Episode 037 - Batten the Hatches image

Episode 037 - Batten the Hatches

S1 E37 ยท Just Shillin'
30 Plays9 days ago

Hey! Let's talk about some stuff. I finally caught up on Rings of Power so that's cool

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

Hello and welcome to episode number 37 of Just Shilling. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I'm your other host, Andy Bell. How are you, mate? I'm pretty good, buddy. I'm pretty good. it's been ah It's been an exciting day of work so far. I won't go into the details of it, but it's just been, you know, you go in go when you start picking fights and, you know, sometimes things fight back and it just gets to gets to be a good old time. I haven't, get your heart rate up and things like that. But other than that, it's good. um
Besides today, like it's ah it's been a crazy week. um I feel like I say that every time. ah Madison is currently... not home. She's she's at a ah conference this week. So it is just like, I was trying to think it's not way to make it sound like it's just a crazy party weekend. But it's like, no, it's like that, that like implies the wrong thing. It's like, I'm just doing what I want. um You know what, you know, what it's the simple things, though, that make it you've got the whole place to yourself. You can do what you want. You can eat what you want. You can you can
I can do the to-do list items. You are the, yeah, you are the king of your own castle this week. Just you and the cats. The cats are just annoying, annoying me like crazy. They will not leave me alone. Oh, so my neighbors are also gone. So not just watching our cats, I'm watching their cats too. So I gotta, like Madison leaves and I just get like insanely busy. Like, oh, I gotta like,
not taking taking our care of our cats is like one thing, but it's like, oh, I got to go over there and take care of their cats. I've also got to do my honey do list and I've also got to do work and I've also got to do this other crap. And so, and I've also got to, you know, do the things I want to do, like play outlaws, catch up our rings of power. Yeah, man. mar yada yada But besides all that, before before I jump even further forward, it's been, it's also been a weird week because I went to ah a witch's coven this last week. Cool, she did.
Yeah, because you know, that's normal. um the ah parent There was like a witch's coven group that was having an event at a ah local like state park area, like an old, some old historic buildings. It was like just fun themed for kids and people some people who took it very seriously and like a marketplace for a bunch of like weird, weird stuff and like craft, craft goods, like earrings that were made out of like,
i don't think they were real teeth i think they were like maybe a tooth cast and resin i don't know maybe they were real i don't know just other weird stuff i bought a warlock hat that's handmade i wore that around because i'm an idiot nice uh but no that's fun madison wanted to go to that's like let's go and so we went and walked around you need to you need to grow the beard back out again you need to grow it out yeah yeah So when you're saying- So on Bombadil, go for that look. know Exactly. Ooh, you have been watching. um like So hope that um so um when you say there are a few people that take it seriously, do they do they embrace the the spirit of it being Halloween season and they get into it, or do they genuinely think they're witches?
I think the answer is yes to all of those. Just I think there're yes we had we had the whole whole spectrum there. We had kids who were dressed up like like the like the cartoon witches with the black.
like plastic hat and brooms and we had ah we had the people who were looking really just excited about spooky season with ah everything that en entails and kind of like how that's kind of becoming more into the mainstream now but kind of that modernized cutesy goth look. And then there were some people there who I think were um
I think they really believe that they're witches or warlocks, and maybe they are. I'm not here to judge. i got I'm just calling what I see that they they took it very seriously. and Some people who I think were annoyed that it wasn't more like a real like, oh, this is a marketplace and other stuff, and there was a band playing and a lot of other things. They're like, oh, no, I thought we were coming to do like witch activities. um but Like a life sacrifice.
ah Dude, I don't know. It was only my first time, so i've not I haven't got i haven't gotten my pin yet. maybe But I have been invited back. I mean, I did pick up this. There was a local artist there. There was a local artist there. I did pick up this cool print of an octopus, a hand-drawn print. I'm an octopus fan, so I got that. And I also got a ah got a cauldron full of mulled wine, and Madison was like, why did you buy the plastic cauldron cup?
like because I'm a, I support the coven and there so i miss because I'm a member. If I can't get into the local sports club, I'm going to get into the local, the local witches' coven.
Why am I gonna come? Like they are, the cups are already purchased. Like, I might as well take one home with me instead of getting like a styrofoam cup. Like, just... Yeah. Because I want to walk around my cauldron, damn it. Yeah. So besides that, ah the coven was one thing. The the other thing we did was ah some more trail maintenance stuff, but then we went to, we actually went to a concert just a couple of days ago as well.
ah Madison's a big fan of Casey Musgraves. um I'm a fan too. like It's not my normal music jam, but we went to that and it was really cool. I went to see her in concert. Country country music is like not...
not my vibe, but I would argue that she's not really country music and stuff anymore as much, but I do enjoy the stuff she plays. It was a really good show. um We did that in Sacramento. That was fun. I stayed the night and then I dropped her off and she's, and then I drove home and now it's just me hanging out here and hanging out in the old Tahoe, gitin trying to be productive, trying to get stuff done, kind know trying to make sure I didn't forget to do anything before she gets back. We'll see.
But other than that, buddy, how are how are you? What's your week? What's your week been like? It's been a good week. It's been an interesting week um of, um you know, I'm British, so we like to talk about the weather. um So i'll I'll get into that in a second. But it's been a, on the work side, it's been positive. We're starting to see things coming to fruition now. All those late nights that I was talking to you about and the deadlines and all that, it's now coming We've got some time left, and we're nearly done, which is a good a good feeling. i don't feel I don't feel as if I'm on the wrong side of of of fate at the moment, which is good. um And that's been acknowledged in the business today as well, which was which was really nice to kind of get that. you know not I'm not talking about accolades. I'm talking about to slap on the back to say, hey, guys, that was um a pretty good job, a pretty good job. So yeah, no, I was chuffed with that.
um What else has been going on? um The weather has been absolutely done. No, let me again take another and another step back. um So we went to, um so we had the place to ourselves this weekend and ah we've got delay in the carpet fitters coming in for Lucy's new office. I know it seems like it's been going on for months now and it probably has been if I'm perfectly honest with you. However, um we we did a trip to um We did an hour's trip to um a particular Swedish furniture outlet that Lucy likes to buy her junk and trinkets and yeah plants from. and We went there and and um what would have been, ah ah what should have been about half an hour to an hour's visit there.
on top of the traveling itself ended up being two or three hours because we went down the whole of buying. ah cheap Swedish stuff um to fill up every single of the storage that I've had built for her. you know I know that feeling. that i know you know you know You think that, well, hey, there's capacity here for the future. No, there's no more capacity for the future. So that that that that's that. um But you know we we was it was our little day out, still pushing her to get the um
Costco card application in so that we can we can make that our next trip um and then ah as a result of that I then did two solid days of of of trips to ah local charity stores and things like that just getting rid of all even more of the old crap I was telling you about well no no it's time of it's good stuff it's just not used and you have to be you know you have to be um pragmatic about what do we want to keep because we're going to use it or what are we just keeping despite the fact that we haven't used it in the last five or 10 years. So we did a couple of trips there. Again, that was ah what quite cathartic actually, um just clearing out an awful lot of old stuff because I'm i'm quite a minimalist when it comes down to
what I like to have in the house. Lucy on the other hand is quite a hoarder. And so every time she buys more stuff, if I'm able to get rid of stuff, so it nets itself out, then I'm i'm quite a happy guy. So I had a good weekend.
I tried to do some lighting over the weekend. ah There was a particular light fitting that I really, really liked. It was my call, my call um but it was a um um it's a lot harder to install than I thought. And it's mainly because the lighting, the light itself, when you're talking about a ceiling rose light, you know, we're not talking about anything more complex than a normal pendant, but the way that the lighting, we've got an old building, right? And the way that the original wiring, which is sound by the way, it's absolutely fine. And it complies with, you know, modern regulations, but the wiring is really- That's fine, because my house is not. My house is absolutely not.
