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Episode 011 - Almost Under an Hour image

Episode 011 - Almost Under an Hour

S1 E11 ยท Just Shillin'
45 Plays11 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about life and the things they love. It's a light news week so we talk about some of the things we've been watching and then take a nice long deep dive into the latest Bad Batch episodes.

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00:00:00 Catching Up
00:15:48 News
00:27:39 What We're Watching
00:51:15 The Bad Batch S03E10 & S03E11
01:41:32 Byeeeeee


Introduction and Feedback Request

Hello and welcome to episode number 11 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I'm one of your hosts, Andy Bell. You can find more information about us and everything related to us at our website, If you have
feedback or thoughts or emails you wanna send in, you can send them over to us via our email at feedback at If you have feedback for Andy specifically, you can send a self addressed stamped envelope to Andy's address, which I don't have on hand. And he will surely get back to you on that. But other than that, you can find everything at our website. When with that, how's it going, Andy?

Easter Weekend and Family Board Games

What's new with you? How's your week?
I will respond to your mail likewise with quill and ink and respond to you and use a carrier pigeon to reply accordingly. I'm good, thank you my friend. Very good indeed. Been a very lazy week.
It was a very long weekend, so four out of seven since the last time we spoke was very much taken up with enjoying time with the family over the Easter weekend. And I think I said last week that in the UK we take off the Friday and the Monday of the Easter period. Nice. So that was nice. The girls came back, which was awesome. And we did pretty much of a rinse and repeat of the previous couple
of a couple of weeks prior to that whereby we ate all the wrong food, we drank all the wrong drink and ate lots and lots of Easter egg chocolate, which was a lot of fun. It was extremely, extremely good fun. We broke out the board games again, which was always nice.
actually, we're on a bit of a winning streak with board games because it used to be that we could only play for the first 10 minutes before it turns into a family argument. And I have to say in recent years, we've actually getting quite good at completing an entire game without actually board pieces being thrown or chucked about the house in frustration. One game I do recommend,
Just going off a tangent. You ever heard of Outsmarted? Outsmarted is a board game. I have not. I don't believe I have. It's really dead simple. If you think of Trivial Pursuit, it's pretty much Trivial Pursuit, the same kind of format whereby you have to answer six different category questions to get six different
pieces to your score sheet at which point the person that gets the all six questions right and the final questions wins the game. But it's app-based. So you do have a board which you make your way around with a piece.
Um, but the actual questions are all app based. Uh, and the good thing about that is that it's current. It's always up to date. It's always current. So your general knowledge and current affairs and so on and so forth. You don't know, you don't have to worry about it. And what's most important and what I like about it at the most is that you can buy modules so you can change up the questions. So you'll have different colored questions, but you can change a category, uh, to be a different color, or you can buy new colors or sorry, buy new categories in.
So they may well have the girls, for example, at the weekend bought a set of questions for Harry Potter. They've got one there for Star Wars. So one of the existing categories will be swapped out with anything new that you put in. It's very, very flexible and you can basically change the dynamic of the game depending on who's playing. So as a family, we're pretty much on the same level in many, many ways. But when Lucy's mother and father, when my in-laws came over at the weekend, we had to really, really think about maybe
Mediating the kind of questions that they were being asked because of the age gap between themselves and the younger generation It's really really easy to do and it's it's just a good it's good fun And it's really simple and the answer is the answer and there's no arguments. It's it's it's it was it was it was a lot of fun Outside of that note on that note, that's actually that's actually really interesting. I pulled it up I think it's really cool. And what sounds like it's neat about it is is that it
a lot of those kind of party games really struggle with the idea of like the different audiences. And I think the only other ones that I've ever had that I've done well with that is a game called Codenamed. So you don't get like too used to like the owners of the game aren't like amazing at it. Like it all depends on who your crowd is. And also, final note, if you do miss fighting with your family, you should look into space team.
It's a cooperative game you play on your phones where you're all like people on a spaceship in things to start falling apart and you've got to like cooperate with each other, but like nothing has like Real names so you have to like say all this stuff and like basically scream at each other and have a big fight to like Cooperatively fix your spaceship. That's a good one. I highly recommend if you ever miss fighting with your family
No, I don't. It's actually quite pleasant when we don't fight. It's actually quite nice. I've missed it so much. But yeah, that's outsmarted. I keep misnaming it outnumbered, but it's not. It's outsmarted is the game that I'm talking about. I do recommend it. Good fun. In fact, we played it over Christmas at a friend's house. They bought the game themselves and off the back of
us playing with them, we bought it for ourselves to play with the

Toy Fair Plans and Uneventful Week

kids. So that was good fun. As I said, outside of the weekend, there's only really been three other days and it's been very, very heads down, typical work. But one thing that I wanted to do was to give a shout out to our friend Kev, who's very poorly at the moment and currently in hospital.
getting better, which is great, and he will be out of hospital, God willing, very, very soon, if not in the next 24 hours or so. But I just wanted to acknowledge that he has been poorly the last couple of days and that we're thinking of him and we wish him all the best.
And then lastly, I've got some exciting plans coming up. So yeah, myself and a couple of the scruffy for the UK contingency of the contingent, sorry, of the scruffies, we like to, or they allow me to join them in their vintage toy fair hunting. And
If everything works out okay and Kev is out of hospital, we're looking forward to going to a vintage toy fair this weekend approaching at the end of this week. So hopefully that will be something for us all to look forward to. So yes, haven't done an awful lot, but hopefully some fun times ahead. And yeah, what about yourself? How's your week been?
My week has been pretty uneventful, similar to what you were saying. Like we didn't get Friday and Monday off, but it's almost like things have been in slow motion since, like the last couple of weeks is kind of keep feeling like there's like this weird like lull, but especially this last week has just been kind of like almost like I'm really tired, but that's not really what it is. It's just, there's just this vibe around everything where things seem to be really slow and
I don't know if I'm waiting for the hammer to drop or what it is, but it's just been pretty uneventful. We've been, ever since the announcement of celebration, Madison and I have been kind of digging in, doing research into the hotels and things like that.
nothing concrete yet because we're still a ways out. But just digging into all that because there hasn't been a full confirmation that there's gonna be a hotel lottery or anything like that. So we're just trying to be prepared.
for when it gets closer to time. Madison's dad and brother are actually gonna come out and visit next week. So that's exciting. We're kind of in that weird period of like, is it gonna keep snowing or is it just gonna magically be spring tomorrow? So.
We'll see, we'll see how it goes. We may be skiing and snowmobiling, or we may be out on the water, who knows, or hard talent, depending on what the weather gives us. So there's that, that's kind of exciting to look forward to.

