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Episode 001 - Not Enough Time image

Episode 001 - Not Enough Time

S1 E1 ยท Just Shillin'
71 Plays1 year ago

In this episode, Shawn and Andy officially kick things. We talked about Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, and more.

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00:00:00 Catching Up
00:06:14 Bad Batch & Star Wars
00:37:37 Indiana Jones Game
00:47:47 Disney Imagineering Video
00:53:07 Email & Voicemail
01:10:49 What's Next?


Introduction and Podcast Overview

Hello, and welcome to episode one of Just Shillin. This lovely gentleman across from me is Andy Bellin Skoll, and I am his trusty Padawan, Sean Hottie, and we are your hosts today. Good evening.
I can trim that up in the middle. I'll cut this part out. I want to get your reaction to see how it went. Don't cut this out. This is fantastic. It's how the sausage is made. Come on.

Cosplay Discussions and Personal Achievements

I've been, I've been stewing on that ever since, ever since last week when we were talking about it. I'm like, Oh man, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get a wig. I'm gonna, I'm gonna start. I was talking to Madison about it and I'm like, each, I had a whole strategy. Like each week I'm just going to slowly start adding a piece of cosplay from like shin hottie, just to like see how long it takes you to like notice. And it's like, but I'd want to start with like the wig. And so it's like, I think that'd be extremely obvious. Um,
You are determined that you and I are going to be in cosplay in Japan, aren't you? It might just be me, and then it's just going to be awkward because everybody's going to be like, Andy, what happened? I thought you guys were doing this. Sean's dressed to the nines. He's decked out. It's either get on board or there's not a lot of option. There's not a lot of wiggle room here. Excellent. How are you doing, Sean?
I'm pretty good, I'm pretty good. I'm excited to see that we're continuing to do this. It was fun the first time and I'm glad we got a lot of positive feedback. I've also got a new coffee maker in the last couple of days. And so I'm just really, it sounds silly, but man, it's just made my week. Oh my God, this is awesome. I love every minute of it. It's a fun little like knick-knack hobby to be
It's a good way to start the morning after working out and showering and stuff. And it's like, all right, now I'm going to make my little coffee and make it extra special. But yeah, other than that, everything's been going well. How about you? How are you?
Yeah, good. Yeah, good. I mean, it's only been a week since we last spoke, but work is a bit tough. We're still in that kind of January drudgery at work. Few things going on, priority stuff, which is not much fun at the moment. But yeah, no, everything's good. I mean, I've really looked forward to
catching up with you again. It's a really nice break in my week, in my working week to just forget about the business stuff and get that out of my brain and talk to you about a bunch of nonsense which we both love. Oh, I did get something by the way. Why are you talking about stuff that you got? I might have left it in the main house, but
I'm trying to make my den, which is a glamorous name for an outdoor wooden cabin that I have to use because I'm kicked out whenever I do anything like this from the main family home. But I've bought a new metal signage, and it's all beaten, battered up, but it's an original Atari.
Adverts in the old kind of you know, the old the old aluminium metal kind of sign that was that would have been on the wall of a bar or I don't know Outdoors in an amusement arcade or what have you but I managed to get my hands and win a bid on this old sign And it's completely wrecked but that kind of made it even more important for me to get my hands on I got a really good deal for it. So Hopefully next time we talk you'll see it on my wall
How about say, you're making it sound like you're sitting in an outhouse or something right now. It's a pretty epic looking background, if I can say so myself.

Home Office Setups and Entertainment

It's pretty cool. She won't let me have my toys in the house.
I mean, this sounds like this looks, from what I can see, like a win-win situation, if you want. Well, that's kind. Thank you. Thank you. It's pretty cool. It's taken a while. It's still working in progress, but it's taken a while to get this far so far. I've still got to actually paint the walls, but I'm kind of enjoying the sauna look at the moment. It looks like a
For those of those of you that can't see what I'm looking at. I basically have a during lockdown. We were all we were all Working out where we can work and I had a had an outdoor or garden office built which is basically a glorified shed Made out of made out of wood and relatively
bad wood at that. Anyway, but the point being is that it looks like I'm speaking to Sean from a Swedish sauna. Yeah, that's awesome. It looks awesome. And it's coming. My office used to be, it still is, but mine's like fake wood paneling. So I painted it this dark blue. Ah, right. Got it. And so yours at least is real, real wood and looks real instead of 1960s, 1950s, fake wood paneling. Yeah.
We're going to get there. We'll get there. I think it looks nice. I mean, I'm jealous personally, but thanks, man. Thank you. It's very kind. I'm jealous of the guitars in the background. You've got a awesome, I know we talked about it last week, cause I don't want to repeat myself too much, but you've got an awesome display there, man. They look mint, absolutely mint.
Oh, I appreciate that. I mean, this is a scary path to go down, because if you start saying that you like the look of them, I can absolutely send recommendations. I have lists and lists of wants. Nowhere close to needs, but yeah, there's always more room.
Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. Lead us to the next.

