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It's Officially #BigDudeSzn Here At Chick Foley Show!

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays5 years ago
It's our one year anniversary!!! Phil and Sheena discuss their favorite memories from the show as well as recapping NXT, AEW Dynamite, Finn Balor's heel turn, WWE2k20 reaction, Joker review, and much more!!

Halloween and Wrestling Recap

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Chick Foley show. We are one week away from the official holiday of the Chick Foley show. Halloween is right around the corner, and we have a lot of wrestling to recap between Raw, SmackDown, AEW, and NXT, and a bunch of new figure news. We're happy you are joining us. I am Phil Gentillo, the hot take kid. I have the lovely Sheena Phelps joining me now from Kentucky, right Sheena? You're in Kentucky right now? Is that correct?
Yeah, I'm in the hillbilly gym studios now. So yeah, I've left sharpshooter studio behind and I am here joining you from, uh, from the sticks of Kentucky. So I hope you guys can hear me. Hope my connection is good enough. So I'm pretty good. Yeah. You've been traveling full, man. I swear every, every week you're in a different place. I know. I don't know why I put this unneeded stress on myself. People are like, Oh, I would love to travel and like go places. I'm like, Oh, it actually kind of sucks. Or maybe I'm just a homebody. I don't know.
Yeah, it's not like you have a human being growing inside of you or anything. Well, yeah, that definitely doesn't help at all. So yeah, I think the level of discomfort makes me like, oh, sitting in a car for 12 hours, that sounds like hell, you know? For sure. We have some packages to get through from the toy drive that we need to do later on in the show.

One Year Anniversary Celebration

I'm excited about that.
We just literally got done watching NXT and AEW separately, but we will recap those and we're celebrating our one year anniversary. So we'll get to some memories about that at the end of the show, because I'm pumped.
Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. I cannot believe it has been a year already I feel like some ways I feel like we've been doing this like forever because we do it every week You know and it's just kind of like it's like it's like a true commitment to like show up every week and watch this much wrestling and kind of like You know dissect it, but it's also feel like holy shit. It's already been a year like this is crazy I know it's very controversial. I feel like I should take you to the Olive Garden or something
Breadsticks. I love you some unlimited breadsticks and salad.

Marco's ER Story

You've got the MVP, the intern, Marco Denton, checking in from Boston, Massachusetts. What's going on, Marco? Nothing much. I actually thought I wasn't going to make it tonight. I was actually at the Urgent Care and then the ER with my little guy. Oh, no. Yeah, he has a slight.
What do you call it? What's wrong? What's wrong? I'm like, yeah, I'm losing. Yeah, that's what it is, exactly. No, he has kind of slight breathing problems sometimes. Oh, man. And it was a little severe for some reason. Oh, no. Yeah, so we went to the urgent care first. And then when they, I was like, please don't send us to the ER, because I know like, urgent care, they just don't want to help you sometimes.
They close at, like, 6. You're there at 5. They're like, let's just send them to ER. We don't want to deal with these people. Yeah. And then you know you're going to be in the ER for, like, six hours. Oh, yeah. Well, luckily, we were there around, like, 6. So we got out by, like, 8. Wow. Jeez. Yeah, he was fine. They did an x-ray on him in the urgent care. They sent the x-rays to ER. They didn't, like, even tell us. They were like, hey, yeah, so we just sent them to the ER. Just go out.
Just go talk to the doctors there, and they'll tell you the results. I'm like, you can't tell me the results here. You're going to make me go. I was like, it's all employee. You just want my money. It's all you want. Yeah. Don't get me started on the medical industry. That's a whole other podcast. You might have to do a Patreon episode on the app.
It would not be very it would not be very positive, but we are sending all of our love to big brother Bella over there Yeah, hopefully he gets to feeling feeling better cuz breathing problems man that that's scary Yeah, I decided what we're gonna do. Yeah, I'm glad he's okay, and I'm glad you're able to make the show man It's I didn't I know anything about that but prayers go out to him. He's the other kind of an asthma type of thing I
Yeah, a little bit. Obviously he's three years old, so they can't really do any, you know, healers or anything like that. So it's basically just like, you know, like nebulizer treatments and like, like oral medicine and stuff like that. But it's just a thing that happens like around this time of year, which is really weird. It's always like the fall winter where he gets like more tense and then summertime he's completely fine. I thought it'd be opposite with the heat and stuff like that, but apparently it isn't.
Um, so yeah, he's doing good. He's, he's resting easy. He had a long day and a long night, so he'll be down for the count for a while. Well, that's good. That's good. At least till at least we'll get some good rest tonight. Uh, we want to let everyone know where to find us. You can hit us up on Twitter. It's at chick Foley show. And Sheena is on Instagram at chick Foley. You can follow Marco on Twitter at inglorious Gent and I am I hate JJ Reddick.
If you want to shoot us an email or a question, or you just want to give us a topic to talk about on the show, tell us how great we are. It's askchickfoli at, or you can DM us. And we appreciate the support. We'll get into it a little bit later on, but we've been doing this for a year. The show continues to grow, and so does our community of folks that we interact with. So we definitely couldn't do it without you guys. So thanks to everyone who has listened since day one, follows us.
and all that good stuff. So if you want to become a Patreon subscriber, you can get some extra content from us. The best way to do that is slash Chick Foley show. We have bonus episodes. We're doing some articles over there, unboxing videos, and then you get access to our Facebook group, which is super fun. We do a bunch of cool stuff and giveaways there. I have some stuff in the Go Figure segment for some Patreon subscribers that I found stuff for.
A lot of cool stuff going on over there. Check it out. slash Chick Foley Show.

