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Sleepy Games' Treehouse of Horrors Part III image

Sleepy Games' Treehouse of Horrors Part III

The Sleepy Games Podcast
24 Plays4 months ago

Kicking off the Hallowe'en month with Beetlejuice!

Song Credit: 'Day O' by Harry Belafonte

Next Week: A Nic Cage Hallowe'en Double Feature! Movie Recommendations: Longlegs (2024) & Willy's Wonderland (2021)

Sleepy Games Rating System:

1. Would Not Watch It Again

2. Would Fall Asleep Watching It On TV

3. Would Watch It Again

4. Would Buy It 

5. Sleepy Games' Instant Classic


Introduction and New Rating System

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
Well, hello there! Welcome to yet another episode of the Sleepy Games podcast. I am one of your hosts, Sleepy John, with me, as always, the ever exhilarating James Games. You there, buddy? I'm here, man. I'm here. Nice, its nice. yo you always You always know how how to get me giggling in the beginning of this show with your introductions. I love it.
Well I aim to please, I aim to please. Also this episode, a bit of exciting news, we're gonna be introducing our brand new Sleepy Games rating system.
Are you excited for this, James? I am. And and you're going to refresh my memory on it. so I am, yes. At the end of the episode, we're obviously going to have a movie that we watched recently, movie theaters, that we are going to give our ratings to on the new, exciting system. And and for for this ah for this show is the start of our our the spooky season. So

Halloween and Spooky Film Discussions

all October long, we'll have We'll dive into more of the ah scary, the creepy, the just downright weird type of films. Halloween, I'd say, is my favorite holiday over any other holidays. So, I mean, I can do Halloween every day, buddy.
Yeah, I'm not someone who's was adopted like ah Halloween as her favorite, but but I know people that even like in August and July are just ah ready for it. where like For me, I'm like, I still want to enjoy summer, you know? I get to hear what it gets here.
i am all I am firmly of the belief for both Christmas and Halloween that it starts on the first of their respective months. Okay. I don't i don't really like it, especially when it's like you're talking about like August and you've seen Halloween. Sometimes you've been seeing Christmas stuff. For me, that's nonsense.
ah I mean, ah if you deal just don't even take the decor down, then just leave it up a year round. It's why you bring it up, because for my decorations, I usually, I like putting it up. Like, I'm like, I take some and leave some. So like, for Christmas music, I'll start it December 1st. I'll listen to it all through December. ah For decorations, I want to start ra right after American Thanksgiving, because I like the way my house looks.
with the Christmas decorations. I

TV and Movie Experiences

prefer it to like how my house looks just normally. I mean, I can appreciate that, I suppose. ah It's funny, were we're thinking about this right now. One thing I actually thought was really cool is when I was down in Australia, I don't know if it was the same for where you were in different ah different cities at this time. But like I was in Sydney and it was like...
There was Christmas stuff. there They did have Christmas stuff out. ah Which is weird because obviously it's like summertime and stuff. I thought it was great. But ah December 26th comes around Boxing Day. Boom. Everything goes down. They they don't wait till New Year's Day or anything like that. December 26th. All the decor is gone. Christmas is over.
No, no, you you're absolutely right. It was the same in my town. ah Because because we in the and like this town center, there was this huge Christmas tree with like Santa Claus decorations all around. and And you're right, on Boxing Day the 26th, I think it was I was even there like that morning. unless It was around lunchtime. I go to that center and everything's gone. Yeah. I don't waste any time. Christmas is over.
well Well, I think about it too because um because you have the workers who you know whose jobs are to take it down and they're were and they're getting paid double. So they're excited to to to get done with that job. Like, hey, I'm getting my money. Let's go.

Review of 'The Penguin' Series

um anyway so Anyway, so ah ah before we dive into the ah to the the main film we're talking about today, we want to go into the ah to what we saw this week um that we want to bring up in the show. just Just a little bit of of what we liked on TV or a movie we watched. So for me, ah I started the ah the series, ah The Penguin.
Um, the penguin, is that from like Batman? or Yes. Okay. So it's based off Colin Farrell's version of the penguin from the rubber pants in Batman movie. Okay. Um, right. Right. Yes. Okay. It took me a second. I was like, wait a minute. Oh, I did see that. yeah
It also ties in the Spooky season because because you can follow Batman to that, you know, costume, visual anti, all that. No, I agree. It's going to be a good segue too because of ah one of the people that played Batman. Very true. Yes. Hint, hint, hint, hint. So I've watched the first two episodes so far of the Penguin.
And it's great. It's exceeded my expectations. It's very much like the Sopranos in Gotham okay is what it is. so So you're basically following these crime families. You'll find the falcones and the maroonies and then like the penguins, like just in the middle of it all. So you kind of see how he's manipulating each side to become more of a become more of like a crime boss.
And he he's toeing the line a bit, like he's you kind of kind kind of walking on eggshells at it at times, because you fit you're like, shit, how is he going to get out of this? like and But if you know what his character was like in the movie, and if if what if he liked his character in the movie, some people that watched the movie didn't even realize that was Colin Farrell, which is so funny to me. cause And I get it, because even when I'm watching this show, like every five minutes I'm just like,
Oh yeah, that's Colin Farrell, because he's he's completely lost in this character. And with all the makeup, the hair, ah everything that that they did to him, like the whole the whole body prosthetics and everything. and that there's actually There's actually a scene, inish I mean, it's it's a little bit of a spoiler, but it's not like a spoiler spoiler. It's just

Nostalgic Penguin Debate

to show off like how how good the, ah I guess the the practical, or how practical stuff has has gone lately, where he's like naked.
He's like in this hairy, know grotesque body. And apparently, from what Colin Farrell has said, they even gave him like a price like like but like a fake dick as well for his character, because it's a scene where he's like naked. I mean, you don't see anything, but he's but but apparently that's what happened, to to make it as authentic as possible, I guess.
That's commitment on another level, I would say. but but as far as thats its so like so ah the ah the like His is great, but it's not just him, like the whole the whole surrounding cast.
ah ah compliments compliments him very well. You have um you have Christine Milani. <unk>ti um she She basically plays like she plays the the daughter of felt ah the Falcone Boss, the the the guy who died in the movie, played by John Turturro. So you have his daughter coming in who just got let out of Arkham Asylum.
So right away you're thinking, okay, she's crazy, but but she but why is she let out? like i like like you know Did she have good behavior? like you know you You can tell she has a bit of a screw loose.
But so, you and you and you can tell with the Penguin and and her, you're kind of just like, all right, like I feel like one of them or one of them is gonna slip up at some point and it's gonna be the downfall somehow. But but but as far as, like it's a very like all-star cast. if you If you see this show, you'll definitely recognize a lot of the actors. Everyone brings their A-game. i'm obsessed I was obsessed with with the world building that they had in the movie.
and And that's what, that's kind of like what I got most excited for the show. I just wanted to be back in that world. And it's supposed to be the, it's it takes place like right, right like like the week the movie ended. And the end of the show is supposed to be, like once the show ends, I think the second movie is supposed to take place. So it's still like, it's still 2022. It's still like the same year and like the same month of when the Batman ended.
and And yeah, i'm I'm only two episodes in, but but i'm I'm loving it. It's like my must watch show of the week now. And I can't recommend it enough. So

