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Episode 029 - Costco Date Night image

Episode 029 - Costco Date Night

S1 E29 ยท Just Shillin'
43 Plays6 months ago

This week, we talk about a ton of stuff including:

  • Work, riots, decks, birthdays and birthday things
  • Dump rooms (not what you think)
  • Costco!
  • Time Bandits
  • Sunny

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!


Introduction and Podcast Style

Hello, and welcome to episode number 29 of Just Shillin, your favorite low sodium podcast. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman.
And I'm your other host, Andy Pell. I try to mess with the game every time. I know, I know. I'm just going to say it differently every time. How are you, my friend? How was your week? how's you How have you been?

Weather and Surreal Events

I've been um've been good. I've been good. It's it's been it's been hot here recently. um The world, as we know it, has been simultaneously crumbling and a hopeful at the same time. it's been a I feel like we're living in

Home Improvement Adventures

a simulation. Not really. I don't want to be one of those people, but it's ah it is it just gets kind of like wackier in the more twilight zone.
which eat with each passing day, but I'm hopeful things are looking up in a ways and I'm doing good. we We went to Costco the other day. That was fun. We got some new new cool stuff from there. I'm still working on that stupid deck. um No, oh it's it's it's. ah it's it's all It's getting close, it's getting close, but now it's like spun into 30 other projects. It's like, God. So now I'm just trying to beat the snow. I mean, not that snow's coming anytime soon, but it's coming. But other than that, man, I'm pretty good. It's not super eventful.
besides hosting hikers and and stuff like that. we have We had a new ramen shop open in town. no I think actually our first ramen shop in, not first, but like the only ramen shop we have. So I'm looking forward to going there this weekend. I'm very excited about it. I did see your

Deck Renovation Challenges

photographs. he did I did laugh at the photographs you sent me um of the decking, which is, do you ever wish you'd never started something? Cause I must admit when you described the,
The repairs that you were doing, it seemed quite localized in in a very, very small area, but it now looks like you're ripping up like whole lengths of the- It started that way. Okay, fine. Yeah. It started that way. I was fixing the holes that the trees were growing through and then kind of like the edge that kind of cut in around the tree.
And then I was like, well, I also hate this lattice because like the that the the top rail on the bottom, there was like this lat wooden lattice stuff. It was all painted this horrible red. And I'm like, well, I hate that. So I'm going to take the lattice off. And then I'm like, well, it's kind of it kind of needs to be sealed. So I should sand this all down. and If I'm taking the lattice off, I should put up some like cool wire. And so then I end up doing the whole railing and everything. I'm like, well, now I got it. The boards don't match because the bottom is painted and I got to rip the carpet off the deck. And yes, there was carpet on the deck.
I had to rip the carpet up and then I'm like, Oh my God, some of this wood is rotten. So then I just started replacing. Now it's like, God, I had a a delivery of wood the other day. And so like yesterday, I took the whole day

Community and Personal Time

off work and I'm out there like planing it and sealing it and getting it ready to, I'm still trying to salvage as much wood as I can, but it's like,
Here we go. um um I think it's going to be done by this weekend. Like this man, though that the deck. But now Madison's like, well. There's kind of like a little but lower porch. and She's like, well, we know you've started that. Now you've started that. Do we need this load bearing wall? You know, do can we just take that as.
Well, it's all connected because then like, once you start working on something, then like, I don't know about everybody else's partners, but my partner tends to have this, this mentality of like, well, you're already touching this and this thing has got kind of connected to it. So like, can we turn our lower porch into like, like a, can we remove the metal corrugated roofing and put like clear? So it's kind of like a little lower sunroom porch. I'm like, well, it's all connected. So maybe we'll see. And it's just.
She's like, well, I'm excited for that. I'm like, let me get done with the deck first. See where see where we go. So, yeah, it's a it's a whole. And then all the neighbors like to walk by, they're like, it's looking good. Are you getting close? And I'm like, thanks. Please go away. I mean.
it I would like my free time back. But yeah

Physical Work vs. Sedentary Life

other than that, man, it's a it is nice to be able to get out and like do something during the week, especially like I work from home, obviously, as people may not know. it So it's when you have those down times instead of standing at the water cooler or me farting around doing God knows what when I'm not.
when I don't have 70 projects going on. It's kind of nice to be like, I'm gonna go rip a board up. I'm gonna go do something kind of physical. So it's kind of like, I'm not as sedentary. Yeah, as I normally would be. So it's kind of it's got some pluses and minuses. I just wish I could be done now. I'm my

Home Office Transformation

hyper fixation is done. And I'm ready for it to be over. It's not as sp with you um I'm with you. We've got a delay on, I think I told you before, we got we we're having some work done in the house, having some, um I'm trying to make um our office into a really nice office for Lucy because her work has changed over the years. And I think I told you that she's working from home a lot, awful lot more. I've got this

Renovation Frustrations

ridiculous shed in the bottom of the garden, which is, um it's fine for me. I'm not, I'm not precious, but I really want to give her a really nice place to to to work. And it's, it's, a
you know what Do you know what I mean by it? It's a dump room. It's where we all the all the who were yeah the the the crap is just it's just thrown in there because there's a bit of storage in there as well. and i want i want to I've cleared all that out. ah The room is decorated, but we're waiting for these um for the built-in desk and wardrobes and and shelving and stuff to go in.
I like to spin it and call it the staging room. It's like, oh, that's where I put things temporarily to stage yeah where I put them put them away in their proper places. Yes. Yeah, that would be that would that that room is that would work. That would work if they then progress outside that from that room. But that's the problem is it's become a you know, it's like 10, 15 years of of us being here. It's just it's what was a a decent sized room has now just turned into a ah into a rabbit warren that needs to be it it just needed to be gutted. so

