Episode 020 - AcoLIKE / Technical Difficulties image

Episode 020 - AcoLIKE / Technical Difficulties

S1 E20 · Just Shillin'
43 Plays4 months ago

Note: There were some connectivity issues during this weeks pod so there might be some odd cuts. 🤷

This week Shawn and Andy talk about Andy's wild week and weekend, high school graduations, Furiosa Lite, Shawn's ridiculous internet connectivity issues, and this obscure show called The Acolyte

Connect with us via our website https://justshillin.com or send us an email/voicemail at [email protected]

Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

No chapters this week. I spent all of my time editing the pod... 🤦

Hello again, and welcome to episode number 20, big two zero of Just Showin'. I am your lovely, grizzled host, one of them. My name's Andy Bell. And I'm Jessica Sideways. um And I'm here to um say that I think that this probably may well be our worst podcast ever because we're both absolutely battered. Absolutely battered. No, I'm Andy Bell. That was Sean Hoffman. How are you doing mate? I'm stoked to speak to you. It's only been a week but I tell you what dude, it feels like an eternity because I have had
two or three weeks of relatively mediocre stuff going on. And the last week, despite what we're going to talk about later on, has been absolutely <unk> mental. So Sean, how are you, buddy? I think I'm in the same boat. i mean i I mean, it doesn't sound like mine has been nearly as crazy as yours, but it's been it does feel like it's been forever. um I am currently in Indiana now on my tour tour the US again. um I've been hanging out here with family. My niece graduated from high school. And so we're doing the whole graduation and yay and an open house thing. She's the the oldest grandkids. So it's the whole rigmarole. So yeah. yeah not the first is now The first is always important for that for the for the grandparents. So yeah. Yay for that. Fantastic. yeah
Yep, yep, yep. And so ah it's warm. It's nice and humid here. Cats have been loving window time, checking out the birds. There's bird feeders right outside the window. So they have just been having a ball. I think this is their favorite place ever. um Other than that, man, we've just been, you know, working, hanging out, um, being busy. I've got some, I got some cool new, I've watched some stuff. There's been some cool, neat things that we'll talk about later. Um, I've got really behind on my podcast, so I've also been catching up on a lot of those. So it's like, it's kind of a whirlwind, but I'm trying not to, I'm trying to avoid like the most recent ones because I wanted to come into this fresh. Um, but yeah, I did, I did catch up on, uh, on a bunch of them other than that, man. I've been.
I'm good, I'm good. Howard, I want to hear about your ah your adventures. You seem like you've got ah got some got some exciting things to talk about. Yeah, it's been a good week. It's been a really, really good week. I mean, first off, um first off we had last week, the the um I spent some time with Josh and Catherine over on the Star Wars Spout Arts podcast to um just chew the fat and basically discuss what our thought ah early thoughts were for for the acolyte, which we'll talk about later on. um Really interesting to see some of the stuff that I was thinking about and some of the stuff that I was concerned about really was quite dealt with very, very effectively in the first two episodes this week.
um but yeah no i am um i am talking to you um a somewhat enlightened person this last week because i have had like i said a couple of really really quiet weeks and then at the weekend um so sorry let me go take a step back thank you josh uh it was awesome speaking to you both um and i have to say Can i take it for granted that you speak to these folks or you engage with these folks in discord or in or in some sort of social media manner and it's been so long since i've spoken to both of them face to face as it were albeit virtually.
um thought i I missed it so much and it was it was for me really quite cathartic just just speaking to both of them about you know just chewing the fat and stuff and it was it was freaking awesome that it makes you realize just how much I miss them um despite the fact that we you know via one way or another, we're kind of engaging with each other all the time, but but just just talking to them face to face was brilliant. um So I'm really grateful that he that he invited me to the the podcast. But yeah, that they then then we had, I think I gave you the the heads up last week that um went to a three day festival. So it was 12 hours. So from 12 noon to 12 midnight, ah for three days straight, um we had a festival locally, it was relatively
I would say it's low key but it was a very family friendly kind of festival. It wasn't like in the UK if you know Glastonbury or or read the Reading or ah or Leeds festivals. They're quite they're quite you know hardcore when it comes down to not only the lineup, but also the type of people that go there. It was ah it was a more family friendly um ah festival, um but it's only two or three miles away from where we live. So which is the reason why we do it. And we've done it every year since this has been around because we you know we we tried to pretend that we're still young, but also the line that typically are
little bit older bands that that we used to relate to when we were kids. um And it was ah it was all right. I mean, i mean the the lineup itself was all right. It was um it was very much akin to de Lucy's test taste, sorry, rather than mine. um in that um There's an awful lot of um popular bands there that played. So if you if you know Texas, you know, I don't want to love her. Yeah, um ah Texas ocean color scene, the feeling, an awful lot of that kind of late 80s 90s bands, early ah early early noughties bands that kind of played and they were they were very much in the
that that that that that the the popular, the pop charts um at the time. But there's a couple of bands that that that I really wanted to see. And one was, um the first one was, I don't know if you guys would, it would even resonate with you guys. But there's a band in the 90s called the stereo MC. Stereo MC is kind of like a, I'll call it a rap-funk band. The best I can do is dance, brown rap, and funk. um um And they still they still absolutely slap, um despite being you know of my generation. They still absolutely slap and did a really, really good job. A couple of surprises. They're the future heads.
um are a prominent British band who do an awful lot of stuff in um the UK charts. I never really liked their mainstream stuff, but seeing them live, they're amazing. So for instance if you're into a little bit of scar, like the the the yeah um but the the original jam, or indeed um cross with a little bit of harder I don't want to call it punk because it wasn't in my mind it's not punk, but they call themselves punk, like the Stranglers or indeed the Clash. um They kind of sit in that kind of genre and they were they were better live than they are, than they ironically than they are um in their mainstream releases. um But ultimately it was a chance for us all to get together and with with friends, really good friends that we've had for many, many years.
and get absolutely wasted. I mean, the idea of being a festival, you're allowed to camp over. um We chose the camping option, but we came back every single night. The reason why we chose the camping option is that we were able to set up a little tent there and fill it with all, of course, our food and our booze for the weekend rather than have to traipse it backwards and forwards over the weekend. So we have a little safe space to go to. Yeah, we we set up a little home base only two or three miles away where we could store everything ah because it's safe. It's safe. and you know we we you know It's a relatively safe festival. No one's going no one's going to pinch anything. And we like we had we had some fun.
um And the girls came back for the Saturday night and they broke me again. Nice. They broke me again. It's like, Dad, do you fancy this little bit of this little drinky? Or do you fancy this little drinky? And like a fool, I went along with it again and they were partying all night. having a good time and I was out absolutely wasted. Anyway, I did it. I survived. I survived um ah three days solid and yeah, got to Monday morning where it was the first day back at work and I was a mess, an absolute mess dude. I had a nine o'clock meeting.
had a nine o'clock meeting that first morning and I had to explain myself. I honestly had to, it's the first time ever in my life that I've never been able to disguise it because I was in such, I was in such a state that I had to say, look guys, this is what's happened to the weekend. I'm really, really sorry, but I had a great time with my family. You know, forgive me. And they were, they were, they were all cool about it, thank goodness. But yeah, I was in a right state for at least 24 hours. Then, Um, my working week took me to Munich. Um, and I'm thinking, you know, I've got two, two or three days in Munich, uh, meeting up with a few folk and getting a few things done, uh, which are, which are a priority at the moment, which was great because the daytime was absolutely fantastic and was really, really productive. And of course these guys go to go out in the weekend, go sorry, go out in the evening as well. So, uh, you oblige because you want to be polite and, um,
Yeah, we're now at Thursday and I honestly feel as if I probably need to go into a coma or and induce a coma for about a week or so just to get over this because i'm not I'm not lying to you mate, I i feel quite... ah feel quite beaten up by this whole process but it's been it's been good it's been good fun it's been really really good fun and then you know what it's like we'll go we'll go to a stoic couple of weeks from now on and then sorry for for the next couple of weeks or so until the next one and it'll be absolutely fine but good god uh i'm rather proud of myself um so yeah that's that's been the last week for me mate
I mean, I think that thats a and mine pales in comparison because the most exciting thing that like really kind of happened with me was at that high school graduation. So I went I went to a very small high school. um And yeah this this was a this is a not small high school that she goes to. um Not not massive, but it's pretty pretty big. And um I think like six or seven hundred kids graduated. um Yeah. And what I was amazed by, but one, well one, it was held in like the practice arena for where like one of our professional American football teams, like practices. Um, and they had a concession stand open for the, for the graduation. So like, that was the best graduation I've ever been to, because you could get like press big pretzels or nachos and stuff like that. Uh, while watching kids walk the ceremony, cause it took.
forever It took so long. You know, I am in awe. I'm in awe of you guys because, I mean, I went to a state, what we call state school over in the UK. So I went through the regular, you know, the the free education system that is available here. And it's all right. I mean, a lot of it depends on your state of mind as to how you want to do in life and the rest of it. But ultimately, you get the basics. ah When you graduate in inverted covers, which means in in our vocabulary, it means you pass your exams, now go. It literally is that. Now go. yeah You don't graduate.
you you you literally you literally You have um revision time to learn everything that you need to before you sit these exams. You then sit the exams and then you're done. And then and then and then at some point you um you pick up your exam results and work out how well you've done as to whether you can go to the university that you want to go to or or whatever you know you you may not choose to go to higher education. But the point being is that or further education, sorry. ah but but you but you But you basically, you go, there is no there is no leaving due. Now in recent years, that's changed an awful lot. And I think that an awful lot of the u the of UK schools now um have
leaving proms that that that perhaps ah replicate what what what you guys do. But there's no but there's no actual ceremony. It's just a bunch of kids getting together and saying, hey, listen, we've passed our exams. We've gotten to university or we all we're going you know go to go now move on into gainful employment. Let's go out for a party. And they organize it themselves. There's nothing like a school orchestrated um graduation ceremony like you guys have. And I'm in awe of that because one thing that One thing that I felt until I'd landed, shall we say, in a decent job, was that the pressure never stops. So you never get a chance to celebrate your high school. You never get a chance to celebrate properly the end of your university.
