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Fupas, Mindset, Exile, we got ya covered! image

Fupas, Mindset, Exile, we got ya covered!

E143 ยท Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
154 Plays1 year ago

It's a sister chat kinda day, the sisters update you on the latest and cover all things from post mom life struggles to mindset to a bible lesson you don't want to miss! Join in for all the fun, the sisters love you and are so grateful you are here!


Introduction to the Podcast and Its Themes

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hey, how are y'all doing today? Great. Yeah. The sun is out and I'm happy about it. I know actually in late in between work calls, like went and laid in the sun for like three minutes and it felt amazing. I know it just affects my mood. It's wild. I love it. The other day I was with my friend, shout out to Jennifer. She's a listener and
She got in my car and I was like, Hey, and she was like, Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm listening to your podcast. Cause in the beginning, cause in the beginning we're like, Hey, Hey girl. Hey. Yeah. No, but it's, it's sunny where I am to

Parenting Joys and Challenges

listeners. I'm sure you know this by now if you listen, but we're all three in different places. So, you know, and we're getting to the age where we talk about the weather. I mean, how cool is that?
Wow, this is like a really good podcast. Yeah. Tune in. I'm just extra happy too because my three month old, almost four month old slept 10 hours, two nights in a row. And I'm just like feeling so thankful. It's just amazing how much it helps your mood when you have more sleep. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of new moms that are going to be like,
Seriously, Kristin. It's such a real thing, even though it was so long ago for me, it's after so long of sleep deprivation. I don't know. In the moment, it just feels like that's never going to end. Yeah. Can you say that word again, Lauren? Deprivation. Did I say it wrong the first time? Yeah, you said deprivation.

Cultural Slang and Humor

'all. But I was like, is that a word? Maybe that's what it is. And I've been saying it wrong. I love when you say funny things. I was about to say no, just call it a Luluism because that's how I roll. And yeah. Anyways there, I saw this funny video from y'all know sometimes I follow like old bachelor people. Yeah. Not so much anymore, but Becca, I don't even remember her last name, but she has a little one and she has a funny video where
her husband's holding the baby in her face and she's like going like this to try and be seen.
And she's like, Oh my gosh, I love you so much. But can you please sleep? Cause I'm going crazy. Anyway, it's Chris, Chris and I thought of you cause you're in that season. I feel lucky. Cause like, I feel like he sleeps very well compared to what it could be. So, but I'm just like, Oh my gosh, 10 hours just feels so nice. And it wasn't what we would call an angel baby. Yeah. I know. I'm Mike.
I feel so lucky, but also I have for the first time in my life, I have a FUPA. Is that what it's called? Yes.
that upper blank area? Well, okay. So I had a C-section, you know, so it's like line. And then it's like, I still have the little belly, like right above that. And I've never had that before. And I'm just, is this ever going to go away? Or is this my life now? No, it doesn't go away with C-sections. Like sadly, I've super skinny girls with C-sections, like still have like a, this little like thing that
is over their line. That's how I know it unless you get it surgically fixed. I've never seen somebody that's had a C-section that's completely flat.
Okay. So this is just my life now. But I could be wrong. Listeners, if I'm wrong, I'd love to hear it. Yeah. I was like, okay, cool. We're just going to have a FUPA now. And I was like, how do I bear bathing suits now? How does this work? Anyway, just some thoughts going through my mind. Or you just, or you just rock it, you know?
Hey, speaking of fubas, have I shared with y'all about guns? Oh wait, yes, with British. Yeah, did I share that on here? I feel like we did talk about this. Okay, well, in case we didn't, just really quick, it was so funny because my friend from overseas, she's British.
And she was like, I get this random text a few weeks ago and she's like, do you know what a fupa is? And how did we never discuss this? And I was like, what? And so I was like, a fat upper blank area. And she was like, yes. Anyways, she, they call them over there guns. And I'm sure you can put together, it's a combination of the word gut. And then I'm sure you can imagine the other word. I think I like fupa better. Yeah, I know. So.
I thought that was so funny. I was like, oh my gosh, I love it. We were always like, when we lived in China together, we were always comparing, you know, the British versus American. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Well, I hope Michael's a FUPA fan because. Wait, FUPA fan sounds hilarious.

