Welcome and New Studio Setup
Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley fam? We are back and better than ever recording for the first time in the new and improved sharpshooter studios right here in Oakland, Tennessee It is the chick Foley show and we are getting ready for double or nothing this weekend before we get into all the big matches on the show Let's start by introducing the stars of our show the chick Foley show podcast
Moving Challenges and Podcasting
Sheena. How you doing?
doing good. Well, technically we're not in sharpshooter studio yet. We kind of have a makeshift set up going on here tonight, but we will have like a full like podcast set up, which will be nice in the new house. We don't have to, you know, for, for the entirety of this podcast, we've had like a mobile studio where we literally break it down and set it up every single time we record. So it's going to be nice to have like somewhere in the house that is
just stationary, always set up so we can, we're ready to pod at any given time. So super excited for that. But yeah, well, we're in Tennessee. Welcome to Tennessee, Seth. Yeah, this is a, we moved into the house a week ago, but all of our stuff just got here yesterday. So we're, me and Sheena are currently huddled around a laptop. We got our microphone sitting on a freaking notebook in the middle of the bed and we're surrounded by cardboard boxes as far as the eye can see. Yeah. It's like walls of boxes.
Yeah, we're still right in the thick of the moving in process, but we promised you guys we were going to do this show and we are going to deliver.
Living with Family During Transition
Um, again, we'll get into details on the move here in a little bit, but first I want to talk to Marco, the main man up in Massachusetts. What's going on, man? Oh, nothing much. Just, uh, just super excited to hear your voices again. This is, uh, I know it's been too long, man. Yeah. I'm getting, uh, I'm getting a lot of, uh, you know, a lot of people saying, man, uh, you guys gotta get back. You guys gotta come back every week and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like,
It's a process right now with the Feltz fan, but I'm sure everything gets settled down. We'll get back into the thick of it, as they like to say. Yeah, it's been crazy. It wasn't just a regular move. We were literally displaced for six weeks. Normally, you move and
Podcasting Consistency and Community
then you're in one house and then you jump to the next house. Even though moving's crazy for anybody at any time,
When you're like displaced from your home and living with other people for six weeks. It's like It's extra grateful for our family for hosting us. They were amazing hosts, but it feels so good to be in our own space. Yep Definitely, and I'm looking forward to getting that actual studio set up so we don't got to go makeshift every single week Jordan what's going on out in Omaha?
Oh, not too much, just working and getting ready for summer. Kid got out of school today, so we are officially on summer break now. Awesome. Yeah, it's an exciting time, so I'm getting warm out. So yeah, I'm just excited to do this again with you guys. It feels like we haven't done one of these in, I don't know, I know it's been at least two months, so it's been a while.
Well, you guys recorded one and then I had to jump in at the very end because I was, you know, held hostage by, you know, the
Social Media and Cross-Promotion
future. Yeah, we had we were planning to do the full show. Yeah. Was it maybe three or four weeks ago? She just came on for a little comedy relief there at the very end.
Yeah, it's good to get back in the rhythm. I appreciate all the listeners, all the premium Foley fan members and all the more casual followers. We appreciate you guys sticking with us. And I really think once we get everything up and running at the new place, the show is going to be better than it's ever been before. So lots of good things to look forward to. Make sure you tell your friends it's a great time to jump back in if you've kind of got somebody that's been on the fence about checking out our podcast. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. And, uh, like Seth just said, you know, we have our Foley fam over on Facebook, super awesome group. You can find us and everything that goes along with that at chick fully show.com.
Yeah. Uh, also check out the pod foundation. I know Marco's running that IG account over there. Uh, the extra cooler show coming down the aisle and turn vocal tavern. I really think between those three and us, um, we're all you need for, for your wrestling, uh, podcast material, those guys hats off to them, the entire crew for holding it down while we've kind of been, um, you know, out of our normal battle rhythm on the podcasting podcasting every week.
He's a tavern member and a Chick-fil-a show member now. Seriously, we appreciate you guys. Just can't say enough good things. And I think it's about time we do another round of the cross-promotion and get
get some of the fellow pod foundation members in the mix on the chick Foley show. So listen up for that over the next couple of weeks and
Rural Life and Homesteading
months. We want to remind you guys to use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your purchases at ringside collectibles. There's a lot of great stuff over there. We were planning on doing a pretty in-depth figure segment with some reviews and stuff tonight, but there's 11 matches we got to get through on double or nothing. So probably maybe Monday, we might come back with just an exclusive
exclusively figure related episode. So stay tuned to that on the feed. We'll definitely have more details when that comes out and keep it locked on Chalk Line. It's about to be Chalk Line short season. So, you know, that's always a highlight around here. A lot of hot stuff dropping over the next couple of weeks and months from Chalk Line and make sure to support them. Sheen, you want to catch the listeners up on what the last couple of weeks have been like for us? Yeah. So we moved, you know, like I said, so we moved to Oakland, Tennessee. We've been staying with family
for the last six weeks. It's been great, but again, it just feels so good to be in our own space and crazy story. I won't go into the whole thing about how we ended up getting this house, but we looked at this house and if you know anything about the housing market right now, it's crazy if you're a buyer, just the competition out there and the market is crazy.
This house kind of just came came around to us and we came and checked it out fell in love with it. A lot of things happened and we ended up it ended up falling into our laps. So we're so stoked.
Wrestling Gimmicks and Humor
You know, if you guys follow me at all on my personal account or know me personally, you know, I'm like hardcore into like
you know, holistic health, you know, homesteading, all that kind of stuff. And, uh, we have a perfect little set up here, our little suburban homestead. We're kind of in the country, but our neighborhood is like surrounded by, it's like a subdivision in the country subdivision in the rural, yeah. We're in a small town though. We're not in Norfolk anymore.
No, we got a Walmart. I said, I said something the other day to Seth. I said, I'm going to go to target. He said target targets, like 35 minutes away. You know that, right? I was like, Oh man, I forgot. Or like way out here in the country, which 35 minutes doesn't seem that, but it's a long 35 minutes. It's like a 35 minute through the country, through the country roads. Put some highway miles on to get to that target.
Yeah. Um, and we, we, you know, so we've, we started setting up everything first order of business. I went and got myself some, some chickens. We got some eggs laying. Uh, it's been, it's been fantastic. So the kids love it. I'll give you guys kind of a tour around. I'll try to post some things on the Instagram. I don't know how much, you know, homesteading wrestling crossover we have out there, but I'll, I'll post some pictures of the house and stuff.
I mean, you got Hillbilly Gym, you got the God one. That's right, yeah. Here's a history with it. Yeah, maybe that could be my new gimmick. I can be like a modern day Godwina, you know? Wow.
Wow. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
AEW Double or Nothing Preview
I think with that, we should just move on to the pay-per-view for this Sunday. We're going to let the Godwina just kind of simmer and end the conversation on that one. Listen, I'm going to make that into a t-shirt just because you guys are being so dramatic about it. If you start calling yourself Godwina, I'm off. Same. It's going to be just solo podcasts for Sheena.
Marco's probably the nice side of all of us. I'll stick around for a little bit just to see what, what it, what it's like, but then if, uh, what it goes to, it could blow up, what's going to happen with God, we know the God, we know podcast blows up. Yeah. I may, I'm going to make all of my little paddocks that I have my animals in 20 by 20. You know what I mean? It's going to be like wrestling related. I can hear people hitting the unsubscribe button as we're, uh, wrong.
Alright, let's get into double or nothing. So first up, we will start with the pre show match. So one thing to note, like Sheena kind of talked about before, it's been hectic the last six weeks for her, she actually left.
