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The Fiend Arrives, Rumors for Elite 79 and 80, & RSC Elite Crate? image

The Fiend Arrives, Rumors for Elite 79 and 80, & RSC Elite Crate?

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays4 years ago
Elite 77 is shipping, rumors for Elite 79 and 80, weekly purchases, and is Chick Foley Show getting their own beer?!?!!? Join the Foley Family!

Welcome and Introduction to Go Figure

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Chick Foley show. Welcome to the Go Figure segment. Not the first, Marco. Just the best, baby. You like that? You like that shit?
I know.

Tasting a Rare Beer Live

And I have something I'm about to start drinking here that I've been holding off for a while. And I'm going to show it to you guys and get a live reaction. Oh, my God. Let me pull up the Skype video. Oh, you actually got one. Oh, man.
Bro, yeah. Oh, I have a case of those because it comes in a floor pack and I've been- A case? Holy shit. Would you just get one? They're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well, they're still not in Maryland. Well
They haven't restocked anywhere in this area, so they're so good.

Collaborating with Full Tilt Brewing?

I'm going to get a live taste right here on the show. Hold on. Can't wait. Oh, almost like a coffee chocolatey taste to it.
Yeah. Yeah. It's smooth, right? It is. It is really good. Yeah. Yeah. I was never like an IPA fan. And then I was very open minded when I went into it. I was like, dude, if Stone Cold likes it, I mean, Stone Cold, if you're going to trust anybody drinking beer, it's got to be Stone Cold. God damn. I brewed the damn thing myself. It's going to taste great.
Yeah, I had I had my I had my first one straight from the tit at El Segundo. Yeah, it was. It was so cold. Yeah, it was. It was. Butamus came right from the tap and then we took several of them home with us. We wrapped him up in our suitcase and flew him back to Hawaii. But yeah, I have not had one since that day. So I'm looking forward to the day that they are a little more widely available.
So I guess I'll tell you guys this now. I haven't talked to you about this. This is a full Matt Cardona move. Oh, no. What are you doing? Oh, no. What are you breaking news on us? In a good way. In a good way. So our boys at Full Tilt Brewing here in Baltimore are almost like our official brewery of the

Wrestler-Themed Beers Discussion

show here. They make some really good beers. I sent some beers to Tommy
Tommy Paradise, and I sent some beers to Kenny Papa Bear. They made like a Rick Flair and like John Cena beer. This might be, is it really good? Oh, you're the one passing all those beers out to the crew. I was like, where the hell is everybody getting all these beers, dude? Yeah, we haven't got those. Have you got one, Sheena? I can't lie. I did get some high nunes, but I have not gotten any Rick Flair beers.
So I was DMing with the boys at Full Tailed and they let me know there's a couple wrestler themed beers down the pike, which is cool. But they also let me know that we wouldn't possibly have the opportunity to make a chick fully beer.
What? Yes. That's sick. Oh my gosh. If that comes to fruition, that's just it. That's the top of the mountain. We basically just need to design the label and we have logos and stuff. I'm really worried about shipping. I don't think you're really allowed to ship beer here from Maryland. I think it's illegal.
That's the only bugaboo right now. So more news on that

Potential Flavors for Chick Foley Beer

as it comes. But either way, if we, if I can a bunch and have it here and ship it secretly to people or we'll be doing meetup or something either way, I think it would be awesome to have a chick Foley. I mean, what kind of beer would you guys want to do? Like, oh my God, or sour.
I don't know. Oh my gosh. My mind is racing now. The possibilities are just endless. Yeah, I mean, I guess an IPA would be good just simply because I'm following the footsteps of my one great love stone called Steve Austin.
I also really like, I mean, myself, I know this is not probably an unpopular opinion, but I like stouts. Um, you like, yeah, like, yeah, it's chocolatey coffee style stouts. I mean, I know that's not, that's not what everybody likes. Everybody likes that fruity shit. You know what I mean? But, uh,
So some cool things coming down the pike. So it will be interesting to see if we can get that made up and how the shipping works. Because I'm sure we'd probably take pre-orders from people in the Patreon group. I'm sure everybody would want one.
Yeah, of course. Yeah, that's the collectors. Yeah, we would just have to have everybody come to the chick fully speakeasy. There you go. Yeah. And next time there's ever a wrestling event, we would freakin meet up there and I'll drive there with a car. I'm driving. I'm driving to Baltimore and picking that up at that. Hey, yeah, no problem. Take the drive out there. Beers are on me. We'll get some crab gigs, too. Oh, God. Yeah.
All right, let's get into our go figure

Episode Structure and Sponsor Mention

segment. We are breaking this episode up into two. We just recorded in the ring, outside the ring, where we talked about AW, Raw, SmackDown. We previewed NXT TakeOver in your house. So make sure to download that and check it out, give it a listen.
And the next couple of weeks I think separating these into easier digestible episodes because there's so much big news, there's so much wrestling stuff, there's backlashes next week. It's just crazy. So let's go over some weekly purchases. But first, this show is sponsored in part by our friends at Ringside Collectibles. You can use Code Chick Foley for 10% off your order or Sheena
you can, uh, fight the pandemic, go to a store that might not have these for months and drive around and use your gas money to try and find them. That's your other option. Okay. So, so yeah, there's, there's your two options. So yeah, you know, right now stay home, do some, do some clicking on your mouse or if you don't have a mouse, uh, like Sheena, you know, let's go over weekly purchases.