Viewing Habits: Binge vs Weekly

yeah, if if if you like this character, if if you like the the whole Gotham world that the movie explored, I think, and if you love the Sopranos, if you just, it's basically just this the Sopranos and Gotham, I think you'll you'll really enjoy the show.
That sounds good, buddy. Yeah, man. On the topic of penguins... Okay. Do you know who the best penguin ever was, though? Oh, as far as the, um... Just the best penguin. Just the best penguin. Uh, the best penguin is probably Cody Maverick Surf's Up. No, it was Carlos the penguin in New Zealand. I agree that wins because Carlos had basically basically our adopted penguin Indeed he was yeah, he stole our hearts. He's still out there somewhere.
I'm sure, I'm sure he i'm sure he is. just Love and light up. yeah eating some Eating some fish. I'm glad you brought that up. I wasn't sure where you were going with that. Okay, I like that. Carlos the penguin, we miss you. we We wish you the best. Shout out to Carlos the penguin.
um I'll have to post ah a picture of a Carlos on Instagram. I'll post that with this episode. Yeah, that that'd probably be... That'd be good. Yes, yes, yes.
Is there anything you watched this week that you want to get into before we ah dive into the yeah the main the main story of today? Hey, wanna just dive right in? Oh yeah, we can. Yeah. Alright, or did you do do did we have something else? That's all I had. Watch the penguin, lady and gents. Watch the

Beetlejuice Franchise Nostalgia

Actually, well i'm okay, I did watch the first season of a TV show this week. It's not Halloween-related. Well, I guess, you know what? It could be. It's got aliens. Does that count? Yeah, it counts. Aliens is Halloween. Alrighty. The people dressed up as this, you know, you can count them. I don't think there's anyone dressed up as aliens. If you watched Community, you they you would know.
Okay. I have never seen community. Oh my so god. I had a buddy a little while back. He he recommended this show. and His recommendations are usually pretty good. Like we tend to have similar tastes. I guess it's based off of a book series, if I'm not mistaken. The show, it's on Netflix, it's called The Three Body Problem. I've heard of this.
Yes. I don't know much about it. The gist of the show is that ah humans basically, you know, I guess, I guess in a way inadvertently contacts alien civilization and this alien civilization is is coming to conquer ah humanity. It is interesting. It has, uh, what's his nuts there. Oh God. I like, I know the actor. Who's the, uh, who's the guy that plays, um,
Dr. Strange's sidekick. in the Marvel movies. Wong. Oh, oh, yeah. what His name in real life is is benedit of which Benedict Benedict Wong. Okay, so he's like the main the main guy. He's the detective in this show. Does a terrific job. I actually really, really enjoyed watching him. I feel like we don't see him enough in the Marvel movies. Yeah, he's underutilized. Yeah. Yeah, so he's he's got a a much larger role in this. So if you like the guy, like the actor, he makes it kind of a central point in this show.
Really well done like it is a a well like it's well active show It's got a pretty good pretty good plot and everything like that It's interesting like if you kind of like the I like the idea I guess of what what I'm uh, I guess presenting it's only got the first season I guess that is not the typical Netflix fashion. There is a second season that is supposed to be I guess already green-lit so at least it's not gonna get cancelled and i i think if i if i understood correctly they're only making a couple like i don't know how many seasons but there's it's only like three like it's the stories written start to finish so i'm kind of i'm kind of interested to see where the where the story goes
I think the one thing that's like I guess for me to suspend my disbelief with the whole thing is that it supposedly it's taken this this alien race is going to take 400 years for them to and get down to earth for them to conquer us right so it's like In my mind, i just I just don't see people caring about something so hard in years. Which is something they discuss in the show to some degree, I'm not gonna say they don't. But it's just, I just don't think anyone would give a fuck. I think people have a hard enough time figuring out the next year, let alone 400 years. like That's a long time, man. Not our problem.
Exactly so anyways, I mean if you want to check out kind of like some alien sci-fi Featuring Benedict one there three-body problem on Netflix. It's not bad. I Like I I deserve judgment until I've watched the entire show ah But it is a good first season. I did enjoy it. I binged it a bit. I'm not gonna lie and Yeah, that's that's all I've got for this week we can I guess move into the theme of today's episode.
Yeah, I kind of want one of those, I want a bingeable show. I feel like all the shows I'm watching have to wait like a week for the next episode. well Kind of annoying. and Like I'm so impatient. I can't like, I can't wait. Right. This entire series is done to watch it. I'm like, I need to watch the next episode. I need to be in the know of everything. Like, ah because I don't want to be spoiled. I don't want to be spoiled.
Then check out this three-body problem, man. Like just you know, just binge it binge it in one night It'd be that'd be a lot of TV, but I think it's eight episodes. It's not I

