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Open Mic 38: The Return of Black Dahlia

The Chick Foley Show
89 Plays3 months ago

On the  latest episode of Open Mic with The MVP Marco, we welcome back the  incredibly entertaining and resilient Paige Collette, aka the Chainsaw  Queen, Black Dahlia! 

Paige  shares her journey over the past year, her unique character development  as the Black Dahlia, and how she balances her passion for wrestling  with her ongoing battle with CRPS. We dive into her experiences with  fortune tellers, her upcoming film projects, and the fascinating world  of horror that influences her persona. She also discusses her  experience seeing a UFO in the Appalachian Mountains! 

From  discussing her mental health strategies to her exciting future plans,  this episode is packed with insights, humor, and inspiration. Don’t miss  out on this candid and captivating conversation!

Who the hell told you tonight was over?

Introduction and Show Acknowledgments

Welcome everyone to another fun-filled episode of Open Mic with the MVP Marco. I am, of course, your host, the MVP Marco. I kind of don't want to do an intro because I got i want to get right into this ah interview because this person is very entertaining. I have tears in my eyes because I was kind of Laughing a little bit before we hopped on here, but I'll do a quick intro anyway obviously Check out the pod foundation. That's uh everyone That's included in this in this in this crazy thing. We called wrestling The content creation space we have coming down the aisle with j-bone
We have the Turnbuckle Tavern. We also have the Extra Cooler Show with Extra Cooler, aka Nick and Matt. We also have, last but not least, the Anchor Show, the Flagship Show, the Trick Foley Show, which I'm also a part of.
ah Definitely check out all things chick Foley at chick Foley comm when you can go to chick Foley IG To follow us there i'll go to chick Foley show on X.

Social Media and Guest Introduction

You can follow me everywhere at the MVP Marco except for tick tock It's MVP Marco underscore because I feel like I created that Account and I forgot how to log in or someone just stole my name and that's very upsetting. But anyway let's get to the uh let's get to my guest my guest was on here before uh she's hilarious like i said very entertaining person there's really no yo she's a warrior she's a soldier she's you know she's been through a lot and she's
getting back and into the ah and into the groove of things. um And she you know, I watch her story every day, not creepily, obviously, but I watch when she scrolls, but when she comes up on my on my IG feed, I see the progression that she's that she's had over the past year since the last time I talked to her. um Let me just bring her on.

Paige's Wrestling Journey and Philosophy

Paige, how are you?
like vibing with you i wasn' um looks great yeah hairsful you had me in the back I was just like, man, what can I do to humiliate this guy? You can you could do it during the, uh, during the interview, if you, if you'd like, that's totally fine. Okay. Sounds good. Sounds good. Thank you for having me back on. Hasn't really been a year since we discussed things. I mean, close to it. Yeah. It's been a while since we, uh, I mean, I think, uh, the last time we spoke, you were just, you know, getting into you. appearances again
yeah Yeah, you started doing a appearances later on. um You started getting back in the ring training and stuff like that. So yeah, last time you weren't even doing it. It was I actually have one question for you because I remember the last time we spoke, you said you weren't really following wrestling that much. I got the TV wrestling anyway. Has that changed? Have you gone back into it a little bit? Have you still stayed away from it?
right so for my mental health i have still somewhat stayed away from watching footage but due to what i'm doing right now uh with my training i'm actually ah gonna have to like just pick and choose with my mental health but uh watch and study footage and study matches so yeah definite but from a fan's perspective no Okay. And ah does that, it I kind of like that idea because I do the same thing. I really don't, I try not to listen to other podcasts, um wrestling or, cause it, I feel like that's kind of seeps into
yeah like your creative space, if anything. Um, so I think like, if, like if I'm, if I'm listening to a podcast, like a a wrestling oriented podcast or something like that, and I'm having a conversation on my podcast about something, I don't want those ideas from someone else floating into my space.
Cause that's, I feel like I want to have my own creative, but with you, I think it's actually good that you're not watching it. Cause now you, you're, you'd be in a better creative space. You're able to not be influenced by anything outside when it comes to me and I can just be essentially me and organic. When I go out there, it's kind of like, uh,
You know, uh, I, I feel like wrestling can be so natural, especially when you're an athlete, uh, just organically get into the flow of things, let alone if you're an actor and you're used to performing, just blend that together. And then by being butdabo you got a proper performance, but, uh, I, I feel like, um, entering wrestling, not as a fan.
But loving wrestling, I feel like that gives me that advantage, like what you were saying. Yeah, I like it. Yeah, because that's because you're not trying to, you know, maybe anything you're not trying to work. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. You're not trying to like, you know, go in there wrong with being a fan of wrestling. And there's nothing exactly a fan of wrestling and getting involved with the business. There's nothing wrong with that at all. yeah But you don't need to mark out in the ring. awesome Oh, yeah. Yeah. There's there's plenty.
Yeah, there's plenty of young wrestlers now that are, you know, that didn't grow up on wrestling that are just, like you said, just, you know, naturally athletic and they, yeah they seen it and they, they're interested in, they want to go do it. They don't have to have like the, I kind of talk about this on the last interview I did. It was like, you don't, to be a like ah a wrestling fan, you don't have to like know the whole history of, of everything before your time.
Like you shouldn't like, you shouldn't have to like know everything. I feel like it's 50 50 though as well. And then there's a lot of the kids that grew up like now, like throughout the yeah early 2000s with YouTube and with all the um WWE stuff. And now with AAW, I feel like there's a lot of.
super marks that are getting involved and

