Episode 038 - Rings & Bootlegs image

Episode 038 - Rings & Bootlegs

S1 E38 ยท Just Shillin'
21 Plays11 hours ago

Hey! Let's talk about some stuff. We talk about Rings of Power, Agatha, Andy in Paris, Penguin, Megalolololopolis, stone staircases, toy fairs, and a bunch of other stuff.

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

Hello, and welcome to episode number 38 of Just Chillin'. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am your other host, Andy Bell. How are you, mate? Oh, man, it's been a week. It has been longer than a week. It's been a weird... Yeah, it's been ah it's been longer than a week. Well, first, since this is our first time back since being on the SIT list,
I'd like to say thank you to those dudes. Those dudes were awesome. That was such a fun episode. It was like, I feel like I was on the Indiana Jones like ah by mine cart scene where it's just we're riding down the rails and after all this crazy stuff's happening. It was a good old time. It was a blast. Really appreciate those guys having us on and it was a lot of fun. If you haven't listened to it, you should.
um yeah Yeah, we went we went we went quite deep during the and and I hope if if you do listen folks i I hope you're a patreon and you can listen to the preamble before before the the main event because it's quite a lot of fun as um ah Sean and I choose a a year ah respectively of of of Music it was good fun. And I think we went on for a little bit too long. But um hey, that's our style, right?
About say, I think we we turn their normal 15 minute Patreon segment into a 30 minute Patreon segment. yep And we turn their podcast from an hour segment to like an hour and a half segment. So the whole the whole Patreon episode in total, I think is like two hours and 15 minutes. And so congratulations to us. That kind of staying power. and But no, it was a lot of fun. i I was surprised at how much fun that I had like not that it wouldn't be fun but I was just surprised at like how fun it was especially considering like how we neither one of us had watched like two of the shows that they were going to talk about like Agatha and Penguin and stuff but we somehow still so talked about all sorts oh I thought it was awesome I thought it was awesome and my I thought that you know that we're not gonna how how
How much can we engage? Because there's so many there's so many people on that podcast already. How much can we engage? But i A, I felt welcome. And B, it was probably a small blessing though that that that half the team weren't ah couldn't make it that day so that we could really get into the into the weeds on quite a few things. It was good really, really good fun. And they were yeah they were consummate hosts. So so thank you, Iraj and the team. Thank you very much.
i do hope I do hope we get invited back at some time when everybody's there because I'm still holding on to all of my my jokes about being on Hollywood Squares. like I was going to go in. I told Madison I was going to go in and be like, I'm just going to pretend like I'm on the game show the entire time. like i'm going to pretend any Anytime somebody asks me a question, I'm going to pretend like I'm a game show contestant and and like I'm responding to the host.
yeah on Hollywood squares and just be like i'm really happy to be here thanks for having me you know i'm really excited i'm gonna i'm hoping i'm hoping to take home the prize today uh but maybe maybe next time so we'll see yeah anyways good fun what else have you been up to in the oh dude hang on hang on i'm trying to think i'm trying to think because i i can't remember because it was I had to get up at three in the morning to speak to them. So it was, yeah, no, it was my it was my Friday. So it was your Thursday. So we haven't spoke spoken for a week, for it for a week from now. and We haven't recorded our own pod for for well over a week, you know for nearly 10 days. So what have you been up to, mate? Dude, it's been a crazy 10 days. It feels like it's been a month and a half. um So,
I don't remember what I did that Friday. It probably works. Maybe something like that. But then after that, I did for four days, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. I was kind of off the grid a little bit. um And I spent those days building a stone staircase. Yeah, didn't see that one coming. Whoa. Yeah.
i and i'm I won't bore everybody with the details but it's more of that kind of trail cruise stuff but this was like a larger project. um The PCT is Mexico to Canada. It's <unk>re supposed to be graded for horses and there's a section close to us where it's kind of a granite slab that's hard. It's kind of angled so it's really tricky for horses to go down and they can twist their ankles and people twist their ankles and all sorts of stuff. So there's a project to build ah to go in and using natural materials in the area to build a stone staircase at grade. um So I was like, cool, I've never got to do that. I'd love to learn how to move two ton rocks around.
ah that and build a staircase. So I did that. um And it was hot and it was hard, um but it was a lot of fun. I learned a lot. It broke me um physically. I think by the end, just getting up early every day and going out there and doing it and and doing that work all day long. ah Like by the end, I think my immune system is just completely gone. ah Yeah.
Like it took like two, three days to just finally kind of be like going to bed at eight o'clock at night and getting up at 6 a.m. And like, just being like, it's just not enough sleep on my body. It's not, it's not, it's not ready. But no, I did that. That was fun. That is very, very cool. That's really, really cool, man. um I'm really, really impressed. I know we talked a couple of weeks about about a couple of weeks back about what would our alternate role job be or what would our when we were in a position to retire, what you know what would be our ideal. Barista fire. but Well, I was about as about to say, you you could be, you know when you're ready to retire, you could be a perfect woodsman or outdoorsman or, I don't know what you call them over in the States, but you know so a real bad news.
I do, I do, it is kind of inspiring a little bit because there are a lot of like older retirees out there. And like, I think one of the reasons I kind of keep going back to it is like, seeing seeing them like, guys out there in their 80s, just still still doing it. Like still being active, being mobile. It's like, dude, that's what I want. I don't want to be, I don't want to be like 60, 70 and just like unable to get out of bed. Like, I'm sure they have existing this stuff like,
Yeah, but it but been existing. now i i that's i'm You and I are are the same there. i need i I'd need to remain active in some way or another. Maybe not as physically active as you, but certainly certainly active in one way or another. Well, I think the other part of it too is like it just like I don't like the multi-week backpacking trips as much, but I do like being outside and like this has given me something to do. And I think it's also like there's an element of, I've wanted, I've needed to disconnect. I think for a while, like I know we talked a little about this a little bit before, starting the pod of just, there's times where you just need to get away and like, I just need to get off the internet. I need to move, just do something else. And I think this has been a good constructive thing because there's no service out where I was. And so it's it's just like the only thing that matters
is moving rocks and making sure nobody gets hurt. Yep. At the end of the day, because we're all volunteers, we're not getting paid. I mean, there's one guy who's, that's his job, but like, none of it matters. It's not like, oh, hey, no breaks. Get to work. It's like, no, it's not, it's just, it's like the only thing that matters is just, we all go home at the end of the day. And the best part is the guy who was leading it brought fresh watermelon at the end of every day. Like he just pulled out of his car.
I was like, dude, you keep bringing this, I'll be here every day. There's nothing like fresh watermelon like that well all day. But yeah, I did that. That's what I was doing. So I've been recovering from that of just slowly kind of coming back to reality of like,
Cause it's also high elevation, hot. It's just long days. It's been wild. um But I've also been, I also caught up on a bunch of shows, but we'll talk about that later. But besides, besides that, man, like that's been like the core of my existence the last 10 days. I was doing that and then kind of just coming back from it and getting back into the rhythm of things. so lot It's a lot. It's a lot, man. It's really a lot.
It's been wild. What about you? I know that you've got some adventures that you've been... Yeah, it's it's um it's been it's been a it's been a week. It's definitely been a week. um I'll leave the first to last, actually, because that's the fun part. um But ah since Monday, I've been working in Paris until last night. So we had as part of this you know this whole work deadline thing, only 21 days away and counting.
um we had We had to have a bit of a come by our moment or two. A meeting of minds with a few folks from work and quite frankly, a team's call just wasn't going to cut it. So we ah we got together and worked our asses off.
at work for a solid four days, eight eight in the mornings, late at night. um I know I sent you for some photographs of Paris than the and and the surrounding area, which which looks and sounds you know a lot more exotic than than that certainly than than the reality of what was actually what we were there for and going on. And that was good. And we got a lot done, a lot, lot done um in a, I guess, conciliary short short amount of time.
um had the chance one or two nights, one in particular, of enjoying the sights and sounds of Paris. My boss ah was there as well, who's a Parisian, just just just by just by chance. And um he got us into um a restaurant that literally has the most amazing view of the Eiffel Tower and serves the most amazing food. And in fact, um I have I mean, I love but love Paris anyway. It's where, you know, lucy is it's it's it's Lucy and my place, preferred place in the world. ah if you were to If you were to pinpoint one single place where
we it's ah It's our place as a couple and it's definitely Paris, especially around the old part of Montmartre and Sacrรฉ-Cล“ur, which is basically the old um bohemian artist's artist area of of Paris. But we were in downtown Paris. um And yeah, like I said, we went to this restaurant, really, really good food. And during that meal, I tried cuttlefish for the first time.
Despite my age, I'd never tried cuttlefish before. And i'm you know being having been born brought up by the sea, I'm very familiar with an awful lot of fish, but I'd never ever tried cuttlefish. And I really, really enjoy it. so It's it's it's nice really nice. Really, really nice. Very meaty. Reminds me a little... bit It's like a dense and den denser version of... um What am I thinking of? Monkfish.
It's like a denser version of monkfish. Monkfish in itself is already very, very meaty, um but it's like a denser version of that. Smaller in terms of but in terms of the size of the of the piece of of meat that you get, but but significantly dense denser.
And so, you know, you kind of get armed with, I wouldn't say it's quite a steak knife, but it's pretty, you know, it's close to a steak knife to get through this. And it was cooked to perfection in that you your knife went through it like butter. It was absolutely fantastic. And of course, and with awful with an awful lot of um Parisian cooking, you get some amazing vegetables and some amazing um ah seasoning etc etc it was just phenomenal really really good the previous day the previous day wasn't it wasn't so much fun for me um my boss took us to a um ah a restaurant a Parisian restaurant that specialized in a lot of rural cooking so a lot of um I mean he used the word peasant but it's kind of traditional
traditional cooking. um yeah yeah yeah His command of the English language isn't brilliant, so I probably wouldn't have used the word peasant myself, but it was very, shall we say, basic cooking. And yeah introduced me to say he he basically introduced me to a so a type of sausage. And um he said, you know, just just ignore that just ignore the smell, um because it smells of it smells of piss.
