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Clash Of Champions Preview: Why Do We Have So Many F%$%*@ Titles?? image

Clash Of Champions Preview: Why Do We Have So Many F%$%*@ Titles??

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
We back!!! Phil, Sheena, and Marco preview Clash of Champions plus discuss how to book The Fiend for Hell In A Cell, KOTR finals, Ghostbuster figs hitting Walmarts, and so much more!!!!

Reunion and Introductions

Oh man, I missed you guys so much. I missed you guys so much. It's a chick Foley show. We're back. It's on vacation last week. I apologize for being absentee dad. Daddy's home. Daddy's back. Okay.

Parenting and Weather Chat

And the Jimmy's famous seafood studios. I've got the lovely Sheena Phelps on the line here. She's a, she's in a beautiful Virginia beach. What's going on Sheena? Not a whole lot, man. I am still
Solo solo parenting it up. So your girl is tired Oh, man, we both had some tough weeks, but we're almost at the end here. We're almost at the end It's almost fall here. We're getting a little leaves are falling. That's good
There's a little nip in the air. There's a little nip in the air, which I'm excited about. It's been a long time since I've experienced fall. Listen, I'm not about cold weather, but I do kind of like this, getting to buy a sweater here and there. I'm like, okay, I could get into this, but once I have to put on that big fucking coat, I'm all out.
Yeah, you have AEW all out. Just wait. Yeah, it's going to be nice and cold for the first time in a long time for you. We got Marco Dent and the MVP on the line. Our intern extraordinaire. What's going on, Marco? Nothing much. It's chilling out over here in the gorilla position. Enjoying that fall weather.

Wrestling Event Recaps and Toy Drive

Enjoying some football as well. It's a great first week we had for all us football fans out there.
Not if you're a Falcons fan. Or a Browns fan, but fuck them, right? Or a Dolphins fan as well. Oh, man. Sorry, Dolphins fan. Sorry what we did to you. I apologize. But it's enough football talk. We got other things to cover here because we actually just recorded a WWE, take a shot, AEW all out recap two weeks in the making with our buddy Mike Lanham. You'll be able to check that out on our feed.
at the end of this week, along with this episode. So we were originally scheduled to be for about a half hour. It went almost an hour. So we touched on all the matches. Mike was actually in the house for All Out in Chicago. So he had some good insight on crowd reactions and how bad everybody smelled in the crowd and all that kind of stuff. So it was a good time.
For sure, for sure. I'm glad to be back after a week off. It was a tough week last week, and then Phil was on vacation. So it was crazy because we had such a great week of wrestling, and then it was like the actual life week was so crappy.
I was at the, I feel so douchey saying at the lake. I feel like that's the doucheiest thing to say, but there's a lake here in Maryland that's like, we rent a house every year with a bunch of friends. What's wrong with going to the lake, Phil? It just sounds like, when you say the word fiance, it just sounds like you're a douche. I'm going to the lake. It just sounds douchey, but I probably drank 60 Micheloboltras this weekend and just beer pong and flip cup.
You know, good time, good time, but I'm back in the grind now, so. I was going to say, I'm not sure if you're aware, but Michelob Ultras are not keto. I'm not living that keto life anymore. I'm living that, like, just eating healthy life, I guess. Eating the balance, the balanced lifestyle. Yeah, the wife wants to do a plant-based diet now, which I'm not really, I just can't give up eating meat.
Listen, you don't have okay. Listen, we'll we'll save this for another discussion But there are some pretty freaking delicious plant-based foods out there. I was I was I was pescatarian for over two years and You know, I ate predominantly plant-based with some, you know fish eggs things like that So yeah, man, I can I can pass along to the wifey some really really good stuff for you guys So you don't feel like you're missing out and you don't have to give up meat completely But yeah, I do I do I agree with eating more plants and
OK, yeah, I mean, it's living that, trying to live that healthy life. But some quick info at the top of the show. We've mentioned this for a while now. We're doing a toy drive for Toys for Tots here in Baltimore, partnering with Jimmy's Famous Seafood. Set up a P.O. Box this week. It's P.O. Box. So my name, Philip Gentile, if you don't know my name, you probably are a new listener to the show. But it's P.O. Box 3203, Catonsville, Maryland, 21228.
send anything you want to there. I know it's super early. Obviously, we're going to do this in December as we get closer to the holidays. But I wanted to give everyone a couple of months, Sheena, just if there's any deals at Walmart or GameStop, any finally clearance stuff, anything that's still in the package doesn't have to be wrestling figures either. If you find anything you want to send to us, you know, we're going to make sure these all go to a good home. I mean, last year I was there for this event. They filled, I think, four 18 wheelers full of toys
for kids. So it's a pretty big event and we want to really do our part to help out the folks here and the kids in Baltimore. So whatever you want to send, I pinned the tweet with the address to our Twitter account so you can find it there. I'll be posting it to Instagram as well for all you Insta followers. Very nice. Yeah. I mean, you can send one fig. You can send a hundred figs. I don't care. Our buddy Zach Egloff showed up at my house the other day while I wasn't here and dropped off a bag of basic figures from five below.
Zach's the second contributor to the toy drive. So I'm excited to see what we end up with at the end of this thing. It's going to be pretty fun. I'm sure everybody in the Foley family is going to come out and support this thing because it's for a good cause.
For sure, for sure. You guys can find us on social media, obviously. As Sheena just mentioned, it's at Chick Foley on Instagram. The show is at Chick Foley show on Twitter if you want to yell at me and criticize anything I do. The email address is askchickfolly at Not ask Chick Foley. That will go to a different website.
Check out our Patreon page. It's slash Chick Foley show. Sheena and I are going to record something this weekend. I think we're doing what? The best wrestling finishing moves bracket. Yeah. Yeah. Saturday night. And I'm actually good. The wife's out of town. So I'm getting some Patreon shit in this weekend. I'm going to do a massive unboxing of all my new generation collection. I have, I think, 40 total figures between loose and still mint on card that I'm going to open up.
It's going to be like an hour long. I'm going to have some beers. The kid's going to be asleep. The wife's going to be out of town. It'll just be a Patreon exclusive episode. But you can sign up for it there. It starts at $1 a month. You get access to our Facebook group. And you can buy and sell trade figures with us at retail pricing and avoid the scalpers on eBay. So check us out there. We'll get to some more plugs at the end of the show. But let's get into inside the squared circle, Sheena. Where should we start?

WWE's Madison Square Garden Return

Um, so I think we should, you know, we got a big pay-per-view coming up, uh, this weekend. So I think we should just like touch on a little bit of raw and smack down. We went back to the garden, the historic Madison square garden, uh, this week for both raw and smack down. So that was, that was a really big deal. I know a lot of people were super, super hyped for it. It's been a very, very long time. Um, it's, I think what, 10 years since it's, uh, since raw has been in at the garden. Like that's pretty crazy, right? Why is that?
I mean, obviously it's the most, quote unquote, most famous arena in the world. But I mean, why are we not running that show? Is it too expensive? I mean, what's kind of the backstory of that? Because that shocked me.
I don't know, maybe the intern will have some insight on that. But yeah, I don't know why they don't run it at Madison Square Garden anymore. And maybe with the turnout that they had this week, it'll be something that they do more frequently. But it was kind of cool, because I thought it felt kind of special. And I think it just kind of added a little bit of something. As far as the shows go, though, I felt like they were
They were lacking a little bit of something. For go-home shows, I felt like

