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Tickety Boom, Mindset and Real Estate

E144 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
143 Plays11 months ago

Bringing you a sister chat today, the sister's hope that you feel like you are right in the room with them with these episodes! Each sister goes through their own corner, Kristen, gives her expert advice on the Real Estate Market, Megan gives us some Mindset Motivation and Lauren dives into some powerful learnings from the Bible!

IG Video the sisters reference in Episode! 


Podcast Introduction

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hey. Hey.

Reviving Victorian Sayings

How are y'all? Good. Oh my gosh. I sent this Instagram reel. I guess we're going to have to link where it's like, let's bring back old Victorian sayings and make them cool with Gen Z. Is it Gen Z? I don't even know. Yeah. But yeah. Oh my gosh. What was it? Tickety boom. Tickety boo. Yeah. Like if you're doing like,
great you know then you can be like tickety bear or if you're like down kind of in a depressed state you say like like oh how are you doing uh i got the morbs like morbid you know the third one was skilamalink which i kind of forgot what that was though skilamalink
Oh yeah. Stop being a skilim link. I can't remember what it meant though. When a guy is like being, you know, sketchy, I think. Yeah. Like, oh, he's being so skilim link. Yeah.
I love it. We haven't changed, just some of the language has changed, but all the same problems. That is so funny. And listeners out there, if you're listening, how are you today? I always think about that because I feel like there's people here with us. I know. I hope you're doing good. Yes. Yeah. I hope you're doing ticket-y-boo. Yeah. Exactly. Ticket-y-boo-boo.

Parental Emotions and Daycare

I love it.
Can y'all believe there will be four months on Wednesday? No. That's so wild. He's doing good. You know, he's definitely getting to where he wants to be around you all the time, you know, or like around us. Like if I step away, he gets like so upset and Michael's like, Oh, that reminds me of someone.
Yeah. A little codependency. Yeah, I'm like, I know I get sad. And he starts daycare next week. So I'm feeling a little nervous about it. I'm excited to get into like a routine of it, you know, in a way. But I'm also just like nervous how I'm going to feel. And I don't know, it kind of feels like
I'm sure you can relate to this, but like, Oh my gosh, if someone else is like raising my kid, you know, I think it's good too. Cause I'm like, I feel like they'll know all the things when it comes to like development and like, like I, I think I know things about like, I'm a first time mom, so I really don't know anything really. So I'm like, Oh, well they can teach them everything. No, they really do help you. Like, yeah.
all my babies have been in daycare starting at three months old. So it's like a crazy experience and it's really hard, but it's also really good in a lot of ways for me and my personality.

Listener Engagement

So yeah, no, it'll, the first day and the first week will be hard, but then it'll be like your new normal. Yeah, I do. I am like, I do.
better when I'm working. Like I do enjoy working and, um, I feel like I'm a better mom if I work and like have my time and then, you know, I'm a show it better for him if that makes sense too. So yeah. And he's only going three days a week, right? To start. Yeah. Only three days a week. So hopefully that'll be easier on my mama heart.
It'll be a good transition. Yeah, the perfect mix. Oh, I was thinking about y'all this morning. I randomly I was like meal prepping. And I don't know why I thought I was thinking about kinder and just or maybe what sparked it is you know how your phone like pops up photos and there was just one of Kai and we were in Singapore and I was just thinking like, I don't know just how free and carefree and
Anyways, that trickled down to me thinking about Kinder and how like, that he's just at that time period where it's like they changed so quick. And so in my head, I was thinking that I wanted to ask you like, okay, so what's his newest thing? Cause I feel like every week they're changing so much. So it's like, you answer that question though, he's getting attached. And it's so cute. Cause if you give him your thumbs, he will pull himself up and it's the cutest thing ever. Aww.
I wish y'all could like do it to them so you could see it, but because you sent a picture of Kai to us and I was like, Oh, it's so wild how I can see similarities with Kai and Kinder. And I'm just like, gosh, like they like look alike in a lot of ways, especially I think their mouths and their eyes. Yes. Well, I guess that makes sense because you and I look alike and Michael and Chris, they don't look alike, but they're, they have similar features, you know, crazy.
Yeah. Yeah. They remind me of each other too. It's crazy. Kinder and