Collectibles and Non-Completionist Philosophy

I've also been digging into working on that, my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle model. Oh yeah. Been working on him. I'm not a big figure painter. I'll make sure I won't keep the, I'll keep the modeling stuff short this week. But I'm not like a figure painter, so this is like really out of my comfort zone and I've just kind of experimenting with it.
trying not to obsess on it too hard like I normally do. I'm just trying to like do things and then keep it moving. There's like a little exercise. So that's been fun. Been working on that each night. Hoping to have that done very, very soon. I did just remember that I bought, I did buy something. I made the mistake of getting on eBay and was looking at different things. And
because I don't get on eBay a lot because I think it's full of, a lot of times the stuff I want are being sold by people who know what they have and they're just listing it for absurd prices and then if it doesn't sell they'll just keep relisting it. But every once in a while you find that item where it's like, okay, maybe it's a little bit more than it was originally sold for, but it's not like, but it's maybe limited and it's worth it. Like every once in a while you'll see one of those like slip through where it's like maybe not being sold by
choice name kind of individual. And I did manage to get something. It was a Micro Galaxy Squadron. Chase vehicle. Here, let me grab it so you can see it. I don't normally go for the Chase vehicles because I think, because they're usually absurdly priced on the internet, like $500, $600, $700. But I did manage to get this. It is the Luke Skywalker's X-Wing hologram version.
Oh, I like the hologram. Oh, I like it's like, so it's like translucent blue with the little figures R2D2 and Luke of an X-wing. Yeah, I like that. And it's like, Oh, I like that. So I got it for an extremely reasonable price. I love it. See, I'm, um, because I'm not collecting like the black series stuff and a much, a much of
much of anything these days. I like the odd stuff. You don't have any collection behind you at all. No, no, no, but that hasn't moved on in years. Apart from a couple of odd bits and pieces here and there, that really hasn't moved in quite a few years. But what I tend to buy now, you can see the holiday and the Halloween stuff down at the bottom there. I don't know if you can see those, but
It's those odd things that are quite quirky and in any other time I wouldn't have entertained at all because I was, if you like, collecting the main body or the important stuff or the main stuff, the serious stuff within a particular collection. But I like picking up those
little fun pieces at the moment because I'm not going for the main range or the main portfolio of collectibles. So for example, they're doing the holographic versions of the Black Series at the moment, which I'm seeing getting an awful lot of flack actually, because it deviates so much from the main line.
I actually quite like them. I haven't bought them. I actually quite like them because they do have a little light up bulb-y thing or a platform that the figure stands on to actually, you can shoot light up through it. And I think that's quite cool. And when there's one that I actually want, I may well jump in and partake, but I do like what you've got there. I like that. It's quirky.
oddball consumer of things. Because those are some of the most recent Black Series. I haven't bought Black Series in a long time, but I do have a couple of the Halloween droids, or like the Christmas holiday store troopers, like the goofy paint jobs. And I hear people, I hear people, it's like, oh, they're just dumb repaints and whatever, whatever.
Yeah, and that reminds me, it makes me really happy that you are a fellow
I don't know. I think they're I think they're kind of cool. Like, I think they're they're fun, limited run stuff that comes out. I can pull them out at certain times a year and set them up like little decorations and and and it's neat. Yes, they're not they're not some of the the tertiary characters that we we'd still like to see and whatever, whatever. But I don't know. I like it. I like the quirky stuff as well. Like, I like the
Well, for me, they're harmless. I mean, for me, they're harmless. I mean, if I was to... I can't poo-poo them because quite frankly, I don't have what it takes to commit to the main line. You know, I can't do that. I'm such a creature of habit.
Um, that I would need to get them all. And that would, you know, that would, would not be healthy for me. So the occasional stuff that, oh, it's Christmas time and there's a Christmas toy there. It's like, yay, that'll come out at Christmas. I'll get that. I don't mind that at all. That's it. I think it's quite funny.
Well, I think it keeps me away from being like a completionist. Cause I could, I could see myself slipping dangerously down that path as well. And when, when I start, like in the past, when I've gone down that path a little bit, like I've never gone very far, but it's like when I feel myself kind of going that direction of like being, well, I gotta, I gotta collect them all. Then it's like, it kind of loses something for me personally. It's like, it's not something I look at and think of like, Oh, I really like that character or this, this item.
It's like, oh, you almost look at the opposite of like, well, what do I still need? Instead, what do I have? Yeah, there's nothing to cover anymore. You're absolutely right. Yeah, I know. I know what you mean. I know what you mean. And I also and there's a part of me that also knows that when I do get all of them, then the the empty void that lives inside of me will be like, okay, then what's next?
So if I just never if I just never get there, the void is is is is staved off for a while. Exactly. So now I just have bits and bits and bobs of all sorts of goofy stuff. And yeah, good, good things. But yeah, that's that's kind of kind of all I've got going on.

Entertainment and Upcoming Shows

Do we have any do we have any excitement? It seems like it's been a pretty slow Newsweek, but I think you've got a couple items at least.
Yeah, there's a couple of things. I mean, again, I mean, for very light on news this week, and it may well be.
in testament to me being offline, shall we say, for well over half of the week. But one thing I did pick up in Variety was that Godzilla X Kong had an amazing opening weekend, from what I understand, over 80 million, which surpassed even the studio's expectations.
uh and aspirations for that weekend so that's a I'm really I'm really pleased for that and I'm really pleased for Lucy because she loves her she she loves her monster her monster movies as you know so um anything like Godzilla Kong the Meg anything like that she'll uh she she's well up for it so we've got plans this weekend coming up to uh to to check it out um so I'm very very excited about that and um
anything that's a bit of fun that does well I think is it brings a smile to my face and then more in more sadder news there are two very very prominent actors that we have to say goodbye to this week the amazing Louis Gossett Jr. certainly very prolific in my my younger years initially obviously his Oscar-winning performance I think it was
officer and a gentleman with Richard Gere, he won the best supporting actor Oscar for his portrayal of the drill sergeant. But in more of the genre of film that I enjoy, he, of course, was a big part of Iron Eagle when I was a kid. Again, around that time where Top Gun and
high octane adrenaline fuel pumped action movies, especially in planes, were a big thing. He was very prolific in that. And then of course, Chance Perdomo. I think it's Perdomo. It's how you pronounce it. A very, very young actor in his late twenties, I believe. I think he was only 29. He was in a motorbike accident.
last week and Chance was not an actor that I followed, per se, very closely. But I do remember his amazing performance, in fact, all the kids' amazing performance in Gen V, the spin-off series from The Boys. And Chance was in that. You'll remember him as being quite high up in the league table.
of the kids that were training to be superheroes. And that's really sad, really, really sad for a young life and a young talent like that to be snuffed out so quickly. So that was, should we say, the downside of the news that I picked up this week. What about yourself? Did you pick up on anything? I'm just shocked. He was 27. He's another member of the 27 Club. Wow. Holy crap.
Just getting started. It's never fun. It's never good. For me, not a lot. I mean, nothing really. It's not even news, but I think we kind of mentioned it at the beginning before we started recording. It's not even news. It was just kind of like a realization this morning of like,
getting excited about upcoming content and kind of realizing that the Acolytes only eight episodes. And it's like, wow, it's like, I knew, I knew it. I'd heard it. It kind of went in one ear and then kind of just right back out the other side. And I just like, oh man, I feel like it's going to be here and gone. And so just trying to get myself in the mental headspace of like being happy with what we're getting right now. Cause it, like at times it feels like it's slow, like with,
But then, but I think about it's like, I'm getting X-Men, I'm getting Shogun, I'm getting, I'm getting Bad Batch, I'm getting all these other things that are really good. But it's like, man, we're actually, we're, we're, we're eating well right now. Yeah. And before we know it, it could be, it's gonna be, it's gonna be drying up again. And so just trying to really kind of keep that mind, that headspace of
really not not trying to blaze through the content. I think that's my where I'm kind of going with this is yeah, not rushing through it. Because I don't know if you've ever done this. But like, there's times where like, I'll get a new podcast from one of the people we listen to. And I'm so excited to listen to it. I'll listen to it. Then I just like, with him like, now it's not gonna like wait.
a week or an hour long to get more. It's like, I got to stop rushing through content. Well, I've got an example of that. When we talk about what we watched on TV, I've got another example of that this week. But yeah, I know I'm with you. I mean, thank goodness you and I can talk about a lot more than just Star Wars. But I do get what you're talking about.
And we are eating well at the moment when we consider the universe beyond beyond Star Wars. There's a heck of a lot out there and there's so much that I haven't caught up. There's so much that I missed even during lockdown that I still keep meaning to watch. I mean you introduced me just to
Severance, for goodness sakes. I mean, how old is that now? It's a two year old show, two, three year old show. I mean, there's so much I need to catch up on. I mean, if you look at my lists in Prime, Netflix, Disney Plus and
And Amazon, I mean, it's huge. It's huge. So we will keep talking. We will keep talking and we will keep getting excited about the kind of content that fires us up and gets us excited. We are going to be limited on Star Wars for a while. I think you and I covered it before we pressed record.
We are getting now the content, which was the last content prior to the strike that was in the can.
Hence the reason why I believe it's been spread out strategically across the year and and or very much postponed until what looks like early next year now so that we can It will give the studio the opportunity to catch up on content and all that lost downtime But we talked about this very very early if it wasn't episode 1 it was close to episode 1 where we are
It may feel quiet now, but that's because, as I said, the content's been spread out to keep the pilot light on, as it were.