Norfolk on April 10th, and her and the kids came out here on May 22nd. So if you're doing the redneck math at home, that's 42 days, six weeks, she was gone. Watching the kids at my parents' house, which again, if you have small kids, our kids are two and four, it's just not a vacation time. You got to worry about them breaking stuff. They're just not in their space. They don't have all their normal toys and stuff. And they have the grandparents around that are just letting them run like health or shelter, dude.
The grandparents, they get away with murder. So it's like the discipline is not there at all either. There's no boundaries, right? There's no other stuff to entertain. So you're stuck entertaining a couple of unruly kids all day long. Don't get me wrong. There are reasons for living. I couldn't even ask for anything better out of our kids, but it can definitely be exhausting.
I said all that to say that Sheena has watched maybe one episode of dynamite in the last six weeks. Yeah, I've caught some clips and I listened to the term buckle tavern. So I'm like, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm trying to keep up. I'm a, I'm a degenerate. So I've still been watching, you know, I know Jordan Marco been keeping up with everything.
Hopefully that doesn't turn off the hard, hardcore wrestling fans too much. But I think this is going to give us a unique opportunity to get the perspective of somebody who's kind of been watching kind of from a distance over the last month and a half. So we're going to have like a really fresh perspective from Sheena on these matches. So we're going to kind of let her take it off.
You know, we don't necessarily got to get predictions on every single match. We'll kind of just go through and kind of give our thoughts about where some of these storylines are going and, and, uh, you know, how we think everything's going to shake out on Sunday. So we'll start it off with the pre-show match. Hookhausen, the team of Hook and Danhausen going up against Tony Nice and smart Mark Sterling. Sheena, give us your initial take on this match.
So the whole hook Danhausen thing, I wasn't on board with it at first because I was like, man, hook is so above Danhausen. No, no offense to Danhausen do, but they're just two totally different types of guys. You know what I mean? Um, and then, you know, they kind of form this.
this like unsuspecting friendship and stuff. And I'm kind of on board with it. I have a feeling this is going to be like a straight squash, man. I feel like they're going to put hook housing over. I don't know what's to come of these two as far as like, you know, the future, what the future holds for them. I think hook is, you know, set to be just a star, but yeah, I think this is definitely going to be a squash in hook housing's favor.
Yeah, I'll kind of be the party pooper. I think you're on the right track there saying that this is below hook, because I think I think you're right on that, man. I think this is below hook. So he definitely kind of hit it as a meme wrestler, similar to Dan Housin. The whole sin hook thing kind of just became a joke with people, you know, hyping up his debut so much. But then the bell ring and the dude can go. Right. Like he legit, he had the presence.
Tag Team Matches and Storylines
You know, again, he seems like a chip off the block for me. And he's a good looking dude.
You know what I mean? He's a good looking little dude. Yeah. I mean, that doesn't really factor into my analysis point. It's when you're looking at a guy like Danhausen and you're looking at a cute little guy like Hook. You know what I mean? There's people that you want to look at on your television. You know what I mean?
I guess that's not where I was going with this one though. So I think a star man, I think he kind of overcame the meme thing. But I guess they kind of, it seems like this is an idea that they had for a long time, probably from the moment they signed Dan houses. So they're just going to go with it anyways. But I just, I don't want to see hook get too much caught up in the comedy. Again, there's room for a little bit of comedy in wrestling, but
But I don't know, man. I feel like Hook had a pretty badass thing going on now. And this is kind of just sending him astray a little bit. But it should be a good experience either way. I agree. I think they're totally going to win this thing. Jordan, what's your take on this match? Yeah, this is a straight up squash. This will be squash of the year probably. I don't know, man. I've always liked Dan Howson. I know he's not the greatest wrestler. But dude, his gimmick is awesome. And he's going to bring Hook all the human money.
It's interesting. I just don't think it translates to like mainstream TV. I don't know, you know, I know there's a lot of people that love Dan Housen and they'll tell you like, oh, you just don't understand his gimmick. Well, I mean, that's a problem. I feel like that's a problem if you're trying to present this guy on TV and there's like millions of people watching that don't understand the gimmick, you know?
Yeah. He's definitely one of those guys that if you're watching with people who aren't wrestling fans, like it may be a little like low key cringe when you try to explain what it is. He's definitely for the, uh, the hardcore. Uh, Marco, what do you think, man? Any chance Tony needs since smart Mark pull off the upset here?
Um, I mean, judging from that one on one that, uh, Danhausen had with Tony Nese, hopefully that doesn't happen. We pretty much just squashed in two seconds. Um, but yeah, if he, if, I mean, I think it's going to be for the comedy, obviously Danhausen and you know, smart Mark, I got to do their thing, but I think the real like match is definitely going to be between Tony Nese and, and hook. Um, and I'm thinking obviously I'm thinking hook, hookhausen is going to win. Um, but I'm thinking this year buy in for hook next year on the main card.
Definitely I see if that well, not even next year the next pay-per-view. I think you'll be on the main card I think this is just like a one just to get over the door and you don't get more eyes on over the pay-per-view Seed and I think he'll be done with this. I don't think there's gonna last too long the hook house and thing All right up next we have our first championship match of the night. It's the TBS championship Jade Cargill going up against Anna Jay Sheena wish you thoughts
Well, by all accounts, this was just kind of thrown together on Rampage, based on what I've heard from the two bad chads. And I think there's no way, there's no way they're going to let Anna Jay get over on Jay
MJF vs. Wardlow Discussion
Cargill, not with the streak that she's had and the run that she's on. Yeah. This strikes me as challenger of the month. Yeah. All the way. Marco, what do you think? Any chance of Anna Jay getting the win here?
No, I mean, obviously they're billing it as like the rematch because obviously they faced off before for the title as well. So yeah, I don't think, obviously Anna J has no chance of beating Jade Cargo, man. Yeah, she's definitely on like a meteoric rise. She's just going to pretty much squash anyone that gets in her way. So yeah, Jade Cargo, definitely.
I'm not sure if that's like—I mean, Heaven, obviously, Uno are the main two guys for Dark Order, so I'm not sure if you can have that continue without him, personally. Maybe they're just going to slowly but surely disband the Dark Order at some point, just like get rid of them all.
The Dark Order seem like they've kind of been just MIA for the most part the last few weeks. What's the latest with them?
I'm assuming anyway, but yeah, I don't think that I feel like it has run its course a little bit, but it is kind of sad. Yeah, they've got a good run. Jordan, you got anybody that you think you could put in the mix for the dark order to kind of rejuvenate them? I mean, there is one person, but they wouldn't have to fork out all the money for Bray. Bray would be the obvious choice,
Owen Hart Cup Predictions
honestly. I mean,
I think that would really do a lot for them. A lot of those guys, they are good, but I don't know how far they can go on their own. Just kind of a dead faction right now, honestly. It sucks because I like those guys.
It is what it is. All right, yeah, so we are all in agreement that the age of Jade is gonna continue. Let's get to our first, excuse me, our second tag team match of the night. This is the six-man tag. This is House of Black going up against Death Triangle. Sheena, take it away.
I mean, I'm really hoping that House of Black wins this. No offense to Death Triangle. I mean, they're great, but I feel like, you know, Pence and Ray Phoenix need to just get back to doing their own thing without Pac, you know what I mean? Like, I feel like they're just better as a tag team versus to be in Death Triangle. And God knows we need to do something with Malachi Black before the bubble bursts on him. And dude, House of Black is so freaking mage. Like, I don't know why,
We're just holding back on them. I don't know what the deal is, why we've had Malachi Black in ADW for over a year now, I think, and still nothing has really come of it. Yeah, I'd actually do like Death Triangle, but I agree with you 100% on House of Black. This is the second straight pay-per-view where they're just working a six-man tag.
that weird one, the last pay per view. I think it was actually even on the pre-show against Eric Rowan and friends. I actually think this match has potential to end up being the match of the night. And I don't know how much time they're gonna get, but I have no doubt that all six of these guys are gonna rock the house with their match. So this definitely has steal the show potential, but yeah, it definitely seems like House of
AEW Tag Team Division Critique
Black is kind of just stuck in the mid-card when Malachi Black should be, you know, he should be up in the main event.