Anticipation for Beetlejuice Sequel

think I like if I can watch one a day I think I'm um right. I think I can consider that a good binge. Okay. Yeah, okay good I would like that then just once a week All right. Yeah once a week is well, I mean that's kind of more interesting traditional way of viewing things. I have binged things in the past. I don't do it very much anymore, but I find that I have a hard time recalling any of the show if I binged it to that degree. It's a weird thing to do, and I'm just like, someone will be like, oh, did you watch this? I was like, yeah. I was like, what was it about? And you're like, I don't know. I have a vague idea what the plot was, but
Yeah. With the week to weeks, I always have to watch the recap just to make sure I didn't forget anything. I mean, if I'm binging every every day, I'll be easy to skip. But anyway, yeah. yeah ah Bring us in for the movie of today. Alrighty.
Well, I guess, yeah, I will because, uh, we have, uh, I guess for- for James and I, it's a bit differing because, uh, it's more- there's more nostalgia for me for this, uh, uh, I guess, franchise, or whatever you wanna call it, uh, because I watched the movie when I was very young, uh, when I- like, probably shortly after it came out,
There was also like a kind of like a Saturday morning cartoon show for this based off of the movie that came out shortly thereafter too that I also watched and so you know the sequel just came out recently obviously we're talking about it last week and that was Beetlejuice.
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. Well, Beetle, yes. The first, yes. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. And now we've said it too many times, we've just called him out. have Yeah. Wait, is one person has to say it three times or you can mix it up? but mix No, I think it's one person has to say it three times. Okay.
um Yeah, like you're saying, for me, I have no nostalgia for the first one. I saw the first one for the first time last year around Halloween. um And when I saw it for the first, when I saw it, I was surprised how little there was of Beetlejuice in the actual movie. right and And we actually did a little trivia thing ah with some friends and we when we saw the sequel.
um And one of the questions was, how much screen time does Beetlejuice actually have? And the movies the movie I think is a little over an hour and a half. and and so So the answer actually is 17 minutes. He's in the movie. Yeah, I was actually going to say around 20. There's a lot of build up to the character really. so that's the thing I think it's like 45 or 50 minutes into the movie until he actually shows up. Right. Yeah.
Which is I mean, there's a lot it's i was crazy to me. flo right Yeah. Yeah. Well, I have they they did things a bit differently back in the day, right? So Yeah, it it's interesting too because I mean like it It seems like, to me, it was a very original idea for a movie in that it's not based on anything, it's just something that was written for a movie. Like, I actually, for the longest time, for whatever reason, I thought it was based on a book, or like a comic book, or or something to that day. Seems like it would be, yeah. Yeah, and it's just like, it's just a movie they wrote up, and you're like, huh, like, yeah, they don't do that kind of stuff anymore, do they?
but Yeah, so so so so going into the new one I was anticipating, you know, just a little a bit more world-building Because I'm sure there's a lot more to to to explore um from like like did Did you not feel like they did build the world because like the first one it's they did almost just kind of oh they did okay, I sorry yeah i thought they I thought they did in the first one, but but I always knew that there could be more. you know Right, in the second one they explored more obviously. In the new one, it wasn't too much. was I thought it it was just enough to to expand what was already developed.
right Um, but i want i want I want to get your thoughts first because, uh, you know, cause I know this movie means, the original means more more to you than it does to me. Okay. So should we, let should we start by talking about the first one then? Like to start off with, I guess.
Yeah, we can talk a little bit about the first one. Yeah. All right. Well, I mean, well, I guess because there's gonna be an ah there's gonna be ah an obvious absence from the first one to the second one. And that's obviously Alec Baldwin and ah Gina Davis. Is that tell was right? Yes, yes because they're they're absent in the sequel, which I mean, it makes a lot of sense. like What are the characters that kind of absent?
Uh, well, the, the, the father or the grandfather, I guess in this case, but yeah but let's talk about, I guess, Gina Davis, Alec Baldwin, because I know that I know some people probably were a little bit disappointed, but I mean, if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. They're already ghosts in the first movie. And these actors are going to be 30 plus years older. Like you're either going to have to use the technology to to make them younger or find some weird explanation as to Why ghosts are aging. Yeah. And I heard in the original script for the sequel that they did plan to have them like as a cameo in the end. Right. But then I think that they just shot it down because they didn't have to deal with the de aging.
Yeah, and and that's that's really the thing, right? I mean, there's there's a big there's a big gap between the two movies, so just right there, you have a thing. and And really, like, I feel like, myself, like, their story was told. I don't really think that there was... there the I don't think that the the sequel would have benefited from having ah them make an appearance, really. I guess if it's a cameo, I mean, yeah. Yeah, it says, oh, hey, look, look who it is! Cool! That's it. And, uh...
But anyways, yeah, so with the first movie, I mean, for me, I always loved it because I have this thing and I always had this thing growing up in that.
I have this nasty tendency and it annoys some people and they think that I'm just being like a jackass but I'm not I don't know why but I always root for the bad guys in movies like I just I want the bad guys to win unless they're just so poorly written that I don't find them likable at all but the more likable the bad guy is like the more I just I find myself rooting for them to you know to achieve their goals because it's not something that Hollywood has a tendency to do very much Uh, so, you know, and, and Beetlejuice, I guess, like, essentially he is the bad guy, uh, in a way, like, I guess, like, yeah, but anyways, I mean, if you've seen the movie, you you you know, you know what I'm talking about. And, uh, I just, I found him to be very likable. I always, you know, when I was watching the movie young, late like early on, I was like, I wanted him to, you know, to kind of win, I guess, to, to win his freedom, so to speak. To get married.
Well, yeah, and there's some stuff I want definitely want to discuss as we get into the the sequel. So like I guess I'm curious, i mean having watched it more recently for the first time, like what was your overall impression with the first movie? Well, I i guess with the expectations I was going into, I was just like i was excited to see Muggle King and his Beetlejuice.
And okay then what I got was, oh, this is actually a story about this married couple, moves in this house, yeah gets killed abruptly, you know just a freak accident.
And then there they're they don't realize they're ghosts and then a new family comes a new family comes into the house and there the they they go on this whole adventure of trying to, um you know, i guess try to well i guess i guess but I guess the basis was them trying to um try to nu or tried to come back to life.
And then that's where, I guess that's kind of like where Beetlejuice comes in. Trying to make a deal on that. They're trying to get the people out of their house. Yeah, trying to get them out of the house and all that. But they're doing a very poor job of it in Beetlejuice, obviously. And it was hard for them to accept that. I mean, it was hard, I was liking their characters so much, I was like, man, it was hard for me to accept their deaths. Because I was like, oh, this young married couple, they seem great. And just, damn. Their card just flies off the bridge and then dead.
I was like, oh, and I'm like, okay, so so this is post. I'm trying to figure out the tone where this movie was going for right away, because especially watching it now versus then. Right. It's a much more different time ah for films.
um And then it then, like I said before, as far as like, you know, there's all the discussion about Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice throughout the movie. And I'm just like, okay, but when is he actually coming in into the movie? ah and And then, you know, they' not the whole, when when the when the new family comes in, when you have one in a rider, you have, um um she didn't put on the mom's name. Oh, that's right, yeah. oh Because the mom is stupid famous now because of Kids Creek.
Um, but yeah, that the chick from Schitt's Creek. Yes. Yes. And from Schitt's Creek and Home Alone. Um, and so with with all the, and then just having all the quirkiness, all the wild shit happening, and then and then the soundtrack to Boots.
it's it's just It just seems like it's such a weird movie where you feel like a lot of things wouldn't work, but like just because it it like it owns it, it ah it kind of all works. right but But still, I feel like it's still not for like everybody. you know It's still it's it's like too weird. I don't know if how the newer generations could like appreciate that like the first one as much as when it came out.
But when Beetlejuice comes in, but mag when ah once he enters the film, it kicks it to another level. Michael Kean just knocks out of the park. like like He steals every every scene he's in. Every line he delivers is is gold. And you can tell he's having the most fun.
playing this character and I think he's even said like he how much fun he's had but and even even it took so long to make a sequel because I think they're just waiting for the right script to come by and it's the right time and everything but yeah so like once he's so I mean I much prefer the second half of the film a lot more in the first half because of that and it really just maybe love it more maybe love that Love how Moneta Ryder with her character, because ah apparently a lot of girls like looked up to her.
um as as kids and they saw she saw a lot of themselves in the ah ah early mid-90s and stuff for sure. So late 80s I guess. This was her breakout role though. Yeah. ah yeah so um So it was cool seeing that for her as someone who's only seen one owner in her 90s roles and then yeah with her second comeback or with her comeback with Stranger Things and all that. Yeah, exactly.
But so watching it for the first time last year, you know, I thought was a good movie, you know, I can see why people, you know, helmet is in its highest regard. But, you know, for for me watching it, you know, years, years later, I just released and it's like, OK, it's good. I get it.
But that's all. like Is that something I want to like rewatch you know every Halloween? or Yeah, the nostalgia is maybe not quite there for you. I mean, yeah keep in mind too, this is like it came at the tail end of the 80s. There was a lot of...
just crap movies back then too so that this really was like and especially for this type of tone like halloween type movie i you know that i don't think that there was a lot to choose from back then right so and i think that that was another way out like it just stood out a bit more which is again probably why i got that cartoon show to go with it as well. But I really appreciate, I mean, just how weird it it would get them, especially like going into the the afterlife part of it and seeing all the... but like like I love, and the sequel does this too, how like when when they're in the waiting room and you see all the people just yeah waiting for the turn, you kind of see how how they got killed and why they ended up there. It's very like inventive.
and how creative they could be for that. I'd say, all right, buts let's put someone else here now. Now, how do they die and how are we going to make them work and all that? I thought that was very cool. so And things like that, it sticks with you because just like the practicality they did, because you know there's no CGI back then. And I think that's what they went and made sure they did with the sequel too, is they want to use as little CGI as possible.