Corporate and Content Strategies

It's very much a tactical play, whereas really they would have liked to have had, you know, hit series after hit series basically in sequence one after the other. But that's not realistic at the moment.
And then hopefully in this quieter time, albeit we do have content, that will allow them to catch up so that they can resume if you like services normal or business as usual from the middle of next year onwards. Let's hope, let's hope. But if you consider Disney being only one of many, many different studios,
I don't think we've got the quietest we're gonna get yet. I think there's still... I think there's some time probably later on this year where it gets...
even more quiet when it comes down to content. Hence the reason why I'm so very grateful that I've got you as a friend and we can talk about many, many diverse and different types of subjects that don't rely on necessarily real time content coming out when we need it.
I don't have any news. That's all that's all I have I was gonna I was gonna I was gonna ask you a question actually cuz you know a little bit more about So tell me about the result of the of the Disney meeting the show. Yeah meeting I Wrote it. I wrote it down, but then I just like looked at kept looking at him like there's nothing. There's no news down 20 minutes ago. Um, so I
The kind of the high level is there's been a Disney investor meeting and vote. Some board seats kind of came up for two available seats. And there's been some activist investors trying to kind of pushing to try to get these two seats on the Disney board. I don't know if you've seen it, but I've been getting it nonstop on social media for the last couple of weeks.
just kind of the campaigning for and against this, trying to bring about change within the Disney company from kind of the board level, a lot of kind of pushing, saying that Disney's lost its way, bring the magic, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The news is that the vote was this morning, and those activist investors lost their bid for those seats, so they will not be joining.
or the board. I won't go too much into the political side of some of the the background of some of this. I think some of the the marketing on both sides was a little disingenuous of I'm happy with the results that kind of came through. I'll be clear on that. If you're not happy with it, I would I would do more digging.
into some of the background of what was maybe really going on here and what some of the pushes were. But the news is that the activist investors were not able to get the board seats that they were hoping for to bring about the changes that they were hoping to see within the Disney company. I did see an awful lot of turmoil going on social media, but I must admit, I'm not close enough to it. And
Life's hard enough as it is. I tend not to spend much time reading about it or thinking about it. There's power plays in every big corporation. I work for a large organization. The idea of, I can't think of anything
I'd least like to do than actually reading about another corporation that's going through its own board struggles at the moment. So, um, yeah, no, but that's, that's a good summary. Thank you very much. And it's great. It's great. It's interesting as an outsider. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I saw all the stuff, but it was like, do I really want to go down this rabbit hole? No, I really don't. So thank you. It's kind of like, uh, it's kind of like when Silicon Valley was really popular on television and Airbus, you should watch it. It's like, I don't want to watch it. This is real life for me.
I don't want to come home from working and see it. See the same cringy stuff that I have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. No, no, thank you. Like, that's not fun. So yeah. Cool. Should I tell you about what I've been watching?

Movies and TV Show Discussions

Not a lot. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I like that idea. Yeah.
Not a lot, because as I said, we've had the girls with us this weekend and we've been spending a lot of social time and interacting rather than stop behind a TV. Despite that,
We did take advantage of the long weekend, as I kind of suggested last week when we spoke. And we went out to see Ghostbusters, Frozen Empire, and I had a blast. I absolutely loved it. I honestly, honestly loved it. And you warned me that some of it may feel a certain way. You opened my eyes that there were folk out there that didn't perhaps like it.
And so I went in probably with very, very low expectations. Should we say low to middling expectations? And I loved it. I thought it was great. I thought it was really, really good. Exactly what I wanted from a Ghostbusters film. It wasn't complicated. It really wasn't complicated. I understood it. Yeah, there were a million and one people there, but quite frankly, that was all right. That was actually okay. I mean, the only thing that I probably would have been, I'd pick up on is,
I guess, the only thing, if there was one criticism, it would be, I don't think they needed Bill Murray in the film, because I don't think he wants to be there, if I'm perfectly honest with you. No, I don't think he does either. It didn't feel, the other two fellas were having such a giggle, were having such a laugh, and not taking themselves too seriously, whereas Bill, I don't know whether it, I mean, I'm a lot older than I've, you know,
I'm a lot older these days than I, than I was. Well, that's a, that's goes with that goes without saying, but you know what I mean? Um, it, an old guy looking cool and disinterested just looks like an old guy looking bored. Do you understand what I mean? Is character back in the 80s. There's an element of it too, that it's like, I don't know if it's a him that knows it or if it's just.
everybody involved where it's like his character that he his character doesn't age well like the character that he was back in those original movies is like you can't have him be that same way now it's like that will not be good so it's like
What do you kind of have him do? It's like we have 14 other comic reliefs, so... And that's exactly my point. He doesn't need to be in it. That's exactly my point. You know, me, an old man trying to be cool and smoldering and, you know...
two calls for school, it's not a good look. Like I said, you just look old and bored. And that's exactly my point. But again, as always, you put it a lot more succinctly than I did. Anyway, but apart from that, really enjoyed it. Really, really enjoyed it. Honestly, I thought it was hilarious. And I think that the lady that plays Theives is amazing. I think that the kids did an amazing job. The story was great.
I mean, yeah, they're completely rinsing the whole baby marshmallow man joke, but I'm here for it. I think it's great. And yeah, I mean, here's the future. I hope that they do more and more and more. And I love the way that they've turned it into spoilers. They've turned it into almost like a proper business now.
which can mean a multitude of things. It doesn't have to be restricted to the confines of the old fire station. It's not restricted to the confines of the fire station. It's all part of this larger corporation now that's been built.
Um, and we can start seeing more and more Ghostbusters come in and out over the years ahead. It's almost like, um, something that can, can take its own, it can grow organically itself and not have to rely on, on the old cast anymore, which I really, really like. I really, really like that.
But yeah, I really enjoyed that. With Sword and Shield, where it's like, oh, we have these superheroes, but now there's this whole like business and like organization who are making cool new technologies and things like that. It's like, whoa, it's like a whole huge thing now too.
Yeah, and I guess because I'm not a Ghostbusters aficionado, but I was in the cinema back in the 80s when they first came out, so I've always enjoyed them. And I guess because I don't take them too seriously, I can see some really, really great stuff going on with this franchise. I've really, really enjoyed it.
Back at home, back at home, behind the small screen. There was one ask that Abby had over the weekend. She said, can we watch the film? Yes. What do you want to watch? So Abby's favorite film is Gladiator, the Ridley Scott Gladiator. Of which, by the way, she told me that Gladiator 2 is being filmed as we speak and it should be out next year, which is exciting, very exciting.
Okay. Gladiator. I mean, don't ask me why, for all the fantastical and other stuff that she likes, her favorite film of all time is Gladiator. So we sat down and watched that. And God, that age as well, that film, it ages extraordinarily well. And I hadn't seen it for years. I hadn't seen it for absolutely years. And so we watched that down and watched that as a film. And, um, uh,
started shouting and screaming at all of the exciting moments and crying our eyes out at all the sad moments. So it had a desired effect. Started watching because we burned through a series last week, as you know, because we got hooked on Severance quite quickly, or we burned through another series on Monday, because we had the day off on Monday and the weather here was absolutely miserable for that one day of the entire weekend.
We sat and started watching Ted the TV series. Now it's Ted the TV series or something I didn't even know existed because we don't have peacock over here in the UK, but you can get it through.
Sky, one of the satellite TV providers in the UK. Anyway, TED TV series is brilliant. It's really, really good. It's really, really good. If you like the films with Mark Wahlberg,
You'll like these films. The premise behind it is it's 10 years before Mark Wahlberg. So Ted and... I forgot his name now. Ted and Johnny are still best of friends. Well, they are best of friends, but Johnny's at school. So he's in high school and he's going through all of the trials and tribulations of what it is to be a high school student.
And he's quite quirky, he's quite dorky, he's quite silly. And he's a stoner with his best mate, who is a two foot tall teddy bear. And it's quite weird getting used to it. The first couple of episodes, I'm thinking to myself, do I like this, do I like this, do I like, hmm, I don't know, hmm, hmm, hmm. By the end of the season, sorry, by the end of, shall we say episode three or four, it was like, let's just keep going, because we're having a riot.
And the four of us watched it and with four of us really, really enjoyed it. So it's one of those recommendations from me that really came out of nowhere. This came out of nowhere for me, wasn't expecting to like it so much. Like I said, didn't even know it existed until this weekend. It was good fun.
Which means that we have to find yet another series because we've already burned through that one. So we're now started The Gentleman. The Gentleman is on, I believe it's Netflix, and it is a TV adaptation of The Gentleman film from, oh god, come on, Madonna's ex-husband.
Guy Ritchie. It's the TV production of that film, but it's nothing like it. It's a completely different story. The similarity is that it's based in, it's focused on, if you like, crime within the British aristocracy.
But that's where it starts and ends. It really is a totally different story and it's really, really good. We're only three episodes in because we are trying to slow down and enjoy it like a glass of red wine and sip, not gulp.
But so far, so good, mate. And it's really, really good fun. And it's done extraordinarily well. And there's a few usual suspects there, like Vinny Jones. There's a few folk that Gaia has used before in his previous films, Lock Stop, Snatch, those kind of films. If you enjoy that kind of British thug life or British gang
Do you like dags? Criminal, yeah. Do you like dags? Yeah, British crime kind of dramas that he's so good at doing. But it's really, really good fun. Like I said, really, really good fun.
And I do thoroughly recommend that. Still watching Shogun like yourself, still watching Dick Turpin, still watching Scrubs, still watching Battlestar Galactica reboot. Nothing to report back on those apart from, I'd suggest one that you and I, very close to you all in my heart is Shogun.
Yeah, I don't know if we've talked about that before, but that show is so freaking good. So good. It was yesterday episode seven. I think it was episode seven, wasn't it? So we really are cracking on. Good God, they've got to go to season two of this. So good.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it is stunning. It is absolutely stunning. And yesterday's the latest episode, which cracked open yesterday. Yeah, more of the same. More of that, please. It was absolutely beautiful. It's getting deeper and deeper and you get to see
the character development happening from understanding the background of the childhood of people and how they were brought up. I just want to give everybody a hug. I just want to come up and be like. Yeah, I know. I know. There's a lot of stress, isn't there? A heck of a lot of stress. Like it'll be all right. It probably won't, but it might. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That ending. I'm not going to talk about it, but that ending though. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, man. All I would say is that the main guy... Oh, God, what's his name? Or Anaga? Or the... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you think he's got a plan? I do. I think so. I think the lady that runs the tea house knows exactly what she was talking about. I think she was insinuating things, and I think that made him... I don't think he did have a plan.
and I think that conversation with her helped him come up with one, but I do think the ending of the episode is now going to amplify whatever that plan may be, because I don't think he's going to be thrilled about that. I don't think anybody would be in that situation, but I think it's not gonna go well for people involved.
Agreed. Okay. Um, what about yourself? Have you been watching anything exciting this week?

