he hears these voices. Why not attack the voices that are in Randy Orton's head, invite him to the Firefly Funhouse, and have that type of cinematic match, because I definitely want to see that again, because I had one with John Cena. It was amazing. No one was expecting that to happen at all.
And I think just Randy Orton just being in that position where he's vulnerable, because you hardly ever see that. I think that's the next step. It doesn't have to be this big elaborate match where someone dies or anything like that. It can just be simple as you get to, the feed gets to pick apart Randy Orton and actually get into his mind.
and kind of like defeat him in that sense, which would be pretty cool. But who knows? I mean, it's Bray Wyatt. I know he has a hand in what goes on and how these matches are constructed. So I think it's going to be something pretty epic because he already got lit on fire. So they have to
Something more extraordinary. Yeah, it's only so many directions you can go when somebody gets set on fire. Quick public service announcement. Yeah, our little guy, Brett, he's having some trouble sleeping tonight, so Sheena's off tending to him. We haven't just stunned her into silence with all this talk about impact and radioing in the feed. So she'll be back in time for the Go Figure segment. But yeah, that's why you guys are not hearing as much from her. So we'll hit our last story in the Chick 6.
So it was a little bit of a slow week in wrestling. Overall, we wanted to go ahead and use that extra space we got to start the hype train for the world rumble going. So the rumble is less than three weeks away at this point.

Favorite Royal Rumble Matches

I think if even though it's not necessarily the biggest show of the year, I think it's kind of the most beloved amongst wrestling fans just because you never know what you're going to get. And then it really does set the table for.
for WrestleMania. And we know WrestleMania doesn't necessarily always live up to our expectations, but it's always fun when WrestleMania season comes around and we start just imagining all the possibilities for the showcase of the Immortals. So we'll kind of make this a running segment over the next three weeks. Let's kick it off with talking about favorite non-Rumble match at the Rumble. So Marco, taking the Royal Rumble is at the equation. At the actual Royal Rumble event, what is your favorite match that's ever taken place?
Man so many so many good ones How do I where do I start actually I have one in mind already I'll let you marinate on it. I'm gonna have a Bret Harton diesel from where I'm on 1995 Yeah, like a hidden gym. It didn't have a clean finish because basically
damn near every heel on the roster came in and interfered multiple times. You know, Diesel got to hit the jackknife. Brett got to hit the sharpshooter. But there was never any clean finishes because it was so much interference. And I just remember as a kid being so pissed off because I just I knew after Brett had the belt stolen from him and from Bob Backlund, just a couple of months prior to Survivor Series, there was no doubt in my mind that he was going to take his belt back from Diesel. But sure enough, you know, Diesel ended up having the belt for almost a year.
So definitely go back and check that one out if you have not seen that that's Brett Hart versus diesel at the 1995 World War So Marco, what's your choice? Yeah, you know what? I'm gonna go with a We go back to 1998 Shawn Michaels versus Undertaker casket man. Oh great choice. Yeah Obviously, that's a match where you know, Shawn Michaels destroyed his back pretty much But other than that bump is brutal man when he gets the back body dropper which I broke it comes right down on the edge of the casket and
Yeah, it was at the time where like, you know, Undertaker was having his like annual casket matches. Yeah. So, you know, Shawn Michaels is just the next participant in that, but that was the first of many great Shawn Michaels Undertaker matches. Yeah, everyone else. It ties into our last topic also, because you remember that ended with Kane setting the entire casket on fire. Yeah, that's right. With Undertaker inside of it.
yep, yep, exactly. So, uh, yeah, it's, uh, you know, everyone talks about, you know, the WrestleMania matches with, with Undertaker and, uh, Shawn Michaels. But if you go back, I guess it's a 1998.
You get to see, even obviously the Hell in the Cell match that they had too. They've always had great matches together. But yeah, as a Royal Rumble, a non-Royal Rumble match at Royal Rumble, I'm gonna pick this one. Yeah, my favorite spot in that match is when Undertaker hits that jumping tombstone into the casket. Oh my god, so good. That was freaking awesome. Yeah, when he did that, I was like, okay, it's over. Undertaker's gonna be the champ. But yeah, cheer it up. Cole Kane comes out to screw him over. All right, so with that, we will move into...

Go Figure Segment Introduction

Here comes the money!
It is time for everybody's favorite segment of the Chick Foley show, Go Figure. This is where we cover all the latest in Wrestling Figure news and talk about the latest additions to our Wrestling Figure collections. The segment is brought to you by our good friends at Ringside Collectibles. Make sure you guys are using code CHICKFOLY for 10% off all your purchase.
Marco, take us away with figure news. All right. So we'll start off with our ringside news. Obviously, use Goldchick fully for 10% off your order when you do use ringside collectibles to order your figures. They've pretty much, I'm going to say this, they've been like the heroes for me up in the East because like every Target, every Walmart, bone dry, nothing coming in at all. So they've been a huge help.
and keep it up with all the latest and greatest and all the figures and stuff like that. So if you're not using