Exploring the Bad Batch Series

I was going to say, so what have you picked up in terms of news in the last week or so? I mean, in my mind, there are a couple of bangers that are out there at the moment, but what's top of mind for you? What's the most important thing you've learned since we last spoke?
I mean, it feels like there's the most obvious one for me is the Bad Batch trailer. I just kind of laughed when it dropped. I mean, I wasn't expecting it. And I just kind of laughed and I wanted to send you a message. I'm like, man, we started doing this at like the right time. We skipped all those weeks where it was like a drought and there was not much information coming out. And this dropped right before
Uh, we do this again and it's like, oh, it's perfect. It's like, it's like the universe is telling us something to give us, give us content. Not that we're short on content, but it was just, it's like, yes, everything is, everything is coming up, uh, positive here, but no, the, the, the bad batch trailer for the final season dropped. Um, and we'd, we'd seen some clips at celebration. Um, but this was, this was a different level and there was, uh, some pretty big reveals, one that I'm just.
I'm more excited. If you would have told me a month ago who would have shown up at the end of the trailer, I would have been kind of like not negative about it, but just kind of like, okay, that's interesting. But actually seeing it in the trailer, I'm a lot more excited than I thought I was gonna be. I'm very curious to see how they tied up.
Yeah, that was that was quite the the gasp moment for me. I mean, first off, like you, I kind of luckily the timing for me, realizing the trailer had dropped was quite
good because I didn't know it was out there until last night and so I got to see it during hours that were okay with me. I didn't have to bail and find a way of watching it and I don't know how I kept it
sorry i don't know how sorry night before last my apologies night before last how i got away with missing all of the the noise on social media is beyond me but i did um
But secondly, the thing that came over was before we get to the final shot, what came over was just how reassuringly comforting it was to watch it. It's tight. It's really the production values, the characters that we've done a really good job in developing their story.
You know, the pain that I felt when tech, we lost tech and seeing that, the flashback of him falling. I got a theory there, but the flashback of him falling. Obviously how I felt about crosshair, sorry.
And how I feel about him now, he's obviously imprisoned. Is it Mount Tantus? He's in Mount Tantus. I believe that's correct. Yeah. All felt really good and really tight. And it made me really think, yeah, I'm going to really enjoy this. And then obviously, which...
There was something quite comforting about that. It was almost like a homecoming. There was something quite comforting that animation, and believe me, I was not a massive fan of, or a massive, I was not stalwart, sorry, for the animation. I've enjoyed it, always enjoyed it, but Bad Batch for me has been something exemplary.
that I've really really enjoyed and and so seeing that was like yeah we got this good stuff that we can rely on coming our way and then I like you said you know the last the last couple of shots with our friend Ventress turning up was like wicked and then my next thought was how
How can that be? Because I don't know if you've read Dark Disciple, I'm sure there's enough people talking about it online, but she shouldn't be around in this time period. So I'm really keen to find out from you what you think is going on there. Well, to touch on your earlier point about kind of the quality of Bad Batch and kind of our
our general sentiment towards it. It's one of those shows that I remember pretty vividly when it came out, there being a lot of kind of apathy, I guess. People weren't anti bad batch, but there was a lot of apathy around like, I mean, we didn't ask for this, this isn't, you know, whatever, whatever. And I think this is just a testament to
the possibility, especially with animation, where they can build rich stories, it takes time, it does, to really get that investment with the individual characters and things like that. And I think they've done an absolutely stellar job.
um with with with even just what is this season three just three seasons like the amount of emotion and and feeling that they can get out of these care that they've managed to get out of these characters is is pretty incredible and how much i care for them like to the point of you you don't want anything bad to happen it's like we know
I'm interested to see where they take it because it could go really bad or it could go, they go off into the sunset and do whatever or somewhere in between, but I'm really impressed at the storytelling and the writing. I don't want to use the term slow burn because I think that's got a negative connotation with it, but I think with
Patience and a vision of what they they you envision this the story becoming. I think this is the kind of quality output that That really matters and really helps drive the the franchise and the fan base forward But I just want to if you think about if you think about it Bad batch is a spin-off of a two episode arc
in the original Clone Wars season. It was a couple of really, really good episodes, but they were literally that. That was it. Across seven seasons, that was it. And then to create this following, I think, is fair play and great praise to the guys over at Lucasfilm.
And, you know, dare I say it, Dave, he's done a really good job in creating something here that from from basically nothing. And I like that because I love I've always loved the the the background or the tertiary characters that, you know, what's their story. And I've always loved the story of the the any man or the every man, probably more than than maybe some of the prime characters or the key characters.
And to make a three season arc of these characters that appeared in only a couple of episodes of The Clone Wars, I think is a good job. And then if there's a way that they can kind of tie the Omega story in with Boba at some point, then even better, but if not, then I'll be happy fed what we get in.
in season three. Sorry I interrupted you, but I was kind of agreeing with you. No, no, I think that's totally, that's totally like, I feel the same way. Like it's the everyman stories. It's not that I don't like the main Skywalker line or the force use, like the big, the big flashy force users, but I like it when there could be a story that's
like parallel to the main events, but it doesn't have the huge impact and galaxy-wide repercussions. Like it can just be self-contained. And I love when, because I think it's easy to make something huge and
that impacts everybody. From a story standpoint, it's like, oh, we can all write the hero's journey to different varying degrees, but it's a formula. But to me, I feel like it's more difficult to play in that sandbox and write a story that is compelling, emotional, and has weight to it, but it's not,
it doesn't involve those big characters you have to almost lower like the stakes are still there but you have to you can't go big and flashy because then it would interrupt all of the the big mainline stuff
It's great because it also makes the galaxy larger as well. You know, one of the occasional frustrations I've had in Star Wars storytelling, not just, you know, not just TV and film, but also the narrative, sorry, the written and the comic.
So the idea of stuff happening parallel to and maybe separate from
The main storyline is fantastic.