And he wasn't wrong. He wasn't wrong. It did smell of piss. The rest he was going to leave for me to make my own mind up. And I have to say, while the sources smell of piss, it tastes like shit.
um It was probably the one of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted in my life, and I feel as if he set me up on purpose. In fact, but' say i think you're I think he does not like it. Yeah. No, no, no, no. The thing is though, we're pretty good buddies um as well, which is the reason why he probably knew exactly we tend to want each other up quite a bit. um So yeah, it but it was it was disgusting. and And I found out that essentially it was a sausage that was made out of the the arse the arse of pigs. So it was I literally was eating an ass sausage, which because of course became the yeah the running joke for the rest of the trip. But um it was just it was it just intestines, but they just don't clean them out and just tie the ends up. And they're like, here he goes. I think so. I think i think i think it pretty much was. i mean who you know Who cares about hygiene or or the occasional
the occasional nibble on on ah on ah on a piece of shit. um But yeah, no, it wasn't really nice at all. And yeah, i was I was the butt of many jokes for the following days thereafter, which was all good fun and games, really. So flew back last night. um So I haven't had a lot- And that was our just grilling segment with Andy. um Yeah. So.
so our sausages two thumbs down from Andy. But yeah ah um yeah, apart from that, um ah so that was that was that. That was that. um ah We've already mentioned the CIF list, obviously. um Last weekend though, i had the I had the pleasure of hooking up with the UK contingent of the scruffy looking podcasters. So um yeah, we went up to, we met halfway. So in other words, it was an hour north for me, an hour south for them. And we went to one of their um their antique toy fairs or their toy fairs that they go to. And in fact, we we we bond on we we originally bonded on that and we seem to be going to a lot. We we go to a lot these days. so
um And the idea was that um we were going to hook up, um do the antique fair or do the toy fair, but get some goodies, um pick up some bargains. I mean, they're a lot more prolific or a lot more active with these things than I am. I was just literally going in ah to to to follow them around the place in order of what they were buying.
and maybe pick up pick up a few niceties for myself as well. but um And then the plan was that we were gonna go and watch the Empire Strikes Back in a local cinema that was literally a stone's throw away from the exhibition center. Now, um again, I'll start from the end backwards. So um we gave up on Empire. We gave up on Empire. We did eight hours solid of the toy fair.
holy all of which Of which was on our feet for eight hours. We then went for some dinner in the evening, in the early evening. I went for some dinner and ate our body weight in pizza. And by the time that was over,
we still had two hours or so until the um until Empire was was was goingnna ah was going to wear. And then of course, after Empire, got to find our way back to the cars and then we both got, you know all of us have got an hour's journey home again. So everyone was pretty much skirting around the subject. It's like, oh yeah, yeah, we're looking forward to seeing an Empire, but slowly but surely over while we were waiting or trying to find reasons to keep ourselves busy, on a Sunday, so most things at most places are closed, to keep ourselves occupied for two hours, pretty much in the end, Chris was the one that jumped in and suggested, should we knock it on the head, guys? And it's like, yeah, thank God you suggested it, because quite frankly, I'm about, i there's no way, I'd i'd probably see
luke but get attacked by the wampa and then at that point just fall asleep and miss the rest of it which is a waste of money for everyone and then slowly but surely kev kev as well plus a couple of the friends that they were with as well kind of all said yeah let's not do that let's let's call it a day we've kind of we've kind of i mean if we started actually no we didn't start they started at quarter to eight in the morning. They were there for quarter to eight in the morning. I was a little bit later because I had the dogs been poorly. We've had problems with the dogs. So I was a little bit, I was a bit little bit later ah than those guys, but pretty much they'd been there since quarter to eight in the morning to queue. So they could be let in early doors for eight o'clock. So the event doesn't actually start until 10, but they go out of their way to, to go a little bit earlier because of course all the good stuff goes. And typically when you,
We learned the hard way when we walked in, you know when we got there early or so what we perceived as being early. being the opening time of 10 o'clock, you'd already see people coming out with all the good stuff, because of course they'd paid for early doors. So we did that this time, and um and and and Chris and Kev were already hammering it when I got there and and and got themselves quite a few bargains. So yeah, it was good fun. you could but Good fun had by all. it's it's I can't ah can't explain it. All I have to suggest is that when you do make it over here,
we'll have to time it that one of these um events is on. It's it's done it's like MCM Comic Con in that it's it's like ah it's like um a regular event that happens in different venues across the UK. It's one organizer, but it's so it's it's the biggest toy fair in Europe. So there's nothing bigger. there is nothing bigger And ah it's it's a but bizarre event in that you've got um Unlike a Comic Con, which is pretty much, shall we say, very branded very corporate, very branded in places. Plus, you've got the market air or the market the marketplace with a bunch of small vendors, but it's pretty much, you know, what you're going to get there. This is bizarre and it it goes from, shall we say, um
I mean, it goes from stands that are selling um scale models, you'd love it, to um vintage Hornby Railway and steam-powered toys, to um rare Japanese um um vintage, you know, that those aluminum or those stainless steel robots, the wind-up road watts, a little bit of modern stuff. not a lot of Not a lot of modern stuff, I'll be honest with you. A little bit of modern stuff. And then of course, all the all the Kaiju stuff and all the stuff that you know Chris and is really, really fired up on. Oh, and an awful lot of um
the vintage horror stuff like hammer horror stuff hence the reason why bye why why kev's interested as well a lot of vinyl there especially around when it comes down to um um Film and tv scores a lot of retro vinyl there. Um, it's just <unk>s It's huge. It's absolutely huge Um, what did I I kind of remember what the boys got? Um a lot that's all I can say is a lot and there's quite a few i don't i don't want to ruin it because I'm hoping that they'll record soon and tell their followers who hopefully follow us as well ah what they bought but Kevin in particular I thought bought some pretty rad stuff ah which I thought was cool what I bought I'm very very proud about um I'll show you in in order um and again a lot of it is tat so I bought a little
yeah guy He's my guy, I've got a little chewy statuette, ah which basically was a um ah Disney parks a multi-pack of statuettes from The Force Awakens, I think it is, or The Last Jedi. And what the guy's done is he's broken them up and selling them individually individually more expensive than they would be if you'd bought the entire pack and divided it by the number of figures you've got. But I didn't want anyone else but Chewbacca, so I bought that.
i bo want to hear hot take i think your places should do that because i don't want all of them i want one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah specifically specifically lego mini figures it's like i don't want to buy the whole damn sal oh yeah one well one of the a couple of the stalls that are there do exactly that they sell individual mini mini figures and they and I mean obviously they charge a premium for them because of what they've done in order to get them but but yeah there's a lot of places like that on i there's a big big lego contingency there I don't know if you can see this do let me see if I can
move my life. It's like Zeb almost from from where you're at. Well, funny you should say that because it's the prototype. I never had him. It's the prototype Chewbacca. Yeah, it's the it's it's the Ralph McQuarrie take on Chewie. Now, he never really interested me, but um I accidentally dropped the package on the floor and and pretended pretended that I didn't. i didn't and then told the guy that was selling it that it was damaged and I'd offer him half the price and I got away with it. So I actually bought him, but he was my opener. He was my opener for two for for two reasons. One was I'd already damaged the packaging. And of course, out of tradition, I need to open something brand new. I need to and open something or demolish it in front of Kev during duringing dinner. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah no And it's become quite a,
quite ah um quite a tradition these days in that, yeah, I've... um I thought he gave you an ultimatum. I thought he said, like, no more of that shit. and no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He he he he bought me a Chewbacca candle for my birthday. And he said, if I see this being opened, that that's it. we can't We can't be friends anymore. But no, he was expecting me to... and I think halfway through the day, he said, have you got anything yet that you're going to make my skin crawl with?
And it just so happened to be that I did. So yeah, we went out for dinner, as as I said, and um that got demolished in front of him. And it's the it's the it's not only the sight of it, but it's the noise of of packaging ripping that um sends him up the wall. It's it's like it's like um It's like nails on a chalkboard, you know? It's ah it's nots not just opening it, but it's making sure the card back gets ripped in half. Oh, dude, you really just take ah the the clamshell plastic packaging and be like, I'm going to take a knife and I'm going to cut it.
just straight through the middle. All I have to do is twist that bubble and he goes off on one. It's cruel, but it's highly entertaining. It really is. So that was that. This is what I was trying to show you earlier on. With my Macquarie concept Wookiee, I got a coin with it as well.
Which um in the I think it was out of tiredness more than anywhere else. I tried to pass off as genuine currency with one or two folk and they were having none of it at all. So um that was a bit disappointing. um And then lastly, but not least, is my most favorite thing. Actually, no, before I do that, while we were there as well, Chris had something for me. So that here here here we have I think he's Burger King, or it might be McDonald's. I'm not sure yet. But here we have a bobble head, chewy head that's attached to a Millennium Falcon. And if I push him along the floor, um there are these circular discs or darts that far out the front. Really good value, really, really good fun. um But that's from Christine.