AEW and NXT Highlights

So let's get into real quick. We want to do AEW and NXT, since it's fresh on our brains, just literally just ended a couple of minutes ago. Yeah, for sure. For sure. I watched NXT and I know, Marco, you got to watch AEW, right? Oh, I guess you were at the EER. Did you get to watch? Yeah, I was watching both. I had like two. I had my phone running NXT and I had my computer running AEW. So I was like,
darting back and forth. You're, you're, you're a, you're a true, you're a true professional. I love it. I love it so much. Um, what the hell, what the hell else are you going to do while you're sitting there and waiting in the frigging emergency room, just like stare at each other. So yeah, of course. Yeah. The doctor comes in and I was like mid in the middle of the, uh, the Rhea Ripley match. I think I had to shut my phone off. I was like, damn, what, what, what do you want now? And she's like, give me the rundown of everything. I'm like, Rhea Ripley's fighting right now. You gotta,
Can we speed this up? Let's go.
Yeah, it was, it was a good night. I didn't get to watch AEW yet, but, um, I think Phil got to watch the end of it. He was taking his kid to the aquarium. You know, we got, we got parent problems down in these parts. We got all these things that we're still trying to make it happen though. We got Marco watching in the emergency room. We got Phil trying to catch up on Twitter at the, at the aquarium. And then you got me doing like bedtime routine over here, like with NXT playing in the background. So, uh, yeah, man, we're, we're making it happen for you guys.
For sure, yeah, you guys better appreciate this shit. I got home about 8.30 and then I recorded on Sling and powered through it. It was a pretty good show. There was a cool exchange. They had Cody come into the ring for an interview. Of course, the Inner Circle's old school WCW storyline, they had bought tickets and bought a suite, so they were up there causing noise.
blowing air horns, hauling Nash style. But Cody calls out his boys, MJF, his brother comes out, Dustin. And then we see DDP for some reason come out with his yoga shit on. And it led to one of the greatest lines. So they go up in the suite. Cody wraps his hand and MJF's scarf and bust through the door, bust through the glass. And they start a big brawl out in the mezzanine area.
And there was a line, you know, it's going to go into infamy from our boy JR. He said, my God, they're going to destroy the Dippin Dots. And just imagine that. I want to get that into the intro to the show next week, because Cody was was throwing Jericho's head into like a big container of Dippin Dots. Oh, my God. That is so amazing. I absolutely.
First of all, I like Dippin' Dots. Dippin' Dots were like a thing that came out when we were like, you know, you kids, like I think it's like a novelty now. You like see it in like little strip malls and stuff like that every once in a while and then like in stadiums.
But they're actually pretty damn good. If you've never had Dippin' Dots, you should definitely give them wolf. What? I don't know. Can you buy them in like, no, I don't know. Can you buy them in just like a store? I mean, I've seen them in like the mall and I've seen them at the zoo and, you know, arenas. Yeah. I have never seen them anywhere outside of like amusement parks or like Disney World or like stadiums and stuff like that. I don't think that they're a thing that you can buy.
the grocery store correct me if I'm wrong listeners if you if you have bought Dippin dots in a retail location let me know but yeah it's it's I don't know what it is about them it's like I think it's just a nostalgia you guys know I'm a sucker for nostalgia but it's just like oh my god like it's these little space balls of ice cream and there's
And they're so freaking good. But yeah, I hope you didn't waste all the Dippin' Dots. That's sad. Right, yeah. Marco, I turned it on when they redid the Kenny Omega and Joey Janela match. It was on AEW Dark. I think the week that you went, and they did kind of just a sanction match, quote unquote, this week.
I don't know how you feel and I haven't watched much Kenny Omega this year. I've seen all obviously every week of AEW but I mean he's a great wrestler and I can't put anything past him but it almost gives me RVD feels where I can probably name you the five things he's going to do in every match.
and I mean you can probably say that about every wrestler but you know sometimes it just it happens you don't really notice it but I mean the fireman's carry into the slam into the the middle rope moon salt has been like that that happens in every Kenny Omega match and you know I'm not I'm not taking anything away from him or shitting on him I mean he's fun to watch but I can only imagine watching him for you know every week for three years and you know it's gonna be kind of you're gonna call the spots as the match goes on do you do you feel the same way or am I just being too nitpicky
Uh, yeah, he he does seem kind of like ABC 123 with a with a move set over here. At least I know like if you watch any of the new Japan stuff, it probably was happening, but there was so much other things happening in his matches that you didn't notice it right now. And I think it's more. I think he's more streamlined on this side and it's more structured. He is. I was actually talking to one of my coworkers about him.
If you watch him, he seems like he's really the most accurate. All his moves are spot on perfect. I don't think I've ever seen him bumble, or tumble, or anything like that on any of his moves. I agree. He lands perfectly. Even when he takes off, he does this almost like ballerina hop step thing. It's pretty insane. But when you see that a lot, it's
I think the match that he had tonight, it was more of a wrestling match. It wasn't a unsanctioned match. It was more of like a, like a Joey Janela coming out party. Cause if you, if you look on Twitter, you see a lot of people saying, Oh my God, Joey Janela can actually wrestle. He's not just limited to like hardcore matches. Um, and he actually really did, did a really great job in this match. Um, I think the unsanctioned match was better. Um, there was a lot, there was a better move, a better move set from Omega and that he was more creative than that one where this one was just a regular.
You know match where he did his like like John Cena routine where he does like he said is his his move said after move said you can pretty much tell what's going to come up next. But yeah, I thought I thought was a good match, so I didn't I didn't hate it at all.
Yeah, he's almost like too good. It's almost like he doesn't make, yeah, I've never seen him make a mistake, and it just seems like every move is just done with a purpose and done so well. I mean, it's kind of a gift and a curse. The main event was Pac versus Moxley, and I went to a draw, and obviously, I mean, I haven't looked on Twitter or anything. I'm sure no one's shitting on it, even though we seem to shit on the end of the Hell in the Cell match, which we'll also finish in a no contest.
Overall, it was a good show. I wanted to get Sheena's opinion on, I don't know if you saw it last week, but the Marco Stunt match, people were up in arms about him being in the match against the Luchabros, subbing in for Luchasaurus. What did you think about him being an in-ring competitor?
Um, I mean, I don't know why everybody's up in arms about it. Like what's the big deal? Just cause he's small. Is that like the only thing? I mean, let's just give him a new name. Like we did shortly G. Um, and then he'll be, he'll be like on TV every week. Like I don't understand why everybody's like so, um, pissed off that they just like sub someone in. Like that's just what you do. You know what I mean?
No, I think it was more just just the gimmicky. Like, I think the AEW fans are, you know, trying to stay on this realistic path. But, you know, he's subbing in for a fucking dinosaur. Number one. Hello. And I mean, it is unbelievable that he's going to be able to go or stick around in a match with with those two guys, which are just two badass MF'ers in the Lucha Bros.
But he hit a couple crazy spinning DDT type of moves, but overall he got his butt whooped a little bit, which should have happened, but I don't know. Spike Dudley was a wrestler for a long time. He was kind of in the same vein and nobody really complained about that. That was the attitude there obviously.
I don't have too much of a problem with it. I think it was just kind of a, we had to have this match. It's in the tag team tournament. So let's, you know, Luchasaurus obviously is injured. I don't think this is going to be a running thing where Marco Stunt is a active competitor in AEW. If it does, it's just going to kind of, it's just not going to cheapen things, but I can definitely see where people are complaining a little bit. But for a one-off, it wasn't bad. It's something different, you know?
Yeah, you just got to do what you got to do. Like you said, Luchasaurus was injured. I mean, it, I mean, who else would you have put in that spot? Like, you know, just off the top of your head. I mean, Marco stunt and jungle boy. I mean, they've kind of been together up into this point. So like, why, like, who else would you put there? You know what I mean?
Very true. Yeah, it's people just want to complain. But overall, a good show tonight on AEW. And I'm excited for that full year. So Marco got me the Rio t-shirt. I'm ready to rock that once it gets here in the mail. So I'm pumped.
What day is full gear? Again, remind me. I think it's November. I'm pulling up a calendar now. It's November 9th. November 9th. OK, cool. Still not sold out here in Baltimore, which is I think they've sold like 10,000 tickets.
So that is not a good news, which is very surprising. They seem to be selling out, selling a lot of these, uh, these dynamite episodes. So I'm surprised they haven't sold out this pay-per-view. They announced that it's going to be Lucha bro. No, it's going to be LAX or whatever they're called now against the, the young bucks at full gear. So it's a pretty good card shaping up. You know, I'm excited. Yeah. I think as, as the card shapes up a little more, they'll, they'll sell more tickets as it gets closer to time. And it's just, it's just getting into that time of year where it's like holiday time and
people don't know what their travel plans are going to be or people are saving their vacation days for travel plans and things like that. So I mean, like wrestling's kind of getting pushed down to the bottom of the priority list. You know what I mean? They're like, you know, take this time off to go like spend Thanksgiving with my family, or I could go to a wrestling show. And granted, like, let's be real, like marks like us, we'd be like, uh, screw the Turkey. Like let's go to a wrestling show.
But the average person's probably gonna be like, well shit, my wife will kill me if I go to this show instead of taking our days off to spend with family. So yeah, it is getting that weird time of year where I'm interested to see if these shows keep selling out and things like that.
Yeah, it's also time and also money. I mean, you're saving up for Christmas presents and all that kind of stuff. True. Very true. That could be something. I did want to make a quick announcement that on November 9th, before that full year, if you're coming to that AEW pay-per-view, we're doing a get together, a little meet and greet at the Pratt Street Ale House. It's about literally a block away from the Royal Farms Arena. Myself and double click figs from Instagram. If you're in the Baltimore area, I'm excited. Yeah, we're just going to meet there, have some apps.
drink some beers, talk some wrestling, nothing super formal, just be whoever shows up. So hit me up if you're gonna be there, it'd be pretty fun to meet some of you guys and talk wrestling. So yeah, how was NXT tonight, Sheena? NXT was another great show. Last week, it kind of set the stage for everything that happened tonight. So last week, Undisputed Era turned in this
This USB drive to the announced desk and like, you know, they just like showed up.
after the match and they turned this in and it was, they played it. I mean, I don't know why they would just like, you know, logically, like let's not try to apply logic to an illogical situation, but they played this video that was on this USB drive, this thumb drive over the audience and it showed them beating up Dream and it was like threatening Finn Balor and Tommaso Ciampa and it's like, you know, if you guys come for us, like this is what's going to happen to you too, which led to Dream.
Um, being, you know, out of commission this week, so he didn't fight this week, but we did see another chapter of, uh, Keith Lee versus, uh, Dominic Dijakovic, which was a freaking amazing and Roddy comes out. He interrupts the match, you know, thinking like, you know, well, I'm not going to have a note, like a number one contender. Like neither one of you guys deserve to be here. Like in, in my league, right? You're not going to take my gold and obviously William Riegel comes down. Um,
does what he always does. It was so predictable. You could telegraph from a mile away what was about to happen, but he turned it into a triple threat match this week. So it was Roderick Strong versus Keith Lee versus Dominik Dijakovic and oh my gosh, it was a frigging barn burner. It was so awesome.
Um, Keith Lee almost got the pin and then obviously Roddy came in, kicked him in the head, got the pin to retain. But, um, yeah, you guys should definitely go back and watch that match because it was just like, it was insane. Like, like I said, I was not, I was not high on Keith Lee for the longest time. And then this like last like month, I'm like,
Okay. I get it. I understand why people are so high on Keith Lee. Like this man is a freaking force to be reckoned with. So, um, I'm super excited to see where it goes from here, but, um, the thing I'm most excited about right now, I think, well, I don't know. There's a lot of things I'm excited about for NXT, but
the women's division like right now like the women's title picture is like on fire like I mean you have Rhea Ripley you have Io Shirai you have Bianca Belair you have Shayna Baszler like all contending for this like women's title and it's like so so exciting like have you gotten to did you get to watch last week NXT last week
No, I did not. I'm two weeks behind now. Yeah. It's hard. Shit, Wednesdays, it's like, it's just like your jam pack. Like I said, I'm behind on AEW. So, you know, we'll just have to have an official. We got a flip. We got to switch one week and just like. Yeah, exactly. We'll have an NXT correspondent and an AEW correspondent. Um, but, uh, yeah, so last week, you know, Ray Ripley and Bianca Belair, like they made claim to, uh, Shayna Baszler's title and then Io Shirai comes out.
throws her name in the hat. Um, and it was just like, I don't know. I'm just super, super pumped. Obviously we all know like, let's be real. Like this is all leading to rear Ripley becoming the next women's champion because she is just absolutely.
I just can't speak highly enough of her. I don't know what it is about her, but I'm just obsessed. Like I love her. I love her look. I love her moveset. I love her wrestling. I love her promos. Um, the one thing I don't like is that freaking, she's got a, a piercing in her upper lip. Like I just noticed it tonight. I've never noticed it before, which is very weird. And it like kind of freaks me out a little bit because the thought of like getting pierced in my upper lip, like, like above her, like between her gums and her front lip is a piercing.
Yes, she was cutting a promo tonight and I was like, is that a freaking like piercing in her mouth? Yeah, yeah. So she's she's a badass bitch. She's just sticking needles in her mouth, which is way more. She's way more of a woman than I am because I'm not doing that shit. Well, she seems like she could kick my ass for 100 percent. So, yeah. Oh, 100 percent. So, yeah, the women. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Sheena. Come back a little bit.
I just I just tell it like it is she's 23. I mean now Australia 23 year old Australian would definitely kick my ass She's probably beat up kangaroos before I was just about to say I bet she spent like her childhood in the backyard like wrestling kangaroos But what do you think Marco like what do you think about the women's? title picture right now for NXT I think it's great actually even with the
the WWE women's tag team titles coming into play as well. Yeah. Spoiler alert if you haven't watched it yet. Um, um, yeah, so that's, it's actually shaping up really well. It might even be, I mean, it's rivaling the men's division in NXT right now. If you had, if you're keeping track of that stuff, but, um, yeah, I was very, I was actually, I didn't think Bianca Belair was going to win, but I did like the matchup because they're both pretty equal in size.
You know, like, I liked at the beginning where they had kind of like that test of strength. Like neither one of them could get like the upper hand when it came to, um, uh, Colorado, but when they walked up and everything, it was, it was, I actually really enjoyed that show. It didn't demean Bianca at all in that sense. So it showed her as still a competitor. Um, so I, that's one of the things that I love how NXT does with their, like their superstars. They don't completely demolish people unless it's like a, obviously a job or something like that.
They always give the other person the, like they, the other person comes out looking clean at least if they, if they do lose. Exactly. Yeah. That's even how Bianca Belair and Shana Baszler, I don't know if you remember their feud, but whenever they were feuding, um, I felt like, you know, I mean, obviously I didn't think at that time, like Bianca Belair was the one that was going to dethrone.
Shayna Baszler, but they still made her look like so strong, like even, even in defeat. Um, and it's just like you said, like, you know, and it allows me to believe like this. She could possibly be a contender against, you know, Shayna or Raya or whoever, you know, becomes the next women's champion. You know, it's not like, Oh yeah, you got your ass kicked by Shayna Baszler. Like, no, she put up a hell of a fight. Um, and she just couldn't overcome the odds. But yeah, I love, I love how they do that. And like you said, the hashtag spoiler alert, um, the Kabuki warriors.
are gonna be fighting on NXT this next week yeah against Tegan Knox and Dakota Kai they had a number one contenders match tonight against Jessamyn Duke and Maria Shafir and they got over and then obviously like you know the women's tag titles are gonna be defended on NXT so that's super exciting like I feel like
Finally, maybe these titles are gonna have a meaningful defense, you know, and like worthy competitors, like women that are like actually worthy to be like tag champions. I mean, the Kabuki Warriors are worthy tag champions, but I'm just saying like as far as like feuding and things like that.
Did you did you talk about the end of NXT? Because that seems to be like we're wearing the lead here. I don't know if I just looked it up. I don't know if Marco knows the news here. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I watched the end of it. No, no. You we were just saving the best for last. The last piece of the last piece of steak on the plate. Yeah. Or before we get to that, I don't want to leave people in a cliffhanger. But watching Keith Lee and Roderick Strong face each other.
Reminded me of like me and my son when we're wrestling I just like pick them up and toss them all over the place. It literally I was like, oh my god There's like a mirrored like it looks it's like it's exactly how we look when we when I wrestle my son I just pick them up and fling them across the room. I
Keith Lee is a freaking behemoth man. Like he is just something else. I mean, he, he like, I don't know how much Keith Lee weighs. Like I'm sure they said it when he came out, but I don't, I have no idea how much he weighs, but he like took himself over the top rope, like, you know, flipped over the top rope onto Roddy. And I was like, Oh my God, like this, this guy, like, how do you have that much momentum that you can move that sort of mass in that way? Um, it is just, it is just absolutely,
freakin sane and I like like I said I'm so here for it even though I was like cuz you know shoemaker always used to put him over like he would be like oh Keith Lee Keith Lee Keith Lee and I'm like shoot what the hell do you see in this guy like I don't understand I don't get it and then like I said the light bulb has went off and I'm like oh my god like this guy this guy he's representing for all us husky gentlemen out there you know you gotta have you know I gotta I gotta show him props you know
Hey, yeah, yeah, I love I love I love a good huggable wrestler. You know what I mean? Like, you know, like you see all these beautifully like chiseled bodies and that's cool, too. You know what I mean? But like, I really appreciate a guy that's got a little bit of hug ability to him that can just like whoop ass to, you know, like kind of kind of got a farmer build. I don't know what kind of farmer I'm built like. I mean, unless unless you can farm for Butterfingers.
Oh my gosh. That'll happen next Thursday. There you go. You can harvest your crop on the Halloween. I forgot to mention that we were inside the squared circle in this segment. We're sponsored by Chalk Line, speaking of yummy treats. They have a bunch of yummy treats on their website, not food-wise, but clothing-wise. And check them out. You can use code CHICK, C-H-I-C-K, for 15% off there. And man, they've had some fire stuff coming out over the last couple of weeks.
They got that fiend hoodie that zips up into the fiend mask and the outsider's jacket, the ECW jacket. So much stuff. And now they're coming out with the entrance pants, like the Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart entrance pants and workout pants. So definitely, if you go to that website, prepare to spend some money because everything they have there is badass.
Yeah. But you can just use code chicken. It'll save you at least at least something. You know what I mean? Um, so that's super awesome. But yeah, not, not, we cannot not, we cannot leave talking about NXT without mentioning the ending. So the match went off and I was like, man, that was, that was awesome. All of undisputed error comes out obviously to celebrate with Roddy. Um, I had a feeling that Champa was going to come out.
And sure enough, he did. He came out dragging his crutch looking all freaking burly and sexy. Like he always looks. Um, and I was just like, Oh my gosh, like what's going to happen here? So then we hear.
Johnny Gargano's music. And I'm like, whoa, like what the heck? You know, Gargano's back. So Gargano comes out, stands in the, stands in the ring with Champa and you know, the DIY chant obviously like breaks out and I'm like, Oh my God, like this is so amazing. Well, next thing you know, freaking fan baller's music hits. We got, so we got the undisputed air, all four guys.
standing face-to-face in the middle of the ring with Champa, Gargano, and Finn Balor. I mean, that is some serious star power, am I right? Oh man, three of the best that ever come along in the last 10 years, for sure, in NXT. For sure, it was just such a cool moment. And unfortunately, hashtag spoiler alert, it didn't last very long. I mean, the cool moment, I mean, it was still a cool moment, but Finn Balor turns on Johnny Gargano, kicks him in the freaking head,
And then proceeds to like spike him on the ramp, like whoop his ass all over the arena, like, you know, uh, spear him through or kick him through a barricade into the audience. Um, so it looks like we're getting Gargano and Finn, um, as a feud. And then obviously Adam Cole, um, and, and the rest of the undisputed era against Champa. And I am so here for.
Johnny Gargano and Finn Balor. I mean, I think that is going to be like epic. Oh my God. So good. Is he, I mean, is he going to join undisputed era? That would be pretty cool. It was, it was very unclear. It was very like, um,
just I don't know what the word I'm looking for like it was kind of discreet like all the undisputed era guys were standing lined up in the ring like doing their undisputed era hand gesture and then Finn was standing on the ramp over you know a dilapidated Johnny Gargano and he like does like you know double like looks like you know gun fingers like pointing toward Gargano but they're all like staring back and forth at each other so I don't know if it was just like a mutual respect thing
I don't think he's joining the undisputed era. I don't think that would be a good move. I don't think he needs that, you know what I mean? But I think it was just kind of like a show of solidarity. You know what I mean? I'll take care of Gargano. You take care of Champa. I like turning him here because you know when he goes back to Raw or SmackDown, he's going to come back as a huge babyface. So use the time now when you can do it to start some new feuds and things like that.
I'm excited, and he's got some really strange tattoos, which are kind of heel-ish too. So I'm like, okay, I can deal with this heel fin for a little while. I'm excited to see how it plays out, how his promos are, how his character work is, what his move set's gonna look like, and things like that as a heel. So I'm pumped for it.
I'm glad we started the show talking about AEW and NXT because honestly it's the best part of my week wrestling wise.