Costco Fascination

That's happening at the moment, but but but the um the guys doing the the work have been postponed by four weeks. so that's so We're sitting with
lots and lots of boxes in the house and I keep getting the occasional grimace from Lucy and I know she's getting losing getting frustrated with the whole thing and I've keep assuring her, don't worry, it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. um But yeah, it's never ending though. You get to a point in the end where it's kind of like, okay, everything's done and then you got start all over again. At the very least with decorating, you know? it's ah Yeah, it never ends, it never ends.
What about the Costco trip? was that the trip is that Sorry, not that we not that I'm sure a Costco trip would be particularly interesting for many people, but I'm fascinated. The um ah photograph of the um of the big pillows or the big Beanies, whatever they are. Yeah. Was that from Costco? Yes, that's Costco. So do you are you familiar with Costco? Do you know what Costco is? so So Costco is launching in the UK. So I know who they are. Yeah. So I know. So I know who they are. And in fact, it's through work that I found out that, you know, we're we but trying to do some work with Costco in the future. It's like, oh, wow, they're coming here. So yeah, yeah, yeah. We're going to we're going to make make things happen.
um i hope I hope they're bringing the gas stations too because the gas ah or petrol or whatever whatever we call it yeah um is is way cheaper than like regular ones. So we only get gas from Costco's. Like I won't say only like we try to. So we have one down down the hill that we go to to fill up on gas. And when we tra when we do our cross country travels, we'll actually like put Costco's on the directions to stop at on the way even if we're not completely empty like we'll fill up almost like a Tesla charger it's like well we might as well stop because it's there's a Costco and they have little food courts in them and they're just big bulk store I love them they're they're so awesome they're the best you know what I'm talking absolute rubbish they're already here they're already here
however sushi sushi food places in them now here oh they're so on no i'm not sure i could be wrong but i'm not sure if they're actually um
No, there are warehouses nearer. They're warehouses, right? They're set up like warehouses. They're not what I call a department store or anything. They're more like a... It's like a bulk store. It's like you go in and you don't get one box of cereal. You get four and they're all taped together. We're like, oh, I want eggs? Well, you're going to get 72 eggs. Stuff like that. You're not going to get a normal size amount of anything. They have 29 stores in the UK. I had no idea.
I had no idea. Well, in fairness, my, fairness, my closest TV and awesome, all sorts of stuff. It's cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, my, my closest one is, is, is 45 miles away in Coventry. So I'm not, there's It wouldn't be something that I'd have spotted and said, hey, they're there. ah Yeah, they're already here, man. So yes, I might, i might on a on a on a quiet day, I might i might treat myself and head ah head up north and have a Costco trip all by myself. You should take Lucy. No, i think lucy would I think Lucy would love it. I think she would.
There is I have never seen Madison's eyes, not to not to say that our partners are exactly the same, but I've never seen Madison's eyes light up quite like it does. Like, I wish she looked at me like she looks at Costco. And every everything that Costco provides is all the stuff that I can't. It's got pizza. It's got milkshakes. It's got giant couches and every everything in between. It's got poke bowls that could serve eight people and she'll eat it by herself over the course of two days. It's, it's an amazing place. It's magical. It's a money pit. If you're not careful, um, you walk in and you're like, Oh, this looks cool. Like, you know, what's better? Like it's not somewhere to go to like try new things because it's like, Oh, let's try this. You're not, you're not trying one. You're trying like a hundred of them. So you better like it. Um,
But it's it's a cool place, I like it. I love their cheap gas. And yeah, it's a cool place. Yes, and that is where, so those, if you're familiar with Squishmallows, which I think I talked about last time, yes say they sell a lot of those there. That's where I got that giant Chewbacca one, that giant Grogu one.
And that's where I took that photo. ah Imitating our our buddy strut with because that's where he got them of the pumpkin. It's not a squishmallow, but they're like big decorative pillows that are. And so I took the ghost in the pumpkin and took the photo from there. And that's also where I got those Mandalorian chairs. We actually the more I think about it, I think a lot of our stuff has come from Costco.
um I don't see why. not i'm i'm just i'm i'm I mean, we should probably not maybe put the pod on pause for a bit so we can talk about this because um but they sell they sell garden buildings. um um They sell everything. Absolutely everything.
you can buy computer You can buy like Apple computers in there. You can buy TV, security systems, alcohol, food. um They even have, like ours have and an optometrist in them. um Like you go get your eyes checked. ah They have food corks. You could buy a whole children's play like playground swing set thing. It's tires. Do you know what, my friend? Tires in them. This might be my date date night with, my next date night with Lucy, we might venture to Costco.
that's great We should have a podcast. ah Oh, look at the garden. The garden tools are amazing. Oh, yeah. Absolutely amazing. i'm I'm getting I'm getting goosebumps. and Just the idea of you experiencing Costco for the first time. It's like talking to somebody about like, oh, i've I've never seen Star Wars. It's like I have I am so excited to talk to you about this after your first visit. This is going to be amazing. I can't believe what these guys sell.
i could get I can get a jackhammer. Oh, God. Look at this. And in-store is also different than online. So some stuff online will be different than in-store. So some stuff is in-store exclusives only. And the best part is so like, if you guys like wine or liquor or any stuff like that, they also sell the bulk versions of those.
So like you can get the most obscenely sized bottle of some of your favorite alcohols. You can buy, it's it's it's just nuts, it's nuts. Rotisserie chickens, I hope yours have the rotisserie chickens, because those are the best. Our cats lose their minds when we come in with one. It's, they caught we have to have a bonus episode talking just about Costco. When you go, it is. Oh, I got an 18 year old.
gold signature whiskey here. It's usually maybe an 80, 90 pound bottle of whiskey.
60 quid. Oh, I'm going, I'm going definitely. What are those what are those ah what are those that' British cookies? the I don't know if they're British, but I got them at my hotel when I was there. They're like...
Biscoff. Are those British? I don't know what those are. Who makes those? Oh, Biscoff. I've got a feeling that they're either French or Dutch, I think. Well, they could be even Italian. Hang on. ah That's not very good. Well, they're not from here. I will i i don't know where they're from, but they sell. i I thought of my hotel in London when I was at Costco because they sell like 100 pack of those things. Yeah, they're very and they're very camera caramel, aren't they? They're caramel based.
They have like the, the wafery looking ones, but they also have ones that are just like the, just the biscuit, like that's by itself. yeah And they had like a huge bulk pack of those. I'm like, Oh man, I remember my hotel would give me those when I was in London. Now they, yeah now they have met Costco, Costco's Belgian.
Belgium. They're Belgian biscuits. There you go. They're Belgian. um In fact, they were invented in 1932 by a Belgian baker named Jan Boon Sr. There you go. I'm very excited for you guys to go to Costco. Please please keep me updated. Yeah, course of course I will. I'll take photos. I might even do some interviews while I'm out there.
Uh, record, and record, get some reactions. I'll edit them into the podcast and we will have a specific ah special bonus episode. Like

Weekly Reflections

ah so Madison will actually listen to our episodes again. I bet. I guarantee it. She'll probably listen to this one because I'm talking about Costco. She could probably hear me. She's probably outside my door, like debating whether she should be on the pod for once.
Well, that's cool. Anything else in your week, mate? No, that's it. had just That's enough. It's enough. It's a good week. It is. It is a, it is a good

UK Riots and Misinformation

week. So it's, it's been a bit, it's been an up and downer this week over here. It's been, it's been really, I'll start with the bad cause it's been bizarre. So the work stuff is, um, we're getting close to those deadlines. I was telling you about a while ago. Um, and the pressure is on on on. Um, hence the reason why we're, we're recording a day late, the, um, spending an awful lot of my working week at the moment. Um,
up late talking to the folks across you know the the hque across the across the pond. and you know It's been very, very, very rare that I've been going to bed much before midnight um this this last week or so. That hasn't been fun.
and then um
A certain bunch of folk in the UK are trying to turn our country to rat shit. um i i'm I'm sure you guys know or have heard that um we've been having some riots um from some very nasty extreme rights, I'm not going to mince my words, they're fascists um and racists, um that have used a very, very sad situation, a murder of of of three very, very young girls to create a narrative, a false narrative that it was conducted by someone that was seeking asylum in the UK. And that has set off a bunch of cells or a collection of far right supporters that have decided to riot. I mean, it's it's a bit it's a bit stupid in itself. It's like, yeah,
you're you're you're you're destroying, you're talking about you know your your mantra is we want to take our country back, you know ban immigration, don't let people, we don't believe in diversity, we don't we don't want these people it on our ah in our towns and cities, and yet they go out and destroy their towns and cities, which kind of seems a little bit counterintuitive for anyone with one brain cell. um But yeah, it's been a bit scary, if I'm perfectly honest with you, mate. um Last weekend, in particular, we saw um yeah Sorry, taking a step back just to explain the situation. yes so
Nittletown up north, um a ah a very troubled young 17-year-old boy um took a knife to a bunch of school girls, young young um junior school children um that were at a Taylor Swift dance club, I believe. um or take Because it's summer over here at the moment, everyone's at home, all the kids are at home.
um And it was ah it was um ah most folks send their kids off to um like a day ah a day camp or a day club and they do various things to keep there to keep their kids preoccupied because ah when you're that age, keeping them keeping them occupied is quite hard. And so just a bunch of very, very innocent, beautiful young girls found themselves um up against this guy, very angry teenager that um took a knife to them. And um it's it's really, really gutting that um and heart wrenching that three three of these girls died. um And then you saw social media
Basically snowball the situation with you know facts whatsoever no facts whatsoever and um and Yeah, basically some bright sparks started a rumor which again snowballed snowball snowball that this this boy who? Was born in the UK and it was a UK citizen was in fact um an immigrant looking to um looking to try to um become a UK citizen. And that is not the case at all. As I said, it was a complete falsehood. And it was proved relatively quickly as being ah a complete falsehood. But by then, all rhyme rhymnal reason had gone out the window. They didn't want to hear the narrative. They didn't want to hear about the truth. And they decided to kick off anyway. And so we've seen the most despicable, um and it it has not made me, I'm i'm embarrassed um to say that
to say that this happened in my country. um and what has been seen in the last 24 hours kind of have given me a little bit of faith that is very, very much the minority making life hard for everyone else. So um yeah, they've been um targeting mosques. They've been targeting um anyone um that may well be a professional ah associated with the immigration service within the UK. It's got that bad. um They've been targeting mosques. They've been targeting people of, um
particularly of Middle Eastern descent, but it's also been um other other um other countries and nationalities and and and skin colors as well. and it's It's been really fucking atrocious bearing in mind that you you know, an awful lot of what is the UK is based on immigrants. I mean, everyone talks about, you know, Great Britain being one of the oldest, you know, one of the oldest imperial, ex-imperial countries of the world. But don't forget, the majority of us, the majority of the, um of English people are French. I mean, and and and an awful lot of the French are ah Nordic.
So where they wear you know an awful lot of Normandy, which is where um which is where ah the you know but the it was which is when Harold came over. No, no, it wasn't Harold. William the Conqueror came over and took out Harold, which was the last of the Anglo-Saxon kings in the UK. There may be this,
perception of the UK being this extremely old country, which it is, um you know it does it's you can only go back, prior to, it sorry, after 1066, we became a very, very different very very different country. Anyway, um I'm really waffling on and trying to avoid the subject, which is pe left me with a lot of distaste. A certain group of people were already looking for a reason. It's like they wanted to do stuff like this. that Now they just have a reason to get more people angry and to do something stupid. Yeah, yeah it's pretty it's been pretty disgusting, mate. it's It really is disgusting. and the
um Anyway, the good and at times like that, the natural response that I had, which was, you know, I want my girls home, I want to lock the door, and I want to switch the lights off and and just and just hibernate um until it all goes away. um But that In reality, that's not particularly realistic, um despite you know the despite the the the desire to fly so to for flight. sorry um and so That's been going on. The good news is is that there were expectations of further violence this week, but in many, many, many cases and many, many cities across the UK,
um normal people, um you know inclusive people, people that realize that you know they live we live in a multicultural society and and and those cultures benefit this country, have got together and have gone out on the streets as well and and have um with unity have pretty much, especially last night, pushed back on these people and and and outnumbered them, which is the which is the most marvelous thing. um There are rumors that there will be more
there could be more violence to come. I hope not. I really do hope not. I hope the, um, the emergency services and the police in particular have kind of got a handle and they've got the intelligence. Well, I mean, intelligence, I mean the, the counter intelligence, um, to be able to, to, to react to this quicker than perhaps they did last weekend. So that was, that's been,