Stone Cold Appearance on Raw

there wasn't a lot of, I don't know, a lot of hype. I felt like it was just kind of like a regular episode of Raw. I mean, am I alone? What about you, Marco? What did you feel? I mean, yeah, it was kind of, I don't want to say it was lackluster or anything like that. It was actually a really good show. But yeah, it didn't feel like a go-home episode at all.
And also like a second part to the 25, the round 25 almost, to me anyway. Yeah. And yeah, I'm good.
Yeah, I thought it was really good. I thought I thought we obviously I mean stone cold Steve Austin I mean like he came out and just like blew the roof off the place. There's nothing Lackluster about stone cold Steve Austin. So I mean I just love seeing him get his pop Apparently he goes out there and he's completely unscripted and just does his thing And I fully 100% believe that because when he talks it's just so genuine you can tell it's just
the stone cold that you would get talking to him in a bar or if you were on his podcast or something like you can tell he's not being scripted. I mean he has like a format obviously he had to get Braun and Seth to sign the contract but it wasn't like they were like telling him like you know make sure you drop this and you know you say this and you say it like this. It's starting to walk total divas tomorrow night. Eight o'clock on USA Network at Go to town. Uber. You want to do Uber too?
Oh my God, if Stone Cold did a Total Divas promo, I don't know what I would do. That would be crazy. Speaking of Stone Cold impersonation.
No. Um, speaking of, please. Nobody make a sound bite of that. I don't think, Oh my God. All right. I'm gonna get the timestamp. The timestamp was 10. I don't think my mom. I need these hands. Um, but speaking of impersonating a stone cold, I laughed so hard whenever AJ styles came out and interrupted the contract signing.
and did his impersonation of Stone Cold Steve Austin. And I think it caught Stone Cold off guard too, because you could tell Stone Cold was trying not to laugh. And it was so funny him just impersonating him. I thought it was so great. I thought his whole interaction with Steve Austin and that whole segment was just incredible. And it was a great way to open the show.
Yeah, I love that. I love stunning AJ Styles, quote unquote, Stone Cold take a bump. We haven't seen that a long time. What I didn't like was the 10 man tag main event. Like that did nothing. Like you said, this show, I think you really kind of depended on the main event to hype up the main event for the pay-per-view or get you excited. That match really didn't do anything for me as far as getting me excited to watch Clash of the Night of the Champions.
Yeah, I don't think it did anything either. I mean, obviously they had their big beer bash at the end and it was a really cool feel-good moment. But yeah, it wasn't a go-home moment before a pay-per-view.