WWE Storylines and Critiques

Oh crap I forgot we still have to talk about Raw and Smackdown. Yeah I don't remember Sheena and I don't want to shit on things too much but do you remember a time when Raw and Smackdown felt you know even after this draft felt as meaningless as it has or just like I
You know, if someone didn't watch Ron Smackton, they asked you what happened. Could you give them anything from these five hours of wrestling that really made any sort of difference besides the awesome Ric Flair promo where he just got to say whatever he wanted? Oh, God. You know, I don't I don't know. And, you know, it's hard for me because I'm like I'm trying to be like level headed and not just like, you know, burn.
Ron smack down to the ground, like the freaking firefly fun house. I just want to like, be like, maybe this is just a weird time. Like, you know, it's, it's in between, like it's, it's before survivor series. Um, we're all, we're all they're talking about as crown jewel, which like, let's be real as a one-off anyway. It's just like, it's basically like playing, um,
you know, 2K20, like you can just make whatever match you want and it really just doesn't affect any of the other ongoing storylines. Like literally it's just like, you know, doing whatever the hell you want. Um, and I think that kind of always makes things feel a little like disjointed and you pair that with a very disjointed, a very like poorly executed draft. And I think it's just really making everything feel like wah, wah, wah, you know what I mean? And I feel like people are just like,
What the hell is going on here? Like what am I supposed to be getting from this? But I think it's going to pick back up. I think, you know, after survivor series, you know, you know, the rumble, all those things that we know and love, I think it'll, it'll pick back up. But this is just a really, really bad time right now. You sound like a, a girlfriend who thinks her boyfriend's going to change.
You know, after his birthday, after his birthday, he's going to start treating me better. I know he is, you know, I love him. I still love him. A couple of bright spots. I do like bringing Drew McIntyre back in the manner they did and making him, you know, putting him over Ricochet and finally giving him a, you know, a better, you know, spot on the card, I guess you could say, and putting him in this on this team flair for the Crown Jewel show, which we'll get to. We'll do a preview of that whole card next week.
And it's actually shaping up pretty nicely, a pretty interesting card. But I'm glad he's up in a position where, because he can be a pretty monster. I was listening to one of the Conrad Thompson podcasts, and they were redoing a pay-per-view from 2009.
When Drew McIntyre was on it and they were, you know, they were talking about how the announcers were talking about here, this is the next big thing. He's going to be the next, you know, future champion. And we're still talking about that, you know, as a possibility, you know, it's a decade later. But I mean, I think the dude has a look, he has, you know, if you position him right.
it's good so I mean I like that and I do like you know there's some there's some newer people now that we have the roster split up you know you're seeing some fresh matchups you know we get to see Sin Cara in a match you could see Alice in Black finally on Raw and some different things going on there but the whole Lana storyline I want to get your thoughts on because
Uh, it just feels very, you know, very, very dated, you know, crappy attitude era storyline. You know, I don't know where they're going with this. It's just gonna, is this just a lead to a Lashley Rusev match at like, you know, a random pay-per-view? Is that what all this is for? I mean, seems like a lot of TV time for just, you know, two guys that are kind of in the middle of the card, just having a random fight.
Yeah, they must have some big plans for this somewhere along the line because they have spent a lot of TV time on it. And like you said, I feel like there was a much better way to get to a Lashley Rusev.
Like few, do you know what I mean? Like, I don't know why they had to bring in this like days of our lives type situation. And like last week was so cringe and maybe I'm the minority because I remember when I was like shitting on the mic and Maria, like, you know, um, Jerry Springer type, like who's the daddy, you know, and her like emasculating him every week, people would be like, well, I'm kind of into it. I'm kind of interested in it. Like I like it. And I'm like,
What am I missing? Like, what is it that I'm missing? Like about these things, you know, that other people seem to find interest in because I've heard, I've also heard some people say that they're intrigued and interested by this, you know, storyline. They're like, well, you know, I get it. It's kind of corny, but at the same time, like, you know, it's, it's going somewhere. And I'm like, well, I mean, I guess you have a point, but for me, it's just so like.
My god, like I just I feel like I've seen this song and dance like 18 million times and they're doing it So, I mean it's wrestling so it's got to be poorly produced I mean, did you see that restaurant that they were at that Lana was like, this is the restaurant I've always wanted to come out or come to my entire relationship and I'm like you were literally sitting in like a
a freaking stock room with a booth in it like this is so this is so terrible you know and then i think lashley you know he's doing pretty good as far as like just looking more comfortable in front of like the camera and cutting promos like maybe this is who he is in real life maybe he's like a home wrecking asshole you know what i mean and he's like oh i'm really coming into coming into my own you know
Um, but the whole rusev thing, like he just looks like such a punk and I'm like, I don't believe him. I don't believe him for a minute that he's like, got this like animal rage and he's going to like beat up Bobby Lashley. Like you've literally sat there for a month and let Bobby Lashley like bang your wife.
not more pissed off about the whole situation he seems like he's just like like a puppy dog like why are they not making him like using this to make you know make the opportunity to make him like uh just beating up dude like you know show these promos and then have him in a match against somebody and just like they have to pull the referees have to pull him off somebody because he's beating the crap out of him yes see i would be more interested in that but just him like rolling over and being like this like weird like subdued
puppy dog. And also I told you guys, I have lost a lot of interest in rusev ever since he's like lost weight and I'm glad he's healthier. I'm sure he's healthier. I'm sure he feels better, but like he was such a, he had such a unique body. So he had that very huggable body style before. Like a second time you've, you've referenced how you like, like, you know, Husky gentlemen here. I don't know what is going on with you.
You have like some sort of like, uh, I don't know. What are they called? The guy like big, like hairy guy is called. Oh, Jesus. What? She's a chubby chaser. No, like bear bear bear. Yeah. He's a bear. The weather's getting colder. So you need somebody. Yeah. You know,
I need somebody to warm me up. Maybe it's because I'm getting bigger too. And I feel like I need a bigger, I feel like I need a bigger counterpart. Smaller compared to the person you're with. Yeah. I need, cause right now, like, I mean, at this point where I'm at right now, um, 30 weeks pregnant, like if our house was on fire, I don't think Seth could like carry me out. I need somebody with some, with some, uh, you know,
meat that could like, you know, throw me over their shoulder like King Kong and just like carry me out. Marco, Marco, I want to say this right now. I want you to take a note. Bobby Lashley is going to be in one of the two main title matches at WrestleMania this year.
Oh my god, no. Yes, I guarantee it. Universal and WWE Championship. Yeah, one of the two. One of the two. I can see him going against Brock, or I can see him as a heel against Seth or something. But I think that's what they're building to with him as a heel.
Oh my gosh. I'm usually wrong about most things, but I wouldn't be something. Think about it. I mean, who do they have on either of these brands to be, I don't know, positioned in that way? You know, unless you're going to, I mean, you have Kevin Owens as a face. You have AJ Styles right now with the US title. And I know that, you know, that can change, but I don't know. Like if you're going to keep Seth with the belt going forward, like he's running out of heels to face.
You know, well, I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of other MMA fighters and boxers out there that they could just bring in, you know, at the I don't whim and maybe Conor McGregor will show up. You know what I mean? And check Hager.
Yeah, Jack, Jack Hager, best MMA fighter in the world, um, will show up and, and fight Seth at WrestleMania. But yeah, I get what you're saying, but oh my God, like that would be like the most anticlimactic. Like I just feel like Bobby Lashley, like this is not taking away from his like in ring ability. Like I feel like he's, he's, you know, he had a good little run with Braun Strowman and things like that, but
He just has no charisma to me. I feel like he's dead behind the eyes. You know what I mean? I like him with Leo Rush a lot.
Yeah. Leo Rush was the best thing about Bobby Lashley. You know what I mean? He was, he was the mouthpiece. So I feel like he, he definitely benefits from having a manager. Like he can't, I don't feel like he can't hold his own. You know what I mean? Um, and this storyline that he's in right now is not going to carry him to WrestleMania. Like they're going to have to really do some serious building if they want me to take him serious as like a fricking WrestleMania main eventer.
I agree. I agree. I mean, it's a long time. We got like five, six months. So maybe, maybe they turn Kofi heel. Maybe Kofi like finally snaps after like, after like pushing down all of his feelings for so long about getting beat with broccoli. He's never even mentioned it and he's got like all of this like pent up.
You know rage inside of him and he's like, you know, I just had to like swallowed my pride and you know Throw pancakes at the audience after I got my ass whooped in five seconds, you know and everybody just kind of like forgot about me as champion and maybe he'll just like completely do like a 180 heel turn and be like a mega heel and
Well, somebody did notice in the promo from Smackdown on Friday that Kofi Kofi was with a new day. They were talking. They were being interviewed or something talking about how, you know, he's not upset about losing the title and like he could see his hands. He had like a pancake in his hands and he was like crushing it. You know, I I heard that, too. I didn't see that, though. I totally missed that. I didn't like see that subtlety. But like like I said, that's some very subtle subtle storytelling. But if that's true, like I love it.
Yeah. I mean, WWE writers are not known for their subtlety. So maybe he was just, you know, maybe just like maybe with his hands. So, you know, or maybe, maybe that's his true feelings and it's not his kayfabe feelings. And he's just trying to like, you know, he's like, Oh my God, I am really pissed off. Um, but yeah, so we'll see how it all shapes up in the next five months. I mean, we just got to get through this, like,
Let's just, let's just get through this freaking crown jewel and like the, all of this weird, weird part of wrestling. Let's kind of forget about the draft. Let's like remove ourselves from that and, you know, try to like think about happier, happier times in wrestling. All right. Before we get to SmackDown, do you want to talk about the, the Cain Velasquez with the, the shittiest punches in the world? Or do you want to talk about, uh, Seth Rollins versus Homburto Carrillo?
Um, Rollins versus Humberto Carrillo. Let's, let's, let's pick it up a notch. Let's, let's take it up a positive. I thought this was a really, really excellent match. And I think Humberto Carrillo is, um, he's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. Like, I just think he's just like, he just looks like a little cabbage patch doll.
that can kick ass, you know? Yeah, I think he's like 13 years old. Yeah, definitely. He was dressed like a Power Ranger, which a lot of people noted on Twitter. But I think this is how you're going to need to introduce some of these 205 guys, and maybe the fans aren't very familiar with on the main roster. So it's a good way to, it's not a storyline match, but you get Seth Rollins on the card in the main event against the up and coming guy trying to put somebody over.
Uh, did it work? We'll see. But, uh, you know, at least they're trying to get some more FaceTime for some of these people like him. So. Yeah. Yeah. I thought, um, I thought it was really good and I thought it was a cool move of like Seth to, you know, just give him like a title shot, like right there, you know, total baby face move, but just being like, you know, yeah, I know you want the title shot. Like, so, so here you go. And I thought they put on a hell of a match. Um, but let's jump to my favorite thing on a raw. And that was the main event.
And that was the street profits, uh, defeating the OC, Carl Anderson, Luke gallows. Um, and then celebrating in the audience and Montes Ford.
Dancing with a baby and it just like made my life. I was like, oh my god Like I've noted on this podcast multiple times that I think Montes Ford is like the next big thing and he's definitely gonna be like WWE Champion someday and like this just like kind of like solidified I'm like, yep, he's got it. He he is the man even that baby was so excited Like you know what I mean? Like that baby has no context of anything and that baby was like hell. Yeah Montes Montes Ford is owning me. I
Yeah, that baby knew who Montez Ford was, because he or she was definitely excited. But that was cool. It was cool to see Kevin Owens brought back in the manner that he was brought back in. I'm sure he's going to turn heel within a week or two, because that's what Kevin Owens does. But it was a cool little way. A lot of people were thinking Matt Riddle was going to be the mystery partner. But they go with bringing somebody back that's already on the roster.
Mm-hmm. I like it. I dig it. Yeah, I like it a lot. You know, it's, you know, a good way to kind of give us something new and fresh. I do not like the the Street Profits kind of backstage segments. It just seems like they're kind of like on a delay or they're like, you know, the punchline is just kind of like, I don't know, it doesn't seem like they're, you know, they're not being able to say what they want. So they're kind of like reading off of something and it's just not I can tell. I can tell they just aren't like feeling it. You know what I mean? Like they're doing what they have to do. But am I crazy or?
yes you're crazy because i mean i mean maybe i mean yeah maybe they're scripted maybe they're reading off which i'm sure they are but like you cannot tell me that anybody sounds more like just natural and genuine than like the freaking street profits like they have such good chemistry together
that it's like, it's almost like, you know, how, um, I mean, not as of late, but like, you know, a couple of years ago, like new day, you know what I mean? Like how they just like literally like played off each other. They were just like so charismatic. They had such good chemistry. Like that's exactly how frigging Montes Ford and Angela Dawkins are. Like they just know what the other one's going to say. They know how to react. They know how to make it like,
seem authentic and genuine, even if they are promoting. I mean, that's what they're there for. That's what they've been doing for the last few months is just being behind the stage, behind the scenes on Raw, just promoting whatever it is the hell that WWE wants them to promote. But they do it in such an entertaining way that I can't take my eyes off of them. I love their segments. And I think, yeah, I think you're off base. I think you're maybe just clouding, because everything else kind of stinks. Yeah, if they were a little bit chubbier, I would like them.
Hey, Dawkins is a little meaty. Yeah, he's got some meat. Oh, my God. This is like a Pornhub episode. I know, right? We're particularly at the dark. We're going down. We're just going to call this episode of Meat and Men. There we go. Yeah. Oh, man. But yeah, you know, like I said, it is what it is. They're building the crown jewel. They're promoting all this stuff. They're trying to like, you know, still introduce new people that are getting drafted to
the different brands and things like that. So we're just going to have to see how it all shakes out and just kind of like either watch it just to like watch it and be entertained or like, you know, stop complaining, you know, cause like if we're going to watch it, we can't complain about it, right?
Yeah, we can complain. For every complaint we have to say something positive. You can't just completely crap on it. There's some good spots and bad spots. It's only fair. Let's move on to SmackDown. Give me something that we should talk about off of this card.
This'll be Marco Marco's thing other than them what I think the most noteworthy thing that happened on Smackdown is that shorty gable which I was which was already repug right is now just shorty G Yeah, yeah, and he he defeated a hardcore man of intercurdic Curtis Axel remember that guy I
Oh, man. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, he's really I mean, he's getting TV time. I guess that's, you know, what the hell? I mean, if he's if he's on TV, he's doing better than most of the guys, right? Even if he does have a repug name. What's what's the point of this? Like, are they doing anything with with the name? I didn't watch SmackDown. Are they I mean, are they just calling him that? But is it part of any sort of other gimmick that he has or it's just he's short. So we're calling him Shorty G.
No, apparently they showed some sort of montage with all of the people calling him short, you know, like over the, over the years or months or whatever, like all the different people that have like made fun of him for his height. Um, so I think he's just kind of like embracing it and kind of like, um, you know, fat Amy and himself, you know, I have to pitch, pitch perfect. Is that where the fat Amy reference comes from? We're getting a lot of,
