Wrestling Pay-Per-View Overview
Oh boy, hope you like wrestling. We have four pay-per-views in the next eight days.
Show Introduction from Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios
Welcome to the Chick Foley show. And I'm back from vacation. Feels good to be back.
Beer Can Reactions and Taste Testing
Here in the lovely Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios, Phil Gentile here, Sheena Phelps in Virginia. What's up Sheena? Not a whole lot, man. I'm sitting here about to crack open this brew that our good buddy Tom Sliney sent me, so I'm excited about that.
Tommy Paradise, yeah, helped me up too. I think Marco has one too. What's up, Marco? Nothing much, yeah, just waiting to crack this open. I like the design of the can. It looks like Stone Cold giving the stunner to somebody. It's pretty sick, so... It actually looks like Hank Hill giving... Yeah, it does, yeah. I'm seeing a Walter White on a Walter White-ish. Yeah, it does look a little more like Walter White. Look, he's got the glasses and he's given the stunner, but you know.
Good form, good form. Yeah, for sure. So welcome to the show everybody. We have a huge show here. We're going to preview SummerSlam and NXT TakeOver 30 or XXX, Vin Diesel style, whatever you want to call it. And get into some figure news, get into some weekly purchases, all kinds of good stuff. But like we mentioned,
Our buddies at the Run-In podcast sent us each some beers from Beard Brewing. I'm assuming that's up in Massachusetts, where our buddies reside up there. New England. It's Connecticut, same thing. It's all connected.
It's a pretty cool can. Oh, Connecticut. Yeah, it is Connecticut. IPA and has a little stone cold stunner on the side of it, so with a nice little note from those guys, and we appreciate them. They do a great podcast if you like our stuff. They do something very similar and they're very good at it, so check them out. That's DJ and Tommy Paradise. Let's take a sip of this thing here, guys, before we get into this epic show.
Well, that is good. I'm not usually an IPA person. I do like Broken Skull IPA. But this is actually pretty good. It's got some fruity notes. I don't know if it's orange or something, tangerine. Something like that. I was saying citrusy, yeah. Very citrusy. I'm doing my fancy as if I know what I'm doing, putting it under my nose and breathing in. You don't have to do all that. It's not wine. Just chug it down.
Don't tell that to all the fancy schmancy beer people. Oh, yeah. There is some fancy fancy. Yeah, the beer snobs. You got to drink. My really, really good friend Jesse is a hardcore beer snob guy. Like he loves all like craft brews. He has like different glasses. Just going to ask you that if you have different. Yeah. He's got like all the different shaped glasses for the different types of beers. And he always like makes fun of me because I just drink everything out of a pint glass. He's like, no, that is the wrong type of glass. I'm like, dude.
If it fits, we're putting it in there. That's what she said. Thank you to the guys from the Run-In podcast. We appreciate you and I'll have to mail you guys out some Maryland brews pretty soon.
Hosts' Vacation Reflections and Returning to Podcasting
I still haven't been able to find that mustard beer.
Oscar Blues is making a French's mustard beer I tried to find during my vacation, which was a nice little break. And you guys did a nice little episode without me. We posted it to the Patreon. It's kind of like a Facebook Live kind of Q&A type of episode. And it was good stuff, man. I liked listening to it. And I missed you guys. I feel like I haven't been doing this for, I think I've been going for like a month. So it's good to be back. Yeah, you're going vacation for a week in
Merchandise and Patreon Promotion
COVID era. It's like five years. Yes, for sure.
I do have a good story, but we can talk about that a little bit later. Pretty chill vacation. Let's get into it here. What do we want to start with? Let's get the news and notes out of the way here. Obviously, our t-shirts, if you want to grab some shirts from us, we would appreciate it. It's ProWrestlingTease.com slash Chick Foley. You can do that there. You can follow us on Twitter. It's at Chick Foley Show on Twitter, and Sheena is at Chick Foley on Instagram.
And hit us up. We'd love to interact with you guys. And the best way to support our show is our Patreon. It's chickfolishow.com. Do a ton of cool giveaways. And actually, we have a giveaway winner to announce tonight, don't we? Yes, we have two giveaway winners.
Damn. It's Kenny and Cody. Kenny and Cody. OK. Yeah, we gave away Chris Jericho last week on the show, and now we're giving away Kenny and Cody. So during our Go Figure segment, I will announce the winners of those. Nice. Awesome. Nice. Very, very cool. And we also chat with everybody on Discord, which is kind of a chat app during the pay-per-view. So we'll be doing that on Saturday during NXT and on Sunday during SummerSlam, which is always fun.
You know, it's just harder to do that stuff through Facebook or Twitter. It's just kind of a separate chat app to interact with everybody. So that's always a fun thing to do during pay-per-view. So check it out, chickfolishow.com, where you can sign up. We have seven new Patreon subscribers in the last two weeks since I wasn't here. I've been practicing all the names while I was on vacation. Andrew Collier, Mike Tansey, Brian Salat, heal underscore bill underscore Hollyfield.
Chris, Hanman, Leah Walker, Eric, Leclear, and that's it. I got them all. Wow. Whoa, yeah. This beer must be a... Leah, Leah, that's a female, yeah. I think that is someone who doesn't have Facebook, and I meant to look it up, but I forget. Gotcha. We have a couple of those that use their wife's Facebook.
It's actually a funny story. It's OKFester on Twitter. I think his name's Justin, Justin Walker. He listens to the show, obviously, or he went to sign up to be a patron. He drives the X-terra used in an episode of The Office, Sheena.
the exact one from the show. He bought it from a makeup or a hairdresser that was a costume chick on the show, and he has the exact one. And he told me the story. I was like, dude, this is the coolest story ever. I'm so jealous of this thing. That's the coolest conversation starter in the history of conversation starters. Yeah.
Yeah, and he's a good dude. Follow him on Twitter at OKFester, and good stuff. Also, our buddy Martin Mandel Amaro, I didn't know he was in this, like, my favorite commercial right now. It's the commercial where people buy a house and they turn into their parents or something.
Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. And he's the dude reading a book about submarines. And I was like, man, that guy looks familiar every time I see the commercial. And it's him. I mean, he's a comedian actor based out in LA. And that's him in the commercials. Yeah, so pretty cool.
NXT TakeOver Predictions
I think it's progressive.
So yeah, good stuff. So we'll get into the giveaway during our Go Figure segment. Let's get into, should we just do the pay-per-views and then we'll kind of mix in Raw and SmackDown and all that stuff as we go? Yeah, there's no sense in rehashing all the shows. I think we just get into show predictions and our pay-per-view predictions and then we'll kind of talk about anything that was relevant during the week when we get to those matches. I like it. Should we start with TakeOver?
Oh yeah, let's start with TakeOver since it's going to be on Saturday. Yeah, let's start with that. All right, Sheena is a prediction champion, so we'll see if we can dethrone her here. I'll run down the matches and we'll go back and forth here. This was just announced, I think, today. And two shit kickers, Finn Balor versus Timothy Thatcher. Great match. They just added that. Yeah, I love that. What do you think? We'll start with Marco.
Yeah, so if you watched NXT this past Wednesday night, Timothy Thatcher came out and attacked Finn Balor during his match with Velveteen Dream to get a spot in the North American Championship ladder match there. So that's how that match came about. I'm pretty actually excited for this because I'm a fan of Timothy Thatcher. I like his style of just his brutal
submissions and the way he like beats the crap out of people kind of miss that with Pete done not being around. So you don't have that type of guy, um, working around NXT. So, um, that's really cool. Finn Balor definitely needs a win. He's been on like a pretty decent losing streak this time around. So I'm not saying he is going to beat Timothy Thatcher, but, um, um, you know what, we'll go with Finn Balor. I'm going to go Finn, Finn for the win.
Finn for the win. I'm going to take Finn too. I think, like you said, I think Finn has the most to gain from this, um, because he needs it because he's not been on a, on a great streak lately. So I'm going with Finn. Did he, didn't he beat Damien Preece?
Did he? I forget. That feels like it was like a year ago. I honestly don't remember. It was a good match. I usually tune out when Damien Priest is on because he's like the least interesting. You're not a fan of him. You made fun of his genes the other night too. Those were the worst genes in the history of genes. Like they reminded me, like they took me right back to 2007. It's not necessarily like the distress on the front. You know, they have like that like, you know, a true religion, like distress look on the front.
That's the brand. I was trying to think of the brand. They were boot cut, too. So they were too long over his boots and just not a good look. And the jeans paired with his overall persona was just too much for me on Wednesday night. Yeah, it looked like Ed Hardy threw up on him on Wednesday night. I'm going to go Thatcher. I feel like Finn Balor is only in NXT to put people over. People are probably yelling at their radios. I do feel like he beat
Damien Preece, so maybe he's due for a loss. And it does seem like he's lost a lot in NXT, but I think that's why he's there, to kind of put some younger folks over. True. I like Thatcher. I think he's like a heel riddle almost, just kind of more believable than a Pete Dunne, just because he's a little bit bigger guy. I'm gonna go Thatcher here. I think they got big plans for him, so I'll go against the grain.
Rizango versus my favorite tag team, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch versus, I'm gonna butcher this, Legato Del Fantasma.
That's pretty good, yeah. Yeah, OK. I don't know what that means, but that's wrong. Yeah, so this is a number one contenders match. I'm assuming this is going to be on the kickoff show, but it's the number one contenders match for the tag titles. I'm going to have to. So it's, yeah, LaGotta, Delphin, Tazma, and Brezango versus Oni Lorcan and Danny Burch. I'm going to go with Oni and Danny. I think they're going to take this. I think LaGotta and Brezango are going to take each other out, and Oni
Are gonna sneak in and get the win I'm gonna go fantastic just because I like the name and I've I've last time I was an NXT show I saw this Raul Mendoza guy. He's really good So I'm gonna go with them just because they have a cool name and it is it is on the pre-show. So Yeah, let's see I do want to go fantastic I feel like
They might do like an all-belt kind of collection thing. Copy off me. But I think I'm going to go... Damn, that's sick. You know what? I'm just going to go Breezango. Oh, all three? I like this. This is going to be a decider right here. We need more triple threat matches on pay-per-view because that's how the title moves around. All right, Adam Cole versus Pat McAfee in a total. This is a shoot match, right, guys? You guys?
This is totally shoot. I can't believe that. Yeah. Unsanctioned. It's unsanctioned. Unsanctioned. Um, so this match, I thought the, I thought the buildup for this on Wednesday was actually pretty good. I despise Pat McAfee with like a passion, but yeah, he's the, he's the worst. Um, and I, I, I will never understand why they're putting a, a former punter radio personality, like pre-show,
personality up against like the longest reigning NXT champion of all time, arguably one of the best champions in NXT history. But I thought Pat held his own with his little goons and all that and pretty much just saying like, I'm good at everything I do, so why wouldn't I be good at wrestling, right? Like that was kind of like his whole like argument there. So I thought he did a good job on Wednesday night.
And I, I'm not going to pick against Adam Cole. I'm Adam Cole. I mean, I know everybody's like, Oh, it's time for him. You know, blah, blah, blah, but I'm not going to pick against Adam Cole. Let's see. Yeah. I've gone with Adam Cole. Obviously he's, I mean, he's, he's a, he's a real athlete. He's going to kick the crap out of Pat McAfee. Cause this is a real fight.
It's going to take a gang of people to make me feel like it's OK that Pat McAfee beat Adam Cole. Like, it's going to have to be some sort of serious run-in that, like, hates down Cole. What would happen? I mean, you can't just have his cronies jump in, because no one would care about that. Nobody even knows who they are. And you already have the undisputed era, so it wouldn't make sense for them to get bested by these random bros. I mean, could there be somebody else in the roster that could take Cole out and set up a feud with him? I don't see that.
Most of the bigger names are in that ladder match already, so. Hmm. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know where I don't know where this is going, but I cannot see them putting the over on Pat McAfee just like definitely not clean. I mean, I'm sure there's going to be some sort of heal tactics, but I'm thinking it's going to be some sort of like beat down overpowering of Adam Cole.
Do you think this is the last match on the card? I only say that because what if Keith Lee wins, Karrion Kross comes out and just gets pissed off and beats up Cole and we get them for a little bit before Kross gets another title match? I mean, it doesn't make much sense. I don't know. I'll give my opinions on that whenever we talk about Keith Lee and Karrion Kross, but I definitely think Kross and Lee are going to close the show. Spear's really good, by the way.
Yeah, it is really good. Super smooth. It's not like hoppy at all. Yeah. Usually they're a little bit like, you know, you got a heavy mouthfeel, but this is nice. Um, where are you going with feel cold or? Oh yeah. God.
I'm going to go Mac a few wins. Not a straight up win. It's going to be some kind of bullshit. There has to be a reason they're putting him. I mean, I can totally see it. I mean, there's got to be some, there's going to be some logic behind why they're doing this. Right. I mean, just to have Cole beat him wouldn't make, you know, okay. So yeah, he beat, he beat this dude is not even a wrestler. Cool. You know, uh, it's going to be some kind of DQ or count out or disqualification. Then they wrestle again and some, you know,
Raw Underground or something. Io Shirai defending against Dakota Kai with Raquel Gonzalez. This will be a banger match for sure. Dakota Kai has been killing it for the last couple weeks. I would love to see her get the belt here. I'll start it off. I'm going to say we get a new NXT Women's Champion. I'm going to say Dakota Kai wins the belt here. What say you, Sheena?
