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Celebrating 50 episodes with a special 'intimate' interview with James 'Games' Malone and a few other extras. 

Next Week: 'Joker: Folie à Deux' & other 'dark' musicals


Celebrating Milestones

you're listening to the sleepy games podcast
ka ill count me down buddy count me down ah we will start the fiftieth episode in five four three two
50 episodes of the Sleepy Games podcast. I am one of your hosts, Sleepy Joan, and with me, the always exhilarating And if we're being honest, star of the show, James Gaines. Hello. Thank you. 5-0-50. We made it. 50. Yes. It's kind of crazy. I mean, it doesn't even feel like we've done that many episodes. Like if you were to ask me a number, I'd say, oh, we're somewhere in the 20s or something like that. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, it seems it was just yesterday. We were like just starting off and now it's already 50.
Where does the time go? Yep. That's crazy.

Interview with James Gaines: Passion for Film

We want to make this a milestone episode, so so now I just have like any specific topics, but just like a, because it's a celebratory occasion for us. So we we, so in this episode, we will be, what, you're going to interview me?
Uh, yeah, so, uh... I have no idea what the questions are. I have no idea. Yeah, no, I see, like, that's the thing is, like, I know that, uh, you know, interviewing 101, sometimes somebody will send the questions they intend to ask, but I like to keep things a bit loose and a little bit more, like, raw, a bit more natural and stuff, right? So, it might end up just falling flat on its face with no discussion, but that's the risk you take.
I'm a little nervous. Yeah. Well, and like the reason that I do kind of want to interview is because like, what's that? gonna Bear it all. Bear it all. I like it. But I'm sure most of our current listeners, but I mean, I guess, you know, if the show ever takes off and stuff like, you know, some listeners might not realize that, you know, as as a bit of your weekend warrior side gig,
ah You do do some acting and you know commercials and and that kind of stuff too, sir And that's part of the reason I felt that it was appropriate to interview you so Yeah Yeah, I'm excited to hear these questions so Do you want me just to like just to dive right in just do it just yes Just rip the band-aid off and do it. Just do it. Okay. Okay, so I All right, this is actually because it's interesting for me because like I don't actually know a whole lot about you know this this this hobby or passion you know of yours ah in terms of really anything. I mean, unless we've discussed it on the show, I don't really know that much about you. So my first question
and I'm curious about this, is what was it that sparked your passion for film? ah So ah i've I've always been a movie buff ever since I can remember. um I remember even as a kid just watching some movies is over and over again and until I could just memorize it, you know, line for line. It is a lot of movies that we've we've talked about on the show, like, i I mean, Back to the Future is one that I think of. um Yeah. But it's like, i i was I was just, I loved just being lost in the world of the film and just like, and just block out everything else.
Like just all the focus is on that, so like just for that hour and a half to two hours, I'm just immersed it in the in the movie experience, whatever it is. um And ah then like when I got a little, ah probably I would say in high school,
where i started do it I started diving more into films, not just like to not just watching it, just because I like watching it, but learning more about the actors, learning more about the directors, who's producing the film, um the production companies, the studios.
um but I just want to get more of an understanding of what all goes into making a film. Because your casual viewer is only just going to watch a movie and that's it. It's just something to do. right they They don't really care about you know like what what other movies this director filmed. um you know They're not going to pay attention to all the names and the credits and all that.
um But yeah, so I guess I started in high school and then in college ah where I had like a much, I had like a library at my disposal of basically any film I could watch. You know, this is the time we're still, you know, blockbusters around and everything. Right, yeah. You know, and you go there and you write movies. Sometimes the movie you want is not going to be available and that was always a frustrating experience. So when when I was in college, like we literally had a library, we could rent any movie for for free.
and like And I feel like not a lot of people utilize this they to their advantage. but Maybe like not everyone knew about it because you're not everyone's going to go to the library. you know So when when I found that out, I was like, oh my god, there's so many films that that I've missed out on that now I can watch for free. um you know Being like a you know a college kid with very little money, like that was music to my ears.
um And then and then like from there, like I saw so many classics. And then then i um the website IMDB was like my best friend, where I literally had everything about a certain film just broken down for me like ah ah on and on a neat website. ah And yeah, so I think yeah ah that that that freshman that freshman year in college, I probably watched had to be had to be like 200 films like that like we within those two semesters right like like it would seem like I was watching like a movie or two like a day um sometimes on weekends like maybe maybe three it sounds like you weren't studying too hard
Well, well as so i I did, so in college we did have electives ah to choose. in for the Right, you did mention that before that that film was one of your electives. Yes, yeah because because if you wanted, because it had art electives and thankfully they had there were There was two um film courses I took. One was Intro to Film, the other other one was World Directors. And I'm so glad I took that World Directors class because that opened me up to foreign language films. I didn't really see any foreign language films until I took that class.
and and And that's when I was like, yeah, I was open to a whole new world. of of a found that i know like Normally you just cast to the side, be like, oh, there's subtitles, I read the whole time.
And then and and in and just seeing how different certain countries make films was fascinating to me. And just learning about that, and of course, writing papers, writing essays on that, it made me appreciate even more. um So...
ah Yeah, I know, this is like a long-winded answer to your question. No, no, that's that's all good, man. that That's why we do it this way. Yeah. um But yeah, so I guess like, that's really how like the beginning to my my love of film like stemmed from. um And yeah.
So yeah, I think it was that. Yeah. All right. No, that's that was a good answer. Yeah. Thanks, man. Okay. I'm just reading out my questions here.