But I think he's just kind of like trying to get ahead of like everybody so like it because if you make fun of it first Like it takes the power away from it and other people can't make fun of it right if you're calling yourself shorty Then when other people call you shorty, it's like not really an insult, right? So I think that's what he's what he's trying to do But it's just like I'm like, oh my god, like I
What happened to the Chad Gable that I love like the ready willing and Gable like it was just like he was just so awesome back then and now I mean he's not any less awesome in the ring but he's just like now he's short he's short and he's like shorty G you know what I mean like he's it's bad.
It's a former Olympian and his name is Shorty G. So, yeah, do it, I guess. I did like seeing New Day and Heavy Machinery team up and, you know, getting to see Otis and our boy Biggie in the ring together. That was that was a fun visual. You know, it's a lot of meat. Yeah. So let's rerecord this episode and talk about any kind of giant men. Listen, they're on the brain now. I got big dudes on the brain.
Thanksgiving is coming up right around the corner. We're going to be seeing a lot more big dudes. You know what I mean? This is like big dude season. They're coming out of the woodwork. They're like, hell yeah. It's party time. This is the time of year where we can be out in public. We don't have to go to the swimming pool anymore. We can wear hoodies and cover up all the man meat.
Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Well, I mean, you don't even gotta, you don't even gotta cover it up. If you saw Keith Lee, he was wearing some damn briefs, man. He was letting it all, he was letting it all hang out. You know what I mean? So, you know, shake what your mama gave you or what, you know, your butterfingers gave you, whatever, whatever the case may be. Um, but also on SmackDown, Bailey, um, came out and like told why like she finally gave like a reason why she turned heel.
And it was very cringe as most Bailey promos are, you know, she just doesn't have the best delivery at all. Like she was just saying that, you know, she lost her title at Ellen Aselle. Um, and you know, nobody was there to cheer for her. She spent her whole career like giving, giving, giving, you know, giving hugs, giving headbands, giving fives. And you know, her Bailey buddies defined her career and yada, yada, yada. Um, and then she, she like used the phrase, you know, I'm going to give you some life advice, life sucks. And then you die. I was like,
Bailey, like that's an old basic man line right there. Yeah. And just the way that she said it was just like life sucks. And then you die. And I'm like, Oh, okay. Well, so much for that. You know,
Wow, yeah, she's taking a turn for the worst. How about the six-woman six-pack challenge to crown the number one contender? We saw a six-woman dual suplex type thing. I got a picture here of it. It looks very interesting.
Who was it? It was Nikki, Dana, Carmella, Sonya, Mandy and Lacey. Wow. Yeah, right off the top of the head. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I got the little thing. I'm like, is this the match I'm looking at right here? Yeah. Um, yeah, it was what it was. You know what I mean? It was, it was a decent match to have six women just in there. Like, you know,
Do it doing the damn thing? Um, like I said, I only get to watch a little bit of smackdown I was not this week we were packing and everything So it was just kind of wasn't like on the top of my priority list and I should tell you something, right? Like I didn't feel like I missed anything by not tuning in to smack down
No, no, not much at all. I mean, I guess we're full into the Daniel Bryan face turn now. So that makes sense. But yeah, like I said, next week we'll talk about Crown Jewel. There wasn't really too much else on this show that I can think that we should talk about.
And I do like Sami Zayn as a kind of more of a manager for Nakamura. I mean, as far as a current wrestler in that role of a, you know, a smack talking Weasley kind of manager, I think Sami Zayn does well in that role, you know, even though he can, you know, he can still go in the ring. He's a great wrestler.
True, but I feel like sometimes they let him overdo it. Like when they give him the mic either on commentary or like over the arena speakers and he just like keeps on like, okay, this is getting old really fast. You know what I mean? He needs to be more like that Paul Heyman type. That's just like very expressive and like yelling and things like that. Like don't give the man a mic, you know?
Yeah, it gets to the point where you just want to see them get punched, but maybe that's what they're going for. True. Yeah. Um, anything else we should touch on that we missed Marco from raw on Smackdown, please say no. Uh, no, it was nothing at all. I mean, if you want to elaborate more on the tag team of biggie and
And Otis, we could do that because I actually do want them to become a tag team because they were doing the gyrating move together. It was magical.
They could just be big. They could be big. Oh, wait a minute. Oh, they go. Pause. Pause. I do think that Otis needs to have a show. And I think I've said this on the podcast before, but I apologize if I have that. Otis just goes to cities and whenever they go somewhere, it's just like kind of like a travel channel like eating show where he just goes to like a great restaurant there, you know, in whatever city he's in and just.
eats food. I mean I think I would probably sign up for the network just to watch that. I mean the guy needs to be like behind the microphone. He's so freaking entertaining.
Yeah, for sure. He needs to be like that Andrew Zimmerman, like bizarre foods. I could feel like Otis could really like rock that. You know what I mean? Tucker and D'Angelo Dawkins are in AEW in a couple of years. We'll see Montes Ford as the champion and Otis is, you know, I think he'll be a good heel or think he's going to be one of those guys who's always going to be a face.
I think he could be a heel. I feel like he would need, I feel like he, he's the kind of guy that as a heel, he would definitely benefit from a manager. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Like, cause he just like that big kind of big brooding presence. I feel like his, his kind of like comedy shtick, uh, isn't going to do it as a heel. So I feel like he would need a mouthpiece to, to really like turn heel. I mean, he's just like a face. He's just, yeah.
All right, well, let's get into our go figure segment. Hold on one second. We'll get that fired up. This is brought to you in part, by the way, by our friends at Ringside Collectibles, who are our big time sponsor of our show. You can use code Chick Foley for 10% off.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is our Go Figure segment where myself, Sheena, and Marco let you know about which figures we've purchased over the last week in addition to any wrestling memorabilia and anything else we want to talk about, as well as some figure news from around the world of wrestling figure collecting. And I would like to start if you guys don't mind.
Go for it. I have an interesting story, and I think you can piggyback off of it, Sheena, with Target, with these Liv Morgan and Sonya Deville elites. I had grabbed one of each for myself about a month ago, and my wife sent me to Target to pick up a bunch of crap that she ordered from their new in-store pickup. You order online, you can pick it up. It's already ready for you, paid for.
So I did that. I was like, OK, I'm going to walk over to the wrestling figures section. And I see Liv Morgan and Sonya Deville on the bottom shelf, tucked in the back where the belts and all the big boxes of stuff usually are. So I was like, oh, let me grab these. And I brought them up to the register. And I've already seen people on Twitter and on social media talking about, I tried to go to Target, and they wouldn't let me buy this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It wouldn't ring up. I don't know what's going on.
So I was I was fully prepared for that to happen. So I go to the self-checkout They don't ring up a guide brings me over to one of the regular registers. It won't work He keeps doing the same thing over and over and it doesn't work and I'm like I'm there for like 10 minutes at this point and then he calls over a manager and She doesn't know what's going on. So she basically she's like I don't have time for this shit under her breath and she just you know types in like 1999 on each figure and you know get gets the hell out of there. So I
At the end of the day, I did get one of each of those. I'm looking to trade them for some figures. I'm not going to put them on eBay or sell them for some ridiculous amount of money. But a lot of people have been talking about this, Sheena, and I was actually in the Major Brothers Facebook group with a bunch of people that were talking about it. And our buddy, what's it, action figure, action attack or something?
action figure attack. Yeah. Steven Ozer was talking about it. And, uh, he said it's not, it's not a recall, which is a lot of people were saying there was a recall on the, uh, Sonya Deville because of some things. It was just a weird issue with the system. And, um, give me some more details that they were, you know, they just, I guess target just dropped the ball basically. So you said you actually talked to a target, target manager that we will not name, but we'll remain homeless.
yeah no he's so he's a um he's a lead for target in north carolina he's actually a fan of fan of us you know falls on instagram um has his own podcast um you know so he he's a he's a wrestling mark and a figure collector himself and also a uh a team lead at target so um i feel bad that i like i have shit on
Like target employees before because he's a was actually very he gave me some really good some really good insight into what was going on because I had heard the same thing like you know, there's all these recalls and it wasn't just for I had heard people say it wasn't just for Sonia and it wasn't like live like other other elites that they were scanning to were showing up like they weren't in the system there, you know or recalled all that sort of thing.
Some people were getting the, the managers asking the managers to just go ahead and do a price override, or they were scanning a different item, things like that, you know, just to be able to get the figures that they needed. Um, but you know, and then some managers were taking the figures and like actually putting them back under the shelves and being like, you know, no, we can't sell this. So it really depended on your location, whether or not you got it or not, but he did give me some insight on what the actual issue was. So this is from our buddy on Instagram at heats underscore toy box.
Um, you can follow him there and it says, Hey all, I just wanted to send in some info on the WWE elite recall issue happening in target. I'm a team leader for target in Durham, North Carolina, and happened to have toys as one of my areas. It was brought to my attention about a week ago. That the regular elite line was coming up with a recall error in the POS system. POS for those of you who've never worked retail or restaurants or anything is point of sale.
It says, I sent in the support request to fix the issue and obviously it is yet to be addressed. But just try and calm everyone down a bit because there is no recall on the elites. It just looks to be a system error that is affecting not only the DPCI for the elites, but also for Spider-Man, Far From Home, Marvel Legends, as well as some Hot Wheels and NASCAR cars, right? It says, and please do not scan other figures because it also screws up the inventory and leads to more distribution issues.
Love the pod and keep up the awesome work. Thanks, Chris. And then he gave me a follow up email that also said, let's see.
Um, an update in the recall issue. Oh, he says, here's an update in the recall issue. Uh, it appears to have been fixed as I scanned one of the figures into the POS and did not get the error or recall notice. So apparently it is getting fixed. Um, you know, I don't know if that's just in his store or if it's getting fixed, you know, nationwide. Um, but apparently it was on target and it wasn't just elites. Like, you know, obviously we know it because we collect, that's what we collect, but he said it'd affect a lot of other toys.
Uh, as well. So it was just definitely something in their system. So yeah, just make sure, like he said, you know, try to do the right thing, um, and don't scan just other figures. They can use like a, um, a dump, I think it's called like a dump skew or something like that. And they can punch in the skew and then, um, you know, put the price, like do a manual price override or things like that, but just make sure you're not just scanning other figures. Um, because yeah, again, we don't want any more distribution issues in the, especially in target Jesus Christ.
Yeah, it's been pretty annoying. But I do have an extra Sonya Deville and Liv Morgan. If anyone wants to make a little trade ski, let me know. And I picked up a couple figures from one of our good friends at Cooley Collector. Let me pull up his Twitter account. He's got a cool little YouTube page. It's Cooley Collector with a K.
and he does a YouTube channel, I think with his son, they're from Canada, and he found me, he found me two Aleister, I guess they're still getting the Aleister Black and there's NXT elites and their Toys R Us is up there, which, you know, I'm so jealous that they still have Toys R Us up in Canada, but I bought two of them on site when I saw them at the store and I actually posted them to our Patreon, our Facebook group, and which you can sign up for a dollar a month. And these things are going for like 70, 80 bucks on eBay.
So I bought two of them, sold them to me for face value. The shipping was a little bit high from Canada, but I put it onto our Facebook group and not knowing if any, I'm sure I was just assuming people would need it, which it took like five minutes to sell the two. But I hooked up a couple of our Patreon subscribers with those, which felt good. I just got them in the mail today and they will be going out to people whenever my lazy ass puts them in the mail, probably Friday or so.
So that was pretty cool. And what else did I pick up here? I think I had one more pick up. No, that was it. I mean, I'm still waiting for Brisco to show up in my stores. If you guys do want to, I'm going to pull up the number for if you want to do the pop finder for those new elites at Target. I'm going to pull up the number and give that to folks in a second here.
Once I pull it up, it's PopFinder. So, P-O-P-F-I-N-D-R is the website we always talk about, and the code is 519-57-238. You just punch that in, punch in your zip code. It'll show you the stock of all the stores in your area. Take a screenshot of it, and the next morning, check it out and cross-reference it, see if any of the numbers have jumped up. I think there's eight in the case. That'll give you a good idea of which one of your stores nearby has gotten those in.
I don't know if it will be elite 69 or elite 70, but happy hunting either way. And yeah, I mean, it just sucks that because Target is so hard to find things. And when people are finally finding them, then they can't even buy them. It's like, come on, man. It's like the company is just shooting themselves in the foot. I mean, it's hard enough to find figures and not have to pay these ridiculous eBay prices. But man, I mean, it's tough me to collect it right now. I'm telling you, in these streets,
Yeah, it's hard out here in these streets. Well, it's not hard out here in these Kentucky streets because my first day in Kentucky, my first full day, I guess I should say, um, me and the baby face, we hit up Walmart. We got up super early, you know, um, and, uh, went and hit one hit Walmart and target. And the first Walmart I went to hang in right there on the pig, stare me right in the face was Gerald Brisco. And I was like, holy fricking tamales. Like I only had to drive 12 hours to, uh,
to find this figure. So I was super stoked to find it on the pegs. I know a lot of the people in our, in our Facebook group are looking for, we actually created a master list of like our in search of figures right now. So it's super cool. Cause we can always just look and like get the figures that we need for each other. And like, it's funny because like everybody's list includes the Brisco figure. So it's just going to be like, it's going to be like a feeding frenzy whenever somebody finds one and like puts it up there for, for sale.
That was a good idea about you, though, because then that that kind of gives us all an idea of what we're looking for. And if I, you know, some people have like the Vince McMahon, the elite 70 from Vince McMahon and all that kind of stuff. So that's definitely a good way that we're all helping each other out. And we have a question of the week later on from one of our Patreon subscribers that kind of gives you a good idea what what what the community has been like for all of us on that on that Facebook group. But yeah, that's a good find by you at that Briscoe figure. How's it look in person?
It looks really, it looks really, really good. I haven't unboxed it yet. I'm probably going to go live on, uh, on Instagram, maybe this weekend and unbox it. Um, it's just at my mom's house. It's kind of like crazy, like chaotic, um, here. So like when I get out in the country, like I'm going to go visit ses parents or maybe when I visit my dad, like it's a little bit more calm.
there um and uh i will be able to to unbox that for you guys and give you guys a firsthand look but yeah i can't take credit for the in search of idea i can't remember which one of our which one of our awesome chick foley fam recommended that if it was ryan or who it was but somebody was like hey we should just do a master in search of lists and i was like damn it that's a good idea and so i've been meaning to put it up for a while and then i finally got it up and i was like oh my gosh like this is so nice just having everybody's list just pinned to the top of the
pin to the top of the page so we can find them and we always i mean just so you guys know we always only sell like retail or whatever the sale price you sold for plus shipping so there's no scalper prices no like gouging people like it's literally just like a uh you know nice little community that we we hook up and you know do do the right thing by each other
Yeah, well, I popped. I was listening to the guys over doing the favor podcast and they were talking about the problems with Target. And the guy said a manager came over and he described her as looking like Otis's sister. And I was laughing in my car, listening to it.
And he was talking about how he does the same thing as us. He's got a podcast. I talk about figures. And he tries to help out as many people as he can.