I'm going to stick with EO. I think EO is going to retain. I mean, it would make sense. Like, you know, she's got she's got Raquel in her corner. So that definitely like they definitely stood tall on Wednesday after they like, you know, got one over on EO after EO ran out when Dakota was talking all that trash. But I think the fact that they stood tall on Wednesday means that EO is going to get the best on Saturday. Marco.
Yeah, I think, uh, I think it was taken and they just going to keep this feud going a little bit. So I think she's going to retain and then they'll spill over into some other, uh, pay-per-view or something like that. Or maybe one of the NXT shows they'll have a, uh, a championship match and maybe Dakota. Well, I think she's definitely in line to get the title at some point, uh, Dakota Kai, but he was taking it. I like how their names were in too.
Io Shirai and Dakota. Yeah. Are you guys excited about this takeover? I feel like it's I'm excited for a few of them. I'm excited for Lee and Cross. I think that's going to be a banger. I'm anticipating like what what they're going to do with Adam Cole and Pat McAfee. And I want to see what the hell Pat McAfee's made up. I mean, if anybody can make him look good, I mean, I guess it's going to be Adam Cole. Yeah. I'm curious to see what he's got in the tank or if he's been training and I'm sure he's been training. But I mean, you know, what he what he's capable of.
um the north american title match i'm sure it'll be good um but i mean it's gonna be what it is i mean it might end up being the match of the night and i might just be like underselling it but those kind of matches i'm like eh whatever
Yeah. Let's get into that match because it's, there's some names in here that I'm not super excited about. Obviously love Gargano. Uh, you don't love Damien priest. I'm not a huge fan of Cameron, Cameron Grimes. I just, I just, I'm interested to see how all these guys work on the ring together because it's a lot of different styles. You know what I mean?
Mm hmm. Yeah, we got thick boy Bronson Reed versus Damian Priest. You know, Mr. Mr. Jeans versus Cameron Grimes versus Gargano versus dream. I don't think I mean, Gargano really doesn't have anything to gain from this. So I can't I mean, I don't think they're going to let him win because he like this doesn't benefit him at all. Really? Yeah.
uh, velveteen dream to me is too big of a liability right now. I mean, he's kind of, he's kind of controversial. So I cannot see them putting the North American title on velveteen dream at this right now. So for me, it's going to be a triple threat between Bronson Reed, Damian priest or Cameron Grimes. And as crazy as it sounds, I feel like the favorite is actually going to be Damian. They keep trying to, they keep trying to make Damian priest happen. And I mean, I think they're going to make it, I think they're going to make him happen. Marco, what say you from these five gentlemen?
Yes, I'm bouncing between Cameron Grimes and Damian Priest because they they love both of those guys. Bronson Reed, too. But he held he held the title on Wednesday night, so he picked it up and like, I mean, they all kind of did it, but he kind of he was like the last shot of the night holding it. So, yeah, I'm going to go. I feel I'm going by what Triple H said about Damian Priest, and he's really high on him. So I'm going to go Damian Priest went to this title.
Yeah, I'm torn too. I'm going to go Cameron Grimes. So we all, so what did she say? She said priest as well. Yeah. Yeah. See, I'm bouncing between both of those guys, but I feel David priest is
SummerSlam Predictions and WWE Thunderdome Reactions
going to do it. Cause I feel like
Triple H has it out for him and came across a beat at some point. I don't know why. Yeah, I could see that. I feel like he's a guy who's a little bit older, so maybe they want to get a belt on him and move him up a little bit faster. I'll go Grimes though. I like him. I don't like him, but I like his chances here. I just feel like he's kind of like the guy who's a little bit forgotten in this match. He's only 26, which is shocking.
I like Cameron Grimes. I don't know what it is. I don't like about it. He's like Chris Stapleton and Jace. I think it's the fucking top hat. I don't like the fucking top hat. Right. It's awful. All right. Who did you pick, Marco?
So we have one match left the hopeful main event Cameron no Cameron Grimes There we go with Scarlett Bordeaux And we saw Keith Lee lose the you know, he vacated the NXT North American title he hasn't had this world title for more than a couple months here and
I know they love him. Marco, you start this one off. I feel like you haven't gone first yet. Uh, Keith Lee versus carrying cross here for the NXT championship. Who you got? Oh boy. This is hard. I love Keith Lee. Love him so much, but I think he's losing the title Saturday night. I think, I think Carrie is taking it. They're just, they're probably just going to feud.
over it, I'm assuming. There's no other really big guys, unless they bring Dominic back at some point and do like a triple threat or something crazy. Oh, I thought you meant Dominic Mysterio for a second. Oh, no, no. I mean, he could. You never know. I mean, Dominic and Karrion Kross going at it. What a bank it ought to be. Or Prince Mysterio. We'll talk about that later. That's a name floating around that what his name might be. I'll talk about that in a second.
But I'm going to go carrying across even though it kills me to pick carrying. I think it's it's like inevitable. Yeah, I think it sucks because I feel like this was kind of like the perfect storm because carrying cross comes in. He's got all this momentum, you know, and it's like.
the immovable object. What's the, what's the, what's the freaking phrase, you know, the unstoppable force, the immovable object, you know, like they, they like come head to head because I think it's too early for carry and cross to take the loss. Like this, that would hurt him after they built him up with like all this momentum, all of this freaking, you know, squashes and like, you know, the whole presentation and scarlet and you know, all, all of this stuff, but Keith Lee, it feels too soon for them to like take the belt off of him. So it's like,
It was so insane. It was so damn good. It made me so hyped for this match. Keith Lee was like, I'm going to whoop that ass. Yes, you are.
I hate to do it, but I think I'm going to have to go with carrying cross. I think they've just put too much in him and you know, Keith Lee has proven himself, you know, I think he's, you know, even before he had the title, he's proven himself that he's championship material and that he's like a top tier talent. Um, I think he is not going to lose anything by losing to carrying cross, but carrying, if he loses, it's going to take a lot away from him.
Yeah. So this is not shooting on AEW. I'm going to say that from the beginning. But how many people have come in and challenged John Moxley for the title, like Brody Lee and Brian Cage, and immediately lost? Did they just go off into the oblivion? Or, I mean, they're still around. But yeah, you could argue that. But then we're talking about, like, you carrying cross camp. I mean, he's been around for a while. He's been just murdering people.
And we think one loss, just crazy between the two different companies how different the booking is. I'm with you, Sheena. I think Karrion Kross wins here. I think they just want him to be a top of the hill, shitty heel champion and have everybody chase after him. And I love Keith Lee, but I don't think he needs the title.
I don't know. It's a tough match to call for sure. I can see them moving Keith Lee up. Even though it feels soon, I can see them taking him to the main roster. Well, he's on that promotional thing for the two-minute video chat thing they're doing on Saturday or whatever. He's one of the five people on there. It's not even WWE main roster people.
Yeah, I could see him showing up on Raw on Monday, especially with the new setup they have. It's more, you know, it's a better feel for people debuting and shit like that. So, okay, I'm going Carrying Cross. Sheena's going Carrying Cross. Marco's going to stick with Keith Lee. I mean, it's going to be the best match, I think.
Yeah, he picked carrying. Oh, you did? We all pick carrying. Okay, I'm sorry. Yeah, it was a sweep. Yeah, it was a sweep. Yeah, I should pick Keith Lee. All right. We'll see how this is again. We'll be chatting live with everybody in our Patreon group on Discord on Saturday night. I love the Saturday night paper views so much. And if you're not watching that, if someone in our group wants to watch AEW while we watch NXT TakeOver and let us know what happened, because that's
Because of the NBA stuff, NBA playoffs happening. AEW Dino end is happening on Saturday this week, so we'll see what happens there. I'll be curious to see what the ratings are for that. It probably won't be great. Not that I care about the ratings, but I'll be curious to see what it is for a Saturday night, plus with the... Against takeover, it's tough. Especially on the Saturday night. So, good stuff. Let's just jump into SummerSlam here.
No, does it even feel like SummerSlam? No. This does not feel like SummerSlam to me. Normally, SummerSlam, they build it up as the biggest party of the summer. We hear it for weeks and weeks and weeks, and it's like this big deal. And I feel like it's just like, come here, and we're just like, OK, well, it's SummerSlam, as if we're talking about Battleground. Yeah, it's a good call, because it's the way that the pay-per-views are set up without a crowd, and the build has just been weird.
It's tough, but what are you going to do? Let's get into the whole setup they have now, because this is a perfect time. Yeah. The Thunderdome thing. Thunderdome. So if anybody doesn't know, they're moving to the Amway Center or Amway Arena in Orlando, which is where the Magic play. So they're going out of the Performance Center. I don't know if NXT is doing it as well, but I know Raw and SmackDown are.
And they're going to be able to have kind of a live video stream of people in the crowd, similar to how the NBA is doing it in the bubble on the sidelines, which I think is a cool setup and I think is definitely an upgrade over what they're doing in the Performance Center. Is it perfect? I don't know. But Sheena, you're not a huge fan of it, huh?
No, let me let me go on the record. First of all, saying, like, I appreciate WWE moving it outside of the performance center, getting creative, like bigger arena. I appreciate the like, what are LED screens? Or I want to say LCD. And I'm like, that's not right. I mean, it's LSD. It's LSD. That's what it looks like. The screens, I really like it. I like the creativity. And you know, I think it's cool that like, you know, actual fans get to like interact and be on the screens.
And I know it's weird times we're living in and you just got to think outside the box. However, I just hate the look of it because I am a fan of like old school, like all the light is like on the ring and like the crowd is actually dark. Like I feel like I love when like the audience is like dark, like blacked out.
and all of the, you know, focuses on the ring. And this, like, illuminates the crowd. So it's not even just people there. Like, these are, like, illuminated screens. So it's, like, really draws a lot of the focus and the attention away from, like, what's actually happening in the ring. I'll be curious to see, because I've just seen pictures
you know, online of like kind of like wide wide shots of it. So I'll be interested to see how it looks on camera, like when they're actually shooting the match and stuff. But just from a distance, I can just tell you I'm not a fan of it. I mean, like I said, I appreciate the creativity.
appreciate that fans are getting to watch. It's definitely better than like, you know, the bozo fan, the bozo NXT talent, like outside of the plexiglass, like, yay, boo. You're a bad guy. Yeah, it's definitely an upgrade. It's an upgrade from that, but at the same time, like it's definitely not my favorite look either.
I hear you, but I feel like it is distracting. When you look at those pictures, I think Ryan Satin tweeted them out. It's super distracting looking, but I feel like it's almost like when you're sitting behind the net at a baseball game, like it seems annoying. And then like after like 15 minutes, you just don't even. Yeah, because if you watch those NBA games, I've been watching a lot because I don't have any cable to watch local baseball. So I've been watching basketball and it's the same way they have the whole sideline is all people's like facial, you know,
pictures on zoom or something and you just get used to it you don't even look at it after a while but weird we're like it's like we're legit living in like black mirror right now you know like this feels this feels very black mirror-esque
It also feels like we are going to be in this situation for more than like, you know, I know. Do you remember when this started? We were like, oh, my God, like, what if this lasts to Memorial Day? Or when Trump says we over by Easter. So we were so hopeful. Yeah, we were. Yeah, exactly. Trump was like, oh, this is going to be solved by Easter. And we were like, oh, my God. Easter, are you serious? I know we can't even. What an Easter egg hunt. Yeah. Now we're going to be able to get in Halloween.
Santa Claus is going to be wearing a mask, and it's going to be crazy. Let's get into SummerSlam here. Let's start with, I don't know what would be the pre-show match here, but it probably is Street Profits versus Andrade and Angel Garza for the Raw tag team titles. A good match. Are you a fan of what they're doing with Montez Ford?
His him being like poisoned. The poisoning angle. Yeah, I think I don't know what's going to come of this, but I feel like they made it a little bit too obvious, like that Selena Vega was the one poisoning. You know what I mean? I feel like there's going to be some sort of swerve here, right? Like, yeah, she was. She's not going to be the one that ends up freaking poisoning them. You don't think so?
I mean, I don't know. I mean, I know it looks kind of obvious, but I mean, why would they just show that? I mean, after she like declared last week, you know, like, oh, I did not poison, you know, and I don't know.
They had the video of her like her back, but you didn't really see her doing anything. Yeah, exactly. You didn't really see what happened. Um, you just had to assume. And I feel like if they were trying to make a point, like maybe they would like showing you what she was doing. However, I think, um, for this match, I could totally see Andrade and Garza getting the win here. What about you, Marco?
um i was gonna say the same thing i think uh this the uh street province is not they're not stale i don't want to i hate to use that word but it's i think it's time to change the change the titles to a different team and i think uh i think they're not that they're a better team i think it's it's due for to have a heel team to have those titles i feel like there's been faces with those titles for like the past year i could be wrong i think like who the viking graders headed at one point and then
I think it, who had it before them, but it seems like he's just been faces with the title for a while now. So I think they're due. I mean, they're a good team. They're a great Hill team too, as well. So, you know, there's like one of the best like mouthpieces that they have, like, like in any, any other company. So she's amazing. Yeah. Cause she's like almost like a female Paul Heyman. She could like.
go toe to toe with anyone, not that she's comparing it. And she's just, she's just evolved so much, like her look and her, I mean her style and everything just looks like, the way, yeah, everything about her is really kind of, yeah, she found her, yeah, she found her like, yeah, she found her character. She found out who she was, like, which is pretty much like her own, so if you ever see her interviews, it's her. And so she's not like putting on a, I mean, obviously she turns it up a little bit more than normal, but what you see on the cameras is what you get. And I think that's why,
a lot of people like drawn to her and how that that's why people are recognizing that she's one of the like the good managers that they have. And she's kind of bringing that back. Obviously, you see NXT of the Robert Stone brand. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here for a manager. I love a good manager. Oh, we sleep in this freaking ballet. Like that is all me. I love that. So I was going to say, you could say Brandy brought it back because she's a valet with Cody this whole time. So she kind of like the
The manager. What is what is the chick Foley show unless we talk about brandy. I mean, we don't have a to talk about this week. So you know, brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand
I'm going to go with the Latin lovers as well. Andrade, Angel Garza. I feel like it's time for a change. Enough is enough. It's time for a change. And maybe we see Angela Dawkins turn on Montez Ford or something. I don't know.
