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Elimination Chamber Preview

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays6 years ago
Sheena and Phil are back to recap possibly the biggest Elimination Chamber match ever! They discuss Becky Lynch's "suspension", the future of the Women's tag team division, and much more! Plus Phil talks about buying figures for the Foley Family and Sheena wonders why someone would buy a Smoking Gunns shirt for $15,000. Fan of the show? Become a patreon subscriber for extra weekly content for as little as $1 per month!

Introduction and Patreon Shout-out

All right, guys, before we get started, I want to give out a shout out to four of our Patreon subscribers, John Mazzafaro, Trey White, AJ Sawyer, and Dustin Sadek. They are part of our main event Patreon tier. They get special episodes from us, unboxing videos from me and Sheena, and a bunch of other stuff. Check it out, slash Chick Foley show for all the details. Everything we make from the Patreon goes right back into the show for t-shirts and giveaways and stuff like that. So check it out and on to the show.

Show Introduction and WrestleMania Preview

We're on the road to WrestleMania. The Elimination Chamber is this weekend. It's the Chick Foley Show. Thank you for listening. This is Phil Gentile, a.k.a. The Hot Take Kid in the mother-in-law's basement now. I got Sheena Phelps, a.k.a. Chick Foley across the pond in Honolulu. How are you?
I am. Well, how about yourself, man? Hanging in there? Yeah, not too bad. Joe Flacco got treated today, which was nice for me. And I like that. Nice little closure on that chapter of my life. Now you can start anew. Breath of fresh air. Exactly. And then I'm still searching for Pete Dunn in the NXT elites, like a meth head on Lombard Street in Baltimore.

Valentine's Day Gifts and Memories

But other than that, it's been pretty good.
I know. Oh my gosh. That Pete done figure. We're going to talk about that a little bit later on, but I just saw that, um, our friend over at customs underscore figure underscore shirts, uh, got it from his mom for Valentine's day. I'm like, mom, step your game up. Yeah. Yeah. How is custom figure shirts mom on point this year for Valentine's day? That's like Christmas level. Did you get a Valentine's gifts from your parents when you were a kid?
I don't think so. No, I lie. I used to get a box of Russell Stover's chocolates from my mom every year. But it wasn't like it is now, where the parents go all out and do all those things. And now, I know you have a little guy. He's still too young for this. But a lot of my friends have kids who are in elementary school. And dude, you know how you used to, when we were in elementary school, take a little shoebox to school to collect your Valentine's? You may have put some pink construction paper on it or some red construction paper or something.
Like I don't know if Pinterest is taking this to a whole new level, but I'm like Brett I don't know. I don't know if we can get on this level do like people are they're building like unicorns and like Dinosaurs and like all these like cardboard paper mache things just to collect these valentines. Oh my god What I'm like, but it's by the time Brett is in school. Well, hopefully by the time Brett's in school, they'll just text each other. I think it'll be digital. Yeah
But I couldn't believe it, how elaborate the Valentine's boxes are these days. I'm like, my God. Yeah, I got the kids some Legos and a Randy Orton WrestleMania elite that I've been hanging on to that just never gave them. So just nothing super high end, but just a couple gifts. For a made up holiday, it's a pretty good haul.
Yeah, I dig Valentine's Day. I don't hate Valentine's Day. We're going to take the baby face to this little place called the Discovery Center and let him play around there, and then we're going to go grab lunch. So that will be our Valentine's Festivity. Nice. Yeah. The wife doesn't hate Valentine's Day, but she is like the most low maintenance wife of all time. She doesn't even know. She won't even know it's Valentine's Day tomorrow unless I say something.
I usually will pick up some takeout Chinese, some sushi, and put the kid to sleep, and then watch some movies or something. That's pretty low-key, so it's always good. Yeah, same here. I consider myself a pretty low-key chick when it comes to that kind of stuff. Valentine's Day has just never been our holiday. I appreciate people that celebrate it and go all out, but yeah, it really is nothing special to me. It's just like, what do you want for Valentine's Day?
Dude, I don't know. Like, you know, don't worry about

Listener Interaction and Merchandise Promotion

it. Uh, if you need some advice for Valentine's day, you can hit us up as ask chick Foley at, or you can DM us. It's chick Foley on Instagram and I am, I hate JJ Reddick. And now you can use the hashtag ask chick Foley, uh, for any, uh, listener mail and questions like that. You can check out, you know what makes an awesome Valentine's day gift. Well, what's that?
freaking a chick Foley show t-shirt for your loved ones. We have five designs available now. We have five different colors and two different designs. The newest design that Phil hooked us up with the king of the ring design is super mage. So if you're looking for a gift for the loved one in your life, definitely go out to Check out the chick Foley show swag and grab yourself something because we dig it.
Did you hear that our buddies over at the Fully Poseable podcast are going to have ads on their podcast now?
Yeah, I think they should, man. I mean, shoot, you shouldn't have to do this job for nothing. People want to buy some ad space for you from you? Go for it. I think it's bullshit. By the way, check out our t-shirts on Yeah, but yeah, I think it's bullshit that they have ads on there. Also, check us out at slash Chick Foley Show. But yeah. We just plug ourselves.

Sponsorships and Collaborations

We don't want to have other people plug us. But if you want to sponsor the Chick Foley Show, we are available for
You know opening so just hit us up at ask chick Foley at Yeah, we talked about it last week our buddy Jason Wolf who designs a lot of the stuff for the guys over chick full No, the guys over fully opposable. You can follow him on Twitter Jason WLF. He does some great artwork He designed our new t-shirt. We hinted at it last week. It's a basically the old king of the ring logo with the chick Foley name on the Instead of king of the ring and it's pretty pretty fire t-shirt. It's all over our Instagram and our
Twitter account so check that out there, and that's a new shirt on pro wrestling tea, so hit it up man check it out Let's get into We at the top of the show we touched on some of our patreons. We have some new patreons this week Steven Henry Nick Lawrence Dylan Green and Zach Eagle off Thank you guys for joining the Foley family, and you're getting a bunch of cool stuff I recorded a unboxing video of retro series 7 last night I think it was while my wife was snickering while holding the camera and
It was the best. I loved it. I loved how she was giving you a little bit of giggles as you were like, you know, getting so excited and unwrapping your or unboxing your figures. I thought it was cute.
You posted a couple videos. I wrote an article with my WrestleMania Dream card. So a bunch of cool stuff going on over at our Patreon page. So check it out there for sure. And yeah, we'll be doing an NXT TakeOver review. I mean, the lowest level, Sheena, starts at $1 a month. I mean, come on. If you listen to the show, I mean, everyone who listens to the show, like, come on, jump on for $1 a month. That's all we really ask. I had some people sign up this week because people were looking for retro series 7.
And they sign up for the Patreon. I said, oh, hey, I'll mail you some figs. I don't care. So a couple of the guys, one of them lives in Northern Ireland and one lives in Essex, England. And I sent them some retro figs. Of course, they, you know, they, they PayPal'd me over, but I didn't mind. And our buddy, Mike Lane, I wanted some retro rings. My Kmart is closing. So they're like 11 bucks for those retro rings. So I sent them six of them in the mail. So I feel like your Kmart has been closing for like a year.
This Kmart has, yeah, it's like one of those, it's, you know, they close, technically they close every night. So I guess that's maybe that's why they're closing, but I don't know. They go from, you know, 30% off everything close out sale to like 35% off everything close out sale. They're just inching their way to full closure.
Yeah, this, this Kmart is super sad. I thought they were all, I mean, I bought a couple of retro rings there and I was like, man, these are going to be gone. I came back and like the, the toy aisle is exactly how, and everything's like 50% off. I figured it'd be like a mad house in there, but, uh, to no avail. So, uh,

