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Rockin' Out to Episode 44!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
26 Plays8 months ago

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga! As well as a review of 'Mad Max' (1979) & 'Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior' (1981)

Check out Episodes 1 & 2 for our thoughts on 'Mad Max: Fury Road'

Song Credit: From the 'Mad Max: Fury Road' Album by Tom Holkenborg AKA Junkie XL

Next Week: 'Godzilla Minus One' (2023)


Introduction to the Sleepy Games Podcast

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
The End
Hello, hello, we are back for another episode of the Sleepy Games podcast.

Opening Banter and Mutual Admiration

We are your hosts. I am James Games, and as always, my favorite, favorite person in the whole world, Sleepy John. How's it going, Sleepy John? Oh, buddy, that worm in my heart. I'm trying to do this, I'm trying to hype you up more than you hyped me up. i feel I feel like we're gonna battle now. Like, who can who could have ah better words of kindness for one another? i ah I'm digging this. it it It reminds me of that that but guy. I forget the actor, but the guy that he's like the hype man in A Knight's Tale. He's like Heath Ledger's hype man. Oh, yeah. ah and i know you And that guy's like such a good actor. I love that guy.
but yeah I want to be that for you and you want to be that for me and I feel that I feel it I want I'm gonna I want to work up to be the as good as that guy just on the fly you know like just yeah that's that's my goal um Yes, so for this episode... That's mine that's my season arc. that's get That's the arc. Hey, that's a good arc. That's an arc I can get behind, for sure. That's

Mad Max Universe Overview

an arc I'll root for. it um so So for this episode, we're going into ah we're tap into the Mad Max universe.
um I know we've we've talked previously on the show about Fury Road singing its praises as it deserves. That was episode I think four or five. I'll leave it in the episode description if everyone anyone wants to I guess get our review of Fury Road. Yeah, so we we probably won't dive into Fury Road that much in this episode since I feel like we we talked we talked it to death already. Agreed. But we're we're like we're very excited that there's a new a film in that universe with Furiosa.
um And so for me, I actually watched ah ah watch one of the older Mad Max films, I guess, in preparation. I've seen the original three. I watched the original three when when ah before I watched Fury Road, so so ah what, nine years ago? Okay. And so I had those very fresh in my mind when I went into that.

Review of Original Mad Max Films

so But I'm kind of fuzzy on it since then, because I feel like I've never went back to rewatch any of those films. And I feel like I rewatched Fury Road probably 10 times since it's been out.
Right. And so I definitely needed a bit of a refresher, at least one of them. So so I watched Mad Max 2. Okay. The Road Warrior. Okay, so before I guess we hop into that, I mean, I had actually never seen the very original Mad Max, and I did watch that, so... You did? Oh, wait, we should... I thought you want to start with... No, you talk about first, because it'd better if we transitioned... Well, that's kind of how it started, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so it's your first time watching that, so you can tell it's a very stripped down...
Mad Max like it's it doesn't even feel like you're in the same universe ah with with with this movie yeah so i mean like this like i someone had explained it to me i guess like years years back because i i'd seen the second and third one like quite a few times i played on tv a fair bit back in the day the first one like never did though so and i never ended up catching it ah But it's like it's basically the it's the tipping point where the world hasn't gone completely dystopian yet i guess it's like on its way.

Filming Techniques and Stunts in Mad Max

Yes it's the beginning stages yeah yeah yeah like like society starting to crumble and that's what like the first mad max movie is about.
but yeah it's a very you're you're right like it's very stripped down i mean you can tell that there was some budget constraints i feel like they had a similar budget to like army of darkness or something like that oh dude it's probably cheaper than that yeah it was like a hundred thousand or so i'm like i actually i i watched so like a making of or it was like a small documentary where george miller at the director was talking about how he had to like he had to pull things off and make sure like the ah Australian government didn't know what he was doing because a lot of it was like illegal I guess permit wise for doing certain stunts and he just did it and whatever like before anyone could could tell what he's doing like he didn't like shut down any roads or whatever he says like are we gonna film this real quick and let let's see what we can pull off and a lot of the stunts are like I think people some people got like seriously injured you know like are you filming this because you know these aren't like
Top tier stunt performers, you know, they're probably just like see that mean it was very it was very raw. Yeah. Yeah, that's it raw shot. It was very raw and it's like it Yeah, it almost looks like somebody, you know, it looks almost like a movie somebody would made in the early 2000s You know what I mean? Like just kind of like home videos almost some spots like but I think the VHS Yeah. I mean, you know, given, given the constraints and everything like that. And I think George Miller at the time, correct me if I'm wrong. Like he was still working too, I think. And you know what his profession was film in that that movie. He was a doctor. is he is like that Yeah. So it's like, so I mean, like, you know, given all that, someone got injured, he could he could help, you know, performing some surgery. Hop in the back.
what other director could say that no right no the director could do so yeah i mean it well actually there was one thing one thing that jumped out at me like hard is uh i i think we briefly talked about it maybe on the show as the the thomas jane version of uh the punisher yes uh the scene at the start of the movie like before he becomes a punisher where he's like his uh his wife and daughter or i'm sorry wife and son are uh are murdered like they're ran over and he's like running at them with the gun like it is the exact same like like almost shot for shot uh scene in mad max uh when his uh wife and kid are are pretty much ran over the exact same way like the shot like everything looks
It almost looks like it was stolen, so it makes me wonder if this whole Punisher thing was like an homage to it or something like that. Or if somebody just like subconsciously did it having watched that movie and just forgot that they were ripping it off.

