Episode 021 - The Rikolyte w/Rik Villanueva image

Episode 021 - The Rikolyte w/Rik Villanueva

S1 E21 ยท Just Shillin'
47 Plays4 months ago

Join us this week for another very special episode featuring Rik Villanueva from the popular podcast Jammed Transmissions. We will dive into topics such as Scavenger's Reign, Under Paris, the Star Wars Outlaws gameplay showcase, and other content we've been watching. We will also have an in-depth discussion about Episode 3 of The Acolyte.

A big thank you to Rik for joining us! You can find him and his wonderful podcast at https://jammedtransmissions.com.

Connect with us through our website https://justshillin.com or send us an email/voicemail at [email protected].

Special thanks to our talented friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

Hello and welcome to a very special episode, episode number 21 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I'm your other host, Andy Bell. And we actually have a very special guest this week. It is the podcast extraordinary ah extraordinaire, the literary genius and the paper shuffler himself, Rick Villanueva. How's it going, buddy? I am doing so well. First and foremost, thank you guys for asking me to come on. And I'm glad we can work the scheduling out. But to be here for episode 21, the show where this
podcast is now able to drink, at least in the States. Woohoo! You know, but we're going to, we're going to, we're going to just pretend to be all kinds of messed up on this one. I'm drinking coffee because I just got off of work and I'm going to be tired in a little bit. I don't want to crash talking to you guys. This ah this is a celebration. This is a celebration of the things we love.
I'm just grateful that you you agree to join us, Rick. I mean, A, I'm in awe of what you do. B, I've never, ever met you before face to face, as it were, albeit virtually. And um you are one of those guys that adds a little bit, in fact, quite a lot of credibility to what we do. So thank you so much for ah deeming us worthy enough. Well, it's kind of you to say, I really appreciate that. And and again, thanks for having me come on in. We're going to talk some fun stuff. I know it. Yeah, it's a it's it's really nice to be able to bring on somebody who's not just reading books for themselves, but they're reading books for the millions, I assume, the millions of us that listen to your pod and can help make it make sense instead of what I used to do, which is basically browse Wikipedia all the time and try to find the answers instead of just reading them myself. It's ah it's a pleasure to have you. Thank you. Thank you.
So let's go through the motions and um let's take Rick through our typically perfectly organized week or a agenda that we normally keep to um very well every week. And um let's ask you first, Rick, what have you been up to this week? um I will move on to a little bit of talk a little bit about the news, what we've picked up on the news, and then I'll ask you what you've been listening to and watching. But your last week, what have you been up to? Anything exciting? Man, there's been so much happening in our humble little house. like We've got a new puppy here. We've had him for just about a month. He's 11 weeks now. His name is Canaan, and he's the best. um So he's getting us up early in the mornings, and just like another big life event for us you know outside of that. My son finished eighth grade yesterday, so kind you know elementary school is done for him. He starts high school in the fall. So we had the big,
Big ceremony for that yesterday. It was a good time. um You know, super proud of him and everything that he's done um over the last couple of years. And just like, you know, a dad moment, going back to the dad motivators thing for us old heads, um you know, being able to talk about my son a little bit is something that brings me a lot of joy it because I am super proud of him. And I'm not just saying this on the pot. I did tell him yesterday, too. um You know, so he knows how I feel about all of that. And um yeah, other than that, you know, like I said, just, you know, busy with the work stuff, you know, trying to catch up on ah a little bit of TV when I do find a little bit of time.
um And a new Star Wars book come out this week that I was able to review a few weeks ago, but I'm glad it's kind of out in the public now, Temptation of the Force, and lots of comic books, you know, Star Wars wires I've been getting into. So I'm one of those dudes that when Canon was kind of reset and the Marvel Comics were starting up again in 2014-15, I said to myself, I said, self, we're going to read everything. And I made this commitment. And there are times when I i get overwhelmed, like I'm a little bit behind on some of the comics, um but I have pretty much held to that as far as can in like all the novels, middle grade and all of that stuff and all the comics.
Um, there's a few, like the younger, younger reader books, like the learning to read type of things that are kind of considered canon that I haven't checked up on. But for the most part, anything that you're going to hear people talking about, I've stepped up on. I fall into that sickle category, like, uh, Catherineine watching, uh, Hawes and Steele do, uh, their things. So. Yeah. you're certainly You're certainly one of the hardest working guys I know. um i I quite often wake up first thing in the morning and there's already yeah a a crack of dawn um part of yours that you've been, where you've been reviewing the latest episode of of of one of one piece of media or or or the other. And um' I'm thinking to myself, this guy's about to go to work. and sometimes Sometimes that's the only time I have to do it is like, I'll get to work. Oh, I see.
Sometimes it's like a parking thing where I, you know, I'll have, you know, 20 minutes, half an hour before I need to actually walk onto the job site. And I'm like, okay, let me gather my thoughts for like a minute, quick recap, refresher, and then just go stream of consciousness. I don't really take a lot of notes, except for when you hear paper shuffling ah when I have time to take notes. um But most of the time I don't. um And it's just kind of like the blessing in the curse of having a good memory, I guess, um that I'm able to kind of do that stuff. But thanks for listening, you know what I mean? like it it It means a lot to know that people are actually out there paying attention to what I have to say. it's it's It's kind of like a must listen to. It's one of those must listens at the moment, especially when it comes down to what we're about to talk about later on in tonight's pod. It's essential for me, who has no background in
an awful lot of the High Republic stuff in particular, but also kind of dropped off general reading. Not everything, but certainly when it comes down to Star Wars canon, I kind of lost my way a little bit after Ronin. I found Ronin quite a hard read. Sorry, we're getting bogged down already, but I found Ronin quite a hard read and lost a lot of interest in reading Star Wars after that. And I need to get back up. Some time off over over july with the family and uh, hopefully relaxing on a beach and that's what i'm hoping to pick up a book again Listen, what about you sean? Oh, sorry. Well if I can say like that's really understandable like It's a time commitment to try to get into the books and comics yeah and sometimes it's not easy a lot I mean, I consider myself lucky that I can go to work pop in an earbud and Listen to an audiobook if I want to or listen to podcasts all day or listen to music if I want to Um, and a lot of people don't have that luxury. So I mean I completely understand
and and And I would hope that with what I'm doing with my show that if people if what I'm saying garners enough interest in the people that are listening to want to check out a book um and to kind of show their love to the authors that are out there um because that they do appreciate everybody that I've talked to like when they see that you know people reaching out to them online like they they gobble it up. um I would I would hope that that's you know at least you know And I say this humbly, you know that the kind of reach that I have, to you know if one person's going out to pick up a book that I recommend, then I'm mission accomplished, I suppose. you know I'm really glad you mentioned audiobook because audiobook changed my life a few years back. um I used to do an awful lot of driving into the office, not so much now, because
I'm quite the hybrid worker these days, but um ah it changed my life. um and I know that there's there are some folk that you know it has to be in the it has to be the written text, um but I discovered um audiobooks are audible in particular as an app um almost by accident and it changed and it changed my life. Not only can I consume quicker um and out of convenience while I was driving or traveling. But I also found some of the production qualities of some of these audio books being absolutely astounding. I mean, typically Mark Thompson, of obviously, but um what was the was the companion book that accompanied solo where they had, it was based around three
Oh, I should have. Is it Last Chance? No, you had Last Shot, which was the the Han Solo. That was a comic, wasn't it? No, that was a novel. But then there was Most Wanted was like Han's early days with Kira. um it was last it was it was it was the it was the former it was the former is that is that the one where is that where it was split across three different three different times at timescales yeah it jumps timelines that's um daniel jose alder's i think his first novel in canon yeah he's written he's got a bunch of short stories and stuff um that's the book that's the book where on solo steps on like
space legos that baby kylo ran baby ben solo left on the ground on one of those episodes it's like the whole the whole droid thing yeah that's the one that's the one that's the one where they' um where v looks up where she where she basically replicates herself to become this huge intelligent yeah yeah that that was the one anyway my point being is the production values of that book in particular in the audio format which i thought was phenomenal absolutely phenomenal because of course they had they had Was it three different readers for each of the timelines that they were covering? And it was all done very, very differently to each other, but I thought it all tied together really, really nicely. Anyway, I'm going off a tangent again. Sean, how was your week, mate? My week's good. I mean, I'll add to the audiobook thing too.
um I discovered audio books and they help. I actually listen to the audio book while I'm reading like on Kindle because it keeps me focused. Cause otherwise I'll just be like, like looking, looking off into space. And it's like, actually keeps me, I keeps the cadence going. So like, if I'm reading and the next thing you know, like I'll i'll drift off. It's like, it keeps going. It's like, Oh yeah, keep going, keep focusing on it. And then actually I consume the books better when I actually listen to the audio book at the same time that I'm reading. It's, it's like watching a television show and reading at the same time. I almost thought you were going to say I'm actually reading a different book at the same time i'm listening to ah to an audio book of something else, which would be really clever. Dude, it takes every ounce of effort to keep me focused on something. So it is there is I wish I wish I had that ability to like like you guys talk about, oh, I cook and I I watch a TV show in the background. It's like, oh, no, stuff would be burning on the stove. It would be an absolute disaster. It takes 110 percent effort on everything.
to to get something done. So ah but other than that, dude, it's been it's been another eventful, uneventful week. I'm still here for one one more sleep in on the East Coast or not really East Coast. I'm in Indiana. So I'm in the Midwest. But in Eastern times, Eastern time zone right near me, man. Yeah, just a hop, skipping a jump on the basically not not too far away. Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate it. Hey, if I had a vehicle, I would. But I am stuck. Just jump on a tractor or steal one of them Amish cards. You'll be here in no time. No, I'm a bit further south than that. um But yeah, um so i've I've just been hanging out. I've been not a whole lot's been done this week. um It's 309 days until Star Wars celebration. Japan just want to throw that out there in case anybody's wondering.
um And I've been up doing a bunch of updates on the websites and stuff like that and just watching the acolyte and getting excited Listening to my two buddies guesting on pods producing pods and i'm I'm excited to talk that kind of stuff with them later But other than that man, not not a whole lot And I did play Star Wars hunters. There's that I forgot about that. I'm looking at my notes going there's nothing I'm reading the words Star Wars hunters, but nope didn't play it. No, I did play that and I you Dude, you're not missing you're not missing out on much. I know last week you were bummed that you couldn't play it on your Gigantor phone, but it's...