Clash of Champions Preview

Granted, I mean, this pay-per-view is not one of the big four. It's not a huge pay-per-view. Ultimately, all this pay-per-view is going to do is set us up for Hell in the Cell.
So, I mean, I guess it's okay. Again, I'm not crapping on the show because I thought the show was okay. To me, it just didn't feel like a go-home show, but I did enjoy seeing AJ Styles take a stunner and then get beat by Cedric Alexander, which I thought was pretty cool. He stuns AJ Styles and then all of a sudden it's like, oh, but AJ has a match. So then he goes up and gets beat down by Cedric Alexander.
Yeah, they're putting him over pretty well. I mean, they must have high hopes for Shadrach Alexander as a singles competitor, because, I mean, he's put over Drew McIntyre. Now he's being put over AJ Styles. I know they're not clean finishes sometimes, but, I mean, they got to be high on him to put him in these positions, so that's good.
for sure, for sure. Yeah. And I mean, and he always, he always shows that I enjoy watching Cedric Alexander. You know, he's not, I don't think he's a guy with a lot of like flash. I feel like he's, he still needs to like develop his character a little bit and bring a little something different to the table. But as far as like in ring, I always enjoy watching him. Um, we did see, uh, Charlotte and Becky team up against, uh, the heel, the heel Boston hug connection, uh, Bailey and Sasha Banks.
which still to me, like I'm a little confused. I don't know how you guys read this, but I think it was Tuesday night. Um, you know, jumping it, I had to smack down a little bit, but like Ember moon came to Bailey and was like, I can't believe you did this. You know, like people looked up to you, you were a role model, blah, blah, blah. Like you're supposed to define the division. I can't remember what all she said, but it was just like a baby face thing to say. Um, and then Bailey was like, you know, it's not about, um, it's not about them. It's about this title. And it was, she was kind of like playing like a tweener role and I'm like,
but last week you were beating down Becky Lynch with a chair and now you're kind of like this weird like in this weird middle ground so and she's fighting Charlotte Flair so like who's the heel and the baby face in this situation yeah I wasn't a fan of that I feel like they don't want any around SmackDown that they don't have you know the shoes on the same thing last week on SmackDown like saying kind of being like two-faced a little bit like just
If you're going to go all in on it, just go all in and make her heal for a little bit. And you can bring her back and have her turn on Sasha or vice versa. But yeah, I didn't really understand. I like to have clear cut people as far as faces and heels, but I guess they're not down with that life anymore. We'll see.
Yeah, I thought the tag match though. I thought it was really entertaining. I mean, I can't remember the last time we've had all four of them in a match together. You know what I mean? Or like in the ring together. But it's like the original four horsewomen of NXT. I thought it was a really cool moment. And I thought they did really well. And I'm excited to see all four of these women go head to head. I mean, obviously in different matches. But see them go head to head at Clash of Champions because I think we're going to get some really great matches out of it for sure.
Sure. What do you want to talk about on SmackDown? I mean, we forgot to mention Baron Corbin going to the finals of the King of the Ring. How do you feel about that finals match being on Raw the night after Clash of Champions? Do you think that's a good move? Obviously, they have a ton of matches on the card already. Does it lose some of its luster? And what are we thinking with Corbin moving into the finals?
Well, I thought Corbin since the beginning, like, you know, when this thing was first announced, I was like, Oh my God, if Baron Corbin wins, it's gonna be crazy. But I mean, the more and more I think about it, like, it's less and less crazy. I mean, King Corbin is like, that's the perfect gimmick for him. You know what I mean? Like, that's, I think he will, he will do it justice. Obviously, you know, my prediction
I don't think there's any way Chad Gable's gonna win King of the Ring. For me, it doesn't make sense for him to win. I mean, I don't think it does anything for him. I feel like, you know, I've said it several times before, the King of the Ring is a heel gimmick and it's better suited and it will do more for Baron Corbin.
The thing i don't understand is has anybody given a legitimate reason at all why chad gable is not a worthy competitor or contender other than just his height because like that's that's the only thing that anyone has said about him is like hey shorty or oh where are you at i can't see you and i'm like
That's not a legitimate reason as to why somebody is not a good wrestler or a worthy competitor. So I felt like I felt like this whole thing about Gable being an underdog has kind of been like very shallow. You know what I mean? Like I felt like they should have done a little more like build him as this like baby faced underdog than just be like, oh, it's because he's short.
Yeah, we could have used this opportunity to build someone up. And they've done the opposite of that with Gable. They've kind of make them look weak. Even like on last week when Elias couldn't wrestle, Gable was like, I deserve a buy or something. He wasn't like, I want to wrestle somebody. And I don't want to be just given hand in anything. That's how you get a baby face over. You don't have him just complain about not getting a buy into the next round.
Um, I mean, he's a damn good wrestler. I think, you know, oh yeah, I'm sure the point of this king of the ring is to get someone over and, you know, I'm not opposed to it being Baron Corbin just because everybody hates him so much. I just think it's, you know, he gets so much natural heat, but he doesn't need to win this thing. So we'll see what happens next week. I'm thinking it's going to be game, uh, Corbin, but, uh, I wouldn't, I would love to see
What if what if Gable wins and then turns heel like after the match kind of like a Daniel Bryan did I mean that would that would be cool I think you have to have a heel as the king of the ring. I don't know how your face, but Yeah, for sure and to answer your question about it being on Monday. Um, you know, I originally I don't like I don't know if I just made this up I was talking to Marco about this earlier. Um, I thought originally it was announced that the king of the ring um
finals was going to take place at Clash of Champions and then on SmackDown they mentioned that it was gonna be the following week on Raw. And I'm okay with that, I feel like it's a really good match suited for a post-paperview Raw. But I feel like with all the matches on the Clash of Champions card, but there's like 12 or 14 matches, it's insane. I was looking at the card today and there's so many matches.
I feel like it would have gotten lost. And Clash of Champions, it would have just kind of been like a little bit lackluster. I feel like it's going to get a lot more shine and a lot more hype being on Monday Night Raw. For sure. Anything else from SmackDown before we move on to our Clash of Champions preview?
Let me take a look here. I don't think there was anything crazy. Oh, we had Kofi have his like callback moment for when he like 10 years ago when he put Randy Orton through a table and then he put Randy Orton. He put Randy Orton through another table at MSG. So that was a pretty cool little, you know, a little moment history repeating itself. Undertaker opened the show.
Oh, man, I feel like they they should have had him open raw or something and then have Stone Cold do Smackdown because I feel like after you have after you have Stone Cold Steve Austin on Raw, like it didn't matter who followed him up. Like it was like it was not going to be as good. It was the opening was just not great. It was just playing. You're just standard undertaker fair where he's just like talking a bunch of stuff and you're just like, what are you even talking about? You know,
So I mean, it's always cool to see him, but it was cool to see Sammy Zane get choke slammed through the ring. But other than that, yeah, I would say it definitely fell short of the stone cold pop from the night before. But other than that, Eric Rowan. I was about to touch on that. Yeah, he cut a promo on that. I know. It's kind of crazy. I don't know. I didn't think it was horrible, but it's just it's very strange to me. Like it's like watching
I don't know, I don't even know what's- The crowd could give less of a shit about Eric Rowan. Yeah, this whole feud has been just- They did no favors, it was so convoluted.
Very convoluted. It was almost as convoluted as like the Charlotte, Becky, Rhonda, suspension, unsuspension, the whole deal last year. I mean, it was just kind of like, who did it? You did it. No, I did it. Wait, you're a liar. And then all of a sudden, everything comes to a head and all of a sudden, Rowan actually did do it.
so yeah I feel like the build to this was just very convoluted and no matter what the payoff like I don't know what they're trying like what in game they have in mind for this like is Daniel Bryan and turning back babyface like what's what's what's the in game here are we are we gonna get Daniel Bryan versus Roman Reigns um but yeah I other than that I feel like I
You know, this match, I mean, it'll be good. I mean, they'll beat the hell out of each other, but it just doesn't do anything for me. Bray Wyatt wrestled, oh, sorry, not Bray Wyatt. The Fiend wrestled in a dark match post SmackDown, which was pretty crazy to me. It was after, apparently I wasn't there, but it was after the 205 Live tapings. Like they announced that The Fiend was going to be wrestling the B team after 205 Live. So I don't know if they did that
just to keep the crowd around for the 205 Live taping so that it didn't look like an empty MSG arena or what the reason was for that. But yeah, the Fiend definitely, you know, wrestled in a dark match and got over on the B team.
What about, I don't know if this just came out today, I don't know if it's 100% confirmed, but it sounds like 205 Live is being nixed, canceled, finito, and I think all those guys are getting moved over to NXT. And I don't mind that. I feel like you can do, you can keep the title and move it over and you'd have, I mean, you have now two hours of Live every week.
uh, television for NXT. You want to have a title on that brand besides the, you know, the NXT titles that works out. There's some talented guys down there. So as much as a people rave about 205 live and it probably had some of the better wrestling in the, in the company. And it's just, you know, just having, I don't know why they taped it after smack down a raw. I don't know why they don't do it before, but that's just me. Um,
Yeah, I feel like it would be better better received if they did it before before the show, because, yeah, like after the show, I mean, even the with the Smackdown, I went to Smackdown here in Norfolk, you know, the the week that we last week when we missed didn't record the podcast. But I stayed and watched. But I mean, everybody else, we were one of very few people that stayed around for the for the two or five for the two or five taping. So, you know, Marco, you had a thought dropping.
Yeah, so they are for the 205 Live. I was actually reading about that too. Apparently Triple H in an interview about it. He didn't say it was cancelled. He just said there's a lot of the guys are going to be moving over to the NXT brand and say it was like going to completely like go away. They probably have their eye on a few guys in 205 Live that would obviously do well in NXT on USA.
I'm not sure if that was the same interview that he did with, um, when they were in, uh, and when they threw the Cardiff on the takeover card and he spoke about like NXT moving over to USA and like who's going to control it and all that stuff. He did it all those rumors of, you know, Vince McMahon taking over and stuff like that. Um, he said the same people that have been running the show are basically going to run the show. Um, that's not going to change any, any bit at all. So no worries.
NXT fans. There's not a ton of guys on 205 Live, so if you take a handful of them over, Jesus, you've already taken the Cedric Alexander's and the Ollies of the world off that show. There's a million other cruiserweights waiting in the wings to be called up by WWE, so I have no doubt that they have plenty of people just waiting for that phone call.
Yeah, it's more more wrestling the better so Well, I was gonna say some other it's a kind of outside the squared circle But I know you guys have heard of the Madden curse, but have you heard of the Shane McMahon curse? because
Drew McIntyre is out of commission. I recently had a minor surgery. Do you know what surgery he had? Marco was it? Um, I couldn't find anywhere what exactly he had surgery on, but, um, apparently he had a minor surgery is going to be out of commission for a little bit. Um, and also Elias has a broken ankle.
And it's going to be out of commission. So, you know, the, the Shane vortex, um, as it were, um, the midcard of evil as one of my favorite podcast calls it, they, uh, they're going down like flies, man. Hmm.
Wow, yeah. I saw that, too. They didn't really announce. I don't know what kind of minor injury requires a minor surgery, and it makes you out for a while. That's, you know, I don't know. Did he get a mole removed? I don't know. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, penis reduction or something. I don't know. But yeah, that's half his crew, you know? So we'll see. We didn't even talk about the amount of people on social media just hating on the fact that a shaming man inserted himself. I mean, that's like they did that on purpose. Oh my gosh. They did that 100% on purpose. Yeah, they definitely did.
I called it though, we were kind of chatting during smackdown and I called it, I was like, dude, we were like, who's it going to be? If Elias isn't on there, who's it going to be? And I was like, it's going to be Shane. And everybody was like, Oh God, I hope not. You know, and then sure enough, he's like, Oh, I got this competitor right over here. And he removes himself from the frame and then comes back in and I'm like, Oh my God. Um, but I'm glad he didn't go over.
you know so thankfully you know that they had enough wherewithal to not let shane actually win that damn thing and be shane versus baron corbin yeah uh let's move on to uh clash of champions here and um
As everyone knows listening, I am the Chick Foley prediction champion.

