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Rumbling Royally

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays6 years ago
After a crazy Royal Rumble weekend, Sheena and Phil are here to recap everything that went down in Phoenix. They touch on NXT Takeover, the Men's and Women's Rumble matches, Dean Ambrose leaving WWE, and much more!

Introduction and Show Setup

Unlike Seth Rollins, I don't need much time to think. I choose you. Oh yeah!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chick Foley Show. I might not be in my mom's basement, but I'm in somebody's mom's basement. I am not in the Jimmy's Famous Studios right now, but I do have the lovely Sheena Phelps on the line, my beautiful co-host out in Hawaii. She is maybe in her basement, but Sheena, what's going on? Not a whole lot, man. I'm kicking it over here at Sharpshooter Studios. I'm a lot warmer than you, I assume.
Yeah, it's going to get down to a single digits, four degrees tonight here in

Life Updates and Show Promotion

Baltimore, Maryland. And I'm living with the in-laws. We're moved in here. We've got the whole clan. I'm down in the basement in the makeshift studio here, but you know, could be worse, I guess. Yeah, for real. I mean, you're going to come home to a brand new house. Like that's pretty exciting. Yeah. And I get free, you know, free cook meals almost every night and you know, some, some free living babysitter service. So that's not bad.
Dude, that's money. I think those are things that we take for granted. You know, you forget how wonderful it is to just have toilet paper on the roll and you don't have to buy it and food in the refrigerator. Exactly. Yeah. That's that. That's money. Cancel to Xfinity. And it's another $190 in my pocket every month. For some reason, I pay $200 for cable. So I could save that for a couple months maybe.
Heck yeah, man. I was already going through my head. I was like, I wonder how many figures I can buy with that money I want to save. Cause it's like, you know, I would have spent it anyway. So might as well. Yeah, exactly. That money was already, that money was already accounted for. So why not get something more important with it? So you're not going to be using it for your cable. I mean, come on.

WrestleMania Road and Royal Rumble Recap

So a big show, the Chick Foley show is now on the road to WrestleMania. Sheena and I will be here each and every week. If you're a new listener, welcome. You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and SoundCloud and Pal and Bean. You can shoot us an email at askchickfoli at Sheena, we're gonna recap the Royal Rumble, some Raw and SmackDown stuff. I've got some figures that I purchased and I'm sure you did this week as well.
some news and notes from some people leaving the company and then all kinds of rumors, so let's get into it. Let's go over Royal Rumble, but before we do, let's get into some Royal Rumble giveaways that you gave away during the Royal Rumble for both the men's and the women's Rumble. Let the people know who won those.
Yeah. So, um, we had our Royal Rumble contest. It was super, it was super fun. We did it. We did it for the greatest Royal Rumble and it was such a success and we had so much fun doing it that we decided to do it for this Royal Rumble as well. And to our surprise, we had, you know, two Royal Rumbles and we had enough figures to give away for both. So, um, I want to congratulate our dude at wrestling posts.
for winning the men's Royal Rumble and claiming that Cena and Nakamura elite and then at wrestling underscore fig underscore nation for winning the women's Royal Rumble and scoring those Usos elites. Those are some awesome elites. We got them in the mail. So you guys should be getting them ASAP. Very nice. And then we did another giveaway last week for the Ember Moon elite figure. We're giving away all kinds of stuff, man. It pays to listen to this show. I tell you what,
Heck yeah, we were giving away an Ember Moon NXT Elite to anyone who we did a drawing for anyone who purchased our official Chick Foley t-shirt over at Pro Wrestling Tees. And I want to congratulate my girl Audrey Keglevitz for winning the Ember Moon Elite. I'm super excited to send that over to her.
like I said you can support the show too by getting your your t-shirt over at we have a new alternate colorway we have the black with the blue background logo and then we have a new gray that has the pink logo so if you want a little pink in your wardrobe I mean as everyone should definitely go over and check that out and we're going to be giving away
We're going to have a mania contest, too. So just know we love to give stuff away to you guys. But you can support the show by rating, subscribing, reviewing, picking up a t-shirt. All those things really help us to give you guys the best show, keep doing these giveaways, and make Chick Foley the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.
Yeah, I specifically asked for that gray t-shirt because I have like 500 black t-shirts. But now you go to, do a search for Chick Foley show, and you can get both of those shirts on there whenever you want to. And definitely, Sheena recommends the super soft material for a couple extra bucks. Yeah, definitely worth the upgrade for sure.
I wanted to plug. We talked about it last week, Sheena. Before we get into Royal Rumble, we have started a Patreon page. Like Sheena mentioned, the figures that we give away on the show, the t-shirts and stuff, that's all coming out of our pocket. We don't mind doing that stuff. We love you guys. We love our listeners. We really want to grow this show and grow this figure community.
and do some cool stuff, but we wanted to do some additional shows for people that are dedicated listeners to the show. So we've set up a Patreon page. You can get there pretty easily. It's slash Chick Foley show. I'm going to run through the tiers real quick just so people know, but you can check it out on that website. I'm going to tweet out the link. We'll put it on Instagram. The first tier is rookie, a dollar or more a month. I mean, if you listen to the show and you can't give us a dollar or more per month, let us know. We want to help you out because you need some help.
That's all you need to do. We give you a new episode every week, and you just have to pay a dollar. So as we mentioned last week, Sheena, the shows that we do every week are not going to change. They're going to be free. They're going to be on whatever platform you listen to podcasts on. You'll be able to find this show. This is additional stuff. So the rookie tier of $1 or more a month gets you a personal one-time shout-out at the beginning of the show, just to thank you.
Access to Sheena in my notes for each episode. It's mostly Sheena that does the notes because she's really good at that. So we'll send you a copy of that. And whenever they happen, the NXT TakeOver shows we're going to do a specific recap show. Half an hour, 45 minutes recapping the show.
It's going to be specifically on Patreon for a dollar a month, so jump on that. The second level is mid-quarter. It's $5 or more per month. You get access to a catalog of special episodes. We're going to start doing some watch-along, some movie reviews, some interviews with some people from Instagram and Twitter and the figure community. We're going to try to get at least one of those out every single month, maybe more. If I do one, Sheena does one, that's two a month, obviously. It's easy math.
And that's $5 a month. So we're going to get some bracket episodes, some really cool stuff seen. So I'm excited about that here. I think anybody who listens to the show that's basically going to get you more episodes of the show, and that's kind of what people, if you like our stuff, that's what you're going to want.
Hello, still there? Yeah. Okay, sorry. Main event tier is $10 or more. Basically, we're going to start doing some unboxing videos of some of the figures that Sheena and I buy. We'll post those videos and send you a link. You'll get a follow from both of us on Twitter and Instagram. You'll get your name and the opening credits of every week of the show and everything that came with those first two tiers. So that's $10 or more per month.
The next tier is Legend, $25 or more per month. You'll get 24-7 access to Sheena and I to talk wrestling whatever you want via Slack. It's basically a messaging app that you can get on your phone for Apple or Android. And we can message you guys during Raw and SmackDown and during pay-per-views and you can pick our brain about different stuff. So that's pretty cool. And then the final tier is the Hall of Famer tier, $50 a month.
You can do this for just one month and then drop down to one of the lower tiers. But this is basically going to get someone a guest spot on the show, Sheena, to co-host any of the segments that they wish and all of the stuff on the previous tiers. So that's going to be pretty cool if you're a figure collector and you want to share what figures you bought that week or you want to recap a pay-per-view with us. It's a pretty cool incentive. So this is all additional stuff, Sheena, to what we currently do.
That's just a quick rundown. Like I said, we'll send out the link. But I'm pretty excited about this. Hopefully, we'll get some people jumping on. And the money that we make from this is going to go straight back into the show. T-shirts, giveaways, all kinds of stuff for the people. So it's a win-win. Yeah, for sure. We were super excited to give you guys more content and bring you guys more fun stuff. So definitely check that out whenever we tweet out the link. Again, we'll be posting it on Instagram as well.
All right, I feel like I've been talking a lot more than you have. That was a lot of words. So let's get into NXT TakeOver from Saturday night. Let me get your overall thoughts before we get into each individual match, Shayna. What did you think of TakeOver?
Um, overall, I thought takeover, I mean, takeover is always deliver, you know? I mean, it's just one of those things you can just count on, like, you know, like clockwork. Um, when you watch a takeover, you were in for some good, for some good wrestling. And with only like five matches on the card, um, I mean, they, they have to deliver, right? Cause there's no room for stinkers. Um, and I thought, you know, there was some that I was a little worried about. Um, but I was really, really impressed by, by everyone. And I thought everyone stepped up. So I'm excited to get into the individual matches.
Yeah, I don't feel like one match overshadowed anything else maybe once we get to the main event. But overall, it's just a pretty steady card. War Raiders defeated Undisputed Era, which was kind of an upset. I don't think either of us picked that to win the tag team titles. And what an awesome intro the War Raiders got.
And I felt like once people saw that, that was a sign that they really wanted to push these guys going

