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Friday Morning Main Event

The Chick Foley Show
118 Plays2 months ago

We hop on for an early morning recording session to discuss Saturday Night's Main Event, NXT Deadline, the latest AEW drama, and catch up with all the happenings in the wrestling figure world.

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Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back with an unprecedented episode of the Chick Foley Show. We've recorded from a lot of times, locations, places, and spaces, but it's the first ever early morning crack-a-dawn episode. Sheena, how you doing? I am in my element. If we could just record every morning at like between the hours of 4 a.m. and 6 a.m., I would be on it, dude. It's not a bad way to start the day, man. I'm happy camper, yeah.
Yeah, so we it's for numerous reasons. It just worked out that you know Friday morning at 6 in the morning ah was the the choice recording time, man. So here we are. We're going to be talking a little bit of NXT deadline, talking some Saturday Night's Main Event and a few other news and notes from the wrestling world and get you guys caught up. I want to remind you, the show's brought to you by Ringside Collectibles.
oh It's, you can't even keep up with it, man. They're on like Black Friday 3.0. I think Cyber Monday 2.0. They just keep rolling the sales over. I mean, Black Friday isn't even really a thing anymore. It's literally just like Black November all the way through Christmas, man. Like, it's just like they keep saying, well, we extended the sale. Oh, we're going into Cyber Monday. Oh, we're going into, you know, don't let it pass December. You know, like it still going strong right now, but I think the end is ah closer than the beginning. So, you know, if you have been putting it off, if you get a little bit of Christmas cash, don't don't wait around, hurry up and get over there.
I'm just at shipping deadlines. You gotta hit those shipping deadlines before Christmas. you know I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about strictly self-indulgent. People who have been waiting and want to to cash in on their own figures. so oh Yeah, definitely hit up ringside collectibles and use code CHICKFOLY to save 10%. Sheena, tell us what's new on the farm. Things are pretty dormant here on the farm. We got some 20 degree days in the past few weeks, so everything's completely dead. I just planted out my garlic. I still have some garlic to put out, but other than that, it's just feeding the animals, making sure everybody's warm and prepping the beds for garden planning next year. Any updates on the Thanksgiving murder mystery? No, if you guys were here with us last week or was it week before? I don't even know. Time feels like it's just flying. But yeah, we had a chicken meet its untimely demise due to some sort of predator. But no, we don't know. We haven't seen the possum back in the backyard. I'm thinking it had to be like a hawk that just followed a chicken up into the- Give it an owl as well. Yeah, followed a chicken up into the coop and yeah, just no updates. But we haven't seen anything and haven't lost any more chickens. So that's positive.
All right, you ready to get into some wrestling talk? Let's go. And one more quick note on housekeeping before we dive in. I do want to thank everybody so far in the Facebook group that's been participating in our Christmas movie survey. Next week, me and Jordan are going to record a special Christmas episode of the Pod Warriors. ten We think it's going to be the definitive rankings of best Christmas movie ever. We got a whole lot of research and data that's going to go into it along with the with the crowd voting. So thanks for everybody participating so far. Keep up with it over the weekend. We got you know a whole bunch of other movies that we're going to ask you guys to rate. And the episode will be out early next week. And there's rumors women we may have a special third person joining us on the show. So stay tuned for that. And if you haven't yet, make sure you go to Two bucks a month, eight quarters gets you into our Facebook group. It's a ton of fun. i Satisfaction guaranteed, right, Shane?
Obviously. um So you want to talk about some NXT deadline, can I wrap up? ah Let's get AEW out of the way. Oh yeah, we got some AEW. Yeah, this was kind of a... we We typically try to stick to the stuff between the ring just because it's more fun, but this has just dominated the but the news landscape the last week and a half or so, this AEW Ray Phoenix drama.
um You know, if it hadn't already, that the Rose is definitely fully off the bloom now on AWB and this wrestler's utopia, you know, that it was going to be this great place to work. There's been enough stuff now that it's just another wrestling company now at this point. You know, I do think it's solid place to go get a check, but it's not, you know, everything's not hunky dory 24 seven like it seemed.
that first year or two. um But yeah, for those who don't know, basically, Lucha Bros were, their contracts were coming up at the end of this year, heavily, heavily forecasted to be going to WWE. Penta is already a free agent and right around the time that he was, you know, they were getting their, the strings cut loose on their AW contracts, Tony Khan came out and extended Ray Phoenix's deal for injury time. Now this is something totally within AW's right. WWE has done this for years. they They've done this for years with folks, but it hadn't been something typically that AW done. It just wasn't a pay something out of their playbook, but they've done this with Phoenix and now it's to the point that, you know, Pint is a free agent and Phoenix is still locked up with AW. So obviously that's, it's kind of not only is it putting his career on hold, but it's also putting his brother's career
on hold and Phoenix has come out chirping um on social media now and some since deleted tweets accusing AW of mismanaging his medical situation or whatnot. It's just a mess but Shana I'll ask you what what's your thoughts on on Tony Khan taking this ah this tougher route with Russell contracts?