Let me get you guys thoughts on this. I'll give you guys another name that's conspicuously absent on this pay-per-view. Jordan, what are you thinking on this one, man? Kind of just thoughts on House of Blacks right now in AEW. Yeah, so I'm in agreement with Sheena on this one. I don't feel like they've used that faction as well as they should. All three of these guys, I mean, I like all three of these guys a lot, and I really feel like they could all three do something on their own.
I just don't get it. Malachi is a star already and I'm with Sheena. I hope they don't wait too long and do nothing with him and then all of a sudden he's gone and goes somewhere else because obviously we all know how good he is.
Yeah, it's just weird. But I like Death Triangle too. I mean, all three of those guys are awesome. It's just, I feel like House of Black needs like a jolt or something. It's just, it's weird because it's not like they've done anything egregious with them. Like they're not doing anything bad with them. It's just, they don't feel like they're doing anything with them. They're just there.
They're kind of just perpetually in the lower mid card, even though they have main event presentation. Oh, that's exactly. I was going to say they have such a main event presentation and then they just like fight these like strange battles that you're like, Oh, okay. Random.
Yeah, it seems like this feud with Death Triangle has been going on forever also. Pox another guy, man. I don't know if he kind of rubbed people the wrong way with the issues he was having with his travel. You guys remember back when the first Double or Nothing was going down, there were those rumors that he didn't want to put over Hangman on the pay-per-view, and that's why they ended up having their match in that weird indie show over in Europe.
It feels like maybe he just pissed off some people backstage, which would be the second company in a row that he's done that at because he was presented as if he was going to be one of the main guys in AW when he first signed. He's another guy who's been stuck in the mid-card. Marco, what do you think, man? Should Pac be doing more in AW?
Um, no, not necessarily. I think, uh, I think you guys kind of hit it, hit it on the head there. I think he kind of, um, ruffled some feathers back with that, uh, back when he did that with, um, with hangman. And, uh, it seems like just, you know, the death triangle had been like just injuries. You know, he was injured at one point. Um,
Ray Phoenix was injured, so it's like you really can't bank on them right now as a strong unit.
CM Punk vs. Hangman Page Analysis
I don't think Pac needs to be doing anything more right now. Just have this match with House of Black, House of Black wins, and then hopefully, you know, Malachi gets into some type of singles run. He has Murphy, and why can't he think of his name?
Brody, like back up in his singles run. So yeah, I think Pac like time there is pretty much done as far as like being a main event or even a star at an AEW.
Yeah, he could go back to New Japan or Dragon Gate or something, you know, be a huge star there, too. That's always going to be money for him. So we'll see how the rest of his 2022 goes. Another tag team match up next. This is a renewed rivalry from about five years ago, right? For the Hardys went back to WWE, but you got the Hardy boys going up against the Young Bucks. My issue with this match is that it's just a straight up tag match, man. I feel like these guys need all the gimmicks. This should be a
You know, I know they don't call tables, letters and chairs in AEW, but that's what they should really be going for. Uh, with the Hardee's kind of at the advanced stage of their career going up against the Bucks. Yeah, I agree with you a hundred percent. I mean, I just feel like this match is, it's just a little bit too late. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like, um, I don't know.
It's gonna be a great match. I'm just not like super pumped to see it. I think on a car that's got 11 matches, this one's not gonna be something that I'm like, whoa, that was the best match I've ever seen. It could be, but doubtful. I feel like maybe they should have had more of a build to it and maybe saved the Hardys and the Bucks in AW for like the Hardys last match. Jordan, what do you think, man? What'd you think of the build for Hardys and the Bucks this time around?
I didn't think it was bad at all. It's just, it kind of felt like it was throwing together. But I
Listener Questions
mean, when you're, when you got two of the best tag teams in the world, it's still going to bring the fire, right? I always get excited for young bucks matches and seeing the hardies back together again. I mean, it brings back the nostalgia. So the build wasn't the greatest, but I'm still excited for this match just because of who it is. I expect them to deliver. So not worried about this one.
Okay. Up next, Chris Jericho's latest, uh, faction, the Jericho appreciation society, which to be honest, I'm one of the most hardcore wrestler fans out there. I'm not sure if I could, you know, name the other three guys in a lineup. If you just gave me some name tags, told me to go put them on their chest in the right spot, going up against the, had a combo platter at the black pool, combat club, Brian Danielson and mocks with, uh, Santana and Ortiz and Eddie Kingston. She, you know, what's your thoughts on anarchy in the arena?
Yeah, first of all, we need to address the name that is anarchy in the arena. Like it's just, I don't know. I feel like it's so funny that, um, I was listening to turnbuckle tavern and they were talking about how, um, you know, Tony Khan just got out of the source instead of being stadium stampede. And he was like, you know, Hmm, anarchy in the arena. Now I just can't get it out of my head.
I like the Jericho Appreciation Society I think anything that Jericho touches usually turns to gold and he is I mean even though like you said those guys are literally just like wrestler number one wrestler number two I feel like you know he really he brings them up and makes them feel like the the asshole heels that that they're supposed to be but man I definitely think
I don't know, man. I'm going to go with the combat club on this one. I think, I mean, I think it's hard to beat Brian Danielson, Jon Moxley. You know what I mean?
Marco, you think this match would have been better as Blood and Guts, AKA War Games? That's where I thought they were heading when we kind of had it divided up into five on five. Yeah, they kind of almost alluded to it too when they were doing that promo. I thought they were going to be like, it's not going to be that. It's not going to be this. It's not going to be that. I was like, oh, boy, they're going to do a Blood and Guts and they're going to be, it's the anarchy of the arena because just a playoff of the state where it was a stadium standpoint.
We just need some alliteration. We don't care what it is. Yeah. So I mean, kind of a little bit of a letdown that it wasn't a blood and guts match. But I mean, I'm all for seeing Santino Ortiz, Eddie Kingston and the Blackpool Combat Club go to Tigers. You know, it's just going to be like a it's going to be a brawl. Definitely. Yeah. I mean, if you think the Jericho Appreciate Society is going to win,
That's, I mean, no. Blackpool combat, they have XP, boosted XP with the John Moxley and Brian Daniel set, dude. Like, come on. I still want to see them do the
the format like the Hollywood Backlot Brawl for WrestleMania 12. We talked about that after the last stadium Stampede match when it lasted like 40 minutes and it was just broken up into different segments around the arena. If they're going to do something similar to that again, I want to see them just get experimental with it. Let this be the first match of the night and let it just branch out. You know, it can we can just kind of go back and revisit it like every couple matches, have something happen in a different part of the arena before finally, you know,
You could bring, you know, Mox and Jericho back to the ring right before the main event to finish it off. I don't know, just something different. That's a thought I've had in my head ever since that last stadium stampede that I think could be really cool. But I'm sure this match is going to be some fun. I just hope they don't overdo it. Sometimes these matches got a tendency to kind of, we're out there welcome, especially with 10 guys that all got to get their shit in. True. On a long card too. This has the potential to be one of those matches that like, you know, you're just like, come on guys.
I feel like this is the one where you're like seven matches in, it's been a good show, but you're starting to look at the clock a little bit, think about everything you got going on the next morning. And you're like, oh shit, we still got this match left. That's one you kind of forget about. And then it pops back up on you, but we'll see. Which is sad because I love Eddie Kingston, Santana Ortiz, and Mox and Brian Danielson. So hopefully it's good.