It's, you're not missing a whole lot. It's fun, but it's, it feels kind of ski like mobile so game scammy a little bit. Like it's, it's just beat you over the head with like upsells and like, oh, bias buy a subscription, yeah buy the plan, buy the season pass, buy it, buy it, buy it, buy this thing. And I just kind of came to the conclusion. It's like, it's fun, but it's basically an arena shooter with a Star Wars skin on top. I mean, it's fun, but will I play it? a month from now, I don't know if I get sucked into it and like really get hyper focused on it, but it's it's not bringing anything to the table for me. I am excited for other stuff, though. I've been playing a game off and on for a little over a year because I found a way to do it. Don't tell anybody and. um
Like there's a little time suck, you know throwing 15 20 minutes at a time and you know I've leveled myself up to like level like 18 or something over the course of that year and then the game launches and I you know, I'm in all these different discord things and I see these guys are already like day one or like level 20 and I'm like I played for I looked at my stats I played for like four and a half hours over the course of a year and I was like, yeah that'll do I'm fine with that and I'll jump in every now and again people are like We should play and then I go I go on and like nobody's online to play and I'm like you people suck Guys, I do wonder if I'm actually playing real people because it's got real names, but I'm I feel like I'm doing too well for my ability. Like I'm not going to like toot my horn and be like, I am a really good gamer and I am just stomping people on the Internet.
uh because but you go on it's like i just feels too easy like i'm playing people they've got ranks that are really high and they've got real names but i'm kind of like winning and so are they just bots i don't really know what's going on um but yeah it just kind of seems to be the same word thing repeatedly over and over again but i don't know it's it isn't cool that's cool uh you know again taking some time off in july so i might just download it onto lucy's switch and try it out that way when we're on the beach and or, you know, when we're doing nothing, it does have a look. So there's that you'll you'll like him. Oh, hell that he beats people with like K.S. Droid arms. Those are that's his weapon.
Nice. Nice. Well, I can see myself liking it already then. um So on my side, I'll be quick. um First of all, it's nice to be be speaking to people um for for real this week. um I do apologize to our listeners, our many, many listeners that we have um for the somewhat rambling. of us Yeah. yeahs um there's um ah for for If it sounded like I was rambling a little bit, I mean, those of you that know me know that I'm pretty verbose anyway at the best of times, but last week, as you may or may not have sussed,
My friend Sean was having a few internet issues and um in order to try to maintain the yeah the pod, I was, I kept losing him. So it was just me recording and I kept talking um for the sake of talking. And in most cases it worked in that within a couple of, within 30 seconds or so, Sean would come back. But towards the end, he would go for longer periods of time and that's when I just ran out of steam and I couldn't talk anymore and really it got quite desperate and um yeah, so my apologies if it were sounded a little bit desperate last week and like I said, you had to hear my me droning on for quite a while. I did have a couple of corrections and that's um from last week and Alien Romulus rating is actually, it is actually, um
um ah now I need, this is where I go wrong. So in the UK now, it's it's gone from a 15 to an 18. Which means in the U.S. you're rated, what's your highest? Our rating for you guys. Whereas I didn't think it was because originally in the UK, it was going to come out as a 15. I basically, our ratings sometimes don't match up. And in doing so, I made an assumption that it wasn't going to be our rate in the US s and it is going to be our rate in the US, which is great because it's um you know it's ah it's ah a younger ah younger demot is targeted at a younger demographic, but it's still going to be as bloody as hell. So um my apologies for that. Second correction I have is,
And I challenged myself on this was that I was convinced last week that the the Jedi Temple at Coruscant during the first two or the second episode of the... of... don't laugh at me... here the acolyte was smaller and I thought to myself, it can't have built... it can't have doubled in size in you know in only a hundred years and I double checked it with... them some footage of the Phantom Menace, and I was talking absolute crap. You said it so confidently, though, that I didn't want to argue. Yeah. You're like, it's smaller. I'm like, I guess. i't know what All right. But I did. I did. and I did tell you I haven't finished the second the second episode, ah which is no excuse because I was actually featured in the first episode. But I also saw a lot of it on the plane as well on my phone, on my gigantic phone. um So I
Dude, I'm, or guys, sorry, or everyone, I'm i'm really sorry. I talk, I do occasionally talk shy. In fact, I do talk shy a lot of the time. Anyway, that was that was kind of like the the the forgive me's out of the way for this week. um Like yourselves, it's been a relatively head down week with work. um Very, very quiet weekend. can Great weather, they spent a lot of time messing about outside, um but barbecuing, tidying up the garden.
making a mess of it, that kind of stuff. But really, the for me, it's been great um catching up with Josh, Catherine, Turbo, and Matt this morning after the um after the episode three of ah the Acolyte. And I was able to catch up with all four of them on Star Wars spell out this week. So thanks again to Josh for having me and for putting up with my nonsense. It was a really, really good yarn. um A lot of fun catching up with those four. um And that's been my week, really, mate. Anything from you guys in news? Did you pick up any news this week? I've got a couple of things, but I'd obviously like to to extend it to our guests first. Anything in the news that really tickled your fancy this week?
The only thing newsy like Star Wars wise was the release of Temptation of the Force this week. Um, you know, you guys, if anybody's interested, I have a spoiler free review that came out a few weeks ago. I'm going to do a spoiler review, uh, hopefully this weekend with the guest. And, um, I love the book. I hope people take the time to read it. If you're into the high Republic, there's some very, very cool stuff in it. Um, that's about it for that. I can think of. Star Wars wise, the only other thing that I'm excited for that may be newsworthy is House of the Dragon season two starts up this coming weekend. And with the way season one ended, I'm pretty I'm pretty dialed in on this show. So that's got to be carnage, isn't it?
I mean, there'd have to be, you know, some incest, a little bit of carnage sprinkled in, you know, that's how they do on no shows. In that order. What if I what about you, Sean? Uh, only a couple things. Um, one, the, the previously leaked has lab cantina thing came out as well. Currently as as of when I checked it a couple hours ago, it was at 4,500 backers out of 8,000 with 26 days left, much to the chagrin of the shittier sides of the internet. Um, but starting out at $400, they got a deluxe version this time, uh, for 500.
Basically, it's like a super play set that's all modular, tons of booths, stools, chairs, cups, characters, just all sorts of all sorts of stuff like there was. There was a really, good I expected it to just be absolute carnage in the comments. I couldn't help myself. I'm like, let's look at the comment section. um And I expected it to be carnage, but there was actually some really thoughtful responses to like the yak face Instagram, where people were, I mean, it was, there was a lot of garbage in there too. They're like, it should be $50. And it's, um but there's a couple people in there who were like, kind of doing like the business case for it. They're like, look at what you're getting.
Etcetera, so you're getting this many characters you're getting this this and this it's like it's actually like a pretty fair price plus a $75 convenience fee because everybody's like oh I could 3d print that it's like here's how many breakdowns But do we know do we know what the tears are yet? Cuz don't they have? It's like I don't know what the numbers are, but I know it's like Greedo is like the first giveaway, which is like cool. Who cares? We've already got Greedo's and stuff. There's a Wuhar. There's the twins. I can't remember what their name is. Oh, cool. Tonica Sisters. And then there's one of those. I can't remember what the alien's name is, but he's got like four arms all in the vintage collection. TVC size, which is pretty neat.
um But yeah, I thought that was thought that was kind of cool. I'm not getting it. um i've I've committed to too many of those stupid things in the past. And that's my only complaint is that there's not really anywhere to... like i don't have You have to have a place to put this. it's like That's like a coffee table thing. Or you could do like a diorama on a bookshelf or something, I guess. But no, that's not for me. That's outside my price range and for whatever. So you're not yeah you you're definitely not going to go for it? No, and I'm not gonna get drunk and order this either. So just to save everybody the future questions. It's just not even like scratching an itch. We'll just write down the time that he said that in this episode. We'll come back to this in the future.