Weekly Purchases with Marco

Uh, who wants to go first?
I'll let Marco go first. Oh, oh boy. Um, yeah. Yeah. So this week wasn't too crazy for me. Um, I, I received the, uh, not really a figure, but I received the, uh, Owen Hart, uh, um, dark side of the ring, uh, t-shirt that they had on, uh, pro wrestling tees. I grabbed the one with the, uh, the logo. I'm not the one where this picture is on it. Uh, with that, that picture is actually the picture that they use for the, the Owen Hart foundation. That's like the logo that they have.
Um, so I received that if you, if you ever go, I went on the website because I was curious to see like what, what they did and who they donated to and the stuff that they did in the past and stuff like that. And that picture of him with his arms up is actually the, the picture that they use for, um, as a logo, which is pretty cool. So now I'm kind of like, Oh, I should've got that shirt too. Um, but they do have other shirts on, uh, they're starting to pump out a lot more shirts. If you, I'm not sure I've seen for wrestling team. So Dr. Dothering, uh, they have a broody shirt now, the old school one.
They also have a road warrior shirt as well It looks like an old-school like like almost like a comic book style drawing of them, which is pretty sick So yeah, definitely caught those and while you're there stop by the chick-fil-a store and grab some chick-fil-a shirts, too The other other things are basically just orders so Be receiving the I'm calling it the the sassy and classy combination and
Which is basically classy

Wrestling Figures and Ordering Process

Freddie Blassie and then the sassy seven bill lacy evan. So Okay, but that's like that's probably the classiest sassiest package you ever get if you order those two together and receive them That's like I mean you can't get any better than that's living the high life right there It's that's our FTC status right there if you get those two together, there's no there's no higher thing having gone a confirmation on on a
The feed yet the fee. I think when I ordered that I ordered the the Rashing Rick rude figure as well. That's in the same line. So I'm not sure I've seen people get both like everything there's people that wanted the whole set got the whole set Like the second I don't know it still says like I haven't checked today But the last time I checked it was like pending or something like that, but probably I don't know. We'll see what happens with that I do have
another order coming in. It's the WrestleMania 17. They did like a series of, I think it's like six figures. Um, it's a Jack Jack's, um, uh, exclusive one. So that's not the tail. Yeah, it's not. Definitely no. Um, and it's, I believe it's Kane, China, Eddie Guerrero, edge, Chris Jericho,
and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They all come with the 14 karat gold belts. So that's pretty cool. I think I was talking to Phil about that. It was an eBay one. And I totally forgot to put an offer in for it. And they're like, just press it, accept your offer. I was like, damn it. They never did accept the offer. It was kicking back to you. But yeah, so it's a pretty cool set. Yeah, so I'm looking forward to that. That's pretty much it.
Haven't got any like physical figures in yet, but they are on the way. Yeah. My, my, my haul is pretty light too. I got my two, I got both dark side of the ring shirts, the own heart shirts. Um, I have several shirts that are like on, on order. I got that, that own heart crew that I talked about last week from two sweet merch that still hasn't arrived. Um, and a couple of other t-shirts that are, you know, on the way and some stuff from chalk line that's on the way. Um,
But I got, oh, oh, I pre-ordered the New Japan Series 2. Okay, nice. So yeah, so I mean, since I figured I can't wait for that to get in hand because it's not supposed to be here until like April 2021 or something like that. So I figured I'd go ahead and let you guys know. The pre-order is still live on Ringside Collectibles and I definitely, definitely use that Chick-Fully show code because. 2021?
Yeah, yeah April like series one isn't even out yet. Like it's not even you know It's yeah, so you can like when you order the the series two new Japan figures on ringside You can't even put other stuff in your cart like you can't combine like, you know Like sometimes you can do pre-orders you can put other stuff in your cart But you just have to wait wait till the pre-order like comes to get all your shit they won't like they won't even let you put other stuff in your cart when you order the new figures because it's so
so far away. But yeah, it was Naito Takahashi. Wait, how do you say that? Takahashi. No, it's Takashi Takahashi. No, I didn't say Takahashi. Takamachinoka and Naito. So yeah, got those four.
Very nice. Cool. Uh, I also, I had already preordered, uh, the Classy Freddie Blassie from, uh, hero's collector hero's hideout back in April.

Unboxing The Fiend Figures

And, uh, they just became available on ringside. Like Marco said, I got it with 10% off. I ordered a second one. I think this is the best looking wrestling figure that's ever been made. Oh, yeah.
Said that before and I want to address a tweet here and this is not putting this dude on blast He's a great follow on Twitter at horror at horror movie barbecue. Oh, yeah Why order from ringside when heroes hideout has elites cheaper doesn't send you your figure in shit shape and offers better service Which is you know, I guess an interesting question. I
And I let him know, number one, I've never gotten any figures from Ringside in bad shape. I've always gotten them in good shape. Number two, I let him know that Elite 76 arrived to Sheena's house on May 21st. According to Hero's hideout, they're not receiving their shipment from Mattel until June 29th. So that means you're gonna get it in April. So we got it in May, two months later, you order from this other website, you're gonna get it in July.
That's why you're paying extra. You don't have to buy from Ringside. I mean, you can buy from other websites. You can wait till they come in stores. You don't have to see a movie in the movie theaters. You can wait till it comes to Redbox. I mean, you have multiple options. Yeah. I mean, I like Heroes Hideout. I've ordered from them before. It's a good website. It's a smaller website. They have just a brick and mortar store up in New York.
And they're a great follow on Facebook. They do a lot of Q&A questions and stuff. And they're a small business, want to support them. But you're paying a little bit extra, Marco and Sheena, to get it early. We've had this discussion a million times. That's the thing. Like you said, you don't have to see a movie in movie theaters. You can wait for it to come to streaming or whatever. Nobody's forcing you to buy from ringside. But you also can't
Bitch about it when everybody else has their figures Like a month or two months before you you know what I mean? Well when you could have paid a few dollars extra and had your figure in hand So I mean that's just that's just a choice you're making right like nobody's nobody's making you buy from ringside collectibles But if you want that premium service, you're gonna pay that premium price tag and it's and it's in the grand scheme of things It's not that much more. You know what I mean? Like it's not like it's like they're like
breaking you across the coals for an extra 20 bucks, you know, like it's a few dollars and then obviously you use your 10% off code. So you basically get free shipping. Yeah. And don't try to post your fiend pictures when you get them in the mail three months from now, no one's going to give a shit because we're going to be two, two series ahead of you. I mean, sorry, sorry. I mean, that's just how it goes, you know, like I might be, I might be posting with those people accidentally select thanks smart post. Oh no.
I was, I was so pissed off when you pointed that out. I was like, wait, what? You said FedEx smart posts. I was like, no, this Trump, this strap it to the back of a donkey and just, uh, just smack its ass and it just heads to your house. No, I w I was supposed to get my fiend. You already went through all your stuff, Sheena.
Um, yep. So I got the fiend in the mail today, both of them this morning and wasn't supposed to come until tomorrow. Uh, so, uh, I got a little bit early, which is nice. I'm going to do an unboxing on the Facebook group with my son. I was going to do it tonight, but he was a complete asshole when he came home from daycare. So it wasn't going to give him, give him a new wrestling figure for, you know, reward him for being an asshole. Uh, but, uh, it's, it's an awesome looking figure. I wish I had it here to show you guys on the video.
But it's upstairs But got that in time. I just pre-ordered well, I guess didn't pre-order I ordered Otis Tucker and Lacey Evans now that they're in stock Got those after they sent those to Sheena and she's gonna you're gonna do unboxing on those Yeah, I'm yeah, hopefully I can get that done this weekend. It's just been like yeah my and I wanted to do it Latin this past weekend, but then like this whole week has just been like I
you know, it's been heavy. So, you know, we've had a lot of stuff going on, but yeah, I will definitely get those unboxed and this weekend, but I'm also going to give a quick plug to our