NXT TakeOver Highlights

forward. Who knows what this means for undisputed era? But they lose the titles and we didn't see a couple of the guys out there to support their boys. What do you think was all about with that? I thought those guys were gonna come out maybe on Sunday, but we didn't see that. So what's up there?
Yeah, I didn't understand why, um, why Adam Cole and Bobby Fish weren't, didn't come out. You know what I'm saying? I was, I was a little confused by that as well. I mean, I like a good clean matches as much as anyone, but I mean, undisputed era, like that's what they're known for. You know, I mean, they're a faction. They, they have each other's back. So I was, I was a little surprised to not see any hijinks from them. Um, and yeah, after I saw the war Raiders entrance, like, I mean, it was pretty freaking mage. It was awesome.
Um, I had a feeling I was like, well, and then I saw that undisputed era had their just regular entrance. So I was like, okay, well, it looks like these guys are going over. Um, which I think it's cool. And you know, I definitely didn't predict it. Um, I def I chose undisputed era to, to retain, but, um, I think it does, it does breathe new life into the division. I think it just kind of like shakes things up a little bit. And I think it, you know, it'll give, um, undisputed area, maybe just a little bit of time to cool off and then come back and reclaim.
that's cool, I didn't see that much
What do you think this means for Undisputed Era? Do you think before they go to the main roster, we see them split up and do kind of a singles run against each other at any iteration? Or do you think they're going to just be brought up as a group maybe the night after WrestleMania? I think they're going to be brought up as a group. I don't think there's anything really to be gained at this point by splitting them up. I think they're hot. I think they work well together. I love them as a faction. And since we don't have the shield anymore, I think there's a good spot for them.
For sure. Yeah. I mean, I'm excited to see what Roar Raiders can do with the titles. It kind of feels similar to AOP where, you know, these guys are so, you know, dominating, you know, it's size wise. I don't know who's really going to compete with them in the tag team division, but it'd be fun to watch. There was a move at the end of the match where I don't know which of the guys from Roar Raiders it was, but he picked up both members of undisputed era. It was just like the press.
Yeah, it was insane. It was a crazy press slam move. And yeah, it was an awesome match. It was a cool back and forth. I mean, a ton of close falls, which is to be expected from NXT, but probably one of my favorite matches on the car.
Yeah, it was really good. I mean, obviously, the final two matches, those were going to be money. But yeah, I was actually very surprised by this one, because it is kind of an odd matchup. You have these two huge, huge guys in Hanson and Rowe. And then you have Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong, who are a little bit smaller and athletic. But I mean, you always wonder when those kind of people match up, like, how is the match going to go? But I thought they all did good, and they all looked strong. And I thought they really put over
The war Raiders because they kicked out of the you know, the high-low finish which I thought was like made them look look really good You know, yeah for sure Matt riddle defeated Cassius Oh No, this is the third time these guys have matched up and it was more the same here This match kind of felt like a dud. Oh No, I don't know if we ever see him again on a takeover event and yeah, he just he just didn't seem out of place but just you know riddles obviously the guy here and he's he's destined for bigger and better things and
I don't know what the future for Cassius Ono is going to be going forward. He seems like the guy who's just putting over some of the newer guys and it was cool. They made an angle out of that. I mean, cause that's what, that is what he has been, you know, I thought it was, yeah, I thought it was a good way to bring Matt Riddle into the fold. Um, but I do think like we kind of touched on last week, like Cassius Ono has more of that like developmental type role where he's just like kind of, you know, putting over like the newer guys and, you know, kind of helping them backstage and stuff.
Um, to me, just at this point, Cassius Ohno just kind of looks sloppy. Um, and I hate to say that, but he just, he just does. He just doesn't, he doesn't look good. His ring gear doesn't look good. And I have nothing like, you know, we met him at Access and he could have been nothing no more kind or like sweeter than he was. I'm, I'm sure he's a really great human, but I mean, he just, I.
I don't care to see him anymore you know until maybe maybe he'll go get in better ring shape and come back and be more of a force because I don't mind like big big wrestlers I mean I was just putting over the war raiders and stuff but I feel like with him it's just he just looks different you know what I'm saying like I don't know he needs to either be really in shape or be really big because right now where he's at it's just very kind of sloppy and I think it shows in his performance but I definitely think that Matt Riddle is like the next big thing like I think he really has the potential to
really shine, especially in NXT, like if he goes head to head with like Adam Cole or like Ricochet or someone. I think when he gets some real competition in that way, he's really gonna elevate himself.
Yeah, and the crowd is totally from day one they were into Riddle and he's one of the indie guys that came up and has a huge following. But I agree with you and I couldn't say it because I'm a big guy and I'm not going to body shame and cash his own. But he just doesn't look like he fits. Something just doesn't feel right. He's not just like a giant Braun Strowman dude. He just looks sloppy.
I don't know. I mean, he can go in the ring. That's not the problem. But I don't think he's at the level of some of these guys that are up and coming. His best days are behind him. Yeah, he just looks tired. Yeah, it's not about body shape. I don't care what your body looks like. But I feel like when you're a professional wrestler, you either got to have one way or the other. You know what I'm saying? You're either Kevin Owens or you're Seth Rollins, right? I feel like there's really, when you're in that in-between stage, it's kind of awkward. And I just feel like he just looks kind of tired and kind of run down. And I think he needs to just
I'm not a huge fan of Ricochet. A lot of the stuff he does is just kind of a flipsy, just not a fan of the flipsy doozy kind of off the ropes, like flipping over each other. And that's how they started this match for the first five, 10 minutes. It got really good.
just be off TV
but I think Johnny Gargano is in a class among himself right now, and he showed himself in the Royal Rumble, we'll get to that in a couple minutes, but this was a great match, and Gargano is, I think, destined for big things. I'm kind of worried about him on the main roster, because I don't know where his character would fit in, but man, he is fun to watch.
Yeah, you know, I, I do like ricochet. I like, I like seeing what he's capable of because he, he always continues to like blow my mind. Um, and I do agree. Sometimes it can be a little spot heavy and you know, I mean, you just got to expect that with ricochet, you know, they're, they're telling him like, get out there and freaking put on a show. And that's, that's what he does.
Um, and his feats of athleticism, like I said, never, never cease to amaze me, but it can feel a little spotty. Um, I can't say anything bad about him. He's my Kentucky boy. You know, uh, he's from, uh, you know, Paducah, Kentucky is where he's, um, you know, labeled from. So I, I have nothing but love for Ricochet, but I am glad that Gargano got the win here. I do think like, like you, I think he needed it. Um, and I think it's really going to help carry this, you know, DIY kind of like.
reunion thing that we have going on and I think we're going to see something really amazing happen between Gargano and Champa.