Yeah, um but but the way it's been wired up, I might need a genius take to take some advice from someone, you know, from a genius, electrical genius like... um like Eric to work out what I need to do because there's multiple loops coming into one fitting. And I know what to do. I just want to double check it. So that didn't end up getting done on Sunday, which I think was a little bit disappointing for Lucy, but we're getting there. We haven't got carpet yet, so we're getting there. Do you have to use like double multiple switches for the light and like maybe like a neutral?
like a new Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. But it's it's it's' it's a light fitting that's actually a spur of a for other circuits in the in the building as well. um It's not a regular one. um It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It's where they kind of use, I don't know what the the the color convention is in the States, but it's like where they use the same color for both live and neutral. And it's like,
You got like the black, white, green, and red. You got the four. Where are you going? Yeah, ours is a bit different. But yeah, in in theory, you've got same color wires coming in that typically would be would be there be a clear dot did clear demarcation between you know um ah live earth and neutral. Anyway, that that was that. i I sound like I know what I'm talking about, but I really don't know what I'm talking about, which is the reason why I'm not touching it at the moment.
um then ah The heavens dumped. We've been having a reasonably, I think I said to you recently, we had a reasonably um pleasant um warm spell in the UK and it's still a little bit, it's getting cooler for sure. But um we had a month's load of rain and in two days in two days. And as a result, our infrastructure, as you you know as you already know, um didn't cope very well. And so our village where I live actually got um got flooded.
and so um yeah sure yeah no no I love it, but i love I love shit like that. I'm sure I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse because I'm sure I'd do really well in it. Anyway, the point being is that we live in ah in a part of the UK called the Cotswolds, which is very hilly. There's lots of hills and and nice nice fields and everything. And where we live is in a village that's on top of a hill, which is great.
because it means that you don't get flooded. But the all of the roads around yeah us approaching the village are all further towards sea level. And so therefore, we pretty much get cut off. There's only one or two roads that were accessible this week to get in and out of the village, which for me is fantastic. Someone like, um someone that is, should we say,
more work conscientious than me, um ah would be worried about it. How do I get all more concerned about, you know, how am I going to get a loaf of bread? Well, you can always walk, but anyway, um but, you know, how am i how am I going to do this? You know, the world is, the world is, the world is, the sky is falling, the sky is falling, the world's going to collapse. Whereas I'm like, this is great.
This is absolutely fantastic. We're completely cut off from everything. It's amazing. It's like we've got our own little private moat around the entire village. It's fantastic. um So yeah, no, I was i was having fun with it. Global warming turned it into an island. like Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I was really enjoying myself. um But yeah, for that for for many others, unfortunately, including my wife, because she she does actually have to go into the office quite a few times a week or a few times a week. um Yeah, it made it ah it made it inconvenient for an awful lot of people, but I love it. I love it because it builds that it builds that sense of community. You know you've got to rely on each other. There are you know there are more vulnerable people that live in our lane. You know you go and check in on them. Can I get you anything? I'm going to walk down to the to the store. Can I get you any bread? Can I get you, I don't know, cheese or ah or a paper or something? And it creates that kind of excitement. It's a little bit like when we get um you know half an inch of snow in the UK and the entire country shuts down. I love that. I love that shit. it's it's it's it's um
It's what we it's what we call in the in the in the UK blitz. It's like a it's like blitz humor, which is basically it it kind of sense of community and togetherness and Will strive on stiff up a lip, you know strive on despite the adversity say anyway ah That was fun for about two days and then waters of size. It's not back to normal now But that was that. As a result of that, I don't have any gardening stories for you this week, unfortunately, because obviously it's been quite the swamp out here in the garden. So I don't have any updates on apple trees or any other cutting back that I was going to do. Do you do a lot of pruning? Sounds like you have apple trees. Especially in the autumn.
Like a little snip, like a little snippy, snippy scissors or like saw or what do you do? So i've got a i've got a I've got a decent hedge trimmer for the for the hedge trip for the hedges. um um I went battery opera i went cable ah cable free this year. went I went battery operated, which was good. um And as long as you spend a bit of cash, you can actually get a decent one that lasts more than half an hour. But yeah, no, no, I yeah no i typically cut back our main hedges and and and ah and trees twice a year, once in the spring and then once in the autumn. So the autumn the spring is to reduce the amount of um of ah
of um
blossom that an awful lot of our bushes get. And the reason for doing that is it curbs the growth because they can become unruly. So it curbs the growth. Less blossom means it's going to grow less.
um And then apart from the apple trees, the apple trees I cut back every single February, so just about a month or so before before spring. And um I cut them right back, like right, right back. And the reason for doing that is that you have to keep the you have to keep an apple tree in it in it, what they call it, in a donut shape. It's hollow in the middle.
um but it's relatively stout. It's relatively stout um because the idea being is that you obviously need to reach the apples, but also it keeps it keeps the the branches. When apple trees um either either through the middle of the tree or you know if you don't give enough room between the branches, they tend to mesh and that's where you get things like mould and you get you get you get, um it becomes a fertile environment for loads of bugs and stuff that will end up eating through your apples. You want to try and keep the limbs free of each other um so that they in turn can can have their own their own apple crop if you like. um And I do that once, I only do that once a year though.
So I have a recommendation for you. ah cool um You know, we've been doing we've been doing that trail work stuff and like I used ah use something a while back. So I bought ah bought one of my own and man, i i am in I am in love with this thing. It's basically, so they, it if you're, are you familiar with the company Silky, like Silky Saws?
No, it's a it's a jet. It's a Japanese brand. They make Chuck tree pruning saws orchard saws hand like little hand saws and stuff like that. I got like a little I think 170 millimeter whatever however wherever that length is like a little hand saw so I can carry it with me because we do a lot of like cutting back brush and stuff for manzanitas and Mike my own like little personal pruning project of out in the woods. I picked up a little hand saw from them. Oh, it is a Work of art, I love it. It's a little Japanese, a little Japanese song. I got to use one of the, like the official like 20 foot, like katana, tree trimming saw, just cutting branches. i don't I didn't buy that, but I bought like the little the little guy just carrying my pocket and like, yeah mouth man, dude, cuts like butter. Love them. Silky saws. If you want to sponsor us, reach out. I'm here for it. I'll shill it every time.
They're fantastic. For all your pruning needs, silky sores. do that it's like It makes makes pruning fun. You can use that as a slogan if you want. Mate, I was going to say you're a walking advert. Fantastic. um so yeah no that it's been a it's been a It's been a short one. um i mean i Because the weather has been so bad, i have we have been stuck inside quite a bit, which in turn has allowed me to I would say catch up on a lot of TV and movies and stuff, but actually what it's done is it's given me the opportunity to play a lot of Outlaws.
And it's interesting actually, because i'm i'm I'm picking up, I was listening to our buddies over at Star Wars spelled out, so Josh and and and Catherine was his guest to again this week. They were talking a little bit about outlaws and he's already kind of a lot further, not a lot further down, but he was talking about something that I only got to yesterday, for example. Now, whether heat but weather we're pretty much the same at the same stage, I don't know, but it it seems to be that he's he's kind of,
either where I am at the moment or a little bit further on. And and meanwhile, there are others that I know have already finished the story the story story mode, the but the the main domain the main mode. And then I'm like, oh God, i'm like am I might too slow? Am I too slow? But I'm having such a blast. We'll talk about this. i We'll talk about this. We'll talk about this in a second. Let's talk about this in a second.
so you pick up There's only two things I picked up in news this week, and I must be honest with you, mate, I have not been particularly prolific at going out and actually looking for any, ah which is lazy, lazy, um but you know me by now. What about you? Did you pick did you pick up any news?