Yeah, time will tell. We'll see how these guys deliver that. It's definitely a big showcase for all the new guys in the Jericho Appreciation Society. So I know they're going to be going hard. We got the big grudge match in this one. This match has probably received the most build out of everything on Double or Nothing. MJF versus Wardlow with Wardlow's AEW future on the line.
Yeah, I think with the stipulation here, I think I'm gonna go with Wardlow. I just feel like he's got so much momentum. It's time for him to finally put MJF to rest and be the free man that he deserves to be. So I'm going with Wardlow.
Yeah, he's had tremendous build. I think Wardlow, again, I've said it before, I think the sky's the limit for him. He could totally be a main event babyface in AW. Jordan, what do you think, man? What do you kind of see Wardlow's trajectory going after this match? Yeah.
Eventually, this dude's going to win the title. I mean, it's just going to be a matter of time. He has the look. He has gotten better on the mic. I will give him that. He's still not stone cold by any means, but he's definitely getting there. Yeah, I agree with with you guys. Wardlow's there's no way he's losing this match. Like they've put him on the definitely strapped him to the rocket. So yeah, no way he's losing this. And I expect big things just like you guys do for Wardlow.
Yeah, he's awesome. And he's a natural. Like I said, I first really noticed the kind of baby face potential in him on the, uh, the Luke Harper, uh, tribute, you know, Mr. Brody tribute. Um, he just showed just a lot of just natural charisma when he was just speaking from the heart. And I would, I remember thinking like if they could channel that into a sports entertainment direction, this dude is going to be straight cash and he's definitely been it so far. Um, so
Looking forward, I know these guys are going to tear it up in the ring. I'm slowly but surely starting to come around on MJF. You guys know before I've criticized him and called him Miz with a TVM rating. Dude's pretty good though, man. So I think this match is going to crush it. He really won me over with that CM Punk match last pay-per-view, which is really saying something because I can't stand CM Schmuck. But yeah, let's take a beverage break before we get into the second half of the card.
So I'll start it off. I'll speak for me and Sheena, we are both keeping it pretty basic on this beverage break, going with the tried and true, the best beer in the world, but it is a little, a little routine Miller Lite. Listen, we may have to, we may have to be drinking a lot of Miller Lites here lately. Cause you know, we moved from Norfolk, which had a just straight up banging craft beer scene. And now we're like out in the country where there's like, there's no breweries around here. So, you know, hopefully we can find some good liquor stores that got a good craft beer selection.
Yeah, we're in a craft beer desert right now after being in a craft beer oasis being in Norfolk, which was a cool city all the way around. But one of the true bonuses was just the craft beer scene. We had Smartmouth and O'Connor Brewing both within about 15 minutes of our house. And I consider both of those to be world class breweries. They always have an awesome baseline of their standard stuff and they're always pumping out cool like one off.
products and Norfolk was such a good beer town that there were a lot of like the hardcore beer snobs. It would be like, oh, smart mouth sucks and O'Connor sucks and you need to try like this, this and this place. It was just, it was really a great place to be really the whole state of Virginia, but specifically Norfolk and Virginia beach for craft beer. So I don't know. There's, there's one liquor store in the little small town that we're living in right now. So I'm going to go check it out and see what the craft beer selection is looking like there. But
We may be kind of limited going forward. I may have to get back on the maker's mark on a routine basis. Jordan knows what that's like. I do. What are you drinking, Jordan? So I'm drinking. It's called Master Manipulator. It's a double IPA by Drucker Brewing. It's out of Fargo, North Dakota. It's a good one. I got this for Friday the 13th a couple of weeks ago. It's like a horror can. So yeah, pretty good beer. Nice. Marco, how about you, man?
Sipping on the broken skull American lager right now. Nice such a smooth beer man. So good
I just did the Sasha Banks when I took it. Yeah, the little Sasha Banks shimmy. You know what? I think if this was presented to her, she would actually enjoy this bear as opposed to the IPA. Yeah, I feel like this would be more in Sasha Banks' lane for sure. I mean, doing the Sasha Banks nowadays means you just walk off in the middle of the show and somebody says something you don't like. Yeah, then you show up at a Steve Aoki show and just jam out with everybody. That's what you do.
All right, let's get back to double or nothing. We will move into the finals for the men's and women's Owen Hart Cup. So we'll start on the women's side. We actually don't know what the finals are going to be at. Ruby Soho and Chris Statlander are going to face each other on Rampage this Friday night going up against Britt Baker. I'm not sure it's going to matter, though. Sheena, do you think there's any chance that Britt does not walk away as the Owen Hart Cup?
You guys know I love the DMD, but I would love, love, love, love to see Ruby Soho walk away with the Owen cup. I just feel like they've had her, they need to do something with her.
We're so used to seeing Britt at the top of the card and doing all the things. And I feel like we got to push some other women, you know, like they don't even know what to do with the champion right now because she's not Britt Baker. So can we just go ahead and just, you know, facilitate a little bit of change and a little bit of shift so that we can move on from, from Britt for a little while and just, you know, give, give, give other women a chance.
If this was any other kind of tournament, I would say you might be onto something but I think with they've already announced this, they intend for this to be an annual thing going forward. And I think with stuff like this, it's really important that you establish credibility with the first winner. And I think, you know, Britt Baker's clearly their biggest homegrown female star. I think that's the easiest way to do it is by putting this first one
putting this first one on her and, you know, not to get too deep in the fantasy booking, but the story tells itself, you know, Ruby and Chris, I could see either one of them winning and going on to the finals, but I think they're just going to have a kick ass match on Friday night, beat the hell out of each other. So whoever does end up winning comes limping into the finals and you know, they'll make a courageous effort, but ultimately fall victim to, uh, to DMD. Uh, what do you think Marco, any chance that Britt Baker doesn't walk out of this with the, uh, that one heart cup?
Oh, definitely not. I think she's definitely destined to win this. It's kind of looking like it's going to be DMD and the boom together as the co on hard finals. But I mean, when we get to that, I know I have some choice words for Mr. Adam Cole coming up.
Yeah, I can. We'll roll right into it, man. I think the same thing. Samoa Joe would be a great person to win it the first time, but I feel like this is Adam Cole's his time. You know, he came up short on his his feud with Hangman. So I think this is going to see what I did there. It's going to be a chance for him to
to kind of get some momentum back. And you know, AW loves their couples. I think it'd be a nice little, a twist to see him and Brit both walking away as the first ever own heart cup winners. Plus, you know, they're really trying to make this ring of honor thing happen. Like it seems like every week on dynamite, there's random folks just coming out and it's like, Oh, from ring of honor. So, you know, you could have any one of those, uh, any one of those guys come out and kind of cost him a Joe, the match, uh,
Jordan, I know you're a hardcore Samoa Joe fan. What do you think, man? Do you think he could take out the Panama City playboy and win this thing? That little short shit is not beating Samoa Joe. I've heard enough of this slander of Samoa Joe for one show. We aren't talking about Samoa Joe losing to Adam Cole. I'm not here for it. Dude, I will never in my life pick against Samoa Joe. I don't care who he's wrestling. I love that.
And yeah, all right, man, I laid off the short jokes with Adam Cole, but this is where it stops. Like, we're not having Adam Cole beat Samoa Joe. Yeah, I was going to say, like, physically, come on. I mean, obviously, it's wrestling. We know it's predetermined. We know all this stuff. But come on. You look at Adam Cole, you look at Samoa Joe. You're telling me Adam Cole's walking out as the victor in this match.