Reflections on Family and Legacy

Well, listeners, we have had guests on the past few episodes and so we kind of just wanted to give a little bit of an old life update, but
The day after Christmas, our 92 almost 93 year old grandmother passed away and we called her grand and she was our mom's mom. And so it kind of felt like just another piece of our mom, you know, departing this world. And we weighed it. She was cremated. And so her services weren't until February 3rd, which ironically is our mom's birthday.
So that felt special just to, I don't know, our mom's been gone three years, a little over three years now. And in the past, for some reason mom's birthday has been especially hard for me for some reason, more so even than like the anniversary of her death. But this year it just felt really nice, really refreshing and just really special and just celebrating grand. And we talked a lot about Paw Paw who passed in 1999. But anyways, we just thought we would,
let you guys know that that happened and it was really how I don't know how y'all felt about it but it was it felt like a really fulfilling weekend just seeing a lot of family we haven't seen in forever and just seeing you guys and
Yeah, I just felt really special. Our aunt Debbie did a great job planning something that like grand would have really appreciated. It was everything went so, you know, it's hard when you're talking about planning funerals and having funerals, like it's just sad.
But I felt like Debbie did a really good job of making it feel more of like a celebration of grand and like what she would have wanted. And it was just close family and friends. And it was just, yeah, beautiful ceremony. I don't know. You call it. And just a remembrance for her and Papa. And then the.
the luncheon afterwards. And then we all hit golf balls in honor of grand, which was, I don't know, just really cool. And I feel like grand was smiling down and mom, like I just kept imagining mom and pop all welcoming grand into heaven and like a sad as I am that she's not with us anymore.
I just thought I think overpowers the sadness for me because I just know, you know, she's been without her husband and never remarried for 30 years, right? I don't know the exact number for a while. So yeah, she never dated or remarried or anything. So yeah, it's a long time.
Yeah, because I think a lot of times family get togethers around the holidays, which is nice. But in a weird way, it felt like a family weekend because Kristen and Michael and kinder got to stay with us. So yeah, I really feel echo your feelings like it was just a nice weekend of time together. And
getting to see some extended family too of our grandparents was cool that we don't see ever. And we got to see one of our grandpa's brothers, uncle Bobby. So I talked to him for a little bit and it just like warmed my heart. Cause it like reminded me of Paw Paw. So that was cool. Yeah. I know for me, the keyword you said for me was celebration. Like for me, I think after losing mom, it puts a lot more in perspective when it comes to death and
grants that live such a beautiful, long, full life. And I just more than anything felt appreciation and like celebration of that. Like, of course I felt sad and cried and all the things, but I don't know. It just felt more of a celebration than anything.
And I really enjoyed it too and getting, watching old videos of everyone, all of us as kids and just, and I realized like how much I was like, no wonder Gran was obsessed with Brian. She's a lot, he's a lot like Papa, her husband, our grandpa. Like Brian is so much like him. It's crazy. Yeah. I agree. And like multiple ways. Like they even look alike to me, which I didn't realize. I remember mom always felt like they had similarities personality wise.
Yeah, well and just younger photos that pop on like wait they do look alike. Yeah,

