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Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.7: A Seed Of Doubt Grows A Dangerous Root image

Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.7: A Seed Of Doubt Grows A Dangerous Root

Roll Players
56 Plays7 months ago

eeeeey Bella has divided the group and has plans to restore her baby to a more formidable form. Cutter encounters some weird brothers, Maverick attempts to free his best friend, and Finn grows up. 

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Introductions and Recap

Alright, sequel episode. Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks. This universe is known and unknown. This is role players, and welcome back to episode seven, I think. It's episode seven of the Phoney Express. We've got Cass, we've got Justin, we've got Adrian, and we've still got our friend Kimmy with us today. Last, we left our gang of of of heroes. I guess we'd call heroes at this point. um You guys met Finn's mom.

Doomsday Device Warning

And she was all like, yo, dog, don't go to this place because it's gonna blow the fuck up when you go there. And you're like, what? That's crazy. And apparently, one of Punkenstein's doomsday devices is set to go off the moment you guys set foot in the doll town. And you were given information from Bella ah Finn's mom.
that there are different hostages spread across northern Montana in places like the the bluffs of Evil's Point and Winchesterville, Badville, or Badtown, I think it's called, I can't remember, and ah Freedom Hollow, where Maverick ran off too to go find Iggy, because that was the tip that he got. The cutter was given a tip that Bathie was being held in Winchesterville. And then to protect her a little baby and all of her little friends that are with her, Bella decided to take Finn back towards Punkenstein's house and along the way she broke the news that Cutter had told her that Rin had died and she said that Cutter and Maverick had something to do with it. So Finn is a little salty and tried to run away but then
Bella was i like, hey yo kid, don't cry and shit, don't make me count to three. And then little boy was like, oh dog, don't make her count. But being a good mommy, she went and picked up her little baby, gave her a little kiss in the forehead and said, I got something that'll make you all better.

Maverick's Investigation

When I woke up, I saw another Ren that I tucked away that I wanted to show you. So we're going to go see Ren after all. And Finn was like, all right, let's go do that shit. And then um but she didn't say shit. She just swear around her mom. Um, and then she was like, Hey, remember we're on a vacation, to all those crazy places. And I was like, what are you talking about? And Justin said, I got pee. And that was where the episode ended. Um, so Justin, have you, have you urinated since our last episode?
My bladder has been evacuated. Excellent. So it doesn't get exploded by a doomsday device, I assume. Oh, we also forgot that ah Maverick, when he went to Freedom Hollow, ah met up with a sheriff who was all like, oh, man, what you want? And he was like, I'm looking for my bird. And he was like, oh, shit, this bird. And apparently there's a golden eagle called the Thunderbird that is performing a show. um at Freedom Hollow and Maverick found that lead and was like, ah shit. And they also recognized him as the famous bounty hunter who is 80-something, who hangs out with a golden eagle. So he's got a little bit of rep down there and there's a big festival going on. So he's investigating a lead to find um Ishi in the town of ah Freedom Hollow while everybody else is spread out to Winchesterville and headed towards
Did I miss anything? I think I got it right.

Cutter's Strategy in Winchesterville

I think you got everything. That's the gist of it anyway. What's a gist anyway? Where does that word come from? I think a chest is like something when you like eat poorly and then you have like a chest in your stomach. Oh, you developed like stomach jests. Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly right. um ah You get stomach jests. All right. so um Oh, and also, Carter had a nice fantasy about Bathy's breasts and got a Benny for it. So that was cool. um And then ah he rolled again about a learning thing that he had and got another Benny. So he has an extra Benjamin going into this episode as well. um So speaking of which, let's go to Carter because last we had ah some
We hit the camera on, uh, our favorite bounty hunter and, um, our mommy daughter duo. So cutter you, let's just say that by this junction, we'll fast forward a bit in time for you that you're making your way up towards Winchesterville. Right. Is there anything else that you would like to do on your way as you get there? Cause you rolled a 20 to really start booking it. Um, is there anything else that you want to do before you get there or do you just want to head straight there? Nope, going right to that place. I'm thinking that he's going to maybe want to try and stop outside the town somewhere. Find a nice little hill in the, in like, look in the town if he can. Do a little picky peek. See if there's any buildings or like anybody's hanging out suspiciously around him. Just as best as he can. I don't know how big the town is, but you know, just like he's going to do a little, he has a little pier down. See before he gets in there.
Sure, sure. Yeah, you could do a little little notice roll. See, see what comes to mind. See what you can see what I might notice with my role of noticing five. So you got five. So you take a take a do you have like binoculars or like a little ah telescope or something? what they call using any telescope I'm just using the binoculars God gave me. All right, yeah, so using your keen balls within your head um Yeah, so you look at you can see Winchesterville is like not a very big town It's maybe I'd say like an average maybe medium-sized town um You can see typically like they got the main street. They got some houses on the outside drag and everything you do you see that like it looks like it is a um
Well, you do know it's also a little colder up here. You're much closer to the Canadian border. There are a lot more highlands up here. Your elevation is higher. So it has gotten a little bit chillier. You're already kind of colder as you guys move north of Montana where the mountains were. But um like as you get closer, there's also like a wind chill effect because you can see beyond the town. It's a pretty sizable lake um that has

Kidnappings and Creature Fear

like somehow like a big statue sticking out of close to the middle of it. Um, so like, it's just a bit of a a chilly place and you can see that, um, uh, up here in Winchesterville, it's a much more like, you see some fires go and you see like some, um, some campfires on the outside. People are hanging out, cooking some beans, things like that. Uh, but other than that, like you can't really tell anything super crazy about it from where you're sitting. It just looks like a medium size. Just hang out town.
OK, OK. So you know what? I lied. There's one more thing. There's one more thing and that I'll give you because a five is OK. You do notice that intermittently you see um people running from like the back of the town. You can't see from where, from your angle. But people just seem like they're sprinting away from it. And then after a while, they look like they stopped running. Interesting. um Also, do I see a sheriff's office of any sort? From where you're at, probably not, because you're kind of overlooking the whole thing as a whole. But like you could probably make a couple of assumptions about where it is. and Yeah, I'm going to, I guess, just go back down the hill and ride on into town at a normal sort of state. And ah first, I'm going to try and find a sheriff's office.
All right. Yeah, you ride in the town like you get a couple of looks from some people. You see like some of those people you saw running from the back of the town, some of them were like leaning up against like a nearby shop, like a general store like. And then someone gives them like a pot of water or something. um But as you come in, you tie up your horse, you can see like, you know, you tie it up at the at the sheriff's station is pretty close to the center or to the to the entrance to where you came in. um but Yeah, you had known in ah I glanced at the breath, out of breath people again and then go in the building. All right. you You glance in and somebody's kind of patting like a, a gentleman on the back and and it looks like what maybe like his lover, his lady, uh, kind of give him a pat on the back and you just kind of hear like, wow, that was yeah crazy. i Good job. Uh, as you walk away from them towards, um, the sheriff's office, as you go in, what would you say the sheriff looks like in this here, this here place? He's like sitting at his desk right now with his feet up.
Oh, there's a fella in there. He's a very, he's a, yeah he's a new sheriff. He's young. He's, uh, maybe I guess, I forget. Cutter's like 25. He's probably like, he's probably like my age, you know, he's got some, he's got some long blonde hair. And long blonde hair, long blonde hair. And he's got his hat on. ah He wears sort of a shirt, you might say. Clean shaven, fella. um Can't see his his blows because he's sitting at his at a desk there. And that's that's probably what I see there. So he kind of he turns his attention to you. um He looks like he's writing something on the desk as you come in. He takes his feet down. He's like writing something. He looks up and he goes, hello. What can I do for you?
um ah and My name's Cutter O'Toole. Hello. Nice to meet you, sir. I'm here. It's Bobby. Nice to meet you. Bobby, Sheriff Bobby. Bobby's fine. All right. bob Well, Bobby, I appreciate your, uh, your informality. Uh, uh, anyway, um, I'm here a sheriff on a account. Uh, someone's well, i not just someone, several people have been taken from the town of doodad down, down south aways. And I got reason to believe that at least one of them has been brought here by some ne'er do wells. Uh, and I was just hoping to maybe get some help from you. If if you've noticed anything weird going on, any any new folks in town that ain't been around here before later that past day or two, I don't know, something like that.
Uh, why don't you give him a persuasion roll? I think I have no points of that. I do. I have eight. I think I probably put it up because I fucked up a lot of times before. Six. Six. He leans forward and kind of like puts his hands in like a little bit of a tent, uh, uh, position. And he says, well, I could tell you what might be better if I show you. Come all around the back of the desk here, partner. All right. I felt like I could see what's going on below the belt. He's just, he is just wearing, uh, he's wearing a skirt. He's a, he's, he's wearing Oh, you're one of the killed at the X-Men I see. Yes, I am. How did you know of us? Oh, I, I, I had never seen, uh, didn't know that actually people still around, but that's, that's very, very good. Very cool.
Yes, we're thinking about changing the name, because sometimes people stutter and call us the caxman. It makes me self-conscious. Yeah, that is a little unfortunate. Yeah. and Anyway, come on over here, partner. All right, I'm coming. Um,