Family Resemblances and Development

Kai. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Just babies. So cute. I guess he really is Kai Jr. KJ. I know. Yeah. So what's in our Kinders middle name is James. And so some of us before he was born was like, we're like, Oh, well he go by KJ and my son Kai was like, Oh yeah. And whenever he gets old enough to understand, I'm going to tell him,
Hey, you know, you were really named KJ for Kai Jr, right? Yeah. Oh my goodness. What's new with you guys? I'm trying to think. Yeah. Rowan turned six. We had a fun weekend celebrating her. I can't believe she's six. It was busy.
Did a gymnastics party. She had a blast. And then Jo is actually sick today. I took her to the doctor this morning. She didn't have strep, so I think they said it's probably just like a random virus. She doesn't even seem like super, super sick, but she definitely seemed
off and starting yesterday, she like slept a lot. So, which she doesn't ever do that during the day, but yeah. And I'm supposed to go to Austin for a couple of days for work this week. And then we have spring break next week. So I feel like I just have a lot on my plate like usual, but yeah, things are good.

Motherhood Challenges and School Trips

What about you, KK? Yeah. I mean, I think I kind of filled all the things in just work babies and cited for spring.
And hopefully more beautiful weather. Yeah. Well, I'm getting a little taste of what empty nesting will feel like because our senpai is a school or class trip down at NASA and Houston. And they're getting to do all the things. Just another little piece of letting go, like you're letting go at daycare. I'm letting go.
into the hands of the world. That what motherhood is is just constantly like letting go in different stages. That's what mom said. Mom said that being the parent is just letting go a little bit each step of the way. And she, I remember her saying like, it's never
It's never really fun, but it's necessary. Right. So true. I know. Heart's so hard for me. Yeah. Yes. Listeners, we hope that as you approach your spring break that everybody has a safe and fun-filled
little break from school and hopefully life a little bit. But Megan, do you want to jump into your little mindset corner? Yeah, we're going to

Mindset and Law of Vibration

do our little corners. You want me to go first? So I talked last week about my group coaching and kind of gave everybody a summary of what the six weeks of coaching is with me. And then I thought it would be fun to give little tidbits on our sister chats from here on out. And one thing that
I learned about doing mindset courses is just there's different laws of the universe that, you know, that they've scientifically studied. And one of them is called the law of vibration. And so I find this one really interesting because especially, especially for me, I've been my body has been very in tune. I don't know how to explain it. Like I can feel people's like energies and different things when
I'm around people and I'm very sensitive. I guess you would say like a sensitive spirit. And so the law of vibration just made a lot of sense to me, but I had never known it was a scientifically proven thing. But what's cool about that too is like you become emotionally involved with your dreams as you move them from your conscious to your subconscious mind. So our subconscious like our minds are made up of our conscious and our subconscious and our subconscious
is in every cell of our body. It follows the vibration of your entire body. It's altered by whatever you're emotionally involved in, if that makes sense. These vibrations are not only expressed in action, but they are also set up as a magnetic force and you begin attracting to everything that vibrates in harmony with you. It's called the action attraction. It's what really alters people's results and their behaviors.
And also feeling like the word feeling is a word that humans invented to describe the conscious awareness of the vibration that you're actually in. And I found that to be so true when you think about your different emotions and how it feels, especially strong emotions, like when you're really angry, it's almost like your body is physically vibrating.
But what's also interesting about that is when you find that you're not feeling good, you're typically will find that you're emotionally involved with the wrong idea. So a really good exercise to do is to ask yourself like, how am I acting? What am I emotionally involved in? And what kinds of ideas am I thinking? Because you can always tell what's happening on the inside, but what's by what's happening on the outside.
And so when you're emotionally involved with the wrong ideas, you'll typically attract negative things into your life. I like to think of it as like if you're having a bad day and more negative things keep compounding. It's kind of like because you're stuck in that negative.
So it's really powerful to like stop in those moments. I like to stop even like today it's been kind of a rough day because Esri was up in the middle of the night teething and then Joe's been sick and I have a lot on my plate and so I had to kind of like stop myself this morning because I could have gone down a self-pity party of oh my gosh this is too much and I'm supposed to drive to Austin. How am I going to do this? I just stopped myself. I can do all things with God's strength.
And it just gave me this like sense of power. And I felt the day turned around, even just within a moment of like changing the vibration that I was in. And I love to think about this too, when God and Jesus talks about in Romans 12, 12, or maybe it's Paul writing the letter to the Romans, I think. And he talks about being transformed by the renewing of our mind. And I think renewing our mind and God's truth, especially in the moments where we're in a negative vibration is so powerful because you're pulling yourself
out of that. And it really aligns our subconscious thought patterns with God's truth. So, you know, you can do that by prayer, meditation, studying scripture, you can really just talk to God and say, Hey, help me in these moments. So yeah, that's something that I've learned a lot from. So I just wanted to share. Hopefully that was helpful. That I was just going to say that so helpful. And it's crazy because listeners, we aren't so organized that do we share with each other what we're going to be talking about on these.
And so I just love the way God works because I feel like my corner of Bible study today literally just piggybacks right off of that.

