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Episode 019 - Calm Before the Storm image

Episode 019 - Calm Before the Storm

S1 E19 ยท Just Shillin'
48 Plays9 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about a bunch of different stuff including more of Shawn's NYC/Maine adventures, Andy's watching habits, visiting the US-delegation of the Scruffies, Andy's prep for a busy weekend, and so much more.

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

No chapters this time. I'm still on vacation.


Introductions and Catching Up

Hello and welcome to episode number 19 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts in the super, super humid damp swamp state of Maine, Sean Hoffman. And I'm your other host talking to you from his shed, Andy Bell. Hey, you know, we can't both be degenerates. So we need to have some stability in this relationship. Exactly. How are you, buddy? I missed you.
Oh, man, it feels like it has been a month and a half since we spoke, and I think it's been like four days. Oh, man, it's been wild.

New York City Adventures

I am. Last time we spoke, I was last time we spoke like this. I was in New York City podcasting from a hotel room. Now I am in I am back in Maine.
podcasting from an antique sewing table. It is very humid outside. I am not used to this. Tahoe usually has a humidity around 0%. And so we're suffering a little bit. It is hot. But other than that, man, it's been wild. Since we last spoke, we're in New York City for a wedding. It was my first time to New York City. I've never been for some
Like, it's been playing in trips, but for some reason or another, I've never been able to go. So like, it's just like, this is my first time in New York.
And we were there for a wedding, as you know. And so we were there for a handful of days. I think we flew in like Tuesday or Wednesday, and we flew out Sunday, or rode the train. And Tuesday or Wednesday, rode the train out Sunday. So over the course of this time, we were not in the wedding, but we're associated. We managed to go. They took care of us. The wedding party took care of us. We were able to go to a Broadway show. We saw a Broadway show called Hadestown.
It was super cool. Um, it's basically a, uh, a modern Greek retelling of, uh, a retelling of a Greek tale, but kind of themed around like new Orleans, uh, turn of the century in new Orleans. And that was pretty cool. They had like the band, a small band, but they like played on stage and it was all like, kind of like jazz, new Orleans themed music. It was pretty neat. Um, I think I enjoyed it even more because, you know,
Not to be a jerk, but we didn't pay for the tickets, so it was awesome. Winning. Yes, I should have saved that for the watch section, but this is gonna be a chaotic one for me, so it's all next to that. Don't worry, man. I'll jump into the rest

Quiet Times and Movie Reflections

of this in a minute. I don't wanna go down the travel. Dude, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm good, man, I'm good. It's been a really, really quiet week. I've been living...
the fun vicariously through your photos and your DMs over the last week or so. But here it's been really, really quiet. So Lucy and I are going to a festival next weekend, a three-day festival. So we're doing three full days. Nice. And it will break us. Without a doubt, it's going to break us. So weekend just gone. We took it very, very easy. Managed to get out in the garden now that the
The whole eye thing is really under control. So between the two of us, we absolutely caned the garden and got it in a fit state for summer on the Saturday of the weekend. Completely tired ourselves out. We're actually falling asleep at least by, well, at the very latest by nine o'clock on Saturday evening because our old bodies aren't used to it these days.
That was great, and it meant that Sunday and Monday, because it was a bank holiday here over in the UK on Monday, were relatively chilled, so we took it very easy. And quite frankly, admittedly, we could have done more, but we didn't want to and couldn't be bothered. So we took it very, very easy.
the previous Friday, on the Friday evening though, Buddy and I went to go and see Furiosa. I've heard great things. I'm excited to hear about it. I'm not going to say anything until you've seen it, and then I really want to talk to you about it because it was a good film. It was a really, really good film. I sat there thinking to myself all the way through the movie, is this better than the last one? How does it compare to the
the original trilogy as it were. And I was really, really enjoying it. And like I said, thought to myself, it was a really good movie until about four fifths of the way through the movie. And then something happened in my brain.
And it became the best movie I'd ever seen. A few things happened. You know what I mean? It was like all the way through the movie, it was like hitting all the right buttons for me and made an awful lot of sense. And it was like, yeah, this is really cool. I like that. I like that. And then towards the end, you know, towards the end of the movie, a few things, very, very basic things happened. And for some reason, it just kicked something off in my brain and it just
became amazing. I call that my, uh, I call that my giggle moment. It's like when I'm sitting in there watching a movie and all of a sudden you just kind of start giggling because you're just enjoying it and you have the realization like, Oh dude, I am, I am riding this ride. This is, this is awesome. And I can't, I can't explain it. I cannot explain it. There's not one single thing that happened that, that
created this fundamental mind shift. I can't explain it, but I walked away as the credits were rolling with my buddy and we both looked at each other and said,
Is it just me or was that friggin awesome? And it's friggin awesome, man. It's really, really well done. And hopefully, you know, this sets up a really solid future for the franchise going ahead. But we will put a pin in that and we will talk about it.
when your life has settled down a little bit. I think we're going to see it this week, I think. Okay, well great. So we're hoping we get it in. Great, great, great. So yeah, I mean, like I said, we spent Sunday and Monday being relatively lazy. Went over to my in-laws, went over to his mom and dad's place and cooked them an almighty barbecue because
It's just nice to do that for them. So we turned up with some food and made sure they were well fed because the weather was good. And then just sat and watched crap TV, crap films for the rest of the two days that we had left. And it was great. Like I said, taking it really, really easy because I think this weekend is going to kill me coming up. So we shall see.