James Gaines: From Modeling to Acting

I guess. Okay. So question number two. ah What are your goals regarding acting?
Oh, my goals for acting. So ah for for For listeners that don't know, I do acting on the side. It is ah is a side gig. Full-time, I'm a realtor. And so I got into acting because there was a girl I was seeing at the time. She kind of convinced me to to to yeah because she she understood my my passion for film. and
and everything. and she's just like what ah what if She initially like wanted me like to get into modeling, which I was like, oh that's stupid. and you know I just did it for her to see how it was. and Then from from the modeling, learning how you you could shift more into acting, which is something I ah would much rather do.
right um And I learned that there's, and I got to learn there's a lot of different kinds of acting out there. And me being in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, you know, it's not, I'm not in New York, I'm not in l LA, which is like, which is like the biggest, and and Atlanta now, a lot of the biggest areas ah where they, where like the most TV shows and films come out of. um And so what once I learned like you know as far as like you know background work and stand-in work, um
you know yeah had your stunt doubles and just and just learning like what what goes into that and so some courses you take to you know get certified to do this. um ah like It really opened my eyes a lot more and and especially having the flexibility of real estate to be able to do some acting gigs on the side. so like so I did learn where there was a a lot of commercial work that they had in the Mid-Atlantic region and and and I learned more about non-union work versus union work. um
and So getting back to your question but as far as goals go, like um I've already achieved some goals. like we know that That first goal was you know getting a line in a TV show. i've done And I've done that. And then in starring in a commercial. So what was your first line in a TV show then? What was the first one? My first line of TV show. Oh, I'm glad you asked. ah So I got to be a stand-in for Jason Siegel. I think I talked about this on the show before. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I was a stand-in for the entire run of the TV show called Dispatches from Elsewhere. We filmed it in ah if we filmed it in Philadelphia.
ah we film So i was like I was living in Philadelphia for four months, being his full-time stand-in. For those that don't know, a person who's a stand-in basically sets up the scene. A stand-in is basically someone who has the same complexion, height. It doesn't need to be like the same body type. They really just care about complexion and height. right cause They want to make sure like you know you match with the camera and the lighting.
so I rehearsed the scene to make sure the camera's set and the lighting is you know is where it needs to be. And so when Jason Segal comes to do, you know yeah he he does the scene, everything's all set up. Everything's all done. So yeah once he comes up on set, they're ready for action. um So my... my so I think, I heard most of the time this happens that if you are like the main stand-in for the main actor on the show, they usually give the stand-in a line in the show. So he gave me a line in the show in the last episode in the finale. And in that finale, he kind of breaks the fourth wall where he's Jason Siegel playing himself. And so he has me be a tourist
just walking down the street and I see Jason Seagal running towards me like down the alleyway and I noticed him and once I noticed him I literally scream out Jason Seagal show us your dick i and that and And that's how I said it too. I said it just like that and just screamed it like top of my lungs. yeah they and that's And that's in the show. I'm credited. I get i get re i get residuals. I gotta say man, that is a show definitely up there with best first lines on a TV show.
I mean, who else can say that? Who else can say that's the first line they ever got in a show? That, yeah, that is beyond memorable and not at all what I was expecting. So, ah I will i won't cherish that forever. And I remember vividly when when I was first asked to to do that line. I couldn't believe it. It was like so surreal to me. like Because I've been such a big Jason Segal fan ever since um How I Met Your Mother. um And then actually getting to work with him on the show, then hit for him to give me that line. you know because i was like Because he says he like he got that a lot when Forgetting Sarah Marshall came out.
Right. because you know Yeah, that makes sense. yeah he He was he was was hanging Dong. and that ah so I'm pretty sure his Dong had his own credits for that movie. i mean It's got quite the role.
So i was I was honored to ah yeah to get to get that. you know If I ever get to see him again, yeah i but I would thank him thoroughly over and over. but it I mean, I guess, yeah, it seems like you definitely have achieved some goals then, but yeah, yeah so is there anything else that like you you you would like to to to do in your career? is that I don't like, and I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, I get the impression that you don't really see yourself you know becoming full-time actor or anything like that. No, because I don't want to. ah i don't want to like I like it enough to have it as a side gig. Right. um Because especially being in real estate, it's a great way to get more business. like like I'll be on the set and I tell people, hey, i got I'm a realtor. I do that full time. Looking to buy a house, you know rental, all that. like I'm your guy. Yeah. And so I've i've already helped several other actors um help buy homes. Interesting enough, um that this new movie, I don't know if you're aware of this horror film, Terrifier.
I actually just recently became aware of it actually. but Yeah, yeah so so just this weekend it was the top movie in the box office. i read And and and ah what one of my active friends has a ah speaking role in that movie. And I actually helped her purchase a house here in Baltimore.
and And I helped do property management for her. So when when when when she it was cool just talking to her about about that how and how she was all excited about how I was number one in the box office. I'm like, oh my god, it's so cool. So yeah, so I think yeah as far as the networking goes and everything, like ah that's another reason why I love the the acting world. and everyone That's pretty cool, man. Yeah, and everyone I met, it's just so nice on set. I just love physically being on set.
I love all the behind the scenes of what what goes into making a film or a TV show. That's awesome. Well, I guess so. Okay, but going back to the that the core of the question, though like so so what is one thing or one goal that you would still like to achieve?
So there is this Raven's player, I'm thinking of realistic goals, and people have been telling me to do this and I keep putting it off, I need to do it now, especially while he's here. Especially if you're going to talk about on the show and then you have to do it. I need to strike when the iron's hot.
Yeah. So yeah I know you don't know American football ah that well. um But ah for our team in the Baltimore Ravens, there's a ah we have one of the best ah field goal kickers in the league. His name is Justin Tucker. And a lot of times, I get mistaken, or I get told how much I look like Justin Tucker. okay And he he's at the spokesperson for Royal Farms, which is like this ah kind of fast food convenience store like gas stations and they're and they're known for like their fried chicken and everything so there's so many commercials where it's Justin Tucker um just you know just to speak and yeah because he's a spokesperson he does so many commercials blah blah blah um so I want to try and like
I think it would be a good idea to incorporate both of us in a commercial together. We're like a comedic commercial.