Community and Social Media Dynamics

And he's had a lot of problems with people. Well, not a lot of problems, but it sounds like he's had problems with people not even saying thank you or just kind of getting in his DMs like, hey, you found this from me. Can you find this from me now? Or saying they want to buy them and not buying them. And people posting pictures of stuff they find. Somebody found Cashizono and Page on the pegs and didn't buy them.
Come on, man. Oh my gosh. You've got to know that at $40 you're going to spend, you're going to get a PayPal back to you in like 15 minutes. Exactly. Well, and see, we got a lot of flack because I know there was some people on Twitter saying things like, oh, well, we just do that in the community for everyone. You don't have to be a Patreon member or whatever. But I feel like there's a level of loyalty and a level of filtering people out that are kind of douchebags.
You know what I mean? I feel like all the people that are in our Chick-Fully fam are decent people, and you can trust them. Because again, they're there. They're loyal members of our freaking community, of our podcast. They listen. They like our product. They respect what we do. So it makes it a lot easier to do those types of transactions, because you know you can trust who's on the other end. You know what I mean? Versus, oh, I just help everybody. Well, yeah, there's a lot of shitty-ass people out there. You know what I mean? And you end up
running around and doing a bunch of extra shit and like you know bending over backwards for people and like you said not getting a thank you or them expecting you to do all this extra stuff and like we just don't have that in our in our community it's always just like simple transactions people are like awesome thanks so much for the hookup so and so you know it was great doing business with you you know what i mean like and i feel like that's why i love having it in our little small patreon community and that's that's who we hook up always first um just because
I mean, those guys are the best. They're the ones that really support us and we want to support them. Yeah, and when you think about it, it's $60 a year. What am I talking about? It's $1 a month, so $12 a year. You're going to save that in one transaction if we find something in the wild that you need that you don't have to buy on eBay. So it's kind of a no-brainer. That's what I tell people when they are hesitant whether they want to sign up or not.
Yeah, I mean, there's just so much, you know, social media is just like, you know, I love Twitter. I'm on it every day. I have, you know, two or three different accounts between my podcast, my Ravens podcast, which I still run the Twitter for our show podcast, our show Twitter, my personal one. And it's just so many people. It's just so much like you can't like it just can't
There's so much noise out there that we have a smaller group. We have, what, 60, 65 people in our Facebook group. And I can focus on helping those people out. And if I get anything people want, I can help people out. So that's the way we're doing it. And if people don't like it, it's too bad. That's too bad. Yeah, we're not stuck in the bag with anything.
Yeah, that's cool you got the Briscoe. And I think now we're seeing that other series land. I think that's Elite 70 that has the Casio Sono in the page. That's been showing up at different targets. So good luck to everybody finding those. Yeah. What did Marco get this week? Yeah, Marco, what you got? I was pretty dry this week. Nothing too crazy. I did get the Andrade in the mail from Rigside Collectibles.
I use trickfully code. You took that off when you do that. Got that. And I also did some fig hunting, but nothing too crazy. Did go to a local target because I seen a spike in elites. Obviously I go there. Everything's pegs are completely empty. There's nothing. There were some Shinsuke Ultimate editions there, which I was pretty surprised at seeing. I haven't seen those in my area at all.
Um, but I did in fact, end up picking up something Dawn wrestling related, which is the, um, the, uh, Gremlins two pack, the, uh, Christmas Gremlins two pack. Yes. I see that. That was the only target like that I've ever seen it in. None of the, I have like five targets in my area. Did see that one went to this one just out of a whim. And they were sitting there on the $20 tag. And I was like, Oh, you didn't get these for 20 bucks. This is an event.
I tried. I got it for $10 off, but it isn't bad because I kind of made like a, Hey, this is on the wrong spot. What do you expect me to do? And he's like, man, I'll just give you $10 off. He's like, take her to leave. And I'm like, I'll take $10 off on it. Yeah. So, yeah. So I got the, uh, the, the Gremlins, uh, Christmas two pack for the, uh, for Ms. Sheena over there. So there'll be a year away soon.
I know those gremlins look so sick. There's actually two different two packs. There's like a, um, uh, one that's one that's a target exclusive. And I think the one you got is the one that's like, there's, they're doing them release at all like NECA locations. Um, but I was super stoked because like, I, I, they're just, they just look so amazing. I can't wait to show you guys. Um, but, uh, I think, yeah, we were pretty light this week, but we do have, um, something