Character Development and Personal Challenges

looking to do the clout chasing and like all that stuff. But i you know like honestly, if you love wrestling, like awesome. that That's cool. But I definitely am not approaching it from a fan's perspective. I like I like that idea. That's actually yeah that's a different approach to it. I definitely it's only mean that way. it's all Oh, yeah. but And you could definitely tell with like the you know, the the gimmick that you have in everything too is is ah it's not like any other.
As opposed to more of the wrestling, or being a fan of wrestling. Instead of just going with the generic rainbow and starlight butterfly name, I'm actually like going off of the a more in-depth character that I'm fascinated by with the Black Dahlia murder.
Yeah. So how, so since the last time we spoke, how, how has your, your character work changed a little bit? Have you made any advances to it? So, so like, uh, with my mental health and with, uh, what's been going on with, uh, behind the scenes with, uh, my training and.
when I'll be able to fully wrestle what's going on in my personal life. A lot has happened in the past year, but a lot of positive. and um i But the little bit that I have been able to focus on my character development, Dahlia, I've noticed I've organically kind of developed a Paris Hilton Marilyn Monroe shtick where it's like an alter ego of me but amplified so you like you see the videos on tiktok of parasol and just talking like she's actually very intelligent and she's actually a very cool person lately the very very intelligent and she uh has a deeper voice but when the camera is like oh she knows the camera's are around she puts on her gimmick and it's like hi guys oh that yeah
and it's like wow this bitch is really cool like she's like really like so i've noticed organically now that i've been like doing cutting a couple promos uh recently as a valet or or in promo class i've i've noticed that i've been doing that dalia has that harley quinn multi-personality disorder shtick and she she is more uppity and more like chainsaw Barbie and I didn't expect that. I didn't anticipate that and it's just so organically it has happened.
That's a that's actually very interesting that you picked it like like kind called Barbie he would have yeah like you would have thought it was going to be more heavy metal and perhaps like with the multi personality schizophrenia apart maybe like we can dip our toe into that when when it calls for it with whatever promotion wants it but as of now it's like chainsaw Barbie and it's so cool.
Yeah. how like how does that How does that work when you're a beat when like you're being approached by like a ah kind of like an indie company? um how does it is it Do they know of your like characters and they they approach you, or is it do you go to them and kind of right now where i'm still actively sick with crps and it's still very much active and yeah i'm not i'm not in remission yet guys uh i i'm not and unfortunately there's no timestamp to it i my body is sick and it hasn't happened to me yet or hasn't happened for me yet and hopefully it will soon you know hopefully but uh so so i just so where i'm actively sick right now i'm not out there
trying to get booked. I haven't known that, hey, I can take some ballet bookings and stuff or appearances, but I'm not actually like searching to fill in the dates properly, if that makes sense. So so when people reach out to me, ah ah they they tend to understand, it they have to understand, I'm not able to wrestle right now. Um, I, they have to understand it's just a ballet spot or an appearance spot. And then when they approach it, they are intrigued by, uh, the chainsaw stick, of course. Yeah, definitely. I mean, that's why wouldn't you be surprisingly, I get casted as a baby face a lot and you wouldn't expect that, but again, I just like it's a,
It's like, I don't know. Like, especially with Nathaniel, he gets casted as a baby face a lot too. Um, that's kind of, that's, ah that is, that's odd. and Yeah, it is odd. Uh, I mean, does it, do you think your character comes off as a, as a heel or Nate's character? Like, do you guys feel like you're, I mean, we're wearing human flesh. You know what I'm saying? that's true Also, but also like, I mean, with Dahlia, she comes off as bitchy for the most part and she comes off as, uh,
um she can come off as very um narcissistic and assertive and uh so you would think that i get casted as a hill but i don't know yeah i think i think it is too like the people are obviously there's a lot of fans of you know like the texas chainsaw massacre and stuff like that and yeah people show like you know When, you know, with leather faces on screen, it's not like everyone's scared. They're, you know, everyone's cheering when it's when he, when he's on screen. Everyone's like, we'll look at like a Terry fuck when Terry Funk and, uh, and cactus Jack were together and he was chainsaw Charlie. And he would come up with the, with the chainsaw and the stocking mask and wave the chainsaw around people. like Everyone loves that stuff. and like Especially the older women. They love it.
All the women all the women love the ah love chainsaw gimmicks. Yeah, especially the older ladies. They just love that. Huh? Do you ever ask them why? but What it is? yeah That's a question for Nathaniel. That's more of a question. OK. They just love they love him in the song. Oh, I mean, he doesn't. I mean, he does have a look. He has that good looking dude. He does have that murder me. Fuck me look, doesn't he? Yeah, he definitely does.
order murder me then fuck me Oh, yeah. yeah yeah that I mean, that's what they're probably looking for, those ladies as well. It's like, oh, murder this pussy. That's again, that's for you and Nathaniel to discuss. That's between you guys. like i I'm not interested in Nathaniel's sex life. Oh, my God. um So well, let's let's talk about you with like, you know, the out there.
No, no, no. i'm like and i think I mean, switch topics and say, like, how is it with you and the gentlemen out there, the the marks, the fans out there? How do how do they take to you? Do they have the same? Do they have the same thing?
Yeah, actually actually no like ah like some but not so much like just as much as Nathaniel gets over with the whole chainsaw Yeah, like like with the guys and the girls Actually It's either you like it or you don't with me and it's actually a big turn off to a lot of guys my really Yeah, unless you like horror, unless you really, really like it. A lot of ah guys are like, leave, they leave, I try not to read comments and stuff, but a lot when I'm all in my horror gimmick, a lot of people are like, this is disgusting. Yeah. Gross. And it's like, okay, pussy.
What the hell, why would, that's, yeah that's, I mean, it's, it's fine. I had a severed penis in my hand and it was like, like it legit was a smolding and an exact human flesh penis. And I was like, uh, like I like, okay.
but then also, but then also it could just be my luchador mask too. And they say that. So that is true. I mean, that's us. They're reading too much into it. If they're really, uh, it's not fair. It's, it's kind of, it it really is sexism because like Nathaniel doesn't get those comments. let that Like everyone, like the same guys would be like, Oh bro, that's rock and roll. But then the moment I have a human flesh mask on, it's like, Ew, gross. Yeah.
People are like, oh, a girl with a personality. Yeah, they definitely live in at a time where, I mean, unless, you know, they they're living on a rock or something. It's, you know, women can have different types of gimmicks as they choose. And it's okay not to like horror, but like, like it's not.
Yeah, i mean why weigh hate on it yeah makes it it's kind of you know, you have like um Like ah who's on like like TNA they have like Rosemary which is kind of like a horror like Abaddon on a W She's always in gimmick you ever go to her page. You never see her ah yeah Yeah, yeah, so like this I mean this and I see comments under there where they like it I Which my, my whole thing is like on a social media, like you, I blur both lines. Like what the fuck? Yeah. Well, Winston, you just scared mommy. You just scared mommy. Don't do that. She's like, bitch, what did I do? He's like, shut the fuck up mommy. Am I blurry now? No, you're good. Get the fuck over there. Get the fuck over there.
Yeah. Shake that ass and get over there. I'm the worst mommy ever. Sorry. He stepped on the i ring light and Nathaniel left. So, and he, I think he went to the gas station and he's not back yet. So I'm home alone right now. So that was actually very spooky. Yeah. That was kind of weird. It was just like, you just went after you talked about like hard Abaddon. Yeah.
No, no, it's like dead ass. Like the lights go off and I'm like, Satan, have you come? yeah We were talking too much about evil stuff. That's why I like the the lights. all I love it. It's fitting for the chainsaw queen. What do you have? Actually, you know what? Before we get into like, you know, wrestling stuff, what is it? What do you have? Are you watching any like horror movies or anything like that? Are you into anything right now? we I am. I mean, I'm always into horror movies like that. Like I always have ah them playing in the background, especially if I'm cleaning or whatever. But yeah, when but honestly, that's just for the house. So when I travel, I listen to a more so podcast. OK.
I like horror podcasts on like let's not meet or let's read like different podcasts like that and they just like it's it's like people like you and I we have crazy experiences whether it's oh like you almost got human trafficking at a gas station or you had a crazy ex or um or I don't know, you escape death, or you have a haunted house, or ah aliens, you saw aliens, you saw a guy, what, you know, bullshit like that, like you see some actual traumatic experience in your life, you'll write into these podcasts, and then the narrator will actually read them off, and and it's just so spooky that this shit actually has happened.
Yeah, I think, I mean, yeah speaking of that, I never, I'll think if I've said this on any of the shows, I'm pretty sure at least twice in my life, I've seen some type of a, some UFO. Fucking tell me, tell me right now, right now, tell me about it. So at one time it was- Because I believe in aliens and I'm trying to make sure my hair's okay.
It was so weird. I remember, uh, it was at night and I remember, uh, I remember those moves. I like, I was probably like, I was definitely, definitely a teenager at the time. And I was, I remember looking out my windows at night and I see like this, like,
and really it wasn't like a diamond shape it was kind of like you know like the superman logo like how it's like shaped like superman's uh like like this actually that's kind of look like my logo wearing that right now so yeah like that yeah it kind of kind of looks like that and it was like just like it was just there just like in a distance just sitting there not moving it was just like literally just hovering did it appear out of nowhere or were you just like looking you're like what the fuck No, I went to, I went to look out my window and I see like lights. I thought it was like, obviously like, you know, sometimes like, you know, like the cell towers, they have the blink and red lights or yeah you'll see like a plane flying by and they have, they're like, you know, the emergency lights or those spotlights that are blinking. Or that too. And then I looked out and I remember looking and it wasn't moving. It was just like, it was just lights. It was like red lights, red and white.
And they were just like i like, it was at a distance and it was just sitting there floating. I was like, I was like, am I the only one seeing this? And like staring. And then it just went up. That was it. Like above, cause it was like at a distance, like, uh, there was like trees on the way and it just went.
Just hovered right up, just disappeared. I was like, all right. And then the second time it was in there in the daytime, I was probably seeing things, but I remember sitting in traffic and it was like blue sky and it looked like a cloud, but it wasn't a cloud. It definitely looked like something like metal, like just like a long, like a long thin thing, like a long giant. Like was it going like this? Was it going like that? Or was it going like this?
No, it was, it was, it was like, it was definitely hovering. So it was hovering, but was it going like, mer or was it going? No, it was, yeah, it was going out vertical. It was vertical. That way? Oh my god. Yeah. Like I said, I was probably seeing things go. But this would make more sense, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that would make sense, but you're telling me it was going like this? Yeah, no, it was, it was elongated. It was like, it was vertical. What in the Star Wars bullshit is that? I don't, I have no clue. And then that, that was only- Technology, I guess, advanced technology. Only two times I seen something. I probably sound like a nutcase even bringing that up, but I know what I saw.
I believe you, I believe you, you know? Like there's like there's some people that lie about this shit, but it sucks because then there's things like, like people like you that, ah that you actually have a real life encounter and like people won't believe you, but I believe you.