Yeah, this would be a pretty cool kind of footnote for Samoa Joe's career, too, because, you know, him and Finn won the first ever Dusty Rhodes, the Dusty Cup in NXT back in 2015. So he could say he won the first Owen and the first Dusty. That'd be pretty neat. Sheena, what's your prediction, Samoa Joe or Adam Cole? I mean, you guys know I've had beef with Samoa Joe for years and years. I'm going with Adam Cole. How dare you?
I know. I'm just kidding. I love Samoa Joe, but I do think Adam Cole's going to come in on top of this for sure. I'm still holding out against- I don't know how it's going to happen. I don't know what it's going to look like, but I'm interested.
I'm still holding out hope that, you know, maybe those Ring of Honor jabronis I mentioned earlier, maybe they take out Samoa Joe in the pre-show and we got to have a mystery replacement in Kenny Omega's music hits, man. I just felt like I was hoping Kenny was going to be the Joker. I just feel like he would be, I feel like he's perfect to win the first Owen Hart Cup because he works that similar style, you know, the style that Owen kind of paved the way for. He's Canadian. It just, I think it would just be a beautiful ending to see Kenny Omega winning this thing.
I know it wouldn't make sense in kayfabe since he didn't participate at all in the tournament, but I think I think they missed an opportunity. Yeah, true. I just I think that I think that really would have would have been a way to really put this tournament over huge to kind of get this thing established. But either way, Samoa Joe is kind of impossible. It's impossible for him to have a bad match. And I think this this is another one up there with the House of Black and Death Triangle potential to steal the show for sure.
We got three matches left our big championship matches I kind of hinted at it earlier though one person that is definitely missing off this card Andrade like where the heck is Andrade yet? Yeah, he's getting married
Yeah, I mean, Seth Rollins had a baby and was back like a month later, dude. Like, I don't understand why. Let's back it up. He didn't have a baby. His wife had a baby. Okay, Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch had a kid, I mean. Dude. And they was back like a month later. So I had a baby who were deployed nine days later. Dude, don't have you pulled Charlotte off TV? Like, I mean, it's not really that unheard of that AEW doesn't have Andrade on it. Who's really noticing that other than you?
True. I don't know. I just, I think Andrade is, I don't know. I think, you know, we complained a little bit about how they're using Malachai black earlier. I feel like Andrade could be bigger than Malachai black. Exactly. Well, it's the same thing. I feel like AEW has done that with a few people and I just, I don't know.
You know, you hear the people say, Oh, it's just overcrowded. They're just bringing in too many people. But I feel like they, they dropped the potential ball on a lot of people. Yeah. People complain about WWE, like not utilizing people. At least Andrade was on TV. You know, he was United States champion. I think he had to run with the tag belts at one point on NXT. He was presented as absolute, absolute tippy top star. Yeah. So yeah, I don't know, man. I feel like we need more Andrade in our life. That dude still, uh, he's just, uh, I think he could be a future legend if he was used, right? Yeah.
All right, so we're down to our last three matches, the big championships. We'll start off with the tag team. It's a triple threat. We got Team Taz, Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs went up against Jurassic Express and Keith Lee and Swerve. Sheena, what's your thoughts on the triple threat? So you guys know my absolute love for, um, Jungle Express. I'm still going to call her Jurassic Express. I'm still going to call him Jurassic Express, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus until the, until the very end. But I feel like, um,
They just haven't had the tag run that I feel like we all kind of expected. And I mean, maybe it's because of Christian Cage and his boringness. You know, I feel like maybe they should have just unhitched Christian Cage a long time ago. But I'm going to go with Keith Lee and Swerve on this one. I think they're going to be the new tag champions. Yeah, I could kind of maybe see that just because we need to throw a title change in there. I don't know if Keith Lee and Swerve are kind of just been thrown together the last month or so, but
Say on the same hand, you know team Taz really hasn't been doing a whole lot for the last year Anyways, they kind of been you know on the treadmill as well along with some other folks So it'd be cool to make Keith Lee and swerve, you know I think it'd be a good way and then you still have a built-in storyline because you have You know jungle jungle boy and Christian could go on and have some beef You know what I mean? Like so then you know, you're not just like dropping jungle boy out of the picture because people still people still love jungle boy Yeah, the Christian heel turn. Yeah, the Christian heel turn is definitely gonna happen and him and jungle boy are gonna go out I think that's gonna be the kind of the match where
They kind of make jungle boy and there's not you know, we'll get to the main event aside from that There's not another obvious match where it looks like a title change is gonna happen So if you want to make this show meaningful, this would be the time to do it What do you think Jordan? Who would you see leaving with the belts the team Taz or Keith Lee and swerve? this might be a hot take by me, but dude, I just I don't know man the
ever since Jurassic Express has been the champions like dude I just feel like the tag division has never felt more like meaningless to me I don't know why it is because I mean they're both awesome it's just I don't know man like when you go from FTR and the Young Bucks and all those guys like dude they haven't really have like a memorable match in this run and it kind of has killed it a little bit
Yeah, it seems like they've been put on the back burner and it the other thing that's weird it seemed like shortly after They won the belts they gave a renewed push to FTR, you know Maybe it was just FTR busting ass and making it happen on their own but between you know They're matched with the briskos went in the Ring of Honor belts and the stuff they're doing with the triple-a belts It seemed like FTR was still like the most pushed tag team in the
in the company. They started doing their masturbatory Bret Hart matches. Yeah, I feel like they got to do something. I don't know if either one of these two teams is the right answer, but I don't know, man, it just feels like they have to give the tag division a jolt again because
Dude, I think it's pretty, I mean, I think this is like a unanimous thing that everyone thinks it's like, AW clearly has the best tag teams as a whole in the world. Maybe not the best tag team, but they have the best tag teams as a whole. So I feel like you got to make this division meaningful again and do something
like i said i don't know if either one of these teams is the right move but um i love keithley and swerve i was gonna say we've seen we've seen what keithley can do keithley is just charismatic he's a good guy to be holding your title for your company man like he's just
I don't think it's a bad move to go with Keith Lee. No, no, not at all. I don't. I'm not saying that like that would be a throw away them winning. I'm not saying that. Yeah, but I understand like they're not like they're not an established tag team like we've come to expect from AEW. Yeah, I'd be fine with them winning personally. Like I love everyone knows how much I like Keith Lee. I'm all about big dude season and Keith Lee is definitely a big dude season. So yeah, I I'll go with Keith Lee and Swerve just because that's who I want to win.
Um, I don't know if they necessarily will win though. So yeah, it should be a fun one. I could, I could equally see any of the three teams walking away with the belts at the end of this one. And that's always been wrestling is the best one. There's not really a clear path forward storyline wise. Uh, let's go to the women's championship Serena D versus Thunder Rosa. Uh, both of these wrestlers are absolute absolute badasses in the ring. I'm sure this match is going to deliver. This build has been brutal though.
Both of them are awkward at best on the mic. I think Thunder Rosa, she really, I don't think she needs to cut a promo. You know, I know that's been the standard way that wrestlers have gotten over and progressed their storylines since the attitude era. But I think she's such a charismatic performer and she has such a way of getting the crowd behind her that
She could really keep her interviews to a minimum. They exposed her a little bit on this build though, because it was very talk heavy between her and Serena Deeb. And Thunder Rose is awkward. Serena Deeb is just horrible in the mic, to just keep it real. She is just not good. She's a badass in the ring. She is an absolute badass in the ring, but she needs a manager.
Yeah, she needs a manager or something to do the talking for her. All that being said, I know this match is going to kick ass. Another one will steal the show potential. Sheena, what do you think? Is it any way that Serena Deeb takes the belt from Thunder Rosa?