Well, you know what? Maybe I will now. Maybe I will. um The only other thing that came out that was really and of interest to me that I saw was the Star Wars Outlaws gameplay showcase, um which is like a 10 minute video from I don't i remember, but it's like. 10 minutes of them talking over the gameplay and showing a little bit of footage. um I thought it looked awesome. ah It reminds me a lot of Starfield. I mean, but that's also just that kind of genre, but like the look and feel and kind of the interactions and things. It's like, oh, this is kind of what I was wanting Starfield to be because I played Starfield and like, I like that game, but I'm like, I really wish this was Star Wars. And now I'm feels like I'm kind of getting that.
um Yeah, looked it looked really neat. I'm i'm really stoked. I'm really stoked. This is this is the and don't get me wrong. I'm not in any way dismissing um Jedi survivor at all. um And for an order, of course, but I. They're very linear as games, um despite the exploration you can do, um and the story is phenomenal. But it's it's a for you know what I'm like about force users. um it's it's It's another force user. And it's a great, compelling story. And I love the idea of them establishing the
What's it called? The the the road, the not the road, the path, the path, the path. I love that. I love all that stuff, that connective stuff to the um the mainstream stuff. But this for me is is fantastic. I'm going to spend hours and hours and hours literally just bumming about town and getting into trouble and doing stuff and probably ignoring the main mission because this is completely right up my alley. So I'm i'm really looking forward to it. And the quality I thought that really, really good as well. um So yes, very stoked about that one. Anything else, mate? No. OK. Any two more things for me? um The umbrella Umbrella Academy trailer came out. So the new trailer for that came out. I'm very, very happy. I feel sorry for that that um that program because it's um
The seasons have been so so Inconsistent when it comes it's already in terms of time between them They've been sick that the whole rollout of all takes any season for which is the last and final season They've been so protracted um and it I'm going to have to go back and rewatch, certainly season three at the very least, to remind myself where they ended up, typically in high jinks. It always ends on ah on a cliffhanger. But I love the series. I really do love the series. And unfortunately, I'm really sorry it is coming to an end, but um all good things do, I guess. um But looking forward to that.
And then Imanla Stenberg was on jimmym Jimmy Fallon. And um I don't know if you remember in the run up to The Acolyte, she did a featurette whereby John Williams wrote a piece of music for her based on the Force theme. Anyway, she played it. She played it on Jimmy Fallon Live um last week, and it was delightful, absolutely delightful, with a little bit of customization or a little bit of modification at the end of her own doing. And it just really, really struck me as being fantastic, and how just annoyingly talented she is, A, as an actor, and B, as a musician. How rude. I know, I know, I know.
um Well, the rest of us have only can only get on with one talent. ah um But that's it from me. So I guess, ah as we normally do to wrap this little segment up at the beginning, um Rick, what have you have you been watching watching, listening to, reading um over the last week or so? I mean, timeline's not a problem for you because it's the first time you've been on the pod. Yeah. So let's go back to 1979 and TV show. I remember. No, recently, ah let's I'm going to talk about shows that I finished and one that we started. So I can last maybe a month or so. I finally finished Blue Eye Samurai.
And which I absolutely loved. Can't wait to see what may come of a follow up to that if I don't even know if there's anything green lit or not. But I thought that was that was very well done. I yeah last week blew through all of scavengers rain on Netflix. It was on Max before. If you guys have not seen scavengers rain is a piece of animation. It is 12 episodes. They're about 25 minutes a piece. It is about this ship called the Demeter 227. Um, that gets thrown off course and the survivors end up on this alien world. And a few of the survivors, I should say are, they're trying to find their way off. Um, the world itself is.
so weird, like the the the biology of this world is so out there. It amazes me when I see shows like that because I have to step back and say, somebody thought of this. Somebody imagined this way out thing that somehow works in that ecology. You know what I mean? Like they work out this ecosystem and there's different kinds of terrains and stuff. um Unlike Star Wars, it has like desert whole planets. This thing actually has, you know, weather. But it's about these survivors and them trying to
you know, get off of this world and and and get back home, essentially. um There's a lot more to it than that. That is way bare bones. I'm not, I don't want to spoil anything because I was genuinely shocked at some moments in it. There was some really, really deep emotion in some of these scenes. There was one moment that was brutal um when it happens that got me a little ah little choked up. And it's not even a character that you're super supposed to like um when this thing happens. And I don't want to say much more than that. But it um go watch it on Netflix now, and because like I said, it was on Max and they dropped it and Netflix picked it up. It is
expertly done. It's one of the best pieces of animation I've seen in a very long time. And anything else we've finished? We watched a lot of shows on my son, like we blew through psych. We blew through Parks and Rec a few months ago. And we just the other day with him started the 0304 Battlestar Galactica. And yes, I know you guys have talked about it. and um My wife and I, ages ago, when she had her like Apple account or whatever, she bought the seasons and then Apple decided to like, oh, thank you for the money. You don't have your account anymore. And we lost all the episodes. So we never finished it because we couldn't stream it anywhere without pirating it. And we just never took the time. So I popped up on Prime last week and we decided to just give it a go.
Not realizing that the first, I'm air quoting mini series is presented as a one three hour episode. Um, so we got about an hour and 45 minutes into it and we were like, what the hell is, when is, when is this, where's the break here? And so we've, we haven't finished it yet, but I think we're going to go through and I did not know. that Battlestar has like a Neon Genesis Evangelion viewing order. um I was looking online because there's all of these webisodes that take place in between seasons and stuff and like, you know, kind of like one shot type of stories in episodes that are some a little bit out of order. um It's not too crazy, but
And if anybody wants to know how to properly watch the end, then this is Evan Gellian. Just ah hop into Blue Harvest Twitch on a Friday or Saturday night. I'm sure Haus will tell you if you ask him nicely. But um that's about what we've been in. Movie-wise, I was so happy to see Godzilla minus one pop up on Netflix last week. we My son and I saw that movie three times in the theaters last fall and winter. um He went and saw it another time with my mother-in-law. And that's my favorite movie of all of last year. Um, like the get the F out of here with barbenheimer, like, give me all the Godzilla minus one content. Like that movie blew me away, um, in ways that I was not expecting the human story, the the way trauma sits with you, the way the war sits with you, um, you know, those kinds of things. Um, and then, you know, obviously like the whole kaiju aspect of it.
Um, his, uh, was, was pretty well done with, you know, destruction of certain areas. And speaking of kaiju, uh, something I forgot to mention was, uh, kaiju number eight on Crunchyroll, an anime that started up a few months ago. And I've been reading the mangas. I think I'm maybe only four in. But it's a lot of fun. It's kind of goofy at times. um It is gory and brutal as anime can be. But um that's ah that's a recommend for me if you if you get into any kind of anime stuff. But like my tastes are all over the board. I don't just I'm not just into Star Wars, guys. Like that's what I talk of about primarily on my show. But I do I need a break from time to time because especially the way the way it was the beginning of this year with the amount of books that were coming out, especially for a review.
Um, we got slapped with like six books over the course of maybe seven weeks. It felt like it was a very Very dense. Um, so it's nice to take a break every once in a while and You know read subtitles on the screen while Not at all practicing my japanese because i'm not going to celebration next year. So I don't have to Well, I was going to say we tried to be as a a little bit eclectic as well in our in our in our palette with what we talk about because um well two reasons, um We do get droughts. We do get droughts of information, you know, of of of of content. and um And second reason for me, also by watching other stuff. And believe me, over the last 12 months, I have watched some crap. ah It helps you appreciate what we do have um from the likes of, you know, from from the Disney crew. So um yeah, so we we try to watch a bunch of stuff as well. What about you, Sean? I'm sorry. it also It also helps to develop a sense of media literacy.
if you are able to consume a bunch of different things like genre wise and you know, whatever it is, rom coms or, you know, do documentaries, whatever it is, you know what I mean? Like you you can kind of, I think it it's like reading, if you read a whole bunch of different stuff, like you're probably going to do better, you know, of trying to develop ideas of like thematic breakdowns of, you know what I mean? Like, you know, it just just ah helps you to, you you know, consume things, I think, a little bit more molecular than just I like what I saw on TV, which is fine. I mean, if you want to just, you know, superficially watch a show to watch it, like there's nothing, I have nothing against that. But like, if you really want to get into the meat and taters of what some of these shows are about, like it really helps to have kind of a varied, um, um, you know, entryway of consumption, you know what I mean? All this different stuff. So. Absolutely. No, absolutely. I'm a hundred percent with you. Sean and the cats.