It's too, it's too cliche, too predictable, but. Yeah. I hope not. I like, I like them together. And I feel like, um, I mean, obviously Montes could be a huge single star, but I'm like, I feel bad because I'm like, I don't want to leave Dawkins in the dust. I like Dawkins, you know? Let's, let's take a bet. Who splits up first, the street profits or heavy machinery? Heavy machinery. You think?
I don't, I don't think, I don't think Heavy Machinery is even going to split up. I think Tucker's just going to be like. It's not going to be like a drama. It's not going to be an angle. We're never going to see like Tucker versus Otis. It's just going to be Tucker's like never seen again, you know?
I can see that. I'm surprised that this isn't on this card. Anyway, did you pick Sheena in this match? Yes, I
SummerSlam Trivia Challenge
said I was going with the Latin Lovers as well. Okay. All right. You like that? That's a trademark name. You can't use that name. It's a Full Gentile original. All right. Mandy Rose versus Sonya Deville in a hair versus hair match.
which is Sonya Deville going through some things. She has not had the best week, had someone break into her house. I'm sure we'll get into this in outside the ring. But she is fighting her former best friend, Manny Rose here, Sheena. Sheena went first. Let's go Marco. See, I've kind of decided if it's going to be like some weird finish where neither one of them
gets a head shave, but if I have to pick one... No, it's gonna be definitive. Yeah, if I have to pick one, it's gonna be, for some reason, it's gonna be Sonya Deville. She's definitely shaving her head. Mady Rose already cut her hair short. I think that's as short as it's gonna go, not shorter than that. It's gonna be Sonya. Sonya's going bald, as we say.
Yeah, dude, she's pulling a G.I. Jane. I think she's been waiting for this. I think she's been waiting for this moment. I mean, she's like beautiful. I think she should be able to pull off that like shade hair. Look, she's got like that badass build, you know, that book or build. So I think I think it's really going to be I think we're going to see the hair versus hair match and freaking Sonya Deville is going to get her freaking head shake, you know. Wow. Yeah.
OK, I agree. This is the lock of the night here, the lock of the weekend. I mean, there's no way Mandy Rose is shaving her head. No. Her TikTok career, it would be done. Dunzo. It would be over. They would just have to keep her off TV for a year, right? Yeah. There's no way they could put her on anywhere. So I do have some SummerSlam trivia. I don't know if you guys want to get to it now. Let's wait a couple matches. We'll be like after dinner meet. Oh my god. Yeah, sorry. I love the trivia. I love giving you guys the trivia. I hate trivia.
You're good at it. You are good at it. I know, but I hate it because I always get put on the spot and I get so nervous. I miss the ones that I should get. That's the problem. I can pull some things like out of my ass and you'd be like, how the hell did you know that? And then I like, you know, the Bret Hart question, I'll be like, what? And then say, yeah, that's all right. I get screwed up.
All right. SummerSlam, let's keep it moving here. Asuka, let's group these together. Asuka is getting a shot at both the Raw Women's title and the SmackDown Women's title. Let me give you my theory. You can tell me what you think. I don't know which match will happen first. I'm assuming
Bailey will win. Sasha will come out and help Bailey defeat Asuka. Later in the night, Bailey will not come down to help Sasha or something will happen. Asuka wins the Raw Women's title. And then we set the stage, the inklings of a Bailey, Sasha Banks feud. But I mean, I don't know what you guys think. I think this has to happen sooner than later.
Oh, no. Like, you know what? Yeah, I think it would be the other way around. Like she's going to cause Bailey to lose her Smackdown Women's Championship. And, you know, and then, you know, Bailey's like, you know, freaking power hungry. So I think she's just going to lose her freaking mind when she loses the Smackdown title.
Man, I'm with you on that. I think that's probably the better way to go. So I'd love to see these two maybe in a Survivor Series match or something. I don't want to see them on
AJ Styles' Heel Gimmick and Wrestling News
like a payback or some kind of shitty throwaway pay-per-view. That would be the worst. Like there's a pay-per-view in like eight days or like there's a pay-per-view a week. How does that even happen? We need to talk about that. How would you have a pay-per-view the week after SummerSlam when you don't have a separate brand?
I don't know. I really don't know how that happened. When I first heard that, I was like, wait, are you sure? And then I looked at the calendar, and sure enough, it's the week after. So I don't know. And is it just going to be a replay of all the matches that happened to SummerSlam? Because how are you going to build anything as of any importance for payback?
True. Good point. All right. Next. So, well, let's, let's get into these. So I, so now you have me confused here. Now my brains are pretzel. Now we grouped these together here. All right. Let's just do it. How many, how many of these matches is Oscar going to win? I guess you could say one.
one. I'll say it wouldn't make sense for her to be the double champ. I mean, it's just too, too many champ champs happening. I think it's going to take away the luster. So I think, I think she's going to win one match and I think it's going to be the smackdown women's championship. So I think she's going to beat Bailey. Um, and then Sasha is going to be Oscar. Okay. I'm going to reverse it. I'll say that she's going to beat Sasha. So to make it a little bit different, what about you, Marco? No, I'm going with the, she's going to, she's definitely going to be Bailey. And I think that's to get her off a raw too. She's been on a raw forever.
Uh, get her some new ladies to beat up or on Smackdown, get their, uh, get their women's division a little bit of a boost. Um, cause they're kind of lacking right now. So yeah, say, say you throw an Oscar over there, get her away from like Nia Jackson, all those people, or you could keep her and have her win the raw title and have her face. Like.
Shayna Baszler and all those, but I think they're in the underground. They're in the underground. Yeah, that's right. I forgot. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Nye Jackson, Shayna Baszler, the raw underground, the ladies of raw underground. Yeah. So, yeah, they got rid of the dancing ladies and through the other ladies and the fighting ladies. And, but yeah, I'm definitely going with, uh, Oscar beating, uh, Bailey and then Sasha retaining hands, Oscar.
Okay, that's good stuff. Let's go the match everybody wants to see. Dominic Mysterio versus Seth Rollins in an Orlando street fight. Trying to think of what city it was in. Trying to be somewhere cool, but it's not. I'm really like, I love the setup for the Amway Center, Amway Arena, whatever it is. Amway Center, okay.
Why not have this in a place like AWS doing it like an outdoor arena? It would be so cool. Throw some fake palm trees up, have a pool there, you're done. I don't know. You don't have to even have people there. Now's the time to think outside the box. They had already ordered all those screens. They had to put them to use. LSD screens. Yeah, the LSD screens.
seats for them to sit in. So yeah, I mean, I'm not going to crap on it yet. I think it's going to, I mean, it could possibly look really cool. I mean, it's definitely going to be a step up from what we're doing. So anything is an improvement. Um, as far as the match goes, I thought this build has been actually really good. I've been impressed with Dominic. Um, I can't believe that Ethan said that, but I have been impressed with Dominic. He, he took his lashings, um, like a man the week before last. And then this week he, him and Ray beat the hell out of, um,
uh Seth with yeah with the kendo sticks so yeah and buddy um so I mean I definitely think Seth is going over in this one but I think it's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out and where this where this goes like what's Dominic's next move after Seth beats him right good call uh yeah I'm gonna go Seth Rollins here obviously I don't know if he's gonna
turn on his dad, I'm talking about Dominic, turn on his dad or something. That seems to be less and less likely every single week now. I don't know if they're just faking him. I like how he did say he was gonna defend the family name. Like, what, your fake family name? Your name's not your real name, dude. Your name's not Mysterio. Oh god, what about you, Marco? Who you got here? I don't know, I think I should just go with Dominic just because you guys are going with Seth.
Just because I feel like this might be the culmination of everything. The redemption story, like Seth has just been tormenting his family since God knows when. God does know when. It's a actress. I should say I know this family. Seth knows when because he's. He's the Messiah.
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna go with Dominic only because I think this is the, the end of their, their storyline. And Seth's been beating up that family for the past, like, seems like five years already. And they need some, they need to, they need some type of like when, even if it isn't like a, even as a shitty one, cause you know what? Ramiser is going to be out there and they're going to double team and all that stuff. But, um, I think, I think Seth is good enough in his career where he could like put
Dominick over with the Ray Mysterio out there not that's why they didn't make it like a one-on-one Wrestling match. They made it so it's like a brawl almost so if like Ray Mysterio does help it's not like oh my god Dominick Mysterio just beat Seth Rollins It's like the Ray Mysterio and Dominick beat Seth Rollins. So I'm gonna go opposite and go for the for the young prince Mysterio So just cuz I'm saying that so Ray Mysterio didn't interview and he said he'd like his son
if he does become a full-time wrestler to be known as Prince Mysterio and Donnie Mask just like him. So that's what he, that's what he envisions his son as. Really? Prince Mysterio. Dominic, but Dominic has like a wrestling history though. You know, you're just going to let go of all of that wrestling history with Eddie Guerrero and you know, I mean the name Dominic is, is notorious for, uh, you know, yeah. So yeah, I mean, I would keep the name Dominic.
I think Prince is a little... Prince Mysterio? I don't know. That's a little much for me. Is it Prince of Wrestling?
Yeah. Well, I mean, it's Dom or Ray isn't King. He's not like he's King Mysterio. Yeah. Well, it doesn't doesn't fit. But if he was King Mysterio, that would make more sense. But, you know, true. It is time for some SummerSlam trivia brought to you in part by Papa John's. Check out Papa John's. I'm just trying to think of it. Check out Doritos. Yeah. Papa Shax. Doritos, Doritos, 3D Doritos coming back.
Alright, John Cena in 2007 at SummerSlam defeated Randy Orton. Ten years later he defeated Baron Corbin in 2017. How many matches at SummerSlam did John Cena win between those two matches? Those ten years?
How many SummerSlam matches did he win between 2007 and 2017? That's right. That's an easier way to say it. Who's going first? You go, Marco. I have absolutely no idea. I have a crazy answer. None. Wow. I'm going to say zero. I could be wrong, but I'm just going to. I'm going to say. I'm going to say he was one.
10 matches. Like I think he's probably won every year at SummerSlam between 2000 and 10. Oh no, no, no, no, no. That's not true. That's not true. Maybe eight. Yeah. Maybe eight. Okay. Marco is completely right. He won zero matches and a 10 year single match losing streak at SummerSlam. Yes.
Wow. Yes. Insane, isn't it? That is insane. Only reason why I thought of that, because he lost to Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam. He lost to Brock Lesnar, but he went from the city. AJ Styles. AJ Styles he lost to, right?
Yeah, there was a couple of days that I was remembering. And then I was like, no, no, I knew it wasn't 10. But then I can't believe it was zero days of all time. What a loser. All right. Lost a Batista no eight.
Who is the only person in history
to have been the main event of four consecutive summer slams. Main evented four consecutive summer slams. Main evented four consecutive in a row. Yeah, that's what consecutive means, bro. One after the other, right? Yeah, one and then the next year and the next year. OK. Maybe Brock.
Brock Lesnar. Brock or Triple H. It's got to be somebody that's like, you know, tricking. Oh, my God, this is hard. Final answer. I'm going to say I'm going to go with.
Maybe it's maybe it's undertaker. I don't know. I don't know. You know what? Let's go. Let's go. Sean Michaels. So Michael's. OK. Yeah. Actually, you know what? No, actually. Yeah. Yeah. We'll go show Michael's. I don't care. I got one. Right. It's fine. Yeah. You're the one. I'll go one in one. Sheena. What's your answer? I'm going to go with I'm going to go with Brock Lesnar. Oh, man. Sheena knocks it out of the park. Got it. One to one.
Yeah, I know he's been at like a bajillion in like four in a row. Yeah, I don't know. He's made of it. Yeah. And when he came back, it was like, yeah, Cena and then a Wharton and then a bunch of guys. I think Reigns was probably in there. Roman Reigns. Yeah. All right. I guess I have to, I got to find a tiebreaker. I don't know if this is a hard question or not. SummerSlam 1994 saw an undertaker versus undertaker match. Who played the fake undertaker? Do you guys want, do you guys want options?
We want our, um, you know, all right. A cane B Kevin Nash C Brian Lee D Raja lion. It's definitely Brian Lee. Uh,
Yeah, something on can or diesel. Yeah. Uh, Brian Lee. Okay. You both got that right. Do I, do I keep going here with questions? After, after we do our predictions, after outside the squared circle, we'll, we'll finish up summer slime trivia. Okay. Hang on. We'll leave it as a cliffhanger right now.
Yeah, I have an hour worth of who wants to be a millionaire music queued up. So we'll be good. All right. Apollo Crews. Oh, God, I can't go back and talk about these awful matches. Apollo Crews versus MVP for the United States Championship. Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin are banned from ringside. What what say you, Sheena? I think Apollo is going to retain.
Yeah, I'm going with you, Marco. I can't go against the MVP. Your boy. So I'm going to go with the MVP just because I guess they took those two out of the equation. Maybe he wins. Just to prove that he could win without declaring himself. Yeah. Yeah. The most the greatest United States champion that that company has ever seen. Maybe. Yeah, we'll go with MVP. I do love that new belt. The new belt is really growing on me. It is sick. Yeah.