Star Wars World-building and Speculation

Again, it's about world building. It's about really establishing what the key themes are and the key moods are in a galaxy under this oppressive empire. I love that. I love that, the story of somebody else, what's going on at the same time. We talked about it last week, a little bit about what the behind the scenes is happening. We know what the main story is that's been done.
to death almost and meanwhile while that was happening what else is going on in the galaxy because it is a big galaxy and there's an awful lot of oppression going on and there's an awful lot of hurt there's an awful lot of discontent going on you know what else is going on to build up to this point that we see
in for example a new hope where the galaxy says enough is enough um i love i love i love that i love that kind of again it's i wouldn't say world building because that's specific to planets but galaxy building it's it's it's all it's all great stuff for me well it's the it's the grit that makes it feel real it's yeah it takes it from a fairy tale like a
to something that feels like it could be real. It's those low-level details of what are people doing and how did we get here instead of just kind of like the miraculous hero story. But all of that to say, you mentioned Asav's Ventress. How does this happen? Sorry, sorry, can I? Go ahead. Sorry, I'm really sorry, because I know I asked the question.
without giving you time to think about what the bad batch means to you as well. Another thing that means an awful lot to me with the bad batch is the fact that, and you mentioned this, shout out Catherine on your pod with Catherine a few days back now, but also we were talking about it a while ago and certainly the scruffies talk about it a while ago on their pod, the fact that the bad batch is
set out almost like an exact team dynamic to either VA team or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I think is phenomenal. It's a trope, but it's such a...
damn good trope that it gives me the feels. Do you know what I mean? And I'm sure there's a bunch of folk that will be rolling their eyes somewhere and saying, oh, it's such a cliche. Yeah, but it's the best cliche ever. You know, it really is. It really is absolutely awesome. I love that. I love that dynamic about the four of them, five of them, sorry. Well, especially when you can take that dynamic and
and not dilute it, not water it down, but make it not so prevalent. I know when I first saw Hunter, I was like, are you kidding me? It's just his design, and there's times where I still roll my eyes at it, but it's funny, but when they can build a story around it and make it not...
Like that's not their only personality. Like that's their main characteristic, but it's, they, they can, like, especially when you get in like season two and things like that, and you see them kind of emotionally grow beyond what they may be there like.
stereotype or like caricature is, you see like record becoming very kind of loving and brotherly, paternal kind of with with Omega and things like that. And just, it's almost like you build up the stereotype, and then you're kind of slowly breaking it down to show the arc of these characters. And their their growth is
is I don't know, it can't be easy. And I think that's a winning combination because it's one of those things where you're creating a stereotypical kind of kid's show. It's like, oh, it's a cartoon. But then you pull the rug out and it's like, oh no, this actually has a lot of depth and meaning in a lot of these things. And so yeah, that's, I love it too. Like anytime there's
Cause you always, you always end up with a favorite. You always end up with like, uh, like I always lean towards like the, the tech, the techie kind of, um, cause like it's either like who you see yourself as or who you wish or kind of want you want to be. And so it's like, yeah, I always saw like myself, I'm more tech oriented and, and, and I always kind of saw myself in like a Donatello or, or a tech where it's like, you know, I may.
I'm not a wrecker. I'm not going to go knock down doors, but I'm valuable in other ways, in a lot of ways. Yeah. And likewise, I've always enjoyed the heavies. And it's not because I'm a particularly rough and tough guy. In fact, when you guys know me, you know I'm as soft as a kitten, but I'm six foot two. I'm a reasonably
big guy and he's also somewhat challenged in the common sense department, which is a little bit like myself. So I really relate to Wrecker an awful lot. So yeah, I'm totally with you. Totally with you. So massage. The elephant in the room. Go on. It's one of those things where
I'm curious as well to see how they pull it off. I always kind of live in the world of if it happens in the books, it's canon until it's in a visual medium. I wouldn't be upset if they
Did like kind of not retconned or just like or if it's a time if it's before the events of that I haven't dug too deep into the the timeline of when this takes place versus Dark disciple But it I hope they don't completely undo that book. I thought there's a lot of really quality story in there And there so just to be just to be clear on timeline so that we're so that we you and I are kind of cool about
Where are we going with this? Dark Disciple was essentially the missing season, which ended up being of Clone Wars, which ended up being with Filoni's blessing being put into novel format.
I believe, set after the Clone Wars that we know, but before the Revenge of the Sith. So in theory, and in turn, therefore, before Season 7 of the Clone Wars.
With that in mind, the bad batch current timeline is a few years after. So that's my understanding. But as a caveat to that, Lucasfilm are saying they are respecting the written word of Dark Disciple. They've put that actually in their PR statement. So I'll pass it back to you.
to probably answer the really difficult question, how can this be? I mean, you could always say it's a flashback or something that happened in the past. I mean, if I was gonna go down that path of
It's not in the current timeline. My answer would be, maybe it has to do with, I don't remember if she had a name, but older Omega, sister. Maybe there is a backstory there that is going to be fleshed out because I think that's gonna have to be a critical piece of this season of you can't introduce, oh, I'm your sister.
And without that being like, to me, I feel like that's going to be like one of the linchpins for this entire season of whether she sees the.
the issues with keeping Omega and things like that, and then it becomes a good guy per se. Or if there's some critical backstory from her perspective, that we go back in time and see how things became what they are. That's where I would probably fall with the going back in time thing. If it's current,
Ooh, then now we're getting into spicy territory because I don't really see how you can respect the book if it's... Whatever happens, it's going to annoy somebody, isn't it? Oh, for sure. Without a doubt, and let's not forget, you know, we've seen...
depending on people's frame of mind or perspective on things, including just life in general, it's gonna annoy somebody or other as to what they do. At the end of the day, she's never gone beyond a novel and an animation. So they kind of, it's relatively low risk with what they do. So in my mind, it's either, like you say, a flashback, it may well be she never died,
she didn't die. And they'll not rewrite that at the ending of Dark Disciple, but explain how she was somehow saved. Thirdly, don't forget she's a Night Witch and Night Witch are pretty good at resurrecting folk. And then lastly, don't forget this whole thing is about saving Omega in Mount Antus, which is a cloning facility.
uh or expanding experiment i mean there's a bunch of stuff that they can do and again whatever this whatever the answer is going to be and it may well be something even different i mean it's going to annoy somebody or other and but quite frankly i'm up for the story because i think that she is a as a as a villain or well actually as a as a
well, not even a villain towards the end. Like an anti-hero kind of. Anti-hero, yeah, yeah, yeah, like an anti-hero towards the end. I think she's amazing. I think she's absolutely fantastic. I think she's, in my mind, she's one of those secondary characters that has an equal prowess with the likes of Tobias Beckett with, oh, the bounty hunter. You killed? Cad Bane?
No, no, no. Well, okay. Cabane, but I'm also thinking of the, the one that was in animation, but she was in, um, Oh, come on. Oh, the one with the antenna comes out of her, out of her head.
