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Ep. 206 – Remember, Remember! The Fifth of November… image

Ep. 206 – Remember, Remember! The Fifth of November…

Growing Up Christian
312 Plays3 months ago

This week (and what a week it’s been) we got together to discuss the election, how we got here, and the absurdities of American politics. If you want to pipe in on the discussion you can join our Discord using the link in our Instagram bio.

*Intro clip by the great Tim Dillon from episode 304 of his show “What America Means to Me.”


The American Experience: Disillusionment and Enjoyment

Being an American to me means figuring out that everything's full of shit when you're about nine and oscillating between drug, food, sex, addiction, and the mismanagement of your money to handle it. Knowing at any time that your government has orchestrated many different attempts to kill and enslave you, I'm still enjoying Top Gun. It's a good film.

Survival of the Fittest: People and Animals

Being an American to me means never feeling sorry for a feral cat, knowing that it'll figure it out, just like you will. Being an American to me means looking at a disabled person and knowing somewhere down deep they deserve it.

Financial Ruin vs. Harm: American Anger

but with car
be american Being an American to me means you can summon up a murderous rage at the slightest inconvenience. If someone refuses to seat you in an appropriate period of time at a restaurant praying that they get into a car accident where they bash their head off their glove compartment and they live to deal with the debt. Being an American doesn't mean wishing death on someone. It means wishing bankruptcy multiple times that they have to go in and out of court. It doesn't mean wishing they lose their children. It means wishing they have to raise them.

Podcast Introduction with Political Humor

Hey everybody, we are back with another episode of Growing Up Christian. I'm Sam. I'm Casey. and Look how giddy he is. ah Finally got that red wave, baby. The one we've been looking forward to. Oh my God. No, I'm laughing as soon as we hit record, because we we started making jokes and shitting on shit. And yeah we were just like, just waste note like what let's not waste our words here. it's ah it's just We'll just get straight into it.
But yeah, so come January, we have a new old president. It's pretty sick. I like that. Yeah. Old and more than look forward too.

Election Night: Missing the Excitement

ah Dude okay, so I woke up this morning. This is it's a very special action episode We don't have anything any real topics planned other than to just talk about this So we'll go until we're done and this might be our shortest or longest episode yet it's hard to tell once you get rolling with these types of topics, but um I Honestly, I swear so I've been the actually I've been getting a little sick ah My whole family is a lot of the people I think whatever
everyone's kinda like run down. So i I went to bed last night at 9.30 after falling asleep on the couch at like 8.45. So like I never do. i I don't think I've seen, I don't think my head's hit the pillow before 10.30 in like three years unless I've been like really sick. yeah Like when I had COVID, I was in bed early or whatever. like And I think maybe since then I've had one like,
Horrible cold where I was like I'm just gonna go to bed and shut this shit down as fast as I can so That is so abnormal for me, and I'm like

Kamala's Election Predictions and Theories

it's election. I'm like I cut I I was like I kind of want to watch some of this unfold, but pardon me was like I already had, I i have a ah discord with some other friends. We have our podcast one that we talk about, but i I am in one with old high school friends and they were doing the whole like, what are your prediction thing? And I was like, ah really without any doubt, I'm guessing Kamala wins the popular vote but loses the election.
And she is the first Democrat in 24 fucking years ah to botch that one. Dude, that was cool. she She didn't just lose. She got trashed. She got her ass handed to her. That was, it's pretty, I mean, it's it's it's frustratingly incredible what the actual turnout was. And have you seen this stuff about like, have you, ah about the number of people who voted last election compared to this one?

Election Turnout and Political Momentum

a lot Some people are using it as a way of like,
being a kind conspiracy theorizing which fine was it more was it less it was like 20 million less or some wild fucking number uh so some people are like now ah The Republicans and Democrats both got had a huge spike last election. So I honestly think the last election was just how like energized people were. ah i think ill i I think a lot of people did not turn out to vote this time around. you the The country was on fire in 2020. I mean, like that was such a turbulent, scary year.
because whose presidency was hopeful. It's like, I don't know if we can hang that all on track. I'll hang a lot of it there. I will hang all of the Democratic and look, we know like, there was a worldwide pandemic, um cops shot a lot of black people that year, like a particularly high amount.
Yeah, just saying something. Bad year ah for all that. But I will say the Democrats were energized more than ever based on Trump's handling of everything. And look, whatever. I mean, i a lot more Republicans showed up, a lot more Democrats showed up. I think a lot of people just didn't give a shit

Ignoring Election Results: A Morning Ruined

this year. I think Jill Stein got more votes than expected. There's a lot more third party voting than expected. She got at least two.
Yeah. Uh, I just, uh, yikes, man. Uh, but I woke up this morning and was like, you know what? I'm going to see how long I can go. I'm not going to look, I'm not going to look at it on my phone. I'm just going to live my life. Like nothing's changed. I'm just going to live my normal last life. Like nothing's changed. I'm going to get up for work.
I'll be running late. I'll debate whether or not I stopped for coffee. I'll just do the normal shit. And my alarm went off. I think I hit snooze. And then I heard my wife go, Trump won. I was like, God damn it. I was trying to wait before I got out of bed to find out this terrible news. yeah I went to bed. I mean, I didn't go to bed that late. It was like, I don't know, maybe 11.
1130 or something and I was I was watching breaking points like their live stream as it was as the results were coming in and even at that point they were like Well, I think crystal said well, there's not a whole lot of suspense left here. So we're gonna cut the stream and Dude, and it I was I was taking the opportunity to troll Jeremiah a little bit which was fun wait in a group chat yeah it was

Trolling Friends Over Election Results

like nine o'clock or so and i'm like oh i woke up to all those texts yeah i said uh for the i wish he was with us tonight i know he's he's cold rest in peace open but uh he uh i sent him a
that that disturbed sound of silence cover and just put like break glass in case of Trump victory. yeah That's right. I did see all those when I was still wiping the, what is it when you when you wake up in your visions, Blurry? What do they call that? Smegma.
Yes. Yeah. The jizz. Yeah, you just your eyes are crusted. Yeah. i like I looked too closely the night before when I was rubbing one out before I went to sleep. ah that means That means he didn't get up afterwards. He just did an alligator roll. Yeah.
I got up, my pillow came up with me. My wife's like, take your pillow off your face, you don't need to end it, it's gonna be okay. She has to put a boy you a foot on your chest to peel it off. She thought I was trying to kill myself.
Yeah, it was it was pretty early in the evening. It was looking bleak. I mean, like he was pretty far ahead in like North. I think they called South Carolina for him. And then North Carolina was like he was just gaining and gaining their Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin. I mean, he I think he I think he ended up with more states than he did in 2016. I yeah, I think he did.
I think, well, Nevada and Arizona are morons, so they are still tallying somehow. There's like 300 people in in Nevada, and they can't count. No. there ah

Early Bedtime and Waking to Trump's Victory

Apparently, there's going to be when the the guy that ubered me to ah the airport and when I was in Vegas. One was, i didn't I think I didn't mention any of this, but so I've never on my own ubered before. I've never done a rideshare by my... I've never done it. so I'm like, I'm trying to get my Uber to go to the airport and there's like the share option, which made it half price. I was like, yeah, fuck it. I'll do that. I don't care. I'll share. and I'm sure there's plenty of motherfuckers going to the airport. That's fine. And it automatically pins my, my pickup location. I realized afterwards that it was in the wrong spot. Yeah. You told that story about the, I did having to run around and then you yelled at the poor old man that was driving the Uber. I didn't yell at him.
I wouldn't and then you gave him a zero star and then you didn't I tipped him even I remember this story vividly actually. Okay, so I did tell it my bad I'll stop then jesus christ You know what I feel he was the first time I've been called out for a full-blown trying to retell a story and Almost four years. So that's pretty good. Oh, you're pretty good at you're pretty good at keeping track Well, where was I why did I digress to that? I was talking to take it Oh like that guy was like You know, by next year it's expected to have, we're expected to have 4 million people living in Nevada. I mean, in, uh, in Las Vegas. and I didn't, I didn't fact check them, but I'm guessing that's most of the population in Nevada. I mean, yeah, there's only like two other towns in the whole state, so it's pretty empty.
But yeah, there was a, there's some kind of, you know, darkly funny clips that came out of everything though. Like, um, did you happen to see the one with Jake Tapper where they're looking at the map last night and he's got like this guy who's a, who's an analyst there showing them like, you know, diagrams of which States and which counties went and stuff. And he's like, well, what about counties that, uh, the vice president is outperforming president Biden?
And he's like, oh, yeah, let me load that up here. And he clicks on it and it's the whole United States is gray.
And then like the little search box, you know, that he, that he picked it from, like his covering, like the, the, the East coast. And he's like, well, it's just, okay, wait for, wait for this to go away. And it fades off. Nothing. And he goes, where he literally goes, none, literally nothing. yeah and There was like one County in Pennsylvania or something like that. But ah dude that's incredible.
I okay, I feel like I have to oh die,