Fan Shoutouts and Facebook Group

friends over at run in pod. They have, if you do order from heroes hideout, I know there's some, they have like a generic 10% off code, but if you want to support our friends over at the run in pod, you can use run the code run in to save 10% off instead of just like, you know, a generic heroes hideout. Uh,
I want to give a shout out to all the people that pre-ordered the Classy Freddy Blasi from Ringside and used our code. Our good buddy Dougie Nunnia runs a good Facebook group that you should subscribe to. I'll post that in the comments. Dennis Montesano.
Kyle Haas, Yancy Hernandez, Thomas Maldonado, James Kilke, Aaron Kakamo. I'm awful at these. Why am I reading these names? I should not be the one in charge of reading these names. Yeah, this is not your job. But I enjoy it. It's kind of part of your gimmick now. I don't do it on purpose either. I just should be like a college professor because they always just butcher everybody's names.
Um, I did get a, uh, homage package in the mail that I ordered for, uh, for my, for the whole family. My son unboxed on, uh, on Twitter. Actually, my son got a Royal Rumble t-shirt. My wife got an ECW t-shirt. She had no idea what the fuck ECW was extra cute, extra cute wife. Or extremely cute wife.
This bull's t-shirt I'm wearing right now on the video. And I got a mask from Homage to wear to work, which is a weird sentence to say. But they had a great sale. They have always great sales. Use code CHICK on their website for 20% off. Marco, I think Mike Lanham corrected me. I said 10% off in the video that I posted. We get 20% off on Homage. And nobody gets codes for Homage. It's an awesome website. Their shirts are softer than
then I don't know what, but great stuff.

Expanding Macho Man Collection

A baby's bottom. Softer than a baby's bottom. Yeah. I got a Macho Man wrestling buddy on the way. We talked about it on last week's show from our good buddy Jamie in our Facebook group. I purchased that from him. He's letting me pay in two different installments because, you know, just space it out a little bit. And that'll be coming to me hopefully soon. And I'm excited about that. That goes into the Macho Man collection, Marco. And then you get your warrior collection over there.
So going good. I got a macho man mystery mini Funko. Don't even really know what that is, but it's a cool little figure to add to my macho man collection. So one thing I really have left is I'm debating getting a Hasbro on card macho man. I've never owned a Hasbro on card. It's probably the worst time to do that. But talking to two people that are starting a Hasbro collection, I guess you guys could probably relate.
That's been going on the whole, on the back burner. Yeah. I am definitely, I am definitely like waiting. I mean, obviously, you know, heel husband's going to be in charge of that, but he just told me today, he asked him about something because there was a mysterious charge on our account, which I ended up figuring out what it was. But I was like, I said, Hey, did you get this? And he's like, no. So I want to call about it. But he said, the only thing I've bought recently is the Hasbro Andre the giant for $35. So.
Yeah, so he got he got a he's picking them off one by one, but yeah, I was like dude I don't I don't think you understand he's like way out in the middle of the ocean so I don't think he knows what's going on in the Hasbro world right now, but It's insane. Yeah, I did I did find on eBay I don't want to give away my source what site this is on eBay because I don't want people running to it and I
taking all the figures out. It's a good call. I'll get out. I'll let you know offline. I'll let you know what the. Thank you. So I found this site. So I found a website that's selling stuff on eBay that they're selling. They sell a lot of figures, but they have a lot of Hasbro's on there, too. They're based in the UK. And the prices are really pretty tempting for Hasbro's. And Hasbro's look really good. Yeah, they're like they're they're not they're not bad, I'll say. Even after the UK shipping, it's not bad.
No, not even. No, it's like, it would be like a regular price, like, I don't know, like a lead or something like that here. Oh, nice. I don't want to give away prices because I don't want people trying to search eBay. No, post it in the Facebook group. Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that now. Yeah, because yeah, if you're looking for Hasbros, I think they do. Because it was like, oh, this is too, this is too like easy. Do they even ship worldwide and they do ship worldwide? So I was like, oh, boy. Oh, they actually. So, yeah. So there's a bunch of a bunch of Hasbros on there.
Granted the flip side to is that they don't sell the accessories with the Hasbro, so they sell the accessories separate. Okay. So if it's a Hasbro that has an accessory with it, chances are you're going to be buying it separate. Yeah. But if you are looking for Hasbro's that do have accessories, you can go all willy-dilly. Oh, yeah. No.
Yeah, the heel husband, the heel husband is all about having the complete accessories, you know? Exactly, yeah. So he wants the full deal, so. You know, I just bought a Mountie shock stick for