Beetlejuice Sequel Plot and Characters

and definitely with the the sandworms, it definitely felt like they they continued that on. And I think it works really well, actually, ah in the in the way that they did it. like the The visuals in general are just kind of off-putting nothing. There's not like straight angles. Everything's like at at ah at a skewed angle and like and just weird everywhere you're looking. like it's i think it's it yeah I thought like the original... like it It is a classic in my mind, like I loved it. I mean, obviously, I'm a little bit biased to have the nostalgia there, but I thought it was ah a very well done movie. So, I guess, should we just kind of focus now on Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse? Yes.
So, the one thing I want to start off with, like, I gotta to say, the casting... I know that it was probably an obvious choice to cast, uh, Janet Ortega, just because of the whole Wednesday thing, which... to be yeah She's already been working with Tim Burton.
Yeah, but I will say that she does look like Winona Ryder's daughter. like Yes. And she acts like- Uncanny, yeah. Uncanny how much, like, the two of them resemble each other. So it was like, it was really not hard to like- It's like, who do you have? You can't cast anybody else. No. It's perfect.
Yes, I was really happy to just... I'm a big fan of hers. I've been following her career, like, especially with... I know she she likes the horror stuff, because she she's been to screen movies. She she she does Wednesday. um And I think she did one of those, like, really hard are horror movies with, ah I think it was X, it was called. I don't watch the movies, I don't watch the gory stuff. That but that be might be more of your taste, Sleepy John, but not for me. Hi!
I mean it depends like it for me I guess gore is is very similar to sex in that If I feel like it's just done gratuitously for no reason, I don't really enjoy watching it, I guess, if that makes sense. Like, it's like it... And I feel like a lot of times it's just for, like, it's just to make it, like, kind of shocking or whatever, and you're like, aaand, like, and then you're just like, okay, like, this really has nothing to do with the plot. I guess that's kind of my outlook on it, so it very much depends, but it's pretty rare where I would say that gore is...
Essential to the plot line really so it's usually just Well, we have no glory to worry about for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. That's for sure. So it was a well i guess yeah, it depends on how you look at it, I suppose yeah I Mean it's a freak. So okay, so start the weird scenes. So you you start so we start the movie um where you you dive into a little bit of where the family is now right and you you learn that they have to go back to that house because of a death in the family and i want to talk about how they
how they kind of showed the animated death. I love that so much. Very interesting. I loved it. That was my favorite part of the movie to be honest. Yeah, that was pretty cool actually the way they did it. Because I know they can't have this actor be and be in films anymore because of his his his history.
um And the the way they worked in all the claymation, basically just a claymation scene of how he got killed, I thought was so... ah Wait, are we going into spoilers or are we doing light spoilers?
It's your call, buddy. Whatever you want. Like, spoilers it is. Okay. Yeah, sure. Because then we a pass. So it's basically just showing ah how how we got how we get killed. So it shows him on an airplane. The airplane crashes and he's stranded. And then you're like, oh, well, he's not dead yet. He seems to be okay. Then all of a sudden this shark comes out, eats him. Yeah. But see, that's something you couldn't do, you know, if it's live action.
But because it's it's claymation, you can do whatever the fuck you want. And I love that. It it adds more a little bit comedy to it rather than the shock and the gore and stuff like that. yes especially if you're if you're if youre Especially if you're bringing that character in later, in the way they do it later, which I thought was very nice as well. right um so So right away, i was I was enjoying the movie so much with that. um But yeah, so you're diving in, so you learn about the characters, you learn where they are now, you learn that that the father just this died, so then you have to see where Winona is. She has ah ah this TV show about the paranormal and all the ghosts, um and how she's profiting off that, how how she sees ghosts.
yeah And then then she has she has this boyfriend, Justin Thoreau. I'm a big fan of Justin Thoreau. I feel like he's an underrated actor. Underrated writer, too. He's actually a really good writer. You'd be surprised what movies he has written.
um but I like their relationship. like I knew it was someone that was like not going to last is because of the way he acts. I was like, like come on, Winona, I think you can do better. ah But then then you see the relationship between her and her mother where that is now. Definitely in a better space than what it was in the first movie, um but but but still a bit dysfunctional.
ah and And then you can just degenerate Tigo. So then you see you you see where you introduce her character. She's at this boarding school. And then they're like, OK, now we get all the characters together. We learn we have to go back to that house for the funeral of their dad. So set up wise, I think it's good, a good way to get them all back to that house. What do you think?
No, I agree with it. it's To this point, like yes, I've ah very much enjoyed the movie. like yeah like i thought I thought it was well done, it's well written. It doesn't feel like...
it if It feels well flushed out. It doesn't feel like they're trying to just like shove things together just to get this. They took their time with it. Yes, like it it works like that. There's even some humor. Yes. ah Injected in there like when she's just like, oh, like, you're you know, like, oh, my father, your father would love never leave me or or whatever, right? Like when she's talking about how they like the grandpa or the dad died or whatever you want to call it.
And so they they did a very good job basically setting up like I guess essentially all the exposition in the first few minutes. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It was a creative way to to do all that and not just like say it but show it which I always appreciate. Yeah. um And yes, so then they're all at the house, they're at the funeral. ah that they have They have to sing the the popular song from the first movie. I forget what it's actually called. This is a dayo song, I guess I'm sure. Dayo, yeah, dayo, okay. Day that I come in, I want to go home. Yeah, that one. Yeah. um And then, yeah, then you see how Genre Take is very much like like her mom at at that age. Yeah.
Um, but okay. So, uh, what do you think about the scene when Justin Theroux or like the, the love the boyfriend of Winona, Winona Ryder, like his like proposal, like at the, at the funeral? I mean, well, like you're really like, it's written in a way that you really know, like are not supposed to be liking this guy at all. Really? Like it's. Yeah.
yeah so Yes, so so with the but with the proposal, it was very awkward. But I feel like it had to be done because you're not supposed to like this guy. You need a reason. You need to reason for Jenerate. Should we keep saying Jenerate's name? like i feel like we change i don't I don't remember the character's name to be honest.
And I have a nasty tendency for that anytime you have like a famous actor actress like I everyone knows Jennifer Tango now, yeah The characters that's why I kind of like sometimes like animated movies because then I actually Can say the character's name rather than like the actor's name. Yes and So you have to you have to lead her on a journey to have her own story, right? and that's what where she rides if she rides her bike apparently was the same bike and A similar bike to what Winona Ryder wrote in the first movie. And she crashes in to another house and meets a boy. What's supposed to be a nice little... I was about to say, yes, a nice little meet cute, all that. Oh, this guy seems harmless. That's cool.
um And then then you learn ah things aren't as as they seem. That's right. um when When we learn that the boy she meets is actually dead.