Kamala's Campaign Failures and Criticism

dude. I I feel like I have to be careful because I know that it is very upsetting for a lot of people. And I understand why um I think it's better to still be invested than to be like completely black pilled and cynical like like I am at this point. But you can't I mean, I feel like if you've been following the election cycle the past year, you can't help but say that like they deserve to lose so bad. They had it coming. they They did every possible thing to like undermine and distance themselves from their own voters. And like from the very beginning of like gaslighting everyone on whether or not Biden was competent and capable and like the media participated in that fully and stuff,
you know like rubber stamping or canceling all the primaries to eliminate any sort of dissent against Biden throughout that whole process this spring. I mean, that was the time. That was the time in which you could have picked a candidate that resonated with your voters.
But they didn't and they went to great lengths to make sure that nobody got a say in any of that. And they waited till past the the point of a primary. It felt like it was literally like 24 hours later. They're like, well, actually, maybe Biden isn't so fit. Here's Kamala. And it's just like that. It could have felt more like a middle finger to their voter base than than than that. Like that was epitome of just fuck you guys, you're dumb, we're smart, we're gonna give you the candidate that you need to vote for. Which look, don't get me wrong, voting, people who vote are dumb. Let's be clear, it's just that the people at the top aren't much smarter and that's scary for sure.
But people are dumb. We're not smart people. Dude, the arrogance of the DNC is so infuriating. you know And like this is basically just like bureaucratic maneuvering is why we ended up with Kamala Harris as a candidate. you know like Nobody would have picked her before that point. And like it's not hard to so think back beyond like you know July or August when she got the nomination and and you know,

Kamala's Unpopularity in Biden's Presidency

the media campaign started for it like She's like the least popular vice president in history, dude. she She was gone for four years Nobody heard anything out of her throughout Biden's entire presidency. Yeah come out once in a while and make like a befuddled statement or something like that that made no sense and then the people on the right would roast her and that was it, you know and
and they And they pick her, and Biden's a pretty unpopular president. you know i mean he's The way that he's handled the the economy, i mean you can agree with it, you can disagree with it, but i mean he pumped $200 billion dollars into Ukraine to fight a war that they're going to lose. you know like He's backed Netanyahu's like extremist regime as they like murder and kill children for for a year now.
ah I mean, why would you want to pick a candidate that is handcuffed to this person's terrible unpopular presidency? Of all people, of all people why would you pick why would you pick her? And it's just like, nobody wants to step on toes and say, well, we should probably pick somebody else because she's not the person. And even if she was a competent, great politician, which she's not, she's not.
She still is like saddled with these policy decisions that he made that are extremely unpopular, not just with Republicans, with Democrats, dude. and and like and Then to go on this press tour with Liz Cheney of all people, like it's it's insane. and i hope i hope I know that the like the Cope is already starting among like elite circles about how like You know, it's really it's not their fault. It's the voters fault. It's that game is going so hard right now, dude I hope that the people behind this campaign get lampooned for the rest of eternity until this country like Snaps off of Pangea and falls into the ocean I hope they are talking about how terrible this campaign was and the stupid decisions that they made during it
I mean, you gave people nothing to vote for, nothing to get excited about, nothing to organize for. you know I mean, it's a school lunch program and and what? Like abortion rights. Great, great. Those are nice things, okay? But you have to have more than that. And there's also a lack of confidence in the ability to get, like, we don't have abortion rights in this country anymore.
because no Democrat under many opportunities ever codified it. And it felt like they liked to hang it over people's heads as a way to be like, you have to vote for us, otherwise you won't be able to have a board. Like it it just felt like there was no, there was no real reason for it. And then Kamala, like I texted this one to you and and Jeremiah, and then there was another one that came up recently

Kamala's Promises: Insincere and Last-Minute

too. It's like, we're like a week away from the election, a few days away from the election,
And she's like, one says ah she promises to end the war in Gaza if elected. It's like people have been fucking asking you about what you're going to do. And all you said is that you're going to stay the course. And you said nothing. It was just like worthless platitudes towards just ah concepts of an idea like, oh, i I'll, you know, we're gonna stay the course and defend our allies while also trying to make sure that, like, we're limiting issues and problems where we where we can, but without interfering with things that are important to the people that we care about. It's like, you're not saying shit, shut the fuck up!
do and we deal with that Like two weeks ago, she was talking at ah at a, she was doing like a press conference or something like that and was asked specifically about the atrocities happening in Gaza and the genocide

Controversial Remarks on Gaza

and stuff. And she goes, yeah her her answer was insane given the state of like the party and stuff like that. She said something along the lines of, well, when we talk about the atrocities, it's important that we remember the first atrocity and and the worst atrocity, October 7th. And then she went through the whole script of you know blah, blah, blah. And she claimed mass rape and sexual assault as a weapon, which has been
Oh my God, that's been like thrown ah that's been thrown out. The New York Times had to like ditch a whole story on that and stuff. because and And they just keep repeating it. And like you can't spit in Arab voters' faces. Or even, you know yeah I mean, Arabs aside, like there's so many people that are like that lean liberal and that would want to support like a left-leaning candidate that like you're just blatantly telling them that, like hey, this group is more important than you.
That's what it is. It's hedging your bets because I don't know that Kamala really believes anything about anything. I think it's like whatever, wherever the wind blows, that's where she goes. And clearly the message was we care more about reaffirming our commitment to Israel than we do about your concerns about tens of thousands of children.
Well, and wasn't her other one recent, like a week coming up to the election when she was like, and I will legalize marijuana. And you're like, yup.
Oh, that that one drug that you as a district attorney just gave out so many life sentences for like, dude, just handed out out dished out prison time. She gave it out. Like, I mean, I was going to say like the Girl Scout cookies, but you actually have to buy those and they're not readily accessible all the time. So that's a bad example.
I would rather she dish them out like Girl Scout cookies. There's a sense of demand because the supply is limited. But when it comes to marijuana prison sentences, yeah, we got as many. There's as many as you want. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like and all of those were Hail Marys, like within the last seven days of her campaign. It's like, no. and And anyone can see through that shit. And she's just like, uh, uh, uh.
and and free alcohol on Fridays and uh like she just it felt like she was just trying to like throw shit at the wall and see what's stuck you know it was embarrassing you know what i keep thinking about too is like they really did start i mean given the circumstances and the fact that like they chose to run Kamala Harris. Like they did start out with a bang and had some some momentum behind him. And like yes everybody was talking at the time about how like the, you know, the joy theme was kind of a good idea because it it was in such sharp contrast to what was on the other side. And like it kind of, it it went against the typical like, you know, 10 year liberal narrative of like,
Trump's the antichrist and we have to we have to defend the country against him and stuff like that. like It's a negative campaign.