Wrestling Industry News: Kenny Omega and Charlotte Flair

Also, I wanted to tell everybody check out, um, we talked about it last week on the show, but, um, our buddies over at F for the title, they are over halfway funded for, um, their web comic. They're trying to bring us everything they've ever produced in one nifty, gifty comic. And it is so made you guys, like I said, I have, I have their original, um, book and it is just so worth it. So go over, check it out. Um, donate to those guys because they are amazing. So it's app for the title.
And of course, check us out on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Spotify. You can find our episode. You can review it. So let's get into Inside the Squared Circle. It's a build-up week for a pay-per-view, but it didn't really feel like it. But let's start with some stuff outside of the WWE. Sheena, what you got?
So, um, as you know, and you probably saw by now, um, it is official Kenny Omega signs with AEW. Um, and you know, I was just thinking to myself, like, you know, obviously he's with AEW right now. And I was thinking, well, are we ever going to see Kenny Omega in, in WWE? Um,
personally I think like I know all the all the AEW and like all the indie smarts are like you know jumping for joy as they should I mean I'm excited I'm excited for AEW too I don't want anyone to think that I like crap on AEW because I'm excited for and I'll definitely be watching like all into and all the things so um but I definitely feel like Kenny is going to eventually
being WWE even though he's with AEW right now I'm just hoping it's more of like an AJ situation where he shows up like when he's 40 doesn't Kenny is like 35 right now so I mean he's like you know right right in that window but I hope he shows up like rightly he's about to turn 40 maybe instead of being like sting and you know showing up with his AARP card so we still we when we do see Kenny Omega that
It's like, you know, we still have like that prime time Kenny Omega. Um, and you know, I think what the smarts are going to say, like, you know, Kenny doesn't need WWE. That's why I went with AEW and blah, blah, blah. Um, but guys like the path he's on, he's on the path to being like the best wrestler ever.
to not go to WWE. So whether you like it or not, WWE is always going to be mentioned in like the first four or five sentences of his legacy. Like, you know, it's going to be like, Oh, you know, Kenny Omega, um, you know, the best, the best wrestler of all time, you know, that never went to WWE. So WWE is still going to like chase him around. It's like, it's like the Dan Marino syndrome, right? Like Dan Marino is the best QB ever.
Hashtag not to win a Super Bowl, you know, so it's like, it's, he's always going to carry that with him. Um, so I definitely think he will come to WWE eventually. It's just a matter of, of when I think so too. And I think he's 35. I know AJ styles is what 41 or 42. So, you know, he's still, I would say that old man. He's, he's older than Hogan was when he went to WCW.
Yeah, 41. Yeah, yeah. OK. So I mean, he's still got some gas left in the tank. Yeah, he doesn't look like he's slowing down at all. I mean, he looks amazing. But yeah, like I said, I hope he gets here before he gets past his prime, or before he has some sort of career-changing injury. Yeah, oh yeah. I mean, you never know what's going to happen.
I'm interested to see what happens to the AEW. I don't think it's going to be as big as people think. I think the Smarks love something different, but they're going to turn on it like they turn on everything. I've already seen it on social media. People were trying to get these presale tickets and they sold out in like 10 minutes. People were all upset. They had them reserved and they couldn't get them.
You know, two things like that happen and you're going to lose some fans, but you know, I hope it succeeds. I think competition is going to be good, but I would have loved to see him come back. I supposedly offered a huge contract to him, but he wanted to go with his boys and I'm sure he has a stake in that company. Is what the, you know, executive vice president or something? Yeah. Well, I think, I think also, um, uh, I forgot what I was going to, where I was going with that thought. Jesus.
anyway no big deal I mean I don't know you know I don't know how much money they're gonna put into this if it struggles for a year or two yeah they're gonna sell out at first they're gonna be the newest hottest thing on the street but okay
AEW like I think their their pay-per-view events are those type of pay-per-view events that you can enjoy because it's just going to be phenomenal wrestling that you can enjoy even if you don't watch up and keep up with whatever their whatever their format is going to be week to week or you know streaming or whatever I think like you can watch all in and not you know not know all the backstories and all the storylines and just really enjoy the wrestling so even for someone like yourself who's not going to keep up with like
everything that's going on in AEW, you're still going to be able to enjoy those big events because I have no doubt that they're going to be top notch. Yeah. The real conversation starts when they do a weekly show. Can they build storylines? Do they have enough talent for that? Do they have writers for that? It's cool to see Omega and Chris Jericho go and burn the house down, but to fill TV time every week, WWE runs into it with three hours of Raw and two hours of SmackDown. It's tough. Oh, yeah.
And it gets, you're going to have to keep things fresh. And I don't know if they're going to be able to do that. It's tough. I mean, we've seen a lot of companies, you think about the talent that ROH had for years with, you know, uh, one of my blanking, uh, AJ Styles and, and, uh, Samoa Joe and CM Punk, a lot of guys. And, you know, they, even they couldn't reach the heights of, of what, uh, you know, WCW was in their heyday. So, well, you know, best of luck to them, mostly, but hopefully Kenny Omega lands in WWE eventually. Yeah, for sure.
The biggest story of the week, and this is one that I loved because it got all the smarts pissed off, is Charlotte into the main event at WrestleMania, now Becky out after being suspended at the end of Raw by Vince McMahon after having to apologize to Triple H. It was weird, what'd you think on this?
Okay. So I really liked where it started. I, I thought it was great. You know, when they came out and were like, you know, all you, they gave her that and it was kind of like weird. Like, okay, what's the catch? Like you kept thinking to yourself as Stephanie and Triple H were talking like, okay, what's the catch? Like, you know, you saw your doctors. We're going to let that slide. I know you didn't see our doctors.
Um, and I just kept waiting for it. Well, then of course we saw where he's like, you need to apologize. Well, Becky being the firecracker that she is just came off and like, you know, spit in the face of the authority, told them they've been screwing people for decades. And I loved it. I loved it. It was so awesome. And then obviously he gave her an ultimatum. Like, well, you're either going to apologize or, um, you know, you're out. Well, then obviously we had the whole episode where Becky is
going back and forth, whether she's going to apologize. But, um, I didn't like how it ended. Like I thought, so my thoughts were why, why would you knock Becky down a peg and make her apologize? Like make her go through this like mental turmoil and have her come face to face with Rhonda where Rhonda is making her feel bad about apologizing and then have that segment with Finn and then have her apologize, knock her down a peg and then still screw her.
You know what I'm saying? I didn't understand how that benefited Becky in any way. Yeah, it definitely defanged her a little bit by making her kind of put her tail between her legs and apologize. And also, the thing where she didn't know whether she should apologize or not is asking people in the back, like, come on. I mean, this is not what Stone Cold would have done back in the day. This is very, I don't know, it just seemed very unatic character. And it did nothing to help her out, for sure.
It did. Yeah, it was very, it was very strange considering where she's been like the last several months, like, you know, building up to this, like that kind of like, I don't care, you know, who, who I take down in the process. Like I'm getting my, my shot at the main event of WrestleMania. Um, and then, then to her, yeah, to like go ask for advice and stuff in the back and like really like let Rhonda like kind of hurt her feelings or like put her in her place and then, you know, actually, actually do apologize. Um,
But I mean, I definitely see where they're going. I mean, they've invested so much in making Ronda a babyface, you know, like they don't want her to get booed at WrestleMania. So that's where Charlotte has come in. And I do commend them for like making Charlotte like that corporate heel to where I mean, yeah, she's got like, you know, mega heat and she's she's playing it phenomenally. But it is.
You know, we kind of knew that it was going to be a triple threat, but then they kind of gave us a little bit of glimmer of hope that it was going to be one on one. And then now they're they're sliding it back into being being a triple threat. So again, I think it's more more than anything just to protect protect Rhonda.
Sheena, what's the worst-case scenario here? We get a triple threat with Rhonda, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch. That's the worst-case scenario? Charlotte is fucking awesome, like, okay. She's phenomenal. Yes, so, and do you think, do people think Becky's not gonna be back on this match? Come on, I mean, this is, it's 60 days until this match happens. They have to do something. They can't just do, I mean, they can't have Rhonda and Becky wrestle, or even like come in contact, because they're on different brands.
I mean they'll have what they just gonna do promos for for eight weeks straight I mean no they're gonna have to do something to inject some life into this and you know I don't know what would it be crazy if somehow Ruby riot wins the title on Sunday and we then we get a Ruby riot Charlotte match but then we still get a Rhonda Becky match I mean could they do that that would that would be weird but
Yeah, I've thought about that, too, whether it would just be like, you know, Rhonda and Becky fighting like not like no title. So, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it's weird. I don't know. I like what they're what they're doing with Charlotte because what are you going to do with her if she's not in this match? It's probably what they're thinking. Also, like you say, they don't they want someone to take the loss if Becky wins the title, but they don't want to be Rhonda. They don't want the shine to be off of her.
Right. Rhonda's going to be that neutral third party. You know what I'm saying? Like Becky's going to get like the pop of the cinch and then Rhonda or then Charlotte's going to get booed out of the stadium. And then Rhonda is going to be that kind of, like I said, the neutral third party. So like I said, they're protecting Rhonda. Um, for my personal, you know, this is just me just, you know, fantasy booking. I would love to see Rhonda and Becky go head to head because I feel like it would make Becky's win more legitimate. But I mean, there's no shame in,
beating Charlotte Flair and Rhonda. You know what I'm saying? There's no like, I mean, I don't think that's anything to be like, Oh God, well that makes her look weak because both of those women are freaking phenomenal. So.
You know, that's just me and my own personal, like I wish it was just head to head. But if it's a triple threat, I ain't gonna be mad at it. Do you think there's any aspect of that? You know, everyone knows what we're what we're doing here. It was going to be Becky Ronda. Becky was going to win and that's what the fans want. So let's let's do something to just piss off the fans kind of thing and then we'll eventually give them what they want. I think they think that far in advance. I don't think they think that far in advance, but
Didn't they, I mean, aren't we, we're in charge here. We, what we say goes, this is the new WWE. So if we want Becky and Rhonda, we should get Becky and Rhonda. Um, there's also no rematches, but you know, that's the window. Yeah, true. I think WWE is just, they've just mastered the art of like trolling the masses. Like they're like the, they're like the most, um, like, like they're like masterclass trolls.
Oh, for sure, yeah. I mean, they do it every single week. Yeah. It'd be interesting where this goes. Now that they've hinted that Charlotte's going to be at ringside for this Ronda match on Sunday, I don't know what's going to happen there. But other notes. Speaking of female champions, though, who kidnapped Asuka? Is nobody worried? I need to put her face on a milk carton. Where the hell is Asuka?
I think she's on some of the posters for elimination chamber too, but she's not, there's no way she's wrestling. She hasn't even, I mean, since Royal Rumble, she hasn't been on anything and she beat Becky. Like why wasn't she out there saying, Hey, I beat Becky Lynch. I'm awesome. No, she has not been on TV other than that one backstage, like prerecorded segment since the rumble. And I do not understand. I cannot wrap my mind around it. Like I said, I'm starting to suspect that maybe Dave Meltzer,
like kidnapped her, you know, he has like that Japanese fetish. Yeah. Took her to the Tokyo Dome. Yeah. I think, I think that, uh, we need to like maybe have sent a SWAT team into like Meltzer's basement or something and see if we can find Oscar.