New Wrestling Figure Releases

them. Yeah, our target had zero. Nothing. Zero wrestling figures. All of Mother Hubbard's covered. Yeah. Not a single basic. Nothing.
Yeah, it's bad. They definitely huge help them. Always on their perusing around, see what the deals are, what's in stock, what's out of stock, and stuff like that. Definitely use them if you're not using them. They are a huge help in these trying times. I'm excited. While we were away, Arrival Savings 3 started shipping out if you ordered it.
when it popped up. Right now, it's not in stock. It's still up for pre-order, and there's only one figure left, and that is Orange Cassidy, so there's nothing available on the great side right now. Oh yeah, definitely. I think he's going to be the popular out of that group just because of the uniqueness of the hands of the pockets and
It's cool. So you said you got yours right not we don't jump the gun a week versus but yours is in-house. Oh Yeah, it's ours is stuck in Hagerstown, Maryland at FedEx been there since Thursday So we've opened up open a case with FedEx. They keep reassuring me that the package is definitely there and it's just
He said, oh, it's the guy that got today was like, oh, it's safe and sound. We have it, sir. And it was like, well, why do you have it? Why is it not? If you can see it, why are you not sending it? My concern is this thing is lost. You know, they're lucky it's three hours away. If it was a little bit closer, I'd probably just drive out there myself and try to get it. But but continue. What else we got new at ringside? Yeah. So, yeah, we'll get to this after. But yeah, the Bucks are great. They look better than the first series. They'll say that much of details ten times better. But
Yeah, so we also for install for that. Yeah.
So for WWE, we actually have, the Elite 83 is actually in stock right now too, so that's what- You get that dusty figure. Yeah, definitely dusty. Sasha Banks, Baron Corbin, if you feel like Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre, both Edge figures, so the Chase and the regular series were an awesome, awesome set there, as well as our series 115 and 116, so the basics of both of those are in stock as well.
Yeah, that's pretty much it for for the ring. I really hope we get an elite of that set They got it's the sets from survivor series 2019 news in the Chicago Bulls gear. I really read pants. Yeah, I hope we get an elite of that. That was a cool Yeah, that's pretty I was that was that part of the fan takeover? Choices or no it was it was but of course people picked the the WrestleMania 35 lip when we already have an almost identical set thrones elite
Yeah, exactly. Now you're going to have that figure with gold stripes and yellow stripes. Way to go, fan takeover voters. I know.
I know we're going to talk more about that line later. That's probably my least favorite line that Mattel has for sure. Oh, geez. But yeah, so we'll get into some just offbeat news. So friend of the show, Jeremy Padour. So he teased on Twitter that he's going to start Revealing Picks of series four, unrivaled series four, as well as UFC, the scaled
Yeah, the one time scale with the elites and AWW figures. And I think my mind's like, my memory's like horrible. I think like last year or the year before, they mentioned what was it to be in that line. I believe Connor McGregor is definitely going to be back again. Yeah, they released some artwork. Connor's definitely in there. I want to say Amanda Nunes is in there also. She's the first chick in UFC video. And it was one more dude that I wasn't really familiar with.
I need Connor, I definitely need a Connor McGregor rubbing shoulders with my elites and my AW figures. I really want a Khabib, you know, that I used to not like, but he grew on me the more I watched him and learned about him. I think Khabib is legit the Michael Jordan of MMA. I think he's the best that's ever done it. This is ever going to do it. And if we got a Khabib in scale with the big blonde afro, I think that would be a
a really cool figure. The thing I want most though in this line, more than any individual figure, I want a scale octagon. I think that would be so awesome to play with, you know, play with the USC guys, but also play with the wrestlers and you know, you can recreate the, uh, the lion's den match between Ken Shamrock and Owen Hart from, uh, from summer slam all those years ago. Uh, but yeah, I think a scale octagon would be awesome. And I think it would sell really well if they, uh, they dropped that.
Did Matt Riddle have an Octagon match recently? It was some sort of weird cage, wasn't it? They had the, was it the fight pit? It was like a pit, yeah. It's coming out, they're having one next week, Champa and Thatcher are fighting the fight pit next week also. Yeah, I can't wait for that. Yeah, so looking forward to the scale UFC figures and obviously I have no doubt that AEW series four is gonna be great. My most wanted for those, I need some Jurassic Express.
I need Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, especially. I'll take Marco, but I definitely, no offense, are Marco. I'll take Marco if they drop him, but I really want Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy. I love Marco. Marco gets a lot of hate. Not our Marco again, but Marco, Marco's done. I don't think you do, man. I think you like hater-proof. Yeah. If anybody hates on Marco, you just jinx me tomorrow. Who's your most wanted in AEW series four?
I was going to say Jurassic Express, but you took that from me. Okay. So maybe an Abaddon. That'd be kind of cool. Yeah. Even though she's like, you know, not, I don't really love her style of wrestling or anything, but, uh, the figure would be just pretty cool. Yeah. Mark, what about you most wanted an AW series for her? Oh man. I think, yeah, I think you have a go kashita, right? Um, I think she's doing, she'd be pretty cool. Soft goods robe with that, with the sword that she has. And then another, uh, another title or maybe not have the title, maybe
do it before she got the title and stuff like that. Definitely another lady, probably Britt Baker too, that I think I know they kind of joke about that last night. You got to have Britt Baker. Yeah, with the doctor's code and everything. The chick's name isn't Kishida. Kishida's in NXT. Oh, I'm sorry. Kishida, oh my God, geez. It's just like Kishida, right?
Oh my god, no, it's here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So my god. Yeah. I'm like, yeah, she will just say Sheeda. So Sheeda definitely deserves a fake hair. When you say Kishida, it didn't really, it didn't really ring out. I don't want to say the Kishida for some reason, but he definitely is an awesome figure. Kari Sheeda. God, sorry. Let that one slide. Yeah. I know there's like the hard, you know, Dave Meltzer, his head just exploded. He's listening to this right now.
Apologies to all the hardcore Japanese wrestling fans out there. There is an Elite Kishida on the way. I think supposedly Kishida was supposed to be the sixth man in Elite 83. You know, that's the series that only has five figures, but he, cause they're doing, it's a lot of unique tooling for his figure. And we know how a big shot bill always goes all out for anybody that's in NXT. And so they ended up just pushing, pushing his figure back. So yeah, we won Hikaru Kishida and Kushida.
Yeah, when he Cushida and Yukaru. I think Velveteen Dream was just the rumor. I think that was something that people just brought up. I think the only thing I've seen anybody from Mattel say is that Cushida definitely got delayed. So that's what I'm thinking. It was him. Yeah. Yeah. He got a thing too. He has kind of like the backs of the future gimmicks. So they probably got to.
trying to work around that a little bit, like his... Right, totally down a little bit. Kind of just like Marty McFly, yeah. Obviously, he had Neko come out with all the Back to the Future stuff, too, as well. You don't want those Hollywood lawyers coming after you. Yeah. Totally, yeah. You'd be able to make a killer custom, dude, with the Neko, Marty McFly pieces and the accessories and stuff. Yeah.
Yeah, but we definitely need Britt Baker. I know Britt Baker made a comment this week on her little waiting room segment or whatever. She was interviewing Cody and she's like, yeah, congratulations on your baby. You'll probably have an action figure before I do. I can make my dream intergender tag team with Britt Baker and Dr. Isaac Yankem. Yeah.
It's funny, yeah. What would their tag team name be? The Dentists? The Dentists, yeah. The Dentists. Nova Kane. Nova Kane would be a good one. That's a good one. You guys spell Kane with K-A-N-E. Oh, yeah. Nova Kane with K-A-N-E. Well, not in sports out there. I like that. I like that. That's awesome. Jeremy kind of poked fun at it. He actually made a video. I'm not sure if you guys seen it on his Instagram.
He basically says, yeah, um, um, their baby will get a figure before you. And he, and he goes, uh, I think he had like unrivaled series. I think whenever he put it, it's like literally everyone, uh, every roads.
Is it as a spot in it so it's like Cody Rhodes. Oh yes I did see that. I saw the image but I didn't read the I didn't read the caption I scrolled past the yeah but I it said yeah Cody Rhodes, Farrell Rhodes, Colby Rhodes, Monterey Jack Rhodes, DJ Rhodes. Yeah so it was pretty funny that yeah I kind of poked fun at it but no you did say that it is coming something's coming soon he didn't say what it was but who knows it might be a part of that um unrivaled series four she might be in that so
But yeah, so Rare Rumble, the 2021 elites are hitting target stores. Like I said, my targets are bone dry. I haven't seen anything at all. So I'm glad everyone's getting them. Definitely envious of all the people at the Warriors that are popping up.
We'll take a really awesome figure. Yeah, Jordan just found a warrior I just saw on the Facebook group. He posted a warrior. Yeah, we got the Royal Rumble series right here in front of us. Yeah, they look pretty- We'll go to the detail on their weekly purchases. Yeah, they're pretty freaking epic. Yeah, the Umaga looks pretty sick. I mean, the whole set, I'd probably go for definitely just Warrior and Austin, I would get if I had to choose. But yeah, the whole series is, I think, is pretty sweet.
Yeah, like I said, it's awesome to see the patrozones and stuff like that. The Umago looks great too as well.
Yeah. Uh, what else? Oh yeah. So this was a pretty weird find. So, um, obviously AEW, the, the unrivaled series figures are actually going to be showing up at Target.