No, I don't think this is the time, man. I think with this lackluster build, like you said, and kind of exposing both women what their weaknesses are, I feel like Thunder Rosa is going to retain. If you haven't listened to the two bad chads this week, I was cracking up when they talked about she was top of the ramp Rosa and they were doing this horrible Italian accent or Irish accent, but it was so funny. They're like, no, she built this whole thing at the top of the ramp. Any other
you know, company would be like, Hey, go out there and have a match against so and so and let so and so, you know, uh, let Serena deep come in and, you know, crash things out and build, build a little bit of heat. But no, they just let each other talk to each other at the top of the ramp. And it was just, man, it was, it was hard to watch for sure. Yeah. Marco, what'd you think of the build?
Yeah, definitely think it could have been better. Like you said, they're strong points. It isn't on the mic. It's definitely in the ring. It definitely showed there. But like you said, it definitely has the potential to be a match of the night quality. I mean, Thunder Rose is definitely walking away with the title. I don't see Serena Deeb taking it off her. I mean, she just won it essentially.
They built her to a point where meeting Thunder Rosa, that she's pretty much their main women star right now, next to Britt Baker. I don't think Serena's time is now.
Essentially, no, I think I think we're still need to build to what we manifested at the end of last year on our kind of predictions for 2022 that Jade Cargill needs to end up with both belts. He needs to be the first dual champion. I think I think that's yeah, her streak doesn't end until she grabs the actual women's World Championship.
All right. It's main event time. The AW championship hangman page against CM schmuck. I hate to say it because all signs are pointing towards punk getting the belt. I'm going to be absolutely sick of my stomach. I hate CM punk. Like I just, he's, I mean, he's a good wrestler, I guess, but I just can't take the self-righteous bullshit on social media. It just gets on my nerves.
And he just he takes everything like seriously like to a fault like I just can't stand a guy on a personal level I think
Yeah, I just don't like him and I love hang man. So I hope we were talking about my beef with Samoa Joe or my kayfabe beef with Samoa Joe a little bit earlier. I now officially have kayfabe beef with sea and punk or she and schmuck as we like to call him. Mine's not kayfabe, fuck sea and punk. But yeah, dude, it's so funny. I feel like the most heat that I've gotten in the last probably like four months have been
like posts that I've made about CM Punk. And it's just like people come out of the woodwork, man. Like it's, it's insane. People defending this guy.
Yeah. I can't stand the guy. I, I, like I said, I'm pretty sure he's going to win, but I'm hoping against hope is somehow hangman finds a way to, uh, to hang on to that. I got caught up in his return and I was like, Oh, this is cool. You know, it was cool to see all the wrestling fans feel, feel good about it. You know, and he came back and did that really good feel good promo and was like by everybody ice cream. And I was like, all right, man, we'll give this guy a shot. But yeah, it's slowly worn off. Like I feel like it's just kind of not been worth its weight, you know?
Yeah, I feel like hey, man, even took it easy on him on the mic in the build. Like he never went for the kill shot of being, you know, I thought it was just waiting for him to just say, uh, bring up the UFC stuff. You know, like he talked about how like on this past Wednesday, he was talking about how, you know, CM Punk kind of a poser doesn't even really care. Like, you know, that he could have said something, the effect of the only reason you're here is because you washed out a UFC, you know, after two fights. But I don't know, man. Wait, what do you think, Jordan? But let's hear it. I know you like CM Punk. So.
I mean, this is a problem. When CM Punk was at his height, you guys weren't watching wrestling, right? True, true. I only knew the guy who spent seven years kind of looking down on the wrestling business, being a dickhead to his fans. And his friends. And his friends, yeah. We can't forget. I feel like he's gotten a pass for what he did to Colt Cabana, screwing him at hundreds of thousands of dollars. But yeah, you are right. I kind of missed that. I was never there for the rise of Punk, so he didn't have any goodwill in the bank. I only saw the negative stuff.
so this this to me is i mean don't get me wrong i was not the biggest cm punk fan even when it happened it just i don't know something about him just never like sat right with me i don't know what it was it just i kind of felt like
I don't know man just everything I heard about him like he went in the back he's like not getting used properly and shit and then the the pipe bomb thing happened and I don't know man it it still doesn't it still doesn't really like sit right with me like there's just something about him that I don't like but I do like him as a wrestler I don't want that to get lost in this I do like the wrestlers see upon
just like the person I feel like he's a little sniveling shit though I just there's a lot there's a lot of things about him I don't like having said that I agree with Seth I don't see any way he does not win this I just feel like
whether it's the right move or not, they have to like put a shot in the arm of the top of the card. And this is not a shot of hangman. I don't feel like he's been bad or anything like that. It's just kind of, I don't know, have you guys kind of felt like outside of a couple matches has just kind of been flat like
Yeah, he's just been, he's been presented as just babyface wrestler. Like I would say it's not the exact same, but it's been a similar vein to Seth Rollins babyface run after WrestleMania 35. You know, he's just good hearted babyface or hasn't been any real compelling story. You know, I mean,
You know, MJF has been the one that's been getting all the storyline and stuff. MJF and Wardlow, that's what's gotten the most TV time. That's where they seem to be putting the most creative effort into in their storyline. All Hangman stuff has just been like, hey, here's a new challenger. Have a badass match with them. You know, rinse and repeat. Yeah, this is this is oh, sorry, Marco. This is what we beg for, though, like we beg for.
them to bring up new people, right? So like I don't have a problem with MJF and Wardlow getting all this time because this is exactly what we have like big WWE to do to make like the middle of the card feel relevant, right? Like Wardlow and MJF are obviously close to the top of the card, but it's still technically a mid card match. There's no title attached to it or anything.
And so I'm fine with that. I don't have a problem with it. I don't think that's a bad thing for AW, because a lot of people, like Smarks are saying, this is stupid. They're giving so much time to MJF and Wardlow. I like that. We need to know more about the next challenger, because
Whoever wins that match is arguably going to be one of the next challengers, right? Like war is going to challenge for the title. And I feel like, I feel like that's a story that's been, I mean, it's been a year in the making and MJF has arguably been one of the best performers, you know, like, I don't want to say in the ring cause he's gotten better in the ring, but I feel like he's been one of the most entertaining performers that they've had since day one.
Um, I don't think that's arguable. I think that's a hundred percent fact. Yeah. Yeah. He might be the MVP of AWW. I'm just, I'm mind blown hearing you say this Seth, because I've literally been telling you like, you know, I like MJF. MJF is awesome. You're like, no, F that guy. Yeah. I really like MJF and I just feel like he's, he's earned this spot and you know, he's earned all of this time and he's, I mean, he's the best on the mic in AWW for sure. Yeah. I mean, I would say this too, like with, with, for me,
and uh jordan kind of hit on this a little bit me personally i didn't you know i think kenny omego um you know losing the title and then going obviously he was injured so he had to like take some time off i think him leaving really hurt hangman um because him winning that title from omega that was you know he's due for a rematch so like that storyline would have been
That would have been a pretty long storyline, like him and Omega going back and forth fighting for the title. And I think Omega leaving kind of hurt that momentum a little bit because now you got to like shuffle and you got to try to find somebody to face Anglia. Yeah, I agree with that. And at the same time, he's...
He's not horrible on the mic. He's not the strongest though. Not the strongest though, yeah. He's not the strongest mic guy. And I think, you know, even Jordan said this, like, this is what we want. We want, like, we want the young guys to get pushed. We want new, fresh storylines and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, these guys have to get in the ring and they have to perform.
whether i thought he did good i like the promo against the impact where he basically said i'm saving a w from you but he does he does good but there's definitely sometimes we could see he's like.
He doesn't got the most compelling word, but he's like, I see him doing that thing where he's like, I'm going to make up for it by just shouting what I got to say. I'm just going to say it really, really loud and hope it covers for it. Marco, I think he made a great point about Kenny leaving hurting hangman because, um, not so much about the rematch, but I think the way it happened with that next dynamite, you know, me and Sheena were in the house for that, that next dynamite after, yeah, he didn't come out. He just did the, the solemn backstage babyface exit where he put over hangman.
