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The Pussy That Bit Back

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays1 year ago
Chick Foley aka Sheena has a wild story about a feline attack that delayed the recording of the show. With that out of the way, we discuss Money In The Bank with an eye on the future at Summerslam next month. We have a live review of Elite 104, Retro Recommendation of the Week, and Listener Mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things Chick at

Introduction and Episode Overview

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fan? We are back with the latest and greatest episode of the Chick Foley show. We're going to be doing a Money in the Bank review after giving it about a week to digest here. A little bit of review, a little bit of a look to the future. With all the shenanigans of July 4th weekend, though, it feels like it's been actually longer than a week since the show even happened. That's what I was thinking today, yeah. But yeah, we've had a crazy week here. We'll catch you guys up to it. But first, let me introduce the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing?
doing a lot better tonight. Actually, you know, we're a little bit late recording this, we were actually going to record it last night. But you know, we had some shenanigans go down, which I'll share in just a little bit. So if you're listening to this on the weekend, you know, you got some free time, we really appreciate you tuning in this weekend and kind of a unconventional timeframe for the Chick-Fully show.
Yeah, the ruthless aggression figures that are kind of just hitting scatter shot across the country right now, kind of got the wrestling figure streets on fire right now. So people got something to listen to as they're cruising around hitting their Walmart. Shout out to our Foley fan member, devoted listener to the Chick-Fully show, Zach Hertzler. He always lets us know what he's doing on the weekends and he always listens on the weekends. So that's like his time to listen to the Chick-Fully show. So every time he goes out figure hunting on the weekends, he's listening.

Sheena's Cat Bite Incident

So we don't want to give Zach a shout out. Marco, what's happening up in Boston?
Not that much. I'm just excited to talk to you guys. I mean, obviously she's going to talk about it, but it got kind of hectic last night. I know. I was actually, I was kind of slightly happy because I did, obviously I record the raw down on Thursdays. I was like, oh man, I'm going to be like,
like rough shot by the end of this episode. That's always rough. Yeah, doing back to back. Yeah. So when you said that I was like elated, but at the same time, I was like, I have to see those pictures. I was like, yeah, what the hell is going on over there? But yeah, yeah, excited, excited to be here. Oh, yeah, man. Jordan, what's happening out in Nebraska?
man. You said it was fourth July weekend and I'm coming off about an eight day bender right now. So my body is not doing well. I feel like my liver and everything else is shut down in the past like two days. Just been fucking sweating all the time. It's not good, man. I can just
And I know your asset replacing the electrolytes, dude. Oh, yeah. I've been sweating out all the things and just replacing it with beer. No, no, no, no. I drank some liquid IV. I drank some water. I drank some Gatorade. I did as best as I could, Gina. I mean, I did drink some beer, but then I had another beer.
Yeah, so it all just goes south every 4th of July for me. I just I can't contain myself glizzies. There's still glizzies and bushlight. That's that's the way to go. It's America right there. There's still some people celebrating here in Oakland, Tennessee. There's fireworks going off. You may hear them in the background here in a little bit, but they were still shooting them off tonight.
Well, the day after July 4th, man, you always got a killer cell with all the fireworks tents. They're trying to load off their inventory. Port's got to get packed away in a warehouse for another year. So yeah, I think people went and got that deal last on Wednesday and now they're letting them fly. Makes sense.
Shana, hit us with what's new on the farm slash a chick Foley medical update. So again, this is a special weekend show. Normally for the most part we record on either Wednesday or Thursday night and drop on Thursday or Friday morning. This is going to be the rare Saturday morning show. Shana, tell them why we're recording on a Friday night.
So yesterday, well, I'll just go ahead and drop the bomber here. I spent last night in the emergency room. I'm okay. Everything's okay. It was more or less just a precaution. And if you know me, that was the absolute last move for me. I can pretty much handle just about everything here at home. But when things start to feel like they're out of my control, I went to the emergency room.
Let me rewind. House sitting for our neighbor. They have two dogs, two cats. A house set for them before. Dogs are a little bit ruckus. We call them the bumpus hounds, if you guys remember from the Christmas story, the bumpus hounds that came in.
ate the Thanksgiving or the Christmas turkey or the Christmas ham or whatever it was, just like loud obnoxious hounds. They also have a cat that the last time I babysat for it, it was on one medication. Now it's up to three medications that I have to give this cat. So I was going over there doing my rounds, you know, and I'm an excellent pet sitter. I like to make sure that everything I go above and beyond, you know? So I've agreed to give this cat its three medications.
I reach in to get the cat from behind the bed to give it its medication and it's like pissed off, you know? And I've reached in behind this bed like multiple times at this point to give this cat its meds, right? No issues. This time the cat's just like absolutely not having it pissed off, bites down on my hand, dude. Pretty gnarly like puncture, right? And then a couple of like smaller punctures on my wrist.
I'm pretty tough. It was no big deal. I mean, it sucked. I was pissed off cussing the cat, but at the same time I was like, ah, it's probably fine, right? Came home, washed it off. By the night we were watching Succession, I was like, damn, my wrist is really hurting, man. I didn't know if it was just bruised from the impact of the cat's jaw. I was like, dang, it's so sore and so stiff.
next morning I wake up, it's so infected. It's like oozing and like, you know, it's like, I'm like, am I going to turn into catwoman? Like what is happening here? Right. So I, um, you know, do all my voodoo mama juju holistic remedies and stuff on it.
It keeps it at bay. But by that evening, I went to Brett's karate class and there was like a streak up my arm. So it was like a red streak. And if you know anything about that, it pretty much means like it's starting to like enter the bloodstream. Like the infection is starting to enter the bloodstream. And that's pretty like on the, like the, on the old Westerns, like a cowboy gets bit by like a fucking Copperhead or something. And you know, they go to check on him learning that night. Now, you know, how you doing texts? And he's like, Oh, I'm good. I'm good. And then he peels back a shirt and it's like spider web on his arm. That's what she was armed with.
Yeah. So, you know, like I said, I went back and forth like with myself because there was just, I did not want to have to go to the emergency room because I knew it was just going to be an all night affair and just not my, just not my scene, but being, you know, smart and knowing that if I ignored it, like the worst possible thing could happen. I mean, sepsis kills people. Like that's something that's like, it's a very serious thing. And if it wasn't that serious still, I could get admitted to the hospital, which also like, who wants to do that? Right.
So I went into the emergency room just to get it checked out. I didn't have any fever or anything like that. So I wasn't showing signs of like full blown like blood infection. Went in. The lady at reception literally told me that this was the third cat bite that they had treated that day. So like, f cats. Sorry if you're a

Listener Shoutouts and Social Media Engagement

cat person out there. I don't really mess with cats. I've hated cats my whole life. Yeah, they're not really my jam. I think, you know, Marco, you got a cat, right?
Yeah, she's an old lady. She just chills. She doesn't do anything. Yeah, I'm not trying to shit on all the cats out there. You know, we love Marco and, you know, I'm not trying to crap on his pet, but dude, I just don't. I just don't eff with cats for that reason. Like I said, man, like the cat was like totally fine several times before that. And then that one time it was like, no, I'm about to fuck you up. And so it did.
So I went in, I was there all freaking night, like six freaking hours. They gave me some intravenous antibiotics and it's looking better this morning. So hopefully, like I said, I don't start turning into Catwoman and you see me out in the backyard, like catching mice and drinking milk out of a dish.

Money in the Bank Review

Overall, that was the reason why I didn't get home till 2 30 this morning. And it would have been like an hour later, I busted out of that joint. I was like, guys, I can't stay any longer. Like you got to take this, take this out this IV out like you know, this thing's dripping way too slow. Just give me some oral antibiotics. I'll take them at home like not not hanging here any longer.
I just want to point out to the Foley fam worldwide, less than 24 hours after a near fatal feline attack, Sheena's back on the airwaves. Hey, that's right. Tough it out. Doing good. I think everything's starting to heal up.
As far as the medical update, that's it. As far as what's new on the farm, I did want to talk about something really cool that happened. I got a chip drop. So to mulch all of our landscape beds and garden beds, if you guys don't know about this, if you're a gardener or if you're like to mulch your landscape, it's a way to get free wood chips and keep them out of the landfill. So it's like chip drop and you sign up and the arborists who they clean up
limbs and logs and shit from the storms. They chip it all up and bring it to your house for free and drop it off. So I got one of those. It was my first one. I've been signed up for like eight months and that was my first chip drop. So I've been mulching my ass off over here, getting all the soil ready for, I mean, even next spring, just going ahead and prepping all the beds for next spring.
All right. Thank you, Sheena. That was probably the longest, uh, what's new on the farm segment ever, but we felt like we went to the listeners, let them know why we, uh, we delayed the show by a day. I remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running the Twitter machine at chick
Are we going to be on threads? Is that going to be a thing? Are we jumping on the thread bandwagon? I don't know. I was going to ask. I mean, it's basically you link your Chick-Fully account to it, or we can just create a separate Chick-Fully show one. Yeah, I think it links your Instagram account and everything. So yeah, I haven't really gotten on and looked at it and looked at the interface or anything, but apparently it's the thing. Have you guys checked it out yet?
I have, yes. Obviously, if you go to a lot of the tech websites showing all the startups that had taken a long time to gain followers and threads, I think it had a million followers in a matter of a few hours. Yeah, I think it's got 10 million followers already. Yeah, I think it's got 10 million followers in seven hours.
Wow. Yeah, it's definitely the leader in the clubhouse of all the Twitter clones slash replacements. I think just because it's already so integrated. It's already part of your Instagram. You can link up all your followers and all that kind of stuff. It's just kind of seamless integration.
Just another thing to track you. Just another fucking thing to track. So yeah, anyway, you can, yeah, you can find this, uh, as of right now, not on threads yet. Uh, but you can find us on Instagram and Twitter, and then you can follow us, uh, get all of our links to all of our partners and everything at chick Join our Patreon group. We have an incredible community on Facebook. Uh, we're doing lots of fun stuff over there. So get in, join all the fun. We got people pounding the pavement, looking for these ruthless aggression figures. So.
Get in two bucks a month or 20 bucks for the year and join the fam. Maybe we'll just put it to a vote in the Foley fam. See if they want to have a Chick-Fully show presence on threads. We can take it from there. All right. You guys ready to talk some wrestling? Yeah. Yup. All right. She and Alitas, let's talk about money in the bank. All right. So if you guys remember last week whenever we were...
traumatized. She is licking herself right now. You just can't see it, but neither can we, but we know what's happening. Yeah. Okay. I had to hit that at least once. If you guys know last week, Seth was here with our daughter Stella, the future women's champion, and I took Brett to a pool party. So I missed a lot of the Money in the Bank premium live event, but I did make it home in time for the civil war.
which was super cool. But I want to get all your guys like thoughts and takes and everything. I got caught up on all the results and everything, but didn't get to watch everything live. So first off, we got the men's Money in the Bank ladder match. Damien Priest defeated Butch, LA Knight, Logan Paul, Ricochet, Santos Escobar, and Shinsuke. What are your what are your T's on Damien Priest walking away with the briefcase?
Uh, you know, it's something that we were speculating heavily on. I think we pretty much landed on between him and Logan Paul and LA Knight is the three that had a chance last week. Um, I dunno, to me, I liked the judgment day. I feel like the judgment day is like an upper midcard, um, act, but now with him winning this and, you know, between the ongoing issues with Seth and Finn, it feels like they're going to be hovering around the, the world heavyweight championship picture for the foreseeable future. And I'm not, I'm not totally in love with that.
I'm not either. I've been critical of Damien Priest on this show for years at this point. I mean, remember Damien Priest and his horrific genes back in the day? That's the Damien Priest at all. True religions. Yeah, the true religions. That's the Damien Priest that always comes to mind for me.
And just imagining him as a WWE champion, something about it doesn't fit for me. A mid-card champion, US champion, intercontinental champion, yes, I could get down with that. But holding a world title, Damian Priest, his gimmick seems so mid to me. I mean, am I poorly assessing this?
No, I liked him a lot before he came to WWE when he was punishment Martinez. I thought he was awesome. I don't know, man. He just doesn't really fit for me in WWE. He's just, he's just kind of there. Um, and dude, we we've already talked about the world heavyweight championship feeling like kind of like a, a big step down from the universal title. This only is going to make it feel even more of a step down to me. Like,
Yes. I don't know, man. I mean, I get why they had him win. I just, I don't know. I mean, dude, he's 40 years old. It ain't like he's a young man. I mean, LA Knight's not young either, but it's not about the age. Yeah. It's something about LA Knight. He's just got so much more charisma, dude. Like he's just got the energy and the electricity, whereas like Damien Priest is like the power's out. You know what I mean?
Yes, we kind of talked all this on the raw down about how LA Knight technically doesn't need the briefcase to get his star power up. Then we think he will kind of pigeonhole him if he does, if he did end up winning it. Because I always see the Money in the Bank briefcase as a heel gimmick.
If you're a baby face, you don't need to cash in at all. I think that's why a lot of those like with the big E, that kind of failed a little bit. It was exciting for him to win it and win the title, but it did kind of nothing. It kind of like it did. It does overexpose you a little bit, I think, just because of the nature of the Money in the Bank briefcase. It really kind of
You know it makes you always have to like be hiding in the corner like showing up at like awkward times and like fate cashing in and all of that so yeah I could see that too. Yeah, they the other thing too with like Finn Balor my thing with with the Finn Balor, Damian Priest that whole thing I feel like if they're gonna continue with Finn Balor and Seth Rollins and this whole like vengeance thing that he has against Seth Rollins it doesn't
He shouldn't be in Judgment Day. Like, it should not say they should break up Judgment Day. But I think if it's like a kind of like, it kind of ruins that whole scenario when you have, I mean, it'd be a cool storyline if, you know, Finn Beller, you know, does, you know, beat Seth Rollins, and then, you know, now you have Damian Priest with the Money in the Bank briefcase, and now he has to worry if he's out of cash and that whole thing. But I think it's just kind of, it's kind of ruining it, I think, with, with, if they are going to continue, because there's really no one else to like challenge
Seth Rollins as a top tier main eventer. It's really just Cody, and obviously Cody's going to be facing Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. It's really just Damian Priest and Finn Balor. That's Drew McIntyre, but obviously Drew McIntyre's going to be facing Guthar at some point. I think that world title isn't
supposed to be important or as important as the universal championship right now. Anyway, um, until they kind of get it figured out with the main event scene, because it's, it's definitely lackluster. Yeah. Agreed. You guys, I had any more thoughts on the men's money in the bank. We ready to move on to the women's money in the bank. I just want to see Shinsuke get one more main event push, man. I would, I just think he did. I think it'd be awesome. You know, like I said, we, we know they teased him in Roman a couple of times, like,
If Roman gets past this Jey Uso thing, they got to have something to buy at some time between now and WrestleMania. Let Shinsuke be the challenger of the month, one month, and just, you know, he don't even got to win. Just let him get a made of it match against Roman. Yeah. Yeah. When I mentioned Shinsuke winning the Money in the Bank briefcase, you guys all kind of scoffed last week. Well, because he's ice cold right now. That's the thing. I mean, yeah, if you wanted to have him win it, I know where you could, but there's no steam behind Shinsuke right now. He's kind of just living off his name from
from six or seven years ago, dude, almost everybody in that match was a mid Carter. I just kind of, it kind of just not hit me when we were talking about it. I mean, outside of Logan Paul, who's just a special attraction, like dude, the rest of people in that match are mid Carter's at this point. So I don't know, man, it doesn't make that match feel very important when that's what you put in it.