I mean, I guess from his perspective, um, it's, it's business, right? But at the end of the day, if somebody doesn't want to be in your company, I don't know why you would just continue to hold them hostage. You continue to pay them, uh, you know, more than anything. I just, I feel like, and then it's kind of messy for Ray Phoenix too, because, you know, like Ray and Pinto were set to go over and now it looks like, I mean, I guess it doesn't look bad, but I mean, for me, I'm like, Oh, so this guy, whenever he's dissatisfied, he's going to just come out and like start talking shit about,
you know, the company or whatever. So I think it kind of makes him look bad, but it all, I mean, on Tony Khan, I just, I think it's a bad look. I will say, you know, Phoenix is a real one because, um, it's, it's been known for, you know, about a month, month and a half now that TK was going to do this. They were going to extend his deal. It was just in the last two weeks that it came out that Pentagon is completely free and clear gone from his AW contract. And Phoenix waited until then to start chirping up to make sure, you know, nothing got messed up in his brother's release. So I kind of, I got respect for him on that, but But yeah, i don't I don't think either side of this is coming out looking good man. You can't really blame TK too much. Again, WWE has done this oh yeah for the longest time. Vince McMahon was right there with you for for really the majority of the time that he was in charge. He kind of echoed your sentiment that if somebody doesn't want to be here, let's just get them gone. It's not good for morale. yeah <unk> not They're not going to help us if they don't want to be here anyways. It was really kind of the late era events that became a little bit more vindictive on this stuff a little and a little bit more controlling.
Well, before there was nowhere for people to go, like right? So it was like, if you let them go, like, where are they going to go down to the Indies or you know what I mean? So like, but now it's like, if you let somebody go and like the next month they show up on the, you know, the opposition's TV, I don't know. I mean, not that it matters anymore. Like, are we really still there where it's like, oh my God, this person went to AEW or oh my God, this person went to WWE. I feel like we're past that.
um right I don't know. I feel it's still a pretty big deal. You don't think it was a big deal when CM Punk showed back up in WWE? I mean, CM Punk is really an exception because he's just, he's just like this cultural, like, you know, moment that I feel like, you know, we were, we were waiting for for years. whereas like ah Yeah. I don't know. The back and forth with like, just, I mean, I don't want to say regular talent. I mean, obviously the Lucha Bros are exceptional, but Something is pretty cool. I really get into the going back and forth. i still It's cool, but I don't think it's like, Oh my God, like they're going to the competition. I don't think it's like people are, I don't know. Cause I mean, we've seen what happens. I mean, it's not like when somebody goes over to AEW, it's not like they shoot up and they're just like this phenomenon. I mean, we had Sasha Banks go over there. We had freaking, you know, Oh, if you say and like, yeah, if it being like a needle moving, right? that's like That's what I'm saying. Like, it's not like it's going to like change the trajectory of like the company, right? yeah in the In the last year, AEW, they signed the three biggest free agents. They signed Sasha Banks slash Mercedes Monet, Okada, and Will Ospreay. Not a little difference. Stuff got worse for them as far as like business-wise. True. I don't think there's any real needle moves coming over to WWE. That's just going to further strengthen. WWE's quietly got a hell of a tag team.
uh, brewing up, especially on the SmackDown side of things. So throwing the Lucha Bros in there, it's just going to add a strength on the strength. I get it from Tony's perspective, dude. Like at some point you got to just stand up for yourself and don't just hand over the the competition, you know, more assets on the silver platter.
Yeah, I agree. and i don't I mean, they're both wrong, but I can see both sides of this this argument. You know what I mean? The other thing, just strictly from a business aspect, you're buying yourself another whatever the time is. that you know It's been around five to six months. It's kind of the number we've heard out there.
It's wrestling, dude. Stuff changes all the time. You're buying yourself some extra time to potentially negotiate with the with Ray Phoenix and Penta and get them back in the fold, man. Which of bros? They're day oneers, dude. They're a huge part of AEW and everything has been so far.