Royal Rumble Analysis

Shayna Baszler defeats Bianca Belair for the title and I wanted to touch on this for a minute because your boy, Sam Roberts, not my boy, I was on the pre-show and just totally went into like a shoot mode and just started bashing Bianca Belair and said she didn't belong here. It felt really weird. The video was kind of circling the interwebs for over the weekend.
And he's a guy I listen to his podcast from time to time and he seems kind of like, he loves that he works for the WWE, he's bought in, he kind of plays the part. But I don't know if that was a work or what, but
You know, she held her own in this match and she's, she's fun to watch. She definitely has a future. I wouldn't say she's out of her league, but definitely a different style than Shayna, but I don't know. You're obviously not Sam Roberts cause that's what he said. He definitely said, uh, you know, that she, he said she was not takeover worthy.
which I thought like you said I felt very awkward when he was like talking about her because you know it's one thing like the the kickoff show and the announce team like they they are there to pick you know just like on like NFL like they're gonna pick who they're going with right like I don't care if people pick their sides but I felt like he went in on Bianca Belair like he he said that you know she's not takeover worthy and was basically alluding to like she's not at the level of the previous NXT women's champions and she's not ready
And I mean, she was undefeated, you know what I'm saying? So it wasn't like she's just some jamoke coming up and challenging for the title. I mean, she is undefeated and she is charismatic. And I thought she did amazing. Why does the WWE not have someone like, I know you watch football, Tony Romo is fucking awesome in the booth. Why don't we have a former wrestler that can talk and
give us the insight you know and kind of like still keep it kayfabe but you know talk about like talk about a match from experience like we don't really get that too much I mean we have Shawn Michaels or Jerry Lawler on the panel they're just you know Booker T yeah Booker T's there I guess but you had Pat McAfee on this and Sam Roberts two guys who've never wrestled a day in their life like why are those two guys on on the pre-game show for takeover
Yeah, somehow they get to be the authority, even though they've never stepped foot in the ring. Yeah, I totally get that, too. It's like you would rather have someone who's actually been there who knows the psychology of wrestling and stuff like that. But a lot of these people have taken enough headshots. They probably couldn't put together a coherent thought. Do you know who I used to love? Alex Riley was really good. Yeah.
But I don't know what happened to him. He was an engineering guy. He was kind of partnered with Miz for a while and then started doing the pre-shows and just kind of went away. But he was a smart guy. I don't know. So it was Tensai when he was on there, whatever his name is.
Yeah, I mean, I don't hate. I don't feel like everybody on there. I feel like they need people who are broadcasters. You know what I'm saying? They need people who are trained to do that, because it can get really awkward sometimes. You see those wrestlers who are trying to be broadcasters, and you're like, oh my god, get her off the mic, or get him off the mic, or whatever. So I do think they do need those people. But it is nice to hear from someone who's actually been through that. I agree with you there.
So overall good match and I think I don't know what's gonna happen with Sheena Baszler here I feel like she is gonna hold this belt until she you know the day before she comes up to the main roster and Yeah, we saw hints of the four horsewoman You know program maybe happening soon, so maybe she gets called up for that, but we'll see
Yeah, like I said, I thought it was a great match. Did you see that Bianca Bellaire's hair actually whipped Shayna Baszler and cut her? No, wow. I didn't see that. Yeah, so she whipped her with her hair, which I was like, OK, well, I expected that. But it actually left a blood wilt on her stomach. I was like, holy shit. Yeah, that's interesting. I didn't see that. Yeah, so like I said, anybody who can stand up twice when you got them in the Kirifuda clutch, she earned my respect that night.
For sure. Final match of the night, Tommaso Ciampa defended the belt against Aleister Black. Both of these guys put on a great show. And it wasn't as good as the, I liked the Aleister Black Tommaso Ciampa Gorgano match from the last takeover a little bit better. But this was a great match, man. And both of these guys, I mean, I'm surprised Aleister Black is not already up on the main roster. He's ready. We talked about this last week.
He's there, you know, he's not going to get the title. Yeah, he he's I don't think he's definitely not going to get the NXT title. But I'm wondering, like, is he already like did they was that like his entrance to the main roster when he came out at the Royal Rumble? Like when are we going to see him? You know, other than other than that, I mean, obviously he has the halftime heat, which we'll talk about. But, you know, I was kind of like I was really excited to see him show up at the Rumble, which I anticipated. But I'm wondering, like,
What does that mean? Like, does that mean he's officially on the main roster or is he still got time to do down in NXT? So, yeah, overall a good takeover card. It wasn't one of the best, but I think it's definitely, if you didn't watch it, it's definitely worth going back and watching. It was really fun to watch and, you know, I love how they just have the five matches. They don't have any of the Gaga in the middle.
saying something, saying something about like saying that takeover wasn't the best. That's still a pretty high rate. Oh yeah. Yeah. Takeovers like, you know, they, they always are like excellent. So even when you're like, well, this wasn't the best takeover. It still means it's like, it was an excellent show, you know? Sure.
Let's get to the Royal Rumble card because I have a lot to say about this one. Overall thoughts on the Royal Rumble before we get into each individual match? I was a little disappointed. I don't know if my expectations were a little bit too high. It just didn't have a single moment. None of the Royal Rumble matches had that moment where obviously we saw Becky Lynch come in.
wasn't supposed to be there. We saw Nia Jax get into the men's Rumble. I just didn't feel like there was any moments in the match besides those that kind of made it feel special. I don't know. Am I crazy? I think you have a little more criticism to give for the Rumble than I do. I thought the overall card was
awesome and then I thought the actual rumble matches I had a lot of fun watching watching the rumble matches so I know I know you have a you have a little more to say negatively on that but I do I do let's fly through the kickoff show Bobby Roode and Chad Gable defeated Rezar and Scott Dawson I don't know what that is
like it was like battle of the injured like you know our tag team partners are injured so we automatically get put together which yeah I I didn't understand that match it was what it was it did what it's supposed to do it took it filled the spot but yeah like they if they won they got a
championship match at a date to be determined like I thought that that was just like strange cuz like if your partners are hurt like when are you actually gonna fight you know and these are the only three tag teams on Raw so of course these two are gonna get a tag team match they have to do something there's there's so much talent on SmackDown for tag teams and Raw is awful this is awful
Yeah, they're gonna have to shake it up a little bit. I don't know how, but they will. I guess the bar was just on Raw not too long ago. Bring the Usos over or something because you have those three fighting and you still have sanity who's just buried and the good brothers who are buried.
and now heavy machinery, so you have six or seven. Now with the new tag teams, you have seven real tag teams there on SmackDown, so we'll see. Shinsuke Nakamura wins the US title, we'll get to that more on SmackDown, and then the Cruiserweight match, or Buddy Murphy defended his belt successfully, which was a really good match, but overall the kickoff show, it is what it is. I like that Cruiserweight match a lot though, it was a lot of fun spots in that match.
Yeah, it was what you, what you expected. There was a lot of like aerial moves and you know, I thought, um, you know, you know, buddy Murphy's going to put on a show. I mean, I, I was, I thought it was great. Oscar in the opening match, defeating Becky Lynch by submission. Did you have a problem with Becky Lynch losing this match by, you know, submission? I know obviously she, she didn't have the pinfall. So she, they saved face a little bit there, but her, you know, her tapping out here before winning the rumble later in the, on the card.
Yeah, I did have a problem with that. Um, just a little problem, not, not, you know, I wasn't like, Oh my God, this is the worst. But I did kind of think like, maybe they just screwed this up. I was thinking like, they just opened the show and they kind of screwed this up by having her, her tap, you know? I mean, obviously like Oscar gave, I mean, Oscar, it's not like Oscar is like a jabroni. Like, you know, when you're going up against Oscar that she's a serious competitor. So it's not like they had Becky lose to someone who was undeserving. I mean, Oscar definitely deserves all the, all the accolades and to be champion.
Um, but I had anticipated that Becky was going to win. Um, and that it was going to be a little bit of a reverse. Like Charlotte was going to win the rumble. So, um, in my mind, I had already sketched it out like that. Um, I think if they would have had her, um, you know, pass out instead of tapping, I think it could have been a little more like, I would have been a little happier with that. But I mean, she did do the Oscar lock and then like bridged up into it. So she did like a, you know, ultimate Oscar lock. So, I mean, you know, what, what was she supposed to do? You know?
I did like how they worked the leg injury in this match and then carry that over until later in the night. So that's kind of cool. They did that with Bret Hart for one of the Rumbles. I think that was the one when he won it with Lex Luger. They milked that leg injury from the Owen Hart attack where he kicked the leg out of his leg. Yeah, Becky was great. And she carried it all the way into Raw. So she's committed to that.
you call it on this one the uh... the the besties are the misdeeds order they're called uh... the besties in the bar the besties in the bar that they beat the bar and i'm that this is pretty surprising and uh... obviously she know mac is going to get a a wrestlemania match so i i gotta think these guys are going to hold these belts until
Until WrestleMania, but I mean it is cool to see a different team besides the bar the Usos or the new day with the tag team belts on Smackdown It's probably been over a year since that's happened, but you know 45 49 year old Shane McMahon still still delivering some spots man. He's look pretty good
that's I was so nervous when he was setting up to do that shooting star press like I was holding my breath the entire time I was like we're about to see Shane McMahon break his neck you know but I mean as usual he delivered um and I thought it was awesome and then that spot where he did the um coast to coast but he got uh
he like Cesaro countered and like spun him like 18 million times. I was like so dizzy watching that. I was like, Oh my gosh. Um, but yeah, I agree. I'm glad that somebody else has got the, um, got the tag championships. I mean, you know, I love all the, all the tag, all the tag teams on smack down, but
Um, it is nice to see someone else. I don't really like the angle that they're using. I don't like the, the whole dad thing. I think it seems like really forced and kind of awkward and like they're trying to make it happen by, you know, um, showing miss his dad after, after the rumble and then showing or after the match and then showing him again on, um,
you know, smack down. I was just like, okay, this is getting a little bit overkill. Like I just, I don't like that angle. Like if they just want to be like, you know, kind of like frenemies who formed a tag team that's now dominating, like I can get more behind that than this whole like daddy issues thing. Unless they bring up something with Shane saying, you know, my, you know, it must be nice to have a dad who told you he loved you or blah, blah, blah, or, you know, calling out Vince kind of type of thing. I don't know if that'd be a little too realistic. Maybe we'll get, maybe we'll get the Miz and his dad versus Vince and Shane.
I hate Miz. I mean, I don't hate Miz as a face, but I just, Miz was born to be a asshole heel wrestler, you know, and that's, that has to be where this is going. Maybe, maybe they wrestle at WrestleMania, the two of them against each other, but that would be pretty, I mean, I think we're 70 days from WrestleMania. So we're not, it's not like next week or next week or anything. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised though to see the Usos take the titles from
from the besties. I mean, that would be pretty par for the course, you know, like getting the Uso's back in with the titles. For sure. So a fun match. Raw Women's Championship match was next. Rhonda defeats Sasha Banks, and I love this match. And I love Sasha Banks in this, you know, and she did this really well in NXT where she kind of plays the heel roll really well in the match where she has you in a hole and she's stepping on your toes or stepping on your fingers.
doing every little tiny thing that the normal fan doesn't pick that stuff up, but a bunch of reversals, bank statements, a lot of cool holds in this match. Yeah, she basically choked Rhonda out with her ring gear. She tore off her sleeve and then just used it as a gag, and I was like, and she didn't hold back. That's the thing about Sasha, she didn't hold back at all. She almost ripped Rhonda's head off with that thing.
Why do people not like Ronda Rousey? Is it just because they like Becky Lynch so much more? I mean, it's like back in the day when Stone Cold would face The Rock and they were like, everyone loved both of them, but just everyone cheered for Stone Cold because he was Stone Cold. Is that what we're dealing with right now? Because Ronda Rousey is awesome in the ring. She's incredible. Despite her raw
Um, her raw appearance on Monday. I will, I will get to that later, but she is amazing in the ring. And I, it's just that, it's just that thing that we talked about, like she's going up against Becky, which Becky is on fire. So it wouldn't matter who in the world they put Becky up against. Like the, the opponent is going, is going to be booed. The opponent is not, is going to be like, you know, like everybody's going to hate them. Um, and I think a lot of the smarks, obviously they have that, that weird.
thing where they feel like everybody has to have their comeuppance and if you don't start at the bottom and work your way up then you're not a true wrestler you're not a true talent or you don't deserve you know anything that you get in wwe and obviously ronda is this like she's like the antithesis of that you know she has all the star power in the world she's a legitimate fighter um and then you got becky who is like a
flight attendant like you know took time off and look at wrestling and bingo halls and worked her way up and you know clawed and fought for everything that she has so obviously she's gonna be the odds on favorite obviously those two are wrestling at WrestleMania how great I mean I'd love to see Becky win that match but if you want to get turn Rhonda into the monstrous heel of all time you make her win that match and just have 80,000 people booing her oh my god I would not want to be
in that stadium whenever that happens because that is going, I mean, they were, they really legitimately might burn it down. They, I mean, it will be awful. Um, I personally, I want Becky when they do face, um, face off at mania, I would love to see Becky win. Like I'm already excited for that, for that moment. Um, not that I want Rhonda to lose because I think Rhonda is a worthy champion. Um, but I definitely think Becky deserves that moment.
I'm gonna be upset if they insert Charlotte into this match, even though Charlotte's probably my favorite wrestler in the WWE right now. I just want it to be one on one. Yeah, same. The more that they give us with them two, the more I want it to just be head to head one on one. And Charlotte's amazing, and I'm sure she's not gonna take anything away from the match. But at this point, I just feel like I just wanna see head to head the man and the baddest bitch on the planet.
Just put them in there and let them go at it. May the best woman or man win. Alright, so this is the point of the card where Big Mouth AJ started calling me a hater on Twitter. And I don't care. This women's Royal Rumble was awful. Awful. It was 72 minutes long, Sheena.
Are you sure it was 72 minutes? Yes. I don't think it was 72 minutes. I swear to God. It was 72 minutes long. I've read it on multiple websites and it was just, there was some super cringe worthy moments. The girl that was in there, Lacey Evans, she is awful. Why would you start a Royal Rumble with her? She messed up the first three or four moves of this match and I was like gritting my teeth watching this. It was awful.
Okay. So Lacey was awful. I can't deny that. And I thought she was awful. I've never liked her character. I don't really care for her in ring work. Like I just, I don't, I don't know what it is. I don't click with her. Um, so yeah, she is awful. There was a lot of hokey spots. Um, the Alicia Fox Maria Kanellis thing. Like I wanted to like hide under a rock. I was like, okay, this is like totally setting.
women's wrestling back like here we are on like the the freakin come up of like women's wrestling being like main event worthy at WrestleMania and then they give us that spot in the middle of the ring at the women's Royal Rumble where they're like stomping on each other's hat and you know throwing tantrums and I was like oh my gosh but other than that I thought I enjoyed the women's Rumble I thought it was I thought it was good and we got to see a lot of you know new faces and young talent and I thought it was cool
You forgot fucking Hornswoggle was in this match, Sheena. How did you glance over that? What was that? I popped for Hornswoggle. You did. I saw your Instagram. You definitely popped for him, yeah. I popped for Hornswoggle. I dig Hornswoggle. How much did he get paid for that, you think?
I don't know. I hope it was a lot because I like him. I was awesome. I thought the way they played it was Lena Vega being under the ring and then him coming out like a little leprechaun. I thought it was awesome. Why did she poke her head out every five seconds if she's under there? Just stay under there.
Yeah. I don't know. Maybe she felt like somebody was watching her under there. Maybe it was eerie. She could feel Hornswoggle's presence, but yeah, I didn't, I didn't understand that either. Why they, uh, why she kept like alerting us that she was under there, especially if it wasn't going to have any sort of, um, like meaning to the match. You know what I'm saying? Like if it wasn't going to, like she wasn't going to cause any sort of like hijinks, right? Um, which she didn't. And so, um, yeah, I thought it was kind of weird how she was doing that.
Forgot to mention this I wanted to talk about at the very top the entrance ramp for this this event was awesome I love that they came out of the dugout. I love the look of it It's so different from all the other events that have happened, you know over the last 12 months It just was a really cool look and I hope they go back to changing stuff up like this because it looked awesome It did look awesome. I thought it was so cool. I guess
they chose not to put the screens up so that they could fit more people in there. It was like 48,139 people, but they, I thought it looked so cool with the low LED screens and then the crowd was behind them as they came in and a shorter entrance ramp. I thought it was super cool.
I love the look of it. I called the EO Shirai entrance, so that was a point for me. I was surprised. Yeah, no Bellas. No Bellas. Yeah, no Bellas. That was weird. Yeah, I was totally wrong. I expected that we would see Nikki Bella in the Rumble and we totally did not, so I was wrong on that.
Couple people stood out for me. Nikki Cross got a huge pop from the crowd. And I love seeing her. She's fun to watch. My girl Mandy Rose looked really, you know, she is a top heel in the making, man. She is love to hate her. And Rhea Ripley, too, is going to be a stud. She looked awesome. I love her. I love her look. I love her style. I just love everything about her. I think she's super rad.
I love you know I think I think a lot of people don't like the kind of like the Kofi gimmick spots but I actually really like those like Naomi you know she's she was you know she does them and she does them very very well but I'm gonna tell you when she was balancing on that barricade I kept thinking to myself one of these asshole fans is gonna like push her and like you know have her
That's what I was thinking too. And she looked like she was a little unstable.