You know, it's it's kind of like, and you guys do it really, really well. i know I know you sprinkle it with a massive amount of cheese, which I love. But the point being is you actually celebrate the achievement these kids have done. And and we don't don't we don't do it. and um' And I'm gutted for that really, especially when it comes down to my own kids. Oh, it's yeah, it's it's closing a chapter. I think that's like the biggest thing. It's like it's less. Yeah, I think a lot of people look at it's like, oh, the the ceremony is so cheesy, but it's like now the older I get the more I'm like, no, it's more about like it's a pretty big chapter. It's a pretty big chapter. And I think it's also kind of that drawing that line in the sand. It's like you don't have to be that person that you wore previously. This is this is a this is a jumping off point, whether it's.
going into gameful employment, whether it's continuing your education or or whatever, or or military service or anything like that. But it's like, hey, you've done this for 12 plus years, however long and that is now done. And now it's it's up to you. You you are set forth onto the world and go for it. Now it gets even worse. Now it's time to pay for things even more than you already know. It's life. Yeah. No, that's cool. i'm I'm really happy for you. And it's your niece, isn't it, that's graduated? Yep. Yep. It's my niece, my oldest niece. Yeah, that's cool. that's That's really cool. Please give her our congratulations, because that's that's that's really awesome. What else are you going to be up to? I'll be like, I'll be like, allie Andy, Andy says congratulations. He's like, Andy who? I'm like, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Just know that he is very happy for you. I said we, I said we collectively, collectively we.
Us and our many listeners. There's dozens of us. There's literally dozens. We're an army. So, dude, what about the news this week? I've got to admit, mate, mine's relatively short-winded because i've I've not been spiritually or physically here for for for a week. so um Anything in the news? I've got i've got one thing. i've got I've got one. Because I think there's also an element of me too where it's like, you know, with...
with some of the things that I've watched and, you know, the acolyte and stuff coming out. um Like, I just don't I just don't care. Like, I haven't cared about what like all the all the little nuggets. And so it's like, yeah, yeah, um'm I'm focused like I'm it's all been just kind of killing treading water until it's more exciting things happen. um But I did have one and that was the Hunters Star Wars Hunters game mobile game came out. I downloaded it. I haven't opened it yet. I keep I keep being like, I'm going to play that in a minute. I haven't I haven't played it yet. um I feel like it kind of. Released ah with very little fanfare, probably because it's been on the release schedule for like 17 years, it feels like. But yeah, that's out. That's cool. I'm excited to eventually, you know, tap that icon and and open it and see what it's about. But yeah, that's there. That's all that's the only news I have. Everything else is just like, yeah, one I don't know. Well, it's funny you say that because I can't get it.
So I've got one of the, should we say the, the addition, but last, um, Android foldable product, but I mean, you, you've seen it before. Um, I've, I've got, I've got a galaxy fold, um, because it suits me when I go traveling. So I've got a tablet and ah a phone in one rather than having to date. three devices. So it's while it' while it's chunky as a device, it it suits me beautifully when it comes down to travel and it's not compatible. So I was like, yeah, it's out. Oh, damn, I can't play it.
And i was told I was told pretty much straight away, and you you know you're not going there son, you can you can crack on and find something else to play. So, um yeah good luck to all of you guys that that that are playing it and do have a compatible phone. I think I understand that the Apple is a lot more successful than Android at the moment in that you have a pretty unified experience across the whole thing. but um Yeah, I can't. I can't download the whole thing. So what I might do is I might still lose his switch and download it onto the switch and and see what it's like. But um I can record myself playing it and send you the videos. Yeah, do that. Yeah. Yeah, do that. Let's just do that. I can just move my hands and just pretend I'm playing in hints instead of you. You know, I can do that. I'll hold it up. I'll hold it up to the camera and then I'll just be like, what do you want to do? You want which button? you want exactly
That's fine. That's fine. and That's fine. We might be dead by then. By the time I actually, I convey my instructions over to you, but it will work in my head. We might make it through the, ke the name did the name selection character creator. yeah What name do you want? Tell me which letter you want. A. Okay. A. yeah and Got it. That's all the only news I have. That's it. I got three pieces of news dude. So I'm actually now, I'm now disappointed with you and I'm really impressed with myself. Uh, the, the first thing is, um, join the list. My favorite, ah my favorite. Yeah. Mate, don't go there. Um, mate. Um, so my, my, my first, my favorite anime, um, conversion from, um,
gaming franchise to ah animation or some sort of franchise is, sorry, some sort of um live action or animation or or whatever um is arcane. I love it. I know that I need to finish. Blue Eye Samurai because people keep saying if you loved Arkane you're gonna love this even more but for me Arkane when it came out during lockdown hit the right fields with me at the right time season two's come out and the promotional post has come out already um and it's saying that it's gonna season two's coming out in November which I can't be stoked for I hated the game I have to say I hated the game itself it's it's not my it's not my bag ah the way that it the the it's kind of like a
uh whores and steve talked about this today i can't remember what genre it is but it's basically a kind of world battle creator shit game um but the but the series is amazing um yeah technical um but the actual series itself the the the tv series is really tech it is really really cool and i love it i absolutely love i love it i love the I love the story. I love the animation. It's a French company that in um that do the animation. And it's really my bag. I love the you know the whole mixture of old age, yeah the kind of steampunk feel about the whole thing. I freaking absolutely it. And um I'd love for
franchises that I'm a little bit more akin to like fable, for example, or indeed by a shock that you know, by a shock um that again, kind of promote that steampunk steampunk kind of aesthetic. I'd love to for that to be animated by the same by the same company out in in France because They have a style and an aesthetic which really, really lands well with me. Anyway, really excited about that. That's coming out in November. um I hear that um this where i this is where I absolutely butcher a very, very smart actor's name, but Hiroki Salada, of course we love from from um
from um Shogun is rumored to start in the Ghost of Tsushima movie, but which is amazing. i didn't even know i did I had no idea. I had no idea that the movie was even a thing. um And I picked that up that this week and I've got no idea if it's qualified or it's just still a rumor or whether it's some fan-baity type of thing, but it's cool. Really, really cool. That's gonna be hard to like, do justice, I feel like. Like, I'm excited for that movie, I really am. But that's one of those games where it's like,
The you fall in love with it because of the amount of time you spend in the game and spend with characters. um Yeah. And I think that's that's one of the ones that's really difficult to to convey properly. I think they can do it. It's definitely possible. But it's like, oh, come on, please, please get this right. Do it. Do it. Well, because that's a that's a really good. That's a really good story. Yeah, I don't know anything about the story, because despite, you know. You know. Despite what most people think, I've actually got a PlayStation. you know I've actually actuallyly i've got a PS5. But that's one franchise that I haven't played. And i I probably need to play it um based on an awful lot of the um
You know the feedback and the excitement that I hear from the from the boys over at um a high potion um But the I had no idea it was coming out in live-action if indeed that is a thing and we're just not talking rubbish And and then the last thing and the last thing that i I picked up this week and it was literally on the flight on the way back this morning was um the and the there's a there's a Alien Romulus, the film that is coming out, I believe in August, that I got wrong as thinking it was a series, although there is an Alien series coming out. It's not the series, it's the movie that's coming out in our very, very early days of this pod. I saw the full trailer today, and that looks awesome. It looks it looks very, or it's very, very, there's two things about it. I like with woy the aesthetic.
was a spooky well, okay, three things then a spooky be the aesthetic looks very much akin to the original, you know, the original alien. And then lastly, the idea of casting younger actors, I think is a genius idea, you know, bringing a new generation of, of, of followers and making it um I'm assuming are are rated ah sorry um PG 13 or PG 13 rated as opposed to our rated I think is a ah genius genius ah a piece of work because Hopefully that will give it the intelligence. Sorry it will be able to establish a plan going forward as a past as opposed to perhaps the
somewhat sporadic reboot culture that we've had with that franchise over quite a few years now. um So yeah, it looked really good. did It looked really, really good. i was i was pretty I was pretty impressed with that. I saw that as well and I'm excited because it's like it it it looks like they're kind of going for a different level of depth and like a kind of a different approach. yeah kind of i think I think you kind of hit it on the head there where it's like instead of the going down the reboot or spin off where you kind of go into the crazy lore, which is all good. I appreciate some of those movies and things, too, where it's like it kind of tries to give it too much backstory and too much lore and canon. I like that they're going younger actors and it feels more thriller ish, like they're trying to go more sitting on the edge of your seat excitement, like kind of the kind of the the popcorn flick going to the movies and like, oh, I'm ready to
Do that shared experience and kind of that thriller jump, not jump scare. Cause I think that cheapens it, but I don't know. You get what I'm saying where it's like, it's not about where did the aliens come from and what is their DNA and how many midichlorians do they have? It's gonna like, here's, here's a bunch of, here's a ship and they're in trouble. And here's, um, it's, it's kind of connected, but it's also still fun. But what I like about it is that, yeah, no, I love that because that wasn't the original. If you remember how you felt...
i mean I remember how I felt when I but when i watched the original Alien. The effects aren't great. you know the It's really about the tension. It's really about the you know the the tension that it creates. and You don't see an awful lot. and Part of the the beauty of the original Alien that was that technology wasn't there for the to be able to to be able to make this the xenomorph look lifelike. And so what they did was they pretty much bathed it in darkness pretty much all the time during the film. And it was a tension and the and the very, very clever editing that created that tension to make what was what was being suggested believable. And I liked that. I really liked that with what's being approached here. And and then that is you know there is a if I was to be a little bit negative,
you know, then there will be certain people that will say, oh, we've dumbed down the whole thing. And there's kids involved now. And it's here we go. And it's like, we're ruining a franchise, franchise, the rest of it. But somewhere, during some some at some point during the trailer, someone says fuck. And it's like, oh, hang on a second. No, it may not be. It may not be um what most negative nancies will be thinking about, which is it's gonna be, it's gonna be.
another Disney production which is going to ruin everything for everyone I actually thought it looked really really good and you know having that tenseness there having the relevance of having younger people there to drag them kicking and screaming into enjoying the franchise that there's longevity there I'm really looking forward to it looks great
Especially if they do the same kind of job they did with the director, director streaming. I mean, I mean, think about the same, you know, I don't know how much of the original crew were there, but but I mean, look at what they did with Prey, for example, with Predator. yeah so mean that's That's another franchise that and it's supposedly the same universe. so It's a piece of work, that film. So if we get something like that, or the same kind of thinking about reinventing the franchise, but keeping it consistent with the existing can on then great absolutely fantastic well up for it okay so let's go on let's move on from that i'm going to ask you what you're listening to what you're reading or what you're watching or have watched or started watching or still watching over the last week
Well, first I was, you know, I listened, I listened to our buddies over at Star Wars spelled out, you know, so I listened to my, my good friend Andy over there, you know, chewing the fat and giving us, giving us thoughts and opinions. I thought that was really cool and really good. Listening to all of our other friends on their podcasts. Um, I love the shout outs. I'm like, I'm not, I'm not like pandering, but. It just it means once again, it just means a lot to hear everybody talking like it's we're we're pretty new and it's it's so cool to hear like here everybody just being like, oh, yeah, they got they got a good thing going over there. You should check them out. It's like, oh, my God, I'm dying a little inside. thing Yeah, it's insane. It's really insane, isn't it? I mean, because it's just I just feel it like as a team.