So i have I have a couple things I'm sticking into the news segment because I just ah want to. Do it. ah with the what One news item is that the Thunderbolts trailer came out. um And I said that syntheticism sent that to the groups to check out. It looks kind of I like it. I like it. I appreciate it. It's anything with Bucky in I'm going to like anyway. Same.
Black Widow's sister, who I think has got the mask, Black Widow now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna like it. I like her as an actress as well. um But no, it looks really, really good. It looks really, really good. I mean, it's, it's, um ah you know, you will know already, it takes a very, very special movie to get me into the cinema. And I'm hoping it's kind of that dysfunctional, that that that take on, that Marvel's just take take on a dysfunctional bunch of superheroes that
I didn't perhaps enjoy Suicide Squad as other people did. Both of them. I was about to say. Yeah, I was going to say I hope it distinguishes itself from that. Yeah. Yeah. But it looks good. It looks really, really good. It's one I'll go and see. One I'll go and see. Same. I'm going to, Bucky's my number one Marvel. Yep.
Marvel person so it's like you know and I kind of like the the way the trailer kind of like made like he's in but it's also like like he's coming up on the car and they're like is that does that him and they all seem to kind of like revere him a little bit they're like oh yeah we're all good but like oh oh no he's he's here uh so I think that's kind of cool like if you get to play like a like a
not a mentor, but like ah ah like he's the he's the the big dog that like, oh no, like we're all good, but he's better. Yeah, so I'm excited for that. A couple other minor things. ah One thing is I know, I don't think we talked about on the pod, I think it was after the pod last week, um but the, I, it what a conversation we had inspired me to get something this week after when we were on the road, we went to an ice cream place and I got a root beer float.
And it was good. Nice. It was very good. And I think as you guys call them Coke spiders, but you make them with Coke, Coca-Cola. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. one Yeah. So that was, uh, I figured I'd update you on that. It inspired me to have a root beer flow and it was fantastic. I love a root beer flow. Um, the other, the other piece was not necessarily news, but like, sorry, on that point, on that point of the context, context, the folks that are that they're listening, we talked, um,
Shaun and I, after we recorded last week, actually carried on talking for a good couple of hours again after after after pressing stop. And um anna one of my lasting memories of my mum was her making me Coke spiders, which basically, I'm sure everyone knows, but just in case they don't, it's ah it's a half glass of of of regular full fat Coca-Cola.
um with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it. And the vanilla ice cream eventually kind of semi-dissolves, but also kind of expands into this web-like pattern, hence the reason why they call it a spider. like It creates this this lattice or this web web effect at the top of the glass, and it's freaking delicious. And as a kid growing up in the and it's a ah in a certain part of the UK where um coke was seen as a treat and not readily available and um certainly not as it as it is today.
anna and um for my mum to create this masterpiece that I thought she created herself. No, no no no no your um yeah yeah your dad and I had one of these when we were out in, I don't know, out in the US s or wherever it was. I thought she was an absolute culinary genius coming up with this concoction. And ever since then, it's it's one of my lasting memories of mum is creating these ridiculously easy drinks for us kids. Um, and then you'd always have one of those really, really long ice cream spoons, you know, the, the, the spoons that you get ah in a, in a, in a diner, uh, or you have normally normally have for a vanilla Sunday or whatever. Um, um, yeah anyway,
Yeah, and that just to give everyone context. Delicious. And to this day, I've got a soft spot for them, although I need to be careful of the body that is my temple. I have a i have a soft spot because of them. That's that's kind of where I'm at. But no, it was delicious and fantastic. Sorry, man. I went off at a tangent.
yeah That's that's totally fine. the other The other thing it's not really new. It's kind it's not news. It's whatever. ah I was listening to a recent episode of our our buddy the rogue rebels um with Sal and I believe it was the Star Wars geek girl Zoe and they were talking she was talking about like the 2015 run of of Star Wars comics and how she's kind of going through those and it's like just kind of hearing like hearing somebody else who like maybe didn't read them at the time like I mean I read a lot of them like I did really well up until a point and I know we beat this horse a million times it's like
Maybe it's some of this lack of Star Wars content that we're we're supposed to be getting in the future. Like I'm feeling all this to say like I'm feeling motivated to like get back into the content that I've missed. Yes. Like, oh, I should go back and read.
750 books that I haven't read in the last five years because I've yeah, I've been constantly satiated with things and I just thought that was cool I thought that was cool that they're talking about it like I thought it was cool that like outlaws wants me to place once is getting me to play squadrons again at some point like I don't know it just it's is kind of exciting to see this like Hey, it's not like yeah, it sucks that we're getting not getting a new content but like For people like me, especially, it's like, dude, there's a lot of content out there that I haven't consumed that's actually really good. And like, you just open your eyes and like, look at it, it's there. So I thought that was cool. And i saw this number um back in the, you know, back from 2015 to
probably the start of COVID or start of lockdown, I had to be quite strict with what I did consume because it just became too much. So yeah, now is a prime opportunity to start revisiting all of that and maybe, you know, maybe rear for some folks to reassess their opinions of of of what the the Disney era has brought us, maybe. and up in ah and because i think it I think it was cool because it's kind of motivating because i I've been dabbling with this like, all right, should I just go back to the beginning of the High Republican and then just like just just jump in? And like, I've read a couple of books, but it's like, should I just go back to it? But this is kind of cool because it's like, you know what, I should just go back to when I fell off. Like, because I think there's a pretty clear distinction, a pretty clear point in time when it like, i probably around COVID, honestly, that's probably when it happened.
when it just might my consumption of the extra stuff just kind of stopped. It's like, no, let's go all the way back. And like, let's get it all. Like, there's no I have it. I like I have most of the stuff. So I might as well just do it. Instead of and maybe that'll get me into the swing of things that I'm familiar with storylines I'm familiar with instead of maybe trying to jump into a a high republic book that like when I've read two or three and maybe I don't remember some of the 750 names and like, all right, let's but start easy stuff that I'm familiar with, go from there, and then maybe it'll ramp up and I can and i can carry all the way through. Oh, that's cool. That is very, very cool. But I think that's all the news I have. I picked up, um well i i was I mean, i you you you you you pointed out that the Thunderbirds, Thunderbirds,
Thunderbirds, the Thunderbolts trailer to me. So that's kind of the only thing I had when it came down to um new stuff to watch or new stuff to consume. um But I did read, well, two things about our beloved Star Wars this week. The first being that um there is a listing um and I don't really understand the detail. I believe it's about some sort of production schedule. um There is a listing that Basically, I don't know whether it's part of a media schedule for a particular broadcaster or whether it's all for for for particular for advertisers to get behind. I've no idea what the what the what the context of it is. um But firstly, there looks to be a production called um Star Wars Pirates, and that may well be a code word, but Star Wars piwar Pirates that's in production for 2025, 2026.