Dream Roles and Industry Challenges

We're like, I'm a stand-in or stunt double because I look like him and get a commercial with that. So that's my current goal, like realistic goal. But as far as like like bigger, I mean, I love ah a line in a movie, because I haven't had a line in a movie yet, only a TV show. okay So i got I guess that's my next goal. Yeah. Yeah. Alrighty. Well, you know, we'll we'll have to talk behind the scenes and and see how we can set either of these things up. Because yeah like you said, I do think it it is an achievable goal.
And, you know, i want I want to see you succeed, buddy. i want to see Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I haven't prepared, I just want to send an email out to Royal Farms, give them my real photos. You should. And just tell them my idea and be like, hey, I like this. What do you guys think? Is this doable? Do you think I look enough like him for this to work? Yeah.
Yeah. Cause I actually, I convinced someone, well, like I convinced a drunk person that I really was. jein tucker and And he believed me and I even like sounded autographed to like, for him. That's kind of mean sometimes that they're going to wear it.
But I was kind of drunk too, so it was okay. Oh yeah, that made that excuse everything. Okay. The next question. So, what is something most people or maybe even no one knows about you regarding film?
But no one knows about me. Or like most people wouldn't know. I mean, obviously, I can't say I know really a whole lot. That's why we're doing this interview.
Um... Man, I don't know how to answer that. ah I mean, it was kind of a tough one. i Should I... ah Do you want me to circle back to that one? And i'll ah I'll give you the next question, then I may be, maybe... Yeah, give me the next one. It's obvious it's like a marinade on that one, a big I guess. Sure. Okay, so... ah This one, okay, this one, you might not really have anything and that's fine, like I've got, i but I mean... Is there anything you would like to see change within the film industry?
uh well i guess as far as changes go like i guess there have been changes made already because that's why the whole acting strike and the writer's strike happens right we did talk about that last season a bit because the whole you know this you know obviously money but the whole ai thing was a bit is a big is still a big deal. That's a big deal for a lot of industries for sure. And yes, how do you handle something like that? Like, yeah, and in in front of from what I've seen, it seems to be going okay, like they're still, ah you know, abiding by the laws that that they've agreed to. Right. When it comes to AI. So that's good to see.
What's to stop, though, like a writer from using AI to write a movie script? I mean, like, because let's be real here, there's a lot of movie scripts that are kind of weak anyways. I mean, I don't know.
Yeah, I mean, it's tough because, you know, you could have writers be like, you know, they have writers block like, well, I need, yeah I need the scene to be exactly. I have a deadline, like I have chat GBT right here, you know, just, just to help me out. So, you know, you do think like, can, can writers like hide the fact they can be like, maybe most of it's written by them, but like me like, change a bit. And yeah, maybe like the third act was all yeah AI, but like, who would write?
Yeah, yeah, it's kind of a it's a bit of a conundrum really in in a lot of ways I guess so yeah, but I mean so other than that I mean like there's there's really nothing I guess youd you'd like to see change within the industry at all or I Mean of course, you know you hope for less sexual harassment to happen, but but that doesn't seem like we'll ever go away.
ah Yeah, and again like that's kind of a a a problem in and in many industries I suppose So I mean ah I guess that they've made they've certainly made some progress on that front it seems in recent years as well, so And I guess as far as I wish the industry wouldn't stop always going to the same cities to film I mean because like how many films and TV shows we have it's like oh, it's in New York City. Oh, it's in LA like There's other cities, other places, I wish they would do something be like because like certain cities are given certain tax credits for um for for films and TV to be filmed there. And they have a certain budget for that.
um I wish they would do something in a way where like, okay, they have to film here for this show ah because they have to meet the certain, because like this year they have this budget level and this has to be, um they have they have to have it for like, you know, 2024. They have to have it before the year ends. Because then then the next year they have another crowd and then they've got another TV show comes in.
But I feel like i feel like you know i feel I'm asking too much with this because I'm sure when it comes to New York and LA it's the easiest. ah and And because the cities are so big too, and they're they're used to all the work. but Yeah, I mean just because it's easy, but at the same time too, it it almost seems like the industry I think is at the precipice of a coming change because of, ah you know, there's a few things going on, like TV is
kind of gunning for it in a lot of ways like some TV shows seem to make more money and more popular than than film which is you know more of a recent thing I think and you when you look at you know the history of Hollywood and obviously movie theaters is another thing where it's like you know people are watching movies from home now like seems like they do need so to start shaking things up a bit to to get more butts in seats so to speak Yeah, well and the it it comes to theaters too because you kind of wish that certain films or or if there's something where they could have a contract between the studios and the theater owners
about having certain films exclusively in a theater for a period of time before it goes to streaming. Yeah. um Because sometimes like, you know, I mean, but but it would always depend because I think it should work in a way where, okay, if a movie underperforms, then yes, I understand why you want to get on streaming as fast as possible.
But I feel like maybe there should be something in the contract that's like, okay, if we don't if we don't reach this amount of money in theaters, then we have the option to take it out and put the streaming sooner. sooner yeah But if it exceeds a certain level, then say it has to be in theaters for like at least 30 days, or like at least 45 days before it can be on streaming.
Well, I don't disagree with that, um especially for ah more blockbuster-type movies sometimes, because like I've gone to go see a movie sometimes, and then it's not in theaters anymore, and you're like, I didn't even think it was doing that badly. I swear it's only been up for like two weeks. It's like, where'd the movie go? Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, you know, not not every movie's gonna be like Deadpool Wolverine, you know? Well, yeah, and ah you know, sometimes, you know, you might not be able to get to the movie theater for whatever reason for a week or two or something like that, and then the movie's already gone, you're like, what the hell happened?
odd but okay yeah well i mean we can see like with with how bad like like the new joker movie's doing like that's gonna be on streaming stupid fast like probably like beginning of november will probably be on streaming which is like will be like a month maybe less than a month it would be in theaters which is crazy yeah i i read that it's actually getting uh box office records uh for the wrong things and yeah yeah it was it was like the biggest second week drop like ever or something like that yeah
Okay, on to the next question. So, I have... Tell us about, like, regarding acting, obviously, your... either your favorite role that you ever did, or your three favorite roles, is what I had here.
Favorite role? Could be, I don't know, could be a play you acted in, commercial, like movie, whatever, like, you know, anything that you were doing. So it's, so, um, I'll give you two. Okay. Cause there's one that I love. I loved when we filmed it and it pissed me off that it never aired. Okay. Yeah. No, I'm so intrigued now. As far as going and getting in the industry, guys, like sometimes when you do a commercial,
you you you like you you You shot it, you you you know you know you nailed it. You had the you had the most fun. Everyone else said it was a lot of fun. they're Very memorable experience. And then when it when you realize it's never going to air,
You're just like, you feel like you're shot through the heart. You're like, what the hell? I want to show this commercial off. I want to add this to my reel. So if if I'm auditioning for other gigs, I want them to see this. you know And it it just sucks how it would never i'll never see the light of day. So this commercial was for was for the Washington Nationals baseball team. And it was me and two other two other guys. and And so we all had matching jerseys.
called called ah and On the back it said Brosevelds.
we were like We were three bros ah and just like venturing to ah popular ah spots in DC for food, ah ah for drinks and just hanging by the water and then actually being in the baseball stadium and like and cheering on the team. um and so That was so much fun. um Easy gig. i love I love gigs like that because it's not much acting.
Like, you know, they they tell you just, um you know, they tell you, oh yeah, just pretend like you're having a good time. It's like, yeah, we're really pretending. You know, like, because you get you're giving us drinks, you're giving us food and all on all this. but We're having the time of our lives. It's like, it's not this acting. We're really just having fun with these two other guys. um and you And you just happen to be filming around it, you know? um So but that was definitely one of the ones that stood out. um Another one that's so hold on before you move on today. Like