It's not as nice as the TNT title, but it's almost there. Yeah, it's closed. Oh, come on. Jesus Christ. All right. Strowman versus... No, let's go McIntyre versus Orton here for the WWE Championship. Also a good build with this, even though I didn't really understand why Shawn Michaels had to come out last week. It felt really... I mean, Shawn Michaels... How old is he going to be when he uses a sexy boy song?
I know the heel the heel husband and I have talked about this on multiple occasions that like we love the music but he needs to let go the lyrics like it just needs to be like instrumental you know what I mean like he needs to let go of this or something the sexy the sexy boy lyrics gotta go I think I'm cute yeah the beginning part at least so like the
The girl at the beginning or does he have to take that? Yeah, he can have that. Yeah, you know, he doesn't need like, he doesn't have the, you know, he doesn't drive the girls wild, you know? Uh, so anyway, McIntyre versus Orton here. This is a, it's, I guess it's been a great bill build here. I'll start it off.
I think one of these title matches is going to get drawn into this next pay-per-view. I already forgot the name of it. It's Payback or... Payback. Okay, it is Payback. Because they have to build for something. I mean, there has to be something to happen a week from now. Yeah, because, well, I mean, what are we... So here's another thing. We went through all these matches, and what do we not see coming? Because that's the whole theme of the SummerSlam. It's like, you'll never see it coming. So what are we not... I'm afraid. What are we not seeing coming? You know what I mean?
No. It's going to be Brock. 50-50 chance. Yup. Brock's coming back. Oh my god. It needs to happen. I think he could be a big dog, dude. Oh, that's what I thought too. I was thinking about him. Like, where would he show up, though? Yeah. I think he would show up. Defend Dominic's honor or something? To help a warrant? Or not help a warrant, to help McIntyre or something? I don't know. You know what my fear is? Is they're going to freaking bring him back during Strowman
being or Stroman Wyatt, you know what I mean? And they're going to have like, you know, some sort of we're going to the big dogs going to come in and get mixed up with Braun Stroman again because Braun Stroman is apparently a freaking heel now. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah. Yeah. So I could see that. Have you guys noticed? Did you guys see that Roman Reigns has got new teeth?
No. Like, you know, he had this adorable little gap in his teeth like before, you know, and he got all new like veneers while he's been out on vacation. Like he's got like, yeah. So I said, I was like, you know, he's probably trying to go Hollywood and get like movie roles and stuff. So now he's got his like, you know, perfect, perfect smile. Uh, I'm going McIntyre here, even though I think Orton would be great with one more heel title run.
Yeah. Oh, I think, I think it's going to be Randy Orton was 14th championship. 14. Yeah. Wow. He's up that high 14. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause we were out of Ric Flair was like, I want you to, I wanted you to break my record. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's going to be Randy Orton. I think, I think we are going to see Ric Flair again. I think Ric Flair is going to come out. Drew McIntyre is going to be like,
Hey, Ric Flair, thank you for coming to help me, you 70-year-old man. As if Drew McIntyre needs help from broken down Ric Flair. But that's neither here nor there. And then he's going to turn on Drew McIntyre and continue to join forces with Randy Orton and get Orton the win. OK. What about you, Marco? Yeah, I think at the beginning when Randy Orton called out McIntyre, I think my first thing was saying he's getting the tie. He's winning. He's definitely beating.
McIntyre just cuz he's on a roll like and then that if he does when edge comes back. Yeah, that's That's probably what's gonna happen unless he does losing the payback the payback pay per view is engine radio or just like you have like a Like a rubber. Oh my god. I hope not. They're gonna bring edge back for payback. No, that's a week from now He just had surgery. That's right. Did he just well he did all that stuff recorded. So it's like I
Who knows the timelines are all messed up. Well, yeah, I thought he's going to be up for six to eight months. Maybe it'll be Goldberg. Maybe that'll be one of his four matches. There you go. Maybe. Oh, oh, versus Randy Orton. You know, geez. Legend killer versus the other legend. The other legend. Yeah. The other legend. Crippler. Crippler. The legend. Crippler out radio. Definitely.
Okay, you're both going Orton, I'm going McIntyre. All right, Strowman versus the Fiend, Bray Wyatt. There's gotta be some kind of shenanigans happening here. That's why I don't think the title's changing hands, because I really think this is changing hands, but they also could do this at payback.
I think it's, I don't know. You should never see it coming. Yeah, you never see it coming. Two people could lose their titles at night. Maybe Alexa is like the odd man out here. Maybe we're not going to see Alexa coming, right? Like maybe something's going to happen with her because, you know, Braun Strowman basically had her in a freaking press and he like tossed her on the ground before he disappeared. And so I was like, wait, is the fiend a good guy now? I'm really confused. I guess so. That's like how this all went down. I'm like, no, wait, what? This is not. See, they started.
Yeah. Like, you know, kind of like come to the ring. Yeah. It was so stupid. Um, I really don't know what's going on here. I'm just anxious to see how it all plays out. But you know, I cannot in any, any universe see the fiend being a baby face. I want to see fiend and Abaddon together. That's a cute couple. Oh, couple goals right there. Squad goals. Perfect. It's going to be perfect going into the October pay-per-view.
Yeah, I mean, that's this is the time to have fiend as a champion for sure. Like, you know, so those Halloween masks. Also, Halloween is a good a good covid holiday because everyone's covered up. I know. Right. Yeah. Just put a bowl of candy out. I mean, I'm still putting candy out. Fuck it. Yeah. Most people do that. Everyone. Halloween's been been covid proof already. Exactly. So dish out there gets us grab out of the
Just put the razor blades in the candy and let them go. Yeah. All you have to do is just sanitize in between bowls. You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. Just sanitize your hands in between houses. That was the biggest. Oh, I have to tell you about this place at, of course, right across the street from where we were staying was this giant bar. And they had like a full, like a bowling alley and video games. And like, I didn't tell my son this until the last night we were there. He was just running around like crazy. And I was like, between every game, I was just sanitizing his hands.
I think I posted a picture or I sent it to you guys. They had a TV literally the size of an 18, like the side of an 18 wheeler. Like it was almost like, like how the fuck is this? The people on the TV were like 15 feet tall. Like I couldn't even sit the bar and look up. Yeah. It was amazing. It was amazing. So, you know, good stuff there. I don't know what made me tangent off into that, but
All right, so Strowman versus the Fiend. What's she know what what's going to happen here? I don't know what's going to happen. I really can't even imagine what's going to happen. But I think I think the Fiend is going to win.
There's no chance Alexa doesn't interfere here in and Yeah, she's siding she's like a disciple of the fiend or something but also doesn't make sense if Strowman's like a heel now with the haircut and everything Maybe he's just doing it like, you know Maybe he's acting like he doesn't care about Alexa to protect her You know because the fiend is right now using using her as like a bargaining chip, right? So it's like he's using her as like, oh I'm gonna lure out Braun Strowman by
torturing Alexa, but maybe if Braun Strowman acts like, hey, I don't like her, it's like a tale as old as time. You know what I mean? Like, it's like, oh, if I don't act like I like her, then, you know, nobody else will bother her. Right. Like, so I don't know. I think maybe it could go any number of ways. And I don't really have no idea what's going to happen here.
Yeah, I'm going to go Fiend as well. I think there's something that's going to happen pretty sure. But I don't know if it's going to happen here or payback. But I think Fiend wins the title. So I'll just go Fiend with Sheena. Marco. All right, Marco. Yeah, same here. I think Fiend's taking it. For some reason, it's definitely going to come down to Alexa.
Making that decision, especially after getting as as Bray Wyatt said on an interview, I watched she got thrown 45 feet in the air by Ron Sherman. I mean, when you're as little when you're as little as Alexa, think about how high that is, like being up on top of Brian, like pressed out over his hands. Like, what have you guys ever watched any of his interviews post like him as like the Bray Wyatt character?
like it's like doing just regular like there was one i see where he was at like uh he did like the weather for like a weather a local news channel there and touring in uh this past one he was on fox sports or yeah ww and fox did like an interview with him and he's
he's literally has character but the way he answers the questions the same way like the the fun brie why it like he's like i don't like she's like oh what do you think about the brit the the brawn strowman alexa bliss he's like i don't know after he after he threw a 45 e in the air which is pretty scary i don't i don't know i don't know what she's gonna do now it's the day time like the feed and and she's like oh what do you think about the feed what do you think the feeds are doing he's like yeah i don't know but it you know it could be could be brutal
Feed is a brutal person. He's like, I'm just going to be sitting at home watching that. What's he doing these interviews on? It was if you're going to if you're going to WW on Fox on IG, it's it's on there. He does. He did an interview with one of their interview people. He is. He said, I don't know. I'm just going to sit at home and watch it and, you know, watch the feed. Faceburner was like, dude, you are. You are the feed. That's fine. Yes, it's hard to explain. It's going to see is he's he's a weird dude.
He keeps, he, he keeps a K fable say pretty wide. All right. So that's, that's summer slam or are you guys doing anything special for summer slam? No, uh, the, uh, for the Saturday we're going to have bread, a little birthday party here, just like my in-laws are going to be here and we're going to bite in the, just the neighbors over with their little daughter. Um, so we'll do that in the, during the day and then at night we're just going to chill and probably eat some good food and watch summer slam here and or watch, um, NXT here. And then on Sunday night, same thing, like, you know, just.
Low super low key. OK, yeah, I know. Yeah, I'm going to probably be going to a friend's on Sunday to watch SummerSlam. He's like an outdoor outdoor area. So I'm like, let me watch it there. Saturdays, my daughter's birthday. Well, both daughters. Oh, yeah. That's takeover. So we're going to do something early afternoon and obviously wind it down at night. So I'll have to cut out and watch some some NXT. But yeah, so.
I don't know. I have zero plans after vacation. It's just like come home. I think I'm going to the pool, going to the parents' house to the pool on Sunday and then I'll head back over here and watch SummerSlam. But no serious plans. I'm always jealous that Sheena does the stakeover, the takeover thing with the stakes. I like that. I like that idea a lot. All right. I have one final trivia question here for you guys. Are you ready? It's a quick one. Oh, God. OK. OK.
Okay, so the most times, okay, hold on, let me. 16 times and 13 times are the two leaders of the most matches in SummerSlam history, okay? One wrestler has 16 matches, one wrestler has 13 matches. Tell me who those two are and who has 16, who has 13. Oh, man.
16 or 13 I know one well I know what's definitely undertaker it has to be the other one I'm not sure who else has been 16 Triple H yeah I'm going to take a triple H those are my answers
Well, I mean, if Brock has had the most consecutive, it probably means he has like the most. I think Brock has 13. I think Brock has 13. I think Brock has 13 and I think Undertaker has, what was the other number 16? 16 was the most, Jeff. I think Undertaker has 16. She's probably right. All right. Here we go. Marco, you are correct. 16 for the Undertaker. 13 for Triple H.
you are the defending trivia champion now oh my god yes good shit good stuff all right cool end of an hour matches i used to have so did three end of an hour matches a lot of air yeah brocklet i don't know anyway i wasn't i i got scared because he did say brock and i was like crap he didn't show up like
to the two thousand triple h has literally been in the wwe for like a bajillion years though you don't i mean brock has i mean brock's been around a while but he like took he's taken he left for six or seven years yeah so like he said like he's had like the thing so yeah triple h makes way more sense
We didn't talk much about Raw or Smackton. I do want to talk about the greatness of AJ Styles as a heel with his new gimmick, analytics gimmick. Yelling at Joseph Parks with the former, what's his name?
was in TNA abyss. Yeah. Yeah. It's like yelling at him for using permanent marker on the chalkboard and stuff. That's pretty, I mean, AJ Styles is great as a face, but he's, he's pretty entertaining as a heel. So Oh, he's the best heel. I think he's way better as a heel than he is. Yeah. His style of wrestling is way better as a heel for sure. Yeah. I love, I love AJ Styles all around. But I mean, to me, this is like no offense to AJ Styles, but he's kind of corny when he's a baby face. You know what I mean? Like he just, he's way, way better when
super cheesy yeah yeah he just kind of got this like cheesy like persona about it cuz I think I think he probably is like a genuinely like really nice like wholesome dude and I think it like comes across on camera when he's trying to be a baby face like is this like genuine like wholesome dude and I'm like no dude just be an asshole you know like like beat up beat up John Cena
I forgot to mention our inside of the squared circle is brought to us by our friends at Chalk Line. You can use code CHICK for 15% off of your order there. Let's get outside of the squared circle though. And this is brought to you by our friends at Collar and Elbow. Use code CHICK for 10% off your order. I was at the beach with my parents and my mom said, what is this Collar and Elbow you keep wearing? Where are all these shirts? I'm like, mom, just like the most comfy shirts ever made. 10% off. Use code CHICK.
order yourself one yeah order yourself one get off my case mom god so this isn't necessarily outside the squared circle but um did you guys see that freaking botch that like rich holland had on gargano on nxt
I was, it was scary. Like I legit, like I thought for a moment because I thought, I thought Johnny Gargano broke his neck. I was like, Oh my God. Watch it. You'll, it'll like literally make you cringe. Rich Holland. He's a new, he's a newcomer. He sounds like he's a believer for the giants or something. I don't even know what he was trying to do, but he literally like slings Johnny Gargano over and
Like right on his head. Oh, yeah, he's going for a power slam. I think yeah. Oh my God. Yeah, it was so scary and you could tell he knew he messed up because you saw him like check like he kind of rolled over the top and you he you saw him like check on Gargano like as he was going up they like they had to stop the match like triple H and like Shawn Michaels came out and like checked on him to make sure he was okay and he insisted on continuing the match and I
Oh, he was a pile driver, right? Like he turned into a turn a power slam into a pile driver. Yeah, it was it was basically it was a bot, whatever it was. It should never be done again. Like it was awful. I thought I mean, like I said, I thought he broke Johnny Gargano's neck, which I guess I should have known that he would have been OK or they wouldn't have shown that, you know. But at the same time, you're in the moment watching it. And I was just like, oh, my God. You know, it was almost like when Goldberg dropped out to take around his head at
Super shout out. Yes. Yes. Greatest rumble, whatever it's called. Yes. The greatest Royal Rumble. Yes. So it was really, really bad. I don't know what the I mean, I'm sure he'll still be able to participate on Saturday. And, you know, I heard I haven't heard anything different, but I guarantee I guarantee he is sore. And that just goes to show you how close they are to like, you know, like another inch and he could have freaking been paralyzed or something, you know. Yeah.