Inconsistent Campaign Strategy vs. Trump

Yeah, she kind of laughed him off, which is, that's that's the best way to handle him. That's the only way that anyone has effectively handled him is though those couple of weeks there, that month or so there where she was like laughing him off and not giving time to his like suggestions. and absurd statements, where did that go? Because we quickly fell right back into the same cycle of like, hey, you know this this guy who ah left the administration on bad terms, well, he's got a book coming out and he said that Trump thought Hitler was cool. He heard him say it. It's like, okay, well, maybe.
i What we are we going to vote on this? I could see him saying that. Is that going to be helpful? Is that going to do anything to deter his base? Like when you have to desperately plead with your constituents, with the people who generally want to vote Democrat, when you have to plead with them to vote for you in such pathetic ways, it's just People didn't show up, they didn't show up. And look, I know one of the things that comes up a lot when people shit all over Kamala's campaign is that um the double standard,

Trump's Narrative and Evangelical Appeal

right? There's a double standard between the expectations for Trump and the expectations for Kamala. And it's like, yeah, yep.
Of course there is, because at the end of the day, I'm not gonna bother parsing through everything Trump says because it's all horseshit. All of it's horseshit 100% of the time. yeah He has no values, no morals. I'm convinced his only desire to be president is to avoid jail time. I don't think he cares about anything other than himself. So when he goes, ah like,
and Okay, I was actually was talking to my colleague about this at work today who did not grow up religious at all. Zero religious background. so she we like she likes to It's fun for us to talk about those variances, right? Because she has really no connection to what it was like to have our experience. You're kind of like a rare zoo animal to her.
right She's interested in like the thought process behind the people who are getting him elected outside of what she gets on. like She likes to wander over to the cubicle and tap the glass a little bit. We were just talking about how i'm like ah yeah cut ah Kamala tells a lie.
like the mass rape on october 7th and you go that that's a deterrent for for people invested in truth who care about it but for trump that is not truth is wasn't on the ballot for trump like the people who are voting for him don't care they i i thought about it this way today and why like the eve ah he the evangelical vote wins this guy for sure. Like they all mostly vote for Trump. And I was like, it it started to make sense for me today when I was thinking about it in terms of the Bible, right? Like any thinking person, any fucking person who's ever read the first two chapters of the Bible
knows that it says one thing in one place and another thing in another place because they're written for different reason each book says things different than the book before it and after it. There's a very particular reason that the authors wrote what they did. It's not a univocal book at all.
And if if you can read through it and say that it is, it's because the thing that's guiding your belief system is dogma first, and then you're align making sure you align everything to your current belief system. ah like The Bible is basically just a fucking Rorschach test for people. That's all it is, is what do you believe?
The Bible's a Rorschach test, and so is Trump, because Trump will just, he'll tell you every fucking interview, I'm gonna cut taxes, I'm cutting taxes, everyone's gonna save money under me, I'm gonna have the best economy, I'm cutting taxes, and you read his fucking tax plan, and if you don't make more than $350,000 a year, you're gonna pay more in taxes. It's in the plan that was proposed, tax cuts for the rich buy millions,
tax increases by varying amounts for those who make under $300,000 a year. But you you won't need the tax break because of all the money that's going to be trickling down.
You're right. And that's a good point. So maybe he's not lying when he says he'll make more money. But he does. But all jokes aside, he does say there's tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts. They get to hear that and believe it. They don't have to read the plan. They don't. They can they can accept Genesis one, but ignore Genesis two when the creation account is different based on their personal concerns and what they need. And I think I just I think that the everybody does that.
I think evangelicals do it more because they're primed for fanciful thinking. I think they're primed to believe in fanciful things in a fantasy narrative where they get to make all sorts of excuses for everything all the time based on what's convenient for them based on what verses they want to weight heavier in the bible or just I mean even just looking at their personal beliefs and what we were told growing up versus what they how they vote and what matters to them and things like that it's like it's there's such a large discontinuity that you just go like yeah of course it's easy for you because it's not about what Trump says does believes or anything else it
Trump, is he's so inconsistent and so all over the place and the narratives about him are so all over the place based on the new sources that are accurately or inaccurately reporting the things that he says based on the plans that he actually has that they get to go, well, I get, it's just an extension of the Bible. I get to believe it the way I want to believe it because it's more convenient. He's he's a trusted figure.
And at the end of the day, they think he's not even trusted. I don't even know if they trust him. They trust. he they I think they believe. I think they're just so blinded by their their own ideas of what they think America should be, that they'll follow any asshole into the pits of hell if he says what they want. Yeah.

The Left's Struggle for a Trusted Figure

I don't know. I think.
Yeah, well, I don't even know. I just, I've had a lot of crazy conversations today. Everybody around me is very excited. They're pumped. I think they just see like, it's so easy to catch. I mean, to really do like the, there's a very similar dynamic. I think when it comes to how each side is like castigating the other, and I don't even mean like,
On a large scale, like media figures and stuff like that. I just mean like normal people when they talk about, you know, what's on the other side of the aisle and why we have to stop it. I think that Republicans do the exact same thing as dan with Democrats. It's been like Trump is the new Hitler.
democracy's dead. He's going to be a dictator. He's going to go after his political enemies, all of the standard talking points, you know, with, with conservatives, it's the same sort of thing. It's just, the only miracle far they're talk your kids into being trans. They're going to confiscate your guns. They're going to do this. They're going to do it's the same thing. It's like, it's more of it's a, it's like, it's like we trust that Trump is going to be a repudiation of The left as we see it, which is causing all this harm and trouble. It's, it's very, I don't know. I feel like it's very similar, but i think there's a the left just doesn't have anybody to get behind. I mean, they don't have a trusted figure. I mean, that's, that's what it comes down to. And like.
i don't I don't know you know in every opportunity that they have to like build something around a figure they undermine because There's there's so many people waiting in line for their chance at the top spot You know I really think that's what it comes down to you know the the All the stuff about canceling the primaries and everything I think you know you could The one like argument that I've heard against that, that I think is probably legitimate is if you look at like the the power hungry lad climb ladder climbing scum that is waiting to get a shot at that job, like Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Wilson. Sure. I heard plenty of, I heard some some takes on it where they were like, well, they're not going to take
This as their opportunity to run like they want two years to prepare for the their run to do it the way they want they don't want three months to try to make a case for themselves in a last-ditch attempt to like save the The office, you know, they would rather let him win if that's the case and and wait it out till 2028 and and be able to Run their campaign in the way they want to And I think there probably is some validity to that. You know, who knows who they could have done. I don't think if they went against the DNC, they would have had any shot. It would have been a guaranteed loss if they like really came out for it. So there's probably some sort of calculator. I think you're right. I think there is a calculator for that part. It was like at the end of it, like I could stand for what I think is right. But in the ah attempt of doing that, you're consigning to
to throwing it all away, which isn't really standing for it. I think there's- When you saw that with Newsom, in the last days of Biden's candidacy, like yeah even when the writing was on the wall and he was done post debate, Newsom was still out there saying, like hey, you know I think that the president is, I think he's doing a great job and he's perfectly fit and I am looking forward to casting my vote for him.

Speculation on Gavin Newsom's Presidential Run

It's just like, oh my God, dude, just throw yourself into the Pacific.
Yeah. He is so gross. He's coming at some point. Like some point we're going to have to like grapple with a new some candidacy and he slimy scumbag. I cannot. I don't think I know enough honestly about him to feel one way or the other. I don't. Just look at his head. Yeah.
Oh, you're just talking about like and his actual greasy forehead. Yes. That's all I'm talking about, actually. Which does not win presidencies. You can't have a greasy forehead if you're going to be president. You can have a perfectly Botox, stiff as a board forehead, but it can't, can't, and it can have a nice shine to it. But if that shines too greasy, it's not, it's not going to work. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that guy from Fantastic Beasts. He is like,
There's like a forehead, there's a five head, he has like an eight head. I have not seen Fantastic Beasts in a while, but i would it's very like you to throw out a reference that is dated and that nobody gets. so I don't think I even got the right guy. yeah I picked the wrong one. Whoever was in Doctor Who, I don't know.
ah I want to talk about something else that made me mad, and it's less about ah the national state of things, which we can go back to, and more about my local state of things. So Massachusetts, sorry, excuse me, had some really great ballot initiatives, and you said you didn't have any this year. We had zero. We only had two choices. You could pick ah president, and I think it was House of Representatives.
dude that is that's truly wild i'm I'm actually shocked by that Massachusetts always tries to like get as many ballot initiatives on as they can and we had some really interesting ones one boring as fuck and it passed with 71.5% of the vote and it was allowing It was allowing another department to audit the state legislature. ah Some of the arguments that people have were like, I don't want that. Anytime you're going to give one agency power to audit another, whatever, people, anti-government people are like, man.
The idea is to not let a particular agency like the legislature audit themselves. I think it was to let someone else audit them. To me, that does make sense because nothing goes more south than when someone gets to do their own audits. Yeah. Look at the Pentagon phrase. I worked at a retail company that did their own inventory and somehow it always came out better than it actually was.
um And then the the second one is in ah in Massachusetts, you're required to take a standardized test as a graduation requirement called MCAS.
um It's been very controversial since it was signed into law. I did not have to take MCAS because the first, I think I mentioned this a while back on the podcast, but we were the the first and only real like big protest I was a part of was when the state was talking about having homeschoolers have to also take the MCAS as graduation requirement. And all of the homeschoolers just showed up to the Capitol and marched and
screamed and shouted and um homeschoolers were not required to take MCAS to graduate. So I thought that was it. So it's always been a controversial idea. And it's funny because like, you'll hear people be like, I don't know. I don't think it's a big deal. I'm like, well, you did, you know, back when we marched on the Capitol against it, like you had a problem with it. It's just not your problem. So you don't care. ah Typical politics and the way people will vote, but that's fine.
ah In that past, it passed to remove it as a graduation requirement, which i I love. I don't like the idea of standardized testing determining much of anything for anybody. um The third one allowed ah rideshare drivers to unionize in that past. So now if you work in Massachusetts for fucking Uber or Lyft, you can get a bunch of you guys together and unionize if you want. It's your right.
ah There was one that was about tip workers and like increasing minimum wage or something like that. And that was ah probably the only time in Massachusetts history where the restaurant and tip workers were on the same team as the restaurant owners and that it was worded so poorly. It was going to fuck everybody. And thankfully that one did lose. It didn't go through. And the one I wanted to talk about, the one that meant the most to me on a personal level,
The one that I think not only would it have been nice for me on a personal level, one that also I think is incredibly important.