Biblical Teachings and Discouragement

That's so good. And as you were talking, it kind of reminded me of
Last week, whenever I was talking about in the study that I'm doing, Take Courage, and we're studying the book of Haggai as a reminder, but how our mind follows our heart. And so last week we talked a lot about the causes of discouragement and how discouragement truly comes within us. And so how important it is to stop and consider our ways and kind of take inventory
of our heart. So it really just goes along right with that Megan. So that's great. So yeah, today I thought since last week we kind of talked about the causes of discouragement and kind of sitting in when we're in those times of exile and just what causes it and kind of how do we handle that and how do we look at it? And like I said, it's really important to stop and just consider
consider our ways of what we're doing, taking inventory, and not only what we're doing, but why. But today, I wanted to focus on two of the five cures for discouragement. Since there's five, I wanted to dive a little bit deeper. So today, we're going to look at two of the things.
And the first one is do the next right thing. And just for context here, we're talking about in the book of Haggai where the Jews were given all these resources, side note, all the resources came from God. God is speaking through Haggai to the Jews because he shows up and he sees that the Jews had built these
wonderful homes for themselves, but yet God's temple hadn't been worked on. They used all these resources really for themselves instead of focusing on building God's temple. So that's just a little bit further context, but the issue wasn't their houses, it was their hearts and they had misplaced priorities.
Something that stuck out and is important to remember is that God gives to us what He expects to receive from us. He gave them what He desired from them. In other words, He supplied what they needed
so that they could obey Him. But instead they just, you know, cause they're human just like we are. And so their self centeredness led them to focus on what they wanted out of things instead of forgetting, you know, where their resources came from in the first place and what they were set out to do. And so remembering that God gives us what we need to serve Him.
And so we don't want to hoard or rebel or be afraid, but instead take courage and do the next right thing using what God has given to us to accomplish.
what he has called us to do. If we spent all of our talent and our time and giftings and relationships and dreams to serve ourselves, then we'll just always end up we might have these beautiful houses like the Jews did, but we're always going to the end result is always going to be dissatisfaction and discouragement.
And so that's why we need to line up our priorities with God and do what He calls us to do and when He calls us to do it. Okay, so that was number one is doing the next right thing. And again, this is to cure discouragement and instead take courage. So number two is obey no matter what. This one was interesting for me, because you know, I think sometimes we can get just like caught up in obey God and you will be blessed, you know? And so I really enjoyed diving deeper
into what the word actually says about this and kind of applying it to our daily life. When we're obedient, we experience spiritual growth and spiritual prosperity. We live in spiritual abundance. And when we're disobedient, hope and peace die a slow death and we find ourselves in spiritual poverty and our best efforts end in futility. And so
It's okay to want to be blessed or experience a better life. We will, you know, we're human. So we definitely will want those things, but, and often God does give us all of those buckets. I kind of want to share, she shared this, uh, African legend about Jesus from the book, these strange ashes by Elizabeth Elliot. And the story is not true. It's not in the Bible, but it just portrays kind of the point here. And so.
I know for me, it helped me to kind of stop and consider my ways of why do I obey the Lord or why do I want to? And so this is like a paraphrased version of the legend. Jesus was walking along a rocky path with his disciples and asked each one to pick up a stone to carry for him. They obeyed. Peter happened to pick up a small one while John picked up a bigger one.