AEW Live Event Plans and Renee Young's WWE Departure
AEW to have 15% capacity for live events starting on this 27. Dude, I feel like this is such a flex. That came out today. Yeah, it came out today. After WWE announced the Thunderdome, AEW's like, you know what? You're going to have the Thunderdome? We're going to bring people back. Yeah, we have actual people back. We have robots. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty. They actually partnered with the CDC.
the legit things, the actual CDC, um, and went by their guidelines and they partnered up with them and they're going to have 50% capacity at, uh, 15, yeah, 15% capacity at, uh, on August 27th, I believe it's in Jacksonville.
that show. So yeah, we'll have attendance coming back. That'd be crazy. Jericho's letting the fans back after. Yeah, he banned them. Remember Jericho banned all fans from from AEW shows at the beginning of COVID? Back at the beginning of COVID. Yeah, he's letting them back in. Maybe they're all Fozzie fans. Only the Fozzie fans get to come in.
I think, I think the start of flu season might be the start of flu season is like next week. So that's perfect timing. Yeah, I know. Yeah. I think, I think it's too soon. I mean, I'm interested to see what the, how it happens, but I mean, I'm pretty sure WWE, I just saw it announced that WWE had like another COVID outbreak, you know, like there was like a COVID is running rampant in the freaking PC again.
So, I don't know, dude. I still think it's too early. I wouldn't be at an AEW event right now. I'm not going to be buying tickets to that. You definitely need a COVID Mania shirt on the website, I think. Yeah. COVID Mania around the world. All right, so that's interesting. Renee Young, or it was confirmed, I guess, that Renee Young will not be resigning with WWE.
She put in her notice, man. Yeah, which is inevitable. Everyone was like, oh, I was like, she's too good for WWE. And I was like, what are you talking about, man? I was like, dude, she could be on any number of platforms, like making a ton more money. She could be on Fox Sports, ESPN. She could have her own freaking comedy show. There's no way she's going to AW, by the way. That would be. Renee, no, I don't think I know. That was my own joking. I know, I know. But some people thought that.
You never know. It's the automatic, it is the auto response to be like, you know, oh, AEW confirmed Renee Young. But I mean, Renee Young has been too good for wrestling. I mean, not to say she's too good, but she's been too good for wrestling for a long time. I mean, she's like, she's super talented, just like overall wonderful person. Like I love everything about Renee, but she can do more than, I mean,
And WWE has always just kind of like screwed her. Like, you know what I mean? They always like, they're like, oh, well, you're going to do this. You're going to be back. So yeah, we're going to put you on commentary. Oh, we're going to put you on smack talker. What was it called? Talking smack. We're going to cancel that. Oh, we're going to put you on backstage. We're going to cancel that. Like, so she's, she has not got her fair shake at WWE, but I mean, she's done amazing at everything that she's done. And I have no doubt. I mean, she's written, she's writing like a cookbook right now. A comic book.
So, I mean, she's very multifaceted, so wherever she lands is gonna be amazing.
Goldberg's Contract Future and Fans' Opinions
And when she was on backstage, I think Fox really got a good look at her, and I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up at Fox Sports, you know? Yeah. I do like Smack Talk, that's a good idea, Sheena, that's a good name. Smack Talk. Smack Talk. Right to the point, you know, just Smack Talk. Smack Talk. So yeah, good for her, I mean, you know, I hate to lose somebody like her, but I mean, she was not, like you said, she was just,
It's not like she had a show that was on for years. I remember she had an interview show that was really good on the network. I remember when the network first started, she was interviewing people. It was really good. Unfiltered. Yeah, it was good. And Corey Graves had a good show too. Corey Graves would go to random concerts and shit. So whatever.
Uh, go speaking of pieces, Goldberg has four matches left in the WWE. Our buddy Tom over at the running, Tommy paradise loves him. Um, four, how are we going to have four matches in, uh, for Goldberg to, to every year?
Yeah, well, I mean, I think well, I don't know crap. Well, I don't know what the deal is with the Saudi deal, you know, in a post-COVID world. I don't know. I was going to say they're going to be Saudi shows, but. But yeah, I wonder what I mean, thought about the fallout on that, like what those what those deals are going to look like. But yeah, surely it's not going to be like mania, you know, like.
Yeah, he might do the big shows, I think. Yeah, he's not gonna be, like I said, Battleground or Payback. Survivor Series, Royal Rumble. It's Goldberg gonna be Mr. Money in the Bank. Oh my God. That'd be great. I could see him being at the Rumble for sure. I could see him being at Money in the Bank. I don't know. I don't know.
We posed a question on the my Instagram. What who people would like to see Goldberg wrestle and like it was so polarizing. Some people were like, oh, I would like to see, you know, Matt Riddle or Keith Lee and, you know, yeah, definitely Matt Riddle. But then some people were like, F Goldberg, go away. Like people were just like, like going ham on Goldberg and get like that post blew up and had like over 100 comments on it. Just like people just like hating Goldberg. I don't know. He's all right.
I mean, he is all right. I mean, he's definitely... He's way over. If you watch any of the WCW stuff, the fans are going nuts for him. Oh, God, yeah. 100%. Yeah, you can say what you want about Goldberg, but he was over like Rover, dude. Yeah. He's still over more than 80% of people in the company now. Yeah, sorry. He's still got a better body at 50-plus years old than I was telling him. Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely looks better than I do. Yeah. 50-plus.
WWE Network Additions and Evolve Praise
We have some new stuff on the network insane clown posse championship wrestling on there
progress and evolve. This is like a best of, I think it's like, I don't think it's like all their stuff. It's like a best of Drew McIntyre, best of Keith Lee, you know, all kinds of stuff. They have their shows on there. Oh, they are separate, like not even. Oh, okay. So they, uh, so the, yeah, they do have the best subs, but if you go deeper and searches, you can actually see like the evolve, all the evolve shows. Really? Pretty much. Yeah. Well, they have like the Walter one.
There's that one with Walter in it. I watched the Keith Lee one. Just just just to see me face. Yeah him and Matt Riddle insane Evolve was like so like just the up-and-coming of like everything like
What I would I wanted to be a W to be it was just like yeah badass wrestling like you look up and down I send you the card one time remember I texted you guys like it was like it was like seven guys from like a W WWE on one card like in just badass matches like Thatcher versus Riddle and all these guys I'm surprising insane Championship wrestling like what is that? I don't know what that is I
That's insane clown policies like like company I've watched our progress WSM X WXW, but yeah, nothing from insane championship You're a guy you're a wrestling guy you gotta watch this I mean, I'm not like religiously watching all of these but I've seen matches from yeah, obviously like if like Walter That's how I found out who Walter was from progress Like I was like, oh I've seen it before obviously was him. I
But yeah, that's pretty cool. I mean, it's, they got to start getting more content. I mean, obviously their ROH thing didn't happen, like you're supposed to. Maybe the T the TNA obviously isn't happening because they have the, that impact plus app with all their content on there. So.
You know, they're going to be mad at more content, especially if they're not raising the price. Yeah. I mean, like, keep putting shit on there for me to watch. The other story I read, which I did, uh, and I did research this. So apparently there's a lot of Bret Hart stuff that has been removed from the WWE network. Have you read this at all? It's a, uh, like stampede wrestling stuff.
No, not even. So the 50 greatest matches. I was going to say the campaign stuff was on there for a short period of time. And then it got like that. You know, they had it pulled off, obviously. But a lot of his documentaries are going off of there. Damn. Oh, hell no. I might cancel my subscription. How are you going to know who's the best wrestler of all time unless he tells you over and over? That's true. You should just know. Yeah. Even he's even have to tell you at this point. You should just know. I was kind of surprised that happened. I was like,
how to be searched and i searched all the titles and they are not on the network which is very surprising so what the hell went on with that i'm about to be pissed off
Triple H has come out and said that the deputy didn't find anything regarding allegations against potential piece of shit. Velveteen Dream. Yeah. So Velveteen Dream came out, came back two weeks ago and apparently it was like a big surprise to everybody. Like, you know, it was not even like talked about backstage with a bunch of people. Like people didn't know he was coming back. He came back with like disgusting bleach Chan and I thought I don't have anything against
Dream like I don't know I mean obviously I don't know anything about the situation other than what the the person people are claiming that he did and then his side of story thing he didn't do it like who freaking knows what what's real and what's not I you know I don't want to make any assumptions however I
Triple H came out and said, because when he came back, people were like, what the hell? We thought he was gone for good. And Triple H was like, you know, we didn't find anything. We looked into this. We care about this, you know, blah, blah, blah. But the people who were making the allegations like came out and said, like, well,
They never came and talked to me. They never interviewed me. Like, what the hell? You know, I mean, how can they say they didn't find anything if they didn't even talk to the people that were making the allegations? You know, so. Well, I get that. But I mean, if they still haven't filed any kind of like criminal things against them, like you haven't gone to like the police department and like you just like tweeted about this. Like, you know, I understand if this happened, like, you know, fucking go to the cops and get this guy put behind bars. I don't want him out there.
Yeah, there should be some formal, there should be some formal process or documentation that they should be able to do and not just, not just be a he said, she did. If you could just say something and get somebody fired, like, you know, if he did it, I want you to go to the cops and I want him to be, I want you to get, you know, taken care of and I want him to be off of my television. But if that hasn't happened yet, whatever. But I mean, I'm still like not leaning toward being a fan of his anymore.
he was he wasn't a like a severe like car accident too that's why he was off tv for a while yeah he wasn't from that wasn't from the whatever was
said on Twitter and social media was he was actually severely hurt in a car accident. So he was actually recovering from that. But it just coincided pretty much at the same time. Yeah. What a freaking ball from Grace. Oh, dude. He was the golden boy. He was the golden boy. I was super high on him, too. I was like, this guy's going to be one of the main dudes on the main roster when he goes up there. And now it's pretty much all up in the air, depending on what they find is true or not.
I know, but even if even if they don't find anything, I mean, it's the court of public opinion. It's a stigma. Yeah. So it's like, yeah, he's still going to have he's still going to have that stigma against him, which is unfortunate. I mean, I don't think anybody should just, you know, be able to just somebody could just say something. And I hate cancel culture. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, as soon as somebody says something, everybody cancel them. You know, people just attack them. Right. Like I freaking I hate that. But I also like I
I don't know. It's just, it's hard to know how to feel. Um, because I definitely, if he did do something inappropriate, I want him held responsible and like, you know, I definitely don't want him like on my, on my TV and I don't want him like, you know, making money at my expense, you know? Um, but if he didn't, then that sucks too. Right? Because people are going to still think that he did regardless. Yep.
Alright, last bit of news, the roster came out for the newest WWE video game, Battlegrounds, and I think our buddy Mike Lanham posted it to our Facebook group.
Wrestling Video Games and Collectibles Talk
It has like a list of like 70 wrestlers, which I was pretty excited about. I mean, Yoko Zuna, Doink, and all kinds of stuff, and it also has a roster of
people that they'll be adding later on. So it looks like, I mean, it's kind of a cartoony type of game. But it is cool that they're going to have a pretty extensive list. I mean, the fiends on there, I mean, pretty much anyone you can think of is on there. Nice. What do you guys think of this? I mean, I tried to tweet the people that made the game and tried to get some free copies for us. That didn't work too well. But you guys didn't get this?
Yeah, probably. I mean, since we're not going to have any, you know, 2K 21 may as well try and see what what Battlegrounds is all about. So yeah, I mean, that's pretty cool. I mean, I think my son will love it. Nash would love it. Shit. It's like more cartoony, like an NBA jam type of video game. So what about you, Marco? Are you a pretty game player, Marco? Yeah, I was I was kind of hating on this game when it first when they first debuted it.
And then as I started looking at trailers and see the different like the roster and stuff like that, I think it's pretty cool, especially the mix of legends that they have in there too as well that are pretty surprising. There's like an actual picture of all the list of 70 characters that are in it and they're not going to be all available at once. It's going to be like kind of like a downloadable thing sort of like they did with 2K.
The 2k series, but yeah, no, I'm pretty excited about it now. It's it's a it's a fun game It's a it's a like a beat-em-up type of game. So yeah much any thought into it. Yeah, it's a button masher Nothing too crazy like their previous case, you know, I like worried about like what what the timing and all that stuff you just kick the crap out of people So yeah, I'm pretty excited about it now Let's get into our go figure segment. I
It's my favorite segment every single week. I got two weeks worth of shit that I gotta talk about that I bought.