Collectible Trends & AEW Figures

Yeah. There was a peg in my target today. There was a peg for the Royal Rumble. Um, obviously they were, like I said, there was nothing on the shelves. They were resetting everything, but, um, there was a peg for Royal Rumble elites. And then there was a peg for AEW. So yeah, there's a, there's a peg in our target, whether they'll get figures or not, who knows, but they're planning on it.
Yeah, so on the app, if you search and you do the filters, we're obviously out of stock. It's like every single figure, you can just scroll through the app and they're all available, even the change figures, they show them pictured on there. I saw that and I saw that they were a separate listing, so if those are no purchase, that'd be pretty cool. I know there's a pretty healthy target bot system in place, so I'm sure the
the folks that grab all the neckers will probably move over to these and snatch up those, but it's still always nice to at least have the option to just straight up buy the chases. Yeah. Yeah, it'd be pretty awesome if you could just pop open the Target app and be like, holy crap, there's a Chris Jericho Chase? I'm going to go grab it or buy it right then and there and go pick it up and store it. Yeah, that was a crazy find.
Over the weekend that everyone's kind of like there's a bunch of the videos popping up because people like how do I see it? I don't see it on the app Yeah on the search you had to have a lot of different a lot of different filters and stuff set up to make it work Yeah
The other thing too, so Impact, speaking of Impact, they have their pay-per-view this weekend. They're coming out with their own micro-brawlers, they're actually on... I saw that. Yeah, I didn't see them on pro wrestling teams, I think it's on their... So are they legit micro-brawlers or are they like a knock-off micro-brawler? No, they're legit micro-brawlers. It says micro-brawlers, yeah. It's like a fill-in line now. Yeah, so they kind of like how New Japan did like the itchy, itchy brawlers.
Jay White and who else did they do? They did someone else. They only did two, if you get the other figure that they had. Are you a micro brawler collector, Marco? I have not, only through the crate, pro wrestling crate, because they have one, literally everyone. And if you get the, they're not really micro brawlers, but WWE, when they do the gifts. Those are the ones that are basically in scale with micro brawlers, right? Yeah, so if you got the Undertaker one, there's Undertaker and Paul Bearer in it. If you got the Warrior, there's a Warrior one.
You know, Macho Man is a Macho Man, a King Macho King actually. Yeah, I feel like if I ever... These are like right in my wheelhouse because you know, I love pops and everything. I feel like in like little dorbs, if I ever started getting these, I would get really itchy for them though. So I'm not even opening that box because these are like perfect little collectibles for me. They really caught fire in the last year with, you know, everybody. That was one of the other effects of quarantine. People getting really into their hobbies and back into collecting and stuff.
It's a bad time to be getting in for these, but they are really cool. I'm a big fan of them. I enjoy seeing everybody's collections. I think Dougie Nunnia just completed his set. Yeah, he's got an insane micro-brawler collection. Yeah, he posted it in the Facebook group. Looks awesome display. And yeah, they do really look, they're really just brightly colored. You know, I actually kind of like, I think I like maybe like these even more than pops, you know, but we're so far down the road in our pop collection that we're just going to kind of write it out at this point.
Very cool, and it's a good way to get a lot of guys figures that might not normally have a figure. That's true. Yeah. Yeah, pretty cool. It was Owen Hart's first figure in 20 years. 20 years. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Obviously, like I said, I only really collect them through the progress like Kramer. There's some pretty good ones that I've got like the boogeyman I have and autonomy dreamer and
Coco B. Ware, which is a pretty cool one. And like, pretty great ones. Chris Herro, or Canvas Ohno for the WWE fans out there. That one as well. And like I said, with the WWE gift sets, you have those in there, which are pretty cool. The Macho Man one's pretty awesome, because it's Macho King. It's a Macho King kind of like Microbrawler, which is pretty awesome. But yeah, I wouldn't go collect them all willy-dilly, because I know
I mean, they're cheap if you can find like the pricing isn't too bad, but obviously there's the ones that are super safe prices. It's like the various stuff that, yeah, really, really open value. Yeah, it pretty much started with the Stompin Paradise ones, so Brian Myers and Matt Cardona, like theirs. And obviously, I think they kind of like started the firestorm of micro brawlers when
but they had theirs released. Yeah, I think they definitely put micro brawlers over. They put them on the back. Yeah, exactly. I know people were collecting them before that, but yeah, they definitely.
Ignited something for the the micro brawler movement. Yeah, definitely So we'll move on to back to elites. That's favorite line. Yeah Yeah, the the Mattel fan takeover the elite so so they originally supposed to be Walmart exclusives But if you like search on Walmart now, it says basically like they're unknown like are unavailable But the the fan takeover ultimate additions are Amazon exclusives
So it might be the whole Fan Takeover series they're thinking. It might just be all in the Amazon. I'm a fan of that.

Mattel's Fan Takeover Series

We'll see how it comes out, but I think we were kind of joking earlier that Seth will let him get into it.
But, uh, some of the, you know, some of the, the gear that was selected or voted on was, you know, kind of first. Like I said, they throw it up on So you got, I'd be willing to bet, you know, 75% of the people that are voting on these aren't even, uh, aren't even wrestling fans. You know what I mean? It's just people go on and click like, Oh, this is what set the word WrestleMania. Let me pick it. Cause you got, you know, like I said, you had some awesome set the tires. You had a Chicago Bulls attire. You had the freaking Thanos after all summer sleep.
But people picked, um, WrestleMania 35 when he beat Brock the new universal title, which was an awesome attire. I had no problem with that, except that the top picks last year was the exact same gear, just with yellow instead of gold from when he was teaming up with Becky Lynch. Um,
Yeah, just just they never make the right choice and I get it, you know, they try to just appeal to as many people as possible. The other ones people aren't buying figures, though. Exactly. The other one that really pissed me off was Adam Cole. So, you know, we have Roderick Strong, Bobby Cascia, Kyle O'Reilly and the Grey Camo and we had a chance to get.
Adam Cole and the gray camo, but they picked up some other random black trucks attire and it's just, Oh, it just kills me. You know, I wish they would just throw these things up on like the Russell figs forums, let the hardcore guys, the guys that support your lines vote.
Either way, I'm never going to complain about more figures, and I'll definitely probably be adding a couple of these to the collection anyways. If they're on Amazon instead of Walmart, I'm all for that because it's a lot easier getting stuff on Amazon than it is dealing with Walmart. Just look at it with a nightmare of a decade of domination life has been so far. Yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely.
You also have Shayna Baszler, she's a part of that set, and Ricky the Dragon's Steamboat, which pretty much looks like the Legends series. The Shayna comes with an improved NXT Women's Championship, the last one that she came with. It's just the men's title. It's basically just like the men's title. This one actually looks like the women's, so that's the hook for that figure. Yeah, much better. Like I said, probably more focused on the
The the ricky see bow because obviously like you said if you missed out on the on the legend series ricky see bone you don't want to pay those crazy high prices for it you can get this one and kind of be satisfied with it because it's Almost identical to that one. We're like that so I mean the packaging looks pretty cool, too If you see like the the packaging yeah, I like yeah, it's like a blue and like yellow attire like your box art I like the box art. Yeah, yeah, cool MOC for sure. Yeah, Ricky Ricky comes with the out there to carnal title, too
as well. So that's pretty cool. The Shane of Basil is pretty awesome. I mean, I like it. I mean, like you said, the Seth Rollins is kind of like a, uh, the dud out of those actually too. Um, but yeah, I mean, I'm semi excited for it. We'll see how this series goes. I mean, it's the first one. Obviously the second one might be a little bit better, hopefully. Um, but that's, uh, that's it. That's it for our news.
All right, we ready to roll the weekly purchases? Yeah, let's