Personal Updates and New Series

Well, this is, this is kind of news. I just now thought of this, uh, I was reminded it's kind of news and it's kind of what I'm going to be watching. Uh, I want to do a shout out to our buddies over at the sit list for their episode 400. Uh, they'll be watching that tonight. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Um, and all that. Yeah. So that's one thing.
I've been watching Shogun, which I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but that shows really good. X-Men 97. I'm really enjoying it. It is...
It is like a direct continuation of the old series, kind of almost comically so, where, like, I know I shared that recap video, which really helped me remember a lot of stuff that had happened. But it's kind of funny how it is just a direct continuation of a lot of that stuff.
I'm hoping it gets into more of the long like I like when they do like long running threads of stories and not kind of the
the flavor of the week kind of things. I know a lot of it's character building, I'm not against it. But I'm hoping we get into more of that like long, that long running stuff. But I know it's only episode four. So, we gotta do some character building, we gotta build some people up, move their character arcs from where they left off in the original to do new things. But they're definitely throwing a lot at you each week. And if you're a fan of the X-Men, I think it's,
I'm enjoying it. So that's cool. I was going to say, I'm hearing more and more people talk. I mean, I know that King Tom in particular has been wax lyrical about the way that they've executed this. He's really enjoying it. But I'm hearing more and more people that aren't particularly au fait, like myself, with X-Men that are really, really enjoying it as well, which is, you know, that's good news. That's really good news.
It's definitely one of those, it's definitely a little bit different than maybe some of the things that people are used to because they don't really waste any time. It's almost more like a kid's show where it's like, oh no, this is gonna get wrapped up.
Today, there is, like there is some like behind the scenes longer running threads, but a lot of the times it can, you'll be like, here's the problem and the problem solved, kind of. Not as, not so much moral of the week kind of thing for kids shows, but there is a lot of like introduction of a problem and then the problem is kind of solved. So there's, there's definitely a lot of things going on and a lot of, uh,
introductions and resolutions. The first two episodes I think were really, really probably the most exciting for me. I do enjoy all the others, but I'm hoping we get to more of that, eventually get to more of that long running stuff too. I'm excited for it. The other
The other show that we started watching recently, so there's a funny story behind it. Well, one, I'm gonna take this opportunity since we'll probably, it'll be after the fact, next time we record, wishing Madison a happy birthday next week. And so there's that. Will she listen to this? Yeah, she will listen to this, yes.
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Madison. Happy birthday to you for next week. She hates that air horn, so I had to get that in there. Excellent. So it's kind of a funny story. She came down to like one evening and was like, hey, we should watch the show Atlanta.
And I'm like, okay, like I'm always up for watching shows and whatever. I'm like, but I'm sure you're familiar with the scenario. It's like whenever there's like that kind of statement said to you, it's like,
Why? Why do we need to watch it? What is the reason? And it's like, well, I mean, I just, I heard some good things about it. It's like, okay, but what's like, I'm okay with doing this. I'm just trying to understand. And then it comes out, it's like, well, I read online that there is an episode that is like emulating or kind of about kind of a fake scenario about the creation of a Goofy movie.
And I'm like, okay, that's funny. And the Goofy movie's probably one of her favorite movies, if not her favorite. And so we start watching it, we're like four episodes in, and she's like, what episode is that? And so we look it up, and it's like, oh, it's like the third to last episode of the entire series in season four. It's like, great, awesome. And she's like, oh, I thought there was no, I didn't know there was that many. But all that to say, we're watching it land.
Have you have you not watched it before? I've never watched Atlanta now. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. I I love it. I love it. We're enjoying it. And it gets it gets it gets Season one's really grounded really really grounded. It's about you know, it's it's really really grounded and it gets and there are one or two moments of
batshit surreal stuff going on, but it's mostly grounded. And then as the series goes on, as the seasons go on, it starts getting a little bit more out there. Honestly, that guy, he's such a good creator. Yeah, I love Atlanta. I think you're gonna have some fun. I'm quite jealous, actually. We're enjoying it. I think we're maybe
Ticks episodes in. So we've had a couple of the meta surreal episodes. And Madison's just kind of looking at me like, what the hell is going on? I'm like, this is it. This is what we're in for. We're in for four seasons of this. This is awesome. I love it. But yeah, we're really enjoying it. So it's kind of a nice mix in the evening time. Oh, and so this isn't something I just thought of this. This isn't something I'm watching.
something I'm actually reading. I've been trying to get Madison's been reading a lot and I've been kind of like getting back into reading too, which is really funny because I have a million and a half Star Wars books to catch up on. But for some reason, I just can't like bring myself to like, get engaged in them. But I did start reading this book, I think it's called mythos. It's kind of
about Greek mythology and things like that. I don't know where it came from. I don't know how it got on my Kindle. I looked on Amazon, it says I bought it, but it says I bought it for like a dollar. I don't know how I got it. I don't, I genuinely have no room. I don't remember buying this book at all. But I saw it on there. I was like, Oh, that's good. And I've just been reading and it's like kind of a more approachable, like, deep history of like,
the Greek gods and like how they all work and things like that. And I'm finding it very interesting because it's kind of like, I'm sure people who are people who are like, who know this kind of stuff are looking at me like, you're an idiot. It's always been that way. But like, it's funny to me how much of the shows and the things that we love
like their name, the character names of stuff are so on the nose when it comes to like Greek mythology, Rome mythology, like just stuff like that. And so it's kind of funny to kind of get that, that deeper backstory. Like I've always known it, but I've never known like the actual lore of.
Of where where athena came from and like oh prometheus giving humans the fire and creating them out of the clay and blah blah blah blah blah Like maybe I learned it in fifth grade But I was in fifth grade probably playing pokemon on a gameboy and not remembering any of it And so it's kind of nice to be able to like read it as an adult and go Yeah, cool that that's interesting and kind of seeing those themes. But yeah, so i've been i've been doing that and it's really i'm enjoying it
That's really cool. That's really cool. And I understand, I totally get, going back to your first point, the hurdle or the effort it's going to take to re-engage on Star Wars novels, on the written stuff. It's going to be, I'm with you. I'm looking at that hill and I'm thinking, God, this is going to be steep. Because you know, once you've done
this amount you're going to have to do then move on to the high republic and then when you go to the high republic you're going to have to there's a lot there's a lot to get through and I'm with you man because
You'd have to do them in order to have context. It would have to make sense to make sure that you get the connective tissue in the narrative and sometimes just picking up something completely different that's a one and done exercise. It's somewhat
easier sometimes, but I'm with you. And when you, I'm sure when the summer's here actually, and we start spending some time as a family together on the beach somewhere, I'm sure I'll re-engage at that point and be at the right frame of mind. But I'm not in that mindset at the moment. It seems like a massive, massive mountain to climb at the moment. But no, that's cool. Cool.
And there's nothing wrong with a bit of mythos, a bit of culture, polishing up on your classics. That's good.
The only takeaway I have from it that is kind of intriguing in me, because normally things are so very on the nose, like where names come from, et cetera, like, oh, the nose, oh, I wonder where that came from. But the one that trips me up is like, not the brain making about Star Wars again, but like, why is Hera Syndulla named Hera? Like, that just seems very not...
her. Like, I mean, people can be named whatever the hell they want. But it just seemed like with with a franchise that is so rooted in like, Hey, this is him lock. I was like, I wonder why? Like things like that. It's like Hera seems like a very odd choice of a name. When it's the exact same name as somebody that she is
has zero in common with, but that's not here nor there. Maybe, maybe, maybe not. I don't know. But that's how, that's all I've been watching and listening to and et cetera. No, that's good. Easy, easy this week. Easy. Well, I was going to say