A bunch of stuff arrived. I was texting you guys. I was gone, and there was a huge rainstorm back home, and I had a bunch of stuff arrive, and I could see on my ring camera. Basically, I mean, my neighbor across the street said, dude, I can't even see your house. It's raining so hard. I can't go outside and get the stuff.
And it was like hailing. It was like, dude, I've never seen it rain this hard in my life. I was like, please go get it. Did it survive? 100%. 100%. Everything was perfect. I had a macho. I had the frickin' Mr. T. I bought it, but I ended up selling it to a buddy in our group, Lawrence Soto, who lives locally to me.
And I was like, oh, I hope that thing isn't ruined. It was like dry as, you know, a popcorn fart. And I bought Destro, the G.I.J. classified, off of a Macari, and it came the same day. It was perfect. I had my neighbor open up. He was nice enough to take the packages upstairs, open them up, and see if everything was okay. And I felt like a huge loser. I mean, he's seen it in my basement before. He knows it's full of wrestling figures.
It was nice of him to actually open them up and see if everything was okay, but it wasn't like it had medicine in there or something. It was just like stupid shit, but moral of the story is, I think somebody in our group has talked about having a little box at your front door that you can have the people drop stuff off and a lock box type of thing.
But if I lived in like Seattle, I'd probably do that. I don't have one. We used to have we used to have cluster boxes at my old house. Like, you know, like at the end of the street, it was just like a cluster mailbox. So like any of your packages, like they would just put them in like the bigger like package boxes. Oh, they would fit. They would fit in there. Mm hmm. It really depends. If it was like a huge package, they would leave it on your porch. But, you know, figures and stuff like that, they would throw them in the cluster box packages. But yeah, so but here you don't have that. It's just like, you know, your little mailbox out at the end of the road. And then, you know, our little mailman, I think he
There's no I don't know what he thinks that we got going on because we're constantly Getting packages and then constantly like sending packages out now that we have stamps calm like literally Everything is like always waiting for him on the porch, and he's like this little little skinny guy And I'm just like oh my god this poor guy was probably gonna hate this house I know But he's so he's like so sweet like that our mailman, so I love him oh
Nice. That's good. Support your postal service, people. Yeah, they've been working their asses off, man. Yes. The edge heads are in stock, finally, at Ringside Collectibles. You can use our code for Ringside Collectibles, wrestlingfigures.com. Our code is Chick Foley for 10% off. That's the best place to get wrestling figures. I had a bunch of people on our Facebook group say,
Ringside gets too much hate because I've been driving around to five or six different Walmarts trying to find these AEW figures, and they were $24 on Ringside before your discount, and now I'm just driving to stinky Walmarts and getting... I think this is the first time where people are like, oh, I get why Ringside is worth it.
You know, like I think because this whole thing, like driving around, driving around the AEW figures, like all they had to do, all you had to do was pre-order, but you were too damn selfish. So, um.
Yeah. I think people, I think series two is going to see a lot more pre-orders than in series one. Yeah. We had a bunch of people saying like, I'm just, I'm just buying everything off of ringside now. I'm not even racing because once you buy gas, like, you know, like Kenny Dinkins lives up in New York, like, you know, he's paying a shit ton for gas.
Yeah, we had a guy in our group take an Uber, you know, pay for an Uber to go to Wal-Mart. And because they were in stock and then they weren't in stock. So, yeah, it was just it's just bad, bad news. So pre-order people, especially these AW figures, they're like the hottest figures out right now. Like do yourself a favor and, you know, sort them. I tweeted this out. Do you think
What is the ratio of like people are really want these AWW figures versus scalpers know that people want these AWW figures and are grabbing them because When they first came out first off they were delayed two or three weeks from when they told us they were gonna be in the stores And then you know some stores got one or two cases and people were grabbing since the first series people were grabbing the whole series I mean, I I just don't know like
I think it's a mix. I think it's a mix of both. I think you're, I mean, especially with, with any sort of new hotness out there, there's going to be, there's going to be scalpers and there's going to be people that are buying and flipping and especially when it starts to get a lot of traction, you know? And I mean, there's a lot more people that want these figures and there are figures. So the supply is really up or the supply is really down and the demand is really up. And anytime that is the case, um, there's going to be, there's going to be scalpers always. So.
I mean, it sucks. I hate, I hate scalpers. You know what I mean? But it is when you, when you're, it's the nature of collecting, there's always going to be people that are out there hunting and doing the damn thing. And it's unfortunate because, you know, we want everybody to be able to get the things that they want at an affordable cost and not have to pay freaking retail hashtag why you should be in our Facebook group. But yeah, that that's the whole another story. Um, but yeah, I, I,
I don't know. I think, I think it's a mix of both. I've seen people buying like I've been pissed off and see people on Twitter and stuff or Instagram, like have like multiple figures of each one, like buying the whole display. And I'm like, you asshole. Yeah. People just do it because they know other people want it. And I think, no, not, not to plug. I mean, there's been people in our group that have been posting, Hey, I found all these AW figures. What do you want?
And for me, I went to the store. For me, it's like the office episode where Michael went to that bar like the Dave and Buster's bar and he was on a date, but he didn't know he was on a date. So he's just kind of like date Mike. That's how I feel.
Yeah, it was chill. When I go to the stores, I don't give a shit. I don't want any of these AW figures at all. So when I go there, if they don't have them, I'm not upset. If I get them, I'm grabbing them for other people in our group. I did unbox a figure that I grabbed for Brian Baker, the Jericho. It's a great looking figure, man.
and it's also it feels like more solid in your hand than a Mattel figure does and i love that it comes i like the clicking of the joints i think that makes a big difference like you know the pose like that yeah you just feel like bca yeah your figure's gonna stay in that position because it's got those like clicking joints and i love that and i mean the accessories
aren't saying, you know, I mean, like the, the coats and the jackets and the, the bucks, uh, ring gear and intro or entrance gear, like everything just looks phenomenal. I mean, I think the biggest thing with those, everybody was like complaining about the scans, but it's not the scans. I think that just some figures had some like bad pain apps.
You know, and we've seen, I mean, we can bitch and say like, Oh God, I can't believe they made these bad pants. But how many bad pain apps have we gotten from Mattel? Like let's be real. Yeah. You know, I mean, I legit had a Sasha Banks whose eye was like all the way on her nose, you know, like seriously.
Yeah, I mean, it goes both ways for sure. Decade of domination is being moved back. It was a Walmart pre-order. It'll now be arriving the beginning of October instead of the middle of August. I don't know. I ordered the second wave of those because I wanted the Beth Phoenix. That'll probably come in 2024. Yeah.
I know these, you know, they have to do whatever Walmart and Target wants because they're the big retailers and they control what happens on the shelves, but it's just tough, man. I mean, I wish Ringside could get all of these or some of these other websites could get them and just not have to even go into a store anymore.
Yeah, especially right now. I think it's, you know, it's really tough right now just because of the, you know, distribution and all the stuff. And then like the stores, you know, not getting shipments and all their shipments are delayed and they probably have backlog of stuff. And they're, I mean, the thing about Walmart and Target, I mean, they're not just trying to put out figures, they're trying to put out,
fruits and veggies and laundry detergent and housewares and you know, all the things like they could give a shit less. It's a figure sit back there in the back. You know what I mean? They do not care. Um, but speaking of, so we were talking about our AEW figures. I want to go ahead and announce the winners of our AEW contest. So this was for our Patreons. This is a Patreon exclusive giveaway. Um, depending on the tier is how many votes you got, what, what kind of, uh, which tier of Patreon you were in.
So our winners are Christian Toonstra. I think it's how you say his name Toonstra. Oh, yeah, dude. Yeah. Chris. Yeah. Christian's an awesome dude in our, in our group. Uh, his name was drawn first. So he, I will actually get to, um, pick which figure he wants first. And then our second winner is Brian slot. He actually just joined on like Sunday.
So he joined because of the giveaway and then he won the giveaway. So how freaking awesome is that? So congrats Christian and Brian. So that was a, an AEW unrivaled, uh, Cody and Kenny. So Christian, you get to choose whether you want Cody or Kenny, and then Brian will get the other figure.
Yeah, I think not to toot our own horn here a little bit more, but Patreon, I think now, I just got an email that you can sign up for the entire year in advance. Oh, I didn't know that. That's cool. Yeah, they just did it this week. And you get a 15% discount. Oh, that's cool. So a dollar per month is $12 and 15% off. I don't know. I mean, you're basically getting to sign up for our thing for $10 a year.
I mean, we're doing giveaways every week now, every couple weeks. We're doing live videos, articles. Me, Marco, and Shane are writing articles on the website. It's a great place to interact with people and find figures. People are always posting stuff. Yeah, good stuff. Pretty upset about this Decade of Domination, but it is what it is. Coming later this year, Storm Collectibles is coming up with another
Jushin Liger figure this is celebrating the last Years of his career Marco. I don't know. Have you graduated this Marco? No, not yet Every time I go to do it, it's gone They're beautiful figures. Yeah, they're awesome, especially the the Jushin Liger ones I know the the Hogan one's still on ringside collectibles one of the Hogan ones anyway, not all of them But I believe both are back in stock about sure if they're sold out yet
But this one looks pretty sick. It's actually based on what his gear that he wore and his, obviously it's like his active years there. The cape is pretty cool. It's kind of, it looks like if you put it in the light, it turns like different colors and stuff like that, which is pretty awesome. But yeah, definitely, definitely probably gonna pick that one up if not the other ones, if they're still available. Any pickups Marco? I think you have a Holy Grail configure coming tomorrow. So I don't want, I don't want you to spoil that.
from the Phelps is is is. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So I see that I was like, oh, I was like, let me let me complete the tag team of MVP and Mark Henry there. But yeah, now I'm trying to set up like, what was that? What was our song we sang to you? Some bag? Oh, it's a big ship. I was like, I like I legit laughed out loud for some reason. I was like, I'm such a.
that background is
Beautiful figures and Eka is always knocking out of the park with all the air.
Oh, the figures. I don't think they did. You're going to go broke getting into Turtles, man. That is it. That's like a step up. You're leveling up, Marco. This is not good. Only the boobies. That's it. Just the boobies. That's what they all say. I just want to taste. Just the boobies. That's it. That's it. I said, just the GI Joe. Just the bad guy, GI Joe. Yeah. Until you see that bebop from Rocksteady from the cartoon series, and you'll be like, oh my god. I got to get cartoon figures.
too many to bring on, but yeah, definitely those. You get the whole series with us? Just me for my grill, yeah. Except for our brand brand, Lil' Brand Brand, obviously. Yeah, she's hard to find, man. That's a ringside order. That's it, depending right now. I know. And Brandi, did you see that that interview was posted? She posted that she said that she was going to be the second female
Talked crap about her for like, you know six months When it comes to figure she's great, you know, yeah Any other pickups Marco? Did you open your a w figures or no? No, not yet. No, the only one I did was the little bit of bubbly Just to see like how it was like what the build wasn't it?
They're pretty premium. Like you said, they're pretty solid. My first time when you look at them, they kind of look like...
hollow and kind of like flimsy, but total opposite of what you would think if you actually hold one of your hands. I think it's just the, I think it's just the skin tone makes you feel that way. Like once you feel them, like they feel really great, but like that skin tone is a little bit, it's a little bit flat and the paint apps are a little bit flat. So it kind of makes you have that like, since that it's like hollow and stuff, but I think once they get their paint down, there's going to be money. Yeah, I do have a, uh, Daniel, uh, Daniel Cormier, uh, figure coming because that's my twin brother. So I have to have my own action figure of, uh,
of him. So that's the only one out of the UFC group, probably him and maybe John Jones. I got to get, I got to get Connor for sure. Yeah. Connor. Yeah. That's Connor. And I got to get a Nunez to, you know, take on my Ronda Rousey, kick her head off. You know, the Donald Cerrone's are pretty cool. Cause he's, he's the chase out of that. He has like the blue, the blue shorts or the, uh, the white shorts. So, um, those would probably be the probably the, but other than that,
I can't pronounce the other guy's name, I will not even the guy that beat Conor McGregor.
Upcoming Figure Releases and Collecting Trends
It is last night. Israel, don't you? I will not even I will not even try to pronounce it. It's Russian and I'm not even OK. But you're right. Khabib, that's his first name. Khabib, Khabib, yes. But his last name is not even it's not the easiest thing. You should try it, Phil. Look it up. Look up Khabib.
And they try to say, uh, Nirm Gama. Nirm Gama. Nirm Gama. Nirm Mama. Nirm Mama. Nirm Mama. Nirm Mama. No, it's funny because I looked at it too, but then when I was watching that match, like when they say it, it sounds so easy when they say it, you know, they say fluid.
Yeah, they say it just like, you know, but I cannot think of it for the life of me, what the pronunciation is. Say the guy that kicked the crap out of Connor in his last fight. Who just say that? Yeah. There you go. That guy. And then lost his freaking shit and jumped the cage and acted like an ape. That was the most gangster thing I've ever seen in my life. Just hopped on the cage, just kicked the crap out of people in the crowd.
Anyway, this is not turning into a UFC podcast. I can now watch any more fighting. Oh my God. What did you pick up this week, Sheena?
