You're still you're never gonna be as deep as you know The Penn State's the Ohio State's the Alabama's of the world They can just keep wearing on you and unless you can blow them out the doors in the in the first half You know you the they're gonna keep having fresh pass freshers coming after you the second half um It's it's just an uphill battle for those teams. It's why you had to see back in the day You know Boise State's got to bust out all the the trick plays do all the crazy shit to get these wins over the big teams man But we've seen them do it before man. They've done it before and they got you know Ashton Gentes is good a player as Boise State has ever had at their school Um, it's going to be fun, but yeah, that's, it's definitely a, ah you know, Penn state's definitely looking like they came out the best out of, uh, at any of the teams in the, in the bracket. Now, how in the fuck does Oregon get Ohio state or Tennessee with who the rest of these teams are possibly playing in round two? Like I, I get it the way the seating fell, but dude, there is no way they should be playing Ohio state or Tennessee right out of the gate. Like I just yeah, I think a reseed would be the way to go man. Just cause the, with the buys, it doesn't work. Cause there's so much variance, right? Like I get it. If it was a traditional 18 tournament, the one team would be playing the eight seed, but there's no guarantee that that eight seed is going to be the, you know, that eight seed can be in the highest ranked team that makes it out of those first round games, man. So, you know, we, we talked about it last week, man. They're locked into this format through next season. I think we're going to see, you know, a set of moderate tweaks to, ah to the format for 2026, but great. thing is, man, I still think the stuff we're arguing about it's, it's, it's small, it's small for us compared to some of the misses we've had in the past with the the first decade of the college football will playoff. And then prior to that, especially when we had just the old BCS where you have a computer spitting out two teams. so Okay, so having said all that, ah don't pick your winner, but pick the two teams you think end up playing for the national title.