Weekly Wrestling Figure Purchases

go. Yeah, let's do it. What did you buy this week, Seth? All right, so yeah, I actually had a huge week because everything was jammed up there in the second half of December, and then we left to Kentucky for two weeks. Plus, I was buying stuff while I was there. So I really kind of got like three weeks in one. I know, Marco, you said you had a pretty heavy week also, right? Oh, probably not as heavy as yours, but pretty heavy.
Okay, let's, what if we just kind of alternate back and forth. I'm sure we probably have some of the same stuff. So maybe I'll kick it off and then I'll toss over to you, man. We'll just kind of go back and forth from these. You want to do it like that this week? Sweet. All right, so yeah, I'll start off with our AEW haul. So we got series two. We had one set that came in the mail and then we actually picked up another set for the Foley family at Walmart.
Then we also got the UK exclusive Cody figure that came with the ring That came from our buddy Phil done it in the UK via Marco He shipped Marco on the ring also, so he shipped Marco the ring and the figure I let Phil keep my ring I just wanted the figure Marco did you was did you just straight-up take what Phil had sent you as tossed another box and send it over or did you do any? Did you put any TLC on that?
Oh, no, I put I put TLC on it. He actually. OK, I was going to say, yeah, hats off to you for the I felt guilty because I know most time when we ship up figures to you, I'll make sure they're packed in the box type. That's funny. This thing was a primo packaging job. Like you would have thought this thing had like, you know, secret service escort on it. Double wrap, taped up everything. Like I felt like I was even though it was already unboxed, I felt like I was unboxing it again because this was so nicely packed. So hats off to you. Thanks for Phil for getting it across the Atlantic. And Marco, thank you for getting it down.
the east coast. AW series two, we love these figures. They're great. The Lucha Brothers look awesome. These figures, every single one of them looked better in hand than it did online. I was so excited to get them. Nothing was a letdown.
They look great. I hope we're not doing too much. I'm actually considering buying like a 112 scale horse to go with that Hangman Adam page. I think that would look so epic on my head. I mean, yeah, why not? My figure display. So yeah, I'm gonna get on eBay after we get down here and see if I find that articulated 112 scale horse. So yeah, that was my AWW haul.

AEW Series 3 Improvements

I was hoping to have series three here by now, but again, my series three is stuck about three hours north in Maryland. So Marco, what's your first purchase this week?
Yeah, so we'll continue with AEW, receive the AEW Series 3. Each series gets better and better. I don't think I've been disappointed yet with the series. This one in particular, since it's kind of like a weird mashup of
of figures. So you have the Young Bucks, their second time of the series. Like I said, the face scans, the gear.
Like I said, 10 times better than Series 1, even though Series 1 is awesome and has significance. Yeah, 10 times. Yeah, so they just look awesome. You have to get them in your hands and just see what they look like. Yeah, I've heard a lot of people say that about the books, that this series of books is better than the last.

POC and Rio Figures Critique

What did you think of the POC figure compared to the Neville elites? I've heard complaints about POC and Rio. That's the two that
Yeah, I know that yeah, everyone's kind of Upset about like the head scans and stuff like that. I'm not I don't get picked too much with that stuff I mean, it's it's the first it's it's both their first time in in line essentially with with the series and it's these are Rio's first figure For I know anyway, I could be wrong. I
Yeah, you gotta give room for improvement on those I don't completely just kill like oh they could have done this they could have done that why don't they do this? Yeah You do murder. It's good. It's a good head scan. I mean, it looks like Jason Momoa more than a hawk I'll say so, you know, he was trapped in a trapster I remember he was stuck in the UK during quarantine when kovid broke out and
So he was the one figure in this set that he didn't have a scan. His is a straight-up head sculpt. That's a straight-up on this, sculpting his head. The rest of them have some kind of scan technology built into them, but his was a straight-up sculpt. So I'm sure we'll see another POC in the line sooner rather than later. Yeah, I guess I'd room for improvement. If you don't like the head sculpt on it, it does come with a separate one, kind of like Drew McIntyre with the hair in front of the face, so you can pop that one on.
not totally different. On a positive note, you just go that route. How's the AEW Women's Championship look? I love it too. It looks like a tiny version of it. It is tiny anyway. The actual title looks tiny anyway, but I think it's pretty cool just having that. That's the first time it's been in line.
It looks awesome. Obviously, the Darby Allen, I'll just lump these two together, Darby Allen and Orange Cassidy, probably my favorite out of that whole thing. The Darby Allen looks awesome. I mean, obviously, it's not the Chase one, but this one looks pretty sick. Yeah, even the regular one is incredible. It comes with a skateboard. Yep, Orange Cassidy, like I said, first you need this. Yeah, the jacket looks great too. Yeah, that looks awesome. Is he got his Daisy Dukes on or his straight pants?
Yeah, it's got the Daisy Duke on. Yeah, it's a Daisy Duke song. Looks like the Daisy Dukes might be painted on. They're painted,

Elite Figures & Custom Creations

yeah. It's not like a separate skull, but yeah, it's definitely painted on. Yeah. Then you have, like I said, Orange Cassidy with the hands in his pockets and the soft goods shirt and a denim jacket. Such a cool figure, man. Yeah, so I figured out the year for me already. I'm not sure what you can come up with. Only two weeks, but... Yeah, two weeks in for that. I'm picking out his figure of the year so far. Marco's calling it. It's the figure of the new decade.
I dare anyone to come up with a figure. Yeah, no, it's definitely the figure of the decade of the millennium, of the century. Nothing's going to beat it at all. You have to come up with something super unique to beat it. But you go next, that was it for now.
for the UW purchase cool man so i'll move on to i'll go to the elites alright so i got uh the british bulldog picked up his his new elite the elite 82 collector's edition awesome awesome figure it's so cool that it comes with Matilda um
We got two of them because one of them we're shipping up to our friend Alex Pierce who he's already got. Basically, Alex Pierce has from the waist up a dynamite kid that's waiting to go on the legs of this body. So yeah, he's gonna hook it up. Also thoughts and prayers to Alex. They lost their grandpa.
this week. Yeah, fully fan member. Yeah. Alex, hopefully you're listening right now. And this podcast is bringing you a few laughs and stuff to help you guys do this tough time. But yeah, Alex is an awesome customizer. So check out Alex Pierce Customs on Instagram. Really great stuff. He's awesome at, you know, painting up head sculpts and stuff and doing doing torso swaps. He put together our Brian Pillman Hollywood Florence custom a couple months back and it looks like it could legit be a Mattel release. So definitely hit him up for
And he's just a good dude, so. Yeah, he's a great guy. Do business with good people.
hit him up for your, for your custom needs. We got the Royal Rumble set came in. We got everybody except for the warrior actually passed on the warrior just cause I already have a ton of warriors and I wasn't really super.

