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Episode 015 - The Last Batch image

Episode 015 - The Last Batch

S1 E15 ยท Just Shillin'
56 Plays10 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy spend the majority of the episode talking about the series finale of The Bad Batch. They also talk about some cool new trailers, Star Wars Hunters, Star Wars Celebration, Constellation, Tron Ares, and a bunch of other stuff.

Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

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00:00:00 Catching Up
00:14:09 News
00:26:41 Watching / Listening
00:44:49 Bad Batch Finale


Introduction to Episode 15

Hello and welcome to episode number 15 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am your other host, Andy Bell. How's it going, buddy? Oh, I'm doing really well. I have had a good day and I'm really excited to talk to you. How are you?
I am really good. I'm a wee bit tired. I decided it would be a good idea to stay up and watch the show when I dropped at midnight. And I don't regret that because I don't think I would have been able to sleep very well anyways. But yeah, I'm definitely paying for it today. But I think the excitement and the hype to talk about it and like I'm still riding that

Excitement for Bad Batch Finale

high. So I'm doing really, really well. Yeah, good stuff.
Excellent. So, let's try and get over the preamble, the news, and what we've been watching quite quickly because I've got so much to talk to you. Oh, by the way, let's explain what we're excited about. It was the finale for Bad Batch today, sorry. And so, yeah, both of us have been exchanging a few texts about this and DMs about this throughout the day.
I'm so glad I can finally talk to you about it. I've been itching and itching and itching. It's almost like a multimedia constipation I've been suffering throughout the day that I've been, I can't wait to talk to you about it. So mate, what have you been up to this week?
Uh, not, not a ton, not a ton. I actually really haven't been up to anything. I, but I did kind of get something and I think this is probably the best time to talk about it.

Unexpected Book Arrivals and Algorithmic Purchases

Um, I had some, I got some new books, some new books came in the mail delivery. Um, let me see. Let me know if you can see this. So this is one of them. It's called a new proof. Oh, dude. That is beautiful.
Kenner Star Wars packaging design from 1979 to 1970, or 1977, 1979. So we got all cool stuff here. It's like the Kenner packaging, like original packaging is like, it is in depth. So it's got like all the different versions, variants, the way that it was developed, the different, like the original cover, like where the photos came from, how it was all designed. Oh, dude. So that's all. Oh, that looks mint.
And so then I haven't had a chance to, I just came in like yesterday. And so I haven't had a chance to really deep dive. Yeah. And then another one came with it. And this one's called the chroma Lynn strikes back. There it is. This is like the second, the second edition. And this is Kenner star Wars packaging design from 1980 to 1982. And so it's got all the same kind of things for the, for the next iteration.
It is way more research and information than I could have ever imagined. Yeah, but look at those pictures. Sorry, look at those photos. Sorry, this is not good for podcasts. But honestly, these are high, high detail images of stuff that I would have absolutely blown apart about in my youth.
They are fantastic. Where did you get them from? I don't know. I'm in the process of figuring that out. Okay. Updates, updates to come.
Okay, no, they're sick. They're, they're really cool. And it's like, it's sick because it like it matches Chris Hall's amazing cover. Yeah, you know, absolutely. And it's kind of like, it's really cool, especially for me, like coming from the print industry and like working there for so many years. It's just like, right up my alley. So I'm like, Ooh, I like this. And I'm just amazed at how much is still around like how they were able to get all the research and
and kind of compile and put it all together. I'll put a link to it in the show. They are beautiful. They are absolutely beautiful.
I know one of our friends in Australia on the southern hemisphere that's currently finished. He has finished his vintage collection in recent weeks. Would be really interested in those books. They look good. They look really, really good. Yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited to kind of grab them and really dig into it. Just to be clear, you've got no idea how they turned up on your doorstep.
I don't. I do not. OK. Was it? It wasn't one of your Mexican purchases, was it? You went to Mexico. No, no. OK. OK. Right. OK. What's what's interesting? I opened up and I'm like, what the hell is this? Like I wasn't even I wasn't even familiar with what it was when I wrote it. And so that that's how I'm like it because if it's something dumb that I ordered, like I get that a lot. I'm like, oh, that's weird. I wanted that. And now it's here.
from Amazon, neat. And this was not one of those because it came direct from like the publisher. And I'm like, I don't even know where the hell this came from. So I looked it up and I'm like, these are sick. Yeah, they are. They look beautiful. Maybe, maybe, maybe the algorithm, the Amazon algorithm, which is the best in the world when it comes down to buying behavior and an individual personal taste, maybe it's got so good that it orders for you without

The Term VDU in the Medical Industry

you actually clicking a button.
I should check my credit cards. I should check my credit card statement just to make sure you might be. Pretty good idea. Pretty good idea. The only other thing that I have was this and this is just a note that I made from last week. So Madison, along with myself, but I didn't have the the goal to bring it up, she's like,
What is what is VDU? I'm like, I don't know. It's probably something like 1980s, like gold certified Microsoft partner term. And so I looked it up and it was a visual display unit. Is that right? That's right. Yeah, that's right. So so so in my defense, listen, dude.
Yeah, I may be old but you know the industry are working so I like to think I'm reasonably caught up on most things especially. I never said you were old. I just didn't know what the acronym was. No, but the point being is that when it comes down to the medical industry,
They still refer to a monitor or a computer screen or a PC screen or a phone screen as a VDU, which is an old term for a monitor when it comes down to diagnosing, especially eye-related problems that needs to be fixed.
So I just used that last week. And even when I was saying it, I thought, oh my God, you sound like the oldest fart in the world.
It's like my buddy says he has something with VDU. I've got myself a VDU. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've got a dose of VDU. That's what it is. Cool. Cool. Sounds like a good week. Sounds like a good week. Real eventful. Yeah. It's real eventful over here. How about yourself, bud?
It's been a really good week. It's actually been a really, really good week. It's been a really good week at work. I've got a lot of stuff done this week and I feel... It's the simple things, right? Where you get an awful lot done, you achieve an awful lot and you get the kind of...
collective nod that what you've done or your team has done is a pretty good job. And so I got that kind of nod this week and I felt, yeah, it's been a good week. It's been a really, really good week because I tend to work quite late.
The job that I do, I speak to an awful lot of people in the Far East at first thing in the morning, and I speak to the US blasting at night. So it's a relatively extensive working week for me, probably at the wrong times for most people. A lot of my midday is actually downtime for me because of the times I work from. And we've been working on something a lot recently.
And just that little bit of justification or acknowledgement that you've done the right thing, your team has done the right thing, it's been quite nice to get. So it's been a really good week and it's given me another spring in my step for what's to come. So that's been good. Home life has been quite quiet after I got back from Spain.
Um, last week I kind of, um, we kind of have taken it easy. There's a bunch of plans that we wanted to do some work around the house that we can and we didn't get to do it. I mean, I'm, you know, we're 15 years into this house that we bought. Um, and we're still, we're still modifying it. It's, you know, don't ever, unless you've got kind of a disposable income of, I don't know, Elon Musk, don't, don't ever kid yourself that it's ever going to be over. Everything always needs to be done. And then once you've done it.
10 years later it needs to be done again or needs to be repaired again so it's an ever-ending journey. This weekend we took it quite easily and I didn't get any of the jobs done.
And I got online and bought a few things. This space that you can see and those people listening, I'm sorry you can't see this, again, bad for podcasting, but I'm in my shed in the garden and the space around me at the moment looks pretty comprehensive, but I've got a few gaps on the wall and I've bought some more canvases. So I've bought, I think I shared a photo with you, I bought a canvas
It's quite a large one actually, which is a print of the issue three of the original Marvel run for A New Hope or Star Wars back in 1977. And that's on a canvas.
But where I get them from, it's relatively cheap and it doesn't mean I need to frame it. It doesn't mean I need to do anything particularly clever with it. It's really easy and it creates a nice colourful space on the wall. I've bought a bunch of, haven't come yet, I've bought a bunch of Akira ones as well to fill the rest of the wall which I'll share with you when those turn out. There's a bit of spending as well.
Spent some time the last 24 hours or so speaking to the UK contingent of the scruffy looking podcasters. I'm going up tomorrow to go and see Chris and Kev for May the 4th. Our plans are, although it's not
specifically on May the 4th. It's to celebrate May the 4th as a bit of a giggle and a bit of fun. We're going to go out and go and watch on May the 3rd. You know, typical that we don't get it right, but there you go. On May the 3rd, we're going to go out and see Phantom Menace.
for the 25th anniversary of that. Going to spend a couple of days with them, do a few things. We did have plans to go and visit the quarry from Andor, which is
something we've always promised ourselves would do together as a as a trio but um the weather's looking quite bad so we might end up in i don't know warhammer world or something like that that these guys wanna that will typically do at the weekend instead uh or i might even take them out for a pizza uh you never know um but yeah no looking forward to it the plans are made i'm on my way up tomorrow it's a hundred miles or so from my place so it's it's um
It's a bit of a it's not that much of a track in your in your in your perspective in your in your world, but certainly is for an old fight like myself I'm looking forward to it. And then lastly
tomorrow's a big day, dude.