One last week and thought the week before it's just like you and I talking it doesn't there happens to be a mic in the way. um like other people are listening to us i probably i probably get in the other I should probably I should probably check the news or something. Yeah, no, it's really cool. um i I I saw something on Disney Plus that I've been waiting for. And ah and that is Jim Henson idea man. um I watched that little documentary. Oh, you have. I have I have I have that's it was it was it was really good. It was really good. um I think
When I got done watching it, I kind of had this immediate epiphany of like. It's funny how in the day of like modern documentaries and stuff like you kind of like it's there's times you catch yourself having an expectation of like you're going to get like this. That's almost like a stereotype anymore of like, oh, we're going to get some. big reveal, almost like a not a true crime, but like ah investigative things, like not necessarily negative, but there's just some big emotional pull and all these big stereotypical things. And I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't. It didn't really have that. It wasn't like watching a ah documentary on like Walt Disney, where they're like.
half of it's like the same stories you heard about his childhood. And then it's all this like, the man, the myth, the legend and oh, it's all this inspiring music and everything is so great and go out and you can be anything and everything. like it It wasn't that and it was really refreshing. Like it showed like, not that there was like horrible sides or anything like that. Like, oh, you used to beat up kids in the parking lot or whatever, like nothing stuff, ah nothing like that. But it's just like it showed that they were real people and like, hey, maybe like it gave you insights into things. And it was it was still like really cool to see behind the scenes and hear people. Frank Oz was in it a lot. um I didn't realize how yeah I knew Frank Oz was really involved, but I didn't realize how close they actually were. And that was really to see. um Like his kind of like number two guy.
um all forever. um And that was really, that was really, yeah I never, I never knew that they were, they were actually that, that close. And yeah it was, it was a really good documentary. And I, if you like the Muppets and you like that kind of stuff, I really, I really recommend it because it was, it was really enjoyable. Well, I mean, everyone loves the Muppets. I'm sure they do, but um but i'm you know it's what else they did as well. I mean, that the whole stuff you know with i mean for me, for me ah while the Muppets were impactful um for me at a certain age, what really landed it was for me was um
You know, productions like Labyrinth or productions like Dark Crystal, in particular, Dark Crystal. Dark Crystal really messed around with my head when I was a kid in a really good way, really, really good way. And it got me into some really funky dark stuff that um Um, I, I started really enjoying and I really haven't stopped enjoying since. So, uh, no, it's great. Really, really good. It was cool. It was cool that they, they called them all. They called all of those Muppets. That's what it was funny. It's like, there's Muppets like trademark, the Muppets, but then they called all of that stuff Muppets. Um, but yeah, they covered the dark crystal, the labyrinth stuff. And they, they had some like behind the scenes stuff I'd never seen for dark crystal. Um, and on that note, I'm still, we'll never forgive Netflix for canceling that show.
like the the What is going on there that I mean that is that's one of those slow burns that could have just like been consistent and you Listen, I let's let's not go there. we We're a positive podcast. Did they talk about some? Because I remember them um I think it's from Rick from Jedi to Oh, it's something, it's it's something. From Star Wars to Jedi, which was a third documentary, they never did a proper documentary to the Jedi. They did like a ah making of Star Wars, making of Project Spat and then they did did like a, almost like a recap, um focusing heavily on Jedi as the making of Jedi documentary. Anyway, point being is that I remember and during that documentary, I'm sure they called the Muppets then as well. Did they even cover each other, Jedi?
Um No, or or or even yo yoda an empire because that came from the workshop across the road No, they it is it is not a that and I think that's one thing that surprised me is like you kind of expect it to be about jim henson and his legacy and Everything that maybe was in the works, but it's like he He died. And then here's a couple. Yeah, there's a couple like post. It's like, nope, we didn't. They didn't kind of pander that. Not the pandering, but it's like it didn't go into like that legacy stuff, like how that was like. It's like it's about the life of Jim Henson. And then like I had a couple people talking in a couple couple sentences. Here's here's things that work. It's like, so yeah, they didn't go into all of like they didn't didn't even talk about that the Disney, the Disney deal falling through. They didn't even I was like, oh, now they're going to talk about the Disney deal falling through when he died. and It's like, nope, done.
i guess i guess I guess that makes sense because everyone pretty much, i mean we had you know we pretty much know George's story wax lyrical. you know We remember the idea, you know the the guy loved cruising, hence the reason why American Graffiti was his second movie and yada, yada, yada and so on. and and and I would say that Jim Henson's life or background hasn't been covered. So yeah, it probably makes sense to focus predominantly on that as opposed to the work that he did. Oh, cool. I'll watch it, man. I really will watch it. What about anything else, mate? I watched two other things. the yeah The one thing that I watched, you you'll be very, very, very happy about it. And Madison and I saw Furiosa last night in the movie theater.
And what do you think? watching watch for your reaction Well, first I want i want i want to you know hold hold off on that what I thought about it for a second and just really drag out some time and talk about a frustration I have with ah regal movie theaters here in Indiana. You know, they people always talk about how like previews and stuff are really long. they're Like, oh, I don't get to the movie on time because there's whatever really long previews. Maybe it's where I've been and where I've watched movies for the last 10 years. But we went to that movie last night and I shit you not. We watched 30 minutes of commercials and previews before the movie started. yeah
that was insane. I watched 10 minutes of Pepsi commercials. It's like diet Pepsi. And then the next one is like, no, it's starry. And it's like, what is happening? We got to write about that 30 minute point. And they weren't even previews. It was just like ads. it's like This is nuts. What is happening? Yeah. um So I just had to vent about that because it's crazy That's pretty, insane pretty much that's that's pretty much the norm over here. Unless anyone, you know, any, any one of our listeners based in the UK, you know, Chris, Chris, Kev, Craig, anyone out there, let me know. But as far as I'm concerned of all the, ah of all the venues that we, all the chains that we have over here, you're pretty much got 15 minutes of.
ads, which typically lifestyle ads, which is like drink, food, holidays, cleaning products, so on and so forth. And then you've got another 15 minutes of of trailers. So yeah, you release talking about 30 minutes and that that's the norm. that's been it's been it's been It's been that way for quite a while though. It's like we're back out like we're where I'm at. Like they'll they'll do the ads like pre-roll like while you're just sitting there waiting. But then it hits like time to watch the movie and you'll do like 15 minutes or 10 minutes previews or whatever. If you have if you have three different movie and if you watch it and and if you watch it like turn yourself off, then it's too long.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. And do you know it's coming up to the main feature if the curtains go back a little bit more? Do you get that as well? And it did that, and then it played some previews that wide. And then next thing you know, right before the movie started, another Pepsi ad on the wide screen. Oh, fuck. So it made it worse, because you'll be happy to hear this. Once again, I was the only person in the movie theater, or Madison was beside me. So we are in this gigantor movie theater on a Wednesday night. Um, we just sit right in the middle. Perfect seats. Like the ones where like there's an aisle way in front. So you have like the handrail so you can like put your feet up on the handrail cause there's no seats in front of you. And so it's like just us and the whole movie there. So I'm in there. You just go on. Are you kidding me? Like, like yelling at the screen, not yelling, but like quietly to myself, what's so Madison can hear and get annoyed with me. Um, this is ridiculous. Somebody should write a letter. Um,
So yeah, it would but all that to say, and we did see Furiosa last night. um you know We had nachos with cheese and we had a blue, icy... um No, I really liked it. we've really We really enjoyed it. there's about It was not at all what I thought it was gonna be. like i I didn't really look into any ah anything. I know I heard a couple people talk about like kind of how the movie structured a little bit. like yeah ah So I kind of had that in mind a little bit. But there was nothing really. I mean, I dont want deep ah well I know we'll deep dive it. We should deep dive it with some friends who've seen it and really enjoy it. But yeah, I really I really enjoyed it. It was my my my one second summary is that shit insane, really fun. And like a ah good popcorn flick to go see in the movie theaters and loud, loud as hell.
ah It's just, like, check check your brain at the door and just come in and have a really good time. Like... Yeah, yeah. And gnarly, too. There was some gnarly stuff in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That I was not expecting. But no, I really enjoyed it. That was a lot of fun. Yeah, know i but yeah i mean i we you will I know we said that when you and I talk, sorry, when you get to to to watch it, ah well have a we'll have a deep dive. But I think that with what we have to talk about this week, let's just put a pin in it. Yeah.
um and and bring in a few friends that I know love that franchise. There's one guy in particular that I'm thinking of that absolutely adores that franchise. There's a particular lady that I know that adores that franchise. And maybe we can do something collab with them as well, if they're worthy. um That would be really cool to talk about because, no, I loved it, dude. I absolutely loved it. And it was, it was reassuringly familiar in that it kind of carried on the kind of the the vibe and the tone and the aesthetics of of of Fury Road. because because Listen, I love the original trilogy. The original trilogy, for me, are freaking amazing. They're masterpieces for all the right and wrong reasons. They're theirre masterpieces. What I loved about this film was that is that it sustains kind of the that the the vibe and, like I said, the aesthetic. It's very, very burnt umber with very, very you know kind of
um But it's also not at times, and that's what's really cool. Wait, slant, aesthetic. Yeah, of the original. But of course, rather than being spaced over three days, it's based over a lifetime of a of a very very have a very, very young, brutalized, exploited, and vengeful young lady. and I thought it's so fucking good it so excuse my language guys but it it is for me it's really really good it didn't need an awful lot of explaining but you know I loved it and um like I said to you four-fifths of the way through the movie.