UFO Encounter and Reflections

I think it's one of those things where like if everyone else does see it, no one's going to believe it. It's like, um I'm sitting in traffic and I'm looking at it. I've got to imagine like there's other people in front of me. Do you think other people in traffic saw it? Yeah, I think so. And they just didn't, they're probably just like, no, I'm not seeing like the same thing I did. Like, yeah, that can't be real. Nothing.
nothing And they don't do that too. That's the other thing. Like when those things happen, like yeah obviously it's a lot more frequent now, but like back then, like it like, you know, late to like early or middle mid 2000s. That like, no one really, that wasn't like a big deal. It was just like, no one really cared about it. But nowadays it's more. I honestly, I, I have, I told you my UFO encounter.
I don't think no, you didn't. No, you didn't say it on the last show. No, we didn't talk about you. it Oh, wow out my child. Yeah. Get your cup of coffee ready. I got my one was ready. I know just one of my notes somehow. OK. OK.
So there I was. Nathaniel actually was with me. i was He had a witness, at least. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, but also, okay, okay. So I wish Nathaniel was here. He could, well, when you bring him on, you'll you'll see. All right, so the year was 2013. I was on my, I was in the Appalachian Mountains and Nathaniel's from Kentucky and he lived in Eastern Kentucky in the Appalachian Mountains. So okay basically, basically, okay, so I think we're driving back from a wrestling show actually. And so,
There we are in his like one bedded truck, right? And he's driving and talking or whatever. And I'm just looking out, like I'm in the passenger side, but I'm just looking out the big front windshield and I'm looking at the night sky. It's very beautiful. You see the outlines of the Appalachian Mountains and it's like dark out, right?
And this is how I saw it. I swear, I swear on my life. where Where is this? Okay, right here. Okay, so there's a night sky, you see all the stars. And then I swear to God, boom, it was right there. It was just right there. Like ah in in the way it appeared was not like a shooting star or a comet and it was like flying or an airplane. No, it was like it had already been there.
Yeah, if that makes sense. It had already been there and it's like an invisibility cloak just had come off. so So I was looking right at it this whole time. It just, I blinked and boom, it's there. And what I saw was the stereotypical sphere, silver sphere flying fucking saucer. And it was the stereotypical size that you would imagine it, and like a medium size. And it was right there, but as soon as I saw it,
it was going like it was like crashing and in the back of it was a huge chunk of a hole in it. and it was shooting rainbow flames. And I know that sounds, I to God, I swear to God, this sounds insane, but it was shooting fire flames. Like it had like a, like something fucking happened. And yeah like I said, it had a hole in the back of it and the fire was like different colors, like blue and orange or something and green. And I was like, that's not normal fire, but it's crashing. So, and this is how fast it happened.
gone. Like literally maybe three Mississippis and it it was like one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi and it was behind the mountain so I lost visual of it. sp ah i it was So in the process of seeing that I was screaming at Nate that was driving and I was like, Nate, are you seeing this? Are you seeing this? I needed someone to see this. I needed someone to fucking see this because I knew no one would believe me. And it was 2013. So, yeah, sure. I could have got my iPhone out. It would still not have been good, like even nowadays quality. But still, I didn't even think to get my phone within the one Mississippi. And that's the thing. It was the shock of seeing it. That's what I mean.
It was the fact it didn't last but a couple of Mississippi in a couple seconds. And then also it was more important to me at the time that the person right here next to me saw it too. I was like, please Nate, you know. And then next thing you know, Nate pulls over and he's dead out and the son of a bitch. m
Oh, mad. I'm mad to this day. It's been 10 years and I'm mad. I'm a woman and I'm always going to be mad. and So, God, I gotta and take some medicine just thinking about it. o
So, so the whole set up exactly like that. It goes behind the mountain. Nathaniel's dead ass quiet, pulls over. And I'm like still screaming by Mississippi four, you know, it's gone, you know, it needs pulled over, right?
I'm thinking he's pulling over because I'm screaming because he's not, he's not saying, Oh my God, a flying fucking spaceship. Oh my God. Are you seeing this page? He's not fucking talking to me at all. yeah And I'm thinking he's pulling over thinking I'm like dying or something. So as he pulls over, he actually looks at me and I'm like Nathaniel. I'm like screaming at him and he's like,
We just saw a flying spaceship. And I was like, you piece of fucking shit. I was like, I was so concerned. I was so concerned about someone actually seeing this and believing me and knowing I'm not insane. I was so concerned. I needed that validation that I couldn't enjoy.
the flying spaceship and get more details and get more if i could have if i could have got more details or something and you know maybe i couldn't have you know maybe that was all the details i could have seen and i i can't imagine how many more details i could have got but yeah so i'm so mad at the state because i genuinely didn't think he saw it but when he pulled over yeah i'm talking about you you bitch but um so ah anyway so he did see it and everything I just said he saw he saw it too and it was exactly as I just said and then the only difference is um as soon as I could it confirmed that he just saw a what I saw I was like let's get you the vehicle let's go I know that there's a back road let's go behind that mountain yeah and so I wanted to go and investigate Nathaniel quietly got back in the vehicle and he's like
absolutely not. And we continued back to his house and eases and he and I was so mad at him. ah I was like, why are we not investigating? I want to get more details. I want to really see what what I thought I saw. And Nathaniel, will you bring me my drink, please? Thank you. but ah So basically,
He probably saved our lives by doing that, though. And not saying the aliens would have been bad, I'm just saying, did you try it or no? Here, here, step out and do that, please. Thank you. ah Sorry, Nathaniel's going to be loud for a second. He can't help himself. Well, I think, yeah, I think this I think he did the smart thing because I think what would probably have happened is not the aliens that possibly could have hurt us. Maybe it's actually the government. Yeah, that's that's what I was going to say. Yeah, that you probably would have ran into some people that You know, didn't want you seeing anything. yeah So you probably saved your lives and I do give him credit for that. But ah yeah, it was such a surreal moment. So that is my alien encounter. I mean, the other I mean, I see the alien encounter. I haven't actually seen him. It's just the spaceship. Oh, yeah. No, I've seen. Yeah. But we yeah i I've seen a lot of
like videos on the Appalachian Mountains. So I'd probably stay clear away from there as well, because there's a lot of you stories about young creatures and supernatural things that happen in the Appalachian Mountains. I'm not sure if you're privy to any of that, but you could definitely do some research on this. Tons of different crazy stories. I'll put a crazy bow tie to my alien story. So that was in 2013.
And that's exactly the whole details that I've experienced. I can't give any more because that's it. That's all I know. I don't know anymore. I know where I was. And then that's what happened. So um maybe seven years after that incident. So it's been a couple of years since I was educated on this story. Yeah. But in the same.