Celebration Japan Tickets and Star Wars Hunters

The celebration, Japan tickets are going live and we're all going to be there. All those of us that are lucky or in a position to be able to go are going to be
online until whenever needs to be to get our tickets. I'm pretty cool about it. I mean, you and I have spoken about it offline and it's like, well, we'll find a way. And even if we don't get tickets for every single day, you know, we'll get there and
and just chill out with the team and have some fun and make up for it a different way. So, you know, if I can't get in for one day, for example, I'll choose a day to go in and find a comic shop or whatever it takes.
get myself hysterical about the whole thing as to whether I can get tickets and what tickets I can get and so on and so forth. Life's too short. I don't want to get that stressed out about it. So yeah, that's going to be fun. And that's really it for my week so far. Yeah, we're all good. What about news of this week? Because I've been
I've been well lazy, dude. And in fact, we missed something last week that I'll pick up in my part, but you might already have. But what about news that you've picked up this week? Anything? Most of it is just trailers, some trailers that I caught. I think the low-hanging fruit one is the Star Wars Hunters game.
I think when it was first announced, I think I was like, oh, that's going to be cool. I'm excited to play it. But like the more time that's gone by and the more I kind of see it, I'm like, I mean, I'll download it. I'll play it. But I'm like, I don't really think this is.
gonna be something for me like it's just that whole arena con like i'll play it a little bit but yeah i don't know i know i know some of our friends have been able to play it for quite a while now and they seem to be enjoying it but it doesn't seem like it's like it's not outlaws or anything like that like where it's the big stuff that i care for uh so that's cool it comes out June 4th um for those that don't already have it um
Did you have, do you have any thoughts on hunters or anything like that? Are you going to pick it up? Only, only that it's a mobile game. Sorry, only that it's a mobile game and I'm surprised how much hype and visibility it's had, to be honest with you. I don't mean that in any kind of.
bad way. I don't mean that to be derogatory in any way. I mean that in that it's a mobile game. We know it's a mobile game. We know it's going to come to... I think it's coming to Switch, right? Because of the platform or the kind of... The makeup is very, very compatible.
But it's been so long in development now that I almost, I don't want to say it's been cursed. It's almost like I didn't think it would happen. And so therefore it's a pleasant bonus. It's a pleasant surprise. And so I will play it. I will download it. I'll buy it. And if it rocks my world, I will
stand up, bow and apologize, and admit that I was wrong. But I'm not particularly excited about it because I can remember seeing the trailer, what, three, four years ago now?
Hell, I played the demo in London at the little, at the place. And they were like, it's coming soon. And we're like, because we got the posters and everything from it too. And it's like, oh man, I forgot about that game. You know, like our friends who've had it on their phones for a while, I think they're also like, yo, we've been playing this for a while. Like this still hasn't come out yet. So it'll be interesting to see how different it is. Like I'm going to play it, but it's not something I'm like,
give it to me, put it in my veins. If it's a truly mobile experience that allows us to connect as a community, then I'd be really stoked. I'd be really, really stoked. There's very few things that have... I'm obviously referring to our friends over at High Potion where there are very few things that bring people together and I was listening to them today about
their experience with Final Fantasy and it sounds so frigging sick. And if this game is one of those very easily accessible games that allow a heck of a lot of us, especially those that aren't particularly, how can I put this, aren't particularly into gaming to play together,
then yeah, I'm really up for it. But I don't know enough about it, to be honest with you, apart from it's mobile and it's kind of like a gladiator death match. I don't really know enough about it to get too hyped about it because again, it was a moment in time that's kind of been and gone. And I'm not being negative. Like I said, if it's great, I'll embrace it with everything. Anyway,
I mean, I have a feeling we're going to we're going to get more information about it. Like the other part of the news is there's been like a billion announcements, mostly product related for May the 4th, which is coming up in a couple of days. I will have more information on that next week. I'm not going to try to like. Yeah. In the news articles and stuff like that.
Yeah, that's coming. The another trailer I saw was for a movie called blink twice. That's coming to theaters. I thought it looked really cool. It kind of gave me like glass onion vibes mixed with like mid summer a little bit, where it's kind of like a
like a mystery, but also a little bit of horror and psychological stuff. I don't know. I thought it looked really, really neat. I already forgot who it was. I think it's Channing Tatum is like one of the mains. Yeah. It's like it looks it looks pretty cool. I like that this like genre is like getting a boost from like Knives Out and like all this. I just like I like that kind of that kind of a
that kind of category, that theme of just a little bit of whodunit, a little bit of maybe mixed with a little bit of horror of, oh, maybe don't go fly to that private island with somebody you barely know. I don't know. It's like a, it scratches that. It scratches that. It's a messin' for us all. So yeah, that looked cool. And then the big one, the big one for me that I was completely blindsided by, I think in terms of,
just I had no idea it was coming.

Jim Henson Documentary and Muppets' Impact

And then also emotionally blindsided was a documentary coming to Disney Plus on May 31. And that is the Jim Henson idea man documentary. Yeah, I saw the trailer for that. And it was right after
Madison had listened to the episode our soundtrack episode where I was like going on and on about the Muppet Christmas Carol and like yada yada yada And then I see this trailer and I'm like, you know what? Like I'm really kind of having that like out of body experience moment Where I'm like, dude, maybe like the Muppets Are a bigger part of my life than I thought they were
because I'm watching this trailer and I'm like, the music, the music, the music, it's already getting me. Oh my God. Like I'm excited for this. The Muppets are pretty amazing. It's a little bit like, the Muppets are, you know, are an institution that's a little bit like, I don't know, Lego. It's a bit like Bluey. It's like Bluey. It's multi-generational. And so it's cross-generational.
and relatable. In my mind, Muppets were the original Bluey, the original Simpsons, the original media that crossed generations because it was puppets
and the comedy was quite smart, was actually quite smart in places, which clearly brought everyone... Again, we had this conversation with Eric a few weeks back and it kind of brings everyone together in a way that
is relatable and creates nostalgia. So I'm with you, mate. I'm looking forward to it. It's a foundation of simplicity and creativity. It's, you don't need crazy stuff like you could just have a simple puppet with ping pong ball eyes. And that's the foundation of it. And you just build from there into the crazy worlds of everything they did. And so I will be watching that the day it comes out for sure.
I mean, Henson and all those guys, and there was a couple of guys over in the UK, there was a bunch of bizarre stuff going on in the 70s with puppets and with practical effects.
animation in the UK, on the BBC, ironically. I mean, these guys were off their tits. I mean, these guys were visionary and they were applying... I mean, they had their sentiment... Sorry, they were adults that created media that was relatable and are all active adults at the time.
during the 70s when pretty much all bets were off. And it's really cool. It's really, really cool. And I think that Pixar, to a certain degree, maybe not so much in recent years, to a certain degree, also continued that on as well. It's smart stuff. Now, looking forward to that. I love Henson. Ah, man, I love Henson.
Okay, so from my side, what I learned this week was that we missed something last week and that was the Tells the Empire Stay Back clip. So while you and I were stoked two weeks ago about, or a week ago, sorry, about the Tells the Empire series coming out and being not announced,
There was a stayback clip which gave a little bit more detail between Morgan having a bit of a scrap with Grevious, General Grevious. Nothing really much to talk about there apart from it looks sick. It looks really, really good. And the fact that it gives Morgan's tail even more gravitas as to why she would have so much
commitment towards her fellow knight sisters and Dathomir in particular. You remember at the end of Ahsoka, it was all about her last words were for Dathomir. Then great, then absolutely great. I'm well up for it, but we did miss it last week or the week before. I'm a little bit gutted about that. The only other thing I picked up this week, again, being a little bit lazy this week,
But picked up this week was that Jeff Bridges has confirmed he's returning for Tron