I thought, this is amazing. And only a couple of stupid things happened, and we'll talk about it when we when we when we and when we have the time. and yes Only a couple of stupid things happened, and it changed the that movie for me from being good to being brilliant, absolutely brilliant. And I hope it i hope it i hope it gets a another chance to or a chance to develop and to do other things. there are there is um There is word that George is is is planning a another film with um about matt focused on Max again called The Wasteland. And I think he's i think he's considering Tom Hardy as the lead again, which would be great because I think he did a good job despite all of the naysayers that suggest that that suggests that the behind the but the behind the scenes
um shenanigans was was was not great, but you know again, we we need we don't maybe need to know how how it's all made. um Artists are artists. you know They're already entitled and overprivileged anyway, so why are we surprised? So anyway, point being is that it would be great to see it going. Unfortunately, it hasn't been a hit at the box office, which I'm really surprised at because um I'm planning to go a second time. Friends of us, have been, well, there's one in particular, ah Turbo has been, I believe, three times now. and It's like, great, you know fantastic. I think it's a terrible time at a terrible time a year to release this movie. like it's everybody is Everybody I know is swamped right now.
like and just yeah but it's not go it's not it's it's It's never going to be a Christmas classic, so when do you release it? You know i mean you you don't release a Mad Max film at Christmas. It's it's not ah so a feel-good movie or a swashbuckling adventure. it's it's it's It's gnarly. It's gnarly as shit. I just hope they get the opportunity. Yeah, people think it's going to make a ton of money. It's like it's just a bad time. Like, yeah, you could release a different time and this made us the right time for it. But the expectation that it's going to come out and beat Avatar is like it's I mean, it's going to do well on show, but for sure i it's going to do really well. ah
And that's my point. And maybe maybe from ja's perspective from George's perspective, sorry, suggesting to George that maybe going forward streaming might be an idea for him. I mean, look at the success of um different contexts, very different aesthetic, but very similar. Look at the success of um a Fallout. ah There is an opportunity to create a really, really well-written and extremely expensive post-apocalyptic futuristic drama.
um I hope it's got legs. I really, really do, because I love I love what they've done. I really, I really love what they've done in that movie. Let's put a pin in it. Let's add it to my list of many things I want to talk to. I have two takeaways, though, before we put a pin in that. Yeah. One, Hemsworth deserves some kind of award for his acting in that movie. I think it's the best acting I think I've ever seen that dude do. And two, my favorite comment about the money or about the movie is it'd be funny as a posted post post credit scene if they showed it that the rest of the world was still normal. And it's just Australia is just chaos. They have no idea like.
They're like, Oh, the end of the world. It's like, no, it's just Australia's just lost it. Yeah. It's just just you guys. It's just just you guys know everyone's is OK. No, we're fine. We're over here having tea and crumpets is fine. What's the matter with you guys? You want some you want some gas? Anyway, no, I'm with you, mate. I'm with you. Anything else, mate? You've been watching, listening, reading or whatever. Only the only the one that. And only the elephant in the room. Well, of course being the acolyte episodes one and two. Um, so I finished had very little time as you can, as you can probably guess over the last week. Um, so, uh, we finished races across the, across the world. Again, not something I want to talk about.
normally as being particularly interesting but they have been based in Asia Pacific and I've enjoyed it because of what we're going to be doing where we're going to be this time next year. um Two young lads won it in the end who I thought were really quite precocious and appeared very privileged at the very very beginning but as the story again it's editing it's what the producers want you to see as the as the as the the contest progressed over week on week you realize these two boys are actually extremely lucky to have each other as best friends because they've both been seen through some relatively traumatic experiences and a really decent chap so I was really made up that that that they ah really made up that they won the contest. um I watched
Godzilla minus one. So in the respite between um the festival at the weekend and then flying out to Munich on Tuesday, Monday night Lucy and I sat down and watched Godzilla minus one. And I bloody loved it. It was absolutely brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Loved every minute of it. It was it was a, it it really did call back to the days of the original, you know, the original Japanese um ah films back in the, what were they, sixties, maybe fifties even? a Point being, very, very well done. I love the fact that it's all about
society, um coping with the end of World War II, and Japan, most importantly its citizens, being particularly decimated and desperate and trying to make a living. And then amongst that being isolated from the rest of the world because no one will support them against the the threat of this um of of this new ah of this new threat that is Godzilla. i thought the and I thought the effects were amazing because I understand that they were done on a shoestring. You can kind of see it's been done on a shoestring, but what they achieve is monument is monumental.
the way that they somewhat update the physicality of Godzilla, I think is fantastic, especially around how his scales work. I'll leave it as that. I thought was brilliant. Lucy loved it. The only thing I would say the only thing I would say is don't do what we did. and it wasn't my choice, it was Lucy's choice. We tried to go with the English dub first um because we'd heard from friends that it's actually okay. Big mistake. Just go straight in with um the original the original audio ah with the subtitles because there is something about
Asian languages to English translation that is way too literal. It's way, way too literal. And and it comes over as being an insincere? No, insincere. Yeah, it it doesn't it does it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't translate at all. I didn't even know there was a doubt. Yeah, yeah, no, there is, there is. And if unless you and unless you unless you take it off that dub, certainly in the streaming service over here, that would have been the default. And we very, very quickly took it off because, like I said, it just
It just ruins it because, yeah, literal translation is not not a good thing. Anyway, that's that. The terms out special effects, the special effects thing, it's like ah you you're talking about how it's done on a shoestring budget. do I think that's what makes it like that. I think if I would have had yeah talk top top tier special effects, it would have just been it would have I think lost a lot of its character. But the fact that it was so there was like there was a certain almost like a frame rate look like look to it where it's like there's just something that's a little bit. Not off, but it's just it's different and it's like it just made it that much better. ah I don't know, it just gives it so much character and i really I really like that about it. It was really cool.
Well, I've heard of her some of our friends, I mean, especially Chris, and so sorry, the guys over at Scruffy's as well, talk about it before. And they were talking about it's not about Godzilla. So I was kind of expecting Godzilla to have the occasional moment or so throughout the production. But he's there pretty much the, you know, albeit short-lived, but pretty much all the way through the film. But they're absolutely right. And it's all about the the suffering of the people and and and really where where they are at this moment in time. Godzilla is a shit, an absolute shit. He's not you know the savior of humanity and in in this movie. and i just But he's also not the problem. It's just it's just powerful. i mean anything that Anything that can be about something, but it really is more of a ah reflection on us as people. It's good storytelling, which actually is actually um
very, very convenient segue to what we're going to talk about next. But anyway, um ah still watching Dark Matter, although I haven't seen it another episode in the last week because I've been a little bit busy with stuff. um And that's pretty much it, mate. um But yeah I don't think that's too bad bearing in mind, we've been relatively busy this week. um Not at all. Which really takes us on to the um
the main event of this week, which was that we got to see the first two episodes. We got to see the first two episodes of ah the acolyte. And I have to say, my friend, I really acolyte it. Hey! I hear myself um through your headphones, back it through your microphone and into mine. That was awesome. Sorry if I made you a death. Yeah, do you like that? No, it's fine. No, no, no, no, no. no I'm just I'm i'm rather I've been thinking about that on the plane on the way back today. I'm thinking. Yeah. oh Don't worry. i's talk Don't worry. I've got one. Also, I'll share mine with you because I have one, too. Don't worry. You know, we've we've complained. Mine needs a little bit of setup. I was going to work it into conversation, but I'm just going to I was going to drop it now. You know, we've we complained about the like some of the Star Wars animation things, but, you know, being so dark, but this one's quite echo bright. Oh.
Oh, it hurts. It hurts. Oh, cop a good. We're really good. Anyway, ah no, I ah listen so listen, ah give to give you to give context. We are recording a day later than we normally are. I have not been in the country. um I have not been around most things, even if I wanted to. I've unfortunately, been away from social media, an awful lot of social media, because I literally have had no ah ability to to access it in the last couple of days. So I've been put in quite ah quite a good position in that I haven't seen much of the response from the internet. And we'll go into that a little bit later, because I've got no idea whether people like it or loathe it. um But I have to say, bearing in mind,
This was one of those Star Wars events that an awful lot of people were looking forward to. But I wasn't, um I'm looking forward to every single Star Wars event, but you know, I'm not into the high force stuff. You know, I'm not into the force law stuff. You know, my, I'm really up for the everyman story, which is the reason why My favorite characters are typically non Jedi or non Sith. Despite that, I really liked it. I really, really enjoyed it. Has it blown my socks off at the moment? No, it hasn't blown my socks off. However, looking at looking at it objectively, my first impressions of the first two episodes are
I'm getting Andor vibes and I'm not talking about, I'm not in any way talking about the content. I'm not in any way talking about the writing. I'm um talking about the feeling that I have about this production. Should we say,
compared to other productions that we've had recently. And what I mean by that is it's about the story. Good writing. And it just so happened and it just so happens to be in a Star Wars universe. So so so we'll go into details later on, but and yes, an awful lot of it is around the revenge the revenge on the Jedi. ah But the revenge on the Jedi on on on on the Jedi, which are yeah a very Star Wars-y thing, but it could be anything. They could be cops. it could be They could be teachers. They could be anyone in a position of authority that someone has a problem with and is looking to wreak their revenge by by by being a ah very, very programmatic steor serial killer. um it's it I get that. And then you you dunk it in
you dunk it in the Star Wars universe, I get those vibes again. And that's the and and the ah the last time I felt like that was with was with with with with with Andor. Because it doesn't really matter about the ships, about the ascetics, about anything else. it The story is universal. It could be set in the 18th century. it could be sent it it could be It could be set in the Stone Age. um And that's what really impressed me, ah so especially on the second look because the the first look, I was on a plane um and I was watching it on my phone despite you know being a reasonably decent sized screen. um And then I ah came back, rushed back home today and managed to watch it again for the second time
on the big screen. And it's really good. ah It's really, really good. um it's not it's not It's not genre defying at the moment, but it's really good. It's a really, really good start as far as I'm concerned. So everything to be positive about. That's my overall feeling at the moment. and I'm really enjoying it too. Thank you. yeah I think I was just trying. I'm taking it all in. I'm taking in everything you were saying. It's like, all right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's a you you mentioned something about like the the kind of the storytelling and in the story now can you can kind of paint it. I think that's and I think that's a fundamental thing that you notice in a lot of really good storytelling. It's that you you you start with a good
like structure and story. And then you and then you paint it in the in the shade of Star Wars instead of the other way around. When you try to do it the other way around, you try to bring it's like, all right, we're we're writing a Star Wars story and we've got to have lightsabers. We've got to have this. I think that's not that not to go down this rabbit hole, but I think that's how you end up with Rise of Skywalker. It's like you you're trying to to solve all these problems in this. But this is the other way around. It's like, yeah, they could just not be Jedi. And who cares? Like it's the story still fits. it's because you've come up with a good story and a good structure and now you just now you adapt it to to the to the universe of star wars and say okay they're jedi and now now now these things can change and this and this and this i do have an inkling that we're going to get into some like force lore stuff as we continue oh i'm sure i but i'm sure but i think but where we're at so far is uh my high level is like dude i'm i'm loving it like i
It's different. It's got a different look and feel. I love it. Like you. like you um Mine's a little bit different. I've also not been on social media, so I don't really know or care what the masses think. im And I think I'm going to do that for this whole this whole show um because I didn't even know there was any kind of discourse, which we'll talk about in a little bit, until like this morning when I hear some of our friends kind of talking about it, like just high level, like, I don't know what people are mad about, but people are obviously mad about something, but it's like, I just don't care. And like the fact that I wasn't even aware of it, I'm like, you know what, I think I'm gonna try to do this whole show without engaging. Cause there's times like I'm guilty of it. I'll go on and be like, let's see what, let's see what stupid stuff's in the comments and just see what people are mad about and like roll my eyes. But I'm like, I'm not even gonna do that. Cause you know what? I really enjoyed those first two episodes. I love the look and feel I'm very open
ah I'm excited to see where it goes. The one thing I did see, I've heard people talk about it. I was like, oh, you know, because I've had this queued up in my head ever since last night. They're like, oh, it's too bright. It's not Star Wars. It's not dingy enough. And my immediate response to that is, it's like, OK, so we live in modern times, but we are OK going to the movie theater and watching Mad Max. where it's post-apocalyptic things are worse, and it's and it's dulled down because, you know, things in the universe get worse, on Earth get worse, and we're okay with that, but we're not okay with things being bright in Star Wars in the past and then getting worse through the Empire and things dulling down. It's like, it's the same thing, but we're just shifting the timeframe. But so I don't understand why people are like not okay with like things being bright. It's like, oh, it's too colorful. it's like
it's It's a different time. you well I love it. yeah yeah yeah yeah no i'll I'll talk a little bit about the aesthetic later on, but um that's that that's actually... um quite insane. there's diging conferencecing It's like it's like it's like you you set you set a tone depending on the ambience you're trying to create. And at the end of the day, while I don't know anything about the... yeah I didn't know about this, mate, so so apologies for coming out coming out with opinion as raw.