WWE Tag Team Titles and Storylines

Uh, your boy is the revival when the tag team titles finally, uh, finally. Yeah. That was, that was very surprising. It was like right in the middle of the show.
And it was just so unceremonious, I thought, which was kind of cool in a way. And then it was kind of like, it was kind of confusing in a way too. Like, why now? You know?
I just watched it right before we started recording and because I hadn't watched that match or I was kind of doing something and but you know on Monday I didn't really wasn't super invested in it and the crowd was super dead I mean I don't it's hard for me to believe that anyone really the casual fan gives a shit about the revival I mean I know maybe they are good they are good they're definitely you know a great tag team but it's not the style of wrestling that people they want to see AOP and these loud tag teams and
Do you think this is a response to their threat to head to AEW that they got the straps? I don't think so. I mean, I think that's what the narrative is going to be. Like, oh, well, these guys ask for their release and they asked to go there. They were going to go to AEW. So, um, you know, Vince put the tag titles on them. But I mean, ever since they've come back from injury, they they've been in the picture, you know, it's just been like,
Like, you know, just waiting for their moment. Um, and I'm so glad, I mean, I'm so glad that they're the champions, what I would love. Let's, since we're just talking about fantasy booking, what I would love to see.
is the revival versus the usos at mania to unify the tag titles. So, you know, this is 2019. We're all about equality. We have one set of women's titles or tag titles, one set of men's tag titles. And I think even if you didn't put them on the same show, you know, like if you, even if you had like tag teams split up, like you didn't have all the tag teams on SmackDown or all the tag teams on Raw,
you could just have cross-brand because like the brand split it's kind of like diminishing day week by week right like we see Becky on raw every week now you know and like we see a lot of cross-branding
So I'm thinking like just unify tag titles, no more Raw and SmackDown titles, just WWE tag titles. I like that a lot. And I think it would be better for the division as a whole to have guys cross over, get some more exposure and less, you know, less matches on some of these cards where we're having five hour, five hour cards with, you know, 10 titles defend. I mean, think about how many title we talked about last week. How many titles going to have to be defended on at WrestleMania? It's insane. The entire car would just be, just be title matches.
Exactly. And we know like the raw tag titles, I mean, they really, they literally have like no meaning whatsoever at the moment, you know, like it's sad how, how horrible.
Like tag wrestling has been on bra and then you have smackdown who has like incredible tag teams on the roster, but they, they, they fight each other. Like it's the same for teams, like always in the mix. So I think by just unifying the titles and letting everybody vie for these one set of titles, you're gonna, you're gonna be able to build more feuds and like, you know, just give, give us a little bit of, um, you know, different differentiation, you know?
That was probably the best match of the week, that Revival Rooting Gable match. It was really good, a lot of close falls. And they were tearing the house down in some house shows I think in the last couple weeks I saw on social media, so I'm sure the creative took notice of that. Yeah, I'm happy for those guys. And I'm excited to see if they hang on to the titles past Fastlane and into Mania.
I'm not happy about Elias, who was, as a face, really getting over doing some cool stuff. And now as a heel, he seems to be feuding with Kalisto. And I mean, are we gonna get a Kalisto, Arvina, Elias, Lucha House Party match at WrestleMania? Come on.
Well, no. Elias never has any real feuds. He just has spots and segments. Like, he doesn't. I mean, think about it. He's never he never has anyone that's like legitimate, like a legitimate feud. I mean, what like Bobby Lashley. Yeah, I was going to say that's the only one. Yeah, it was probably the closest. But other than that, like it's just he just basically has like these little one offs like the Jeff Jarrett thing and like, you know, with Finn and all of those things. And I think this Lucha House Party is going to be is going to be the same way. And I thought the way they like
did that on monday night where they just kept interrupting him and interrupting him i was like are they doing this on purpose or like did he come out too early or i didn't i couldn't figure out if it was um supposed to happen like that or whether or not like i didn't know what i was supposed to be seeing or feeling at that moment
Yeah, they did the Jeff Jarrett thing for a couple weeks, now they're doing this. But it almost feels like the Bray Wyatt syndrome, where he's great, they can put him out there for promos, but does he have... Now, Bray had some feuds here and there, obviously, but just kind of went from got person to person, got beat by people. I just need something for Elias to sink his teeth into.
I need him in a Finn Balor, Icy title match at WrestleMania. I think they just typecast him. I think it's just kind of like that typecast syndrome where that's what he does. That's his shtick. Let's just put him out in the ring, let him hit a riff on the guitar, heat the crowd up a little bit by healing off on him and then we'll have somebody come out and either he'll get over or the other person will get over and then that's the end of it.
I do think that he has a lot more potential than that. But I don't know where they would fit him in. Jesus, if we can have a Braun Strowman Baron Corbin match on this elimination chamber, why can't we have some Elias on the card?
What the hell? Yeah, we'll get to that in a minute, because I got problems with that. But SmackDown was a little bit better. I love Charlotte coming out with a fire promo in the very beginning, just kind of talking shit about Becky and just reveling in the fact that she doesn't drop the ball. She's always there when the company needs her. You hit it around the head. She's a very good corporate de facto spokesperson. So I like that role for her. And then Kofi Kingston being added to the elimination chamber. Now, I missed how they picked.
I watched it. They were like, we're going to pick which new day is going to be inserted into the match. Then it would just end up being Kofi. Did they do like something where they pick Kofi or something? No. So, well, they announced at the top of the show, well, Mustafa Ali came on and did a promo and said that he was out for injury. He wasn't cleared to fight in elimination chamber. Apparently he got a concussion at a house show over the weekend and it's not cleared.
and then they said well a member of the new day is going to you know take Mustafa Ali's but they didn't tell us who and then that's when they came down the ramp and you know did the little you know biggies gonna go in no it's gonna be Xavier and then obviously they they landed on Kofi and you know I thought it was really really well done I mean I'm a Kofi mark like I love Kofi and I would love to see him go I'd love to see him have a championship run before he before he retires but um
I thought it was funny because you just kind of thought like, oh, here's a throw away. You know, like I was very pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the gauntlet match. What about you? Yeah. I mean, beating the world champ. But I mean, that's a huge, you know, obviously a non title situation, but a huge, you know, clean finish, even with Rowan interfering for
for Dana Bryan, it's pretty awesome to see. And yeah, Kofi has, you know, he's been with the company for over a decade at least. I mean, maybe 2005, 2006, I would say. I thought it was 11 years. It could be more than that, but I thought he'd been with them 11 years. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I mean, he's fun to watch and I think you can do stuff like this without splitting up the new day and losing that sweet sweet merch sale, you know.
Oh yeah well and I mean the new day like basically like revived Kofi's career. You know what I'm saying like I mean they gave Kofi like life and I think what's so cool about the new day I was actually listening to a different podcast and they nailed it. They were talking about how like you know you could totally see Kofi like being the world champ you know because
and it doesn't it doesn't affect the rest of the new day as a faction like because they they want kofi to be champ because when they when kofi's champ like the entire new day is the champ you know when when two of them are the tag team champions like they're all the tag team champions you know they really do have that like you know um natural like brotherhood where they like legitimately are cheering for each other there's no jealousy like when one of them succeeds all of them succeeds and
That's what I just love about the new day is just like how cohesive they are. And I'm super excited. And after seeing that performance by Kofi, you know, the gauntlet match beating Daniel, like when I found out he was going against Daniel Bryan first up, I was like, oh, well, this is just going to be a quick little squash, you know? And then when it actually turned into a match and he beat him, I was like, okay, like what is happening here? And then he beat Jeff Hardy and then Joe, and I was like,
Holy crap, is Kofi gonna win this thing? And even though he didn't end up winning, and Randy Orton ended up winning, I still think the most memorable thing was Kofi in that whole gauntlet match.
Oh, for sure, yeah. It was a cool showing. I love when they do those gauntlet matches. They don't overdo them. It takes up a good amount of the show, but it still keeps things fresh and you're kind of hoping to see who the next person to come down is. It was cool seeing Randy Orton at the end kind of steal the victory there. We'll get into that match at Elimination Chamber in our predictions, but it sets up, especially before a pay-per-view, it sets things up pretty nicely without having to
do the same matches over and over again, you're kind of getting something fresh. So I like- Yeah, and like I talked about last week, this feud on SmackDown has been the most interesting thing about Elimination Chamber,