Mindset and Personal Growth

cool. Well, Megan, do you want to share your corner of mindset with Megan.
Yeah. So we thought on our sister chats, we could have little like corners about different things that we care about. We already do that, but kind of labeling them. Obviously mindset with Megan is my passion project. And I wrote a six week course called mindset on the spirit.
And the six weeks are inclusive of so many things, but I was just going to kind of talk about what it includes in case somebody was curious what it actually is. So the first week we really dive into our minds and how it's split into the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and what that really means when you're thinking about your thoughts and your actions.
just like a quick summary. And then on lesson two, we talk about goal setting and really narrowing down like, what do you want out of your life? Because I think a lot of times people don't take the time to invest in themselves and like sit down and think about what they really want. And they kind of just let life happen to them. So the whole program's about figuring out how to live inside out instead of outside in. And then the third week we go through your identity and your Christ-given identity. Cause I think we allow
others to tell us who we are from a very young age and going through a bunch of exercises to figure out who God says you are versus the world or verse your thoughts. And then I am really big on forgiveness and how much offense and unforgiveness is holding back. A lot of us, it's almost
I see it as muting our heart. It's almost like pushing us further and further from God. So the more we can release when it comes to offense and unforgiveness, the closer we can get to God, the closer we can feel love. And so I have an entire week dedicated to forgiveness. It's also a touchy subject for some. So depending on who I'm coaching, and then we kind of walk through like decision and discipline and then daily habits and action steps to create the future that you want. So the overall transformation
through the six weeks is you're going to walk away just feeling kind of like an elevated spiritual life, but also just breaking free from strongholds, like thought patterns that are holding you back. That's all the enemy wants. The enemy wants us to be held up in these strongholds. So
Getting through each of those and then I do like a bonus call like a seventh call just to kind of summarize the whole six weeks and kind of figure out For each person is a little different like where do we go from here? And yeah and exciting news. I'm launching a group coaching. I'm gonna start in April It's gonna be on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m.
And it'll be all of that, but you'll be in a group. So what's cool about the group setting instead of one-on-one is that you can get an accountability partner because I give you homework every single week that you have to do daily. Nothing crazy like 10 minutes a day. But yeah, that is what I'm really excited about. I think if I can get like a big group together,
I'm thinking like 20 people and then everybody could have like a pair that they keep accountable. Um, yeah. So that's kind of a little piece of my, what I'm doing with mindset with Megan questions from that sisters. No, I'm just so excited for you and honestly for the people that take your course. I think it's just such a beautiful and powerful message to put out into the world and
even if just one person walked away with that gift, I think that it's just cool. I'm proud of you and I'm proud of the God we serve. And yeah, it's just really fun to watch you.
Yeah, I just have been like really surrendering to God and be like, okay, what do you want it to look like? Like, I don't, I don't really know. I know I'm supposed to share God's love and I'll do that wherever I am, even at work where I can't talk about God. Like I can still be, you know, a blessing to people. So that's what I'm trying to just constantly bring myself back to that. It's like not about me. It's about God. Cause I'm the type of person that like, I love words of affirmation. I love like feeling like people,
like what I'm doing. And so that's something that I'm personally like, as much as I'm pushing people to work on their thoughts and mindset, like I am too on myself, like, this isn't about me, this is about God. And so yeah, and I did get speaking of it, this is kind of about me, because I was like, I'll read a testimonial, but it really is, God brought this. So I just finished up with one of my clients, and she sent me the sweetest message. And so I thought I would share just as this is kind of, you know, God is working through me and with
through people. And so she said, your course has been a blessing and a privilege. It taught me so much about how our minds work and how reshaping our thought patterns can have a profound impact on our daily lives. I found myself living in a constant state of fear and hyper vigilance. Working with Megan helped me to learn ways to quiet the mind, change my daily habits, and put my trust in God.
This has allowed me to release my fears so that I can live a life full of peace and meaning." So I was just like, oh my gosh. I'm just so happy for her that she invested in herself. And I know she's going next to do EMDR too with some of the trauma she's had in the past. So yeah, it's exciting. Yeah, that's amazing. Like you said, it's always nice to hear just the feedback. It's very similar when people are like, oh, I listen to your podcast, what do you love? And it's like, oh my gosh, thank you. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, it motivates you to keep going because sometimes you're like, oh my gosh, you get in your head. For sure. I love it. Yeah. I love that too.
Well, do we have time, Megan? I don't know. Lauren, if you want to share your little Bible study