WWE Draft and Brand Dynamics

I have one title belt, one win under my belt here. The Chick Foley show is where wins and losses matter. Yes, exactly. So let's run them down here. We'll make our picks. And we were talking before the show. This is a hard card to predict. Number one, there's a ton of matches. I don't know how they're going to get through all of this in less than a WrestleMania time frame here, but we'll see.
For sure. There's a lot of matches and you know, like I said, the, it's kind of a weird, we're in a weird period of time. I'm wrestling right now. Like we're, we're not quite like close enough to survivor series for things to start like shaping up. Um, but we're like, we're like, I think this is just all it's going to do is shape up for hell in the cell. Cause really anything could happen here, right? Like, you know, sometimes you can kind of read it and telegraph what's going to happen and where it's going. But for these match ups, a lot of them, I'm just like, this could go either, this could go either way. Um, so.
Um, let's start with, let's start at the bottom of the list here. Let's go with, um, start with Alexa bliss and Nikki cross versus fire and desire for the women's tag championships. That mean absolutely nothing. According to Sasha banks.
Yeah, that is going to be a true fact there because I totally forgot Alexa Bliss even had the tag team titles. I'm going to go Fire and Desire here. Switch it up a little bit, maybe start at the beginnings of a few between Bliss and Cross and get somebody new with the belts here. I'm going Fire and Desire.
Yeah. I'm going with fire and desire too. I feel like they've, they've, they've had a pretty good build. Um, and, uh, I feel like, I mean, and they're a legitimate tag team. I guess at this point, Alexa and Nikki are a legitimate tag team too, but I feel like fire and desire have been together long enough. Like they deserve it. Um, so yeah, going with fire and desire.
Very nice. Next match on the card is going to be just lost it here. Oh, we forgot about Drew Gulak versus Humberto Carrillo versus Lindsay Dorado for the Cruiserweight Championship. Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that. Anywhere in the world. I'm going to say Drew Gulak keeps this belt and sends the people happy. Yeah. I hate to be two for two, but I'm going with Gulak on this one too.
Oh, I see a trend here. So let's go with the new day versus the revival. I think this is going to be a really, a really good match overall. I'm excited to see this. So, um, new day versus the revival for the smackdown tag championships. I think I'm going with the revival.
Well, OK. I'm going to say New Day keeps it here. So that's a little bit of difference. Man, this is shaping up to be a great Monday Night Raw card so far, these three matches. I mean, this will be a good match. I just feel like I've seen it before. I don't know if I have or not. But I feel like these two plus the Usos have been just interchangeable on speed down for so long. Yeah.
Yeah, for sure. All right. Moving on to the raw tag team champion belts, Seth and Braun against Dolph and Robert Roode to makeshift tag teams here going for the prestigious raw tag team titles. WWE, we're tag teams, don't matter. Is the lineage of like the original tag team belts that traces back to the raw tag team belts, right?
Yeah, it totally does. Not that it matters, but I'll let you pick first again on this one. I'm going with, I think Dolph and Robert Roode are going to dethrone Seth and Braun. I think it only adds suspense to the
to the main event, which is Seth and Braun. Well, Seth and Braun's the main event, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Uh, I gotta, I gotta go with you. I think this, this is going to be the match where they lose. They, there's a rift between the two. Braun turns heel or, or cost them the title and they get in a fight afterwards or they're going to fight right in the middle of the match. Who knows? But, uh, I'm going to say Dolph and Robert Roode again, when the tag team belts and, uh, good for them. They need a cool name, I think.
Yeah, what was it? I told you some other somebody on Reddit called them like Rudolph the red-nosed tag team or something like that. I was like, okay Yeah, but they definitely need a they definitely need a cool
a cool tag a tag team name because you know i'm all about that and they gotta like come out to their own like one united music you know get some matching gear um because that's what makes a real tag team right um moving on to aj styles versus citric alexander uh i think aj styles is keeping the title i don't i think he's just he's just got it going on right now i think this is a good spot for him um he's just he's just perfect right now with
the OC and what they're doing. So I think Cedric Alexander and AJ Styles are gonna put on a killer match. But AJ, Cedric's just gonna fall short.
Who did he wrestle a couple of papers ago that was also kind of a former 205 Live guy that he wrestled pretty well? That wasn't Ali, was it? Who am I thinking of? AJ Styles defended the belt against somebody. God damn it. Ricochet? Ricochet. You're Ricochet, yeah. That wasn't a 205 Live guy. But yeah. So he's done a good job of elevating some of these guys that are kind of in the mid-card right now. And I think it's a good spot for Cedric. I think he falls a little short here. I think they want to keep that belt on Styles as kind of a guy to
You know be an upper mid carder, but you know it would be interesting to see him lose the belt here Maybe some nefarious way and push him back into the main event because I don't know somebody needs to some like I feel like they have to Stop bouncing around these the mid card titles like they have to at some point Give these things back a little bit of prestige right like let let AJ give it a little bit of something because
Um right now with the icy title and shinsuke and all that like I could just care less You know what I mean? Um, I guess I couldn't care less is the is the proper? Furbidge on that but um, I just oh
I hate it that they've like pretty much just diminished these midcard titles and just made them absolutely not matter. Especially the IC title, which we can get to now. I mean, that as a kid, I mean, I remember, you know, Brett Hart and Mr. Perfect and you had so many great matches. Those were the guys that were, you know, Shawn Michaels and Moan and ladder matches. And that was the guy like, okay, this is the next guy up in line going to be a main eventer. And that was just guys that have like gone up and now they're back down a little bit.
This one should be good. Shinsuke Nakamura versus the Miz for the IC title. I hate the Miz as a face, but I don't know. This is a tough one to call because we haven't really seen the IC title on TV that much, other than like, you know, buddying up with Sami Zayn. I gotta think there's some title changes on this one. I'm gonna say Miz wins this one in an upset.
I'm sticking with Shinsuke. I think with Sammy by his side, and I think there's going to be some sort of mischief that happens and causes Miz the match. Because I feel like this is something they'll probably carry to hell in the cell. But I like what they're doing with Shinsuke and Sammy right now. I feel like that's the best use of Sammy Zane at the moment since there's not really a place for him.
So yeah, I'm going with, I'm going with Shinsuke. What if I told you that Miz's dad was in this corner? Oh, that changes everything. Right? Yeah. I mean, he's fucking intimidating as shit. That would also mean that Shane would have to come out. If we got a Miz's dad figure, I would. Oh my God. Oh my God. How awesome would that be? Give it to me. Give me.
Give me Mrs. Dad. Don't even put his name on it. Just say Mrs. Dad, because I wouldn't know who he is if he called him by his real name. Oh, yeah. He's got to be Ms. Dad, for sure. I think he owns a bunch of sub places. So give me a footlong Italian hoagie in his hand. We'll be good. Yeah. It could even just be a battle pack with him and Shane. Oh, there you go. Yeah, with his hands up, throwing the dukes up. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Mattel, are you listening? Give us a Ms. Dad figure.
If you gave us the Adam Rose bunny, you can give us Ms. Dad. Do you know what I mean? We've got like 40 horn swaddles. Let's give me one Ms. Dad. Yeah. I'm there for that. That's the SDCC release for next year. Roman Reigns versus Eric Rowan. A Roman versus Rowan match in a no disqualifications. Oh my gosh. This one's going to get pretty brutal. Punches, clotheslines, and forearms.
might even see a kindle stick. Yeah. Oh, there's going to be. Yeah, they put one under the ring for no reason. Do you think Roman is going to bring out his band of pediatric survivors to fight to fight Rowan?
Oh my God, I'm too soft for those things. It's like pediatric cancer awareness month. Um, and I'm like sitting here watching raw, just trying to like, you know, veg out and enjoy myself. And I find myself like all welled up interior and I'm like, okay, pregnancy and motherhood does not go well with pediatric cancer, uh, promos. Like this is like.
Yeah, I'm all about it. I don't think there's any way that Eric Rowan wins this match. No, for sure. Especially like I said, after after Roman did like that, because he did like not only did he just do the segment on, I can't remember if it was Raw or SmackDown, it was Raw, where he did the, you know, brought out all the kids and introduced them and did like that super heartfelt, like feel good, feel good moment. He also did like a commercial with with some kids. I'm like, OK, he's not losing. Like they're not going to let Roman the freaking cancer hero
this is too much right now
Lose this lose this match. So I'm going with Roman in this one I Am to Bailey versus Charlotte for the Smackdown women's title. I'll let you start off with this one. Um, I Think they give it to Charlotte dude, I think um, I
I think they're gonna continue to work on her, just her title reign, making her like the most decorated champion in WWE. And I think they're going with Charlotte, yeah.
Yeah, I'm with you on that one. I think they need, Bailey just is not championship material at this point. She does not get a reaction. She's, you know, I'm sure we might see Shosh. It would be cool to see Sasha and her as both, you know, champions on Raw and just kind of like rubbing in people's faces.