Massachusetts and Psychedelics: A Missed Opportunity

ah on a like medical level, a research level especially, is legalizing psychedelic substances in Massachusetts. Despite them being schedule one federally, ah I thought it was gonna pass for certain. Psilocybin, DMT, and what's the other one?
I can't think of it right now. It ends in a TE or some weird shit, but anyway. ah hey It was legalizing it for home and personal growth up to a certain amount for people over 21 and you were able to give it to friends. You can't sell it, but you could give it to people. ah and But what the biggest thing for it was is that it legalized the use of it under controlled and like medically medical and like controlled environments.
The idea being, if you are suffering from medication-resistant depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, like that you would be able to go to your doctor in that field that... fields that that um What's the word I'm thinking of?
um not offices type of whatever like you that you could go to a medical facility and receive treatment through the use of psilocybin or something like that because it's obviously it's I mean the studies on its impact on medication resistant depression and treating PTSD and like veteran soldiers shit like that is like incredible and that's probably I know it's shocking to hear me talk about Veterans like that Casey. I know you're surprised that I'm concerned with their well-being I could see yeah I figured you care about them I don't want them to suffer for the the fact that they didn't know what to do when they were 18 So they signed up to kill for a government that did not give one single shit about them I care about them just not in the way that the the quote-unquote government does me personally I just really want the terrorists to win I
But that's neither here nor there. Too late. i ah So, yeah, that was a huge bummer. It lost. It was ah I was actually shocked. Fifty seven. ah Oh, it wasn't even close. No, 57 percent voted against it. And that that I had conversations with plenty of very conservative people, people who I knew were voting Trump that were like, yeah, of course I'm voting.
for the use of who lobby to get I don't know. But I thought for sure it was going to pass and that we'd be able to start using psychedelic drugs to treat the very serious ah ah disabilities. I don't think drugs are the answer. I think who you're a big fan of prayer, aren't you? Yeah, you got to it before I could.
You know, I believe I'm i in, you know, call me old fashioned, but I believe a hard day's work. Yeah. How many hours is that at least 16 for me or for other people? No, for the obvious to the people who work for you. You're like, no, I work from home for eight out of the 16 hours, but I need you guys on the road and in the field.
Yeah. I did see a ah fun Facebook post of a ah tidal wave destroying a town. I'm sure it was one that happened in real life, but it was a Photoshop to be read.
Oh, yeah. And the actual corpses like in the foreground. Unfortunately not. But it was someone that I i knew back when I was a child. i I'm not friends with this person anymore other than on Facebook. And it's funny that I even saw that post because I never see anything from them. But it was like this this guy lives in Florida and he was like his caption for it was like feeling especially free today.

Floridian Freedoms and Political Leadership

And I was really genuinely curious.
about about what freedoms in Florida that he wants, that he doesn't have, that he's bummed about, and that he thinks he's gonna get. i think that's what a lot I was thinking about what this comes down to for a lot of people, because a lot of the people you know are really excited.
And, um, I don't know, I don't know what they lost under Biden, that they're going to regain under Trump or what they think they're going to gain under Trump that they haven't been able to under Biden presidency. Is that something you're like versed in that, you know, what they're, what they're excited about? What are they actually looking forward to? What types of freedoms are coming their way that they haven't had in a way to impact their lives?
ah He's going to secure the border. He's going to get the economy going. He's going to get back to ah drilling oil and stuff like that. like It's very ambiguous. yeah It's more that he's not going to make my ah my mom you know go through gender reassignment surgery or something like that.
a lot of that which you i find very frustrating this is this is my problem with voting in general look i like democracy until it sucks i don't know that i do i don't know that i care that much about it it seems to be bad so far lately in my lifetime democracy has not been amazing because when i look at the reasons why people are excited about anything i just go oh That's either one, not happening or two, not impacting your life in any meaningful way. Like getting excited about drilling back, drilling oil. Like we haven't stopped. I don't think Biden did a lot to be like, we're done with that shit. Like oil drilling is a.
thing and we get a lot of it. That's half of our fucking problem in the Middle East is just getting more of that shit. So I don't think there's been a huge shift between Democrat and Republican presidents when it comes to oil drilling. They might have said some shit about fracking, but I don't think there's been some real. They didn't.
yeah There's literally no substantive difference. but Okay, I mean, it's that's what i thought and the only way and look, i I like the idea of doing less oil drilling and less fracking. But the problem with the left is they always talk about it as though that's going to save the planet.
but it's only going to save the planet if we can figure out alternative energy sources before

Balancing Environmental Policies and Energy Needs

then. So if you're like, we have to stop doing these things. It's like, we can't, we created a monster and we have to fix it. Like we can't just change everything really quick. So it's like, nobody cares about global warming. No, they don't. Dude, it's the first thing to go. it's so It's the first thing to go for every single person who talks about it. Like,
The minute it becomes inconvenient, like they start getting pressed on the economy. They're like, well, we've got to bring gas prices down. and you know but at At the same time, though, like you king we've created this world where you can't just like go cold turkey on oil. It's not possible. No, it's not.
You have to scale it back over time while increasing programs in other ways. And I think the hilarious thing is, I think that's why um Elon his Musk has been so like popular in that world. Because growing up growing up, I remember being told from conservatives,
that it was just asinine. The idea of doing electric anything was such a liberal cock thing to do. Ooh, electric cars, you pussy little sissy bitch. Like that was the narrative around electric cars when I was 11. They might've not said those three words together. And I might regret saying those three words together just in jest, but.
i It was like laughable. They're like, we just need to drill more oil and that'll bring gas prices down and everything's fine. And then Elon Musk comes with like the electric car and all of a sudden conservatives are like, well, electric's not a bad idea.
And it turns out it's- They don't like it. They don't? I feel like- No, they all hate it. Massachusetts conservatives that feel different. They're like Elon himself now that he's on their team, but they do not like electric cars.

Conservatives and Electric Cars: Mixed Reactions

Wild. Because it seems like the obvious, it seems like the obvious path forward. Like we're going to all have it. It's all going that way. 100%. I don't think so. Hands down. There's no way to power it.
there's so many there's so the sun's pretty strong dude until it's gone out i mean they haven't they haven't come up with a viable model for right that they yeah but that doesn't mean they won't and that's what i'm saying they haven't yet but charging like charging electric cars using coal fire power plants is not an answer to the global warming crisis It's putting the car before the horse. You have to solve energy generation you know from the get-go first. and then But you can. and i think that's the i mean It might be too late by the time we will.
ah but i think that it's it seems like a very Battery technology only is getting better and cheaper. If you think about like if you think about so like solar and batteries and down the road, I think there's just it's obviously going to be a very viable option. I think hydrogen fuel cells is like the only thing that sounds remotely viable. That's something I haven't heard in a while, actually. ah Toyota's working on it, actually. I think Toyota, they're putting a bunch of research into a light
more or less like a hybrid hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. That actually sounds really cool. like There's infrastructure problems there too, but it's not just straight you know electrical generation sort of thing. but um But either way my my only point is that like the irony of the the love of Musk when he's when he's made the the irony is that Okay, so I'll take your I'll take your point. Maybe it's a Massachusetts ah Conservatives that are fine with electric. I don't know a lot that want it
but they're not shitting on it like they used to. and ah But it is hilarious with the point you made that they don't like electric. So Elon Musk has made a electric available and affordable. Let's be honest, affordable. Yeah, big time. Massachusetts gives you $10,000 credit if you buy a Tesla. I could get a brand new Tesla for like $35,000, $40,000.
which is Which is hard to touch a know um a gas car for that now. in as civic i mean A brand new fucking civic is pushing 40 grand. yo it's he's due like it As much as Elon pisses me off as an individual, that I think he's doing that right, but the hilarious thing is the conservatives love him. I hate him, but like the idea behind some of his products, the conservatives are like, fuck your electric cars. And you you literally made the most emasculating piece of shit truck I've ever seen in my life. But they still love him.