Now that's interesting. um I don't really want to spend too much time thinking about it because typically change you know plans have changed in recent years going by Lucasfilm's track history. So I don't want to get too excited about it, but it would be dope if there was some sort of um plan to ah to do something um on the space high seas, as it were. That would be really, really cool. um It could also, on the other hand, be a code word for skeleton crew. I've also thought about that consideration. you know Are we talking about a schedule that is destined for the future or is it for the near future rather than the rather
rather than the distant future and is this a code word that was going to be that was used during production and during um scheduling you know with with ah with other media companies um or suppliers. with was was it Was it used as ah as ah as ah as a as a code word? um I don't think it is, though, from what I've heard from other people. So it could well be something new. And of course, the first thing I thought of was, oh, got talk to talk to Sean about it because
going back to our theory or maybe our our wish list, going back to our wish list, if we were to see Hondo as a cameo in Skeleton Crew, if we know he's going to turn up or he's going to be part of ah the Mando experience in Galaxy's Edge because obviously the Falcon ride is going to be is going to feature the Mando universe, is this is this another piece of that of that pie, or that puzzle, sorry, um on top of maybe him also shared showing up during the um the Avengers moment that we talk about an awful lot, which may or may not be the the the the Mando and Grogu movie. um But I thought thought that was interesting. The second piece of news, second piece of news that I picked up on is less positive, um but not surprising.
bearing in mind his current favour, shall we say, and that is looking like that the Taika Star Wars production that was being developed and I think originally socialised just after The Last Jedi.
think that's originally when it was talked about, but it's looking likely that that's not happening now. Or it's certainly on hiatus in the same way that, if you like, um ah other things have not been spoken about since the original lineup, which is a shame. um But I have to say,
while I am a massive, massive Taika fan, and I'll be faithful to him, um especially when it comes down to what we do in the shadows, Ragnarok. He has had, and and Jojo Rabbit in particular, um he has had some some tough watches in recent years.
Um, and I don't know whether I don't know whether that's just us Because you know what we're like, you know what humans are like we we we have things falling out in and out of favor with us Uh all the all the time. We're so goddamn fickle. It annoys me but is it is it us that's changing to to is it us that that have changed our tastes over time or is it is there something there that that that tyker's kind of is there some special source that somehow tyker doesn't have at this moment in time i don't know i don't know what it is don't know what it is but i i haven't been i think as impressed i think it's a bit of both you know i think like i i've seen some of those last couple movies as well and like while they're they're enjoyable like i do think there's an element of like
we're We're living in kind of an un unprecedented time where the zeitgeist feels to be moving very quickly. And I feel like the some but some of the some of the stuff feels dated. like I love what we do in the shadows. I love Jojo Rabbit. and I love some of these other movies. like But some of the recent ones, they almost feel like dated um with the the type of humor. like That window of that type of kind of that humor feels like it's not what people are wanting at the moment.
Like, and so ah but where I kind of see it is like, yeah, maybe, maybe he's the one who's kind of putting it on hold. He's like, yeah, I need to take, I need to take a break. And like, cause I imagine it was probably going to be similar to those last couple of movies where it's going to be a very goofy.
goofy romp very taika and so maybe he's taking a step back i mean like i need to let the creative juices because they do feel like they kind of amplified like some of the i don't want to say like some of the genius was lost i think on some of the last ones because they were still good they're still good movies and fantastically written way better than anything i can ever do but like maybe it's just been too much too quickly um And I just don't think people are looking for that kind of thing. I don't know, but a hell, what the hell do I know? I think that's the challenge, you know, that the challenge that every creator faces is is how do I, A, stay relevant and B, how do I keep you know reinventing myself? And that's the why I'm in awe of of of certainly, you know, some bands, some singers, some artists. um um And I'm not going to go into details, but but but but people that continue look to reinvent themselves in a new and fresh way. and
um' I'm probably in agreement with you to be honest with you, mate. But that's that that that's sad. I mean, there's still, we already have the news that kind of Donald is kind of reaffirming his appetite to still do to still do the Lando piece, which is good. And probably the one I'm really, really looking forward to the most. um So while this is a downer, it kind of, we'll have to wait and see. We'll have to wait and see. Yeah.
so um what have you been What have you been consuming the last week? I mean, I'm assuming that this week is your true week of consumption with with Madison being away. Have you got anything under your belt this week?
ah so i I've been catching up on some podcasts. um i I caught ah cut our buddies over at High Potion, you know being awesome. Gave us a ah lovely shout out, like way more generous than I think we deserve that joke. I know I joked with you about like, is this when we switched to incel? Like just shitty. I don't even want to say what I said, but like just shitty content. Uh, cause they're like, Oh, they, they, they, they tout assist so highly. And it's like, man, that's a, that's a high bar to live up to. But, but now those guys were awesome once again. And I really appreciate that. Uh, also caught our, caught our other buddies over at the set list. Uh,
getting, getting the all worked up, you know, throwing, throwing, throwing claims that we hate them, throwing, throwing, like, you're kind of putting, putting the, putting the ball in our court a little bit. And it's like, I mean, we never asked you to cancel on Mark Hamill. I mean, you can have him. I don't know. Why are we, why are we getting targeted? I mean, I know that you kind of like,
told him to. Oh, it's my oh, it's my fault. Yeah, it's my fault. Yeah, my fault. It was it was a joke. I must admit I didn't expect them to get emotional about the whole thing. You know, there's like, there's like 35 of them though. It's not a fair it's not a fair fight. Yes, no, it's not. It's not at all. Thank you. Sure. Thank you. Besides, besides that. Oh, come on. Come on. Let's tell everyone. Let's let's let's give it away. Let's give it away.
Okay, all right, go for it. That's all you- No, you do it. You do it just in case I get into trouble. Are you talking about like what what's tonight? Yeah. Like this evening? Or yeah tomorrow morning? My tomorrow morning, yeah. So i think eric I think Eric got through to a Raj in about the whole inviting us thing. And so we are gonna be, hopefully maybe hopefully it makes the cut and we'll see what happens.
ah Maybe back I'll hear, I got an idea. I'll throw some more shade at somebody else as a part of explaining this. Hopefully it doesn't, they don't go full Ed Bossard and lose the recording and people actually hear it. Cause we're going to be on the set list.
Poor Ed. blessing hu oh oh The great thing about Ed is he just shrug his shoulders and he's like, and? Who cares? No, yeah. no yeah yeah we're we're So we're we're we're recording an hour or so earlier than normal um so that I can try and get my my head down for a few hours before I get up at the yeah the very, very early hours of tomorrow morning to hopefully
um ah Join the Sithless Boys. um It looks like it's on. um they laid down the gauntlet, we've accepted, and um whereas or as I'd prefer to say, Gondor called and Rohan will answer. who So we'll be there tomorrow morning. Tonight, your time. See, that's funny that you you phrase it that way because I recently watched, I rewatched the movie The Warriors. And so I kind of saw it like that. I'm like, oh
Oh, I see. Oh, I'd like to think we're allies. Okay. Coming from you, mister talking chick. So, you know, we'll see. We'll see how it shakes out. Like, we're gonna... The Warriors of Two is gonna show up to the... I don't know. What are they? The baseball? Are they the baseball players? There's like 100 of them? We'll be fine. We'll be fine. At least 50% of that team are good people, so we'll be fine.
We'll report back on which ones. and prefer great guy its ah good it's good it's good It's gonna be a good time. i'm I'm excited for it. ah and it can like ah genuine I genuinely think it's gonna be chaos. It's gonna be funny as hell, but it's gonna be chaos.
I need to get a bigger monitor so I can see everybody. Yeah. the I did rewatch The Warriors recently. There's just something about that movie. I i' really, I really enjoy that movie. ah Can you do it?