Royal Rumble Figures Review

I wasn't super sentimental for the 1989 Royal Rumble Ultimate Warrior. And I didn't feel like that was an attire that I had to have. That's the first elite warrior that we've actually passed on. But we did get Titus, Umaga and Austin. Umaga is great. I think he's an improvement over,
the Elite 40 Umaga from a few years back just with the red. I think it just really pops and kind of sets off a little bit more than the black trucks version that we had. Other thing, attention to detail from Mattel, you know this is what really takes a line from being from being just good to being great is that this Sumaga here is from 2008. He doesn't have all his tattoos so the Elite 40 Umaga is like fully tatted up on the chest and stuff and if you actually go back to that time period
Yeah, he actually didn't have all, you know, he wasn't fully tatted up when this rumble happened. So it's actually tattoo specific. Would have been easier for him to throw on some red pants and some red paint on the face and call it a day, but they went a lot on it. And then the red face paint is epic too, dude. That really sets it off. Yeah. Love Umaga. Very, very toyetic. He's an awesome figure. And I just, as a wrestler, I think he's a guy who, if he wouldn't have had, if he wouldn't have passed away, I think he had just an incredible future ahead of him because he could really go in the ring, especially for a big guy.
And then the Austin, you know, it's not, we always say it's not a lot you can do with Steve Austin figures, but this is the best Steve Austin Elite we've had so far. I'll say that just.
Something about the paint on it, the head scan, the skull. The head scan is spot on. I mean, it's like, it is. Yeah, it really looks like Austin. I think they've actually, I think we love Mattel. You know, that's all caps love Mattel, but I would, I do think Austin's one of the, uh, the super duper stars that they've struggled with a little bit really capturing him. They always kind of looks more like a toy instead of looking like, you know, they just kind of shrunk down, uh, Steve Austin, like we've seen with some of their guys, but this Austin figure is awesome. It's the first time we've gotten a gold paint, uh, vest.
with Austin also. So you need to add this guy to your collection. This is going to be my new kind of base Austin figure and I'll probably just snatch up all the best from the other releases and throw it in with this guy and you'll see us start throwing up some other Austin figures for sale on the Facebook group. So yeah, get out there and hunt for
for this Royal Rumble set because it is definitely worth adding to the collection.

Custom Figures & Completeness

And then we did add one custom at 14 figs on Instagram, put together a New Japan Brock Lesnar custom figure for us. You guys know Brock when he left WWE the first time he went over to New Japan, had a little bit of run there, actually won the heavyweight championship, was a tag team champ with Shinsuke Nakamura of all people.
Um, and yeah, we got to figure that it's Brock in the red trunk. So I think we're kind of all set on Brock's now between this, the ultimate edition, some of his earlier, uh, earlier elites from his first round with WWE. The only Brock we're kind of missing now is like a UFC Brock with the beard and stuff. And I highly doubt we actually ever get that in figure form, but, uh, but yeah, great figure and shout out the 14 figs for the awesome work.
Awesome, awesome. I'll continue with the elites as well. You guys sent me the first half of Elite Series 83 with Edge, Baron Corbin, and McIntyre. So I went and got the rest of it, so Dusty,
Sasha Banks, and then the Chase variant of Edge. Has the two sweet hands, too. Didn't get the running Chase. So both of them have the two sweet hands, and it does look kind of weird. Edge throwing up the two sweet sign, and not Rock Hands, which is pretty funny.
But, uh, I also grabbed, uh, I actually, yeah, like, so I got a, I was one warrior away from actually, you know, I'm kind of three warriors away from like having all the elite warriors. So, which one are you missing? So the, so the only one I invested that I got was, uh, um, was that the legend series four with the, with the, with the edge of carnival titles. I was the only one I was like kind of from a summer slam 88 when he demolished the hunky talk, man.
yeah so that one and then the only ones i'm missing right now are the ones that are that are one that's out one that's not out yet so the royal rumble uh also a warrior that the obviously the our ringside exclusive also really come that's coming out um at some point so those only two um that i don't have that that would obviously that would complete the whole thing obviously i didn't go with the
the crazy, expensive, defining moments, prototype ones and all that stuff, the ones that are like a million dollars. Don't have those ones, but the regular line elites, I do have all those except for the, like I said, the two current ones that are out now. Nice. Also got in the mail, this is non-wrestling related, sort of wrestling related, but non-wrestling related.

John Nada & Wrestling Display

They live John Nada.
NECA figure from They Live. One of my favorite movies of all time. This is not a part of my quarantine and chill, but if you've never seen The They Live, definitely watch it. It is the most relevant movie. You can watch it anytime. It's the most relevant movie ever. Just for the messaging and the way it portrays how we look at products and advertising and stuff like that.
Definitely go get a guard. It is campy. It is an 80s movie, so it's not going to be the most... It's basically a wrestling figure. Do you want me to display this with your wrestling figures or with your neck of stuff?
You can technically, I mean, you can do both, I guess. I mean, it's soft good. I meet you with Super Shredder, you know, I never know whether to put Super Shredder with my turtle stuff or with my Kevin Nash stuff. Yeah, that's true. I mean, you could kind of like make like an in-between thing where like kind of he's in the middle and then he kind of like veers off a little bit. So yeah, that was pretty awesome picking that up.
But yeah, I'll let you go back to yours and then I have something else after.

Latest Collection Additions

Yeah, so I'll, uh, I'll go back to stick with Mattel, picked up a couple of basics. First time on the line, you talked about them in the ringside news, but from series one 15 and one 16, I got Tegan Knox and Dakota Kai, which are.
Both cool enough. Obviously, I'm holding out hope that we end up getting elites of those guys, but for first time in the Line Basics, placeholders, they're good. And then same thing with Humberto Carrillo. We got the Chase one. I like the white and blue trunks. I thought that popped a little bit more than the regular black and red version. So, got him adding those three to the line. In 10 minutes, the first time in the Line Basic, I like to add it to the collection because there have been, you know, a handful of guys over the years that we don't end up getting elites for.
For whatever reason, yes, I got really just now got a Titus. Yeah, I mean Titus has been around for the he was definitely the most overdue for an elite And then I'll move to I'll also cover Hasbro's and retro so I toss it back to you. So for retros we picked up
Triple H the retro with the purple trunks from from summer slam 98. I got the rock retro loose I grabbed the cella toys Nick all this figure from our friend JB toys, which Also side note JB toys and Zach Ryder finally buried their brief their their beef, you know after I
three plus years, you know, it was like the ultimate blood feud in the wrestling community. They've actually made up now. So shout out to those guys for sending a good example, a solid example for the rest of us that there's never any grudge that you can't come back for. Yeah. But the, the Nick Aldis figures cool. We also went in and pre-ordered the blue meanie.
it's coming out later this year and hopefully they keep this coming again the more figures the better you know we know zombie sailor toys is going to start dropping uh some retro style figures started with the major bros so uh just keep pumping them out there you know it looks like they got a tag team coming for series two and i'm hoping for the briskos and says that he thinks it might be the rock and roll express yeah we'll we'll see the briskos would be awesome but
Either way, yeah, I like what we got from Chella Toys. If you're an MOC collector, this thing looks awesome. MOC, I think it'd look really good. It does look awesome. I really hate to take this thing off the card. Like, it's just so sad. You could always buy another one if you wanted. I know, but still.
But yeah, they did a great job of, it's in a retro style, but it's different enough to where it's not, it doesn't look like a knockoff of like the Hasbro or Mattel look. And then we also grabbed a very minty set of the Hasbro Steiner brothers. So I don't know what the person that was keeping these did out of all, I spent the last year kind of putting together
a Hasbro collection. I'm not a hardcore snob on it, you know, as long as they're like kind of 7.5 out of 10 or better, I'll add them to the collection. But almost all of them have a little bit of wear marks. These guys like, I actually like was starting to question like, dude, like did these things get repainted or something, you know, like that's how close I looked to them. So shout out to the guy on eBay.
Sent me those because they were in in primo condition and then I got a mr. Perfect also I got the the yellow the yellow tights mr. Perfect has bro Yes, great great figures. It's always fun adding these things to collection and then I'll toss it back to you Marco Yeah, so to finish it off the last thing I don't don't figures I'm actually ordered from collar and elbow the the Brodie Lee forever
shirt, all proceeds, obviously go to his family, as well as I ordered the Shad, Shad the Beast, his shirt as well, because I don't think I owned it before. Oh, nice. Yeah, so purchase both of those. Today's Shad's birthday, I think, isn't it? Yeah. I think it was today or maybe it was yesterday. Was it yesterday? Okay, mom. This week. Yeah, this week.
Yeah, so I purchased both of those, as well as I did purchase see that tribute shirt that AEW did as well. I haven't gotten that yet. And that's also, that's through shop AEW. So yeah, just waiting for those. But yeah, those, obviously it's color and elbow there. Shirts are like butter anyway, so I know I was gonna get great material on those. But yeah, they're definitely awesome shirts. You can use code CHICK for all your purchases. Yeah, definitely use code CHICK on color and elbow.
And those are actually the first color elbow shirts I ordered. Oh really? Oh, so yeah. Yeah, they're good stuff.
Yeah, so definitely got those, and that's the end of my purchases.