Maine Culinary and Social Explorations

So mate, that's it. You have now got to jump in.
with both with both feet and tell us about the weekend. All right. So let me let me rewind a little bit. Well, first of all, I hope you don't die. Like I know you were hoping. I know you were hope you were you were wishing me well when I was texting you over the weekend. You're like you were you were feeling the same way. You didn't want me to die. Here I am. So, you know, I'm returning the favor. So let me let me rewind a little bit. I saved some things from the last the last pod because I was like, oh, we'll talk about Maine as a whole.
So the previous weekend, or previous whenever we came to Maine, we actually, you know, I get it, I get like the Jimmy and Ed food thing. Maine's got a lot of amazing food, like we're close to a town called Portland. There's lots of good little little joints, there's amazing seafood, lots of little like a little
breweries, pubs, things like that. So we did a foodie tour as like a belated Mother's Day gift for Madison's mom. And we walked around, we got to eat some fresh lobster rolls, some fresh clam chowder. We got to learn all about it. We got to go in a seafood market and she's showing, like the lady was showing us all this cool stuff. We got to have local beers. We got to, we had, what did we, oh yeah, the lobster roll was amazing.
And we got to do all sorts of all that whole thing. That was an amazing, amazing little foodie tour. I loved it. And we also got ice cream. I mean, you always got to have ice cream. Then, like, it's crazy. It's crazy to me. This is kind of a non food related thing. But it's so funny to me, you and I've talked about this a million times. And we talked about with friends about how like, for so long, like we felt like we were like in the in the background of like, yeah, of things and
For so long, I felt like Star Wars is deeply personal to me, but it's always been like my thing. Like it's like me, like people around me have always enjoyed, like they enjoy it, but like, I can't be like, what'd you think of season one of Ahsoka? And they'll be like, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
But like, it's just funny. But now that we've started this, I feel like I am meeting Star Wars people like true, like, true fans like left and right. So we have we happen to be visiting Madison's mom at her work for something. And I walk in the door and there's a guy wearing a Star Wars Celebration Chicago shirt.
And he's talking to her mom, and she's like, oh, this is a random customer. And I start talking to the guy. And we talked for 30 minutes. Madison and her mom got in the car, and we're pulling out of the parking lot. They're like, come on. And I'm like, oh, let's exchange information. And it's not just a fan, but it's not the fans that are the worst kind of fans that seem to be everywhere. It's a genuine, no, man, I'm here for the positive stuff.
Yes, let's go. And then there was another individual. We met at the wedding. The bride's stepsister was just kind of hanging out. And we got to talk in and mention something about May the 4th. And I'm like, I happen to verbalize. I'm like, oh, I got to keep my Star Wars crazy. And she's like, oh, you like Star Wars? Next thing you know, we're talking deep cut Star Wars for like an hour and a half at this wedding.
It's just amazing to me that I felt like I kept it in and kept it was my thing for so long. Yeah. And now in the last year, I feel like it's just exploded. And now everywhere I go, it's like, Hey, do you like Star Wars? You want to talk Star Wars? You want to like really talk Star Wars? Like, like, and not to like, what'd you do to the last Jedi kind of stuff? Yeah, but no, it's been that's been super, super cool. Um,
But yeah, back to Maine. Here we are. So I did that last weekend. And then I rode the train. We rode the train down to Boston and Boston to New York City for this wedding. We went to that. We stayed in Chelsea, the Chelsea area. Nice. So not too far from Times Square, things like that. Thursday night was kind of like they took us to this Broadway show. Then we did this stag night.
Uh, kind of thing. I don't know any of these people. So I'm going out with like 13 guys, um, that I've never met before. They take us to the Carnegie room, which is like this fancy cocktail cigar bar. I don't smoke cigars, but I'm in there hanging out, making friends. Um, not paying for anything who's super fun. Um, then we go to this jazz club. I'm not the biggest fan of jazz, but it was a vibe. Um,
me as kind of the party planner kind of person was like in my head being a little critical. It's like, Hey, that's kind of a weird second stop. Like you don't get people amped up. And they'd be like, Hey, now we're going to go to jazz club where you got to sit and like, be quiet and like, keep it contained. Don't be drunk. Don't be on your phones. No talking. So kind of like, you're kind of like sitting there just like vibrating in your chair a little bit. Like I'm ready. I'm ready. Like I don't know if I can I take pictures? Can I like, this is cool, but
Kind of a weird, weird setting. So then we, then we left there and we went to a piano bar where that is the older I get. I mean, I've always loved piano bars, but the older I get, the more I'm like, those are my jam. Like request a couple songs, get the party going. Like there, you got somebody who's feeling it or not. Like, but there you're just kind of like bouncing off the piano players, especially if it's a dueling piano bar. All that to say.
I got incredibly intoxicated. We were out till 4 a.m. I was wearing the bride's veil. I was eating New York pizza. Man, we were having a good ol' time.
I saw the photographs of the veil. You're going to make somebody a very happy wife one day. You really are. It didn't catch me. It looked fun. It looked fun. And it was that night in particular that that's the reason why I text you in the morning and said, hey, are you all right? And it's only from personal experience of not my