WWE 2K20 Backlash

to talk about. There was a lot of, um, 2k 20 outrage.
this past couple of days. Have you guys been following along with any of that? Oh my God. This game, you've got this game. I don't know if you played it yet now that you're at the, I haven't. Yeah, I haven't. My, my friend actually picked it up for us. Like, you know, we had preordered it and, um, my friend on Tuesday went in and just like, you know, purchased it for us. Um, but there was just like, there's, I mean, I've, I've, I've been following like 2k for a very long time on all platforms. You know, I mean, like, you know,
NBA, NFL, all these amazing platforms, WWE, and I've never heard this type of outrage for any of their games before.
Well, the screenshots that I've seen, I mean, of just the individual wrestlers, they, the, the faces look awful. And I've seen some videos of just like the glitchy glitches. There's a patch out now after the first day that fixes many, some of those, but, um, yeah, it's just, I mean, I'm going to wait on it. Whether I get it or not, I always wait till black Friday when it's like half off, but God, I mean,
They've had this 2K license since, I think, 2012? 2013. Yeah, I think 2012. So it's been a while. But I enjoyed last year's. And we talked about me and the Hill Husband did the Patreon episode with ranking the best wrestling video games of all time. And he had nothing but good things to say about the 2K19. I don't know how they take such a large step back.
Man, people are really not digging it. Yeah. You know, like I said, it's so glitchy. And then the creator wrestler apparently has some serious, seriously bad, some seriously bad glitches, too.
And to make matters worse, so not only is in-game play been like really, really terrible for a lot of people. And you know, we have some people like, I think I've heard a lot of PlayStation people say that theirs is a lot worse than a lot of Xbox people. So I don't know if it's just the different platforms. I mean, I'm sure the game as a whole has its like fair share across the board, but I, we have a couple of Xbox.
players in our patreon group and they're like well mine hasn't been that bad like you know there's a couple things but like i haven't noticed like what what a lot of the other people have noticed but it's just like um to make matters worse they they came with a there was a lot of uh the deluxe edition i think the smackdown edition came with commemorative cards right and then um there was a the choice of ray mysterious edge or curt uh curt angle right like you were gonna get one of the three and
The edge ones went out without an autograph on them. Like they're supposed to be an autographed card and the edge ones went out, packed up with out any autograph on them. So now edge like stepped up and like, you know, reached out on social media and stuff and said, set up a post office box. If you send it in your edge card, you can get it signed. And I'm like, Oh my God, like what a freaking debacle. Like this could go wrong with one bit with one video game.
This is so bad. And I mean, you already, my, my thing is with the video games, like you already have the interface in play. Like how do you make it worse? You know what I mean? Like you already had this like foundational product that you're building off of. So like, how can you possibly make it go backwards? Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, why not just do like Madden does and just like, you know, change the players ratings and stuff? I mean, like if someone has a good scan, like just use it forever, like on some of these veteran legend type guys, the one that they showed of the rock, the rock looks like a middle aged Yankees fan. Yeah, the rock one looks really, really bad. Really bad. The real Ripley. I forget who I was. Oh, yeah. Rare Ripley. Yeah. Just looks so derpy and wow.
Yeah, it was very bad. I know that somebody posted in our group today that Sony is offering refunds for people. I think it's for the digital copy. If you just purchase the digital only, I think they're offering refunds. I don't know about the physical copies if you actually bought a disc.
Um, I didn't read the article yet, but yes, somebody did post it in our, um, in our Patreon group about the refunds and things like that. Microsoft has not come out and said anything about refunds yet. So, you know, Microsoft people stay tuned, but yeah, apparently like the outcry was so loud and just so horrible. I mean, there was a, there was, I mean, there was a trending hashtag on Twitter that was like hashtag fix WWE 2k 20. Like it was trending in America. Like that's how bad it was.
That's pretty bad. Yeah. Yeah. I did want to touch on a couple of things. I did actually, I'm sorry, I picked up the Johnny Gargano Elite. I think that's Elite 70. Our good friend on Instagram, Figology907, posted about those being on the Walmart website. I don't know if they're still up there, but Elite 70 for $19.99. I didn't want to wait for that Gargano. I picked it up, did in-store pickup, and that should be ready in the next couple of days.
So I did pick up that as well, so that's another figure added to the collection. And I did want to talk about our buddy, and he changed his Instagram handle. He's now Dtov Zegler, Dtov Z-E-G-L-E-R, which is his last name. He's a great follow on there. He sent a boatload of figures for the toy drive here.
And if you need the address for the Toy Drive, I got you. It's Chick Foley Toy Drive PO Box 3203, Catonsville, Maryland, 21228. It's pinned to our Twitter account at Chick Foley Show.

Chick Foley Toy Drive

Yep. And we also have a PayPal as well. So we get a lot of questions for you guys. You want to get the most bang for your buck.
We do have a PayPal set up for you guys if you wanna donate for us to buy figures for you so that way you don't have to ship things. You don't have to go to the frickin' post office which can be a pain in the ass. Phil will go and shop and spend your money on figures for the toy drive or toys for the toy drive and doing it that way too if that's easier. We wanna make sure that everybody can contribute in whatever way they can and get the most for the kids so don't forget about that as well.
he mentioned that. So yeah, that's the easiest way to do it. I mean, it's not as fun as like picking out wrestlers, but then you don't have to pay the shipping and you can maybe send more money for the cause. So either way, we're not picky. Just as long as it's in the package, I don't care what kind of toy it is. It's going to go to a good cause, Toys for Tots and Jimmy's Seafood for their annual holiday event.
Without further ado, our buddy Detov Zegler sent us a, this is old school, a little bit. This is a Neville, a Neville Basic, which, uh, this is like from 2006. This is the build a figure, uh, Paul Baer.
Oh, yeah. All the, all the AEW, uh, marks are going to go crazy. They'll be wanting their, their bastard pack figure. Yeah. And it also came with a rusa, a rusev at that same series. So I got, I got half of, uh, Paul Bearer's body here. So you get a bonus figure. The kids get a bonus figure. Uh, Ronda Rousey, uh, basic 90.
nice a iron chic basic from i think this is like a series like 56 or 57 a naya jack's basic series 72 it's a nice figure a dolph ziegler basic 72 which i like the scan on that he looks pretty his little smug look on his face
And I really love this figure. And Asuka, NXT Elite Series 47, which is... Oh yeah, that's a beautiful figure. Yeah, the colors, the outfit on that is perfect. Looks really cool. And at the bottom of the box, a Defining Moments USA Sting from Great American Bash.
Nice. I know, man. This is one of my favorite defining moments figures. So for Mr. Bob Zegler to donate that is a pretty cool thing. So I'm going to add that into the donation. He put a little note in the box here. It says, thanks for all the entertainment, Sheena and Phil.
Congrats on all the success. Here's one of the benefits of being an MOC collector. You can donate all the things you have left after getting new elites as the year goes on. So shout out MOC. Wishing the best for all your families this holiday, turkey day, and holiday season. Sincerely, Bob Zegler. And he said he changed the
you can change this handle on instagram just for me to get rid of the uh get rid of the underscores so oh awesome thank you so much bob that is so awesome and thank you for sending toys for for the tots out there um much much much appreciated our buddies at
ringside collectibles do have a good sale going on right now. They have a Halloween sale, so you can search it. What I always do, I click on that banner, I do a search from lowest priced, lowest to highest, and you have to scroll through a little bit because it has some extra hands and turnbuckles and all that kind of little 1 dollar crap.
get some figures on there that are $4, $5, $6, and especially around Black Friday, I'm sure they're going to have some great deals on stuff. That'll be a good time to do some holiday toy drive shopping with our friends Ringside Collectibles, and you can use our code CHICKFOLY to get the discount 10% off there.
Yeah, some good stuff. We appreciate all the donations coming in. It's been awesome. And keep them coming, man. It's cool. I can't wait to see how much. I'm going to take a picture of all them laid out. I know. I'm excited for that. I don't know if I have a room big enough without any furniture I can lay them all down on. But it'll be cool.
Oh, and I got a figure from you this week, too. I can't believe I forgot it. You sent me... Well, Ringside sent it to you, and you sent it to me after you unboxed it. The Ringside Undertaker is Kane figure, and man, what a cool box that's in, man. That thing is awesome.
it's pretty freaking amazing and i knew you were moc so i was like you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna unbox this with very with very careful hands um which i would have anyway because that box is so freaking awesome and i don't know if you guys saw my live you can actually scroll back a little bit on my feed and go go watch my live video where i unbox it but it's just like i talk about how like that packaging should have been with the ultimate edition packaging
Was like I feel like it's just so much more customized. It's just so much nicer to feel Did you like pass out and fall over? No, I just putting these figures back in the box. I apologize this microphone picks up anything
Oh my God, I was like, he passed out. Um, so yeah, I'm just like, man, can you imagine if they had done that with like, you know, Bret Hart, like, you know, made a box with like pink and black, like paint splatter, like look like his tights or something like that, or like an ultimate warrior face, like with the mask and everything, like how cool that would have been versus just like this plain white packaging with the red back backdrop that they gave us, you know? So, um, yeah, I love, love, love that Kane is undertaker for a year.
Yeah, it's really cool looking and it has the two extra heads the cane heads as long as well as the undertaker with the kind of the smokey eye Raccoon I look so yeah, very very cool I thought the packaging was more like a I thought it was like a square I mean, it's the same size as like the normal elites. It's a little bit
I don't know, it looks a little smaller to me, don't you think the packaging is a little bit smaller? It's not as tall, but I thought it was kind of like a DVD box set type of square, because that's how it looked in some of the pictures from Ringside, but it fits in well on the shelf, it's the same width, just a little bit shorter. It's a cool looking figure for sure. Do you still have some of those elites to give away? I just thought of a great idea.
Yes, I do. I have I believe a John Cena. I have to go back and check my stash that I have a giveaway stuff. I'm not at home right now, so I can't like look. Usually I pull the pull the figure and we'll do like a trivia question or something like that. But I do have a couple of figures left to give away on the pod.
I have some as well, so we'll go through and for next episode. We'll have a definitive giveaway We'll do a couple elites, but next week on the show we're gonna be recording a couple days before Halloween and We will be I want everyone to listen and you're gonna tell me how many hocus-pocus references we drop
Oh, my God.