Royal Rumble Standouts

So again, I was holding my breath, but dude, she freaking nailed that jump. I don't know how, but that looked like it was so far away. Like maybe it just looked further on TV than it actually was. But I mean, she stuck the landing. Um, unfortunately your girl Mandy Rose kind of like ruined that for her and pulled her off the steps, but, um, I thought it was a super cool spot.
Yeah, I was, I was afraid she would like miss it. Those are metal steps. I mean, those are not a gimmick steps. That would hurt your shin, man. Your shin. That's what I keep thinking. Cause if you've ever done, you know, as a former CrossFit coach, like I've totally biffed on like a jump box. And I mean, when you hit your shins, like that, it hurts like the Dickens. And, um, I can't imagine hitting it on a set of steel steps.
What about Casey Catanzaro, the little American Ninja Warrior chick, like the little tiny micro chick? 411. 411. How is she going to compete in the WWE?
I don't know, but she looks pretty damn good to me. I mean, she's a high flyer. I mean, she's definitely, I mean, but she's like muscly. She's an American ninja warrior just cause she's tiny. She's 95 pounds, Sheena. 95 pounds. You're going to have me believe that she's going to compete with Nia Jax or Becky Lynch or Asuka.
How did you believe that freaking, oh my gosh. Ray Mysterio, don't say Ray Mysterio. No, not Ray Mysterio. Alexa Bliss, what about her? She's taken down some giants, you know? That's true, that is true. I don't know how tall she is, but what? I think Alexa's definitely, Alexa's got a different build. She's 5'1", according to Wikipedia, 5'1", so yeah.
Yeah. Alexa's more of that like gymnast cheerleader body style. Like Casey is just like lean, tiny, like, you know, like I said, micro human, but that little spot where she, uh, you know, hugged the ring post and pulled herself up. I thought that was pretty cool.
Uh, what I did not like at all was, uh, starting from the 26th entrant, I basically knew how the whole match was going to end. So because we had Alexa Bliss, Bailey, uh, we didn't know what Becky Lynch was going to come out, but Lana came out originally with the injury.
And then Nia Jax, we knew obviously Carmelo was number 30. So those are five big names that they saved for the very end, but it was kind of, all right, well, I know we haven't seen this person, this person, this person yet. They must be coming out. That was kind of just anticlimactic, I could say. But I mean, the ending saved it. I mean, it was a super long match. I don't want to harp on too much of the negative. I love how Becky came in and kind of subbed in for Lana, who was hurt.
And I mean, God, she got like three big pops when she walked out when her music hit. And then when she won, I mean, she is over like Rover and they did the right thing here. And I called it. You said it was going to be Charlotte. Yeah, I'm not going to rub your face. It was a monstrous pop. And I can't even lie. I was like so emotionally drained after that women's Royal Rumble. First of all, because we were keeping everybody updated on Instagram with like the contest and you know, you were doing work.
Yeah, my thumbs were like there. They put in work. But yeah, so we were doing all that stuff and trying to keep up with who had got eliminated, which was one thing during both rumbles. It was just like, I feel like the timing was off and some of them, you never knew who was eliminated because you were seeing the entrances and then people were getting eliminated while the entrances were happening. So you would come back and be like, well, where are these people? And they're like, oh, come to find out they had gotten eliminated.
Um, so that was a little bit of a, you know, a negative for me is that I felt like sometimes the timing for those spots was off, but, um, yeah, overall, I thought it was fun, but yeah, I was drained afterwards, which getting into it, this is the perfect segue to our next match. Um, Daniel Bryan versus AJ Styles. Um, I feel like it suffered from that, that spot placement. I called it. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was deader than shit in that, that placement.
I mean, the audience was like still, you would have thought they were at a funeral. There's a 24 minute match and I, there was maybe a couple of good spots that I can remember, but it was a pretty slow paced match and you can't.
submissions it was more of like a ground and pound type match and it was it was the same thing that happened to Seth and Dean at TLC you know what I'm saying like it was more like intricate storytelling and stuff like that but people were already so drained and like they were coming off of that high from Becky winning the Rumble that like they weren't it just it didn't it was not a good place for that specific match I mean that would have been a better place for like the tag match or I mean even move that you know something else needed to be there
Uh, but it saved at the end when Eric fucking Rowan came in and no, it's just Rowan. It's just Rowan. I do like that they use the recycle symbol for the O. Oh, we're going to get into all that. I am so hyped. Like I can't even handle it. I I'm so giddy. How many gimmicks has this guy had? Um, remember when he was supposed to be like the smart intellectual like guy?
I don't remember that. I remember he was with the Wyatt's. He obviously he's like always been the Wyatt's. And then he was, it was Rowan and Luke had their own tag team. And then, um, the bludgeon brothers with, again, you know, it's just a different, different gimmick, same guys. Um, but yeah, I, uh, I was happy to see him back. I don't mind. I don't mind growing and I definitely don't mind rowing with Daniel Bryan. I think they're kind of like, you know, two, two peas in a pod.
Yeah, it's a good fit. I mean, it was a kind of a weird ending to a match to, I don't know, to cost it, you know. I think they just can't let Daniel Bryan win clean again. You know what I'm saying? Like they had to do something to protect AJ. Like they can't just keep letting Daniel Bryan, even though like Daniel, because you knew he was going to retain cause he's, he's just on a hot streak right now, but they can't, they couldn't just keep burying AJ. So they had to do something to make it where it was, you know, like not fair.
So more on that match in the aftermath a little bit later. A Universal title match. Brock Lesnar defeated Finn Balor via submission to retain the title. This was just a little bit over eight minutes long. Pretty good match though. I was feeling the comeback by Finn. Hit the coup de grace.
A major coup de gras, like a hard coup de gras. I was like, holy freaking smokes, man. I thought it looked awesome. Unfortunately, it didn't get the job done on the beast, but it did look good. Obviously, Brock needs to lose the title. He's just been a part-time guy for so long, but he sells for people pretty well. He sold for Dana Bryan.
I'm glad we're seeing some matches. I'm sure he was tired of facing Roman Reigns for two straight years. But he puts up some good fights against Finn and Dana O'Brien and he sells well. Yes, say what you want about Brock, but he will sell for people. And even people smaller than him, more unassuming. He does a really good job at that.
And I did not like the F5s and the trio of German suplexes afterwards after beating Finn Balor. That kind of just, it's like, why? You built this guy up. He looks like a legitimate contender at this point. Well, my thought process was I was thinking, oh, okay, well, they're going to have Finn, you know, they're going to start another, they're going to have Finn and Brock Lesnar at Mania instead of Seth and Brock Lesnar at Mania. And then they're going to have Seth face.
Um, Daniel Bryan at mania. Um, that's where I thought it was going. I thought it was like a continuation. Like, you know, like he wasn't done and maybe they're going to bring out the demon, which I had a huge problem with that they didn't bring out the demon. Um,
in this match because we haven't seen him since what 2016 like when he won his first universal title when he was the demon king and you know I get it save it for special events don't overdo it I don't want to see the demon every week but if fighting for the universal championship is not a big enough reason to tap into whatever the hell you got in there to bring out all the freaking cards like
than what is, you know, it's good call. I didn't think about that. Yeah. Uh, I'm trying to see how many events we have elimination chamber in February. And then in March we have fast lane. I don't know. I mean, all the, all the paper views are co-branded now, obviously. So two more events.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Finn and Seth tag team match against the Champs, against Brock, and on that fast lane car, just as a throw away. It's kind of leading up to WrestleMania. We already know who's gonna be in the title matches, but that match would be pretty fun. Yeah, that would be fun. I definitely don't think they'll do that. They'll probably give us the same feuds that we've been seeing.
I don't know. I mean, I definitely feel like they could possibly change it. I mean, we saw that Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins met at the end of Raw, and Brock dominated Seth. But that doesn't mean like, maybe it doesn't mean that they're going to fight. Maybe they are setting Finn up for Mania. Because what's Finn going to do at Mania if he doesn't face Brock? I know Bobby Lashley came out and confronted him. But I mean, no one's excited to see that, right?
I'm not excited to see him do anything. I know. I need a shirt that says, stop trying to make Bobby Lashley happy. Oh, we need to make that. That's the neck pro wrestling t-shirt. That'd be great. With the girl from Mean Girls, with the picture of Mean Girls. Men's Royal Rumble was the final match of the night. I'm glad that was the case. And my only problem with this, it was just very
I don't know, nothing kind of happened. There's been times, Sheena, and this is not just because we didn't see any old guys come back. There was times where we'd see Kane come into the ring and clear the ring out. I was hoping to see- Brian Wyatt, that one year, Roman.
I was hoping to see Braun and Drew McIntyre get into it or like we didn't see like two guys just kind of like take over like all the other guys sit back and just watch two guys just go at it like it was just a very by the book Royal Rumble and and
I don't know. It just felt, you talked about it afterwards with me. I did not like how Seth Rollins was outside of the match for so long. It felt like a long time. You said it was 10 minutes. It felt like a long time, but dude, he came in at number 10. Like what was he supposed to do? Like he had to last till the end. So, and I was really worried when he came in at number 10, I was like, Oh, this isn't good.
This isn't good. And then Bobby Lashley, you know, slammed him and I was like, Oh, this isn't good. This isn't good. You know? Um, but, um, I, I liked their men's Royal Rumble. I thought it was awesome. I thought it was awesome to see like, you know, Pete Dunne and Aleister Black and Johnny Gargano, like, like mixed with these guys that we know and love, you know? Um, I mean, like how many dream matches were there in the ring at the same time?
like all these people. We didn't see the legends. I mean, obviously Jeff Jarrett was the only true like legend that we saw. Kurt Angle was in there, but I still consider him like modern at the, at the moment, you know, like he's still in the, in the mix. But you know, I'm okay with that. I think it really gives some of those newer guys and some of the people who are on different brands like, you know, UK and
NXT and all these things and 205 Live, it gives them a little more exposure to a bigger audience. And I have no issues with that. And I think it's cool because it gives them an opportunity, right? Maybe a vent sees that Pete Dunne or somebody gets a huge pop. Maybe there's something more in the cards for them than what they're doing now. And I think it could really elevate a lot of these guys to let them get in there and do something.
Yeah, I mean, there was a ton of talent in the ring. It was fun. I really wish both for the men's and the women's that they can promote NXT a little bit more. I mean, I watch it, not every week religiously, but I'm sure most of the people in that arena don't watch it. So when some of these guys come out, there's a pop forum, but it's not the reaction I think they'd get if they could show some highlights on Raw of fucking NXT, man.
That's your bread and butter. So when these guys come up, they're a made faction or something. Imagine if, I don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves, but keep Dean around, make him the head of undisputed era when they come up or something and just have them make an NWO faction and just do it like that. I don't know, just more, that's your minor league system. So like promote it.
True. But I think, I think the people, I think the, the people at like the rumble and like at survivor series and at mania, like that's a hardcore crowd. I think they do watch it. Yeah. It's not like a Monday Night Raw crowd. It's not a two, you know, a smackdown crowd. Um, I think those people, like the pay-per-view crowd, like I would say is a majority, um, cause they're there all weekend, you know, like when it's something like the rumble or mania, like, you know, or, um, summer slam, like these people have been there all weekend. They're going to access, they're going to,
you know, NXT, they're going to the Rumble or whatever the event is. So I do think it is a hardcore crowd and I think they know who these people are versus like you said, like your every, every week, you know, television audience may not know. So I definitely think they're, you know, to run it on TV, like on USA, I think would be a better place than like at the, you know, at the pay-per-views.
I'm torn about the Nia Jackson coming in number 30. It was it was cool to see It was something different because at that point it was just kind of you know That your your guys that you've you know everyone no surprises And it did it did what it did do really well as is I totally forgot about Seth on the outside and Braun on the outside so she kind of
gave a little bit of a buffer time there. Distraction. Yeah. She was a distraction because she gave go ahead. Sorry. Some guys. Yeah. Sorry. She gave some guys some good spots. I mean, she gave Ziegler a good spot. She gave Ray Mysterio a good spot. And then, you know, obviously Randy Orton, um, they all got to do their finishes on her and I thought it was, I thought it was pretty cool. That didn't sound very good. Did it?
They all finished on her, yeah. Let me rephrase that. They all got to, you know. They're finishing maneuvers onto her person, yes. I don't know what I was thinking. It was late or something and she got thrown out and I forget it was two guys. Was it Ziegler and Almas? We're still in the ring. I was like, oh shit, one of these guys is going to win the Royal Rumble. I totally forgotten about the other two guys.
Yeah. Um, well I thought it was, I, I, I didn't mind Nia Jax coming into the men's rumble. I know there was some people and I don't think anybody did. I didn't see any like harsh criticisms. I mean, you know, people, I thought if anything, it gave her a little more heat because, um, you know, she kind of like screwed our truth out of his, out of his opportunity to be in the rumble. Um, and truth is over, you know? So, um, the thing that kind of like, you know, not to get to, um, you know, I like to keep it kayfabe, but I was thinking to myself like,
So you're telling me that like Becky Lynch, like Lana was hurt and Becky Lynch had to like plead her way into the women's Royal Rumble, which she belonged in, you know, um, which was, you know, specific to her gender. And yet Nia Jax can just come in and like beat somebody up and enter herself into the men's Royal Rumble.
you know, like with like not ask anyone permission. I was like, that was a little awkward for me. I was like, well, why did Becky have to try so hard? Why didn't Becky just like when Lana was down, like why didn't Becky just run into the ring instead of having to like plead and be announced into the Royal Rumble? And now that we have Royal Rumble for each gender, why are we even allowing women in? I mean, is a man going to enter the woman's Royal Rumble next year? Like, I don't know. It just seems. I could see Ellsworth entering the women's Royal Rumble. Yeah.
Anybody stand up stand out for you here that? Just isn't a huge name. I don't I mean Alice or black had a nice showing I really liked Mustafa Ali was in there for like 30 minutes. I called him throwing out your boy Samoa Joe, which is nice to see Yeah, I think the most eliminations was strowman, right? I think he had like five eliminations. I
Yeah. Um, but, uh, yeah, I thought everybody looked good. I didn't think anybody like, you know, super stood out. I mean, it's kind of really hard to like stand out unless you win the rumble or unless you're one of the last four. Um, but I thought, I thought everybody looked, I thought everybody looked really good.
Can we talk about Braun Strowman for a minute? Sure. This guy has had the world in his hands. He was the hottest thing on Raw. And he's such an afterthought now, isn't he? It's sad. I mean, what are they going to do with him? I think you have to turn him heel once Seth wins the title, right?
I think they let him cool off. He obviously gave Seth his blessing to go slay the beast. Um, so I think you let him cool off for a little bit and then bring him back. Um, cause you know, he doesn't have, he doesn't have heat or love either way, you know? So it's, it's kind of indifferent, um, which is unfortunate for Braun. I think he's just suffered from a lot of like, you know, injury and like a little bit of bad booking and all of those things. Um, so.
You know, like I said, I think Nicholas, from the moment they put him in the ring with Nicholas, I think that was the moment that, you know, Braun Strowman kissed his main event push goodbye.