Jesus then led them all to the top of the mountain. And to the disciples' surprise, he turned the stones into bread. The disciples were so hungry, so Jesus told them to eat the bread in their hands. Because Peter's stone was tiny, the bread in his hand was little, like a communion wafer. Whereas John's stone was big, so he had a giant loaf to eat. A few days later, Jesus and his disciples were walking another rocky path. And once again, Jesus asked them to pick up a stone to carry for Jesus.
This time Peter picked up a larger stone, the biggest boulder that he could carry, but Jesus didn't lead them up the mountain this time. Instead he took them to a river. The disciples all stood on the bank wondering what in the world Jesus was doing. Jesus told them to throw their stone in the river. Each man obeyed. They were all just kind of sitting there expecting a miracle again. Yet this time nothing happened. And so they just watched and they waited. Nothing happened except the stones all sank to the bottom of the river.
No bread, no blessing. Jesus with great compassion looked at his disciples and asked, for whom did you carry the stone? So that really sink in and lets us ask ourselves, for whom do we carry the stone? And in Haggai 1a, it tells us that obeying God, it's solely just for God's pleasure and his glory.
We don't obey to get good stuff from God, we obey to give glory to God. We do it for Him and not for what we get from Him. We can find blessing in the process of obedience regardless of the outcome of obedience. Does God sometimes, like I said earlier, bless obedience with tangible things? Sure, He does, but most of the time the blessings are unseen. A closer relationship, deeper trust, a growing love,
And so I think that question is good to ponder. Just what blessings do you experience when you obey? What I want to pray for all of us this week is that, that we want to obey simply because we love God and we want him to be honored and glorified. And so I just pray that for grace for all of us to obey, because it's not easy. We're human. Like we want, we want our things and you know, we want a blessed life who, who doesn't.
But I think that if we can pull back and really question ourselves in our heart, why we're doing the things that we're doing and, um, Obedience will lift our spirits and bless us because of that, the spiritual level, not the tangible things. So yeah, I'm going to stop there. And then next time I'll pick up with the remaining three, cause they all kind of, I feel like the remaining three are a little bit more.
Not that these aren't encouraging, but I feel like the other three are super encouraging. And they all kind of go together, those three, so I'll wait for that.
what do y'all think? How do you feel about obedience? Yeah, I mean, I love that. It's kind of right in line with everything. I feel like we've been learning over the last few years. I read that book a long, I don't know, y'all should really read this. I want to read it again. It was called A Long Obedience in the Same Direction and just talking about living a life of obedience to God.
And I think it's just in our human nature to want tangible results. That's totally what I want in a lot of day to day, but just recognizing that we obey to give glory to God, I think is just like the ultimate reminder that I need every day, probably. Yeah, I think all of us. I mean, after all, we are selfish and sinful beings, you know, all of us.
Yeah, totally. Yeah, just constant reminders. Yes. And listeners, just as a reminder, we're showing up here just as we said in our episode number one, like to learn and grow with you. So please know that we recognize we are no experts in life or any of these fields, but rather we just want to share with you what we're learning in stages of our life or season. So we hope that you enjoy and come along with us. Yeah.
I love it. I know one of my, a good friend of mine who listens to our, she mentioned how she listens. When she listened, she like feels a part of us, like almost not so alone in that I feel like our whole reason of doing this. So I just love hearing feedback like that. It's just so amazing and special. Yeah. It's, well, it's encouraging, you know, to. Yes. Yeah. Like, cause I think that's our goal in all of this is to just let,
others not feel alone in life and to do it together, so. Yeah. Well, I know I was going to talk a little bit about, I was going to pick something different to talk about in the real estate world.