Importance of Complete Hasbro Figures

you. Oh, yeah. My wife was glad to hear that. Then I told her this thing I bought that was the size of a toothpick was 30 bucks. She would love that. She was like, what the hell is wrong with you? Look at her bought dinner with that. I do want to give another shout out, and I have one more purchase.
uh on instagram ks elite stages is making me some uh detoff risers and uh i i don't know how i forgot to mention this last week i'm so excited for it uh

Displaying Figures with KS Elite Stages

they basically have like risers and i'm doing on all four shelves of my detoff i'm doing an old school wrestlemania logo uh
SummerSlam Survivor Series and Royal Rumble logo. Go to their Instagram account, and he is totally booked up, so I apologize if you're trying to get something, because once you go to this, you're going to want it. They fit perfectly in a detail friser, and I basically right now have just white spice rack dividers up there.
and these are like legit stages have five different shelves are like perfectly fit to the detail off and they're gonna have like that the huge logo across the front but uh... he's making me one of each of those and uh... i think he's in the uk as well i think the uk i don't know if we talked about some previous shows but the freaking uk guys are all in on hasbro's man and i i love it i love it they're like hardcore collectors but uh...
I have those coming hopefully pretty soon, and that's a bit like I said I got the the Fiend Elite that I'll be unboxing and so those have been shipping so Elite 77 is arriving I would assume Elite 78 would be up for pre-order soon on
ringside collectibles I mean they have to be you know yeah I did I just see on the Major Brothers Twitter account that they were talking about that elite 77 and the good the bad and the ugly once you remove the the Rick Rude robe I guess there's stains all over the figure they used an old oh man
Remember they had that problem with Yoko. Remember the Yoko robe would rub the paint off on the Yoko figure. Why haven't they solved that problem by now? What the hell? I'm a mint on card collector, so it doesn't really matter too much to me, but for you guys. Oh, screw off. No, just saying. Major Brothers tweeted this. The Good News, the new Mattel Elite SummerSlam are in stock at Ringside. We know that. They've been shipping.
It'll be capital letters months before stores have these on shelves. And Visera is one of the best figures of all time. Yeah. I think that just that body sculpt for the Mabel and the Visera, I think it just is a very impressive, it's large and impressive figure. Oh my gosh. Zach, that is 24 minutes, 20 seconds.
So yeah, that figure just looks amazing. So yeah, I'm stoked to get to get that series in hand for sure. Oh, I wanted to, I don't know if I brought it up last week. You were talking about all like your display and everything, but I did get my extreme sets in. I literally pre-ordered a new extreme sets crowd pop up.
Back and out back in October and I was like this thing is never gonna ship it I mean we love extreme sets like they're they're awesome awesome people over there But I was like when is this thing like what the hell is going on with this? And then it just like showed up one day and I was like, holy crap And it looks amazing. It's totally different We use their old ringside pop-up for I mean years and years for like, you know ICW matches and stuff like that but yeah, they're new one looks incredible and if you
If you don't know about extreme sets, go. If you're a figure photographer, they have the best backdrops and stuff for your figures. And our friend Squirt Circle Photography actually has a promo code for them. So you can use SCP and get 15% off at extreme sets. Awesome. Yeah, good stuff.
Nice, we got rumors for the new Elite 79 and

Rumors on Elite 79 and 80 Series

80. I'm going to pull those up right now. These are completely rumors. They are not confirmed anywhere, but I put my journalism hat on and let me read these off here.
All right. Lead 79 is rumored to be Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, Io Shirai, which I'm excited about. Biggie, Xavier Woods, and Bobby Fish. Elite 80 is rumored to be Ricochet, Kevin Owens, the Viking Raiders, Bailey, and Kyle O'Reilly. Interesting. I'm assuming this is like new Bailey,
you know, her her short hair, mom haircut, Bailey. Yeah, mom hair. Yeah. Karen Karen Bailey. Yeah. Karen Bailey. Yeah. Can I speak to your manager, Bailey? Yeah. Yeah. Bird bird watching in the park, Bailey. Oh, God, that bitch.
Uh, what about Matt riddles and the elite 78? I know that's already been talked about. That'll be up for pre-order soon with that. That riddle figure is going to be the theme of that series. I feel like, um, so yeah, so some cool stuff coming out. I would assume we haven't heard anything. I'm not trying to confirm or deny anything, but we haven't heard any rumors about those elite 78 79 or 80, but, uh,
78 is the one with the superstar Billy Graham It is cool that ringside is gonna get those now so you don't have to kind of chase those down But I do I mean it does take away. We've talked about this before it does I mean now that I have I've already pre-ordered that classy Freddie Blassie like When I go to stores now like once this everything kind of eases up here in the next couple weeks It's just gonna be kind of like I don't know anticlimactic I guess I
I guess so, but I mean, for someone like myself, I'm stoked about this. I am all for add to cart, come to my door, drop it off so I don't have to go to every target in the Norfolk area trying to find these things, or Walmarts. Yeah, the Norfolk area.
And you know, we don't even know we don't even know what's gonna happen I mean we could there could be more lockdowns Like if this thing pops back up, you know based on all the things that are happening right now And you know, we have more we have Memorial Day weekend this past weekend We have you know things going on in the world right now where people are like in a lot of close contact So who freaking knows what's gonna happen with? the Rona so I mean we could go back on lockdown so if I can add it to cart and
Let me shop online, boo. Very true. Very true. There is a new toy store TV show on Amazon. I meant to talk about it last week. I don't know if we'd. Oh, let me see here. Watch the toy box. No, a toy store near you.
Yeah, we talked about it last week. Yeah, we did. All right. I'll edit this out. I'll get the fake wife to edit this out. No problem. Yeah, OK. She's our tech woman. Yeah, she's never listened to a single episode of the show, but she'll edit that out. But yeah, those are coming also.
The you have rumors about a Marco broke the news on this one Sheena I don't know you're not on Twitter as much as we are but Marco Put on his journalism hat and broke the news on the Firefly funhouse Bray Wyatt basic coming in. Yeah Yeah, that was uh, that was quite the fine. That was uh, I was I don't I don't know why I still have entertainment earth I have it bookmarked and I have the the page where macho man was on because it dead that frantic like trying to refresh and
Yeah, I'm trying to purchase it. So I've always had entertainment or so I was like I always check to see what they have for like WWE figures and stuff like that So they don't have a huge selection but they do have like pre-orders and that was one of the pre-orders they had Basic series 111 up for pre-order. They had the price and everything Obviously it's it's like, you know subject to change
You know, blah, blah, blah. Do you all like the stuff just in case things do change? But it listed every single UPC along with these names. So it looks like it's Jeff Hardy, Eric Rowan.
Nikki Cross, Kevin Owens, and Bray Wyatt, and then parentheses, Firefly Funhouse. So Bray Wyatt is attacking both the elites and the basics. So in my own mind, I'm like, all right, so you have the feed who's the elite, who's the killer of the alter egos. And then you have Bray Wyatt, who's basic. Yeah.
I think more than anything they just wanted to like pump this figure out and get it into people's hands as quickly as possible. I do think
with certainty that we're gonna get an elite Funhouse Bray that comes with like accessories and stuff, you know? It'll be a whole set, I think. Yeah. It's gonna be like a whole like playset. Dude, they should do a ringside exclusive Firefly Funhouse playset. Like that thing would be fire. Oh, the number one spot, like the Fiend has been doing. That and...
Well, actually, you know, so like the two the top two pre-orders or the order like people that are buying right now are the feed and the undertaker has came. That's been like a raffle. It hasn't it hasn't left the top ten like since it's crazy out.
And it moved up to like the number two spot. Dude, that figure is dope, though. I mean, let's be real. It is. I mean, that's like the legitimate figure for the double-sleeved