Yeah, I agree. Um, you know, and there's always ways to get past the, the pettiness and the bad blood, right? If Brett and CM Punk can go back to WWE, then anybody can go back anywhere. It's true. All right. Uh, so we had deadline on Saturday. Um, also we were, we did not watch the show together. I was down in Texas for work. You were here with the kids. What was the, what was the Bretman Stoke level for, for this event? He's a big NXT fan. Oh, huge, huge wrestling fan all around, but yeah, definitely loves NXT. So, you know, Saturday we had been, and I had been like, you know, taking the kids everywhere. We, I mean, it was like a whole day dedicated to them. We went to the playground, went to, you know, get some lunch and like do all this. Took them to the Home Depot workshop. Yeah. Took them to the Home Depot workshop that morning. They made their own little like snow globes, which they thought was super cool. Um, and then, you know, on the way home that evening, um, I asked, you know, I was telling a bright man, you know, what do you, what do you think is the best part of the day so far? And, uh,
He said, NXT deadline. And I was like, we haven't even watched NXT deadline yet. How do you know? I was like, what if the show's not any good? He said, dude, how can the show not be any good? There's two Iron Survivor matches on here. So I just thought that was so funny that he was like, he already knew that this was going to be a banger because there was two Iron Survivor matches and just goes to show what a little mark he is. Yeah, such a good gimmick match to man like credit where it's due We we clowned on it with that thing first kind of I really like the iron survivor man It just works dude if you if you think about it too hard it kind of falls apart But if you just sit down and watch it like it's a great format and there hasn't been a bad iron survivors match yet I still yeah like they absolutely made trick Williams in the one last year man and he launched up about two or three levels in one night with the way they they laid it out for him and You get that crazy comeback, but this year I was really happy with both of them, man. I thought the men's and women's iron survivor matches both delivered big time. You know, we saw Obafemi as the the mystery man, and then come in and get in the win.
Yeah, um he defeated Wesley, Javon Evans, Nathan Fraser, and Ethan Page. I thought Javon Evans had an awesome showing, dude. He just looked like an absolute superstar in this match. Yeah, he's the man, dude. He's just got a really unique style. I think he obviously connects with the the young audience that NXT attracts. um Yeah, I thought he did really well. but Oba, dude, like, what do what do you think? Do you think he's gonna take the belt from trick at New Year's Evil? It's very possible, man. I mean, Oba just came in and like, made short order of like, getting a quick pin and just dominating the competition. I mean, um you know, he locked Javon Evans in the cage by um suplex. I can't remember who he suplexed through the freaking like door or whatever to like lock the door and then Javon Evans had to come over the top but Ethan Page. Oh, oh yeah, it was Ethan. Yeah. And he just, I mean, he just annihilated the competition and he just, I mean, he, when he came in, his presence was just, I mean, he made everybody else look tiny. Yeah. Brock Lesnar energy. he yeah Big Brock Lesnar energy. But yeah, he, he was awesome, dude. He, um, I think it's to the point now where I think unless there's some sort of hijinks, I don't think trick Williams is winning this match, man.
Uh, I agree, dude. I mean, sadly, you know, I love, I love me some trick, dude, but, um, yeah, I think, I think Oba's on the path to victory. Yeah, and honestly, man, like I feel like Trick's NXT story is coming to an end. I think it can go one of two ways. I think either have Ova win and we start positioning Trick for a main event run in time for you know the road to WrestleMania. Or you know you set up Trick for the big redemption story, he can come back and and chase for stand and deliver. Because Trick and Ova definitely feels like a match that could main event stand and deliver. What did you think of the the women's iron survivor?
I thought it was awesome. That, um what is it called? Like the soul snatcher or something like that. That thing is freaking dope, dude. Such a cool movement. Yeah. Definitely suffers from the Seth Rollins like curb something where you kind of got to, you know, you're you're limited on how you got to consist somebody up for it, but it's an awesome, awesome finish. Well, she missed that one and then when I can't remember who was coming over the ropes. I mean, she just hit it just perfect, dude. Like it was, I mean, it looks awesome.
Yeah, I thought Zarya looked great. She looked like a beast. Zarya's a freaking behemoth, dude. Yeah, she was awesome, dude. But yeah, Julia, all signs pointed to her definitely taking that belt from ah from Roxy at New Year's Evil. I think Roxy... Drake's got a good shot at coming up to the main roster. Roxy is more than ready to go up there and hang with all the the ladies on Raw or SmackDown, wherever she ends up at. They need it.
Yeah. Other match I really want to touch on was the the tag team match. If you haven't, go back and watch that, man. No quarter catch crew against Nathan Frazier at Axiom. If you haven't been watching NXT, or if you're not a normal NXT viewer, I'm sure those names probably aren't like jumping at you in gravity, go back and check out that match. It was one of the best tag team matches I've seen in the entire year. Yeah. Nathan Frazier had come out of a you know crazy Iron Survivor match, had his second match of the night, and still showed out. so Yeah, Nathan Fries is a future star. Trained by Seth Rollins. You can definitely see the Rollins influence on him. But yeah, Fraser and Axiom, that turned into a hell of a tag team. One thing I thought was kind of weird, man, I don't know if you even noticed this, that they were calling it WWE deadline. They weren't calling it NXT deadline. Oh, no, I definitely didn't notice that. I don't know if that's- Or if I did, I don't remember.