Uh, I think they both lose. Uh, here I'm going Charlotte to win the title and I mean, is she a heel? Is she a face? I mean, Bailey is kind of a tweener right now. Charlotte is too. It's just like, who are people going to cheer for in this match? I don't know. I always see Charlotte as a heel. I don't think there's anything baby face about Charlotte flair. Um, so yeah, that's why it's a little bit confusing because
Bailey's kind of playing this tweener role, which I know it doesn't matter. Technically, it really doesn't matter. I mean, they're all fighting for the title, but I think, um, yeah, I think Charlotte's going to win. And I also think Becky is going to win. And then Sasha and Bailey are just going to start this, like, you know, tag team reign of terror. I don't think they're going to go for the tag titles after Sasha shit on them, but I feel like they're just going to kind of pair up and, you know, try to wreak havoc in the women's division.
Oh wow. Sasha came back for that, huh? Yeah. Becky versus Sasha for the raw women's championship belt. It sounds like we're both going with Becky Lynch here. Yeah. I think they're gonna, I think they're gonna let Becky win and then they may have Sasha win and they'll have like a women telling the cell and have Becky or have Sasha go over at hell on a cell.
I'd love to see, I mean, we've heard of Rhonda rumors of Rhonda Rousey coming back. Do you think this happens tonight? Maybe she calls Becky the title or maybe I would love to see all four of these ladies kind of band together and do a survivor series match against Rhonda and her crew of testosterone fueled ladies with Shayna Baszler and those other two chicks. I don't think it happens at Clash of Champions. I don't feel like that's a, uh,
That's an appropriate place to bring Rhonda back. I feel like it's got to be bigger than that. True, very true. Maybe the night after, maybe it's a series or something. Yeah, good point. Kofi versus Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. Either way, I don't know what's going to happen here, but I think this one goes to a Hell in a Cell match. I'll pick this one first.
Oh man, I'm going to I don't know if they can turn the belt on. I'm going to go Orton as a curveball here. Yeah, I was thinking Orton too. I feel like I feel like yeah, I know I'm always team Kofi. I just feel like I feel like the feuds not over, but I also feel like this is the time. You know what I mean? Like they're not just going to keep having
Kofi and Randy go head to head and Kofi get over. I think it's, I never put it past WWE to put a title on Randy Orton. I'd love to see Orton with another stable as kind of a head of a stable with the revival or something. And they can feed with the three of them with a new day or something. Orton definitely has one good run in him. I'd love to see a heel champion more so than a face champion.
So yeah, we'll see. I don't know if that's going to happen. But I mean, I think these guys definitely wrestling at Hell in the Cell, no matter what happens here. The main event, former tag team partners. FTRKO, that's the name, Marco? Yeah. Fear of the RKO. Oh. Yeah.
Yep, it's forever for the revival. That's what the FTR is. But yeah, yeah, they did the hashtag FTR KO on a picture of all three of them. So interesting. Interesting. Yeah. So what if, yeah, what if the revival, you know, they get the Smackdown? I mean, didn't it's like complete like row reversal, right?
because then you get like the revival are going to be the SmackDown tag champs and then Randy Orton with the WWE title. And instead of like Kofi in the new day holding all the gold, it will be the FT RKO apparently. When you talk about this, there's been some rumors from different shitty dirt sheets and Facebook groups that I follow that there's going to be a draft at some point soon.
Yeah, that's what I've heard. That's what I've heard, too. And it's going to be a hard draft, like, you know, not like a not no wild card bull crap. It's going to be a heart, a hard draft for for each show, because I was listening to another show recently and they were talking about and it made a lot of sense and I hadn't really thought about it, but.
I mean, is Fox and USA, are they going to put over the other network? You know what I mean? Are they going to be like, hey, watch these stars on USA? You know what I mean? I don't see Fox kind of putting USA over or USA putting Fox over. So I feel like it's going to be
kind of seen as like two separate products you know what I mean as far as the networks are concerned obviously you know we're gonna see like intermingling storylines I suppose at some point but yeah I don't see them being like okay well tune into Fox yeah on Friday so that wouldn't wouldn't really jive too well but
Yeah, it is interesting that they need to do that to promote paper views and stuff. But are they going to do separate paper views again? That would be ideal. Because when they were doing that, it was getting a lot of people extra FaceTime on television. Now it's like the same 10 guys wrestling. And you have 60 guys and back in catering eating mac and cheese.
I'm all for that and I don't know how they've done it so many times so it never never lasts I mean Vince McMahon wakes up one morning and decides he wants to put three people on one show to spice it up Yeah, but we'll see it They definitely have the talent for it and I think you know you put you put Brock Lesnar as somebody on You know on SmackDown or Undertaker or somebody to get eyeballs and John Cena's there. I don't know you know I
Yeah, I think it'll be interesting. Obviously, I don't know all the logistics and the legalities of the network contracts and what the talent can do on whether the Fox talent can actually be on USA or vice versa, WWE still.
like holding all the rights to use whatever likenesses they want on whatever show. I don't know. Um, but it will be interesting to see how it all plays out because like you said, I mean, the brand splits have always dissolved at some point. You know what I mean? They've always got a little bit murky. Um, and things start to cross over and I, I, I'm just interested to see how they, how they do this draft and how it kind of plays out. Right. Uh, so what are we thinking? Seth versus Bron Stroman here for the universal title.
Okay, so I think Seth retains That was a sneeze that was not like that was not an insult now No, I think Seth retains here there is we talked about on
a couple weeks ago on this show, there was talk of the Fiend possibly facing whoever wins the Universal title here at Clash of Champions at Hell in a Cell. So I feel like if that's the case, I feel like Braun would be a more like, not, I don't know, a more threatening contender, I guess, to the Fiend, if that makes sense. But I also feel like
I don't really care to see Braun as the universal champion. I love me some Seth Rollins.
Team Seth. And they mentioned it a couple weeks ago. I don't know if it was during the Firefly Funhouse or when it was like backstage or something. But I think it was during the Firefly Funhouse two weeks ago that they mentioned like he was getting a shot at the title at Hell in the Cell. But they've never really talked about that. That was just something that was rumored. And it was on the advertisements locally for that show. But I guess is it now confirmed that we're going to get that? I don't think it's confirmed. What were you going to say, Marco?
Yeah, so I guess so they on the past two Firefly front houses they have actually kind of confirmed it but not really so like here both of them he ended up with I'll see you in hell essentially that was like his thing so The laugh the week before they kind of made in front of it because I don't think it was supposed to be known that that was gonna happen This week they kind of solidified the match actually happening Because they he did
speak heavily about Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins and like them being fake friends and them not really being together and stuff like that. So like they are, I think Monday night you'll know for sure that that match is happening, but they have hinted in the past too.
I have so many ideas on this. I think you could do one thing. You could have Seth win this and then have him fight the Fiend and have the Fiend come close to beating him and then bring out the demon Finn Balor.
Or you can just have Braun win this match and save Seth from losing and have Braun lose to the Fiend. I don't think you can have the Fiend lose in that Hell in the Cell match. You've built him up way too much. He's on like a perfect trajectory here. So I'm gonna go Braun Strowman's gonna win the Universal title here.
See, for me, I think that's too many title changes at once. Because like you said, if it ends up being Braun and Braun takes it off of Seth and then the Fiend takes it off of Braun, I feel like that's just too much. I mean, not that it couldn't happen, you know, and I mean, that's the way title changes happen. But at the same time, I feel like it needs to be a bit more meaningful. Like I don't want to have like the Fiend dethrone a three-week champ. You know what I mean?
I feel like it's gonna be more meaningful if he beats Seth Rollins in Hell in a So.
Yeah. Okay. So we're, we're different there on a couple, I think three or four matches. So that's good. We are 12 matches altogether. We will be watching a clash of champions and we'll give you a full recap next week here on the show. I'm torn on the, you know, it could set up to be a pretty good event, but I think it's definitely just kind of getting us ready, getting us over the hump to hell in the cell, which should be,
yeah i think yeah i think it's gonna be a long i think it's gonna be a long show i think we just need to settle in and just understand that it's gonna be um one of those longer longer paper views but it is cool i'm glad to see all the titles getting defended which you know is something that doesn't happen often um so it is interesting in that that um
effect that all the matches actually have stakes of some sort, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I guess it's a good time to do the draft if you're going to do a set, if you're going to brand, continue to brand Survivor Series as a, you know, us versus them, Raw versus SmackDown type of thing, which they tried to do last year, but everybody was crossing over anyway. So we'll see. We're shaping up here at the end of the year where things kind of are kind of slowing down before we get into WrestleMania season.
It should be an interesting show.

