20 bucks. I don't I don't know. I don't know what what everybody's but then a game comes out and it's like 60 60 bucks base and it's like the amount of like joy per hour is insane with exactly good value. any good It's good value. And so it's like but we're ah I get I get the frustration because they do feel like cash grabs at times because I hear this complaint a lot. But it's like I mean, I get it, like it is, like we want them bigger, better, at yada, yada, yada, but like, but we don't want the price to change. It's like, how do, and I get why they moved a subscription because that was easy and like, oh, that's a way of making recurring revenue. It's like, no, that's not the answer. It's like, is it possible to go back to like more, like a smaller AAA title with more episodic where like you can get, we can pay for more DLC and it's, and it's good value. Cause I just don't think this like,