Bad Batch Episodes Discussion

that. So that seems like a heck of a lot for such as what seemed like a fleeting week and I'm missing an awful lot. So this week we have to talk about two
Bad batch episodes. We caught this morning identity crisis and the point of no return. Initial thoughts buddy? All up on both of them. Initial thoughts.
I really, okay, I'll break them into individuals first. Identity crisis, I really enjoyed this episode. I almost feel bad that there were two episodes in the same week because I feel like the second one is so, there's so much happening that it almost makes you not appreciate how good identity crisis was.
The Emery as a character to me is very interesting. I thought we got some really good stuff. I think for a long time, people thought she was bad, but it seems more like she just didn't know what the heck was going on. She was not included in that stuff. Hemlock was interesting. The medical droids remind me a lot of auto from Wally, like the steering wheel, like with the sounds and stuff they made. Stan Tarkin was cool.
Cad Bane is an asshole. Just flat out.
the Republic commandos helmets are still too big. And the thing I really liked about the identity crisis episode was this show, the bad batch as a whole, for me has single handedly emphasized the evil of the empire more than any other. Like it's not even it's not even about war like a lot of the others. It's like, no, this is just
It's just evil. It's not like, oh, the good guys are losing to the bad guys, or vice versa, and like a war thing. It's like, no, they're bad. They're bad. They're doing not great things. And it's really kind of coming across in this show quite a bit. So I didn't need a crisis. I really enjoyed.
Uh, not a lot of thoughts on point of no return. I enjoyed it. Um, the, I was obsessed with the very beginning with when fee was there. Um, and her, like her like barrel droid. I don't know if it was like a barely gonk or whatever it was, but I was obsessed with the design. It was, it was, it's a, it's a spherical gonk. And I knew you'd pick up on that.
I knew the inner barrel moves independently and it jostles when he walks. I'm like, I could not I rewound and watch them like they made it when he walks the inner barrel jostles with them like that's frickin awesome. The first people I thought of was you and Chris Hall. Soon as I saw it. Yeah.
Uh, the second, the second thought is along those same lines is with the assassin. I finally figured out what his helmet looks like. Um, it looks like somebody dry brushed it in luck, but like, but then just made it a cartoon. It's like, Oh, we're going to spray paint it black and then just take a brush and dry brush the edges. So all the edges are like accented in a weird way. I'm like, ah, there it is.
That's cool. I had a couple other notes. One, I thought I was cool by catching that the clone boys were getting ice cream. It's like, oh, hey, cool. They're doing well, only for them to later show up again in the episode. It's like, oh, okay, that's whatever. The other one was, for the love of God, somebody please put a sensor in that damn cave because people keep sneaking in.
And like, just put put something in there, put a camera, put like a a ring doorbell in that cave because that because clearly it's a problem. And the other one was similar to so, as you know, I'm a fan of the Micro Galaxy Squadron ships.
I have been tempted to get the bad, bad ship because it comes with a little wrecker and a little Omega and I think it's cool, but you know what? I'm glad I didn't buy it because the damn thing blew up this week and I'm not about to get frickin' Mandalorian by buying all these damn ships that keep getting blown up. So ha, I won't be fooled again. I didn't buy it and now it's gone and I'm glad. So there's that.
And then Omega got captured and I'm trying not to overthink the meditation split second at the end. I'm trying not, because it's happened when she was on the ship and she started doing like the breathing, like meditation thing. I'm like, I'm not reading into this. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. It's not gonna happen. Other than that, I really enjoyed him. What are your thoughts?
So like you, I really enjoyed an identity crisis and it reminded me at the similar kind of tone, there wasn't any, you know, big whiz bang wallet, shooty, shooty, fighty, fighties going on. It was a very considered, very measured, very slow purposely, slow episode, reminded me an awful lot of the season, the premiere, the opening episode where we saw the passage of time, passage of time with Omega in prison.
And I think that's where really in all of Star Wars TV that I've seen, typically my favorite episodes come from that, from those kinds of episodes which have an awful lot of character development and they give you an awful lot of
uh there's an awful lot of on the palette to be able to to enjoy um and to and to savor like i said like a like a you know like a like a nicely aged wine and and some and some nice cheese
It's really, really good on the palette. Similar episodes I found in Andor, for example, when they spent time pretty exclusively in Coruscant without Andor. Andor didn't appear in the entire episode.
season three of The Mandalorian. I did not enjoy season three of The Mandalorian. I did enjoy the single episode that we saw with Dr. Pershing on Coruscant, which again was exclusively about his story and his development. I thought it was a really, really good piece of work. So I enjoyed those kind of episodes because it's nice to have
little respite in the excitement that's going on without it being a filler because it's so rich, full of content. Some notes I made of that particular episode. The alien guy, the neighbor, sold the kid out to the bounty hunters. They talked about Project Necromancer.
We found out that four sensitive children are in the vault and they are essentially the crux of Necromancer. However, we got clarification on Omega, which I found really, really interesting. And it's still not 100% confirmed, but it seems to be that the kids there are to provide the midichlorians.
but they need Omega as being the bonding agent to introduce those midichlorians to a foreign body. That seems to be, which I think we guessed quite a few episodes ago, that that would be the case. Is it her midichlorians?
I mean, she still may well have a lot of, you know, she still may be able to develop force capabilities and the rest of it, but that's not the reason why they're after her because they've already got kids with a lot of midichlorians, et cetera. It's the fact that if you were to clone someone with midichlorians, those midichlorians wouldn't transfer to the clone or wouldn't be active in the clone. They'd die off except in Omega's blood. And that's the point is that she's got that, I think he used the word bonding.
or bonding. Yeah. Yeah. Which is I think, and I think a couple of episodes ago, I said something like she's a socket. She's the socket or the, um, the catalyst, if you like, to make sample A and B connect together, um, and be successful. So, you know, I hope that gets her off the hook, um, from being force sensitive, but you know,
Filoni and others like their four sensitive people. They like their busy galaxy. So she may well still be four sensitive, but I did like the explanation. It kind of was akin to what we were talking about. I could hear it was Cad Bane before we saw it was Cad Bane.
The Spurs were a dead gig of giveaway at the door. Emory, I really liked. Like most people, I thought she was a baddie at the very, very beginning. And I thought, you know, I didn't really understand her motivation. But what came out of this episode was her motivation was literally ambition, blind ambition, unfortunately. To your point, she had no idea what was going on. And it literally was ambition. And she clearly happened. There was a comment.
There was a comment she made in there that I totally forgot about. Did you catch up on it when she was talking to Nala Say? I can't remember the exact phrase, but it made it seem like, oh, are you gonna abandon them like you basically did with me? There was a phrase that she used when she was talking to her that made it seem like she has some resentment with
the life that she's led, like, she's upset these kids are, these kids are captured here and they need to go home. It's almost as if, cause she had, there was one of the first things she said that I'll say when she came in was talk about those kids. It almost slipped by and I was like, wait a minute. I rewounded a second and I was like, she made some comments about like, oh, are they, are we just going to, like, are you going to abandon them too? And it's like,
Oh, does does Emory feel like she's been trapped here? And now she's just conditioned? Well, the point to be this way. I don't know, mate. But clearly, I mean, she's clearly of the same template as Omega. Hence the reason why she's she considers her a sister. And yet she doesn't have the same blood stuff or the blood makeup that Omega has and
I'm guessing otherwise she'd be on an operating table herself or she'll be in a testing chamber herself and being pulled around and they wouldn't need a maker if Emery had the same kind of makeup. So what I can think of, you could be right, it could be
a memory or an experience you had as a kid, or it may well be something as recent as, well, you know, I'm no good to you. You know, you saved a mega, you saved them and you went out of your way and you risked your life for a mega.