That's from k Christine over in Texas. she She sent that over to Chris to give to me. So um thank you, Christine, if you if you listen, if you ever do listen, I hope you do. um But if you're listening, thank you for that. That was awesome. But they the master, I'm gonna have to go a little bit distant on the um my microphone while I get it because I'm trying to look after it. um Talk amongst yourselves, folks. I'll be literally be 30 seconds. But my favorite thing,
He said talk once yourselves, but he's still talking God damn the fifth my favorite thing that I bought was a bootleg And a little bit of a story behind this. So um as you know, I've got into bootlegs. And in fact, I blame Chris Hall for me getting into bootlegs because he ah was with me when I when i first book when i bought my first bootlegs and I haven't stopped ever since. Anyway, he told me a story about this guy that he knows that was doing his own bootlegs in the UK and was showed me a few pictures. And I've always really, really, really liked what he's doing because it's a nice take on
on ah on on the on on ah um the whole toy thing. And he's ah he runs a business called FT-Loot. um It's literally FT-Loot, and it stands for for the love of old toys. And um he's created this, which is basically, again, I hope you can see this. um I'll send you some photographs actually, so we can stick it on the we can see on the site. Yeah, you should send me photos of all that stuff.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's number two out of 20. So he's only made 20 out of these. And just to describe it, it's um it's a Chewbacca. It's black and white. So it's it's it's monochromatic. it's it's It's all in black and white. And it's basically a take on the original Chewbacca vintage Kenner Chewbacca toy. But he's a zombie.
It's a zombie instead. And he's got he's got another couple of lines. He's got a Vader, he's got a Luke, he's got an Obi-Wan, he's got a a Wicket and ah and ah and and a Yoda as well, ah all of which are on the back the back page. And he's he's basically made these lines of of of of of zombie um zombie Star Wars characters. And I bought it.
I bought it. um The guy tried to offer me a discount because I was a friend of Chris's and obviously he knew Chris. um But I didn't, I felt, I said no, because that feels like, I mean, he's trying to make money out of this. And if it was somebody else, but a mate of Chris's, I probably would have said, yeah, I'll take i'll take the discount. But um no, I paid him full whack for this. And I'm really, really happy with it. Like I said, it's number two or 20. But, and Chris is a buggo like this, he really is.
Have a look at the name of the artist of the actual card itself. Can you see that? yeah So the artist, are it's Chris Hall. So Chris,
This isn't Chris's business, by the way. This is not Chris's, but Chris was commissioned to do the artwork for this guy. so so So this guy that he knows who runs this toy company, FT Loot, um he owned his own business. He does the sculpting. He does the moldings. He then does the um ah the painting, which is immaculate. The dry brushing is amazing, not only to Create the skeletal face to this wookiee but also to kind of the dry brushing effect Uh on it to kind of make it really stand out again. The actual figure itself is black and white as well um, but he commissioned chris to do the actual cardbacks the cardback art and um It i've got to say it looks amazing. I think it looks absolutely amazing. Just don't tell chris. I said that um, but yeah, now that that was that was the that was the my biggest takeaway from that um
from that trip and I'm very, very happy with with my with my purchase. I'm gonna try and find one of... Sorry, go on. How much do you think it costs for us to make get a limited run made of me and you as a Shin and Bailin? I don't know. Three and three three hit three quarter inch action papers. I don't know, man. I don't know, man. I mean, i mean you can... ah I think the answer's a lot of money. Well, no, no, no. I would say a run is probably a lot of money, but I say a prototype is probably affordable.
a prototype is affordable. There's there's some there's some stuff that that Chris, I mean, Chris, it's not a secret because um he's mentioned it on his own pod, but Chris is working on some stuff at the moment. And some of the prototypes that him and his partner in that venture ah ah are looking at ah doing is is written some really, really cool stuff. So I would say, yeah I think a prototype would be all right, but yeah, a limited run. Good God, that's gonna be ridiculous.
It's like, madison can I have a, can I have a ah business loan, please? I'd like to, yeah I want to make injection molded three and three quarter inch action figures of me and Andy. yeah What, what would, soldier okay, so quick, quick sidebar. What would your accessory be? I have to ask. You had an action figure. Yeah.
What would your a little, what would your like, your weapon or your like, your little, cause they would come with an accessory. So like, would it be like a, a, a notepad, like a paper itinerary? Would it be that? No, it wouldn't be, an ah it it would be, it would be an old, an old, an old tankard, an old, be it a Stein, an old, an old, an old Stein and um maybe a gaming controller.
Although to your point, a notepad would probably be quite a good thing as well. Quite a good thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that was... Hang on a minute. What would yours be? Well, I do think I'd have to have a companion. I'd have to have one of my cats. I think that would be... Yeah, of course. That would be there. That'd be there. But my... What would it be? What would my... I don't know.
Damn. It'd be something stupid, for sure. I guarantee you that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just can't think of what stupid thing it would be. Oh, remind me, remind me. Next time the scruffies record, if they don't talk about it,
remind me to tell you what, because it's not my place to to to say anything, but um I also, because this is the first time I've seen Chris for a while, I was able to give him his belated birthday present. And I'm not going to ruin it for Chris, because that's his story, you know, that's his story. But if they don't talk about it next time, ah remind me to tell you what I bought Chris for his for his birthday.
um Because ah I thought I was quite happy with with with how it turned out. um What was the other thing? um Oh, yeah, the last thing from that trip was that um both of them agreed, have agreed to, because I, because I'm so, I find those toy fairs so intriguing, and quite unique to to two other things of, you know, to cons, to to that certainly to celebration, you couldn't get more opposite than that. I've asked him at some point, would they mind coming on the pod and talking about A, they're collecting, um but B, like the,
the mystery or the magic of these toy fairs that we go to, because I could talk about them a lot, but I'm still relatively inexperienced as to A, what I'm looking at, and B, what's a good buy. And they've agreed to it, which I think is great. The hunt and the haggle.
<unk> what Exactly, exactly, exactly. And they're very, very good at it as well. And they know exactly what they're doing. So yeah, they've they've agreed to to do that in a future date, which is which is nice to have in that and in in the pipe. Apart from that, mate.
I love the hunt, but the haggle makes me want to crawl under a rock and die. Yeah. that's that's That's the world I live in. Yeah. And when you start resorting to throwing something on the floor to try and get at a cheaper price, that's kind of that's that's just that's just shouts of desperation. um Anyway. you extra if you don't I'll pay you extra if you don't talk to me. Can I do that? Yeah, yeah exactly. Exactly. Exactly. um So yeah, that was that. was that um
So a lot to fit into a week, quite frankly, um and so yeah and some and some good times. so so But I am glad it's i'm glad I'm back now, and there's a reason why I'm glad I'm back, and i'll I'll talk to you about that when we talk about what we've been consuming. Because I've got a lot to do this weekend, and it's not all work in the garden. I have a question for you. I have a question. Yeah.
You were talking about the the Christine ah Burger King, Chewbacca. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's my thing. So there's two two things. um i know i always I know I always sit there and try it sounds like I toot my own horn when I'm like, I'm not a collector. I don't get obsessed with collecting everything, blah, blah, blah. My name's Sean. But there is there is one instance that I can think of where I did go down that rabbit hole in my past ah where I'm like, I?
got it stuck in my head where I'm like, I need to get every single one of these. And that was, I believe it was, i know I know it was Burger King. It was the Burger King Happy Meal toys. And I believe it was for the Revenge of the Sith, because I was in high school. And I had friends who worked at Burger King. And I remember I needed to get every single one of those stupid toys. And it is the I think it's the only time in my life where I have collected everything for for a specific line. I'm like, I had, I had every single one of them. Like I would go to Burger King after school and be like, what are your happy meal toys? Like I could see them. I could see them in the bin.
I look like I had some friends who worked there too. So it wasn't even a range. It was just everything that they did. It wasn't for a particular film or anything. It was, it was, it was for Revenge of the Sith. They, they had like a 30 of them. They had like 30 toys, but you could only get them if you bought a happy meal and they wouldn't, unless you had somebody who worked there, they wouldn't swap them out, but they didn't have 30 at all times. They, they were sent like random groups of like three or four.
And so I would go in there for the, I don't even know how long it took me. It took me forever. And it was the biggest waste of money. But I remember i when I finally got done with it, because I remember there was like, oh, we don't have those, the one across town has it. So I'd go there and like try to get them. But it's like, I do i do understand this extensive accomplishment because like I do sit there and think like, I still have i still have most of them. And I was gonna ask you, it's like, do you have do you have this Chewbacca there? Do you have him? no Well he's, I have multiple of him so you can have, you can have little birking, tiny, tiny weird looking potato nugget head. Chewbacca. He comes from that line because you were talking about it. But this stuff, but you say it's a waste of money, weirdly.
weirdly, stuff like this. The food was a waste of money. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no. I appreciate that. but but But weirdly, that kind of stuff on the secondary market is actually worth more than the Kenneshit.
It's really weird. Oh, yeah. Well, that's what's funny is people people were even collecting them at the time and keeping them in the bags cause i mean because i I know people who did that. My grandma was doing that with like McDonald's Happy Meal toys and like we're keeping them in the bags. They're like, oh, these are gonna be worth money one day. And it's like, yeah, there's a billion of them. But now it's funny that it has come full circle. And it's like, oh, yeah, if you have those still in the bag, which I i hate and at all, I'm like, no, I wanna get it out and I wanna Yeah, yeah. Gotcha, Phil. I want to look i to look through the thing and see the the scene inside the ship or whatever, because they all did different things. like there was like Some of them were plushy like this. Some of them had like ah like a ship or like an open component, like haunted carbonite heat opened up. Some of them you could like look in. It's like a little viewfinder. But yeah, like I look back on that. I'm like, oh, dude, every time I see those like Burger King toys or something like that, I'm like, oh, yeah.
I remember like losing a significant amount of time and money in my life, but this this sense of satisfaction that came from that was. Yeah, hell yeah. pretty Pretty high. But yeah, so yeah, I just thought I'd share that little little nugget of history. No, no nicely nice. Nice, nice, nice. So yeah, that was that was that was my week. It was it squeezed a lot into into seven days. um News.