Oh goodness me. Anyway, the point being is that she's on a par with those guys and, but Ora Singh, thank you very much. But because of the way that she was characterized during the Clone Wars and some amazing, amazing voice acting from the actress that played her, she's got every right to be resurrected just to get some more of that without
people being upset that, that should be resurrected because let's face it, the guy that brought her in in the first place is the same guy that's going to be, uh, that's developing a bad batch for him or overseeing bad batch for us as well. So he can do whatever he wants with his toys. When I think there's like, I don't know if the phrase translates.
over there or not, but there's still meat on that bone. There's a lot of story to still tell there. The book was good, but there's a lot of potential for that character still. So if that wasn't the end, then I think there's still an interesting and intriguing storyline to come from that. And to your point of when you were talking about her being a Nightsister, that brings up an interesting point, because not to talk about Marvel again, but I remember
when what if season one came out like I as soon as I watch that I'm like there is this is very intentional there's there's a there's a group of marketing people and story people that are that are putting this out very intentionally they are introducing concepts that are
abstract more extreme than maybe what is normal in preparation for something larger to come. And so that way you're not so for what if season one it was kind of introducing a lot of concepts that were brought in for Dr. Strange sequel and some other things. And so that way people were kind of mentally prepared for it. And then when that movie came out, it wasn't just like completely mind blowing.
I wonder if it's almost similar, if it's a coincidence or something similar is happening here, where in Ahsoka you have Nightsisters.
resurrection this kind of to me it's almost like you kind of see this convergence starting to happen of like that was the introduction a light introduction of it to it in in visual media and then bad batch season three is going to get a little bit closer and maybe even where they where they meet of okay we have night sister magic of resurrection and things like that and could that even be
fully realized with the cloning facility and a force of do you see could there be a potential of that's where maybe force sensitive clones are forced into throwing air quotes out of like are they truly force sensitive like like a like a Jedi like Skywalker things like that or is it a night sister magic instilled
for sensitivity for people like Omega or whoever, like could we see those two natural for sensitivity and Nightsister Magic converging?
Dude, I love your brain because I'd never even thought of that. And I think, but, but, but while you're talking, I'm also thinking of the kind of, I wouldn't say wasted opportunity, but the kind of, um, the way that Mando season three, uh, was ended in that we had this, we were, we were hinted on in Mando season two, that Moff Gideon was dealing in dealing with clones. And then we found out the story was, yeah, I'm going to clone myself and make it four sensitive. Hence the reason why it is blood.
Which was I wouldn't say it's disappointment. It's just the way it was And then you see The start of rise where you have obviously Kylo Ren makes his way to Exegol and you see his vats of of of Snoke type clones before he he faces off with with the or meets the Emperor or the resurrected somehow the resurrected Palpatine
And I always thought that was Snoke a botched clone? Was he a botched experiment? And we've always been promised by Filoni and Favreau that the Mando or the Mando universe will bridge the gap between Return of the Jedi and the Force Awakens. And there's so much
good storytelling to happen that I don't think has yet been realized. And it makes me think that maybe you're on something here in that they're using the Ahsoka story to kind of resurrect the idea of the Dathomir witches.
they're using the Mandalorian story to kind of get the idea that there is cloning, albeit badly, that there is some cloning going on. And maybe the convergence point is essentially what leads to the
to what we know as, you know, what becomes the first order with, led by Snoke and behind him, the resurrected Emperor. That would be extremely smart. And I'm sure, and I want to say this as a caveat, I'm sure there's individuals out there who will immediately reply with,
if they figured it out back then, then how, why did it take so long? Cause it seems like there's multiple instances of this like cloning for sensitivity, but I'll compare it to real life when we, when we try to create new medicines or vaccines or whatever. Yeah. It's not like everybody is in complete harmony and doing it together. Like there's best, different vested interests. And if somebody figures out part a other person's in part B, like, and then as things slowly get wiped out, like a Moff Gideon, it's like assuming
his little piece is now gone. So it's like they're making progress in all these different ways and it finally takes the first order to really figure it out and by whatever means that took. Yeah, but we already knew that the process in inverted commas was not perfect. I mean, hence the reason why there are multiple versions of clones in VATS. Secondly,
pulp, she's grandson, who was the, or she's son. In other words, Ray's dad was not a perfect clone because he wasn't so sensitive. So we know that, and I'm just wondering that, you know, that, yeah, maybe they might've known how to do it, but it's the bringing together, let's face it, it may well take 10, 15, 20 years to actually, for this, for this, for this clone to be able to grow into a fully fledged adult anyway.
as we've seen before, over in Camino. But the point being is that if you've got these two parallel factions of enemies, if you like, that are working on their own agenda and the convergence is what becomes either the resurrection of the emperor or certainly the creation of Snoke,
that would be really cool and yes of course it's retrospective because we know that there wasn't as much planning as perhaps we'd have liked in the development of the sequel but it's a really tidy story to explain what happened in the 20 years prior to I know that
in theory force awakens its 30 years but I'm assuming to that convergence points will be the perfection of the of the of the cloning itself the force sensitive cloning itself it will take some time that would be really really cool to see and it would make sense for that
almighty Avengers moment that we're all waiting for in Filoni's film where supposedly Ahsoka, Skeleton Crew, Mando and hopefully Boba Fett as well all come together in one in one hurrah at the end which I'm assuming will involve the witches of Dathomir and Thrawn and hey who knows a resurrected Gideon
Great. Yeah, I think that's, I'm starting to kind of get like the tingles thinking about, is this all, is it all tied together with a common goal of, the evil is the convergence of science and magic to create fake force sensitivity evil, for the purposes of evil. And as like, are all these shows,
It's going to culminate in the overcoming that by whatever means. I'm interested to see how skeleton crew ties in. That's what I'm really excited for, but I have theories. I'm glad you said that. They're never correct, but it's always fun to speculate.
I'm glad you're excited about that because I am as well. I think it'd be a nice breather. It'd be like, oh, stress, stress, tension, tension, cannon, cannon, cannon. I think that I really hope that Skeleton Crew is going to be a nice break from the norm and we could just kick back and not overanalyze it too much. But yeah, I'm glad you think that.
Well, I mean, I was sold by the by one word in the description when they're like, it's going to be like the old Anblen films. It's like, yeah, that's all I need. That's all I needed. I don't care. It's like, I'm in like, I'm looking for that.
cheesy, kind of fun story, well-encapsulated and just light-hearted about kids, about kids on a little adventure. I think that'll be exciting, but more on that to come. I was going to say, I mean, we've got some good content coming our way, so we'll try and do something creative like the real professional podcasters do around reviewing the episodes as they land.
So what else is out there, my friend, that has caught your eye this week in terms