Match Reviews and Analysis

So do you think Damien priests will successfully cash in?
Do you think he's going to win the title? I think yes, I think it's gonna end up I think he's gonna cash in on Finn. I think he's gonna beat Seth at SummerSlam and Priest is gonna cash in and get that belt for a short reign. And Seth could win it back the next night on Raw, dude. Honestly, like, Priest could win it and Seth wins it back a week later, but I do think it's gonna be a successful cash-in. That company's definitely behind Damian Priest soon.
They love the shit out of that guy. And they put out some fact where if he does win, he'd be the first in over 50 years, the first Puerto Rican champion. Well, I was just about to say, like, I don't I don't I don't get it with Damian Priest, but like, you know, he had that one awesome match with Big Bad Bunny in in Puerto Rico. And it's like all of a sudden he's just like the man. And I'm like, what like, yeah, he put on a good match. That was an awesome match.
But I don't, I don't feel like that translates into strapping the, strapping the rocket to. I think you guys are kind of underselling him a little bit. He's a good wrestler. Being a good wrestler doesn't make you a main eventer. Doesn't make you a world champion. I mean, there's a ton of great wrestlers in WWE. You're right. I would counter that with the only, you gotta be a main eventer to win the world heavyweight championship at this point.
I hate to say that with Seth being the guy holding it, but I don't think being a main eventer is a pre-req to holding that belt. Yeah, definitely Roman. You have to be a main eventer if you're facing Roman, I think, at that point. You can definitely tell Triple H is running that company. If anyone has any doubts that Vince McMahon is doing anything, look at the two winners of the Money in the Bank matches. They're both students of Triple H and NXT.
EO right there, he's playing his favorites. All right, we'll go ahead and move on to the women's Money in the Bank ladder match, since we're talking about Money in the Bank. EO Sky defeated Bailey, Becky, Trish, Zelina Vega, and Zoey Stark. We called EO Sky. I feel like that was pretty much written in the tea leaves. I feel like nobody's really surprised by that. Do we think EO has a successful cash-in? Wait, didn't the other three of you pick Becky?
I didn't. I didn't. I picked EO. I picked Becky in the Pixley because I thought she was going to win, but I was wrong. Oh, me and Sheena were the ones who picked EO. Yeah. I think we were all co-signing it though. I think nobody said nobody was taking a shit on EO. The ending of this match was really good. I really like how they booked the closing segment. I think this, I think the women's match was better than the men's match. Honestly, I really enjoyed the women's match a lot. I thought they did a really good job with it.
Uh, Trish Stratus at 47 years old, taking some of the bumps she took in that match. I don't fucking know what to say. Like, dude, I seriously thought this was just like her coming back to do a match or two and then it was done, but breaks her nose in the middle of the match. Just keeps going. I'm like, God damn, what a bad-ass chick. She got the freaking bug, dude. She got the taste, you know, you get back in it. I mean, it's just like old hat. You just do like riding a bike, get back on and keep on going, dude. Um,
Any thoughts on the... What? Why are you guys laughing at me? Oh, no. That's funny. Got the taste. Got right back on. Oh, boy. Any other thoughts on the women's money in the bank? No. I think we're going to answer on if we're going to be... Successful cash-in or not. Yeah, it's going to be successful cash-in.
Jordan, what do you think as our women's wrestling expert? And the title picture on SmackDown is just so cluttered right now. I want to say yes, because I want her to win, but I think I don't think she's going to be successful. We know we got this like three way schmaws kind of going between Charlotte, Bianca and Oscar. I could see I could see EO kind of coming in and cleaning up the wreckage on that and getting a cash in victory or inserting yourself in the match.
Cashing in the money in the bank and making herself in the middle of the match, like making a four way. So you think instead of the money in the bank cashing, she's going to go with the money in the bank insertion. Exactly.
Dude, I just don't have a good feeling about her winning with all the shit that's going on with the Smackdown title Charlotte's right there There's never been a there's never been a failed women's Yeah, that's definitely card they could play and you know, you could see something where Bailey ends up costing her, right? Like Bailey tries to kind of hell but she's really hurting her that ends up being the Final straw for damage control. So yeah, I think I think I'm with you guys mad gun to my head. I'm saying no failed cash-in. I
Yeah, I think it's going to be a failed cash-in, unfortunately. I love Io's guy, dude. She's amazing, but I do not see it playing out in her favor. All right.
It is a prize, dude. This shocked me, honestly. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez defeated Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler. I just, I thought it was a stone cold lead pipe lock. I thought Ronda and Shayna were just going to like, you know, whoop Liv and Raquel. No, no problem. But that's not how it shook out. Well, apparently Ronda's last match is SummerSlam is kind of what I've been reading is that that's her last contracted match and it does not sound like she wants to come back. So.
That would make sense. I could see something where she said, you know, it's my last match. I really want to go one on one with Shayna. I'm assuming put Shayna over. Because yeah, otherwise the turn really made no sense, man. Like in kayfabe, it was like, okay, we finally got a real women's tag team. These guys were
looked unbeatable and I was looking forward to them, you know, at least, I don't know if they would have been successful or not, but at least would have given us an opportunity to really establish that women's tag team division. Give it some legitimacy. But yeah, their first pay-per-view defense, they just, you know, you get this, the Swerve bro out of nowhere. Um, but yeah, if it's Rhonda's last match, I guess I can, I can get over it. Rhonda putting over the young spry, Shayna Baszler.
Yeah. I mean, I'm excited for that match. I think it's going to be good, dude. I think that match is going to rock, man. It should be pretty good. And you know, Rhonda, she's not afraid to get in there and mix it up. Oh, yeah. And you know, it's just known when two friends are like best friends or they're super close. Like the match is always a little bit harder hitting and just, it hits different, dude. Like it's, I don't know. It's going to be good.
All right. I don't think we have much on the bone to talk about Gunther or Gunther and Matt Riddle. Gunther. Gunther and defeating Matt Riddle, but Drew McIntyre did come back in that match. So are you guys happy to see Drew back? Yes. I love Drew, man. I think it's going to be awesome. I think him and Gunther is going to rock. Gunther. Him and Gunther. Gunther. I'm calling him Gunther the rest of the show from now on. Has Gunther actually beaten Honky Tonk Man's record yet for longest intercontinental title reign?
I thought so. I thought it was like a week or so ago. I'm about to look it up right now because that's really going to determine where I think this match goes at SummerSlam. What do you guys think? You guys think Drew's got a chance to beat him? Yeah. I think he definitely does, dude. I think they're going to send Gunther onto bigger and better things, dude. I think he's ready for the world title or the universal title.
Yeah. And drew coming back, dude. I didn't realize how much I missed him in the three months or whatever he was gone. Like dude, drew is an integral part of WWE at this point. So yeah, having him back is a big deal. Marco, were you happy to see drew back? Oh man. I think we lost Marco. Marco, you there?
All right, Marco just ran out. He couldn't take us calling Gunther and Gunther and he just bailed on us. Dipped out. So right now, Gunther is... He's not close, man. He has another 60 days. He's 62 days away, so... When's SummerSlam? SummerSlam's in like four weeks, man. I don't know, dude. You gotta feel like they wouldn't... I can't imagine they would have come this far not to...
not to bring back, not to let him break that record, you know? I think he's going over. I think Drew's taking the three second pin at SummerSlam, man. What do you guys think? Well, I mean, no matter what- I mean, why bring Drew back like that? I don't know.
Yeah, I don't think this is ending at SummerSlam either way. That's a good call too. Yeah. It could just be a non-finish. I mean, dude, this match is probably going to steal the show at SummerSlam. Like they're going to beat the living shit out of each other. Like they do every time they're in the ring. So I mean, they can carry this. The match is going to be insane, dude. Yeah. But I agree. I think it could possibly be a non-finish situation. And then what's the next pay-per-view after? Payback. Payback. Yeah. I could see them having a rematch at Payback.
Payback's always such a good pay-per-view. Hey, that's where the whole... Hey, Marco's back. Hey, he's back. I was going to say, yes, September is when Gunther is due to beat the Honky Tonks. What the heck did... Things, so... Intercontinental title reign. We'll see, but yeah, I think he's going to beat him.
But I was going to say, everyone thought he was going to sign with AEW. That's what everyone's plans were. He was going to show up at Wembley at all in, apparently. I mean, that would have been crazy. But I feel like that would have been a monumental mistake, too. I just think it would have been that we would have seen the typical AEW thing. It would have been an awesome moment when he first did views. And then I feel like three weeks later, he's feuding with Claudio for the Ring of Honor title or something. 100%. He knows where his bread is buttered, I think.
That's right. That is right.

Speculations on Future WWE Storylines

All right. Moving on. Cody Rhodes defeated Dominic Mysterio, Marco, as our resident Cody superfan. What were your thoughts on Cody versus Dominic? It was like a match. That was definitely a raw match. It didn't really need to be on the premium live event. I think Dominic should have won. I think we all said that.
Um, he should just to give him a little bit more heat, but we did not all say that.
I thought he should have won with a Brock Lesnar. Yeah, that's not a bet. Yeah, sorry. With a type of like Schmar's finish. Yeah, I didn't think he was going to get a clean win over Cody, but he definitely did. I was picturing Brock helps him win. I picture him getting his ass kicked, and Brock comes and helps him out, and then he just goes on raw talking shit. I beat Cody all by myself. That would have been awesome, but yeah. Let the blues rain. Yeah, I was like, dude. Yeah, I agree. It was 100%. They could have been on the main event of any raw.
any day of the year. Dude, if Cody would have taken a pinfall from Dom, no matter who came out to help, that's the end of it. There's no coming back from that. I don't think if people aren't booing him by now after that Roman loss, I don't think he's ever getting booed, dude. Yeah, I don't know. Kids love Cody, dude. Yeah, kids do love Cody. I think worst case scenario for Cody, he ends up in the mid-2000s, like John's seen a spot where the kids absolutely adore him, even if their grownups are kind of grown in a little bit when he comes out.
All right, moving on. Seth Rollins defeated Finn Balor for the retention of the World Heavyweight Championship.
I was I was a little bit disappointed in this one too, man. I thought they were going to go out and I didn't think they would be successful, but I thought they would at least make an attempt to match will also pray and Kenny Omega and they didn't. This was, you know, I put this one like this was the next step up from from Dom and Cody. If Dom and Cody was just a standard raw main event, this was like a really good raw main event, but didn't feel like a pay-per-view match between two of the best wrestlers in the world.
Yeah, especially when you have like you said fin valor one of the best wrestlers in the world getting distracted by a Standing damien priest, you know, like damien priest like, you know ship shifts in his chair and all of a sudden fin valor is like Whoa, where am I? Where am I fin has got to retire the coup de gras as his finisher and the last two high-profile championship matches he's had he's been in control until he goes for that move and then he gets fucked you know, it happened as the demon against Roman when he had his
that you know, he was feeling the groove in his soul and had his music on and for some reason the turnbuckle snapped, which we never did get an explanation on what the hell happened there. And then this time, you know, it goes for the coup de grace distracted. So he's got to, he needs to find something ground based to go back to the 1916 or whatever that big DDT, but they were calling it. I mean, I liked the match, but I was, I wasn't blown away at all by it. Yeah. They did try to pull the, uh,
I'm not sure if they stole the spot or tried to do the same thing, but they did that same kick out on the one after the finisher thing. I think it was Seth Rollins that kicked out at the one, and he's doing like the, come on, come on, like Kenny Omega did to Will Ospreay. So they kind of tried to mimic that, but not the same feeling of that match. They shouldn't have done any attempts to try to mimic or recreate, or even try to compete with that Will Ospreay, Kenny Omega match.
That was cinema, if you want to use those data. Well, speaking of cinema, let's move on to the main event. Bloodline Civil War tag team match between the Usos, Jimmy and Jay, and the Bloodline, Roman and Solo. I raced home, I told Brett, I was hoping to get home by the middle of the pay-per-view so I could watch the second half of the pay-per-view.
But Bret was having such a good time, I just didn't have the heart to like jerk him out of the pool halfway through the party. So I told him, I was like, dude, we got 10 minutes. And I was like, dude, the Bloodline Civil War is coming on, Roman versus Solo. And