Salem Halloween Experience

On the on the show, because I've been watching it a nonstop at the four year old. So I know everything there is to know about Salem, Massachusetts now. Oh, my gosh. And Marco just went up to there. He just did the tour, the whole Salem tour. Oh, yeah, it was fun. I was actually joking with somebody at work about this. Like you you live in a like a town or a state where like a lot of these like
landmarks are and like maybe something historical happened but like you never do the tours or never see any of the sites at all that are like and then so like i've lived in massachusetts all my life never once went to any of those houses on locations never thought of doing that until like my wife obviously we have kids now like she's having them watch hocus pocus and stuff like that so like she's all she's back into it so we we did that and um yeah it was fun um
That's awesome. One of my favorite things is playing tourists. I love to just like play tourists no matter where I'm at. You know what I mean? Just kind of like do like the hokey stuff that like, like everybody would expect you to do. I like to do the off the beaten path stuff too, but like, I also like like the Instagram worthy, like, you know, cheesy stuff too. Yeah. I can say, yeah. Salem right now it's obviously it's pretty much the end of September to like the end of October. It's, it's Halloween. Yeah. So like we went there on a Monday and it was literally,
bombarded like it was like a weekend, like there was just people everywhere walking all over the place. They have like, there's witches, there's gypsies, there's palm readers, there's like the little like witchcraft shops and things like that. And like, it's, they do haunted houses that night. If you go to Salem at 8, the whole mood changes and it gets a little bit more like horror oriented, where the daytime is more like festive and stuff like that. Witch did say she was gonna eat our children, cause they're so cute. So that was a,
That was actually like, I want to eat your children. We're like, oh, moving along. Let's continue moving. But yeah, it was it was it was a fun time. And yeah, there's a lot of hocus pocus references in Salem during the day. There's like every bar has like a.
like a saying or a drink named after or something in the, in the movie or something like that. So we're going to call this the burning rain of death giveaway next week. We'll make it only lines from the movie. So all three of us will brainstorm. We'll come up with a bunch and we'll intersplice them into the episode. So that'll be pretty fun. Oh my gosh. Do you think we have a pretty big hocus pocus WWE or wrestling crossover?
I feel like we might win some free figures. They better be watching this shit. They got free form. Yeah. I know you got free form. If you got cable. Oh my God. I wanted to say something else, but it just completely escaped me, but I will think of it. What? What's that? I said, are we ready for some random merch? Speaking of Halloween. Yes. Let's talk about random merch of the week.
Yeah. So for random merch this week, um, you know, keeping with the holiday theme, it is not whole Kogan this week. I did not pull any whole Kogan merch. Um, this is a Kamala signed pro wrestling mask costume. Um, yeah. So, you know, you guys out there, you guys got the huggable bodies. Um, if you want, if you want, if you want to, if you want to, um, put a, put a moon on your
put a moon on your belly and rock this mask. I feel like this is like the perfect, the perfect costume. You know what I mean? Like it's just, it's like so great and it's signed. Um, and you can get this mask for the, uh, small fee. It's plastic, super thin for, it's only cost you $70 to get this signed, signed Kamala mask. Um, but yeah, it's actually pretty cool, but yeah, I think it would be pretty rad to see somebody like dress up like full on full blown Kamala gear. Oh man.
hefty guys throughout the whole show and just running it out with the, uh, with the Kamala mask. Yeah, it was, it was a complete coincidence. I actually, uh, when I went, I was funny because when I, when we started talking about random merch, I was like, Oh man, there's a, there's a little bit, there's a little bit more of meat meat references here in the, uh, in the random merch. Um, only bad thing is for all of my Island peeps, uh, it does not ship to Hawaii or Alaska. So yeah.
I feel like she had this set up from the beginning.
It's located in California. So yeah, $69.99 or best offer. So you might want to get it in pretty damn quickly if you're trying to get this thing for Halloween. But yeah, I want to see somebody dress up as Kamala for Halloween. So make it happen. I cannot. I will be fired if I do that because it doesn't seem politically correct at this point in 2019. But I did always enjoy the Kamala character back in the day.
Yeah, let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week sponsored in part by pro wrestling tees comm you can go there and get 10% off of any shirt, but preferably a chick Foley t-shirt at using code chick And this is a this is your pick. This is a great match here and this is maybe the the peak of rusev's career here and
Yeah, that's exactly why I chose it. It's funny that you mentioned that because I kind of dogged on Rusev at the beginning of the show talking about what a cook he is and how they kind of cut him down and just made him this sad puppy dog, this skinny, sad puppy dog.
And now like this was like the peak, this is WrestleMania 31. This was Rusev versus John Cena. I mean, he had went almost an entire year being undefeated. He had an incredible United States championship run. And it finally came to an end, spoiler alert, it came to an end at the hands of John Cena at WrestleMania 31. But I just like, I want you to like go watch this match and just see how mage
That rusev was like i mean both entrances were great like you know john sina did this like super patriotic like you know salute to the troops like the whole the whole nine you know like john sina likes to do but then rusev.
rides down the ramp at WrestleMania 31 on a freaking army tank. I mean, like a big ass fucking tank. And he just looks like a bad ass, you know? I mean, he's just big and brooding and he's got Lana there and she's wearing this like white, you know, fur and they just look like a million freaking bucks. You know what I mean? And like you were thinking like, Oh yeah, he's going to come in and beat John Cena. Cause he's just, I mean, that that's the kind of entrance
Of a champion you know and like watch that and then go back and watch last week's episode of raw and just be like wow You know like just the comparison
Yeah, I mean, coming in on a tank is one of the greatest entrances in WrestleMania history. And yeah, it was such a good gimmick. You knew it couldn't last forever, but Rusev had so much potential in this era here to be like a huge heel. And this is probably the furthest he got kind of competing for that US title.
Yeah, and I loved him. Yeah, and I loved him when he had Lana as like that I don't even think back then they were like officially like in a relationship like that wasn't part of their gimmick like she was just like his his manager and She was just like she was the perfect Like accessory to him, you know, he didn't talk very much and when he did he spoke in Bulgarian But it was just like she was just like very
authoritative and she wore like the suits and I love that version of Lana, you know what I mean? And I just it's just crazy how a couple years go by and it's like wow What?
Yeah, Lana is also a great follow on Instagram if you don't follow her already. It's not really wrestling related, but it is entertaining. I mean, it is good, Marco. I don't know if you can vouch for me on this one here. Yeah, I'll vouch for that. It's a great follow if you haven't already. Majority of that locker room is a great follow.
if you haven't done that, so I agree. 100%. What else do I want to talk about? Oh, listener mail. We got some listener mail this week from our good buddy, Raw Is Ryan.
Yeah. So raw, uh, Ross Ryan, I called him Ross Ryan. Ryan is, uh, one of our awesome fully fan members. Um, and he hit us up with an awesome question. He says, hi fully fam. Um, I've got another question coming at you concerning lucha Libre wrestling, more specifically their masks. Who are some of your favorite lucha Libre mask designs? Personally, I always think of Ray Mysterio. Um,
has one if not the most iconic mask designs recognized by many um put put aside i absolutely love seeing pentagon's attire mixing face paint and a mask mixed with endless color schemes um color scheme options and it looks incredible and then he goes on to say so he actually
i cut out a little bit here but he goes on to like you know just tell us a little bit ryan has been going through some like serious like health issues and setbacks and things like that um and you know he's just been a supporter of chick foley and the chick foley shows it's like day one so um you know we we love our man ryan so he was just giving us an update and then he continues to say like i can't thank you and the foley family facebook crew enough for the outpouring of kindness and support that has been shown lately
for members helping me obtain figures in the wild that I can't um that I can't get or look out for just a quick checkup means so much to me and helps me out mentally when all these issues help um with all these issues catch up with me and destroy my mental and emotional well-being much love congrats on the one-year pod-a-versary one day at a time uh raw is Ryan so yeah we want to send out all the love to our man Ryan and I'm so grateful for all the fully fam Facebook members that you know
help support our man when he's down. So getting back to his original question. Yeah. I mean, obviously like when you think of Lucha Libre masks, like Ray Mysterio is like one of the first ones that comes to mind. I do love pentagons too. Like I just think he just looks like just scary. Yeah. That's the best word to describe it. He definitely looks like scared. Like it's cool and scary.
Yeah, it's very scary, like the contacts, like the whole the whole thing. But I mean, personally, like if you're you know, if you're not picking Ray or Pentagon, I mean, Jushan Thunder Liger has to be like at the top of the list. Right. Like, I mean, that's just like iconic. Like, I just love that whole this whole look like the horns, the color scheme, all of it.
Yeah, I don't know if he considers to be Lucha Libre being from the Far East, but I mean the same style of wrestling. True. Well, yeah. It's the same like the masks. I'm not saying not that he's a Lucha Libre wrestler, but I mean like he like specifically like he says more specifically their masks. So like I think of
I mean, I definitely would consider his mask literally where you guys can correct me if I'm wrong. I agree. I agree. If I want to know, we have some smart listeners who would be like, no, it's actually there's actually in Japan. In Japan, it's called. Yeah. Strong stuff. Yeah. Strong stuff. Somebody would have tweeted us about it. Yeah.
I wanted to I wanted to throw a couple votes and I love I always love psychosis is mask psychosis. This is this is this is this mask and with the horns. I love the parkas mask with the kind of the skull, the skull face, you know, bringing out the chair, playing like a guitar. Yeah. Look, any any any that were missing, Marco? I forget the Ultimo Dragon. Oh, good. Oh, yeah. As well as the returning scene data.
Also, I mean the lucha house party too there are they actually I mean I'm not a huge fan of them but The lucha libre masks that they they have two are pretty pretty sweet. So we can't we can't they can't go unnoticed in that Yeah, what's his what's his name? He kind of looks like a koala bear with the lince Dorado Like he kind of he just like reminds me of like a little bear like his mask Yeah
He's got he's got like the little like for am I is that his mask. Let me look I have to look him up real quick sometimes Ray Mysterio's been doing the fur the fur Yeah, Lindsay. Yeah, he's got like the little like side chops and I'm like, oh he's like a little teddy bear. Oh
I'm really excited about the, even though the match was like 15 seconds long, the Samoa Joe Rey Mysterio Elite two pack when he's wearing the Mysterio Marvel inspired costume Rey Mysterio is with the purple and green. That's gonna be a bomb ass figure and that's a cool mask for Mysterio. So I'm sure he's raking in the money from being back in WWE and
you know, getting like a figure in every, every single series that comes out. Well, you know, um, even I was thinking to myself, um, and I think this every time he, he comes out, you know, even though like Ray Mysterio is not like the most intriguing thing happening in WWE at the moment, like, I mean, he's, he's an icon, a legend, like, you know, hall of famer, like let's, let's be real. Um, but he does have the coolest like Titan Tron entrance. I think, I think like his graphics, like with the mask, like changing all of the different,
mass like doing that like little like flip show is like the coolest thing like I'm like that is like the most awesome graphic for him you know what I mean like you know most of most of the guys like it's pretty generic like it'll be like like Seth Rollins has like the static or whatever which is cool right but like I feel like Rey Mysterios is so unique because it's just like shows like such a history in the business and it's like pretty cool
I do like that. I do like that a lot. Yeah, good question, Ryan. Good question. And I also want to give a shout out to one of our other Patreon subscribers, our buddy Zach Egloff. That's Z-E-G-O-L-F on Twitter. He sent Marco a brand new microphone to use on the podcast. And then Marco went out and bought a brand new microphone. So while we're going to give that other microphone to one of our other contributors to the show, I think Michael Annam is going to get that sent to him.
Zach, we appreciate you, and you can tell that our buddy Marco is sounding so crystal clear this evening, and we appreciate it, man. That was something that, you know, that's fully family looking out for each other right there, man.
Yeah, and Zach, he actually won the trivia question last week. I haven't been home, so I need to ship his. He won the Seth Rollins figure, but yeah, yeah, so it was so funny because, you know, he's always one of the first people to listen to our show because he listens like first thing in the morning when he goes to the gym. So I always get like some sort of feedback from Zach and like some or like I wake up and there's like three forty five in the morning.
Yeah, there's a DM from Zach. He's off work at like 1.30 in the afternoon. I'm like, dude, how are you off work? He's like, I started work at like 5 o'clock this morning. I'm like, oh my god. I'm not all about that life. And he's got two kids too. I don't know how he does it. Have we talked about how you messed up that trivia question that had like five different answers? I think we have mentioned it, but I just wanted to bring it up.
I don't think no. I don't think we haven't addressed it because that was the question that Zach won because I had to do it. Yeah. I had to do a drawing between him because it was, you know, the original answer. It was who now I can't even remember how the trivia question was worded, but it was the trivia question in the previous episode or the episode before last was who is the only other
wrestler to have lost a match at WrestleMania and still win the WWE or WWF championship. Um, and the obvious answer there, I was speaking of Seth Rollins, I said besides Seth Rollins, right? Because you were going to win the Seth Rollins figure.
The obvious answer was Bret Hart, right? And little did I, I just like completely let it slip my mind about WrestleMania nine. Cause I was, I was referring to WrestleMania 10, but WrestleMania nine, there were two other contenders. There was Yoko Zuna and there was also Hulk Hogan. And I saw a couple of people writing in Hulk Hogan and I was like, Hulk Hogan. Then I was like, Oh shit. Like I didn't, I totally botched that question because I thought there was only one other
answer um answer to that so yeah we just we we took the first person to say um but nobody i think will only one other person said yoko but he was like super late in the day but we took the first person that said hogan the first person that said brett and we just did a drawing and you know that's how we decided the winner of that so i will definitely try to pick a much more succinct clear
trivia question hocus pocus giveaway that's gonna be clear Thursday we're gonna we're gonna shoehorn in as many hocus pocus references as we can and yeah I did want to talk about my viewing of Joker last week I saw the Joker movie
I'm so jealous like going to the movies I'm like, oh I missed that I got work I got done work at like noon on Friday and instead of going home I just went and saw the movie by myself, which I love I love doing if you've never seen a movie by yourself I highly recommend it Man, I I when the movie ended I wanted to go I wanted to go find another theater and sit through it again because it was just like
The second half of it is just a jaw-dropping experience.