Unseen Commercials and Unexpected Experiences

is there a way like is there a way to get like your hands on that footage? Like is it something that we could like? Upload somewhere at all. Yeah, we already tried access to it. It's locked Man because the the the production company owns the rice and they were told that that was scrapped and they can't release it That's crazy. Like I know do all that work and not even just have it like I know joe like that's that's gnarly man. Okay. oh whatever Yeah
And then I guess the other one, I guess that one stands out for me is, it was another one like that, um where ah I did a cruise, not a cruise, a yacht, a yacht commercial. um And it was like, it was ah it was a company that you can rent a yacht. So so they paired me up with a beautiful woman.
um and we were acting like we were a married couple on this yacht and you know like me and her like taking selfies like you know we're we're like feeding each other have my arm around her and all that and we're just enjoying the sights while we're on this yacht it's another one of those like just like oh you just act like you're having a good time it's like like That's really hard with the company, right? I'm all in this yacht. It's this beautiful day in Annapolis with this beautiful girl. like It's not much acting. you know It's just so much fun. so Those are my favorite gigs. where like you know You're acting, but you're not acting.
you know yeah so yeah i do I do have that one. I do have that commercial. Ah, okay, that one, uh, maybe we should, uh... I could add that on, uh, I could add that to the Instagram, uh, on this. We could do that, or like, maybe we maybe we should throw up like a ah YouTube channel for things like that, and just, or or something like that, where, you know, we can... Yeah, true. Yeah, or, yeah, yeah, I mean, whatever. But yeah, I think that I'd be curious to watch it for sure, so, uh, I'm sure some of the listeners probably wouldn't mind either, so...
Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I think I got some other ones too, but but I think that there's like a big stand out. So like, right? Well, it's, it's kind of hard to talk to ah Jason. He will show me your dick. Show me your dick.
ah I remember like it was just that I was like, I think I was like five years ago now. Yeah. but Living in Philly was a good time shooting that show. yeah like ah when when That was my first time like being on a production for the entire run of the show and you really get the feeling of family when you're on a set like that because you're seeing each other every day for like average, like 12 to 14 hours.
um and And then and and then like the feeling you get when you wrap the entire show and you go to that wrap party and everyone's just like laying loose, having a good time, getting their drink on, getting their dance on.
um Yeah, it was it was it was it was such an unreal feeling that I'll i'll never forget, because even if I don't like ah film on a TV show or movie for the entire run again, because usually if if i if I do a gig like that, it would just be like for like one or two days for that, and then I won't see the crew again. But like for four months of seeing them like every day of the week, um yeah, it was really something special. Yeah, it was it was beautiful, man.
That's cool, man. Yeah, it must be a pretty unique experience, I guess. Yeah, but that worked then because I wasn't like, I was very like, I mean, I wasn't as well established in real estate as I am now. Right, it was touch and go kinda, yeah. Yeah, it'd be a lot harder now just to- It would, yeah. I get that. That's pretty neat. Alrighty. So, I've got Sorry, I was looking at it. We can go back to the question. I don't know if you you came up with something, something that maybe I guess no one knows about you, but to put it's it's it's kind of a, that's one of those questions where like I threw it in there and I was just like. Oh, I got one. Okay, you got one. I thought I won. Before you get into it, cause like it is, it's one of those, it's like like an interview question where it's like, it's almost like a dick question. Cause it's like, yeah usually you need some time.
ah Definitely. I should have sent it to you. can I could have sent it to you. You may be thinking of something I can add to the Instagram. Okay. Perfect. Okay. Hit me! So, something that I don't i don't advertise, a lot of people know about that I did in the past was I was in a fashion show.
I was not aware of this. Okay. Yeah. And I'm wearing like this like leopard looking top with like these short pants and like kind of like gator looking boots or shoes. um And I look ridiculous.
But like, I'm owning it, you know, I'm doing the fashion show, I'm walking down the runway. So, you know, I- Rocking the blue steel look. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I'm doing the blue steel look, all that, you know, all serious looking, you know. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I think that's one of the people, because I don't really talk about that anymore, like, because when I say I do, when I say I do something, I think it's strictly acting, like, that the modeling stuff was literally just a gateway to get to the acting.
Um, so I, I just did that because I thought it'd be fun. I mean, it was, but it's just like, just some of the, some of the outfits they put you in, it's just like, why? It's like, who's going to wear this? Yeah. I mean, I can't say I've watched too, too many, but it is. I mean, I was in the Victoria's Secret fashion survey. Right. Well, I mean, and yeah.
There you go. That's your answer. Okay. I mean, I think that, again, yeah, people are probably curious to see one or two pictures of this. I'll put it on the Insta, don't worry, I'll put it on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think we need that for sure. This might be the episode picture, even. Interview with James Games Malone! With your just fantastic get up in your best blue steel pose. Oh man. I know I have all these photos, I have them all.
I still have a sweetheart. Well, I think that that's, uh, for me, I mean, unless you have, I guess something else that you wanted to share regarding passion for the industry. I'm happy. I'm happy with how this went. That's all I got. Yeah. I think I spoke enough. Yeah. Okay. Well, you just, just, just the right amount, I would say. Yeah. For sure. For sure. Okay. So next, I guess for our glamorous,
ah Boner inspiring 50th episode ah Where you wanted to dive into I guess like favorite episodes is that is that what you want to do next? ah Yeah, and and I can't I want to go with my with my first one first because I could kick it kind of could kind of ties in with the with you interviewing me Okay, because well my favorite one that stuck out to me was when we interviewed Janae That's yeah, actually that that I would agree is is one of the the highlights. and it's It's funny. It's it's funny. What did you say? like You say boner inducing that we just said? I didn't it wasn't trying to be raunchy. No, no, because it's funny, but it's like boner inspiring. Boner inspiring. So it's it's funny you said that because it made me think about in the interview how she talked about the having the intimacy coordinator. Right? Yes, that's true. Okay, and that's a good segue there. Yeah. and And that's something that always fascinated me because um I didn't know, I knew about it but didn't know like what went into it. Right. um And it was interesting to hear how, you know, I heard speaking about how it's a closed set. It's only like, it's only just the actors, the director and the cameraman. Right. Like no one else can be there on set.
Well, I would imagine that that would also ah help it make it seem like more intimate, too. Yes, yes. I can't imagine that it's just like, you know, you're trying to get into the scene and and there's like a hundred people basically watching you get down and dirty. Right. And that's normally how it would be for any other scene. do Right. A hundred people instead, everyone's around. But when it comes to ah like any sex scene,
like there's There's no one around. and You make sure that like there's you know just just them and the camera the camera operator. um and Everyone is watching behind the scenes still, but they they don't know you know. They can't be seen. so When Janae spoke to us everything on that and does everything with the industry, especially because she works um a lot in in the Mid-Atlantic area, that that's how that's how I met her.
right um she's she She's definitely taught me a lot. and It was such a pleasure to to have her as a guest ah for for one of her episodes. It was a thrill. I agree. like it was yeah and it i didn't I didn't see the episode going that way either. like i'm I'm happy it did. yeah But like when we started, like again, like we didn't really have much of an idea of where things were going to go and like what we were going to be talking about and the things that we talked about. definitely were eye-opening for me in terms of the industry for sure.
and and game back and it just ah and yeah ah the Intimacy. Intimacy coordinator, sorry. yeah ah I'm laughing too much because of yeah because of what I'm going to say. ah I just watched the interview with, ah it was Andrew Garfield. ah He's promoting his new movie with a Florence Pugh.
and that he talked about the intimacy coordinator because they have a sex scene on the movie and he was describing it where, you know, things are getting hot and heavy, you know, and and they're and they're going there. And that how they didn't hear cut, they didn't hear people yell cut because they were that into okay much into the scene. yeah So like the the the two people, and they're like, and Angie's taking to him and saying, he's like, huh, this is going on a lot longer. I think they have what they need, you know. But but but they're still going because they haven't even heard cut yet. So apparently what happened was when they yelled, it like i think the the camera operator and the director, they both just like just like turned around and like hid in the corner and just stopped looking at them until they were finished because they kind of just thought that they were just doing this to do that because that they were just feeling each other or whatever. And he just looks at me and he's like,
It's like, oh my God, they're not even they're naive they' have any filming us anymore. ah They basically just really thought that they were like it wasn't even about like the acting anymore. they like that They were just hot for each other, you know?
Yeah, well, i it's definitely, I mean, like that's it's ah that's a fine line for for sure, I think, for for acting in general, right? It's like, you know. Yeah, but it's funny, it's like, well, it's funny because i at that point, they didn't feel like that they what they should tell them to stop. They're like, oh, I guess that they just want to enjoy themselves. Okay. Right. Let's wait till they're done. Yeah.
yeah It's so funny. I'll just say that interview. Okay. Um, but yeah.