Biblical Insights on Exile

corner. Yeah, sure. So listeners, I think I shared last time that I was starting a Bible study and it's called Take Courage by Jennifer Rothschild. And today I was just going to share a short portion of the video from last week, but Megan to kind of
Um, go off of what you just finished about your stuff a lot in the first. So the study is on the book of Haggai, which I did not know this. I knew nothing about the book of Haggai to be completely honest. And it's only 38 versus the entire book. So it's amazing that a seven or eight week whole Bible study can be like, that's how deep we're going, you know?
off of 38 versus, but the first week was a lot about just stopping and giving careful thought to our ways and kind of taking inventory of where our priorities are at, how we're spending our time, our resources, our finances, you know, and then not just, not just considering those ways, but also asking ourselves why. And so that was really good. But today I just wanted to talk about
exile. And when they're talking about exile in Haggai, it's just kind of a season of hard, a season of hardships. And so the different ways that we may experience exile, sometimes our exile is geographical. So maybe
we moved across country or to a new city and you're just going through a season of feeling really lonely, not sure how to put yourself out there. Sometimes the exile we feel is physical. Maybe we had an accident or whatever, physical. Sometimes our exile shows up in our relationships, but there is always purpose in exile, but all of it is hard.
And then some purposes of exile, God may be allowing exile to discipline us, not harm us, but discipline us. Another reason for our exile is that God could be pruning us, which doesn't always feel good. And then sometimes God proves us in exile. So he proves who he is. He proves who we are.
And then three practices of women in exile, which this is kind of what I want to highlight because I've been just reflecting on this for myself. But number one is participate with your exile. So she kind of went into a lot of us whenever we're in these seasons of hard, we tend to want to just
lock ourselves up in a room and kind of isolate ourselves. But rather, God encourages us in the Bible and it says increase in relationships. So try to fight yourself and actually do the opposite and put yourself in front of the right. Seek the good of our exile, which isn't always easy.
easy. But exile is about construction, not destruction. So I liked that. Okay, so number one was participate with your exile. Number two, she pursues God in her exile. And again, not easy. But the only way you are protected from the lies in exile is to know the truth. If you do not know the truth, you will not recognize a lie. And I thought that was really good.
and she is patient with her exile. We need to be patient with ourselves. We need to show patience with the process of exile and we need to show patience with God. And a quote that she shared that I wrote down and highlighted was, exile has a long shelf life, but it does have an expiration date. And so whenever we go through those seasons of hard, which we all go through, to just remember that there is an expiration date and it might be
longer than what we prefer, but to just always have that in mind, you know, kind of going back to the first in the season of sleep deprivation, what deprivation with having a newborn, maybe that's your exile right now. And just to remember that there is an expiration date and to just try your best to fully
dive into him and not away from him. And that can be really hard depending on the situation. But anyways, I just found this message super encouraging, really. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. That's so good. I think God's always with us. Like even when we feel like we're far from God, he's always there. So yeah, that's so good. I love it too.
I'm like, not to like totally change the subject.

Fitness Adventures and Laughter

It reminded me of like encouragement. Michael and I are finally, I'm working out for the first time in a year and something really funny and humbling happened to me. And I wanted to share it real quick before we end because if you need to laugh, hopefully this makes you laugh. So we did this new class with this burn bootcamp, which is awesome by the way, cause they offer childcare for free, like not for free, you're paying for it, but you know what I mean?
And I did my first workout, which literally killed me, y'all. It was so hard. And the girl who was training kept coming over to me and trying to encourage me. And then I just couldn't do it one more lunge. I was struggling so hard with the lunges. And she looks over at me and goes, oh my gosh, girl, you got it. It's totally okay. I also could not do a lunge when I first started working out too. And I just messed up.
Like I knew she was just trying to encourage me, but literally she just gave me like the biggest insult. Like, and I was like so humbled. I was like, wow, okay. Like I've done lunges basically my whole life, but cool. Got it. Like, thank you.
I probably wouldn't have a baby though, it is like starting a new, like, I gotta say. It really is because like, I've never struggled so hard in my life to like, literally, I've never taken a year off from working out either. So yeah, anyway, a very humbling moment for me. Well, what does it say? God will help and lift up those who are humble. So there you go.
Yeah. He's gotcha, girl. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. I love it. Okay, so Kristen, I've been wanting your corner to be real estate, but maybe yours is laugh corner. Yes. We can have a real estate corner too, but yeah.

Family Humor and Memories

You want to hear some humble stories and fupa stories? I gotcha. Yeah.
We are always making us laugh. Actually, somebody told me recently that I was funny and you would have thought they told me I looked like a beauty queen because I was like, I can't believe that somebody thinks I'm funny. I was so honored because I don't think I'm funny. Maybe because I feel like I have so many more funny people around me. I don't know. Well, I think you're funny in your own way. Thank you.
I mean, I think we're all funny in our own way, right? I think both of you are like really funny. You know what I mean? I don't know. I would say Kristen is funny. I don't think I'm funny. Really?
Lauren, both of y'all are really funny, I think, but I know y'all so well, too. So it's, you know, somebody, I guess that's what it is. If you really know me, you would know. Like, if you understand, yeah, I was about to say, like, some people might not understand your humor. I don't think most people don't understand my humor. So, well, I'm sure a lot of people don't understand my humor. You know, they might just think I'm ridiculous. Yeah.
Well, there's a flavor for everyone, you know? You know what I'm saying? I love it. I feel like Lauren's very active, funny. She's funny with her body and funny with her face. I don't know. Is that weird? Like animated? Yeah. I feel like you'll just dance. And I'm like, I think it's hilarious. I don't know. Oh, man. It's her, though. But you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. When she showed us her Spanx swimsuit. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, that was funny.
I don't know why, but I was laughing. Wait, that's funny because I was serious. Well, you were just making little comments that were making me laugh. Oh, really? Yeah, and just you were moving. It was just funny. Did it remind you of mom? A little bit, yeah. I could kind of see that. When it came to fashion, do you all remember mom used to always use the word, was it precious? No.
Oh no, there was this word that mom used to always use to describe. Oh, isn't this precious? Nevermind. Cut that part out. Oh my gosh. No. I feel like I know what you're talking about, but I can't think of it either. I know. It'll come to me as soon as we press stop. I know. I want to catch up a