But ultimately, my understanding is, and we we spoke about a little bit about this with um with Josh and the team um ah last week, is that this shit is the height this this is the this show is the height of the Jedi. This is the height of the Jedi. So it's a golden age. It's a golden age. And so therefore it is bright. It is shiny. And so while the golden age may probably will be around things that you can't physically physically see like the economy is great you know like people are happy and that they've got you know they've got full stomachs and that they their their investments go further and all that kind of stuff that you don't see you kind of replicate that kind of good feeling vibe with ultimately.
um ah visual cues. um I mean, I'm not a filmmaker, but even I'm not that stupid to realize that that's that's the kind of ambiance that you're trying to create. um It is it is he the High Republic. It is the the best that they yeah the best of times. And so therefore, you you know you daral up the you dial up the the the tone a little bit. it's um
Anyway, I'm spending too much time. The the irony is the irony is is that one of the reasons why I've stayed away from social media is that it's obviously I've been away, but I also don't have to think about explaining why things have done a certain way. I mean, I find myself, I mean, I'm never responding to those kind of iss kind of things anymore. I got burnt a long, long time ago on social media, which is the reason why I'm not particularly prolific on social media, by get by daring to respond to somebody with um with rational thought.
And um I got burned and I'll never ever do that again, which is the reason why um' you know i'm I'm relatively um obscure or or certainly anonymous. But I don't want to have to go through the hassle of you know, having eight weeks, eight episodes, so sorry, seven weeks, seven weeks of of of of picking up picking up picking up on this kind of stuff and then reviewing it and then thinking to myself, actually, I'm okay with that. Because what it means is this, I don't want to have to have that hassle of ah of justifying it in my head. And so um unlike yourself, I'll probably stay away from an awful lot of it.
Well, it just reminds me of the before times like before I got super invested in it. And it's like back when I could just watch it and I could just enjoy it and then like and have that time like it's like that me time with with the content and just like really take it all in and and then like you don't fall in love with it immediately. No, you never do. You never like watch something as you're watching. like I love this. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love I love love love love like you enjoy it, but then like you really don't Like you need time to kind of like eating, like eating, it's eating food, yeah eating a brownie and like, Oh, I'm going to eat this cookie. It's like, Oh, it tastes so good. It's like, no, but then like the more time you get to think about it, the better it gets. But like social media is just like right there in your face. It's like, I think I'm going to do this whole series without it because it just reminds me of when I was younger and I could watch something and just have time to just enjoy it. um But yeah, all that screw the social media stuff in terms of the show, the
I got, there was a major vibe I got. I'm kind of getting about like the story. um I won't dive too far into it, but it's like, it gives me, have you seen the movie Memento?
yeah oh my god yes i have it reminds me it reminds me of that we're like yeah yeah yeah i was trying to trying so hard to think of something that i've seen that reminds me of it i've got a different analogy but i love that i love that mate yeah now i'm with you minus minus the forgetfulness, like the the short term memory issues. It's like, but it's like that. It's that story structure. It feels like that story structure where it's like, OK, you're seeing the aftermath, but you don't know why we're here. And then we're going to piece that and it's going to slowly work back and then we're going to get the conclusion in the end. It's like it feels very much like that. And I i love that storytelling style. I think Memento Memento killed it with with the way they did it. But it just feels very reminiscent of that. So I know like
I thought it was hilarious what happened to Carrie and Moss, like but basically because of the Scruffy show, like their prediction show. I loved it. I was laughing the whole time, was like, this is awesome. ah but that And that's what made me trigger the going back in time thing. ra Rather than pick up on it later on um and repeat what you're saying. um I don't. My only concern about this show because I had no idea what to expect, so I went in with open eyes um and you know just dived in with both feet.
um The only concern I had was the idea of was Carrie Anne Moss's role. And I said that last week to Josh and to Catherine was that, and while it's going to be cool, you know, Space Trinity would be cool, would that become, would the show become a meme um to serve an actor's brand, as opposed to serve the, serve the story. And it's the only, it's the one and single thing that I was worried about. And I love her. I honestly, I adore, I adore that woman. She's done so much um really, really good work. And there's an awful lot of her serious stuff that has not ever, doesn't ever get the light of day or sort of doesn't get the accolades that it should do. um But her to be killed off,
after all the build-up of her role in the marketing, stroke of genius, absolute stroke of genius. And I love it. And it's also, yeah for someone like me and my concerns that I have with her role in this show and taking over the point of yeah it would the story would be lost. It's basically Space Trinity with lightsabers. um I think I i thought was it was was was absolutely perfect and i loved and I loved it and I was pleasantly surprised because I did not read any any yeah social media so when I watched it yesterday albeit on my phone I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't have to worry about it anymore.
Yeah, i it's not quite a Brad Pitt and Deadpool kind of situation, um but it is. I mean, i we know we know there's going to be more of her like if it follows that Memento thing, it's like we're going to see what happened and why she's pissed. Yeah. And we're going to get more of that, but I do appreciate that. It's not a. a Space Trinity type cast. It's typecast so i nope, here she is. Ding dong. And she's gone. I loved it too. I just laughed. I'm like, yes, that's awesome. Let's go. um
I mean, you should be back because essentially, yeah essentially, those the story of those four Jedi, that is the story. It's nothing about the, you know, ah but you know listen, let's let's let's crack on mate because I, I love that this has completely twisted my perceptions of what were what what what we will be watching. i love I love the way that they've played this so far. i i love that they I love that they're showing the humanity of the Jedi and like, we're about to we're about to see some real... Well, first of all,
The fact that there was a suit like a like a ah serious topic that Torben tackled. That was that was wild. Like we're in a definitely we're in a different level of Star Wars and yeah we're seeing the humanity. We're seeing the the tortured side of things. We're seeing the Jedi aren't I think there's a lot of times where Star Wars fans will take on this belief that like that it's black and white, good and evil, Jedi are perfect. yeah And like, I think people really struggle with the hubris, just even the hubris concept of like why the fall of the Jedi happens. But then, but this is like, oh, you struggle with that? We're about to amp that up to 11. We're gonna have, you're already seeing tinges.
Of people and people who've read the high republic books are already kind of familiar with some of it But we're already seeing tensions of things of like, you know, maybe Things aren't they're not great Um, but they're not sit they're not bad guys. They're not red lightsaber bad guys who are just out slaughtering people, but you can You can do something and regret it and have that guilt and carry it forever. And you can see the different ways people are approaching it or or not or addressing it. Well, ive i and I think that I think there are massive cues to that throughout the the first, particularly the first episode of the pomposity of the Jedi at that moment in time. This is the Golden Age and what comes with
any kind of golden age is arrogance. It's um comfort. you know we get We get flabby, we get fat, we get over-familiar, we get entitled when um yeah when we're going through good times. i mean from the very very i'm I'm kind of breaking the list that I've pulled together for us on the plane, funny enough. um um But you know the fact that they dress in flamboyant robes Um, that for me was off putting. I had seen it before on a comic book cover, but it's a comic book. It's a little bit like, you know, you, you, you see the Marvel, you know, you see the Marvel comic books and you see that then translated or somewhat muted down. So the vibrance of the whole thing is dialed down.
for the, for for real action, you know, for live action. But I saw, you know, when those first two guys, folks turn up to, to, um to take on. Oh, sure. OSHA, um they look pompous as hell. and yeah and and that and That really threw me for a little bit. and i you Subsequently, I've seen you know more photographs and behind the scenes and the amazing work that went into the into those robes and and and that, but it's kind of like this is almost the opposite of how I saw the Jedi. The Jedi wore very
meagre, very beaten up, very ah almost like monks in that they wear the the robes of a monk aren are meant to demonstrate humility humility and to be you know to be, I wouldn't say poor, but but to be functional um and not flamboyant. you know which is what we see in you know modern day and certainly ancient religion up until now. And then seeing this kind of pomposity of these amazingly well-embroidered tunics and cloaks is like, what's this about? Don't get me wrong, I love it. And I also blame George for the for that for for an awful lot of this confusion anyway in my brain. yeah of course what he did Because of course what he did was he turned tattooing clothing that Obi-Wan was wearing that looked very similar to what
Uncle Owen was wearing in Star Wars and made them but that made them je the Jedi garbed. but but But the point being is that, going back to my point, is is that it's a very, very different time. And the demeanor of the Jedi, with the exception of one or two, is very confident, again, very arrogant, especially the young especially the youngsters. um you know they're very They're overly confident. They know what they're doing. I believe it feels very much it feels very much like modern day kind of like small government big business ah even even some in some countries you have like the like authoritarian kind of like ah police or military where it's this
um I think the the small, the big business, small government kind of thing reminded me like when Venetra was saying things like, uh, do I have your support in this? Like, Hey, like we can't afford, it's all political. Like we can't afford to do the right thing or like go, go down proper paths. Like we need, we're, we're already, you know, we're, we're, uh, we're fractured and we're, um ah Vulnerable. That's the word. We're vulnerable. And so we all need to, you know, band together to like, just, just brush us under the rug or whatever. So it's like, Ooh, Ooh, I've been, I've been in situations like this. This, this feels, this feels like big business. And then there's like the, the look, kind of the boots on the ground side of things where it's like Yord and Jackie.
mainly your it's like, you know, we we are right. Like that belief that that firm belief in what you are the hand that is providing justice and everything like that ah gut instinct of everything I do is correct. My gun and think is correct. My actions are correct. And, you know, there is bad and there is good. The that bad people are obvious. There is no nuance. um And we see a lot of that in modern day, modern times in a lot of ways. And so I think it's very interesting to see how they're going to shape these characters and flush us out.