WWE Storylines and Character Dynamics

I didn't think about that. Yeah. But yeah, you when you're in a ring with a guy like Nicholas, you're going to get overshadowed, you know? Yeah, totally. You know, totally. Totally took away all of all of Braun's star power.
man over I mean I love the ending of the match I love seeing the curb stomp on the on the apron that was a cool yes finished I definitely loved if we're talking wrestling figures I loved Seth's Chicago Bears outfit I think hopefully yeah make a figure out of that
I think they definitely will. I mean, especially since he won the Rumble, I think that that figure is probably going to be in the lineup. I do think afterwards, I thought the men's Rumble should be last because I was wanting Seth to win. And I thought it would be a super cool moment for Seth to win and close out the show. But looking back on it, I feel like they should have had the women's Royal Rumble last. I feel like Becky winning the women's Royal Rumble was a bigger moment than Seth winning.
Oh, I hate to say that because I love them both. But, you know, I think I think it would have been really cool to see like Becky close out the show.
Yeah, I don't mind that we kind of knew these two were going to be the finishes of these matches. That is not what took away from me at all. They're both the man. I mean, if you're going to read the dirt sheets and have everything spoiled for you, then you're going to know what's going to happen. But the casual fan was pretty excited about this. And I think I like where both of these situations are going heading forward. Yeah, for sure.
I'm gonna rewatch it. I feel like I was, I don't know, it's like when I watch a movie and I'm just super hyped about something. I just didn't feel like anything. I don't know if a year from now I'm gonna remember anything from this card except for, you know, Seth and Becky winning, you know?
maybe it just wasn't maybe it just wasn't what you expected because in years past we've had like lots of you know legends and like you know surprise entrances and this this year what there weren't as many surprise entrances um as there normally are i think a lot of stuff was announced ahead of time um and you know the the thing is is like now wwe has so many brands that like you're not going to see all those
you know all the old heads you're gonna see new fresh faces and that's what they promised us and that's what we wanted you know like they they they told us you know like hey this is a new this is a new era this is a new raw you're gonna get new matchups and you know new talent's gonna get brought up and so i feel like they they delivered on their promise with both the rumbles um you know as much as i would have liked to see electrician lida and the women's rumble like i was okay not having them because i got to see some some people that i don't get to see all the time you know
For sure. I did not need to see Jeff Jarrett again in a wrestling ring. That awful outfit. Oh my God. He looked like a clown. He looked like a freaking, Oh God. All right. Overall, uh, right around, we're pretty good. Let's get into raw and smack down before we move into some, uh, news and notes and get into our wrestling figure segment. Um, overall thoughts on wrong. What stood out? What was good? What was bad for you, Sheena?
Well, can I say that Rhonda Rousey was both good and bad She was she was really bad and she was really good. So it was really like I felt very conflicted you know, she came out and did a did a promo and Phil it was a
like you know I love Ronda Rousey and like I try not to bag on her like but dude it was so uncomfortable for me to watch it like I felt like I could have went out there and like cut a better promo on the fly or they could have just picked someone out of the audience and cut a better promo like she got so flustered by the booze and she got so like you could tell she was like trying to read the script in her mind um you know what she was gonna say about Sasha Banks and then she like you know had that moment where she broke character and she laughed and she's like oh you guys made me
You guys made me stutter like good for you. And then she awkwardly pointed to the WrestleMania sign and to make matters even worse, they cut her off and just like hit Bailey's music. And I was like, I couldn't believe it. I was like, I thought that was all she was gonna do. I thought she was gonna have this match with Bailey and that was gonna be it. And I was like, no Rhonda, no, like this is the post Rumble Raw, like how can you do this? And then,
After she had her, after she had her match with Bayley, the man came out to a monstrous pop, which was like insane, which we expected. She limped to the ring. Becky delivered as always. Like she's just such a freaking natural. Like everything that Becky does is just like amazing.
Um, but she, she delivered and then Rhonda delivered like a killer cut throat promo where she told her like, you know, you know, I know. And everyone in this ring note or everyone in this arena knows that I can kill you with my bare hands without breaking a sweat. And the only thing that's keep er, the only thing that's keeping me from it is my decision not to, you know, and told her that she was going to hurt. I know because it's true. It's so true.
like I mean she literally she's she could break Becky's neck and we wouldn't we would blink and be like what happened you know and so it was awesome I mean she just it was crazy to me because it was just such stark differences like she was she felt so like rigid and stiff at the front end of that you know when our first promo and then she just like freaking spit
during that second promo. And I was like, whoa. So that definitely stood out to me. And I'm super hyped for Becky and Rhonda to go head to head.
I did see a couple highlights of Jeff Jarrett and the Road Dogg coming out. And the Road Dogg asking everyone, if you're not down with that, we got two words for you. And the crowd responds. And then I think the crowd was cheering, like, holy shit. And he said, like, oh, this is a family show. You guys shouldn't be saying that. He literally just asked everyone to suck your dick. Yeah.
Yeah. So much for the family. I mean, do you not remember what that means? Has it, has it been that long? Like we're not talking straws here. You know, like why is it, why do you think it's a crotch chop on the back of that? Why are we turning Elias heel now? Um, cause they don't know what to do with him. I don't, I think, um, he's in that weird spot. Like I feel like they don't know.
where to, where to go with him. Cause he's awesome at everything he does. He's so over, but I mean, he hasn't really had any meaningful feuds. Like let's be, let's think back to the past like year. I don't think he's had anything that's like super, like I can't.
recall anything that he's done that I'm like, Oh my gosh. I mean, obviously like his segments are great, but nothing that I'm like, Oh my gosh, like remember that Elias match? Like it was incredible. Um, and I don't know what that is. I don't know if it's something with him that we don't know about behind the scenes. Like maybe, you know, he has some limiting issues or something that we don't know about, but, um, yeah, I don't think they know what to do with him. So I think they're just going to try everything until something works because people level. I, I love Elias.
Yeah, he was great. He was great in the ring. I enjoy watching him. So we saw Seth come down and he was going to pick who he was going to face at WrestleMania. Brock jumps in and attacks him, gives him, was it five or six F5s? Yeah, no, Brock was in the ring and Seth came out after. Yeah, so Brock was in the ring and then Seth came out because
Paul Heyman was like, you know, basically telling everybody like Seth Rollins, his only option is to go fight Daniel Bryan because he's not going to like, he's not going to want to take on the beast. Um, so Seth obviously abruptly comes out and like shuts that down and like takes first strike at Brock, which I thought was awesome. Um, but yeah, he got beat down by, by Brock. Um, so I'm assuming, you know, obviously like that that means that they're, they're like, he chose him, but I don't think it was, um,
specifically noted that that's what's happening. Yeah, I think they did on the Twitter account. I think they did. Oh, they did? OK, yeah. Seth said it. He was like, oh, it's official. And I was like, I didn't get that from Raw. I didn't get that it was official. But I mean. What would be cool is if next week on Raw he would say, what I was going to do is I was going to challenge Daniel Bryan until you kicked my ass. But now I want you. Something like that. Instead of just putting it on Twitter.
Yeah, I thought, well, I thought it was pretty cool how Becky, like basically not, she didn't punk out Seth Rollins, but she basically was like, I don't need, I don't like, unlike Seth Rollins, like I don't need a lot of time. Like I want you. And I was like, Oh, like cold chills.
Yeah, it was an awesome moment. That's the intro to our show this week. So that got me pretty hyped. Also, really quickly, so here's something else I don't understand. So we got Elimination Chamber coming up, and we have the women on Raw had qualifying matches for getting into the Elimination Chamber match.
but then we got to SmackDown and, um, you know, fire and desire or whatever their tag team name is. They just declared Mandy Rose and, uh, Sonia just declared that they're going to be in the women's elimination chamber match. And I'm like, so why did the women on raw have to qualify?
And then you just get to declare that you get to be in it. Yeah, that didn't make much sense. I guess it's because. No, I'm trying to apply logic to an illogical situation. I get that. Because with Becky and Charlotte, none of them are going to be in this tag team thing. So in Oscar, so that's three women there. I don't think they have enough women on the roster to field six tag teams, which is. I don't know. I mean, they're throwing people together. They put, oh, who was a?
Natalia was with Dana Brooke. They're piecing people together. They don't have legitimate tag teams, but we haven't had a tag team division. They'll start to feel each other out and see what good tag teams fit with what, but we have three spots left open for the women's elimination chamber match. I thought it was kind of crazy. Also, we did get some clarity
Um, I know you've been into this Mandy Rose, Usos, Naomi feud for a while. Um, we did get some clarity on why Mandy hates Naomi and why she's trying to ruin her marriage. Did you, um, did you catch that? I didn't see that. No, yeah. I've been, uh, I've been running back and forth Monday and Tuesday. So I would just peace me. I'll just smack down and roll.
Oh yeah. So basically this was probably cut from the Hulu version, but, um, she said that when they were on, when Mandy was on tough enough, you know, team bad, if you remember them from a while back, which was Tamina, um, Naomi and Sasha, they were judges on tough enough. And they like, I guess Naomi had really ridiculed Mandy and like made her feel bad and gave her a complex and her complex was so bad that, you know, she would go home and be like so devastated that her boyfriend broke up with her. And now she's like,
I know, and now she's hellbent on ruining Naomi's relationship. So at least we have a storyline. Like now I'm like, okay, well, at least I can like understand what, like you've, you've put something together to make me understand why this is happening. So I was very happy to see that.
wow that's uh wow i don't know what to say to that mainly rose doesn't seem to be the type of person that would uh get upset about something like that yeah it doesn't seem like she has very much comp very much complexes but yeah she was like uh you know she did kind of allude to like it was making fun you know she was like oh it's really hard being me and i'm like what like you know gorgeous and athletic and all of the
things you know I know yeah blonde and beautiful yeah it's so so hard um so she was poking a little bit of fun but yeah it did feel a little bit daytime tv-ish but um you know I mean that that whole feud has been like that from the beginning but I thought I wanted to let you know that there was some clarity on that thank you so much yeah I did see the uh the the new smackdown championship belt the uh daisy memorial belt which I oh my gosh I absolutely love it's on entrance music like can we get the belt some entrance music because it is
Phenomenal I know I guess I shouldn't say it's phenomenal because AJ Styles, but it is amazing I am inventing a new segment on the show called rank him I want you to rank these belts the daisy belt the smoking skull that brow mobile and the spinner belt I want you to rank them best to worst Okay, give those to me one more time
the Stone Cold smoking skull belt, the rocks