Revenge Plot and Movie Pacing Discussion

Oh yeah, I would imagine it's more homage if it's that exact. But yeah, no, I was like, that was pretty cool, actually. And I mean, essentially, it is like... that's that's the story right like it's yeah he it's his revenge the start of his revenge story basically because then you're taking away what what the guy cares about and then right and then that's pretty much it like it it is a slower movie i guess in terms of like there's not there there's not a whole lot to it there i guess but i mean I don't know, I think all in all, like I enjoyed it. Like it was, it's well done. It's well done for its day. For the most part, like I'd say like 90% of it holds up in terms of like filming and special effects. There was one or two scenes where I was like,
ah ah Well, it mean helps everything, especially back then, everything that's being so practical, so it does yeah stand more the test of time because of just how raw everything is. yeah um but but But you can't feel like you know some things do do feel dated. um I guess because it is very simplistic in that way. Um, yeah, but I think the movie was like is very short too. is Is it not? Is it like under is it like an hour and a half? I forget how

Impact of Movie Runtimes on Theaters

long it was. It was a 90 minute one, which 90 minutes like was very uh Very calm. I think for that time though movies typically didn't run that much longer than yeah, see it's out of for today
And I don't want to get all topic again, but I do feel like that's a problem with movies of today. And that I think that has to do with why the theaters are in decline because movies are so long. And people people probably look at runtime for the theater like I don't want to be in the theater for that long. really ever thought about that but like that's actually probably a good point too i mean i agree with you on the like i think i've talked about on this show yeah i mean i'll be curiouss to see like what what like the median but the like the average time for movies nowadays are compared to you know eighty s ninety s i'm sure there's probably like half-hour difference, you know, easy, easy. yeah I find that because this is the thing is like, I remember back in the days, we are going to love topic, but whatever. Actually, we're not Mel Gibson. And it's another Mel Gibson flick. When Braveheart came out, we did tied together. Way to go. Yeah. and And and I remember like I didn't see them theaters myself, but like I i had heard like
uh that they actually some theaters were doing like an intermission like they had actually give you like 10 minutes just to kind of because because it was like quote so long even though i feel like it's got simpler runtime to some of the marvel movies like because it was like three hours and change if i remember correctly so for for what it was like super long in this day like now they're just like nah screw it it just give her yeah No one needs to take a piss. Well, I have heard ah rumblings of how they might bring that back. If maybe you stay like this and are gonna be longer, there might be like a... That'd be a good idea, for sure. And it makes you think too, if they'll have like different kind of showings, like they'll have showings for, oh, this one will have an air mission, this one won't, so you can choose.
well and you know what's funny though too is that like i feel like there's a lot of ways uh because i'm i'm gonna tie it back a little bit there's like uh because i feel like there's there's there's other ways that they could revitalize movie theaters and one of them i think is with uh like showings of like classic movies and stuff and like which they're doing Huh? Yeah, to some degree. Well, it's always anniversary. It's always the anniversary. Yeah. 20th, 10th, 15th. I just mean like, you know, just like whatever, like, for instance, like, and this is what I don't get is like, you're you're releasing Furiosa. Like, why didn't the movie theater say in like my hometown or whatever? ever Like, why don't they just show

World-Building in the Mad Max Universe

Fury Road for a month? Like, I'm sure people will go.
like especially anyone that's psyched about the second one because the first one there is nothing like seeing it on the big screen like yeah it don't get me wrong you're still gonna enjoy it on a smaller screen but like it is so much better on a big screen because the visuals are the breathtaking right so uh i think that that's something that i think that there's there's a lot of potential with as well because there's there's some movies you just you know you can't like you can't reproduce the experience No, I agree. It's all about the theater experience of some films and Mad Max is one that's definitely have to see in theaters but we'll go into that more later ah as far as theaters dealing with Mad Max because
um yeah ah some things to talk about with that so but anyway road roadway yes is so getting back to that that again there' was definitely a lot i forgot about but um yeah you talk about a jump from the first one to ah the second one of like really establishing the world like how it is now and how you know, kind of more unhinged maxes. You know, because you really, I mean, because, you know, mad the first one, you like, you you get the moment of of how, of why he turns mad, and now you get to see him like totally mad throughout the time. you know But he's not like mad, man. He's just like, you know, he's still he's still an understanding guy when it comes to the good folk, you know? Right, yeah. um But i love I love how right away he he has that, he has that pet dog.
I thought that was a great decision to bring to to bring in an attack dog as his partner. right um I did not like what happened to the dog. That was not fun. huh and the first yeah the second one Okay. red world Okay. So there's a dog in the first one. but Yeah. Well, and the, the dog dies in the first one. They killed two dogs. Oh my God. I forgot about that. yeah That's like the ultimate sin. What the hell? Yeah. You can't do that anymore. Like I guess, I guess in the eighties, I was like, it was okay. You know, like I didn't care about dogs that they do now. We talked about that. Uh, uh, what flick was that? That DeNiro one that had the,
ah Cape Cape here we talked about that earlier. Yes, they killed the dog on that one. That was an 80s script, you know, so of course yeah but yeah so that's some fans like Up into the 90s it was like now it's like um I don't know man like you can show a full-on genocide and Yeah, we can get into some pretty creepy things regarding like, you know, anything like of the sexual nature, but not no dog killing. Mm hmm. That is 20, 24. But that that is the biggest crime in film films now. um So I do. I like the villain ah in Road Warrior a lot. I mean, he's just this big. I think he's humongous is his name. And he's just this extremely jacked wrestler looking dude with like a Jason mask.
and i'm like I'm like, that's perfect because it's simple. It's like, okay, just you get a jack guy as the actor and just put a Jason mask on him and he's threatening when he's driving some sort of a muscle car in the post-apocalyptic world. ah Yeah, for sure. It's very effective. and In his whole crew of Minions, especially the one guy who's got a mohawk and yeah then Then on the good side you have this little this little ah Like kid like he's like five years old throwing this boomerang. I'm like, oh you can't get more Australian and throwing up throwing a boomerang around um It is as cool as the watch it watch this from his seen as I'll have many from all this in the outback ah beautiful ah and I'll get into that later too. We talked about certain effects, but uh
Yeah, I mean, it's this it's the same as the first one. ah Everything all practical. It's just like, you know, the stakes are higher, the car chases are better. um You can definitely tell they they took a lot of influence from Road Warrior and put that into Fury Road and just right turned it up to 11, which is such a brilliant idea on their part to do. And and i get I guess as far as the pitch meeting meeting goes, I was Great way to sell the movie to the studio. ah Especially if the plan was originally to do Fury Road first and then do Furiosa if he had that idea. yeah I don't know if he came up with that idea later if he always had that idea in mind.
Especially looking back of how much they built up Furios' character in Fury Road. It was kind of like, oh, maybe this was the plan after all. um But... It kind of seems like it in like the ah scene where she breaks down, like, crying, screaming and stuff like that, I mean, like... You knew there had to be more. Yeah, right. True. um we'll yeah We'll get to that too. But just to finish up on Road Warrior, yeah, it's definitely my favorite in the trilogy of the original trilogy. Okay. um And I think it's most people's favorite. Yeah, I mean, the the last car chase in the scene is is incredible. And I'm sure that was so incredible for the time to see on the screen is and just, you know, pulling off all these maneuvers and use all these vehicles and make it all feel seamless. um And but it's funny, like, I never understood like, like the ending of it of
Why the humongous character just kind of commits, he kind of just goes all kamikaze and commits suicide just going like he has a car and you're going into an 18 wheel a truck driven by Mad Max and it's like what do you think's gonna happen like he's gonna destroy your vehicle? And then he kills the guy. look Unless I miss him, I'm like, wait, did like the brakes fail? Like what happened? oh I mean, it's been it's been a long time since I was a kid. But but yeah it's so it's not a perfect movie at all. I mean, it deserves to be like in the
the The best of that trilogy, but, you know, just not as good as Fury Road. Like,