I've got a fair bit actually. um What about yourself? I only have a couple things. So a couple of them that aren't fully news. One of them is Madison. Madison came home from her conference and she brought, she brought us some stickers. It's just like a it's a little microphone with a face on it. Cause. Nice.
So, and then there's a little mixing board, like a little Kauai mixing board. So it looks like podcasting stuff. Because there was some vendor there that was like, oh, podcasting and teleconferencing stuff. Here's some cute stickers. So she grabbed some of those for us. Some of those for us. Next, there's a couple minor news items. So if you're going to start with celebration, they spontaneously dropped that the hotel reservation blocks were available with no warning, um so which I dropped everything I was doing at that time. i remember I don't remember when it was, but I remember dropping everything that I was doing, running in and trying to get a hotel block, even though we've previously set up accommodations, not through Star Wars Celebration, um only to be quickly disappointed that like,
They're doing it differently this year where they've kind of cut a couple different providers or kind of coordinating partners. And so there were four hotels that were available, but the closest one was like seven miles away from the convention center.
Like one of them, I think it was like 21 miles away. It's like, but oh what? like but What are you gonna do? Ride the train for like nine hours to get to the convention center every morning? Like it was insane. So it's just like, what the hell? And then I said on the website, like, oh they're gonna they're goingnna keep releasing more like coming soon. Like I think it's more of their partners and stuff open up because as previously mentioned,
ah I've been in pretty constant communication with some of the hotels that are close to the convention and they're like, yes, we are we have blocks reserved. They're going to be coming online. We don't know when yada yada yada. So I did not book anything through that hotel block.
um Waiting for the next and it says they're also have like Disney hotels will be coming online soon. I believe this is this is my Sean cynicism here.
I don't believe that the Disney hotels are gonna be included in the blocks, like the discounted blocks. No. I think they are just going to open those up with a link to their reservation portal around the same time as like they normally become available for that time. Well, why wouldn't you? I mean, it's good business practice. At the end of the day, if you can get a family over to Japan on a family holiday, the convention's only three days.
You know, it's, it's um, what's funny is what's funny about that is, is like, it's not easy to get hotels for Disney hotels for Tokyo Disney. Like, and especially around that time it is going to be insanely competitive because there's going to be a lot of people traveling and there's going to be a lot of people who want to go. So the fact that they're kind of like, Oh, click here for more information. It's like.
Click here for more information, you need to be reading on how to get them because that stuff comes online at like 3 in the morning my time and they're gone and they are gone at 3.02. And they're gonna, you know they're gonna charge a premium for them as well so um yeah it's ah it's a bummer but um it is what it is man, it is what it is. Yeah all that to say we are going to be doing our Road to Celebration series starting Soon I keep kicking the can on it because I want some like more information to come out like we're we're rapidly approaching six months out and so i'm hoping now that we've got hotels we've got there's like a couple guests announced like maybe things will start ramping up a little bit here soon and we can start getting some guests on to talk about past experiences yeah tips and tricks yada yada yada um
but I've been trying to kick the can on it because of hotel stuff. But now now I think I've kind of calmed down quite a bit of like, and we do have somewhere to stay. It's not where I want, it's not the room and stuff that I want, but we have it. It's <unk>s seemingly locked in. And like, our and I think all of our friends have places that they've they've got locked into. And so it's like, you know what, let's just, I don't need to. The only thing, right i I mean, I don't really care where I sleep. Cause at the end of the day, you know, like to your point, we've we've got in somewhere and it's not the best of hotels, but it's relatively expensive. And I was under the impression that,
the thelo The block hotels are gonna be a little bit cheaper, is that right? They have a discount, so our hotel is nice. It's just that the only ones that they had freely available that aren't pre-reserved for the future blocks, it's like the most basic rooms. e's the it's It's the rooms for like one or two people. Any tiny beds and yada yada yada. Well, I hope that's the, I hope it's their most basic of pricing then in that case.
So we'll see, we'll see. yeah So at the end of the day, at the end of the day, we have something so we don't have to sleep on the ground outside. No, no, no, no, exactly. Exactly. yeah and And I need to get my ass into gear now and start thinking about flights as well. because i i I've said that too. Yeah.
I know i I remember you guys both spoke were like, we're we're going to book something at the end of September. And now we're in the beginning of October. And it's like, you know, we should really get on book on those flights. Then again, I have to book flights for a trip I'm going on next weekend that we still haven't bought flights for.
or the one we're going on at the end of the month. So it's like, ah, I need to get my general shit together and like do all of it. Maybe that'll be this weekend. Cause I don't think we have anything else going on. So maybe we just probably a good idea. Probably a good idea. Book a bunch of flights and you'd be sad about how much it costs. Yeah. But anyways, star celebration hotels came out. You ain't get one. Don't be sad. More coming. Blah, blah, blah.
next in the news. And I'm sorry, and just to just around that, ah to kind of echo what you just said, and just to round out that that part of the conversation. um Yeah, getting some buddies on soon would be good. I mean, I've already spoken to ah one or two of the guys, or one or two of the folks, sorry. um And um yeah, they're they're up for joining. So we're to start talking about what we can expect and a little bit of speculation of what they may announce. So um yeah, it'll be good. Good to have them on soon.
Nice. um Next, everybody probably already knows this. you know Everybody knows my stance on just regurgitating news that most people already know about. There's a John Williams documentary, Disney Plus. I haven't watched it. I plan to at some point. It's not high on the list. It's not going anywhere, but it looks cool. I don't think it's out yet, is it? I thought these are any month, isn't it? I keep seeing stuff on it, so I assumed it was out, but it's coming soon, if not out already. First November. First November, so it's coming soon.
yeah I was getting nervous when they released that kind of stuff. It's like, what do you know? What do you know? like Because it's always like- Don't, don't, don't, don't. Because he's in his 90s now, isn't he? I mean, he's lived up a full, wonderful life. And I'm not trying to push him into the grave or anything, but it's always like, I don't like when they do this. Well, they're like, do don't. But anyways, not to be morbid.
ah The final thing is another stupid one that I just noticed on the website while trying to dig up news was there's a cool Star Wars comm news post about ah Star Wars Outlaws temporary tattoos that I'm gonna have to Incorporate into my life at some some way somehow Yeah, I quite like them. no i think they're I Think they're kind of neat. I think I should do it and then right before we go somewhere and do something so Madison's like what what is that? It's like that is my Star Wars temporary tattoo. Do you like it?
Do I look swanky? oh and what is that to be with me It's Crimson Dawn. ah They are my favorite and I want to represent my syndicate. Exactly. Anything else dude? No, I have no news. Okay, so um I picked up this week again on StarWars.com that they are celebrating 10 years of Rebels.
which has made me feel very, very old. Because it's fit in my mind, I know we've had Clone Wars season six, seven, six, seven, seven, and bad batch since then. um But it still feels relatively fresh to me. um And I must admit at the time I was watching it, I kind of the was a little bit ambivalent to the whole thing, but in hindsight and rewatching it and ah most importantly, watching it um in in bulk, watching it um as one thing as opposed to weekly, ah it's a good, good yarn. And we've got some really good characters out of it. You know, you've got um so good the ah the crew of the ghost, the ghost itself.
for the ghost itself. I mean, that's a character in its own right now. On a par, maybe not on a par, but certainly getting close to being on a par with the Falcon itself. So yeah, I love all that. Other Star Wars news I picked up on was, um um I don't want to spend any time on that. If I could pause you real quick, I'm going to jump back on that levels thing. Just a wax poetic about it a little bit.
I was always somebody like rebels. I'm glad to see rebels is getting more love because I feel like at the time it did it didn't. um I didn't watch Clone Wars when it came out and so and then but you always heard about how great it was and then I remember blasting through and it's like it's good Clone Wars is good. I think it's better when you think about it retrospectively than when you're in the middle of watching it because there is a lot of fluff. There's like 50% of those episodes are take it or leave it for Clone Wars. Oh man, the majority of discontent out there is fake nostalgia for something that people thought yeah was that that that they enjoyed immensely the first time, you know, 10 years ago. I mean, it's, it's, yeah I know, what I know what you mean. I know what you mean. Yeah. Clone Wars had its duds as well. And then it's like Rebels, Rebels was one of those ones when it came out. It's like, everybody always complains about that first season and like how,
Sure, oh my god, what's his what's his name? What's it? What's his route? Like Ezra? Like Ezra's are so annoying his gun his gun lights Abraham. It's like i I, as somebody who was like, no, I was in i was in on Rebels from the beginning, and it it makes me really happy to see how, well, one, that show, like, it is the epitome of, like, give it a chance. Like, give give it a chance. The first season can be kind of whatever, you know, Rings of Power, Halo, Rebels, a lot of other shows, where season one's kind of like, ah, we're figuring it out. Or it's set up, or yada, yada, yada.