county or or whatever, the same community. in the 1950s and Nathaniel sent me like this YouTube video that it was like a doc series and they were talking about, uh, uh, different stories in the Appalachian mountains or across American stuff. And then one story was about in the Appalachian mountains. And it's talked about that County and Nathaniel Senate. and He's like, you got to watch this. So I watched it. And in the like 1950s or some something,
What? Yeah, Nathaniel said it was in the fifties. So what happened and was ay there was like a farmer and his whole family was on his land. And one night in the middle of nowhere, he saw a silver flying saucer that was crashing.
and it had rainbow flames shooting out of the back of it of its whatever and it crashed and him and his like uncles and sons like the whole family lived there on the farm they went to investigate and when they went to investigate they saw short little aliens Uh, and they were, uh, a lot of them were coming out of the crashed spaceship. And so the men ran back to their house and for like days they were terrorized by these aliens trying to get into their house. what And they held them off by like gun point or whatever.
And then finally they got the women and children and they're like, let's make a break for it. And they got in their vehicles and they ran into town and they told everyone about the the aliens and can't remember the rest of the story. But basically the whole town didn't believe them and stuff. And ah the craziest thing is.
never heard of the story, never, never seen this doc series about this. And I think it came out after the incident, actually, of what I witnessed. And it was word vatum of what we witnessed. So it's like, these aliens don't know how to fucking fly their spaceships. It's like, God damn, who gave them their license?
Well, it's either that if it's a, if there's, if there's something, if it's, you know, flame, and if it's like flaming all the way down, there's definitely something in that area where they're flying. That's trying to yeah like take them down. Like there's something in the like attacking these alien spaceships and bringing them down. Like what if it's like a big foot?
There's something, something has to be taken, trying to take it down. Cause if that's happened twice in that area and they both were going down in flames, there's definitely something trying to shoot it down. Like maybe the government is they, maybe they would survey in that area and they'd seen it again. And then they, you know, maybe shot it or shot it down and that makes it a possibility.
You're going to come in. Thanks. and Nathaniel's back uh my drink's messed up though you could sit down if you want all right uh anyway isn't that crazy that's insane i would uh that's that's i can't even get over that I swear that's what happened. And then so many years later, I see this freaking YouTube video about this doc series and it's almost word beta of what happened to us. And so I guess I am thankful we didn't go and check it out. Cause at the very least we could have ran into these aliens and what if they like fucking like more, what if they tried to like imprint on me or some shit and they wanted to make me their like bride and make me their queen or something. They all wanted to like, fuck me or something. you
I do have a different, another angle. This one's a little bit, uh, kind of realistic. It's not realistic at all. It's more to do with like time travel. Maybe when you were traveling, you hit like a time loop.
Yeah, time loop. I've told this story to different people. I told this story to different people and only up until like within the past year, I was on a podcast and someone I told this story to them and someone suggested that I saw a time loop and that was actually a loop from the 1950s. This family saw and I was like, no one ever has suggested that before. So I do I do consider that theory now. That's correct. That's ah that's But also I feel like I know in my heart that that was happening in real time. I feel like, nah, they just like fucked up. And I feel like they just don't know how to fly. But then I like the theory that you just suggested that someone's been shooting them down. And what if it's a Bigfoot? What if it's a Bigfoot on top of one of those mountains going, yeah! And maybe, oh yeah, that's... So there's werewolves in the Appalachian Mountains too.
Well, yeah, that's what I was gonna get to. So like, I've seen a lot of like, a lot of TikToks, a lot of, you know, YouTube videos of like, you know, people that live in the Appalachian Mountains and like, tell their stories of like, seeing like, you know, skin walkers and like, hearing relatives, you know, call from like, they'll like go out there, like put the camera out there, they'll like, they'll hear like their mother in the woods, call from the come out there and stuff like that. That's creepy, I'm getting the chills right now.
Yeah, and where he's born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains, he definitely could tell you some, I'm sure. Yeah, there's definitely something in that area that's like, you know, that draws something. that oh that That's one of my experiences when I, but for the little bit of time I lived in the Appalachian Mountains, I saw a fucking crash from spaceship. Yeah, so like, it's, there's definitely something there. It's definitely a part of the world that's like,
It's very spooky like na and i just said it's like the oldest mountain range, you know, it's exactly so how long it's so small, but honestly, it's because it's so old. Oh, yeah, it's you know, it's old and it's it's it's seen a lot experience a lot of ah a lot of history, pretty much should we like, I mean, the world's history, essentially. So let's that's that's interesting. It's ancient i talking this very spooky. I love it.
Um, let's see, wrestle and talk. Let's give this a wrestling talk. So yeah, go for it. Ask me questions about it. I seen, uh, I mean, training. How's that been? Have you, uh, like, well, what was it like getting, like, were you, did you jump right in and like, it was like riding a bike or was it like slowly, you know, one step at a time getting back into, you know, stepping into the ring that time.
so it's it hasn't gone as smoothly as i would have liked it to be like like i mentioned earlier like i'm still uh active with crps i'm not in remission yet so yeah with crps it hurts to just touch me so and then yeah also it just it makes me sick makes my whole body sick it makes me very sluggish tired and fatigued all the time so it's very hard to be physically active and focus on on what i'm doing as it hurts to touch me but yeah i'm trying to wrestle so it's this very very it messes with my mental health on how hard it has been yeah and ah wrestling is hard wrestling training is very physical and very hard on your body
So imagine doing it with stage four cancer. You know what I'm saying? yeah like Imagine being the sickest you could be. Your body's telling you you're dying. It hurts to touch. It's CRPS, s the most painful pain. But yeah, here, let me go throw myself in the wrestling ring. You know what I'm saying? It's very, yeah it fucks with my mental health too, let alone my physical health. But my doctor, I've been, um I've been seeing her, uh, regularly and she basically, uh, the last time I saw her, it was actually a little heartbreaking cause she said that she's scared. Yeah. She's scared for me and she thinks I might be overdoing it, but, uh, I feel like in my heart that this is what I'm meant to do and this is what I need to do. And.
her fear is valid, but I'm baby stepping it. you know I'm not actively wrestling right now, but ah but the the positive note is I'm starting It's going to be this YouTube doc style series that I'm doing.