Discussion on the New Furiosa Film

at all. Well, I mean, do but just to, like, kinda, I guess, take it take a stab at answering your question based on how, you know, George Miller, like, writes, like, right like did these these characters and these these worlds that they have. Like, I could see a situation where it's like someone's ego and, like, their their own legend in their own mind, right? Like, and and then maybe they start kinda thinking that they are, you know, immortal or something like that, like... That's true, yeah. Because he seems like it's either his way or the or the highway, no pun intended. But you know he can just give everyone and steal all the gas he wants and make all the land his. He can threaten who everyone, so they'll all concede eventually. yeah um Yeah, he's just a threatening looking guy. So you and that that helps with with the character, because I'm threatening, but I'm like, you're a freak of nature, this guy. um But.
Yeah, I mean, so just watching that in preparation for Furiosa, because people would tell me like not to watch Fury Road before watching Furiosa. And I was like, why are they telling me that? But I listened. I listened. And listen and i'll get we'll go into that, too, once we once we dive in the Furiosa, which we could start now. Because um'm i I'm more excited to talk about Furiosa then. Oh, yeah. Let's do it. Let's do it. OK. So i want to hear i want I want you to start first, because you're more fresh than I am. ah Because you just watched it last night. Correct. I watched it a week ago.
So I want to know your thoughts, your initial thoughts, ah I guess overall, then we can and and then I'll give my overall thoughts and and we'll then we'll deep dive into it. All right. ah Overall, I mean, it did not, I will say safely, it did not disappoint. ah Fury Road, it was solid. This one is, I feel like it's equally as solid and and I did kind of like that they kind of went like ah they they explored the world a little bit more, which is something I find a little bit more interesting. Right. So, uh, like plot, plot point to it. Uh, so that was cool. Yeah. i mean yeah Yeah. I just seeing the, the, the places that they only talked about inferior road really went a long way. Right. Yes, exactly. Right. So that and that's why it's like, it's cool that like, it's been, you know, they, they,
exactly like that's exactly it uh that said i think the one thing i would have liked to have known a bit more of what was going on in bullet town So they kind of, they, they obviously dove into gas town a bit. Yeah, I agree with this. Yeah. But bullet town and like, and obviously there was like stuff going on there. It's like, I would have really liked to see their side of like, I guess like, like, uh, uh, say, uh, how they're, how they're governing themselves. Right. So the Citadel, obviously they' they've got kind of like a religious leader ah going on. And then with, uh, like gas town, you have kind of like,
I almost want to say he's like like because he had a Thor there and he's he's kind of like trying to I think share the wealth in a way and obviously that that doesn't work out so good for him by the end of the movie so and it's like it's pretty interesting to watch like these the different ways of like trying and to maintain control over I guess this dystopian world that they're living in yeah he's definitely he's not the best leader yeah this has Yeah, I think he's like he's almost a little idealistic or Yeah, like he you know people painted him. There's like oh, I made like a good bad guy and I was like
not really a bad guy he's just he's a guy that's trying to like be in control he looks like and he does fucked up shit he does yeah no yeah it's more villainy you have to you have to you have to walk like you have to compare him to the world he's like living in yeah right i mean like i don't really feel like he's a bad guy he's just he's a product of the environment that he's in like he you know and a he does try to make some sort of relationship with Furiosa a bit like I don't I feel like it was well intentioned too like I don't think he was I don't think he was trying to do something like underhanded there myself anyways I don't know if maybe I missed something
No, no, I agree with you because he's not just a He's not a black or white character. He's like he's he's got some layers to him. Yeah well I like how he was at the teddy bear like struck to him. and Yeah. Yeah i is He was a very he was a very fun fun guy to watch I think he did he did a terrific job was it was getting that Yeah, he he was good about it on a hitch. It was just great to seeing Chris Hemsworth play character like that Especially because that's so against type four It is, yes. Seeing him branch out. Actually, it's funny. ah um I've only ever seen him do something somewhat similar. You may never have seen this before. Have you ever seen the movie The Getaway? No, I never heard of that one. Okay, we might have to make it ah like a watch or something in the future. Don't read up anything on it. Like it it might end up spoiling it. I thought it was a pretty good movie, but he plays. He's got a very short role because this is before all of his Marvel stuff and everything like that.
got a very short roll it kind of like a kind like good a douchey surfer guy. he's He's a bit of an, he's a bit of an a-hole. And it's funny because that's like the first role I saw him in, I think before anything else. And then it's interesting to see him like play something like Thor. And I'm like, huh, like to me that was him against type because of the first thing that I saw him in. So. Yeah. I want to see him in more roles like this. yeah I hope you know, studios will take a look at this, be like, all right.
but let's Let's get him to do like whatever he wants. to just be like Because he you can do more when you're a villain. You can you can be more creative with the character. um yeah yeah know Because I'm sure he just feels shackled so many times when he's playing Thoric. He can only do so much. Even though he's too goofy, I will say he is too goofy. so but and this it' this it's says it's It's good it's seeing him as a threatening presence. Yeah, yeah, I think I think all know like definitely ah good in that regard I think the other thing that like I thought was neat too is that they had You know, you're watching ah Fury Road and then obviously like the old car chases and then the guys that are kind of like pole vaulting and stuff this one decided to up the stakes with like the Hang gliders and everything else they had I love them. I love that was pretty fucking neat. So I was just like, I was watching the seals like man and I was like, yeah, like they found a way to top it and I was like, you can get for them. And it's like, and they shortened down the car chase to you to focus on, I guess, more luxurious the backstory. And I thought it worked really well because like. It needed that. It it really did. Because because with with with all the will world building and character development they've done in this film,