Excitement for The Bachelor Season

little bit. We're watching the bachelor too. Are y'all, y'all are watching it, right? Yes.
I am. I really like Joey. I think this is a good season. And I kind of wish I wouldn't have read the spoilers because now I'm like, it kind of takes it away a little bit, you know? Well, I feel like the winner is so obvious in my opinion. Oh, you do? I think it's Daisy.
Oh yeah. I do. Why do you think that? I just feel like it's so obvious. Like they don't show her a lot. Yeah. She's so cute and has such a good personality and you can tell they really like hit it off, but it's like very cautious about like showing her. Yeah. They don't show her being funny and like snippets. They don't really show her with him a lot. So I just feel like they're trying to make it seem like it's not her. Yeah. But I feel.
Who do you think it is? I actually do think it's Daisy too. I kind of forgot for a minute about her because they don't show her that much. But then on this last episode when she, she looked like she was about to get really serious and then she was like, massage my feet. And it was so like, okay, they seem like a real couple. Yeah.
Well, I also think that girl, I think she's from New Orleans. I don't remember her name. Oh yeah. Kelsey. I feel like they want you to think it's her. So I think she's going to be the runner up. Hmm. Well, I guess you'll just have to stay tuned. Those are my guesses. Okay. I won't ruin it in case anybody else listens.
I know. I feel like I don't know anybody that watches The Bachelor anymore besides y'all. Besides that. Are we the last ones? We still watch it. Yeah.
Yay. I don't know the golden bachelor in this. I think it's coming back. I don't know. Well, I know there's lots of viewers, otherwise they wouldn't have it. But for some reason, like in my sphere of influence. Yeah. Nobody's watching it, but it's like literally the only thing I watch. I don't really watch TV anymore, but for some reason I keep that one going. Oh my gosh. Have you turned into me? Pretty much. I have too much going on. Like I can't, I don't have time. I have to go to bed at nine.
That's like my thing now going to bed at nine, getting up at five 30. I'm doing, oh, I should tell people I'm doing the better me app with Bobby. And it's really nice cause we do it together and it's just 20 minutes. And then I'm able to get in like a whole morning routine before the kids are even awake. Let's get it girl.
I'll get there when I don't have a newborn. Yeah, I'm three kids deep with like, I'm finally getting there. I mean, you know, I got into shape after both kids, but this is me like really getting in a routine because it's just hard when they're super little.
as we're supposed to. By the way, I'm going to save this for next sister chat, but I also have another hilarious story that I need to fill everybody in on. It involves our alarm system and 5 a.m. and being in our underwear, so you don't have a story. And guns. And guns. Oh no. It ended good, so there you go. How's that for equipping listeners? Yeah. I will close this out.
Dear heavenly creator, thank you for who you are. Thank you for my sweet little sisters. They're such a blessing, not just to me, but to the world. And thank you for our listeners. We just appreciate them so much. And I hope that today and after every episode, they just feel our gratitude for them and our love for who they are. And I just pray that you show up
for all of us today and that we keep our eyes and ears open to you, whether it's just looking up to the clouds, to the sky, listening to the birds, that we just seek you out today and just hear you and feel you. And I just pray that we all stop in our busy days to reflect on paying attention to what we're doing and why and to
prioritize you and make you our number one and that we are just wholeheartedly serving you and that we're not halfway in because as you are teaching us, our minds follow our heart. And so wherever our heart is, that's where we will go and we want, we just want you. Thank you Jesus for loving us.
And I pray that everybody has a wonderful, wonderful two weeks until we see you next time in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. And you know what they say, older sisters run the world. So thank you. Love y'all. Love you listeners. Have a great week. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup.
If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.