Hope and Preparedness

that's been a bummer, man. Sorry. I'm just glad that we live in a time where people are starting to take this stuff seriously.
So it's not able to fester and have failed attempts or whatever, because everybody's naive and optimistic that it's not gonna happen. yeah Now, I feel like we are in that time where ah a threat is a credible threat and people take it very seriously. And thats that is a a bright light in some ways to prevent things from getting out of hand.
Yeah, i mean if if there's one thing that if there's one thing that's come out of this, and you saw the same thing around um you know the black lives matter la Black Lives Matter movement as well, um is the there are there are stories of amazing solidarity going on at the moment. um and What breaks my heart the most, mate, is that The parents of these three kids can't really properly grieve. yeah They've lost their children. It's the worst thing I can ever think would happen to a parent. You lose your child. you know it's always it's It's almost like you know it's the the rules are I go before my kids. um so The idea that they've lost these kids um and in such a horrible way is enough in itself. and

Birthday Celebrations and Gifts

Now they've got this bullshit going on that supposedly has has happened in their children's name.
The parents are saying, you know, this is nothing to do with my child. Don't you dare let this be her legacy. um it's a Yeah, it makes my blood boil, mate. but um On the plus side, I had a birthday last weekend i and it was it was great. It was really, really good. um We talked a little bit but but little bit about it last week and I i i joined a ah podcast when I got back from my evening celebrations that I'm sure we'll talk about later on as well ah very, very quickly. um But it was really lovely. that Both the girls came home for the weekend.
And I had every intention just to mooch about, maybe get some nice you know get some nice Asian food in um and um and have a few beers and maybe watch a little bit of the Olympics or just chew the fat and have a bit of a laugh, maybe maybe taking a movie. And I said, no, we've got something organized for you, Dad. So they they took me out to, um there's a new bougie little um darts dart club so if you imagine darts you know as in a dart ball yeah right a dart ball you imagine you see them in most bars right they're in bars and well this is ah like ah a darts club in there it's almost like going to a
I don't know a private bowling alley where you get your own private lane so you get your own little bougie little room and in that room is a dartboard lo and behold but it's all electronic and everything electronic scoring and you can play different games you don't have to play the classic you know the classic dance or anything And it's a really, really good laugh. you know Table service, the whole thing. And three or four three or four bottles of of a fizz later on, ah we rolled out, grabbed some supper, sorry, grabbed some dinner, um and got a cab home. And it was it was really simple, but it was a really, really good evening. And the fact that the girls organized it,
um in advance and everything was just nice that they they they had a plan do you know what i mean um and that was really really good and then i got back from that and um we'll talk a little bit about it but you were recording with uh with two of our buddies and i um storm the gates i wouldn't i wouldn't say i was i wouldn't i was i was i wouldn't say i was well oiled but i was i was a little bit merry and um Yeah, I came on the pod for about 30 seconds or so, although in reality, I was actually actually listening for quite a while. But as far as everyone else is concerned, yeah, I just stormed the gates for about 30 seconds or so. But yeah but that's been my week. So if yeah like I said, real ups and downs, mate. It's been it's been so bizarre, so, so bizarre.
um speaking yeah speaking of your birthday Speaking of your birthday, I mean, i feel like I feel like before when we talked about it, before the show, like I got ah a segue into, you know, I did get you a birthday gift and we've we've discussed like, okay, do you want to know what it is? Do you not want to know? Do you want to wait? And so we've just kind of decided like, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you what it is, because I don't want you to buy it. Because then it'll be like, oh, I got you that thing you've already bought. So, so Without further ado, we're I'm going to share with you what what you got for your birthday. But you don't get it yet. You get it whenever we see each other again. I get it. I've been a good boy. Only if you're good. Yes, yeah only if you're good. So you better you better watch it. better all right I had the Ahsoka comic in there, too, because you know it's all. ah Legend. Thank you.
But that's it just because because I got one. So you got to go. So the first the first item is I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure they kicked it the whole way here. The the U.S. Postal Service. um and So the I hope it's I hope you're not like our buddy Kev and want to keep it in the container because the container is. Fucked. But so the first first item is let me make sure.
Oh, dude. Oh, man. It is the Star Wars monster mayhem monster mashups Chewbacca bobblehead that you asked me specifically about a couple of weeks ago to keep my out for it. But yeah, this box is thrashed. I think they kick. Oh, man. I love those. I saw them. at i saw I told you I saw them at Chris's and I'd never seen them before. Oh, he's beautiful.
I actually shared with Ed and Chris, and Chris was like, oh, I got that too. And we were all talking about him before he got on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got the whole lineup. They look wicked, but I saw the Chewbacca one. I thought, I've got to get that. I've got to get that. And you try and get them in the UK, and you can't get them anywhere. So thank you so much. That is awesome. That is absolutely awesome. I think there's one or two that Chris was mentioning that he's missing one or two of them.
And he's like, obviously he can get on eBay, but I know he's big on the hunt, so. Right. I'm excited to hear how those adventures go at the toy fairs and stuff. And then the other thing, this is the one I'm actually excited about. Like, I hope you don't already have it. And if you do, who cares? No, you have two. So I don't think I've got to unwrap it. Here, I'll get some ASMR in here.
All right. Any I don't want I don't want to do predictions because all that does is lead to disappointment. So I'm just going to. All right. The go on. The second and final item is.
oh I'm teasing them on the camera like I'm barely barely lifting and then pulling it back down again.
No way, no, no, no, no, you got a carded one. You got a carded one. Oh, bless your soul, mate. Mate. So what I'm showing him is similar to his his flat top afro gray Chewbacca knockoff bounty hunter. ah This is a carded galaxy empire bootleg Chewbacca. And he is also gray.
He's also gray and he is in in the bubble with his ridiculous gun and his gray fur with look at all the key empire. He he is beautiful. Absolutely. Look at that. Nothing on the back because it's nothing on the back. Nothing on the back because it's it's a knockoff. Yep. And he is. He is. He's ready to hang out with his other bootleg buddies.
That is awesome. And his eyes are not a boss side. A great fantastic. Not as bad as that one, but I don't know if I can get it. Look at the size of those pupils. Oh, we're going to have to take foot. We're going to have to take photographs and stick them on the website.
If like I study I will do that for sure. If if I had to kind of like make it capable, compatible with audio, it looks like he's going whole. Yeah, that's kind of the face he's making with his. With his. Do you know what? You guys are so you guys are so cool. Kev, a buddy Kev sent me something in the and sent me something I'm going to show you now. And
he um he He sent me a note to say, I saw this and immediately thought of you. um But he also put ah he put a condition to it, which was if I see this, if i see this I see pictures of this with the packaging destroyed, we can no longer be friends. um Which is funny in the context of what I'm about to say. Anyway, he got me a vintage a vintage Chewbacca cake candle. So it's a birthday cake candle. Oh, and it is magnificent. So thank you, Kev. It is absolutely magnificent. And so he looks kind of fabulous in that candle. like He does. I mean, i look at that big old bushy beard.
but Check that out. like a Huge, a huge Chewbacca handlebar mustache. Yeah. Like that is. It's like he's he's just like he's just done a complete turn and it's like I'm because I'm worth it. You know, it's like a a hair conditioner commercial. Exactly. Exactly. He's absolutely beautiful. Anyway. um So Lucy took one look at it and said, oh, it's amazing we can stick it on the cake. We can stick it on your cake. I said, A, it's an antique, and B, what Kev wrote in his note, he actually means that. He actually means that. i I send him up the wall. He climbs the wall every time we go somewhere and I start ripping out open packaging and everything. And his teeth grind. I promise you, I'm not joking. So no, and Kev, thank you very much, and I promise you,
And how did you respond to when you said that? i would love that i would like I would love to see Lucy's face when you were like, it's an antique. Oh, she's sad. She's had but she's had she's had over 30 years of me, so she just looks at me as it and then just accepts it and and and walks on. It's like, yeah, okay. she's okay She said, of of course it is. Yeah, exactly, exactly.
No, she's used to me, mate. She's used to me. Oh, that's brilliant. Thank you so much. Thank you, mate. That's really, really... ten next week may i didn't It's not a spare. You get to a certain age where they they don't become special anymore. So I wasn't expecting any of that at all. So thank you very much indeed. Thank you. You got to add to the bootleg Chewbacca collection, man. That's like... Not a collection, sorry. You're not you're not collecting. and I know, I know, I know. Well, it's not, it's not that it's bootleg. Bootleg at the moment is my, bootleg at the moment is my, I find i find it brilliant, absolutely brilliant. um But it's