Suckas! No, yeah. i like to I like to get glass bottles out of the recycling every once in a while and irritate the ever-living hell out of Madison. Just like, Madison, come out and play! And she's just like, I don't know why I'm with you. I'm going to go to a conference. Goodbye.
um But no, i but i gotta I watch that in 4K, and it's like, I love it. This is fantastic. I love this movie. It's good, isn't it? um and And I also love the play. like I think I love it so much because it was a PlayStation 2 game. That should have been part of my adaptations thing. Yes. Because that PlayStation 2 game was awesome. I love that game. I've also watched, I listened to the Katie Sackhoff show. The most recent one, whatever. I had to get it in before you did.
yeah No, I wasn't gonna talk about it this way. Yeah, I gotta be proactive. And I also... I caught up on Rings of Power. And, uh... Yay! So what do you think, bud? I think I watched four episodes yesterday alone. The... It's amazing, like... I have so much free time all of a sudden. I don't know what it is, but it's like...
i could be I could be irresponsible and stay up till... I make it sound like I don't have free will or like any choice in any of this matter. That's not my intention. like I normally I'm just, I go to sleep at a reasonable time normally in life. And then I just act like a complete buffoon, throw caution to the wind when I'm alone. That just seems to kind of be my behavior. So this isn't a dig against her. It's really, I just can't be left to my own devices. But I didn't get caught up. Do snap, snap, snap. if if If Lucy goes away and stays with the girls,
if she If she wants to do a weekend in London with with with the girls, she'll go and stay with them. And I'm like, freedom! I've got the place to myself. Dude, I'm falling asleep by half past ten on the cat on the couch with the cat and the dog. So the cats and the dog. i'm i'm I mean, what the way that my mind thinks, is like it's it's like slide house party. the way that my body thinks is no, you can have an early night. um But yeah, no i like a party but then it but then it's like, who should I invite? Absolutely no one has party by myself. Let's go. Turn you turn the pace all the way up as loud as possible. And then it's like, well, I'm too old for this. So I did catch up. but I did catch up on rings of power. um I mean, I liked so for those ah for back reference, I enjoyed season one.
um i also I also make a like ah and a note here that usually when I watch Lord of the Rings, i i i kind of i'm able to unlike most media I consume, I'm able to kind of sit in this realm of like, I don't know what's going on half the time. like I can follow the story, I enjoy it. like i don't I don't go deep. I've not read the books. I've tried a couple of times and it's like, oh my goodness.
So I I am okay with this similar to Dune where I'm like I enjoy it for what it is And I appreciate every once in a while i'll Google something and be like is this is this person this person? They're like no absolutely not you idiot like they're nowhere close to each other. it's like Okay back to the show play and it's like Yeah, this is exciting. I do Season two is kind of similar to what you were saying about how the pacing feels better like season one definitely felt like I a lot of setup like we they it's almost like they had a plan which is crazy they had a plan going in like we're gonna do x number of seasons um and we have a lot of groundwork to lay to then season two we're gonna just be like the ball the ball's moving things are starting to make sense more now for especially for somebody like me like season one was like
Whoa, wait, whoa, wait a minute. Like, who, who is that? Why, why are they there? They should be there. What's going on? And so now it's like, ah, there. It's like, it's planned all along and they know what they're doing. But no, I'm been enjoying it. I love it. I think it's fun. I think it's fun.
that you can have, like not everything has a bigger, it feels like not everything has a bigger purpose. um Like it's it's okay to have, it feels like older television that we all kind of clamor about where it's like, it's okay to have a storyline that is like moving forward, but it's not necessarily like the the main storyline 100%. And it's it's consequential, but like not,
Like, similar to Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones has that like, there's just there's just stories. but But I like this because it's not just littered with Things that make your stomach churn or just are upsetting. It's like it can just be fantasy. Like it could be like, oh, what's that? It's like, oh, it's um it's a monster. Like, it's just a monster. There's no point. It's just magical. it And it goes away or whatever. It's like, I don't know. I think that's neat. Like, what do they do? Like, I'm not super worried about the cannon. Like, oh, they can they can sing to the mountains. It's like, that's cool.
I don't need any backstory. Now they can't. It's fun. I just enjoy it. I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am really, really enjoying it. And I think that I couldn't agree with you more. It's made me appreciate c season one a lot more, knowing that I have a vested interest in the characters that we see. Because what I like about it is that they didn't have to do this, but they kept keep the they keep the they They split the story out depending on the um the individual or the character they're following at any one time, a little bit like the movies, which Tolkien himself actually did in the books himself, but he did it way, way, way too protracted, way too protracted. to have almost like
what would normally be a book size ah bookized set of chapters to sell to tell so progression in one person's story. And then you'd have forgotten all of the other protagonists in the story as well, what they're up to. And then they'd move into ah another large, which Jackson kept to a certain degree. He kept the idea of this trinity of of of journeys that was going on. um However,
um um They're doing it again in in this, which I really, really appreciate it. But what I like, what made me appreciate season one more is that you kind of, I've now got a vested interest in these people. they cat there There is some character development going on. They got rid of some of the dead wood that was there in season one as well, which I really, really appreciate it. I mean, there's some, and I don't want to don't know harp on about it, but that for example, you know the um is it the Brandyfoots or the Brandybucks, the family of yeah the the community of travelers that are finding themselves at moment? The Harfoots. Harfoots, thank you. Sorry. The Harfoots. I felt they spent too maybe too long.
with their story of which a guy, a UK comedian called Lenny Henry, ah funny guy, really, really funny guy. He's not a very good, in my opinion, he's not a particularly good actor. They spent an awful lot of time with him and he's his not the best of actors. And I think I've said this before, he was also in Wheel of Time, I think. Is it Wheel of Time? Is it Wheel of Time? Is it Wheel of Time? I think it's Wheel of Time.
Sure. Yes. Or was it Witcher? No, Witcher. Witcher, he was in The Witcher. Anyway, what I'm trying to make is that that that they've they've they've really got a tight cast now. It's very focused on them. um The characters development is there because again, they built up to it in season one. Really, really enjoying it. And the Sauron story, I'm i'm really, really enjoying. Really, really enjoying it.
But I think one of my favorite parts about it is, especially around Lord of the Rings, I noticed that last night during my ridiculous binge, it's like one of the things I like about it is that time and distance are just essentially meaningless most of the time. And it's like, I'm way over here and it's like, I need to go there and I'm gonna run. It's gonna run the whole way. And then I'm here. And I know there's obviously, you could dive deeper, but they don't focus on that too much.
And it's like, oh, we need to go to someplace. And then they go take a break and go to somebody else's story. Then they come back. It's like, we're here. Like, yeah, you could probably draw a timeline and like figure out like, oh, and they that actually happened a long time ago. And this, this, this. Yeah. It's like there's not six episodes of the army moving across the lands. It's like they're just they're here. They did it. It's like, yes. Keep the story moving. I like I like that. It gives it a. It keeps it moving and just like I could fill in the blanks later like this. is I'm enjoying this. My one.
the thing that is, like, I'm getting... am it's not it's It's not a criticism. It's just, it is the story. There's something about it that just, like, I'm like, okay, like, can we can we grow up? Elrond and Galadriel, it's like, it's like, all right, guys, for real. It's like this back and forth. Like, can we talk about it? Can we get on?
Can we just, can we do something? Can we stop acting like teenagers for like a minute and just, let's just stop. Like it's just, cause it feels like ah ah Jim and Pam on The Office, like now that the show's like over or like, and you watch it now, it's like, oh my God, like for the, like just make a decision, like just be mad or not. Like, can we stop going back and forth? that That's my only kind of like, something I'm kind of like rolling my eyes at these days, but no, I think, ah um'm and I'm really enjoying it. I'm glad that we're getting more clues and pieces of like who people are or are not. I'm glad that I think there's some stuff in it where like I think they've known all along what they were gonna do but like the way they've been revealed was like kind of a ah bit of ah a toss of that like a flip of the chin a little bit at some people for their criticisms of season one like
Uh, how does that happen? bob bra bra Like, how does that work? And it's like, well, it's funny you should ask because yeah this person can look like whatever they want. They can. they Yeah, I, I don't, some of the stuff is, um, some of the stuff that I've, I've read, um, it's not, it's not a, it's not appropriate, um, today. And B it's just pathetic because, um,
The Lord of the Rings was written in a you know in a very, very different... Guys, it was written in a different century, for God's sakes, but it was also written at a very, very different time um where social um boundaries weren't as fluid as they are today. And um I won't prescribe to that, but that's the kind of bullshit. Even just the stuff of like people like criticizing Sauron.