Wrestling Figure Reveals and Collections

so that kind of got him ready to go. So he was ready to go watch that match with us. We pulled in, Seth had it paused, we were on a little bit of a delay, but we made it home. And yeah, it was awesome, man. Like just- Yeah. It was cinema, as you said, it was cinema. Yeah, we said it was the greatest tag team match in WWE.
history. That's what we, uh, that's what we crowded as. I mean, what about freaking tag team matches? Main eventing premium events in, uh, in the modern day, uh, three straight now. Yeah. In the modern day freaking WrestleMania three out of the last four. It's wild. Can you guys also, can you guys name any other, uh, better tag team match on that one in WWE history?
I mean, yeah, I'm not going to go that far, dude. I would say Heart Foundation over Demolition SummerSlam 90. I think, well, true. I think, well, it depends on what you're looking for. I think as far as just storyline and storytelling, that it was just- This felt like the highest stakes. Yes. This somehow felt like-
This somehow felt bigger than even the Usos against Keio and Sam. Yeah, exactly. As far as just like pure match. But the drama goes, yeah, I'll give you that. I don't think this may be the biggest one that it's ever been. But yeah, as far as like, I can think of a couple that I would probably take better than this one, man. Seth and, you know, now, you know, anybody else feel free to chime in. Seth and Dean Ambrose against Cesaro and Sheamus at SummerSlam 2017 was pretty epic also.
Yeah, I'm just thinking. But there's been some good. But this was a good one, man. I wouldn't argue. Still was the main event, though. No, it wasn't the main event at all. Yeah, I wouldn't argue with anybody that said this was their all-time favorite, man. It was really, really good. I did. If I had one gripe, man, I almost wish that Roman and Solo actually won the tag belts and went on a little mini run of just dominating because that spear spike combo is one of the best tag team finishers I've ever seen, dude. That was like a god tier finishing move.
And I felt like it would have made the moment. I thought it was over when that happened. I thought the match was over. I thought it would have made it that much better if we'd seen them win 9 or 10 matches like that. And then the first one to kick out of it was Jey Uso. Because that move was crazy. They had it timed up perfect. It looked awesome. That was just a sick move, man.
Yeah, I loved it. I loved the double stack, pin, double kick out. I thought it was just everything was so epic, dude. And then Jay, Jimmy kind of stepping aside and letting Jay get the final splash in the pin. Just goosebumps, dude. I mean, I didn't pick... I picked the bloodline, dude, because I followed my own rules. Never bet against the bloodline.
I wasn't expecting that to happen, but when it did, I was so freaking happy, man. It was awesome. It's crazy. It was 10 years ago, 2013, Jay Uso was the first person to ever pin Roman Irons in WWE, and it was that exact same move that Jay Uso hit him with a splash out of the corner. Yeah, my son.
I mean, and he hasn't been pinned in three years, over three years, dude. I mean, we just forget to talk about that. This guy has not been pinned in over three years and Jay, freaking Uso, main event Jay, did it. I mean, he's the one that kicked off this whole storyline.
Since Baron Corbin. It's beautiful. Baron Corbin was the last person. I know, exactly, exactly. Now, it now. Robin was eating dog food the last time. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Randy Smith posted in the group, it was like a dark memory of when, you know, it was on SmackDown, the dog costume, you know, the big furry dog mascot costume. I was like, those were dark days. Yeah, the big dog.
I was like, was WWE selling those plushies, or what was the deal with that? You've got to point out, the last time Roman Reigns got pinned, a global pandemic broke out less than a month ago. And Sheena just got bit by a cat. I just got bit by a cat. Maybe I'm patient zero. Coronavirus 23 is popping up. Patient zero. Cat scratch fever is going to be the next global pandemic.
Jordan, I know you got, I know you're the, you know, you don't, I'm not going to say you hate the bloodline. I think you got the least amount of bloodline stock out of all of us though. Give us, give us the downside on this. Give us, give us some critiques of this match. There was, dude, this match was phenomenal. Like this is one of my favorite things in this entire story. The, the match itself was, was perfect. They did it great. Um, I have no critiques for this match. Honestly, I'm not going to go as far as saying it's the best tag match ever. I mean,
Yeah, I don't know even on that one, man. I appreciate it, Marco, but yeah, I can't go that far. I'd take any ENC Deadly Boys and Hardys match over this. I'd take the Usos and New Day at Hell in a Cell 17 over this. Yeah, that's actually a really good one.
Uh, the revival versus DIY and takeover. I mean, I get, I get where you guys are coming from, but I'm still going to back Marco and saying like, as far as just like, you know, the, the stakes and the feel of it, like it's, it's so important. The drama, you know, I love the freaking drama, dude. Like that's, that's what I'm here for. I think you're here for a moment.
Yeah, preach and Jay, Jay pinning Roman was a freaking moment. It was like the, it was the moment. So the crowd singing, singing that Uso song afterwards. Exactly. Everybody, dude, it was so hype. I was, I got a freaking goosebumps seeing the whole crowd and we didn't even talk about the crowd real quick, but I'm gonna say I got goosebumps hearing the whole crowd sing day one ish and that freaking UK crowd was
oh they were out of control man like they were they made the event so much more fun just being freaking wilding out dude two things about two things i'm gonna say about the crowd like between this and the porta rico crowd like
Yeah. It made those paper views feel 10 times bigger than they actually 100%. Dude, that was like 25,000 people or whatever. They had the pay-per-view on Saturday. Dude, AWS is going to have 80,000 people in an arena.
dude, that crowd is going to be so loud. Like watching that on Saturday kind of got me excited for that. Cause I was like, holy shit. It's gonna be like four times the amount of people to go to the upcoming, uh, you know, quote unquote mania. That's going to be there. I know what you're going to tell me to go.
I know what you're going to tell me to go back and watch summer slam, but I know, but the thing is, dude, they have so many more mics and stuff around the arena that just probably sound even better now, but that crowd was lit. Even a summer, man, listen to that pop. When the bulldog, uh, pins Brett, it's insane. You got the people with the air horns and stuff going off in the stands. I hope they really kind of.
drop some of the restrictions and just let them go full like soccer hooligans, you know, bring whatever noise makers and stuff they want into the building. It just needs to be rowdy as fuck, especially if we're going to end up getting this like Sting versus Chris Jericho, like career versus career match. It's got to be wild. Yeah.
All right, and that was our last match for Money in the Bank. I think you're asking about the WrestleMania and London, John Cena coming out. Oh yeah, John Cena. I forgot to mention that John Cena came out and it's definitely a work and I easily get worked, but they're like, oh, we don't know. Triple H is pretending like John Cena kind of went out there and went unscripted.
I think they're definitely answering A&W's call that they went out and just like sold out freaking tickets, like hand over fist and now. That's what I said. I don't know why they didn't do Money in the Bank in a stadium, man. You know what I mean? They saw how successful Clash of the Castle was last year and Money in the Bank's a way bigger brand than... Clash of the Castle was basically like Great Balls of Fire or something like that. It was just a made up, pay-per-view. It was a one off.
I'm sure the stage build and all that kind of stuff has a huge impact on whether they do the arena show or a stadium show, you know what I mean? Do the Ultimate Warrior just run in on the pot? Marco, you all right? Yeah, I'm good. That's how he dropped out. Next segment's brought to you by Flonade. He caught the cat scratch fever, Dave.
Yeah, I think they're probably just working out the logistics if they can, because I don't... Dude, stop snorting in the mic, bro. You hit the mic, bro. You're about to blow our freaking headphones out over here, dude.
Yeah, I think they're just working out the logistics because I don't think they have an official follow-up after the Philly show So if they can make it happen next year That'd be pretty cool, man. I'd love to I Unless I win the lottery between now and then I don't think I'm gonna drop all the cash you take to travel over for that It'd be awesome to travel go to that show and either way I'm looking forward to having like an afternoon WrestleMania. Mm-hmm I love daytime wrestling
All right, that about does it for Money in the Bank. We'll go final, we'll go letter grades. I think I'll give it a B this year. I was, for the most part, I was pretty entertained by everything, even though there wasn't, aside from the main event, there was nothing truly groundbreaking. Yeah, I gave it a B plus. Like you said, there was nothing offensive on the show, I don't think, but it was, a lot of the stuff was just forgettable, but it gets a high rate for me just because of the freaking Civil War match. That was so dope.
Yeah, I'd go B as well. I thought it was a great show. Definitely entertained from start to finish. So yeah, it was a good show. And the crowd made the whole show, so. Epic crowd, dude. So if you were over there and you went to the event and you did that, that claps to you, dude, because that was epic. All right. And just a real quick hitter, it looks like from SmackDown tonight, we're going to be getting Jay versus Roman at SummerSlam. We'll go around the horn. Sheena, what is your prediction for that match off a first look?
I think, I think Roman is, I think Roman is still going to beat him, dude. I mean, as much as I love Jay, I love this momentum. I would love the moment of Jay freaking pinning Roman again. I feel like this was Jay's moment. This was like this money in the bank moment. Like this was his mountain top. And, uh, I feel like we're not going to, we're not going to see it again, dude. He's going to get beat by Roman Jordan. Yeah. As much as I think that it would be like one of the coolest crowd reactions ever of Jay one. I just.
Dude, I just, I don't think it's going to be Jay who said that takes it off. It would be poetic. It would be storytelling at its finest, but I just, I just do not see them taking it off him right now. I mean, like what is Jay going to do? Hold the belt for a month, then lose it again. That's my thoughts at that point. Yeah, that's my thoughts, dude, Marco. Um, I'm going to go opposite. I think Jay's winning. Um,
I think he, you know, he already pinned him obviously, but the next time he pins him, it's going to mean something even more. And that's going to take it away. They already kind of, I think they're kind of giving you the preview of what
It's going to look like they, you know, they put the, uh, what is it called? Uh, they had like Roman belt out until they, I think they tried to kind of like plant those seeds. Like this, this could be happening again at some point. That's why, you know, Roman ruined it with a little blow. I mean, they, they, they put a lot of emphasis that it would be so cool to see that and see Jay walk around with the Ola Fala dude, because I mean,
Roman got the Ulfala from the Wild Samoans the night that he beat Jay at Hell in a Cell. They, they crowned him the tribal chief and gave him that, um, that follow. And, uh, I think the storylines, you know, Jimmy, obviously, I think Jimmy's going to be away until SummerSlam. And I think he's going to be the one to help Jay win. That's what's going to happen. I don't think you'll see Jimmy. I could see Jimmy. I could see Jimmy taking a break. Yeah. He's just kind of like going off TV until after SummerSlam. It's all solo, not solo, Sakoa, but you know,
Jake kind of said it like, you know, I'm all by myself now. You took my brother away from me. You know, and now I'm coming for you. So.
I think obviously that feel good moment, that moment that Sheena loves, Jimmy's gonna come running down. It would be cool. I was hopeful for Sammy. There was the same kind of energy and the same kind of like, he's got all the wind at his back, but they didn't let Sammy do it. Granted, Jay's not Sammy, but I still just don't see them
dethroning Roman unless it's somebody that they see carrying the title for the foreseeable future. And they're doing trial by combat. So like, dude, I was just thinking that I was like, yeah, even pop his eyeballs out, you know, and crush his skull like a grave. I hate to say as much as I'd love to see it. I think you're on an island on this one, Marco. I got to agree. I think I think Roman wins.
And I'll even double down. I think he's going to win clean man. I think this is where we get a reestablishment Roman as, you know, the final boss of WWE. I think he gets a hard fought clean win against Jay and that kind of, you know, power his sales to WrestleMania. Now I'll throw it out there. I think Jay could totally lose this match and come back and win the rumble or win elimination chamber.
and face Roman again at WrestleMania. I think he's still going to be in the running between him, Cody, and Seth Rollins to be one of the three guys to face Roman at WrestleMania next year, but I just don't see it happening. I know this sounds nonsensical, but I would have more confidence in it if he hadn't pinned Roman at Money in the Bank. Like Sheena said, the fact he just pinned him at Money in the Bank makes me feel less confident that he's going to pin him at SummerSlam.
I think Guenther's in the running for the Roman match too, honestly. Yeah, I can see that. He's got the hardcore one over. I think he's got a little bit of work to do with the casual fans, but that would be cool. And that would definitely be a different route.
you know, yeah, Cody's got a quote unquote finished the story, but he's already established. He's bulletproof. We know Seth Rollins has already won the World Championship at WrestleMania twice, man. Like he's already more than established and Jay is Jay. Like Jay doesn't, his career is what it is, man. I don't think winning a World Championship is going to elevate his legacy anymore than already is with all the tag teams he says he's had. So yeah, that's a great point, dude.
I think they got a little bit of work to do to get there, but Guthrie and Roman would be really, really cool. Yeah. And I think it's a good shot that you made about him winning clean to just kind of reestablish him. Because we have seen a softer side of Roman this past like few weeks where he's, you know, he's saying he doesn't need the bloodline, but he wants them, you know, and he's kind of like, you know, broken down, even though he's ultimately like turned back to himself. I mean, he gave Jay the low blow tonight. And then when he hugged, hugged Jay or him, it was Jay or Jimmy, he said, you know, no, um,
I, you know, you always see like a softer side. So I think he needs to just go back full freaking, you know, tyrant and reestablish himself as like the tribal chief. I don't want him, I don't want him to go tired. I want him to just go manipulator. I'm hoping my wish is that, cause I love the bloodline more than anything, dude. My wish is he beats Jay clean and the next night on raw, he goes Brett Hart the night after WrestleMania 13 brings him into good.
You see what they do to us? Jay, I need you. Jimmy, I need you. You see what these people are doing to us? Yeah, they've broken up our family. They got us turned against each other. And can you see Jay like crying, like going, you know, doing the- And then they get the group hug and Roman just looks up at the camera and smiles, man. But no, I think we're definitely towards the, I think he wins at SummerSlam and he kicks off the final chapter of the, of Roman's reign. Yeah, I agreed. All right, let's do the beverage break.
All right, Shani, you can get us kicked off. Tell us what you are sipping on while we pod this milk. So I got myself a fully loaded Red Bull. I got some Red Bull pumping through my veins. She's still not back on alcohol, but at least got her with some caffeine. Along with the antibiotics, you know what I mean? So I'm trying to give myself some wings. I had a long night last night, so I'm trying to pump myself up. Not only is she drinking a Red Bull, she's also snacking on a caffeine bar.
I am drinking on the recommendation of Jordan, a Bushlight Peach. This is excellent, man. I was a little bit skeptical. I tried the Bushlight Apple that they released. I want to say around this time last year, man. It was decent, but I'd be totally fine if we're drinking it again. I'm definitely going to seek this out and try to get a stockpile because it is a limited time offering. I know it's got a lot of buzz going nationwide, so hopefully it sticks around. Literally. Wow.
And and she's got a saucer of raw milk next to her
Hopefully the sales are good enough to where they say, just wipe the limited edition off the can and just keep it around full time. I did taste this. You poured one the other day and I tasted it and it's good. It's really good. I feel like it is what I wanted the Simply Spike Peaches to be because they were good, but they were just a little bit NWO2 sweet for me, man. A little bit heavy handed on the peach syrup or whatever they used in the
Yeah, this Bushlight Peach. It's not a peach drink. It's definitely Bushlight with just a little bit of peach flavor to it. You want a peach essence. Yeah, you just want it to be like a nice crisp, fresh peach essence. Love the peaches. Hey, you should... I love the peaches. I got like six bags of peaches at the farmer's market the other day. You should have cut you a slice and threw it in the brew, dude. Where are we at on that one? That would have been awesome. I know. My bad.
All right, Jordan, what are you drinking? So I picked up a 12 pack of not the ones we tried, the new Mountain Dew hards. Oh, they got new formula. No, they got new flavors. These ones are better than the first ones. I'll say that. I've only tried so far the pineapple and the mango and they were both