No, can you hear him? Can you hear her yelling? yeah Yeah, don't worry. Don't worry, man. She's part of the team. She's. got Hello, baby, baby. So that's what mostly ah what I've been listening to while here um is the random hour. Oh, there she is. The random hours of night just. Yowling and running around the house because my mom's got hardwood floors and so they go downstairs and they just It sounds like two gorillas fighting all night. Um, so that's been the main thing The second thing that i've been listening to all a lot recently is you two guys Uh on freaking every podcast on my podcatcher it feels like so that's been cool Uh getting your all sorts of thoughts on all sorts of things. That's a good thing. By the way I know it kind of came across sarcastic just now didn't mean it that way. I mean like sarcastic. No
That was I meant that as a positive. um Other than that, um and it's just been it's been weird because obviously, as you know, I've been super not at home. um So it's been I haven't been able to to dig into as much. So I've been doing a lot of YouTube and stuff, actually. Uh, I've got the itch again. I started watching some, uh, scale modeling videos and it's like, Ooh, I don't want to go home. I want to go home. I want to start, I want to start working on some stuff. Um, it's always like when I can't do it, it's like, I'm not home. So now it's like, Oh, I really wish I could model right now. Now that I'm not there, but as soon as I go home, it'd be like, meh, no, wait. Uh, but that's been, so that's been, uh, pretty, you head pretty hot. Did you hear that? Did you hear this week's scruffies?
Not yet. I have not. All right. OK, I'm just you are at this moment in time, Chris, his favorite guy. He's demolishing that kit bash stuff that you sent him. Absolutely demolishing it. Yeah, I mean, by demolishing mean being throw away all those three. No, no, no, no, no, no. Well, he no, he he didn't he didn't mention that actually. But no, he's ah he's he's back into the swing of that part of kit bashing again, building his droids. So he's doing well. He's doing well. Nice, mean but that's ah that's awesome to hear. I'm i'm glad i glad I can live vicariously through people too. like cause There's times when I'll see like our buddy Ed and Chris, i mean chris especially. I'll post pictures of their stuff. and it's Honestly, it's kind of...
It's kind of a kick in the teeth at times too, where I'm like, damn, these guys got like real talent. Like they're, because they're just smashing through them. and It's like, I'll sit there and like meticulously do something like, I think this looks okay. And then they'll post something like, I did this over a weekend. and's like And damn, that's like, like actual good, not put it on the refrigerator. Good. It's real good. Um, you know, I'm excited. I'm excited to get back into that. And, uh, I'm excited to get home and watch some stuff on my TV and catch up on some things. I got a little backlog going. Been a long month, man, for you. Be well for you both. You're telling me, man. It's been a long time. Right. Other than that, you know, you know what I've watched. You know what I've watched. So. Yeah, um I'll be very quick. So, you know, Lucy, my wife, Lucy, um she loves
monster movies, but she particularly loves trashy shark movies. She's a fan of the Meg, for example. So as a reader, I sorry as a i had no idea that the Meg is not only a successful um film um franchise, but there's quite a lot of books out there as well. So she's absolutely demolished those books. But there's also found in looking for, in her hunger for for more content, she found a French speaking film called Under Paris. And um it's about a shot.
that can multiply um asexually, um instantaneously, pretty much instantaneously. Yeah, it is a French shark. yeah Exactly. to certain times it'll only eat You could tell. You could tell. and um um Basically, it finds its way in the catacombs, in the famous catacombs under Paris, and goes on a killing spree um um under Paris. It's completely far fetched. Extraordinarily trashy but i tell you what it's really good fun and we had quite a good laugh watching that i watch the the ballad of songbirds and snakes has come out i think it's on prime released on prime i never saw it at the cinema um i think it was because
um The Hunger Games was one of those franchises that were my my connection with the girls, both the original books, as you know, but also the films themselves. And now they've left home, it wasn't it wasn't really on my on my agenda or on my radar to go and see it. ah So as a result of that, this weekend, we had to ourselves and we saw that. And it was it was it was really good. I really enjoyed it. it was um It's a shame that it didn't it didn't have the impact that it um that it could have had. I guess it was because A, it's a prequel ah about the bad guy, about President Snow and his background, um but most yeah but but also the time it was released was not great either, as as with many of these at the moment. But it was it was it's worth a watch if you have watched
at some point the um the rest of the yeah or the mainstream Hunger Games movies. started watching the ones who lived, the walking dead, and I'm only 10 minutes in. I must admit, I started watching it and it's no, no, no, it's not it's not a negative. It's not a negative. Early thoughts? Early thoughts were, it's great to have Rick back. Oh, thank you. Appreciate that. Yeah, no, no, it was great to have you there. um um But um yeah, i I found myself not concentrating and I i thought it was unfair.
To carry on watching it and I need to I didn't finish series 10 I think was the last the very very last ah um ah series of of The Walking Dead and I found um An awful lot of my friends our friends dropped off a lot earlier than that and I tried my hardest to to to finish the yeah ah At least the the the main the main series um but didn't finish it unfortunately So I thought I'd start fresh with this and I found myself wandering, my mind wandering. So I will go back to it. ah It looks good. Production values are very, very high. um I just haven't finished it yet. What I have got into is by watching Eric.
with um Benedict Cumberbatch, the um story right up your alley ah here, Sean. The story is about... Well, actually, no, it's sad, but it's about a um ah couple whose child is abducted. Now, the the husband, played by play but but Benedict, is a um ah muppet maker. He makes muppets, he makes puppets. um Unfortunately, he's ever so slightly ah a very troubled gentleman, And he a lot of his muppets that he's making um are from, if you like, his mind playing tricks with him. He has, in his mind, ah his friend Eric, who is this large muppet that nobody else can see but him.
Um, and it's all about his attempt at trying to get his son back through building Eric, uh, in re in real life so that his son can see them up it. Um, there's some, so some kind of, it creates some kind of hope to get him back halfway through really, really well done. Um, quite traumatic. Obviously the subject matter itself is quite traumatic, but, um, extremely well, uh, extremely well acted. Carrying on with dark matter, um, dark matter. Um, if anyone does have Apple TV, um, it's the, um, ah the TV series with Joel Edgerton, whereby he essentially is an amazing scientist that creates the multiverse or or creates a means to access the multiverse, not in a superhero manner, but in a manner whereby he comes across um different versions of himself and he's trying to find his way back. i Quite clever um and i really and again, really, really well acted. And that's been it um for me.
um So all in all, not a lot going on, but enough to keep it interesting for this week. Now I wanted to say about Under Paris because I saw somebody online talking about it. I mean, it seems like some kind of, you know, just kind of silly fun or whatever. But, you know, killing sprees only happen, you know, in the south of France. Anything else is just sparkling murder.
I was waiting on that one. I actually wrote it i actually wrote it down. aren you Aren't you glad he asked me to come on? That's almost as good as my Akko Bright comment last week. I was, I have to, Sean was texting, I was texting Sean on Monday about cup could possibly finding the time to come on as I was listening to the episode. And I literally texted him back and I was like, wait, maybe not. You just made the echo. I might have to reconsider. Excellent. Excellent. Okay. I guess, so I guess but my jokes are in good company then. i think it's
No, listen, I'm i'm kind of... um I find myself... um Listen, no check no no no your jokes are a lot better than Eddie B over at over at the Scruffy's. I love Eddie with all my heart, but I sent him what I thought was some pretty good dad jokes, which he's he's he's repeated at least two of them on the show itself. And I thought, yeah no, it's not just about the joke. It's in the delivery as well. and It's like, oh, Eddie, mate, I love you. But no, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
anyway Anyway, right. Should we talk about the main event, Sean? Yeah. Yeah, I think we should. um i was I was trying to come up with something to to say there and it just poof. I was too busy thinking about, man, you had just threw Ed under the bus. That was crazy. ah He's done it to me a lot of times. He did to us, dude. First time it would you first time we went on the on um on the pod, we started talking about the pod and he admitted to us openrah blatantly. I've not listened to it yet. I haven't listened to it at all. It's like, thanks, dude. You could have lied. You could have lied and said, oh, it's fantastic, guys. and What you're doing is the Lord's work. At least be like everybody else and and just say you've listened.
yeah yeah But yeah, I think the main event is is the Acolyte, episode number three, Destiny, which which premiered this week. um I'm sure everybody is very excited to hear andy Andy's thoughts on it, which I'm going to edit out because he got his time last week. What's that? Is Andy having internet problems right now? Technical difficulty? Yeah, I think he is. Oh, dude, it wasn't intentional. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got to double it up this week since I since I didn't get any Indian last week. But now go for it, man. You go for it. um It's episode three. ah I think I think it'd be fun to kind of go around and kind of give our since Rick is Rick is new ah to the to this part, at least he's not new to podcasting at all. um Kind of give our high level thoughts on like, are we are you enjoying the show?