Corrections and Interests

also the quirky stuff. You know, rather than the gotta get them all, you know, kind of black series, it's also the quirky stuff. Like like that like that chewy, like that Monster Mash chewy. I love that stuff.
Um, so yeah, no, thank you very much. Indeed. It's it's completely up my alley Completely at my alley a couple of things. Um before we go on to news and stuff. Um, a couple of corrections or sorry Correcting myself rather than mistakes. I made um last week on the on the on the on the pod was um We were talking about two things. First of all was um We were talking about trailers I'd seen, and I'd seen the trailer for Strange New Worlds, Star Trek Strange New Worlds, but when I listened to the pod back, I always listen every now and again to to find out how we sound or to work out how we sound. I said Brave New Worlds, and of course Brave New World is ah is an Old as Huxley book um from quite a few years ago. I did make, oh of course it is, yeah, yeah. um But I did of course mean Strange New Worlds, not not Brave New Worlds. And the other one was we were talking about um
interest waning um between seasons of of of programs. So between seasons when there's such a protracted time between one season and the next, my interest or my enthusiasm for the next series somewhat drops off. And of course, I didn't mean rings of power. I meant wheel of time. um No one would have noticed. They probably thought I was talking about, of course, the Lord of the Rings stuff. I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about wheel of time.
um which I really enjoyed the first season but it was so long for the second season to turn up I ah kind of lost interest and i haven't I haven't seen it yet but it's neither here nor there but for my own sanity I just wanted to correct myself on that one. And the last thing I was going to talk about is something I've discovered this week and um
you'll You'll roll your eyes. You'll roll your eyes and say Andy. Yeah, we've I know exactly what you're talking about. Have you? You do you know what tactical patches are? Yeah tactical patches, right? Okay, fine any I know exactly what you're talking about yeah Right. Okay, so um, so I am I don't know i had a I had a day trying sorting out sorting out the house and sorting out putting everything in boxes so that we could get this room done for Lucy and everything I came across I um I was given a new bag from work, it really, really great rucksack, which is going to be really convenient for Japan because it it it travels small, but it expands big and it, but it's still quite sturdy. It's got, you know, the big old, the big old, um, uh, straps on it. So it's it's a really, really comfortable and brand new, brand new rucksack. And, um, on the back of it is a, a patch that comes off obviously with Velcro back and everything. And I said, well, I'm not, I'm not going to.
I'm not going to wear that because it's ah it's ah it's a company branded patch. It's like i'm I'm damned if I'm going to wear that. I'll go and look for some. My God, I've fallen down a rabbit hole of tactical patches. oh yeah especially Especially the rubber ones. Damn, I should have brought it to the shed, but I've left it down in the down in the house. But these these ah PVC rubber tactical patches that you know you put in your hat. I wouldn't say I've started collecting, but I've I bought one. It turned up. I thought, oh, that can replace the work one. um That'll look quite good because it's Star Warsy and a little bit. It's not. It's not. It's a little bit.
It's not too much. it's it's right to way it's a scutt It's a skull actually. It's a su it's a it's um quite a well-known fan art cartoon of a skull with ah with a um a pilot's helmet on it. um kind it's set and it's but But it's made out of, rather than it being obviously embroidered, it's made out of this PVC stuff. and it's it's It's really sharp. It's really, really good. and I really, really like it. So um I keep finding them now. I keep finding them and thinking because because they're removable, I can rip one off one day and put another one on another day and then rip one off another day and put another one on. It's it's like I've discovered firemate. and i i know I know it's simple. The simple things in life these days ah make me happy, but i've yeah, i've I've fallen down the rabbit hole of my own tactical patch.
It's like you found your new jewelry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have a couple hats that i that I have. That's how I know those because I have like the. ah Yeah, yeah. Like a rip one off and put a different one on. It is it is for people who are interested in this. It is a very. Make sure if you are so if you are new to it, for people who are new to it, make sure you look at the places that are selling them, especially if they're like making them custom, because some of them. the So they come from like a tactical Like, especially over here, it's a lot very ah tactical guns, tactical. Right. So people will wear them like their their vests and stuff. And so some of those companies are shitbags. So um if there's if there's a company that you're looking at, it's like, oh, these are kind of neat. And also if there's like if you're not really sure what something means, I would make sure to look it up because some of those are the companies that sell ah some of those alt right dudes that you were talking about a little bit ago.
That's also where they get some of those things. Okay. No, no. Yeah, I i think this is a. Yeah, I think this is a. I mean, it was an it was a Amazon. There's some if there's some school and I was in marketplace. Yeah, yeah, that's fine. But I know there's some companies that are like, whoa. Oh, we're going to we're going to have ah the Punisher logo with.
Whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Messaging we have. OK. But yeah, no I do like them. They are cool. They are cool, though. I just found it fascinating, because I know that, you know, I'm in awe of people like Catherine, for example. She's got that denim jacket that she, yeah which is her which is her um um ah con jacket with all of the patches on and everything. And I'm thinking, well, A, it looks good on you, and B, I'm don't look, there are some things that just aren't a good look for a man in in his early 50s. It's not a good look. and Unfortunately, that's one of those good looks. and I thought, you know I'd love a bit of that. and Then I hear, you know I listen to you guys talking about some of the um the pins that you collect and stuff like that. and um