pretty damn good. That sounds good. Aren't they artificially sweet though? Yeah, they're not even like, so like, you know, prime's artificially sweet, but it's still pretty sweet, tastes good. These are like, they taste almost like diet rights or something like that, dude. I don't mess with artificial sweet. I feel like if you're already drinking, man, why is it juicing that? That's why they simply- Even if it's Mountain Dew, that's the thing. Mountain Dew drinkers, I mean, they don't give a shit about sugar.
Dude, hard Mountain Dew in my vision, that sounds like the perfect drink to me, man. I was so disappointed by those, dude. An alcoholic Baja Blast, that sounds fucking amazing, dude. I feel like, though, they could give you both. They could give you the diet. Give you the diet Mountain Dew. They do diet Mountain Dew. You can do diet Mountain Dew hard and then regular Mountain Dew hard.
Yeah, Jordan, get on that, dude. You got any, you got any contacts at Mountain Dew at Pepsi? We need to get a, we got all kinds of friends. He's hard in the freaking Mountain Dew game, dude. Dougie hit up, hit up somebody at corporate and tell them what's going on with these hard Mountain Dues, man. Yeah. Get us some freaking high fructose corn syrup. But the new, the new batch, you do like it better than the originals. Yeah. I think these are good so far. Like I said, I've had two of them. One of them's the Baja Blast that we've already tried and the other one's a Baja Blast Peach or Punch. So.
I enjoyed the there was code red was in the original ones, right? Yeah, code red watermelon. I think it was regular. Yeah, the code red was pretty good. That was the only one I really liked the other ones now. I mean, don't get me wrong, they were fine. I still drink them. But that was that was definitely let down by him for sure. All right, Marco, what are you drinking, man? Keeping it pretty light with a broken skull. American lager just
Just wind the night down from a, not a heavy night of drinking, but you don't want to keep the IPAs flowing. I was drinking a few earlier, so you'll break up with a .D, as they say. Exactly. All right, let's get into the figure four.
Alright it's time for the figure four where we catch you guys up on the latest and greatest in wrestling figure news. Want to remind you this segment is brought to you by ringside collectibles use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your figure purchases so we will kick it off.
with a live review of the brand spanking new Elite 104. So Sheena's got all the figures here already unboxed, bagged up. We've been checking them out. We are going to get Sheena's thoughts. So fellas, just feel free to chime in if you want to at any point, but we'll kick it off with the Drew McIntyre.
Yeah, so the Drew McIntyre looks really nice. It's just your standard Drew in the kilt with the sword. You know, it's if you're if you're completionist on Drew McIntyre, obviously, you got to get it. But if you don't have a Drew in your collection, this is a totally acceptable Drew to have as your your main Drew. Yeah, you could probably go and grab like top history from last year for a lot cheaper. Wouldn't be nearly. Yeah.
as big of a deal, or as big of a price. Let's talk about Solo Sakoa. So Brett was super stoked to get this one in the mail. We opened the box from Ringside and we were like, look who we got, Brett. And he was like, Solo! He's got the We the Ones shirt. He's got the towel that goes over the head. He's missing the spike thumb though, which I think is a huge,
huge mitts. He's got the acknowledged finger. The cool thing about this, the cool thing. Fingering and fingering. Yeah. The cool thing about this is he's got the one piece stretchy shirt. It doesn't have any Velcro. So you got the little, you know, acknowledged finger on the back. Well, they had to give us this great shirt because they made solo way too skinny. Yeah. He's, yeah, he looks like Jay and Jimmy. He's got like, he doesn't look like Jay and Jimmy. He's got like the Daniel Bryan torso, man. He's like, I don't know why they made him this slim. Have you guys seen the pictures of the solo figure with his shirt on? Yeah, it's not a fan.
I mean, he's not quite as big as Umaga, but they would have been a lot better off giving him the Umaga torso, man. Between the missing spike finger and the torso, I think we're definitely going to get an updated solo sooner rather than later. But still, it is a cool figure. And if you leave the shirt on, it looks really nice. Take your shirt off.
Yeah, he needs more of like a Kevin Owens like body style right when you yeah, yeah All right. Next up. We got a new AJ Styles with red gear Yeah, I got AJ on the side with the just got an updated torso, too So they finally gave AJ a little bit of a ripped torso He's always had like that kind of undefined torso and stuff, but it's an it's a new build for AJ So I think he's got the Polly pocket style shirt which kind of sucks but other than that I think it's one of the best AJ figures they've done
Yeah, the shirt's really cool, but yeah, if it was a soft, good shirt, it would definitely take this figure up a notch. He's got the two sweet hands and then just like an open hand. Yeah, good, good AJ figure.
Next up, we have Dakota Kai. This looks awesome. I really, really like this figure. I don't really love the expression on the face, but I mean, it is what it is, but the gear looks phenomenal. It's like- Very toyetic. Yeah, very toyetic. It's got a lot of individual sculpting and stuff, like the little chains coming down off the belt. The belt is sculpted. Does it come off the belt? No. Okay. It's just a one-piece belt.
Um, lots of purple paint. I think it just looks great. The hair looks super cool too. Like she's got like the double braids, the blonde and the purple into the black hair down the side.
Great looking figure. Her facial expression looks like somebody shitting in her suitcase right now. It is a weird facial expression. Yeah, she's like disgusted. She can't believe it. There's a weird packaging botch that her picture on the front of the box and on the side of it, she's holding the women's tag team belt, but they didn't include the belt in the package. That's kind of a weird thing for Mattel to do. Not that I was dying to get another women's tag belt, but I just thought that was kind of weird.
Also, who was it last week that we were talking about that has this same leg situation? They've really got to figure out the tights situation for the ladies because it's either like just give us the regular skin tone for the legs or figure out how to do the tights where it doesn't look like she's got like brown skin. It was a Liv Morgan. Liv Morgan. Yeah, Liv Morgan. Liv Morgan had the same thing going on. Yeah, it's like the brown, she's got like- The doodoo brown legs. Yeah, doodoo brown legs. Why'd they gather Bobby Lashley's legs?
Yeah, it's like, yeah. It just doesn't look right, dude. Like you can just tell, it doesn't look like it has any texture to it or anything. So Mattel, I mean, I would prefer like, even if she does wear the tights or whatever, I would prefer it just to be skin tone less. Yeah, it would look a lot better. Cause that just looks weird. That just brings questions. Yeah, exactly. All right, next up we have Braun Breaker. Super cool gear. First Elite.
Yeah, his first elite got the pink and black which you know is always always a winning colorway got the numbers all over What's the significance of the numbers? It was his dad Rick Steiner had this weird singlet back when they just had numbers written all over it Oh did the either one of you guys know is there ever an explanation for why Rick Steiner had that numbers? It's just an homage to to Rick Steiner Gotcha. Yeah, as soon as the soon as that you said that I was like, oh yeah, it's diner man
That was my first reaction. 33 and a third. Yeah.
Great looking figure, glad to have Brombreaker as an elite. And it was the first, I'm not gonna say it was the first NXT 2.0 championship, but it was the first attempt at an NXT 2.0 championship. So they got the, it's the regular, it's the same NXT belt they've been using, but it's just got a few hits of like red and blue, just kind of haphazardly thrown on there. But yeah, my review on this one, I would say they tried.
But the belt, if you're a hardcore NXT 2.0 mark, do not get this figure just for that belt because it's a little bit of a miss. That's going to be a tricky belt to execute in figure form anyways because it's such a unique belt the way they got the
I don't even know what you would call that effect, but that weird color fade that they have going on, I think it's going to take somebody like Forbidden Figurines or our buddy Dan Turanquist to pull that one off. I'm surprised with the legs. They haven't figured out the pinless legs yet.
Yeah, because they stick out, especially on bra, dude. The pinholes are freaking huge. Yeah, it looks like he's had major surgery. I don't got to have a huge problem with that. The pinless stuff's not a big deal to me. I feel like I don't notice it until somebody mentions it, but then if somebody brings it up, it's all I can see. I feel like on the AW figures, the pins are gigantic, dude. It's freaking 20 point screws and shit. Well, yeah, even on the Supreme ones, there's no pins on any of the arms or the legs.
which is pretty cool. Actually, you know, for the, I think, yeah, for the lights, for the dudes anyway, I don't think that Britt Baker has pins on it. But yeah, I just started noticing it because of the Bray Wyatt that they did a while back with the Huskus figure. Like he has no, it's all pinless. Like his legs, he doesn't have pins on his legs or on his arms. So I've wondered why they didn't do that going forward.
It was just like a one-off thing. Maybe they realized that it didn't work, you know what I mean? It wasn't cost-effective or whatever. I told you guys my ultimate vision for the future of figures, right? A thin layer of latex over the whole exoskeleton. You see the articulation is all there, but you don't see any pins or joints or anything. One thing, I've mentioned this before and it does kind of irritate me a little bit.
I know Braun Breaker had a basic figure, so that was his first time in the line. But dude, I think when you get your first elite, it should always say first time in the line. It kind of annoys me a little. Yeah, I was annoyed, but I was actually looking for that on the box. Because sometimes they play kind of fast and loose. There's been times where it is somebody's first time figuring they don't have it. And I've seen a couple of times where they will do that. Even if they had a basic, they'll put the first time on the line, the elite. They should just treat elites and basics as two separate lines. And then you could have two different like, you know,
quote unquote rookie figures for folks. They could have their first basic and their first elite man. But yeah, that would be cool, especially for an MOC collector man. I just feel like they'd make them, you know, because I've always thought if I was going to like, you know, really, really pare down my collection, like if I'm totally just going to cash in.
And Jordan's not there to talk me out the ledge on it. I've thought about two options. One, going back and just getting every Bret Hart figure ever across all the lines. Or two, just getting every first time in the line of somebody. And I'm so OCD if it didn't have that first time in the line on the box, I'm not fucking with it.
Well, speaking of first time in the line, we got Rick Steiner. Bronze Daddy. Bronze Daddy. That's Bronze Daddy. Dude, this figure, I think it's awesome, man. There's so many graphics and stuff on the boot. It's from the most for pug Rick Steiner era. His late era WCW. But the figure is dope, dude. It's his most toyetic look.
Yeah, the boots like this dead or alive bite me. They have like multiple flames. Bite me on the back of a singlet. If you don't like me, bite me. Yeah. It's got an English Bulldog. It says dog face gremlin on the back. It's got English Bulldogs on the shoulders. English Bulldogs, like silver English Bulldog gargoyle style, like sitting on his shoulders.
Comes with the removable gold glasses, the headband, a Polly Pocket style jacket, which I think actually works in this case. I can't imagine them executing this in a soft goods. Yeah, it's fine. I'll give them a pass on it. Yeah, and the dog collar. Dude, this is just like the figures toy, like I said, it's just super toyetic, regardless of what you think about the gimmick. But yeah, first time in line Rick Steiner.
Another classic Mattel, just like with the Solo Sequoia, they didn't give us the good torso, they didn't give us the spike thumb. This obviously isn't the Rick Steiner anybody's want. We want like, you know, early 90s Steiner Brothers tag team, but it's still a really cool figure. And, you know, I'm hoping San Diego Comic Con, maybe we see some University of Michigan Steiner Brothers. Oh yeah, that would be awesome. I mean, we got the customs, but yeah, to have them first time in line would be awesome. Yeah. And that is your Elite 104 wrap up. What's your MVP of this set?
I still gotta go solo, even with all the problems. When you put the shirt on, the towel on his head, the solo looks sick. And he's such a missing piece in the collection right now. I feel like, yeah. We just need Bloodline Sami now. Yeah, Bloodline Sami and that'd be awesome. So yeah, I'll go with solo too. All right, let's pivot to San Diego Comic Con. We'll go around the horn. Everybody pick what is their most wanted figure reveal for San Diego Comic Con. Jordan, you can go first. Um...
No Trish strategies allowed. I did. I'm going to keep asking for these. I want to set a head bangers figures really bad. Like that, that's probably my most wanted right now. I really want those figures. Yeah. We know this on the contract. I think we could see renders, man. I think it's probably a little too early. Mattel surprises sometimes, man, but I think it's probably a little too early in the game to see actual figures, but I think we could totally see renders of Mosh and Thrasher. Are you thinking legends line or are you thinking regular wheat line?
I would prefer if they were in the regular elite line because I don't know if I really consider the headbangers legends. I mean, I know that's what they technically are, but
Dude, imagine ultimate edition headbangers. That'd be awesome, dude. And if they went all out and actually got two or three licensed band t-shirts and stuff to throw in there, dude, some cloth skirts, yeah, that would be sick, man. Sheena, what's your most wanted San Diego Comic Con reveal?
Unlikely, but since I can't say the Gooker anymore, that used to be my like go to I would say I'm gonna hang, you know, holding out for a gobbledygooker figure, but you know, that's coming gone. I'm gonna hold out for a loon of a Sean figure, putting that out in the universe, which one
I think just like straight up like black gear and like tattoos on the head, like Mohawk. So like when she was managing Sean Michaels at Van Van, if you don't want her when she was managing the artist, formerly known as Goldust. Or the oddities. Yeah. No, I want just like, you know. The artist formerly known as Goldust. Just traditional signature Luna Vachon. Similar to you, something I'll keep banging the drum on until it happens. I want Captain Lou and Cindy Lauper. I was going to say Cindy Lauper. I knew you were going to say Captain Lou. We don't want to get into the spoilers on here, but they
that we know they're not going to be the San Diego Comic Con exclusive that you're hoping for. But maybe they could still come out, man. So yeah, I really want the Captain Lou and Cindy Lauper. How about you, Marco? What are you hoping for? Hopefully, I mean, there's two that I want. I want the continued tradition of Hogan movies and Ghost of Reverend Commando
possibly, yeah, Ultimate Edition maybe, but the one I do want, which they probably can do, but I'm not sure what the licensing would be like, LT and Bam Bam Bigelow, dude, Ultimate Edition 2-Pack, WrestleMania 11, dude. That'd be cool. That'd be real cool. I feel like we don't even really need the Bam Bam, man. That'd be cool, we'll just get the LT. Yeah. You know what I mean? Bam Bam, we've kind of already got him for the most part, but yeah, LT, WrestleMania 11 would be really, really neat. All right, have you guys had anything cool to the collection this week?
I'm working on, so I'm working on getting that Logan ball. That's what I'm doing. I've been willing to deal with what I'm doing right now. I'm sending out for you guys all the prime vibes out in the universe. I hope you guys... I mean, I've been mid discussion, we'll say, with...
with some folks, some trade deals will possibly be happening. Close that deal. That's my thing. Not to twist the knife, but my one cool figure purchase I wanted to share for this week has to deal with the Logan Paul figure. Our buddy on Instagram, Curb Stomp City Decals hooked us up with some actual little stickers to put on the... These are stickers, not even decals. So they're super easy. You can order them from
right now don't feel like you have to have any they're not the water decals where you gotta put them in a drop of water and pin them on like a you know fancy rubber on tattoo like these are straight up and then do sealant these are straight up just stickers man like all you gotta do is cut it out and then you know play yeah I'm not I'm not good at this kind of thing at all and I was able to to execute it and get it on there and it's just really
It really completes the figure, man. It does. Yeah, you know how we said it was kind of a glaring... It just looks... Because they didn't even make it gold or put any sort of detailing on it at all. Just making a fake Pokemon card. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they would have been better off just not even including that necklace. But the fact that it was there, you had to put something there. So hit up Curbsomp City Decals, get that, and it's going to take an already amazing figure and make it perfect. I would say sorry to all the MOC collectors, but you guys aren't going to see it anyway. True.
Mm-hmm. That's fair still got it Jordan that my offer, you know expired today We threw that empty box into the the dumpster man. So I don't have any second thoughts about getting that shipped out to you. I wasn't All right, let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week
All right, the retro wrestling recommendation of the week is brought to you by our buddies over at Chalk