And like, oh, yeah how, how to do a good this. It's like, one of those episode, I don't remember which episode it was where it's like, well, here's 10 minutes of like, well, you know what? He can do whatever he wants. Cause he is a slime monster. I don't understand that criticism. That's always been the way.
That's always been the way. i mean at the at the i mean the the The closest example I can give to to to what Sauron is, is he is the you know the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. i mean Ultimately, he can be whatever he wants to be. i mean we We see him at the beginning, if you go back to the Jacksonville, you see him at the beginning as this huge, this huge dark warrior, you know this huge yeah ironclad warrior but you know that's gargantuan you know like like uh giant size but by the end of you know what he's he's an eye in a tower you know it's it's like he can his presence is ah it's almost like you know he is the epiphany of of a of a body of a body being absorbed into an audience like a horcrux before even a horcrux existed
Well, it all boils down to the fact of like, people are just, people are stupid on the internet. And that also hinge on the fact, like, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that even something that Peter Jackson made up? It's like, cause there wasn't really a ah visualization of it. Like he's the one who made him and i an i an eye of fire at the top of a tower. Like, cause he was really just, he's, he sees things, he sees everything, but wasn't like, he's a giant fireball at the top of a tower.
But you need to visualize that somehow. can't I honestly have read the books, again, early, you know, mid-teens, late-teens. They were hard going. Really, really hard going. The reason why... If that's something that interests you then you, then our listeners can Google it because item I'm not going to. I'm pretty sure that's true, but I'm going to stick with it. But no, I'm enjoying it. I think it's i think it's a good time, good romp. um I am disappointed that there's two... I have to wait for two more episodes. I was hoping I could just...
should have waited another week so I could watch all but the last one. yeah i so yeah No, it's ah it's it's good. And? Yeah, it's it's it's one of the, you know, you know we we talk about this a lot actually, you know, we know where we're talking about um ah ah some seasons or some series that that I like to watch weekly. um And there are some that I like to watch, I'd like to to binge.
Rings of Power is one of those ones that I think now I probably would have liked to have binged. Yeah, because I don't know what the hell is going on. if i If I watch that week to week, I'm going to turn it back on to what? Because those those beginning intro things, like previously on, is not enough. I guess not enough to... I can't pronounce half the names, let alone remember who they are. Like, I totally forgot about, like, the Numenor stuff.
Oh, yeah. It's like we go to Numenor. It's like, oh, my... Who are half of these people? Like, I already forgot this. And then it's like, oh, yeah, these are all the people that I like. I'm so oblivious. I'm like, these are half the people I hated, and I don't really remember how they connect to everything except for...
with that one, one guy. Like, I'm not really, I don't remember how this, they are even related to any of this, but we'll find out. Isildur. Yeah. Isildur who finds the ring eventually. Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you, mate. I'm with you. Anything else you've been watching buddy? or I, I have, I was about to start Agatha all along and I'm excited to start it. I haven't heard anything about it, but it's something I'm interested in. So that's going to be a good girl. I didn't even know it was, I didn't, did it come out last week?
I think it's been out for a couple of weeks. And I think Penguin also came out too. that I need to start watching that. But Penguin might be a good thing to more of a ah Benji one for me though. I don't know. Yeah. I've heard good things about that, but so like you, I haven't, I haven't got around to it yet, which is a shame. Anything else? but No, no, nope, nope. I'm going to be playing a lot of outlaws starting tonight. So I will be able to, I don't know if I'm going to catch up to you. We'll see because I think you're considerably ahead of me. um no yeah taking like I feel like I'm taking my time. This is my point. and This is my point about what I was saying. I think I'm taking my time. I feel like I'm not rushing.
um i've I've skipped a lot of the side stuff, a lot of it. I mean, there's some stuff that, um so after, that there are three, once you once you're allowed to travel, you can go to three different places, ah three different um extra ah new new new planets, which will expand as the DLC lands and so on and so forth. um And I'm on the third, I'm on Tatooine now, which is what I want to lead to last because as I was as i was advised and I was,
i It came true. ah You're locked. You're locked on that planet for a while until you satisfy Jabba and your you've got to make sure that he's happy with you before he'll let you leave again. um And then I'm assuming that you get, when he lets you leave,
you can then go on to the end game, which is a final heist, which you're planning for at this moment in time. I'm not going to give anything away, but you're planning for that at the moment anyway. um And that'll be the end of the game, which will hopefully give you then free reign to go back and do all the stuff that I haven't done at the moment.
But yeah, no, I'm i'm still enjoying it. Tatooine's quite interesting in that every game I have played um has almost represented Tatooine very, very differently.
very, very differently. um In some games, um for example, Kotal, or even um Galaxies, ah there's a lot of desert, there's a lot, a lot of desert, ah which you'd expect. It's tattooing. In other games, for example,
um this one, um you get to spend an awful lot of time in the in the rocks and in the in the canyons. It's a lot more scrub um that you get that you get involved in.
And I finally found my way to Mos Eisley, which is cool. And again, that's another interesting take in that different games have interpreted it ah different in different ways. And the way these guys have interpreted it is a lot more slovenly.
um than than perhaps I was expecting it to. it and And again, sorry, Josh, if you think I'm copying you, but but I agree with your take on it that I heard this morning in that it's um it's really quite gringy, grimy, sorry. Gringy and And it really does feel quite underworldy um yeah as opposed to, you know, a space, a bustling space hub.
um it's ah as it feels in in other games. And I'm really enjoying it. I'm really, really enjoying it. And um I am really trying at the moment to focus on um the main story so that I can get through it because i've got some I've got some serious making up to do to some of the factions or some of the crime syndicates.
because I i'm still can't get out of the bad books of the of the pikes. I'm no longer, as I said to you last week, I don't have my death mark anymore, which is which is a result, um but i still I'm still in their bad books and I need to do i to come out of that because um I didn't realize just how impactful or how much influence the pike syndicate has on this game. Pretty much they are the dominant
I would say the most powerful, but the most dominant when it comes down to the gameplay, the most dominant syndicate that you have to kind of engage with or steal from. And up until now, I've been stealing from them, double crossing them and generally pissing them off. So I've got to do some reparations there, which if I can get away with it, I'll try and do at the end of the story mode so I can kind of get over the the objective of finishing the story. Yeah, no, it's really good, man, and i'm and I'm really enjoying it. One thing I will point out on on a on on a less positive note, for the first time since i when I left Akiva to fly to Tatooine, I've now got those graphical challenges that perhaps some of our friends have got or had.