Survivor's Account

and he pulls out like a big fucking like ledger book and he starts opening it up. Um, and it's like bookmarked with like a nice, like silk, one of those like silk kind of string bookmark kind of things. And he opens it up to that page and he says, this is a list of people that have been going missing over the past three days. And like, he starts going over the list, like Jack, Joe Hepson, Daryl, Hannah, Hannah, Daryl, Hannah.
Matthew, whoever that is. but Hey, well that's what that's what I'm looking for. How do they how they know her? Oh, that's what I'm looking for. How do they know? How do they know her? Shame for our name is seriously, Kathy. I just thought that was something somebody made up and put in my book. Well, no, I mean, ah you know, I never, you know, it's we kind of step to each other. We each have our own nickety names to go by. You know, I was going to tell her one day my real name. I hope maybe she told me hers. Maybe it is, Kathy. I don't know. Either way. Yeah, that's my that's my girl I'm looking for. Oh, well, I've got terrible news for you. There's some new folks, new folks from coming into town. And by nightfall, they go missing. And everybody here in this ledger are people that got kidnapped. And they say they say it's by some sort of vicious creature. what But hey, so she came in here just all around.
I don't know. All I know is that this was the name that I was given of somebody that went missing when the creature attacked. and I don't believe in ghost stories or fairy tales much, but. Neither do I. But the things that's been happening around here. Can't be too careful. I don't know how I'm supposed to have met a ghost back in a mine, but I think it was just a crazy feller, but. Oh, Kyle. No, he knew Kyle. There was a man named Kyle who came through. This guy, I don't think I got his name. He just said, oh, I'm the ghost of the mind. Don't come near my gold. And he threw some copper at me. I don't care about no copper. Anyway, anyway, people knew she was in town. Where did the people know about her? Who knew her? What's she saying somewhere? Well,

Strategizing Against the Demon

we have one gal who
who survived the encounter, who's been in the in the local infirmary, who ah she hasn't quite completely came completely to her senses yet. But, you know, we've been trying to get some information from her when she when she awakens. And, you know, everybody right here has been making a whole big to do about it and get me all riled up because people pretend like they're running from a monster as like a game. And then, oh, is that what all that people was doing? I've seen. Yeah, they made a whole scare house down there and While it's their business to start their own private scare business, I suppose it's just, it makes it real hard for a sheriff like me to know when something's a foul and knowing something's a game. I kind of understand how you're feeling there Sheriff. I feel like I was in my whole story of my life. What's, uh, what's the game? It was not a game. I feel like my whole life is some sort of twisted, sick game. Some people are throwing dice to design my fate and it's just always going wrong. Yeah. And I feel like a really handsome white man is doing my voice right now. Isn't that weird?
That is weird. I don't think I sound as high. That's not a picture it at all, but whatever you think is right. Uh, any rate, um, maybe, uh, what did, what did this lady tell you? She tell you anything good. This, this, uh, this lady that got attacked, she can tell you anything useful information. Can I talk to her maybe? Oh, lie. All I've been able to get from her so far, my deputies over there trying to talk to her now was that it's something with claws, something with real sharp teeth and claws that came after her. And I asked her if it was a dog or a coyote. And before she can give me an answer, she done passed out again. So I'm hoping that my deputy is going to get some information over there now. Damn. Damn. You know, if she happened to know Bathie or anything like that.
I don't, sir. I just know that, you know, somebody my deputy comes in and says another person went missing and he wrote that name him a ledger. And I guess I got to go. Talk to that feller to see if I talk to him. see's He's going over there now, he said. He should already be there. I will shoot play. Can you point me towards that place? Yeah, the infirmaries about three buildings down. It's got the big red cross on it. Can't miss it. All right. I'll go there right now. do That sounded me scurrying away. as you Thank you. as you e You're welcome. You're welcome. As you scurry away and you go over towards the infirmary, he just rests his head in his hands and just takes off his hat and puts his fingers through his hair for a second. He says, I pray for all of our sakes that you're the one who can save us.
um but you don't i said ah say Um, so you go over to the infirmary. Uh, where there are several beds laid out along the left wall and you see there's a nurse and a doctor with, uh, you know, with the old school, like reflective thingy on his head. Um, and like he's sitting down next to a woman. Uh, and you see, there's a guy with a badge there. He's a, he's a, he's an older fella. The sheriff's a younger guy. Uh, but this, this is like a much older guy. but He's a holdover. He's a holdover from the last sheriff. Right. Yeah. And, uh, so he's been deputized since and.
He's leaning down next to a woman who's like thrashing in her bed and like she's really sweaty. And you know, like you see that one of the nurses is trying to like dress her wounds on her legs. Um, and they're pretty gnarly gashes. And he says, it's like, no ma'am, listen to me real carefully. Like, okay, I need you to tell me exactly what it is that attached you before you don't pass out again. And she's just like, kind of like just in a huff, like she's kind of screaming as the nurses dressing her wounds. He hasn't been able to get an answer out of her. Uh, but that's what you see right now is the doctor is like taking her temperature and putting a cold compress on her head. Um, Mary, uh, somewhat sheepishly and respectfully, uh, cutter kind of goes over quietly, take his hat off. It was on his chest. He says, oh excuse me. You mean he take Mavericks hat off? Yeah, I think Mavericks hat off my head. I look at it for a second like, Oh, maverick he's by himself. Um, ah so what do you say? Uh, excuse me.
What you want, mister? I'm kind of in the middle of something here. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm coming to kind of investigate this problem you guys have been having here.