Jeff Bridges in Tron 3 Announcement

3 or Tron... Is it Ares? Or...? I believe, yeah. Ares? Ares? Or Ares? Like the mythological god. Yeah. I didn't know it was spelled the same way. Anyway, point being, he's returning for the third Tron film, which is cool. Which is cool. You know, I mean, I love the original Tron.
it hasn't aged particularly well, but at the time it was like, oh my God, this is amazing. It was amazing at the time when, especially after Star Wars, that there was nothing that you could think would blow your brain, but that kind of animation at that time was good. Tron Legacy was great and
fine. You picked up massively when we were speaking to Eric about the soundtrack, which is sick because Daft Punk is a personal fave. So I'm looking forward to Tron 3 because they're low risk and they're good yarns and it doesn't have to be amazing. It doesn't have to be a franchise, the fact that it's going to be there. It's a Disney property and Jeff Bridges is going to be involved. I'm really stoked for that.
Um, so yeah, but that's, that's all I really, really picked up on this week. Right. Let's try and get through what we've been watching and watch listening and still watching quickly. Cause I really want to talk to you about, about batch. Um, what I've been watching, listening to, et cetera, this week, buddy,

Reactions to Bad Batch Finale

my friend. So I finally have a nine year listening to.
about nine year. This will be quick. Madison and I have been, you know, hanging out for nine years now. So we decided that this weekend we we did a spontaneous like three hour drive to go see a concert in the middle of nowhere. It was super cool. Not my not my normal
type of music but it was still a good time just kind of out in the middle of the desert with mountains and stuff and cool scenery and it was it was a good time so that was fun that's cool
I did see a movie, not in the theaters, then this movie was called Love Lies Bleeding. It's got Kristen Stewart, Ed Harris, and Katie O'Brien, if you remember her from, as the Imperial Officer from, I believe, Mando, Mando. She, super cool, super awesome in The Mandalorian. This movie, I,
It's like up my alley for the type of movie that it was. I want to be clear, like I want people to watch it so I can talk about it with them. Cause I don't want to like anything I have to say about it as a spoiler. It is violent. It is very sexual. It is very, not for everybody, but it is, it's a good time. Like Clint Manzel did the soundtrack for it.
the same guy who did Requiem for a Dream. Yeah. It's a theme here. Welcome to the mind of Sean Hoffman, folks. While it's not as like dark as that movie is, it's definitely like it's not a
It's not a Muppet movie by any means, but it's wild. It's absolutely wild. So if anybody watches that, I recommend it. It's not a 10 out of 10, but it's good. I enjoyed it. Talk to me about it, because I love the chat about it. Don't read reviews before you watch it either. It's one of those ones where you don't want to know. The other thing, quick one, X-Men 97. I compare this.
to, as somebody who's not deeply involved with the X-Men comics, I was thinking about the other day, actually last night when I watched it, I'm like, it's kind of like skateboarding down a steep hill. Like, I feel like my trucks are getting a little loose. And I'm like, whoa. And then when the episode's over, like I'm at the bottom of the hill, I'm like, that was fun. I felt a little out of control the whole time, but I had a good time. That was awesome.
do. Excellent. I know. Do I know how I got to the bottom? Not really. But but I'm here and it was it was it was a fun experience. It's it's a trip. If you could take that as a review. We are in the final arc of the season. That's like a three episode ending. Episode one was last night and there's two more left. It's it's a lot. And that's
I think that's all I watched. And besides all the other crap I got going on in the background, but those are the big ones. What about you? What have you been watching, listening to, et cetera? Okay. So what I watched in past tense, um, I with Lucy, we, we watched together zone of interest. We, we, we, we kind of picked up on a lot of the Oscar stuff that you, you went through. Um,
a few eps back proactively and we're very reactive on our watching. So we watched Zone of Interest, really liked it, really, really liked it. I love the... I already enjoy watching foreign films anyway, but I love the whole take on her being German
him being French, a common language is English. And so therefore you kind of got stuck in this courtroom drama that kind of used. You're referring to anatomy of fall.
Not zone of interest on that. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. You're reading my list, aren't you? Yeah, an anime fool. Sorry. My apologies. My apologies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. An anime fool. So I really enjoyed that. And then we also watched the zone of interest, which I thought was great. And again, you said to me when you first watched it that
it's not what you see, it's what you don't see and the sound design that was the most important thing about that film. And God, you're absolutely right. And it was traumatic in so many ways. And I'd argue
with hindsight, should have deserved an awful lot more at the Oscars than it got. But I do understand the reasons why. Bloody good film, though. Interesting point on that. There's actually two there's two interesting points about that film zone of interest. One of them is that there was actually no crew on the set when they filmed they did stationary cameras.
And so when people are in a bathtub by themselves, they're literally in there by themselves. There's no crew behind that camera. It's just stationary cameras around the place. Oh, wow. It's very isolating. And the second, I think, even cooler pieces we saw in a documentary was they actually basically made two movies. They made the movie that you see
which is all the stuff that's going on. And then all of the background audio wasn't there in the film at all. That was all a secondary film that was later made and put on top. So all of the people that are doing things, they can't hear any of that stuff that we hear. So it helps them not react to things. But it's a two thing. Apart from the mother.
Yeah, okay, when she's, yes. But even then, I don't think she can hear it because they said that they made all of that stuff as a secondary film. Okay, got it. Completely separate from the first. It's like- You know what I mean, don't you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. The mother of the mother, if that makes sense, the grandmother that comes to visit, she's very uncomfortable with the noise in the background. If you've not seen that movie, I highly recommend it. Oh, good God. I mean, it's one thing you need to watch just to remind ourselves
Well, just just just to remind ourselves, you know, that I don't want to get into politics, religions and the rest of it, because I don't believe in politics and religions, the rest of

Insights on Zone of Interest Film

it. But but but but, you know, they're just being generally fucking nasty to each other. It's yeah, it's a place to see in the scale of a situation. Yeah. Very, very real.
it's a must watch for everyone. Anyway, on a lighter note, I was left on my own for a couple of hours one night while I took Lucy out. I was taxi for Lucy while she went out for the evening with some friends and I got to see Guy Ritchie's The Covenant, which is basically a very
simple story about the translators, that the locals in Afghanistan, about the translators in Afghanistan, and the work they did for the Allies, the US, the UK, France, and so on and so forth, during the conflict.
It was a little bit of commentary about how they were treated after the conflict and after the Allies left Afghanistan, but mainly the story was about
how one particular translator really went above and beyond the call of duty and saved a very, very important military officer of the US Army that did an awful lot of covert operations out there.
and really put his neck on the line. And really the premise behind it was that the Afghan translator was looking for a visa because he knew that the Taliban would
would make his family suffer. But he went above and beyond as I said and went that one step to really
not only look after this guy, but also forge an amazing relationship that went beyond his original motivation for the work that he was doing. It was a really good film. It wasn't particularly clever. It wasn't particularly dramatic in any way. It was very, very simple, in fact. But I thought that the way that it was
It's simplicity actually made it really quite appealing to me as a good flick. On top of that, there is an elephant in the room that I tried to address last week and I did it really badly. So I asked Sean to cut it from the episode. And that is, I did watch two weeks ago now, part two of Rebel Moon, the Zack Snyder franchise
he's hoping to build. And I'm trying to put into words, because we are a positive podcast, I've tried to put into words, and I failed miserably last week, how I feel about it, because it's not in any way the best film I've ever seen, and it's not in any way
the best writing I've ever seen and experienced, but it's visually spectacular. And I think that anyone that's into sci-fi that has an interest in the history of sci-fi or fantasy or the kind of geek stuff, I think they need to watch it simply because it is a moment in time where a director
like him or loathe him and he has a very very definitive film style that isn't my bag but it is other people's bags hence the reason why he had so much support for the Snyder Cut of Justice League. It's worth watching, it really is worth watching and
It is beautiful in places. It really, really is beautiful. The cinematography in many, many ways is stunning. Sometimes it's overkill, as we all know. There was a meme about his use of slow-mo in pretty much every single shot, but it's worth watching. When I go back to it, no, but on a positive spin,
I do implore people to watch it because I think it is worth watching again as that moment in time. Um, because I'm glad I watched it. Does that make sense? It does. And what's funny is I think you're the only person I've ever heard put a positive spin on it. Like I haven't heard anything positive about those films, but it's nice to hear like that there are some things that it does do well. But the thing is though, is that, is that, is that,
How can I put it? I'm like a sponge and I just watch anything that I find interesting, even if it's down to the aesthetics, if I don't like the film. There are plenty of films out there that I don't particularly like. I mean, Jupiter Ascending is one of them, but aesthetically, it's beautiful, absolutely beautiful in places. And I really respect the craftsmanship that went
not into the direct not not not perhaps into the directing but certainly into the into the um the visual effect for what it is like yeah exactly like it's not all about the big picture of like oh it's not a grammy award-winning movie um it's not the best thing ever yeah whatever but yeah still appreciate it
And so thank you for letting me cut out last week's thoughts on it because I need to think about it a little bit more if that makes sense, but I am glad I saw it.
What am I watching at the moment? In the UK, we have something called Race Across the World, which is basically a bunch of folk are given a bunch of money. They can't use airlines, they can't use airplanes, they can't use air travel. They can't use the most advanced of travel and they have to make their way from A to B. I think in the US, you call it, you've got a version called the Great Race, is that right? Or the... The Amazing Race.
The amazing race, the amazing race. Okay, so we've got a lower budget small town version in the UK, as I said, called the race across the world. We've watched it from day one. I wouldn't normally call it out, but I'm calling it out because they went through Tokyo.
So they're doing, they're doing, they're doing, you know, really Southeast Asia and along the, you know, along the Polynesian coast and all that kind of stuff. And they, and last week they did, they did Japan and they got me kind of excited only in context of, of course, celebration. So I'm watching that at the moment. And then, um,
I'm still watching Constellation. Constellation, by the way, if you've got the time, the inclination and the appetite to really concentrate, it's actually really, really good. I think I mentioned when I first started speaking to you about Constellation, the plot being that
these scientists in space, they are astronauts, they're on the ISS, and they create an experiment which basically, from what we think is happening, splits reality. So you've got kind of three or four different versions of the timeline that's going on, of which they are now clashing together.
so you've got it's really quite clever it's really really quite clever but good god it needs an awful lot of brain power to work out where you are at any one time but i'm really enjoying that and of course scrubs bounce up collect a reboot so on and so forth and then what i found this week which i'm really chuffed about is i had to do some driving the other day and i heard um
that Katie Sakoff has her own podcast and it's been going for about 10 months now and I didn't know anything about it so I downloaded it and I noticed that the last but one episode she had was with Ming Na Wen and I have not laughed so much on a podcast for quite a while.
Both of them are talking about their experiences and it's about a 15 year gap between Katie and Ming Nha Wen, who's of course celebrating 60 years this year. I mean, she looks amazing, is amazing, is so youthful, how she gets away with it is beyond me. But the point being, these two people together in this one episode,
I laugh so much because honestly, they take the piss out of each other in such a way that you can clearly see that there's a friendship there clearly and some trust there. But their take on certainly the stuff that you and I love in Star Wars is so funny. It really is so funny.
I'll share something with you as a spoiler. Ming Na Wen, and I didn't know this, had no idea that the Book of the Boba Fett was the Book of Boba Fett where she turned up on the first day to start shooting.