Uh, things like that. And then I think once we kind of get all that out of the way, then let's deep dive and ask some questions and see some connections to maybe the hot, the books. Uh, and we can just go, go around Robin stuff like that. But yeah, Rick, what do you, what do you think of the show so far? Um, ah is it your jam? I i am, I'm enjoying this show. Like I talked about this today on my, uh, on my breakdown for episode three, but the first two episodes. didn't grab me as much as I wanted them to. I thought they were both good. They were solid like a minus kind of episodes for me. Like they were good. They kept me, you know, captivated and intrigued and everything. I love the look and feel of it. But something about the like underlying mystery didn't completely grab me just yet. And this week's episode, episode three,
just completely sank its claws into me from the beginning. This, to have an episode be like flashback by a way of, or I should say exposition by way of flashback, um works for me on a couple of different levels. so And um it's making me enjoy the show that much more, ah getting a different take on this cosmic energy that's you know been primarily known as the force I mean there's lots of other names for it in Star Wars canon now but it's still primarily just the force with the Jedi but like getting all of that painting the Jedi in a certain light in a certain light
Um, the whole kind of Rashomon effect of what this episode is setting up, I think is, as was very well-handled. Um, and we, and we'll get into specifics in a bit, but I just, I finished the episode last night and just kind of stopped. And I was like, okay, I know I need to go to bed. I have to get up early. And I just sat in bed, like in the dark. you know, just staring at the black ceiling of like no lights and just thinking about the possibilities and and the other kind of perspectives of what the other Jedi were doing, what was happening that we didn't see, you you know, what was May's point of view, what's, you know, Mother Aniseya's, you know, point of view um and the Thinking that we may get those kinds of things later on as the show progresses for me um It's got to be that much more excited And you know just being a superfan boy of the high republic kind of seeing this era brought to life Even though it's at the end of it um is is very cool for me. So I'm a superficial level. I guess you know nice What about you Andy any any any anything changed since last week? Are you still you still like with it I love that. I love that. I love the way that Rick
put it actually and I wish I could be that smart with words but I can't so I won't bother. um but I wrote it all down. I prepped it ahead of time. oh Excellent. A man that likes pen and paper. There you go. There you go Sean. We're not doing this. There you go, Sean. There you go, Sean. It works. It works. My analog reactions, yeah. Analog reactions. Exactly. Exactly. No, I thought it was good. I thought it was really, really good. um it it It took me, it it it felt a lot more Star Wars this week. And i and ah please, I will explain myself.
when i When we reviewed the first two episodes last week, we talked about what I liked about it the most is that it was story first wrapped in the Star Wars universe. It made me... It was the very same feel that I got, or a similar feel I got from Andor, in that it could be anywhere. It could be anything. It just so happens to be. It just so happens to be. in the Star Wars universe. This week felt very Star Wars. It it had to, it had to. um In that it kind of created this backstory to kind of
or the launch pad for the story, essentially what the you know what what will be the underlying um development of the rest of the season. And I was really, really stoked with the whole thing. I really, really enjoyed it. um I really came away feeling quite gutted or empty about how I felt about the Jedi. I thought I really felt kind of almost sickened by the way that they approached it by ah you know the the cajoling, the passive aggressive approach ah to convince those children and that um their parents and their loved ones um to um to and undergo the the trials.
um And even when, we're going to detail later on, but even when you know there there could have been a chance that neither of the of the of the kids went off with them, they kind of manipulated the situation to get to get what they wanted, which was ultimately um this child. And I go into a lot of how i felt during this morning's episode with um with josh and the guys but um yeah it made me feel really hollow about about everything that i thought the that i thought the jedi were um ah it's very very superficial um and then obviously i was really stoked to find out that andy can be right for every now and again and that we had witches
and that their origins are witches. So I feel like i've I've got one on the board at the moment, whereas you don't have any at all, Sean. But I'm just making a point. All right. We're keeping score now. All right. This sounds not toxic at all. I will put one on the board for Andy here. there we go you were right i'll give you that i'll give you that i know we we we went back and forth before the pod and i said i'll give you 75 because i feel like and deep down you meant night sisters and they're not night sisters but i'll give it to you i'll give you the full the full one point you know i'm i'm okay with 75 it's it' still better than zero but anyway but anyway i really enjoyed it what about you what about yourself um
i think I think last week I wasn't able to get my thoughts really, I mean, I was dealing with that internet thing. So I don't feel like I was able to put it clearly. And I wasn't happy with the way I was describing it. But this week really solidified my feelings of like, I i really, really like it. um it's It feels refreshing and unexpected. um
Uh, it's, I'm going to compare it to two different things. So one, it reminds me of the way I felt when I walked out of, uh, the last Jedi. Where I, when I finished the last Jedi, I was kind of like speechless and kind of like, I mean, I knew I liked it, but it was just kind of, you're kind of like lost in thought of like, what did, what did I just see? What does this mean? What is next? Um, it's. There's so much of Star Wars that I'm gonna I'm gonna say this word I don't mean it isn't like as loaded as it sounds but like so much of Star Wars is regurgitated in a way it's kind of the same it rhymes it's it's it's a lot of the same themes a lot of things like that and it's like you know it feels feels the same it feels good and I love it I love all of that but when you get something like this and like the Last Jedi which Last Jedi is like one of my favorites
if not my favorite, i I go back and forth with it. And you have this, it's like, it's just so new. But it's the it's in the same universe, it feels right. But I just I just get excited. But if I if something leaves me speechless, and I'm just kind of like, I just don't even know what this means like it could be it could be anything that's really cool um i also kind of compare it to uh this is a horrible comparison but it's like star wars is almost like a drug for me uh and this the the normal star wars is like you know i'm taking that same drug over and over again and it's not it's not kicking the same it's not the same thing i'm kind of chasing the dragon a little bit but when you get something like this it's like oh this is new so This is new. This is very exciting. This is doing it. This is fantastic. It's like Andor. It's like, yes. Ooh, very new. I'm at 100%. I'm at 110%. This is great. It's not that same thing that you do every Saturday night at the club or what I don't know what people do. ah But it's so I love all that. But this just feels new and exciting. And this goes that same way similar to what you're saying about like the Jedi. It's like, ooh,
It's it it's that's something I've always kind of struggled with. like I've never been a huge fan of the Jedi. Like to me, they're just like meh. Boy, they're kind of boring. Like I like the the battles and I like the good side winning and overcoming, but it's never felt as nuanced. And I like this new age where, you know, we talk about the hubris of the Jedi Council from the prequels. We we talk about, you know, the the the failings of of Luke Skywalker. It makes it real. It makes it um it takes it away from that. but belief that some people have that it's black or white, you're good or bad. Oh, if it's a bad guy, it's a Sith. If it's a good guy, it's a Jedi. It's like, no, those aren't. Those are just like those are nuanced like within the umbrella of good and bad. Everything's a spectrum. Nobody even in real life is good or evil. It's like you're somewhere on the number line and it's constantly changing. I love that. And I love that this is touching on that.
um And it's it's not all Jedi. And maybe it's it's one Jedi, and it's maybe just one situation where people messed up. It doesn't make them... I mean, we'll see. We'll see what happens. It's like maybe that... Yeah, we should we should talk about that. We should talk about that later on it as to what what we... Because we didn't see everything. We didn't see everything, despite it being ah ah setting the scene for the the flashback. But go just just going back to the Jedi, and I made this point this morning, and and I'm sorry for repeating myself, but this is why I felt... sick or hollow. um but when we When we see Qui Gon saving Anakin or taking Anakin, he's saving him from a life of servitude. He's saving him from um a life um as a slave. I mean, the he he he's a slave and he is now free. And what Qui Gon can offer but the boy is a better life than he would have had. Serving Watto.
What we saw today, well, sorry, yesterday for you guys, but today for me, what we saw today was um children being a bunch of ah community trying to hide their children from the Jedi and then
and to protect them and to keep them safe and to keep them with them because they're in a loving you know loving commute but part of a loving community. And the Jedi essentially forcing the forcing the conversation so that an eight-year-old can make her own decision. Well, of course. i mean Rick, you're a parent. Any child will wish for adventure, wish for a better life at eight years old. I wish I wasn't at home with my mum and dad at the time. I wish I was chasing the galaxy. It it felt really, really strange to me and really quite
Brutal in its in its sterility the way the way that the way that the Jedi Do this it it like I said, and I'm sorry to repeat myself. I felt hollow from the whole thing um it Which is probably and i wasn't saying it it It made the Jedi feel Like they were upsetting a natural order they were the outsiders coming in yeah they almost felt like like in the first two episodes they felt like a the police coming in to like do this investigation. In this episode, for me, they felt like Child Protective Services knocking on doors to say, yeah you're not doing right by these kids. um they need to be They need to live this way, and your way is wrong, and they're overstepping their bounds. But we also need to we have to consider perspective for that. ah they That may not be the 100% truth of what's happening, but that's the way the story is being framed at this point in time.