CRPS and Wrestling Journey

And hopefully the first episode will be dropping within the next, uh, two weeks, but basically, uh, if each episode is my pitch back to the discovery channel and this idea of wrestling with CRPS and my whole hot possible doc series.
with them. Hopefully it gets greenlit. So, but right now it's going to be on YouTube. So, uh, but the first episode is going to drop soon and it's basically my training with Bobby Blaze and he not only is a legend and yeah amazing he actually was there and I have the footage of what I'm about to say, but he was there when I went from being a valet to being a wrestler. He's the one that encouraged me to be a wrestler. And there's video footage of me in a wrestling ring with him all those years ago, locking up with him. ah And it's going to be on this footage and on this doc series. But and then now there's footage just this past month of me locking up with him. And it's all going to be so full circle. It's going to be a full circle and Hallmark moment and sappy. You know what I'm saying?
Now we definitely need some, especially in like, you know, today's world, we definitely need some, you know, some type of like staffy wholesome like moments to see and stuff like that. And I was, I was going to ask like, you know, what were you, when you, when you, you know, recently stepped back in into the ring, like,
but were you What were your like thoughts? or were you able to we did you Did you have like an idea of like, hey, I'm going to do this, this, this, and this, and this? that And then when you get in, you're just like, no, I can't do all these things. What were you what were you able to do? and And what were you not able to do when you step back? so bad everything was very Everything was very monitored and everything was very
I was very limited on what I was allowed to do. but yeah I get why Bobby, I get why Nathaniel, I get why people are so protective because I'm so sick. Like a lot of the people that are feeling what I'm feeling right now are in the ER right now.
you know, a lot of people are hooked up to ketamine infusions every week. You know what I'm saying? And no, no shame to them, but where I'm not, uh, it's, it's very, Ooh, like very, very scary with one wrong move. Yeah. That send me to the ER, you know? yeah So, so I get why people are so protective, but, uh, no, when I got in the ring, I,
it It is very emotional because wrestling, there's a love hate for it. The wrestling is something I fell in love with. Wrestling was not something I grew up with. Wrestling was not something I was a fan of. Wrestling yeah was not something I grew up watching. I was an actor that stumbled into a ballet spot, then stumbled into falling in love with it, and then became training with it, and then became crippled and sick the rest of my life.
I love and hate professional wrestling. I was never the fan. I am a professional wrestler, you know, like, and there's a difference. And um wrestling might have made me sick, but there's still that love and desire inside of me that makes me all bubbly and happy. And there is that that memory of why I love this business. so so
wiping my feet and then going in between those ropes. I wanted to cry. I wanted to be sad, but then also I was just so giddy and I knew I wanted to do anything and everything. And then depending on which day we're talking about ah some days I had energy to do the warmups. And then other days I just had the energy just to do some roles and then I had to step out. So it's, it's sad. It's very, very depressing, but people will see it in the doc series. People will see me being vulnerable and being as raw as possible, but, um, I'm not giving up. I'm not quitting. I am a professional wrestler and I hope to be wrestling. And should I say it, Nathaniel? Well, i I don't want to jinx it, but what is this airing?
Um, not right away. Why? It won't be like a couple of weeks, maybe. That's fine. That's fine. Uh, well, I'm hoping to, to debut as early as actually November this year. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm still actively sick saying that. So unfortunately.
even if I'm actively sick, I might still be debuting. And that yeah needs to be noted with everyone. Like even it's scary, but I choose to do it, you know? Yeah, yeah, definitely. I mean, do you feel like, you know, like you said, you're You're, you know, your doctor yeah you said, you you know, you know, she's kind of scared that you're doing this, but do you feel like you physically can do more than what she thinks you can do? Is that, is it is that like a mentality you have?
like because you know your own body you know what you could do well i'm an athlete i have an athlete i have my uh my athletic background i'm um not just the average person and i also organically freaking raw dog crps for nearly seven fucking years without any pain pills so i think that i know how old
I know I can push my body and I know, uh, how tough wrestling is. And it's something that maybe I can, I don't want to water this down. So take this as just like a metaphor, but I just couldn't build a callus perhaps with my CRPS and still like do it, if that makes sense. But my, my doctor, uh, is afraid of spread, of course.
Like, yeah. like the CRPS is could consume my entire body. Yeah. but so that's that I mean that's ah do like and do like the fact that you know you you have like a you know a goal set in mind, you know like you said, you in November. to you know you know to do what you need to do. And I think that's i think you know having that type of mentality will definitely you know push you further than you yeah and you think then you think you can go. um yeah like do you think Do you ever give a like a have a ah sense of like a
Do you think you'll you think if you're going in doing this like in November, do you do you do you have any like setbacks? Are you like are you scared to do it? as i i mean yeah What the fuck you wanted me to say? I'm terrified. Yes, I'm dying and I'm scared. I'm scared to have CRPS and I'm scared to be a professional wrestler and I'm scared not to wrestle, but then I'm scared to wrestle. Yeah. Yeah. ands way Which is more scary. That's the question. Which is more scary to have to CRPS and die and never wrestle or to have CRPS and die, but know that I got back in that ring and I wrestled. Yeah. Yeah. And is it, is there like a.
its There's an excitement to at the same time, right? It's not all fear. Yeah. There's there's a lot of emotion behind it. It's gonna be sick. It's gonna be I mean, yeah, I'm
I deserve it. I deserve my wrestling career. I deserve to be the wrestler I sacrificed everything to become. CRPS took so much from me but I want to reclaim my wrestling career. so yeah There's so much the so much emotion behind it and excitement is definitely one of them.
yeah yeah definitely i mean Like I said, I think it's, uh, you know, I guess at the beginning of the show, you're, you're, you're a warrior, you're a soldier. You're like, you know, you're kind of like in this fight. Um, you know, I did see like something that kind of like bothered me on your Instagram. was It were you, did they try to like stop you from posting a lot about, uh, like Instagram, did they try to like stop you from posting a lot about CRPS? Cause I seen that, um,
I forget when you posted something about it, it was like a like a, not like a band, but it was just like a, you know, pretty much like stop, we we stop people from seeing this type of thing. um that kind of upset me because you know it's it's one of those things that should be you know should be out there it should people are trying to silence me in the wrestling community actually i get spam attacked on a daily basis and the thing is i never name people and i never draw attention to it really but uh i do get spam attacked daily and people do try to silence me and i question why try to silence a sick girl and it's not just
like I'm deadass being a whistleblower to like imagine no one knowing what cancer is. and yeah And I'm a whistleblower to cancer, and everyone's like, what? And they're so yeah like people are insulted by that the details of cancer. And it's like, nah, this is deadass going to be a big thing in the next 20 years.
So I have CRPS. It's far greater than cancer, but no one knows about it. It's yeah rare. So I have to be a whistleblower and I have to bring awareness to it. And that that rubs people the wrong way. And I get attacked and people try to silence me. And and it's like, damn, like I think you think you feel sorry for me, but shit, try to silence me is insane. Yeah, I don't get that. I don't get what the like the correlation is.
Um, with, with doing that, I mean, it's, I do feel that it comes down to, um, jealousy because they feel like maybe my sickness gives me attention. And it's like, I would rather not be sick. I think we're mad about this for two different reasons, guys, for the wrong reasons here. I would rather not be sick and dying. I'd rather not be sick with this disease. I would rather have had a.
You guys seem to think that I liked this. I would rather not have the burden of bringing awareness to a rare disease than, I would rather not have this as opposed to, it would have been so cool for the past seven years to have been wrestling.
Like I was a rule of love to have graduated from Rikishi's, you know, took my resume and, um, and then hit the ground running. And for seven years, been grinding and wrestling and building a beautiful career. I would have rather have done that than battle CRPS, the most painful disease known to mankind without pain pills.
I mean, I'm pretty upset, too, over here, guys. Yeah, yeah. I mean, and the thing, too, the thing, you know, ever since, you know, I had you on the show before and I follow and stuff like that. And I see a lot of, you know, I get a lot of things like, yeah like ads and stuff like that for, you know, CRPS, which is obviously that happens, you know, when you You know, you search for something on your phone or you follow something or you click on something. That's so cool. Yeah. Most people would hate that. Like, good cause no, you know, when you like talk about something and then you go on your phone and an ad for that thing pops up, it's like, cause your phone's always and type of thing homes listening. it is that's spooky but for um p that Yeah. So like, I'll get that sometimes I'll get like an ad for, you know, CRPS and you know, like, you know, what it is. all that type of stuff so like I will do, I will do that. so
Yeah, even even if you're on like if you're on Google or if I'm on Google, I guarantee you talk maybe i mean if you talk to anybody that you've interviewed with or anything like that and you know they searched it or they looked... Because i would i mean I did that when you first came on the show. I wanted to look it up and see like you what it was.
You know, yeah, do my research on it and see ah yeah appreciate what the severity of it is and how many people have it and all that type of stuff. So I think he's obviously searching and then obviously following you and liking your posts and stuff like that. That like it it, it messes with your algorithm and you start getting these, you know, these things. So, but that's a good thing though. So I'm, I'm still more aware of it than, than ever, because obviously I follow you and I'll see the ads from time to time and stuff like that. So it's, I think it's a good thing. I don't get why people would start.