And then it gets into ah season two and season three. And the next thing you know, it's like, I still get goosebumps thinking about the conversation between Sabine and Kanan,
like when he's teaching her how to use the lightsaber and just like the emotion and stuff that came out of that show. It's like, yes, Rebels was awesome. If you haven't seen it, you should genuinely watch it. It was such a good show. And I'm really, it makes me really, really, really happy to see that it's not taking 20 years 20 plus years to be like nostalgic about these these these shows like no it was it was good and it's not going to be forgotten maybe like resistance and and some of the other stuff is like it it is meaningful and like i'm sure it's part of like the asoka like hype and push marketing push but it's still it's still good to see i don't know team rebel well it's got its own legacy it hasn't hasn't it not only in the live action but in
hopefully season two, hopefully filming next year. So, you know, um it's created a legacy, which I don't think Resistance could have done, for example. But anyway, no, no, all all good. the um The other bit of Star Wars news I picked up on, and I'm not going to spend too much time on it, because it's one of those, um especially in in today's environment, on today's climate when it comes down to um announcements, but the um And certainly an awful lot of the way that studios are reacting to um fan discord at the moment and the way that they want to placate fan opinions in their in their in their in there
creativity going forward which I think is a mistake but anyway um there is word out there I think it was via variety that the there are planned for multiple seasons um of skeleton crew but of course the caveat to that is if it does well well that's kind of the caveat to any production I would have thought but um there is a plan for it to be more than one season which is good to know um I'm happy to talk about it if you want to. I'm not i'm not really gonna pay it much mind at the moment until...
until A, we get the first load of, what is it with this? We're already looking ahead before even, or even speculating or even making an opinion or creating an opinion or making a comment about something before we've even had the first frigging season. It's insane what's going on at the moment. I know this comment I'm about to make is kind of ironic because I'm a pod, we do a podcast together. But it's just like, we live in a world where Like, all all space is filled with commentary. It's like that we can't just be happy with what we have. Like, you just gotta... It's like the ESPNification of everyday life. It's like, we have nothing to talk about, so we're just gonna just talk. We're gonna talk to fill the air. It's like, well, what about a season two for Skeleton Crew? Yada, yada, yada. It's like, can we just not? Can we just talk about yeah how cool the blue elephant is and like... Yeah.
whatever else like do we have to find controversy and like talk about the actors like personal lives and and worry and and then be like what's what's the future gonna hold it's like why don't we just get excited about the artwork and like yeah the fact that we're getting something like can we go back to simpler times uh yeah like be happy with like whatever moving on um robocop tv show in production for prime tv okay all right <unk>ll I'll watch it. um i i didn't I didn't particularly warm to the to the the reboot we may um yeah but yeah the reboot the reboot of the original Alex Murphy story what in they in they in the in the
Was it 2010, 2011? I can't remember now. Anyway, point being, I didn't, I didn't warm to, it was all right. It was a good film. It wasn't for me, Robocop, but yeah, okay. let's Let's see. Let's see. I don't know anything about about it apart from Robocop TV in development. um Great. um and i look I look forward to seeing everybody pissed on the internet because there's no way you can make that show without it being political. Cool. Looking forward to people being pissed off on the internet.
Yeah, exactly. i mean i mean I mean, there's no way you can make OCP sorry anything other than the greedy corporation it was meant to be. um Anyway, um and then lastly, and and i I honestly wrote two names down at the beginning of this week, and then I've added another three. So um we've lost a lot of creative genius um this last week, Maggie Smith, Dave Maggie Smith, um John Ashton, Chris Christofferson, John Amos. John Amos, what a man. And um all of which were prolific actors and obviously musicians with Chris, who was also a great actor.
go never forget Convoy. That was an influential film when I was a kid. um and And also creators with Robert Watts. So Robert Watts was um um second unit, I think he was second unit director and also um kind of um principal concept designer for um for George Lucas, certainly on um Raiders, certainly on New Hope. And he filmed, like I said, an awful lot of the the the second unit second unit um location shooting for Tatooine. So that's been quite a ah sad thing, a very, very sad thing.
um Yeah, it was losing losing um Maggie Smith in the first place was a bit of a downer. It's quite a downer actually because she's such a bit of a national treasure over here and had a wicked sense of humor. Absolutely wicked sense of humor. quite ironic and quite critical lady um and everyone's favorite grandmother so yeah that was a bummer but then just to have these other names literally almost day after day these other really really big names um for by the wayside as well was uh it was quite quite quite a kidney punch so anyway on more
So RIP, lots of um commiseration and um and love to their friends and families. um On a more positive note, um in your busy week of Stonemasonry, have you been able to consume anything? Have you been watching, reading, listening, or playing anything this week?
So I'll start, so yes, the answer is yes. yeah i have I have consumed i've consumed a lot. um I will start out with kind of talking, okay, I'll lay some options out on the table. We can talk about, cause I have a feeling we're gonna talk about a couple of them. Here's what I've done. I have some thoughts on Star Wars Outlaws. There's my game.
In terms of television and movies, I have watched and completed Rings of Power. I have watched all four episodes of Agatha all along. Oh, wow. I have watched both episodes of The Penguin. And yesterday, I went to go see a megalopolis. So those are what I have seen and watched and played.
and I am ready to talk about all of them or none of them. Why? Let me get, so I have not seen a lot this week for obvious reasons. The only thing I did watch but when i got back from um before I flew out to, when I got back on Sunday night from seeing the boys,
And before I flew out to Paris was with Lucy, I watched Wolves, which is the um the film with George Clooney and Brad Pitt. So they're reunited. And it's ah it's a good film. It's a good film. It's not it's not amazing. it's' It's kind of cookie cutter. It takes a lot of, um reminds me a little bit like, um how can I put it? A little bit like,
Midnight Run and Ocean's 11, I guess, um and and in in in a film. it's it's very It's very formulaic, but it's a good yarn because those two, and they can act. They can act, and and secondly, they can act really well when they're playing against each other. So that was that was that was good. um And the only other thing I i i watched was Rings of Power. however I did get to a certain point over that weekend on outlaws, and it's the only thing I'm going to say on outlaws, and then I'm done. so let let if You all right if we cover outlaws first?
yeah Yeah, I'm fine talking about any of them whenever you want. So Outlaws, I've now got to the end game. So I'm now on the final mission. I've actually got to the point where, I mean, there's still a boatload of side missions that I've kind of, because I haven't had the time to invest in the end game, I've kind of just done a bunch of side missions on the side because I'm, well, two reasons. I've only had an hour of time to have a go on it. And so I can't i can't commit to the end game at the moment, but there's also a certain amount of that reservation or anxiety about, am I ready? Am I ready? Can I do this? Can I do this? I've got ah i've got to i've got to get this right. But I'm at a point now where in the story mode, um i have got to make a I've got to say I'm ready because I'm at that point where it's like, are you ready now? Or do you still need to do some stuff? And I am ready now. And I am going to go for it because I understand that you can go back and do the stuff you haven't done after the after the at the end of the story. So I've got that this weekend.
um and that's And that's exciting. um Apparently I should have got there within about 25 hours. Now I've actually got to that moment after playing now just over 50 hours. So I have been doing quite a bit on the side as well, probably more so than I thought actually.
um And that's it mate. That's it. That's it from me apart from rings of power to tell talk to me about outlaws what your thoughts are so so This is this is kind of a ah follow-up on some of my previous outlaws comments about like not being able to get into it and like It's not it's not a criticism of the game I think it's I think it's more because i hear I've here I've here other people say similar things and I've here other people being like this Fantastic like and I know you' you're kind of and Vibing with it. It's like I've just had trouble I've had trouble sitting down and playing it and it's not a criticism of the game I want to make that very clear I think it's just it's been hard to sit down and make and make the time and I and I recognize that and I think I'm kind of I've I think I've kind of come full circle with it cuz I know at beginning I was like no no like I'm excited for this game and I am and it's like I think I've stopped trying to push myself to force myself to sit down to like play it and
I feel like I'm not getting the story, like not getting out of it what I want out of it. like It has been rough and everybody's like, oh yeah once you get past a certain point, it like it really starts picking up and being fun. And I'm like, yeah, I think I was framing it in a way of like, oh, its the game is just not in catching me, but it really is just me not and like where I'm at at the moment. So I'm good i'm continuing to play it. I'm still struggling to kind of like,
put the but put the muscle in, but if I am enjoying it. It's just, I think it's just where I'm at right now. It's it's been hard to kind of get hooked. Yeah. And so that's kind of where I'm at with it. And so I don't want people to be like, Oh, another person says the game's not good. It's like, no, the game's fantastic. It is beautiful. Like I am upgrading stuff and it's like, Oh, the speeder does get more fun. Like there are goofy controls on certain things that like I am enjoying The slow burn mission of it like I think i'm also kind of in more in a more relaxed place too because It has been out for a couple weeks and there hasn't been just like overblown crazy spoilers like that would have come out of
like the Survivor Series, like jet the Jedi games, where it's like, you if you find out how that ends, it's like, well, that kind of is a big old wrench in what I'm doing, and I probably would stop playing. But nothing like that's come out for this, so I'm kind of like more relaxed with my gameplay.
like all right so if nothing's come out yet and plus I'm not really on social media as much as before so maybe it's it's not that big a deal but I am continuing to play um I try to put a little bit of time in every night and maybe it'll pick up maybe you may I don't know we'll see but i mean I'm enjoying it I was gonna say it's it's not a it's not a it's not a must do it's um you know the still my story around survivor I didn't finish it it's it's um I lost my I mean it's a phenomenal game but I simply lost my my momentum. my i It just, it just, it went. And I still, to this day, I think it's still because I was um living vicariously through other people playing it on Twitch. But anyway, it's cool, man. It's cool, man. Tell me about ac Agatha. What do you think? Because I haven't started it yet. It is. It's a good show. Like it's it is.
So I read somewhere that this is like one of the lowest budget like Marvel series so far. um And you can you can you can tell. like it's like There's a lot of special effects. There's a lot of cool stuff in it. like it is a It is a goofy, tropey, witchy, witch show.
Like, i get it it is what it pretends to be, like, what it, like, is on the surface. They're like, we're a show about witches doing witchy things and, like, being stereotypical and and all this kind of stuff. And, like, it is, that is a that. Like, there are music, musical numbers. There are all that kind of goofy stuff. I'm enjoying it. It is cool. Like, it's interesting to see where it goes. Like,
Because I know, like, I'm one of those people who's kind of tired of that, like, let's give every villain a ah sob story, like, and make you feel bad for them and justify why they're evil. Or they're not evil, they're not actually evil. um So, like, I do have that, like, reservation of just, like, bleh.
um But it's interesting, there's a lot going on. I'm enjoying, it's nothing I'm like, you gotta watch every week cuz you're gonna get spoiled. Maybe by the end, but like it's enjoyable, I'm enjoying it, it's fun. Kathryn Hahn, I'm a huge fan of. Aubrey Plaza, um she's I really enjoy what she does.