Bray Wyatt Firefly Funhouse Figure Rumor

cane. Even though it is an undertaker, quote unquote, undertaker figure, when you put the cane head on it and it's got the double sleeve, you have a double sleeve delete cane. That's freaking awesome.
Yeah. I want you guys both to go to Twitter real quick and go to Don't make me get on Twitter. No, don't read any of the comments or check in the DMs or anything. Don't look at any pictures people send you. Ringside, five hours ago, had a good tweet about which ringside package would you choose in six different packages and has like a couple. Oh, they posted that on Instagram too. Oh, OK. OK. We don't have to go to Twitter then.
So it's a it's a pretty cool idea. I want to get your thoughts on I'm not going to read off what each of these packages has because that would be pretty boring. But the one I'm picking is number six. It has a Bret Hart ringside exclusive elite. It has the black attack, baby.
Elite Big Van Vader from I think it was Elite 36 has the Ultimate Warrior Retro Natalia Basic which I will just throw in the trash can and a cool ringside stretcher like accessory. I want to get your thoughts on all these and also how much would you pay to do a monthly or like bi-monthly subscription box from Ringside where they would send you
a random elite, a random basic, a random retro, and a random accessory box from something they sell, I would do that in a freaking heartbeat for 40 bucks a month. I was going to say 50 bucks. I think 50 bucks a month. If you get an elite, a basic retro, or some other sort of mystery mini of some sort, and then an accessory, yeah, 40, 50 bucks, I'd be in for that.
Yeah, I think we're pretty cool. I mean, I don't know. I mean, people love this subscription boxes. So I mean, I would love to see it here. Take a look at this and tell me which one you think you would like. This is tough. I mean, obviously my my auto response is six because, yeah, because of the pink and black. But I have I have all of these figures that are in here. So I'm going to try to play.
You're welcome. Yeah. I'm going to try to diversify myself a little bit. I don't know. I have, I have most of these figures. What am I going to do? I hate that. When I, when I see someone post like a picture like, Oh, I found this awesome store. Look at this. And I like, it's a bunch of pegs and it's like 30 figures that I already have, which is like insane to think about. But I'm like, Oh my God, like it should be exciting to me. But I have all these like,
The pictures are like Toys R Us Canada. It's like everything I already have. It's a lot of stuff, but it's nothing rare or hard to find. Let's just pretend, if I didn't have any of these, and I'm going to count Bret Hart out because obviously I have a bias, and that big Van Vader in that set is like super dope too. I'm going to... I have a good story about that.
I'm not gonna pick six because you picked it, but I think I would probably choose this outsider's bundle up here that's got, yeah, the Ringside exclusive, Scott Hall, and the black and white NWO, and then it's got Kevin Nash, which I love that Kevin Nash figure. It has a retro undertaker and then a basic CM Punk, and it comes with the commentator's playset. Yeah. Nice. Marco, any thoughts? I'm bouncing between,
three and two. Wow. OK. Two. I think I think I'll probably go with two, obviously, because it's warrior like guys in there, but. What is that? It's a it's a hardcore championship ringside game. Oh, that's nice. And the boogeyman, too. That's that goes real good. That's like a thirty dollar figure right there loose.
The Boogie Man is a $30 figure, Luz. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. I bought one for my kid like two, three months ago. Still haven't given it to him. Yeah, I did not realize. Yeah, this one comes with a mankind retro. I think we lost Marco. Did we lose Marco?
I don't know. But yeah, this is pretty cool. But yeah, I would love to see them do some sort of, or anybody do some sort of figure subscription box. I think it would sell pretty well. You know, older stuff. I'm sure Ringside's warehouse has some older stuff sent around that's like been there forever. That's actually worth a good amount of money, but they wouldn't mind just selling.
With the helmet and everything? Helmet and everything. Perfect condition. And I just like, I didn't know anything about like, this is when I just first started getting back into collecting. I gave it to my son like, Hey, here you go. Like when I first started getting into collecting, I just, before we did this podcast, like I would collect and that would just give my son the figures to play with. Like I wouldn't like put them on display or anything.