Podcast Progress and News

um and that doesn't hasn't really really appealed to me but this yeah i honestly i've like i said i've discovered fire for myself it's uh it's a it's a revelation anyway um so that's been my week mate um birthday yay work boo writing really boo and um and discovering tactical patches that's just middle of the road no yay or boo just Flatline in the matches. 40 minutes. And we haven't even talked about anything yet. Check us out. and What am I gonna do? Go work on my deck? I got nothing better to do. News. What have you picked up in the news this week?
yeah One of the US gymnastics guys who won gold. yeah He's also really good at rocket league. I which is a game that I used to play obsessively. Which is car soccer for those who don't know. Yeah, that's that's fine. I think there was also that Jew law article that I've already forgot what he talked about, but it just talks about skeleton crew and I'm sure everybody's read it. If you want to talk to it, we talked about that last week, mate.
Do we? I don't know. I don't know what's going on in the news. I spend most of my time outside getting sawdust in my eyes. What have you heard in the news? Well, ironically, I've cheated a little bit in the... The only thing I heard during the week was that Star Wars Outlaws, the new game that's coming out at the end of... Are we in August yet? Yeah, end of this month. Very excited.
Excited about that. They've announced two DLC packs one coming out I believe in the in the autumn time frame and one coming out or the full time frame one coming out and early next year the first I don't know the names of them, um but the first featuring Lando as a as a
as a character within the story of that first DLC, and the second being Hondo, Hondo Monaka. I'm excited for both. I'm excited for both, especially Hondo, actually, although the Lando stuff is- That reminds me. Oh, sorry. I've been trying to remember to ask you about this for like a month and a half now, but I don't take notes. So, but good thing you talk about stuff because this reminds me. Do you think, like, not that, I don't wanna steal a Scruffy's thing and I don't wanna do it predictions, but- Do you think Hondo Naka is going to show up in skeleton crew? Because I do. I hope so. It's the right with the whole pirate, the whole pirate thing. Oh, with with Chumpy that with the guy that just its connection to pirates and stuff. And I'm like, oh, my God, are we going to get it? Yeah, isn't isn't the bad isn't the bad guy, the pirate that used to work for that?
Mossman that was that that moss pirate in season three. Yeah. Yeah. No, you could be right. You could be right. But also I think he's the kind of character as well that would be well received for a, for a, a show that's targeted at younger audience. he's a but say he know He's a voice actor. I always forget his name. He is in every kid's show from like Mike. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But he's, he's awesome. And he's, he's a swashbuckling bugger. He's a, he's a, he's up to Skalduggery, you know, he's, he's, um,
Yeah, no, I can, I could see that actually. I really like that. I mean, they've already got the the the the the live action look because they have them in, uh, galaxy's edge. and Yeah. in the money falcon ride So it's like, it's not like it's hard to make them there. I was going to say, isn't the, I've never done it, but isn't there, um ah there's an animatronic condo, isn't there? When you walk through the ride, but actually there's, um, isn't there a,
a made up actor as well on the on the video video. God, what year are we in on the screens that are in the. um Don't laugh at me on the screens that are in the in the ride as well. You see you see live action, true live action. Hondo, I think I i don't. remember I don't remember about the having VD thing, but if you.
I do know that there's an animatronic one on the the Millennium Falcon ride. Smuggler's run and he's he's all moving. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They got it. I got it. I'm not one who's who's like a who's like, oh, got to keep the same voice actor. Like I'm not that kind of person. But with him, with Hondo, I feel like that is the voice is so much.
the character, I'm like, I i do hope that like they would keep him, what is his name? Ando Onaka, voice. Jim Cummings. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, they do, they do. they have um they have a They have an actor that played the... um that plays the video sections of that ride, number one, and number two, that that sometimes that live actor actually goes outside in the in the park itself as well. So there you go. They do have one. Yeah, it looks like it. Looks like it. Well, yeah, I hope he's in it. I think that'd be so like, I'm not a big cameo. Like, Oh, look, it's, it's, ah it's people from the bar and a new hope. Neat.
Like I'm not that kind of person like, oh, I love cameo, cameo wars. But I think that would be one where it's like. Hondo and Naka in live action, just because it's so like inconsequential. And I just like that character, especially in a kid's show. I think that'd be cool. But anyways, I didn't mean to derail that whole thing. I've just been trying to remember. No, no, no, it's fine weeks. No, no, no, it's fine. I'm going to, I'm going to send you the picture now. Um. That I found, but yeah, they've, they've, they've got pictures of him walking around the place. Um.
So that was that. ah Sorry, that that's the only news I picked up apart from this morning. And this is the my cheap part. um I noticed on, yeah, I jumped into X. I noticed on X that um Rick was um touting a pretty credible rumor that suggested that um we might get a um trailer for a skeleton crew tomorrow.
Oh yeah. D23 for sure. You guarantee it. Oh, is it on now? No, I'm just saying I bet. No, no, no, no. I'm, I'm, I am using my, I'm not connected to anything. I'm going with my gut intuition to sneak positively and affirmatively like, Oh, let's, yes, we are absolutely going to get one of those. No, no, no. I mean, is D23 on now? Has it already started? I, I think it's, I just typed. It starts tomorrow. I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. Sorry. You typed what?
D24, I was gonna make a D24 joke and I actually typed in. I was like, why don't I know why I- Excellent. Excellent. It starts tomorrow. There's probably a day for review day or something, but- Okay. But yeah, I think with it being so kid focused, I think that is why it's gonna be D23, yeah. That makes sense. That really, really makes sense. um Sorry, I'm going back to your previous point about, I never even thought about Hondo.
That does make sense because he was, he was a comedic element to the, um, he was, you know, a comedic element to the whole thing. Now that's really cool. Um, I like that. I like that a lot. So how have you, but I've just sent you the, uh, the pic I found by the way. Um, where are we? Let's go back to business, shall we? Um, and so if we don't have any more, any more news, um,
We were gonna talk a little bit about something that we were gonna watch at the same time or watch together and then talk about it this week. So if we

TV Show Reflections

leave all of that stuff to the end, um what have you been watching? Apart from that, what have you been watching, listening and reading this week? So I haven't been reading anything. Been watching a lot of YouTube, a lot of YouTube recently. I did watch, I did watch, um try I don't want to get to those ones yet. I'm thinking. A lot of time I've been listening to i've watch time bandits. I watched the first episode. Yeah. But we can save that for when you talk. Yeah, let's let's save that because we did we did. We're going to explain a certain change in tactic. Yeah, we have to explain what happens. And we'll do it. We'll do that later on. We'll do that later on.
Yeah, what else? I'm trying to think. I'm gonna remember something as you're talking, but other than that, I think it's been a lot of YouTube with some of the cool stuff coming out. I watched a little bit of the Olympics, mostly highlights, and I've been watching a lot of memes on Instagram, and I really should stop. I should really get off of there, but it's so fun. And I apologize to anybody who listens to the podcast that I just constantly send memes to. It's probably good that you're not on there, because I'd be sending you stuff all day long,
Um, but if you're somebody who listens to the podcast and you'd like me to send you memes, let me know. I can send, I can send you funny memes that are tailored to your interests all day long. Like I send Catherine cat videos, funny cat videos all the time. Um, so yeah, that's, I've been spending way too much time on there.
um I saw me off one thing. One thing. It's not really what I watch. It's kind of kind of what I watched. We do this like music on the beach thing here. um I've been going to that every Thursday tonight. We're out on the lake. They have like ah a hotel, like a little hotel place has free. Come sit on the beach in your lawn chairs and they have a band out there playing different types of music every week. I've been doing that. Nice. So you just sit there and you get to hang out and we ride our bikes there and we get ah get a little enhanced for the experience. yeah last Last time we brought we got we went to Costco and we got these like packages of raw salmon slices. I don't know what you call them, but they're like fancy salmon where they're all like flavored differently. And we took some cream cheese and a little cooler backpack and rode our bikes out there. Then ate like cream cheese on crackers with salmon. and Oh, nice. That's delightful. Had a good old time. Nice, nice. I'm quite jealous of that actually.
I couldn't tell you what music I played, but it was a good time. It's not the point, it's the vibe really more than anything else, isn't it? And the fact you're relaxing and the fact that it's a work night as well, that's fantastic. I'd love to do that. Love to do that. So um yeah, so um because of work, unfortunately, ah my A lot of things have been on hold. So the stuff I was watching, so Cobra Kai, the ones who lived and obviously our ongoing saga with Scrubs, that is being put on hold or was put on hold this week because works has been mental. um I was had every endeavor to start the Umbrella Academy.
um That's been put on hold that hasn't happened yet, um and I'm already seeing spoilers on online Around the finale because it's the last and final season so I've got to try and avoid that stuff as best I can and of course being um Being is it on Netflix yeah Netflix I think it is Or is it prime I can't remember anyway all of the episodes have been dumped in one go and which is like, oh no, no, no, no, no. So I'm gonna have to try my best to kind of avoid that because I do like the Umbrella Academy an awful lot, despite the fact it is one of those series that has, the seasons are massively spaced apart. As a result- Do you ever wonder why they still do that? Do you ever wonder why they still just do a big dump when it seems so many people have moved away from it? Like, why are they still- I don't know, man. I don't know, man. No idea, no idea at all.
um I'm trying to work that out. I mean, I've been trying to work out why they do it, but also what I'd prefer. ah We talked a little bit about it last week, didn't we? um um I'm not sure. I'm not sure. And then of course, I i did i did commit myself to watching um the yeah the Snyder Cut of rap Rebel Moon.
um That unfortunately is also on the back burner as we speak at this moment in time, but it will happen It's a scientific experiment and I will I will I will happen However, there was some some things that I did watch. The first thing was as soon as August the first came about we got our Apple TV back Great got Apple TV back and the first thing I did because um Our buddy Turbo, thank you Turbo. This is the first of many comments for this evening um or many thanks to you this evening. Our buddy Turbo, recommend martin um you might remember me talking about a program or a series I like called called Silo and then you recommended um Severance and then he recommended Dark Matter because I was really, really getting into the sci-fi and the
yeah the the darker sci-fi stuff that that Apple seems to do do really, really well. And then obviously on top of that, there were other things as well. Anyway, point being is um um He recommended this show and I really thoroughly enjoyed it. I was really worried about it because it is quite harrowing in place at times and very, very desperate and very, very, very prolonged. So if you remember the story very quickly, I'll remind you, um it's a scientist um who has able to or able to manipulate the multiverse. And for various reasons, a bad version of him um manipulates the multiverse to
to and basically messes it up for an awful lot of other um of the same guy in other multiverse as well. It's a heroin story about this guy trying to get home, but it concludes so satisfactorily. It really, really does. Now, I don't know whether they're planning a season two or not. It's one of those series that I kind of wish they won't. Do you know what I mean? Sorry, I kind of hope they don't yeah because it it it ended so very satisfactorily and really, really tied up, but it did obviously leave lots and lots of questions about other people that were impacted by this, by the cause of events that were happened. And so, you know, there are, is there a possibility of a season two? Yeah, I guess it would make sense, but I hope they don't
if you like, just extend the story that they told with more drama. Yeah, yeah, just with more drama and more and more bad luck happening to the same person because I think that person's story was wrapped up really beautifully. But I really enjoyed that. So thank you, Turbo. and um and we And we talked a couple of times about just how harrowing it is halfway through the yeah the season because everything is so very, very desperate. It's really well played. It's played by the chap that, I forgot his name, plays a younger version of um Uncle Owen. I can't remember the