Elimination Chamber Anticipations and Critique

I think. You know what I'm saying? It's been like the most, like raw didn't really give us anything to get super excited about for Elimination Chamber. But these guys, like Kofi, well, not Kofi, but it was Mustafa Ali, obviously, originally. But Daniel Bryan, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Joe, who am I missing here?
Um, I'm missing one, but anyway, like there are a few, Jeff Hardy. What'd you say? Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy. I think I said Jeff Hardy. I can't remember. AJ Styles. Oh my God. How is AJ styles? The most forgettable person in this match. Um, but, uh, yeah, I was, I'm, I'm excited to see who comes out on top. I mean, ideally we'll get into our predictions here in a little bit, but, um, yeah, I'm pumped for it.
Cool, yeah, definitely not what I would expect from the go-home shows heading into a pay-per-view, but I'm excited about this. Let's get into the predictions and elimination chamber coming up on Sunday. First match we have here on our list, I think it's a who gives a shit match. It's Braun Strowman again. We should have like a, every pay-per-view, we'll just do like a, this is the who gives a shit match of the night and this is definitely at Braun Strowman versus Baron Corbin, I don't know.
I literally just have on my notes. I just took some notes and I was like, I just put in all capital letters, rip hug. That's the only thing I really have. I don't care who wins this, but the quicker the better. Thank you, Nix. Didn't they fight at Royal Rumble and then all the guys came out and beat up Baron Gorb? Was that Royal Rumble?
No, that was before Royal Rumble. That was freaking... That was awful. Whatever it was. This is going to be a squash. TLC. Yeah, TLC. I don't know what they're doing here. I guess they need to get Strowman on the show at some point. I'd love to see... Let him rest. That's what I keep saying is take Strowman off TV. Take him off TV so that way we can miss him.
And then when he comes back, we can be excited about him again. But when you put him in a match on a pay-per-view with Baron Corbin of all people, like I could not, like I said, I couldn't care less about this match. Like I'm probably going to be making myself a drink and, you know, refilling my plate.
He's definitely winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. It's just sad, it's just sad. What else are they gonna do? I mean, I can't even fantasy book him into anything. You're not gonna put him in the intercontinental title match or a US title match or something. They'll probably pair him back up with Lashley and him and Lashley will have a match at WrestleMania. Slow motion match.
Can you imagine, that would be Vince's wet dream. Somebody like Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley together in a bristlemania match. Oh my god. Yeah.
Cruiserweight titles. So we both have Strowman there, obviously. Is it even worth asking that question? Yeah, no. Yeah, it's Strowman for sure. Buddy Murphy, the champion taking on Akira Tozawa, who won a, it was like a fatal four way the other night on 205 Live. And I got Murphy here. I don't see him losing the belt here. This is probably going to be another pre-show match. I guess both of these are going to be pre-show. I don't know. They usually do two pre-show matches. Yeah.
What do you have? Yeah, I got Buddy Murphy in this too. He's a super strong champ, super strong champ at the moment and I don't think, I think it's gonna take someone with some serious momentum to come in and you know, knock him off his pedestal. Smackdown tag team titles are on the line. The Besties, McMiss, whatever you want to call them, take on the Usos. I'm torn here. What are you thinking?
Well, I mean, I'm obviously like I'm picking the Usos, but I do feel that like bit of, you know, like, Oh, like it would be cool to see the besties win because I am liking their little bit of vibe that they got going on. Even though like, I don't really take them seriously as a tag team, but, um, the segment that they did on smackdown was, I just loved like the Usos coming in and just completely like mocking these guys. And then, you know, they did the tag test and, um, uh,
Shane and the Miz were like doing the tag test too. And it was just so funny and it got so over with the crowd. Um, but again, I think it should be the Usos winning here and do what I said earlier in the show and do the, you know, just unify the tag titles with the revival at mania. Um, cause I do the revival versus the Usos would be in freaking sane. I don't care if the general population wants to see that or not. It would be insane wrestling.
I'm going with the besties just to be different than you, but I have a strong feeling we're going to see them. I mean, those, that seems like a WrestleMania match. Shane McMahon versus Miz at some point. I don't know who you're going to turn. I could see, I could see that. Yeah. The Usos beating, the Usos beating the besties and then the bestie, like something happening, like the, you know, one of them causing the Usos to win the match, you know, this flips out or something. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, exactly. And then that, that causes their demise as a, as a tag team. And then they go face to face at a,
at mania. But yeah, the usos revival and the bucks, I mean, they're like the best tag teams in the world right now. Well, I mean, obviously besides like the mild Samoans, Tamina and Naya, like let's, let's be real, like they're, they're the cream of the crop, but right, right below them, a hair below them are the usos revival in the books.
And we had some great, I think it was on one of your Instagram posts that people were coming up with names for the Tamina and Nia Jax. They're the Samoan slaughterhouse, right? That's their official name, but I go with the mild Samoans instead of the wild Samoans, because every time they come out, the crowd goes mild.
Somebody said the Unos instead of the Usos, like Pizza Unos. So yeah, the women's tag team elimination chamber match. There's only two teams that I think they're even talking about. We got the Mild Samoans. Are these real names that you came up with? Are these the names that are using fire and desire?
Fire and Desire is real. The Mount Samoans is definitely not real. Their real name, I think, is the Samoan Slaughterhouse. That's right, yeah. That's what they refer to themselves as. But Fire and Desire is legit. That's Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose, I'm assuming. You got the Riot Squad, Glowmella. Glowmella is actually Fabulous Glow, but I like Glowmella better. That's better, yeah. I think Glowmella rolls off the tongue better than Fabulous Glow.
The Iconics and the Boss and the Hug connection. I'm worried about Sasha even making it into this match. That seems like, that's two weeks in a row on Raw. She's left the match early. Do you think that's a work? I can't really tell. I think she's really hurt, but I think that she'll be good. I think they're not taking her completely off TV because they don't want to ruin all the momentum that they built for them to possibly win the women's tag titles.
Um, but I think they're just protecting her and saving her from further injury or irritating and any injury before the, before the pay-per-view. And this, whoever gets, if you get this right, uh, you win the entire card, it is the winner winning team of this going to get flowers from Triple H. Oh my God. You're probably right. They probably will. It's since it's a, it's, it's like a groundbreaking match, you know, women's first elimination chamber.
Can you tell me why the qualifying match or the matches that those triple threat matches they had on Raw and SmackDown, why anyone was trying to break up the pin? Because wasn't it whoever got pinned was the first team in, why would you try and break up the pin? Well, my thing is, is why would you ever get tagged in? Yeah, someone who we're tagging themselves in. Yeah, I would stand on the ramp and be like, okay, you guys fight, fight it out. Like I'm not coming in this match or you lost your mind. Um, so yeah.
Here's my dream scenario. Well, not dream scenario, because this is not a dream at all. But I would say it's going to come down to Boston hug against the Mild Samoans and the final two teams. For me, I think you put these belts on the Mild Samoans because they have so much damn heat. Everyone hates Nia Jax. And they're milking it for all it's worth. And then you have Sasha and Bailey win at WrestleMania. What say you?
Yeah, I mean that logically that makes sense. You know that they would do that because of the heat. And I think maybe to obviously protect Sasha if she's still injured. But God, I don't want to see that. No, I don't want to walk around with the with the tag titles. I personally like I think Boston hug. I mean, I think they would be good. But personally, like I like the iconics. I still don't buy Sasha and Bailey as a tag team.
You know what I'm saying? To me, they're still those individual, it's Sasha Banks and Bayley. It's hard for me to put them in that tag team realm. I feel like the Iconics are a legitimate tag team. I feel like that's who I want to see win.
Yeah, this is definitely setting up for a Sasha Bailey feud, you know, summer slam time or something. Oh, I totally botched that up too. There, there, we had a women's elimination chamber match last year. I don't know why I was saying this was the first one. No, that was a hell in the cell. They had elimination chamber too. Well, now you got me questioning. Cause I remember something to do Sasha and Charlotte hell in the cell.
I don't know. It's always, it's always a first of something. Every paper. Yeah. They're always breaking ground with these women who freaking knows. But yeah, if they get flowers, I'm going to like turn off my TV. Might have to do a special Patreon episode where me and the heel husband rank, uh, some of the female wrestlers in a very respectable, very PC way. Would you be okay with that? I would be, I would be okay with that. Okay. You know, I don't mind.
Okay. Yeah. Alexa Bliss won first ever women's elimination chamber match. Really? Yep. I knew I was like, okay, this is wrong. Yep. Because remember she climbed up the cage. Okay. Oh yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
So yeah, I doubt they'll get flowers cause this is the second one, but maybe since it's the first tag team or they're crowning the first tag women's champions, maybe that's why I got, um, gowl screwed up. It's because it's the, you know, inaugural tag titles. Those tag titles are freaking kick-ass looking though. I have to, I can't like, can't talk shit on those. They look so nice. I'm kind of dig them. I'm glad they didn't go with the, um, you know, the same old, same old WWE logo. I kind of, I kind of dig the women's tag titles.
All right. Moving on to the handicap match for the intercontinental title, Bobby Lashley and Leo Rush taking on Finn Balor. Uh, what, what say you on this one? Uh, I hope Balor wins, but I feel like it's, it's already set up for some sort of shenanigans for Lashley to win, you know, Leo to, to do something, um, and you know, just Finn.
Fin slowly slipping further and further back down to the bottom of the MIG card. You know, he had his, he had his universal title shot, didn't make it. And now it's like, yeah, now you're not going to win the intercountal title. Come on, man. I mean, it's, it's, yeah, it makes sense because now Rush, Rush can just interfere at any point. It's not going to get a DQ. No DQ because so.
Yeah, it's, it's sad. I mean, I hope Valor wins cause if he beats both of them, it'll definitely like make him, you know, make him look strong. But yeah, I don't see it happening. I see Finn, like I said, something happening and it's, it's obviously going to be unfair. It's a handicap match, but I don't see him coming out on top of this one.
I'm gonna go baller and I feel like, I don't know what they're gonna do with him at WrestleMania, but I would love to see a four way intercontinental title match with some of these guys, maybe Kevin Owens when he comes back. They hinted at him coming back on Raw this week with some sort of cell phone. Yeah, he's got a month. It was cool though, I kinda dug it, I kinda like seeing Kevin Owens out in the wild. You made him look a face though, I wanna heal Kevin Owens.
You don't know what you want until they give it to you, okay, Phil? That's true. That is true. Yeah. Raw Women's title on the line, we talked about it, Ronda Rousey against Ruby Riott. Somebody on Twitter was like, I'm really upset that they treat Ruby Riott like this. She doesn't get any, you know, I'm like, dude, she's getting a title match on a pay-per-view. What more could you want?
Just for the record, guys, when you guys are like smarking off in the comments, that's how we read your voice. Yeah, that's how you sound to us. Um, but yeah, exactly. I mean, you know, obviously at this point in the year, they're not going to, nobody's going to be a hardcore championship contender because they've already mapped out what's going to happen. We all know what's going to happen, right? Like it's, it's just unspoken. We're going to get a triple threat at mania. Um, but the fact that they have enough confidence in Ruby riot to put her up against Ronda Rousey.
On a pay-per-view on a major pay-per-view like come on like you know Yeah, I feel this is like the same time last year. She got a shot at Charlotte I think it was in the same pay-per-view, and she's I mean she's I like watching Ruby, right? I think she's got a great Heel persona. She has a great look and she can go with any with anybody. I think she's yeah
Yeah I love how she's got the right squad you know like she's obviously the leader I think she's the best of the bunch but I think it's just cool I mean right now she's just kind of like the flavor of the month I mean I don't think there's a chance in hell that she's gonna dethrone Rhonda but if she comes out and puts on a good show and like you know shows what she's capable of I mean but what more can you ask for you know yeah
Yeah, I mean, it's, it's going to be a good match. That's all I care about. The, uh, the main reason we're here, though, the world title elimination chamber match, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, and Jeffrey Hardy. Uh, I, I don't see any way of Daniel Bryan losing the title here, but I think it's going to be a hell of a match.
Yeah, I think it's going to be a hell of a match. I think Daniel Bryan also is going to, I also think Daniel Bryan's going to win. I don't think anyone right now has a star power to kind of like take him out just yet. Um, so, but there's a couple of other things that I could see happening, but I mean, I don't hope they happen, but I can see them happening is you have Kofi coming in with a Cinderella story, right? Um, taking the, taking the belt from Daniel Bryan and then possibly losing it again at fast lane before mania.
to put Daniel Bryan back in the back in the champion or the title picture, but Or I mean you can never count Randy Orton out like seriously like I feel like he's like Vince's security blanket Yeah, you know like I mean he could come out and win this and we'd all just be like
Oh, like here we go again. So I could totally see those two things happening. I think it's too soon to give the title back to AJ Styles. So I don't see him winning. I don't think Jeff Hardy has it right now. But yeah, Kofi or Randy Orton, I could totally see. Samoa Joe, he could be the underdog story. I could see him maybe finally getting his title at Elimination Chamber, and then again, losing it at Fastlane.
Who are the final two guys in this matchup? I was thinking about that earlier today. I think it's going to be Daniel Bryan at AJ Styles.
Hmm. Okay. I could see that. Yeah, I was thinking Kofi too, just because it's something different. I mean, that, that match last night, were they planning? Do you think they had all planned out to do that same thing with, uh, Mustafa Ali and just kind of have him go over big time? They probably, yeah, that's what I was thinking too.
Yeah, I thought that too. I was like, oh, well, they could easily slide Kofi into that position. You know what I'm saying? Just come in and clean house and do all that. But I think it was originally, I think they just swapped Kofi in for what they already had planned for him. Very