Go Figure Segment

Let's get into our go figure segment.
that our favorite segment of the show, Rachina, myself, and Marco, that you guys know which figures we purchased, which memorabilia, which wrestling-related items we've purchased over the last two weeks now. We've got two weeks to talk about here. So that's pretty fun. I say we start with the MVP, Marco Denton.
What you got for us this week, Marco? Um, so not much on my end. Um, just, uh, going around to the different Walmart's and, uh, scooping up the, the summer slam elites that have been popping up in my area. Uh, nothing new and no, like really any rocks or paths or, you know, like that popping up. Just said the ones that I found like a couple of weeks ago. Um, just summer slam. So float around. Um,
I did receive today the holiest of grails in my eyes. I'm going to keep you in suspense right now. Oh, man. I'm like I perked up. I was like, wait, what? So the holiest of grails. It is the. Unboxed media edition. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Those are the top of my collection right there, because you can actually physically see them being opened on video. Those are the figures that inspired you to start your Loose game. Yeah, so those are the That's the Holy Grail. That tag team is called A Whole New World. That's the name of that tag team.
Yeah, no, definitely. So I got those today. And that's pretty much it. Just I'm gonna look out for those. Those are go specific that are starting to pop. Yeah, they've been popping up. People have been DMing me. Dude, people have been DMing me with like, whole displays of like, these figures, like, you know, two whole sets. And I'm like, dude, what are you like, sending me the host, you know, like, don't just take a picture and send them to me, pick them up.
Um, but it is exciting to like feel like there's something out there to be hunted, right? Like I checked brick seek today and none of my Walmart's had had the Ghostbusters elites, but, um, yeah, I'm definitely on the hunt. I know there's several people in our Facebook group that are, that are looking for them. So we're all going to be out on the hunt for each other. And yeah, I'm excited to actually go to Walmart in the toy section and actually be looking for something for once. So I'm, I'm actually a target. I'm looking for the Sonia and the, um,
Oh my gosh. Who's the other chick at Target? Liv Morgan. Liv Morgan. Yeah. Liv Morgan and Sonya. And then I had Ghostbusters at Walmart. So super excited for that. Um, is that all, was that all of your merch this week, Marco? Yeah, that was it. Anything special. Do you remember when I was shooting on those, uh, Ghostbusters figures? I remember. I remember. Yeah. Oh, hardcore. Yeah. I bought one today off of a dude from Instagram.
Oh! Oh, thank you. Was it taker? Of course, it was taker. That's the only one I want. Yeah, but I'm sure it's going to show up here in like another week or two, but he's already shipped it out to me and I wanted to have it. I justified it for the podcast, for the culture. So I'll get that pretty soon. For the culture. Yeah, I'll get that soon. I did it for the culture. Yeah. Honey, I got to. I got to show. I got to represent.
I got a reputation to uphold here. So people are going a little bit crazy over those. I didn't think people would be super excited, but it sounds like they're putting up end cap displays of those and of the rock elite. So those should be plentiful, hopefully to people in the next couple of weeks.
I know Marco earlier today put up the BrickSeek number for if you're looking for those Ghostbusters figures, it's 1-5-7-2-2-5-3-7-1. He put that up on Twitter and on our Instagram page so you can punch that into under Walmart and looking for that there. Or you can type in 8-6-7-5-3-0-9. Oh, there you go. It works as well.
Uh, showed a screenshot of listening to one of our last couple episodes. You'd be entered. That's all you had to do. And the winner is Carl B Fitzgerald at Carl B Fitzgerald. He's a great file. He's a huge supporter of the show. So I'm cool. I'm really happy to see him win. He's always retweeting our stuff.
And Carl, I will get that shipped out to you. Slide into the old DMs and send me your address and we will get that shipped out to you. So Sheena, before I interrupt any more, what did you have as far as purchases?
So this week, no figures for me this week, but I did get some awesome swag from our friends over at Chalk Line. So I got the heel husband, they just launched some new Rick Rude of their mesh shorts that are so super comfortable. If you guys need some good lounging shorts, the Chalk Line mesh shorts are so
so awesome um the heel husband has like so many freaking pair of them now but i got him the rick rue ones and they look so so freaking dope um i love both of the patterns of their rick rue shorts so definitely check those out and i also got him the uh heart foundation hockey jersey it just got here today i'm gonna post some pictures of it on the feed
Um, it looks so cool. It's like the best, the best material. And then today, impulsively, I got an email from, um, chalk line that was like, you know, our heart foundation fanimation jacket is now available. And I was like, okay, PayPal. Um, and so I should be getting that should be getting that before long. So, um, I think that is all as far as wrestling. Merch, um, that I've purchased recently, but yeah.
some good stuff from our friends over at Chalk Line. So if you don't follow them, make sure you're following them on Instagram. It's at Chalk Line Official and they have so much stuff coming out right now and they have a jacket of our youth collection that are coming out. It's like totally
right in the nostalgia fields. Like if you're a gamer, if you love wrestling, they have like a garbage pail kids collaboration and they have a huge Nick tunes. Like I know this isn't wrestling related, but you know, a lot of you guys are eighties babies who grew up in the nineties and watching Nickelodeon and Nick tunes. They have a lot of Nick tunes, um, stuff coming out and then their, their October launches are going to be super awesome as well. So make sure you stay, stay tuned to them and let them legally rob you because it's like literally after you buy something, they'll put something else out and you're like,
Damn it, I need that too. Yeah, I've hesitated to get into the chocolate thing, because they have so much kick-ass stuff on their website. Like if you go out there, it's like the Rick Flair jackets, the Rick Rood shorts, the Bret Hart entrance pants that I was like, oh my god. It's a rabbit hole. Yeah. It is a freaking rabbit hole. Hence why we are making room by clearing out the NFL, the vintage NFL. Like we're like, dude, we've got to make some room somewhere. Like it doesn't matter.
the freaking North Pole and not be able to wear all these jackets. You know what I mean? There is not enough cold weather in the world to wear all the jackets that we have in our house right now. So we're clearing out the vintage chalk lines and making room for all of our wrestling ones.
Uh, the good thing is though, if you did want to order some items off of chalk line, you can use code chick C H I C K. And that saves you not 10%. That saves you 15% off of your order. Uh, so, uh, you know, save that, save them duckets baby. Um, as far as that's all you had for purchases, correct?
That's all I had. I don't have a ton either. My wife dragged me to Home Goods today. This is our week off. You have to be dragged to Home Goods? That place is awesome. No, it's not good. But I did grab some of these shelf organizers that I put in my DTOF. I'm going to tweet out a picture. But they're made by a company called Made Smart. And you can find them. They're like $7.99. I swear by them. They're like a three-level spice organizer type of thing.
And I already have the Hasbro DTOF up. I'm going to start on my Retro DTOF soon, so I wanted to pick those up. So not exactly figure related, but they definitely contribute to the displays. I stumbled, I talked about last episode, I stumbled upon a Mint On Card women's collection, so I added the Oscar NXT Elite from eBay to my collection. I'm waiting for that Sonya and Liv Morgan to hit stores to add those as well.
And I wanted to get your thoughts a little bit about which of the Baileys I should purchase. I went back and forth on Twitter with people whether I should do NXT Elite or whether I should do that Network Spotlight from... I love the Network Spotlight. I think that figure is so... That was what I was going to recommend for sure. Yeah, that's what a lot of people did. So I think I'm going to go with that and find that on eBay somewhere. It's not super expensive. So I picked up that Oscar.
Uh, over the weekend I was drunk at, at the lake house. I was drunk at the lake house. I forget what I was doing. I think it was in between like, you know, card games or something, but I, uh, I was like, man, I'm, I'm tired of waiting. I went on and found the, uh, iron chic, uh, retro fest on eBay and, uh, purchased it and the dude still hasn't shipped it yet. So, uh, buyer beware, uh, next week if I still don't have it, I'll, I'll put the dude on blast and, uh, recommend not people not to buy from him. He had like 15,000.