my own stag light, but also others that I've been involved with along the way. I thought to myself, oh, he's meeting all these guys for the first time. Oh, I hope he's okay. I hope he's okay. So I had to check in in the morning.
It hurt the next day when we got back to the room, the hotel room. I mean, I I do this thing where like, if I'm really drunk, I'll I'll like fake like blank on the bed, like I'll just fall on the bed and like lay there like I'm a plank like a board like, oh, but no, I actually passed out. And so I was just laying there on top of the bed the whole night, not in the covers. I think I woke up at noon the next day. Madison went into work at 8 a.m. like a good.
like a good kid, because her office, her home office is actually in New York. So she was going in that week. Oh, wow. I did not I did not do anything. But yeah, then we had we had some more wedding events throughout the week. And then we had the wedding Saturday, which was a whole different ballgame is an eight hour wedding. So we went to this like fancy restaurant, they
We did the ceremony, we got a appetite or DERVs and open bar cocktails. And then we had like a whole like pre fee menu of like appetizers, salads, entrees, desserts from the menu. And then they bring out cake and then they bring out cookies and then they bring out everything else. And they're like, all right, now it's now we're going to go walk somewhere. And then we got pizza. I'm like, we're full. We got New York pizza again. And then we walk, then they give us all these little sailor hats.
And then we go, they chartered this, this boat cruise that took us around the island and took us from the Statue of Liberty. And like, it was, it was pretty incredible. Um, and then, then they let us off on our own and then we went back and went to bed, uh, because we were still exhausted from two nights before. Um, but it was a really cool time.
First time to New York City probably should be the only time I've ever gone to New York City since I don't think it can be topped in any way. You certainly went above and beyond what most people do as their first visit to New York.
I don't know many people that go on a chartered boat. Plus taking a show, plus taking a jazz club, plus taking a piano bar, plus taking a cigar bar. You've done pretty well, my friend. That's well outside my tax bracket, so I'm feeling pretty lucky.
So then then now now the really exciting stuff happens. So we take the train back up Sunday. This is granted. This is like Sunday of Memorial Day weekend here. We have Monday, Monday bank holiday as well here. So it's a crazy weekend already. So we decided to not drive and take the train up because we were worried about making it back in time because our good friend, my good friend, your good friend, all of our good friend,
Uh, Jimmy dice from the scruffy looking podcasters invited Matt Jimmy, uh, invited Madison and I to his lovely home to meet his family. He invited Ed came down. Ed drove down to visit as well. So I got to spend the evening eating. Amazing lobster. Well, I got to learn cause like I've eaten lobster before, but I've never had somebody like pick one up and put it on my plate and be like, here you go. Go for it. Um,
In front of people, you know, normally it's like, oh, you know, I'll futz with it, but you're in Maine with people who made it. It's like, all right, it's time to like do this right. And so, you know, he went through it with Madison. I like, here's, here's the, here's the main way to eat this lobster I just made.
Um, then we had steamers. I've never had steamers before. And he, we went through that hole. Like he, he was cooking it in the driveway. The Jimmy dice. I got the Jimmy dice, like food extravaganza experience. We had corn on the cob. We had all sorts of other stuff. We had drinks. We were having a good old time. I huge, huge thank you to Ed and Jimmy and Jimmy, all of Jimmy's family. Uh, they were all so sweet, so gracious. They were all so nice.
uh just the coolest the coolest group of people we got to hang out in the in the in the jimmy dice layer see all this cool stuff we got to listen to this uh this gift i don't want to i don't want to spoil it for people but jimmy got a gift for his birthday because happy well first of all happy birthday jimmy and he did all this hungover from his birthday party the night before yeah um now that's that's that's even like more of a testament but no he got this cool he got this cool record that we're all listening to and it's
Super cool. I got to see his office. I didn't record anything because, you know. I did take a video recording of those two lists like standing in front of the player listening to it, but that's all I got. Is this the Star Trek record?
It is. It is. It is. It's not a secret. You haven't listened to the podcast yet, but they actually recorded about an hour or so before you turned up on Sunday. And they actually did a complete recording and he did actually mention some of his prezzies. Nice, nice. So you haven't given anything away. Don't worry. He's already done it.
All right. Perfect. Yeah. They, I, but I did get a video of those two standing in front of the record player, listening to it, vibing without their knowledge. I think I'd finally figured it out. Uh, but I was like, what are you filming? I'm like, I'm filming you guys listening to a record. Um, but no, super cool. It was, it was an amazing time. Super generous hosts. Um, yeah. Yeah. Highly recommended.
I highly recommend our listeners to listen to the latest episode of Scruffy Looking Podcasts because they do their traditional true or false
true or false predictions for the new series ahead, which of course we know starting next week will be the Acolyte.