Podcast Highlights and Turning Points

no, i get getting back to, I think that was episode 16, that was our season finale of the first season. Yes. ah With Janaya there, and yeah, like I said, it was, ah and I mean, she she was actually, I mean, I would imagine, because, you know, being an actress, but she was very, like, delightful having on, like, she had good energy and everything, like, it wouldn't be bad, I guess, in the and future, even if we got her back, and made a more of a I guess lower pressure just kind of like let's just do the movie recommendations and and dive into it if if she'd be willing ah to come back on the show and stuff and and tell us what she's been working on and stuff. Yeah I love to know what she's done recently because I know as far as full-time standing work I know when we had her on the show she talked about
ah she she already ah because She was a full-time stand-in for Nellie Portman. right so and And that show actually just... a late lady in the water or something was it like lady Lady in the Lake. lady in the lake yes it It recently just aired like a few months ago.
um And so it was, and I think she, I forget if she said that ah she was given a line or if she had a principal role in that as well. But see, that'd be a good question to ask if we get her back on the show. I'd love to find that out. Yeah.
ah Wait, so now do you have and you have another pick for for favorite episodes? Okay, uh, so I guess for me, like, uh, I've got one of my favorite episodes I'd say is, uh, I wanna say it was the, the, the episode eight, I think though, the one we did with ah Kurt Russell.
And the reason that I say that is that... I mean, I'm not gonna lie, like, uh... It was my first time watching this movie, too. that what right yeah like The big trouble in Little China. Yeah, and it was my first time watching, uh... Crap, what the hell did I end up watching there that to that alien one? and It was The Thing? The Thing. The Thing, yes, The Thing, yeah. It's all titles, right? I know, yeah, The Thing. Yes, The Thing, and I hadn't seen it, heard about it. But...
The reason that that episode kind of sticks out with me is like first season I mean like we were having obviously some some troubles recording as as the first episode it makes it evident of right and I've always tried to not edit too much because I kind of like the raw feel I kind of like you know it's cool to watch the progress as as we kind of find our our flow a little bit better and stuff right.
But it was around that episode where I just feel that that's where we were kind of finding like, you know, like that the flow and the vibe and everything. And right and it was it it was running a bit smoother. And then I found myself, I was editing, certainly I think a lot less at that point. And that for me is why that episode is is kind of, I mean, i don't get me wrong, I love Kurt Russell and I loved what we discussed and everything like that. But it just in terms of, you know, our progress for the show, I felt like that was really where we were jamming out a bit during that episode yeah i like that
yeah um for some reason even with even that episode didn't i thought that was like later i didn't realize it was that early yeah back i believe it is titled if if anyone wants to go back and listen to you've ever heard it is a big trouble in little episode eight yes yep obviously a big trouble little china the spoof i was trying to be uh creative there so yep it's trying yep
I'm always trying. I might be failing miserably, but like, the effort is there, and like... Isn't that all that matters at the end of the day? It is. It is. Give me one of those participation trophies, man. You have those in Canada too? I have no idea. I ever heard all about these things. Sometimes I wonder if they're really real because I don't see these things in here. Yeah.
So how about you? What's ah another memorable episode? Well, there's one. i More recently, I really like the one where we we did the movie endings. It's In Our Mind. o That episode title. Because um i love like I love thinking about like which which endings like really just stuck with you. and like Right.
And and you kind you you go back to those films because of how good that ending is. It kind of made up for maybe it being so-so or like Lester and other elements of the film. But like that ending is just like what really tied it all together and now you love it because of that.
um That one made me think so much, ah like ah preparing for that episode. because like I went through like so many different films and thinking about like which ones to talk about. um so Yeah, I gotta say for ah some of the themes that we've had, that is one of the things that becomes difficult. is that You'll come up with some ideas too sometimes, even though you've been thinking a long time and then after the episode like kind of airs and you're like, damn, I should have talked about that. That's the worst. That's the worst feeling. We can't go back. We forget. We can't redo it. you know it's dirty up there and that that Yeah, that's always definitely one of the challenges. And sometimes I'm sure some listeners are like, Hey, like you had this theme and he didn't talk about, you know, this and you're like, yeah, yeah, we sure did. Yeah.
But yeah, cause I think that's, see in an episode like that, I feel like Warren's like a part two because they're, they're, they're still, I feel like we, we talked a good amount of movie endings, but I feel like there's still more. like Like we were saying that we missed out it and we can discuss again. Yeah. I mean, it's definitely one that we could do like at like a part two. Yeah. Cause even like you figure it out, like other episodes I liked, I'm like, man, we can do a part two for this, part two for that.
Yeah, and I mean, we we have, I think, done some stuff like that, for sure. And I try to, you know, try try to have some, I guess, like series within, I guess, the Sloopy Games podcast, because like sometimes I think that, you know, certain subject matter might appeal to some listeners more than others. And then, right you know, maybe they don't want to Listen to us ramble on and on about like, you know a Specific type of movie. It's not everyone's jam. But right at the times you're just like, oh, yeah, like I definitely want to listen to awesome um Yeah, that that was the other one I had
that and okay so movie endings etched in your mind yeah i think that that is a good one we definitely need to do a second one because like i think like sticking the landing is is a hard thing to do whether you're writing like like books or movies or any of those types of things like it's it's tough to do an ending so
Starting is easy. Ending is hard. I know. Yeah. Yeah, and I said maybe think of movies that like, and maybe like the whole movie was bad, but the edging was great. And sometimes that, like that can redeem a movie. Like it's, uh, yeah. But I feel like that's so rare. I came and think of one.
Well, I think you you talked about one ah on the on on that episode, I think you were talking about ah Dracula, wasn't it? The Dracula 2000? Wait, I never saw Dracula 2000. There was one I thought about, I think it was um malignant. um but Was that the one where it just can completely shipped genres?
and that It's like the third act. okay no Yeah, I thought, yeah, because I think it was just a weak movie all the way through and then yeah and then basically it it redeems itself. but absolutely That's what it was. the the The film felt very generic. Right. um Until the third act, where like completely they blew me away. I'm like, where the hell did this come from? Right. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean so yeah, that's what it was yeah, I think there's definitely some ah yeah, there there's probably more to explore there I guess and in future episodes and stuff but sometimes I don't know a theme comes up and you're like yes, I'm totally psyched to discuss this one, but and that's that's typically how We kind of run the show for the most part. It's not to say that we have no plan but There is always kind of a loose plan. I just don't like to be too fixed. I don't like to be too rigid, right? Yeah, I feel you. I like to keep it loose, man. youll Keep it loose. I got you, dog. I got you.
So did you have any other kind of favorite episodes? Those are the only ones I had. Okay. I've got one more I'd like to discuss but I'm gonna kind of save it for later cuz it's gonna be a like good segue into I guess how I'd like to maybe finish off the show. Alright, I'm ready. But the the next thing we wanted to discuss ah I had...
but i