Yeah, I'm not sure if that was some weird trademark thing or something they're doing to kind of subtly like, you know, just brand NXT is equal to Ron Smackdown. I don't know, but it was definitely definitely stuck out to me that it was w WWE deadline was the way the show was ah was presented. I didn't have the NXT logo on the like like the show icon or whatever. It was just WWE. Oh, yeah. Interesting. I didn't even pay to do that either. I mean, I saw people people were kind of talking about it on Twitter and stuff as the show was happening, but I never saw anything come out for sure for why it was ah why it was gonna be like that. All right. All right, let's go to Saturday Night's Main Event. So first off, we gotta start off with what are your thoughts on just the overall retro feel of the show? Oh, I love it, dude. I love i love a good throwback, and I think they've executed it nicely. Yeah, it's ah Jesse Lottie Ventura is gonna be on commentary, and then we saw the big thing yesterday. It looks like the Wind Eagle coming back.
That's what I mean. That's what I'm thinking. I mean, I really, you know, unless they got had gold dust or not a Stardust costume and they're glowing, you know what I mean? They were going to bring bring back Stardust. I think it's got to be the winged eagle. That would be hilarious if they just trolled us and it was Stardust. My immediate thoughts, all the case, and then the gold, I was like, no, what? I was like, this doesn't make no sense. And I was like, oh, duh, it's got to be a title.
if If it's anything but the winged eagle, they're really letting us down. So I'm sure that's what it's going to be. That's going to be crazy seeing it back for one night. um yeah It sucks. Triple H pointed out it's one night only because I really wish they would just bring that belt back. It's just the best, man. That's still the belt I think of. oh If somebody just says, you know, WWF, WWE championship, that's the first thing that flashes in my brain.
Yeah. So you want to go match by match real quick. We only have five matches. This is a, this is a two hour card, five matches. This is on NBC. Yeah. It's going to have commercials. So I feel like these matches are going to be pretty expedited because I mean, we're also going to have like some throwbacks. I feel like they're going to have some nostalgia situations come in. Sure. Hulk's going to be there. Um, so yeah, two hours, five matches. Um, it's going to be a tight card. So, uh, we'll start with the, the tournament final for the inaugural WWE women's us championship, uh, Bailey or Chelsea green versus Meacham or Tiffany Stratton. So I guess we're going to find out who's going to win on the finals tonight on smackdown. Um, I think most likely we're looking at Tiffany Stratton.
versus Chelsea. yeah Yeah, that's kind of been, they're definitely the two more over right now. um Hopefully, I'm hoping Chelsea wins, man. Me too. She deserves it. She's done, so she's done what ah what Liv was doing for years before she really elevated herself to main event status. She's just, whatever TV time she's getting, she's making the most of it. She's getting a 10 minute, two segment match where she's getting to you know be like the the person that gets all the high spots at the Money in the Bank match where she's getting a little two minute comedy segment.
She is making the absolute most of every opportunity she gets to, you know, get in front of the crowd. um Yeah, she's created like a grassroots following that just like adore her. I think she's earned it, man. I do too. And it really doesn't make sense if if she is fighting um Tiffy. I don't know. I mean, it it can very well be Michin, but um if she does fight Tiffy, it just doesn't make sense to me because Tiffy's still got the money in the bank. um Why does she need the US? Kind of muddies it up a little bit, which is why I think Michin could be in this match because it really doesn't make sense for Tiffy to be to be in there, but I wouldn't mind seeing Tiffy and um Chelsea going head to head. Next up, we have the singles match for the Women's World Championship, Liv versus EO. This one's a tough one for me because I could totally see it going either way. um It's hard for me. I mean, this might be the end of the the end of the line for Liv Morgan. I could totally see EO Sky coming into this and and dethroning Liv Morgan. If I'm taking my, if I'm putting my booking hat off,