Pop Culture Updates and Recommendations

So it's a good episode. It's quite a quick episode. They didn't go into as much detail because I think both Jimmy and Ed were what we say in the UK, hanging from the night before. Absolutely hanging from the night before. But it's a good yarn. It's a really, really good yarn.
I think they could have gotten it in under an hour, but I think somebody emailed some really lengthy word questions. Oh, Jesus. They weren't that long. In fact, I've nearly, very, very nearly conducted a word count between my email and Turbo's. For some reason, Turbo's wasn't questioned one bit, but mine was. I thought they were perfectly sound. Chris is the one with the problem because he can't
I think I take that up with Chris. I think I take that up with Chris, because clearly, because I because I did listen to the episode, but I got so hung up on the true and false stuff that I think I forgot all the previous things. But yeah, it sounds like Chris has got a problem with kind of with you specifically. Yeah. So you may have to take that up with him. Yeah, no. There's no change there. You know, like it's fine. It's fine. I just tend to roll my eyes and ignore it. So we're all good. We're all good.
But yeah, no, it's a good episode though. I do recommend it. I do, do recommend it. So that was Sunday and we're now Tuesday. What have you done the last 2448 then? So for Memorial Day, we went to a place called Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where we got to go tour an old World War II submarine. We also walked around an old like 1700s
La Port Town that's been restored and they're in the actively restoring it. We walk on there a lot. Then we went and ate some oysters. We had some. I had some baked halibut. Had some clam chowder. Then we, you know.
had a couple of drinks came back. And today, you know, I've just been it was very cool and like kind of like see misty yesterday. Very cool. So very nice. And then that's all gone. And now it's just hot. It's hot again. And so today has been mostly working and hanging out, preparing, mentally preparing for this and then preparing to to take off tomorrow to go to Indiana.
for my niece's graduation and other things. You are stacking a lot of things in. I am in awe and I'm very envious of you experiencing so much, but I must admit, I've got some time out. I just want to sit on a beach doing nothing but read a book. But yes, I am very much in awe and admire both of you for what you're squeezing in.
Have you? It was. Go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, sorry. No, no, no, no, no. Keep going. Keep going. Well, I think it kind of leads into that. It's like I will say when it comes to Furiosa. I mean, I heard all you guys talking about it. Yeah. And like how cool how cool it was. But also being in New York and seeing the giant screen billboards. Sure. Just like the multi billboards. It's all dedicated to Furiosa. It's like that's pretty sick. I kind of I'm excited to see it. That looks awesome.
Well, I hope if you do get a chance to see it this week, that will be sick because, oh man, I would love to talk to you about it next week. And I know we've got an awful lot to talk about next week for obvious reasons, which we'll talk about in a second, but good God, it's such a good film.
We'll just split it up. We'll have to, we'll have to do a Furiosa Saturday or something episode. We'll just do a short one beforehand. Or just, just, just, just keep going. Really annoy Chris, really do a Chris and do four hours or something. You know, in fact, invite him on as a guest as well. So he can, he can sit through it. That will really, really grind his gears. But in your travels, have you picked up on any of the news that's been going on this week?
trying to think, I can't be thinking about public. You are allowed to say no, you've done a lot. You have done a lot. I feel like there's something I was going to talk about, but like, you just hit me, hit me with what you got and I'll see if I've heard it or not. So all I saw was the first look at Liam Hemsworth as
Gerald in The Witcher, season four. It was a sneaky, sneaky, really, really sneaky teaser trailer, which basically focuses on his back. And then at the last minute, he does that kind of blue steel kind of turnaround and you see his face. So you see him kitted up as Gerald, which is great.
and somewhat bittersweet because I know there's an awful lot of people which is, oh, that's not my Gerald. It should have been Henry. It should have been Henry. Yada, yada, yada. But give the guy a bloody chance. And I think that Netflix have really shot themselves in the foot by saying,
Um, Chris, uh, Liam is going to do seasons four and five and then that's it. It's like, well, why do you limit yourself? Why do you already provide that information? Why, why do you, why do you, why do we need to know that you've like kind of already. You've already kind of somewhat hampered him anyway, by saying it's, he's only here for two seasons, but anyway.
Um, it looks good and it's great. I'll give the guy a chance. He's a fine actor. He's okay. You know, cause he comes from good stock. So, um, should be quite a laugh. I don't take that kind of stuff seriously. So it should be good. I think that was a, that was the thing that I kind of feel about it. Like I never played the games, but I really, I really enjoyed the show and I feel like all of the news around it, like.
really did kind of shoot it in the foot. Like I think the thing you're talking about where it's like, Oh, he's only on for the next two seasons. And it's like, you act like you act like there's never contract renegotiations, or like people change their minds. Like, why would you say that? And to like, I think all the stuff around like, I loved Henry Cavill as it, but it's like, you almost can't help but feel like you're excited. But also like, well, is it gonna suck since they're, you know, deviating from the
the traditional canon, whatever the whole issue was. It's like, I'm still going to watch it, but it's like, you can't help but have that feeling. Of course we are. And I really enjoy the story. And yes, it deviated massively in the second and third series from the original novels that I understand. I played the game, I must admit. I find an awful lot of the game unrelatable to the TV series anyway, which is meant to be following the book. So whatever. But the point being is that, you know,
One thing that's brought you and I together this last few months or so has been Shogun. Shogun was originally only meant to be a one and done series. They said themselves, it's a one and done series. Sorry, one season, the series is done. Because of the response they got, they're doing seasons two and three. Hurrah for that. Anyway, we shall see. Did you watch Squid Game the first time round? That's been confirmed for December. So Squid Game season two is coming out.
I have not, surprisingly enough. I feel like that's one of those things where it got so big, and I don't remember what I was doing at the time, that it got to the point where it's like, I don't know what the big deal is with Squid Game, and now I'm kind of to the point where I'm too afraid to ask. Now that they're kind of doing more, I feel like I need to go back and watch it.
It's at the time it was unique at the time. It was kind of like a you know, it was The premise of the whole thing was kind of like well, it's just an adult version of Hunger Games No, it's not it's actually a little bit more severe than that in that people die a lot for everyone dies apart from one and
It, without the drama, it's, um, it's, it's, it's good. So I'm looking forward to that. As I said, coming out in December, then the only other thing I picked up on, and I'm sure there's a whole stack of stuff that, um, that, uh, I missed. And that is that, sorry, I just reminded, I just reminded myself, don't let me forget that we do have a correction for this week as well from our buddy Chris.
other Chris. Not Chris. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Danny changed the world. It's a biopic of George Floyd. It's in development with his daughter as executive producer. I thought that was interesting. And that's got the green light to go ahead. So that's, that's, that's, I don't know, I have no idea beyond that, apart from the fact that his daughter is the exec producer, which is awesome. I think it's a story that needs to be told. And the fact that that's in development, I think is great. The correction
the correction that I have from last week was, um, when we're talking about Marvel in particular, we're talking about Spider-Man four and who the, who the, who the villain was going to be. And we kind of came to the conclusion. It wouldn't have, it wasn't going to be craving the hunter because that was a standalone film. Oh yeah. I messed that whole conversation up. I took this down a rabbit hole. I didn't, I hadn't, I, I kind of,
didn't know who was producing it. I kind of thought it was in the Venomverse and then I looked at the poster while we were talking because I had everything shut down and it said Marvel in the bottom left hand corner. Of course, I assumed, oh, it must be part of the MCU. No, it's not. And our buddy Chris in the UK put us straight and said, actually, it is part of the Venomverse, which
Could be good actually, because there are some, there are some, you know, some, some, some diamonds in that rough, um, from Sony and that could actually, and Venom is one of them in my humble opinion. And so that could be quite a good one. Um, we shall see, we shall see. Anyway. And so to clarify, just to clarify, the Craven movie is in the Venom verse.
Yeah, so it's Spider-Man 4 is not the Craven movie and not Craven related, but it is number four of the Tom Holland trilogy now plus one. Yes. OK, just making sure I was I think. I don't know, buddy, I'm trying to do right by this, but I can't.
We are professional. We are. Something. I'm guessing that. Have you have you been able to watch, listen or or read anything in the last week? I've I've watched, I've listened to the the true or false predictions on the on the scruffy looking podcasters.
where I heard your, your email submissions. And that's how I knew that you had been criticized for the length of your emails. Yeah. But in your opinion, you actually thought they were actually quite quality ideas. You thought, you know, you were, I mean, have you got my back? Good ideas. I don't think anybody's criticized your ideas.