He said, great job, Adam. And he said he had to go rest. And I think what that kind of, that planted the seed right there that everybody know. Okay. So hangman barely beat Kenny Omega. Cause remember that was a bad-ass match and he still barely won that match. He barely beat Kenny Omega after Kenny had this epic run as the belt collector. So it kind of made it put it off like, yeah, you beat Kenny, but he was out of gas anyways, by the time you beat him, you know, I feel like kind of diminished.
hangman's victory a little bit. There may be something to that. Speaking of which, do you guys think we might see Kenny come out and have a face off with whoever wins this? It's been about six months since we've seen Kenny Omega. I think it'd be cool if hangman retained and then Kenny came back. I'd be here for that. I know we're running it back. We're talking about repeat storylines, but I'm here for that.
Probably where I see hangman winning this match is if he goes heal like it's a kick in the nuts or something like that Yeah, that's probably more likely I think that's the story they planted the seed with with hangman, you know, basically calling CM Punk an imposter and stuff and letting him know that he's got defend a w from him I think they were just setting it up for
you know, CM Punk turns heel and kind of laughs at the fans and stuff, but you never know with the smart AEW audience, he may end up getting cheered even if he turns heel to win the belt. Oh no. It seems like there is, he's got his followers, you know, for better or worse, you have to acknowledge it. He has got a lot of people who are chanting CM Punk every single week. I know, but I just feel like it's so quick. I feel like it happened fast and not that CM Punk doesn't have the, you know, the history still though, man. I don't know. And he's undefeated.
Yeah, I think so go back to the Kenny thing. I don't think Kenny comes out here I think Kenny's a mystery opponent for somebody at forbidden door Yeah, I can see that it'd be pretty cool. Yeah Yeah, that's true. That's a huge show. So what do you think so?
What do you think? So let's say, let's just fancy book here for a minute. Cause we we've actually gotten through this card a little bit quicker than I thought we were going to. Let's say CM Punk wins. Who's the fight at forbidden door? CM Punk in Okada. I feel like hangman in Okada would be a better match. He's not wrestling Okada. I feel like hangman, I feel like CM Punk and Jay White is probably
the better stylistic. If they're bringing Kenny, if they're bringing Kenny back for Forbidden Door, they are running Okada and Kenny for the first time ever in the United States. There's no way they're running that match. That match definitely needs to happen. We got to see the American audience has got to see Kenny and Okada. So yeah, good call. Either way, AWU pay reviews are
They've replaced NXT TakeOver since that's not even a thing anymore. It's the absolute best bang for your buck wrestling cards. It's going to be a fun show. If you haven't been watching a lot of AEW, still get it. It's going to be a great way to lead into Memorial Day. I know it's going to be an awesome show. Sheena, do we have any listener mail? Yes, we do.
All right, first question comes in from our buddy from coming down the aisle podcast, Jay Bone. Pod foundation member. Pod foundation member. Says, happy you guys are getting settled into your new home and adventure. What has been your favorite part of living in Tennessee so far?
The fishing. The fishing. Yeah, I hope they'll get me wrong, man. I really don't want to come off as I'm complaining. Me and Sheena are very fortunate. We got basically our dream house. And it was again, it was through some coincidences, some good luck and, you know, just things working out in our favor. So I don't want to come off as I'm complaining. But moving is a royal pain in the ass. We have
A lot of stuff like the shit that we don't even need that I'm like, I'm looking at it. I'm like, why the fuck did I bring this for Virginia? When the truck pulled up yesterday, there was two whole trucks. And I mean, the first truck was like they pulled all the stuff off and it was a lot of like, you know, big pieces. And then they started unloading all the boxes.
And I was like, what is it? And I purged. If you got, you guys followed me. I know Jordan and Marco followed me for sure. And I got rid of so much stuff. I mean, I sold so much stuff on marketplace. I put so much stuff out on my curb for free. I sold a J strong elite. Rare elite of all time.
Oh man, we were really doing some serious purging. And then the truck pulls up and I'm just like, I'm like, holy shit. I mean, there was like layers and they kept pulling like layers of boxes off. And I was like, and they were marked. And I was like, I don't even know where this is supposed to go. Put it in storage, you know? So we have so much stuff to go through. But
I like Tennessee. I like that we're out in the country. This is the first time in a very long time that we haven't lived near the ocean. We have our beach-loving hearts and it's a little bit different. We got the Mississippi River over here to the west, but I've disliked it. Our house specifically is set up for homestead and stuff, so we have our goat barn and
our chicken coop and all that stuff. So I've got some chickens, and I'm just looking forward to like, really diving into that. And I got my garden beds and everything. So I'm happy. So it's good being close to family. That's nice. I mean, even though we just come out of six weeks of living with family, and we're ready to be in our own space, being that close to the grands will definitely offer Seth and I. I mean, we're getting to go to SummerSlam. That probably wouldn't have happened if we were living in Virginia. And you're that much closer to the Fig God now. So I can drive down there on a random weekend.
I know we were so close to Marco the whole time and never got to see him because the world was, you know, lost its damn mind. And, uh, you know, now, uh, now we've moved out West. So it's only a short 10 hour drive from, from Nebraska, from the corn, from the cornfields to, uh, to Tennessee, but loving it so far. I think we'll be extremely happy here. Johnny JB says if Sasha Naomi are done with WWE, would you like to see them in a UW? And who would you like their first opponent to be as singles wrestlers?
Um, I'm kind of indifferent on both of them at this point. I mean, I'm sure it'd be interesting, but there's a, I'd rather see Ember moon show up before either one of those two in, uh, in AW, if we're talking X WWE stars, you need a place to land. Um, as our, as our women's wrestling expert, Jordan, what do you think? Okay. So this whole thing has just rubbed me the wrong way. Like.
Sasha has turned into a really entitled person and I fucking hate it because she's awesome. I feel like she would fit better in AEW.
I feel like Naomi, if, if she's really done with WWE is more of like an impact person. I don't see that. I just, I do. I just don't see Naomi being like a top star in AEW. Like Sasha would definitely be a top star. And that's not a knock on Naomi. Like I don't think Naomi's bad or anything. I just,
Naomi needs Naomi needs the WWE presentation. I think more than more than Sasha Banks. She's just yeah, she's fully ingrained in like I see her as a WWE superstar first and like a wrestler second if that makes sense. Yeah, now that she's not a tremendous performer.
But yeah, she's just she's WWE through and through where Sasha Banks, I feel like she could go anywhere in the world and be successful. But yeah, I agree. You know, my my take on the whole situation is like, that's what you got. If everything that we're hearing is, you know, the whole story, which I'm sure there's more to it. But from what we've been presented so far, it just seems like that's what made you walk out in the middle of a show and quit. You know what I mean? After you got fans there to see you and stuff.
And it sounds like that's a lot of the kind of the feeling backstage also, it seems like folks are, a lot of the wrestlers aren't really on their side either on this one. And let me be the first to say I'm fully on board with if you're not happy somewhere and somewhere is not, there's no sense in wasting your life and your time, especially when you put in as much time and energy as they do to be a WWE superstar, especially at Sasha Banks level, then don't do it, right?
To say that like, oh, you're mad about this, like what says how you're mad about this match that you're in or that you're mad that the tag team, the tag championships weren't presented properly in your opinion. And you walk out because of that and.
And you've been a part of every revolutionary women's history, like match in women's history in the past freaking five years. It just pisses me off because I'm like, you've gotten to do everything. You've been in WrestleMania matches. You have broken down barriers and done Hell in the Cell matches.