But you didn't for me. And you're not for these kids either. And it may well be as simple as that. But then again, I didn't pick up on what you're talking about. So I'll have to rewatch it. But it is interesting. I mean, there's some history there. I mean, it was clearly...
I mean, when I, when she was talking to Hemlock, she clearly was, you know, very, very ambitious and she kind of forced his hand to hire her, right? In that, in that, in that chief, that chief scientist role. But, you know, throughout the episode, you can clearly see this, she's contemplating what the hell have I done here and, you know, is my ambition.
I'm having second thoughts on my ambition because it's, you know, ambition for ambition's sake is, is dangerous. It's dangerous, especially when you're, you know, you've got people's lives at risk here. Um, found it interesting. I'm a great team talking. Found it really interesting that he was kept out of the loop. That's hilarious. That is absolutely hilarious. I love that. I love the fact that despite how powerful and how influential talking is,
And essentially, if you consider Vader as Palpatine's right-hand man talking his left-hand man, that he's kept out of the loop of this. That's brilliant. Absolutely fantastic. That he would not be aware of Palpatine's aspirations
towards cloning himself. It's funny because it just shows you how toxic the empire really is. Not only with Rogue One, with Mendelssohn and all this stuff, it's like how compartmentalized and toxic and dog-eat-dog everything is in the empire. Oh, it's classic. Oh, it's classic. It's hilarious. Yeah, it's classic Cesarean management style. I mean, Julius Caesar, very, very famous. They talk about
In business, they talk about Caesar's management style, which is basically divide and conquer. So basically all of his top lieutenants and generals, he would have them playing off each other. He'd show favor to one over another at certain point and vice versa. And then basically have them fighting amongst himself because ultimately it meant that only he was in control at any one time.
because they were too busy fighting amongst themselves and gaining favor with him, that ultimately he was always in total control because he, unfortunately that was his comeuppance when his generals got together and plotted against him. But yeah, it's very, very typical, very, very typical. It's classic, the Empire, the Imperial Empire, or sort of the, yeah, the Imperial, the Galactic Empire is classic. It's classic, straight out of the,
the history of history of Rome. It's very much like when it did make me laugh when Tarkin was on the screen for a minute. I was like, dude, how funny would it be at the end of the end of this show was just the Death Star strolled up and just blow and tansus off the map. And that's the only resolution. He's like, he's like, I'm done with you guys. And it's like the end. It's like, that is not closing on any of it.
Yeah, exactly. But what made me laugh, and I've written it down here in these notes, is what made me laugh is that Tarkin's like, well, I'm still in control. I'll show you. He didn't say it, but you could see he was really miffed that he wasn't allowed to be told what was going on. He said something along the lines of, well, you better make sure that the experiments come out well. It's like, but you don't even know what it is. It may well be, I don't know, making a paper airplane.
But the point being is that the fact the fact that he's you know threatening him saying, you know It'll be your it'll be on you if you don't if you don't if you fail, it's like well
You don't even know what he's doing, so how will you know what he's failing about? Anyway, that was funny. They mentioned Sid. They didn't show Sid, but she's dropped a minute again. They interrogated Sid, the Trandoshan, and she's thrown him away. And then obviously what was nice, and another reflection on episode one, was Emery sharing Omega's Touca doll with the young, force-sensitive child.
Point of no return. And I'm not joking when I write the, it's almost like we're thinking the same thing. And I've written them down again in order. Feas power droid. I bet Sean loves it in brackets. Shadow finds the community by cleverly.
rigging or getting the coordinates from Fe's ship. It was nice to see the clone kids thriving on the island, despite how short-lived that was when the Empire turned up. It was nice to see them thriving, enjoying themselves and not in uniform or going through any training routines.
text goggles when they were left at the altar of, I don't know what it was, contemplation or wherever they leave their keepsakes to be remembered. That was nice and it tugged at the heartstrings a little bit. And then I got two questions.
Why did the shadow engage the, why did the shadow agent or the, I think it's called the CX agent or whatever they're called, the, the, the, the spy trooper. Um, why did he engage the cloak on his ship so late? So if you remember, I mean, luckily he wasn't caught out, but if, but, but you'll, you remember that the, the, the bad batches ship picked up the shadow troopers.
ship on their radar until he switched on their cloak. It's like, well, why would you wait until you're 100 yards away from the island to actually switch on the first place? Which isn't it picky, but it bugged me. And then the second one was here is he parks in the same cave as Asajj. Why haven't they put any doors on that cave by now?
And then my next comment, again, I was thinking of you was another merch line dies, but I'm sure another one will be born. Look, I'm not kidding. Another merch line dies. I'm sure another one will be born. Um, in reference to the, the, the chip being blown up. Um, the shadow sacrifices, the pilot, which I felt was interesting. Um, yeah.
in order to try and take out Hunter. Omega hands herself in and, oh yeah, crosshair missed. The last comment I made was crosshair missed, which was disappointing, which begs the question, how on earth are they gonna find her? Emory, that's my guess.
Yeah. I think you could be right. I thought for a minute you were going to suggest that maybe Omega was going into a Jedi trance at the end of the episode on the ship and was going to communicate telepathically with Asajj. That would start it. That wouldn't. That would not be cool. I just just like let it just let him be like let to your point a little bit ago about like
about like the slowness of the identity crisis episode and why those are so enjoyable. I think for me, it's a lot of times it just gives you insight into like,
that not everybody's black and white or like purely good and purely evil. And like, and to me, that's more interesting. It's like, it gives you more nuance of like, I'm a good guy, I go do good things because that's the good thing to do. It's like, there's nobody in the world who does that in real life and to show that people are complicated. And also along the same lines, it's like, there can be heroes that aren't
naturally gifted with the force. And I'm hoping it stays that way. You lose your connect. If you think about what Omega is, Omega is an amazing role model for young women and for young girls. And as soon as you turn the strength that she has and the abilities that she has into something that's fantastical that is associated with the force,
That's cool, but it suddenly becomes a little bit less relatable. Do you understand what I mean? Yeah, I understand. And it almost somewhat compromises the achievements that she's made so far because it can be put down to an ability, an unnatural ability that the Jedi have. And I think that is one of the reasons why
This is one of the reasons why I liked the original idea that in The Last Jedi that it was Rey from nowhere, no parents, anyone can be a Jedi, anyone can be... It doesn't have to be part of a bloodline or a...
and inherited a bunch of attributes. And again, but it's still the force. And again, to an even greater extreme with Omega,
Not only does it not have to be about your parents, it doesn't have to be about this mystical energy field that surrounds us and binds us and everything. It's about her strength of character, her strength of conviction, her loyalty to her friends, her loyalty to her family, her compassion towards other sentient life forms, her compassion towards non-sentient life forms. It's her character, her strength of character, which I really, really hope that is the piece that shines through and not a case of, oh, wow.
She aligned herself with animals because she was strong with the force like Ezra.
Oh, wow. She was able to sense the feelings within this particular individual and what they were going through because they had forced sensitivity and compassion and empathic force abilities like Leia, you know, and so on and so forth. It's like, no, it doesn't need that because, like I said, that would somewhat take away from everything that she'd achieved in my mind, in my humble opinion.
Well, the force feels a lot like the force is a lot like nepotism. It's like, yes, as soon as you find out, that's like, oh, you know, Omega has the force. It's like she must be a Skywalker.
Well, no matter what her accomplishments are, even if some of them are warranted and earned, it can always be dismissed by like, oh, you have the Force, you have an unfair advantage. Exactly. Oh, those things went well for you because you used the Force and you manipulated people with your magic. And that to me, just like you said, it dismisses the entire power of her character. It's like,
Just let it, just let her be a strong individual who is extremely empathetic and prove that you can be a normie and make a difference, and truly make a difference. You don't have to be imbued with this luck of the draw, force nepotism that says like start a third base.