Ming Na Wen's Role in The Book of Boba Fett

She thought it was Mandalorian Season 3 and she thought she might be there for a few hours. She had no idea
that she was such a key component of that series. So it's really quite funny. It really is quite funny. And I hope to listen to a lot more of that podcast. That was the first one I listened to, but I do implore anyone to listen to it. Yeah, I've been seeing clips of that. We've gone over. I'm really sorry. I've been seeing clips of it going around on social media recently. Yeah, it's cool. It's really cool.
It's really, really cool. It's one of those golden finds that you, I just came across it and it was, if it's his ace, it was really, really good. And Katie is now, I think she was trying to work out what her format would be. And she did an awful lot on YouTube.
She goes to great depth actually during that very same episode as to why she's going to move to podcast only, so to audio only. And it's quite interesting to hear her reasons for doing it. But I'm on. I'm on board. I think she's awesome anyway. I had no idea that she was doing this and I do recommend it. She does it really, really well.
Nice, nice. So should we, uh, should we move into the topic of, of your grades? Great interest. Yeah, we have to, we have to mate. Um, so today was the finale of the bad batch and going into today, if I had to give the bad batches season three, a score.
I would say it was a solid seven. A solid, solid seven. And that seven was pretty much propped up by the
the first five or six episodes, which I thought the first part of this season was absolutely phenomenal. It gained momentum very, very quickly and really pulled the heartstrings where it did. I think I've been very, very honest and truthful in the last couple of episodes that we've recorded. I've been okay with the movement or the
the progression that the last part of the series season has been. But it seemed to be a lot more pedestrian than the first part or the first half of the season. But good God, the finale for me changed everything. It changed my score, which I'll leave to the very, very end.
And again, I said it was a very, very comfortable seven or a solid seven. The finale for me was fantastic, absolutely fantastic. A lot of tropes, but good God, they're really good tropes. And I'm really, really impressed with the way that they left.
the story or concluded the story for some but not for others and promised them a very, very, very exciting and very, very bright future for some of our characters ahead, which I hope is going to be the case. What about yourself, mate?
I mean, it's obviously it's obviously hard to like talk about it at a high level without going into the details. But I similar similar vein. It's like I think the season as a whole is maybe like an eight in eight for me. Definitely lifted by the in near the end. Same same kind of things. Some of the midseason dip. Which.
Granted, I think the reason I have it as an eight and maybe even a nine at times is because I think there is a lot of stuff that's still possible. I think they brought it home in the end. I think it had me speculating. This season had me speculating at a larger scale.
like it's really starting to get me to speculate with like the connective tissue of the larger arcs that are in play more than anything else so far has really done. Granted, those are the foundations and like everything that we get after this is going to continue to be that way. But I think some of some of the stuff that's taken place in this season was really
really kind of reignited and sparked a lot of excitement for what's to come. With with like kind of like the Filoni verse storytelling. Yeah, which I think I think we talked about a million times before of like, you know, we're not the biggest fans of Mando season three. And
Like, but this this is kind of like revitalizing some of that of like, OK, maybe there is a bigger picture, bigger vision. And Bad Batch got a surprising amount of speculation and kind of excitement out of me for that bigger picture stuff. Yeah, that's I'm sure I won. We called it because we're like, it's got to be a long episode. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, well done. Yeah, that's cool. They got that in. But yeah, what were you going to say?
No, I was going to say, I kind of expected it to be a lot more complex, the finale, a lot more complex, or we've talked about it for many weeks now. The last four episodes ramping up to an almighty event involving an awful lot of people and
almost convincing myself that it would be something bigger than Christmas. And it's like, it didn't need to be. It didn't need to be. It was actually some really simple storytelling today and it was all right. It was actually all right. And then what came from that simple storytelling afterwards
was sick and just the hope and the hope for the future. I mean, listen to me. I mean, I'm talking about hope. I am a trope. The hope for the future. Oh, good God. It's amazing. But listen, let's
So from start to finish your thoughts, mate, your thoughts about the whole thing. So you've done your overview. What did you pick up in the entire series? Just to remind everyone. I mean, do we have to do a run through of what we saw today?
essentially, I don't have it. Yeah, I don't have a ton of deep dives. There's a couple things that I did make note of that's like, to your point of like, the thing, we're gonna have like a big Rex and all that kind of stuff. Kind of big fight. I, I think I put so much weight on that because I didn't think they would give us
the like I'm really happy we got that clone closure that I've been hoping for like yeah they were having that conversation in the hallway I'm like holy shit I'm getting it oh my god I'm getting it I'm getting it they're giving them the option they're saying like we've got one more fight like you guys can do your own thing it's up to you I'm like oh my gosh it's happening and then it sucks that like 90% of them got smoked
By that by that whatever I thought I genuinely thought that that like the crazy clone commandos dudes I thought they were gonna like take their helmets off and they were gonna be like a literal clones of Bad batch like characters.