Navigating Real Estate Market

Today, I thought I'd talk about just because there's, as most people know what's going on right now, interest rates are just higher, the highest they've been in a lot of years. Yeah. They're around the 7% range, high sixes, you know,
up to mid sevens. And so I just kind of want to touch on what's going on with that, like how to move forward in that. So my advice is always talk to someone who is in your market, who is an expert, right? Because every market is a little bit different. Every market is a little bit unique. So find someone who you trust, who that knows a lot in your
specific market. But what I would say is with these high interest rates, if you're still like, Hey, like I've been wanting to buy my first house or we really need to move and we want to buy, my biggest thing would be, okay, as long as you can afford your monthly payment at the interest rate it is, I would say go for it. Because right now, with interest rates as high as they are, there's a lot more opportunity
when it comes to buying went a lot more negotiation room with price. With the seller, you can negotiate on concessions, meaning you can ask the seller to help pay your closing costs. There's just a lot more opportunity there. But again, just know like, okay, as long as I can afford my monthly payment at this interest rate, you can always refinance to a lower interest rate when they hopefully come down. But the thing is, it's like, okay, well, what if they don't? That's why it's really important that you can afford it.
what the interest rates are today. And then there's other opportunities where, you know, again, talk to your lenders, talk to your realtors who you trust. There's products out there, Lauren, I'm sure you've heard of these, where like ARMS, where a lot of times you can do three, five, seven, 10 year ARMS,
where you might get a little bit of a lower interest rate, but obviously it's a, you would have to refinance at that when that time is up. So if it's a three year or five year. So where the benefit to that is instead of paying, you know, a 7% interest rate, you might get five and a half, but just know in that three year mark, if interest rates are still the same, you still want to be able to afford that 7% interest rate or whatever it is at the time. So that makes sense.
It does. And just for those who may not know, specifically with an arm, what Kristin's describing is where, let's say you do a five year arm, well, your rate is fixed for those first five years, but then at the end of the term, the rate becomes variable. And so that's what she means where at the end of the five years, you have to refinance at whatever market rates are there. So just to kind of explain that a little more. And then Kristin, whenever you were talking about sellers concessions, I like how you explained
What that is, another example that I don't know if y'all are seeing it in Nashville, but what I'm seeing a little bit here in Texas is another type of seller concession would be for the seller to help the buyer to buy down their rate. And so what that means is some lenders, and of course all lender products are different and depending on the type of loan, whether you do conventional FHA, VA loans, there's so many different types.
with the buyer asking the seller to buy down their rate. That means that just for example, let's say that it costs 1% of the cost of the house that you're buying to buy down the rate, say by 1%. So let's say the going rate is just for simple math here. Let's say at 6.5%, but you can pay it for the $200,000 house. Well, you could pay $2,000 to get that rate
down to 5.5 and you can ask the seller to pay that money. So that's just another idea out there for both, honestly, both a seller and a buyer. Sellers, if you're trying to sell your house right now, that might be another outlet for you to market your house of sellers willing to pay this towards buying down rate.
I'm seeing a lot of that with sellers. On the opposite side, if you're trying to sell right now, just know the market has shifted. Don't freak out. You're just going to have longer days on the market. Things aren't selling in two days or two weeks or even 30 days. You're going to see longer days on market.
let that freak you out too bad, just know. And it's really about listing your property correctly and making sure you're working with someone who prepares a really good CMA for you where you can list your property at the right price because that's how it's going to sell.
And of course, all the other things of, you know, making sure you can't change the location, right? You can change the look of your house, you can fix it up. That's something you can alter. And the biggest thing is price. That's what you can change. So sellers be patient because it is, can be a little rough right now in some areas. But again, like I said, if you are wanting to buy, honestly, in my opinion, I think it's a good time, not a terrible time to buy because again, you can negotiate that sales price.
you can negotiate seller's concessions and you can always refinance. But again, you just want to make sure you can afford that payment no matter what. Yeah, sweet. Really, that's helpful. Yeah. KK's corner. Have a good flow. Super helpful.