I'm not like an obsessive go goon um for her or anything, but no, and a lot of the other lot of the other people, there's some interesting like tie-ins to like the rest of the Marvel stuff. Anybody who says like, I know I mentioned i know i mentioned this to you like off offline, because i've I've heard some people say like, oh, you know you don't need to watch, you don't need to be caught up on the Marvel stuff to like watch it. like i Firmly disagree with that um Okay, cuz otherwise you don't really know what the hell's going like why we're here look what we're doing um Like you need to watch WandaVision like that's Pretty pretty critical and I would say even watching the newest Doctor Strange movie as goofy as some people think that it like it really kind of explains Why we're with these people what's happening ah Yeah
because it's not like, hi, I'm with Agatha. Like, first of all, who the hell is Agatha? Two, why are why why have certain things happened? Because I'm starting to like they're starting to tie in more with like some of that surrounding story and some of those conversations. But it it is very, like I know Eric on Sithless said like at one point like, oh, there's some kind of like imagery in this that's kind of kind of spooky for Disney Plus and like there is, there's time for it's like, it kind of gives you those like scary movie vibes look a little bit yeah um with some creepiness, but it is all it' all is all in good fun at least so far. kua it It's fun, I'm enjoying it. That's cool. I will probably binge it. I've heard a few people now.
say it's it's it's that good that it's that entertaining that it's almost kind of like unfair.
there's no From what I heard, it's there's not a lot to speculate about because the story's quite linear. And so yeah it probably would do me a favor if I just binged it in one go. So that's probably what I will do. Similar,
I also want to finish laws as well. Similar to Penguin. So tell me about Penguin. I've heard, from what I've heard, it's very Sopranos. Is that right? It is very Sopranos. Cool. Like, I begrudgingly watched the first episode, I'll be honest. Like, I rolly in the beginning. First of all, I loved the Batman. I thought it was Too long, but fantastic. I loved every hour of it. um And the they just kept coming. The hours just kept coming with that movie. And I really enjoyed it. I loved it. um i'm on I'm on team Robert Pattinson. I've always liked him. I think he's a fantastic actor. You don't like Twilight. go Go laugh yourself. I don't care. But Robert Pattinson rules.
um this is some of the stuff like I'm not a big comic reader and stuff so I don't know like the timeline stuff I am curious of like where it falls in the timeline of like that movie in this show like I thought like this isn't a spoiler I thought this show was gonna be like a prequel like oh before before the movie no it's like the movie ends and this straight after is now it's like oh shit I would have assumed penguin was like the penguin by this point in time, but it's not. It's um still kind of like the the beginnings. um It is very sopranos. um Colin, colin fer was it Colin Farrell? Is that his name? Yeah. yeah Fantastic. fantastic like the fact that they they Like half the budget had to go to his prosthetics.
um I was a bit eye-rolly when I first started because everybody's like, oh my God, this show's so great, yada, yada, yada. And then like I watched the first episode and it's like, yeah, it's it's a TV show. It's good, but it's not like, oh my God, it's the greatest and most entertaining hour of television I've ever seen. It's like it's stuff that you've seen before, it's stories, you've seen it's very sopranos. like It is interesting, I am watching, I'm enjoying it a lot. like I'm very highly rated, but this kind of like,
out of nowhere belief that a lot of people had of like, it is groundbreaking television. It's like, it's not like it's. But like as it gets into the second episode, I was like, all right, cool. I like how some of the twists and turns are happening. It's like very Sopranos, very Sofia Falcone, ooh, who done it, ooh, how do I get out of this, yada, yada, yada. like it's It's good. I'm enjoying it. um It's leaning more into the mob boss kind of stuff and not the fantastical kind of Batman side of things. It's still very, like. Yeah, yeah, it's grounded. Power grabby, very power grabby, yeah.
um in and i don't i'm and I'm enjoying it. my i I can't help but like look at people when they're like, this is this is the best show on television. It's like, come on. did you ever see its It's two episodes. Did you ever see Gotham when it was out? Yes. I enjoyed that show. It was goofy. It was a it was a goofy show. um cause i like she doesn't have Go ahead.
No, I was gonna say, because i because I did, and I enjoyed, or I did for a while anyway. I did enjoy it for a while, and it I enjoyed it for the first couple of seasons, because it was grounded. It was a lot more grounded. It's only when everyone started manifesting into their comic book characters that I kind of lost interest a little bit. Does that make sense? Yeah, no, I agree 100%.
What's his name? The guy that plays Calcestas that ends up being the Joker in um in Gotham. I've forgotten his name, the actor. Anyway, when, when when you know, you you kind of, at the end of season two, I think it is, you kind of get there kind of get the the the hint that he is the Joker, but they never say it. They never ever say it. And I quite like that.
Izzy isn't the kind of intrigue that was there. but then But then in later seasons, they got just completely obvious or blatant with the whole thing, even to the point where Bruce Wayne, young boy Bruce Wayne, ended up started wearing the costume and stuff. And I thought, nah, I'm not so invested as I was, because I liked that original grittiness and grounded ne of the first two seasons, as opposed to the latter seasons. So I just wondered if it was anything like that at all. But from what I'm hearing, it's even more, ah it's a lot more R rated.
it's more It's more grounded. It's a lot more grounded than that. um it's I mean, it calling it the Sopranos is kind of like just right on the nose. and it so It's a Sopranos with a with a a modern Matt Reeves Batman spent ah skin on top. um I will say with Gotham, I did love the actor who played the penguin. I loved his just obnoxious Yeah. It's smarmy. And this isn't that. This is the the Matt Reeves kind of penguin, which is really good, kind of kind of obnoxious at times, but like it embodies that kind of character really well. And so yeah, it's it's much more grounded. i do I think that's a fear I have with this kind of like Matt Reeves universe of like, I don't want it to get into that, like,
Ooh, I'm the Joker. I'm Clayface. Can it just be like a gritty, grounded version? That's what worked so well with the Nolan versions for so long. I was thinking about this to myself the other day and I was thinking,
you know yeah How can DC save itself? I mean, it's it's obviously Marvel led the way, not so much in late recent years, but Marvel led the way in in the way that it it it it created the MCU. And DC have has kind of almost had this schizophrenic approach as to what it what it what's to be from mean and moody um to too absolute you know to absolute Their character selections are hard because DC has Batman and Superman. that like if it was If I was in charge, I wouldn't pick them. I wouldn't pick Superman. Not to kick off. like Not to kick off. No. Yeah, because it's like their their characters are fundamentally just
well It makes it kind of goofy at times. And also there are preconceptions. I mean, there are already preconceptions that and in most cases a preconception is based on one person's ideal of what their of what their Superman or their Batman can be. And so hence the reason why with Marvel, you know, coming out with a with a secondary, if not tertiary superhero like Iron Man to be your leader, you to be your lead was genius. Absolutely genius. redeineed you The larger characters kind of um came in and to compliment his story. but yeah no no and then i and i was thinking about And then I was thinking about yeah the the the absolute absolute ridiculousness of of of, in my humble opinion, Snyder's Justice League, again, mean and moody, but with that ultra fantastical
um ah ah choreography of or special effects that went with it. And then I thought to myself, well, you know certainly i love I loved the Batman. And if I end up loving the Penguin as well, maybe that's their answer is that making it more grounded, making it more realistic, making it less less um i I call mechanical to cool maybe like maybe like i want it Less fantastical, more mechanical, more brutish. It's not the 89 Batmobile. Maybe that could be their brand. you know and then Maybe that could be their brand going forward. Maybe that maybe that is there that's the way that they can A, differentiate themselves with um from from from Marvel and not try to copy the Marvel model, um but also to create something fresh as well.
who know I think that's that here's the here's the here's the the cynical side of me of like I don't want it to become their brand because I know they'll ruin it like so it's like leave leave those on let them keep doing that on the side and then like you just keep like keep Sony and up or whoever whoever makes DC it's like just keep keep focusing on whatever it is you're doing over here. like Everybody's got a lot of hope in James Gunn. I'd be interested to see if what they do, but like I do like the Matt Reeves thing where it it is kind of on the side and not taken. like Maybe there's not as many boardroom suits touching it. yeah um If that's what it takes, like then kind of keep those both those going.
um But yeah, it's, the the penguin will be interesting how it goes. um I hope that they keep it, like every, I can't help but watch it and keep seeing people pop up like, oh, is that gonna be, is that so and so? Who's this character gonna be? And it's like, i I'm getting less of that the more I watch it. I'm like, just let it be what it is. Like maybe it won't be this fantastical cameo of the week. Oh, it's a young cat woman. Oh, it's a whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause that just gets,
I think that's what led us to this point of like modern entertainment in the first place. of like Always trying to stay one step ahead with being clever. It's like, let's just stop being clever and write good stories. It feels like that's what this is. And ultimately ultimately fit transpires that it doesn't go anywhere near what you've speculated. You would end up with disappointment anyway. So yeah, no, I agree with you. i I do agree with you. So last on your list, and I've certainly finished it as well. In fact, finished it today.
ah Rings of Power finale. Don't forget Megalopolis. I also watched that. No, no, I was going to leave that to last it the last. because um yeah i think ring are gonna be It's going to be a So um Rings of Power, my friend. um ah I'll be quick. I thought season two was a masterpiece and I'm sorry to any of the haters out there, but I have, I am a Tolkien fan.
and I thought that the way they dealt with subject matter, the people, characters, the character development, the character stories ah in season two were phenomenal. Oh, and there's ah I'll have to give you a visual guide here, folks, ah but Stu all's brought out the wizard hat that he bought at his last wizarding convention, and and he's looking rather, rather gammed off at this moment in time. look Looking very bombadil.