Sure, which is good which is good storytelling, right? That that it's it that it's it's triggering these emotions. I mean, I don't like these emotions, but they're triggering these emotions in them. But yes, like you, I was thinking, well, I was thinking about more about Star Trek and that they're messing around with the Prime Directive on that planet. They should just leave them alone rather than intervene. But anyway, sorry, I derailed you there, Sean. Sorry, mate. No, no, no that's that's part of the conversation that I want to have. It's like you're hitting you're hitting those points of, it shouldn't be always clear cut. It should be left up to interpretation. And one person's good intentions doesn't mean that it's a good act. Like the Jedi believe that they're, you know, these kids should have an opportunity. They're force sensitive. We should, you know, you should have the opportunity to become a Jedi. It's like, that doesn't mean it's a good act if it's, if it's, it's, it's just like communication. Just because you say something with good intentions doesn't mean that the person who's interpreting it
has to see that as good. It's like it's how they interpret it. It's a two like it's two ways. And I think they're nailing this with the Yeah, you may be good intention. But you know, what are you doing here? Like, why? Why are you here in the first place, you're just here kind of taking kids or start in trouble. um And it's supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. And I think that's, like you said, it's like, that's good writing. If it can make you, not that it's, you know, always political, but, you know, I mean, obviously at times it is, but it's just, it's good storytelling in just in general of like, seeing yourself in situations and and helping you understand the way communication, actions, society, and ah just dealing with with certain things.
um seeing yourself in that and then how how you can grow and and and things can be misinterpreted. i i'm I'm loving it. I'm loving that. I'm loving the fact that they did a flashback, but they didn't do it like a weird half cut episode. They just were like, nope, this whole episode, boom, we're going back in time. And it is in depth. I like the- And I like the fact that they did it. I like that they did the flashback now, because what they've done Traditionally, you've got this build up, build up, build up, build up, and then the kind of the plot or the, you know, the, the McGuffin or the, the reason.
for the the mystery reveals itself later on, and sometimes can be underwhelming, I mean, as we know with, well, as I felt with Mando season three, for example, having it so early, having it so early, I thought was a stroke of genius. you know she's she's she's she's She's managed to take out two of the four at the moment, um and then we're positioning ourselves, we have a little bit of a respite, but we position ourselves to kind of explain somewhat the anger that's driving her at this moment in time. And then I'm assuming from next week, we're going to commence where we left off been at the end of the end of episode two. But I thought, again, ah the pacing of this is is really quite well crafted. I really thought that. I have a question for both of you. Rather than go through
I don't think we should, I don't know about you guys, but there's a really, really good guy called Rick that's actually done a complete review of the episode pretty much ah and in in order, yeah in timeline order. But I've got some questions to hopefully generate some some thoughts from you guys. um the two girls, they're the only children in this community of witches. Um, and yet we find out and we find out, sorry, that there is no father. So with that in mind, there are a bunch of, I can see theories going on. Are they simply, was it a surrogate pregnancy?
Was it, are they clones? Are they somehow an earlier iteration of the of the chosen one as a dyad? What's your thoughts set on this, Rick? You know what? I hadn't even considered the clone angle of it all. um That didn't even pop into my head until you mentioned it. I mean, everything's on the table at at this point. But my initial thoughts on the origin of these two girls
stems from Mother Anastasia using the word unnatural when she does during the Ascension ceremony. And it took me right into kind of the Plagueis stuff from Legends, the idea that he was able to manipulate midichlorians to create life or prolong life, you know, things like that. um And I mean, I think at some point, canonically, that stuff is going to come into play anyway. So why not throw it in here? um I think if we want to look at Plagueis as a book to try to fit it in timeline wise, I don't even think Plagueis is around yet if you want to overlap the timelines or he would be very young yet.
um if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I've read that book. But either way, the origin of these girls um being that there's no father, at least one that's not being acknowledged in any sense of the word, um opens up another kind of mystery. Why are these girls as special as they are? Because they talk about that a bunch of times. Were they trying to create a dyad? Were they successful in creating a dyad? What kind of bond do they have other than being force sensitive? We hear a lot in literature about
supernatural kind of things surrounding twins. um You know, you would hear things even in like old, you know, kind of native stories about twins, like the mythological side of twins um and how that all factors in. And ah I think there's a lot of layers to all of it. that ah that we can parse through. But it's not ah the idea that it's not all cut and dry, that there is no one definition for it, um is is really intriguing to me. Brilliant. Yeah. I love i love your perspective. I really do. um I have another question. I have another question. um And this is addressing the elephant foot in the room. So we got we had the we had the um the flashback being the entirety of this episode.
um And we got to see the kids and how they were separated. And then towards the end, we have the ah the the culmination of um of of the episode with with May starting the fire. She took her sister's book, set fire to it, and started the fire. And within minutes, pretty much everyone's dead. So there's absolutely no way, no way that I can see that they were in any way caught up in the fire. I mean, most of the bodies that we saw were pretty much intact. um They were lying there dead. So my question, sorry, i'll I'll come to the question in a second. When the fire starts within minutes, Sol is there to rescue the girls as well.
which again, we already know at the very, very beginning that that the Jedi have been spying on them for quite some time. Sol, for example, says that the marking on May wasn't there this morning, so clearly they have been watching this coven for quite a while now. um and they've been spying um on them. And then, like I say, Sol turns up to rescue the kids within minutes of the fire starting. Now, if their ship is out of the encampment or out of the village, why would he be there so quickly? And then, as I said, one thing that we don't know about is like what killed all these people. And so my question to you guys is, what is it
that we've missed, that we have to at some point get clarity on, maybe as another flashback, ah or as a as a conclusion that is shared with us during the course of the real-time events, as it were, from next next week onwards. And I'll ask you first, Sean, what your thoughts are. Oh, man, I was hoping you'd go with Rick first, but I'll go. um If anything like me, you'd you'd you'd listen to Rick and I'd say, yes, i I agree with that as well. That sounds really good. anyway say you're fast with him i'm with him um I think and so it's kind of, it kind of goes hand in hand with my question of like my, my, my was just full onto the points. Like who do you think killed the witches? Um, it's.
I I think there is some there's obviously tension from the very the onset and it's the guy who wrote the name down up up up up up up up. May is. Oh, Cora Cora Cori Cori. I don't remember her name is had the the the mother, not mother Anastasia, but the her partner. I can't remember. I feel like something's going to happen with her. starting. Yeah, she was feisty at the beginning. right when When the Jedi turned up, she was the one that was willing to take arms. And I think that's and I think since she carried May and and Asha, she's going to be the reason she's the reason like she got her half, her like. Fisier side, I guess we'll say. I feel like there's going to be some tension between her and and Dara. um Because Torb, so I'm trying to think of how to phrase this.
I don't know Kel Naka's part in it. Torben feels, after taking the Vrash vow, he clearly feels guilt over what happened. So I don't think he is the instigator. And Dara is indignant when she is, um at the very beginning of the season, when she's met with, by May, and just like, yo, you're here, great. I so I feel like she and Dara and the mother were are the ones who clash. And then that obviously gets Torben involved. And so I think that's what we're going to see later. We're going to get a different perspective from Saul um because he was there or maybe not. But I think that's I think that's what will come out later when.
um as we continue forward. That's kind of my real practical thought, but I think they're not showing it. The only thing I would say is that Torvin is a padawan at that moment in time. So if you've got an extremely volatile um one of the sisters that is trying really, really hard to protect her children, but protect the community and drive these Jedi away. Leave us alone. We we want to be li you know we want to be left in peace. And so she's already bubbling over. And then you've got Torbin, who is a young, practicing Jedi, a Padawan,
I'm just wondering if anyone's fuse is going to be lit first from the Jedi, would it be him because of inexperience, because of maturity, because of lack of control that maybe a Padawan would have more so than a fully fledged Jedi? I don't know. One thing that they that that came out of today, which um I didn't know anything about, but apparently when they're flying back to Coruscant with Osha, in tow. Apparently in the background, Torben's got that cut down his face that you see has obviously healed over, but he's got that, he's got that very discolored milky eye. Oh, you've done it already. Fantastic. Oh, what a legend. See, we need a proper, we need, it we we need proper guests all the time. Like Rick, they come prepared. They've done their work. We just turn up.
Anyway, um i i I don't know and i I still have this thought that maybe not only did we see one side and the other side, a so a fuse that was lit between them and kicking off, maybe we saw some some folk kicking off with each other within the same faction as well. So for example, you know did that scratch come... That looks like ah ah a wookiee claw scratch, right? i mean is is this in the In the conflict that may well have ensued prior to the fire being started, um did we see
the Jedi trying to push Torben back and control him. And in doing so, he got injured by his own people. I don't know. So I'll I'll I'll respond to that real fast. Just real brief thing. And then we'll give it to them. Give it to Rick. The reason I think it's in Dara is because if you look at modern corruption. If somebody of a junior does something stupid, they're going to get thrown under the bus and burned that bridge is going to get burned really quick. There's no reason higher ups are going to defend them. especially at that time. If Indara starts something...