Indiana Jones Game Excitement

of news? Anything else beyond Bad Batch? To shift gears a little bit and kind of step into gaming. I don't follow the news on gaming very much, but I did just watch the new Indiana Jones game trailer, which I thought was super cool. And I know that's something that's
that you're excited about as well, because I know we've lightly discussed it. But I think you're probably more excited. Do you want to talk about it first? I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I just, we haven't had an indie game for quite a while. And I think it's great that Bethesda is bringing this under a huge shroud of secrecy. No one knew, no one saw this coming.
Although they have been talking about an exclusive title for quite a while, and we, well, certainly I, mistakenly thought that might have coincided with EA losing the exclusivity agreement on Star Wars. I thought it might have been a Star Wars game. So yeah, they're releasing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. It looks like a fun romp.
It looks like a on-face value. It looks like a great little adventure, which will satisfy many people that are looking for more indie content. It looks quite puzzle-based, which is, again, akin to certain types of games, but also akin to indie as a franchise. I guess the only thing that I would say at the moment is that it's exclusively first-person, which means that
Folks that are happy to play games like Halo Doom and so on will be familiar with that but folks like myself that perhaps prefer a more of a third person we want to see the character actually move and interact with the world as opposed to being in their eyes won't have the opportunity at the moment I understand because it's 100% first-party view and the
the rationale from the from the developer team is that they want they want us to experience what life is like as indie rather than spectating indie and pressing a few buttons to to move him a certain way and while i kind of appreciate that i think that being a little bit more flexible on the maybe on the
on the gaming mechanic might have done them a little bit, a little more justice, but I'm looking for either way and I'll still get it and I'll play it because Indiana Jones and it's the type of game that I think that I would enjoy because Indiana Jones himself is not a particularly, we're not talking about warriors here with Gatlin guns, we're talking about a guy that fumbles his way around and
as he says, he makes it up as he goes. So I'm looking forward to the adventure. And it looks to be coming out this year, which is fantastic and an amazing secret for a developer like Bethesda to keep. Bearing in mind that the standard incubation and developing time of a game is years, multiple years.
And for them to keep this quiet for so long and release it, what I think came out as a surprise, I'm not sure about yourself, but it was a surprise to me, I think is quite an achievement. I think that because it comes under the, obviously it's Bethesda, which means it comes under the new arrangement. Bethesda is now part of Microsoft. So it's now part of the Xbox.
brand or first-party studios as they say. So are they looking for this to be a step in the right direction for getting more exclusive content? I would say yes and I think it's a really really good step in that right in that direction.
um starfield uh uh i i i played starfield um when it first came out but it's a very very niche game it's a very very niche game it's a certain type of um it's a game that attracts a certain type of gamer that likes the the slow burn
and to build worlds and to do a lot of customizing and a lot of mining and outpost creation and it really gets off on designing ships. It's a very, very complicated game which some people may or may not have the attention span for or indeed
for even to be their bag. And I think that indie as a franchise and as a gaming medium will be a little bit more accessible to more people. So I'm hoping that this is kind of their opportunity to rebalance the very, very different, or sorry,
rebalance the market as it were so that we as gamers can enjoy many, many games on many, many different platforms from many, many different manufacturers and kind of make it a lot more interesting and less binary as a gaming industry. No, I think that makes sense. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. To your point about Starfield, I was one of those
one of those people that binged it pretty heavily when it first came out. And I put a massive amount of time into it because I have narrow windows of when I can really invest a lot into games. And when it's story like that, I want to get through the story, but not in a rushing kind of way. So it's kind of like finding that balance. And I
I want to I want to know how it ends. Like I want to know I want to see where the art goes. But I'm also I'm a I'm a huge player of like factory automation resource management kind of games. And like, I kind of see your point of like, okay, Starfield was this huge game of it's almost like a bunch of other games smashed into one really, really big game and you can find your niche. And it's a huge investment. I agree with the excitement and the anticipation for this indie game because it is
It's more linear. It's a story-driven game. It's more accessible for a lot of people who can't invest 80 to 100 hours into a game that
is so variable and has all these other side pieces. I'm excited for a couple of things just from the trailer, like the Game Pass Day 1 is awesome. I love that. As a Game Pass subscriber, I think that's really cool to see more and more games go Game Pass Day 1. I think it's refreshing in a lot of ways to kind of step away from that.
pre-order, pre-order, pre-order bonus, super pre-orders kind of stuff and just know, like being able to feel comfortable with like my game pass subscription to say, I'm going to get top tier gaming. This isn't the first example of it, but it's just, it's reassuring. And I like that we're getting more like,
big, big games coming to Game Pass day one on a, on a slightly different note. I love the Wilhelm scream that they did in the trailer. Like that stood out super, super obvious. And I actually like audibly laughed out loud at that. I was like, that's awesome. I'm glad that we have some, we have some fans of the Wilhelm scream in the, in the trailer editing.
But no, I'm really excited about the indie game because I think it's not just more accessible, but it's also, I'm hoping it's a step down in speed too, I guess, if that makes sense. I like that time period.
I like that it's not going to be super modern machine guns and all this other crazy high speed stuff. I like those games, but I like that this is going to be more puzzle driven from what it appears. There's only so much tech that's available at that time, and so you're kind of operating at a different speed. I think that makes it more accessible.
Um, as well. And so that's, that's exciting. It does, it does suck that they're not doing like a third person view. Hopefully that changes. Um, because I just even being able to switch is nice. So I know there's a lot of gamers.
who get like motion sickness from like first person view with the constant moving. And so I'm hoping that for in terms of accessibility, I hope that they provide that as an option to kind of step back into third person. But we'll see. But I'm excited for it. I will definitely play it. I like the indie franchise. I like
just kind of all that it represents, like the bumbling hero who's not always, he's not the best person, but it's just fun. It's built on being fun and it kind of has like weird historical elements in it too. But yeah, I'm really excited for it. Cool. That's cool.