Elon Musk: Innovation vs. Personality

Dude, they if I made that, job ugly my parents wouldn't talk to me anymore. I there's a few of them rolling around Wichita. And every time you see it, you're like, Oh, God.
it's awful every you the life free a time you see it you're like did i just run into the fucking pokemon polygon like it's someone's driving polygon it's like when you're driving through like a real historic neighborhood and it's full of like these big you know Tudor style houses or like, you know colonial columns and stuff like and then There's the one lot that somebody bulldozed one of those and built like this big moderny looking turd Yeah in like the in like the early 90s So it's all just sweeping weird white walls that you know It's what it's what trucks look like in time travel movies from the mid 80s. Yeah, exactly
And they looked proppy and out of place. like when you see When you go to a set, right, a movie set, you're like it's like or anything where you're like, it looks, it looks like when you watch behind the scenes footage of something where the camera angles are off and you put that on the set, it's like, oh, it's crazy. You love that. It's like, oh, wow, it's crazy. There's the set. It looks fake. But when you watch the movie, it's real. It's like cyber trucks just look like bad prop placement.
And behind the scenes footage they do ah should we check in with the in one of the country spiritual leaders. i cant yeah can't even guess dude So the other day i've I.
I followed Greg Locke on Twitter. His Twitter is so nuts. I don't even have Twitter. When I got my new phone a few months ago, I never re-downloaded Twitter and I think I'm better for it right now. I think my mental health is stronger because I'm not doom scrolling Twitter right now. I don't really look at it very often. I look at it when I want to see what a specific lunatic says. So this is kind of perfect for that sort of thing.
um Okay, so this was five days ago, and you you almost can't read his his tweets without yelling, so I'll try to i'll try to control the errors. Is he right in all caps? He does a lot of times, yeah. The Democrats have something so crazy planned. They are utterly panicked, and you better buckle up. November 5th and 6th will be two very memorable days in America's history.
Five days ago. And then they just literally were like ah Kamala was like, she's just, she calls Trump in here. Like, can you imagine what it was like for Kamala to hand him over the victory, dude? Oh, yeah. It it had to be awful so through gritted teeth. ah Dude, can you imagine? Like, I seriously think Biden probably giggled through his sponge bath this morning.
ah Okay, so here's here's another one five days ago in the coming months and short years Woken lukewarm churches will be totally irrelevant and ignored irrelevant and ignored People will be flocking to churches and pastors that boldly stand and refuse to back down dude talk about a guy who can say anything in lies much like as Much as Trump does he believe that?
I think he's a psychopath. Yeah. Yeah. He's clearly he's got to be on something. I think he believes the things he says in the moment he says them, which we've all that that's a normal person to do in certain moments. Yeah. In certain moments, we might be like, you know, those people are fucking stupid. Look.
We all get worked up and we say the the problem is this guy's never not worked up. So we can't not say shit. That's crazy. Like we've all been worked up and said stuff that was over the top. but Mark my words. Everyone's going to flee those churches and come to churches where we boldly proclaim the truth. It's like, do you honestly think election day is going to influence the way in place that people attend church? If anything, more and more people are like going to, you'll probably see an increase in the number of people who who are going to church after this election. I would love to see that.
yeah but Wait, did I say an inc increase and increase in people who aren't? I might've said that wrong, but you'll see a decrease in people. I would like to see if you would see a decrease in people going down. Yeah, after this election. Here's a classic. Peanut the Squirrel just showed the whole world Kamala's communist agenda. Hashtag Peanut the Patriot. Who's Peanut? oh it's It's like a story that went viral about these people that they found like a baby squirrel and raised it. and Um, and then it killed them. It had like, it had like half a million followers on Instagram. It was like kind of famous. And then somebody called them in for having this squirrel. And so like the New York DNR or whatever came in, like confiscated it and then killed it, testing it for rabies.
It's really awful and like awful ah terrible video of the people like but they're they're talking they're announcing it on like a live stream and they're just sobbing.
And know that it's ta that is awful. I'm only laughing because it's such a shockingly strange thing to happen. It feels like out of a like that feels like something that would happen and I think you should leave episode or something strange.
yeah You know what I just learned is that, ah and this might be common knowledge for a lot of people, but ah that for like if you want to own like like a big ass cat right like you can't and at least this is in Massachusetts you can't own any animal unless it's for generations removed from its wild ancestor. So it would be like, Oh, you thought you rescued a bobcat. Cool. Unless you have a special license to like rehabilitate animals or some shit like that. Like you couldn't own any variation of a cat that wasn't for generations removed from its ah from its wild counterpart. Yeah, you you can't have like a G2 Savannah cat.
Yeah, which I thought was really crazy that there's something magical about the, uh, is it G? G two or gen two generation like that. Yeah. The, or F two. I can't remember what the term is for f it. might be Oh, you know why F is in my head? Uh, because F is for friends who do things together.
Do you remember that? You is for Yooka-Laylee. You is for you and me. Oh, yeah, yeah. And is for anywhere, anytime, any place. ah Down in the deep blue sea. A colleague of mine is heavily invested in the art of growing marijuana and he invited some other colleagues and I over a week or so ago because he had a sheet this dude has oh my god this dude has a fucking shit ton of weed just giant mason jar full of it tons of them and it's all shit he grew on his own and he was telling me about the ah
he brought out four jars and it was like F1, F2, F3, F4. It was all the different generations. And how he goes, it's ah it's different with weed than it is for like plants that reproduce asexually because weed Marijuana is very like, it's you have to have the male and the female. So every time you breed the same strain, they do pass down different genetic properties in the same way that humans might. So that way when you have the next strain, eventually, ah you could say, yeah, it's the same strain, but the properties are different.
ah and the way that the properties all interact or what impacts the type of high that you have. this is he's He's one of the most knowledgeable dudes on weed I've ever met. He spent several years in Maine teaching people how to grow, cultivate it, and all that shit. And he after moving back to Massachusetts, he was like, he tried to start that business, but you know he's a typical weed dude, so he's not a businessman in that sense, where he's just like,
I give a lot of it away to people I like. I sell some of it. He's like, I don't know what I'm doing. I tried to start a business, but he's not, he doesn't have any way to like, he doesn't market himself. He's not good at