Retro Wrestling Recommendations and Chalk Line Sponsorship

Line. Use code CHICKFOLY to save... Marco, can you mute the mic, bro? Apologies to the listeners. Apologies for all the Scott bombs. Marco is turning heel and you got a pretty sure... So if you're driving like any economy level vehicle, your freaking speakers were just blown out.
Yeah. And apologies to chalk line for that offensive. Sorry about that chalk line. Yeah. Yeah. Use code chick Foley on all of your chalk line purchases. And as always, we have to kick off the restaurant retro wrestling recommendation of the week by asking the heel husband, which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he is wearing for tonight's episode. So he'll has been what you got today. I am representing the natural rocking the shorts of the artist known as gold dust.
or if you're Marco, gold dust. I got my Atlanta Falcons shorts in today and they are mage.
Nice. Yeah, I'm loving the NFL shorts. They hit up me and Sheena and let us know the Tennessee Titan shorts are on the way soon. But that's the... I'm just so proud of them getting the Marvel and NFL license this summer. How cool, man. That's such a come up, dude. I mean, obviously, getting a WWE license is a really big deal, dude. But the fact that they've grown from just straight up a couple guys starting this company back up in New Jersey, and now they're getting the licenses of literally the biggest brands in the world, man.
Yeah, it's awesome. Getting this thing back on the ground. Like you said, like back in the 80s and stuff like that, Chalk Line had a big presence in the jacket game and such, but this was like a grassroots operation to get this thing off the ground. Yeah, it wasn't like the old company came back. Yes. It was literally just some guys bought the trademarks of that brand name and built it back up from the ground up.
Yeah. I am very, very proud to say that we have been on board with Chalk Line since day one-ish. They came back with their WWE jackets and we were like, oh crap, this is awesome. We were already collecting the vintage NFL jackets at that time. We were still following Chalk Line when they got back in the game. They hit us with those first set of WWE jackets. They've been huge supporters of this show.
Oh yeah. Chalk line has been nothing. Custom jackets, that batch of custom shorts that we got out. Do you remember doing the assembly line in the living room? Speaking of grassroots, yeah. I do. I remember very well. Remember, I was like, hey, I'll bring the printer down to the living room so we can watch the WWE network while we do this. We shipped out like 40 pair of freaking shorts that night. We folded them up and stuffed them in envelopes. One was printing, one person was folding, one person was stuffing.
Yeah, lots of lots of beers were drink that night. Lots of wrestling was watched and all of your orders were packed with love. So shout out to all the people out there. They got those super, super limited stock of the chalk line chick Foley show logo shorts because yeah, those are those are awesome. Very proud of those. Oh, and so I guess we're gonna go ahead and host the retro wrestling recommendation segment. So I'm gonna kick it off. Seth, what is your retro wrestling recommendation of the week?
The easiest pick, I'm hoping I'm not stealing Jordan Marcos, man, but 27 years ago today, we found out who the third man was at Bash at the Beach, 1996. Hulk Hogan came out and turned heel. We're recording this on Friday night, July 7th, and it was July 7th, 1996.
that, you know, probably the biggest heel turn in the history of wrestling happened when Hulk Hogan came out and joined up with Scott Hall. Yeah, didn't you say your grandpa was like one of the few people in the world? My great grandpa, Papal Clyde, he had called it and we told him he was full of shit. We were like, you know, go to bed, grandpa, you're drunk. But sure enough, dude, it ended up being Hulk Hogan, man.
If you look at it on paper that looks like a one match show, I would ask if you really want to get the full experience sit down and watch that whole pay per view because there's not really a bad match on it. There's a lot of good matches even if they look like they're going to be kind of whatever it's entertaining WCW but
Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes did an amazing job throughout the night on commentary just threading in this storyline. They were just dropping in little hints all throughout the night, just building it up to where at the moment it got to that main event, you just couldn't wait to see it. Delivered. Yeah, it still holds up to this day, man. I think it's just an absolute excellent piece of the wrestling business. All right, Marco, what is your retro wrestling recommendation for this week?
I think we lost Marco again. He snorted himself to death. Probably rushing off to the ER for his freaking sinus infection. Oh, man. I think Marco, if you can hear us, I think he can hear us. If you can hear us, just jump back in at any time. I'm going to go ahead and jump to Jordan. Jordan, what is your retro wrestling recommendation for this week? Well, being it is 4th of July America week, I'm going to go Great American Bash 2008.
Um, the match that really sets this one off is Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. Absolute bloodbath of a match, uh, really good. And then, uh, there's a really good parking lot brawl between Cena and JBL. So definitely go back and watch this. It's a really fun show to watch. So yeah. And in America.
Yeah. I actually, I randomly watched the show earlier this year and yeah, I agree that, uh, that Sean Michaels Jericho is worth it for the price alone. If you're a wrestling figure fan, um, I want to say Zach Ryder and Kurt Hawkins, the major Rose, I think they win the tag team titles on that show. Interesting. All right. And if Marco comes back in at any point, we will, we'll get his retro wrestling recommendation for this week. Uh, but I think we're going to move on to some listener mail.
All right. Perfect segue. Talking about the major bros. With the major pod bringing back the LJN style figures with Demolition and Martin Janetti, who would you hope to see added to this line in the future? Barbarian. Jordan?
I mean, yeah, I don't know, dude. I just, here's, here's my thing with these. Okay. I'm not going to go back and collect fucking expensive. First of all, yes, that, and then you add chases in there. So I have to buy more than one. They're 50 bucks a piece as it, like Jesus Christ, dude, I don't have $500 to blow on LJNs.
Yeah. I mean, so let me just, I'll pop in and I'll, I'll defend them a little bit. I mean, they are smaller batch. So I get, I get the price dude. I don't know. Nobody's getting rich off these figures. I'm not, I don't think that it's just like a necessarily a price gouging situation. Yeah. But it's just like, dude, I think they're, they're also not a charity. So, you know, LJN is a commitment, man. Like almost feel like.
if you're going to do that that kind of needs to be your collection dude. It's just it's such a financial investment and a space investment too because they're just some big ass figures dude like yeah it's really cool I love that they're doing these but it's just not for me man I know I'm going to be kicking myself if I do end up deciding to do LJNs because these are all made to market so I don't think there's going to be
They're so expensive too. I don't think there's going to be a ton of resale, man. You know what I mean? But it is cool that they're doing them anyways. True, but I think that's kind of good, right? There's not enough resale. People aren't going to be jacking up the price to... Yeah, but it's just you're not going to have any availability. Oh, because they're going to help you. Or maybe somewhere, yeah. I mean, a jack that price is better than no price because there's none for sale. True. Yeah. Yeah.
Shout out to Chief J. Strongbow. Oh, God. RIP. Brian Baker, best relief for sunburn blisters. A cold beer. Well, a cold beer. I think Brian Straightedge. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No, didn't we send him broken skull? That's right. You know what? You're right. He's at least a little bit of a rough edge. Yeah, he's got a little bit of a rough edge to him. The best relief for sunburn blisters, hang with me because this sounds crazy. If you've done it, you know it works. But soak, like if you have a really bad sunburn. Oh God, here we go. Yeah. If you have a really bad sunburn, especially on your butt, no.
Then take a take a cloth a rag or a towel or whatever soak it in white vinegar Just cheap old like working-class white vinegar straight up you in it You've never been sunburned bad enough to care But if you have a sunburn and then just lay it across wherever the burn is it takes the sting out dude It feels like it feels instantly better. So and also you can keep pro tip
You can keep the vinegar in the refrigerator so that when you soak the cloth in the vinegar, it's nice and cool. But that will take the sting out of the burn. Obviously, if you have blisters, you're still going to peel and all of that, but it will take that sting away. It does smell like vinegar. It does. It's a very strong vinegar smell, but it's better than sitting there like roasting and being uncomfortable and having your skin on fire.
It can't be just coincidence that he asked you this question like two weeks after you talked about butthole tanning. Dude, it's so funny. Somebody, Sambrough said, is it a taint sunburn? Brian said, no, it's mainly on my shoulders, torso, and back. Shoulders, torso, back, and balls.
Right on the old sack. So here's the deal, guys. If you are doing butthole sunning, don't do it like midday when it's like the heat of the day, dude. Do it like a nice golden hour situation or like early in the morning or right before sunset. Don't be out there at freaking high noon.
freaking sun in your buttholes for hours. That's when you get the most energy, Sheena. It's true, but you got to be smart about it. You can't be out there just hanging out with your heels and heels to God. I got to do it while my neighbors are at work, so I don't know what you want me to do here. When you do it at 6 o'clock, we're right out in the backyard barbecuing. That's right.
Jordan just had a son in his butthole. You're gonna hear the lawnmowers going all around, you know, and Jordan's out there, you know, in freaking full dead bug pose. TNT, Tyson Il Travino, what was your summer job during the summer? Jordan, did you ever have a summer gig?
Why are you growing up? I mowed yards. I think when I was 14, I helped my stepdad who did a lot of handyman stuff. I helped him and his boss clear out a warehouse and knock all the walls down, so I loved doing that until I got it. That's cool. Until I put a nail through my arm and had to go get a tetanus shot an hour later, and then I was done with that job.
Yikes. My family is a long line of restaurant owners, so I used to wait tables. Restaurant tours, if you will. Restaurant tours, entrepreneurs, if you will. And I used to wait tables and stuff like that at my aunt's restaurant. And nanny. I've been a babysitter slash nanny pretty much since day one-ish. Yeah, that was always my summer job. What about you, Seth? Worked a subway one summer.
One summer. Yeah, you didn't even make it the whole summer, did you? Didn't you last a month? Yeah, because I told them I couldn't work on weekends and they scheduled me on a Saturday one time and I told them I had to go get something. I ended up coming in even after I bit you out and I worked for like an hour and a half and I told them I had to go get something out of my car and I just drove off and left. Wow. I mean, it's Subway, dude. Who gives a shit? Yeah, true. They do, probably. It's funny, this is literally coming from one of the hardest working people that I know.
Yeah, that's pretty funny. I guess you only take the job as seriously as it is, right? Yeah. Mike Rivera, after a week of Fight Forever, how are you all liking it? It's fun, man. That's what I would say. It's fun. It's not a bump on WWE 2K's ass, but it is a ton of fun. When the bell rings, it's a blast to play.
There's not a ton to deal on there though, man. It's just, you know, like I said, WWE 2K19, I played that game for a legit five years. I don't see myself playing Fight Forever for, you know, six months, but I will say this new state, yeah, my son loves it. This new stadium stampede mode that is about to be debuting here in a couple of weeks. If it is half as fun as the previews look, I think that could be a true game changer. That looks like some of the most fun I've ever seen on a wrestling game. And I'm really looking forward to checking that out. Jordan, have you played Fight Forever yet?
have not. So I'm still kind of waiting to, to for the sale to happen. Cause eventually it's going to happen.
It's not a $70 game, dude. If it had been priced at 40 bucks like how Battleground was. It was $70. That's the cost of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X games right now. If it had been at the bargain price like WWE Battleground was, I think the reviews would be much more generous, man. But it's just not a full game, dude. We can try to sugarcoat it however we want. It's just not, man. Aren't they trying to make in-game purchases where you pay $70 for the game and then you're going to have in-game upgrades and stuff?
Um, the engraving, no, it's not like a microtransaction beast or nothing like that. There's always add ons and stuff. And we'll see if they keep their word to it. I thought you had mentioned that there was like unlocking new modes and stuff like that. Well, so the thing is, they're looking to make this like something similar to like Fortnite or Rocket League or