It's quite interesting though that that that that we're that we've got this flamboyance of the Jedi in terms of their attire um happening now. we've We've got them talking about their political um enemies or their political you know rivals um and yet 100 years later, they're a little bit more dour. They don't want to get involved in politics and yet they still retain that hubris. in that, you know, they that they believe that they're doing the right thing. So I find the whole thing fascinating. I really do. but there's there's ah there's ah There's a bunch of stuff that um I mean, as somebody as somebody who grew up Catholic on this stuff, I mean, I grew up Catholic. So yes, it just reminds me of of the priesthood. Yes. Like you'll have some some time frames where absolutely gold sashes, things like that. Then you'll have somebody else come in and they're just very. they And they set the tone. They said that it's almost like who's underneath them. Yeah, it's it.
it's so It's almost like they you know within 100 years they moved from Catholicism to the Jesuit spin-off. Do you know what I mean? where where you know they they they wore They wore very, very humble. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. It's um it's a really good analogy, actually. A few things that I picked up on was I love the intro text. and um ah Planet names are back, which is nice. I always like a nice reference to a planet name. um I've already mentioned that I love the fact that Carrie and Moss's character is killed off, but I i do believe she'll be back because I think the tone of the my expectation sorry the tone of the of the season has changed significantly to what I thought it would be. So my pre preconceptions are completely wrong.
um A couple of things here that I picked up in in in sequential order was that um May you know reaching out for the saber twice, not only with um the two fights that she had with, shall we say, active Jedi, she reached out to the saber twice. It made me think what's going on there. And i believe i believed me, I've not listened to anyone at the moment. but i don't know what she's been I don't understand that. what she Why is she reaching for the saber when she's already got weapons of her own, albeit only blades? And the only thing I can think of is that um
You very kindly um gave me access. I've read some of the Vader comments recently and there's a challenge that Vader has in to earn his late in the very basically after order 66, he's given the challenge by Palpatine to earn his, earn his lightsaber and he can't just build it. He's got to steal it in combat from a Jedi without any kind of um tools of his own, um or sorry, any weapons of his own, and then has to um change the um the ah bleed. they call it bleed bla the crystal yes so okay but play yeah blede Bleed the crystal. crystal. That's the only thing I can think of, which kind of thought made me think, oh, that's quite smart. And if even if it's even if I'm really guessing at it,
um The fact that they focused on two lightsabers, which at the time were sheathed or they were they were they were they were hung on the belt, the fact that she actually reached out to them twice, I thought that was quite interesting. I think that's something to go go by going forward. I'll jump in on that one. This is my, I have a high level thought. So my, my thought is much simpler than that. It might be less force lore, but more of, I took it as it's part of the, the master's kind of plan of like, you can't.
you can't use light weapons against them. You can't use like force sensitive weapons. So it's more of her trying to take it away from them because that's their only real choice defense that she can't get past. Like because of course, Trinity cut him in half. and So it's like if you can get it away from them, then it's just force powers versus force powers. And so. Got it. And she can't and she can't use a lightsaber because then it's like, oh, it's a red lightsaber. We have Sith bad guys on our hands. But if now it's just this kind, it's I think it's in order to sow confusion in a lot of ways of like, how did they kill him? It's like, oh, she got stabbed with a throwing knife. And it's like, why did what? How is this?
and it's and it's And I think it's all part of this game and juggle of like, you have to maintain secrecy of who we are. And also yeah maybe a little cat and mouse with the master and acolyte kind of thing too. That's that's kind of where my head was with it. No, that's cool. I love that. I love that. I mean, mate, there's so much speculation here. And again, you know we're talking about force users, which I could kind of... normally not worry about, but yeah, it's um it's cool. um So May's face tattoo, um that's interesting. And that may well be ah at some point the only way that we can identify her against the sister going forward. um She saves the bar owner.
um So at the end, we see a shot after she's killed Space Trinity. She's at the bar picking up her her missing, or the dagger. And the bar owner's child is obviously holding onto to his leg. And she shows mercy and spares them. And in fact, she shows an awful lot of vulnerability throughout the first episode. Fear, in fact.
um And while there is this driving desire for revenge, I can't help thinking she's not Sith. She's not Sith, she's something else. um I'll explain this later on. It's just that I kind of, and maybe even the person she serves is not Sith either. And I've got, I don't have any theories, but it just it's just, it's just,
So i'll let you get I'll let you get through your list, but i have i have a I have a theory on why she did that. She just, she demonstrates empathy and and and and and fear and respect for the people that she's that she's fighting, um which makes me think after she's killed the four, if that's if that is indeed her end game,
then there's nothing else to do and she can move on with her life. So the vengeance is short-lived. I can't see it being life-defining because of the way that her emotions are really, really apparent all the way through certainly the first episode in particular. I think she's i think i think she's being used. for her anger. I think you're right. i I think you're right. And I think that there's ah there may well be a redemption story here. ah could but let's so Let's think about what's but what the townne oh sorry what the the trope is for the for the season is later on. There's a few other notes I made here. um The Nemodians, they're less offensive. They're still nasty nasty people and they've clearly got an accent of some sort, but I think they did a really good job in making them a little bit less offensive than perhaps the way that they were
Portrayed and I'm when I mean less offensive. I'm not talking about the way they're portrayed in the Phantom Menace to As an alien stereotype talking about as in the stereotypes that we exactly that we use at the time I love the alien face hugger concept being used as a means to calm down um ah aggressive aggressive inmates or um ah nasty people. I love that i love that concept. it was yeah It wasn't particularly clever, but I thought, yeah, nice touch. The
one of the things about um One of the things about Osha is that she's clearly lost her power. So she's clearly at some point respected by her master and by other people as well. When the prison ship goes down, she can't pull Pip, by the way, rather wicked. um gameboy gameboy droid to her. She's clearly lost her powers in some way as she has to rely on the momentum or the movement of the of the of the ship going down in order to do that. I'll finish this page that I'm on at the moment. Again, I had to go I had to go manual, mate. I had to go old school because dang, man.
um i know i know i know pad and paper and paper and pen but i've got here um some of the aesthetics things that i thought of when i was watching it um the sabers are very fat um but i'm all right with that because it reminds me of bearing in mind it's it's meant to
be influenced by the High Republic or indeed the old days. It reminded me, did you ever play the New Republic MMO? Star Wars, the New Republic, MMO. Still available today. The sabers in there are really fat. They're really, really fat. And it may well be, you know, that um over the years they get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, as with most technology. But I thought they were, they seemed proportionately quite, quite big. um I thought the ship porn was really good. i thought I thought you'd be happy with that. The ship porn looked really, really good. I identified ah three vehicles, three ships maybe, the Nemodian cruiser that she was working on as a deckhand or whatever. I can't remember what they called her, but but um that ship would look pretty good. And it looked quite a good aesthetic actually. It looked like it would fit in with a
with a Nemoidian cruiser, um the you know big the big circular um um ship they take down in in in Phantom Menace. And then there was the Jedi fighter, and then of course there was the Jedi prison ship, all of which- The Jedi vector was cool to see in in live action. That was cool to see that. Yeah, yeah yeah and I don't know what you mean, but but you but yeah, it looked really, really good. And in fact, the the prison ship, ah sorry, was the vector the ship that Sol uses later on as well? Is that is that his ship?
I don't remember what he flew, but the Vector is what they're on the Nemoidian ship when Jackie and Yorg came to originally arrest her. It's like the real spit like real long, spindly looking one. It almost looks like ah like a wasp or a gnat. my So I'm talking about the i'm talking about the one um'm talking about the one that really impressed me and I made a few comments about it, was the one later on in the um in the first episode, which basically the nose of it detached.
When they went to go and pick up um OSHA from the planet, they kind of it kind of arrived from hyperspace and the nose detached, which reminded me a little bit of the the old docking ring from the dead Jedi Starfighter, but obviously it's a bigger ship with with all of the crew on board. I thought that looked particularly sick and very Star Wars. Yeah, I like the shit. Is that? No, I'm talking about the fight, the real skinny fighter that came in like a vectors like almost like a single seat or two seat fighter. Real, real long, real spindly. And it was only there for a brief second. But on in terms of the ship horn, I liked it too, because I also liked how they.
They showed they didn't just lean on the same. So it's it's really early. It's 100 years or whatever before. And so they showed different types of technology or maybe things are less efficient and more bulky and weird, like the engines look. Kind of they're not as like blue and thin and streamlined as a yeah. Yeah. Yeah and later Star Wars I don't know if they thought it looked things look heavy. They look like they need exhaust vents And they're less efficient. I thought that was really cool. I think it was like those radiators and stuff was really cool. Yeah, it's funny as you should say that because um
I felt the opposite at certain times. So for example, um I mean, you knew you knew I had a great time with Ahsoka. I loved Ahsoka. I thought it was great because i didn't I didn't see what an awful lot of other people, I just saw it as the romp that it was meant to be, which was basically a sequel to the Rebel series and loved it. And then there was new stuff in there that I really, really did love. So I didn't you take it seriously. But one thing that didn't land well with me was the EV suit that um uh Ahsoka had you know with the the the the soft soft yeah um head piece that that kind of uh accommodated her her tendril her her her tentacles or whatever you want to call her her her her Veku or whatever whatever they are anyway point being is that
This time round, the EV suit looked genuine. It looks actually solid. and It looked like it served a purpose rather than a lot less fantastical. However, the boots still look very Star Trek. And I always think of, when I think of Star Trek, I think of you know nanotechnology. I think of everything being really small, really efficient and everything. um And yet I felt that While the suit looked cool, the boots were kind of like, that doesn't fit in my my humble opinion. and It wasn't analogue enough to to to fit in this universe. The same goes for what I thought was actually quite a good thing, which was the idea of the droid chairs.