Blooper Stories and Life Reflections

I had one specifically. is the We were kind of talking about the 50th episode and we wanted to do something like maybe kind of like bloopers or anything like that but like really I remember this distinctly because I am the one that to edits ah the episodes and it's like it it's tough sometimes I don't know about you but like I I struggle sometimes to like listen to my own voice and then, you know, you get very critical about like, oh my god. No one likes how they sound. Exactly, right? You don't like how you sound. You don't like when you're just like, oh my god, I say the word like a lot, right? Or I say mmm and I and like, and it just, it's like nails on a chalkboard and you know, you don't really like doing it, but
I try to find ways to obviously make it more pleasant, stuff like that. I guess, you know, if we ever get bigger, maybe we get somebody else to edit. Maybe maybe one of our listeners wants to edit some episodes for us or something like that. Someone who loves editing, let us know. Exactly, exactly. but Like I said, for the most part, I actually don't do a whole lot of editing. I keep it pretty raw, like unless there's like a reason to cut something out. And in this case, I have a little anecdote and I couldn't remember what episode it was because I was actually gonna see if I could find the audio of it.
But basically what ended up happening is this was earlier on and James was discussing something. I don't know if you remember this, but I'll describe it to you. But like James was discussing something and like I didn't want to interrupt him because I really liked how he was just like he was just he was just giving it. The energy was good. And I was like, man, like I really had to go take a leak.
i want to interrupt him right and I was like and and the thing was like I remember I was like I was like I can do this so stealthily like no one will notice right oh wow I went and did it no and then I remember and I'm listening to the audio afterwards and you can hear everything ah and then I swear yeah a part of you like I can tell in your reaction you were like Is this happening? No, this isn't happening. You just kept talking. Wait, I don't think I knew that. I don't like that. I think that maybe because listen to the audio and I should see if I could find it for maybe like our hundredth episode or something like that. It's just it's kind of hard because it's like a five second snippet that obviously I ended up cutting out. But yeah, and I was just like and then after that I was like, okay, I'm like, I'm never doing this.
yeah i' I'll just interrupt you because yeah, I think I ended up having to unfortunately cut out some stuff ah Because yeah, I think the microphone picked up a little bit more than that. I wanted it to It just sucks sometimes, you know, ah like your vibe and you're like crap like I really gotta take a piss or it maybe I don't know but yeah, that that was a one of my little anecdote little little blooper ah Early on I guess when you're trying to that's so funny. That's so funny Yeah, I wanna know what episode that was now. Yeah, and that's the thing, I'll probably have to re-listen to a lot of stuff before I find it. But you said it was early, it was one of the early ones. It was definitely the first season, yeah. I remember right now, I was doing the editing and I was laughing my fucking ass off. Alright, well in the future, when that happens, you gotta save those clips. Right, right. And then I remember the woman comes up, she's laughing at your own jokes and I was like, no.
And I was like, sometimes I do. i understand Sometimes I do. like And then like, I told her and I listened. I think I let her listen too. She said, what the fuck is wrong?
fuck pleasecy Anyways, uh, so yeah that is just a little, I guess, anecdote slash blooper. But like I said, I mean, following after, uh, definitely season one, uh, the, yeah, the amount of editing I did is is very little. Like what, what you listened to for the most part is essentially live. Like on this show, like it's, uh, yeah, like there, there's not really a whole lot of cutout unless it's like,
I don't know. there Honestly, most episodes there's nothing I do cut out. Yeah. Yeah. Like I just, it's everything there. Like yeah season one was like, it was a little tough because like, yeah, definitely you get long winded. There was long breaks sometimes and stuff, right? Cause again, you're, you're learning and everything. So, but that's why like, we've talked about this obviously in the near future. One of the goals for this podcast, we'd like to do a live episode. I think would be neat. So, but I mean,
essentially, I always feel like it is live because Yeah, I noticed I know a studio we could do that too. Oh, okay. Okay. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Sorry, we're gonna say something. No, say what you come which kind of Baltimore we can do it. Okay. Yeah. No, I like this. I like this. This would be a give me excuse to visit. Yeah. Well, any excuse. We could have an audience too. I can see it now. Hmm. Oh, Abby. That might make me nervous as all hell, man.
I think I've told you this before on this show is like, I always- It's not gonna be a big audience. I'm just saying, we'll just have like close people from the show. Even like two people, man. It's like, for me, it's like, I've always envisioned and I- and I realize- but anyway, I've always envisioned this show. It's like, you and me talking with like, one listener. If I start thinking that there's more than one listener, I'm just like, I think I'll- I'll freeze up, man. I'll get nervous. I remember I called you up and getting nervous your first one of the two episodes.
I don't want the pressure, James. No, that's all good. I'm just fine. Okay, that's all I got, because I'm thinking like we have that, we can bring those some audience members into the show, because because it is a good thing. No, that actually... that you I mean, I would be nervous, I'm not lying, but like that'd be that'd be pretty cool. I'd be down with that. I think that'd be a good experience. Yeah, because like ah obviously, i mean I think that...