Funny Home Stories

Yeah, and then I also wanted to tell y'all, cause I know last week I kind of, or our last episode, I mentioned a funny story that happened with Michael and I, so I thought I'd share pretty hilarious stuff.
Michael and I were dead asleep and at 5 a.m. our alarm just starts blaring okay and I like shoot out of bed and I look at my phone and it says front door entry and I was like oh my heart like dropped because I was like oh my god someone has busted through our front door and so I'm like freaking out Michael it says
pool as a cucumber and I just it's crazy because like I wish I could be more like him in this way like I'm like freaking out like my body's like I can't even explain it and I'm like should I call 911 and he goes no and I was like what and he's not answering any of my questions I'm like babe someone's in here what do we do he doesn't say anything and he goes we do have a gun so he's going and like by the way we're both in our underwear and neither of us like put clothes on
Which I think is kind of funny. But you just don't have time, you know? So he's like getting the gun like prepared or whatever you do with guns. And I'm like, babe, are you sure I shouldn't call 911? And he was like, no. And I was like, what? By the way, I think you should call 911. I don't know why he was telling me not to call 911. But anyway, I think we were both just like, I think he was just like, in like protect my family mindset. I don't know.
like he wasn't talking. And I was freaking out and I was like, I need to grab the baby. And so we go and Michael like turns Mission Impossible on me or like born ID, Jason Bourne. He like gets in these like, he's like moving around the house. Like I was like, did you go to like school to like see how to like confront an intruder? It was like he knew what he was doing. It was so weird. And I'm just like falling behind him.
No, for this person to like pop out, you know, and wait, are you holding kinder? No, so he's dead asleep. So I like didn't want to wake him. So I just stand like between the stairs and his door, like ready to like, okay, if I got to like jump someone.
I can like take, surprise them at the staircase, you know? And I'm just watching Michael like do this like thing. And it's just hilarious. Cause he's in his underwear and I can't stop, like I'm laughing a little bit, but also like terrified. Um, and then sure enough, we like scout the house and it turns out we had the ring system, you know, and there's all these like sensors everywhere. One of our sensors on our door had just fallen off somehow. Oh my gosh.
And by the way, the alarm works great because it was so loud. And I don't understand how our child slept through it. That's amazing. His hearing is fine. We did all the tests. But he literally slept through it. It was crazy. Anyway, my husband can go Jason Boren on me.
Yeah. Life too, because he's saved somebody's life before with CPR. Yeah. He's very, we also watched someone get hit by a car. I don't know if I ever told you all that story, but, and he was so calm in that too. Like I literally watched a girl, I thought she was dead. There was no way she just survived that.
I mean, she literally got hit with a guy going probably 60 miles an hour and she flew up in the air and hit the car and the car took off. Anyway, it was a horrible thing. And Michael was so calm and I was hysterical. I was freaking out. How do I stay? I need some of his coolness. It's crazy. Oh my gosh. He's really good in those situations. Like you said, Megan, that guy, he literally saved that guy's life. And again, he was just calm as a clam. So.
That's amazing. Yeah. I'm so glad that there was no intruder and y'all were okay. Next time go and hide with Kinder. Don't try to fight anybody. They had to get through me to get to him, you know? Yeah. I was going to stay here and guard my babies. Oh my gosh. So crazy.
I actually shared that story with Chris and I was like, yeah, it kind of reminds me of the story when, you know, he, it was so funny cause Chris was like, well, yeah, except we actually had an intruder and they did it. And, and, and he was like, and I was, he was just joking around. He was like, and I was ready to kill somebody.
He didn't say what happened. I broke into y'all's house with a key. I had a key to their front door. I came in late at night. I don't remember what time it was. It's probably like 2am.
snuck up there to just go to bed. And Chris literally thought I was an intruder. Lauren, it was just the most hilarious. You just had to have been there. He was so scared. And I felt so horrible. I think he's still mad at me. Like 15, 10 years. I mean, in 10 to 15 years. Oh my gosh.
You were, I think you were 18. So it was a long time ago. So funny. Funny that he was like, we did have an intruder, but it was Kristen. Yeah, I know. I was just a safe intruder. Well, and he had no idea that I had given her a health key. So in his mind, he was like, you know, that didn't even cross his mind that it would be a sister-in-law. Yeah.
I will say I did text Lauren before I did it and said, Hey, I'm coming over. I hope that's okay. She clearly. Yeah. We were, I was asleep. Yeah. Anyway, we have a lot of intruder stories actually. It was kind of weird. Yeah, we do in our family stories. They're funny. Do one of y'all want to pray out? Yeah, I can.
Thank you, Jesus, for loving us. God, our Father, thank you so much for constantly pushing us, pruning us, helping us grow. We are so grateful that we know you and we just want to know you more, God, and know your heart more. And I just ask for you to reveal any
wrong motives in our hearts that are, you know, our motives are for you for the glory of you, God. And I just pray for anybody listening that if they don't know you, that they make a decision today to learn about you and whatever that means for them and to seek you in their lives and to start understanding
how you can be just the ultimate peace in their life in this world. Thank you so much for this day. And I just pray blessings over our family and all our children and everybody's families listening and their children too. In Jesus name, Amen. Amen. All right. Love y'all. Love you listeners. Have a great week. Check you later. Have a ticket-y-boo week. Yeah, there you go.
Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of Girl I Slept in My Makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website,, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it. And make it a great week. God bless.