Weed Cultivation and Strain Breeding

that. He just is like, I'm just really, I just really care about people learning how to like grow and smoke good weed.
But went over, went some of my colleagues and he gave all of us like pretty fucking good size baggies full, which I thought was sick. That he's just like, i just he just has, he does that's why he's a bad businessman. I'm like, you just gave several people big ass bags of weed and you're just like, and he's like, I got like $20,000 worth of seeds at this point. Like I just need to sell them. and and teach people how to grow. Sounds like he should go work for somebody who knows how to run a business and just grow them weed.
What he needs to do now, what he needs to do is partner with someone who can do the business side of things. And that's it. ah He just needs to start a business 50 50 with someone who can do, but anyway, I thought that was total tangential, but I thought about it because I, it was a week before that, that I learned about the F one, two, three, it has to be an F four cat in order to have it. And then he's talking about F four weed. And I was like, this is common language in breeding practices.
Apparently. I don't want one that's close enough to the wild to like growl at you while it eats. Like I follow this one. Dogs do that. Well, some. but My dogs. Mine don't. Yeah. Cause you, you've shot every dog in the back of the head that ever did that to you. Yeah. no Exactly.
You know what, it's nice and quiet around here. Established dominance. That's your way of selling dominance, just obliterating something's existence. I'm in charge! And you made all your other pets watch. You got those little like metal things that open their eyes. I shoot it in the end and I go, beta! Those little metal things that open your eyes and like clockwork orange, you just put those on all of your pets and make you watch them kill your other dog.
Boy, that's something. hu
Anyways, back to Greg Locke. If you believe that the Jews are not the real Jewish people but somehow replaced by a billionaire plot, I need to address a few things. Number one, you'll hate my account. Number two, you're an idiot. Number three, your Bible feels neglected. those None of those are real points!
Oh, they just got owned, dude. no my bibles feel neglect Actually, I think my Bibles feel less neglected since we started doing Bible stories on this podcast. They've never been touched so much. It's true.
You know why all these allegations against Trump suddenly cropped up the last few days? It's a diversion. The last few days. Okay. It's a diversion because Kamala and P Diddy News is about to be blown wide open. She's wicked and corrupt to the core. The perversion is purely Satan.
Meanwhile, Epstein was like, what was, have you seen the thing about what Epstein said about Trump that's coming out now? Yeah, I haven't heard like, I don't know how much of it there is. I gotta listen to it a little bit. It's Epstein talking about like how he worked people at the White House. And they were best friends. It's funny, like, listen, the clip that I heard, he was talking about how he like works people at the White House against each other. And it's like, you can totally see it. He goes, he goes like,
Yeah, he'll go to ah Kellyanne Conway and be like, you know, ah Bannon says that I should get rid of you. He says that you're a kook and a nut and that you're not really worth having around, but I think that you're doing a great job and I i i believe you could do it. And then he'll go to Bannon and be like, you know, Kellyanne just never shuts up about how awful you are and how I should get rid of you. But dude I think you're killing it over. but Trump should have been on a season of Survivor.
He basically had his own survivor show. I know, I would have liked to see him as a contestant. He would have looked sexy after he dropped 90,000 pounds. Yeah, it would have been fun to see him emaciated and angry. I would have liked to watch him eat like six bites of rice and just scream, you're fired everybody when psychosis set in. Dude, I love watching that. I go through spurts where I watch a lot of like YouTube survivalist videos and it'll be like,
be like eight days in the Amazon with no food in water and It's like day four and they haven't eaten anything. like He's literally just like eating chunks of wood out of like a palm tree. He's like, sure could go for a fish right now.
Anyways, guess I'll go to bed. that's what What is this shit that you're watching? there's like all these like Well, there's like all these like amateur survivalist dudes and they'll just go somewhere and like walk out into the woods with like a pocket knife and some string and, uh, like a mirror. It'll be like something that you're like, I don't know why this, why would you take that? It's like, am I luxury item is powdered coffee.
Well, how are you going to shave your tank without a mirror, dude? That is true. You don't want to get bush in the bush. Dude, I remember when I was a kid learning about a fish. That.
it was like really small it was like maybe an inch or two but very slender and it had a it's kind of like a fish hook and it what this fish would would swim up into your urethra but then when it would back out like the hook that was tucked into its belly would extend out and would just hook straight into your urethra I mean basically this this fish just fucked your pea hole is essentially what it was doing and It was excruciating like reading about how I was I couldn't have been over like 14
Well, I probably, I don't know why I had this book. It's like an aquatic brother. Yeah. Cause it was all about like dangerous aquatic animals. My brother had it. Cause there was another one that would like, it it wasn't deadly, but the venom sent such insane signals to your, uh, like your nerve receptors that there were, so there was several stories of people who were like, if they got stung in the hand, the pain was so brutal that like,
some people cut their hand off. Some people like wrapped it in a rag and set it on fire. Who's it like a stingray or something? I don't remember what it was. I just will never forget reading about people doing such crazy things when they got stung by it. And this fish was the one that was went up your urethra was in that same book. And that one stuck out to me worse. I don't know. I If you had to choose to get, to get hit by one, would you pick the urethra fish or the, uh, the cutting off your hand fish? Oh, I don't know. I mean.
Do I have to cut off my whole penis or can I just cut out a cross section? No, you don't have to cut out your penis for the penile fish. And you don't even have to cut your hand off for the one that, but the, the point is that, that it hurts so bad that like in the moment you're like, I think the best option, I don't know what's going on. The best option I can think of is to cut or set my hand off, cut my hand off or set on fire.
Or a fish goes up your pea hole, locks into it, and just but absolutely ruins your life for however long. I don't know. i don't know what the I don't know what the remedy is for that. I guess. Just sticking it under water and breeze and coats. Let it open like the lights go out. Like when your grandmother would make a ah hot dog for you, but she would cut it so it looked like an octopus.
Oh, and I feel like I got, I got chipped. And you did. But that's what you have to do to your dick to get the fish out. They just, whoop, whoop. It's just, slice it up a bit. We're gonna just pull it out, sew it back together. It's a little bigger when this goes back together. Man, I guess I think this game. If it was gonna be bigger, when they sewed it back together, would you pick that option? Would it, so would it have like cool Frankenstein like scarification? It would have stitches there. Dude, it would have like the stitches scars.
Oh my word, it'd look like a Chinese finger trap. you could it would even You could even like tattoo the head of your dick to look like stitches. Well, you've sold me. I picked the- Yeah, I thought so.
there's a ah there's this There's this plant. Coyote Peterson got stung by it ah over the summer or whatever. but There's this plant in Australia. Australia is just the home of everything it's awful. That's where the that's where the ones I was talking about are, dude. Australia is horrific when it comes to just not even predators because they don't kill you. It's the home of everything that can hurt you so bad you'd blow your brains out, but can't actually harm you in the long term.
Yeah, it's like all of them. It's like eight of the 10 most venomous snakes are there. Blue ring octopus. I mean, this plant's called a Gimby Gimby. Oh, the blue. I've heard it. Yeah.
the The crazy thing about the blue ring octopus is like yeah you can go on YouTube or TikTok or whatever and find videos of people just like handling one that they found on the beach like, oh, it's cute. They have no idea that they're holding the most toxic animal on the planet.
like if it If it bites you, you're almost guaranteed dead. like yeah It's unbelievable. I forget, is it a nervous system thing? yeah i I think it's a neurotoxin. A lot of those kinds of things have like multiple different aspects like they have really fucking cool though. Like when you think of like the fact that they're just stacked with this venom that can kill anything like I just find it unbelievable that those things exist. Yeah. They were they specifically evolved to like we don't have anything cool like that. Like evolution is just not fair really in the way that it divvies out cool shit.
Yeah. I guess our brains are our destructive toxin. Yeah. I guess we didn't need to develop toxins that we could squirt out our assholes because we've developed spears that could puncture the eyes of dinosaurs because we lived with them. Don't forget. Dude. So speaking of all that, there is a, uh, there is like a big hub of in the like reptile owner community because a guy, no longer youre one of them.
and Oh no, did he did he pass? No, I never talked about rehoming it. No, last time we talked about him, your dog had just like tore his head off. Yeah. And then we said, I don't like defective lizards. You're, you're ugly now. So I got rid of it. Did you make your dog watch to establish dominance? No, it was after that happened, after we nearest to back to health, uh, bearded dragons are very social creatures. When they're in their cages for a while, their beards turn black.
Like they just get real dark, but when you pick them up, they brighten up and they're just like happy. And every time we would take her out, she would be pumped. Beard dragons and in most people don't like they'll, they'll wander. You put them on the couch, they walk around, they could just be with animals. They can be with you, enjoy their lives, not being in a small little, uh, aquarium type tank and.
after our little dog ate it, tried to eat it. We were like, we couldn't let it out. The kids kind of lost interest. My wife got it for the kids because they fell in love with bearded dragons at a fair that we had brought them to and For a while they were super into it, wanted to hold her all the time, but they lost interest. So she was just in her tank a lot. She looked sad. We couldn't let her out without locking up our dog. So that way she could get out. And it just, it was turning into a thing where I'm like, ah you could just tell that she did not have a great life and it sucked.
So we found a thing to do then we found a ah website in a Facebook page with like a rehoming lizard type Facebook page. And ah this was a ah good several months ago, like um maybe six, seven months ago that we did this. And um We even two weeks ago, my wife got a picture from the woman who ah we rehomed her to who has like four bearded dragons. snake Like she's a reptile junkie kind of person. How about her house stinks?
And when we met her i went i met when we met her and her significant other, it was one of those, you immediately meet them and go, you're into a specific type of thing. That's fine when you have one, but weird when you have too many. They have that rockabilly look to them. who like no You guys like going to car shows, don't you?
Yeah, it was ah in. I it was under the impression that they both hadn't showered in like at least three days. There was just a greasy, grimy kind of ah fringe kind of look to them like, oh, you do like reptile. Like I I knew you wanted this, but I met you and I go, oh, you are a thoroughly a part of their ah persona. Yeah, yeah. But well, they probably are just happy.
I think she's happy. She's in a good home. I think we did the right thing. but So anyway, go back to what you were saying. I don't have a lizard anymore. Hey, maybe they are a part of this whole ah this whole debate. So there's this guy who is like, I think he's like pretty prominent in the like snake owner community and probably like a breeder and stuff like that. The guy sounds like a total prick. like I saw some stuff about him.
Anyways, I'm not a part of this. I just watch a lot of videos about snakes. And so I happened to like go down the rabbit hole on this story, but this guy got bit by an inland type pan, which is the most toxic snake on the planet.