Joker Movie Review

I highly recommend it. It's a great movie, one of the best comic book movies I've ever seen. Just a really great movie. All the flack has gotten from people complaining about it causing copycats.
You know, it's just it's just it's just totally stupid. I mean, yeah, the performance that Joaquin Phoenix gives in this movie is amazing. Yeah, it is movies. Movies don't create psychos. Mental health issues create psychos. Right. So let's get back to it. Let's go back to our hospital discussion and start helping people with their mental health and stop blaming the freaking movies and let's have some good movies.
Yeah, but I mean, it is a great I mean, it's really authentic and like you could see this happening. I mean, it's very it's a very good story about the state of like mental illness and and, you know, this guy, you really just feel sorry from the entire movie. I don't want to give away too much of the. Yeah. And it's not it's not like it's not like previous.
You know, versions like there's no superheroes in this movie. It's not like a superhero movie, right? Like it's just like literally about like this guy that is just like mad. Yeah, you see a little baby baby Batman, but that's about it. Not not not full grown, but I don't want to give away too much.
Yeah, it's more about he's in every single scene of the movie. There's nothing else to it. My only complaint, I mean, this didn't have to even be a superhero. If you never read a comic book or didn't even know what superheroes were, you could watch this movie and be entertained by the story and how it kind of layered on itself.
Uh, my only complaint would be this guy, this character would never be the Joker that was, you know, the Heath Ledger Joker with, you know, the, the mastermind of, you know, kind of the villain to this guy does not seem like even, even at the end of the movie does not seem like he would be like a,
I don't know even how to say it, but just like a mastermind villain to like a superhero. It just seems like he would be just a crazy terrorist type of guy. So I honestly sat in my car after the movie for like five minutes and like googled about the ending, which I won't give away either in what it meant. So it's one of those movies. It's just like, it's just a great, like, it's very sad. I mean, it's just depressing as hell, but
Definitely entertaining and I recommend it if you can't be it can't be any more depressing than raw or Smackdown So, you know much it much it might cheer you up a little bit
I give it two chick foley's up. Two chicks up. That's our rating system. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, um, I'm super pumped to see it. Um, I'll wait till the heel has been, gets back and we'll probably, I mean, I guess wait till it's streaming or something somewhere because finding, you know, time to go to the movies, like with a little guy, just like, it doesn't happen anymore. I came from the last movie I went to. Um, but speaking of wrapping this thing up, we freaking,
We got to touch on. We have celebrated one year of potting together, Phil. Yes. Yes, we have. We're at the, uh, I think we're right past the one year mark here. Yeah. Uh, October, October 19th, I think it was when we published our first episode or, you know, put it, put it live on the iTunes. And it was pretty crazy because that how it all came about, like feel slid into my DMS. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Yes. Feel, feel slid right into the DMS like a fricking stalker in the night and was like, Hey, why don't you make me sound like that? Hey, Hey, have you ever thought about doing a podcast? And I was like,
No. Never. That thought has never crossed my mind. Um, and Phil like encouraged me because I was like, I mean, you guys listen, I mean, you guys listen to this every week. Obviously I'm not a professional broadcaster by any stretch of the imagination. Um, so like pod podcasting, like, like the thought of podcasting, I love podcasts. I listened to a bajillion podcasts, but the thought of podcasting gave me like the worst anxiety, like I could even imagine. I remember talking to the Hill husband about it and being like,
No, I'm not doing this. Like, are you crazy? Like put content out there, like, like talking content? Absolutely not. Um, and I don't know why it felt so different to do like a podcast than I do. Like I go on Instagram stories every single day of my life and like share things. And then the thought of just like doing it like a recorded podcast, like gave me the worst anxiety, but Phil, you know, Phil made it all kind of happen. He was like, let's do it.
Yeah, I don't know. I had followed you for a while on Instagram, and I could tell that you knew your stuff, number one, which a lot of people on social media don't know what they're talking about. But you clearly did. You were entertaining. You spoke well. And I could tell that you were well-rounded, too. You don't like just wrestling. You kind of
You have your mom, you like horror stuff, you collect stuff. You guys are all over the place with a bunch of stuff. I don't know. It seemed like a good fit. I took a little bit of convincing, but I think we rolled right into it. We've gotten better with time as the year has gone on. We've definitely grown the audience here, and we will continue to grow and do a lot of cool stuff.
Yeah. And we added a new cast member. We added a new co-host, Marco. Marco came into the fold. He was just like a weekly contributor sending us awesome emails. You know what I mean? He was like one of our Patreons and sending us emails every week for us to read. And he earned the badge of MVP. And then we started making jokes about finding an intern. And we were like, whoa.
I mean, naturally, Marco's a good fit. And he kind of slid right in there. And now he's part of the Chick-Fully fam here on the show. How'd you find our podcast, Marco? Funny you should ask. I think I started listening to, actually not listening, sorry.
I was following the wrestling classic, shout out to the wrestling classic. Oh, yeah, I love the wrestling classic. So I think off of suggestions on Instagram, that's how I found Sheena, Chick-fil-A. I was like, oh, I was like, it's a pretty cool page. I was like, she posts a lot of wrestling stuff and a lot of news and stuff like that. And I did notice the hatred towards Samoa Joe, which I didn't get at first. Being the first time I followed, I was like, why does she hate Samoa Joe so much?
Not a bad wrestler. I wasn't a small Joe Mark or anything like that. I was just like, he's actually really good. I don't know why she hates him so much, but I always thought it was funny her going back and forth with the comments and people just going, oh, why do you hate him? And then you go back and like, and then the other thing is you're really interactive too. So that was another thing. So you would like, I would comment on something and you would comment back or like something. I was like, oh, I was like, this is one of the few interactive, like,
pages besides like the wrestling classic that would like actually answer back to you and stuff like that. So then I did listen to the first show and actually listened to it recently.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, no. Don't tell me anything about this episode. Don't even like, yeah, don't tell me. Like, I'm sure it wasn't as bad as we probably think it was, but I'm sure it's just like it's it's so crazy because literally that was the first time Phil and I had ever talked like one on one. You know what I mean? Like we had been DMing and stuff like that. So it was like so funny that like the first time we ever potted together was like we just recorded an episode together and
Oh my gosh. I can't even imagine what it sounds like. You did say that you guys did mention that on the first episode. That is the first time you guys ever came to contact like voice wise. And I was like, Oh boy, this is, this should be interesting. But no, it was actually, it wasn't, it wasn't bad. And it wasn't like, you know, if you were just like tuning in, you wouldn't just be like, these people don't know what the hell they're doing. It was just sounded like two people just talking wrestling, nothing too, like too cringe worthy.
Yeah, well, that's good. That's good. But yeah, but then obviously became a Patreon member and then did the show once at the WrestleMania show. You got to co-host the WrestleMania show, I was going to say. I thought I did horribly and you guys were like, oh, no. I was like, wow, I was like, these are really nice people because they've had my ego so much right now. But I love the experience and I wasn't thinking of doing it again. I was just like, you know what, I'm just going to
try to contribute in any way I can to the show. Even if it's not like voice wise, I was like, I'll send him like, like questions and stuff like that and try to like, you know, get my name out there in that sense. So, so like, you know, further along, like to say, Hey, these, they're, they're here to like help. They had to like, you know, bring us entertainment and stuff like that. So hopefully in hopes of a lot of other people sending emails and like, you know, you know, joining along and stuff like that. But then the, I guess that the internship ship came up and I was like,
I was like, just the way it was like, you guys are like joking about stuff like that. I was like, I don't think they're too serious about that. I think it's just like a show, like a joke that you guys are running or like a little gimmick you're doing. But then it became serious and I was like, oh. Yeah, we needed somebody because there would be times me and Phil would be like, wait, is that right? We need somebody to look that up for us. You know?
Oh, but yeah, it's been it's been such an awesome ride I've met so many amazing people and especially like like we talked about our chick Foley fam and just the people who support and listen Yeah, you know every week and retweet the show and like, you know, tell us give us feedback You know, I always try to repost your guys stories like when you post that you're listening to the show So it means so much to us like you have no idea all the people that rate subscribe Review it helps us out so much, you know with it with the podcast I never realized like how important
that kind of stuff was until we started our own podcast cuz you would hear other podcasts are like right subscribe review yeah yeah yeah whatever and then when you start your own podcast like yeah that stuff is important like it really helps expand your your reach and get you heard by more people and yeah it means a lot for all you guys that have actually taken the time to do that and you know if you haven't done it do it
Yeah, we couldn't do any of what we do without you guys listening. I mean, if it was me and Sheena just talking to microphones each week just to hear our voice, we would have stopped a long time ago.
You know, we continue to grow our numbers and you guys are digging what we're doing, so we definitely appreciate it. And we've got to thank you guys first and foremost that follow us, that listen to us, that support us. We try to give back and do giveaways and put out as much cool stuff as we can. But thank you guys so much for making the show what it is. We'll continue to
Provide as much much insight as we can over the coming weeks and months and years and decades Until we're old you can't hit it into year two Yeah year two should be even better than year one. So while we got a lot of cool stuff coming down the pike Once all these babies pop out will be good, you know For sure for sure don't what you're done with this pregnancy thing Sheena Yeah
Don't worry the the the podcast will get a lot more Interesting because I'll be able to like crack a coal win open and while we're while we're recording. I'll be able to Yeah, I'll really be able to drop some hot takes with a little bit of you know booze-fueled fury in me when the three of us can do a Jimmy seafood meetup, maybe maybe the summertime will plan something for next year and
For sure. For sure. Definitely. And crash at the Hotel Gentile here in beautiful Catonsville. So yeah, thank you guys for listening. Thanks for all the support. We appreciate it. And yeah, great episode, guys. We will next week be recapping or previewing
Yeah. Our Crown Jewel podcast episode. And then we'll talk about Halloween. We'll get into some favorite Halloween memories, candy, our favorite. I know last year we did our favorite scary wrestlers. So maybe we can touch on that too. Maybe favorite scary matches, all that kind of spooky stuff. And we can talk about how American Horror Story has, again, gone down the rabbit hole of being awful. Like it seems to do every single season. I know you guys disagree with me.
I kind of fell off the bandwagon a little bit and I was really excited about this season I know this is I'm not getting off on another side, but yeah, we'll talk we'll touch on it next week. But yeah, yeah
All right. Uh, and also if you, if you have any questions, especially Halloween related questions or, you know, Halloween havoc related questions, anything spooky, uh, send us an email at ask chick Foley at and hit us up for that toy drive. Sheena and Marco. Thank you guys. Uh, it's been a pleasure as always and, uh, stay classy marks. We'll talk to you again next week.
Give me those hands, right? I need those hands. Give me those hands, right? I need those hands. Give me those hands, right? I need those hands.