But still, you know he still seems endearing. you know He just guess wants to be alive again. It was a freak accident while he died, like how most deaths are in this it this movie. that's It's all freak accidents.
um and so So that's where we go from there. Okay, so, I was in, I believed all that. I was like, you get from here to there, okay, you have to give Generatega something to do, you have to get in this, you have to get in the underworld, or the afterlife again, somehow. And this is the way to do it. Yeah. Yeah, it was, and it was a good segue into the realm of Beetlejuice.
Yeah. and it well I don't want to go too much into that. I want to go into us in the afterlife because, well, actually, we might have to back up for a second because there's one character we have to had to talk about that's introduced before then. That is the ex-wife of the ex-fiancé of Beetlejuice.
Well, it is, is, what? It is ex... I guess ex-wife, I think they did get married. They did get married, okay. Yes, they did get married. So her introduction... Also, I'm sure you noticed the cameo in that scene. Danny DeVito, yes. Yeah, I made it, yes. That was, uh, that was pretty cool. That was nice to have him there, especially since he's worked with Timber and before. Yeah, and Beetlejuice's ex-wife is, uh, Monica Baluchi.
wait ah Wait, I thought they were still dating. They're still with each other. At the start of the movie? Oh, sorry. No, at no point are they together. I'm sorry. What I meant to say was, um sorry, i heard you said one thing, I heard another. It was one of those. what are those okay um So in real life, Tim Burton and Michael Belushi are together. Oh, I had no idea. I don't i don't know these things. so I knew because of because of the movie.
um ah okay and yes so i like i like I like the back story. I like learning more about Beetlejuice, his past and all that. because I remember there were there were hints of certain things in the first film that he was with he was married before.
And now we got that backstory and I think her character was a good fit. The problem with her character is she's not utilized enough. There was a point in the, ah you know, I'm umm fast, I'm kind of going, I'm skipping forward a bit, but For me, I feel like she was introduced, they have like another scene with her, and then she's like forgotten. For like a big chunk of the film, where at a point where I completely forgot she was in even in the movie.
right And then it wasn't until the end, I'm like, oh yeah, forgot, there she is. yeah I mean, I get what you're saying. and I mean, like her character is not very, it's pretty one-dimensional. It's not really, it's not really, it's not really a villain. However, I mean, it is, it is Beetlejuice, right? I mean, like, do we really care about his ex-wife? Yeah, yeah, but but I don't know I feel like if she's supposed to be thrown in in the end I guess I could have used like a one or two more scenes with her sprinkled in Before I mean they they showed how like, you know They when they met like how they met and then how she ended up like killing her him and then her him him How she ended up killing him and then he kills her at the same time. Yeah and but But I loved her character design. It made me want to see her more cuz I like that whole
like putting her body together and tying it all up and all that. I thought it was so cool. Yeah, it was a well done scene for sure. But yeah, so yeah, I'm glad we back checked to that and then getting back to the Afterlife world.
That's what I was looking forward to the most, because i that was more I feel like they could have fleshed out even more in this than from the first one. And then they introduced one of my favorite characters in the movie, and that's way in the first... yeah Well, oh not yet!
William Defoe is introduced first. William Defoe actually does a phenomenal fucking job. Yes he does. He's one of the scene stealers in the film and I love this story about how he was an actor who did his own stunts and that's why he does. I thought that was brilliant. Yeah, all in all, it was very well done. And he still very much has got the actor in him. Still inside him. I didn't understand his profession or how that works, but I didn't care. I didn't care. I was just happy to see him there and him just like...
like just getting him to do this police type work in this underworld that I don't understand how it worked and all that but I you know it's just you don't need to explain much just just work doing what you do. william defo It worked. He made it work. and Yes.
Yeah, you can tell he was having so much fun. yeah um But yeah, so as far i so i saw as another favorite character that that you're about to bring up, when Beetlejuice comes in and you see like his is his workshop of minions and everything, one of the big, I guess, big minions, small head minions. I don't know why you're going to God. There was a big standout. And you're right, that was Bob. Yeah, I loved Bob.
tell He's hard not to like. Tell us about Bob's to be done. I mean it like he's just he's just a faithful. Yes, I guess loyal. I'd almost say like he's more of a bro. like Yeah. But then he is like I'd say like a servant or anything like like he just he seriously seems to you know respect Betelgeuse and they seem to have a friendship there and everything so.
Yeah and I mean obviously as the movie goes on like you see more of that and then unfortunately he does meet his demise after I guess eight or nine hundred years or something like that. He lived a good life. I think he did yeah I mean. And I love like the end of the movie. It's real quick. Yeah a little montage. Dedication to Bob. Yep.
It was beautiful. Well, it's well done. Cuz yeah, cuz it did it kind of it's sad in me like seeing him go I I I didn't I was a little bit. Yeah, I didn't want to see him die either i Yeah, like that's that's too bad. He's a good dude like yeah. Oh Well, I mean that is a movie about death. So obviously there's gonna be lots of death. So I Yeah, but you know, you think you think some of the characters are going to be safe, but no. I have a question though. Okay, but tell me, tell me. Okay, so Jenna Ortega, like her her father in the movie. Yes. I feel like they never really
spleshed out entirely what happened to him, or any of that for that matter, because if memory serves in the first movie, anyone that works basically in ah some sort of civil service, civil duty, like that the people that work in the desks and stuff like that, like those are all suicides. And they talk about that in the first movie, if if memory- or am i am I confusing this for another movie?
I don't know. I can't help doing this one. I swear because like it's been a little while since I seen the first one but like I feel like yeah like if you committed suicide you're basically doomed to an eternity of of ah like working in like civil service I guess in the afterlife.
I could be completely fabricated in this from a different movie, I don't really know, but if that is the case, I would have liked to have rewatched the first. I probably should have watched the first. Anyways, this isn't bad. It seems like, you know, he's working in civil so and and and and the whole civil service and thing. is in like Obviously, he was eaten by a bunch of piranhas or yeah something like that. like they don't really talk really about what happened with him even though like obviously he's absent from her life her mom doesn't talk about it like yeah know in and they they they told us that they they were that they they they were very close before he died
um but that's it like they don't they don't really let's say i' show much of that I don't know if that's like, you know, maybe they're trying to hang on to some story, I guess, for a potential future sequel. I don't know. what I feel like for me, I feel like for me, there was a whole bunch of like, there was like too many different, there's too many little stories happening all at once. So there didn't need to be yet another story.