Creative Sparks and Challenges

guy's name now. Anyway, um that was good.
I've been listening to,
I've been listening to um what Dreams are made of and the reason why I've been listening to them is they've they've they've they've come back and they've got a new season and they're looking at ah these are the two guys that are really into their prop collecting um with ridiculous amounts of disposable money.
And I've been listening to them and catching up on a few of their episodes recently, which I found interesting, um mainly to find out recently, there was recently there was a heritage auctions auction, and um they sold a wywing, a an authentic or real um a model. hope that was used in a new how and it sold for one point think it was one point four million something like along those lines and i wondered if it was one of these guys because they're avid collectors of that and in fact one of them was the guy that last year
bought the um bought the x-way the um the hero x wing that was used for read three, four and five, I think it was because they just changed the decals on it while they're filming. But it wasn't him in the end. But yeah, it's interesting stuff, different world though, man, different, different world, way too much money. And then what I've listening but i've been listening to, um so what what else I've been listening to, I hinted a little bit a little bit about earlier on, um I've been listening to you,
and our buddies, Ed and Chris, talk about talk about um your your love and your desire for model making. Three very, very different perspectives. You're approaching it from strictly a a model um and and a larger scale, shall we say. Ed's coming in from the wargaming side of things. And of course, Chris is coming in it from the scratch building.
Stuff and the expertise is showing in that in that area and i found i found listening to you guys absolutely fascinating and um yeah i mean it's the secrets out the back now yeah um i i did kind of i was ah the idea was i was gonna join join you guys while you were paused um and just so that i could you know we could say hi and raise a glass to each other for my birthday. But um yeah, I stayed on and listened and had put his foot in it to try and ask me a question halfway halfway through the second quarter. Anyway, it was... um He wanted you to feel included.
Yeah, I know. But I thought it was really, really good. And i think you I think you guys have really got something there. I found it so fascinating and so interesting. And it got me thinking about a few things um about how much I miss the creative side of um of me. um And maybe I should get back into it again. and I used to yeah You know this already. ah well well i used i used to The reason why I don't is it because it used to be work for me. so I'm actually, despite what I do now for a living, I'm a qualified product designer. and I was you know designing in these you know working in these design pools, um designing video phones and ah rock rock climbing equipment and stuff like that. Are you good in CAD? Are you good in AutoCAD?
Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty good. oh Yeah, but but and become best friends old, old, old, old AutoCAD. Um, but an awful lot of it. Oh, we can get, we can have a conversation about semantics, ergonomics, and aesthetics at some point as well. What do you, what do you think of my sand, my sandpaper disc holder? I'm i'm still working on it. I gotta make some more dividers with it. Very, very good. Very, very good. No, no glue tight, tight notches. It's all held together through pressure. You know, it's nice. Yeah. Anyways.
That's podcast. i didn't even um Very, very good. No, very, very good. indeed No, it no, it just got me thinking about that. And um the reason why I haven't touched anything like that, because it was work. And I think about when we had to go to, when we had to create concept models. so um There was something that I did for my studies actually were called a rock dot, which is basically was ah a rescue pack for for mountain climbers, um which was not it was it was meant to be um as cumbersome as if you like, mountain climbing equipment, but it kept all of the appropriate kit that they needed to if they got themselves injured or they
were suffering from hypothermia or what have you, in in one area which foot was formed around the yeah that the body. But the production side of things, sorry, the modeling side of things after all the you know nice rendering and everything is done, in those days, rendering was done by hand with magic markers. is that That's how old, are that's how far back I'm going. So you had to be good at ah rendering with magic markers.
and um But then you had to create ah ah you had to create a concept model so you could take an injection molding or ah a vacuum mold from that. um And it had to be absolutely perfect.
And so I'd be in spray booths and it wouldn't be right. I'd i'd be in spray booths and I have to rub it back and it wouldn't be right. And the the color, the Pantone color had to be absolutely perfect. And unlike what I found interesting about what you guys had, which was that you can, you need to distress it. You need it to look weathered and everything. This had to be as if it was fresh, bought off a shelf at Costco, for example. um But, and it was such, it was so,
mundane and I wouldn't say boring, but mundane and frustrating that I got out of the industry. I just, I just, I'm not, I'm not, I would never make a very, very good product designer because I don't have that kind of patience. I don't have that. I don't have the inclination to, to, to, to, to love my, to love my work that much. But listening to you guys made me think, oh, you can make mistakes. In fact,
you're meant to make mistakes. And in fact, you kind of let the paints work for you as opposed to controlling the paint. So it's absolutely, you know, um i think it's a diamond finish.
I have that, I have that similar, similar experiences as well. It's like, I mean, obviously I build websites for my friends, but also not just that, but like the creative side, the, like I used to work for, uh, I've, I've worked for multiple, like professional printer, like printing companies, whether it was my, uh, uh, screen printing, one of the first places I worked where we did the, the, the decals for like the team Honda dirt bikes for like supercross and motocross and things like that, where.
It and sucks the light of your soul out because they're like, oh, this this red is one Pantone shade off of the thing. It's like it looks the same. It's the same man. Like I know just saying the word Pantone makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and it's like I hate I hate it. I hate what we're talking about. I don't know what it is. But but I think that's the difference. It's like, and and I encourage you to do whatever you want. But I'd love to see you get back into creative because it's like, oh, it's not that it's always about work, but it's like it's who's who's defining the requirements.
is the biggest change for me. It's like, oh, if my friends are defining it like in their flexible or that flexibility there, it makes a huge difference versus like a corporate entity or whatever who are like rigid in their ways. And they are unrelenting in even if it's irrational or unreasonable. um We'll see what we're seeing.
yeah We'll see, we'll see. ah Sorry, going back to colours, yeah, I can remember working, I can remember some clients actually having the paint for their own colour and so difficult back then because a lot of it wasn't digital. um So, so difficult getting it right and getting it right and getting it right and then the process somehow alters the the colour.
yeah You know the um the quality of the or so that the density of the material that you print it was Yeah, I i feel you brother. It was absolutely nightmare. And like I said that that very much put me off um um I'm thinking about it because one of the one of the things that um before I got into product design I did an awful lot of um it's one of the things I did at school actually was ah my favorite my favorite medium is um is pastels you know puels um and using pastels with... um and I used to do an awful lot of portraits and stuff and I haven't touched one in years, absolutely years. So that might be my way back in and just and just and just in just getting back into it. But for me, it's more about you know you you this week in particular, you finish the working day and it's like, Jesus, it's hard.
And then I get to the weekend and I'm and i'm and i'm exhausted. you know you You spend the weekend recuperating. groupwri And then you realize that, oh shit, apart from working my ass off and and and chatting to you once a week, I don't really have much else at the moment going on. like This is the perfect opportunity for me yeah to get stuck in. so yeah like i mean i can i can Excuse the noise in the background, guys. but that's why role they're always hit set ma I It's all...
So that way, when I do get the inclination, it's like, I don't have the burden of like, okay, go find the modeling stuff. It's like, no, it's right here. It's ready to go. I got it. I got it. I said to Lucy, i'd be I said to Lucy one a few years back, you know, I should get back into, I should get back into just sketching and and again, and and she bought me all this stuff and it's just still sitting here and it's cellophane. It's still, it needs to be it needs to be broken open. So yeah, you guys are an inspiration. so um you know You never know. Yeah, you never know. You never know. You never know. But now I've thoroughly enjoyed it, mate. And I think I really, really