or Grand Theft Auto, where they're not going to have a game every year. Like, hey, you have WWE 2K22, 2K20, 19, whatever. They're going to have this. And for the next three years, they're just going to offer updates, man. Like, new game modes, new pads, and stuff like that. Oh, OK, but you don't pay for them. No, you pay for them. Oh, OK. But you're not buying a whole new game the next year. Got it. OK, yeah, I guess. Yeah, like, they'll be made.
For instance, they'll do like a forbidden door pack next week that has, you know, Okada will Osprey and you pay for that. But you know, you're going to be able to play with those on your game for the next two, three years, not going to be like you're paying for them just until the new game comes out the next year. So I don't think they're being like egregious with the microtransactions and add ons. It's just, you know, it's just not a full fledged game, man. It's just not.
Johnny JB, did you guys buy fireworks for the fourth or did you watch others blow them up? We went over to a friend's house and they had like this insane, like just obscene amount of fireworks. They spent like 4,200 bucks on them. Yeah, and I think he spent, so he said almost five grand, but he said he got like, you know, eight grand's worth of fireworks, seven grand worth of fireworks. That's what the guy at the store told him. Yeah, the guy, yeah, exactly. This is like seven grand worth, but I'm gonna sell it to you for five, because you're a great shooter.
Yeah. Well, I guess this guy, because he's a friend of a friend. We met him through our neighbors down here that we hang out with often and go swimming and stuff, but he's there a lot. So we met him through them and they invited us to their 4th of July cookout slash fireworks demo. And it was, I mean, it was a shitload of fireworks too. The stuff was going off for like almost two hours. So it was wild.
But we didn't buy any this year. Didn't spend one red sin on fireworks this year. What about you, Jordan? So usually I go all out for 4th of July and spend quite a bit of money. For some reason, I just, I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it this year. I got Zoe some fireworks on 4th of July for her to light off, but no, this was a, this was the first year in probably 10 years that I didn't go all out for 4th of July.
Seth loves fireworks and it it's just so expensive now. Like last year we bought like advantage of the inflation Yeah, I remember dude like like 10 years ago. I'm gonna meet my cousin Taylor. He's a little pyro I'm where we went into the fireworks store and I I have like 120 bucks I think and we brought back with us
Yeah, we had a whole damn fucking Disney World fireworks show man, you know, it's at least on our level man and Nowadays dude like that ain't let's give you some fucking snakes last year Yeah, last year, you know, we were going to our friend's house and we were just like, oh we'll go contribute We'll go spend like 150 bucks at the fireworks stand and dude we got like I mean it was like what like 18 shots of something right and they were little they weren't even like the cannons or anything
Yeah, the shells. We got like freaking... It was like a handload of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. You're literally just putting your money up in smoke. I mean, it's cool, dude. I enjoy them, but I think my days of buying fireworks are done. Yeah. And I do want to offer some sage advice to all the people out there.
Enjoy the fireworks just watch them with your eyeballs. You're never gonna go back and watch those fireworks videos on your phone Nobody else is gonna watch them on social media. Everybody's clicking through that stuff No offense to anybody that posted them or anybody that took videos, but I just feel like you would have a better overall experience
experience and memories if you just take it in with your own two eyes. Unless somebody's doing something cool like sticking a Roman candle at their butt or something. Or they're like spelling your name out. If somebody's doing something risky, then film that shit. But if it's just straight up fireworks in the air, you're like, no, you're never going to go back and watch that. Exactly. Johnny JB also asked, who's your favorite fictional superhero? Mine's Batman, specifically 89 Batman. Jordan, who's your favorite fictional superhero?
I mean, I'm pretty sure Seth knows who it is. He's going to be a dick and say he doesn't, but it's Captain America, specifically Bucky Barnes is Captain America. So yeah.
I was going to say Captain Planet just because of my gimmick, but I am going to go with just a recency bias. I'm going to go with Miles Morales as Spider-Man is my new favorite. I love those movies, dude. I give Jordan shit all the time for being such a Marvel slash superhero fanboy and stuff, dude.
the Spider-Verse movies are just fucking excellent. If you haven't watched those, again, I'm not into this shit at all, dude. Those movies are so good, man. The animation is so beautiful. It's a great story. There's a ton of comic book stuff, so it's going to scratch that itch if you want the comic book sci-fi stuff, but there's a ton of heart to the story also, man.
I don't think I've ever gotten choked up at like a animated movie before. But that scene in the first one when Miles' dad is at the door of his dorm room talking to him and Miles is like leaning on the door but not answering his dad. It's just, it's heart wrenching, man. Oh yeah. And then the part where, you know, Miles' mom knows something's going on.
Oh, I mean, you know, the first one's years old at this point. And the second one's been out long enough. And this part's in the trailer. There's actually a trailer that's like, you know, based off of this, this moment that I'm talking about, Miles's mom knows us know something's going on, you know, because miles is becoming distant and whatever. And she's just talking about how she wants her little boy to always know who he is and where he belongs and all this stuff. And dude,
it brought legit like crocodile tears and like says that i'm not really into the superhero like universes and stuff like that either comic books for that matter and yeah i just like tugged on my heartstrings dude so yeah i love i love this series of movies so stoked for the next one and that's really just a testament to how good these these movies are because
they can have these like super just like human like relatable moments at the same time where it's telling you a story of a spider verse where there's like you know yeah thousands of spider-men out there across the universe exactly and like there's like you know so many elements of like time travel and dimension travel and like all this stuff dude and that doesn't even matter you know like normally it's like this is so much but
Jordan, you're a lot more knowledgeable on this than us, man. Give us your take, dude. Where do you think the Spider-Verse movies are at and like the pantheon of superhero movies? Oh, so I was just going to say these are two of like probably in my top 10 Marvel movies ever made. I love these movies. I think honestly going in just the fact that it was a cartoon
had me intrigued and everything like that. But dude, the first movie I thought was perfection. And I thought the second one was better than the first one, honestly. So yeah, these, these movies are phenomenal. I know a lot of people don't go watch these movies just because they are like cartoony or some people just don't like superheroes. But dude, like Sheena and Seth said, you don't have to like superheroes to like these movies. They're just good movies.
Yeah, and on the cartoon thing, the animation style. Yeah, it's not even like you're in. It's like, I mean, dude, not to sound like so over the top gushing on these, but it's like, it's like art, man. Like, it's such a unique style. Like, dude, I'm 38, man. I've seen a shitload of movies. I've seen a shitload of animated movies. I got two kids under five years old. And that's how I got turned on this first time. Brett kind of like just stumbled across it on Hulu and I was walking by and caught a few minutes of it.
you know, he was really into it. And I was like, dude, this just looks like a really cool movie. I need to check this out. And we sat down and watched it. And it was awesome. So yeah, I don't think we kind of definitely digressed off Johnny's original question. But yeah, check out the Spiderverse movies, man. Big fans of those over here. 100%. Where's the first one streaming?
I think it's with ads, you can get it on Hulu. Okay, cool. Yeah, because I remember we streamed it. We ended up buying it, right? We ended up, yeah, we just bought it. And then Sambro asked me, how's your time off toxic socials been, Sheena? I don't know if I've mentioned it on here. I didn't mention it on Chick-Fully because I've still been checking in with the Foley family group. I actually switched over to the show, Facebook, and you know, still posting on Chick-Fully Instagram and stuff. But I took a break off of all of my personal socials.
It's been nice. I feel like it's just, you know, nothing wrong. I love Instagram, but I just needed a break, you know, just becoming a time waster and I have a lot of stuff that I want to do this summer. And sometimes I feel like on social media, you take in so much information that like it kind of just makes you and I don't know if this is just a me thing, but there's so many things to like learn and do and try and all these hacks and everything because I'm like a gardener and I, you know, have my little homestead and stuff.
I feel like sometimes you take in too much information and it causes you just like do nothing, right? Because you're like, oh, well, I need to do it this way or I need to try this. So too many choices is the death of choice. Yeah, exactly. 100%. Yeah, it was just like paralysis analysis. So it's been really nice. I'm actually going to have to break my because I was going to do it for the whole month of July. I was I'm actually gonna have to break my social media hiatus, which is fine. But Brett,
my son is entered in the US mullet championships so I have to I have to promote that on my social so I don't ask you guys for much if you're listening to this and you've listened to us for an hour twenty eight obviously you're our loyal on the lookout this week
Yeah, be on the lookout. You got to register, which is annoying. I'll admit, I think that's a huge design flaw in the whole thing they got going. But I think that's to keep people from just spamming. Yeah, it's free registration. It's free and it takes literally less than 40 seconds. But yeah, it would mean the world to Brett. And it's a thousand kids in this and he's trying to get to the number one spot, man. So yeah, all you got to do is just, you know, we'll send the link out and give the direction stuff. But yeah, just register and vote. And you can vote once every day for the, I think it's only like four or five days, the first round last.
And we, like I said, on this show here, we don't ask you for a lot. We don't, we don't spam you with a bunch of ads or a bunch of promo for shit that we don't use. You know, we got Chalk Line Ringside who are our, you know, long time devotees that we've had even, you know, before the show. So, um, you know, I'm just asking if you love us, if you'd like to listen to us, this is a cool way to support us. Cause it would mean a lot to us and our kid.
It sounds so stupid because it's a mullet championship, but sometimes- He's been growing this thing since the day after Christmas 2021. He's dedication. He's really been working on it. We vowed for him a few times, like, do you want to cut it? He's like, no, let it keep going. Exactly. He's into the mullet. Anyway, that was a whole sidebar. If you haven't ever taken a social media hiatus, I highly recommend it because it is good for your mind, body,
And so I don't really scroll anymore I used to scroll out on social media and like check stuff out like now I really just put like I almost honestly use like my Instagram is kind of just like a scrapbook I just like go back and like look at stuff like we were doing or and I keep it as like a little catalog of my beers that I'm drinking stuff so I got like I can go back and remember what stuff I've tried I haven't tried and
And then other than that, Jordan and then my best buddy in Virginia, James, they send me just depraved memes and videos and stuff that I check out. That's really the extent of my social media. You hear Jordan laughing because he knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Every time I go on Instagram, I see my little DM thing that I've like, no, there ain't no hotties, no cuties, no nothing inside my DMs. It's Jordan and James Zushi from the Facebook group. Just I can always count on two or three of, you know, a mix of like, usually there's like maybe like one wholesome one in there and then the other ones are just like either comedy or just some of the most depraved shit you've ever seen.
Yeah, Jordan literally sent me a meme today of a guy trying to ghost ride the whip and so getting this freaking leg run over man, so Yeah, I just casually like stumble upon you know, it's forced upon me by these two guys
Yeah. My problem is I scroll. You're a scroller. I'm a scroller. I love to look, and I love to look, I love a curated feed. I really love the aesthetic aspect of Instagram. Like Ari's nails page. Like Ari's nails page, yeah. I love to look at beautiful photos and, like I said, curated stuff, but at the end of the day- I just like to see the stuff that people are passionate about. That's why her account struck me so much, man. Exactly. Nails by Nimmy, any MI, if you're looking for your
You know, you don't got to be in the nails. Just check it out. It's it's super interesting. But yeah, anyway, but yeah, like I said, take a break from social every once in a while. It's good for you. I'll be back sometime to promote the mullet championship. And then maybe I'll try to get in August. But Sanbro also says trigger warning here. Not sure if you guys know who Andrew Tate is either. You guys know who Andrew Tate is? Is he the lawyer that was trying to shut down day to be Jordan?