Cutter's Resolve to Find Bathy

I'm looking for somebody who supposedly was here and got laws, Bathie. Apparently when you knew her name or if you're the deputy there, I talked to Bobby. I was just hoping I can get some information from you or from the lady, but I was saying she's not doing too well. Oh, you know, you talked to Bobby, right. Well, all right. Look, I kind of got a couple of guys on it right now and I kind of like some of these things happen at night on when we when we we're asleep. So I got a couple of boys who are kind of helping me with this. But it seems this lady says that some kind of demon or devil attacked her in the night and it's been taking everybody else. no Yeah, so that's about what I got out of her. But I'm trying to ask her for more details and when and where and why and all the people that got kidnapped. But
Damn it if she ain't just passing out or screaming hysterically every time I try to talk to her. um Not to presume that cut her nose more than a doctor, but I do have a healing ability now because I got her tired of getting hurt a lot. um i try i' I'm not going to, not that I'm going to try and do any like, du I'm going to medical yeah suture you and do this shit, but like, I'm going to like maybe try and get like, kind of like walk over. we want Jesus Christ, I'm dying. Sorry. um and ah Maybe they have like, if they have like a little basin of water or something, dab a little and like the rag, be like, oh, do you mind if I can dab it on her forehead maybe and see if so it'll help cool her knees down a little bit. You know, the doctor gets up and goes, he goes, all right, that's fine. I'm taking my break anyway. And he lights up a cigarette and walks outside but doesn't oh and whatever and the nurse is just like, worst doctor ever. If not for me, all these people would be Dan.
Why ain't that the truth? If it's always nurses doing all the work, doctors come in and say, hubba, dubba, dubba, do, and they're out the door, right? Yep. The Lord knows if he gets hurt and he needs life, his life saved, I'm just going to take my break. Uh, well, very good. Well, anyway, the way I'm, uh, the thing we can get to get this lady to calm him down a little bit, maybe ease her up a little bit. So I can, I don't know. Why don't you roll a healing roll? Oh, wow. I will. I got to throw out. I'm going to kill this lady. I'm going to read Benjamin there. I can't use it by okay kill it with a rag, but I got four at least. I don't want to at least fuck it up too bad. Yeah, sure. Why don't you do a um maybe ah let's call it a spirit role as well for a moment. OK, yes. Yeah, five. Thank God. All right. Yeah. So I think ah between like you given the cold compress and then like maybe just kind of having like a relaxing demeanor, like I think the deputy sees that you are
kind of having a much gentler, a much more like approachable demeanor about you. So he kind of tries to, he follows your lead a little bit as like you're trying to soothe her. And then she like, she stops hyperventilating. She stops crying. The, the, the, the nurse kind of like takes her hands away from the dressing that she just put on the, on her legs. Um, she says, well, I guess this is all you mister. I don't, this is kind of unorthodox, but this well this is the only one we've seen since all the kidnaps has happened. So if you've got some sort of magic juju that you're using to make her feel better, you keep doing it.
Well, honestly, I learned some of this maneuver with the pal and everything from from my my the love of my life, Bathy. Her name is Bathy? Yeah, it's a whole thing. It's a whole thing. But um either way. You see the woman, the woman says, Bathy. Bathy? I clutch her hand. Yes, Bathy. Bathy, do you know her? Do you see her? Oh, Bathy. She's so attractive. Bathy. Yes, i know I know that much. like
Maybe we can fan dangle some sort of sort of Monash at wall wherever you're better, but no, I went back to do much for that. I couldn't be with another. She kept telling me not to call her that. I don't know why. That's that's weird. When did you see your last? Oh, but 12 hours ago when we both got attacked. Okay. Was she here alone in town? Yeah, she showed up out of nowhere, was very disoriented. I took her in and la she was telling me She's telling me she just got a new job somewhere. And then, I didn't, you know, just everything hit the fan and people came and attacked her or something. When somebody dropped her off, she didn't know why. What the hell? This is weird. Where was it you got attacked? I mean, we can, I looked at that deputy. Maybe we can like follow the tracks from that most recent attack and find, I don't know where they might've gone. At the scare house.
The scare house, they they're trying to make a profit off it and it's real. It's all real in there. It's all real.
I had a had a worry when he mentioned some sort of weird house. It is going to be part of it. Name it. Not just some people having fun. All right. Well, you you rest easy there, lady, unless you got something more you want to ask her deputy. She's like she like sits up straight like her eyes wide. Her skin is like real clammy and like kind of splotchy. She grabs you by the collar because you like kneel down and you have the compress on her. She says the demons. It's real. And then she passes out.
Oh, well, deputy, um, you Christian man, and since I was born and raised, mister. Uh, we got a good church in this town. Uh, yeah. Well, it's okay. I suppose like I can say it's good. I mean, congregations got kind of small and everything, but, uh, you know, people move. It's cold. Well, yeah, I mean, we got a church. All right. Um, I can put a call to my two fillers that I hired if you want. Uh, maybe, yeah, maybe just bring them in. I think, I don't know. I don't want anybody to get hurt. I mean, this is your town. So if you want to help try and figure out what's going on in there, but, uh, a few weeks back or so, a few months back, you told me there was demons around. I would have been like, by boom, boom, malarkey there. I don't believe you, but I seen some weird stuff happening lately. These past few months of my life. Like it might be blood wound.
Oh yeah, everybody must have seen that. Yeah, that was ah that was a whole very solid that was a bear bad night ah for me. um Sure was. Anyway, so yeah, there might be something to this. We need to get ourselves some like, you know, some holy water, some crucifixes. I normally don't wear one. I kind of want to lose it and I'm on my travelings and whatnot. Right. Well, hang on. let me Let me go make a quick phone call. And he runs over to the wall, grabs the phone off the hook.
Um, does he dials in like all the number? He's like, he's like, he goes, boys, I got a guy who's going to help you meet him over at the church. Yeah. Yeah. He's a good guy. Uh, and then he hangs up the phone. He says, they'll meet you over at the church. Mr. All right. Sheriff, um, you and maybe go over to Bobby, tell him you folks might need to go around and people tell him to. keep themselves safe and maybe you guys need to get yourself some religious paraphernalia as well in case anything comes out of that place. Right. Will do you mister. I don't want to go hunting devils anyway. Me neither, but things you do for love. Am I right? Yeah. I got a love. It's cocaine. She sounds beautiful. ah So you're going to head over to the church. Yeah.
All right. So while you do that, let's cut over to, um, let's go back to, uh, uh, uh, cutter or, uh, yeah, yeah, let's go back to cutter. We just talked to him. us okay um the jo so and We're going to go back to Maverick, uh, over there in, uh, freedom's hollow.