sorry no really i mean That's a good thing because I'm more aware of it So if like I ever you know run into somebody like that, you know Someone in my life that you know has the same symptoms as you and stuff like that. I'll have the knowledge Okay, you should go check to see if you you have this and then they could go do that or you know, it could be any anybody said person that might be and knows a doctor or whatever they or you guys can just tell your family doctors and these doctors can take this information and tell other yeah doctors or tell their different patients and these patients could have family members that have these symptoms. It literally is a domino effect guys.
Yeah. I mean, like I said, you should be like, kind of like, I don't want to say they should, people should have you as like, you know, consider you a hero or anything like that, but they should consider you as like, people will literally boo me. Not like, not like that, but I'm like, as far as like this, this goes like this cause. I think having that out there and people kind of like, you know, shadow banning you and, you know, kind of like that's kind of, I don't, I don't. Do you believe in spooky shit? Do you believe in spooky shit? Oh, yeah, of course. I mean, not to the extent, but I do believe. I mean, I've seen some crazy stuff, but we won't get into that. I've seen or experienced some things I should say. Do you want to know something spooky? What's that? You want to know something spooky? Oh, boy. okay so listen all right so sorry it's bedtime for me i get slap happy um so there's this uh fortune teller right and she uh i saw her back in the have i told you the story before i don't remember but tell it again i don't
I don't remember. I don't think so. so a few people I don't really tell people, many people this, but so, well, there's an update, so. Yeah. Well, anyway, she, ah she basically told me that, sorry, um but my brain fog is hitting. Shit, shit. So, so basically this, what were we just saying? Fuck. Spooky. You were talking about the fortune teller.
You know, I was gonna tell the Gypsy story, but I wanted to know. Anyway, anyway I'll just tell you. So she basically predicted my sickness, my accident. Like, well, when I was like 18 years old, when I first had my palm red, she's like, ah you have the Cinderella story. And she's like, from rags to riches, you're gonna, she's like, she's like, you have ah this Cinderella story. She's like, I don't know who you're gonna be or what you're gonna be, but,
She's like, I see you helping a lot of people. And she's like, but there's going to be an accident from the waist down. And she said, if you overcome this accident from the waist down, you'll claim your Cinderella story.
And I was like, Oh, okay, that's scary. You know, like, I don't know what that means. So well, I stayed in contact with her and it's been like 12 years, you know, and I talked to her once a year, and I just spoke to her. And this is this is why I brought this up. um I told her, I was like, I'm just so scared. and im And I'm an imposter. And I'm like, it Am I really meant to do this? Is my sickness really, is this really happening? I'm so scared. I have CRPS. I'm dying. I'm scared. I'm scared. Well, what am I supposed to do? I wanted to be a wrestler and then I got put in a wheelchair and my joke. And I was like, I really genuinely need to know, am I having this Cinderella story? And do I have this destiny? And she's like, let me see, you know? And she was looking in the crystal ball and I know this sounds so crazy, but whatever. And but she predicted all of this. She predicted a lot of stuff and
She's like, uh, she said, yes. And she said, but this is the thing. It's all backwards and you have such a twist. You have such a Cinderella story, but it's your story. That's going to get you there. All of this, your story. Okay. Your story is your career.
and uh that's how like so normally so what that means is like I mean look what's happening right now I get asked to be on all these podcasts I get asked to do all these cons I get asked for signing on regards I haven't even wrestled my first match yet normally you have to fucking become a somebody and go to these places my debut this we left here like literally this time last year i debuted at my first hey i'm stepping back in the business and it least it was me with alicia foxgg debuting at the wrestling universe store and her i signing autographs like who does yeah that's awesome
if if since what the forster teller was saying so basically um i'm doing all this i'm writing books and i'm gonna possibly have a doc series and i'm doing all this shit and then I wrestle. When normally you would go and wrestle and then start doing all these podcasts and then start doing all the cons and signing autographs. and then and then And then write books about your career and stuff. But it's all asked backwards. But she did say that she's like, I see a lot of books and a lot of movies. She said, this is a movie. And I'm like, no, no fucking shit. This is a movie. I'm tired. I'm tired.
please I can't take anymore yeah I mean any I think she I mean she is right any anything you are doing right now is you know your is is putting you in a place where you can I think I said this last time too or maybe I think I kind of like predicted it but not predicted it but kind of put it out there I think like you just being in these positions is a way for you to get that like your story out there and what's happening with you, not so much, you know, the in ring stuff and being in the ring, obviously that eventually that will happen. But like she said, right now, I think the path is to, you know, just grow.
grow who you are, grow into whatever this is, whatever you whatever character, whatever you know person you're going to be. And then that in-ring debut will come yeah later. I think she's probably right about that. Oh, and the spookiest part is if I'm blessed enough to debut in November,
um even if I'm actively still sick, regardless, if I debut, November is CRPS Awareness Month, actually. And i that organically is happening. So that's great. That's like, that's no that that's car that's kind of like, a like, that's a destiny that that like, oh, that has to happen. Angel numbers. I've been seeing all the different sides and I'm like, damn, this is crazy. Yeah, definitely. No, that's ah that's that's something to definitely look forward to and, you know,
I don't, I guess I didn't know you're you're doing, you know, what you can to to make that happen and stuff like that. So I have no, I have no doubt that you're like, if we're going to be honest, like right now in my body right now, I could literally crawl on a wrestling ring, go and and do a wrestling match, a typical wrestling match. I can do one right now. Yeah.
but how painful is that gonna be? And then also what damage is that gonna do? And then also how long of recovery time if the damage isn't so bad? Like you know like if it didn't, it's heartbreaking. But I wanna be as safe as possible too, because brain fog is a very real thing. And I don't wanna be in the ring, forget,
a spot, let alone yeah yeah how to do a spot. and And then I risk myself, let alone my opponent. And then also I don't want to get distracted by the pain. I have CRPS in my legs, knees down and into my feet. I don't want to be so consumed by my pain that I'm just like a risk. So I'm being, I'm being as respectful as possible. I'm not being greedy. I have offers in my DMS people in other countries, let alone all over America. They have offered for me to wrestle.
And I can't. I really can't. So um hopefully once I start saying yes, I start having a beautiful career and some cool things could possibly happen starting in November. So just wish me luck. Yeah, yeah. No, definitely. And I did see that you were doing like, yeah obviously, like you said, you were doing appearances and things like that. And I didn't see that part of it. Yeah. Yeah, you did. um ah You did some movies too, right? Well, we, you know, the the in the space or was it? yeah How many movies did you do? I actually just got off the phone with I just FaceTimed. I had a business ah FaceTime with ah the two directors and basically Whoop Ass is ah the film project and
Nathaniel and I just did the concept art piece, which is the short film of a summary of what the whole movie is going to be. yeah And it was with Ken Anderson. And and it wasn't...
Mr. Kennedy, yeah. So ah basically, ah I think the concept piece is gonna drop within the next a couple days or within the next week or so. And it's pretty cool seeing the Faneuil Act, a lot of the OVW people are involved. But the casting list, actually, wouldn't I just got one with you? I think they just actually dropped it on Instagram. I could be wrong, but did they?
I think they did. All right, Nathaniel's checking. But i'm I'm allowed to talk about it. i'm So basically, you have the main actor, and he's a wrestler, and ah he has his girlfriend, who is the good girl, and they did it? Anyway.
So they have ah they haven't announced ah who these different people are because I know there's three different people in the hopes of being the lead and.
I'm jokingly is like, all right, guys, let's get the casting couch ready and let's have all those three gentlemen line up and come do the scene with me. I'll see who's the best chemistry. Oh, that was me. What a hard day of work. No, I'm joking. No, I did sell that a joke to the directors, though. I was like, that would be excellent.
I'll help you pick the the lead guys. anyway so well okay so The main girl is the good girl and then he goes off and he gets on ah with the bad guys. right and yeah I'm the ex-girlfriend that's with that group and he gets back with me. and I might cause some, I'm the heel. He has two girls, the good the baby face and the heel and I'm i'm i'm the heel. I wanted to be the baby face. This is bullshit though.
yeah Oh man. But you did I was, they still haven't casted the lead, but I know who one of the guys that are impossible in the idea of being the lead.
You're right there. Oh, no. Oh, yeah, I'm good. I just look at my underwear and the camera fell. No, I'm good. I turned off the camera. I just got to get the tripod. I got excited.
All right. Oh, it fell again. How long have we been on like an hour and four, it says? How long are you keeping me?
forever now. I guess if I i have a couple more questions and then we'll I'll let you guys let me check to make sure I got everything. okay I'm not like in my underwear. am i okay and
who Sorry. Hello.
hello You're good. You're good. You're back you're back in action. All right. Ask me questions. Ask me some questions. Is there any, are there any other movies? That's the main one. I'm definitely excited to advertise and I want you guys really, really to check it out. And I got to make sure my nipples are not out. ah Sorry. All right. I'm trying to move to the castle, guys. My fucking tripod fell.
So okay, what yeah what genre movie was is that like kind of like would where would you put that? like more serious okay There's a couple films that I've been working on this year I definitely could talk about them in the future, but I'm really excited about the doc series that I'm allowed to talk about. I'm excited about that movie that I'm allowed to talk about. And then, um so whoop bass, definitely check that out guys. And then I'm not really allowed to talk about this project too much, but I'm basically gonna go film and suit up in a bodysuit. And you guys can play with the chainsaw queen.