Go Figure Segment: Wrestling Figures Discussion

nice. So yeah, it should be a pretty good card. I'm looking forward to it. And I think after this, it'll give us a nice, clear picture of what we're going to look into at WrestleMania. Yeah, I'm excited. Let's get into our Go Figure segment now.
Go Figure is our weekly segment here on the show where we go through our weekly figure purchases, t-shirt purchases, whatever we've bought frivolously over the last week and want to let you know about. I'll let Sheena go first because I haven't done too much stuff. It's been more for other people, but I'll get to that.
We got um so we picked up series 66 bludgeon brothers um and they're like freaking the figures are just dope i mean the gimmick was lame i did not like the gimmick um but the the figures were are they're just beautiful we'll be um unboxing them unbox the mania for all of our patreon this week so stay tuned for that um and then we uh
Unboxed WrestleMania basic Trish Stratus, so we unboxed that figure this week. So those were our three pickups that we had for the week. And yeah, pretty good little haul, nothing too crazy. No Pete Duns, no Aleister Blacks, no Ruby Riots, but solid pickup.
Yeah, but looking out for it, I can't find any of those, we'll get to that in a minute. I bought, I mentioned it, I reached out to some of our Patreons and they tweeted out, I saw that they needed some stuff, so both of them from outside of the country. I didn't know how much shipping it was to Northern Ireland, and now I know $24, which hey, they paid for it, so it doesn't sound like they don't get the retros over there. They don't get too many figures and they'd have to buy it from
You know ringside or something for astronomical prices, so You know took it down to the the old and also I'd like to I'd like to see the sets kind of be gone from my Walmart So they come back in for series 8 so you know there's a double-edged sword, so I got a couple of those bought and Of course our by Mike wanted some of those retro rings from the ever closing Kmart So I bought him six of those which still have some left if anybody needs some I'll hook you up
I am ready to spend money. I am so tired of looking for these Pete Dunne and NXT leads. I've now become friends or internet friends with about five or six guys from the Baltimore area. We've started a little Facebook chat group called the Baltimore Lead Squad. All five of them or six of them are all looking for the same thing. They're posting pictures of all the Warmarts and Targets they go to.
Or one of them is actually like man. I'm gonna get a job I'm just gonna get a side gig at at Target You know like two days a week just to get some figs like that's that's that's number one that's dedication number one It's sad that you would have to even do that because you know I mean there's such a high demand for these things man. It's getting it's getting really old I love I know I love the thrill of the hunt don't get me wrong But I haven't seen any of the things I'm looking for anywhere
But yeah, see that's the thing. I appreciate the thrill of the hunt and I appreciate getting out there and pounding the pavement to see what's out there and having to go store to store and not just shooting fish in a barrel and ordering everything offline. The Mattel distribution is so inconsistent and it's so crazy and it's so regional and you never freaking know. I can't even tell you.
If I could find something I needed on the pegs, like one out of every five times I went to like Target or Walmart, like I would be thrilled. But like I literally can't remember like the last thing that I got off the pegs at any of our local stores. I think Johnny Gargano was was the last thing I got. Wow. Yeah, that was like old school. So if that tells you anything. But yeah, it's it's bad. Oh, also, I have a correction from last week.
Um, I was so super hyped because I was like, Oh my God, Bricsy could step in their game up. And I gave you guys all of those DCP eyes because they, you know, I was like, Oh my God, they did it for the individual figure. So we're going to be able to like see what figures we have in stock, um, when they come in and our buddy of our friend of chick Foley at heats toy box. If you're listening to this.
Thanks for the heads up. He was like, uh, I'll listen to the show. He's like, you know, awesome show, blah, blah, blah. Um, the DCP eyes you gave were the online DCP eyes and I was like, Oh my God.
of the
But yeah, because I mean, now, Bricsy doesn't even tell you. I mean, for the last several months, it hasn't even told you how many are in stock. It used to tell you a number. So you could say, hey, well, these six NXTs, these six Alexander Rusev's have been there for six months. And then all of a sudden, you have 12 NXT figures. You're like, OK, well, there's hope. There's six new figures there. I don't know what they are. But there's six new figures. But now, it doesn't even do that. So yeah.
happy figure hunting guys. It's just, you know, we're taking it old school until someone can come up with a better, a better method or Mattel can just step their game up. I'm getting pretty pissed off with Brixy because I've been, I was like, man, let me even check something. Like I know they have that top picks, Braun Strowman and all of the stores I go to. Let me try the skew finder for that and punch it in and see.
if it comes out, and it still shows out of stock. So I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Yeah, well, for Target, you need to use the DCPI, and then for Walmart, you have to use the UPC number, I think is what it is. But yeah, so. Yeah, but Target has like a DPCI Finder link, and then you can kind of just type in like a Google, like you just type in Ruby and do search, and she'll come up, and then I'll click it, and then I'll put my zip code in, and then I'll check inventory.
Yeah. I wouldn't, I wouldn't trust anything. Bricsy at this point, it was reliable for a little while, but we should have known it was going to be too good to be true. So I'm sure the stores are like getting all pissed off at them about it. Yeah. They're like, get these marks out of our toys sections.
And then I started thinking the other day like, do I really want this Pete done? Like, do I just want this Pete done because, like, do I just want to date this girl because she won't talk to me? Or do I, do I really want to date this girl? You know what I mean? Like that kind of thing. No, you, you definitely want this, this Pete done. You want to date this girl. She's the hottest chick on the block. Um, and she's like the prom queen. Okay.
so yeah you definitely want her but I'm definitely not willing to pay 150 plus on eBay for her like that is insane it's gonna be so funny because I'm wondering like if this is gonna be one of those anomalies where it's like so hot right now and then in like four or five months it's gonna be like like melting the pegs you know what I'm saying
I have
Oh, did you really want that wrestler with the crown and the cape and all that? I saw him out there a little while, probably a month ago. I was like, yeah, did you get him, mom? Did you grab him? Like, no, no, I mean, he's probably going by now, but I'll check tomorrow when I'm there. I'm like, oh my God, how many weeks ago was this? This was like a month ago or so.
oh my god mom I couldn't like I couldn't I was almost like the the meme where the kids like veins are popping out of his head that's how I felt like oh my god
I know. And you try not to like heal off on your, your poor mom. She doesn't know. She doesn't know the big life. You're like, come on, mom. Um, she does have a back one for me though. So that's good. Yeah, that is good. You need to just send her with like photos, like make it as simple as possible for her. Um, but yeah, back to, back to Pete Dunn. I, I think this may be the most sought after
Mattel figure ever like I know when I see it pop up on my Instagram. I'm like instantly like scroll stop I'm like, where is this? Who is this? How did he get this? You know? And yeah, so I'm pumped I mean, I know we'll eventually have Pete done I mean we may not be we're not gonna be the first people to have him obviously but who cares like it's a dope figure and we will have the bruiser weight and until then I got you I got you feel you're the you're the boozer way. There you go. Oh
The wine salesman? I love that. That's cool. I did find, I forget about this, I found a Macho Man retro randomly on the pegs at Target. They always just have the new day sets. Yeah, so I picked that up and a buddy, a Facebook buddy, William House, who sent me the entire retro Series 7, he needs it.
So I'm gonna send it to him and just have it as a down payment because I know he's gonna get the retro series 8 way before me So we worked out a little trade ski So this is gonna be like a player to be named later for the the retro series 8 So it's kind of a kind of a gift card and waiting. So that's that's good. So
Yeah, you know friends helping friends definitely I think I don't know if I'd post it or not But I'm gonna post it to the patreon page just some there's like six or seven really good Facebook groups Folks just kind of trading stuff selling stuff, you know They're looking for newer stuff and asking questions and a lot of people were you know, I have some bills coming up I want to get rid of my entire Mattel retro my tire Elite the collection, you know you get that every once in a while. So yeah
So it's pretty, you know, pretty cool. If you're looking for something, there's always somebody trying to sell it at the same time. So, uh, I did want to talk to you about these young buck LGNs because, uh, you know more about them than I do. I've, I never collected LGNs back in the past. I want to know your thoughts. They've kind of released the pictures of what the figures look like. What are your thoughts? I mean, I like them. I'm going to get them. Like, let's be real. Like I'm legitimately going to get them. Um, but I feel like they could have just been a little bit
more awesome for, I mean, since LJN has been dormant for like the last 30 years, I feel like maybe, um, they could have just put a little more effort into it. But that being said, I'm not gonna, I'm not trying to crap on these cause I do love that the lines back and I think that we're going to get some, some awesome figs here in the future. So, um, you know, I'll, I'm going to cop these, but I think they could have been better thoughts.