Maverick's Rescue Attempt

You were just told by some fan boys that, uh, that the thunderbird is performing here in freedom hollow, uh, down the street and there's flyers everywhere and people are gathering around. Uh, so what do you do? I first want to look at the flyers to confirm that it's actually my bird.
I mean, it's kind of crudely drawn like it wasn't a photograph, so to speak. It looked like they kind of printing pressed, but like it's a photograph of like a bird with their wings spread out real heavy and like a real far and like like a big black aura. And there's like lightning bolts drawn down on top of her. And you can see the drawing kind of makes a few details of like yeah one side of the bird is a little bit more kind of like there's like little strands sticking out of it that looks a little similar to like the wires that are attached to Ishi. um So that's like an artist's rendering of the Thunderbird. Then I'll try to find like the stage. I presume that would be there for the performance.
ah Yeah, sure. There's like a little kind of makeshift, like a shoddy stage that they as I mean, honestly, what they did was a repurposing like the a gallows is what they're doing. Like they just kind of like took down like the ropes and everything and just kind of have like posters and banners hung up where like the the rope would be. um And there's like up on up on like the big wooden stage that they would ordinarily drop people through. um And so they repurpose the gallows and so you see like there's a there's a there's like a big cage covered up by a big blanket um on the stage. You see a lot of people are gathering around. You see there's a guy with a big mustache and he's like kind of like taking money from people as they're tossing them coin and bringing backs and everything kind of shove them into a hat.
And he goes, everybody, the show will be starting soon. You do not want to miss the fantasmagorical, the electrical, the morning bird, the Thunderbird. She will be here to dazzle you, to shock you in every sense of the word. Please buy your tickets now. Get a good seat. The show will begin any minute now. People are like, oh yeah, I want tickets for me. And they're like throwing a money to get tickets to the show and trying to find a place to sit um before the show begins. What do you do? I want to go up to a guy who's like screaming around. And like ah some hey. Hey, i what am I thinking?
What's up, Mr. You look like your brain is blanking. Are you gonna buy some buy a ticket? oh Yeah, yeah. yeah um you You were talking something about a thunderbird. Yeah, the Thunderbird. out I just acquired it probably about 24 hours ago. I cannot believe what this thing can do. You're not going to believe what this thing can do. and Where did you find the bird? Honestly, it showed up in a box and I took it. it's very awkward and Can I see the bird? Because I think that bird is actually my bird, my pet.
Right. Yeah. Okay. Sure, buddy. You think you're the first one to try to come and steal my main attraction all of a sudden? Go get in line and buy a ticket. I'm i'm not trying to steal your pet. I wish I would have like a certificate or something that works like that. You just have like, ah yeah, you have like a little piece of paper. You pause.
um he said ah Just go buy a ticket. The show will begin any minute now. You're holding up the line. Come on. You know, this bird belongs to me and I will not leave without my bird. Well, I don't know what else to tell you. Don't make me go get the sheriff. You're acting kind of crazy. I told me to go up to you. Did he tell you to come and take my main attraction? I don't think so. He loves freedom, and he loves freedom hollow, just like I do. I'm here to represent this country. i'm just I'm just really worried about what my my my pet bird because it's really dear to me. Just let me see here real quick. Just buy a ticket, go sit down, old man. You'll see her when she's ready. Fine. Come on now. God, you're trying tom trying to make a living here. Come on, mister.
I'm trying to make something live longer, so. I don't know what that means. I'm not going to kill my main attraction. That's crazy. Have you ever seen a bird that has like wires all over her and metal bits? That's I mean, it's like it's like something out of like a like a movie. I'm not worried that you will kill Ishi. I'm like worried to like put some kind of like trap or something on her that would like kill her. I don't know what you're talking about, mister. I checked this bird very thoroughly. We're practically best friends. Um, you know, she'll do exactly as I asked her to do. She's a well-trained bird. Of course, I trained to her. Right, you trained her. Whatever. The fact of the matter is, whether she was yours or she wasn't yours, she's mine now, and she's gonna make me thousands of dollars.
um We all see about that and I like go away in like and maybe like sit down somewhere or like stay in the vicinity and like wait until like she comes out. Okay, you go sit down um and you see eventually like somebody comes out from behind the the the the cloth and he's like covered in like yellow feathers. um And um he's got like like a half of a bucket like roped to his face and he says pecker pecker soon everyone will see my offspring the famous thunderbird child but first have you all purchased your commemoratives
Uh, your commemorative buttons sold over there at the general store for just 50 cents a piece. Get your commemorative Thunderbird buttons, Packer Packer. And he liked the dude in like the yellow feathers and buckets like flapping his wings around. And, uh, you see like little kids like Packer Packer, mom, I want a Packer Packer button. Um, And you're like, all right, fine. Just go ahead. Here's a dollar. Just bring it back to change. I'm going to buy two. um And you see right now, there's just a guy like trying to like get as much money out of this as he can or milking it before the Thunderbird comes out. um And you see you see a guy kind of walks up to you and it kind of elbows you a little bit. and He says, hey, mister, I heard you overheard you talking to Theodore over there. Mm hmm.
You're saying that's your bird up there, huh? I strongly believe so. That's web up because i my bird actually had to go through like some surgeries. And without my knowing, she got to get like these electric electrical abilities. And I strongly doubt that there's multiple birds like that out there. ah So I strongly believe that's mine, yeah. Right, right, right. um I'm kind of inclined to kind of help you out here because I'm an animal rights activist and I do not like that he has a bird in that cage over there and is using it to exploit all these people for the hard earned money. I want to set that bird free so we can go home. Then you're good in my books. How can we work together?
Well, I do say to go home, you cannot keep her in a cage or anything either. I'm just letting her fly to where she belongs. I know I keep her in a cage. I just keep on my shoulder usually. I guess shoulders fine as long as she wants to live there. Yeah, usually we like get along pretty well. All right. Well, here's my plan. And he just runs up because let go of that bird. You son of a bitch. And he starts tackling the. Oh, wow. Wow. Like the crowd is like, what's going on? Some people like trying to pull that guy like off a theater like and everything. And like the cage is kind of getting jostled. and There's just total bedlam going on right now. So the cage is behind like a curtain or is it like oh just open? on a stage It's it's on the stage underneath a giant like sheet. OK.
I want to like show up on the stage and look below like the sheet. As you go to peek underneath, somebody tackles you and they go, you can't hurt that bird. And there's like a guy on top of you, like trying to punch you in the face. I try to throw away the guy. ah Do a do it ah an athletics role, see if you can check him off. Now I'll have him do a do ah an oppose role to see how well he does. I didn't do well. uh we don't know how many so he's a penny all right well he rolled a three so you had to beat a three are they technically 16 16 yeah you fucking like monkey flipped his dude like over top of your yeah of uh of your of your body and he lands in a barrel of bananas why is there bananas there we don't know you might flip them into one uh he goes okay he's getting my bird um then you hear pecker
