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Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Go Get Your Girl
40 Plays1 month ago

Emma & Katie discuss the 2008 romcom Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and also, the history of Hog in Cinema, the ethics of visiting Hawai'i, we pitch our movie Hard Santa to Hallmark, and memorialize the career of "Jim Hanson," whoever that is. 


Emma's New Role in an Irish Play

do this hey
There's a lot of A lot of research is going in. We're like three rehearsals in and um I'm at that point where I'm just like, I've missed this so much, Katie. I love rehearsal. Yeah, it's the best. I love it so much. And like I haven't done like a play with a good meaty role in like a hot minute. And it's just so nice to be able to- Are you one of the leads? It's like a big part? ah Yeah, I'm one of the leads.
Nice. Yeah. So you're going to come see my three hour long Irish play. Uh huh. Yeah. That's exactly the reaction that everyone says when I sell it like that. I should probably stop selling it like that. But listen I love a three hour play. Like I'm not I don't I don't have a problem with a three hour play. um I would love to come. I just don't know how feasible that will be at that point in time. We will we will see. We will see. Yeah. We will see. I mean, we're going to have a live baby.
Well, God, that's better than a dead one, isn't it? Jesus.

Introducing the Podcast and Personal Stories

No, instead of like a baby doll, we're going to have an actual baby. Oh, that's that's certainly a choice. Who is producing this play? Is this? It's a theater in New Britain called Hole in the Wall Theater. It's really great. New Britain.
Yes, in New Britain, outside of Hartford, in Connecticut. And it's gonna be great. The Broadway production was notorious. This is the first production, I believe, outside of that production, like the West End. This is, it's a Lort? Huh? Oh, it's not a Lort. It's a Lort? No. Oh, okay. No. Okay. This is like basically, it's basically storefront theater.
Okay, yeah, fair enough, yeah. But they have their own space, which is really nice. And a live baby, apparently. And a live baby. It's not quite community theater, but it's not equity. Storefront. Storefront theater is right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it an LOA? Is anybody equity? Are you getting points? Nope. Nope. Okay, then. Nobody's equity. Yeah.
yeah um But it's great, and everyone is really, really great, and it's just been a wonderful, lovely process. I really missed it. But yeah, the Broadway production was famous for having a live goose, ah a rabbit, a live rabbit. ah They had four babies backstage at all times, so that one of those babies could go on. That's crazy.

Exploring 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' Plot

That's not necessary.
this stage Why do we do this? This is the magic of theater, y'all. We don't need to have live geese and babies on stage. yeah It doesn't matter. Yeah, I don't think we're getting a live goose, which sucks, because I was really looking forward to the live goose. But we are getting a live baby, and there's like a lot of things, a lot of really cool things that are happening. It's a very prop-heavy show. ah Clearly, yeah. Yeah, live babies.
And a live baby. That's what you've got in that play. Um, no a lie. No babies living or dead featured in the film that we're discussing today. Nope, nope. Um, that's right, guys. ah This is you guessed it. This is the podcast where Emma and Katie break up with their semi famous partner, or well, their semi famous partner breaks up with them while they're naked, very uncomfortably. And then they go in spiral into a depression to which their stepbrother tells them they need to snap out of it. And so they go on a vacation that reminds them of their partner. And then what Oh my gosh, their partners there with the man that they cheated on with us.
So that's where I guess. And they cheated on with us. The man that they cheated. Oddly. Yeah. Oddly detailed one for this. You're welcome. That's right. This is Go Get Your Girl. I'm Emma.
And I'm Katie, and if you couldn't tell from that ah beat by beat explanation, we are talking about forgetting Sarah Marshall from 2008.
directed by Nick Stoller and written by Jason Siegel. This yeah is Jason Siegel's first film. He and Nick Stoller later wrote the Muppets movie. um Jason Siegel had a couple of TV shows. He's on a TV show with Harrison Ford right now that he created and writes, which is apparently very good. I haven't seen it.
it scotts good um It's It's really good. I haven't watched the second season. The first season's excellent. It's done by the same guy that produced Scrubs. So it's got a lot of like the same actors from Scrubs and like... Yeah. like this games like and And Ted Lasso. Yeah, and Ted Lasso. Bill Lawrence is his name, yeah. cougar tap and Cougar Town. Who could forget Cougar Town? I freaking loved Cougar Town.
I know, it's good. I wasn't being facetious. It's good. Yeah, no, it's really good. I loved Cougar Town. I started watching Cougar Town because of Community, where they have the yeah sixty s six seasons in a movie, like, which ended ended up being about community was a risk in the show is about Cougar Town. Yes, exactly. And then they obviously have like,
they have that weird sort of like crossover where Abed is an extra on an episode of Cougar Town. And then Danny Putty did it. He actually did it. And there's Abed tells this whole story about how he gets diarrhea during it or something. And in the background in the actual scene in the actual episode of Cougar Town, Danny Putty is playing Abed doing all these things through all these beats. It's so great. It's this like Easter egg with an Easter fantastic easter egg. I love that.
I love it. um Nick Stoller later directed The Five Year Engagement, ah Neighbors, and most recently Bros. um So directs a lot of ah rom-com adjacent comedies, romantic adjacent comedies, yeah.
None of those are terrible. And we have Jason Segal. Yeah, this is 2008. Jason Segal was on How I Met Your Mother. This was his first his first big movie at the very least. He had been on Freaks and Geeks before this. And that's where he kind of knew Judd Apatow, who produced this and and got this movie made. Yeah.
Yeah, it's great. It's really great. I personally, um, I really, I like this movie. I like this movie a lot. I wouldn't go as so far as to say that I love this movie, but like, if it's on, I'll watch it. Um, yeah. And, and like, it's one of those movies where it is so connected with a certain point of time.
that it just sort of like reminds me of college. Like I just automatically think of college and like being forced to watch this movie. Cause like everyone would like talk about it. There's so many bits that people like still quote. Yeah. Oh my God. We were, we went to see white Christmas, um, with our friends, Cassie and Luca, the music box, which I think I already mentioned on this podcast before, but when we were walking over there, it was, there was like a little bit of snow in the air.
And um Cassie goes, the weather outside is weather. And she's like, it's from forgetting Sarah Marshall. like If you say so, but it certainly is. That is something Paul Rudd does in this movie. Yeah. Right. When Charlie