Media Consumption and Viewing Choices

I think the length, the length, I will say like, I think they were okay. So I helped them. I may help. I may have helped them publish the true or false predictions on their website. And so when I got to yours, I maybe shortened them a little bit. But that is but that is all. But I think they are good.
Suggestions or kidding, but I'm kidding dude as you probably as you probably guessed I ran out of ideas anyway halfway through I Made the joke with Jimmy and Ed. Well, I was there. I said I think I think he's getting too comfortable. I think he's getting Excellent Excellent, but other than that, what else have I done? What else if I watch you're listening to? That looks really good on the website
That looks really, really good. Thanks, mate. I know I've read something. I have watched a couple more episodes of Chantorum. Still no overarching thoughts, because I think I'll have to wait till I'm done to see what I think of it, because it could end a lot of different ways. Yeah. There's that. I think that's...
For right now, if I think of something later, I'll just tack it on the next week. I think that's pretty much, and I've also had other pods, other reference pods, things like that, but I think that's probably, that's probably all I've done. What about you? What have you been?
So I have had a lot of time in the horizontal position over the weekend, so I have caught up with quite a lot. Believe it or not, on Saturday evening, I'll start from the... I'll knock off what I've watched first. I finished Battlestar Galactica reboot.
Nice. I finished. And that's a, that's a meaty, meaty series. Sorry. Very, very meaty series. So I now need a new background or cooking series. I'm debating whether it should be lost or
Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. But the problem I've got with Better Call Saul is I never ever got beyond season three. So if I was to watch it again, I'd need to kind of... It shouldn't be background. It needs to be something I focus on so I understand the context and what's going on. But yeah, finished Galactica reboot.
And in doing so, as you know, I listened to the Sakoff show at the moment. It seems to be one of those pods that I find quite lighthearted and makes me smile. There's a Battlestar Galactica sequel series supposedly in development at the moment. So there is a sequel to the reboot coming out. I don't think it features any of the original
the original cast, so Katie hasn't been asked to come back and the dude, the British dude that played Apollo and all the rest, all the other guys as well, being developed by Peacock with Sam Esmail, the showrunner.
I think I've pronounced his name right. And Sam Esmail is the guy that did Mr. Robot, which was a series I loved. I love Mr. Robot. I don't know if you ever saw that. Mm hmm. I did. With Rami Medic. Yeah. That actually might become my new background cooking. Sorry, my new cooking. Series to have on in the background while I'm cooking. That's an intense cooking show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's there's a lot of
There's a lot of pregnant pauses and meaningful looks in that show, so I might be all right. Anyway, that was good to find out as I was finishing that. Finished, or sorry, didn't finish because it was a one-off. Woke up on, I don't know, it must have been Friday or Saturday morning, and typically,
I stick the news on. I go downstairs, sort the animals out, feed the dogs, feed the cat, go back upstairs with two cups of tea, and we'll sit in bed for a while before the day starts. Typically, we watch the morning news.
And it was this, the BBC news show, The Breakfast News Show, was doing a feature on a documentary that was coming out yesterday, I think it was, if not the day before.