Then every all everybody under her needs to fall in line. Otherwise, you're not going to get it because I think if if it if it would have been Torben, I'm going to be wrong a million percent. I guarantee it. But if Torben throws the first blow, that would to me would be like, you're you're not going to get master. Why would we protect you? um It could be a lot more complicated than that. But I feel I my my guess is with Andara being the one to actually it's a really good point. She didn't get a lot of air times there, did she? was actually quite a me in the periphery quite a bit so you could be right her story has not been told yet during those times anyway sorry rick please what are your thoughts uh concerning torben like the big question i have for him has to do with the barash bow and yeah i mean for people who may not know what the barash bow is it's essentially jedi
ah dealing with ah like a certain level of guilt where they step away from the order ah to kind of meditate within the force. and That's why we see them floating. um There are, I think, three known Jedi who have taken the Barash bow canonically, including Torben, but The question I have around that is that in last week's episode, in episode two, they say that Torbin's been, had taken the brush valve for the last 10 years. The events of today's episode were 16 years ago.
so Did he take the vow because of what happened on Brenda? Or did he take the vow because of what happened six years after Brenda? um And I was talking with King Tom. You guys might know him. You might have heard of him um earlier today. And in my head, I was trying to make sure that I had my timelines right of when OSHA left the order. um Was she in for six years and and left, or was it six years prior to the beginning of the story? I couldn't remember exactly where it was, but whatever I can't see Torben living for six years with this guilt and then deciding to take the barrage file. I think something else happened.
um where he was faced with the guilt. Maybe he had a meeting with Mae a little bit later on, and or with Osha, and then the truth came out. You know, she there's some lame, levied, whatever, we don't really know. But there's that span of time, too, that makes me kind of question exact the why of Torbin taking the Barash bow. And ah King Tom brought this up, too, that you want to tell me that as a Padawan,
where he was 16 years prior. In six years, he became a master because they address him as a master in the second episode. He's not a knight anymore. um We don't, again, there's there's something going on here where, why did they accelerate him as a way to keep him quiet? Was it, you know what I mean? Like what, what, we don't know the truth of what happened. We don't know the why of what happened. There's a shot in one of the, one of the TV spots or one of the trailers where Kel Naka is jumping at Torben. So you kind of actually see this, what happens. We don't know why. Yeah. There's, there's um,
I've seen a clip a bunch. I've seen gifts of it and stuff like that. So we've we've kind of already seen that, but we don't know why. um Like was Torben did one, did Mother Coral. I'm going to tell you an easy way to remember her name, Shawn. I was listening to a show earlier and they were joking that ah Coral, they were doing the the Walking Dead joke of Coral. Yeah. So that's how you're going to remember her name from now on. Thank you very much. And so I was, that was Torben possessed again to do something to put blame on the Jedi by one of the witches. We know that Mother Anisei is capable of doing so by putting him in the void or whatever that she does. Is ah Mother Coral, does she have the capabilities to do that? Was he manipulated in a different way through some other kind of magic, magic with a K? um Or
did he make a mistake? Did he you know knock over the bucket of gas-soaked rags underneath you know a dripping candle or something? And it's like, oopsie. And then the whole generator blows up. and it's you know We don't know what happened. Obviously, we know that Sol was there in some kind of you know doing something somewhere? Were they planting charges? Were they trying to slice into their generator? Did they bring the generator? was it something was the Did they make this whole mountainside fortress? There are so many questions that lead into the world-building aspect of what this show presented.
that like it's already established. You're jumping into the story as it's going, as Star Wars does, even at this point in the flashback. we're We're coming in at ah at a midway point. and To see it all framed in this way where where we don't know what's happened, we don't know who's responsible, we don't know what levels of guilt are assigned to anybody, aside from the words that May says to OSHA and in fact of the what did you do that they both say to each other when they're on opposite sides of the bridge. I mentioned this in my in my talk of like, that whole scene is very much like the symbolic weight of their own responsibility for what they have done.
but they not in that you know they brought the Jedi to them or anything that they're responsible for, but they're feeling the weight of responsibility knowing that their entire world is crashing down around them. Osha's already kind of lost it to that end. She's fueled by her anger, and Osha seems to be more fueled by something more compassionate that we see in these mothers. Coral is very abrasive, and more she's got more of this firm hand when it comes to raising the girls. And Anastasia has a more of a compassionate, motherly, nurturing side to her to like give them enough ah enough room to make mistakes and learn from. Coral seems to be more like, no, we need to protect them.
through my own experiences without them having to learn their own, like do as I say, not as I do kind of thing, or you know what I mean. um it's They're different parenting styles. in um But the the involvement of the Jedi, again, at this point, the idea of these perspectives and who's right or wrong, it almost seems um like it it doesn't matter. all that we know or the thing that should matter the most is that these girls had their entire world ripped out from them. like That should be the compassion that we as the viewer have. Is that something happened to them regardless of the blame? Of course, we want to know because that's good storytelling and good TV. But to think that
neither one of them, after this event, ended up in the better place. OSHA still struggled to the point where she left the order, just like Mother Anna said the older she would, these shifting sands that she might change her mind, and it's not easy to get out of the order. It is during the time of the High Republic, but you know those guardrails kind of close up as um We get more to the dog dogmatic Essence of the jedi later on but and maybe this is one of those reasons why um, things are a little bit more ri rigid This could be one of those things every contextualizes the way we view the jedi or the prequels but Neither one of them ends up in the better place, you know, oh, it's just working but No, I was gonna say do you think that when they say to each other? What have you done? What have you done? What have you done? What have you done? now I know that
may have started the fire. I appreciate that. But good God, that escalated quite quickly ah for what it was a, you know, with ah was a, was a, was a small book fire.
That aside, they're looking over their dead village. And I'm just wondering if May is asking, Osha, what have you done? you know did Are you responsible for these dead people? But for our dead people and vice versa. And so they're kind of assuming that each either one of them had a hand in in the death of their village and and of course their mothers. um That's kind of the vibe I got
from two very, very clever eight-year-old actors um when they were asking each other that question. Do you think there's any and any any value in that or any legs in that? I do. like I get that. like That's and a response that I think kids would have. But I think for us, kind of like in the God chair watching it all as a spectator, it's I almost read it more of look what you made me do, as opposed to what did you do, you know what I mean? At least from May's point of view, where she's like, I didn't, and to say that she set the fire, I think is a little, ah again, we know in the god chair, like she set a fire. We don't know if she set the capital F fire of the whole place. yes um But it's still
It doesn't look good for her in that sense. um The Jedi don't come off in a very good light after these events. And, you know, again, the ah sympathetic side for me sees that the natural state of this coven of just existing in know in in a place where they can finally feel some kind of peace for themselves is completely disrupted because the Jedi come in with this doctrine with a search warrant essentially knocking on their door to say, if you've got any kids in there, we have to you know we we want to test them, just sight unseen. But again, we don't know the whole story. This this whole thing is a matter of perspective and point of view points of view um that I think as it goes on, it's going to become more clear and more murky at the same time. yeah um
And it's not going to be so much about levels of blame, but more how we how each of them kind of like copes with the aftermath of what's happened, whether they accept some level of culpability, like we see Torben do, ah because Master Indara seems to be fine, you know, with with everything at the end. Kalanaka goes off on his own in his little Shrek hut, ah at the edge of the swamp, saying, you know, get off get off my lawn, you knuckleheads. And Torben kind of caught the worst of it. I don't think he's fine, though, is he? He's in he's in some kind of exile.
No, you right. But self-imposed exile. Right. right but But we don't know why. Is that a matter of guilt? No, no, no, we don't. Did he just leave the order? You know what I mean? Did he say, you guys are all fucked up and I want no part of this. i I'm just going to go live on my own. That's not the barrage of power. That's just leaving the order because whatever rigidity the Jedi tried to place in you know in the guise of a cover up, he might've said, I don't want nothing to do with this. I just want to go work on my speeder bike and to hell with you guys. Um, you guys overstepped your bounds. You know, starwars.com says that Kofar where he is is like a very dangerous, like wild planet. And so it could just be, he's out there like this is my penance. I need to go be could be but in, in, in the shit. And just like, this is, this is the life. This is how I cope.
it It is also telling to me that Kel Naka is not on the ship at the end of the episode. We don't see him at the end. We only see the three of them. So did he stay behind? Was he the one who saved? Was he the one who saved me? um You know what I mean? Like, was he around to catch her with the force, you know, from the fall or does she stop herself from the fall? You know, having of course stronger force abilities than Osha had. um You know, it's not so much the where was he when all this was happening, but it was you know, what what what was he doing? Um Well, she's also got the witch magic too. And since she was able to go through finish the ceremony Yeah, there's there's there's a lot of questions. There's a lot more Wise that have come up in this whole thing. Yeah Trying to question motivations without really knowing what's happened. Um I and I love the idea of
playing along with the mystery. You know, this is one of, as much as I love a character like Thrawn, reading a Thrawn book where you have your exposition character, your Eli Vantos or whoever, you know, whoever it may be, basically saying like, oh, that's why you did the thing, we're the thing in the thing. And that explains the thing that you'd like, no, let me figure that out for myself. And I love the Thrawn books, don't get me wrong. They're fun. But I like the more like participatory aspect to what the show is like. It's all there. You know what I mean? And it'll it'll all come to a head at some point. And then we're going to go back and rewatch this thing and be like, oh, the thing was already there in the back. I just wasn't it wasn't front and center. So I didn't see it. You know, when I love what you said about how it's not. Uh.
Like, we're we're not going to get a clear cut thing necessarily. It's like it's not necessarily going to be a ah good versus evil. Yeah, um I have a feeling shark helmet is ah ah evil, truly. But the situation that happened, it's like, yeah, this isn't black and white Jedi. and don't forget There could be a there could be a shit situation. and People responded poorly and and mistakes happen. And it's really, really bad. And now we're paying the price for it. Don't forget in The Last Jedi, we saw three different versions of the truth when it came down to how did you know how Luke and um and Ben came to blows. um And we don't really know which one was true. Not really. We trust in Luke's version of the truth, but we don't really know for sure. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It truly doesn't matter. Exactly. And so people interpret it differently in how people respond that matters.