Time Bandits Series Discussion

am. I really hope you guys keep it going because it it really, really is good. um I think we need to do a bit of work on the on the visual side of it because it is a podcast. So you're going to have to think about, you know, how do we, how do we give context to folks that are really interested in what you're talking about? um But yeah, outside of that, I mean, yeah
You know, your yeah your debut episode I thought was, was absolutely rocking. Anyway, i'm gonna appreciate that that's what I've been listening to. That's what I've been listening to. Um, okay. So, um, now some explanation, but you remember folks last week that I talked to Sean about finding something that we could watch together so that we had something in common that we could talk about and analyze and et cetera, et cetera.
At the time I chose Time Bandits. Now Time Bandits is a 1980s famous film ah directed by telly Terry Gilliam, famous of of Monty Python fame. um And it's a childhood favorite of mine um for various reasons. And it's been remade by Taika Waititi and his partner,
um his partner in crime which is bear with me one second his partner in crime both of them together you'll remember actually um we're the creators of what we do in the shadows but his partner in crime is germane clement um and they've done their own take on time bandits now time bandits is to make it very very clear a children's story It's a very, very it's a it's a charming children's story. And the TV show is a charming children's story. That's a little bit a little bit Tycho esque in the the humors.
very very dry in places and very very overtly comedic in others um but it's relatively relatively safe I would say it's a good yarn it really is and it's actually something you could actually show children um um and it's a yeah but it's very very safe whereas the original time bandits I would suggest is probably not appropriate for certainly young kids because there is a humor to it, albeit a very similar storyline than what's been shown now. It's a really, really perverse sense of humor. It is Python-esque. It is a warped sense of humor, um and it's quite scary in places, um and it's very, very, very, very different.
um and Am I disappointed? No, because somebody else's take on something that I love. But I don't think... ah We both watched the first two episodes.
um We'll talk about what we thought in a second, but I think both of us reached the conclusion, maybe this is not, doesn't have enough meat on it for us to discuss with any earnest on a weekly basis. I will carry it on because why <unk> I've read one or two the of the of the reviews, the professional reviews, um not the heartbleaders, but the professional reviews. And it it does seem to get better and um um progress, but, um Yes, and what do you think, mate? You can definitely tell it's a kid's show. I think there is... i'm gonna I'm gonna watch the whole thing. I don't think it's worth actively discussing weekly, like you mentioned.
there is there's something I kind of picked up on during the first episode that I don't want to attribute to Taika Waititi but like hearing you talk about the original and kind of how it had like a more perverse money python kind of humor but it's also kind of for kids it's like it's it's like they've tried to do that same thing but the formula the formula is off to me it's it's It's a very, like, cause there's some parts where it's like, okay, this is very kid oriented, very hokey, hokey. I use hokey that's not as a negative, but it's like, it's very safe for kids, but then it'll take a hard right turn.
And it'll be like like it doesn't do that 80s and 90s 90s kind of like.
um Never ending story kind of like darkness, dark crystal doesn't do that like that kind of kids scary. Well, like it's like they they haven't figured out that formula of like, how do you make a kid show, but also make it like more intense or darker or it's It's like, there's just like something weird about the formula of like, oh, we want it to be entertaining to adults too. But like, we kind of just miss the mark in some ways. So it it just kind of comes across as like, disjointed. So like, the parts with the kid are very good and very kid oriented. But then it gets to be like, germane Clement, and like, all that stuff. And it's like, what the hell is going on? And I will and I will be honest,
This isn't a negative, but it's like there is, I am not a big Lisa Kudrow fan. I think there's just something about the way she brings Phoebe to every character she plays and stuff. Like, or at least a lot of stuff that I've seen. There's probably other fantastic works, but it's like there's just something about I wish they would have gone with a different actor for that role because all I see is Phoebe. And paul it's weird. Part of the.
Part of the refreshing the refreshing um take that I had when I first watched Time Bandits when I was a kid is that all of the antagon all of the the crew the crew the the crew that have rebelled against um the Supreme Being, um they're all played by dwarfs.
um or little people. um um Peter Dinklage calls himself a dwarf, so i'm i'm ah i' I hope that is the correct term. But the point being is um is um they're all they're all played by by dwarfs, those roles, and they're some usual suspects in that in that in that in that list of, you'll recognize quite a few of them um from various roles where, if you like,
they've been somewhat more exploit they've been exploited even more. Whereas in in the in the original film of of of Time Bandits, they are the stars of the, of the along with obviously Kevin, the yeah the the young boy. um but But they are the stars of the programme and they make it for me. um And it was a different take. it was it wasn't it wasn't My heroes weren't six foot, good looking,
men and female men and women. They were this ragtag crew of of dwarves that were treated but like slaves by the by by who you'll find out who this you know the the the the the Supreme Being is. And um and um it it that in itself rocked me a little bit. um But like you,
and then they and then they And then they tried their hardest to kind of replicate the individuality that that team had back in the original film. And for me, it didn't land right. But then again, I've got a point of reference. So therefore, I don't want to be judgmental on it because my preference, you know, and we're all allowed we're all allowed different opinions and I respect everyone's opinion.
um um
it it it didn't land with me, um but I'm not going to knock it. I am going to watch it. And like I said, it's got some really, really good write-ups. I was expecting it to be bashed, from particular particularly from reviewers of my generation, but there's a heck of a lot of people. It couldn't have landed at the right time as well, because obviously it's summer. It's summer, certainly for everyone in the, for all the school kids in the in Northern heaven's Hemisphere at the moment. And so, um yeah, it's, um Yeah, I'm going to finish watching it, but I don't think it... It's not... It doesn't have enough substance, I don't think, to discuss every single week. Yeah, it doesn't it doesn't get its hooks in you. I think that's my biggest... It's my criticism. that's like I'm sure it's going to be good if I watch the whole thing, but i'm like those first two episodes, is there's nothing that makes me want... If it was just whatever I pulled it on, it i watch I probably would have watched the first episode, but this isn't for me. I don't...
I don't have a desire to see where this goes. Like there was no no major, major hook there, but I'm going to finish it because I'm, I'm curious to see where it goes. Um, especially so we could talk about it when we're, when we're done to see how it compares. Um, since it is getting glowing reviews, but yeah, it's definitely not something that's like, Oh, I wonder what's going to happen next week. It's like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. See what happens. But so, um, yeah. So I'm going to keep that go. I'm going to keep that going, but, but, but.
We'll just check in every now and again on that one. So in my once I'd started watching it and I i was just thinking to myself, can we make you know can we make this an episode? Can we make an episode content out of this stuff?
just so happened to be on IM with, again, our buddy Turbo, second shout out. he's He's either got to come on or we really do need him to to be like our roving reporter with bulletins every now and again. um But the point being is that is that I was IM with him and I was like, ah i yeah Sean and I are watching it at the moment. I'm not sure if it's something that we can use as a main topic of discussion. He said, okay,