it makes Fury Road even better now because of what we know in this film. I would agree with that. It's it's a perfect companion piece. like i like now i tell I'll tell people like you have to watch Fury Road before Fury Road. like like Watch both back to back. like you'll you'll appreciate this one more and like well I mean especially because it's this is basically good like is a fury roasted trilogy I mean with with with I mean I will go into more of like what I think about the future of Mad Max after this but um it
ah But I agree with what you said about the Bullet Farm because when they were giving me these new worlds, new places ah that we have we've only just mentioned in Fury Road, I thought we were going to see Bullet Farm. I thought we were going to see all the different areas and and and just have everyone come together from there. um but ah But I was okay with that because we actually went to new areas that i didn't even we didn't even hear of. yeah like yeah it was fine it would've been cool and and again maybe it's something that at a later date there'd be a bit more of an exploration like i don't even know what was right so yeah yeah yeah i will say like as far as um well i guess if we're gonna go
Yeah, so overall it sounds like that. We we both thoroughly enjoyed it ah for the most part. But I guess as far as going in or deep diving into it further, I'll start from the beginning. um Going into little Furiosa, who's right probably around like 10 years old, maybe a little less. ah And seeing the green place for for the first time, that we're talking about how that in Fury Road it was only talked about. right And now now us knowing what it was like and why she she feels like she has to go back there, like her life mission is to go back there. right and And that's what that's what it makes her strong, that gives her that drive
ah throughout her entire life like ah like with with how this movie's portraying her. it's just It really enhances the character so much more, and that's why I'm saying it makes Fury Road even better. um but i would But I was surprised like how long they were, I guess they were showing Little Fury Rosa. Because I looked at my watch, and it was an hour from when the movie started to when Anya Taylor-Joy came on screen. Really? Yes. cause i was but I can't say I would have noticed though. like It had good flow to it for sure. well so so that's it so The thing about the flow, like I think it fluctuated. like I think I was loving the beginning of it. And then I think when Little Furious it was captured, then we kept going from the Citadel and you know then like the whole trading off and all that. and I guess I thought things could have sped up a little more. Okay.
Um, I, I, I think it has to do with, cause I know that movies two and a half hours and going in thinking. I mean, maybe, maybe like rewatching it, it'll feel, um, it'll feel more smooth, more seamless, but. I guess because the anticipation of seeing Anya on screen as Furiosa. I don't know. i like I know with the character it won't require that much ah development. I guess because for her, you know she's she's a mute you know for for a lot of the runtime with her.
um So I guess with that, but I don't know, I kind of wish I had more Anya, or I guess more older Furiosa, and just a little bit less of Younger. I feel like if they chipped away maybe like 15 minutes of the Younger version of Furiosa, or kind of fast-forwarded some parts, I feel like it could have helped out the film. Well, I think that there's, so for me, uh, I've actually never, uh, seen her in anything. So that's the thing. I've seen any of her. So I can't say that I was, uh, looking forward or or not looking forward to one way or the other. Um, I know that you had mentioned that she was playing. I was like, oh okay, cool. Like I've heard that this person that kind of wanted to see, and I think she did a phenomenal job. I can see why. Actually, i actually, I think you did see her in another movie for like minutes. Oh, she doesn't have Dune too.
for like a minute, literally a minute. Yeah, so so she's like in a vision that Paul has when he's thinking of her. So she's actually Paul's sister. oh Okay, so there there's more there's more of her coming in yes, right, right. oh Yeah Okay, so but yeah, this is right in there i guess why Yeah, that's just do this sometimes I guess you know kind of like kind of like Thor's a little little cameo there in the getaway You've seen somebody you didn't realize you saw all right. I will get to that movie. I'll watch it. Don't worry. Oh
uh yeah i guess i'll i'll let you uh get back to what you were saying yeah yeah so it was just a little bit of a pacing problem for me but just a little like i feel like once anya came on screen i thought that maybe was just you know hitting all whole all cylinders from there all righty um and i want to go a little bit into the effects um so for the most part i love the special effects but there were some times i was like whoa this looks real cgi here i don't know if you noticed that too but there was like some backgrounds i was just like whoa that's looks like that's kind of bad you know i i can't say i i could tell at all maybe the thing is too is like depends on the screen you're watching it on like the ones up
I watched it in like IMAX, so it's like fresh. I wasn't watching an anything like that, so I think our screens are a bit more forgiving. Yeah, but but i can't I can't knock it too much because like so many of the effects were amazing, like everything, like especially all the practical that they did and they like the CGI where they hid, where they could hide the CGI for as much as they can, was fantastic. And Well, I guess I can dive in the scene now. So the one thing that comes to mind. what So I want to go into one of the other characters I was not expecting um to be even in the movie and then a liking so much in the movie. So you had your Mad Max type character in the film. I'm sure you know who that is. Yeah. And right away, it tells us like, oh, my God, they gave us a Mad Max without Mad Max, you know. there Yeah, yeah, yeah.
um and I was really liking this this character so much and I'm telling my buddy next to me during the film, I'm like like, wow they do that to us. I know that's that's what they're doing. Their plan is for us to like this character and then just kill him off. And yeah, yeah well because you yeah in the back of your head, you're just like, well, this guy's now in Fury Road. So something actually obviously has to happen to him. um And, you know, it's sad because you know ah in the chemistry between him and Anya, i so I have to use Anya for this because because there's two Furioses and I don't want to confuse listeners.