Owning Toxic Snakes: Legal and Ethical Implications

They live in central Australia in like the big scorched lunar landscape, you know, out there in the middle of the, the, the, the big empty. Yeah, literally nowhere in the middle of nothing.
Yeah. Like it's just scorched rocks and bad snakes. No, he had one in the US. So he's a US guy. He had one as a pet, a little bitty one, and there's all these videos of him handling. Which can't be legal. That can't be. He must have just handled it. Oh yeah, you can have them. Really? You can have all sorts of stuff in certain states. There's very little rules about what you can have in certain places. I think Missouri is one of those states where you can have all sorts of stuff. I feel like this guy was in the Carolinas. Wow.
it's It's wild though because he's got like all these videos of him handling these really toxic snakes that are almost a death sentence if you get bit and like if you get bit like there's only so much anti-venom and stuff like that around in the US.
for these exotic snakes that nobody really has hardly. So if somebody gets bit, it's it's an ordeal and you use up a lot of resources. And even if you don't die from the bite. This is so crazy that one animal can be that. I love it. I love that. I think it's the coolest shit ever.
that these things evolve to like, just have something so deadly that there isn't one fucking creature on the planet that's even immune to it. Not one. Like, because you hear about like, oh, this, the clownfish hangs out and seeing enemies and or not. nine and i ah Is that it? Is it an enemy? Am I saying that right?
Uh, that's what cloud fishing, certain animals develop resistances to certain things. And then there are just some things in the world that no matter who you are, what you are, if you're bit, you're dead. That's incredible.
They can just shut down your entire body in a matter of 15 minutes. here's Here's how deadly this thing is. The Inland Taipan's LD50, which stands for lethal dose. Latter-day Saints 50, yep. I think that's how many mice, you how much venom it takes to kill 50 mice. i i think is what the I think that's what that means.
His LD50 is 0.025 milligrams, meaning that a single bite could kill nearly 250,000 mice. shit Like the thing is a freak of nature.
and And this guy gets bit and it's like, it's a whole ordeal to keep him alive. And even though like he didn't die, like his, like there's there's like long-term, you're looking at like renal failure and all this stuff. Like your kidneys and liver are toast. Like you, it has long-term health implications, even if you don't die from the bite initially. And there's videos, like there's this kid that's,
He's got like, he's covered in tattoos and he's usually wearing like colored contacts and stuff. And like, he's got all these like really deadly snakes. oh yeah and Does he try to look like a snake? Is that his thing? I think i think that's what they all want. Yeah. The guy that got bit by the typhoon looks more like a toad.
do these people who like overly tattoo and like do this sub dermal like shit under their skin to like make the bumps over their eye like people who are like I never really felt myself until I fully tattooed my entire body and shave my head engage my ears engage my nostrils and put the lip disc in and and now I just feel like look I'm just ah I'm basically a steak And it feels real. I feel like I feel like myself now. really know Like, look, those are so few and far between that they're fine for Instagram and YouTube. But like, if it goes up by even 10%, it's like, we're gonna develop a new diagnosis for that type of mental health disorder. Yeah.
it's it's ah It's a weird subculture. I don't really understand. Yeah. Yeah. So anyways, there's like all this discussion about like, should this guy, you know, face legal penalties and should he have like, if he's got like licensing for this stuff, like should he have it revoked, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I don't know. It's it's been interesting to like, just see some of this stuff on the periphery and like, the guy is just a jerk.
too I mean, he's awesome. I feel like if you're gonna own that shit, i want I think it should be, look, you can legally be allowed to own it, but if it gets out, you go to prison for the rest of your life. And if it bites you, you have to reject medical care completely. You just have to die in your house like um like like ah like a brave warrior. Yeah.
I think that's fair. Look, own it. But sign this paper that says, if I own it, if it gets out, I am in prison for the rest of my life. And if it bites me, I die. like that's That's the risk. And those kinds of people would probably sign it. I guarantee they would sign it. The tattooed guy, he got bit by a King Cobra. And it's on video. like You can go watch it.
and like he's He's got this cobra out and it's in shed when they're in shed, like their eyes get cloudy and they can't see very well. So like they're kind of more unpredictable. And he's like Trent, you know, the whole thing with the cobras is they're trying to get them to like hood up so they, they stick their, you know, their neck hood out and they look real intimidating and stuff. So he's like, you know, messing with this thing to like try to get it to stand up and and hood and the thing just latches onto his hand.
And like, you could just see slow motion and like, they don't, they don't just bite like a rattlesnake or whatever, you know, like they, they latch and then they chew. So like he's, he's got this like, I mean, King cobras are huge. This one's probably like eight or 10 foot long. And he's like, wow, he's just like, dude, the way that they hook back again, the fishing, yeah I mean, the fishing hook thing is like,
Once they're in, like your instinct is to pull back. If something bites you, you can pull back and it just s sinks it in further. Yeah. Like you're not pulling away. You have to like grab their nose and pull it forward and out. Like you're fucked. If they're not letting go, you're fucked. You have to tickle their butthole to get there. They're like, put your finger in his butt. If you're not fully loaded,
With butt plugs, you're finished, dude. You have to have those on your ammo belt, just like an ammo belt full of butt plugs and be like, poo, poo, poo, until it's like gone. That's like their whole first aid kit is just butt plugs.
Oh, man. and We drifted so far from the election. I love... ah This is more fun. I love how we got here. I would like to see like a play by play of how we got here. Cause I'm not entirely sure. Yeah, me neither. but That's probably, I feel like we've said everything that, that we can say about it. Do you think we'll have any, do you think any shit will go down on a Jan six? Um, probably a lot of really obnoxious celebrating.
That's, that's probably it. Like, dude, I don't think that you, if, if Trump would have won in 2020, there was enough like animus and anger that something could have happened on the left, I think. But I don't, I don't think anybody's invested in Kamala to that point at this juncture. I don't think anybody's going to do anything dumb. and Yeah. I mean, I don't know. There's all the things that you say about like.
Like, you know, up ah be this is so dangerous for, you know, gay people and people of color and stuff. You know, I get some of those points. I think things are going to be all right. I don't think it's the end of democracy. I don't think it's going to be, you know, where people round it up in camps. Like, I don't know. I think I think we're going to be fine.
think we better be prepared to, to do something about it. If you know, like bad steps are taken. I think the big thing though, is if you're, you know, if you're a left leaning person, it's time to realign the party.
Like, it's got to happen. killed me This is what actually kills me. So first, actually, before I get into what kills me, I want to i want to just get gauge your confidence that everything's going to be fine. if If it wasn't true that everything was fine, would you be willing to pay my mortgage for six months? Like, would you gamble that? I'll make your cell phone payment for six months. How's that? You'd gamble that. You'd gamble my cell phone payment. My cell phone payment is pretty expensive. Things are fine.
Yeah. Uh, what was I going to say before I, uh, dialed the back to something else? Uh, you're something that about what irritates you and I lost it. Shit. She just gone with that immediately. I'll finish. Okay. I will give you one thing that irritates me. Um, so I saw people kind of sharing Bernie Sanders's statement okay about the election. Did you read this? I didn't know this is new to me.
Okay, so here's what what Bernie says. um It should come as no great surprise that a democratic party, which has abandoned working class people, would find that the working class has abandoned them. First, it was the white working class, and now it is Latino and black workers as well.