behind the curtain as like people are like kind of rushing the stage, trying to pull that guy off. Somehow a fight got started. Somebody threw a punch in the wrong direction, hit somebody else, and now it's just total fucking chaos. So really did I go to the cage thing and I try to lift the sheets. ah You lift the sheet and you see ishi there and she just kind of like looks like turns her head sideways a little bit and kind of like turns back and forth, kind of like ruffles her feathers a little bit and starts like pruning herself. She it's been so long. I know, right? No, she doesn't say that. Is the cage locked? Yes, there is a lock on the cage. um I want to use my blade that I got like a long time ago from Pangstein. Yeah, you never use that thing. I forgot you have that. Yeah. Like the little arm blade that like a sassy green arm blade. Yeah. I try to use it to like break the lock.
Uh, uh, well, you know what? Let's make that be, what would that be? Let's call that man. What would that be? What sort of skill could that be? Is there, um, you're trying to, are you trying to break the lock or pick the lock? Um, I'm trying to like break the lock. Oh, trying to break the lock with your knife. Okay. Well, then that would probably just be a straight, uh, strength role. Okay. Yeah, that's a two. That's a two. Yeah, you try to your your knife is starting to bend a little bit as you try to bust this lock with your with your knife. um Yeah. And she seems pretty like pretty docile, by the way. She doesn't seem to really react to the fact that like you're in front of her right now. um She's just kind of like intermittently, she'll like make a noise, but like she doesn't seem to really recognize you or or react to you.
um I don't think I would like pay big attention to that because I'm focused on like opening the cage. Sure. ah then You hear somebody like pull the hammer back on their gun and it's like pointed at the back of your head. and You're like, step away, mister. You ain't taking that bird. And you see, there's like a couple of guys like we're like black vests that are kind of standing around ah Theodore who's like they're trying to protect him. And one guy like has a gun like pressed to the back of your head. He says, step away, mister. Ain't yours ain't yours to take.
That bird belongs to me. I'm inclined to disagree with you on account of it's on our stage and not yours, mister. I mean, it's only been on been it's only on your stage because that bird got stolen from me. Well, Vanta said you would say something like that. ah But it's ours now and we're going to make some money off it. And since you're here, you know, Maybe we'll just do you do away with you now just to get it over with. I like try to like punch him with my dagger with my arm daggers. So he has a gun pointed at the back of your head. So it's going to be a tough role for you to turn. I mean, they succeeded at that. So, huh? We succeeded at life. That's true. Rindit, do a written did have a pretty good showing. So but then she she blew up. I also want to do that. So I mean.
So you're going to try to turn and slash them with your arm blade. How many do you like ah ah here or like notes? You can see kind of at the corner of your eye from where they're standing. There's one guy behind you with a gun and then you can see there's another guy in a black vest standing over near where Theodore is. OK. And there's still like chaos going on around like people are fighting. Yeah. um So all you know right now is that there are two guys plus Dio. OK. So if you want to try to do that, We will do... I'm gonna have you do... Instead of just doing two rolls in a row, I think what I might do is just have you maybe do a fighting roll with like a disadvantage added to it because you okay it's gonna be really tough and we're gonna make it opposed. He is going to try to shoot you if you move. So you guys could end up wounding each other potentially depending on how the rolls go out.
Um, so if you're prepared for that particular outcome, cause he's relatively close to you, so he has a pretty good, he's not going to have a minus to his shot. Um, so we can have, you can have, you can roll for fighting and he's going to roll for shooting and see what happens. No, I actually have a bad idea. All right. What are you going to do? Uh, I'm going to try to distract him. Distract him how? Um. Hey, what is this? It's an Ishi order. Intercatcher. So you're from... It's the point somewhere else to say, look, another Ishi.
Gotcha. Copy. Okay. I should never have left Maverick alone. No.
Is there a lying role in that? You know, there's a performance role, isn't there? Do a performance role. Don't have performance. And I always hate it when I need to do that. Well, yeah I mean, this is your plan, bro. I pick it. um So you're going to have to make an unskilled role to distract these guys. Because Maverick doesn't do this all ah all that often, but you might get like your dice your dice might explode. That's right. Hey, look at that. See, you did it. So you rolled a six plus four minus two. Well, pretty good. See, sometimes you can get lucky. um ah You point, I will say probably because of how loud it is. The other fellas like the other guy that's standing over by Theo probably doesn't process what the fuck it is that you're saying. He just sees you pointing. But the guy with the gun pointed at you is just like
He's like, we wouldn't possibly make that kind of a move that isn't an attack. And so I'd say his gun is still pointed at you, but he's turns his head to see what the fuck it is that you're pointing at. but So like you have a moment of reaction before he realizes that you're fucking with him. Then I want to react with my arm blade. All right, that will be a fighting role against this guy. So we'll see what happens. A seven does hit the guy. It passes him by one or by two. Excuse me. So you can roll your dermage.
Um, and see what the first roll damage for that. I guess that's true it is. Yeah. So you got to, you rolled two damage. That's not a whole lot. It sure isn't. Uh, you don't even shake the guy. you You swing your knife at him. He goes, whoa. And like, you cut like a chunk of his sleeve off and maybe like a very minor but graze. It doesn't, it's more of a, uh, what do they call it? Like a, not a surface wound is not what I'm looking for, but like a. the fuck what's that word I'm looking for artificial now superficial superficial wound maybe um anyway it's just like a gentle graze and you cut a shirt he goes oh dang what the fuck and then you see his buddy pulls out his gun from over near Theo when he sees you swing his blade and he's going to shoot at you oh no yeah he's doing a shoot
it was Luckily for you, he sucks. And he rolled a two. And he fires right past you into the crowd. And then like all of a sudden, nobody just starts like fucking like scattering because a gunshot went off. yeah um And it's just total bedlam here. so And the other guy is just going to try to take a slug at you because you tried to fucking cut him with a knife. um He's going to roll fighting against you. Wow, he rolled a crit fail. This dude sucks asshole. fucking like just straight up went to try to swing at you he knocks over the bird cage like he punches it instead it falls off the table um and it rolls off the stage
and here my bird And then like Theo starts like dashing towards like where Ishii's cage rolled off the stage um as the other two are going to start trying to charge at you. um So while you think about what your next move is, it's been a hot minute since he's heard from the ladies. Let's go over to Bella and over to Finn and company.