Character Dynamics and Key Scenes in Furiosa

ah So.
That I thought the relationship they had was was perfect. I really dug their chemistry, especially especially this especially the like the first action scene between them um where you know they're fighting with each other, they're they're teaming up and all all that and then just the you know, getting to know each other after the fact. And I was like, man, I want more of these caretales. You could just make the whole movie with them together. Right. um But I want to get back to that action scene because the way they filmed a lot, like like taking the camera, swooping it around, because I think they were doing some shots of the camera up where they were like moving it through where the passenger was sitting or or driving and then swooping it overhead and then going underneath the truck where where Anya was underneath.
and i loved I loved her look too, of like that whole you know acting like a warboy or whatever. save it or like high in the shaved or High in the hair and looking more manly and all that. um cause I was like, what a ti i oh man, I i guess ah guess people don't really know that she's a girl. you know right yeah um i guess and they they don't second guess it at all um i'm like okay that's pretty cool i mean like why would they i mean who will be dumb enough to do that we want to do that um and
ah like I don't want to go into spoilers yet, even though like I kind of slipped up with the Mad Max type. I think would win we've been spoiling left, right, and center. No, it hasn't been spoiled spoilers. you know It's more of like... Because I do want to go into a spoiler... Well, I guess two spoilers at the end. um More death related or... well We can question mark on death, um but uh so ah The other thing I want to bring up was we oh we talk about Chris Hemsworth performance. I was I guess Going more practical wise. I'm glad they put that schnoz on him submit to ugly him up as much as they could Because you know cuz everyone sees cuz Hemsworth is such a sex symbol
You know, and and they had to do whatever they could to like make him less sexy. So for like all this hair, facial hair and a big news, I'm like, well, there you go. I guess that works because, you know, you kind of have to for care for an actor like him. You have to, if you want to be taken seriously as a villain, you can't be looking too pretty, you know, especially, especially in this world, in this Mad Max world. I mean, I guess, I don't really know where the logic is in that though, but... Well, I think it's just more of a threaten threatening presence when you're not... when you're not that attractive. I so i don't know, like do you know what I mean? It might sound crazy.
I know, I know what you're saying, but like, you can be very, like, this is, position you need to be very attractive, but you can also be, like, very creepy to, like, do it properly. I'd say a a good actor and sorry a sentences can can definitely ah pull it off, I think. It just, I think it's a bit, Well, I don't know. i guess I guess time will tell. Maybe it's a bit challenging for the Thor there. I don't know. Well, I guess for more... like I'm speaking specifically for Chris Hemsworth because ah you know he's ah he's i like a he probably won the award for like Sexiest Men Alive a few times. um you know and most And usually Sexiest Men of ah Alive Don't Play Villains is what I'm getting at.
um Yeah, you might be right. Cuz it's like very against Hollywood to do. Like you can't have the sexiest guy on earth be a villain. He has to be a good guy. That's like Hollywood 101, man. I guess. I'm sure it's happened. Unless you ugly him up. Or put a mask on him. I I mean, good looking people. I should be a Hollywood exec.
I know my shit. Um, so yeah, talk about the audience. So the build, talk about that, um, screen special effects. Um,
yeah, I guess we can go in the spoilers now. into ah spoiler spoiling spoilers spoilers uh if you don't we want to want to spoil one thing okay it was i was on the the whole movie and i was just like if this doesn't happen it will ruin the movie for me but they did it i'm glad they did it guitar guy made a yes i knew he would say that yes i wouldn't know his origin
Well I've just gone there for a minute, I don't need to know his backstory. No, no, I think he it's better with no backstory, just be serious. Yes. But he was in it. It was nice to see. I was pretty sure they were going to it and I was like, they're not gonna fuck this up. And I was like, there he is! It was also, it was very cool seeing some of the other villains, like seeing a younger, more in Joe. um I liked, I liked the new actor who played him. I thought he did very well. Still very menacing. Still very, you feel like he controls ah the Citadel, you know, like oh yeah no no one would challenge him. It's such a great design for for a character. I just, I just love how he looks. And
yeah i guess yeah yet is Yeah, a lot of people from from Fury Road, because he had his sons. Well, I guess he had his two sons. I guess the one the one son got killed because he wasn't in Fury Road and he had and he had the one that carried all over to Fury Road. But he obviously didn't age, so I thought that was funny. And it was cool seeing the layer of where all the brides were, or I guess seeing more of that. Cause I feel like we only got a small glimpse of it when all the brides left, we never got to see them like actually there. So I thought that was kind of cool as well. yeah But I guess get some into the deaths. Well, I guess what where I thought when the coolest scenes was, ah well, I'll get to that death was when, cause one of the questions I had is how does Furiosa lose her arm? And you know, you you knew going into this, we're going to find out how.
And i i would I was shocked when it had like when the scene happened. I was like, what? kind It kind of happened so fast. i Oh, shit. Like, what? Oh, my God. It just happens. And it was like brutal. I was like, gee, I would hurt so fucking bad. um but's say it It's like two scenes, though. Well, no see, I'm not done. I'm not done. so I told you I'm leading to that death. I'm leading up to it already. So so they they so Chris Hemsworth strings her up by that arm.
And and how so she has to see to watch her her Mad Max type man drag through the dirt ah while dogs are eating him alive. And I'm just i'm like, oh what a fucking crazy-ass death to do for this guy. like I mean, he's just like, that was so brutal. I couldn't believe it. And he's literally just going around and around and then, and Chris Hemsworth, he literally takes a nap. He took a nap while it was happening. He even realized like he just woke, he fell asleep, woke up like, Oh, I have to order this to stop. And then, and then just seeing the shot, because you because with we we don't know how much time elapsed there, but
we We got to see the shot of just the arm dangling on its own. You're like motherfucker. Furiosa did it. She did that shit. She won 2,700 hours. Yes, you did. I don't know how to make that a sentence, but you know what I mean. and but so so So that exceeded my expectations ah of her losing her arm. Like they did that I thought in the best way possible. I thought they couldn't top that any better. Yeah. So that was ah sugar good genius to do that because it made it made so epic. And now I'll always think about how how the the way she lost her arm like that. And ah God, that's such a good idea. But such a crazy death at the same time. was This is a ah wild range of emotions there. Right. ah So
And then, so i guess I guess as far as the scenes, you know, great action scenes from there, great another great action scene from there. It really picked up, like I said, like once Aina came on screen. um And so I want to know your thoughts on on the the fate of Chris Hemsworth's character. The fate. The fate. His fate. ah Okay, so... i got Okay, I got a question first off yeah based on what what what what has said that happened to him And it I've been thinking about this to us thinking about this at work earlier today And I was just like well, it's interesting too because George Miller. I mean he is a doctor so he obviously has
so I didn't think about this. I didn't think about this. suppose like You know, you're watching that scene and basically there's like, he's kind of suddenly there's a tree growing out of him or he's into the soil. he Well, you know what she used to grow that, right? that The nut that she's been carrying. And that's literally the first scene of the movie. Yeah. Is her getting that. Yeah. So and that so I guess like I'm curious if it is actually technically possible to have that happen." And I was like, he is a doctor, so it's like, did he just stretch the truth a bit? Because it makes for a cool scene. I'm not even going to deny that, even if it's not possible. But I was like, is it possible? I mean, we can also think that this is somewhat more of a fantastical world. ah ah we we We have to consider this is more of a fantastical world, too. like Just a little bit.
um But I do like what you're saying about how because he is a doctor and you can find find a way to make this work. um Especially keep it kid because he is doing a good job keeping him alive, making sure he's getting the water. Oh yeah. I'm sure he gets the nutrients he needs with the tree. I it i mean, it's it's kind of wild to like, but yeah I don't know. Like it's at the same time, I guess my own curiosity is just, I don't know. but ah But I guess more importantly, did you love it? I loved it. Seeing him, yeah that was the the best comeuppance. Oh my god. the the the Sweet revenge. and When he's talking to you, that's good script. Yes. The dialogue was was very good. I'm not going to say it because I always don't remember it word for word and I don't want to associate or something like that. But it's like it it it's very gripping.
and i I liked what he was doing there and stuff and it was it was interesting to watch that as the the character's response to you while knowing that they're losing, essentially, right? So it was pretty neat. Yeah, um yeah so so all that, so that scene and then picking up to his his fate scene. And then, so after that, then you kind of have the fast forward, wait, no, so the fast forward is the fate scene. So they fast forward to
His, like, wrinkled body, because I think it's probably like 20 years later, from there. Um... Right, because he he definitely seems like more of an old man, uh, with that, and then Furios are coming in, like, making sure he's, like, he's getting the water he needs and everything. It's like watering a plant. He's basically a plant. I mean, he's... is that A plant's coming out of him. He's a be half plant. I guess it was what he is. Uh... Yeah, he's good.
And he knows him. He knows him. That's what I mean. why It always comes back full circle, buddy. Grant would be so happy be so proud. So proud. oh But I love from there, they they transition to what really is the beginning of Fury Road. So it leads up right to it, right where he takes the girls, um yeah hides them in the truck overnight. So that morning, they're already in there ready to go. It's like little so little things like that. is like goes It really goes a long way.
um Because it's a nice bow on top of the movie. It's like, that's nice. It's funny you should mention like like the little, like the focus on the detail and the little things, especially when it comes to these movies, like this is something I caught.