You you have a better idea, you know some of the people I know that listen to this show in Baltimore obviously like I've met a lot of people that you've ah you know in Baltimore and your friends and all that and great people but I mean I don't you know, it's I haven't been back to Baltimore since we started this show which is Unfortunately, definitely should plan a trip at some point in the future. Yeah, I remember when you When you when you last visited it was like right before I live like right before I worked on the Jason Seagull show. Okay. Yeah Yeah, cuz it was like mayor. I think it was made. Oh, I think you're right. It was it was in May. Yeah, I was there. Mm-hmm And yeah, it was a quick weekend trip. It got cut a little bit short. Thanks again to yeah a Fucking Air Canada, god. Twice! but and yeah I might be using them to get to ah to Japan. ah Sometimes you have no choice, but I will keep my fingers crossed that it all goes swimmingly for you. I appreciate it. I'll try to put that energy out there for you. yeah Good juju.
yeah So, is there, so I've got, I've got kind of like one last little snippet that I kind of wanted to go into for this episode. Like, do you have anything else you want to explore, go into, you know, like before I- Yeah, I'm good. Okay.
So ah I kind of wanted to give like a little bit, look I guess a little bit about me in this episode, like a little bit. But before I do that, I kind of wanted to say, wait, like one of my other favorite episodes is the Blue Eye Samurai episode that we did last season, because I really enjoyed that show. I'm not going to go to maybe season two. blue eyes I think it's just called Blue Eye Samurai is the episode. Yeah, it is. I should probably start to remember the episode numbers sometimes. I do remember 50, though. and I think it's easier if we just go over the titles, maybe. I think so too, because it makes it a bit more memorable. You can find it, it obviously has the Blue Eye Samurai ah image, and it says, I think it's just called Blue Eye Samurai. But anyways, last season, season two.
And ah I really love the show vote because I feel like, I mean, everything's well done. But for me, ah with with a lot of the things, ah I'm always drawn to the writing. The writing for me is like that is what i would say i focus on the most like when it's like scripts dialogues like when it's good i love it i hate hearing someone else's stuff sometimes especially with like crazy tropes i know sometimes it works and then there there is like
There is a time to use it, especially if you can add something to it. So I'm not necessarily trying to crap on anyone that does it, but like I talked about this show before. It's like, Oh, I guess we switched the plan B. Like you can do that in a way that's clever. And then you can also do this in a way where it's like, this is really lazy writing. I don't like lazy writing.
And, uh, in the show of Blue Eye Samurai, obviously one of the big things is like she's, uh, she's trying to make herself a sword, right? And then she makes, she starts by making what she attempts to sword. And then her mentor says, it's like, it's good enough for cooking. He's just like, maybe if one day you make a thousand swords.
or sorry, a thousand kitchen knives, you'll be ready to make a sword, right? And I think that that's what happens with a lot of things like when it comes to writing and stuff too is that people don't write for very long before they're like, oh, I can crack out like a script and stuff like that. Like, and I really am with the belief that you have to try to apply yourself to your craft for a long time before you become Uh, competent at it. I guess masteries is, is whatever, right? Like, im and and the reason I'm going into this is that.
I know that you but you have an idea of like one of the hobbies that I've done and I've done this for for like decades now is like I like writing and Most of my writing like I just it just ends up in the recycle bin or whatever I like it's I just enjoy doing it. I don't care I'm not really the type of a guy to go up. Oh my god. You got to read what I wrote, right? Like for the most most part. It's just just a hobby line and and that is typically what I do I know that back in the day. I think I sent to you a a book, and just and and again, like I never expected you to read the book. I said it to you because I know you're obviously a lover of film, and then I had a film thing on there. It was like an Escape from New York thing on the cover, so I thought you'd appreciate it. yeah And that's it. like I don't think I've ever even had it, and that's just it. like I never expected you to read the book. I just ah thought you'd appreciate that. I thought it was kind of neat. I know you're a film lover. So, what I do have today is I wrote this quick little snippet
I kind of wanted to share it. I wrote it for the woman actually a couple years ago. And the reason I want to share it is like I feel like it is something that is beneficial to some people. Like we get too focused on the negative with things. And one of the things that like I was even thinking is like, I remember you went to Europe very recently. That was in August, September, I think. Great. It was August. July, August. July, August.
And, uh, and I remember I asked you how your trip was, uh, after the fact, and I mean, he told me a a couple of things, but then you also, and like, and this is kind of what I want to talk about stuff and stuff, and what I want to go into is that you focused on, you know, you had some issues with your trains and you had some delays and then, and that's just, it is like, sometimes we get focused on the negative of, you know, of something that we shouldn't. You remember what I'm talking about, right? Yes. Yeah. So, uh, is it cool if I read this or are you like,
I guess I'm already here, but... i are you let We can't let our listeners down, come on, yeah. Are you are you interested in what I wrote here? I'm interested. It's not a movie script by any means, maybe one day.
ah after 10-15 years of of the Sleepy Games podcast, I guess. I don't think it'd be great to have seen it. Alright, I'm all ears. Alright, alright. My computer's being dumb right now, so this might be, if it's too big of a delay, this may be something I do have edited. Is this the new computer you got? um Well, it no, what what what we'll talk about that later. Okay.
It's, uh, sometimes, uh, sometimes word takes up a lot of, oh yeah, I got it. I got it. Okay. Okay. So the title of this is called the moment. So without further ado, here it is.