So like now this is like a $130 figure and I need it for my new generation collection. So I, over the weekend, last weekend, I just stole it from his like giant bin of, he has like literally a laundry bin like full of like a hundred figure, loose figures like he plays with. So I was like, I'm going to take this shit back. Fuck this. So I put it on display three hours later, maybe he's like, daddy, daddy, daddy, why is that? Why is that in there? That's mine. That's mine.
like yeah that's what daddy's gonna take that because they gave it to you I need it which is kind of shitty which I was like but I'll go upstairs and get you a figure that you don't have out of the collection he's like oh cool so I went upstairs and grabbed him all the masters of the universe ones that I had been storing up for him I got him staying and
And I shit on those pretty hard I don't remember what you guys thought about it, but I thought they were stupid I wasn't a big master the universe fan when I was a kid But I mean just just I mean really just the custom customizing of it like taking it apart And and moving the arms around is really the coolest part and kids you know kids love stuff like that So he was he was happy. I was happy, but yeah, I stole that figure from my five-year-old so
Yeah, that's pretty funny. That's a good trade-off. Yeah, I wouldn't have let that just like float around the toy box that long. I would have been like, oh my God, you know, that helmet would go missing. And yeah, that's a bad situation. Mark, are you back with us now?
Yeah, I'm back. I skype closed out for some odd reasons. Did you guys listen to at all the the major brothers four and a half hour Hasbro episode, which was freaking amazing. I have not yet. It is definitely I'm going to have to I'm going to have to watch it in segments, obviously. But it is on my list for this weekend to kind of tune in to that in increments.
Uh, yeah, definitely, definitely can't do it. If you have any kids at all, you can't really do it at all at one time, but I mean, it did such a good job with that. I tweeted those guys and told them like, you know, Hey man, this is, this is awesome. And it's something that's going to be, you know, on the internet forever. They did such a good job. I mean, they really spent time going through every single figure, uh, through the variance to the, to the, you know, the, the action that they had and all that kind of stuff. So definitely check that out. And they're doing a king of the rings tournament on their podcast.
kind of crowning the best wrestling ring of all time I'm sure Sheena has some thoughts on this and I realized I never had a I never had any kind of wrestling ring until I got my kid the elite ring and I bought a retro ring as a kid I never had a ring you know I don't know if my parents just didn't want to spring the money for it but yeah you know when I had Hasbro's I just never had a ring I just played with you know play with them on my bed or whatever
yeah um i mean i'm partial to the hasbro ring i think it just like it just hits me right in the nostalgia feels um i love the elite scale ring that they have now i mean like the modern elite scale ring um i think those are awesome but yeah the if i'm picking one it's got to be the the hasbro ring and the heel husband his dad um it's funny that you said you just didn't have a ring because
he had he had the Hasbro ring but his dad built him like a steel cage out of like chicken wire and like you know um pieces of wood and everything to go over top of his uh ring and his mom still has it to this day she thought about throwing it out she actually took brought it downstairs she's like so nostalgic she brought it downstairs and she was ready to throw it out and she's like i just couldn't do it
I mean, it's literally, she's like, this thing would like, she's like, I can't let any of the grandkids play with it because it's like a hazard. You know, like it could literally like cut, like it's like poultry wire. I could like cut your arm off, you know? And she's like, but I just couldn't, I couldn't throw it away.
It's funny. It's cool when your parents encourage the hobby and build stuff like that for you. Oh, yeah. Seth has the best. I don't know if you guys ever went back and checked out for any of you guys who are listening that are part of our Foley fam. The Heal Husband and I did several videos of him and his collection talking about going shopping for figures and stuff like that. And we pulled all these old boxes out of his attic and did videos and recorded those. I might post those, actually, too.
to the Instagram or somewhere and link those. I might bring those out of the vault, but yeah, it's good stuff. There's some rumored Funko pops coming. Mr. T, The Rock, and Macho Man. So if you're a Funko wrestling collector, jump on those. Let's get into our quarantine and chill. If you don't have any more, I mean, we have a ton of, that was 45 minutes of figure news there. So that was a new record.