whenever you want very soon. Okay. You can speculate. We can speculate what that is. All right. we can That's awesome. Oh, it's going to be so fun. And like, just like Oh my God, I'm going to post it on Instagram. You're going to see me in the typical like suit, like the, the, and I'm going to be like this and I'm going to be like, this is so fucking awesome. I'll be like, why am I here? Have you thought of like doing any, uh,
like signing with like a, uh, like a toy maker or anything like that, do like an action figure of your gimmick. Yeah. Does it, does it, you know, there's a ton of different, uh, I've been to like the collector world as well. and There's a ton of different, like,
If right now is a lot of like, you know, retro versions of like figures that are coming out now. I want to say different fans have been my DMs and have mentioned and I want to say different people have offered in the past that I haven't actually had one made.
It'd be cool. Like you get, like, you know, you can do your, yeah your chainsaw queen. You have like a chainsaw little chainsaw accessory, maybe different switched out like heads one with the yeah mask on. without the mask Yeah. That'd be pretty cool. Um, that'd be awesome. hu That's something that, uh, and I see you had a collector's card as well. That was, uh, that was actually pretty cool too. Yeah. There's two different collectors cards out. There's the, they're two different, um,
I'm trying to get this camera right, but basically Goguenom Promotions has the kissing cards and then hot female wrestlers, they they have their collector's cards and I definitely recommend you guys go check those out. Those are available too, you just gotta DM them.
and Before, i definitely before I let you go, I'd seen recently you visited the yeah the the sacred grounds of the Holy Land. Yes, the Holy Land.
What was, what was that experience? I swear to God that was not my singing voice. I was atrocious.
Oh my God. I tried to sound like an angel. with the most myself ae What How did that come about? where did Was that like a? We've been there multiple times with that all night. And also, wil okay so, you know, Sean Hernandez from TNA, right? Yep.
Okay, so he has his own promotion. And he's actually ah a friend of ours. He's a really, really solid guy. We've known him for like 10 years now, basically. And he has his own promotion down there out of San Antonio into Austin area. And ah we were booked on his show and Nathaniel actually wrestled and I just I filmed I didn't have ballet but he, but well, after the show, ah we were like, okay, we're in Texas. And so basically, if you're in Austin, if you go west, um you'll hit the O.D. Texas Channel Massacre house. And it's it's the original house, but not where it was filmed. They moved the house. And it's in like this bougie like fish
boating area where like middle class upper middle class people live like it's really actually a nice area where people just go boating on the weekends and yeah it's actually a so the house is actually a brunch it's actually a shop where they're open only certain hours and you can have like breakfast and an early dinner there and um it's uh i've been going since uh 2015 yeah there so we love going there and they just have a new owner so that was our first time going with the new owner and they it's called hoopers yeah it's called hoopers now and nathaniel said after the director toby hooper of the texas ambassador so okay that's where that name comes from so oh awesome
So it was nice being back when I seen what they've done with the place. Uh, uh, but then also, so that's on the West side. So then drive back to Austin. And then if you go to the East side of Texas, like an hour out, um, there's where the OG Texas Hansel Massacre gas station is. And we've been there before and we've actually stayed in the cabins on the back before, which for the record, I'm never doing again. There's banana spiders everywhere.
there are fucking spiders everywhere and I didn't know this I'm not staying there ever again but anyway so I've been there a couple times but yeah we stopped at the gas station and it's basically a not only is it a gift shop like a like it has like all this like cool for horror merch in there but it's also a barbecue pit where they have like brisket. It's just kind of funny eating the barbecue at the Texas Hazelmaster's place. It's kind of like gross but awesome at the same time. And then like I said the cabins in the back where you just stay the night and it's pretty cool.
Yeah, it seems like the, yeah, it's pretty cool. Like, it seems like, yeah ah you know. That's what I do. That's what we do. Like, when we travel, no matter what, where we go, like, okay, so when I go and film this, or when I go and ah shoot for this project, I'm not allowed to talk about, ah it's going to be an hour away from Salem, Massachusetts. So I'm actually going to go there to see you where the the witch bullshit, you know what I'm saying? Oh, wait, were you going to be again? Would you say you're going to be?
uh Salem Salem we're going down in uh Nathaniel Nathaniel uh not for cons of a project we're not allowed to talk about that I'm gonna be studio for yeah that's up there that's like I think two hours from Salem or an hour from Salem yeah we might have to uh we might have to meet in person because I'm actually not far away from Salem I'm in Massachusetts so um oh okay well once we stop filming I'll tell you about it Yeah, yeah, definitely. And if you're in, I mean, if you're in Salem, I mean, yeah, I mean, I love, I live in Massachusetts. I've lived there. I would i mean, some people, I don't mean like you you, like you're into that, you know? it's you know it's so here's the thing we it's always a thing with massachusetts where it's like you know people do like the freedom trail of boston and you know because it's you know it's the birth of a nation and that's where everything happened here in massachusetts but um but then you have salem which everybody like
Pretty much like now, actually, you know what? Around September, mid-September. That's when it starts getting crazy because it's it's crazy into the whole horror thing. It's insane. I was told by my friends that have been don't go during Halloween, don't go during October. And I just the sad thing is I'm actually it's it's going to be September within the next as so many weeks I'm going to go and film. So hopefully it's not too bad. Yeah.
yeah love yeah Yeah, let me know when you're, I mean, I um i mean i will and don't want to go see what you're filming, but yeah, I mean, definitely being in person. That'd be pretty awesome. If you're in Salem, it could be around there. wake up a thousand Yeah. But um yeah, Salem's awesome. Like I said, yeah I don't think it's, you like I said, beginning in October, it gets a little dicey. September, they start setting everything up for, you know, tourists and things like that. and ah Hopefully it's not too crazy, but I'm excited.
It's just people in costumes all over the place. You know, the wit, the, uh, the fortune teller stores are open. The card readers are open. Oh, you can be my tour guide there. Oh, that'd be great. That'd be awesome. We can do like a V-LOG for it too. And if I don't want to know if you've ever been to sleepy hollow, is that near there? The Fender Citizen New York.
Oh no, definitely. I haven't been, uh, maybe hollow, but I did with that. Let's say when you get like all the, you get the, um, the witch house, obviously, if you've seen pictures of that, you could see the, uh, burial ground of all the witches and do it. like there as we get off camera We'll discuss it, but yeah, definitely.
Uh, I have to reschedule that they booked me a hotel and paid for it and all that. And then I was like, Hey, can we reschedule?
So now they have to pay for the fee to reschedule me. And I'm like, who am I like i cannot be doing that? Oh my God.
but but but She's laughing hysterically at, that's funny. I'm the worst employee ever and I'm like, nobody. Oh, that's funny. right The story is, yeah, when I'm in town and working, I Google what's near and I'm literally going to be like with this secret project, I'm going to be and like an hour and a half away from the fucking Salem witch trials. So I'm like, yeah, yeah.
It's a lot of history. It's a very eerie place so would yeah when you get there. but Oh, I'm sure. So sad. Yeah. But um yeah, I think that's, I mean.
I think that's it. I want to keep you any longer. Okay. Definitely want to thank you for being on the show. It was fun. I hate that. I'm so tired whenever I do these things. I wanted to eat a drink, but my drink was messed up. It's, it's, it's, it's, ah you know what I'm, it's just talking is talking makes you tired. It doesn't to me too. I'm like, uh, by the end, ah by the end of every interview, I'm like, all right.
Well, uh, you'll have Nathaniel on, you said, uh, soon. So that, yeah, lively, he'll give you good energy. And then, um, hopefully you can have me back on in the future and we can discuss amazing things. just some media Yeah, definitely. hopeful Like I said, hopefully, uh, you know, the, the, the story is you're in the ring, you're doing work and stuff like that. So the next time we, well, actually, I mean, like, say if you're insane, like I said, we'll talk off, off air, but.
Yeah, no, definitely. Like I said, it's always fun having you on. I knew it was going to be a blast because, like I said, you're you're hilarious. You're already right. Right. Before you even hopped on the thing, you'd be funny. So I was I knew it was going to be a fun time. So. OK, OK. I was like, that's a compliment. You're a good time. I'm a good time. I'm a funny.
I'm a funny girl, okay, thank you. No, like I said, you're you're entertaining. i would I'm forever single. I'm a weirdo, thanks. Come on, guys out there. Let's go. Someone, take me. DMs are open. Just ah just ah send us something. Be professional, though. Be nice. and Yeah, don't send me a penis shot. Oh my god. Don't do that, sir. No. Yeah. All right, guys. Have some sugary, you know?
Follow me on Instagram, follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my OnlyFans, you know, support a struggling artist. Yes, always. but support We support everybody around here. but That's it about CRPS. Yes. Yeah, definitely. If you do go to her page before you do any type of messaging, you should definitely, you know, get educated. You guys get your dicks out. Google CRPS. Yeah, before. Yeah. We're here for the titties, but we are dying. My titties might draw you in, but when I got here, it's like this. Oh my God. Okay. So ah forgive me for putting my boots in there, but okay. Get ready. It's like this. It's like, wait, wait, where am I?
all right you got this and then my double chin's in it one minute so everyone's like that and then i'm like so now that i got your attention yes that's what that's what you said it's like hey now that i got your attention oh wait oh geez i don't want to actually i have one more question for you before you go i had one more question for you i totally forgot you're the chainsaw corner When you were doing that, are you bringing that, are you, are you bringing that back or did you stop doing it? What's going on? Yeah.