Um, so I got a, um, earthquake Hasbro. And I got the edge heads from ringside collectibles. I only got two. I know they were saying you need to get three, but I'm going to use my ringside exclusive, uh, rated our superstar as the edge for that set. Um, and then just do Zack and Kurt with the, with the edge head. So I'm going to do that. Um, my, our grandma says grandma picked up this at the thrift store. She picked up a, uh, Zack writer, like a little wrestling buddy. It's like the little,
It's smaller than a wrestling buddy. I don't know what they were actually called, but it's like, it's a plush, you know? Um, so she picked that up. So we have a broski plush and then, oh, we got the chalk line raw is war shorts. Those things like sold out like quick. So yeah. Yeah. So that says once he hits 50 pair of shorts, that's going to be the max. And then anytime he gets a new pair of shorts, another pair of shorts has to like, Leo, he has a sell pair of shorts. Really? Wow. Yeah.
I think it's like 39 or 40 right now. Does he have like any like just like Under Armour or Nike short night? Just like, you know, chillin shorts? He does. Well, those are I mean, the the chalk liner who's like chillin shorts. Yeah. That's what he wears to chill around the house now. Yeah. No, he wears them every day.
Um, but yeah, that's what he chills and he does have some like, uh, running shorts. Like he's got some Nike running shorts and stuff that he goes running in. But yeah, if he's just kicking it around the house, or if we're just going to take a trip to the grocery store, he's wearing chocolate shorts too. That's like his, his everyday fit. I love it. Can't, can't complain about that. I mean, they're super comfy, right? You know, the best. Yeah. Um, I picked up, uh, for myself this week.
Ronda Rousey. So that whole WrestleMania of the SummerSlam series is on sale at Target for like 13 bucks. So I picked up Ronda Rousey. Our buddy Daris convinced me to replace the old Ronda Rousey, which I agree with him because she's wearing like a suit, like a woman's pants suit. Yeah. Yeah. You need to ring your Ronda Rousey for sure. So I got that and I picked up Rick Roode and Miss Elizabeth for a couple of our Patreon subscribers because they're super good prices.
You sent me you and Seth sent me the macho man elite from the macho man John Morrison to pack you have and the Randy Orton elite 78, which I appreciate. Thank you I did a video on the Facebook page ringside hooked me up with some retro figure defenders for my entire collection of on card retros and
so I actually I put that on Twitter I put that on a Twitter video and just I just basically sat in a chair and pulled out all my retros and put them in the Defenders and you know, it was the most adult purchase you could ever make but I mean they look great in those things and they've definitely flattened out the cards and I just had him in like a bin that's all sitting on top of each other They're all getting like kind of like smushed in there. Yeah, so it's it's nice. So
I wouldn't buy it for every figure I have, but I think you can see behind me, I think the Ultimate Editions probably warrant some nice figure defenders. Anything you collect that's like a set, you know what I mean? Like if you're getting the entire defining moment set or whatever. I think it's worth the money to get those figure defenders from ringside.
I mentioned I got the Destro GI Joe classified. If anybody sees the Cobra GI Joes and their local targets or Walmarts, hit your boy up looking for those. Grab Mr. T for Lawrence Soto in our group. I grabbed the Jericho AW for Brian Baker.
That's about it for me. I have a couple of things in the pipeline working. I have one more Macho Man Elite and I'll have every single Mattel Elite Macho Man ever made, which feels good and also pathetic at the same time. I know, right? What are you moving on to next?
Oh, I started this Undertaker collection of like the... That's right. Yeah, like the kind of the cheesy, like the... Unball. Master of the universe and all this. So I did buy that. I got the Undertaker zombies figure from Makari and our buddy Brian Parrish sold me the Undertaker, the monsters one where he has like wings that hasn't come in yet. So I'm not going to go too crazy with that. I mean, there's so many different Undertaker. I can't go down that Undertaker.
an Undertaker. No, he's got a bajillion elites. Jesus, he has so many. I mean, I want that one that's coming out with the kind of like the timeline on the back, the 30 year one, but that's about it. Yes. Yeah.
We also should say, we didn't talk about this during the Thunderdome. If someone can get on that Thunderdome thing and wear a Chick-Fully shirt, we basically. That would be mage. Yes. I'm trying. Don't worry. Yeah, we need to hook that person up with something like, I'll buy you any figure you want off a ringside, basically. I don't care about them. Not you. I'm just trying to get on myself. Are you trying to get on? Well, yeah, no, I have a bookmark and everything, the site.
Um, cause I went on to do the, the Smackdown one, but it was, it lets you go through the whole registering process. Yeah. And once you like, I did agree to the terms and conditions, it goes, Oh, we're full. This has already been filled. It's like, why don't you just tell me at the beginning, would you let me go through the whole, that's what happened to me now, my email and all that stuff. Um, so supposedly they do it for a summer slam as well. Um, I'm assuming it's going to be midnight again or early, early in the morning on, uh, like, uh, maybe Saturday or something like that. So I'm going to check.
say up to like 1201 in the morning and just refresh it and see if it pops up because, did you hear what I said? That'd be pretty sick. Oh my God. That'd be awesome. It's a great idea to get people involved and like interested in the product and like, you know, engaged and things. Yeah. Speaking of that, we, we talked about, um, in the group, but we haven't, we obviously haven't talked about it here. They're, they're opening up like access spots.
for virtual meet and greets for superstars. So, you know, instead of doing like, you know, obviously the meet and greet, um, I, it's not something I would do because I want to meet people in person. I'm not interested in doing a zoom call with Seth Rollins, but the cool thing I thought about this, cause I was kind of like, what the hell? I mean, the price tag is kind of steep. Like it's like 125 for a meet and greet. And it's like, I don't know. I think it's like two minutes, um, two minutes max.
Hey, it might not even be two minutes, but it's two minutes max. Um, but then it's like $50 more for like an autograph, um, which is crazy. But the cool thing about this is, is like, there's so many people out there that don't ever get the opportunity to go to these big live events where they have like access opportunities and you know, meet and greets and all that kind of stuff. Or, you know, they have kids that, you know, your kids are too young. You wouldn't take them to the event, but like they could sit at home and like,
have a call with Seth Rollins or Bayley or whoever their favorite thing is. And I think that's really cool that there's going to be so many people that wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to meet their favorite superstars are going to get to meet them. So even though it's not for me, I know it's like an open up an opportunity for a lot of people. And I'm really stoked about that. Yeah, definitely. I think they're all sold out now. I'm trying to see. I'm on the website now. Yeah. Sold out. They got it. Yeah.
It's pretty sweet. That'd be cool if they did these like just not during pay reviews like once a week like or one every day of the week just do one different person that let the wrestlers make some extra cash and like give me like 75 bucks to meet uh I don't know Otis or something I would do it. Yeah. My kid would love it you know.
Yeah. That's it for Go Figure. Let's get into the UFC. We talked about these UFC Series 2 figures. They're going to be the same size. They're going to be in scale with the WWE AEW figures. Amanda Nunez, Conor McGregor, and Israel Adanisha, right?
No. I don't. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. Uh, so pretty cool. I mean, I don't know why they made the first round. Were they the ones that are out now in stores? Yeah. Why are they five inches? Well, yeah, they're like a limited. Yeah. You need that extra inch Marco. Yeah. Yeah. You do. Especially, you know, they, she, she, she would definitely want them in scale if she's in a purchase those ones, but, uh, yeah, I guess they were, uh,
They're limited edition, so they won't be obviously around anymore. Even if you see the packaging, there's a little gold sticker that says 2020 limited edition. So those figures aren't going to be around. It was probably just like a first run just to see how they do, like the UFC figures by Jazzwares. So I don't think they were meant to be in scale with every other figure. That's why they announced the Series 2.
Which is like I say, which is pretty cool. I think you guys said you guys earlier. It's awesome that there's, you know, there's ladies at the first, uh, in the first run, which is pretty sick. Obviously you're going to put Conor McGregor. He's the biggest MMA star there is even though that he's not fighting right now. Um, he's a name, so you definitely want him out there. Um, you want to have him scale against your, your other figures. Of course you want to put Conor McGregor against someone in your collection. I'm not sure who someone probably has a dream match out there. Matt Riddle, I don't know, Brock Lesnar.
Keith and Dango. Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins, yeah. Conor McGregor, it's a shameless.
Seamus, duh. Those would be great promos. Conor McGregor versus the Bulldog. Bulldog, yeah. Oh, did you like that? On SmackDown, did you like where Seamus just walked up to, they had like some security guards guarding the door. It just told him like, hey, go away. Yeah, yeah, go home. Go home, you guys are the night off. I was like, what? Is Seamus now the, he's the head of security now? He can take care of retribution by himself, he's fine.
I did want to show you guys this. I picked these up at somebody in the Major Brothers Patreon group posted about these. This was at Ollie's for $2.99. Okay.
It says 40 posters in it. Yeah, it's right. Yeah. I bought eight of them. So if you guys each want one, I'll send you one. They have like the Royal Rumble 92. They have like, they're all that's really thick like a poster board. There's like 40 different posters in here. I'm sending this one to Mike Lanham. But if, I mean, I couldn't believe it. And it's pretty badass looking. I mean, you could frame them look really nice. They have like all of the biggest paper views in there. So, uh,
Pretty good stuff. So another pickup I had. Really get that in there.
Ollie's check your Ollie's, check your local Ollie's if you have an Ollie's nearby. I don't know, I don't know if we have Ollie's here to check. I don't know where Ollie's started, but we'll have to see where those are. A.W. Figures, there was a, I think Jeremy Padour did that video. We'll just run through this really quickly. A.W. Figures will be available at Target in 2021 in the spring. Series 2 is expected to ship from Hong Kong. I don't know why they had to specify the city.
in early September, looking for a mid to late October release in stores. Obviously, you can just order those from Ringside Collectibles and not have to worry about hunting those down. AEW entrance stage could be a possibility, but it's going to be made of cardboard. And the one I have that was from Wicked Cool Toys, my cat ate the shit out of, so I don't recommend... They're nice looking.
But if they're going to go with the cardboard route, it just gets, you know, if you have a pet or something or, you know, or like a five-year-old that just mashes it up, it's just going to get messed up. Yeah. AEW manager figures are a definite possibility, like Arne Anderson and Taz. I would hope they would just call those legend figures instead of manager figures, but whatever. It'd be cool to get those.
Stanley Guevara and with the golf cart is in the works as was Sue in the van being a potential option later on so they're doing some cool stuff there down the line AW figures will be available at Walmart in Canada as well as smiths and or Smith's how we pronounce that in the UK Smith so that's good and future AW figures will have a matte finish skin tone and
than the glossy one they have currently. I thought the one they have now is more of a matte, I feel like.
It's got a little bit of a sheen to it. I think it's gonna be more like what we see what we see with Mattel, you know Yeah, okay makes sense. Yeah, that's only can play they're kind of pale some of the figures But I did pick up I wish you could remember his Twitter name I picked up that the young box from my son and I'll put up with that on the next episode he hooked it up for me, so appreciate that
Let's get into quarantine and chill, guys. This is sponsored by our friends at Omage. Do you have any other figure news or something you want to talk about before we get over here? No? Okay. Dang it. Nope. Use code CHICK for 20% off of Omage. They have a ton of wrestling figure stuff there. Oh, what? Somebody posted about this at Legends, the WWE Legends thing on the... Oh, man. WWE Shop. We have to talk about that. Oh, my gosh. Jesus. The Legend Shop. The Legend Shop. There's only one Legend. They're about to steal my wallet.
It's broken up by I mean there's like 30 macho man t-shirts in there Did you see the did you see the special? Gift the gift box that they have on there and who's who's prominently displayed your boy? That's pretty sick yeah
The best thing is they have this. They have these Bret Hart crew neck shirts come in black, white and gray. It's got like shades says Bret Hart. Oh my God. You know, crew neck shirts, you know, one of my favorite shirts, you know. Listen. I love Bret Hart. I'm sorry. I can't. You have to follow. What do you call it? Do you guys, do you guys follow Big's video?
Mm hmm. He actually had to make my MIG. Yes. Yeah. He makes a lot of designs for chocolate. Yeah. So he he's he's actually his designs are in the warrior gift set that they have. He was giving you a hard time. But that that warrior gives that is actually pretty cool. And for the price, you get a lot of stuff, dude. Yeah, it's pretty insane. Yeah. Yeah. He I he posted on his on his Instagram and then I commented on it.
And he posted that he's honored and proud to work on that. It's pretty cool. I like the fact that these guys are getting the chances to work with the WWE and all these other different companies and stuff like that to show off their artistic skillset. It's insane, especially like it lives on forever. People are taking whatever you create as art, and they're keeping it as collectibles forever.
Yeah, it's just pretty cool like just just knowing that you like you have something out there that like people are clamoring for especially if it's something like a warrior or a Macho man or something like that, you know, people are gonna like they're gonna want it and especially if the artwork is is a Top-notch and definitely gonna go for it. So yeah, I big them up for that. That's pretty that's pretty cool that uh, he's a part of that but yeah that legends shop is a
Insane yeah, I want it look kind of looks like a fake website almost when you go on is a is this really? But it is it's a WWE shop but for legends essentially I don't know why it took this long to freakin do this. This is what people want This is why people go to homage and chalk line like You know, you're just making more money and you're giving you know, if you're selling their stuff like, you know You're probably taking a dollar or two or whatever. I don't know what it is Good stuff
Other than that quarantine and show any any new shows you have a good show to recommend that you guys should watch Just a timeline. Did you have you guys watch any of the timelines yet the did you Brian? It's okay, I mean it's nothing new it's nothing you're not learning anything new it's basically like I went hard Bret Hart the timeline of when they kind of like started breaking up a little bit into like their matches it was good and
You know yeah, it would definitely be good It's almost like cliff notes for like people that don't watch wrestling You know I mean like exactly if you wanted to show someone that the few between Owen and Brett that would be a perfect thing for them to watch Yeah, like they have that like something like that will probably show up on peacock or yeah, one of those uh one of those streaming platforms that they're starting to distribute their stuff the uh the this Daniel Bryan one was pretty cool too you get to see their whole
the rivalry from the beginning. Yeah, from the very beginning. All the way up to their matches that they had, I was almost going to say recently, which were kind of recent. But other than that, yeah, I haven't been watching really anything. I've been watching, I'm not sure if I mentioned this.