Discovering 'Sunny'

so you know, you And as I said before, an awful lot of the content that he's recommended to me on Apple TV, I've really, really enjoyed. And he said, check out Sunny. And so I very quickly sent you an IM and said, Hey, had this recommendation from from Turbo. Let's check out Sunny. So, um, I've watched the first episode and I have to say I'm absolutely loving it. It's nothing like.
I thought it was in the first 10 minutes of of starting to watch it. What about yourself? i'm I am very excited to watch more. um it's it's It does have that hook. And I know it's a different audience. And it's not just because it's it's for adults. um i i didn't the go and I went into it knowing absolutely nothing. So all I'd seen was just the the Apple TV header for it.
um i am pleasantly surprised. It seems a very it seems different than most Apple TV content. I i think that's refreshing and new because they do tend to stick with the sci fi vertical. They tend to stick with the like a feel good kind of comedy or feel good kind of stuff vertical that this kind of like a twenty four and everything that that and that distributor name kind of brings with it doesn't seem to be their bread and butter. and But I'm happy that this is there. And I think this is, I think once people more people catch on to it, I think it's, from I've only watched one episode, but I think it's gonna be, I say that when severance is a thing, but like this seems more in the camp of severance. Maybe even more, like more rate more intense than severance.
um So so without without giving away any spoilers for those people that may want to now watch it, set it up. What what what would you say the premise of the season is?
Um, it's it's kind of it's Rashida Jones. So that's already a huge plus two thumbs up yeah already ah because she's I love I love her. um It's a a future or an alternate future kind of backdrop a 24 that should give you a kind of a set up Rashida Jones is in Japan. It's kind of futuristic. There's technology that doesn't exist um and You're kind of piecing together what has happened to her or things like that. And it's, it's just kind of eerie and like, you don't really know what's going on. Kind of futuristic. Kind of reminds me of a not quite blade runner, but it's very. Hmm. I would say there's an element of cyberpunk in there. Yeah. Like a cyberpunk kind of like an I robot.
kind of a Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's almost- Very topical. Very topical with the conversations of AI and things like that. It's in the future, but it's, well, A, it's set in Tokyo for start. Secondly, it's in the future, but not the distant future. It's relatable. It really is relatable. It's really, really good.
What surprised me the most? I mean, if anyone looks at look looks looks it up or looks at a trailer, you'll know that Sunny is the name of this utility robot. Can we call it that, u utility droid? Essentially- A homebot. A homebot after our hero,
is left on her own. She's on her own, and she is left with this home bot, this you know all-seeing, all-dancing utility bot. And she uncovers what she thinks is a a conspiracy, or a not conspiracy, but but there is something wrong. There's weird stuff that's happening. There's something that's off. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And without giving it away, um because I really, really am excited and maybe we should think about actually um after we've given the synopsis and how we feel about it, maybe have a spoiler section. But the the first 10 minutes of the program, I thought it's going to be quite cutesy because this utility robot or this home bot is um is very, very cute. It's very. um
um It's like a. But a very bloated, um cute looking. And the right that's like hitchhiker's guide like the big. But with no legs. Yeah. it Yeah. It looks like it looks like. um Yeah, it looks like what's his name? Paranoid Android.
um Oh, is it Marvin? Marvin the Paranoid Android? Anyway, point being is, um yeah, it's it's it's it's very comedic looking or very cute looking with this very delightful digital face and You get to know pretty quickly that all is not what it seems um with the robot itself either. So it very, very quickly makes you realize actually this is not something else is going on here. There's something quite sinister going on here. um There's an awful lot.
to be answered in the course of the season. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I love that about something that is so ridiculously cute. Um, so yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I really, really am. And I think it's something that you and I can pretty easily get behind. Um, I mean, crikey, we're already an hour and hour and hour and 30 into the, into the app. And yeah, I mean, if that, if that becomes our, the thing that we come together on every week, i I'll be really happy with that. So thank you turbo. Yeah.
It better not disappoint us or nothing or nothing. but We're going to talk about Costco next week as well. Yes, I do have a pre I do have a preview of what I'm going to be listening to this week in preparation for next week. I have a little i'll go on because I did pick up an album or record this last week. Oh, nice. It's a vinyl of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1980s.
cartoon, it's an LP. I've got to stop hanging around with you guys. You are getting me down. I i didn't start this until recently. These rat rat holes that I'm not going to get out of. between Between you and Chris with a vinyl art and crafts and bootleg toys, I'm going to be broke.
or divorced or maybe both. I'm just going to run out of room. That's my biggest issue.
Okay, mate. I think We've done really well. Done really, really well. Thank you for talking to me, mate. It's been a weird old way. Do you think it'd be a good idea to like set an expect? Because i I could very easily go watch the rest of Sunny. I think there's like six or seven episodes out now. Oh, really? Should we set a restriction on it and say like, let's watch episodes two and three and then come back and and talk about those? Like, so if the listeners, are our four listeners want to watch the first three episodes and come back at the same point,
and we can discuss and hypothesize. I really want to get i really want to ah really want to get turbo on. I know um i know i know i know we shouldn't be organizing the pod in real time well we're but we're while we're casting, but I really want to... Thinking about these recommendations that I would love if we can if we can make three time zones align, I would love for us to talk about Yeah, to answer your question, yeah, let's do let's do a couple, talk about it next week. but Let's do a series roundup as well, because I'd love to talk to him about dark matter, because I feel like I'm um on my own. not on my Well, app you know I feel like I don't have many people that I can talk to about it.
um Yeah. For all mankind as well, he's but I'm sure he's watched that as well. There's so much stuff on Apple plus that that's apple TV sorry that he's watched. We've got to wait this work. You're just going to disappoint us if you say no.
excuse Yeah, let's let's do let's do let's do a couple let's do a couple more um and let's just keep in contact throughout the week because I would like to start being able to talk to you
and talk about what actually happened during the episodes um and, and warning folks that if they want to, watch you know, if they want to watch it, and then now's the time to switch off the podcast because we are going to be talking about the content. But yeah, I'm really enjoying it. And with, you know, it's another, it's another one of those shows that with, you know, well, for me, it feels like, um, celebrations only around a corner and around the corner. It seems, it seems so relevant to be watching something like this at the moment. I'm excited, mate. Yes. Me too.
im excited Another one in the bag, my friend. yes yes yes yes Shall we wrap it up? Thank you very much, folks. um As usual, ah thank you for listening. Thank you to, in particular, for listening to me rambling on about various things. um costco Probably don't make much sense at all. um Appreciate your time. Appreciate your friendship. Look after each other. Take care.
Thank you, friends. Reach out to a friend. Tell him you said, tell him you're thinking about him. Eat your vegetables. Thanks for listening. You know how to reach us. so us Send us an email or a voicemail or don't. um It'd be cool if you did. That'd be neat. ah Let us know what you think. Let us know whatever. I don't care. Something. There's other times where I worry that our email's not working, but sometimes I test it and it does work, so.
But yeah, thank you everybody. I do, we do. Hello? Is anyone out there? Hello? If you hear this, email me or otherwise you didn't listen. rob But but no, I do. We do really appreciate the people who reach out and say, like, oh, that was awesome. You guys did a good job. Or hey, your audio is messed up. And it's like, oh, thanks. okay um But yeah, that's not com. ah Until next week, if you want to watch sunny episodes one through three and then come back with us. That's awesome. We can hypothesize and speculate and.
I wanna have fun stuff, but anyways, I'm rambling at this point. and Until next week. Thank you, Andy. I always have fun with this. This is always a good time. Thank you, everybody else. Eat your vegetables. Cheers, guys. Bye. Bye.