So for the first time, up until now, I've been like, what are you talking about? Nothing, nothing wrong here. But ever since I've started playing on Tatooine, the
the the character is quite, they're quite waxy, they're quite waxy faced, you know very shiny, very little articulation, very little um ah mouth to speech sync going on. um And it's the first time I've noticed it. And I don't know whether it's because I was fortunate in that I started playing when There was a few patches um that had fixed an awful lot of that. But yeah, I'm a bit... ah bit so I mean, it hasn't. Does it mean an awful lot? Not really. um And in fact, I think Ubisoft actually even... an um ah
sent out and ah ah a PR bulletin today saying there's a lot of fixes coming our way in terms of yeah quality of life stuff like graphics that are coming our way as well. um But yeah, he play perform or performance or whatever the hell the other one is, visual quality. I think I'm playing visual quality and maybe I need to switch back. I don't know. And vice versa, just messing around with it for a bit. I thought because i'm because I'm hardwired straight into cable,
literally my my my Series X is plugged straight into fiber optics. says nina there's there's There's nothing in the way. I kind of assumed that I'd be okay going with the graphical stuff. Maybe maybe I need to mess around with the settings. I don't know. Still good fun though. Really getting a kick out of it. And i i i know There's an awful lot of people saying that there's so much to do that you can't pick up and play it I'm actually finding it quite easy picking up and playing and if I don't have a full hour or an hour and a half um I'll just go and do something else like go and
mess about in the bazaar, mess about and try and buy a few nice threads or try and upgrade my speeder or work out which colour scheme I want for my ship today. A couple of nice features I found out, despite playing this for over a month now, um I didn't realise that if you get some nice threads,
But those threads don't do much for you. In other words, there are some collections of outfits you can get which really, really help you. You carry more stuff. It lets you revive your health quicker and so on and so forth.
i didn't nice i didn't really I didn't realize, if if you especially if they match. So some of the some of the um the reward the loyalty rewards you get from some of the factions will be a suit of armor or sorry a costume. And if you wear them together, you get some perks from wearing them together. But if you don't like the look of it, you can overlay it with other clothes that you've got in your in your in your wardrobe. So in other words, you know ah my I've got some heavy um heavy ah survival wear that I got from Akiva from from um um leveling up with with those guys with that syndicate out there. I forgot their name, but you know what I mean? The bug people um with those guys. And yeah, I didn't like the look of it, especially on Tatooine. He's going to be wearing a parka in the middle of summer.
Anyway, so you can change the you can change you can still be equipped with this stuff, but you can change the aesthetics of it ah with other stuff that you've got in your in your in your loadout, which is good. I really like i really enjoyed that.
um so yeah and no it's it's It's good fun. It's good fun, and I'm still enjoying it. and um At some point, we need to have a once we once you and I have done the story mode, it'd be good to get a couple of buddies on to talk about it and see what they thought of it. i'm hoping I'm still hoping it's not a one and done thing. I'm hoping that the DLC is good, it's solid, and it makes you want to experience the the world or the world, sorry.
um And then the next DLC comes, expands it even more. ah In the same way that I mentioned when we were ah when when we had Hawes and Steve with us, I mentioned in the same in the same way that Mass Effect 2, we want to just continue to explore, continue to explore until quite frankly, I'd run out of everything to do. um And it was time to move on. So yeah.
I hope, I hope it's, I agree. I hope it's not like a one and done, like everything that I've kind of heard, it's like, there's not, there's not strong criticisms of the game. I think where I found a lot of what I'm gleaning from, it including myself, it's like, I think it's just, it's a hard time to release a game at this moment. I think people are just really busy. Maybe people are burned out on stuff, burn out on like with societal stuff. So I think it's, it's been hard to get into like,
yeah didn't And it's not a criticism criticism of the game. like there's I think there's probably a million factors. of like it's it's hard to been It's hard to be ah addicted to it like I've been with previous like the the Jedi games. I'm enjoying it more, which is funny. it's like and I think that's how I've kind of come to this. I'm enjoying the game more and I think it's more fun. and but I think it's just hard it's a hard time societally right now. So it's like, I'm hoping that the the business doesn't look like, oh, the sales are poor. It's not getting like obsessive rave reviews. It's like, because I don't think that's a criticism of the game.
No, no, but let's but but let's be you know but let's be realistic. It's not a game changer of a game. it's it's not it's not yeah there's not There's nothing revolutionary about it. There's not some sort of amazing innovation and in in in in gra graphical user interface going on. there's no you know they They're pretty standard um and combat mechanics and the rest of it, but it doesn't it doesn't need to be. And I just hope that it's something that what would disappoint me is if And I guess what I'm really, really looking forward is a Star Wars MMO again. I really need an MMO that I can just live in and just can, you know, just but basically, you know, I don't need to podcast anymore. I'm going to live over here and just live in this, live in this, in this, this environment. What I was hoping for out, what I hope for Outlaws is that it just keeps
going with more and more DLC, like the old days where there's more and more coming out, more and more reason to keep you interested, that the missions don't recycle, they kind of regenerate into something a little bit more different. um Make it more episoic episodic, like ah like at a movie story and TV show. as opposed As opposed to coming out with Outlaws 2.
And I think that that is, unfortunately, that's where we live these days, especially for AAA titles or supposed AAA titles. They need bang after bang after bang after bang, because let's face it, they've disappointed an awful lot of people with subscription model.
or the play-to-play which hate play model. So I think- This is a wild question. I'm sorry. Do you think this is a triple A triplea title? Would you consider it triple A? No. Neither. No. I think it's- No. I heard Eric talk about this a couple of weeks back, and is it a good game? Yeah, it is. Is it worth the money that I paid? you know The 100 quid that I paid for it? Probably not, but am I happy? Yeah, I'm really happy. Thanks.
Um, that's what, special they that's what some of it's always blown my mind. It's like, we, we are very judgmental of games and their price. Like I, they are expensive. I'm not, I'm not being an asshole. yeah What's funny is it's like a cup, ah a cup of coffee is, is whatever a, a movie seeing a movie is.
20 bucks. I don't I don't know. I don't know what what everybody's but then a game comes out and it's like 60 60 bucks base and it's like the amount of like joy per hour is insane with exactly good value. any good It's good value. And so it's like but we're ah I get I get the frustration because they do feel like cash grabs at times because I hear this complaint a lot. But it's like I mean, I get it, like it is, like we want them bigger, better, at yada, yada, yada, but like, but we don't want the price to change. It's like, how do, and I get why they moved a subscription because that was easy and like, oh, that's a way of making recurring revenue. It's like, no, that's not the answer. It's like, is it possible to go back to like more, like a smaller AAA title with more episodic where like you can get, we can pay for more DLC and it's, and it's good value. Cause I just don't think this like,
80 plus hour, like a dollar an hour of whatever, whatever it's like, it's just not, it's not enough. Like, no, like, I don't know. I don't know enough about it. I think what I need. We're very critical of it. Well, we are, we are critical. We are critical. I mean, you know, and um but I'm really happy. And that's all really nice. And let's face it, at the end of the day,
I thought about you, but I can't get much change out of 100 quid. If Lucy and I went out for dinner one night, I can't get much change out of 100 quid. even if even even that Even then, I might be paying more than that.
um but a basic a basic good meal out with a bottle of wine. It's it's easily 100 quid in the UK. A concert ticket these days is astronomical. ah yeah yeah yeah that that's that's that that's Yeah, that's something you take with you for the rest of your life though. so i i do yeah it's yeah i I understand what you mean, but but but the um the the point being is that you know I've already got my money's worth out of it, even if I've done what? 38, 40 hours now?