Furiosa's Impact on Fury Road Experience

And I mean, I don't imagine yeah most people care or caught this or anything like that, but it's like, uh when they're in the war rig and then uh basically like there's there's somebody i forget which side it was on but like and then they're like contact left and then they they all start kind of shooting like the one side they're like that is like a like a legit military tactic and like you don't even see that sometimes in actual military movies like they don't even do that much research to get That's true. The the the you know the the realism and the rawness there, and then even in a movie like this, which has nothing to do with military, obviously, but it's like they're using things that you know make sense and make it more real, more authentic and stuff. And it's really cool to see attention to detail. like
Yeah, and I'm not surprised for someone like George Miller to make sure he he pays close attention to that because, you know, these are all his movies. He wants to make sure he every little thing is right. He hasn't made much else other than like he's done a couple things. Happy Feet. You're not wrong, and Bay picking the city up here. He loves animals, too, I guess. He does when he's not killing his dogs in his movies. Yeah, he learned his lesson. Like, it was a different time. He probably, you know. That's obviously why Matt, that's why Max is actually mad. Well, he got more mad because of the dog. Not because of his wife and kids, because of his dog. And he's just like, fuck, now he's going to go full John Wick.
Yeah, I guess he is like one of the original Jonowiks, good old Mad Max. um He is. so wait So now, okay, so I guess we can go over ratings now, since since I want to want to wrap up the review and then go into um kind of the, of how it's performing. Um, so I probably gave us like an 8, 8.5. So I, I, I definitely, I really like it, but I think some, I think that the pacing was a little off for me, like I said, and I just think as far as, uh,
I thought they could have condensed it a little more. um I mean, because I feel like some some films don't need to be that long. And I thought this is one of them. But but I think I think it deserved to be over two hours, just not two and a half hours. I think. OK. I think maybe like around 215 mark would have been better. um But. ah Yeah, I still really liked it. It's it's it's a film you you you appreciate more when you see in the theater you really do ah Because I was feeling like I was in those Chasing like there's action scenes like if like my my freaking chair was rocking and I was living like maybe when it gets edge of my seat the whole time ah but But how about you? ah What is your rating?
uh well it's funny you should bring up uh ratings there too because i i feel like we should put like a like our own token sleepy games like spin oh i like this idea i like it well i'll talk to you a bit about it after after the uh the recording today uh but i guess for for right now uh if i was given in a rating out of 10 like we we have them the past year I think for me, I'd probably give it like, I'd probably give it a solid nine. Nice. ah And I think part of the reason is because like it has so much to like live up to with the first one. And I think it does. It's just the first one is the first one. Yeah. And I'm glad this one's a bit very different compared to it.
it is yeah and i i love it like it's i think it's really good it might you know my rating could obviously change on a rewatch uh but uh yeah no like i i really enjoyed it i can't say for myself i had any any concerns about the pacing i personally didn't feel like it was long but i think i could see why somebody else might think it is Yeah, it's just a 10. Just a dash. Like I said, I didn't, I didn't notice. I didn't really, but I could see why somebody would say that. And it was only because like when we got out of theater and they were just like, you know, i was like fuck it was pretty late. And I was like, oh, I was like, I.
I didn't think it was that long of a movie but yeah I was like so I could see it um but otherwise I mean I can't say that there was like there's probably just a little bit there could have been a little bit more guitar guy Yeah, know joey it was just ah it just that a little small half a song 10 out of 10 in my book getting a nine Yeah, it's because I Mean and and I feel like George Miller. He's got to know he's got to know that like to give me give me something This is what the people want Georgie. Come on. Come on, Georgie.
Oh, so I actually watched Fury Road ah the next day after watching Furiosa. Okay. And goddamn, it really did enhance the movie. like It made Fury Road even better. Right, yeah. I can see that. Just just understand the Furiosa character more and understand more of the of how the wives are treated. Yeah, well, it gives a lot more depth to the movie because it really has a pretty, like, it's a very simplistic plot, right? And now all of a sudden you've got this all over the line, now all of a sudden, like... Yeah, now we know this character more, now we know this character more. It's not simplistic anymore, right? Yeah. like and And I feel like that's... These movies really, like, especially, I feel like the first three, too, are really meant to be enjoyed, like, back to back almost, right? Yeah. It's looked almost like one long movie in a way.
and And now you can say the same for for these two. like like that I'll tell people like, no, don't watch for your own. Like if they haven't watched these like fear before, like, no, watch for your first now and then watch for your road. do You have to watch these back to back because yeah'll you'll get the best experience if you do. Because you want to know what this green place is. You want to know more of these towns. You want to know more of these characters because they don't go into them that much in Fury Road. Like you want to like just learning more about more in general and more about ah more of the family, more of the wives, more of the different towns, more of the leaders of those towns.
um Yeah, like it was a <unk> it's perfect. It's world building at its finest is really what it is. And you can just enhance like a film but but which I already thought was amazing its own right and just making it better now. Like the whole time I'm so much more and engaged in it and have more like or just feel for the characters more now.