Ranking WWE Belts

Brahma bull belt. John Cena's spinner belt and the new eco-friendly belt. Oh, well eco, eco-friendly belt is number one. Um, the, yeah, the new eco-friendly belt and then smoking skull. And then I would have to go Brahma bull and, um,
spinner. I was never much of a fan of the spinner belt. Yeah, me either. I love that smoking skull. That is a cool. Oh God. That's one belt that I like need for my collection. Like it is so like, I love that belt so much with the snake skin. Like it's gorgeous.
Have they said they're going to sell this on WWE Shop yet? I haven't heard anything. My thought process is it's going to be like an access exclusive kind of like when the Money in the Bank briefcase first came out, you know, back at WrestleMania 31 when they started selling the Money in the Bank briefcase or when they did like the New Day belts or the
What else was it? It was like they had an exclusive of, but yeah, I'm afraid it's going to be like an access exclusive and I'm going to be like, you know, so, um, so sad because we're not going to access. So if anybody out there is going to mania and you're going to access, and this does happen to be the case, let me know. Cause I'm PayPal ready. Okay. I need this championship belt in my life. Like it is just, it's made from the fall and naturally fallen oak.
made of sustainably sourced hemp, all the natural elements, it could not be more perfect. Don't count out Jeff Hardy in that elimination chamber with that sustainable hemp belt. I mean, he's got extra motivation now. Yeah, he'll bring a lighter to the ring. Hey, Jeff, you got the belt? Oh, man, you got the couple metal plates left. That's it. Oh, that is so great. Oh, it's wood plates. He could use that as an action. Oh, that's right. There you go. Nice, nice.
Yeah. So, um, but yeah, I think that elimination chamber match is going to be good with, uh, Joe, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Mustafa Ali, um, AJ and Jeff Hardy.

Dean Ambrose's WWE Status

Obviously I hope that, um, Daniel Bryan retains because I need to see this, this belt more on television and I need to see more of the planets champion on my television every week.
We didn't, we didn't touch, I hate to go back to the Royal Rumble because we touched on it so long, but I talked about Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn and Bray Wyatt and none of those guys came back. Those, that would have been, I mean, I don't need to see old guys come back, but some guys coming back from injury would have been nice. And then Velveteen Dream was the guy from NXT that everyone would have popped for. And why wasn't he in it? So those were four guys that I just wanted to, I totally forgot about that, but yeah.
Yeah, I was shocked not to see dream. The other guys I can see like them waiting and then like actually having like a storyline ready for them to return because these other guys like we don't know them so you know they don't really need a storyline ready in place right like we just need to see their faces get them out there like you know then they can go back to wherever they came from whether it's you know NXT or UK or whatever.
Um, but if you put somebody like Kevin Owens or, you know, Bray Wyatt or somebody out there, then the question is going to be like, well, where are they? What are they doing? What's next for them? Right? So you got to have a storyline in place for them. And I think a lot of that stuff's going to come into play post mania because I feel like the storylines are already so cemented right now. And we're on the road to wrestle mania that like, you can't really insert like a Kevin Owens into the situation right now because it would just, it would just be like, I feel like he's going to be better place like to start a fresh new year after mania and then like have some sort of run after that.
We are an hour and 11 minutes into the show, and this is probably the biggest news that we need to cover. But it came out a couple days ago that Dean Ambrose is, this is a press release from the WWE. Dean Ambrose is not going to renew his contract after it expires in April. He is going to be gone from the WWE. Sheena, this has never happened before. We have never heard of a wrestler,
Well, we've seen people come and go, but WWE has never acknowledged that when someone is going to leave, even with WCW back in the day, TNA and its heyday, is this something, number one, is this for real? Because this seems really out of place. And what do you make of all this? I mean, I'm having a hard time because there's some things that have come out that make me really feel like it's shoot and it's really happening and it's legit.
And then there's other things that give me pause and make me think like I'm getting worked. You know, um, one, the fact that WWE announced it so early, like that makes me feel like it's a work. Cause like, why, what, what do they benefit from announcing Dean's release this early? You know, if he's not coming back after mania, which is still a couple months away. Um, you know, cause you're basically telling us right now, like, oh, he's not going to be in any important storylines or anything, you know, like.
like up until mania um which i thought was super weird but then you know um renee like she posted on instagram um what was it it was like you know the world it was a picture of dean ambros and it was like the world is yours my love no guts no glory so i'm like well obviously she's alluding to him not
This was right after the news broke, so this is alluding to him not renewing his contract. And everything that I've heard or read or seen in reports is basically saying he's not happy with the creative, he's not happy with having to do hokey shit in his storylines and stuff, and he's just over it, and he's just ready to...
have his way out. So a couple things. Them announcing it is kind of weird because they've never done that before. But to make a press release makes it seem pretty official. It'd be a slippery slope to you start using actual WWE press releases for storyline stuff.
Would you really put that past WWE though? No, I would not. And obviously if he is going to leave, they're not going to use, it sounded like on Raw, some of the things that I did watch from Hulu, that he was in the ring for something and he sat down and was going to make an announcement that then Nia Jax came out. This is getting ridiculous in the first place, just the Nia Jax intergender stuff.
It was weird. So yeah, so what happened on Raw is one, him and Seth had a match, you know, Triple H sanctioned a match for them because he basically said like, you've never beat me clean. And so Seth Rollins beat Dean Ambrose clean and then it cut to commercial break. And then we came back and Dean Ambrose was sitting in the middle of the ring in a chair.
And he said, you know, guys, don't heckle me right now. I'm pouring out my soul to you. And I was like, Oh my God, is this like pipe bomb? Like what's happening here? You know? Um, and he said, uh, when I first started with WWE and then it was like Nia Jax's music hit. And then I read, I was trying to read his lips and I felt like he said, are you kidding me? Or is this a joke? You know what I'm saying? Like it was something like that. And I was like,
I was like, Oh my gosh, like what is happening here? Like I couldn't tell if I was getting worked. And then obviously like Naya came into the ring and they had like a standoff and they were like mocking each other. And then she hit him in the back, like as he was exiting the ring. And first of all, let me just say where the hell was Renee Young? Cause if you put your hands on my man and you're a chick, like
I'm going to take I'm going to take your head off. You know what I'm saying? So the fact that Renee Young didn't jump in that ring and like jump on Naya's back is like, no, like you you protect your man. But yeah, I thought it was all really was all really strange. And it also leads me to believe like, well, if he leaves, like, I mean, Renee is going to leave.
Your wife works for the company. You're traveling together already. That's probably one of the perks of everything. You can travel and save money on hotels and all that kind of stuff. So if he's going to work somewhere else. But I have a retro recommendation match of a good Dean Ambrose match that I really liked. But I had to kind of dig for one. He has to be kind of with the right guy to shine in the ring.
Dean has had some dude Dean has always he's been part of the shield, which is basically like Like WWE has been built around the shield for like the last six years, you know in various storylines Dean is awesome I mean what about I mean he won money in the bank and cashed it in in the same freakin night to a monstrous pop like he dude Dean is awesome. He had a he
a match against like Bray Wyatt or he got the one he was fighting Seth and then Bray Wyatt came in and you know gave him the sister Abigail like he he's good like I like Dean I know you you have a different opinion but I think Dean is amazing yeah I mean when I went back there was some really good matches and we'll get to that in a little bit so I'm not gonna totally shit on the guy I just don't feel like
I don't know. I don't, I don't want to just blame it on whenever somebody sucks on wrestling. We just blame it on bad booking. I don't, I don't feel like that's the case. I mean, his, his move set has gotten, when he did this freaking off the rope like thing was, I mean, yeah, that's not my favorite move. I definitely don't love the, um, the second rope like springboard thing that he does, like the clothesline. Like I, you know, I don't like that or the suicide dive. Um, but you know, to say that he's not,
a great talent. Like I think that's, you know.
What would it be? I mean, now that AEW has kind of risen from the ashes of whatever and they're going to be kind of thinking everyone's, you know, that's on the front of everyone's mind. So why not use it? Why not make a storyline where one of your top guys is leaving and have them, you know, leave for a couple of months, but, you know, you just signed them into a new contract. You start a storyline, have them come back in the summer out of nowhere and
pretending this whole thing was on purpose. I don't know. That wouldn't make sense to me. I just don't see someone leaving in the position he's in for bad writing. This is where you want to be, I feel like. I don't know. True, but maybe he's just done with wrestling. I was thinking, well, is he going to go back to being like Jon Moxley? What's he going to do? And then I was thinking, well, maybe he's just going to
there's really not a spot for him right now. I feel like, I mean, so it would be a good time for him to take off as much as I'm like heartbroken. Like I don't want Dean to leave and I want them to find a spot for him. But you know, with Seth in the main event picture and potentially going to be the universal champion and Roman out, um, where does that, where does that leave Dean? You know,
For sure. Yeah, I have mixed emotions on it. I'm interested to see where it goes. And if they do use him heavily in the weeks coming, leading up to WrestleMania, it leads me to believe that he's going to stick around. I mean, I feel like if... Are they just trying to get ahead of it? They know he's going to go somewhere else. They want to...
You know, that would be the only reason I would feel like they would announce it so early. You know what I mean? Right. So that it's not like, so it's not like they feel like the WWE, like you got, yeah, that he like kind of like slipped one in on WWE, like, Oh, I'm going here. You know, like they want to be ahead of the curve. I can see that happening to like them just saying like, okay, well, if you're going to go here, like we're going to announce it that, you know, you're leaving and we hope you come back and all of that. But, um, but they didn't wish him well on his future endeavors.
Like they said, we wish him well, but it was like, we don't, they, you know, they normally use the verbiage, like we wish you well on your future endeavor. So that's usually when they release somebody though, right? True. But I mean, they're not releasing him. He's not renewing his contract, but maybe they're not going to wish him well on his future endeavors because he's going to AEW.