Exactly. And in many, many ways, you're better than people that can wield the Force because it comes naturally to you. Yeah, I don't know. I really, really hope so because, you know, it's a bloody cartoon, but I can't believe how much of a vested interest I've got in it. It's quite funny. So what do you think? So that's taken us to episode 11. So we're on the last stretch now. We've got four left.
I think Hunter is going to be pissed. He is going to be. Well, one, we didn't we told we didn't talk about record record got wrecked. First of all, it's like, is he dead? Is he dead? I thought he got away.
And there's a couple other funny tidbits that I thought happened in this show. I thought in my head when Crosshair and Omega and Batcher were kind of on the run and sneaking away, I had a thought in my head. I'm laughing. I'm like, I bet the animators are like pissed. They're like, can't we make Batcher go somewhere else? We have to keep animating this dog.
following along and then all of a sudden they're like, the next thing you know, Batcher's just gone. They're like, okay, cool. We don't have to animate Batcher anymore. It's kind of funny. It's like Batcher leave. You're like, you're costing us money to animate you when you're just not really providing anything. So they leave and then show up on the beach later. I thought that was kind of funny.
But no, I thought, at first I thought it was kind of goofy. I'm like, okay, Hunter's getting the ship, and then it spirals out, and then looks at the binoculars, it's like, okay, Hunter's fine. I'm like, this is all so weird, but then it kind of made sense. It's like, oh, Hunter was off doing something else, and this is gonna create a conflict, because Hunter's gonna be big mad when he comes back and comes up on crosshair, and crosshair's like, yeah, she wanted to turn herself in, and Hunter's gonna,
not be thrilled with the way that went down. Which I don't think there's a lot of time left for a conflict between the two of them, especially with like. What's the current status of Hunter? A wrecker, I mean, sorry, not a wrecker.
It'll be interesting to see like what transpires next. It's like, okay, so they need to find out where Tantis is. Like, is that Emery's sole goal? It's like she's gonna, cause I don't see Emery making it out of this personally. Like, I think if there's anybody on the sacrificing table, it's for sure her in my mind of like, okay, somehow they have to find out where Tantis is and then they have to do the strike on Tantis. It can't be at the same time.
I don't think they would have dedicated an entire episode to her if she was just going to be a nasty imperial bastard. I can't believe they would have spent that time developing her and showing her empathy and showing her fragility in the first of these two episodes. I think you're absolutely spot on.
I think you're right there. On that identity crisis episode, it almost slipped by. Excuse me.
So it does seem like there's multiple projects going on at that facility and I'm wanting to get your thoughts on it. So there's definitely like the normal, the normal side, there's the vault side of things and project necromancer, but there's also like, I tried to look at the screen, like at the very beginning when Hemlock was like looking at his little pad and he mentioned like the others aren't going to be ready when he was talking to the assassin, like,
What do you think he has a strike force that he's working on that isn't ready? Like, and are that what's inside that like? Do they? Did you see the difference between the two masks that he flipped through? Yes, I did. But I couldn't peg what was. No, neither could I. I think what's going to happen is
I wouldn't be surprised if this, again, you know, connective tissue, connective tissue, connective tissue. I wouldn't be surprised if this somehow finds its way to the dark trooper program that we saw reinvented in Mandalorian season two, three, sorry. Well, no, two. Season two. Where they became the robots, they're like the human, the human versions don't work, so I made robots.
Yeah, if you go back to the original game, the Dark Forces game, which the dark troopers were based on. So the dark troopers in the Mandalorian season two were based on a concept or sorry, based on
the third iteration, I think it's the third iteration of an evolving enemy in Dark Forces. And it starts off with a very part machine, part human or part sentient cyborg.
Uh, and then it goes, and then it gets, and then more and more of the flesh is removed through the three iterations of the dark forces, the dark trooper program until number three, which is basically what you get in the man in Mandalorian season two. So I wouldn't be surprised if this is the start of that program. Um, I wouldn't be surprised until, um, again, it will fit really nicely as well. You know, you've got.
you've got conversations going on at the moment, what happened to the... How did Palpatine return? We're dealing with that with Project Necromancer. You've also got the Gideon piece as well, which we all thought was gonna lead to
the Palpatine bit but didn't. But it did evolve from the Dark Trooper stuff from episode, sorry, from season two. So you've got those two parallels of which the origins start in Bad Batch, which I think is kind of cool.
And I think there's some traction there and there's certainly some developments. I mean, again, this could all tie in later on as well. If you think about Tantus, Tantus was also the book, was also the place where the laboratory was in the original Heir to the Empire book, I believe, in which case
And it was still kept secret after the Galactic Civil War. So what I'm trying to say is that, in a very, very bad way as usual, is that if Hemlock is starting Project Necromancer and the Dark Trooper program, both of which need to survive the Galactic Civil War,
because we have Rise of Skywalker and we have the Mandalorian TV series where we see all that stuff into fruition. There's no better place than Mount Tantus. And then because it lends itself to the S the Empire novel, i.e. Thrawn, can we see some sort of involvement or influence from season two of Ahsoka, for example?
I think you are spot on with, if you look at the parallels, if you even take the program, there's the project necromancer program, which is about Palpatine. And we've seen that from end to end. We've seen it from here, all the way to the culmination of Palpatine returning and getting destroyed by Ray. I think what they've done, I could easily see this being the beginning of the other half, which is maybe the dark trooper arc.
And this is the beginning, like where the clones are technically the beginning. And then it comes to this, comes to the next step with Gideon. And I do think, I wonder if the culmination of this is going to be the movie, the Mandalorian universe culmination, Thrawn Arc movie.
where it's, that's the end, where we see the final masterpiece of the dark troopers or whatever you wanna call them, where it's clones, where it's machines. Now maybe we're gonna mix a little Night Sister magic in there, and it's just gonna be this absolute monstrosity of a fighting force.
with obvious weaknesses and things like that here in the other. But it's it's two parallel lines of evil, where it's not a single individual, it's, it's a multitude of individuals who are working through a program and building slowly over time, until Thrawn is the the culminating force of that wielding this, this force of dark, dark death trooper,
Mixed with night sisters and machines and whatever and so you just kind of got this like for lack of a better bastard force of evil Coming through. Yeah. Yeah, and that will of course know I think I think that's beautiful I really do because that will of course and you know, we keep saying not everything needs to be connected but The fact that there's a plan there
even the, even the, even the possibility of a plan, because there may not be a plan, but the possibility of a plan that the fact that we can speculate there's a plan there is a beautiful thing because you think about it, you know, that that will tie up essentially bad batch. Um, it will tie up Mandalorian potentially a soaker as well, uh, into this very, very linear,
exciting timeline. And then I keep thinking, well, what else is, what else is, what else have we had as well that potentially could fit into this as well? And I think about the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, the Obi-Wan Kenobi series happens after this. And of course you've got Echo and Rex out there at the moment, saving clones.
which I am sure they'll be called on to support the Bad Batch in their raid or their rescue attempts on Tantis. And so does that mean that as well as the other seasons, sorry, as well as the other series that I've talked about earlier on,
Does this also mean that Kenobi can also be tied into this as well? Because essentially, this is also the origin, the origins of the hidden path as well. You know, you've got, you've got children, four sensitive children that need to be saved from Tantus. You've got Rex and an echo, as I said, that are saving out there, saving clones at the moment. You'll have this culmination event essentially on Tantus. Um, could the, could this be the beginning of the hidden path?
that was created to save. So 10 years later, when we meet up with Kenobi, when he's trying to track down and save Leia, he comes across the hidden path. Can we see this as being the origins of that underground movement?
Well, let's take it a little bit further and boil off some of the water in our Kool-Aid and say, take it to the next level.