Cultural Insights and Film Reviews

And basically, it was a story about how curators at the British Museum, which is one of the largest museums containing
pretty much a lot of the world's pilfered goods or artifacts that really should be returned to the original country that the Brits stole them from.
Yeah, exactly. But one of the curators there has been stealing from them for many, many years and just nicking little bits of antiquities like gems or coins or whatever it is and selling them on eBay. And the story goes that this very, very, very highly esteemed doctor, I mean, amazingly
amazingly intelligent, clearly extremely eccentric, do you know what I mean? But knows his shit, has a photographic memory and he got into, as his hobby, he was buying, he's buying his own collection to keep at home and he's seeing all this stuff made available on eBay
And his memory is so good that he knows every single imperfection of something he's seen before. And so he's seen these coins and these jewels and these sapphires and stones and chip that was on eBay, and he recognized it as being part of the British Museum collection.
He approaches the British Museum and the British Museum said, no, no, no, don't talk. I mean, you're talking crazy. I mean, the guy is extremely eccentric. And so unfortunately.
Um, they read that book by its cover and made assumptions about him, uh, which were completely, completely, um, wrong. The guy was clever and two or three years later, um, the British museum found out they had a leak of stock and stuff was missing because they're cataloging process was so bad. They couldn't A admit to it or B identify what actually what had gone missing.
Anyway, it's a documentary. It's a very, very short documentary, 30 to 40 minutes. It's on the BBC iPlayer, if anyone can get it. It's actually quite funny because I just find it funny because I like the idea of this kind of behaviour going on in what should be
the highest of British institutions. And I love the exposure of the bureaucracy and pomp and bullshit that is my nation from every now and again. So I found that quite funny. Especially since I've seen those documentaries or whatever, like news that coverage things, where they talk about how some of these countries want their shit back. And one of the biggest arguments that they lean on is like,
I'm paraphrasing is like, well, you can't take care of it. So we're, we're taking care of it for you until, you know, you have the proper things. It's like, Oh, this is like a, this popping that balloon really hard. It's like, you don't know what you don't even know what you have.
If you come, yeah, exactly, but if you come to the British Museum, when you come to the UK with Madison, I'll take you to the British Museum because it's really, really, I mean, A, it's an amazing, amazing collection they've got there, but because of the contention around the whole thing, you'll see labels all the way around, on loan, on loan, on loan, or something along those lines. There's a specific logo and text
on those exhibition pieces that you know have been taken from other countries. But there's loads of them, mate. I mean, there's loads of them and there's an awful lot of...
ancient Greek and ancient Roman stuff that really should be repatriated. Uh, it really, really should be. Um, because it's, um, it's, it's not for us to display in a, in the British museum. The British museum should be about Britain. It's, um, anyway, don't get me on this one. It's a vote. It's a, it's a, it's an election year. So, uh, don't get me started, mate. Um, but we will be voting for change. I can tell you that anyway. Um, what else is finished? Um,
Sorry, the other thing I saw this weekend, and I'm going to be really positive about it, was Atlas, which was the new J-Lo film on Netflix. It is a sci-fi, so being me, I immediately thought, oh, I watched that.
when Lucy's out with a dog or doing something. It's another one of those that looks amazing. It looks absolutely amazing. So if you like your pew pews, you like your spaceships and you like your lasers and such like, it's a recommendation.
It's somewhat challenged in other areas, but I don't want to labour that at all because that's not what we're about. It's a story about rogue AI, so it automatically, especially the beginning, automatically has
immediate links to the creator in particular, the creator because of the way it starts off with past, um, new snippets and, um, and, and, and, and, and the evolution of the AI and what they became and how useful they were for the man and so on and so forth. And then it gets extremely, I mean, unlike AI, where you had that very beautiful, um,
but very obvious design of the humanoid AI physics. These are very, very terminator-esque in that they pretty much 100% mimic humans. And then on top of that, you've got this
uh, star force or this, this, this, this, um, Alliance of, of, of countries that have come together to defeat the AI. Um, and the, I would say that the, the, the look and the feel at certain points are very mass effect. Um, there are very, a lot of, um, there are a lot of,
borrowing, there's a lot of borrowing from aliens, for example. So J.Lo finds herself surrounded by a bunch of hard ass Marines that are going to take on the AI and it's very, and needless to say, it doesn't take a genius to work out what happens to them. So it's very, it's very, very, um,
It's very, very much like Aliens in that respect in that the person that is concerned about the AI is reassured by these tough hombres, don't worry little lady, we'll look after you, that kind of, and then the whole world goes to ship. There is a lot of lending from Titanfall to the whole premise of the story. If you are not giving anything away, it's in the trailer.
is that she's driving an exoskeleton which has its own intelligence, so it's very much like looks and feels, very much like Titanfall. And then she builds reluctantly this relationship with this armature, not armature, what do they call it?
with this body suit, this mech that she's getting to drive, she builds a relationship. And I got some very, very clear flight of the navigator type of vibes with that as well. So it lends itself to an awful lot. So there's an awful lot of people saying, it's not original, it's borrowing from everything.
But bearing in mind what I've mentioned are pretty good properties, pretty decent properties. It's worth the watch if you've got nothing to do on a rainy day. Nice. Speaking of AI, have you been enjoying the absolute chaos that has been the recent Google searches now that they've like been pumping the Reddit data into it?