Crosshair's Role and Hemlock's Complexity

I thought it for a second Man there there they got the wrecker the guys. I'm like, please don't do that. Please don't do that Like don't distract don't add that element and they didn't they just were just crazy good clones and
what super indoctrinated and it was it was a really really good fight for a minute it was kind of hard to follow i'm like oh i kind of like sit i gotta like sit up yeah it was it was going on it was getting it was getting well well and i wouldn't say it was the cut it was the darkness this time it was just so much happening in one frame at one time i couldn't follow who was doing well i almost thought at one point that that you had some of the
some of the agents fighting each other it's like no no no it's it's it's all in my it's it's my it's my cognitive ability to follow this um yeah no i'm with you mate it was um yeah i thought we i thought we were gonna lose some people the day they really heavily leaned into like wrecker wrecker needs to sit some the next few out like that dude is mate i thought i definitely thought he was dead i definitely thought he was dead i i thought that that would be the
And I really hoped it wouldn't happen, but I really thought he would be the one that goes out with a simper, you know, goes out with a
slowly and maybe even off screen. When he was incapacitated and then the shot moves away from him back to, I don't know, Omega at the time. I can't even remember now. I've seen it twice. It's the first time I've ever seen a bad batch episode twice in one day, ever, seriously. And I'm not getting you. But it was the, yeah, he's
his brothers are looking at him with concern and it's like clearly
He's not, I'm OK, I'm going to make it. Yeah, crosshair speech was was real. You're like, you're you're in a bad shape. And he kind of gets up and he's holding his chest and it's like, you're really fucked. You're really, really, you know, you're you're you're really, really knackered out. And it's like. I thought that he would go out and worse still, I thought he was going to go out off screen so that when
Omega meets up with the boys. She has to deal with seeing... Reka, sorry, dead. Because he's died off screen. Luckily he didn't. But yeah, I honestly thought of all of them in my notes that I'll share with you in a second. I thought that he was gone. I really did. And gladly he's not.
I mean, I think the other big, the other only major things that I have, besides like the obvious takes, it's like, dude, crosshair getting his hand just yoinked right off. And then just not having a hand or any prosthetic the rest of the episode was, I did not see that coming. They're like, oh, it's been a problematic hand for like the last couple of episodes. Well, guess what? You're about to lose it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That bearing in mind,
There are kids watching this. That got quite dark. I mean, showing it in an animation would have been completely inappropriate, but the fact that they suggested it was like, whoa, holy moly. I'm surprised. He's just walking around with a stub the rest of the episode, like no big deal. Yeah. The other two things were the
Like I already really liked Hemlock as a villain, but they, they amped that up with his, his visual, like the way they visualized him, like kind of coming up through the floors and the lighting and just how evil like he is. Like I just chef's kiss. Loved it. Loved him as a villain. Uh, so good. Loved the voice actor. Dude, when they're on, when they're on the gantry or when they're on the bridge at the end,
and he finally loses his composure and he's actually screaming and shouting. That was some of the best voice acting I've ever heard. Again, it's in my notes. Seriously, it was phenomenal when he's screaming out and you can hear the fluctuations in his pitch.
Um, because, you know, he spent the entire episode of basically knowing everything. Oh, I predicted this. I predicted that. It was a bit in very, in many ways, it was a little bit like Thrawn in that he knows exactly what's going to go on. Oh, I predicted that. I'll let them go. Oh, I put them coming, coming to, uh, to Dante's exactly what I planned in the first place. All that over arrogance that is synonymous with the, he would have been right if it wasn't for the damn Zillow beast.
Yeah. Well, he would have been right about everything had he not had a proper grasp on our heroes. But anyway, that voice acting right at the end, right at the end, I thought, my God, this is Oscar worthy. It's brilliant. It's absolutely fantastic.
The other, what was the other thing? Oh, the, um, the bad batch definitely shot to kill. Everybody was shooting to kill this time. People were getting shot six, seven, eight, nine, 10 times. And it's like, Oh yeah, they,
they pulled all of their like, I got there's a while back I went with way down the rabbit hole of like what you're allowed to do to get certain ratings on shows. It's like, Oh, you can do this two times. That's four times this yada yada. It's like, I think they saved all of them for season three for this episode, right? We're gonna shoot a guy nine times just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And like, these, yeah, they're those guys are dead. They are definitely like no more stun, no more blue fruit loops. They are, they're dead.
And the final thing I had besides all the obvious stuff is there was one line that really sticks out to me that makes me probably more hopeful than anything else that some of the stuff we speculated could still be on the table just because of how like intentional it was when Omega at the end, not the end end, but the young end was talking to Hunter about the kids. And she's like, how long will it take us to find the family? And he's like,
Like he just kind of like kind of said it offhand, but like you watch him again. He's kind of like, you know, Rex Rex and I are working on it. I'm like, yeah, please let that be an opening to the path. Please let this be the path. Please tell me you're finding the families are going to do it. And this is going to be a hoo hoo. And we didn't get it and we didn't get it. But but. You never know, you know, I think I think we should leave that to the end because there's some questions about what the future would look like.
That's cool. What are your notes? What are your notes? My notes. Um, and again, this is in real time at six o'clock, uh, eight o'clock, sorry, uh, this morning, my time. Hem not knew that the, Hem not knew the bad batch would come and play into his plan. What an asshole. That was note one. Number two. Um, how did they know the baby cat baby's name was Ben or Baron?
How did they know? Cause the cat baby can't speak. It's written on the back of his collar. Yeah. Okay, fine. Okay. Okay. Fine. And that was a nitpicky thing. I thought I was being smart, but ignore that. Um, Zillow is wrecking. Zillow wrecking shit is ace. Um, is one of my notes and it was like, I didn't much take to the Zillow base in the,
original Clone Wars and I thought it was a bit of a filler apart from obviously the hint that you might see it in the future because Palpatine wanted it to be preserved and
It feels like a joke that keeps coming back on. Stored. Stored. But do you know what? Watching that thing come out and start wrecking shit and taking out a few stormtroopers, I loved it. I loved it. I don't know whether it's because I saw Godzilla and we've had a re-watch of all the Godzilla and Kong films recently, but I really enjoyed that.
And in fact, I liked that watch it walking through the trees. You just see his dumb head, like, yeah, it was going lower and lower and lower. But the fact that it, but both of the fact that it put the baby to sleep, I thought was hilarious. Um, I thought from a meaningful point of view, and again, this is an order as it happens. So, um, crosshead talks about clone force 99 dying with tech. I thought, Oh, that's deep.
That's deep. It was a moment in time, it was quick, and they actually pushed back on him and said, we're doing this together or nothing. You can't sacrifice yourself. That's not the way it is. We're not going to do that. But the fact that Crosshair's state of mind suggests that
you know, the team broke up when, when tech died was, was for me quite, quite deep. Um, crosshair clearly goes to try to sacrifice himself, which is plan nine. I'm assuming is plan 99. Uh, can I talk about plan 99? Um, what made me laugh and fist bump the air was
when Zillow Beast broke through the main gates, as it were, and they asked themselves, was that Echo or Omega? And they both agreed that it was Omega. I thought that was like, yeah, damn right it was Omega.
And that made me happy. Next was when Hemlock activated the pods. I'm still convinced that they're the first stages of Dark Troopers, although the data has been lost now. I'm assuming the data that has been lost is mainly on Project Necromancer. I still think that the
the clones in their individual garb with a first stage of Dark Troopers, or because they are so different to each other, I thought they look a little bit like the Praetorian guards in Last Jedi. So the idea that they look similar, but they have different
aesthetics to their armour and their weaponry. Made me think a little bit of the Praetorian Guard. Either way, thought they looked sick. Then I wrote, oh my God, they cut his hand off. Yeah, that didn't... I was expecting
the upward motion of the sword or the vibra knife coming down and then being interrupted by someone to save the day, but it didn't happen. It just went to black and clearly the connotations there was that crosshair lost his life. Now I say, what a woman. I mean, she went it alone.
Tarkin was on his way The the sacrifice that Nala say gave Was phenomenal. I mean she'd already lost her entire pretty much her entire race as they sacked Camino Camino they sacked Camino and so for her then to go that extra mile and and and and
not only save Omega, but destroy the Empire having access to the research. It was pretty cool. Rampart, what a twat. His turn kind of surprised me again. I didn't think he'd go back to being a full-blown dick again.
But he never really, he never, he never wasn't though. He never, he never, he never really wasn't a dick. And so, and so, you know, the eye, the opportunity for him to take advantage of something that would give him least a lifeline. I get it, but what a dick. And I'm glad he got his just desserts there. Tark is on his way. Yay. I've written here as a bullet point.