you know, they're the the that the drit the droids that up that are um piloting the the the ship, you know, fold down to become a ah place to for for for pilots, yeah for for organic pilots to sit. And I like the idea, but it was like, oh,
It's a little bit, again, it's a little bit Star Trek for me as opposed to Star Wars. It's more digital versus analog. However, however if I think about the way that it was positioned the the OT versus the prequels. You saw in the prequels a very gleaming, a very white, a very technology technologically advanced culture. And then when it came to the OT, mainly because of budget reasons, but the the the they did it masterfully, um people are making do and it is a lot more analog. ah We also saw that in obviously in Andor as well with um
uh some of the kit that was being used by the the rebels then um so i'm okay with it but it was like it's almost like by the time we get to let's say the end of the right and end of to the jedi the whole galaxy has gone backwards when it comes down to technological advancement uh a little bit but no i was okay with it but it just just one of those little nitpicky things I like to pick up on. I want to jump in there and say something about the boots. The boots are something that always bug me too and I think that's a trope I'd love to see go away of the LED indicator on the boots of when they're magnetized. Every movie does that and it's like they don't need an indicator that would not
Like, especially if the user can't see it, it's like, are my boots magnetized? Oh, I can't lift my foot. So therefore they are. yeah It's so silly. I like the suit too, because it reminded me of like the old, the really old submarine or not submarine, um, like subsuits, like where they, they bolt it on the screen and you're a big metal suit, the mech neck thing. yeah Um, and to clarify my previous comment about like the, the ship's looking chunkier. They the engines look less efficient, but they definitely don't look as rough as like the original trilogy because they all still have their panels on. So it definitely had more like yeah engine guards with vent holes in them. So it's like, oh, yeah, that stuff is going to like get taken off and it becomes a lot leaner and more efficient in the future. That I just want to clarify for anybody who's good. It actually looks slick. It's like it's more like the prequel Y wing versus the
ah the see original trilogy Y, where it's like, it's the same kind of shit, but they just took the panels off because they don't care about style anymore. No, I'm with you. I'm with you, mate. The temple. The temple, we got C. Coruscant, which is ace, and the temple's a lot smaller than it will be, which is I found interesting. And it took ah only took it took the second time round to actually notice, because, of course, you're so familiar with with that view.
of the, you know, the Coruscant vista, and then you've got the temple. And it's half the size, which I found fascinating, I found absolutely fascinating. um One of the things that in that very same, sequence in that very same, so same sequence, um you've got the Jedi that are in interrogating the prisoners from the, or the people that were that escaped from the the prison ship. And Sol was the first person to interrogate the guy using his Jedi mind powers to establish the truth. It's like, well, you're surrounded by Jedi. Why did it take him to to do that? Why didn't somebody, I was saying what happened before Sol turned up? But anyway, again, that's a nitpick and it was a plot. It was a plot you know it moved the plot forward, so I was okay with that.
What I loved is that I don't know if I talked about it on our pod or whether I talked about it. I think I i definitely spoke about it on Star Wars spelt out was that the um trailer showed um OSHA pleading her innocence to the point where it was amazingly good acting and really, really convincing. And I made the point that something else is going on there. Maybe she doesn't know she's doing this stuff. Maybe she's being manipulated or being um being hypnotized. The fact that they didn't bother hanging on that
on that mystery for any more than 30 or 40 minutes, I thought was brilliant. and We found out very, very quickly that she's got a twin sister. so ah i so I felt somewhat um Well, I felt a little bit good that I kind of guess something else was up there and it it wasn't maybe her. And if it was her, she's not in her right mind. But the fact that they addressed it relatively quickly, I thought was kind of good. um I love um ah got that the guy. He's a real twat. He's a pompous twat. Is it Yord? He's the new Jedi.
Yeah, he's he's been a Jedi for two years. He's a companion. He's trying to do really well to look. if fit and I work with people like this, so I really appreciate it. ah Someone that's been put in a position of responsibility that's trying really hard to look like they're doing a really good job. And ultimately, they got a really good heart, but they but they they're just going through that informative stage of being in a new in a new pair of trousers, shall we say. And I love that. And um I don't have a problem with him at all. and he And you can see by his mannerisms that he loves um OSHA, but mostly, what made me laugh the most is that um
Sol's Padawan, who is of course... ah Jackie. I'm trying to remember, yes, who for me stole the show, um is basically ruling him, is basically pushing him around. I think it's hilarious that he's the Jedi, she's the Padawan, and yet she's kind of telling him how to do his job properly. And I thought that was absolutely wonderful. um Oh, one thing that really landed from an emotional point of view, they look on Sol's face when he meets Osha.
for the first so So they have that kind of um moment where she's teetering on the edge of the cliff and she falls backwards and he saves her. And then they meet for the first time. And there's a whole but bunch of accusations against her. And she's saying it's not me. And the fact that he doesn't even care about it at the moment in time, he just looks at her in the face and smiles. And that really got to me. It almost like it doesn't matter what you've done. It doesn't even matter if it is you. I'm so happy to be with you and I love you a great deal. And that was that I thought was was absolutely amazing. And, you know, good choice in casting the guy.
um And I make absolutely amazing um Yeah, there's a couple of couple of other things I picked up on um I think that My assumptions towards this series are completely wrong. I thought it would be all about identifying Be joked about it last week the phantom menace um But but but who is behind all of this? I don't think it's about that. I think it's about um
bringing the truth as to what happened at the time that Mei and Osha were separated. There's something happened there. um Something happened there that was traumatic, that the Jedi themselves, despite how exalted they feel that they are, or all that they are, or they behave, um are responsible for. And I think that is the story. I felt that, you know, while you said you talked about Memento, which is a lot better analogy than than I had, I was thinking of the murder of the Orange Express. And if you remember the story, the more murder of the Orange Express, everyone had a hand in the in the killing.
essentially everyone had a vendetta against the person they killed and while i'm suggesting i'm not suggesting that in any way the four jedi had a vandetta had a vendetta or had anything particularly um um A reason for doing whatever we find out they did um They're all that they're playing a cover-up game at the moment and all of them are responsible in one way or another um I think your example was a lot better than mine by the way Excuse me and that's pretty much That's pretty much it apart from Excuse me
um apart from thinking about the word acolyte and what it means, and the fact that we haven't had an acolyte while we've had, you know, would we butoby would we consider a Sarge Ventress an acolyte for Dooku, for example, or was she an apprentice or a trainee for Dooku? The fact that, we're you know, thinking about the word acolyte, and maybe all of us are thinking of this as there is a Sith behind this,
um and I've been thinking the same thing up until now which is the reason why I suggested during the scruffy with the scruffies that perhaps everyone that finds out or knows of the Sith is killed which keeps Kiai's theory about the whole thing sound for the fountain menace And I'm just wondering, but I'm also thinking to myself, what is an acolyte? An acolyte is a follower. Maybe it's it's some call of sort of reverse short um reverse church of the force um that is being built at this moment in time that brings back the Sith, but these aren't actually Sith people. And they're all acolytes. So the guy that we see on the coast, you know on the rock, speaking to May at the end of the first, at at the first um
uh the first episode he talks about the power of the of of the acolyte destabilizing the belief or the the the the the dream that is the that is the jedi maybe he's recruiting more acolytes and between them they bring back the sith um and actually the sith is not the immediate danger it's the people that are trying to um to bring that back and i could be talking complete nonsense but I don't know. It's just these little signals like like maze compassion, like maze emotion.
um Make me think that there is it's not black and white Sith versus Jedi here. Does that make sense? It does. Yeah, it does. It does make sense. I think there's. i've i was never I was never in the boat of like, oh, they're they're all Sith. I do i do think my current my current standing is I think the the master is probably Sith, um but I don't think that Mei is anywhere close to it. I think she's being used.
um It may not be like the true master. That could be a rule to an apprentice, even. But and I don't think May is in any way, shape or form a set at all, because my my theory, my theory on what's happened is that. what may has always been troubled. There has been, there was a fire that broke out or whatever that killed that that there was an issue on that planet on, on whatever it was called where all the the four of them were. And there was a lot of destruction. And I believe my current, my current belief is what happened was the Jedi came and tried to arrest May.
or like bring her in with one of them being and like an overzealous leader and knowing May's reputation as being a troublemaker or whatever it is. And I believe, I bet her parents or somebody stepped in to stop it and got killed or hurt. um and then cover and And then a cover up ensued that was like they they killed other people or more things that happen, more things have more people got killed, and then they separate them. And I bet they wiped. And then i then I think they separated the two of them. And that's were like, oh, May's dead. I bet there was one of those four who's like, especially bad. They're like, it's kind of like Vernestra was in the things like we got to do what we got to do to cover all this up. An accident happened. And then those four were on board.
And then and they separate it and they're like, May's dead, she's gone, whatever. And then Asha came to the to the to the temple and they're like, oh, May did this. May burned the village, May killed everybody. All this stuff happened, but really it was a bunch of accidents. and and And then now May is pissed and being used by this master to to hunt the people who are responsible for what happens, for what truly happens. And that's why Torben did what he did because he feels the guilt. We'll see what Kel Naka has dealt with. Master Sol, I'm interested to see how he's how he what his role in this was. um And I think I bet Darth Trinity was or Jedi Trinity was maybe one of the the ringleaders.
of it because she seemed to be the most upset, the most kind of the most vengeful. She's like, oh, it's you. Like, what are you doing here? Like, I thought you were dead. You're a problem. Don't forget. Don't. No, no, no, no, no. Don't forget. She probably thought that she was talking to. um Don't forget, she she probably thought she was talking to OSHA and we we know that um in the course of the first ah episode that she was, Carrie Hermos was actually one of the Jedi that told Sol to get rid of her. so So when she saw her face to face, she probably wasn't assuming it was Mae that was dead. there's There's two things going on here, Mae. The first being,
someone knew both kids were still alive. I don't think Saul did, but someone knew both. I cannot believe everyone assumed that the the evil one was was was was dead and that they the the good one was alive in inverted commas. I think Saul was supposed to kill May or take care of it and he didn't, and he let her go. Maybe, maybe. And the second point I want to make is that um one thing that I wrote down actually, and I didn't want to entertain it because I thought I bet you for the bro boys are going to get all over this and I really don't want to entertain it, but they talked about the girls' mothers in plural. and i thought I naturally came to the conclusion, oh, it's a same-sex marriage, same same-sex marriage age or same-sex parental um um situation that's all at the moment, move on. um But maybe we're talking about dark witches.
Maybe we're talking about dark witches. Is that ever occurred? We could. Is that an option? I feel like it muddies the wall. I would be disappointed because I feel like it muddies the water and the simplicity of it. Like now we're now we're into that life that that green smoke. It's like, oh, they're they're actually twin they're actually clones and they're they're not real because so Darth or like you call her Darth Trinity. Trinity knew it was May when she saw her tattoo scar or whatever that is on her forehead. And i that's when she ignited the lightsaber. So it's like
To me, that was like, shit, you're still alive. Like, um'm not playing I'm not playing nice anymore. You're supposed to be dead. You are our problem. Because you know what really happened. um and like And I feel like if it became like Nightsister stuff, that's where it just gets like, yeah ah because she didn't kill the bartender because the kid was there. And it's like, that's what she, to me, that's what she went through. She was a kid and people forced people forced people killed her parents in front of her while that she was begging them not to. And she wasn't about to become the very thing that she hated. And so it's, but then Trinity's there and it's like like she like, she would have been Trinity herself. She just killed Trinity for doing that exact same thing.