Uh, I don't know. Do a quick Google search. I read this. He's not sure if you guys know who Andrew Tate is, but if WWE brought him in a few with Logan Paul, I think it would potentially be the biggest viewership gain since the attitude era. And Randy Smith, um, says I'm embarrassed to say I'd watch this with intensity. And I was thinking to Andrew Yang. Yeah. I don't know. It says he's a English.
social media personality businessman and kickboxer. So yeah, I'm not familiar enough to answer this one, dude. Yeah, don't have any input on this. Sorry, man. But if anybody else has any input, feel free to send it to us and we'll read it to Sambro next week on the pod. He says, another trigger warning. There's always talk about AEW's women division not getting enough story, being neglected, etc. Do you guys think it's more that the majority of the division just isn't ready for spotlight television time?
Of course, the top tier like Brit, Tony, et cetera are badass, but a lot of them are lower to mid-card talent, just look like they're working in slow motion and missing a lot of spots. Jordan? Yeah. I mean, we've discussed this a couple of times that they just don't have enough top line people. I think that kind of kills the division because you can only suspend disbelief on about five people when in the actual title.
True. And you can only elevate the division to the top talent of the highest person that you have there. And I don't think the bar is very high. And I'm not trying to crap on the women's division. I think they have a lot of wonderful talent, but it's just not on the level of WWE or even some of the other promotions that have women's wrestlers. I think it's just...
I think it's the way they're being. Yeah, so it's like you said, it's definitely a case of like, the sum is somehow less than like the whole of the parts, right? You know what I mean? Like if you look at all the talent, it should be way better than it is. I think it's a mix of
The the way they're presented and also I think the agents man like whoever is helping I don't know if I don't know exactly what the Agent situation is with a w how that works, you know I don't know if there's somebody helping these ladies out like, you know planning out the big spots and the finishes of the match But it just always seems like I feel like a lot of Indians seem so low-key They're just they're never none of the matches are structured in a way to get the crowd behind them like the really good women's matches in AW really stand out because it's so rare whereas I feel like
I feel like the WWE women's matches, they've got the absolute worst ones. Like the bar is still pretty high, right? They got a pretty high floor. You know what I mean? Exactly. Even if the ceiling may not be super high, but you got a pretty high like base level match for women. I don't know. They should be way better because they, I mean, they got, you know, Athena, dude, who is Ember Moon was one of my like two or three favorite women's wrestlers. Brit Baker's awesome. Toni Storm. Toni Storm's great. Jade. You know, Sheeda's good. Jade. Yeah. Like, dude, like there's no,
It's probably the biggest black mark on AW's record because even when the times were great, you know in 2020 and 2021 the women's division still Wasn't all that like you would have thought with them trying to be this, you know this thing that's so different WWE They would have found a way to elevate the women even more. What would they have done without Britt Baker during that time? What would they have even done man?
yeah i uh yeah i don't know man it's weird because you think that's the kind of thing that's right in aw will house to knock out the park but they they've struggled with that and that's been since day one in 2019 and it hasn't improved much if any but then they got a ton of talented ladies man i think they just need to
you know, if they could maybe bring in like Sarah Amato from, from, from, yeah, from NXT. I don't know if she's on NXT or working on the main roster right now, but wherever she's at, bring her over and you know, that'd be somebody that could be really valuable to them because the talent's there for that to be a kick ass division. Am I the only one that is like very confused? What is going on with Thunder Rosa? Like,
Is she on the roster anymore or what are we doing here? Yeah, it's like I don't really think I don't think she was you know I think she was kind of hurt but it was more like hurt feelings weren't anything else right because it seemed like none of the other ladies on the roster really liked her and seemed like they were just openly like mocking her and bullying her on social media and shit and it
Yeah, it's weird, man, because for a time there, dude, she would, you know, that real famous match, the one with her and Britt Baker, you know, Britt kind of got the shine off of it because she had some of the iconic images. But Thunder Rosa won that match. And she had the huge won the championship in her hometown. Remember, it was it was after that that they just kept putting Thunder Rosa at like the top of the ramp and just having her like cut these like promos, dude, that I felt like it was just she's not a good promo. She's not a good promo. She's Oscar. Just send her to the ring and ring the bell. Hell yeah. She can go, man. She's got
She's got charisma, but it's within her performance. It's not on the mic talking. It's with her look, it's with her energy. And they would send her out there to die on the... Yeah, I remember interviewing with Tony, she might have been on the top of the arena. Literally, you could just suck the fucking life out of the arena. Yes, dude. It was like you could hear a pin drop in there. So yeah, they set her up for failure with that title reign.
Yeah, again, it's mind boggling, Sam Bro. I don't know. And I don't know how it's going to get better or when or if it will get better. We just keep talking about it and hoping and praying, and it just never moves the ball forward. So Sam Bro says, what controversial person do you think if Mattel put in an elite set would sell the most? I think if they put out an elite or ultimate edition Trump, it would sell a ridiculous amount of figures. Yeah, I think that's probably the most prominent. A Trump figure would be crazy, dude. If they did that as like the San Diego Comic Con exclusion next year, it would be insane. He's obviously
way too polarizing and has way too much dirt on his name that I think Mattel would ever actually do it. I don't think Chris Benoit would sell more than that. I think the thing about a Trump figure is that it would transcend wrestling. It would be like the bad bunny figure. I think they're the biggest selling figure of all time. If they made enough and didn't make it limited edition,
There would be so many fucking people who have never even knew wrestling fears existed that would buy this. If Mattel gave it like, you know, the top of the line of treatment, just give it a make it an ultimate edition, man. Like, yeah, that would be ridiculous, man. I'd love to see him do it, but I don't see it ever happening. What about like a three pack of one night and page like Brad Maddox Xavier wasn't paid.
With the jizzed up NXT winning a championship. Oh, it comes with the little handheld, like the camera, the handheld camera. Yikes, dude. That little vibrator page was sticking up her butt. Oh, man. Scratching sniff. Yeah, you could get an ad on Alberto Del Rio. Oh, no, you can't. Wow.
So that's between that. Let us know if you guys are ever going to get an Ultimate Edition Trump or the, you know, the page-turner four-pack. Page-turner four-pack. Oh, man. Sambro, what do you guys think of Heel Jack Perry? I feel like he's one of those talents that desperately needs a Paul Heyman. Yeah, it's a mistake. He's too small. He's a babyface, dude. Yeah, and he's a babyface, too. He's a babyface. He's literally a babyface, and he's a babyface in character. Yeah, he's one of those guys. He's Sting, dude. He's one of those guys you never turn him heel, dude.
I get it, like he was struggling a little bit as a baby face, but just find something else for him to do. Send him away for a little bit, man. I love Jungle Boy. I really, really do. I hate heel Jack Perry. Yeah. I just don't buy it. Yeah. He just seems like such a sweetheart of a guy, dude. It seems very forced. If you ever hear anybody that's talked to him, they're like, dude, he's like the nicest guy. Yeah, it's just not a fit, man.
Sambro, I'd love to get your, your take. He says, this is directed at Seth. I'd love to get your take knowing you're a big mocks guy. I've seen a lot of flack, flack on mocks lately bashing his wrestling style, basically saying he's worse off now than when he was in WWE. What are your thoughts?
I don't think he's worse than he wasn't doing to be. He's worse than he was in the first couple years in AW. I hate to say this. Obviously, it's great that he's cleaned his life up, but you see this a lot with artists, man. They do their best work when they got one foot in the flame. You know what I mean? They just do. I mean, dude. He's not lying. Look at all the great musicians. There's a ton of musicians and actors and stuff that have substance abuse problems.
I think for some people, they just got that dark side and for whatever reason, the dark side is what feeds their creative side. Let us put a little disclaimer here. We are not advocating for mocks, so get back on the sauce. I think family and personal health are paramount and take precedent over anything wrestling related. A hundred million percent. From hearing Renee talk, it sounded like it was a pretty serious issue or to the point where basically his life was revolved around alcohol and he had a newborn baby.
Um, so yeah, I'm not begrudging. I'm just giving my, you know, he asked for my take. That's my take, man. I think that took him down a notch. I think he's got a little too. Overlying on the blood, you know, like, the blood is too much. Phil, you know, I posted that blood and guts figure for sell the other group and the other day in the group. And, uh, you know, we were cracking jokes, you know, Phil Phil done it. Our buddy in the UK said, you know, that's, he bleeds when he goes out to the store to get milk.
Like he's just kind of over done it on that. So I don't think I think I still think he's better than he was in WWE because He had some he had some really really bright spots. But for the most part they had him just doing like dumb comedy stuff in WWE But it's definitely a step down from where he was those first years in a w I think
I think some of that's just because he was flying so high. I mean, he was the man. He basically fucking carried that company the first couple of years along with Jericho and the elite. And now he's kind of just part of a faction. So I don't know. I think he's got a lot of stuff going on, but it sounds like he's got his personal life completely turned around. And for that, I'm happy because I still love rocks. And maybe that's what it is too. I mean, obviously I have no basis to
Put this uh speculation out there, but maybe he's got his life together and he realizes like wrestling. Yeah, wrestling isn't everything Yeah wrestling and he's already a three-time champion. He's nothing to prove. Yeah, he is nothing to prove I mean and he's like a wwe champ. I mean he's got I mean his career legacy is pretty
pretty intense. Yeah. And for the record, I still love mocks. He's still my favorite guy in AWW and I still think he could crank it up and go on another main event run. No problem. He needs to get rid of the sweat pants. It's it's become what gear has gotten bad. That's the gear has become what the ricochet clothesline was for him in WWE and Michael Cole yelling the lunatic fringe every five seconds.
Yeah, the I don't yeah go back to the stuff he was wearing when we first with AWD go back and get your shield pants man like Romans made it clear dude the shield pants just work as gear dude like rock the shield pants with some boots and you're fine and I always thought his gear looked good those first couple years but then Starting from that night. He lost the belt to MJF. I was just like what the fuck are you wearing dude like he looks like
like Mick Foley, and he should look better than that. He should look tougher. He's not a schlub, dude. Yeah, he's like a badass who doesn't care what he looks like, but he's not a slob. Yeah, exactly. A wife beater tank and a pair of jeans. That's not asking too much. You know what I mean? He made that work for Dean Ambrose. And if you do the wife beater with the jeans, you always got the built-in spot where you can get that pop just ripping your shirt off. Exactly. Exactly.
Um, Sambro also says, went outside the other day and put myself in missionary ankles to ears and tan the old tank. Got to say, got to say it actually gave me a burst of energy. I'm telling y'all get with the butthole sunning. Okay. Or the, you know, genital sunning doesn't have to really be your butt, but yeah, I'm challenging all of you guys. And I want you to report back, um, about your sonning, your nether region. I worry about mosquitoes, man. That's probably my primary concern.
Just getting a mosquito bite right on your old taint. Right underneath the ball sack, dude. Sam Brooks says, what's the best snake repellent for the yard? He's asking me. I don't think he's asking you or Seth or Marco. What's the best snake repellent? I would say get some poultry, dude. You probably live in a place where you're not going to have chickens, turkeys, guineas, any of that, but those are good snake repellents.