Finn's Transformation

um So you guys are riding your way over towards punkies. You had Bella. You had just given the news to Finn that that that the other boys might have had something to do with Ryn's death. She said that let's go save this ring because you said there's another Ryn down the way that you want to show her.
Do you want to continue going straight there? We can say well all this was going on you were still riding um So you can get close enough to there just for time expediency or for Or is there something else you want to do or some other place you want to stop? I want to make sure Finn is safe and get them far away from Maverick and Cutter because you can't trust them. So she's going to sit there comforting Finn, be like, we're going to find this ring and everything's going to be OK. And if we have to, ah I can go out and take care of Maverick and Cutter. Not you don't have to worry anything about it. OK, so you guys are continuing ah brave at one point, says Miss um Miss Bella, I'm getting kind of scared.
What are you scared about, Brave? I mean, you're telling me that Mr. Maverick's a bad guy and that they they they they blew up Brynn and Finn's here and she's crying and that's kind of making me a little sad. and um you know i don't I don't know if I could fight Mr. Maverick and Mr. Cutter. Don't worry, i am I am not out of options, all right? I will make sure you two are safe and sound and then I can go and take care of them. You will not have to worry about it. Okay, I guess, um
Finn, how are you doing? you You okay? You seem like you're a bit sad. Don't talk to me right now. I'm sad. I know that's when I say it. Ah, shit. I mean, dang. Wash your mouth out with soap. All right, Miss Bella, would that make you feel better? Miss Bella, can you give me that soap on my Esau? She's gonna hand brave the soap. Finn, what do you want to do, baby?
I want to go get red. OK, we're going to go. We're going to go get that ring that I stashed for safekeeping. OK, you see, you see, like. Brave is like trying to turn around behind you as the horses galloping. And he's like, see, look, let him know when he's like licking the soap like it's like it's ice cream. I mean, he's like he makes a face.
Then you see like, uh, uh, uh, Ravi, the weird like flies off over from a duchess and lands on top of them and starts pecking at the soap. Like he goes, nom, nom, nom. Yes. Mm. Delicious soap. Why are we doing this? Hi. Why why are we, are we eating soap? Why are we doing this? It has to be clean. Yeah. Brave's just trying to help make Finn feel better about the situation. Okay. it's it's been It's been a rough few moments, sir. You know, however long this has taken for Finn. So we're just trying to comfort Finn and make sure they feel all better. And you want to make them smile. Oh, you're such a good friend, Ravey.
When Ravey says hi that time, like like a bubble blows out of his beak, like, boop. It's true. And flies off over towards Dutchess. Is this making you feel better, Finn? See? Nom, nom, nom, mmm, soap. Mmm. Little bit. What else can I do to make you feel better? I'll imagine her carra cry like, yes, more soap. eat more soap, OK. Hey, I'm a bite it. I'm I think I broke my tooth. Good. That's going to ruin my feeling. It makes me feel better. Thank you. You want some? You want some soap? No, I don't have a potty mouth. OK. All right. Well, she it see. So no, no, no. You're so bad.
And so that continues for some time, as you guys circulate towards Punky's house. And so I'll say, you know, probably another 15, 20 minutes pass just for sake of speeding and see if between everything else that's been going on, that you guys make it to the driveway of Punkenstein's house, past Coast Alley. And you um so Bella, do you want to take them inside of his mansion or is there somewhere else nearby? So, ah she's got the spare wren stashed out behind some bushes in the back. They're like, look, we can carry this inside and we can see what we can do. And, you know, there may be a way that we can make this wren come back and make everything all better. What do you think, Finn? Oh, okay.
Wow, that looks just like Rin. Oh my goodness, she's sleeping. She didn't get blowed up. Well, this wasn't that Rin. No, she's different. Look, she doesn't have a camera on her. Oh, did Rin have a camera? Those things are heavy. She had it built into her chest. Oh. Nate. Do you think she'll have her memories of me? Well, we can put your memories into her. you I could be, I could be big. You could be big.
Well, I mean, I mean, hey, so I mean, do you want to be big? I mean, he said he was going to be little forever, but maybe you can get big when I get big and that way we can still hang out. That's a good point. Do you want to? I mean, i get I mean, I don't want to stop you from a dream or whatever, but I mean, we just met. But what it OK, I have an idea. What if I say this size and then when you grow up and I can grow up and be in that room? Oh, wait. Hang on. Let me I just thought of something. If you if you go into that rain, I don't know how that works. But if you grow up into that rain,
Does that mean that you that's all the older you're ever going to get? Is it the same as baby rent as you as Finn? You don't get older. things So, yeah. Oh, well, I could I could probably deal with that. I'll be a teenager in a couple of years. I might be, you know, I might be all right. ah Yeah. I don't see why not. Could you put my brain in Ren's body? I could be a Ren. e No. Oh. Well, yes, you have to try, I suppose. ah All right. Well, you just if you decide to do that, just, don you know, make sure that you don't forget me and and stuff. And, you know, when ah when I get when I get big, you come see me. OK, well. I'll come back and see you soon.
So what do we do? How do you? I'm just I'm having a hard time. I feel like I'm asleep right now. How are we going to make Ren or Finn be Ren and Ren not be Finn? How's that work, Miss Bella? So I have a special table in there that pumpkin sign used to use, and we're going to take this ring and lay her form on the table. And then we're going to lay Finn on another one right next to it. And then we'll be able to start, but I'm going to need your help brave. I'm going to need you to stand guard and make sure nothing happens. Do I get a gun?
You do not get a gun, son. You do not need a gun. If you keep asking for a gun, you are gonna feel my wrath, okay? I ate half a bar of soap. What do you want from me? I will get another bar of soap and you can eat all halves. I'm fine. Jeez, I just get a stick or something. Can I have Duchess with me at least? Yes, you can have Duchess with you. We're gonna have Duchess and Ravi here to protect you. And I'm gonna go out and make sure nothing's gonna come and hurt my baby. All right, fine. And so you see Dutchess and Brave kind of take post outside ah while you carry, while you take Finn and you carry the Ren's body into the place where the table is. um So what do you do? How does this play out?
So Bella is going to start connecting Rin to the cables that are coming from this machine in the middle. And she's going to start connecting w Rin's body up and making sure everything is done and locked down tight. She's also going to strap down the arms just in case any jerky movements or anything. This way, nothing gets ripped out and disrupted. Okay. hey got You got an IV is not fun. Yeah, IV is not fun. Okay, Finn baby, I'm gonna need you to get up on this table, okay? It's gonna be kind of scary at first, but everything is gonna be okay, trust me. Okay, I trust you. Okay, so when Finn gets up on the table, she's gonna, you know, start connecting her up and locking her down. All right, I'm just gonna strap you. These aren't gonna be tight, but I just need to make sure you don't move and like get jumped, because it may be startling for you. So I just want to make sure you're safe and don't rip anything out while this happens.
OK, you feeling good, you feeling all right? Yes, I feel fine. OK, so you attach all of the appropriate gizmos and places and all of the other diodes and things that you need. All that's left is to throw the switch. Do you have anything else you say to to fan or fan anything that you say to your mom like while you're still in kid form? Could be the last words cast speaks as little lispy fit. I love you, mom. She's going to kiss Finn on the forehead. I love you too. And everything is going to be just fine. Don't worry. I promise I'll always protect you and I won't let anything hurt you. You'll always be safe. Are you going to be here when I wake up? I will be here when you wake up. And brave is right outside with Duchess and Ravey and making sure everything's going to be okay. Nothing's coming through to hurt you. I promise.
okay I'm ready. She's going to walk over and look and throw the switch. All right. Now, just for some flair, because I don't think we've had you really roll anything yet. um Just for fun. Not that it's like a huge deal, no matter what you roll. I just kind of want to see. Could you please roll? um I'd say either research or hacking for this. um Just out of curiosity, what you would roll. You also to also start with two Benjamins. Holy fuck, you rolled an 18.
oh ah jesus great
wow Kimmy's first roll of savage worlds and she has a fucking exploded dice I think twice ah Or at least one exploder plus plus an eight Jesus Christ um Just I don't know if you were if if if you know this but fours are successes so 18 is pretty good ah So um ah So yeah you um So Cass, this is why I'm asking her to do this. When we retool your character sheet, or you can use the same characters for for sheet sheet that you have for Rin right now, we could even try to make a hybrid with some Fin stuff if you want later. I wasn't prepared to do that today. But we could do that. But if you want right now, you can pick a stat on your current Rin character sheet and bump it up um that you think this new model of Rin would have. OK.
Yeah. So that was like, just like maybe like while Bella's working on you and plugging stuff in, maybe she, maybe just from being so close to punkenstein and kind of being like his most recent thing that he's made. Like she's like super advanced. She knows how to do this. You can do it with her eyes closed or while reading a book. So like she probably gave you a little extra something, something in there. Plus you're getting into a new model. So this is a more recent structured model compared to the one that you were in. Okay. You will notice that there still is a very tiny water tank, but it like is inside. It pops out kind of like a cassette disc, and it was like a little tray that you can fill up. You're much more fuel efficient. So you don't have like a giant like pack like hanging off of your back anymore.
um Um, so, um, and you can also maybe have like one other little upgrade that maybe you can just discover about yourself. Maybe you do have another camera in there. Maybe it's a much better digital camera. I don't know. Um, but maybe something for flair that isn't necessarily like a move, but something that you could maybe have as like a character flare. Um, so within 18, I'd say that your mom pretty juiced you up pretty good. Um, so, um, bi everything goes black for a little while and you hear your mom's voice ah for a little bit saying that she'll be here with you as she throws the switch um and she tells you that she loves you and then you if you don't really feel anything you just kind of hear what sounds like your own