Disney Imagineering Innovations

So I believe we have our first email. Is that correct?
We do. One thing I'll touch on before we do it. It's real quick. It's a recommendation. I forgot to add it with the Star Wars stuff. I did see a video this week that came out from Disney about a gentleman who works as an Imagineer.
It's kind of like my weird niche YouTube subscriptions, but there's some interesting stuff in it. There's a gentleman who works for Disney Imagineering who's got an award. I won't go into all that, but at the end of it, they kind of talk about some tech that he kind of really imagineered, engineered and kind of came up with.
But I highly recommend anybody who's a fan of Star Wars or like the Disney Parks to go watch it because basically what it was, they advertised it as kind of a dynamic flooring that you can stand on and it's like used for VR applications. They kind of kept framing it that way. So you can like walk on this floor, but it's not like a treadmill. It's like completely 360 and it's kind of unbounded. It's these like little individual tiles and they kept doing demonstrations of it. But what I found very interesting
as a huge Star Wars fan and as a big Disney Parks fan, during the end demonstrations where they were kind of monologuing over the top of it, they kept, they were moving people, like they had people sitting on boxes on it and then like they would move the boxes around almost like an old Xbox Kinect, like a camera kind of thing. And the person was like moving their hand around and it was moving this person around on a box. And all I could think of is like,
The real world application for this is going to be Galaxy's Edge in the parks. And they're going to make this into guest interactions of force sensitivity. They're going to be like, whether it's a kid who can walk up to a railing and be like, oh, practice your Jedi powers. And they put their hand out, and they move their hand around, and they're moving objects around. Or there's maybe a Kylo Ren or some stormtroopers. And that's what's most exciting to me.
I've subscribed to Disney Research and all these things and you see kind of, they never really show what they're going to do with it, but I thought that was really cool to see. It's like, yeah, sure, VR. Yeah, that's a real world application. But what are they going to do for them specifically? And it's like, oh, this is 100%. I'll put money on it. This is going into a Disney park or something similar so that normal people, guests like us, can do four sensitive things. And to me, that's really exciting.
I love that kind of stuff. Isn't there a documentary on Disney Plus about kind of the behind the scenes of all the tech that goes on there and the research they do?
Yeah, I can't remember what it's called, but yeah, they have one where it's about different rides and different tech that they do. It's pretty interesting. I wish they'd tightened it up a little bit because I think it's a lot of time to invest in something. But if that's your jam, absolutely, it's something really good to watch. But I love that kind of stuff. And I find I'm like yourself in that I love a little bit of new tech.
VR has been a thing for quite a few years now, but AR, augmented reality, has been relatively new in the last 10 years or so. I love the real world application of that outside of either entertainment.
or, or, or, or defense. I mean, ultimately, you think about you think about, you know, you think about an awful lot of we, we know and love in terms of technology that we have today, the size of semiconductors, the size of chipsets, the velcro, velcro is all developed, all had a real, a real world purpose for being invented. And typically, it's typically down to down either defense or, or,
high-end or premium real-world uses. And what I love about the Imagineers over at Disney and other companies, not just Disney, is that this stuff they're building for UNI today for our entertainment value will have a real-time practical application.
you know the idea of a manipulative flaw that can move you and I or keep someone static while they're trying to walk has massive map implication in medical for example and I love the fact that these guys
for the sake of our enjoyment put a ton of cash into recruiting graduates and getting you know these young brains looking at looking at this kind of technology and developing this kind of technology under some really really solid mentorship from from these clever these very clever inventors you know these these crazy inventors
But the longer term, the more protracted application for this outside of the Disney park, I think the potentials are endless. And I love that kind of stuff. I really do. Yeah, same here. It's like developing generic enough technology that it can be repurposed for positive things in the world, but also for nuanced things like Star Wars.
But as you were saying, we did get our first piece of feedback, email, voicemail from our buddy Chris.

Favorite Sci-Fi Movies of Recent Years

I'll read, he had a question for us. He said, your conversation last week about the creator got me thinking, what are your favorite sci-fi movies of the past 24 years? Two of mine are Danny Boyle's Sunshine from 2006 and Ridley Scott's The Martian from 2015.
Do you have those off the top of your head? Well, yeah. So we need to, I mean Chris is a good guy and we know him as our friend that also likes a little bit of wars. So I'm assuming the question, we have to assume
The question excludes Star Wars because obviously we've had the last two films from the prequels and obviously the sequels and everything else has come since 2000. So excluding Star Wars, which we'll assume is a given,
In recent years I would say I love the epic stuff so I mean I I loved I loved Anything like Lord of the Rings I mean it was for me it was it was it was it was epic But we're talking sci-fi not fantasy so with that in mind the closest I can get to it is I would say
Dune or Dune as Jimmy Dice would say. So Dune is a book series that I read as a kid that like many never thought it would translate particularly well to cinema. I think Denis Villeneuve have done an amazing job in what he's done so far. I am stoked for March when, I think it's March, when part two comes out. I cannot wait for that
to take forward because I think he's he's turned what is a very stoic and quite frankly serious and quite at times hard to get through novel and turn it into something that is still quite
long protracted and I know that it's some people's bag and not others. But turn it into something that which I think is I can apply the word epic to. The other one is I've always been a fan of Blade Runner and I thought that he's the same guy's treatment with Blade Runner with Blade Runner 2049 was phenomenal.
And again, a long film, beautifully shot, absolutely stunning. You know, all of that kind of sugar coated with a Hans Zimmer theme, you know, theme tune of soundtrack, sorry. It just, I just loved every minute of it. Again, it's a slow burn. It's a very, very cerebral type of film, but I like that kind of stuff.
And then on the more, should we say popcorn type of films recently, I've loved in the 2000s and beyond, I've loved films like AI. I've been watching AI. I've been revisiting iRobot. I've revisited Legend. Sorry, I am Legend.
recently, and I've revisited another one that I think might be in New Orleans as well, but Minority Report and Edge of Tomorrow, or what was it called, Rich Repeat, Die Rich Repeat. It's Edge of Tomorrow for me, always. Solid films, which I think that
Actually, those are all standalone films, with the exception of Blade Runner, obviously, and Dune, which kind of I'm putting to one side. They're all standalone films, which I think are really, really good. And then lastly, and then lastly, these are all my favourites, so I can't give one answer. And then lastly, I love the work of Neil Blomkamp,
So District 9, Elysium and Chappie I think are a trilogy although they're in theory they're individual stories but
In my brain, they're set within the same universe. I think that his approach to filmmaking, I think, is superb. His choice of actors, the way he executes his films have been fantastic.
And in fact, on a recent pod again with Catherine again, I kind of said that an awful lot of Gareth's work on The Creator reminds me an awful lot of Neil's work. And I love that kind of guerrilla, low cost, cheap and cheerful type of sci-fi making. It reminds me of a time where sci-fi was cheap in the
late 60s and early 70s and I love it because it doesn't matter because it's all kind of wrapped up in a really compelling and human story.
What about yourself? I love it. I'm just reeling at your list there. Those last ones are, I'm really glad you said it because I can't believe I didn't think of it myself because District 9 is one of my top movies all time. Well, it came out of nowhere as well, didn't it? I mean, it was under advertised. It slipped out there and was an overnight classic. It was phenomenal.
Well, I mean, I could be 100 million percent wrong on this. But I thought at some point, like I remember reading when that movie came out that somebody like I thought it had been like originally proposed as like a Halo movie, but then it fell through and then it became that I don't know if that's true at all. Do not take like I just remember those rumors being out there at that time. I think I think you're right. I think I think Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson was looking to make a Halo film and I think he was looking at Neil to be the director or something like that and it never happened. Either way, we were well fed because that's a result of a film, it really is. Yeah, that movie is incredible. That's definitely on my list.
I also kind of looked at this list of like, what are those movies that like just pop into my head all the time? I tried to avoid like the stereotypes. I didn't want to go look at like a listicle or things like that to try to come up with them. So it's like, what are those movies that kind of
sci-fi movies that just I can't they just I think about them like too much like that yeah like that uh the thing that was going around a couple weeks ago where it's like oh people think about the roman empire all the time it's like no what are those movies that I think about and one of those is district nine for sure uh minority report I think about that like that movie pops in my head
way too frequently, specifically the public transportation that they have there. I'm like, why are we working on autonomous cars? We should just be riding on minority report trains or vehicles that don't communicate with each other and just bob and weave each other. They don't need to be independent and just all sorts of stuff. Like that movie, it just lives in my head rent free. Another one that I think about a lot is Arrival. That movie was, I haven't rewatched it a lot.
But it's one of those ones where I just think about it all the time. Like that movie had an impact. Yeah. It's heavy. Again, it's another Denny film. It's really heavy. It's heavy going. But it's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. A big one that I'm sure is on everybody's list is Mad Max Fury Road. I think they took that franchise or that kind of that universe and just
amped it, took it to 11, cranked it up and just made it. I have no complaints, no criticisms of that movie. I'm pumped for Furiosa. It is just, I love it. I love that movie. I think about it. I could watch it over and over and over again. What a day. What a lovely day. Yes, great film. So good. So good. So good. And this one, this one's kind of, it's a little bit older than 24 years just by a smidge, but it's,
It's another one of those movies that just lives in my head rent free and that is the sci-fi horror flick cube and all of its subsequent
sequels where it's