I mean I don't know how you you know if you're a kid how you play with them with that when they're in this You know the kind of the pose intro pose position, but you know for display they seem like a pretty cool piece I don't know
Yeah, I feel like this would actually be one that I feel like I would keep in the box. You know what I'm saying? I think they look really good in the box. And the box looks really good. But yeah, again, I don't think they're for people like us. They're for the collector. I don't think they're for playability. I feel like, I don't know how many kids watch the young bucks or whatever. But I think these are definitely made for the collector.
But yeah, I'm excited about them. I'm excited to see if they do all the elite and come out with them first. And then maybe we can strike some sort of deal with WWE and get some WWE figures and LJ inform. Is it true that Chalk Line is behind these LJN figures?
I mean, I'm not at liberty to say, I don't think. Okay. I thought that was public knowledge. I don't know. Yeah. I feel, I mean, they, they have been linked to them, but I mean, it's just like, you know, I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to step on their, their, their dealings. They got lots of things going on with WWE and I don't know what their dealings are with all of them. Not trying to cross any wires or mess up anybody's, uh, you know, paydays.
Speaking of a chalk line you you've been posting they got some some fire jackets coming up on they got the Bambam Bigelow jacket they get the Got the Ninja Turtles jacket. What was another one? I saw that I was like man. I want this so bad. Oh that Brett the Heart Foundation one. This is sick, too. Yeah
Yeah, that Heart Foundation jacket is straight fire. And then they have the reverse. So they came out with the gold, gold dust. And this is like the reverse. It's like the black gold dust. And yeah, they have the Bella Twins that Brittany Sacco designed. She's designed a couple of jackets for them. And she always does an amazing job. She actually designed
these leggings for this company. And I can't remember, I actually have two pair of the leggings and I cannot remember the name of the company, but they're WWE leggings. So she's like really talented in that area. And I'm super glad that she's getting some shine and getting to, you know, design for some of these like, you know, awesome peeps. Very nice. Yeah. Very cool. We need to get a chalk line to be one of our advertisers just so we can get some free jackets.
I know, dude, for real. Um, and I know we talk a lot about figs on here, but I did want to show some love. We were joking earlier in the show about, uh, fully poseable, um, and kind of just, you know, ribbon them because we were like, Oh, well we want advertisements. But, um, if you want more figure news guys, like Jeff and Scott and Celeste and the whole crew over there, they put on an awesome podcast at fully poseable and you can find them on Instagram at fully poseable WFP. Um, those guys show up weekend and week out and they, they bring the figure news to you. So if you're looking for,
more figure news than our, you know, go figure segment, then you definitely need to check them out. They drop every Sunday. They are a great podcast. I just can't believe they're doing the ads. It's slash chick Foley show too. So just so you know. But yeah, I don't like all the ads that they're going to be doing and slash slash chick Foley show for patreon. Pro wrestling team. Pro wrestling team too.
So let's move on to our random merge of the week here and this one I saw this on some of the the t-shirt seller guys on Instagram Talking about what they wanted to buy this thing and the price just got pretty astronomical Is this for real? So, okay. I didn't even know there were people like wanting this thing so guys just so you know what it is if there is a smoking guns and
T-shirt size, extra large, vintage from 1996 is what the listing says. And it's a smoking gun. It's got Billy and Bart on the front, um, you know, wearing their full cowboy gimmick. And the listing is for 15.
$15,000 you heard that right $15,000 like what the freak are you kidding me? Like is somebody really about you get free shipping though? So it can be wow. Okay. Yeah, that's nice Um, but I need I I need to like hit up my buddy at wrestling for sale to see like
what's going on with this t-shirt. Like I can't understand why this would even be listed. And the guy, the thing that blows my mind is that this seller has 116 feedback right on eBay and he's got a hundred percent positive feedback.
So he's not, I mean, from what I can tell, he's not like a Bobo seller, right? Well, I mean, he doesn't set the price. It was a bidding war, it sounds like. I forget who it was that I filed. It wasn't wrestling for sale, but it was one of the other guys that sells wrestling t-shirts. And he put on his Instagram story basically like,
It was like 500 bucks. Nobody tried to buy, I'm winning this, so don't even like, just basically, you're not gonna win this, I'm winning this, basically to anybody who wanted to read it. And I don't know if the bidding, just everyone was just like, okay, I'll just put in some bids and screw this guy over if he's gonna be cocky, or what. So I don't know if somebody ended up paying for it, or what? I don't know if there's a bid that big, if you don't pay for it, you just get your eBay account just canceled or something?
I don't think it sold. I think the listing just ended, right? Like it doesn't show any bids on the original listing. Oh, when I saw it, it was like too hot. Like it was like cheap, you know, not cheap, but it just started. Like somebody had found it. So maybe it just got too high and that eBay ended it or something. I don't know. Maybe he took the listing down and he relisted it. Maybe he thought. He probably knows no one's going to pay for 15 grand. You can get the smoking guns to come to your house and clean your house for you.
We're so right. You totally nailed it. Yeah, exactly. Definitely Bart Gunn. I mean, you can get Bart Gunn for a couple grand. In a case of Bud Light. He'll butter bean you for two grand. Yeah.
Oh my gosh. Yeah. I just couldn't believe like you just never know what you were going to find on eBay. So guys, like I said, if you're out there sitting on any vintage wrestling merch, if you are sell it now because the market is so high for any, any go on eBay and try to find a, like an undertaker vintage shirt or like one of those all over print, like Lex Luger shirts.
stone cold Steve Austin. I used to go thrifting all the freaking time and I cannot tell you how many vintage like stone cold shirts, rock shirts, all these vintage wrestling shirts that I've seen over the years and like I just didn't pick them up because I was like, well, what am I going to, you know, why did I don't need this? You know, um, and oh my God, like I could like kick myself for not just picking those things up and storing them away. But I mean, how was I supposed to know that the vintage wrestling market was going to pick up like 10,000%
It's so weird, too, because wrestling, right, I don't know if it's just people that don't even watch wrestling that are buying them, it's just to be like cool, like kind of hipster-ish. It's nostalgia, man. It's nostalgia. Plus, not to mention, like, 90s fashion is kind of in that era where it's back, you know? So like, the 90s look like that kind of like grungy, dirty 90s look is kind of back. So I think that kind of led to it as well, as like 90s fashion being back. Plus, wrestling.
It's people like us. It's like the, you know, whatever is our generation called. We're not millennials. We're like right before the millennials. Generation Y, maybe? I don't know. Who knows. But it's us because we have that nostalgia factor, you know? Have you been watching Slobby's World on Netflix? Slobby's World? Yeah.
No, is it like supposed to be like Bobby's world? No, it's just this guy who he runs like a vintage like store in like Tucson, Arizona, maybe or something in his his voice sounds like if you put a piece of corn on the cob down at like the garbage disposal He's the worst voice of all time. But yeah, he I mean his store is just basically like our childhood He has like, you know
all kinds of old basketball jerseys and toys and wrestling shirts and like he just basically it's basically like pawn stars or store you know show like that where he has people come in trying to buy stuff he'll go and like on hunts for you know thrift stores and and buy stuff and like find some old Gucci shirts and all kinds of
space jam stuff but it's a cool like for Netflix it's a cool like just show to watch to zone out at and see a bunch of vintage stuff you know I always love you know they have some toys and stuff like that on there not as much as I would have wanted it's mostly clothes but it's a good show but it definitely gets me if you watch it you're like man I want to buy something right now I want to buy something
get you in that buying mode. But yeah, I mean, if I had known, I think about, man, if I had like a time machine, what would I do? And I would like, I always go back to like the Back to the Future thing where he had the book where he had all the sports scores. So I'd do that and then I would go to like a Survivor Series 93 and just buy like a hundred t-shirts and you know.
Yeah, dude, it would, uh, there, it's just one of those things. Like you just never know what the hell is going to blow up. And like I said, if you're sitting on some stuff right now, um, and you don't want it, you better unload it. Cause you never know when that bubble is going to pop. You know what I'm saying? And like, then it's going to be like baseball cards and they're like, they'll be back to being worthless. So if you got some stuff and you ain't trying to keep it or wear it or whatever freaking unload that stuff on eBay or hit up our buddy wrestling for sale, because, uh, you know, if you got some good stuff, he'll, he can make you an offer. Um, so, you know,
Yeah, I bought some shirts from a WWF plug on Instagram. He's a, I think he's over in England, but he's definitely hit some really good prices over there. So check him out. Friend of the show. Um, other than that, I, um, you know, got a retro wrestling recommendation the week when you got anything this week, Phil. Uh, not yet, but I'll have something by the time you're done here. I like, I like your recommendation. This is a good