And so one of the things that was discussed today, Turbo's perspective actually, was which I thought was quite smart, was that we may actually be just seeing this through the lens of one perspective, through OSHA's perspective. And the next time we see the gaps may well be from somebody else's perspective and so on and so forth. And we may see, not whole episodes again, but we may see a series of flashbacks again, but with different versions of the truth from different people's perspectives, what I thought was smart. I don't think I thought was smart. It's something that's been bugging me because it was Josh's idea. And he thought of it on the fly during the pod, but I can't get it out of my head. What if rather than
all hell breaking loose and the Jedi fighting with the sisterhood or the the the the witches um in the coven. um What if they were poisoned? What if they were poisoned? um so And they the ah poetry being that Torvin is offered to offered but to um um kill himself or take his own life in return for the poisoning of the covenant itself. like And I'm not saying it as eloquently as as perhaps Josh did, but I thought, actually, that's quite smart. I quite like that idea. Anyway, I'll leave that with you, whether you like it or not. um But the last question I've got for you, Rick, is really, because I could talk to you for hours and hours and hours, because there's so much about the High Republic, I don't know. I really, really don't know. and um
We've been joking about, you know, there's so much that you need to teach me and and, and, and take me through it. But how much of what we're seeing at the moment in these first three episodes have, has connective tissue to, to the books itself? Almost zero. wow there's and There's not a lot of connections, uh, directly to events in the books. Um, you know, obviously Vernestra is kind of the big one. Um, it just has a character who has been in the books, but there's, they haven't really alluded to anything. Like there, there's been no mention of the Nile and within the books. So far, um, there is no like kind of dark side presence, um, outside of like the Drengeer, uh, have connections to the dark side of the force. Um, in a way in the nameless, these, these kinds of force eater characters, you know, that's literally what they do. They feed on the force and they turn people into husks.
Um, so much so in the high republic, I want to say it's in escape from valor, one of the, one of the first of the phase three books, the middle grade book. Um, they joke that like the idea of the Sith is like, not even a thing. Like it's, it it's something that they say it they take it so unseriously that it was ever a thing because I mean, obviously their threat is the Nile and these stories, but, um, Yeah, there's not a lot that I would say, Oh, you really want to know what this thing is. You need to read X book about the thing. Um, the, and maybe the only other big connection besides for an Esther is the barrage bow. Um, but even that.
Canonically, it has its origins in the High Republic, but it originally appeared in the Darth Vader comic from 2017, the Charles Soule book. It was a character named Kirik Infilow was his name, something like that. He took the barrage file after the events of Order 66 because he felt like he didn't do enough, essentially. There's a lot more to it than that. And Vader's whole thing in meeting him was that the Emperor says, ah you can't have a lightsaber until you go find one, kill a Jedi and bleed his blade. That's where he gets his lightsaber from. So yeah, I've read that one. And I've read something. Right.
um If and if you want to know kind of the true origins of what the barrage of vow is, um again, it doesn't really matter in the context of this story. But if you read Charles Soule's comic series, The Blade, about Porter Angle and Barash Sylvain, who is his Amer quoting sister, they came up in the in the order together. ah something happens It's a great miniseries, but something happens in that where she feels a level of responsibility for something not great that happens. and She tells him, like I can't be a part of this order. I need to go figure things out for myself. and She takes this vow. That's where we get the name from because her name is Barash. There's not a ton in the books so far. I should say there's not a ton in the show so far that
makes me say you really need to do this thing or you know experience this one story to get a different context for the show. But don't you have a theory because I was listening to your catch-up or your review earlier on. Don't you have a theory on who the witches could be? Yeah, there's there's a lot of possibilities there. And and this was something a topic of conversation that came up quite a bit, but just with the first trailers and stuff that the the coven has ties to the path of the open hand um from phase two of the higher public. And phase two is about 300 years ish before
um a new hope, maybe like 280 years, and you have the the path of the open hand basically says that their motto is that the force will be free. They have this ideology that the Jedi in particular using the force for something that they feel is good as a butterfly effect somewhere else where something bad happens if they use the force to you know, save somebody from a falling blah, blah, blah, somewhere on the other side of the galaxy, somebody dies because the force needs to be in balance. um But for them, it's um it's it's also a matter of kind of control and um gaslighting and all that this kind of stuff, because by the end of phase two, spoilers, the path of the open hand becomes a different thing. I think they call it like the way of the closed fist, where they're a little bit more
militant, um they're a little more warrior. um And I can see through lines to what this coven becomes, especially in their dress, um the idea that they are called mother um because the leader of the Path of the Open Hand, she goes by the name mother also. And, um but I think now knowing what the coven is in the show, I think as a matriarchal society, All of the women or all of the you know elders or the counsel of these women are probably all go by the title of mother as opposed to just these two, as they are parents to man, OSHA. ah And kind of the big distinguishing thing there is that they call coral, mother coral, and they call Aniseya mama. There's a different level of compassion and and familiarity there.
that we don't see expressed with the rest of the coffin. So I think that's more of a superficial thing there. um If we find out that there is some kind of ties to the path of the open hand, I would then say, check out these books, guys. You really want to do the thing. And and phase two of The High Republic only has six books um and the books that focus, I think, the most on the path. Are the young adult books which is only two of path of deceit and path of vengeance and I think they're both banger books They're both really really good. You get kind of like an origin story For them for the phase and then kind of like not really an ending point because there's a lot of overlap with phase two There's a ton guys. I hope I don' i don't want to confuse anybody but if I um, if I yeah if I if I if I make the most of my summer And get back into reading or listening. Will you come back?
ah yeah talk about it horse um percent i am always down to talkbook and Listen, I know you've got commitments with the family this evening, and I really appreciate you coming on. I could talk to you for hours. It's so nice having somebody knowledgeable. Sorry, not saying that you're not torn, but you know what I mean? Dang, man. Sorry, you know what I mean. You know what I mean, dude? No. Way to put Eric Strawthers down and in. We kind of, we kind of... Yeah, Oh, God. Did you hear the backpedal, I have to talk Eric? Did you hear that backpedal right there? Dig yourself out of this one. about Yeah, it. yeah. And I'm just going to go now.
Rick, thank you so much. And um listen, I know that you and I have only started engaging in recent months, i'm but I'm really grateful for our friendship. And um I think what you're doing is pretty amazing. Like I said, you work ridiculous hours at the best of times, but um adding on top of that, you're review you're reading and then you're reviewing as well. I think it's it's pretty monumental. Thank you so much for coming on tonight. Well, thank you for the kind words and and thank you both for for um having me come on. And this was something that's been in the works for a while. I always like to talk a little behind the scenes about how this goes. Sean and I've been talking about this for a little bit. I think I put it out after like the second episode of like, hey, if you ever need me to come on and flat my gums about some things, I can do that. But um I'm truly grateful that you guys asked me to come on. I love talking.
star wars and getting deep in the weeds with this stuff and i love what you guys are doing low sodium content i'm i'm here for all of it i enjoy it every week um ah technical difficulties aside um you know it's it's a good time uh catching up with you guys and and i'm i'm honored that you guys asked me to come on so and you really appreciate it man you experienced the technical difficulties in real time this evening as well so nothing happened nothing happened this was zincaster's fault this time And one last one last thing for Rick, um we've talked about it kind of around about a million times, but I totally forgot. We never actually mentioned where people might know you from. So how can people find you and reach you if they want to hear your stuff, even though everybody who listens to us listens to you too? But let's just but do it anyways. Go to my MySpace page. I got some cool animations there. My top eight is banger.
Um, no, you guys, you guys can find me, uh, on jam, the trans jam transmissions. Thanks for making me trip jam transmissions, uh, is the name of my podcast where, uh, lately it's been a lot of book talk. And, uh, since I've been, uh, uh, able to get, uh, review copies of the books in the last year or so, it's one of my favorite things about Star Wars is getting in books. Um, I do love talking about the shows and say, yeah, but anything else and having fun. Awesome people come on the show. um If you want to find me online anywhere, at Cadbanes Bounty on Twitter and Blue Sky primarily. And you can follow the show at JTComLink on Twitter and at jamtransmissions dot.com on Blue Sky. And Sean, I've said this plenty of times before, both on my show and to you ah personally, either in text or face-to-face, like this man is the architect of the website ah that the show kind of runs on. And I know you're working to do some things right now and I'm eternally grateful for the work that you're putting in.
Um, to, uh, you know, help help me get the show out that way and everything that's going on right now. So yeah, that's about where you can find me. I'm in various groups on Facebook. People still use Facebook. There's some places you can find me. I don't really promote that kind of stuff because Facebook is for grumpy people. And, um, I'm not one of them. I like to have a lot of fun. Andy's on Facebook. He's grumpy as shit. Here I am. Here I am. Damn kids.
Sean, buddy, take us out. Thank you so much again, Rick. I really appreciate it. What he said, I agree with everything everybody said 100% on this podcast the whole time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Rick. I'd love to have you back on again. I know we have so much more to talk about outside of the Acolyte and just we have so much more to chat about and share. I really appreciate you coming on. I love your podcast. Love you got both of you guys. If you want to, if anybody wants to Find us to go to justshillin.com and everything's there. You know where we are. um Until next week where we talk about the Acolyte and everything else again. It's been fun. Stay safe. Stay happy. Look after yourselves. May the force be with you. Bye.