Podcast Conclusion

kind of it was right around that and I think it came out in 97 and so it's a little bit older than 24 years but uh is that one of you just is that the prison one where they they they got to make their way through rooms and rooms and the floors changing and I don't think I've ever seen it cube cube is kind of like it's similar to that it's but it's they're in kind of like a three-dimensional
torture killing box. It's almost like a, it's kind of like a, what would you say? Like a squid game kind of thing, but it's also kind of like Saw. So it's kind of got that campy horror.
kind of vibe to it but just the out of the box like okay how do we how do we get out of this thing and it's kind of got like a nerdy math element to it too and just I don't know it's one of those ones where I'm like that was different and that was weird and I think I watched it like a at a
a developmentally critical time in my life where I'm like, that one's just gonna live with me forever. I'm just gonna carry that one. It's not a particularly good movie, I wouldn't say. It's not one I'd just pop in now and be like, you know what we should do this Saturday night, we should watch Cube. But it's one of those ones where at a certain point in time, I watched it, it was what it was, and it's made me who I, it's one of the things that's made me who I am today.
do that there are some of the most bizarre films out there or moments in pop culture that I hold close to my heart that my family look at me and say, but it's really bad. Or I don't understand why when there's this over here, which is clearly, again, it's about beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yeah, no, I'm with you. It's about, you know, the moment in time where it worked for you. Sorry, I'm digressing, but there was a film, I don't know if you've ever written a Scott film called Legend with Tom, very, very young Tom Cruise.
And he played Jack, the forest boy that had to rescue his beloved from the devil, who was played by Tim Curry.
it really honed true with me at the time because the soundtrack, depending on which version you had in your country, the soundtrack was, the better soundtrack was by a band called Tangerine Dream.
very synth-centric. And it just landed with me at a time where I was, I guess, an emotional teenager, felt certain ways about my girlfriend at the time or what have you, you know, was in love. And it just landed. And it's not that great a film. It's really not that great a film. But it means an awful lot to me. It means a heck of a lot to me. And I'm damned if I can't get that copy on DVD or Blu-ray or anything.
can't get the copy of the original American theatrical release that has the Tangerine Dream soundtrack. In the UK, you can only get the theater release, which is nowhere near as good. Sorry, mate. I digress. Sorry. No, no, that's awesome. As you were saying that, I was struggling to not go down my own mental rattle of all of those campy films. It's like, oh man, it's
I tried watching it again recently, like the Caravan of Courage and things like that. Like those were of a time for me of like going to the video rental store with my friend when we'd stay the night at each other's houses. And it's like, I mean, in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, there wasn't a big, a lot of selection available at some of these video rental places, but I remember seeing like Caravan of Courage and things like that.
Dude, Star Wars, like let's go back and watch this. Another one was like, along that same lines, it's like, I don't know if you ever saw the movie Mac and Me. Yes, it's kind of, oh my gosh, that movie was...
I think that explains a lot about my early childhood development, but yeah, that was one. And then I think all the Ernest, like Ernest Goes to Camp movies, Jim Varney, those are all just so vivid in my mind. Even those kind of movies that you see him once at a certain age and they just live
visually you know exactly where you were you remember the sights the smells the exact situation and it's like it wasn't it wasn't about the content of the movie it was the way it made you feel and like the simpler times or whatever whatever the the phrases you want to wrap around it of like
Man, you look back and you were living the dream before life became what it is. Yeah, before responsibility got in the way. Yeah, that's right. Holds a special place in your heart for that.
But let's talk about, I mean, Chris has got some good answers here in himself as well. I mean, Danny Boyle, I think we spoke about last week, Danny Boyle is one of my favourite directors anyway. And then his take on sci-fi I thought was really, really good. Again, Cillian Murphy doing a really, really good job. Doing a really, really good job there.
I don't know if I ever saw Sunshine, but I'll have to add that to my list to watch. But I did see The Martian, and I'd listened to the audiobook prior to watching it. And it was a really good movie. I thought they took a
a really good book, a book that was already really great, but it was a book for me. It was a book's book. And then they took, and I think they did the right kind of adaptation to make it really good for the screen without, like it wasn't like a complete departure from the book, but I thought they changed the right things that it was still respectful to the book, but also not overloaded with,
cruft, I guess. It was really good. Yeah, that was top notch. That's a really good point, actually. We should spend some time on the topic one week. We should think about what media has crossed really well between
formats. So, you know, what, what, I mean, I think of, I think of class, I mean, you've already mentioned Minority Report, which is a Philip K. Dick novel. I mean, the guy was, you know, again, Blade Runner, or Do Androids Dream of an Electric Sheep? Amazing, amazing, and very troubled, unfortunately, writer, and the, and the books themselves, you know, stand out as masterpieces, but the,
the movies or the media that spun off from that on the adaptations of that kind of stuff have been phenomenal. And again, with, you know, The Martian, to your point, really, really good book, the movie came out and it was, you know, again, Ridley Scott playing, you know, paying a massive amount of respect to the source material. So we should do that, you know, one week when we're a little bit dry on
on stuff to talk about we should do that and really have a think about what has translated really well and maybe what hasn't translated really well because of course we've seen years and years and years of pretty bad game to movie conversions video game to movie conversions we've seen some really good ones recently but we've seen you know many many years of that so that's definitely something we can talk about
Talk about coming up a list of stuff that we need to talk about is just growing and growing and growing it's fantastic it really is. We're not short on content by any means.