Uh, the corridor fights, the corridor fights I've written down here, the corridor is again, it's, it's, it's an aesthetic thing more than anything else, but the corridor fights feel like a new hope. I don't know if you saw some of the, the, the dodging and not so much in the, in the main vistas or in the main areas, but, but certainly the corridors, some of it felt sorry, a lot of it felt like a new hope. And of course that's obvious, Andy, because the walls look very much like the desktop.
But it looked very, very similar the way that they were kind of almost dodging, dodging blaster fire in and out. It felt very, very much like that. Love the fact that the original operative that created all the problems for the team in the first place got lanced.
properly through the chest with that vibro stuff. That was cool. Voice acting is amazing. Again, I'm repeating what we talked about earlier on, but I'm literally reading out my medicine order. Crosshair comes through at the end. Amazing. You know, he comes through in the end with or without that hand, he comes through.
Right. Tarkin arrives. Is that the first time in animation we've seen, sorry, forget Rebels, but is that in timeline, in galaxy timeline order, is that the first time we've seen a victory Star Destroyer? I think it is. So Tarkin arrives.
It looked like a scene straight out of Rogue One. It's like they use that same layout every time. They're just like, dude, that looks real. But I think that's the first time we've seen it. The two either side are obviously the old Republic cruisers. I think that's the first time we've seen a Star Destroyer, a Victory Star Destroyer, or an Imperial Star Destroyer.
The troopers that were accompanying Tarkin, they had the red of the Coruscant stormtroopers. Did you notice that? And of course he refers to Project Stardust.
So he had enough of what Hemlock was doing. I mean, Hemlock's dead for a start, but he was sick of all of the budget that was going or being diverted this way. He diverted the rest of the budget towards Project Stardust, which we know is the Death Star program. The next question I had before I saw the ending was, is Pabu safe?
So they talk about, you know, half an hour or 15 minutes earlier, Emery is told to take the kids to these coordinates, which is a safe place. And then we see them all making their way back at the end to Pabu. Bearing in mind they've already been raided there by Hemlock.
Um, is that a safe place to live and stay anymore? Uh, and that was the first thoughts that came through my head at that moment in time, but with hindsight, I guess it is okay. Interesting that Echo is leaves, uh, and doesn't stay with a batch. So the batch is.
very much broken up again and his plan is to kind of exploit Senator Tucci or work with Senator Tucci to kind of give the clones more of an argument in the
in the, with the Republic, which we all know is kind of mute anyway, because essentially Palpatine gets with the Senate anyway, so anyway, but nice idea. Right, the last thing I said before we talk about the 10 years later bit, is that, you know, the Han thing with the Han thing with with Hemlock,
which also was shared by Crosshair, the hand twitching, never explained, never ever explained. And I guess it's, maybe I'm looking too much into it and it doesn't need to be explained. But the point being is that the hand twitching from Hemlock and the hand twitching from Crosshair, which I always thought was part of his conditioning or the response, but the fact that Hemlock had it as well, that was never explained. And so,
I think to me, to me, it kind of I'll let it go. I'll let it go. He's just a tortured like he went through torture of some kind. And that's why he's so driven and messed up. And so he's just tripling, doubling, tripling, quadrupling down what maybe he's been done to him in the past by whoever to make him whatever way he is like, and he's just like,
I feel like it's just like, oh, he's a tortured person who became like, who's he's super evil now. That's just kind of how I saw it. He's got the same physical things that have been done to him, like perpetuating the abuse. No, I'm cool with it. I thought I thought we might get a little bit of a side swipe or a
kidney punch on that one and suggest that the reason why crosshair has the twitch in his hand might be because of part of the conditioning, it kind of associated with the whole Omega thing in the first place, is that the conditioning is also, is Hemlock's hand twitch is a natural thing, and then part of the conditioning for
The Clone Troopers is to use part of Hemlock or Hemlock's DNA.
to be able to follow orders. I didn't know whether it was kind of like a biological thing that that could be shared during the experimentation. Anyway, I thought it I thought it was starting to like I was afraid it was going to turn into like, oh, they're fighting off the mind control, like almost like they're zombies. It's like, oh, and I thought when they about the boys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, please don't let them like wreck or grab omega. Be like, oh, I'm going to kill you. Yeah. Fight it. Like, don't do that trope. And I'm glad they didn't.
I got what the way they did was a lot better. Yeah, that's cool. And then we get, and that's the end. And then we get, I don't know how many years later, I'm assuming 10, at least. And then we get the true end, which is
the boys are getting older and you can definitely see and recognize the accelerated aging in Hunter because I think it's still the rebellion.
Um, or there, there is a rebellion and I'm assuming it's before a new hope, which would suggest maybe 10 maximum 15 years. I mean, Batcher still looks like Batcher, which is wild. Like, but the accelerated aging of Hunter, definitely you could see it. Like he's kind of, he's thickened up and he's not as.
He's thickened up, he's old, he's got wealth, aren't we all? But the point being is that he's definitely aged an awful lot in 10 to 15 years. He suggests he's probably put on 20 or 30 years in terms of his physique and his visage. But the point being is that she's a woman now and she chooses to go her own path and go her own way.
And while Hunter and the boys have always been looking out for her, and have been looking after her and kept her safe and the rest of it, she still has a story to tell, or she still needs to fulfill her destiny, as they say. That's freaking awesome. And I was in bits, mate. I was absolute bits when she basically just said goodbye. And it's like, it's my turn to be on my own now.
She has every right to carve out her own story in the universe. It was phenomenal. Chef's kiss, absolutely chef's kiss. The fact that she's not going to be
a Jedi. She's not going out to be a superhero of some sort. She's going to be a pilot in the rebellion. It's like, yes, that is sick. That is so sick. And just goes to... For me, it's like,
anyone can be a hero and it's just like, yes, this is so good, so, so good. So on that note, do you think that's what they changed? Because I know that Michelle Aung did that interview where she said that they were going to go one direction with Omega's character for season three, but then it changed. Do you think that is what the change was and maybe why the mid-season episodes
felt differently than in the end. It's like, what are all the middle chlorine crap? Like, because to me, that's what I read into it. It's like, before they were going to make her force sensitive, and they were going to do the middle chlorine thing, they were going to have her be this mystical hero, yada, yada, yada. And then they're like, somebody provided the feedback like, yo, everybody can't, we can't have another Sabine, we can't have all these force sensitive people. It needs to be a Omega nobody.
And then it was changed from then on. It's like, oh, and then it became something different. It's like, I think that's what the change was. And I think that's the right decision. I'm very happy. I don't know, man. I don't know, man. Maybe, maybe, maybe it finished at the end of that end scene. Maybe it finished with them being happy. Maybe it finished with them
finding the secret path or being involved in the secret path. Either way, in both cases, she would be with the boys. The fact that the ending is that she broke off may well be the only... I don't know. I still don't see how she could be force sensitive.
My own gut feeling, my own gut feeling, my own gut feeling is that the finale was changed because they have future plans. The way the interview made sound is that it's not just the finale that was changed. It was the arc of season three, her arc throughout season three. Yeah, because I think because I think because my own gut feeling is that it was going to be a one.
it was going to be over. It was going to be over. That's the end of the story. A little bit like what they did with Resistance, a little bit like what they did with... Actually, I can't say rebels anymore, but that was the end of the story. I think there are... My gut feeling and my hope to a certain degree is that the bad batch story is done. Let's face it,
Could we have lost a few more? I mean, we've already had the heartbreak of losing deck. Could we have lost some more? Potentially, I really did think. I really did think Rekha was going to go. But they're knackered. They're broken. They're absolutely broken. Their fight is over. They have earned their stripes, as we say. They have done their duty, and they should be
there to protect, but also to relax on Pabu. But Omega has always been bigger than the bad batch. I know there's not a lot of people that don't like or haven't enjoyed this season as much as they have previous seasons, but one thing this season has come over to me is that Omega is so much bigger
and more important than the bad batch, than all four boys, five boys, sorry. And her story is not over yet. And I love the idea of where her stories
of where her story's going. And if that's the end, then fine. And we can speculate and make up head cannons what happened next there. But the fact there's an opportunity that we can carry this on in the future with a different, with a very, very fresh outlook, then great. Funny you say that. Do you think, what do you think the possibility is that we could see Omega again?