There's an old saying about taking time to smell the roses that has become a bit of a tired cliche. We rush through life running from what we perceive to be one emergency or crisis or fire to the next. The flowers are always around. Every day we are rewarded with beautiful sunrises and sunsets, but how often we take a moment to appreciate them? How often do we look up at the sky and gaze at the clouds? Every moment and every day there is something that can be appreciated, but we run through life on autopilot.
Not only do we not take the time to appreciate all life has to offer, we get frustrated at barking dogs, incompetent drivers, and inconsiderate coworkers. We complained about how we feel we were wrong that particular day. We don't talk we don't stop to think that everyone may be just as tired and stressed and frustrated as we are.
The driver that almost hit you might have just lost her husband that day and she's just come back from the funeral home stressing out about how she will pay for the funeral and non-stop bills amassing trying to support her three kids. Then we flip her off because she wasn't paying attention and we forget that every driver has fucked up. At some point in our driving history, we fucked up and another driver has had to avoid us.
Everyone is on their own journey, and everyone has their own stresses and challenges. Success occurs when you focus on how to achieve it. Maintain positive outlooks, make jokes, have fun, enjoy the process, and you will succeed. If you're stressed out, have negative outlooks, and aren't having fun, you fail. It's possible you might struggle hard enough you will eventually gain success, but you already failed at enjoying the process. And that's all life is. Life is the journey. Life is the process. Life is the climb.
You shouldn't only enjoy the view at the top of the mountain peak. The climb up and the climb down should be just as enjoyable, or you're missing it on the majority of your life. Right now you're climbing the mountain and you're beyond stressed and tired. Every time you think you're getting closer to the peak, you reach another plateau and the mountain seems to keep going and going. The climb will always be hard and stressful if you constantly look towards the peak.
Stop. Look around. Take breaks. Have fun. Make jokes. Enjoy yourself. Have faith in your natural ability to succeed. Learn to float as the entire world frantically swims. And if you find yourself burning out, come back and listen to this. And don't just go through the motions of listening to the words. Absorb them. Absorb them until all your stresses and worries drift away. Find something to ground you.
Breathe, look, listen, feel, and live the absolute fuck out of this moment. That was beautiful. I'm glad you think so, man. Yeah, i was I was closing my eyes and decided and like just really hearing every word. Yeah. That was cool, man. I didn't know you had that in you.
Yeah, a lot of deep stuff. I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, I'm glad you liked it. If I feel like if I got nothing to share, that's good, but yeah, I mean, yeah. Yeah, I want to hear more. Yeah, in the future, like I said, I mean, the vast majority of everything you read, it just winds up in the garbage because it's like, ah, that's crap. So I might have something more in the future.
But that's all we got for now, I guess. Uh, it also depends. I mean, you know, I, I'm always curious, I guess what listeners think if they're just like, ah, John dribbling on about your crap. I just want to hear about what your movie recommendation like. Yeah. Wait, you always have those, those listeners out there. Well, yes, but I just mean in general, right? It's like, it's a like, like feedback, like, like hearing people like, uh, you know,
the the The show, really, at the end of the day, is for listeners, right? Just like, you know, if you're if you're an actor, like I assume you're making it for fans of film. I guess a paycheck, too, in fairness. Of course. Make it a living. I mean, there is the artistic aspect, too, you know, when you're creating haunted writing, film, what have you. Or you're telling Jason Siegel to show us your dick.
the that is That is the S tier of writing. that That was written into the script. Yeah. That, uh, yes. That is something that does not go in the recycle bin.
Oh my god. That was yesterday. Yeah. So, I mean, for for me, that's all we got for our 50th episode again. We did. 50 episodes. 50 episodes. So next week, obviously we're going to go back into more of our our normal... A regularly scheduled program. Regular scheduled. Yes, I like that. Exactly. ah But again, I mean, you know, we couldn't have done this without obviously the fans, some of the guests that we've had on the show, like Janae and Al. and
and and and and and so on. Yeah, it would be good to, yeah, we we definitely want to have at least one more guest by the end of this year. Yeah, like, you know, it for sure. I always have a lot of fun with our guest episodes too. Like, the yeah, they've they've always been, yeah, they've all been a lot of fun. That's really the all there is to say do it to it. I always look forward to them. And ah yeah, so so so if this 50th is in the books.
Here's to 50 more. Hell yeah, buddy. Here is to episode 100 and all the fun we will enjoy in the process of getting there. I'm excited to to make more memories with you on this show. Hi, buddy. Yeah. each each episode Each episode is a is a new memory.
It is yeah, absolutely man But where we're we're glad for the listeners who stuck with us all these 50 episodes and we hope that you stick with us for the for the next yeah even even after this like even though like we're kelly really kind of powering ourselves on the back with this one, but we thought it was a celebratory occasion we won't dislike just a take it back and take it in and everything and and just, but you know, we we appreciate you listening. where we're we're We're glad that you're here with us, enjoying it. We do, like that sincerely. Yeah, it is humbling for sure. Yeah. But yeah, so so next week,
uh we next week we we do want to give you our review of the joker uh fully adieu see all right i am hoping that it will still actually be uh in theaters when i come check it out because That's a distinct possibility is that it's not running up here anymore. Yeah, so so I'll be very curious as far as the drop-off in theaters ah yeah this for this weekend or even the next weekend um you see to see how many theaters ah they lose. um But yeah. Yeah. But we we will give you a review nonetheless. And a yeah, so well we'll we'll have you back here and hope you enjoy.