Custom Belts & Subscription Services

Yeah, my last thing, not Figura yet also, but got a big bunch of custom belts. So from our friend WWE figure artist in Greece, he got us the Florida Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Championship, which looks really, really cool. Awesome. And then he made us a set of the six-man tag belts from the old NWA, which look awesome.
From Forbidden Figures, we got the Bromable custom rock belt. The stuff she's making is just insane. Very cool. She actually just started up a subscription program too, where you can just pay a subscription and get all the belts that she dropped. So that's pretty neat. And then she put out a set of AWA titles that we grabbed also. So yeah, hit up Forbidden underscore figurines to check it out. But yeah, her subscription group is
I think it's called the Elite. You can check that out. I think it's 20 bucks a month and you can get whatever belt she drops. So that's going to be it for Go Figure and we will now move into quarantine and chill.

David Arquette Documentary

All right, Quarantine and Chill is where we help you keep it tronchilo while we're all still on lockdown. Marco, tell us about You Cannot Kill David Arquette. So first of all, have you guys heard of this documentary at all? No. Well, maybe I have actually. I've heard of it. That's it. I know it exists. That's the extent of my knowledge. Yeah, I think that's about what I know too.
Yeah, so obviously, if you don't know who David Arquette is, he is an actor. He's a former WCW heavyweight champion. So let's say that first. Former WCW champion, I believe 2000 he won it, was it?
Yeah, yeah. So yeah, former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, David Archam. And also thespian, fellow thespian. He's an actor as well, known for his role in the scary movie, in the Scream movies. Scream series. Yeah, Scream series.
And they're actually coming, I think they're actually coming out with one next year too, like they're revamping it and I think he may be a part of as well, which is pretty cool. But yeah, so this documentary is basically, if you guys don't know, he's actually in the independent scene as a wrestler now.
So this documentary is basically about him redeeming himself or what he feels he did to the wrestling industry when he became the world heavyweight champion in WCW. Obviously he got a lot of backlash from fans.
Um, you know, why is it, what's this guy doing? He's a Hollywood actor. Why are you giving him the title? He just desecrated the world. Huge. Yeah. Hollywood actor and like David, our kid. I mean, I mean, if you obviously, I think most people listening to this podcast know who David, our kid is, but yeah.
This guy, like Weasley looking little nerd, you know, just comes in goofy. We know him as like deputy Dewey, who was just like, you know, a goofball in the sports, the Terminator coming in. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. If Arnold Schwarzenegger came in, like, oh, damn, this guy's an ass kicker. Yeah. But you have David Arquette coming in and winning this title. And it was just like.
the rated rumble movie at the time. That's what they were promoting and everything like that. Before he entered into wrestling and stuff like that, he was on the cover of Vanity Fair every year because I actually mentioned this on the documentary. He was on the cover with Will Smith. He was like the next generation of Hollywood stars.
an unbelievable.
stuff like that. But I mean, I think if it wasn't for Courtney Cox, David Arquette would have never like moved the needle for anyone. You know what I mean? But I mean, she was like a friend superstar and all that. I mean, so I think he definitely got a lot of rub from that. And this is on Netflix, Marco or?
Yeah, no, so it's a it's a it's well you have to purchase it. It's like on it's on it's on Amazon But it's like 15 bucks. I just bought it because I wanted to see it. I was very intrigued by it Because it he you know, he goes through his whole like, you know redeeming thing and then obviously go into the personal The the personal stuff of it as well like him deal with his demons and stuff like that too And yeah, you get to see him like actually in action I won't give away the the big spoiler about it, but it's a
It's pretty brutal, what happens to him. But yeah, definitely watch it. It's really eye-opening. He does, in the end, I think, get the fans' respect. In that sense, for me anyway, from what I've seen him do on the Indies and stuff like that, he is a legit wrestler now. He's actually pretty decent. I won't give it away what he did to get there. Quite a lot of death matches and stuff, yeah.
Yeah, a lot of death matches. They do like highlight some of that stuff. And, you know, you do get a jungle boys on there. There's a lot of different cameos and stuff like that. Actually, most of it's in California, right? He's big on like the California independent scene.
Yeah. And, um, Courtney Cox does make to the parents on it as well. She does. She does get interviewed for it. So like pretty much everyone that's in his life, um, is in, is in this documentary at that point. And you know, they talk about obviously, you know, that he's crazy for doing all this stuff and him being, he's old. He's not, he's not a young guy. Um, he is in great shape and stuff like that too, but we had to definitely watch it. It's, uh, if you're a wrestling fan deal, I think you definitely enjoy it.
All right. You cannot kill David Arquette on Amazon. All right. So, uh, for mine, this is something we wanted to get into last week, but we were running a little bit short on time. Uh, we ran a little bit long on the, between the wrestling news and, uh, go figure, uh, NFL playoffs are kicked off. I don't know about you guys, but for me, NFL playoffs are definitely my single favorite sporting event of the year. I love football. I've always loved football.