And like that's kind of that's kind of the cyclical loop. And if it becomes like dar like or ah night with sisters or witches, then it just kind of throws this whole like spiritual or force loop into it instead of it just being innocent people, ah normies yeah per se, who are just slaughtered by those who like those who can't, slaughtered by those who can. um because then it's like, oh, it's witches versus Jedi. Okay, did you why didn't you defend yourself with your witch magic? It's like, ah. Yeah, you that you then you then get into a massive, you know it ends up being less about the story and more about the pew pews and the drama and the the magnificence of it all yet. No, I'm with you. It it it becomes less burstable. No, I'm with you. I just i just i picked up on it and I hope it is something as simple as,
the twins were were daughters to a same-sex marriage, you know that that you know which which which is absolutely fine, but i'm sure I'm sure they're already folk out there that are having a nightmare with it. um What do you think of, um two questions I've got for you. What do you think of the acting? Did anyone stand out as being a bit of a fave for you at the moment? And then I was gonna ask you, what do you think happens next? I mean, I think I think Jackie's my favorite, my favorite character right now.
They're they're acting as the one the only I think the oh oh in in May Ocean of like that's I think that goes without saying it's like the yeah. The fact that it's the same person, but when you see them like that, just the face and everything about it, it's so she does so well at. being two different characters and it's like there's times where i'm like is it the same person is it like and i know it is i know logically and i know there's other like film tricks you can do but it's like the the acting is so unique and different for each one of those characters i thought it's really good but but jackie's my favorite just because it doesn't it feels so effortless like yeah you're the only one in like
whole head to toe or head makeup, but it feels natural. It feels it doesn't feel forced. I like Master Saul, too. um But jackie I think Jackie is my favorite character. May is the best acting. What about you? What's your what's your stand outs? Well, first first of all, I was going to I'm being I'm being really controversial, so I don't care because I'm tired. um Let's face it, Star Wars is Star Wars. It's never been renowned for Oscar-winning performances at the best of times. and but But I do think that the performances here are pretty damn amazing. And like I said, my standout acting moment this week was when Sol
um was reunited after saving Osher. I thought it was absolutely, that just the kindness and love in his his face and that little that little smile he gave her was just like, it's like everything's okay. Everything's okay. And it's the kind of smile that I would like to think that I give my my girls, you know, um without getting emotional. It's kind of reassuring smile. It's like, I don't care what you've done. I don't care what you've been through. I'm here and I'm here to to to help and protect you. And I just thought that was ace. However, despite that,
um I thought that in particular um our friend um um to find daff Daphne, keen. So like you, Jackie, I felt thought she was freaking out awesome. I love her matter of fact mess. I love the fact that she's she's she's beating on beating on our boy. um I've got to give kudos to, I've got to give kudos to, to him, to try and remember that Charlie Barnett, who plays Yord. His reaction and his his response to her, um I think is is absolutely fantastic. However, my my the one that left me with so much intrigue was probably, um
I think his name is pronounced Manny Jacinto Yeah, Jacinto. Sorry. Yeah. Who plays come here? um
He may well just be a scoundrel. He may well just be a scoundrel a little bit like um he countered something with the with the force. If I if i remember correctly in episode two, he stopped her. when she was attacking him, he stopped her with like, I thought I could have sworn he used the force to stop her somehow. I can't remember what he did. I'm like, oh shit, is he force sensitive? will you attack inside him Oh, go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, I have so i haven't finished my so my second my second watch of of episode two yet. and um But after my foot, there's something else going on there. it may Like I said, it may well be just some really good acting, but he's this he's playing this kind of Weasley character. And as we know, I i keep talking about it.
Is he the master? do do do do do do do Well, is is he the master? but or Or is he like her? is Between them, are they are they are they trying to, both of them, impress the master? Because sometimes she talks about how impress the master will be, and then he talks about how impressed the master will be. If he's only just a little weasel that's kind of like a smuggler or um someone that is is is, if you like, her don I know, a keyboard guy or a you know this the the man in the chair, an armorer. Yeah, the man in the chair.
um I'm surprised that he cares as much as he does about what their master thinks. And so I don't know, mate. I don't know. Maybe maybe he goes on his own missions and she's the guy in the chair. i don't I don't know yet, I don't i don't know, but i i find I find it quite intriguing, his role at the moment, and i i um I'm interested interested to find out more about his story, because I like the actor, and um he's playing someone's, you know, someone rather sleazy. And as I keep saying to, I suggested to the scruffies, and I also talked about it last week with the guys over at um ah Star Wars spelled out that I've got this gut feeling that
the true threat is hiding in plain sight and probably the least person or or entity that we expect it to be. Be that someone that may well be within the Jedi Order. Let's face it, a few of the characters that we've seen that are ancillary but part of the main main story in the first two two episodes have been kind of a little bit like shysters and haven't been particularly um helpful and compassionate, or indeed other other people that we that that we'll get to know along the along the journey. However, the one person I'm really looking forward to, of course, is is our new buddy, the Wookiee, that we saw a little bit of a snip shot, Kelnacker.
because I'm a Wookiee guy um and so you know getting more of getting to understand a little bit more about Kel Naka is something that I'm really excited about. um Just more Wookiees in general I think erased because I i think they rock um and of course it means that Judas is coming back as well into the the Star Wars family and getting to do his thing. So I'm looking forward to that next week. A little bit abrupt the ending this week, um also the second episode in that we got to see what was going on with him. He seems to have put himself in some sort of self-imposed exile for some reason or other. And again, I do think it's something to do with the events of 10 years ago, ah which is why we may see a
Well, there's two things here going on, which I found really, really strange. The first of all is that, you know, while I appreciated it for obvious reasons, and so the fact that, um, the fact that we've got Carrie Ann Moss being killed off in the first 10 minutes of the show was a bit weird when she's on the slate and part of the marketing material. Secondly, that we've, that we've seen, um, Kel Naka as a fully fledged, um, um jedi in his robes and yet where we see him he's living like a hermit and doesn't seem to be any kind of jedi whatsoever um the fact that we saw i try to remember the guy's name the guy that was in a trance for 10 years torbin torbin the second the second jedi master that was killed or so or basically took his own life uh out of
some kind of grief or certainly regret for his own actions. I think we'll see all of these people again. And the fact that Torbin is, looks like, or is made to seem like a an aged, an aged guy, but is played by a very young actor. That's a really strange, strange thing to do. if they weren't going to use that character again in the future, again as a flashback. So we shall see. But apart from that, mate, yeah, no, I'm enjoying it. It's great. Like I said, it it just so happens to be in Star Wars. It's like it's a it's a it's a riveting yarn. What do you think, what are your predictions for the weeks? Well, for next week, let's say, but if not the weeks ahead?
um I mean, obviously, I think we're going to be dealing with Kel Naka next week. I mean, I think I think to that Manny Jacinto stuff, I don't remember his character's name, but I mean, I think we're going to slowly. I think the hide and play side thing applies to him. I think he I think he's either the master or he is. the like, and like the I think he's the one pulling the strings. That's that's my that's my Sean Harebrained guess. But I think we're going to get more more of May kind of on a tear and get a little bit more.
information um about what happened in the past. And I think it's going to end up being master soul who's the only one left. um And that's going to put him in a in a bind. And it obviously, I think we're going to start seeing the seeds of like strife between I think maybe next week we'll end with the ah cliffhanger of excuse me, um OSHA and soul maybe. maybe her thinking man maybe there's more to him, maybe he had a bigger hand in this situation than he yeah let on her in their original. Because he also saw her shoot and kind of miss when she was when May was driving away. And so I think there's already like a tension there. and And so I think that the tension is going to be flipped back the other way. Yeah, you could be. Yeah, yeah you could be.
You could be right, and I hope it doesn't end with him... I hope it doesn't end with him being... um ...ending himself as well. You know, sorry, him also at at the end of Season 2, for example, him him being somehow disposed of, which is the reason why Keodie and those guys end up with... a completely justified reason to think that the Sith have been
have been out of out of touch for over a millennia. But yeah, we'll see, mate. um um From my perspective, I think that, um like I said earlier on, I think that there is a different story to to be told here than I thought. i think it's about I think it's less about the emergence of the dark side, be it Sith, be it something different, like a chair. In fact, on that point, The reason why I thought it was a reverse of the the of the Church of the Force was, it reminded me of, um and sorry, we we got we we went off a tangent, so there I didn't fail finish where where I was coming from. If you remember during the original, um the original, sorry, the um
ah the road to ah Chuck Winding novels. Come on, what are they called? um Aftermath. Aftermath, thank you. The Aftermath books. There was a bunch of anthologies or standalone stories that went, you know that that the you know, every other chapter, there'd be a very, very short, brief um very brief um happening but that that was going on during the main story. And one of those was the emergence of these bunch of kids that were trying to bring back Vader or basically ah deluded themselves that Vader was still alive or something along those lines. It's been quite a few years i looked at that since I read them. But the point being is that is that
I'm thinking to myself, maybe maybe we're not talking about the Sith being in the background, maybe we're just talking about a bu bunch of disillusioned people that are trying to resurrect this the Sith. um and to build an army of acolytes that can somehow find, potentially, a way of resurrecting the Sith later on down the line, which builds up to the Phantom Menace, of course. But anyway, that's that's one thing. But despite that, I still don't think it's about that. I think it's really about a reckoning or some sort of um
reconciliation of a an event that happened 10 years ago, which somewhat puts the image, this perfect spic and span, you know, ah highly highly um saturated image of the of the Jedi interdistribute and actually starts the discord if you like um of public opinion towards the towards their opinion of of of what the Jedi are and who they and and and and what they and what value they bring to the galaxy I don't know either way anyway my um
Lots to come. We're well over our time, as we normally are. um There's lots that we didn't talk about, lots that we will talk about. You're still traveling. I've just got back off a mental weekend. Let's talk a week from now and catch up during the week where we can to work things out. um But thank you for recording, mate. and um And thank you to all of our listeners, ah the many, many listeners that we have, and take us out, mate. I can do that. um If you're listening to this and there's parts of this episode that didn't make any sense, it's because I had internet issues most of the time. But I do appreciate it, and we'll be back next week with us
with more exciting and more exciting stuff. Thanks again. Until then. a Excellent. Look after each other. Take care. Love you all. See you next week. Bye.