they're putting my booking hat on and just kind of, you know, not watching it for kayfabe. I do think they got to get this belt off Liv Morgan sooner rather than later because you got to, Ria's got to get her come up and sign Liv to then start setting up for Ria versus Dom at WrestleMania. But then, you know, she's got to deal with Liv first. And to do that, I think you got to get this belt off of her. So yeah, I think, you know, gun to my head, I probably think Liv Morgan finds a way to retain tomorrow night. But I do think EOS guy has a very, very real possibility of taking this belt because, you know, she's such a good wrestler. I think, you know, she's probably the best, you know, what's the bell rings best in ring wrestler, um you know, as a as a female in the world right now. So you can put that belt on her and it's going to be a big match no matter who she goes against. I mean, she took the belt into ah into WrestleMania last year, you know, so yeah she could definitely she could definitely carry her side of the the story for a big WrestleMania match if they want to put the belt back on especially since there's rumors of uh charlotte flare coming back you know what i mean i could totally see yeah yeah you could put eo charlotte on wrestlemania give them 25 minutes and that they they damn near might have the match of the weekend um moving on we got a triple threat with gunther versus fem baller versus damion priest for the world heavyweight championship
To me, I feel like this, I mean, it's going to be a good match, but I think it's going to be quick. I think Finn and Damien find a way to just kind of like screw one another out of the opportunity to win this title. Gunther comes away with the win. We just further the, you know, further the bad blood between Finn and Damien. Yeah, that's pro wrestling 101. You feel like they want to have something big happen on this show just to kind of set the hook that these are important shows, but you're already, you're already crowning the first ever women's United States champion. So we're guaranteed to have a new champion and potential for EO to win. I think that's I think that's really the match where you're you're potentially going to see a title change is yeah EO versus Liv. Yeah, I agree. I actually thought Finn had a decent chance of winning this belt just because, you know, there's been rumors that he's in line. dan You just come straight up. No, like no chance. I mean, none I'm not saying no chance in Hill, you know, Ms. McMahon style, but I'm just saying it's this doesn't feel like the moment to me. Yeah, I agree. It'd be a little bit out of nowhere, but I'm i'm always rooting for Finn to get back on top. So I think the
I think the triple threat legit hurts his chances, not just mathematically, but also storyline-wise. I think it hurts his chances, and yeah, we probably see Gunther come out here. I do think Finn is definitely a play, though, as somebody that could take that belt off Gunther eventually.
All right, moving on, we have Sami Zayn versus Drew McIntyre. It's going to be a bloodletting dude. Drew's getting his pound of flesh back after that, you know, taking some high profile losses. I think this is going to be it. Nobody can take an ass with them like Sami Zayn and I think that's what we're going to see right here. Yeah, I think this could straight up be ought like almost a squash match, dude. I don't think they're like legit going to squash Sami Zayn, but I feel like something, I mean, they're just going to let Drew McIntyre go down. I think it's going to be an extended squash match, yeah.
Yeah, an extended squash because again, this is going to be a tight card. So I feel like if any match has the ability to just kind of like be sacrificed for the sake of time, I think it's going to be this Drew Sammy and then we can carry on to a a later show, later date. um Because yeah, I mean, Drew's just been annihilating Sammy on TV every week. so Uh, next up, uh, gonna be an awesome match. We got the, uh, singles match for the undisputed WWE championship, Cody Rhodes versus KO. You know, up until that little social media clip came out showing Triple H, uh, paying Cody what we think is the winged eagle, I actually thought Kevin Owens had a pretty decent shot.
at winning this match, you know, just Cody's, I wouldn't say Cody's run has gone stale at all, but it's definitely kind of cool in a little bit. He's taken a backseat to all the, all the bloodline hijinks and stuff on SmackDown. You almost kind of forget about Cody some weeks. um And this would be some of the sparks of interest, a little short time run from KO, but Cody getting that winged eagle. That's like an XP boost of like 150 points, man. Like he's not losing. The Saturday Night's Main Event is going to end with Cody holding up that winged eagle with some pyro going off. You can go ahead and just guarantee it, man. You you can see the the closing shot from here. i can I can see the closing shot. Do you think we see the rock return at Saturday Night's Main Event? Do you think he comes in after after Cody gets the victory to come in to like
plant the seeds and just really just set the freaking crowd on fire. Because I mean, you know like I said, NBC, they're looking for some big some big business here, dude. They are. there NBC is looking for some big business, but at this point, NBC is... ah they're like the they're They're like the old girl that like you've had a crush with and you guys have flirted with each other for years and kind of been you know on and off and you got a little something steady. but You got this hot new thing, dude, that you're really trying to get all up in, dude, and that's Netflix, dude. Netflix is the the apple of WWE slash TKO's eye right now. yeah Rock's gonna be on that first episode of Raw on Netflix. That's the next time we're seeing Rocky. Yeah, makes sense.