Tech Talk and Critiques

Like, have you seen any of that? Oh, it is. Like, you need to search at some point for like Google A.I. and like they started putting like Reddit data in there. So now like they're like little A.I. search responses are being like talking about like cockroaches and in your testicles or some users, some users recommend jumping off a bridge, yada, yada, yada. And like it's all this other just absolutely insane.
like partially good and then just random garbage just mixed in. It's it's a complete mess. It's hilarious. It's so fun. And was that was that just a QC problem, therefore? It hasn't it hasn't been. It hasn't taken me to act in any way.
No, it's just part of I think there's been a recent thing where they've started paying Reddit a ton of money for their information and trying to use that as kind of like, like Stack Overflow and some of these other things where they're, you know, they want to populate AI with, you know, with lots of different sources. And I think it's just the parameters maybe aren't the best, because it has just been leaking garbage. I was gonna say there's no governance around Reddit at all. You can find any shit there.
Oh, it's hilarious. You should go down the rabbit hole of like messed up Google AI responses. It's been a hot thing. That's something I have heard about in the last couple of days. And it's very funny. I guess I should talk a little bit about Hadestown since I watched that, but I can wait till you're... Yeah, the only other thing is I'm still watching Dark Matter and we're still watching Scrubs when the girls are out. Dark Matter, I've got to say, dude,
I was going to ask about that. What are you thinking? I am really, really enjoying it. But good God, I'm on Team Madison now. I can't stand the fact that I wait every week. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am. So unlike something like Shogun, which is something that we watch together that we could talk about, speculate about other folk,
on the Discord or that I speak to face-to-face like the scruffy boys, we can engage on it. But because I'm watching Dark Master on my own at the moment, I can't really engage with anyone about it. And so therefore, I kind of want to get it done now. It is good though. It is really, really good. Like, I mean, the premise is exactly what I said. And it's getting more and more apparent that I'm essentially the scientist dude.
Invented a formula and a process whereby he can travel the multiverse. It's that simple. Yeah, I saw that I saw the preview for it like the the trailer had me intrigued I mean they do call it the multiverse which is a bit
jarring a little bit because I thought that was kind of a Marvelism, but it only caught me off guard for a few seconds to say. It's really, really good, man. I really, really enjoy it. It's something a little bit different. And I would say it's a lot more intriguing and exciting than the last one I saw, which was Constellation.
despite it being a really good similar kind of plot in that this is where realities collide, it doesn't mean as much thinking. It's smart, it's intelligent, but it doesn't mean as much thinking or concentration. And so for that, both of us are really enjoying it.
And then the only other thing is, um, race across the world. Um, again, I wouldn't normally make a big thing out of it. It's only because they're in Asia Pacific and the finale is tomorrow. They're looking forward to seeing that. Um, that will conclude yet another series that Lucy and I need to, um, uh, make up with something else. Uh, listen to, um, I think I've mentioned them before, Jamie Benning and the, uh, the film we meant to podcast, the guy that.
Recommend it, mate. So thumbs up for belly.
we saw at Celebration last year that interviewed a lot of the behind the scene guys and the VFX guys from YLM.
um, that worked on Andor. He's got his own, he's got his own podcast, the Filmumentaries podcast and his latest podcast, but one, he's just released a new one today, but his last one was, um, interviewing the VFX artists for Masters of the Air. Sorry, Masters of the Air. Um, and it was really interesting and I thought I'd call that out because obviously of your
your appreciation for the show. And what I really liked about what they're doing was that is trying to do everything on a budget and trying to make it look epic, but also trying to make it feel like it was the same family as the Pacific and of course Band of Brothers. It's a really, really good episode, episode 102 of the Film and Mentories podcast. And that has been it for the week. So I have a quick, funny story. Speaking of Masters of the Air, so in New York,
After after we saw Hadestown we did the guys went and did their thing and but the the the ladies they I Was actually extremely jealous when I found out what they were gonna go do they had a
Uh, they went to like some Rumbar first, which that's awesome already. They went to, they had tickets to the comedy seller, like the comedy seller in New York city, like all, all the big acts play. And like, they saw like David tell and a bunch of other, like really well known comics. And like, it was, and Madison's like, yeah, I thought it was neat. I'm like, you thought it was neat. Like it's the comedy. Like, Oh my gosh. Like that's like a dream of mine. Um,
funny story is, is apparently like, like, near the end of the night or whatever, the the the waitstaff had came up and like, we're talking to their group and they're like, Okay, we have a bet. Do you guys have any idea who you were sitting next to? And they're like, No, no, they're like,
They're like, oh, then they all start like all the way stuff like starts laughing and like, yeah, oh, I win, I win, you whatever, whatever. And they're like, well, who was it? They're like, you were sitting next to Austin Butler, like right now. No way. And Madison's just like, what, are you kidding me? Well, because Madison's Madison's from Memphis, so she and she loves Elvis. So she loved the Elvis movie. She loved I mean, she she would have like made a scene if she would have known Austin Butler was sitting right next to her at the Comedy Center.
Um, but apparently what they do, because we, we told one of our friends, we met up with a friend later, like apparently what they do at places like that, they'll send in like, uh, two people to sit in some seats that aren't famous, like, uh, like placeholder people. But then like when the lights go down right before it starts, those people will leave. And then the actual like celebrities or whoever there will go sit down.
Yeah, like in that spot. And like they just couldn't see him because it was so dark. And then they they left like before the lights came back up again. But apparently he was sitting right next to him. And that whole party of people were very upset with themselves that they didn't know who it was or that they didn't know. But it's probably a good thing, though, because they would I can tell you now, Madison would have made an absolute scene if she would have known Austin Butler was there. I would have it would. Yeah, same. I would have been like,
Can I touch your arm? He's a good looking guy. I would have made a complete mess of myself. Wow, that's amazing. So tell me about the show. How was the show? Okay, so just as a little preface, I would say I'm not...
well versed in like stage performances. So you're not going to get a pro, a professional critique for me, but I'll tell you, I'll tell you what I got from it. You know, so I kind of I kind of mentioned the premise before. It's it's a modern retelling of I'm going to butcher the name of like the Greek tale of like Orpheus and you're you're a Ulysses.
Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Ulysses. No, it's yeah. E-U-R-Y-D-I-C-E. How do you pronounce that? I have no idea. Ulysses. Sure. Got it. I don't know Ulysses.
It's Orpheus and her, that name. Got it. So it's a modern tell them. It's kind of like a love. It's a it's a tragedy. It's a love story. I mean, they tell you this is like the opening line. So I'm not, you know, it's not a spoiler. But it's it's really cool how it's like I love those things where they take like a modern retelling of like Romeo and Juliet. I like I love those kind of things. So that's kind of neat. It's it's not with a big orchestra. It's like maybe
Six, like six piece, it's like a drums, trombone, violin, cello, guitar, and stand up bass. Yeah, so I think it's six, but they're on the stage like looking like they're from New Orleans, but they're all just kind of there like in the scene. Very small, like very small kind of stage crew. It's a really fun, the music's really good.