Main Event of WrestleMania. Yeah, Main Event of WrestleMania, you've done all this stuff and you're gonna complain. There's women that would kill to have a fraction of the accomplishments and the accolades that you have been given. And I don't wanna say given because she's a hell of a wrestler and a talent. Yeah, but the opportunities that she's been given in WWE, I just feel like,
she really doesn't have room to complain, right? Maybe this is just me. I don't know how much of truth you can take from the internet, obviously, but it sounds like it wasn't just that night. Like it sounds like this has been brewing for like two years. A little bit of this is the she didn't get promoted for Star Wars stuff, whatever it is what it is. But I feel like she thinks that Charlotte and Becky have been presented differently than her.
And I know 100% that she thinks she's a superior wrestler to both of them, which whatever it is, what it is, that's for an argument for another day. I don't know, man. There's just, I feel like there's a lot more to this that we'll probably never get to hear. Cause dude, Sasha is talented. Nobody's ever going to say she's not. It's just, I don't know. The entitlement is just too much for us sometimes. And
And just quit the next day, man. Like, just wait. I get it. If there's, if it's been built up, that's fine. Quit on Tuesday morning. Why quit on the middle of the show on Monday? What is Naomi walking out for though, dude? She's literally, they didn't do, she was part of the Funkadactyls and she's been women's champion. She's been tag team champion. They kept her husband around like, dude, you should be so gracious that she got her own custom title. She was my dumbest champ.
I want to hear what her gripe is for them. I think she got caught up in the peer pressure with Sasha. Sasha got her all hot dude and was like, you know, we, we deserve, uh, we deserve better than this, you know, and you know how it is when your friend gets you all pumped up, you're like, yeah, Seth does it to me all the time. Yeah. Seth's going to talk you into doing some dumb shit one day. What do you mean one day?
He's going to be like, screw your insurance business. You don't want to be in insurance. You want to do something else. You're going to walk out and be like, what the hell did I just do? I would say if you want to hear in-depth analysis, we did like 45 minutes on that alone, on the Sasha and Naomi thing.
There's a lot of details I came out with in the past couple of weeks. I read also that they did leave during the show. It was actually a few hours before the show even happened. So that was another tidbit that came out.
Did you guys read the storyline stuff where it was basically Naomi was going to face Bianca Belair at Hell in a Cell or something like that, and then Sasha was going to face Ronda Rousey at Money in the Bank?
but in between that time there was no there's nothing going on with the tag tag titles it was just going to be them you know just you know playing you know squash matches with with the two champions essentially and i don't think they uh
Wasn't that what wasn't the tag titles? Wasn't that what she left for before? Like, wasn't that that's when she was having her like, you know, her barely lost the belts at the iconic. Right. Yeah. Well, yeah, I guess the other thing I read, too, is I guess this past WrestleMania was supposed to be supposed to be, I guess they wanted Sasha. She supposed to be Sasha Banks and Ronda Rousey for the for the championship. I'm not sure how the bill was going to get off of Charlotte, but
That was the original plans, I guess, and then I guess they went with Charlotte instead for some odd reason. But like Jordan said, it's been brewing for like a few years. Sasha's walk out anyway, but Naomi, I read that it was also something with her being a part of the bloodline. That was something that was pitched by her.
numerous amount of times. And I guess it's been- I think that would have been made dude. I don't know why they never went that direction. I mean, I don't know if they just don't think Naomi was ready for it or whatever, but I feel like she could have fit in like a glove. I feel like the bloodline would be elevated with the chicken there, you know? Yep, definitely. It just looks cool. It feels cool. Like I just, you know, and they're real, they're real life family. You know what I mean? Like I just feel like that's, that would have been cool. Yeah.
You know, no, no use looking back now. Um, Zach Hertzler says, glad you guys are getting settled into the new home, but I have to know what may be on the menu for double or nothing. We don't have any plans yet. We don't even have a refrigerator. So we've been living out of a cooler for six days. So we may just order, uh, order some pizza and call it a night. You guys got anything special planned for meals for double or nothing?
I mean, I'm going to be at a cookout earlier in the day, so I'll probably just take some leftovers. Yeah. Bring some leftovers home and, you know, can make you a plate. Yeah. Just be stuffed all the way through and probably not make it through the whole pay-per-view because I'll pass out from being.
That'll be, that'll be me. Seth will be like nudging me, waking me up for hanging mancy and punk. Um, what about you, Jordan? Anything on the menu? I think we'll probably just do pizza, like Memorial day weekend, Sunday night. I mean, I forgot about it being Memorial day weekend. There's just not a whole lot of, uh, want to do anything Sunday night.
Fun Debates and Shoutouts
So yeah, we'll probably just order some pizza or something and just hang out and watch Joe.
All right. Alex, you bank. I think this is a, this is directed at me. Would you rather have one horse sized chicken or 20 chicken sized horses on your mini farm? I would like to have 20 chicken sized horses. Real talk. That would be like the, that would be like a dream. Just having like little mini horses running around.
Hey, shout out to Alex also. He's got his Steadfast clothing company launch this week. Some cool deals. I'm actually rocking the launch shirt right now. So yeah, really quality stuff and definitely give them a follow. They get some nice designs.
All right. Jamie D. Progetto. Please tell me if I didn't pronounce that right, Jamie. It's our newest Foley fan member. Yep. New Foley fan member. And if you're new around here, I'm great at butchering people's last names.
Future Wrestling Matches
So he said, I honestly think that the punk page feud is kind of lame. They're both trying their best, but I think it's premature to have punk going for the title. Same with, same when Cole was going for it. Either way, who are your top three wrestlers?
you'd want to face Page after he wins on Sunday. So he's going for Adam Page like myself. Very, very smart way to make a good first impression with your first time in the Q and A segment, because yeah, fuck seeing punk. I would say Andrade, Malachi Black and then eventually Jungle Boy. I still think there's a lot of money in the in Jungle Boy's rise to the World Championship level. So I'll go to those three with maybe maybe Jungle Boy in a year or so.
That's good. You guys got anybody you want to see Adam Page face when he wins and retains on Sunday, guys? I would go Malachi, Wardlow. Ooh, yeah. Dude, I really want to see Darby wrestle for the main title, honestly. I love that guy so much. I mean, he ain't going to win, but I love Darby, so I'd go Darby. I think Darby could be world champion. He would be over Rover, man. Oh, yeah, definitely.
What if, what if Ding got on like some HGH, man, and had one last run? Dude, I think he's got, he would have to get on some fucking, like I said, he'd have to get on some HGH or some kind of gas, dude, for sure. I think he's got one more legit main event match left in that body though, man.
Oh my word has got some juice left in his, uh, storage blocker. Get on the gym, hell wig diet for about a month. And then let's see what you got, baby. I mean, you want to pop a buy rate, dude, give sting a world title shot, man. It would work. Oh my God, dude. I think that would be like one of the highest selling pay reviews ever. And not even just AWW. Like, can you imagine if he somehow won? I think I'd have tears, bro. I think I would have tears,
Listener Mail and Trivia Plans
man. I imagine Shivani announcing sting won the title.
Yeah, that would be awesome. All right. That wraps up listener mail for tonight. All right. So the trivia questions have not gotten unpacked yet, so we'll I'll renew my streak once in one of the coming episodes. But yeah, that's a wrap for tonight.
Social Media and Community Reminders
We want to remind you guys to follow all the pod foundation shows. She reminded the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Join all the Foley fam fun at chick Foley show.com. And like Seth said, follow all of our pod foundation brethren at pod foundation. All right.
Final Thoughts and Support for Hangman
That is a wrap. She knows it's your first time really pod in about a month. Closing thoughts as we head into double or nothing. Oh man, you're going to ask me this. I'm like my super tired brain. Um, let's go hang man.