Historic Matches and Listener Interactions

Yeah, so we got elimination chamber 2015. It's the only ever tag team elimination chamber match for the vacant WWE titles. But the real star of this show was Seth and Dean at the end. That's what you really came to see. They're fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship. So anywho, Dean steals the title.
So if you really want to go back and watch something fun, definitely go back and check out that tag team elimination chamber match and then fast forward a little bit and see Dean Ambrose defeating Seth Rollins by DQ.
I have a good match, kind of fits, not the Valentine's theme, but it fits the, you know, the timeframe here. No Way Out 2000. This is kind of the tail end of the Attitude Era. It was Triple H against Cactus Jack for the WWE Championship belt title versus career in a Hell in the Cell match. And it was a bloody affair. And, you know, it was a, it's, it,
When you watch it now, it's kind of hard to watch some of the shots that Mick Foley took in this one, but pretty, pretty in nostalgia, these two guys. And I forget, I was listening to the other day, a podcast, but as far as underrated wrestlers go, we always hear about Owen Hart and a lot of guys, and then you can argue with some of the names, but Mick Foley,
He had some awesome matches as Cactus Jack and mostly as Mick Foley. When you talk about some of the matches, you always hear about Rock versus Mick Foley or Stone Cold versus Mick Foley. Yeah, as a top guy, mankind, whatever you want to call him, Cactus Jack, Mick Foley had some of the best matches of that 10-year span. Yeah, he's just that guy that was legitimately willing to
put his life on the line every time he was in there, you know, and he was doing stuff that was just like so extreme at the time. Um, and that's saying a lot because that was a pretty extreme era that he, that he came up in. But, um, yeah, I love, I love Mick Foley. I know he's, I know he gets played out now and he gets a lot of flack for just being like a grumpy old miser. Um, but I got to show a lot of love to my dude, uh, my dude Mick Foley.
This is also, if you want the same card, this is how much talent they had back in 2000. Kurt Angle versus Chris Jericho was the opening match of the card. Jesus Christ. Oh man, those were the days. I don't want to sound like an old man, but yeah. So check that out. Some of our listeners may not have even been born back then. Exactly, yeah. That's pretty crazy too.
Yeah, listener mail of the week, so I have one from one of our newest Patreon members. By the way, it's No, I messed that up. We'll cut that out. We'll get an editor like the fully-posable guys have, who are doing ads now, by the way. Jesus Christ, I can't even... I'm just pissed about this. I mean, it's an awesome podcast.
But yeah, it's, and then just do a search for Chick Foley's show there. All right. Let me pull up Zach Egloff's message here. He said, you're in a back alley surrounded by vagrants and vandals. I don't know what the difference is between the two, but OK. You can perform one finishing move from the past 30 years. Which one do you perform to escape this dangerous situation, and why? In other words, which finisher do you think would be the most effective in this street fight?
Hope I'm never in this situation. Yeah. Hope I'm never in a back alley with vagrants and vandals or even just one or the other. Um, I would have to go with the Cesaro swing, man. I think I would have to like, you know, cause then cause you could take one guy, right? And then you could just start swinging and you could take out all of the other vagrants and vandals. And then you could just put the guy you're swinging in a sharpshooter and just show all the other guys you mean business. And hopefully they run off.
For some reason the first thing that came up, that was an awesome idea though. I didn't even think of that, that was great. For some reason the first thing that came up to me was RKO, but trying to turn your back to someone and then do an RKO, you're just gonna get punched in the back of your head probably. Yeah, how many are we talking here? Are we talking like a full alley, like Walking Dead style, with like 40 vagrants and vandals, or are we talking like three or four dudes?
Because I feel like you could do an RKO, I think, with potentially three or four. Because they're going to be so like, oh my gosh, what's happening? And then they're going to be stunned. And then you could hit the other ones with an RKO. Because they come out of nowhere. You know what I mean? You don't need a lot of setup. I'm not worried about the vagrants. It's more the vandals. I feel like I'm worried about. Yeah.
Uh, maybe the JBL clothesline, that clothesline from hell, just like nap a couple of the guys out. Yeah, you can do it like Red Rover style and just freaking plow them all down. Yeah. Yeah. I think clothesline would be a good one for sure. Nice. Yeah. Thank you, Zach. I want to put this to good use this weekend.

Roman Reigns Potential Returns

Yeah, I have a couple of, uh, listener males as well. We have one coming in from friend of that chick Foley, uh, at my damn toys. Uh, Trey says, yo, what's good, Sheena and Phil. I hope you guys are having a blessed week. I have a question for each of you. So we'll start with your question, Phil. Um, it says my question for Phil is how the actual hell did you put Nia Jackson to Mina on your mania 35 card for this year? Ha ha. He said, and do you think they will win the women's tag titles at elimination chamber?
I think that any team besides Sasha and Bailey would be a massive mistake. I think that Nia Jax and Tamina are terrible talents and shouldn't be anywhere near professional wrestling ring. Haha. So I'll let you answer that and then I'll finish his email.
Uh, it's yeah, definitely. I mean, when I, I did make it my dream card, but I, I had to like keep it at least somewhat, uh, reasonable, I guess you could say. Right. You weren't just totally like going off the grid, like fantasy booking. Yeah. It was like Bret Hart coming back to fight Age of Styles or something, you know? Yeah.
That was, I could have gone down a really weird road and just made it like the greatest card ever, but I didn't. So I had to keep it kind of loosely based in reality. And I don't know, we talked about it a little bit earlier. I just think that they don't do, they don't give us what we want when they just, they, you know, they hold that nut out as long as they can. And I'd rather see them crown Sasha and Bailey at WrestleMania and give it a, give them that moment than an elimination chamber. But it would be weird to hear that
Oh, who were the first women's tag team champs? Oh, it was Tamina. Oh, okay. Yeah, she's awful. But yeah, I do not enjoy watching them wrestle, but I do have to give Naya props for the heat that she has and owning it and performing with it.
Exactly. And this is like no, like I, I like to say like, I like to keep it kayfabe, but, um, Nia Jax, like I also watched Total Divas, not that that's real, but you know, Nia Jax is like a, she seems like to me like a beautiful person. Um, so I hate to always sound like I'm like crapping on her. And Tamina is probably pretty freaking awesome as well. I mean, she's gotta be doing something, right? I mean, she's like of all the roster cuts that they've made over the last however many years, and she survived every single one of them. So she must be a damn good employee is all I'm saying.
Um, but in the, in the wrestling world, yeah, Nia Jackson, Tamina, I don't want them anywhere near, but I can totally see where you, where you would want them to go ahead and just win it now. And then like to have Sasha and Bailey come against these insurmountable odds. Um, you know, at, at WrestleMania fighting these, like, you know, the freaking twin towers, you know, these two small girls taking on, um,
Naya and Tamina and having that having that WrestleMania moment and getting their tag. Starting their tag ring there so I can definitely see that, but Trey goes on to say my question for Sheena.
is how would you return Roman Reigns when he's ready to in fact return? It's basically fantasy booking type question. Also he should also, this is Trey's opinion. He shouldn't be pushed to the moon upon return. I like, and he said, and I like Roman a lot. Uh, hope you guys in the baby facing heel husband have a blessed week and check out my YouTube channel for daily WWE action figure videos. He does do some amazing stuff you guys. So definitely check him out. Um, it's my damn toys. Uh, and his name is Trey. So check him out.
As far as Roman Reigns, um, I don't know if how long, like, I don't know what, what the prognosis is looking like for how long he is going to be out. But I mean, I think for me, I think a rumble return would just be like incredible, right? Like if they could wait until next year's.
rumble and have him come out and like, and I think he should do it like old school Roman style, like come down through the audience. You know, I think, yeah, I think that would be insane. So I don't know if that's how they'll do it. I don't know. Like I said, I don't know how long he's anticipated to be out at this point. Um, but, uh, if it's going to be a long time, I can definitely see them bringing him back at the rumble.
Yeah, he's filming a movie. He's going to be in that new Rock Jason Statham movie. Dude, he was here. Me and the Rock and freaking Roman Reigns were in the same town at the same time. Oh, man. I was on the hunt for him. Dude, they were in Kailua. They were filming. And then our friend hit us up and was like, oh my god, they're in Kailua. My sister just saw them. I can't remember if she works at a restaurant or something, but she saw both of them. And I'm like, oh my god. And I checked their Instagram.
Yeah, I have my peepers peeled and I couldn't believe it I mean not that I wouldn't know what to say I'd probably just pass out and like go into star star shock if I saw Roman Reigns and The Rock together but I would hopefully be able to get a selfie before I passed out but Yeah, that would be so freakin awesome and I would totally totally mark out and yeah, so that's how I would bring him back What would you do Phil? Ah
I mean, something big like that. It'd have to be maybe saving Seth Rollins from something or, you know, the Royal Rumble would be number one. That's why it would be perfect. And someone also posted, I think it was on our Twitter, one of our Twitter followers or somebody, that he was at like a car show or something with Alexa Bliss over the weekend and he looked pretty good. I mean, he looked the same. He hasn't lost his hair or anything.
I don't know if he's going through chemo or anything. Obviously, I don't expect him back anytime soon, but it sounds like he's still up and at him and doing events and things like that, so that's good. Yeah, that is good. I just would want him back to the biggest pot possible, and I feel like the Royal Rumble would be perfect for that. Yeah. I have one last listener mail, and this comes into us from at Anthony V725, and he says, first off, I want to thank you for starting this podcast. So, Anthony, you're welcome.
He said it was, uh, the first I started listening to, and it's opened me up to a plethora of others, um, to make my commute to work much more enjoyable. Oh, that's awesome. I'm so glad we could turn you on to some of our other, you know, our other pod friends, because we like, we like to show the love. Uh, there's enough room for all of us and there's enough free time to, to kill for all of us to get some listen. So, um, I'm glad we could turn you on to some of those guys. So it says, okay, here are my two questions. I feel very blessed to have become a wrestling fan in the 87 88 era.
I feel like the builds to matches were amazing and it got you so invested in the matches. A couple that come to mind are Jake the Snake and Rick Roode, where Roode was trying to steal Jake's wife, awesome, and the Mega Power is breaking up for the WrestleMania 5 match. As a father to two young children, I don't get to watch much wrestling except for Paper Muse and NXT events.
I wish the WWE could figure out a way to not have the same match for two months on Raw, SmackDown, and then make a pay-per-view stipulation match.