Quarantine and Chill Entertainment Discussion

Quarantine and Chill, sponsored by our friends at Omage. You can use code CHICK for 20% off of your order there. Not only wrestling outfits, not only wrestling shirts, but they have a ton of cool pop culture shirts and the softest material ever. Highly recommend checking them out. Let's start with Ric Flair 24. I just saw this promoted. You guys have already watched this, the Ric Flair 24 Final Farewell.
No, I know it debuts after in your house. Oh, okay. Okay. Good. Yeah. So yeah, let's see. It's a base. It's a, it says it's a final match with him in full tech has in quotation marks, final match and the WWE with Sean Michaels. So it takes you behind the scenes with all that happening. So I'm actually really excited to watch that. Um, did you guys watch this thing, lost tape?
I have not watched it yet, but again, it's it's it's on my long growing list of things that, you know, one day I'll get to watch. How about you, Phil? Did you watch it yet? I did not. I saw some clips of it. That's pretty fun, though. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's pretty cool. It's about a half hour long. It's not really. It's not like an hour type of thing. It's it's a it was like a lights out match with him in Big Bubba Rogers, AKA the big boss man.
Um, I think what pay-per-view was, but, uh, it's behind the scenes back at that time. Oh, that's awesome. It's not current staying. It's nothing current at all. It's a, like, it's a V it's like a documentary that they're doing leading up to that match. Um, and, uh, they, it's, it's just, it's him out of makeup and him talking and him talking to fans and, um, you get a Marshall man of parents on there as well. He makes a cameo and they, they have a conversation you get to hear.
A regular marching band voice, which I don't think I've ever heard. Yeah. Oh yeah. That was weird. Yeah. They're talking about, uh, how like, how they just like, you know, two peas in a pod and yeah, he owes him money playing, uh, playing cards and he's not going to pay him back. Uh, but yeah, you get to hear that little story, like them going back and forth and you get to hear like all the rest of us speak of saying what he's done. Um, in the WCW at the time, uh, flying Brian Pilman's on there talking
about it, Big Van Vader, they talked to him. He gives us praises of saying, you know, he basically says those are like some of the best matches I've had in my career and that type of stuff. So it's pretty cool seeing like the nostalgia stuff. Like I said, it's nothing new. It's all recorded back in the day. So it's all like behind the scenes. I'm hoping they have a lot more stuff in the vault to bring forward because it seems like they're like pumping out a lot of
A lot of content nowadays in the WWE Network. All these long three, four hour... They went out of Asuka. It's like the Empress series and it's literally all her matches. You can sit there and watch four hours of Asuka matches if you want to, which is pretty sick. So I'm pretty pumped that they're doing that stuff.
Yeah, it is cool. I mean, they have everything at their disposal. They just have somebody to kind of put it together and organize it. So that is cool. Yeah. I did see a movie, The Invisible Man, I rented the other day from Red Box with the wife. Oh, I didn't. Yeah. What was that? It's worth the dollar or whatever to rent. I'm glad I didn't see it in the movie theater. Probably one of the worst endings of any movie I've ever seen. Just totally not like, you know,
Didn't didn't didn't like wrap it all up at the end, but it was done by the guy who? Did saw on all those movies so I kind of had a horror tinge to it, but it was it was good. It was cool She know you've been watching anything besides um short baby shark videos No His latest obsession is this show called Shaun the sheep I don't know if you guys know about that but didn't you guys remember the old like claymation Wallace and Gromit and
Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is like this is like the spin off of that. That's like his new obsession. They're actually really, really cute. But yeah, I've been watching, you know, Shaun the sheep. It's Shaun the sheep. And I'm just like, oh, my God, you know, there's no dialogue or anything in the actual, you know, they just like bleat and, you know, blurt and do all those kinds of things. But yeah, so that's what we've been watching around here. But I do want to watch it. Doesn't it's not out yet, but it comes out on the 12th is this movie I saw a preview of called The King of Staten Island. Have you guys seen the preview of that?
Oh, it's a new uh, jett apatow film. It's like this guy He's kind of like, you know trying to get his life together his his his dad is a deceased firefighter and then his Mom starts dating this new firefighter and it's it's not a coming of age film But it's like it's like you see him kind of like grow throughout the the film and like go through trials and tribulations and stuff But it's like it's like a comedy drama um, and I mean jett apatow has never let me down before so i'm i'm super i'm
Yeah, I'm super pumped for for this. I think it's going to be a really, really good movie. Yes, with Pete Davidson from S&L. His dad actually died in 9-11, which is because they kind of use that in the film. So should be interesting. Let's go into our random merch of the week. This is a
WWE slash WWF complete lot series on eBay.

eBay Wrestling Figures Lot

This guy has basically every Jack's figure ever made. Yeah. This is search WWF slash WWE complete lot series. How did you find this? Um, I think I just searched like, I think I start, actually I was searching in your house. So to see if there's any like memorabilia from in your house, like anything, anything old.
They were t-shirts that I seen that they actually have like in your house, like the real t-shirts from back in the day. But I was like, yeah. I was like, yeah. Then I seen this and I was like, it has nothing. I don't know why this was in that search. So in your house, maybe because just because the figures and it's the nineties and whatever. And the figures are actually in his house. Yeah, they actually in his house, as you can see, they are in his house. But if you go to the description, he did start selling them.
Yes, it's not the whole lot. Yes. So if you scroll down it's like this three there is 300 left there was 374 figures on the the 12th of April this year now he sold 74 of them since then so updated today actually no yesterday there's 300 left the figures but he still has it as 1500 bucks for all these the main reason why I picked this is because he's on Virginia and
And it's local pickup. Oh, my God. He's in Spotsylvania. But yeah, we used to live in Spotsylvania, Virginia. Yes. Yes. It's like it's like it's like a redneck vampire place. It's actually. Yeah. It's like a historical like battleground place. Like it's it's pretty it's pretty awesome. We love living in Spotsylvania, but it's like Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania. It's kind of like Northern Virginia. Oh, my gosh. That's so funny.
That's the main reason why, because just in case I'm calling anybody in the Facebook group that wants any of these figures, Sheena will definitely go pick them up for you. Oh, really? Wow. That's a new Patreon tier, yeah. I've never seen someone on eBay do just local pickup. That's weird.
I've seen people do stuff with bigger items like furniture and things like that. Never like stuff like this. But I guess the lot. I mean, there's no way. I mean, it would cost as much to ship that as it would. That's what I mean. So yeah. But yeah, that's pretty crazy. He does let you do installments. You could do $67 over the course of 24 months. So you could do a payment plan.
Yeah, so good cheetahs added to pick them up for you if you want to purchase these. I have friends in Pennsylvania, so I will actually have to drive there.
Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week, sponsored in part by our great friends at