Bernie Sanders on Economic Inequality

While the democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. They're right.
Today, while they're very while the very rich are doing phenomenally well, 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and we have more income and wealth inequality than ever before. Unbelievably, real inflation accounted for weekly wages for the average American worker are actually lower now than they were 50 years ago.
Today, despite an and explosion in technology and worker productivity, many young people will have a worse standard of living than their parents. Many of them worry that artificial intelligence and robotics will make a bad situation even worse. Today, despite spending far more per capita than other countries, we remain the only wealthy nation not to guarantee healthcare to all as a human right. And we pay by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. We alone among major countries cannot even guarantee paid family and medical leave.
Today, despite strong opposition from a majority of Americans, we continue to spend billions funding the extremist Netanyahu governments all out war against the Palestinian people, which has led to the horrific humanitarian disaster of mass metal malnutrition and the starvation of thousands of children.
Will the big money interests and well paid consultants who control the Democratic Party learn any real lessons from this disastrous campaign? Will they understand the pain and political alienation that tens of millions of Americans are experiencing? Do they have any ideas as to how we can take on the increasingly powerful oligarchy, which has so much economic and political power? Probably not. In the coming weeks. Probably not.
In the coming weeks and months, those of us concerned about grassroots democracy and economic justice need to have some very serious political discussions. Stay tuned. Fuck, man. Dude, Bernie is still on fucking point. He says a lot of great things. ah Is he going to do something about it? Other than just fall in line and take his medicine? like That's my whole thing with him. is like I love what he says. he just he can You can always count on him to just like say, aye aye, sir, and fall in line when it's time to do what the Democratic establishment wants him to do. So much so to the point that like
He's only brought up when it's time to like rebuke and alienate him by the by the left. right the demo I shouldn't even say the left, but by like the DNC. Or when he's used as an example of how, you know well, leftists are falling in line with our, basically, like neocon Republican policies here and voting for Kamala or whoever else.
like All of that's great, Bernie. Do something with it. Break with the mainstream party and do something about it. Yeah, I would like to see that. I don't know what that would look like. I know he's probably pretty close to being out of politics operationally altogether, given his age. ah This did remind me of the thing that I was going to say that makes me mad, which is all the posts of people like, yeah, this is a setback. Yeah, this sucks. But tomorrow we're going to fight for something new. We're going to fight. I'm going to, I'm never going to give up. I'm going to keep fighting for X, Y, and Z. And I'm like, you're fucking powerless. We all are fucking powerless.
here ah a mass suicide would move their hands more than what the fuck we can do this is it's I'm I'm actually reeling when I look at all these comments and I don't I I love I love I love it I love how just like positive people have been able to be we're gonna keep doing It doesn't do anything. No one cares about my voice, your voice. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had Kamala. Otherwise, we would have had Biden. ah They don't care. Nobody fucking cares what we think. this is the there is There is one thing and one thing only that you have
as of now to to to you know show your support or dissatisfaction with them. And that's your vote. So like when it comes time for the next election- You might change things next time. That might- I hope so. i I worry. I mean like- This landslide loss, dude. This historic loss.

Kamala's Campaign and Key Issue Neglect

For the first time in 24 fucking years, the Democrat lost both the popular and electoral college vote by a lot. the The people who in the mid in the wake of all this, the people in positions of power and stuff like that in the Democratic Party, the ones that say either A, well, this is why we should have stuck with Biden.
Or this is why like you make the case that that the Democratic Party needs to move further right to appeal to middle middle of the road voters. Those are the people that you need to get rid of. Yeah, because they are they have compromised your message, you know, like because all I mean, what I honestly think I i don't know this, this could be cope. What I'm saying right now could be cope.
take it as you will with a grain of salt. But if Kamala said four or five months ago, things like talked more about student debt relief, said the words Medicare for all talked about, like, honestly, those two things would have helped massively. Dude, the fact that healthcare was never even a part of the discussion in her policies, like,
is crazy like universal health wear played no role in her candidacy. It's how can that be like why wouldn't you like look not to be like a total negative like be Trump about it kind of fuck face but like if the closest thing she did to being like Trump was saying Medicare for all without having any intention of doing it just to win like he so I would i I've said it on the podcast a hundred times, mostly in jest, but also kind of serious. My vote can be bought. I have $50,000 in student loans after going to grad school to get a worse paying job than I had before. I would have, I voted for anyway, I did it, but I would have voted for her
And so many people in my situation would have voted for her if she talked more about that. If we saw a clear path towards debt forgiveness, I'm doing the thing. I i went, I had my undergrad.
The idea that I've paid over $100,000 in college to get a sub par paying job in a system that doesn't care about education in a world where like, I'm not I'm not afforded like a lot of great financial opportunities. But I did something I care about because I did the thing I was told to which was go to college do this, like, I did it all.
and colleges continue to raise prices so they can do cool new shit but give you worse paying jobs just so they can pay for them to do the dumb shit that they wanted like dude college is such a fucking scam at this point it's it's so broken it is It's so broken. and even Even talking about student debt relief is honestly frustrating for me as someone who's in it when I go, I'll take it. That is step one. Step one is is fixing the debt problem that oh makes it so people can't go to college to get a job that doesn't pay enough for them to pay off their college. Ridiculous.
But that aside, the fact that like, like step one is just some forgiveness. Step two is like, we have to fix the whole program is completely fucked. You can't keep, you can't just forgive their debt so the colleges win.
Like that, that is honestly, if you don't do something after that, that's a win for college as they go, great. All those people. We're building a new stadium. Didn't cost us anything. We still got our money. The government footed the fucking bill.
I think that is a necessary component to fixing our higher education crisis, but it's literally the very, very, very first step. The amount of like reconstruction on on the way colleges function, and the way that you deal with businesses that don't pay people enough for requiring a master's degree to get paid $40,000 a year,
is crazy because we know trickle down doesn't work. Like I'm not going to go down it any further. I'm done. I'm just saying you're going to say you're going to foot you. You're not only footing the bill for the colleges, but you're kind of subsidizing businesses.
by saying, we're not even going to step in and say, sorry, your CEO doesn't get that $18 million dollar bonus this year. They get the $1 million dollar bonus for creating more jobs. And the rest goes down to the fucking people who work there.
ah so obviously locked You blocked unionization you know tactics within your shops and stuff like that because you said that you can't up workers pay by 10%, but then you did $9 billion dollars in stock buybacks so that you could hit your you could hit your profitability goal so all your executives get- Dude, I'm about to scream. Yeah. I'm about to scream because the people the people on the right though, they go, less government.
Less government, less government oversight. Yeah, in some areas, I don't care what you jerk off to. No government involved in what you jerk off to, maybe, unless it's a child. Let's be clear. i I'm walking all of that back. I think you know what I mean. I'm being facetious. But the the problem we're having is no government involvement in the fucking unfettered rampant rape of capitalism. It's not it's not working for anybody.
We have the worst of all realms. We really do.

Satirical Take on Trump's Tariff Policies

No price controls or regulations and stuff like that, but then also like a crony capitalist government collusion that blocks competition in any form, real form or anything.
Don't worry though, Trump's gonna increase tariffs on China. That'll solve the fucking problems. He's gonna fix it. and problem Tariffs. You know, ah William Taft, he spoke beautifully about tariffs and people would come and they would say, oh, he had such beautiful words to say about tariffs. The word tariff, it's a beautiful word. It's a beautiful word that doesn't get talked about enough. Some say too much. Dude, that's it.
Not enough, but some say too much. It's always like I'm going to say a thing and then the opposite. That's fucking hilarious. I'm going to say a thing that some people aren't going to like. I know some people don't like it. Some people say I like it and you should say it more. But, you know, to each his own. But I'll say this. We got a beautiful road system.

Gun Ownership in Hypothetical Collapse: Dark Humor

Like what do we have the best roads? Our roads are the best. Check out my new Bible for sale. and That came from China. Did you see all that shit, dude? Yeah. o Oh man. It says labor in China. It's insane. This dude's a comic book character at this point. Fuck. Hey everybody. Look, here's the thing. We're probably all going to be fine. and And if you really think that things aren't going to be, I know a lot of left-leaning people listen to this podcast.
that I'm the lone MAGA voice in this thing. Trying to give a reasonable voice to unreasonable people. Love that for you. If you really think that democracy is dead and the purge is coming, you should buy an AR-15. Don't get caught so get caught with your pecker in your hand over your principles.
I'm resorting to cannibalism, and I have one. I will leave you. one piece at a time you'll live in my basement with no arms until I get ready to eat your foot I almost had I almost had a caveat and then I realized I don't because that's the thing that happened like look if things go to shit and there is some sort of civil war the left is fucked because we don't have guns yeah you guys really screwed yourself on that one yeah maybe'll maybe I'll get one you can come here yeah okay Yeah, I don't i have as any children and your dragons and your dogs and your cats and your fish and all of that. You can come here and live on the aggressive ranch. I'll occupy your basement.
All right, everybody. Well, thanks for listening and we will see you next time.