the ah Uh, sounds of your own feet hitting a, like a solid floor, like an echo and like maybe like creaking a floorboards is like, you know, like that's your cadence when you walk. That's your little strides and it feels like you're walking somewhere. Um, you can't see anything. You can't feel anything. You just hear yourself walking. And then as the floor stops creaking, they start hitting a harder floor. And now you're in like an echo chamber and you can hear your little feet clanking against the floor as it echoes around you. But then like you start to hear your stride takes longer. Your stride, it has more power when it hits the floor and it echoes louder. Uh, and then it feels like the sound is closer to your ears as you feel like you have gotten taller in whatever room you are walking in.
And before you know it, um you hear a familiar voice in your brain says, all right, hello, hello. All right. Reactivating one second. Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. I'm just kidding. I pre-recorded this on a talkie box. All right. All you have to do to activate is speak the magic words. Oh, Punky, I love your stash. Awakened child. Oh, this again. Punky, I love your stash. Say it right. I already pre-recorded that. I know you did it wrong. Do it again. But better. Oh, Punky, I love your stash. It's probably not as good as I want it, but it'll be acceptable. I'll rise, my child. um And you open your eyes and you are looking up at the ceiling as your mom is standing there over top of you. And as you glance quickly over to the side, you can see there's just a tiny little little
child with the fucking a Dr. Puss unicorn hat on laying on the table next to you. Yeah. What's up, mom? Yeah. and so mom No, Bella's going to run over and start unstrapping Rin be like, Oh gosh, I'm so glad that you're all right. I'm glad that it worked out so well for you. I was worried. I was scared. It seemed to be taken forever and I didn't know how long this was going to take. Whatever.
Man, we're going to strip that attitude.
Damn, I should have taken that out before I plugged you in. I should have taken out teammates. Because because one of the newer models that you are in was one of the younger renditions that Punky was trying to make as he was trying to you so you would know this based on the program and that you have that you are ah in a line of models of rins that are more recent because Punky was trying to perfect how to make a younger daughter for himself. So he was gradually de aging each one that he made.
to figure out how to make himself a small daughter. And so you, you are probably, I'd say not quite teenager, but close enough, maybe like 17, 18, like looking. um And like he definitely kind of gave you that angst, like that teenage attitude, because he was trying to replicate like how to make actual children. um So you definitely have that programmed in you, but something that you do also have, because Finn has a lot of the connections that all the other Rins do, is you do start to remember some of what happened between you. Like, you know the main characters of your story this far. You remember, you remember what Maverick looks like. You know who Carter is.
You know who cheffy and mutton chop joe are although much of joe's kind of yucky to you right now He's not like you know Whereas former rin was like kind of had the hots for him like his mutton chops might not be as attractive just yet to you I don't know why it's too old for me But you do have recollection of like you remember matching carpets you remember cheffy some of the memories aren't quite there and you remember that you had adventures with them you remember certain spots that you were there a lot of the finer details you don't quite know. But that's kind of where you're at so you do have like some small collections of what. Former ran and fin have experienced so far.
Right. And she would have seen the the brothel being burned out. Only. yeah Yeah. The only reason you know that, though, is because Finn saw it. um Yeah. So like Finn witnessed it. And because you are now plugged in from Finn, you you remember that happening and meeting brave and brave saying like, oh, hey, this is what happened and I'm trying to help. um Yeah. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. So um who's asked do I have to kick to get my brothel back first of all, and no, I'm just kidding, I'm not gonna say that. She's 18.
i see my mother You say Bella's like sharpening a fucking like sharpening ah a bar of soap into a knife to shove in your mouth. She's but I will make you eat this up, young lady, I know that you're a robot. Oh, that's so funny. That sounds dangerous. So like, mom, are we like go into the vacation house or whatever? Like, what are we going to do? Because like, obviously, dad's not going to let us come and save him. So like.
Yeah. Look, I just need to get you to safety. And if you want to go to the vacation house and you can take brave with you, you know, that will be perfectly acceptable because I just need to make sure you're safe and sound because I know I can rescue your father and everything will be perfectly fine. You you hear like as the door creaks open and you see like brave was kind of like peeking in. He's just like a eight nine year old dude as. It is Finn dead. Did she is she dead? No, man, she's just like still in here. She like points to her head. Just like, you know, kind of a little bit older. It's fine. You ah you always like older women, right? Oh, and they're like you see like his cheeks get all puffy and his face gets already he goes.
what what What? What's that? That just what's that? That just. Yeah, I'll be right up. And he shuts the door. And then as he goes to shut the door, Ravi flies in and kind of like lands on top of lands on top of finishes gone too soon. Hi, gone too soon. yeah No, I'm still over here, dude. Come on over. Hey. Oh, hey, you look like the other girls that left from here. I think I saw you leave. And he lands on top of your shoulder. I'm here. You're good. me So like, uh, do you guys want to help me get some stuff packed up so that we could go to the vacation house? Did you ever see that place? That's awesome. They have like all of the coolest things over there, man. Like dad always made sure that we had all the best shit up there. Oh, sorry, mom. Sorry.
Ma'am, I'm going to need you to wash your mouth. I'm going to let this one slide because you just woke up. But this is not going to be a thing that occurs all the time. OK, I know you have that teenage attitude, but I am not going to listen to this. And I will put your butt in a corner and make you stand there and stare at the wall until I finish counting. You understand me? Whatever, man. ah watch I watched. I watched your mouth out with soup. um ah So you're going to start just packing stuff in buckets times.
Yeah, she's going to like, you know, get her. She's got to get, you know, teenage things. So she's got to get her diary, her cassette tapes, whatever those are in the nineteen hundreds station. Yeah. Her books on like, you know, her latest um cowboy celebrity that just rolled into town. And then, of course, she might or might not have like a slingshot. OK. OK. You also. Yeah. Yeah. You have a poster that says eat my shorts on it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You OK. So you you grab all of those necessities. um You also have a.
There's a, there's a, there's a flyer there for like, Oh, new, new location for balls, balls, balls opening up and do 10. Hey mom, can I get you a bowl for the travels? I would love one. Cool. Yeah. I'm going to send you a head and I'm going to take care of some stuff. Yeah. You go buy a bowl, dear. I'll catch up. I trust implicitly that you're going to buy me a bowl and a bowl only. Yes. You know, I need a new cereal bowl and yeah you know, obviously this is this is what she wants to get me. I just need you safe and sound. That is all I need. Okay. Dope. I'm going to take brave with me and the bird. I didn't catch that dude's name again. What was it?
Yo, little bird dude. You remember me? It's Ravey. Ravey, we met once. Oh, Ravey. Yeah. Sorry, man. I'm raving the beard now. Feeny gave me that name. Yeah. Yeah. Right. That's right. Um, I forgot already. Sorry. Like, it's been a long day. I forget all the time. Yeah. Yeah. So do you want to go to town with me, man? Like, we're going to go shopping. Yeah. Let's go see what humans like to buy. And I don't know what kind of shiny things to drop off to my friends. Yeah. You never know. You might be able to find some to be able to like get so that you can drop those off to your friends. Oh, that'd be great. Let's go do it. Let's go get brave and and the other giant dog I was riding. Oh, Duchess is here. Heck yeah. That's awesome.
ah So we're going to head off with brave and duchess and ravy the raven to back to do dad. Yeah, just to go to balls, balls, balls before they go to the vacation. Now said I made up. OK, so you you. are You you take the horse that you guys originally got here on. Mm hmm. All right, so you write off. Bella lets you go. Kind of we're going to cut back to you real quick, but Bella, so they're leaving you alone in Punkenstein's home. ah What are you going to do while they head off and you kind of hear in the distance, you hear like like brave like you're you're driving it too fast or in fan. What do I call you? As like they write off away. So what do you do? So Bella is going to
smile and wave as, you know, Ren leaves and then she is going to start back walking because she wants to find Cutter and Maverick. Now, I will say you would likely know that Punky very likely has some sort of transportation here that you could take um because he's a fucking nutcase and he's always making something and trying to edit everything that he knows. um So if you want you, but instead of walking, so it might take you a while to get there. Unless you just want to be like a super Naruto runner, because you could do that too if you really want. Um, but, but Punky likely has something that you can take here that would serve as transportation. Then she's going to go look in the garage and see what's in there and the garage. take the first Punky has a garage where you walk up, you walk up and the automatic door starts to open like, yeah
Oh, you know what? Let's roll. um What would that be to see what you might find? um How about a how about just a general notice roll, like just to see like what you might find, depending on what your role will see what maybe what you discover. So you got a five. um So the you go into the garage. um You find um what looks like ah like a large version of a kid's rocking horse, like there's wooden rocking horses. But. But it has like ah like.
like several like wooden wheels that are like put really close together to make almost kind of like an off-road looking wagon wheel on two sides of it. And essentially it's a rocking horse motorcycle. Oh, she's going to she's going to pick up the helmet that's sitting in the passenger seat or in the behind on the back seat behind her. There's like a decal on it that has like that has Punkenstein just like pointing to where the camera would be with like finger guns like.
um It says, live free or stash hard on it. um So, you grab the helmet. Yeah, there's definitely goggles. It looks just like Punky's, the ones that he wears.