Wrestler Departures and New Ventures

Yeah. They don't like his endeavors. Maybe he doesn't know the best endeavors. Right. The other guys that they released are like, they don't know, they probably don't even have anything lined up yet. So they're just like, all right, we'll see you. Good luck. That'd be a cool finishing with the future endeavor.
the future endeavor. Yeah, that could be cool. Another rumor that Adeo Atami has asked for his release and has been granted that. And you have here, will he go? I mean, if like anytime anybody leaves the WWE now for the next year, it's going to be, will he go to AEW? I feel like
It might be perfect for him because AEW is going to be all about wrestling and Adeo Tami is not good on the mic. He is not a promo guy. He's not a storyline kind of guy. He's just a flat out badass wrestler. So if that's what AEW wants, I'm sure he'll go there.
I heard something or somebody read on Reddit that it was his feet wasn't really not enjoying living in the US and his family wasn't really enjoying being in the US. So he wants to go back to Japan. So we'll see you there. I could see that. Yeah. He just suffered from the injury bug, like, you know, got hurt and just never really got a chance to build any sustainable momentum. You know, I mean, he came in in 2014 and it was just like one thing after another. And I mean,
We saw him at NXT takeover in San Jose. And it was, I mean, he did the GTS and he was just on fire and people loved him. But then again, it was just like after that, he just kind of like, you know, everything happened. And I think he would fit in with AEW. I think he would, like you said, I think he would be a good, somebody good for them to get. And I hope he does. I hope he does go, you know, find somewhere where he can be successful because he's great. I hope we, and I still hope we get the Hideo Tommy figure. Like I hope they don't pull the plug on that. Like give us that please.
That was kind of where when they moved that back. So maybe they had this thing was happening. So, um, any other news or notes from, uh, from WrestleMania from, from, uh, row on the row rumble? No, every, I feel like we touched on all the high points. I mean, it was a loaded and I feel like everything was good. I enjoyed, you know, uh, take over the rumble. And then I thought we're on smack down. We're actually pretty good this week too. So, um, yeah, a good, good week of wrestling. I was excited.
Alright, well let's get into our weekly purchases on our Go Figure segment.
Shane, I love you. This is our weekly purchases segment called Go Figures, where we talk about whatever wrestling figures we bought over the last week. And I'll let Sheena go first cuz she didn't have much last week, so I'm sure she has a nice haul this week. Just a couple of things. We got Elite 3, HBK from a guy here locally. He's selling off his entire collection. He normally has a WWE tent set up at our local swap meet.
Um, and he has tons of stuff, but, um, you know, we got that elite three from him and it's, it's just super awesome. He's got like the HBK hat and it's like the HBK, um, blue shirt, the cloth shirt, and then like the, you know, the chaps and the silver toed boots. And so yeah, it was pretty, pretty awesome. And then we also got from eBay a custom DX Rick root. So we're rounding out our DX.
Yeah, our DX cube. All we need is a China, but I have yet to see like a really good custom China. I don't think we're going to be getting one from Mattel anytime in the near future. So I always keep my eyes open for a good custom China, but it just has not just has not happened.
I need the info for that guy selling off his whole collection. I see people doing that on Facebook all the time I don't know if you're if you're in this deep on the figure game I mean, I guess if you get into money troubles or something, but I couldn't imagine selling You know, this has been a lot of work just for me for the last year So I can't imagine for how long you've been doing this thing. So to just quit after years of collecting I just feel like it's just weird. I don't know. I
I think maybe he just watched the Marie Kondo tidying up and he just got inspired and he's getting rid of things that don't spark his joy. Just need three figures, that's it. That's all I need. Just three, that's it. Oh man, that's it for you for this week? That's good. Yeah, it was a nice little, it was a different haul, but it was a small one, but I thought it was good.
Okay, I don't know if I mentioned this in the last show. I received my second set of retro series seven. They finally came in the mail. A good brother from one of my Facebook groups bought them for me, sent them out. We still have not seen retro series seven here in Maryland at any store. I've been to every Walmart and my mother works at a Walmart and she has access to like the inventory system and doesn't look like they're coming anytime soon. So that's depressing.
We have not seen them here on the island either. We've had the same retros for months, so I don't foresee us seeing them anytime in the near future. So I'm going to let that second set of retros breathe because Sheena has convinced me to get two sets now, so now I'm buying twice two of everything. So that's good. My wife has been enjoying that.
Yeah, this is where we need the glorious drop. Anytime you say you're going to release those poor figures from their plastic prisons, we need a glorious drop. I just need to find a YouTube clip of somebody gasping for air. Maybe a Buzz Lightyear when he let his mask open. I think he's on a foreign planet. Nailed it. I'm back on the Hasbro train, too.
Preparing that the house is gonna be ready in the next month or two I want to have a the D Tolf Ziegler set up with all the Hasbro's all the retros So I picked up rich Rick Steiner from our boy has to has tell toy on Instagram. That's h a s t t e l t o y Sold me I've had the Scott Steiner since I was a little boy now I got the Rick Steiner which seems like nobody ever had that one and
And I bought the Million Dollar Man, the Bushwackers, and Jimmy Snooka in the old Hasbro's. Not an exciting purchase, but it was just to check off some boxes. That was from my boy Jimmy HD on Facebook, another Facebook.
And earlier today, I just was bored after work and had some time to kill, so I stopped into big lots. They had Elite 56, so I picked up the AJ Styles there for 10 bones and headed over to 5 below and picked up. I have no idea what these muscle figures are. I don't remember them from my childhood, but they had two left on the pegs. There were three blocks, and there was a mean gene in one of them.
So I said, ah, what the hell? Let me pick these up. I'm sure the kid will play with them or I can do something with them. But it bothers me that they're just a plain color. They're not colorized. But if I can get the last mean gene figure ever made, it's pretty cool. Yeah.
Yep, I agree. So that was it for me. I still have some, hopefully we're going to see Retro Series 8 come out into Ringside Collectibles, has those now. I think that's Zack Ryder, Iron Sheik, Braun Strowman, and I'm forgetting the last person on that, Jeff Hardy, who was the fourth one. So those should be hitting stores hopefully soon. I've been scouring my targets for elite, NXT elites with Ruby Riot.
and Aleister Black and Drew McIntyre, they have nowhere to be seen and I'm still trying to find that Pete Dunn NXT Elite. I don't know what is going on. Yeah, a few of those have showed up on eBay, but nothing mainland or here yet that I've known of.
Yeah. I don't know what, uh, if I had to change up my strategy or what, but, uh, I'm ready to buy. I got money. I got the money right now. I'm ready to buy some stuff. I literally had, he's got cable money. People got that XFINITY money, baby. He got the XFINITY money. Um, what about the, uh, the picks that surface of the LJN young bucks?