Yeah, I think that's what they would. I mean, like, I'm not someone who's a fan of it. I feel like they could have honed in more on a bigger story and maybe not just have so many little side stories and then bring them all together at once. Because because then at that point, like some are are underdeveloped, which is what it was. Right. Well, sometimes you get like director's cuts and you're like, Yeah, they should have left all that in. I don't understand what they were doing. Yeah, because, I mean, I appreciate the film because it was also probably around the same length as the original. Like it was under two hours, probably like maybe like ah an hour 40. In this film, he definitely had more Beetlejuice. You probably had like 25 to 30 some minutes of Beetlejuice. Yeah, he's got a a pretty front and center role, I would say, in this movie. Yeah. Yeah.
um It definitely felt it, but but but but Michael King and again knocked it out of the park. like he he owned like He was amazing, never seen he was in. You can tell he was it was he was having so much fun with this character, you can tell he missed it. Yeah, I agree with that.
but Yeah, so so so so the whole twist what the whole twist that you get into is that the ah the the love interest with Jenna Ortega ends up that he was just using her to kill her so he can he can become a um alive again.
And and it will then that goes into what one of my favorite scenes again too, where they they get to where where you're where your soul is left. so you Soul Train! and You call it the Soul Train, yes! I knew you were going to bring that. Of course! You know I was going to love the Soul Train, yes. I'm all about the Soul Train.
so i i love that whole scene and um i don't want to damage it too much because i thought you got it you got to see it to like the visuals and the the the music and it yeah it's yeah you can't describe it you have to experience the soul train yes and then and then came from there to um I think after that, they get to where the sandworm is. They dodge the sandworm. I think they even expanded that lore a little bit, like showing like, oh, looks like we're on a planet on Saturn? I was like, what? Okay. A lot of Saturn's are Jupiter's moons. Yeah, it was one of Saturn's moons. Yes, one of Saturn's. I thought that was very cool. They didn't have to do that. They could have been like, oh, it's just another part of the afterlife.
Like, no. We're on a moon on the sand. I'm like, oh, okay. That's kind of cool. That's where the sandworms live, I guess. so kind of No wonder we don't see them around here. yeah There was an absence of dune buckets, I noticed, it with a movie featuring sandworms. Yes, yeah. You think you'd prefer that sandworm over the dune sandworms?
I don't know. I mean, we'll never know because it it wasn't made, so. ah Yeah. I stand under my heart.
ah But yeah, so so I'm glad the the love interest got was coming to him. um and Actually, I forget how he died. ah Don't tell me, I don't want to spoil it because I kind of just forget. um ah What, you're talking about like Jenna Ortega's love interest? Yes. whatever Okay, so actually I am gonna talk about it because it's something, because it is something, a point I wanted to touch on is that in this movie, like And I don't think there's any arguing this, like Beetlejuice is 100% a good guy. He's in any way. He's much, he's much more of a good guy in this than the first one. So, like, just, but he he basically solves all the problems, like, so he gets rid of, uh, Geno Ortega's, quote, love interest or whatever, because he's the guy that basically sends him to hell. because Yeah. Because he takes over the the civil servants job, like, quickly, ahead of time, just to basically- Oh, yeah.
And he was about to succeed, he was about to to exit, and then that would have doomed Jenna Ortega-Vasek, police character, so he saves her life. And then he also saves, uh, Lydia, I know that, I know that name, Winona Ryder's character from her marriage because he gets, he injects the true serum into the guy and then he basically says, you know, this is all basically a sham. Yes. trying I'm a gold digger. myself Yeah, exactly. really So it's like, you know, so he saves both of them in that, like he literally saves her daughter more than once. Uh, he obviously saves her from a ah terrible relationship, like through and through, like,
he's a good guy and like when he was you know when they when they summoned him or whatever they called his name and then he's just like hey like i want you to marry me this time is like i want out and like i don't understand by the end of the movie why she doesn't just marry him like i don't i don't think he's just like i want to marry you and i want to be with you he's like he just wants out like i don't and and for the life of me i was like he seems like a better choice then Then the that the last fiancée, he's obviously a better father. He's obviously like, you know, a more caring person, like, I just don't understand. You may tell you, because it's gonna be a third one.
Well, that I mean, I didn't I didn't actually know that James. I didn't know that. No, no, no, no, no. It's not. It's not green lit. Oh, ah you agree with you they're saving all this for the third movie. But this movie has made a lot of money in the box office. It's kind of I guess in a way it's kind of disappointing to hear. I feel like the s sequel was good. I don't know that it needs a third one. like I don't know. Money talks, man. It just does doesn doesn't mean that you should make more. I understand. I'm trying to get away from the whole money thing. Like, I get it. I'm just saying from the artistic merit of it, like the storytelling, like, do you actually have a story to tell? And then sometimes you make a sequel, you're like, you didn't have a story to tell.
And and i get I get the money of it, like I'm not naive to the whole thing, I just like, you know, and yeah to to comment on the art of of of the movies and stuff, right? Like, and it's it's kind of disappointing sometimes when you're just like, man, like...
Because to me, I think a good finish for this movie would have been like, fuck it, she's just like, yeah, might as well get married, like, obviously I could do a hell of a lot worse. And then boom, everyone gets their arc, he gets out. I think it's it's a nice sequel, closes up, it wraps up the loose ends. I think it'd be beautiful. But nah, I guess not.
Well, you do you know what what the scrapped sequel was supposed to be originally? I do not know. So I think this they might use this for the thorough one. I don't know. Is it just this is just rumors? You know how much I love rumors. um So the original sequel was supposed to be Beetlejuice Goes hawaii and Hawaiian. Goes Goes Hawaiian.
you mean to like, to Hawaii? To Hawaii. um I, I, I should you not. This was the original idea in the nineties. Okay. Well, I, yeah that that makes sense. I mean, there was a big get surf surf engine each thing. Yeah. That wasn't the only thing, but yeah, that there's, you know, there was Bay watch at the time and stuff like that. Like, you know, people liked their beaches in the, in the early mid nineties. So, so I think they might use this scrap sequel for the third one. And then I think for the third one, I think which what you said, Winona and Beetlejuice will get together.
okay I mean, it maybe. That'd be cool, I guess, because it would have been a bit forced, because there was a lot going on in this movie. Like, maybe they can make it a bit more, I don't know, a bit more organic, I guess, or yeah add a bit more to it. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, the to like, don't get me wrong, like, especially I had my hesi- like, I had my my concerns ah there being such a big gap between the first and second movie. I was like, ah, is this gonna be any good? Like, when sequels take this long, like,
You know sometimes they can blow you away kind of like the top gun maverick Yeah, but I mean that that's more the exception than you know that then the rule for sure so yeah, but this was definitely um I thought this was this was a solid like it's It's not as good as the first you can't give it a rating. We ah we got a rating systems in here wait wait are we ready to rate it are you ready i i don't know i'm just saying i was like i didn't want you to give it a rating i'm not giving it a rating i'm not okay i'm not i mean if you can finish your statement then it's all good i i'm i'm gonna say i didn't think it was a good as a first but i still think it's a good um
a Good companion to the yeah, I agree. It's not as good as the original me sequels very rarely are but yes I thought it was well done. Like I