I think some people advertise like, oh, it's like jazz themed. It's like, it's not jazz. It's New Orleans kind of music. But my only like, I would see it. I would recommend it. I think my issue with it is it seems like it's kind of.
diluted a little bit like I felt like it's because it seems to be getting a lot of accolades and things but there are pieces of the story where it's like they're trying they come close to saying something like they're trying to make like a statement like of how enticed to like modern times and in modern struggles or uh on the nose comments but they never really like they'll kind of like get close
but they want to be, want to have awards and win things. So they don't really say it. Like they don't lean in and be like, like they have a song that's called like, like build the wall, but they don't. And it's like, and it's kind of like, if you listen to it, they repeat it a lot. It's like, yeah, okay. I get it. But then they don't really go further than that. It's,
It's like, Ooh, we're kind of, we're kind of making statements, but we're not really. So we don't want to be too controversial. I think that was my, my only real, like major issue takeaway of like, just say it, just go for it. Like, yeah, let's take the hammer and just hit people on the head. So that way people in the crowd are just like, this is, this is what it's saying. And that's, then that's the problem. And that's what causes all these issues. Uh, but there, but it was really just kind of like.
It didn't know what it wanted to be. Did it want to stick too close to the tail? Or did it want to make a statement? And did it want to make these six statements that it's kind of saying or none at all? But if you just go in and watch it, it's enjoyable. I enjoyed the music. I enjoyed the play. It's got a really cool set design. It's really entertaining. But as a whole,
Like, is it, is it this like life changing thing? No, because it doesn't, it's kind of wishy washy with what it says. It's like, yeah. Well, it's an old, it's an old, um, I'm looking it up now as we speak, and I still can't work out how to pronounce that. Is it you ready? I'm going to, I'd have to look it up. Cause like when I heard it, I'm like, Oh, that makes sense. But now I'm like, I have no idea. I forgot it already.
But I mean, it's a it's a. Yeah, you're right. It's a classic tale. So I guess there's not an awful lot you can do with it anyway, apart from. Are you ready to see? That's how you really see. You really see. There you go. According to Google, but you never know their AI could be. Yeah, I was going to say, don't wait up. Trust that stuff. But it was enjoyable. No. And it's not over yet, right? You've still you've still got what, three to three or four days? Of.
Of what? Of the trip. Oh, no, we're on. Dude, we're on this trip for a while. Like I got to go to Indiana. And for this for this graduation this week and then like a week later, it's like the open house. And then Madison's got to fly to New York for some work stuff. Well, I'm going to stay there because I have the cats and we're going to fly back. And then my my mom and my nephew are coming out to visit right after. And it's like this is just never stops. It's just welcome to summertime. Wow.
Wow. I don't think I've ever been away from home that long. It's been quite common, like the last couple of years. Apart from when Lucy and I were kids and we did traveling, you know, we did what most students do when they graduate. We did the whole traveling thing. But yeah, no, I don't think I've ever spent
that time away, kind of time away from home. It's yeah, again, I'm in awe. I'm in awe. Well, I mean, that's that's why we brought the cats is because it's like, yeah, we could board them. But one, it's going to be astronomical prices to board them for a month. And plus, you feel bad. It's like, oh, we'll just bring them and then they could stay with her mom and they'll come with us to Indiana. And it's like, it's better. It's cheaper. It's I mean, it's flying on the cat or flying on the plane with a cat, which they're pretty chill. But it's still I mean, you lose a carry on, but
I don't know, it's better than figuring all that out later. So, dude, we've got a week to wait now. I think it's a week today, isn't it? It's coming out on Tuesday. For you guys, it'll be Wednesday morning, I think 1 a.m. for us. The acolyte? Yeah, I will not be coming. I will not be waking up that time of the morning to watch it.
Yeah, you're going to be, you're pretty much going to be watching the first two, three or four episodes on the road. Fair play. Fair play. Yeah. Yeah. Good times. I was hoping there'd be like one of those big screen showings like it's up wherever I was going to be, but I don't think that's going to happen.
I'm I'm I'm in awe of these guys that are on in our distort channel on X at the moment. Tonight, tonight going to the the premier in the UK, which is it's like good fun. I mean, it's a lot. That's why that that's why that's a norm. People get to go see it this early. It's like I'm just not going to get on social media like I'm not. It was it wasn't filmed over here, was it? Unlike I know I know and or was, but
It was. That's a good question. I don't think I've heard anything about where it was filmed. I don't know. I don't know. I can't find anything. I'm not going to be. Ask Google, I. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Best been bullet bulletive. Google, I says it was filmed at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Oh, my goodness. That can't be right, surely.
Well, they're filming near Mirtha Tilb, or they were filming near Mirtha Tilbville, which is in Wales. And a place called Trago Mills. And Trago Mills is a
a department store in the very, very, a very limited department store in that it's not a chain, but it's based in the South West of the UK, very, very close to where I was born and brought up in a place in a county called Cornwall. But they've been filming down there. Very strange. I'm trying to think, oh, it was just outside there. Okay, so they're filming just outside this
huge department store. I'm trying to think of an equivalent, equivalent of a little bit of Macy's, a little bit of Trader Joe's, a little bit of pretty much everything thrown into a store. And it was built
set up in the in the 60s if not 70s because there were no such things as department stores where I where I was born and brought up because it was really in the remote the remote part of the UK it's a weird place to be filming and I can't believe I'm spending so much time looking at this but anyway no that's interesting
So yeah, that might be the reason why they're making such a big thing out of it in the UK, because it looks like some of the filming's happened over here again, which is cool. And it gives us more places to go and visit when you come over. All good. But yeah, dude, we'll talk again in a week, I guess. It's going to be another short one.
Look at us. Look at us. We're just, I mean, we're, it's still an hour. We still got the, we still got the quality content in there, but we're not, we're not pushing two hours anymore, but we're, we're getting, we're coming back. We'll be back. We need to, we need to, we've, we've got, we've got content next week for sure. Uh, we've, we've got a lot of content if you squeeze in Furiosa as well. And, um, and depending on your travels, um,
We might have to think about having a chat with one or two of our buddies about coming on soon as well. We have, we have, we have some, uh, we have some, uh, we have some yay sayers. So that's, we just got to, we just got to coordinate time. So we're, we're right there. Yeah. I want to also want to be mindful of, of your, of your travels as well, mate. Cause, um, you've still got to work. You've still got to be, you know, you still got to hold a job down. You've still got to make sure that Madison's good as well, uh, as well as talking to idiots like me.
She's winning the bread right now. She's carrying the family. Excellent. Excellent. All right, buddy. Well, I'll catch you next week. Why don't you take us out? I can do that. Thanks again for listening, everybody. If you want to reach out to us or I don't know, whatever.
Look at our, look at our one article on there on our website. Go to it. It's a, it's a just You can find our email and links to all of our, whatever's on there. Um, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for reaching out with corrections or just, you know, saying good job. Keep it up. You guys are killing it. Uh, we really do appreciate it. Thanks for hosting us. When we come to visit, uh, you, any of you in town, you know, I really appreciate that. I appreciate that as well. Um, until next week, thanks again.
Take care guys, look out for each other, stay happy, bye.