All right, but yeah, we're excited for it. It's going to be a fun show, definitely. And the cool thing is that it's going to be a, a reoccurring thing. They already announced the next one. It's going to be the first quarter of 2025. Yeah. The week before the world rumble. So I'm hype man. I love this dude. I'm all about the more wrestling, the better. I hope this, I hope this stays something special. And we have big matches. I remember I was excited when AW announced battle of the belts for the, as they're like occasional Saturday night special. And that turned out to be a,
ah You know battle of the boring days like it was just a nothing burger of an event I don't think I think there's you know, it's about the belts There's been like three title changes in the history. Yeah, it's driven over the years All right, that wraps up our in-ring action. You want to talk some figures? Let's do it
All right, I wanna remind you that this segment and the entire show is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use code CHICKFOLY to save 10%. So another reason that we were stalling um on recording this week is our set of vault figures. so The newest set with with Yoko, Sean, CM Punk, and Hollywood Hulk Hogan. It's been on the way for about three days, kind of pending delivery, but I guess FedEx out here in West Tennessee. You'd think we would be like the pre-mode FedEx service, but no, I feel like sometimes We're like the end of the stick. I feel like we're like, we're like too close to the flame on FedEx. There's too many little substations and stuff for it to get moved around once it gets close. So it's supposed to get delivered today, but, uh, so we'll give you guys a review of that next week. Um, but we did get something cool with this week. We got this a highly anticipated figure in this house. We got the Joker sting slash sting the Ripper, whatever you would call them. It's staying from all in 2023. Brett was absolutely hyped to see this guy, um and he looks fantastic. I mean, the molding on the pants, yeah the the soft goods cape looks incredible. It's the classic AEW long sleeve sting figure, which they really nailed that, you know? So, I mean, you can if you're if you're pressed up for space, you could almost get this as an accessory pack just for the soft goods, the head scopes, and the hat, because that's the only thing different from the other sting figures they've done so far. But like Sheena said, these soft goods are tremendous. Yeah, you know, we normally, um you know, we have some harsh words about soft goods sometimes ah because of the execution, but they nailed this and they, like he's been crushing yeah, they put like the little, um, it almost feels like they have some sort of like little wire or something in the, in the soft. It's got some weight to it. Yeah. So that they hold, like, it's not just like the the dead seams where it like, it actually like looks like a Cape and it's got some structure. It's heavier like material too, so kind of just like drapes. It's not, sometimes like the the Mattel, the soft goods, they're so thin that like, you know, if you end up putting it in a bag or like crayon up for storage, it doesn't get balled up and it's never gonna look the same. They're just, they use the super thin stuff, which is, it's fine. it looks It definitely looks good m MOC, but this stuff is really, really nice. It's actually got like some stitching to it and stuff. yeah Yeah, it's got like the trim, like the pleather trim, which actually helps hold the, like guess I said, hold the shape too. so
Super nice. The hat looks crazy. I love the the paint on the face is phenomenal, dude. You need to get out our Finn Valor Jack the Ripper figure and do a little side-by-side comparison then. Yeah, they just nailed it. um Super cool. Yeah, very cool figure. Definitely recommend, like I said, man jazzor when Jazzwares is on, dude, their best competes with any of the best that Mattel does. it's just that Sometimes the consistency is not where you want to be, but this is a very cool figure. um We'll also, we're going to go through some figure news and notes. There's nothing really new per se this week, but we did see um some new shots of stuff that we knew that was on the way. So first off, we'll start with Elite 115. We saw like the final production shots of these. I think this is an absolutely beautiful set. So we got the final boss, Rock,
Oh yeah, that looks awesome. Yeah, that's gonna be a hot seller dude. It's gonna look so good He's got the bloodline hands. Yeah, very very cool. Look at the new Kyrie scene. Kyrie is sick dude. We know Bill always goes nuts for the Japanese wrestling. I mean the little like uh, parasol or whatever you call that thing. It's like an ultimate issue. Yeah, uh Tyler Bate with the upgrade of the cinch his last figure was just so boring. Very very cool Tyler Bate got the long hippie coat.
We got judgment day archery. This was the figure that I love it. Yeah. I love it. I don't think we knew we wanted to need it, but I got a judgment day display right now. I got to get this guy. And then we got another Drew. The regular Drew is cool. He's got the plaid detailing stuff, but then they're also releasing a chase. That's going to be an all white from WrestleMania with the, that's cool. Yeah. The white. yeah so you know That's a new Drew figure. Yeah. The problem with Drew, like they've really nailed it, but if you kind of gotten in one drew over the last four or five years, you got them all. Yeah. The white one is awesome. Yeah.
really really cool set of figures I think a leaf 115 they're gonna be starting off 2025 with a bang for sure. And then Target launched some new pre orders yesterday for the new legends, to me, this is one of the best legends series they've done. So we got WCW Rick Rude, which that's a Rick Rude we've never got, we're also getting a chase of that.