Burnout from Instagram Lives

Okay. So like I'm stupid and I got burned out. And so I did it because like my, my therapist suggested it'd be good to interact with different people in the business and stuff. But then I just like.
people were requesting requesting to be on and then I DM different people and I got slammed. And so what I did was, where it was just for my mental health, and it was just be like FaceTime, it wasn't even as professional as this is. This is very, I know. it's Yeah, I like those chick was just going Instagram live. And I was going to bring on a friend to ah interview. It wasn't even like a real thing. And yeah, and it just became big and I was supposed to go live every day and I did go live every day and then it became, it became two solid months of going live but it became instead of just talking to people in the business, I started talking to yeah to celebrities, I started talking to, um I was interviewing ah like porn stars as well and then escorts and then like one person was an escort, this other person was a porn star then this other person was a stunt worker for like the fuck this horror movie and then this other person was an actor in this movie and I'm just I it got so overwhelming that I had to I had to bring it down to like four days a week and then by the time I got into like the third month of doing it I had like
Oh, like 100 people. Oh, and not 100. That's dramatic. I had whatever that calculate like 60 different like I had 60 plus and I'll go through and I've been meaning to go and save all these but it just I got burned out and I just told everyone listen, I can't do this. I can't for my mental health sake. This was for my mental health and now it's becoming so stressful. So I did put a pause on it but I think it was pretty cool that I brought on people from like I brought on ah some of my friends that did podcasts and one of the top podcasts in Ireland, my friend Maurice, I brought him one and then
I like stunt workers in Hollywood to actors, to ah porn stars, to like a rock stars, to directors, to authors, i've to musicians. like i I try to bring on every single different person and it was really cool and fun. So I hope to bring it back. But if I did, it'd be like maybe every Thursday night. You know what I'm saying? Once a week.
Yeah, like I said, I enjoyed it. that's i i Did you watch it? I think i comp i think when you were when you were doing it, I think I sent you a DM or maybe I commented on one of the things. I think yeah i think I sent you a DM and I said, hey, keep up the good work on the yeah on the interview show.
Um, as you, ah so you probably picked up the principle of, it was just like, bull it wasn't anything professional. It was literally just me FaceTiming friends, you know, yeah just talking. It was, it was a good, I liked it. It was a good, like, it was a pretty cool format. was I was like, kind of like free, kind of like how this, we just like, you know, I asked questions, but like we're just talking, talk about freaking aliens and stuff like that. So that's not like, I love it. I love when people can just be so comfortable. I love people who just, just be comfortable and not be nervous, you know?
That's why I got that vibe. I was like, I was like, shit i so I was like, i was I was like, man, I should probably copy her. Just do like a live freaking Instagram show. And I was like, nah, I don't have that. I don't have that like pull to do that. I'm not that, not that popular. like I'm shadow banned every day. So I, uh, my, my lives, like the views came after, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. It's messed. I mean, like I said, that's still messed up with the shadow banning and all that stuff. It's okay. If you put out, if you put out negative energy, it will just have to come back to

Spiritual Awakening and Purpose

you. And all you have to do is just wish people well and, uh, see a therapist, you know, I see a therapist. I recommend it.
Yeah, yeah, definitely. You can't silence things that are supposed to be heard. That's definitely what I was saying. And it's whether you believe in the spirituality of what I just mentioned or whether you also believe in God, which I do.
I've become very spiritual during this journey and I keep on seeing my angel numbers and I truly believe. And I know I'm vulgar. I know I have a sailor's mouth, but in the end, this is like truly God using me as a vessel and I'm doing something very important. And I hope people just calm their fucking titties and let me just do this goddamn. This is how I talk to God. and I'm just like, why are you using me in this life? Like, why use me of all people? And for some reason, I've been chosen for this. So let's fucking do this. You know, yeah this is what I'm trying to do. Yeah. Yeah. you have Like I said, you're definitely here for a reason. you You don't know it yet. Like your your path will be clear at some point. um Just continue to do what, you know, what you've been doing and, you know, being in that, being in that, uh,
that that person out there yeah guys like There's nothing like no matter on what platform I get no matter on what level I get this is this is me that I'm i'm gonna be flipping off God and I'm gonna be cussing every way and be like, yeah, I'm sick and this fucking sucks someone do something, you know? That's the reality. The fucking whistleblower. Here you are. I mean, here I am. Like here we are. Let's fucking go. Like ah I have to be the whistleblower. I guess this is why God chose me because I'm annoying as fuck and I'm not going to shut the fuck up about it. And God's like, yes, there you go. That's that's a quality that the God seen that quality. He's like, you know what? I'm going to use her to get the message out to let everyone know about this.
Yay, good here. Anoint me some more, God.
All right, I think we can end it there now. I blast from me. It's great, isn't it? Being blasphemous is awesome. I knew what he was doing when he chose me. He knew this is my personality and he knew I was gonna be fucking good. God accepts all that comes to him. So you don't have to worry about that. But anyway, thank you for being on the show again. Like I said, this is amazing. This is always fun having you on. So fun, so comfortable. We'll definitely do it again. We have to do it again.
Like I said, I always have a great time when you're, when you're on the show. Um, so I'm glad you accepted this time around. Um, and we'll, uh, we'll talk soon. Actually, you already gave your, give your socials again, where we can find you before we, uh, before we head out. Bitches, you know how to find me. with the body. Thaw I'm wearing chainsaw wielding. Scream queen.
I'm on all platforms as the Black Dahlia page collect. Go find me. Subscribe to my only fans. Help a bitch out. There you go. You heard her. Get it done. We'll talk to everybody soon.