Uh, tapping into the, uh, the shutter app. Have you ever heard of this? Yeah. Um, I've always wanted, I always hear it on like, cause I listened to a ton of like true crime podcasts and stuff and like horror podcasts. And so I always hear them talk about shutter, but it's something I've never dove into because I don't even get to watch horror movies on like my regular streaming platforms. But I've heard a lot of people that I know and trust their opinions say like shutters really good. Yeah. There's a lot of original movies that they have over there as well as exclusives. Like they had the, uh, I think I said the three from the three from hell was on there. That's
It's pretty insane. I've been watching a lot of horror movies for some reason. I don't know why. It's a season, man. It's freaking August. It's time for that. I've been getting to those. I'm not sure if you guys have ever seen. I probably mentioned this before, like the VHS series. Have you ever seen these? It's like V dash. Oh, yeah. Dash. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I haven't seen the third one yet. It's the that's the more like the updated like it's a viral. It's VHS viral. It's called something like that.
Oh, I haven't seen that one. I've only seen the first two. Yeah, the first two are freaking. I watched those like late at night one night. I woke up like so creepy. The one was the one where the chicks are in the hotel room and like they like have the people. It looks like somebody's like breaking in every night and like looking over them. Oh, my God. Yeah. It's so scary. It is like the most terrifying thing to me. I don't know. Like those it's like a little anthology series of like little like tales, you know, like it's a little short stories and they are so freaking scary.
Yeah, there's one that's like a webcam one. I think it's on the first one where it's like a long distance relationship, and he's like a doctor. Yes. She's at her apartment, and they're just like talking, and she's like saying she's seen ghosts and stuff like that. You just see stuff happening behind her. I have a basic mistake of watching that later. It's on some others. The first two are on another streaming platform, because we have it. We don't have Shutter. So if you look up VHS.
It was on Pluto, the Pluto app. Have you guys ever heard of that? I've never heard of that. It's live TV. So it's basically like all a bunch of it's it's it's backed by like a lot of networks and stuff like that. So it's it's actual networks. It was like there's MTV's on it, VH1, all these different things. You can watch like a channel. People still watch MTV. Yeah, I mean, yeah, you can watch like a whole channel dedicated to Rock of Love, like they're like the Rock of Love channel. You can watch all the episodes of Rock of Love if you want to, which I do because
Well, my my quarantine and chill suggestion is this podcast. It's just started. It's like only on like the third episode, which I hate when I find a podcast and it's like in real time, because I like to like binge. Yeah, you can't binge it. It's like, you know, like, no, I have to wait till next Wednesday. Are you freaking kidding me? It's called the Piketon Massacre.
And it's about this, um, on November 13th, 2018, six members of the Wagner family. Oh, no, no, no, sorry. Sorry. The Wagner family is the ones that actually got arrested, but they like killed this other family, like it was supposedly. So we're finding out whether they killed him or not. But, um, this whole family, like this whole family, they got like annihilated, like they all lived in like the same little like street and like they all got shot, like execution style. And it was like eight members of the family.
got killed and they're like, you know, we're working our way through the, the ins and outs of the case and all of that kind of stuff. So yeah, the pike, the pike didn't massacre. So
Well, it sounds pretty exciting and pretty like uplifting, you know, pretty good. Oh, it's totally, it's totally, it's going to like leave you in like the best mood ever. No, there's another, there's another podcast. Um, I, I've, my friend recommended it to me like so many freaking like months ago and I just never really got into it, but it's called morbid. It's another true crime podcast that I absolutely love. So if you listen to feel like that kind of stuff you're into, if your heart can take it morbid and the piketon massacre.
I've subscribed to both now. I have to say, maybe the best show that HBO has put out in the last 10 years is now on Lovecraft Country.
Show Recommendations
You need to watch the show. Wait, what? The show is called Lovecraft Country? Lovecraft Country, yes. I see the ads for it, yeah.
It's really good. It's kind of, I don't know if you've ever watched True Blood. It's kind of like a 1950s version of True Blood, but with like kind of more like racial undertones. It was really, I mean, it was like the scariness of like having some monsters in it, but also the scariness of like
dealing with like over racism yeah yeah just 1950s terrible racism but uh really really good has a ton of potential has a good really good cast and um you know i've been down on hbo dramas here in the past produced by jj abrams yeah yeah yeah so it's really good there's some well-known people on it too so uh check it out there the first it's one of those things also like i forget like shows don't have like
Like, I watched the first episode and I have to wait until next Sunday to watch the second episode. I'm like, damn it! I don't want- We're used to this Netflix experience where they just drop everything on us. Just binge it like a weekend, yeah. Yeah. And I've been wanting to watch this movie, I think I talked about it the last time I was out here, American Pickle. Can one of you watch this for me, please? Yeah, I think you mentioned that. Yeah, my wife refuses. She's like, refuses to watch it.
We're currently watching The Last Dance, so we're way behind. We're living in March. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's what we watch. My parents are never watching. My dad's a sports fan. So we would come home from, we'd order takeout at the beach and just play games or just chill at the place when the little kids were asleep. And I was like, I'll just put on Netflix. And I was like, oh, OK. I'm not going to put a movie on. Let's just put on The Last Dance.
and my parents and my wife and my sister were amazed by it. My wife was like, was Michael Jordan really good? I was like, I don't think you understand. None of them really watch sports, besides my dad. Even people that don't like sports can really watch that and just be amazed by it.
I think it's really cool because it's going to introduce Michael Jordan to a whole new generation of people. We forget because Michael Jordan is the biggest sports icon of our lifetime, pretty much. I mean, I don't even want to say pretty much. He is the biggest sports icon of our lifetime. But there is a whole generation of people right now that have never seen Michael Jordan dribble a basketball, shoot a basketball, nothing. Don't even know who Michael Jordan is. They know Air Jordans. They don't even know that there was a guy named Michael Jordan who invented Air Jordans.
You know what I mean? They think it's a brand. They do them as an emoji. A crying meme. Yeah, a crying meme. Exactly. And I just think it's going to be really cool for them to be able to go and see that and watch that and be like, oh, damn. I need to go watch some Jordan stuff on YouTube. So yeah, we're watching that. And it's just freaking excellent. I think we're on episode four or five right now. So we've got six episodes to go, I think.
Nice. Yeah, that's good shit. All right. Good stuff. Quarantine and chill. Random merch. I want to know what this is, Marco. Marco Ben is some good random merch. Yes, it's a weird one. So apparently someone on eBay is selling from SummerSlam 2002 a physician, I can't even talk, physicians report.
So it's a, so all like the wrestlers have a, uh, physician check them out before they compete and all that stuff. So this is a page, um, from a physician's report that is actually signed by all the wrestlers at this physician actually checked out. So divans on there, um, test, uh, Booker T, Chris Jericho edge and the rock. Their actual signatures are on here and you can see their blood pressure at the time as well as their pulse. Wow.
And it's $19.99, not $20, though. No. $2,000. You get all these signatures. It's insane. You can see their actual, like, report, like, their health report from here. Is that some sort of, like, HIPAA violation or something? I mean, it's 2002, so I mean. Statue of limitations are probably going. Yeah, that's true. Who's Robert Stetkowski? I don't know. So if you look at the description, it says,
uh it was signed by let's see let's see so it's like chris sharko edge book a t test steve on delhi and rob vedam so that's rob vedam's actual name it is yeah it is yeah i bet i'm a bit confused over what to what to sign do i sign my real name or do i sign
Well, if you see they actually put yeah put their actual tea point of the seas yeah, yeah, you know Dwayne Johnson and he puts a rock in the next section so they edge Adam Copeland he puts edge next to it. So again, I think they didn't test like I said tennis isn't there but yeah, it's pretty cool like yeah, I mean they're not sure if it's worth
dollars instead of Beckett grade case so that's pretty cool he's pretty legit so 1999 and 95 cents you can own a piece of medical history yeah yeah and also 1995 shipping yeah they actually have really good uh
Blood pressure as well They do yeah, yeah really good 124 over 82 and 120 over 78. That's Test had some damn good blood pressure Jericho's 130 over 85. Yeah edges 122 It's pretty insane. Yeah
Hell yeah man, that's what happens when you work out all the time. All right, good stuff. This is one of my favorite matches, maybe of all time, definitely one of my favorite Bret Hart matches of all time. Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week, sponsored in part by our friends at ProWrestlingTease.com, where you can get the brand new Chick Foley show t-shirts. Bret Hart versus Mr. Perfect, and a Intercontinental Championship match.
It doesn't get much better than this, man. This is this is peak Mr. Perfect. Yeah. Brad, Brad, one of the pretty crazy stretchers. Ninety one, the ninety two, he had the bulldog and then just like ninety three. Yeah, this like launched Brett Singles career. Yeah. This is like freaking. It was just amazing. Yeah. If he had Brad, if he had Owen in ninety three, he would have had like the best three year like match spread because the ninety four was the Owen hard match.
the cage match that they had at server slam. It was 93, uh, Laula. 93 was Laula. Yeah, I wasn't in it. Yeah, King in the ring. Yeah. But yeah, it kind of like faltered there, but yeah, if they, you put those, all three of those matches back to back, like you had like the, like the, one of the best stretches as far, and all those matches are phenomenal. That's like, obviously the bulldog once held it as like one of the best matches ever. Um, this one's,
damn close to it yeah i mean that i don't know this i don't i don't know i mean i like them both but this one's pretty freaking excellent i mean that counter into the sharpshooter is just like oh my god i mean if you just like lose your freaking mind you know what i mean you're like oh my god it's the sharpshooter he kicked out of the the the perfect flex which no one has done up until that point i believe so
There's some pretty epic things that happen to that match. It's definitely worth the watch. It's a summer slam match. I wasn't going to go bash at the beach or a great American bash, but I mean, it's summer slam weekend. You got to go with a match and it has to be retro. I was going to go with something more recent, maybe like not recent, like 98, 99, but I was like, let's go a little bit further back and go to
It's a current wayback machine. Yeah. Brett would appreciate us picking this match as well, because he blows up. It's perfect. What do you like better, this match or the Roddy Piper match from WrestleMania 8 or 7? Oh, that's a tough one. That's a damn good match. Oh, good. I think this one's better. The WrestleMania match has more storyline drama in it with the bell and all that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. The metrics are definitely there more for the WrestleMania match, but I think just all in all, like good quality technical match like this one is really, really good. Yeah. This is perfect was like perfect. Perfect. Oh, man.
What a dad joke. All right. So that's the show for tonight. We will be back next week with our recap. I guess we will recap. SummerSlam and NXT will preview. Oh my god. We're going to be, I want to go on vacation next week too. We're going to preview payback and we'll preview AEW, double or nothing, all out nothing. Whatever. That's a lot of, it's just going to be all pay per views. Yeah.
But I'm excited about chatting with you guys this weekend on discord over some adult beverages and I am getting kind of the feeling that fall is almost here. Now that medications over, I don't know if it's just me being selfish. 90 degree weather is gone now. Yeah, it is. It's been pretty cool up in these parts as well. It's been like 70, 80 degree weather. It's not as humid anymore yet. It's creeping up.
The fall weather is approaching. We'll see. The first time Nash asked to watch Hocus Pocus, that'll be the official start of fall. Yeah. Yeah.
I am, um, I'm ready. I'm ready for a nice fall season where I'm not like super pregnant. That will be nice because my first, my first fall last year I was like big and pregnant and I was hot all the time. It didn't matter if it was like nice and breezy outside. I was like, Oh, yeah. We get to wear a sweet chick fully jacket soon. Now that's good. Oh man. Yeah. Yes. A sweet chocolate and jackets that we have.
Hell yeah, shout out to Choclin. Hit us up this weekend if you want to talk wrestling on social media. Again, it's at Chick Foley's show on Twitter, at Chick Foley on Instagram. We'll be interacting with you guys all weekend long over NXT on Saturday and SummerSlam on Sunday. We appreciate the support. The number has been great. Hopefully those that won those giveaways will be hitting us up. And we have some new giveaways coming up next week.
We appreciate it. We thank everybody for the support. And anything else you guys want to add before we get out of here? It's still early. Have a good weekend. Yeah, it's really not even midnight yet. You know, this is weird. Yeah. Hey, listen, I'm going to get some nice sleep tonight. I'm not complaining at all. Oh, man. Both kids are still asleep. They also be up. My kids are not sleeping good. Yeah. Oh, no. And I want to I don't want to get in. I don't want to get into it.
So for Marco and Sheena, I'm Phil Gentile. Thank you guys for listening. We appreciate it. And hit us up on social media. Stay classy, folks. We'll be back and talk to you next week. See you. Let's keep that. I'm serious. Don't delete that. What about you, bro?
I ain't never seen no selling. Oh my god. Yeah, he Nella audio I'm top billing all of my boys dope dealing super whack I'm no villain nigga try to take my flow
Gotta take care of my kids Handlebars, handle my beers I repeat, there's no dares I would never tell no veils Spit, but I wear no bills Never try to take my flow Who the hell do you think he is? I just wanna make my dough Gotta take care of my kids