Wrestling Merchandise and Attire Highlights

Um, those are pretty freaking awesome, right? I mean, I feel like they just totally nailed it on like the packaging and the figure. And I love the poses.
Um, I feel like, you know, some of the hardcore people would be like, Oh my gosh, the poses, you can't do anything with them in that pose. But I mean, what other pose were you going to put these guys in? You know, um, they're awesome. It said on the box that they were, they're opposable though, right? I mean, you should be able to move them around a little.
Yeah, but they're kind of like leaning, you know what I'm saying? Like their legs are a little bit, I don't know what the articulation is exactly going to be on these guys, but you know, the way they look like their legs are kind of bent and things like that. But we'll see once they get released because they are definite must-haves and you know we're going to break them out of their plastic prison as soon as we get them. Yeah, they're owned by Chalk Line, right? The LJN brand? I wonder if they'll sell them in stores or just online or what?
Yeah, I don't know. I haven't heard anything about like, you know, distribution or anything like that. But as soon as we know something, we'll definitely let you guys know because, um, I know a lot of people are like, are ready to pick those up. So I'm thinking like I was thinking to myself, like who should be next? And I feel like before they do any of like the, um, you know, legends or retro guys for the LJN series, I feel like they should just finish the elite. So I feel like they need to do like, you know, Kenny, Cody, hangman, Marty, um, and knock those guys out and get a full elite set. And then they can start, you know, cranking out like other guys.
It sounds like the elite are doing a pool party in Vegas at the MGM. And I think that's when they're going to announce that Kenny Omegas signed there. They're releasing tickets. Like I know they're doing like a ticket party here soon. So they're like, you know, doing their tickets for their double or nothing pay-per-view. I can only imagine what the people that usually go to pool parties in Vegas look like. And then the people they're going to show up for this thing. It's going to be a lot of sunscreen. You're going to need a lot of sunscreen for those guys.
Oh my gosh, yeah. Pictures of those pool parties in Vegas and stuff, when I see those, are pictures of pool parties in LA. They just give me anxiety. Oh my God. They're just so, too many people, high maintenance. Ugh. Last time me and my wife went to Vegas, we wanted to go. You can't get into some of the hotel pools. You have to go to these nice, it's like 100 extra dollars a day to go to the pool. What the hell? Just to go to the pool?
And like everyone's like 2% body fat and named Chad or Biff or Blob. Right and everyone's drunk and like you know it's just not yeah not my scene for sure but you know if you're if you're there and you want to enjoy it by all means do do it yeah. How about our random merch of the week I really like this one.
Yeah, so this is, this was so random, speaking of random merch, it is a eight by 10 autograph of Southern Justice, which was sold for 80 bucks, you guys, 80 bucks for a Southern Justice eight by 10, formerly known as like the Godwins, if you remember, but I'm thinking to myself, was it like, was there like a hardcore Godwins mark that just like settled for this picture, this autographed picture of Southern Justice, or was like, was somebody really, really into
Southern justice. I don't know. It was it was a cool gimmick where they kind of like flipped it and became more like well I mean the picture is awful. They're like in suits and like sunglasses. They just made them like Redneck rebel flag like guys But yeah, they look like 1980s like mobsters like like southern mobsters like it's very It's very strange. Yeah strip club bouncers that you nailed it. That is exactly a
what they look like. But yeah, somebody bought it for 80 bucks, guys. So if you got there and you have some random wrestling merch, like throw that stuff on eBay, you never know who is out there in the market for these items. I was always surprised Midian stuck around for so long and Henry Godwin never got a big run because he seemed like a big shit kicking badass kind of guy. He could have been repackaged or something. I don't know.
Yeah, I don't think the goblins ever got their due. I mean, they were what they were. Yeah, I remember as a kid loving them, just hoping they'd dump slop on somebody. Yeah, it was totally fun as a kid to watch them do that. And obviously, with their acronym of their name, like hog and pig, they had all those things going for them. So yeah, I thought it's a lot of fun.
Oh man. 90s wrestling is the fucking best. It really is. All right. How about our retro wrestling recommendation of the week? You go first on this one since you said you had a good Dean Ambrose match.
Okay, I have a couple. I was at one at Extreme Rules 2017, which was a cool angle when I remember. It was Miz versus Dean Ambrose, and I think if Dean got disqualified, he'd lost the IC title, or something along those lines. And Miz, the entire match, was just trying to think of ways to get Dean disqualified, like throwing a chair in his hands.
Something like that. It was a fun match. And then the match I really remember is Dean Ambrose versus Kevin Owens, last man standing from Royal Rumble 2016. Kind of fits the time period. We're just past the Royal Rumble. So this was three years ago. This was another Intercontinental Championship match, last man standing, and a great match. So check that out on the network, $9.99 a month, if you didn't know.
In case you didn't know how much that cost. Um, yeah, so mine is, um, excuse me, the first ever elimination chamber match from a survivor series 2002. This is the one where Shawn Michaels is wearing those like poop brown tights and he's got like a horrible haircut, like just totally repug and, um, you know, hits triple H with a little sweet chin music to win the title. Um, but it is a good, I mean, since we're going into elimination chamber, I thought why not watch the first ever elimination chamber.
Yeah, Shawn Michaels had that, like, I forget what Bruce Pritchard always calls it. It's like the haircut that Shawn Michaels had was awful. I forget what it was. Yeah, it was like a soccer mom, like, I don't know. It was worse than, like, AJ Styles' old haircut. Like, it was like, it wasn't long, it wasn't short, it was kind of bowly. It was awful. Yeah, it looked like you should be on Friends or something.
Yeah, but if you can get past that, you'll enjoy the match. Yeah, it's a good match for sure. We have a couple listener questions here. Let's get to those real quick before we get out of here. So this one comes into us, it says,
Hey guys, so I sent you a message on Instagram about a possible shout out and you just said send a question over to you. So here you go. Yeah, we don't just give free shout outs. You got to give us some, some listener mail to get your shout out or, you know, be a Patreon member. So, um, so what was your reaction when Jeff Jarrett came out for his skit with Elias at the first of the men's Royal Rumble? Um, and this is, uh, Sean from impact zone podcast. He's the host of the impact zone podcast. And he said, um, I mean, it was nice and he was totally the only surprise legend in the entire rumble.
Yeah, I didn't. I don't really have feelings on it either way, Sean, to be quite honest with you. You know, I thought it was kind of cool that Elias was like, I've been compared to this guy like my entire career or whatever. But like, I thought Jeff Jarrett looked goofy. I thought it was kind of hokey. I can't believe they didn't even sing a song. If they're going to bring him out, they didn't even, you know,
They didn't even sing the proper song. I had the thought of it. I can't even remember what it is. Oh, Alone With My Baby Tonight. They tried to sing it on raw, didn't they? They were putting the mic in everyone's face, and everyone's like, I don't know the words to this. Even Jeff Jarrett didn't even know the words. Totally, totally different generation. But yeah, I don't really have feelings on it either way. I mean, I thought it was a good way to kick it off. I mean, I definitely think kicking off the rumble with Elias was awesome. But yeah, he was the only actual legend in the entire rumble. So kudos to him for that.
Yeah, I don't have a strong feeling. I blame Conrad Thompson because he's the one that got that song back in everyone's head and basically got Jeff Jared become a Hall of Famer now. He was a heatable guy back in the day. I'll tell you what, he had some natural heat and I knew how to piss people off.
We also have one coming in from Trey. This is at my damn toys on Instagram. Awesome follower of Chick Foley. He says, what's good, Sheena, big fan of the show. And of course your Instagram. I consider you a good friend in this community. So I figured why not write in and ask you a couple of questions. So his first question is, what is your favorite Seth Rollins attire?
Um, and then secondly, if Mattel came to you and asked you to pick one figure to be made and go and to go in an elite series, what superstar, um, would you choose? What tire would you choose? And why, um, he said, I hope you enjoy the questions and that you and he'll husband and the baby face. And I hate JJ, JJ Reddick. Have a blessed week. Thank you so much. I got a little shout out of there. I'm surprised I got thrown in there. That's good. Thanks, man.
People love you, Phil. Don't doubt it. For me, I would say my favorite Seth Rollins attire, I have two. It's really tough. I have always loved the 2015 SummerSlam White Ranger Rollins. That was the real first time that we had seen him change up his
gear like extremely like you know going from like the black and you have gold touches here and there but like when he came out in that all white like holy smokes and then you know left with the United States championship and the heavyweight championship like it was just an epic moment. I love I love that attire.
Secondly, probably WrestleMania 34 when he came out as the Night King with the glowing blue eyes and like the, oh my God, like everything about it, I popped so hard for that. I love the Night King gear. And that leads right into the second part of your question. If I could have Mattel.
you know, pick a figure in the attire, it would definitely be Night King's, Night King Rollins with like blue eyes. Um, one, because I'm a huge Game of Thrones mark. I just love it. Um, and I thought it was so cool and I can only anticipate that this year at Mania we're going to get, cause it's the last season of Game of Thrones that he's going to have some sort of Game of Thrones inspired gear once again. Cause he did like the Jamie Lannister and then he did that the Night King. So I'm hoping he has something up his sleeve for maybe like a Jon Snow.
which I think will be super, super cool. So yeah, definitely Night King, Night King Rollins. I definitely think that Mattel will give us that, but I hope they like really go in and like give us the blue eyes too.
Second week in a row, you stole my answer to the listed question. I had the same thing, WrestleMania 24, that Night King outfit was badass. Loved it. They did the, right after the Royal Rumble, they had like a hour-long kind of documentary type of show. I think, I don't know if you get what they call it now, WWE 24 or something like that. And it was all about WrestleMania 34, and it was cool to see a throwback to that. And that was an awesome gear, so I'm gonna agree with you on that one.
And I love that. It's not a bad answer. I mean, it's not a bad answer. Yeah. It is cool to see and think of like.
People hated Roman Reigns because he was, quote unquote, shoved down our throats. But no one was ever cheering when he was going up against Brock Lesnar. I mean, they were cheering Slay the Beast the other night. We know what's going to happen here, but people love Seth Rollins so much that they don't consider it being forced down our throat. They want this to happen. So it's a cool dynamic. And I mean, I don't think anyone dislikes Seth Rollins. As much as I love him as a heel, he's pretty over right now.
He's been amazing, but you know, the WWE audience, they are fickle, fickle, fickle. So who's to say that when he slays the beast and then goes on a mega title, universal title run after mania, that they don't turn on him. I mean, you will, we'll see. Hopefully it doesn't end that way. Um, you know, because I will go in on people for, for it, but, uh, but, uh, you know, you never know those, those fickle fickle bastards, they, uh, they always change their mind.
I mean, you know, we're conditioned at this point. I can't fault people, but, uh, you know, enjoy it. All I can say is enjoy it while you can, you know, cause you look back at some of these matches and you didn't think that highly of them, but you know, they're, they're always fun to go back. Even a match from like, like I said, Royal Rumble 2016, uh, or some of these.
Triple H versus Dean Ambrose at Roadblock, whatever it was. You know, at the time you didn't think too much of it, but you go back and watch it, it's a damn good match. So sometimes you gotta remove yourself from the situation a little bit, and it's hard to do sometimes in today's social media age. But speaking of social media, follow us on all the platforms that you can. Sheena is mostly on Instagram, at Chick Foley. I'm manning the Twitter account, at Chick Foley Show.
I deactivated my Facebook today, so I won't put you on there too much anymore because I hate Facebook. But I'll probably turn it back on tomorrow because I'll need to talk to somebody. But it's a love-hate relationship.
I've been selling a lot of our old furniture that won't fit in the new kitchen on Facebook, so it's been great. It's like stuff you used to just put by the curb, you get like 20 or 30 bucks for and it adds up a little bit, so it has been nice. But you can shoot us an email at askchickfoli at You can find our shirts at
And be sure to subscribe and review and give us some love. We're definitely trying to build a nice little community here. If we get some Patreons in the next week, we'll give you guys something special. Maybe we'll do a giveaway to the first 10 Patreons or something. And me and Sheena are ready to start recording some stuff.
I really want to do some bracket Sheena, like best gimmick, worst gimmick, best WrestleMania match, all that kind of stuff, best manager. We can do shows and crank them out and be pretty fun and just go back and look at some stuff and do that. Do some watch alongs on old Royal Rumbles and Elimination Chamber matches, me and you will just watch them in real time and record a quick half hour show.
We got a lot of cool stuff planned for you guys. Be sure to check that out. Just go to slash Chick Foley Show and help us out there. And that's all the plugging I got. Shina, anything else you want to do before we get out of here?
No, we had a pretty locked and loaded packed show today. So thanks for tuning in and we always appreciate your support for the pod. And yeah, hope you guys have an amazing week. Yes, we will be back here next week. We'll be talking about wrestling figures. Hopefully we'll see those retro series eight land and some more new stuff to talk about. We'll get into some elimination chamber predictions and news and notes. We'll see what other wrestlers are leaving for AEW.
A lot a lot of good stuff. Maybe maybe Bobby trash Lee will have another match on Raw. We can watch that I'm I can only imagine that he will all right so for Sheena Phelps This is Phil Gentile signing off stay classy marks. We'll talk to you next week
And at WrestleMania, I am going to break your mystique. I am going to take your title. And I am going to kick your ass in front of the whole world.