Match Recommendation: Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind

You can find our shirts, plus Matt Cardona, Brian Myers, a bunch of indie wrestlers, a bunch of cool stuff on there, and highly recommend checking that out, supporting some
any wrestlers during this this time of uh quarantine here let's uh go into in your house 10 mind games shawn michaels versus mankind for the ww championship belt yeah that's uh i was trying to think of a match i like
There's a lot of this. If you go through the libraries, I do some research and there's like a ton of good matches in your house. Wasn't seen as like obviously like one of the main pay per views. It was kind of like a throw away like in between, but they really had some really good gems. There are some bright spots. Yeah, throughout the like it's funny because this actual card is like not that great, but then like this this particular match is just amazing. I love I love this match.
Yeah, it's insane. It's like I think it's like over it's a little bit over 30 minutes. This match and it's literally it has everything it has wrestling. They do mankind actually does wrestling holds and doing headlocks and and all that stuff. And then it obviously just goes off the rails and it becomes like going through tables and crashing through steps. And it's just it's I was trying to think of a match I would like to find like what it in your house match would look like. Yeah, because obviously they weren't the most structured pay-per-views. It's more or less like not really any any build up to them, just like
matches someone together. There might have been some storylines strolling in between like, uh, the one I watched, uh, that got me on the, the, uh, Monday night retro wave. That idea I was watching, it was a India house and I think it was either December or November. And it was, it was, um, seasons beatings. I think it was, it was, it was said, it was said he was a champion and it was a Bret Hart facing him for the, for the belt.
Shawn Michaels at ringside commentary and stuff like that. So that's what got the gears turning on like, oh, why don't we just go back and do the whole year of 96? But I was trying to think of a match I like kind of like to find in your house and the craziness of it. And it's literally this match right here. Shawn Michaels at mankind.
I mean, opposites of the spectrum. True. Bad, bad blood was pretty damn good too. Yeah. Bad blood. Like 97. I mean, but I think we talked about that one recently. Yeah. That's why I didn't pick it. Yeah. We, yeah. Hell in a cell match and all that stuff. So.
But yeah, but definitely this one is one of the top ones that I think about when I think about in your house paper views. I mean, it just was like, like you said, it was just wild. I mean, they like pulled up the freaking padding around the ring and then, you know, there was the whole undertaker angle and, you know, and mankind was like, I mean,
You you look back at it now and you feel like mankind was like a star at that point But he was just a kind of on the come up. You know what I mean? Yeah, he wasn't even big but my but Shawn Michaels was so freakin over I mean the crowd was so hot for Shawn Michaels But it'd be you know Undertaker all that stuff that he had done previously or sorry mankind all that stuff He'd done previously with Undertaker really kind of gave him the momentum to have this kind of high-quality high-profile match So yeah, yeah super super awesome
Yeah, mankind was, uh, they, they got hardcore on this match. It was like, I'm not sure if it was one of like one of the first time Shawn Michaels got it kind of like dipped into the hardcore type of thing, but they were doing some, uh, he's a big kind of was doing his thing. That's what he used to do with WCW. And he brought that type of element to the WWF, like tearing up the pads of the, uh, exposing the concrete type of stuff. He was doing that as cactus jacket WCW. Um, but to just see Shawn Michaels in that element, it was just like,
It was like, well, what the hell? Like, I didn't know he could get down like that. Sean Michaels actually brought over here with mankind. Yeah. So yeah, definitely go out of your way before the weekend is up. Actually, they I think on WWE Network right now, they have a if you scroll down, they have like every single in your house up on the main page so you can actually just go through and watch them all. Same.
St. Valentine's Day Massacre is up there. Everything's up there. She used to complain about that. They don't customize that homepage enough. Now they've started to finally do that. Oh yeah, they're organizing it. If it's Wrestle Media season, every Wrestle Media is up. If it's SummerSlam, guaranteed you'll see all the SummerSlams and they'll have like a SummerSlam greatest matches thing that's like five hours long and you get to watch all the SummerSlam matches. So I'm actually really happy there. That's how I actually found this one.
I was like, oh man, I forgot about my games. I'll shout out all day. Yeah, it's one of my personal favorites. I love this match. Yeah. Nice. Go check it out on the network for sure. Zach, you can use my login if you need to. We want to give a shout out to some of our friends in the podcasting business that we want to highlight. Of course, you know our buddies at the Major Wrestling Figure podcast.
We talked about them the run-in podcast. It's at run-in podcast on Twitter Our buddy Darrell and Tommy paradise on Twitter run that and it's a new show just had their first episode It was really good. I don't know if you guys I know you both They sounded great They are they're gonna be good. They're not just talking wrestling not just talking wrestling figures
They're doing a little bit of Marvel, a little bit of pop culture, music, movies, football, sports. Yeah, a little bit of everything. So it's a cool podcast to listen to after ours. They're wrestling with reality podcasts. They are WWR podcast on Twitter, a great weekly show. And they also do a Fig Life YouTube video every month talking about figures.
Check them out there. Our buddies at Wrestle Gettin Pod, at Wrestle Gettin Pod on Twitter, they do some great stuff. And Chris has been on our show. He knows his stuff too. So thank you guys for listening to them. And our buddies over at Boots of the Face, they do a great podcast at Boot to the Face with a number two. And of course, one of our favorite podcasts,
our vantage point. Retro, I can never see this, Retro Wrestling Podcasts at OVP Podcasts on Twitter. All those guys are great followers and great podcasts if you want to listen to some wrestling podcasts that does not mainstream as much as we love our buddy Conrad Thompson. This is real deal fans making real deal stuff. So check them out and support their shows.
Yeah, and I want to jump in and throw the call up. Our buddy Kenneth Dinkins has his, yeah, his own, yeah, his podcast. So he's got a wrestling collector podcast. So it's at the underscore call up on Instagram. He does like YouTube stuff as well. Um, and then my friend Justin over at the wrestling classic has the wrestling classic, uh, podcast. So yeah, all, all good listens. You know, like you said, if you want to get stuff that's off the beaten path and get actual fan perspective and collector perspective, that's not like inside, insider.
stuff like Conrad. Yeah, not the first. Not just the best. And also our buddy Kyle Peterson at the underscore Kyle underscore Peterson on Instagram. Probably the best wrestling figure collection in the world. So I don't say that lightly. So check him out. He's always buying new stuff. So
Those are the podcasts that we recommend and none of the others that we do not recommend. Check us out next week. We will be recapping in your house and we'll be previewing backlash. Hopefully we'll have some more news on Elite 79 and 80 from Ringside. Hopefully we'll have some new things that we purchased. I'm sure that we will. We always seem to.
And again, if you need to ask us a question, it's ask at The website is to support us on Patreon. It starts at $1 per month, $5 per month. It gets all our bonus episodes. Last time, Sheena, I checked. I think we had
40 or 50 bonus episodes up there that you can listen to in the archives. And we have two or three weekly articles that we post on the website, giveaways, all kinds of cool stuff. So if you want to support the show, that's where you can do that. Any final thoughts before we get out of here, guys? No, I am. I'm pumped to watch in your house. I hope it's a good one. And then
Oh, we got a laundry list of pay-per-views coming up. So let's buckle in. Oh, heel husband will be home soon. Yes. Discord is the place to chat with us on Sunday night during the pay-per-view. Again, another part of our Patreon subscription. So check us out there. We love interacting with you guys and talking wrestling and drinking beers with you. For Marco and Sheena, this is Phil signing off. We will talk to you next week, guys. Stay classy, Mark.
I toast this for the team