Bret Hart from WrestleMania 9, 25 Yokozuna. Now this one's unique because it's all pink, but it's got the white outlet on the singlet. That was a very rare look for Bret with the white singlet. We're getting an updated SID, which is much needed. 2015 was the last time we got a psycho SID figure. you know Unfortunately, you know we lost SID these last couple of months. It was not going to be around to hit the hit the circuit and get that thing autographed for you, but it's a really, really nice upgrade.
and then we got Justin Hawk Bradshaw dude JBL with his first ever gimmick yeah really really cool figure dude I think this is where most of the budget for this line went to he's got some unique cowboy style boots this awesome duster got the cowboy rope like yeah I'm i'm so ready to get this we just need a Savio Vega now so we can get a little ah bull rope match and uh you know as a bonus you can sub those ah accessories out for your hangman figures yeah Yeah, that's true. You can totally work these with Hangman. And then lastly, the next ultimate edition legislature is going to be Dusty Rhodes. I typically have not been upgrading my elites whenever we have like an elite in the exact same attire and and everything is ultimate, but I think I got to get this one. There's enough meat on the bone with the well the updated... Yeah, literally on this one. He's a beefy guy, dude. He's got the sculpted birthmark also on the... Wow, nice and magioma, dude.
What's a birthmark, dude? Yeah, no, it's like a... Yeah, it could be a mangeoma, do so you know what I mean? I thought a mangeoma was like a tumor or something. Tomato, tomato. Okay. We didn't know we were going to do a medical segment on this show, but really nice. Like I said, got the update articulation, got the multiple head scans for Dusty. like This is definitely going to be like you know the one Dusty Rose figure to have in your collection. yeah I think it's going to be a solid upgrade over the... Still need a sapphire, dude. We're missing Sapphire big time. Yeah, we're missing Sister Sapphire. It's much needed. i may yeah I may actually end up hitting maybe our buddy Ivy's custom figgies for custom Sapphire because they got the 3D printed heads out there and there's people do the sausage. You can make it happen. Yeah. But it would definitely take some work. Sheen, do we got any listener mail this week? Oh, yeah.
All right, first one, since we're on the topic of figures, we got Zach Hertzler coming in with any figures you want that you weren't able to get this year. um Let's see, I keep a list on my phone, so yeah, I can definitely give you what my number one most wanted figure is for right now. Jean, you got anything? up with What's something you're most wanting for 2025 while looking out for our most missed in 2024?
Um, I mean, I still want like a, just a killer Luna figure, you know, um, like elite scale. Yeah. Um, so I, I actually had this on pre-order and then I canceled it. Cause I was like, you know, I love what these guys have done, but they're not the most timely on the releases. And I didn't feel like having, you know, 150 bucks tied up for a year plus for no reason with this company. But the legends of Lucia Libre, the deluxe vampiro, um,
really really cool figure. The initial batch went out already and now it's back just up for like pre-order slash back order. Usually once the the full shipment gets here um those are pretty easy to find but it's going on once now since like the people that had it pre-ordered got it and it's not back in stock yet so I kind of wish I would just pull the trigger on that that Vampiro figure from Legends of Lucha Libre.
Yeah, we got Philip Dunna in the comments, talking crap about Cody all the way from across the pond. He says they'll you think, and Dusty, i think they'll bring back the big gold, ah just a pander to Cody and the story his dad who wasn't as great as he may sound. Like, geez, bro. He said, I hope i hope they do and KO takes it off of him. I mean, Phil's just exposing himself to somebody that's only ever watched WWF, dude. If you only ever watched WWF, then yeah, you're probably definitely like,
why they make it such a big out of dusty roads cuz he was just like an entertaining mid carder but I mean du he was late 70s he was the biggest baby face in the biz man and he had a huge impact on David CW so um and does he just a great person yeah but I'm assuming Phil fired off this question before seeing that it's we pretty much telegraphed the the, the wind eagle coming back for, for the coaster. Yep. Zach also asks, uh, anything on the menu for Saturday night's main event. We don't have a set menu yet, but, um, something like retro ish, like ah a nostalgia meal you could make. I don't know. Maybe we could do like a concession stand.