NFL Playoff Predictions

And once you get to the playoffs, it's just super intense, you know, it's single game elimination. I just, I really think it's the best post season.
in all of sports. And we're now down to the final eight teams. So in the NFC, we got the Bucks and Saints, and then the Packers and Rams. So in the AFC, we got the Bills and Ravens and the Chiefs and Browns. So Marco, I'll kick it to you first. What is your Super Bowl prediction? Ooh. Ah. Let's see. I think I'm going to... I'm going to have my own Chiefs.
Bucks in the Super Bowl. I agree. That's actually my pick also, man. I think we're going to see Pat Mahomes get revenge for the 2018 AFC Championship when Brady got the best of them there in Kansas City. I think Pat Mahomes is going to take out Brady once and for all. And we'll see the Chiefs be the first team since the 2003, 2004 Patriots to win back-to-back Super Bowls.
I know you kind of really kind of taken a step back from your football fandom. She needs to be a hardcore, super hardcore. I'm talking like crying at the end of the season when the Falcons got eliminated. Yeah. It's so funny to go back and look at all of my like Facebook memories and like, you know, like from back then, I mean, that was hardcore and like my fantasy football league and like, you know, like shouting out about. She knew all 53 players on the Falcons team. Geez.
Their descent has been so rapid, and so it's just sad to watch since their epic Super Bowl collapse against the Patriots, that it's kind of really just turned her off football. And I mean, having two kids. Two kids? Yeah, that doesn't help. Yeah, it doesn't help to be able to sit down and enjoy a plate of hot wings on Sunday and watch. Shane, what is your Super Bowl prediction from a total outsider's view at this point?
I mean, I think it would be stupid to bet against the defending champs. You know what I mean? Okay, so we got all three people picking the Chiefs coming out of the ASC. And Pat Mahomes, obviously, you know, the best freaking football player in the world right now.
He's coming out of the NFC. Packers? OK. If Jared Rodgers is going to get one more shot at Glory. Yeah, I mean, I think the Chiefs are going to win. But I'll root for the Packers, for my brother-in-law, Tad. He's the biggest Packers fan I know. So I'm going to say go, Pat, go. All right. So it's unanimous. The Chick Foley show is all three picking a repeat. We're going with the Chiefs to go back to back, Super Bowl champs. All right. It is now time for Random Merch of the Week.

Bray Wyatt Collectibles Review

All right, random merch of the week is where we scour eBay and the other dark corners of the Internet to find you guys something unique, something that we haven't seen before that we stumbled across related to wrestling. So I actually found this one. This looks like it was something that came in. What does WWE call their crates? Marco, are they superstar crates?
I think it's the name of it. I forget. It's so hard to keep all these things straight. The WWE is official, right? Whatever the WWE's crate service is. It seemed like it was around WrestleMania time last year when they dropped the Bray Wyatt salt and pepper shakers. So yeah, check these things out. Slam crate. Slam crate, that's what it is. So I've said these popped up on eBay last week. I think they were going for $29.99, so fairly affordable.
They look pretty nice, you know, it's a salt and pepper shaker, so you don't have to worry too much about, you know, if this thing's gonna work good. As long as you have gravity and there's openings in the top of it, you should be good to go. But yeah, this is definitely something that would be very neat to add to your collection. Marco, did you check these out? Yes, I did. They're actually, you know, like on eBay, obviously, they like sell them like separately and stuff like that without other crates.
So I went and looked out there. I mean, they're pretty unique. Actually, I'm not sure if I'd order them myself or have them on hand, but...
I know, I mean, the feed has some pretty crazy merchandise as it is. I mean, probably one of the most, uh, merchandise superstar that they have there. I wouldn't be surprised if they have something else, um, quirky with, uh, with the feed and Bray Wyatt at some point, but, uh, some, uh, it's actually got some really nice, uh, some really nice packaging too. If you're like an MOC guy, you know, they actually came in their own little individual box.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah, these things are neat, you know, it is it is very random I mean like I don't I mean these would be cool as like little figures But the fact that they're salt and pepper shakers just really takes them over the top for me actually kind of want What will we do with these?
put salt and pepper in them and pour salt and pepper out. That would bring, that would bring joy if when you said, Hey, I need some salt on this, I went and grabbed my little mini bread. Okay. Brett would love these actually. Now that you say that he would love a little salt. Yeah. He'd have the most well seasoned. He has a little Melissa. Yeah. He has a little Melissa and Doug salt and pepper shaker right now. And he like,
He always like salts his food that he's making in his little play kitchen. So yeah, we may have to get him. Yeah, so there's plenty of these on eBay if you wanna check them out. If you're a Bray Wyatt collector, I feel like they're definitely a must have. If you have kind of a quirky decor going in your kitchen, or if you wanna add something there, just add a little bit of flavor to it, literally and figuratively.
There's a whole market. There are people out there that have collections of salt and pepper shakers. That's a thing. That's another demographic. Go add these to them. Definitely pretty cool. We're on a little bit of a run here. I feel like about half of our random merchants in the last few episodes have all been food-oriented. Remember we had the Hogan blender and stuff also.
Yeah, by the end of this year, we'll have your whole kitchen decked out with random merch recommendations. So stay tuned. All right. It's now time for the retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
All right, retro wrestling recommendation of the week is where we give you guys a match from years gone by to check it out. This segment is brought to you by our friends at ChalkLine. If you haven't, take a look at their Instagram. They've been showing a lot of previews of their kind of spring 2021 product. It's insane between the jackets and the shorts. ChalkLine is about to put a hurting on your wallet. That's looking like a main event WrestleMania match right now at ChalkLine versus all of our bank accounts because they are bringing the heat.
For sure. So speaking of chalk line, what shorts are you wearing tonight for a retro wrestling recommendation? So tonight I'm rocking the Attitude Air shorts. Yeah, these are got, you know, they got Mankind, DX, NWO. Got a little cactus jack action on there. So it's one of those where you just have a ton of different logos.
on their very cool shorts. These actually led to a big fight between me and Sheena because I was at work when these dropped and Sheena passed on because she wasn't sure. I kind of forgot about the drop and then it like came out. What was it you forgot? You said you weren't sure if I wanted them or not. That's what it was, remember? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, just get them. When in doubt, just get them and then we can always
return them or sell them or give them away or something. But luckily Chalk Line restocked this pair. They did a pre-order. They actually did a pre-order situation for those. So I was able to pre-order the next round. This was kind of like late summer, early fall last year when Chalk Line was really at a high point and like everything was selling out in like five minutes. Within seconds. Still depending on what it is, it sells out super quick. Did they ever do, they didn't do the new gin pattern like that, right? In shorts? No, just a jacket. Remember the new gin jacket? Yeah, I hope they do the new gin.
they just came out with a new bobby heenan jacket it's blue with yellow i love my bobby heenan jacket i had the original black with red and then we had britney socko she bedazzled it for us so it just it's like very true to the original and they do they have a new pair of bobby heenan shorts that'd be a perfect match for your jacket yeah i know it's gonna be so freaking epic all right uh marco you kick us off all right so um my pick was uh a uh a little bit of a throwback for the match you seen last night with
with Brian Cage and Darby Allen. They actually face each other in Evolve Wrestling. There's Evolve 74, I believe they face each other. I did not know that. Yeah, I mean, you thought some players do Evolve. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think they... I mean, I think it was 2016, so it's not really like a throw, throwback, but just to see... Were they in generally the same gimmicks or...?
Um, pretty much. Yeah. I mean, Darby Allen looks a little bit different. Uh, Brian Cage looks pretty much the same. He's jacked. Um, he's like 18 years old. Yeah. He's definitely, yeah. He's a lot younger. Um, but just so you can see, like the reason why they have like such a, like a great match last night is because they already had that, that camera streak going with each other. Um, cause they've had, they've had matches before and this is one of them here at Evolve. Um, and it's, it's actually a really good match. Um, and I think, uh, if you go into Brian Cage's.
Instagram he actually post a picture from this match and he says What happened? This was just a beginning what I'm gonna I'm gonna continue it tonight type of thing So he kind of like alludes back to this match That happened. I think it's not you can find on YouTube
I don't think it's on the network yet. I think they only have up to Evolve 124. I don't think they have anything before that yet. So for what I've seen anyway, I couldn't search it really Yeah, we bursted Brank nice. Yeah, I believe it's on YouTube or daily motion on one of those
sites, but yeah, definitely check it out just so you can see the beginning stages of this rivalry because it's been going on for not only like the better part of last year, but for years essentially.