Box Office Performance Analysis

So So I guess after watching these two back to back and then so I don't so how packed was your theater when you watch this when you watch Furiosa?
uh not too busy where i'm at again neither was mine small town here so well see that's not that's not the point that's not the point the point is it is failing hard at the box office is it really yes that's that's the point of this man like but when i saw it i think the theater was not even half full like there was only in our road there was only and like another couple like just like two other people What ah I'm going to say too is I feel like this is more of a sign of the the movie theater decline than it is about Mad Max or people's anticipation about it because even Fall Guy, ah which we I think we both reviewed rather highly, it it fell short of expectations too. Yeah, but but did you think that ah Fall Guy was going to make more money than Furiosa?
no i i i don't think i would but i mean like and that's that's pretty much that you're saying that that's what's happening yeah that's what's happening now yeah so i i didn't know that i mean that there are different genres so it's like but i feel like they both deserve to make like you know whatever the projected budget was for them because like they they hit on all you know they're firing in all cylinders right like they I feel like they did everything they needed to do. I mean, you could say, though, that, like, there could have been some more marketing, I suppose. I mean, really, for Furioso, like, I feel like. So, I think more the, I think, so, I know in Furiroad, like, that didn't, I didn't do gangbusters at the box office by any means. Like, it's it made, maybe, like, a decent amount. Like, maybe, like, broke even, or maybe a little profit, but I didn't, it didn't do, like, amazing.
I thought it as well i never know no it did know would run a bunch of awards and stuff. Yes, it did win a lot of awards and I think it did do a lot better um after the after uh right after it was in theaters when I got video and uh streaming um but I thought I thought it would have had more of a following because of that I thought people would have been on the Mad Max hype train But I don't know if the problem is because of it being about Furiosa and maybe people will just not really not knowing the character that well or not really knowing it's like a Mad Max prequel or like
Because I'm trying to put myself in the in the mind of a general audience goer. A general theater goer. Because you you you and me are ones that do deep dives, like we look into this shit. Like, not every day a person is. that's That's the difference, right? Like, I mean, we're movie guys, like there's some people that... and maybe they're familiar with like the name Mad Max but they know nothing more about it like especially with the had the original three movies right right like it's they were i don't think they were ever that big they always just had more of a little bit of that cult following to it so it was never i don't think they were ever like super crazy you know
mainstream movies, I suppose, is the way I would describe it. so No, I don't think i't think any of the originals even did that well in the box office. and thats Exactly. so because i think ah i think I think Road Warrior did the best. i think thunder Beyond Thunderdorm, I think, struggled a little bit, even though it had Tina Turner in it. you know for her for for the 85 when it came out, she would have been, I think the cat's ass for sure, right? You couldn't save and the box office on that movie either. Yeah, so so so what worries me now is with it it's gonna be losing a lot of money for the studio.

Speculation on Future Mad Max Films

So it makes me believe that we might not get another Mad Max film.
ah It's possible, and I know that that happens with some IP sometimes. yeah other think i like The the world has changed a lot because the streaming portion of things like and can save a movie and can save the box office gross for it. Yes. And I know that that ah has happened. There's a lot it's got to do here, though. A lot. To make up for the money it's gonna it's going to lose in the theater. Because it was a big budget movie. And it's making it's making numbers like it's like a rom-com. I think that, well, I think the other thing that they fucked up too and they they did is there was too big of a gap between... Yeah, dude, nine years. I know. i See, that's that's another good point. Good point. You know, and and if you think about it too, it was like, I feel like, honestly, like i could just I hate to say it, but had this been released, say, and three three or four years? Yeah, early 2019, you know, before all the you know the nonsense in the world and stuff there. Well, you hear what the problem was? A lot better.
So George Miller was suing the studio because they were like keeping fun or like money from him based off the profits it got, I think because of streaming. or um ah And you know, they're obviously not going to let him make another movie while he's suing the studio that's it's financing the movie. Well, yeah, but that and that and I feel like but if had come out at that point, I think it would have been better. I absolutely agree. Yeah. Brashing everyone's minds. Yeah. and And if you look at the first, it's funny that there's you said there was a nine year gap. Dude, Fury Road came out in 2015. Okay, so that's crazy because the first three Mad Max with Mel Gibson came out and I think I was a five or six year span. So all three of those movies were released in the time it took for them to do one sequel.
yes so again i think that that yeah that definitely is especially in a day where like but we're getting sequels the next year a lot of times sometimes in the same year you can't you can't do that you can't you can't wait nine years yeah so i i kind of realized it had been that long yeah so i'm thinking i kind of agree with this being the biggest culprit as far as the the the yeah i think so i mean it's it's certainly i i don't think it's gonna review badly So, I guess to have fun with it, if they were to make a new one, what do you think they would do? Because I'm thinking they would make a sequel to Fury Road now, because now it's... Fury Road is just a setup, character building, world building. Fury Road is the action epic. And then the third one, what do you do? Do you make it more focused on Mad Max? I think, and this is the thing, though, too, is like...
i I guess like i because I'm trying to think is like what I like to see more of like the world itself and I'm not just talking about like obviously the Australian landscape and yes the world like I don't know if I am interested in that too many dystopian movies already out there and I don't know. I don't know that there's really anything I would need to see in a third one. Like, here we go. So, like, it was cool with the whole backstory and, like, how it wasn't featuring Mad Max. I feel like if we dove more into Max, it kind of takes away from, I think, more of the mystery that Tom Hardy brought to the role, where it was a different approach with it.