Uh, positive feedbacks. Uh, so I don't know if he's just waiting to get it before he sells it, but, uh, literally, yeah, literally the last 12 months, he has 2,633 positive reviews. So don't be messing it. Don't be messing up your feedback score, dude. Get that shit shipped out. Yeah. So hopefully it's, you know, he's on vacation or something. So it was a pretty decent price for it. And that would complete the retro Fest collection. We should have asked Michael in him about that because those things have not even been sniffing game stops, which they were supposed to come out by now. So.
I got that, and then I started seeing people tweeting out that the Retro Fest, no, not the Retro Fest, just the regular retro line, the Series 8 with Braun, Jeff Hardy, and our boy Zach Ryder were showing up at Marshalls and TJ Maxx, so I purchased a couple of those. I already have all of these, but for five bucks, it's like, come on, I can't...
whether I want to open them for the kid or like if someone ends up needing them I can sell up you know a lot of them somewhere purchased a bunch of those and I don't know if I mentioned it on last week's show but our good buddy Zach Egloff found me the Sasha Banks WrestleMania Elite and the Triple H WrestleMania Elite at like I think Walmart on clearance for 10 bucks so I added those
But still waiting for the Sonya and the Liv. Sonya and Liv to show up at Target. That's about it. We gave away the Rock figure. Any other news for stuff coming out? I know there's Ghostbusters just starting hitting the West Coast. People are starting to see those. So hopefully in the next week or two, those should be everywhere.
um one of our one of my instagram followers just hit me up from kansas city and yet there was a huge display um at their at their walmart so yeah they're hitting um you know i mean everywhere so stay tuned to your to your local walmart folks because uh like he's there's there's a couple different locations there's where they normally are in the figure aisle and then they are doing some in-cap displays i guess dependent on what type of store layout that you have so make sure if you don't see them with the regular figures
You check all the in caps too, because I would be ashamed to like miss it just because you didn't like turn the corner. You know what I mean? Yeah. If he, uh, that dude in Kansas City is, he can feel free to send me some, uh, some barbecue if he wants because, uh, good barbecue in Casey. Nice.
Other than that, that's all of our purchases. I know for random merch of the week, our buddy Marco, the MVP, has a item he wants to share with us for random merch of the week. Let's hear it, Marco. He's got some Clash of Champions inspired random merch of the week, so very timely. On brand. Yeah, so way, way back in 2017, Clash of Champions
was at TD Garden here in Boston, Massachusetts. And a bunch of buddies of mine were obviously huge wrestling fans. So every show that comes up awesome. We always go, if it's a SmackDown, if it's a pay-per-view, we try to go see it. So we usually buy the cheap tickets. We don't go too crazy with like the floor seats or anything like that. So we go there and we get our tickets scanned in the
A person tells us to go to customer service and we're like, what the hell? Why do we have to go to customer service? This is insane. We thought our tickets are bad or something like that. Yeah, we got scammed. Yeah, we were like cussing each other. We're like, what the hell? One guy buys the tickets and then we all pay him. So we're not sure where he bought them from. He could have been StubHub and they kind of faint. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, um, we go to customer service and, um, they take our tickets and then, uh, the guy at the desk is like, he's like, Oh yeah. He's like, your seats have been, um, um, they need to be, um, used for a camera. So we have, we have to move you and we're like, Oh, uh, that sucks. Yeah. So they give us four thinking, thinking this could only be bad. Right. Behind us somewhere. Dang it. So yeah. So they give us four seats to clash of champions.
2017, which is pretty awesome, because I've never. And obviously when you do, you get the chair, you get to the chair that you sit in. So I have the chair after the show, but there's a couple of people that left early. So my buddy like took like their chairs. So he was like, we're like walking around with chairs all over the place. But the cool thing about it is where we were sitting, we were sitting at the hard camera. So if you want to go on WWE network,
and see your the MVP live on I definitely will you will see me me and my buddy John he's sitting next to me we purposely knew we were in front of that camera because it would turn red or green depending on when
So if it's green, it was on our section. If it wasn't, it was somewhere else. So we would purposely jump up if something crazy happened. So you will see me, I'm wearing a green hat. It's a Celtics hat. And I'm wearing a Austin 316, but it's the Boston one. Because remember when he was traveling around that year? Yeah, yeah. They had a different idea, like Dallas 316 and Boston, you'll see 16. So I bought the Boston one. So you'll see me jump up. I'm wearing the green hat.
Boston 360 shirt. And I'm pretty much I do it through the whole show. So I do like crazy spot that happens. You see me jump up. You'll, you'll know it's me. So I'm on the network. If you want to take a while, you're a sis again, 2017. It's actually when you go on the network, it's actually the first one because I was the, um, it's actually the premier one that they show, like the main one, it's a Charlotte and AJ, they're the champions at the time. Um, so yeah. So.
especially through the tag match I think it was like a four-way tag match with Rusev day when they're super huge yeah like over that yeah they were doing crazy spots and I was like you'll see me jump up like crazy there was a kid sitting behind me and he was his parents again upset I was like dude we're on camera
I get the jaw right now. You can't have to stand up as well. Well, it's funny because a lot of times when you're on camera, they'll tell you to like hype up. You know what I mean? They're like, hey, I'm about to start like recording. Like everybody get hype. You know, they wanted to make it look as exciting as possible. So yeah, you did your job, Marco. You did. Yes. You did the Marx proud. Awesome. Well, that's that's super cool. Is that your only ringside chair?
Um, yes, right. Yeah, definitely. As I plan on doing the same thing would obviously would. SummerSlam rolls around next year.
Yeah I've never actually sat in the seats to get the ringside chairs but we've gotten several ringside chairs like you know by you know different sellers and things like that and then off of eBay and stuff like that and people through Chick Foley. The chairs that we love like we're like oh my god like we need that for the collection and he'll husband you know I have this beautiful like mid-century modern like like legit vintage mid-century modern like dining table and dining chairs
and the heel has been like moved out of this beautiful dining room and the heel has been moved out all of the chairs that match the dining room and put only ringside chairs around our dining table and I'm like
I'm like, Oh my gosh. You know, of course it's like, whatever, you know, we're the only people at our house anyway, but it's just so funny because I have this like beautiful aesthetic going through our home. And then Hillsman's like, those chairs are so flimsy. I like these chairs are way more comfortable. And it's like these black like ringside chairs under our like beautiful mid-century modern table. Um, that's, that's the heel husband for you. So he, he's like, um, he wanted to get enough to go around our entire dining, our entire dining room. So.
We have several ringside chairs. And they're super nice. They're super padded and heavy. It's a nice folding chair if you've never felt the actual ringside chair. So they're really cool to get those. You need a lot of padding if you're going to sit through eight hours of WrestleMania. That's very true. That is very true. But those poor people up in the freaking bleachers, they're like, holy shit, my ass is numb. What the heck?
But that was super awesome random merch. If you have any random merch, you guys, with a story behind it, we love hearing your stories. So send them in to us at AskChickFoli at or you can send them to me in the DMs or hit fill up and just make sure you use the hashtag when you send it AskChickFoli so that I know that you are letting me know that I can read it on air and share it with our with our peeps. So I'm going to get right into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week.