Mystical Contraption Activation

um And yeah, you just, you like plug into it. When you sit on it, like it lights up. It already knows like that, like you're one of his creations is using it. And it just like, as it turns on, like kind of like, like some water starts to pour out of like these little like little tubes into like the feeding pool. And as it weighs down, like the engine gets hot.

Journey to Winchesterville

And then you hear, I'm here, nay, nay, I'm a horse. um think As you as as as the thing turns on, and where do you start riding it towards? She is going to start riding it towards. Let's see which one which one does she think is the worst?
I mean, where you are on the map, the closest one. Well, honestly, it's almost middle because you still have to go up through Lost Hopes Canyon. So you could either take a split to go to Freedom Hall or Winchesterville. They're both about equidiscence from where that would be. So just depends. We're going to Winchesterville. going to Winchesterville. All right. So you take you take that. ah You take that. I need to come up with a name for this thing that you found. I don't know what to call it yet. um But you take you you take your nineteen oh one hunky scooter and you you head off. um So let's cut back to Winchesterville.

Church Allies for Demon Confrontation

Cutter, you are ah currently going to meet a couple of fellows over at the church.
after speaking to the ah sheri bobby Sheriff Bobby who said that he called up his boys and said, I got a couple of guys are going to help you out. He says the girl you talked to said that there is some shit going on at the scare house and that there's a devil attacking and kidnapping people. What do you do? Do you go to church? Yes. I go in over to there from where I was. You go over to there and you find it because it's really easy to find. Well, they got a giant tea up there like all the other ones. Yeah, it's tea for church. You for yep you go in the in the church and um you ah you see that like for the most part, it's pretty empty. It's like ah just a random afternoon.
Um, well, I wouldn't say it's a random athlete. It's probably getting close to noon. Um, and, uh, when you head in there, you see that standing up, talking to, um, the priest. ah Inside you see two guys you see like two tall dudes probably like six foot three six four One of them has like kind of like mid-length long hair a little bit more of like a feminine looking face um He's wearing kind of like a flannel shirt and like it's tucked into his pants And then you see that there's another guy he's wearing a green like army looking jacket. He's got like short dark hair um And he turns his head over to you and he goes Sammy look I think that's the guy
And then the one that he calls Sammy goes, OK, let's go talk to the guy, I suppose. um And they they approach you. What do you do? Howdy, fellers, you friends of the deputy? Yeah, this is Sammy. I'm Dean. Hey, hey, feller. How's you two doing? and Did you just mute yourself halfway through, partner? Sorry, I've been breathing a lot of dynamite dust lately and I keep having to clear my throat. I don't want the folks at home to have to hear it. I understand. I'm D. Edit that out bit out out. Say, hey fellers, ah you find anything interesting while you've been out there doing the work for the deputy? Yeah, we found that there's a demon or a devil here and we're here to take it out, but we were told that you had a lead.
Yeah. I know where the demon is. That's great, Sammy. Yeah. Thank you. Dean. Yes. ah we are Me and the deputies over there talking to the the only victim that found was found alive and we were able to get her to calm down a little bit. And she told us ah that there is this scare house that was built up after this stuff happened, or I don't really understand the timeline, everything, but it seems like it's really not just people having fun and doing foolery. There might be something really going on in there. We got to go into that scare house and ah fight some demons, I guess. hi
Well, I'm all game. How about you, Sammy? Yeah, I can't wait to shoot a guy. I made a devil. And he goes, I'm going to lead the way, partner. Which way do we go? Which way is the scare house? I guess it's in the other end of town there, but I want to meet y'all here so we can get some, like, I don't know, holy water, some crucifixes and whatnot from this feller here. Maybe get him to bless us, something like that, because I ain't trying to, I'm telling you, fill it straight up. I fought a demon before and it sucked. Uh, pretty sure I almost died. I kind of like block a lot of it out. It was really horrific. I understand. Don't worry. We got it covered. Follow us. Um, all right. I yeah i was thinking to you fellers, uh, I had a ah great thought on like the, like 20 minutes took me to walk over here with some other things was going on. I thought, uh,
We get some empty bottles from, like, the bar or something, and we fill them up with holy water. If this fellow's gonna oblige us with some extra holy water, we can make some holy grenades, throw them at these demons and stuff. Oh. You read my mind. What's your name, mister? Cutter. I'm like, I'm sorry. All this craziness, I don't have anything about it. I mean, my name's Cutter O'Toole. Nice to meet you, Dean, Sammy. Yeah. We gotta get ourselves kitted out so we can go up against these things. Sammy, let's show this guy what we've got on the Impala. Yeah, you're gonna love the Impala. um
all right and your horse It's the name of our we of our wagon. oh cool and um they take you out and there's like a big antelope painted on the side of like a black wagon um and and there's like a couple of black horses that are pulling that they had to pull the wagon and they like pull a couple of trunks out of the back of the of their Impala and they open it up and they got like shotguns sawed off shotguns which is crazy ah they've got like a bunch of tees that are like like the what the church has on top of it
Um, they have like second clear bottles that have like gold liquid floating in them and stuff like that. And Dean goes, these are the holy hand grenades. No demon can stand up to these. Um, so he fellas do this like all the time or somewhere. What the hell is this? I'm Dean. Yeah. He knows Dean. He asked you a question. yeah Thank you. yes Yeah. We hunt, we hunt supernatural creatures. Um, all right. So these little, these bottles of yellow liquid here, I think we'll have been sure to shake it around. This is, this is like a holy water grenade or something. Yeah. yeah made It's made with the piss of a priest. Oh, I'm going to sit down right back down. That's the other way to truly make a holy hand grenade. Uh, you guys are professionals and you can handle them there. Um, well, give me one of them, uh, them crucifixes are i going to wear that sucker.
Yeah, wear it wear it around your neck. Keep one on your ass pocket, too, because they'll go for your ass. Oh, Jesus, I grabbed one and stuck it something in the back pocket. Exactly. Jesus, keep it with your ass out. I do the cross on my body. I'm sorry. Do the cross on your ass, too. The father, the son, the Holy Spirit right across your shoe. I'll do that in private before we go on. I don't want anybody to see me. I'll do it for you, mister. That's what I say. Hey, whoa. He's already like sprinkling holy water on your butt cheeks. The power of Christ, Christo! Thank you, thank you. ah Don't ever say that again though. What a lot of deep cuts for supernatural jokes. You fellas got like, I see a lot of cool stuff here. You got any like um little knives in the shape of a crucifix? I feel like that would do some damage if we had to stab some of these demons. You got anything like that in there?
but No, you could just sharpen the end of a crucifix and go a-stabbing. I feel like that would make um them upstairs mad at us. Maybe they wouldn't help us as much, you think? Oh, well, they hate us too, but we still use our powers for our own benefit. Dean had sex with an angel once. Sammy, I told you that in confidence. I'm hoping to do the demon in the scare house. um all Okay, I'm gonna go in here and just maybe ask this fella for some holy water and stuff, all right? Okay, if you're sure. I go to the church.

Bella's Determination

Okay, so you go back into the church after they show you their arsenal. They're carrying a couple of bags with them filled with stuff. um
You head back in to go talk to the priest. What do you say to the father? I say, excuse me, sir. ah My name is Cutter O'Toole. Can I ask you for some help or can I bother you for a moment? I sign what I need. ah Well, you see, I'm sure you know about the crazy things happening around here. Apparently, it seems to be there's some sort of ah unholy presence in the town. That's what they tell me. Yeah, I'm hoping to maybe go and see what's going on in that scare house there. And it's got me a bit scared that, you know, there's going to be a demon or a devilry in there. ah And I'm hoping to get some, maybe if you wouldn't mind giving me some holy water or something ah to kind of help keep me a little safe when I'm in there. You can fill my flask up if you want. It's all I really got to fill up with. There's some, the fellas out there, they've got a whole kind of stuff. Some of it looks pretty legitimate, but they're talking about, they got, they got,
I'm sorry to say this father got pissing bottles out there. Yeah a couple of them had me do a tinkle around back in there ah Oh, that's legit. That's a legitimate like sort of thing. I don't know they asked for it So I I've obliged them and I wanted to go to waste by tinkling on the ground ah Someone's gonna use my my urine. I mean all the power to him Okay. But you pretty sure I look, I look at, I look at like their little base and I'm like, holy, whatever he has. I'm like, that's, you know, that stuff you blessed this morning or whatever, right? Oh, I bless it every day. Okay. And that's, that's going to work. That's for sure. It's not like your piss is like a maybe, but like, that's going to work for sure. Sure. I've never fought a demon, but I mean, you're welcome to take some if you like. I got plenty. I mean, it's just don't tell anybody, but it's just water I take from the horse troughs and then bless it after.
I mean, nothing more natural than that, I suppose, nothing more pure than what we give to pure animals. Truly, the blood of Christ is... wine and horse saliva. So that's really what holy water is. Yeah. Um, yeah. Uh, yeah, I guess, let me, I'll go dig my flask near if you don't mind. Um, go for it. Blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub. You don't have to say blub, blub, blub. Sorry. It'll make that noise on its own. What do you did within the water? Oh, sorry. I'm new to this. i'm due to filling up flats with holy water. I don't know if it worked like normal liquid. Oh yeah, it's just water. Just I say a couple of prayers over top of it, like, please let the the bucks win this season. And then that's usually it. You're filling me with some great confidence here with what I've got. All right. If I ever have to come by and rip that tea off the front of the place here, ah that's the only way I knew how to kill a demon the last time. but i had my
I had a lady with me with a giant robot arm that she did that with, but... Oh, yeah, I've seen one of those. A robot arm? Oh, yeah. That was crazy. I'd never seen anything like it in my life. but They told me, they said, they said, don't tell anybody you saw us. But I mean, I'm a man of the cloth. I can't lie. but should They bring that one lady into town, came into town, all all she's all discombobulated to know where she was. Don't know, just know they stopped by for a beer and they mix up the place. I said that the buyers are across the street there. So they went over to the saloon and that was it. But they said, you didn't see us. And I said, I mean, I did, but no one's going to come asking me if I seem to grow with a robot heart. Well, here I was. Uh, there's a, how long is that they leave town already? Yeah, about a little over a day, ah maybe under a day ago, roughly.
All right. Well, um, thank you for this water. Um, thank you for your kind of way. Would you mind passing a a bucks blessing on me too while you're you're at it? Yes, of course, son. And if he dips his whole hand in the holy water, brings it out and just like face palms you as like, you feel like his clammy hand and like the holy water running down your cheeks. yeah And he says, bless this handsome young boy for I believe he deserves to have his team win. And to have all the sex I'm not allowed to have. And a father, they would have fathered a son and a Holy Ghost. Amen. Or women if that's what you're into. Amen. Go forth my son and slay that demon. Thanks father. Now I used to hear, all right, see you later. Okie dokie, bye. I go back outside.
All right. As you go back outside and you meet up with Sam and Dean and you're getting your gear ready to walk over towards the scare house, we cut to ah an image of. Bella rocking a sick pair of goggles and a cool ass helmet, riding up on a rocking horse, a rocking horse motorcycle scooter, pulling up just maybe about a hundred yards outside of the town as she looks in through the entrance with a glare in her eyes as she sees Cutter and Sam and Dean walking towards the fight with a presume.
is a demon. And as the camera cuts to Bella, she says something really fucking cool, which is what's about to be spoken right now. So she's going to pat the rocking horse scooter and she's going to be and just going to go. As you know, she's like slowing down the engine. And she goes, nothing's going to hurt my baby. I will take them all out if I have to.
oh does it look good already
Does it look good already?