Iconic Bash at the Beach Match

Yeah, some serious long-term storytelling. Definitely. I picked Bash at the Beach in 1998, DDP and Karl Malone versus Hollywood Hogan and Dennis Rodman. This is, for all intents and purposes, one of the biggest wrestling matches of all time as far as pay-per-view buy rate, mainstream media attention. As far as celebrity matches go, they actually pulled it off really well.
Rodman is such a character he's kind of made for the pro wrestling world just with all his hygiene such a natural heel and obviously he's very colorful you know again both literally and figuratively with all the crazy hairdos and stuff he was a perfect fit in the NWO and then Karl Malone was just a natural you know he took to he took to the ring
very quickly he looked like he looked very good in there hit a diamond cutter. And it's just an awesome match so much hype around this and I really picked this. I'll let Sheena kind of elaborate on it but we're actually we finally signed up for DDP yoga and we're actually going to kick that off in the next couple days and
and see how that goes. So I'll let Sheena talk a little bit about your yoga journey. Yeah, I do my own workouts here at home. I have a whole library that I follow, workouts and everything, but we wanted to work on our flexibility and I have yoga, but I think it's a little bit too zen for Seth. He needed something a little more
manly i think and so and so we got we got like the ddp yoga and now it's just like you know the app you know everything is streaming there's no dvds or anything like that you get that he does some dvd sets and stuff like that but we just got the streamable version it comes with the complete library so i'm really excited because
I'm kind of a brute when it comes to working out. Like I love to lift weights. I love to do like HIIT training and you know, high impact stuff. Um, and yoga is one of those things like every year at the beginning of the year, I tell myself like I'm going to, I'm going to practice more yoga. I'm going to work on my flexibility because you know, flexibility is good for your longevity. It's good for your health no matter what you do or if you do anything. So.
I'm committing to this with Seth. The last time I committed to a New Year's resolution with Seth, I ended up running a thousand miles in one year. I'm not a runner, so maybe this year I'll come out of this yogi on the other side. You guys, I'll be super zen by in a few months. It's a nine-week program. I already got the DDP Elite 36 Elite pulled out of storage too. He'll be looking over and says, we're doing all these workouts to make sure we're
We're staying accountable and doing what we need to do. And then I think Sheena's actually got a retro pick for us this week also. Yeah, since I didn't get to talk to you guys about the Rumble, you know, it was our chick six that we're going to talk about what our favorite non Rumble match at the Royal Rumble was.

Memorable 2015 Royal Rumble Match

My favorite was definitely the triple threat match between
Seth Brock and John Cena from the 2015 Rumble. It was one of my favorite matches. It's just like literally like nonstop action from start to finish like a 20 minute match and it's just like go, go, go from, from the, from bell to bell. It has a very strong argument for being the best triple threat match ever. Yeah, it's, it's epic. Margot, you remember this match? Oh yeah. Definitely. Actually I was going to pick that one, but then, uh,
I have one with the undertaker. Yeah, that's not a bad pick either. Yeah, your picks not a bad pick either. But yeah, I mean, we said we saw we saw so much freaking craziness. I mean, you know, John Cena did a double AA with J and J security. Brock did the double suplex and effortless double suplex with J and J security.
Seth Rollins had that epic moment where he went off the top rope onto the announce table on Brock, you know, did the elbow onto Brock. And I think this one really sticks out to me, not one because it was three of my favorites, especially at that time. Like I was a huge John Cena fan, huge Brock Lesnar fan. Obviously you guys know my love for Seth Rollins. So like Sidney Srigo head to head. I was like, I was like marking out plus.
This was the rumble that led up to my first ever WrestleMania, which was super exciting. Here I am watching the rumble and whoever wins the rumble is ideally going to be in the main event of Mania. It was going to be one of my favorite wrestlers. Super stoked. Love that match. If you haven't seen it or you haven't seen it in a while, definitely go back and revisit it because it is a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun to see.
Seth Rollins, like, that version of Seth Rollins, Mr. Money in the Bank. You know, he'd been Mr. Money in the Bank, like, yeah. The old Seth. The Black and Gold Seth. The Black and Gold Seth. Yeah, it's epic. He's got blonde hair.
I miss those days. The curb stomp was, you know, in curb stompier than ever. Yeah. As curb stompy as ever. You guys remember, I think, I think that really, so again, Cena, obviously Mount Rushmore wrestling, Brock is Brock, one of the best of all time. But this was really the match that kind of made Seth a legit main eventer. If you guys remember, this was, um, when they had the rumble in Philadelphia, I forget where Rob was supposed to be at the next night, but
maybe New Jersey, that's what my mind's going to, but you remember there was a big blizzard and they actually cancelled Raw, you know, it was one of the only times, you know, COVID didn't do it, you know, 9-11 didn't do it, but freaking this blizzard cancelled Raw and they ended up just showing the Rumble and then they showed this match on Raw the next night and then they had a sit down interview
with Roman and Brock and they had a sit-down interview with Seth right after they showed this match where Seth was kind of talking through the big moves he used and how motivated he was and I think that was another thing that kind of helped sell it as uh just a real a real star maker for Rollins. Do you guys remember that Raw when it was you know JBL was giving weather reports and stuff? I don't remember that you saying that I do not I do not remember that being canceled. The Ambrose was walking around out in the snow outside the building. I feel like I remember that now that you say that. They had they had a Roman they had a sit-down interview where Roman was
talking with Brock and Paul Heyman and they had a sit down interview with Seth Rollins. But yeah, they showed the Rumble and the triple threat match in their entirety on Raw the next night after the Rumble. Yeah, it's an epic match. I mean, John Cena hit three AAs in a row on Brock Lesnar. You know what I mean? I mean, that's like...
He actually hit it this time though. Yeah. Yeah. I thought for sure he was getting the belt when he hit that move. So that's it for episode 111, the singles episode of the Chick Foley show. She reminded the listeners where they can find you guys out on social media.
You can find myself at Chick Foley on Instagram. Marco's running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Um, and as always join our, join our Foley, join our Foley fam at Chick Foley And make sure you guys are supporting ringside collectibles. Use code Chick Foley to help support the show. Uh, Marco, you got any closing thoughts for us?
Uh, nothing, nothing insightful this week. I was trying to think of something really cool to say, but I'll say something insightful for you. You can check out all of our sponsors for the show and help support the show in the links on all under your, um, in the. Description of the show. So check it out on your Apple iTunes, all the things. Yeah, everything it's on, it's on Spotify. Also this check the show notes, you can get the links to all our partners and that's it. Episode one 11 is a wrap.