Speculations on Star Wars Universe

Could this be?
also tying in the Jedi survivor show. Could the path and the things like this not just be saving four sensitive kids out in the middle of no man's land, but could we also be accumulating, could this give clones a purpose of going out there and we have this giant
collection of people who are maybe hiding from the empire, culminating in a giant good versus evil battle with Thrawn in the end, which it was funny because it almost takes the Skywalker saga and makes it more of a family problem. It's like, yeah, there's that really big, big good and big bad family problem going on over here. But over a bigger stretch of time, there's this individual low level people kind of fight brewing with
this kind of distorted evil dark trooper amalgamation of just nasty bits. And then there's four sensitive kids and like all these freaking force users who are still alive, where are they? Everybody's like, oh, they weren't helping with Darth Vader or whatever. Well, it's because they're off with the clones and the people who still want to believe in the fight, they're off.
wherever with the Jedi survivor people, Cal Kestis, but then they all come in at the end against this bigger force, like how does Skeleton crew tied in? How does Kenobi tie in? How does Jedi survivor stuff tie in? Like, could we just see this amazing epic battle in the end of all of this? Because Cal, Cal,
At the end of Survivor, Jello Survivor, Kal's the one that actually creates the hidden path, isn't he? He's the architect of the hidden path. He's the one who knows how to get to the hidden place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So my point being is
You know the last episode is called the cavalry has arrived or whatever it is. The cavalry is here or whatever. I can't remember what the last episode is called. Saved by the cavalry or something along those lines anyway. Now in my brain, in my stupid brain, I've been thinking up until now, well, that's clearly what's going to happen is the batch, the boys are going to go out there. They're going to try a rescue attempt. They're going to
make a complete ass of the whole situation. They're going to fall over themselves, ham-fisted, end up in hijinks, maybe with a threat of death. And then Rex, Echo, and the remainder of the clone refugees are going to come in, swoop in on gunships and save them, and everyone's happy.
What if the cavalry, the proverbial cavalry, isn't Rex and Echo and it's Calcestus? That'd be awesome.
I almost fear it's going to be the flip. Cause I think that would be an amazing ass whooping kind of. And then to your point, sorry to interrupt, but to your point back to the scruff is a couple of weeks back where you say, I hope this is the ending of the clone stories that we can actually move on something else. The end, the closing, the closing.
elements of the of the clone story is that Cal takes them all the clones and all the nice people on the island planet whose name I keep forgetting and taking them to this this hidden planet where no one can find them and they all live happily ever after. I think
I think, one, I think that'd be awesome. I think what I think will happen is I think with the introduction of Tarkin this week, here's my prediction is that it'll go similar. That'd be cool. I mean, I don't think how in that group will come in and whoop, whoop, whoop ass. I think the bad batch and stuff will help all the clones leave.
And like in cause enough of a problem that Tarkin is going to come in and be like, you've made a big mess. This isn't worth it. And then he's going to be the nail in that coffin of like, it's almost a dog eat dog nature of it. It's like the empire showing the empire. But then all that group who left, maybe that's when they'll link up and be like, Hey, we have somebody.
We have somewhere like, where are we all gonna go? We can't go to that planet because it's already been compromised. And then somebody's gonna come be like, we actually have an idea and then in through the doorway like a like a like a CG Leia and be like, I have hope it's me Cal Kestis like I can get us all to somewhere safe. Fade to black sick. Awesome. It's like cool that they all they all
go wherever and they put them in the reserve container until the Thrawn movie comes. And then that's when they all come, the real cavalry comes back and shit really hits the fan. Which is funny because I would have never liked this idea. Like if you would have asked me a year ago, I would have been like, I wouldn't have been outright against it.
But I think there's an element of like, the Skywalker saga is, it's not sacred, but it's like, it has importance and it's heavy and it has weight and merit and it's important. But the way this is kind of unfolding, especially in my own head, because I have the best ideas in my own opinion. But it's like, it makes them separate. It's like, it does, it's still important because this is the big, the big bad bitty, big evil plot. And then there's this other one where it's,
maybe satisfying that itch that I wish we would have gotten in the Rise of Skywalker where it's the everyday people, it's the masses. It's against a really big threat instead of it just being individuals. So it's kind of like, ooh, I kind of like this.
Yeah. By the way, if this does actually turn, I mean, like you, everything I wish for and I speculate on never, never actually happens. And it's either, either better or tragically worse. Um, but if, if, if, if, if Cal Kestis does turn up on, on, um,
In episode 15, with BD-1 on his shoulder, I'm going to do a lap of my village. I'm going to run around my village and do a lap of honor to myself for getting that. That was going to happen, but I just pulled that out of my ass. I'll do it too, and I'll record it. I'll record it like, I'll do my phone, I'll run with my camera, front of my face the whole time.
I'll even have, you know, the Rocky soundtrack playing on loudspeaker on my phone because I'm doing it. Anyway. Yeah. Good, good stuff. Really, really good stuff. I mean, the fact that we're speculating about a cartoon is crazy. Absolutely crazy. It means that much to me. It's so, it's so bloody compelling. It really, really is. And I love every week the opportunity that when they pair Crosshair and Omega together,
which they pretty much do every episode at the moment. I love that interaction more than any other. And I, you know, I've always, I've always had a big soft spot for, for, for Wrecker and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Yeah. I don't want to, I did want to, I mean, obviously he's held everyone together for what, two and a half seasons. Um, I don't want to be down on the guy, but yeah, you're right. You are right. I mean, he's, um, he's been a real sulky Susan, um, the last couple of episodes, uh, a little bit of jealousy, I think.
with the relationship that, that cross has got with, with, uh, with her, um, probably overwhelming. You know, no, he hasn't at all. No, he hasn't at all. Um, and, and neither has, I mean, neither has, um, as record, but let's face it, record is.
not particularly hard book to read. Um, but, but yeah, I'm really surprised. I'm really, really surprised. He hasn't had much going on there at all. Um, which is, which is a shame, but I'm so grateful for what we got from, uh, with, with cross hair. It's great. And again, you know, hemlock evil, evil bastard, but I mean, played so beautifully that voice. Absolutely insane.
I'm I'm I'm really excited. I know I can almost say with confidence he's going to get his. Before the end of the before the end of this show and I am I'm here for it and I hope. I hope they do it. Justice, I don't I don't even know who I want to be like the hand in which to give it to him. Because I could like I could list off or rattle off a list of people who I think would be great to like give him his comeuppance.
I was like, oh, I just hope it's satisfying. I hope it's not like he dies an explosion from Tarkin. I think I hope it's good. No, no, no. I hope that whoever does it, between you and I, I hope it's not a say. After the pain, emotional pain that he has put her through, he's basically committed genocide on her home world.
He's pretty much destroyed the species amongst all the other damage that he did as well. But I hope that when he gets his comeuppance that it's from somebody very close to him and he's looking directly into their eyes.
There's something about, do you know what I mean? It's very personal. I hope that it's a very, very personal death or comeuppance that he gets, because that would be justice. Look, I'm here for it. I'm going to forge it. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be kind of weird in four weeks.
not to have this to talk about, but we've got such a massive list of stuff that we do need to get through that I'm almost also a little bit relieved that we can actually start talking about the stuff that we want to move on to. So either way, I'm excited. I really am excited. And then how long have we got until, have we got until acolyte, acolytes June? Is that right?
It is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Right. We only got seven weeks of the acolyte. Yeah. It's going to be, it's going to come and go gone. I don't, I can never keep track of the release dates, but then it's what skeleton crew at some point in time than Andor season two at some point then. Yeah. Good. Some good stuff. Some good stuff on its way.
Some very good stuff. And I am actually looking forward to Skelech and Crewe, because I think if they can capture the same kind of, I mean, a, Jude Law, because it's Jude Law, if they can capture the same kind of vibe as Goonies or
you know, stranger things in more recent years, that would be sick. That would be really, really cool. I'd love a little, I'd love a little romp like that, you know, nothing, nothing too stressful, nothing too enriched in canon and law, which is going to get all of the fanboys stressed out because they haven't represented it properly. You know, something really low risk is a really good romp.
with some hygiene. Well, you know, that's going to be, you know, the first four episodes are going to be low risk. But then the fifth episode is going to be like surprise. It's connected.
Here's Ezra or here's Ahsoka and Sabine on a space whale magically popping up in the skeleton crew universe or whatever planet they're on. Well they're lost in space aren't they? So they're gonna come across a planet which is inhabited by turtle people and just they happen to have two Jedi on there, one of which is a Mandalorian.
and shin hottie baby what's up let's go now could we trouble you for a lift home yep i can see it now right my friend well thank you very much again we've done it again um pull that one out of the hat um thank you for recording with me mate same same i always look forward to this and then i'm always disappointed when it's over it's like dang we've been talking for an hour and 40 minutes it's like
What are we going to talk about next week? I don't know. We'll find something to talk about and we'll, it'll be worth it. I enjoy it every time. I bet you we'll talk for another hour and 40 minutes. We always seem to find a way. I thought I was like, oh, it's going to be a short one today. We're going to get like an hour. And it's like, no, here we are. Something happened. No, Sean, life, life finds a way. Have a great week, my friend and have a great week to all of our lovely listeners.
Same, same. Tell everybody have a good one out there. I know times are weird right now, but thank you for listening and keep your head up. Japan and celebration are not too far away. They are, but not too far. Cheers, guys. Stay safe. Stay happy.