Yeah. But no, I thought they did a really good job. And on the finale I thought was exquisite. And I thought that the... um Oh, by the way, guys, we're go we're goingnna but're going to talk about the episode. So spoilers a alert. i thought I thought the... Yeah. I thought that the um the crescendo of the um Lady Gadriel and Sauron um battle was was perfect. of've her I've seen a few people expecting magic to be thrown around. And I've seen a few people thinking it would be a lot grander, but I think the reason why I liked it was it was so visceral. And so, and it was such, it was so, sorry, such a natural fight and almost like a battle of minds or psychology.
Excuse me. um And I preferred that to an excessive use of special effects, shall we say. But yeah, no, really, really good. What about you, mate? What do you think? I am on the same page. I am glad that they didn't overuse magic as well. I feel like they've managed to kind of keep Sauron like at bay in a lot of ways of like, now I feel like that's part of his like, ah his kind of conniving, kind of keeping it in like manipulation. Cuz I think that's been the most enjoyable part of the show all the way back into season one retrospectively. It's like watching watching him, true like like he's not just all knowing. He's not like oh I'm just whatever and just guns blazing blast through whatever. It's like you you see him like be delta punch.
change plans, take a sharp left. Oh, now I got a sharp right. you know like And like you you see him kind of navigating this water of trying to get to where he wants. And it's like in I think somebody, I think it was Galadriel who was like, oh, this is part of your plan the whole time. And he's like, I'm paraphrasing. it's like There's not like a grand scheme, but I'm i'm working towards that end. um like I know where I want to go. And I'm just rolling with the punches.
yingyy ya ya ya like to get to where where I need to be. um I'm really enjoying that aspect. the
i don't know if i I don't think I really have any criticisms of the show. like i I did make the mistake of like looking something up because I'm like, i thought I think they could have done a better job of like making it seem like Arandir didn't die. And then now he's like,
He's there. Like, didn't he get stabbed and he died? And the next thing you know, he's up and he's fine. Yeah, that, that confused me. The same battle. Cause I had to go, I had to go back to episode seven where I thought he was, he'd been killed by Ada. And he's like, and he's like perfectly fine. And it's like, okay. Is he like, are we just supposed to just like wave our hands? Like it's fine if it is. I can wave my hand over.
anything he's not a primary character like no he's fine he was okay like if that's what it is that's fine but i kept getting in this headspace of like well maybe he's he's actually like under maybe he's actually a bad guy now he's he's under control or maybe there's some magic but then it just kind of never came and maybe it'll be a season three thing because they kind of now they're putting him with like gilgolad and an elrond and lron than him over galadriel it's like why is he there what the hell like He's he's just a nobody like what did so there's kind of like I'm still in this world of like is he is he just fine or is Is there something more sinister going on? We're like now he's in the inner circle Whatever, whatever, but um that's all beside the point I I like the the mental games. I like the the watching
star on be kind of human but like have human qualities of like frustration with people not doing the things that he wants like the emotions of like uh kellabrim boar being like oh if i had if i had to take a drink every time somebody would said something cheesy like oh you're the lord of rings but i like the way i did him like he's just like you're a prisoner to it like You are the Lord of the Rings. It's like, oh, no, no. And then do you seem kind of crying and getting pissed and. I know I just I've really I've really enjoyed it. Elves are.
Way more indestructible, like they are resilient little buggers. like just they knocked off cliffs having all sorts of stuff happen to them. It's just like I know there's just some magic components of that. I've really enjoyed the dwarf the dwarf stuff. Oh, yeah, man. they've the The dwarf stuff has been for me that the best just the best. It's um
They're rad. They are absolutely rad. And the story you know and and and the fact that you know we got to say we we heard in the Fellowship of the Rings that the dwarves dug too deep um and and and awoke something something very ancient, which was the bell-rogan. We saw that happen ah you know in in the finale and I thought, yeah. And again, it wasn't used excessively.
They could have gone out absolutely batshit crazy with that effect. And they didn't. They did exactly the right thing and they showed a moment in time which gave way to Durin being king. um And I thought it was really, really cool. Really, really cool. um Very well tempered.
um yeah Let's say more like, more like The lord of the rings and less like the hobbit if that makes sense if you know what I mean in terms of the in terms of the execution It's it's being like It's that story kind of kind type of storytelling that i'm really appreciating more as time goes by where it's like, they're just trying to write a good story and kind of been it for the long, like investing in the long term. Like you can tell there's gonna be a season three, assuming business, business stuff, whatever. And it's not like this, every season has to be this big over the top, like world breaking thing. It's like, just tell the story, just tell a story. And then season three will tell more story. Like there's big stuff that's happening, but it's not this,
I don't know, just overabundance of the Hobbit. Like, we don't have smog rolling around in the old... Yeah, yeah. Put it this way. Put it this way. Put it this way. It was... For me, it was a lot more satisfying. Did it end with a cliffhanger? No, it didn't. The cliffhanger had already been and gone. But the...
It did end with a satisfactory ending. It wasn't on a cliffhanger. It wasn't a dad, dad, dad, wait for season three moment. But I tell you what, it was a lot more of a satisfaction satisfactory finale than what I experienced with House the Dragon, unfortunately. That was... that But from what everybody's saying, it's good. Until next season comes out. Well, it's it's I mean, it's good. I mean, it's it's it's it's it's it's some amazing stuff, the the the downside of it.
is it's building up, it's building up and building up. And they've taken two seasons to get to pretty much the same place that they started at. But, you know, hey, if it means that there's a, it builds up something really rather epic than I'm all in for it. But yeah, it wasn't as satisfying a conclusion as the one I saw today. It feels like it's a TV show that's being treated like a TV show. Maybe that's what I'm trying to say.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's there's ah there's not it's not a movie arc where it's like the beginning of the season, there's a a climax, and then it comes off and ends, like, and it trickles back down and ends on a cliffhanger. And it's like every season's like a little miniature movie. It's like, no, shit just always happening. Like, yeah it's part of a bigger story. And I think that's maybe where some of these these series have really struggled in the last couple of years with streaming and whatever shorter seasons, even including some of our Star Wars shows. of Like, they're trying to treat it like a movie.
because you don't know if they're going to come back for another season. And I think that's where I balk at the skeleton crew might have a season two. It's like, okay, did you write it that way? Or did you write it like a movie? Like, what are you doing? And like, this just feels like fantasy. 100%, 100%, absolutely 100%. Good. I'm glad you enjoyed it, mate. Now I'm going to sit back and listen to what you think of Megalopolis. Now, now let me premise this.
I love Coppola, Capola, Francis Ford, however you pronounce his surname. I love him. he's He has produced some of the most amazing productions and filming experiences I've ever i've ever i've ever witnessed, I've ever watched. The Godfather to this day is will and always has been in my top 10, maybe not three, but um certainly the Godfather one and two in my top 10 without a doubt. Quite regularly, and when I mean regularly, I'm talking about every couple of years or so, watch them back to back. Some of the other productions I have enjoyed, some of them I haven't and enjoyed as much. I mean, I felt I really enjoyed Dracula mainly because of um Gary Oldman,
um On the downside, Keanu Reeves playing ah an English or a British aristocrat is is is, I don't think I ever want to see again, but I did enjoy it nonetheless. Now, I've seen some amazing reviews from folk that really enjoyed it and thought it was a an absolute visual masterpiece.
I've also seen completely the polar opposite of that as well. So I'm really keen to understand what you think, mate. No, let me take my Bambido hat off. um So I decided that I was going to go see Megalopolis yesterday with me and one other person in the theater.
I will start by saying, i think I think all the severely negative reviews are there's two camps. I think there's two camps of people. I think there is one camp of people that is the and the right leaning blowhard kind of the the usual suspects where it's They don't quite get it, but they they can maybe tell that there's some stuff in there that is against them and they don't like that. They they don't they don't fully understand what the hell is being said. um Granted, I don't know if I fully understand what was being said or if anything was really being said. um ah But there are some some smells in there that are like, this feels like this is
if I was a alt-right YouTube, laser-eye, douchebag, like I could watch that movie and go, I feel like this is talking about me. And I i don't like that. So therefore, I am do not like this movie. I think there is a huge camp of them. The other half, I would say, is, I think they were,
ah I think they're, you okay, let me let me roll back. If you brought walk into this movie and expect to come out, if you walk into this movie without a film degree, a film studies degree, and expect to walk out with like, a I understand what the the the undertones and the commentary, and I understand what this meant, you are not gonna get that. like you do not Do not walk in with that expectation.
Also, but also don't walk in with the idea that like, this is the worst movie ever made of this year and it's garbage because I don't think it is. and The movie is a visual wonder. Like it is like, you can tell one thing that I noticed like immediately, the movie, the cinematography, just the way the film was shot from end to end, it feels like an homage to where we've come with filmmaking from the beginning to early cinematic techniques to modern day special effects like there are parts of the movie where it's like
it looks very old scott old a style where there's two characters standing there and then there's very clearly a shitty projector projecting like the background of something like but what cars where it's like oh there's the trees going by and it's like that's a screen like that is not real there's very obvious stuff like that. Like you see almost like I'm not a film studies person, but I feel like I could even see like, Hey, you could watch this movie and be like just picking out like the techniques of like, Oh, he did this. This is soand- so-and-so that was done on like Ben Her. Um, there's this, uh, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. And so it's like, it's, it's a kind of a Marvel, the end to end nit picking and pieces and this and that, that that's done.