Um, you know, it's, it's kind of, it's kind of paid for itself already. And I will, and the most important thing is I've got a, I've got a, I'm compelled to finish it, which is the most important thing. I'm compelled then to go back and do the nuance, you know, all those nuance, the Nedley things of, of balancing out my, my, my stats with the other with the other syndicates to try and kind of gain favour with all of them and is there a way that I can balance the whole thing? I'm already thinking ahead as to when I finish the game as to how I can do that successfully and get essentially blue which is good across all the syndicates. So we'll have to see mate.
but Yeah, i'm I'm thoroughly enjoying it. um I really am enjoying it. and um ah yeah yeah yeah yeah and and it's It's a very simple storyline and it's um I'm um loving it. I think what I'm saying to myself though is that I'm enjoying just mooching about so much that I really do need an MMO, um which I thought what one of the developers was working on or whether it's happening now or not is is in dispute. But the point being, I'm not going to look it up now, but the point being is that I really do miss those games of Star Wars, those days of Star Wars Galaxies. I've just, you know, just, God, I can remember, I can remember a time where I would get up in the morning and
This is when the kids were little. We talked about it when when again when Steve and Hawes were on. I get up in the morning and just stick up, just boot up and and go into the just go into one of my avatars and work out what they're doing at the moment and maybe take in the overnight yield from my harvester.
and convert that into into water that I could then resell at the local, the local bazaar, you know, they have those bizarre terminals that you could upload your goods to and sell to other players and everything. I do little stupid stuff like that, which would take 10-15 minutes, but I loved it. Absolutely loved it. Anyway, yeah, I mean, ultimately, I think that's what I'm looking for. But in the meantime, this is the best of what I've got. I'm really, really enjoying it.
I've been trying to, like i need I need a Star Wars factory game, that's what I need. I've been trying to tweet, tweet in blue sky at Coffee Stain Studios for years. I'm like, just take your game, take Satisfactory, and then just put, like a I'm building Death Star parts. Cuz you just ship them up to like an unknown place, you have unknown overseers. Just make them Death Star parts, and man, I will.
Yeah. You'll have me live. It's like, please. On a very, very lesser scale, that's what I got into Star Wars Galaxies in that I was a, I was a, I would mine, I would mine for stuff and then collect from the hopper what, you know, what, what have been collected in the mine and then, and then craft stuff and collect it and collect it stuff significantly lower, smaller scale to what you're talking about. But yeah, I, I, I love that kind of stuff more. Like I said, at the time, more more than couldn't give two tosses about being a Jedi. I just wanted to be ah a farmer and a builder. Yeah. if you so Give me a story or something, something to do repetitively, but like get better at it with time. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
um Watching um, so still watching as well as rings of power still catching up with oh, sorry staying ahead with slow horses Um again, i've gone three times four times now in one episode Um, it's good to know. I didn't realize josh was was watching it as well So good to know that uh, josh over at star wars spelt out was was enjoying slow horses really really good glad he recommends it as well, so um Yeah, close to the end now of this of this ah very, very interesting season four. um Although I think they've already, there's at least a season five ahead of us. So ah maybe our heroes aren't in as much trouble or as much parallel as we thought.
um Everything else pretty much is on hold because of my I can't break away from Outlaws. But what I did do ah during the ah the rainy times with with Lucy was we um we binged Monsters ah on um on Netflix and Monsters is not the film not to be confused with um Gareth Edwards film from the ah whatever it was, 2012 or whatever it was, his debut film. It's a production of the Lyle and Eric Menendez story. So these are the two lads that are very privileged young men, but very damaged young men.
um which I'm not sure at the time if it actually came out in the press as as as as blatantly as they've depicted in this um in this ah in this show. But um it's ah it's a recreation of them murdering their parents um for initially for what seems to be their inheritance, which they're in danger of being of losing. Their father is quite the control freak um and seems to use their inheritance or his legacy as a yeah ah ah control over his kids. um And um ah the general consensus is that they killed they killed their parents for that for that legacy so they wouldn't be cut out.
um That doesn't seem to be the case. And obviously the story, as as most of everyone knows, the story was that actually these were two very troubled, two very damaged, most importantly, two very abused ah young lads that um ah were quite psychologically damaged from the treatment that they got from their from their dad. So we watched that back to and end to end, which was good, um because it was ah something that we happened to come across by but happenstance. And it was like, let let let's watch it. It's one of those ones that was like, well, we can't go anywhere. um It's raining in the UK. So the UK is shut at this moment in time. Let's let's let's sit and watch this.
and maybe get a takeout, which is what we did. um So that was good, very, very good. Recommended viewing, if anyone hasn't seen that yet. um I don't think it's any different to any other crime drama or crime reenactment the drama that's that's gone on, but it's it was just interesting to see a very, very different perspective on things. And it is very, very well acted. And a that's that's been it, mate. My life has started and ended this last week pretty much with with outlaws.
Anything else, mate? Mine's getting ready to start. No, mine's getting ready to start. It's got to get through the rest of the workday and maybe get a little bit in before the night. Do you know what would be cool? Now that I know that you've got free time, what would be really, really cool was if you and I could play remotely from across the pond, but we can't. It's a single player game. Hence the reason why I needed an MMO with a story mode, with a story mode. Oh, dude, you know, I've never, you know, I've never played an MMO before because I know, like I've avoided them. I'm like,
No, i haven mentioned yeah, but there are but there are MMOs. you don't have to You don't have to go into like, you know, deathmatch and capture the flag and all that kind of shit. You don't have to do that. There are some genuinely or there have been some galaxies being one of them. o um yeah be There are some games out there that you can, you know, you don't have to engage with anyone else. Just you and your buddy, you know, grabbing a speeder and crossing the yeah the wastelands and doing a few missions. This dude is trying to convince me that the K hole is not that big a deal. I was not that bad. If you just try it, just try it one time. It's okay. But yeah, i I don't like an awful lot of online online play. i'm I'm certainly not in that, neither in the in the in the skill level league or indeed have the information to do some of the stuff that the um
the guys over at High Potion do. you know The idea of doing the kind of Fortnite stuff. No, i'm I'm okay with that. I'm completely okay with that. But if there is a mission,
on a particular storyline that I need some some help with, you know or if it means something like Eldenry, I guess, where you can actually progress the story with with a buddy in hand, then yeah, I'd love to do something like that. And I wish we had that with Star Wars at the moment.
Interesting. That's me done, mate. I'm spent. I'm i'm spent and i need to at the I need to think about maybe getting an early night tonight because my alarm will be going off at three tomorrow morning.
I'm about to say, let's call it early. Let's let people have an hour and a half of their time back.
And this is wrong. We could go for another 12 minutes and get our 1.32. No, we're not doing that. We're not doing that. You're going to jinx me, man. Honestly, you're going to jinx me. I'll wake up tomorrow morning and my head will be upside down or something. No, we're not going to do that. And in fact, I feel like this is actually quite a nice place to end it now. It's like the calm before the storm because I've got no idea what's going to happen in the next what? Until I remember something.
get out of here before I remember something I forgot to talk about and it's like, oh, we'll just save it for next week. That's all right. If I linger, I'll remember, I'll be like, oh, I forgot about this other huge thing I wanted to chat about. But no, this is good. I think we're in a good place.
We are. We're always in a good place, man. Right, guys, thank thank you so much for listening again. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for putting up with our drivel. ah Really appreciate it. Really appreciate you. um Sean, thank you very much for recording with me again again this week. I will speak to you in nigh on, is it six hours? Yeah, nigh on six hours. And um take us out, dude.
Thank you everybody. You know where you can find more info about us at our website, jessshalen.com. You should go there. We have links to everything, social media, links to our email where you can send us voicemails or just an email. You can you can go to our Instagram where I've been trying, I've been trying to Add a little bit of content here and there for, uh, just showing and just crafting. Get some, get some good feedback in the messages about the, the meme, the memes I'm reposting and some of the photos. So yeah, it's a good time. Come hang out. Uh, but until, until you hear from us again, we really appreciate it and, uh, look forward to chatting again. Thank you, Andy. We'll always look forward to this. Um, until then I'm Sean and, uh, that's Andy over there and we enjoy your company.
I don't have a, I don't have a tip. Check us out on the set. That's the tip. but That's the tip. I didn't have one. I've been watching. Bye. Bye.