Recommendations and Merchandise

And since we were talking about earlier, the Fiend
possibly facing Seth Rollins or whoever wins the Universal title match at Hell in a Cell, I wanted to take you back all the way back to 2014 whenever Bray made his Hell in a Cell appearance in the Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins match at Hell in a Cell. I love this match. It was really, really good actually.
Um, it was when Seth, like, it was like my favorite version of Seth, like Mr. Money in the bank. Seth had J and J security, the blonde hair, like the whole thing. Dean Ambrose was like the most over baby face in the freaking company. Um, comes out Dean Ambrose comes out, like scales the ring gets on our scales. The cage gets on top of the cell.
And the crowd is just like losing its freaking mind. Um, and then Seth comes out and like sends J and J up there to get their ass beat by teen Ambrose. Yeah. And then Seth calls up and they start the match on top of the cage, which is like so like scary. Like it's, it's, it's so funny cause you know, we've seen so many spots off the cell and everything, but every time you see somebody up there, like.
It really just shows you the magnitude of hell in a cell. You know what I mean? Like how huge that thing is and can you imagine being like suplex through the top of the cage or power bomb through the top of the cage or like thrown off the top of the cage like through an announce table like it just like gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it but
they went off from like you know halfway through like you know they were standing like where the little rail is on half like mid the middle of the cage which is still like what like a probably an 11 foot drop or something you know which is pretty crazy so they they fell off of that but it was a really good match but at the end
Dean is about to curb stomp, get his revenge and curb stomp Seth on a cinder block. And as he's about to curb stomp him, he, the lights go down and this hologram appears in the middle of the ring, which was like very strange. It was very like, you know, save us Obi-Wan Kenobi. Um, and, uh, Bray, Bray interferes in the match and.
you know, the rest, the rest of the day's history. So I thought that would be a good match for you guys to go back and watch. And there's also a really cool YouTube, uh, segment two where Seth and Dean are actually sitting, Seth and Moxley, whoever you want to refer to him as now. But back then he was Dean, Seth and Dean are sitting down and they actually watch that match and kind of like go over it and like talk about it and stuff like that. So that's really cool. So, um, that is your retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
A great match on that card. Nikki Bella versus Brie Bella. If you want to see some just technical kind of like just real old school wrestling, check that out. Yeah, I think that was around the time that Nikki told Brie she wishes she had died in the womb. Oh, man. Yeah. Those were the kinds of jabs being thrown around back in those days.
We also saw Goldust and Stardust versus the Usos, which was, you know, kind of a precursor to seeing them wrestle against the the brothers of Matt and Nick. So let's wrap this puppy up next week. We will recap the
Clash of Champions card here. Well, we'll see if we crown a new Chick Foley prediction champion or not. But I also want to get a couple more plug skis in here. We talked about Chalk Line. We need to talk about our shop on You can find all your favorite Chick Foley shows swag there.
Just do a search for Chick Foley Show. Ringside Collectibles is the biggest one. They're huge supporters of what we do here on the show, and you can use code Chick Foley for 10% off there. I know the Elite 71s just started shipping if you pre-ordered them. Now they're available for sale. That Jeff Hardy is sick. You get the Elite Adam Cole with the title, a North American title, which is cool.
So check them out and the softest shirts in the history of the world collar and elbow brand comm you can use code chick there for 10% off and I get so many people shooting sliding into the DMS or Messaging me on Facebook saying like yeah, these are like the greatest t-shirts ever created They're so soft. I said yeah, and I actually wore a couple of them to To the lake house this weekend and people like what what's what's Collin elbow? Like what the hell is that?
Yeah, they're not your WWE shop fodder. Yeah, they're definitely like a cool, like an Under Armour type of brand. So support those guys. They support us. Check them out. Again, if you want to email us at askchickfoli at And if you enjoy the show, if you want to support us in what we do here, it's slash chickfoli show. It starts at $1 a month. It goes up from there to get some bonus episodes and bonus unboxing videos and all that kind of stuff.
We appreciate any support that you get. All the figures and stuff that we give away is all through those funds that we received there. So hook us up and we appreciate anything you can do. And that's about it. You got anything else to add,

Community Support and Event Plans

Sheena, before we get out of here? Yeah, I wanted to jump in here real quick since we're talking about our VIP Chick Foley fam and give a shout out to our homie, at Raw is Ryan. He's going through a really tough time right now with his health. He's just had some really
Crazy setbacks and things like that and we always want our Foley fan That's going through a hard time to know that we're thinking about them And you know we're sending you all of our love and if there's anything that we can do for you You know you know we're in your corner Ryan, so please you know keep keep fighting the good fight And you know there is light on the end of the tunnel man. Just keep just keep going toward it and
for sure we got a couple episodes for you this week man so hopefully we can keep you occupied while you're in recovery there so uh keep uh keep hanging out with us man we appreciate your support uh i did i think i mentioned yeah i mentioned on the uh the aw episode at least that i purchased tickets for the aw pay-per-view here in baltimore full gear
And if you are coming to that show, if you're going to Starcast or anything, me and some buddies will be doing a little pre-gaming before the show at a bar nearby in the Baltimore area. So me and DoubleClickFigs on Instagram, we started getting together and he's a good dude. It's DoubleClick, sorry, K-L-I-Q.
If you want to follow on Instagram, he's a good dude, good collector. We've been hooking each other up whenever we can. But anybody who's coming, definitely hit us up. We'll grab some wings, talk wrestling, have a couple cold Steve Wysers, and we'll find a place that's walking distance to the event. I've been talking to a couple local establishments, so should be a good time.
for sure. Cool. Enjoy, enjoy yourselves up there. Hey, you can still, you can still come. You're not too far. I mean, you'll be, uh, you know, you'll be two months from popping, but, uh, I do not want to potentially, um, give birth. That would be kind of cool. I don't know what kind of Mark would like deliver my baby though. So somebody that's does not wear deodorant would be like delivering your baby.
Like Luchasaurus, get out of here. Oh, you got a pop. You got a pop from Marco on that one. That was good. That was hilarious. Marco, anything to add before we get out of here, dude? Not that much. I'm actually going to the second AEW show on TNT because our second one is in Boston. So I'll be attending that one with some buddies of mine.
Um, so I'm not sure if there's any fully fan members that are in the area or actually have gotten tickets. Cause I know they sell low pretty fast. Um, but yeah, I'll be there to hopefully doing some reporting. All you, uh, fully fam WWE shills are going to the AW of this. What is this about? This is a, this is new territory, right? True. We're true wrestling fans. It doesn't matter what.
Brand it is, we will watch it.

All Wrestling Brands Support and Farewell

Team more wrestling. Full disclosure, I have been shopping for a Stardust shirt on eBay to wear to this show. Oh my gosh.
Would that be a total shitty troll thing to do? No. It would be amazing. And it's only going to be more amazing if you find the mask and the gloves. Oh my god. I can't even find it. There's like two Stardust shirts on eBay. If anyone has a Stardust shirt, I'd be either going to do that or just go decked out and like John Cena shit.
This is the best thing ever. Please, please do it. Do you remember when, uh, and, and Ace Ventura, when he like pretended to be like a little kid with pimples to get somebody's like, Oh yeah, we're supporting the brands, man. Come on, get on board, Sheena.
Oh my God. Oh my God. I might do that. I might just do that. Oh my God.
Hey, you bought your ticket. I'm all for it, dude. I'm all for supporting all things wrestling. All right. Well, for Sheena Phelps from Marco the MVP, this is Phil Gentile signing off from the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. Guys, have a great week. We'll be back here next week to recap Clash of Champions. Take classy, Marx. We'll talk to you soon.
Give me those hands, right? I need those hands.
Catching contact, hit your ride, go to Mars, everybody sing!