I think that lends itself. The story the story feels, it feels very um Shakespearean.
the name The names of people, the kind of the, it's like a modern Shakespearean kind of futuristic kind of storyline that can feel disjointed at times, um schizophrenic at others. ah But then also like the way I would kind of describe this the movie to somebody, it's like, there are times where I feel like I'm on the cusp of like a breakthrough of like feeling inspired, feeling like I get it. And then next thing you know, it's just like, yoink, left turn.
cast cast cast I don't know then I'm just like lost again and then it's like okay now we're then you kind of ease back into that like okay I feel like feel like I get where the story's going now what is this telling me about myself society yada yada yada and it's just it is a trip it is a i need I need somebody smarter than me to explain what it means, I think. Is it is it quite surreal is it quite so is it is it just extremely intelligent or is it quite surreal as well? Like a Wes Anderson film, for example. It's quite surreal. it's It's like a weird just mashing of the two.
the and like And I think you can, you can you have it's weird, it's like, because I think it's easy to sit there and be like, this is this fucking chaos. like who Who edited this film? But then like you look at the actors that are in it and the the performances that are given, and like there is really intelligent stuff that I can understand in it. And I'm like, okay, it clearly has a point.
There's pieces of it that I am missing, that I am just like, I'm just not, I'm not there. But it is it is very surreal, like i Adam Driver knocks it out of the park. The Shia LaBeouf, I didn't even know he was in it. Fantastic performance. Just good and san just insanity.
um It fits in perfectly. just every actor in it was just firing on all cylinders. But I feel like it's if if you's if you're somebody who wants to walk in and be have like a superhero movie explained to you and just be like, here's the beginning, the middle, of the end. Here's the arc. Here's the bad guy. Here's this. And it's like, that this is not that. This is a cerebral, like, somebody who has something that they are trying to convey. It's like Tenant, like the the the mind-boggling stuff of Tenant.
but like, but like take that to the next level and like try to like put that into like society and like what we as a civilization mean and like what our purpose is in helping people or not or building something for the future and like it is that. That is what this movie is. Is it perfect? No. No, is it?
Do you sit there and just go, what the fuck am I watching? Like, what is happening? Yes, you'll say that probably 50 times throughout this movie. ah But if you like, if you like stop, to me, this isn't like a movie for the day, it's a movie for like,
ah the next 10 years. like There's gonna be people who are way smarter than me who watch this and go, they're gonna write like a nine page Reddit thread to be like, hey, here's what this here's what this actually conveys. And I'm gonna read it and go, those are words that I would have never come up with, but I get what you're saying. like I see it, but I don't fully get it. um It is wild, it's a trip, it is,
Don't don't try to like assume where it's going. You just you just sitting there just going wow. Yeah bananas I remember when um brazil came out. I don't know if you've ever seen brazil the terry gilliam um The telly the terry gilliam film from 1985. It's very very so surreal and and quite the Quite the futuristic look on social commentary or social commentary um in a in a In a either a parallel in a parallel world or or in certainly indeed um ah a boilerplate future. And I loved it, and I absolutely loved it. And it was written by Terry Gilliam, one of the Monty Python guys, and it is surreal to hell.
Surreal to hell. And when the film was originally was originally marketed, you had this amazing shot of Jonathan Price in this armor with wings and he he rescues their he rescues his his his his heroine or his love. um And it's a clip that lasts about 10 seconds in the actual movie itself. It's irrelevant, I'm perfectly honest with you, to the movie itself. And the rest of the film is actually more of a surreal take on the class system, actually, a lot of it is around the class system and the controlling and the controlling of the of the lower classes. um And how this guy that was um ah brought into the um ah that comes from the elite is, um is kind of brought down to earth and grounded and becomes, you know, quite the the champion for the for the under troll. Anyway, point being is that
Folks were in thinking it would be a science fiction masterpiece, and they came out hating it. Course 10, 15 years later, it's now revered as, or revered, sorry, as as one of the most amazing films of all time. um I think you're right. It's very Citizen Kane-ish, where it's like, you want if you want to watch a movie that makes, like, sense. Yeah. Don't watch this. Like, Citizen Kane isn't like a and nail biter. No. Or like a, or 2000 in Space Odyssey.
It's, yeah if I had to summarize it very briefly, you take a blender, you put Shakespeare, you put Dr. Strangelove, some Adderall, and some psilocybin, blend it all up, this is what you get. Night. Ta-da. I see it. i like Very, very occasionally, I do like something that melts my brain.
um It's just a shame it's not doing what it should be doing at the box office. It's not even breaking even. I don't think he cares. Like, when you watch the movie, it's like, oh, I know don't care. I don't think he cares if anybody watches this movie. And and did you did you say there were there were two of you in the theater at the time? Yeah, just two of us. Yeah. So did you did you even get the the the the interaction from the yeah member of the staff? ah No, there was nothing. i what what What was supposed to happen?
Well, so so I believe there's ah there's an interview going on. There's an interview going on in the film, at which point someone, a member of the cinema staff comes out and interacts with, um and ask questions of, um
oh God, what's his name? The hero. Giancarlo Esposito. Oh, Adam Driver. No, no, Adam Driver. So in the premiere and in subsequent viewings, I believe there is a member of the, the film is is is has been set up and cut so that someone in real life asks Adam Driver some questions while he's doing a press, why while he's doing a press um interview. And that someone should be a member of the staff, you didn't have that.
No, we did not have that. Okay. um All right. There's a couple of places I could see that happening in the movie where like maybe sounds like the there was one part specifically I'm thinking of where like the audio would seems like it was dropped a little bit. Like where there's somebody actually asking something. Yeah. And I could see that happening to make it more engaging. But like, what's funny is I'm laughing because there's like four different places in that movie where that could have happened. And right it wouldn't, it wouldn't have surprised me because that movie, this movie is cut.
And I could not imagine being in the editing room and being like, I need you to explain this to me one more time what you want me to do here. like If there was a crew of people who fully understood the beginning, the end of this, that to me is the masterpiece. like To have a couple people with a vision is one thing, but to have a whole crew of like editing sounds. Cause the soundtrack is ah is is is amazing too. just the Just the whole movie is just, it's like every film ever made just mashed into this two hour long rampage of so i've just ah brilliance and mixed with like chaos and just
am i Am I an idiot? and Or is this stupid? like what is What is happening? like ah It's not one you can get up and go walk away from. like like I need to go to the bathroom. yeah Yeah, you need to pause it. You need to put subtitles on and you need to pause it and and then like and then come back. But I'm waiting for that Reddit article for like somebody who's really really smart and knows like watches it and goes I get it like I get it 100% and like and I go here to share it with all of you that is what I'm looking forward to because got it I'm like 70% of the way there I'm looking forward to seeing it whether I get a chance to um see it ah at the cinema is another thing
um You watch it at home. but like you know't don't You don't have to race. Yeah, I was gonna say I've got i've got i've got got a busy week next week. We've got <unk> got maybe potentially a visitor from the States coming over next week. And then I've got two weeks before I then take a week off work, first week in November. So probably probably not gonna happen. But anyway, um I am looking forward to it though. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Well, you're not gonna get spoiled. So you have nothing to worry about there.
ah Uh, very cool, mate. Well, see, I mean, it's been a quiet week, but there's, we've, we've, we've, we've covered a lot. We've covered a heck of a lot. All right, buddy. Well, next week's going to be a very important week. And you've already said, I don't think so. I don't think a lot.
I don't care, I'm gonna give it away. This time, sorry, not not not this time next week, but we're hopefully gonna start, go back to recording on a Wednesday, folks, of which next Wednesday will be um my friend Sean's birthday. So I hope we can um have a nice catch up on his birthday. We'll make it quick so he can he can kick back and and enjoy his his abundance of presents and cake and And, uh, another nice things that I'm sure he'll be showered with, but, um, yeah, all good, man. All good. Buddy, thank you very much for recording with me again. This has been, um, uh, wow. We, uh, true to form Aaron 44 true to form. Where did, where does the time go when you're having fun? We can drag anything out of anything. Can't we?
All right, dude. Well, listen, thank you again for recording with me. Thank you to everyone that's listening. um Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for um just hanging out with us. um As always, if you' if you've got any ideas, suggestions, or ah maybe some feedback, good or bad, just let us know. Sean, buddy, let everyone know where they can catch us. We are so glad you spent some time with us today.
and We really appreciate it. If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a review. It really helps us grow beyond our dozen, dozen of listeners. Don't forget to swing by our website at justchillin.com for more fun content and ways to stay connected, including our Instagram and including some of the blog post updates that we post periodically when an episode calls for it.
ah To close out this week's tip, I have one, I prepared one ahead of time. If on a computer, you can do control shift T as in tomato, and that will reopen previously closed browser tabs. In case you didn't know that. Command or control shift T. So if you accidentally close that tab, you can open it right back up again. That's all I got. That's excellent.
I've, I've, I've only got a today's thought is that every next level of your life will demand a different you. One more time. Say it one more time. Every next level of your life will demand a different you. Makes it sound like a video game. I kind of like it. I just, it's the first thing that is the first thing I picked up to be honest with you. I probably should have read it before I started reading it out. This is the top tier content y'all pay for.
Yeah, here we go. Here's another one. This is from January the 5th this year. um Who wrote, who who can i who can I credit this to? Oh, come on, it's anonymous. Who looks outside dreams? Who looks inside awakes?
Yeah, I leave that one as well. Anything else? Always check to make sure there's toilet paper before you sit down. Yes, that that's that's more profound, I think, actually. More profound, and in many ways, more relevant. All right, buddy. Well, I'll speak to you this time next week. No, not not this time next week, next Wednesday, sorry. Take it easy, mate. Have a good one. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, everybody. and Until then, bye. Bye-bye now.