Type um food, you know, like hot dogs and nachos and you know, that's pretty cool. You know, all right hot dogs and nachos it is I'm gonna make sure I'm a whole china too. Okay ah what What match are you looking forward to most this weekend? Um, I would say for the Saturday nights main event. I'm probably most looking forward to Cody and KO I just I really want to see that wind eagle man, like I really can't overstate how much that ah that That's gonna pop me dude Yeah, I agree. I think that's going to be um the match of the night. And then like you said, just the unveiling of the winged eagle is going to be mage. Johnny JB, have you ever shared your ring so ringside wish list with other family members for Christmas? I did. I don't think my wifey is buying me toys for Christmas though. She might buy you toys. You never know. Yeah, exactly. ah I think anybody that knows me knows like do not try to buy me wrestling figures. They like one, we already have like so much and they're so it it would be a I would never even wish that on anybody trying to figure out what figures I need want, which was meet the parameters for going to our collection like
Yeah, so it's, if if you're a casual collector, yeah, I'd say go for it, dude. But for me, like, yeah. Yeah, or if it's for the kids or something. um But yeah, it is tough when you're like a hardcore collector of anything. It's really tough when you just have people who are just like casually or don't know anything about the hobby or that or they're casually into it.
You know, um trying to... that's It's not even just collecting anything. like somebody tried like Now I'm a lot more just generic, but like if I was in Hawaii, if somebody tried to buy me like fish and stuff, I'd be like, no, there's like a specific brand, yeah size, shape right of like you know the hundreds of different options. I've got it narrowed down to like the two or three types of hooks that I use, the type of line that I use. like Just give me a gift card somewhere because yeah it's there's a 95%. Actually, there's like a 98% chance. Whatever fishing gear you just grab, it's not going to be the right stuff. Yeah. That's what my mom was getting something for. a so I can't remember. And she ended up just getting him an eBay gift card, you know just to like let him go back and get some of the figures that he wanted from the past. um Tony Barker, oh, as our ah resident historian. I would say an eBay gift card is a great idea. If you've got a collector in your life that you want to support their hobby and definitely and you don't want to just give them cash.
eBay gift cards are a great way to go. i think Yeah, I agree. but um Tony says, do you have a favorite memory of the original run of Saturday Night's Main Event? Um, dude, honestly, like I haven't gone back and watched a lot a Saturday night's main event over the years. I've watched a handful. Um, but there's really not like one big one that sticks out, man. I guess maybe when the, the heart foundation was going to help, uh, honky talk man, smash, uh, macho man with a guitar and hope came and helped him out, like
That was pretty cool but like dude to me Saturday night's main event and the old episodes of WWF superstars when that was like the show where stuff happened at right like that was where all the angles went down that was like you know the raw before raw was superstars all that stuff really runs together in my mind like you know like earthquake smashing Damien like You know, I'd have to get my educated. Yeah. Was that on Saturday Night's Main Event or not? All that late 80s, early 90s stuff kind of it's just one big picture in my mind. So I i can't say I got like one like super big a thing for Saturday's Main Event. I like all of it, right? I'd sit down and watch if they were doing a Saturday Night's Main Event marathon or something on Peacock. Like I'd jump in on that man. But
But no, I don't really have one one big memory from from the series. um Joseph Milato, he says, do you think we'll see a return or a debut at Saturday Night's Main Event? Um, no, that's not really on the Charlotte. Maybe we can maybe see Charlotte come in and maybe get involved in that, uh, that us title, uh, thing. You know, her, her, her return's been imminent. I don't see her getting involved in the EO and live thing, but maybe they want to immediately elevate the United States championship. You know, I don't think that would be very well received though. If you want to get her booed, have Chelsea green, when the bell and then have Charlotte come out and confront her. Uh, I think that's definitely a way to get Charlotte back. If you were going to say, you think we're bringing Charlotte back as a heel or is she going to be a baby face?
I think there's going to bring her back. To me, Charlotte Flair, she's she's post babyface heel status. Yeah, she's just going to be Charlotte. she's She's her own entity. She's on a whole other level above being a halo, being a babyface, kind of like where Becky's been operating at the last couple of years.
um But yeah, that that would be the one. But I don't really see a clean place to bring her back, unless you're just going to bring her back for a promo segment or something. So I would say no, I don't think so. i think that I think to scratch that kind of itch, I think we're going to see a bunch of legends popping up for little mini segments and stuff backstage. Maybe you just have them in the crowd. WWE has been doing a really good job of that at the big events yeah over the last year. Just highlighting those guys out here, our audience. t vi yai Yeah. Like I said, I can't remember if I saw it confirmed or not, but I feel like Hulk is going to be there, man. I feel like that was out there. It would make sense, dude. I mean, Hulk was like, I mean, he was like the pinnacle of Saturday night's main event. You know what I All right, and that wraps up listener mail. All right, so yeah, this was a tight one. I'm going to get this thing produced and out immediately as we get off here. So you guys got something for your morning commute to work or on the way home. I just want to give you guys a little morsel of a podcast before we head off for this. What's going to be an mean? awesome wrestling weekend. We've got smack down Saturday nights, main event. It's going to be a good one. All right. I'm going to hit you with some closing thoughts. Have a great weekend and we'll catch your ass down the road.