they'll kill anything that's not big enough. Yeah, they'll kill all the small, small kind snakes and stuff. But there's some stuff I think you can like sprinkle in the yard that will deter them. But yeah, if you got a snake problem, do you keep your yard mode down and don't have piles of rubbish? Do you? What if he's dealing with an anaconda here? Like what we got for that, Sheena?
I mean, stay out of the water. My anaconda don't want none unless you've got blood sun. Wow. Zach Hertzler, seeing how as it's summer and you want to slushy, what flavor are you getting? Also, you want a nice alcohol slushy, what kind are you getting?
So I'm a blue raspberry guy. That's my like my go to for regular slushy alcoholic. It's got to be a hurricane dude. That's like the New Orleans standard. You know, New Orleans is famous for their, their alcoholic slushy. So yeah, I'm going hurricane if it's an alcoholic but regular slushy I'm going for some sort of blue raspberry variety.
Regular slushies, I really like a tropical fruit, either a pineapple or a mango or something like that. That's my go-to if that's on the menu. For alcoholic slushies, I got to say, just a good old classic slushie margarita is on the menu anytime.
regular, I'm going tiger's blood. I just love that flavor. It's watermelon strawberry and a hint of coconut. And then dude, I don't know. I think it's only in Vegas, but Vegas has an adult Taco Bell and they have Baja blast alcoholic slushies.
Dude, I think this is... That sounds incredible, dude. Dude, and they have all kinds of flavors. I saw it one day, I was just scrolling through something and I'm like, holy shit, I need to try one of those. That's got to be good. Baja blast, alcoholic slushies. Wow. So, Zach Hertzer, final question of the day, favorite summer pay-per-view? Maybe summer. Maybe you skip one.
Oh, yeah, I did skip one. It's another Zach one. Sorry, bud. I'm here for you, Zach. Yep. What is one of your favorite restaurants of all time and what was the food you used to get there?
I'll go local joint, me and Sheena's hometown, Morgantown, Kentucky, the Dairy Mart, man. This place is awesome. They closed down the Friday of our first football game, my junior year of football. That was the last day it was there. I can proudly say that I ate there. The last day it was open. They had the best cheeseburgers, man.
They're basically between like a slider and a regular sized cheeseburger. Like they weren't quite sliders, but they were definitely like, you need to get two or three of these things. You're going to eat them. But they were just fucking excellent. They were like smash burgers before smash burgers was really like even a thing. You know, this was 2001. Um, they had these awesome milkshakes, man. It was like I said, it was just every, every small towns probably got a place just like it, but this one was mine. Ton of nostalgia. Like I used to go and stay with my grandma for the summer and my papal Clyde, who I talked about earlier, my great grandpa.
every morning like clockwork 1030, he would come by and pick me up and go to Dairy Mart and eat. So I had a ton of nostalgia built into it, but it was damn good food too. So I will go with the the Dairy Mart and the just straight up, you know, cheeseburger with mayonnaise man, that was my go to order.
Okay, so this, I can't believe I'm gonna say it's my favorite restaurant. I'm like drawing a blank as to what the name of it is. Seth will have to help me. Hold on. What was, cause it's just because I've eaten so many Mexican restaurants. What is the Virginia Beach, our Friday tradition? Oh, Plaza Azteca. Plaza Azteca, dude. That's shameful that you forgot that. I forgot, dude. We've had so many good meals and so many good margaritas.
Yeah, dude. So Plaza Azteca. Well, I mean, dude, I mean, I couldn't remember. I was like, Purdos. I was like, no, that's bowling green. Same thing, dude. Every place, every town has Mexican restaurants like this, but this one was just like two steps above. It was fucking incredible, man. It's specifically the one over on
Holland. Holland Road. Yeah, there's a Plaza Azteca over there. I mean, Seth and I have eaten in there countless times. Back before we had kids and we lived in Virginia Beach the first time. Every Friday. Every Friday. That was our routine. We would go there and get two margaritas and eat and then find a way to stumble back to our apartment.
Yeah, so I would have to say that's my favorite. Yeah, we would get that in our what we would normally get there is like The fajitas for two was what we would get in the Texas margaritas and the Texas margaritas Hey, we went on a double date with my friend in this girl there one night and the girl I think George heard the story but the girl so Sheena's like this is 2009 so I don't even know who I am at this point
But, you know, we get there and Sheena's going, you know, like I said, you heard her. She loves this place, dude. Loves the margaritas. She's going on about how good they are. And I think the girl is just like, you know, she's always like a Bud Light or something. And Sheena is just like, no, you got to get a margarita. You got to get a margarita. And the girl is like, I don't think so, dude. I really don't like tequila.
She was like, no, you're getting a margarita. So finally this poor girl caves to the peer pressure and orders a margarita, right? And drinks it. I wasn't that aggressive. And then she was pretty aggressive. And then like 15 minutes later, she goes to the bathroom. She's just gone for like 10 minutes. And that's my friend Jimmy. I'm like, bro, is everything good? And he's like, I don't know. And then like 30 seconds later, he's like, oh, she just texted me. She said she's in the bathroom throwing up right now.
Alright George, what's your restaurant? Can you guys I mean I haven't even drank on the pod in like freakin six weeks So she made this poor girl on a date think about how mortifying that would be dude You're on a date and you're in the bathroom throwing up because some chick made you drink a margarita Dude, I used to drink pretty heavy. I used to be a bartender and I was a server So I had like the nightlife, you know what I mean? So after you get off serving you're kind of like jacked up trying to like, you know go to sleep and stuff So like we would go out and freakin
party after because we don't have to be at work again until like two o'clock the next day. So yeah, back in my younger days, I used to be a much more of a party animal name now.
Uh, so mine is a barbecue joint that closed down about, I think it was eight years ago. It was called smoke pit. Um, it used to be connected to a strip club, but I was too young to enjoy the fruits of that labor. Uh, but get some ribs and a rub. Exactly. But dude, just like the portions they gave you at this place, it was like nine bucks for
you know, like one of the big styrofoam containers, you get like eight bones in it. And then that's why they closed down. And, you know, I mean, at that point, that was eight years ago. True. I know you get like a heap like I know this is weird for a barbecue restaurant, but you get spaghetti in it. And then their spaghetti sauce was really good. And then they had garlic bread, and it was just a phenomenal meal. And
It was an older couple that owned it and they just got too old to keep it going. So they closed it down. Finally. That's me. The real ones never last. I remember being so excited whenever we, you know, moved back to Virginia after basically a 10 year hiatus and Plaza Azteca was still there man. Cause yeah, it seems like all your favorite. If it's a local joint.
It feels like they're on borrowed time from the moment they open up, man. The chains are just too fucking powerful. I feel like the world could be in the worst recession it's ever seen. Mexican restaurants never die, dude. Our little town of Oakland, straight up. Our little town of Oakland here, it is literally a one stop light town. If you blink, you're going to miss Oakland, right? It's just like a little pit stop off the highway. I think it actually is only two stop lights, dude.
Yeah, I mean, I'm serious. It's legit. It used to just be like a stop sign from what I understand like 10 or 15 years ago. But anyway, we have like five Mexican restaurants in Oakland, right? So I mean, that just goes to show you that they're recession proof, bulletproof. And thank God for Mexican restaurants, because we love Mexican food. Zach Hertzler, final question of the night, favorite summer pay per view. I assume he's talking all time. I'm gonna go in your house, Canadian Stampede. Oh, that's a good one.
Okay. Jordan. Oh Jesus. A lot of good ones to pick from dude. SummerSlam has been really good like the last like six years. I'm just going to go just because we have already talked about it tonight and I know I love it. I'm going to go SummerSlam 92.
That's what I was going to go with, dude. I think, you know. Such a unique one. Yeah, the unique feel. It's made-a-vented by a classic match. And it's for the Intercontinental Championship, which just sets it apart even more. And there's not a bad match on that show. 92 WWF was really, really good.
Yep. And you get the, the appearance from a dirty Diana, you know, I'm not going to lie though. One pay-per-view. I really do miss and I didn't think I would, dude. I loved WCW hog wild and surges. It was like one of the coolest things ever. Yeah, it was different. It was so cool, man. Hearing all the bikes revving up and shit, dude. Like, yeah, I loved hog wild, man. All the WCW always did a really good job of making their shows feel different. Remember like, um,
Like maybe do spring stampede and they'd have the whole like, you know, Western, like ranch motif and stage and shit. And then all the Halloween Havocs were killer. Yeah. Fall brawl is always great. Yeah. WCW, like I said, the actual show quality was whatever, but the production and like the stage design stuff was always on point, man. Yeah. Hogwarts was super cool. A hundred percent. And that wraps up our listener mail for this week. So thank you guys for all sending in your questions. If you want to join our fully fam and you can get in on answering or submitting some listener mail for us.
All right, Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram, at Chick Foley. You can find Marco, hopefully. We got to check in on Marco. He has some technical difficulties and he fell out of the recording. So you can find Marco running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Join our Foley fam over at And we'll want to give a shout out to our Pod Foundation family. Go to Extra Cooler.
Coming down the aisle and the turnbuckle tavern there are pod brothers if you want to just listen to an awesome network of shows Check us out along with our pod brothers and you'll have all the wrestling content you need for the week want to remind you guys use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles and use code PF 10 to save 10% at chalk line on behalf of the pod foundation and now it's time for the main event of the evening
Jordan is stepping up to the plate for trivia. For those who don't know, Jordan has told me off air that these, these trivia questions just absolutely wreck him. He starts to get panic attacks. You know, his palms are sweaty. Bro, I'm literally fucking sweating right now. I'm not even lying. He said the moment Sheena starts to read, it's so funny because
He's not a nervous person. He's my best friend, dude. If it's one thing I'd say about him, dude, he's always a calm presence. I'm pretty damn calm too, but I do occasionally wig out about stuff, and when I do, Jordan's almost always a calming presence for me. He's a super laid-back cat, so that's why it was so funny to me when he told me how worked up he gets on these. He said the moment she just starts reading the question, he just starts feeling his heartbeat out of his chest. No, dude. My mind goes blank.
Dude, that's me. That's me. And you know what I think it is, Jordan, it's because you and I are so close to Seth. Like we're probably the two closest people in his life. And he is such a like encyclopedia of wrestling knowledge that I feel like
I'm like, Oh man, like, you know, he knows the answer. I know he knows the answer. Like, I should know the answer. And there's some just obscure shit that like, nobody knows the answer to, but somehow Seth knows the answer. So it makes me feel pressure to feel like I should know the freaking answer. So mine's, I've always been a shitty test taker. I fucking, when I took my insurance test the first time, I swear to God, I had sweat dripping out of my shorts. I was like fucking, I got like the sitcoms and stuff with somebody struggling on the test. When I left the laser, are you good? I was like, no, I'm not.
All right. Hit it with it, Shane. All right. At the 1995 Survivor Series, what entire team survived?
Oh my god. Do do do do do do do do. We need to get the Jeopardy music for a sound drop. Do you want to take a guess? Take a guess. And then, OK, after you guess whether you get it wrong or right, I'm going to give you the multiple choice, see if you can get it from the multiple choice. Team Heart Foundation, I don't know. Nope. OK, so here's your multiple choice answers. So the multiple choice answers are the underdogs, the dark side, the perfect team. The perfect team.
is undertaker henry godwin savio vega and i can't actually remember who the fourth member of the team was but the fact that you gave me a three and i have to get that it was more like a fucking zero and a half to get that there was no chance who was on the underdogs the underdogs was berry horowitz marty genetti leaf cassidy and i wanna say how she may have been with them
It was the dark side.
All right. The under the underdogs and the dark side or the dark side was from survivor. She's 95. Perfect team was from survivor. She was 90. Yeah. All right. Sheena hit us with some closing thoughts. Don't fuck with cats.