No, no, not at all. So we're over the hour and we want to try and be respectful for people's time and certainly their attention spans. So very, very quickly, this week, what are you watching? Let's just talk about what we're watching this week. So let's close on Sean. What is Sean Hoffman when he's not working his butt off?
Not driving all over the US this week. Thank goodness What are you watching this week and we can kind of talk about the other stuff maybe in a in a future future app? the big one the big one for me airs this Friday on Apple TV and that is masters of the air that is the the the sequel to
Oh my gosh, what's the first one called? I know it's the Pacific and... Band of Brothers. Band of Brothers. That's what it is. Oh my gosh, like those movies... I'm going to call them a movie. I'm calling them a movie. That's fair. Those are so influential. I mean, they hold an emotional place in my heart because
I remember watching them the first time with my dad. And so that has a huge emotional connection there. And it's just the quality of storytelling is rare, I think, especially like a series like that. So I'm very excited to start with that.
Something quite classic about them, isn't there? Do you understand what I mean by that? I mean, I've seen both. I mean, Band of Brothers, I've seen more than once. And I've seen the Pacific as well, but there's something quite classic about them. I mean, I'm not saying they're in any way old-fashioned, but there's something quite classic in terms of storytelling, albeit a little bit grittier because an awful lot of old war stories perhaps didn't show the grit and the absolute horror.
of warfare. But there's something classic about them. There's something reassuringly quality about those series that I really respect. And so I'm looking forward to it as well, mate.
I think I agree a million percent. I think it's they don't come across as like, for lack of a better term, like war war porn. Yeah, just like gory for the sake of being gory. It's it's it's there's a reality to it. There is a storytelling narrative.
To the point at times when it's uncomfortable, but it serves a purpose. Yeah. To look through the lens and not not just for the sake of in. It doesn't it doesn't pit like a good guy like though there's the good there's.
this good guy and it doesn't have that murder porn portion to it. It's a very realistic lens into what, but also not. Typically there's no hero either. I mean, you think about Band of Brothers. I mean, they lost people along the way. And even the commander of guy, guy's name I've gotten there. Anyway, the point being is that I think he's
Anyway, sorry. There's no heroes there. There's no hero. There's no John Wayne or Burt Lancaster. There's no Sean Connery there. There's no hero there.
There's no dramatic monologue about war as hell and all that kind of stuff. It's basically normal people. Again, it probably aligns itself with my sentiment around really enjoying the any man or the every man story.
Um, and I, I really like it. I really, really enjoy that. So that's a good shout. Um, for myself, um, there's so much I need to talk to you. We're never going to run out of ideas for this. There's so much on our list that we haven't got through to that tonight, but, but, um, just to, just to just, um, let you know, um, I'm on a new series now, so I'm watching for all mankind. Um,
on Apple TV. Two reasons. One, I've fallen in love with Apple TV. And I'm just basically going through the kind of top 10 of stuff that I think, oh, that might be interesting. And I think I heard the guys over at Star Wars Explained saying that this was a series that they, or a bunch of series and a bunch of seasons that they'd followed for quite a while.
Um, and because again, I've fallen in love with, with Apple TV, I checked it out. I've just finished season one and I must say it's really, really good. I love the old, the alternate universe of, uh, scenarios like that. So there was a, um, uh, series that only unfortunately had one season called, I can't remember it. Um,
But the idea being is that it goes back to our conversation last week. What if the world, an event didn't happen or something happened differently? And the scenario here is that what if Russia made it to the moon first?
as opposed to the US. And what would the consequences of that be? And it's basically following, respectfully, following the timeline in the 1960s, assuming that it was the Russians that originally landed on the moon as opposed to the US. And the consequences of that. And I'm really, really enjoying it. And it's very, there's nothing particularly fantastic about the whole thing. It's just an alternative take on history.
We're looking backwards in time, but it's an alternative take on that. I love that kind of perverse or that kind of skewed story. It's great. It's really, really good. Apple TV's got some really good content on there. They've got some booboos on there as well. I don't know if you... Did you watch Invasion?
I have not. I was gonna talk about severance. Have you watched severance? No, I haven't. No, I haven't. That needs to go next on your Apple TV list. Okay. That is...
Okay. Well, it'll have to be third because I did watch, again, it's another bloated sci-fi subject, but I watched season one of Foundation when it first came out. And season two has been up for a while now and I know it's going to hurt because it needs a lot of concentration.
It's one of those programs that you're going to have to, I'm going to have to watch with a lot of coffee. Um, and you know, no, nothing just cause it'll need an awful lot of concentration. So, but I'll definitely add it to the list, mate. Brilliant. Yeah. I think that's, I think that's all we got time for this week, but I don't know if we, we, we've got plenty to talk about in the future. And so we haven't even scratched the surface yet.
This is awesome. Yeah, I'm excited. But I think we're getting close to time, so I can let people know where you can find us. You can find us at We have a little website that's available where you can find links to all of the podcasts on all over the place that it's supported. If you want to send us an email or voicemail, you can send that to feedback at, and that will make it to us.
Andy, do you have anywhere that people can find you or do you want to just find us here? I would love for you guys to find us here. You'll find me on X and on Blue Sky at... It's a weird one.
It's Mingana or M-I-N-G-A-N-N-A-1-9-7-2 or 1972. That's my camera profile and it's kind of followed me everywhere else as well. But no pressure there because I'm not...
I wanted to hear you pronounce it because I never know how to say it. I'm going to make him say it. I'm not one for social media, but I am there if you want to reach out to me.
And you can find me intermittently on Blue Sky. My handle is Yep, that's what it is. I don't know why I picked it, but that's also my website, so it works. But yeah, thanks for checking us out, and until next time. Thank you, guys. Keep the faith.