George Miller's Legacy and Future Projects

Yeah. So, and I kind of like the more, you know, the more mysterious one, like,
so i i guess for me i'm not sure like well what do you think man like would what would you like to see in the third one i mean i i wouldn't like even though a lot of it wouldn't happen in fury road like i wouldn't mind mad max and fury road say getting back together um i mean it probably won't be those two actors from what i'm trying to I know, I know. Yeah, I hear all this stuff about Charlize and Tom Hardy knocking along and everything, but it worked out for those but for those characters. It did indeed. i mean like I had no idea, and I don't usually read into what's going on, it but it it seemed like a pretty big story anyway, but it definitely added to the tension that you feel when yeah you know during that movie, and you can see that because they're both
they're both like formidable actors i mean they both have had you know quite the right they're both in their prime at that point oh my god yeah so it's like so i won't turn around and say that neither one of them isn't delivering and i think that the animosity of the half one another is is is helping even more so uh but i i don't know that i don't know that they would do another move yeah but yeah because i i could see that where it's just like no like i i because it it doesn't it's not one of those things where it's like you know you kind of get uh yeah there was a supposed feud with ben diesel and the rock on one of the furious movies and and i feel like that was almost like a build up for the last one because like you know he's coming back right so whereas this doesn't feel the same way like it's uh
But anyway, maybe maybe it is just more stuff. I mean, that's a pretty big build-up of a nine-year gap between two movies and another nine years, like who knows, right? Yeah, well, I guess to wrap things up, I mean, I'd be OK diving back into the world because I just love that world so much that they built and even more so now with Furiosa. Yeah. So I mean, I'll be open to it. I mean, I don't know if they'll do a movie. I don't know if they'll make a series out of it or something, because it seems like that's what a lot of studios are doing now, are making it into miniseries. They're taking movies and making it that way.
um Yeah, I mean some sometimes things are just perfect. You know one and two kind of like 21 and 22 Jump Street You don't need a 23 Jump Street. That's true. Yeah, I get I didn't think about that. Yeah Yes, I see right. I'm okay If they don't make any more, I'm satisfied. um Because i'm I'm glad now that we're given a movie that only makes Fury Road better. Right, it does. and and And it always will. Like it now, and especially, you know, because the third movie could could make the other ones worse. I don't know if it's somehow or bring it down. So now we want to worry about that, it seems.
Well, that's you know, I have heard of people's opinion on Beyond Thunderdome. I almost think we should do later watch or something like that. But like I liked it myself, but I know that it was the one from the trilogy that seems to get a little bit of hate from some people. So maybe it'd be the same thing in this scenario where it'd be like, the first two, I don't know about that third one, kind of like the Godfather. I've heard the same thing about that, right? Yeah. way Even with The Godfather 3, and even with Beyond Thunder 2, I don't know. I can't believe we're comparing these movies. But there's still some good in it in both films, and there's third, third of the trilogies. But yeah, overall, it's it's definitely the worst of the three. All right. So ah yeah, I don't know, man. Like it's, ah i guess I guess time will tell. We'll see.
uh i i i've honestly i've enjoyed everything george miller's done i guess so if he did do another another go at it i'm sure it would be good um yeah he's uh it makes me almost want to go out and see bay pig in the city or even babe i haven't seen either other of those though so I did see Happy Feet and I did like it. We might have to like ah have a talking animal genre episode. theme for sure ah yeah in George Miller, he's 80 years old. like he's He might be even over 80.

Reflections on the Mad Max Universe

Is this amazing how a director that old?
can dominate the action genre he's he's young though in comparison to life scorsese or clint eastwood yeah yeah well i mean i want to say he's probably older than he's a spring chicken yeah well you compare that for some reason i was thinking of spielberg but yeah he's older than spielberg yeah um B.S. Yes, because easy and yeah, he's old. Yeah. What's with these old actors? You're still killing it and they're at their age. Like it's ah wild. man Yeah, know it's yeah.
And I wonder if George Miller does have one more in him or or if he does want to hang hang up his hat. I thought that there was some sort of interview where he says that there there's more story that he has to tell. ah ah Whether or not he intends to you know follow it through is is another matter. and like And I do know there are like comics um based off ah the Fury Road universe. um I don't know how many, but I know it's driven into a lot of the characters in that. i'm not sure if they take it and I'm not sure if they took a lot of those elements from there and put them in Furiosa.
But, you know, but like you said, I know there's so much more that they could. Right. So that that's what kind of excites me. But it's just if the studio is willing to take another chance on it or if they'll finance it some other way or or make it much or have a much lower budget and get more creative. That's enough about a sequel, James. I know. I'm getting hyped up just talking about it myself. Is it? You got a 9 year wait ahead of you. Is there anyone thumbs anything else?
ah but That's all I got. i mean that's all you got it was it was ah It was a fun filled like Mad Max episode. I agree and I mean technically there is one more that we haven't really explored Tina Turner there maybe in a future I've seen it it's fine we don't we don't we don't we don't have to we don't have anything else to do I would like to rewatch it myself I guess at some point but maybe like a maybe like to find a way to tie it back into Christmas do christmas theme beyond I'm trying to think of other ways are like films where singers or singers acting debuts or something like that anyways so next week next week what are we doing next week
So next week we're going to have a Godzilla themed episode. um So I've already seen Godzilla minus one. I've been singing its praises ever since I saw it. And I think I had it. my I think I had in my top three films of last year. ah you've You've talked about it a fair bit. Yes, so it is just released on Netflix in both the United States and Canada Thank God. Yes, we checked. Yeah, we checked the next door. Thank you Netflix And for whatever reason you don't do that. But yeah, so so it took a while for minus one to get on streaming because I was actually surprised a lot took because it came out in December and And it wasn't until, well, it wasn't until just this week, so beginning of June, release on streaming.

Preview of Next Episode: Godzilla Theme

Right. Which is wild. Because, like, for example, the fall guy was released first weekend in May, and release on streaming, I guess, like, to purchase on demand. Three weeks later,
it's It's as well to me, like, it differs with some films, like, I guess as far as success rate goes. I had to panic when they're and trying to recoup some of their losses, right? so That's exactly the reason. And, you know, minus one for the budget, it had and I want you to keep in mind when you watch it, it's only a 10 to 12 million dollar budget. and just factor in Furioso is like close to 200 million right Godzilla and Kong is like 150 to 200 million and just take that effect when you see the effects of this film I respect that man you make good money in a low budget like that's uh that that's true true artistry I would say yes and and it it won the uh Oscar for best visual effects this year
i'm ah I'm a, I must like to watch it, man. Yes. I'm so excited for you to watch it. So you'll be watching minus one and I'll actually be watching the original Godzilla from 1954. And a lot lot a lot of people say that minus one takes a lot of elements from that film. And, and now people are considering minus one and, you well, you know, I don't want to go into it too much, but I want to watch the original of to see like how it all started and see why it became such a craze once this film released. So. of the
right but yes but but that's your episode for next week get ah and ah that wraps it up for us um but ah yeah anything else you you want to end the finish show or ah shall we just send him off No, I mean if I if I was a guitar guy I'd have like this killer solo for you right here. So just just you know but maybe Maybe maybe I'll add that into the audio that I was i was about to say like for for that music We'll make sure to have that so like we're saying this now, but it'll probably be in the beginning episodes. I get ready Everyone have a good night to see you later. Cheers. Yes