WWE vs NXT Storytelling

Do you think they will ever find a way to keep wrestlers apart so that the match actually means something again?" So that was the first part of his question. He's got a second part, but we'll go over that in just a second.
answer to that is probably not. I mean, there are so many pay-per-views back, back then and like the 87, 88 era, you had just like the four main pay-per-views. So you could do that. You know, there was a lot of build and there was a lot of time. Um, but now it's just like constantly go, go, go, you know, and they have so much time to fill. I mean, between raw and smackdown and NXT and NXT UK and a 205 live, I mean, that's eight hours a week of wrestling.
that they have to pump out every single week, you know? So I think it's really hard for them to keep these guys apart. I mean, they have to keep the machine going. If you're into that type of build and those type of storylines and stuff, and you don't have enough time to watch everything, I would say like,
I would commit to just watching NXT, like fully going all in, like, you know, maybe just keeping up loosely with what's going on with WWE. But NXT is the place for that. I mean, they have like these longer feuds, they have more buildup. Um, you know, the storylines are a little more, uh, involved and things like that. So, um, that would be my advice. If you're looking for that type of wrestling, the closest thing you're going to get to that right now in the, in WWE is NXT.
So everything you said was 100% correct. It's probably never gonna happen I wish it would but I mean there's there's 15 events a year now back then I think I just looked it up while you were speaking I was multitasking first Royal Rumble was 88 first survival series was 87 so you know they had
Three events a year, you know before that just the WrestleMania thing and they didn't have television to fill time so I think you're totally right but I think you could watch the the pay-per-views and Things would probably you'd probably enjoy wrestling more if you just watch the pay-per-views You wouldn't see you wouldn't have seen five Leo rush and Bobby lastly matches against Finn Balor This would be your first, you know first match and it wouldn't be like rehashing things so much and they have to do it I really wish they would go back to
I don't want to say the job, the jobbers, but you, you, some of the guys you have on the roster as developmental talent, like no way Jose should be losing. He should be coming out every week and losing to somebody, you know what I mean?
losing to Finn Balor, but Bobby Lashley comes out and just get some distracted or something, or they kind of forward the storyline that way without having them wrestle every single week, because it does take away from it. And they don't have as long to build storylines anymore when there was a pay-per-view on November 2nd, November 18th, and November 16th.
It's not too much of a turnaround time, and especially now that they have the branded pay-per-views all as one company. It's tough, man, and it's just the way it is. I think you're right. NXT, it's an hour a week. It's a lot more drawn-out, longer-form stories.
It's the downfall of what they have, but they make so much money now. I think this was the most profitable year ever for the WWE in 2018. They're getting millions of dollars for these television deals. They want to pump as much content as they can on there.
uh it's we we suffer it's just a new yeah it's a new era but like I said I think uh Anthony you would be best served to just tune in to like like I said that the NXT even if you watch NXT and NXT UK um I think you're gonna you're gonna love wrestling and like Phil said just tune into the pay-per-views because yeah if you hadn't seen all the all the buildup you would actually probably enjoy the pay-per-view matches a lot more but his second part of his question is is I would really like Mattel to make a great mood a early 90s flashback elite figure if you could have them make any flashback fig
And since it is the season, I was thinking about this earlier since it is the season.

Wrestling Action Figures Wishlist and Closing Remarks

Valentine's Day is as well as you guys are listening to this, it'll already be Valentine's Day. But I was thinking I would love a Greg, the hammer Valentine, a flashback elite. That would be super dope. And I think just like Mattel could really, really get get the freaking big universe on fire if they did a chase variant of him and his rhythm and blues gear, because, you know, there's like that, like, oh, yeah.
Who would it be?
super ultra mega rare, uh, Greg, Greg Valentine and his rhythm and blues gear for the Hasbro, um, that never released. And I think it would just like, it would just set the figure world on fire cause they were going to do the two pack right with him and honky tonk and they broke up. They broke up before, um, you know, before it released, which that wouldn't stop WWE now, but it was a deal breaker, uh, back then. And I think it would be awesome to have a Greg, the hammer Valentine, um, flashback and then a chase variant with the rhythm and blues gear.
I would love to have the, it's never gonna happen either, but I'd love to have the Owen Hart elite, King of Hearts, and maybe like a variant of a Blue Blazer or something like that, and do all the proceeds going to his kid's college fund or something, or make it kind of a special deal, because that's a figure that I'd love to have in the collection. And one of my most favorite wrestlers growing up, with the feuds with Brett, so yeah, that's a great question, man. Ringside Collectibles, we didn't mention it, but they're doing a,
On Friday, I think they're announcing their latest exclusive figure and they usually do kind of figures that are not super mainstream. I forget the last one they did maybe was the Brian Kendrick or the Bret Hart King of the Ring winning figure. So that'll be interesting to see what they come out with. That'll be cool. Yeah.
That's all of our listener mail for this week. Sorry if you guys can hear the Hounds of Justice. They're like... This is like the same time... They must have... Are they about to eat or something? Because it's like, you know, they're quiet as hell. And then all of a sudden, right before we eat in the show, they start whining. It is their dinner time. And I usually try to feed them before the show, but like, yeah, it's this time that the Hounds of Justice always start to get a little, like, you know, get a little stir crazy locked up here in Sharpshooter Studio.
We've joked about it a lot on the show, but definitely check out slash chick Foley show guys We're gonna be pumping out this weekend. We're gonna film our first Special episode it's gonna be a 32 person bracket of the best gimmicks in wrestling history. We've removed the undertaker It's gonna be the undertaker memorial bracket just because we felt like he was gonna be the the clear-cut winner and I think it's gonna make a lot more fun to kind of go through some a
some old memories of some wrestlers, mostly from our childhood when the gimmicks were kind of more outlandish and look at some of those. So that'll be fun. Sheena and I have been doing some unboxing videos, but seriously, the lowest tier we have is a dollar a month. You'll get a personal shout out, a thank you here on the show. We'll email you our show notes that Sheena puts together so greatly.
And we do an NXT TakeOver recap episode every time they have a TakeOver event. So $1 gets you that and it goes up from there. But definitely check it out. Sheena and I will be using this money for stuff for the show, cocktails, explosives, fireworks, stuff like that.
Yeah, now that I don't have to pay Xfinity, man, just life is really looking up. Check us out there, we appreciate it. Definitely check out our friends over at Fully Poseable. They do a great wrestling figure podcast that usually drops Monday mornings. It's either Sunday night, Monday morning, but I always space out my week. I listen to those guys on Monday.
a major wrestling figure podcast on Friday. I listen to something to wrestle with on Saturday and Sunday, so you have almost every day of the week covered by a wrestling podcast, it's nice. You can check us out or you can ask us some questions or drop some lines, some requests at askchickfoli at One more thing about the Patreon, the top level is $50 a month and
We've added to that a free Chick Foley t-shirt from Pro Wrestling Tees dot com. Plus you'll get a guest spot on the show. You can sign up for that for one month and then drop down to one of the lower segments. We'd love to have a guest co-host on the show for
for Go Figure or recapping one of the pay-per-views, so that'll be pretty cool once we get some people trying to do that. Ask chickfoli at Check us out on iTunes and Stitcher and SoundCloud and leave us a nice review on iTunes if you can. We'll be back here next week. We'll be recapping Elimination Chamber Sheena. Hopefully, one of us will have found Pdun or some of those NXT elites for less than astronomical prices.
Yeah, fingers crossed. Happy hunting. Enjoy your Valentine's Day out there and stay classy, Marks. We'll be back with you next week. Yep.
and turn it on