New Rating System Explained

why I didn't leave. It's not a bad sequel, right? Yeah, I didn't leave disappointed by any means I mean, I i certainly understand it's you know, it's breaking brought box off box office records I guess for for itself or or whatever, you know, it's perfect. Yeah, it's one of Tim Burton's top grossing movies now, right? And and and I could see why like it's it's it is well done so Yeah
I guess for me that that's pretty much all I've got as far as far as commentary goes on on the Beetlejuice. Did you have anything else to add then?
I think I got everything off my chest. i mean like for For someone who has no nostalgia to the original, going into this one, um I still had a good time. um I liked the new characters they introduced. i I hope if there is another one, they bring back those same characters. and then i wouldn't like That's why I brought the Hawaiian things. I'm like, I want to be okay.
If they take this to a different area, like a different part of the world, and not just go back to that same house again. Yeah, I agree. Like, yeah, I mean... But but I feel like for this one you had to.
No, you had to go back to that. Especially, you know, people want to relive the nostalgia. It's been 30 years. like yeah I agree it was the right call. it Again, it was a very well done sequel. I certainly was not disappointed by it, but by any means. so Yeah, was it was a bit like how we what we talked about like with Alien. There was like certain things that they had to do over again.
to to be able to for the next one to do more original things ah yeah i i would say so i mean like although the difference you know talking about the new or alien versus this one is like i don't think that this one was was trying to necessarily play it safe like they yeah it gets script they went a little even more i felt like this one was a bit more humorous and i think that it worked right you had like the baby beetle juice and so yeah like yeah chuckles were really good you know they they definitely you know they pushed the envelope a little bit like they were trying to there's some new stuff like i don't feel like they
I don't think they were trying to play it overly safe. Like, I don't think they were natural. Like, I guess to a certain degree, you could say it is, in some sense, kind of this a similar plot, you know, but the whole marriage thing. But like, that is kind of kind of what you you were dealt with with, you know, with what happened in the first ones. But in, in, in the grand scheme of things, is like I said, I think it was well done. I think they were taking some risks with it too. And I think it worked really well.
Alright, so on that note, is it rating time? I think it's rating time, yeah. Okay, so basically... we How does this work? between What is this rating system? So, like I said, i mean we we had been discussing this in between season two and season three. And we felt that we needed something a little bit more because like sometimes, you know, you've given me readings before like, like you say like a six point six point eight or or whatever. And I'll be like, like, what is that? Like like six a six point eight for like one person. But do I do do I do do I need to see it? I mean, six point eight. Yeah. yeah like Because it's like for me, it's like six point eight. I was like, it's not.
I mean, at the pass, it's not exactly great, you know what I mean? Like, am I going to go out and see a six point point? Like, probably not. Like, I'll be like, OK, like, I mean, I see it on TV maybe. And that's why I felt like we needed something that described our ratings a bit more and just made it a bit easier, I guess, for our listeners to be like, OK, like, what does this actually mean?
so So we discussed it together, we boiled it down to basically a description from like one to five essentially. So I guess in a way you can be like, wow, it's just a one to five radius scale scale. But I mean, we're trying to make it a little bit more A little bit more descriptive about it. So one being the lowest, five being the highest. I'll start it off. I'm going to go through the rating system and then you'll let me know what you thought of Beetlejuice. So are you ready for this, James? I'm ready. No, right. So number one. It's fine. I know we talked about it and I forgot. so Yeah, exactly. so Definitely have to remind, right? So
okay so we'll make sure to have this written in the description for this episode yes yes i will add it to the description uh we'll probably you know remind remind our listeners from time to time yes anyways so number one is would not watch it again Pretty self-explanatory. You watch the movie. It's a one. I'm not gonna watch it again. That should kind of tell you everything. Stay away at all costs. Okay. Number two. I would fall asleep to it watching it on TV.
Again, pretty self-explanatory.
You're giving me to fall asleep too, yeah. You're like, yeah, why not? And then halfway through you passed out and you're like, yeah, I didn't really miss much anyways. Number three. Would watch it again. So that just means that like, you know, you're going to go out of your way to watch it again at some point in the future.
No, it's a three. I mean, you know, that's what a three is. Number four is... I understand that not everyone does it, but I mean, hopefully you understand the sentiment behind it because it means that, like, you're gonna want to rewatch it is, I would buy it.
Hmm, so like because yeah, I know that you still buy movies from time to time. Am I am I wrong or do you no? I don't you know, you're not you know, you have some movies in your collection that I do Okay. Well, I mean again, it'll have to be like the sentiment but basically I just mean it's a movie that I'll I know I'm gonna rewatch and I'll probably end up rewatching it again and again as as the years go on because I loved it that much like I want to I You know, I want to learn some of the lines and stuff like that. I want to see the things that I know I probably missed. Maybe the first go around, but it's something where you just like, you know, after you watched it, you're definitely going to want to rewatch it. It was that good.
Now number five, are you ready for this? I'm ready. It is the Sleepy Games Instant Classic. So that's the one that just, it hits, it hits every note, you know, fires on all cylinders. It is an instant classic. If it's in theaters, you see it now. Yeah, it's, you'd rewatch it in theaters a few times. I loved it that much.
So, based on this rating system, what would you give Betelgeuse Betelgeuse? For me, I'll give it a three. I would definitely see it again. Um, but like not like go out of my way to buy it. So that's why I have it as a three. I, you know what? I would also put it as a three. It is definitely something I know that I'll rewatch in the future. Is it something I would buy? Yeah, it's one of those movies. I think if it's, if it comes on, um on streaming, like on Netflix or Amazon, and if it's was released or just released, but yeah, I enjoyed my time with it. I'll watch the game. Exactly.
Yeah. See if I miss anything because I know like some of the scenes stuck with me. I would like to see some of those scenes again. 100%. And I know at some point I will be rewatching this movie. I did enjoy it. So it gets the wood rewatch.
Yeah, and I think it would it would be cool. It's history for people who don't want to see in theaters who want to wait until it comes on streaming. I would definitely recommend watching the original again so you can just watch these back to back. 100%, yes.