Omega's Character Development and Series Ending

maybe as the new face of like a Rangers of the New Republic kind of thing. On your notes. Yeah. So, so I wrote down and I purposely left it to the end. So she's off to go join the rebellion. Is she joining Rogue Squadron?
Is she part of Rogue Squadron? We've been told recently that that's not dead, that that concept is not dead. Maybe, just maybe, I hope, I hope, that Bad Batch was rewritten and indeed Rogue Squadron as a concept, be that as a movie or most probably as a TV series, may feature her.
to your point, if it's not Rogue Squadron, sorry, it could be Ranger the New Republic, but the Ranger's program, don't forget, is after the Civil War. It's after the Civil War. So that's within the Mando timeframe. So yes, and yes, is my answer. I would love
for her to be a little bit like I enjoyed the alphabet squadron novels. I would love for, if there was any single ounce of hope that we can get a pilot story like Rogue Squadron, whatever it turns into, if Mega's part of that, that would be sick. That would be so sick.
I'm hoping I'm hoping it's Rangers because I don't know if when they planned on having that Rogue Squadron movie take place, like if it was like around the New Hope ESB kind of era. It's like, don't know. We never knew, did we? About say I hope it's I think I'd be my hesitation. It's like not that because that's not going to go well for a lot of pilots.
Case and point a new hope and things like that and so it's like I'd love for her to like and you also don't want to have another like child prodigy like a Luke cuz it's like where are they but if like if she's working her way up through and doing Hidden path or other missions and things helping the rebellion and then once civil wars like she's a leader and then she's like leading Rangers in the public. I think that'd be I think that'd be a sick and
opportunity, not say that it couldn't be Rogue Squadron, because I don't know what Rogue Squadron it's going to be. But it just, it makes me afraid of like, we can't have all these super pilots flying around. Like, I don't want her in that because I'm afraid of her outcome. But then again, we don't. But we also don't know, we also, we also don't know.
what age she is when she leaves them. So I'm guessing 10, 15 years, in which case that would put her right in the middle of the Galactic Civil War. It could be a little bit later than that. She's the same age as Luke, isn't she? Around the same age? Around the same... I guess. I guess. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe a little bit older because she existed before Order 66 and Luke was born around Order 66, I'm guessing.
I don't know, buddy. I really don't know. And in none of it. So anyways, they'll just change it if they don't like it. I do. I do have one thing I can say with confidence, though, is that we know that she's going off to be a rebel. She's a rebel. Yeah. She's a rebel. The rebellion she talks about. So it is it's not the resistance, the rebellion she's going to join. And she's going to be a pilot. If you were
fan casting for either live action or maybe pulling together the concept for the next animation. What fighter would you put her in? Like what type of, what type of fighter? And the reason, the reason, and I kind of, I've been brewing on this all day, like I said to you, been brewing on this all day.
if you were to think about the bad batch as being the heavy, being the B-wing, so that would most definitely be the characteristics of our friend, Wrecker. You think about the stealth and the speed of the A-wing being something like Hunter. You think about the deadly accuracy of the
X-wing, for example. Sorry, the deadly accuracy of crosshair being something like the A-wing. Sorry, the X-wing, sorry. What ship would you put Omega in? See, I'd flip it. Characterize the bad batch. Sorry. I'd put Rector in a B-wing. Rector would be a Y-wing. Oh, got it. OK.
Or he yeah, I'd put. Crosshair in a B wing, I'd put Hunter in an X wing and I would put Omega in an A wing.
like Omega's an A-Wing pilot to me, kind of like a tally line, kind of like a sleek, fast, small wreckers bumbling along in his big old A-Wing just dropping heat. Crosshair's got the tactical, kind of like, he's like next level, like Crosshair can do a lot, like he's,
sharpshooter, everything like that. And then the hunters kind of like the like the the middle of the road. Like I'm an ex wing. I I I bring I bring it all. I kind of bring a lot of the stuff. Got it. And personally, what would you do? Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. No, tech. Go on. Go on. No, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I'm trying to think like what. I don't even know what type of tech would be. Tech would be. See, I think that.
Let me, well, first of all, I thought I'd talk about it for shits and giggles. But secondly, I think of the fact that she's going on to be a pilot excites me because I love the pilot story. It's part of the every man or any man story that I get excited about. But all of those fighters we talked about are all about individuals. They're all quite individuals.
And I thought that the ideal, if I saw, was to see Omega again in the capacity of being a part of the rebellion, it'd be brilliant to see her fly a Ewing. A Ewing. Because she's about people. She's about people. She's about people. She's about people. She's about people.
saving people and looking after her crew in inverted commas. And the idea that she looks after her squad, her team, I can't think of a better ship than the U-Wing. And so not as an individual in the rebellion, but as a
carer as somebody that looks after her folk in either looking after a team of insurgents or of commandos or even in a medical capacity, looking after other people. But the point being is that I can't see her
as a pilot being a relatively solitary person, I can see her being more part of a team or leading a team to look after others. And that's one of those things that I'd like in my own headcount. No, I think you're on it. In literally 12 hours, I made up in my brain that made sense.
Well, I think you're speaking to something that like, I think was my initial kind of like gut disappointment with her kind of leaving and going out to be a pilot.
And the more you kind of talk about the more kind of like puts it towards of like, I don't want her to be like a hot shot pilot, like solitary individual. It's like, no, that that's that's not the the Omega that we've gotten. She's an empath. She's a strategist, a leader, a motivator, kind of that that that core, that the emotional and
kind of core and motivator. Like I don't want her to be stuck in an A wing or whatever like to do that. It's like I'd love her to be like a strategist on on a command ship who's like the ringleader and like motivating like a squadron of pilots not like a Mon Mothma like that level but like a squad leader who's like
Here's, here's, here's how we do attack formations. And like, here's like looking at the big picture, like she's got the mind and the emotional and the people skills. And they're like, Oh, she's gonna go be a fighter pilot. Like, yeah, I mean, but you have to start somewhere. So then I kind of justified it myself. Like, okay, it's still early.
She'll go learn, but then she's going to excel and be, and that's where, that's where I think I kind of transitioned to like the, the Rangers of the New Republic kind of thing of like, okay. So then she like cuts her teeth and then she can get back into that leadership kind of empath role. But I think you phrased it way better. It's like, oh, like a Ewing. Cause I didn't even think about like support ships. Like, cause that's what she is. She's kind of a support character.
the emotional heavy, like a U-wing and things like that. Yeah. I just think that she's an amazing tactician. Exactly. And if she flies a ship, like I said, I can't see her being or wanting to be a hotshot, an individual, an ace. I can't see her wanting to be an ace.
I can't see that that's not her demeanor. It's all about the mission. Does that make sense? It's all about the mission. It's all about getting her people back. It's all about this inherent stuff. But I think that... Sorry, I've had a long day. I think the idea of when you think about the Bad Batch over the last three seasons, when they're all individuals,
And together, they make an amazing team. They make an amazing unit. They make a very, very effective blood instrument to take into war. They're pieces of a whole.
But they are very individual and the pieces together work best as a whole. Omega is the culmination of all those pieces into one personality. And that's the bit that I think is so exciting. And I said to you, if not last week, certainly the week before,
she's so much more than the bad batch she's so much more than that and she's so much more you know she just she almost doesn't need them anymore and good god today we saw that she doesn't need them anymore and it's not a it's not a bad thing but she's still got her fight to have whereas the guys are battered
And they need to take it easy. And I'm really satisfied with that ending, mate. I really am. I'm so, so happy with that ending. And I'm surprised at the ending as well. Again, I was expecting the cavalry to be
I don't know, a million and one folk that we know and maybe a collection of personalities that we've seen over all three seasons, including the two cameos that we got this season to fly in and save the day. And that would have been epic, but probably a little bit predictable as well. And so the way they ended it very, very simply, but very, very meaningfully today, master stroke, I thought, I'm very happy.
It was a very emotionally different ending than what I was expecting based on the lead up. Yeah, I loved it. I loved it. I loved like what you're saying about how they're they're all individuals. But then it's it's a bit like passing the torch and like that you think the show is about the bad batch. But really, it's about the bad batch coming together and in making something and someone better found family, but literal family as well.
of Omega is already she comes and she's the emotional heavyweight and learns from each one of them, their traits and what makes them what makes them strong and then in the end makes her a a stronger, a stronger individual and somebody who is just now starting their fight and taking the culmination of all of that knowledge and all of those skills.
Um, yeah, not just the ones that they were like genetically created with, but the things that they learned over time. And it's almost like having, like they're all her parents in a way, like they're her brothers, but also her parents and like older brothers and like take everything that we've