Episode Wrap Up and Future Plans

I agree with that. you know maybe even I think that they have the cartoon show on Prime, if I'm not mistaken, actually, too, if you wanna, you know, dabble into the cartoon show a little bit. and From what I recall, when I was very young, I remember it being pretty good, but I mean, that's, you're talking about a six-year-old's memory from however many decades that was, so... here america And here in America, you can watch, uh, B2Gs on, uh, on Max. It is streaming on Max. Ah, okay.
So I think, I think, since it is, I think it's a Warner Brothers property, such which is why it's on Max. So it should it should probably be on streaming, or I guess probably November. ah Maybe they'll have it for before Halloween. I don't know if I have it that quick. But I think definitely November. So definitely try and watch it back to back just so say you can get a, you can, so you're not missing out on anything that, you you know, because a lot of people probably haven't seen the original for you many years, like like you. Yeah.
But yeah, I like that rating system and I think it's good to ah to give the listeners an idea if they should go out of their way to watch this or not, or just wait a little bit, yeah. and that it it It takes away the subjectiveness of like the traditional rating students. Yeah. Yeah. I like that CD, John. I like it. I like it a lot.
Good, good, good. All right, so, I think that you were talking a little bit before I show you, you said that you had a recommendation for me for next week's episode. Yes, to keep this, as the spooky season continues, um I wanted to give you one, a movie that we I discussed with you last week, because I know you're a bigfoot you're a big fan of this actor. ah Very spooky. Yes. right i I want you to watch Long Legs, and I need to know your thoughts on it.
okay ah and so doubt I'll check this one out. and In return, like should I have a recommendation for you then? If you don't have one for me, you can let me know off you off here. No, no, fair actually you're saying this and you're saying with ah Nick Cage and all this, I do have a recommendation for you. just Just give me one second because for whatever reason, I know the movie is a movie that I actually really enjoy. It's also with Nick Cage?
yes that's why i was like this will work perfectly um i just gotta figure out we saw that dracula with one with him last year yeah actually that's kind of funny didn't wait no you you know you're gonna tell me the vampire's kiss aren't you no no it is called have you ever heard of a movie by the name of willy's wonderland no came out in 2021 it's actually a very recent uh nick cage movie uh One of the, I guess, notable things from this movie is he has zero spoken lines, even though he is the main character in this movie.
What? Yeah, zero spoken lines, but he is the main character in the movie, which I think that right off the gate is like, it's pretty cool. But there's a bit of a there is some there there There is some backstory to all this. I'm assuming based on some other stuff. it like I'll probably dive into it next week rather than than today's episode. But I am interested on on your i guess review of the movie. Like I said, I really enjoyed it. it's
You might not. I know that it might be a movie where some people are like, this is dumb as shit. But it's like, I really actually enjoyed it. Well, so I'm looking forward to you. That's how we had this show. We had a show for our opinions. You know, we we we recommend good movies sometimes.
One person's gonna like one, someone's gonna think it's shit. I remember you gave me some bad ones before, so... Oh, I've never given you a bad one. I don't know what you're talking about. The one I think of is that Marky Mark movie you gave me watched. Everybody's horrible. I can almost guarantee you, if I gave you my little review of that movie, got you to rewatch it, you'd be like, you know what? I get it now. That's actually a really well done movie. I almost guarantee you. You're talking to someone who doesn't like Marky Mark though.
I tried. I tried to like him. I tried. But that's if you don't like him, if anything with that in mind, it would probably make you even like it even more because it works so well. But he's he's trying to get with a teenager.
Again, I would almost say that like it's it's just more of the same. I thought she wasn't. Okay, I got to rewatch that movie. I really honestly thought the girl was in college, but no, whatever. When I watched the movie the first time, I was like 10 years old. So I mean, obviously everyone looks like they're fucking 50 when you're 10 or so. Yeah, you you're not going to even notice something like that. So it's been a long time. So I've watched that movie. I do have to give it a rewatch, but that'll be an episode for another day.
Today, we're talking about Nick Cage and some Halloween glory. Oh, man. Nick Cage Halloween episode. Something I didn't know I needed, but now I can't. We got a double feature, baby. Sleepy Games, Nick Cage, double feature. Looking forward to it. Looking forward to it. This will be next week. This will be next week, I guess. Next week, all right. So, looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to it. You and me, and I hope you are too.
oh ah that's it that that's it for this episode and we'll see you next week everyone cheers here