Episode Pacing and Production Challenges

learned. And you've kind of created this product. That is the culmination of everything that we've been through. Um, and she's infinitely better for it.
and it's gonna do really cool stuff I yeah I love I love the ending I was shocked at how much they got in in that amount of time because I saw the runtime I was like it's gonna be a lot and then I'm like they did not shock they didn't they wasted no time no and
And like, if I had to criticize, I'd be like, you could have spread some stuff out and made those last couple episodes stronger. But that's, that's, I'm digging. I'm digging for that. The ending was very strong. And I loved it. I loved it. I was thinking, buddy, I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking about how short I felt last year, last year, last week was.
And then I was thinking about how long this week was, and I was thinking about, is there an appropriate break point within this week's episode that could have been fed into last week to make it, and there isn't, to make it more, to make it make sense, and there isn't. And I genuinely, on my second, like I said, I have never ever in the same day watched the Bad Batch episode
on a sec for a second run in the same day. But that makes sense. Yeah, it does. Um, I, I couldn't, I couldn't find a second time round. I was thinking, where can I find a break? I couldn't find it. It wouldn't have, it wouldn't have worked. It just wouldn't have worked. I don't know how
I don't think there's a way you could I agree there's no way you could break it but I think based on the interviews and things that have happened I think they had an original plan I think they changed it and I think some of those episodes needed to be short and weaker conceptually to get the right arc flow and I think they did the best possible thing that they could have done
Not that it was so far. I think it was great. But I think there's remnants of a mechanical behind the scenes process and bureaucracy and the way things are made. I think that's why things shook out the way they did. And I think they did a phenomenal job.
working within those comp, because not every, because you can't just do whatever. I mean, we've, we've both been in the business world. You can't just do whatever you want. You have to work within time, money, quality, et cetera, yada, yada, yada, and whatever. And I think working, you can see remnants of those invisible hands. And I think they did a phenomenal job with the output. I'm very happy with the way this, this season and the way this series ended. Um,
Yeah, me too. Me too. And I'm not ashamed to put my hands up and say, I was a little bit worried last week. I was a little bit worried last week and I was trying really hard to see the upside on most things and I just thought, good God, there's so much to tell in such a short amount of time. And like I said earlier on, they made it really simple. And the simple
And it was perfect. I'm almost surprised at myself as to how I overcomplicated what was going on in my head as to what should happen or could happen to make it an impactful ending. And they didn't do any of that. They made it really simple and it was more than fine. It was fantastic. I almost feel it's a little bit like those
We've said it before, sometimes we get to hear and see too much of what goes on and what happens. I almost wish that we didn't hear about the change that had happened because we have what we have and it's great.
And I don't want to spend time speculating about what we could have had that may well be inferior because as a community of fans, we always seem to try to look for more and more and more to make it better or a reason to complain about what we got wasn't what we wanted. And I
I almost feel that we get too much information about potential changes that were made retrospectively or after the event or indeed building the future, which is kind of the information you want to get out of the company and the franchise that you love, but ultimately people can use that as a reason to pick flaws in what we got. And I genuinely
thought what we got today was phenomenal. I really do. I genuinely think that. I agree. It's not me placating the brand of this pod, I promise you. It's not me trying to be positive the sake of being positive because that's our chosen, the way that we want to run this podcast. This is how I feel today and I really, really did enjoy it. Same. I agree with you that I do think we get too much
too much of the inner workings, too much how the sausage is made, especially with things that are still in early development. I a billion percent agree on like, we don't need to know about movies six years in advance when somebody's just starting writing on it. It's like, I don't think the general public is aware of enough of the process and like how things work to get that kind of information and not just use it for ill intent or just misrepresentation.
For me, I think that this instance is a one-off or...
It's one of those situations where like knowing that interview and things that this I think it enhances it more for me. Because I guess I'm kind of the person with people who's like knowing a little bit how the process of like the reality of it like the behind the scenes stuff helps me appreciate appreciate the art more in a lot of with you.
like applying a real world like these are made by real people. This isn't something that you just have infinite money, yada, yada, yada. It's a business at the end of the day, it's a business. And so I think that gives me that reality check at times of like, man, look at look at what they made within the confines of what they could do. I think there's so many times that people look at of like, oh, it's Disney at Star Wars, they have
infinite money, infinite whatever. There's no shareholders. There's no this, that, and the other. Like, why can't they just write perfect stuff? It's like, you're living in a fantasy world. Like,
It has it all has a goal. And like in the fact that we are being able to produce this kind, we being the collective we we can create this art and and have a business like the art and the hand the handshake between art and business is something that blows my mind in this I'm so fascinated with, like the way you can
you can move that needle and it's part of these larger and like these larger trends of like where they're doing it to Disney parks and merchandising and art for it and telling this longer narrative with it's not just Dave Filoni. It's a room full of people. It's an industry. It's a company full of people. There's a ton of people involved in the fact that you can get this cohesive dream and vision out the door and maybe have a change that's just injected at the last minute. I know what that does for me as a software engineer. It's like
Hey, I know we're like halfway done, but like requirement changes.
It's like, you've got to be shitting me. We got to change. And they're like, no, we have dates. We have dates. This has got to go out. And we've already released trailers. And so it's all just that inner working that's like, it just makes me love it even more, especially when something this good came out. And it's like, yeah, you can I know something happened and we'll never know what it is. But I respect how awesome it came out. Like people probably worked their asses off.

Storytelling Quality and Social Media Impact

I don't know. I don't know what happened, but it's like you feel the blood sweat into your tears that went into this. Watch that. Watch that again. Going back to the, the, the penultimate scene, go back to that scene when they're on the walkway and we're crosshair with one hand is with Hunter and the trust between them.
and the trust that they have with Omega doing the right thing. And then the voice acting of Hemlock as his cool breaks and he finally loses his ship.
It's just amazing. This is not your kids Saturday morning TV cartoon. It's insane. It's insane how good it is.
So yeah, if knowing about the changes they made, if that's what you get from the knowing about the changes that they made, then good on you. I just sometimes get somewhat deflated by stuff that goes on in social media around their being
whether it was good or whether it was not us being given visibility of what an alternative look on that would have been. And then all of a sudden it's like, Oh, we could have seen this. We could have seen this. I don't know. It's been so much better. That's totally fair. It's so much better. It's like, well, yeah, but, but, but hang on a second. We got what we got. Yeah. And so therefore, you know, we are, we are all adults. We are all adults and, um,
I hope we are anyway, because typically people that we engage with on social media are certainly of voting age. So you kind of hope that they have a rational or understand that there are always many, many facets of any kind of production and
they may well have been options to spin it a certain way at a certain time, but it was decided that's not the right thing. And then you get this whole diatribe of, you know, it should have been this and should have, I've seen some stuff today and it's like, but what we got was so good. Why would you want to see the alternative? Just to compare one against the other and then make a decision on what was your favorite?
And maybe that's why this is different for me, is because we don't know what the alternative was. And maybe it's also because I'm not getting on social media. I've curated like most of my life. So it's just like me and you talking. I'm like, I mean, I don't have any problems because I'm also not.
Yeah, very good. And not putting myself on a pedestal there. It's just like, yeah, I just haven't consumed anything. So I don't know how negative it can be out there. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You made a decision a long time ago not to placate

Omega's Future and Star Wars Celebrations

this kind of stuff. And I guess that I'm still kind of, to a certain degree, still there. No, fair play to you. I would like to think, though, in my head that the change that they made was to add longevity to Omega's story and that there is and that they have
They have gracefully retired our boys, and yet they've created an amazing, amazing segue for Omega to appear in our lives again in the future in one form or another. It could be 10, 20 years by now. I might be dead by the time that they
they resurrect her story. Either way, they've provided a segue there or a platform for her to have more adventures. And good God, she's going to be a pilot for the rebellion. That's so fucking cool. I'm well stoked. I'm very excited. I'm well stoked. It's like, oh, go and see Master Luke on the Jedi Academy. It's like, no!
No, she's gonna be she's gonna be a pilot in the rebellion. That is so frigging cool. I love it. I absolutely love it. Her hands are not touching lightsabers. And no, they're touching. They're touching a yoke or whatever they fly on a ship and that makes me incredibly happy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, matter of story. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Bearing in mind, you know where my mind goes. Can you imagine there being a comic book at some point or a story at some point where she flies with Chewbacca? It's going to be so sick. What if what if she has her own Chewbacca like co-pilot and she's not a smuggler? I think not. We got enough of that. No, but imagine if she has her own
like a new Wookiee-like creature like co-pilot and it's just her and him just or her and it whatever whatever it is like that'd be so fun or just meeting Chewbacca that'd be sick oh yeah so many cooperatives yeah yeah oh mate don't I'm starting to gush
Well, what's craziest as I think we're going to get some I don't I don't not necessarily related to this, but it's like, we're three days away from May the fourth. Like, yeah, we who knows what we could be getting like the marketing machine has already ramped up on my my phone is literally just 100% ads at this point. I, I wouldn't hold it.
I wouldn't put it past him to announce something in the next couple of guys. Well, we have Tales of the Empire coming. Like, who knows what's coming? We got Celebration coming. Like, it's an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan. Like, we did just this series did just end. But like, there's so much cool stuff coming. And I'm very excited. I'm very excited for Celebration. I'm very excited for May the 4th. Bring it on. Give it to me. Let's go. Happy, happy, happy. Cool. Buddy.
We have done this to death. Yes. Rather well, actually, but we've done it to death. We're going to speak next week and we're going to share with each other what are May the 4th have been and what they've been looking like.

Conclusion and Listener Invitation

And we'll be celebrating Clinking Glasses virtually because we'll have tickets for Star Wars Celebration.
I'm trying to manifest this now, by the way. I'm just making it positive that it's all good. I think we're done, but thank you very much for recording with me today. I've been so stoked. And like I said, it's almost been some sort of
multimedia constipation I've had today. I want to speak to you for so long today because I've had such a good day. Anyway, look after yourself and take us out, mate.
Thanks for listening, everybody. Thank you, Andy, for indulging with me once again on all the things that we love. If you'd like to leave us a voicemail or email, go to You can find all the links there. Thanks for hanging out with us as always, man. This is just, I love doing this. It's such a good time, especially, you know, I don't know, talking about the stuff we like. And with that, until next time, thanks again.