Peter's Hawaiian Escape and New Friendships

and I first got together and he came over to America, the one thing people would constantly say whenever I would mention that he was British or he would talk is, so you say you're from London.
You sound like you're not done. It's very funny. It's a very funny movie. um I like this movie a lot more than the other like, jut apatel like the Jon Apatow written movies. um I think Jason Siegel has a lot more um like, sweetness ah and like genuine kind of humor than than those other like improv-filled movies, which I'm sure this movie has a lot of improv in it too, but like especially in the later Apatow movies, it just really seems like there's no script at all. um yeah And a lot of the jokes are just riffs, which I am not the biggest fan of. You don't love a bed.
I do, I love a bit. I'm just saying I don't like it when the whole movie is, you know, the 15th take of an improv bit, you know what I mean? Like you can feel it when the jokes are more about like a random thing someone says than something that's tied to the plot or the character. Not that those things can't be, but it just seems to be in the worst versions of those. That's what happens, I think, yeah. It really makes you disassociate from it. Yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure.
um Yeah, so this movie is about ah Jason Siegel, who plays a man named Peter, who is a composer um who works on a terrible TV show, which is CSI, basically. The is a show's called Crime Scene, um and it it's one of the CSIs, and it stars his girlfriend, Sarah Marshall, who's played by Kristen Bell, yeah ah and Billy Baldwin, who plays himself.
Yes, sorry. Doing a great, ah what's his name? ah David Caruso impression from CSI Miami, who would always, again, I've never seen an episode of any CSI, but I know that bit just from it being parodied so many times where David Caruso sees a body, makes a joke and takes either takes his sunglasses off or puts them on.
Yeah, yeah. it's um So we get a lot of we get a lot of exposition right at the beginning where he is at home eating the biggest bowl of cereal you've ever seen. um Like it's a it's a it's a mixing bowl full of Froot Loofs is what he's eating. Yep. And they do it so cleverly too. There's a lot of the ways that they get the exposition out in like, you know, eat true hot or not eat your Hollywood story, but like, um Access Hollywood. Yeah, with Billy Bush. Yeah, yeah. Charlie went woof, jump scare. The disgraced Billy Bush, the band that Trump it was recorded saying you just grabbed them by the pussy too. That's who he was talking to. Access Hollywood's Billy Bush. He has a cameo in this movie.
Yes, as himself. He is hosted, his it's Access Hollywood, where they are talking about Sarah Marshall, Jason Siegel's girlfriend in this movie. um And we see a clip from the show, and then we talk, they mention him and his job and everything. So it's a little, it's a little ham-fisted, but it works totally. Like yeah it's, um it is, and and then we also, and then randomly Aldous Snow is also in that, it's the same episode of Access Hollywood. Exactly. So yeah, he does, he does the he's the composer for the show, which basically is like,
known for its dark and brooding score. And it shows the scene where literally the score is like one key on the piano. It's like, um yeah. um And then there's a music video with Russell with again, another jumpscare is fucking Russell Brand, Russell Brand, which Charlie could not get over. He was like, Are you sure Katie picked this movie? Do you know who's in this movie? And I was like, Yes, we know that Russell Brand isn't and he was like, Do you know what w Russell Brand did?
I was like, yes, no, Russell Brand did. And continues to do. um Russell Brand has doubled down on being an insane

References and Humor in 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'

person and has, yeah um has become like a born again Christian and is like a far right, like crusader in America, even though he's not yeah American. It's also shown his willy to a lot of girls.
Well, of course. I mean, there's all the sexual stuff which happened before that. Like that that was all bad. And now he's become like a different kind of bad. Like a yeah more universal bad. Good for Katy Perry. Good for Katy Perry for getting out of that. Yeah. Well, sure. I mean, let's not give Katy Perry too much credit. ah Far be it from me to to praise Katy Perry. but
But even though I think I saw the documentary, and I'm pretty sure he ah like initiated the divorce, because I saw the moment where she gets the news right before she has to go on stage during the Teenage Dream tour. And she has to just pull herself together and perform, um yeah you know I Kissed a Girl. And um she's like hyperventilating on the floor of her dressing room.
um and But still, she got out of that, and she moved on to Legolas. Katy Perry's with ah Orlando Bloom. Yeah, they have a kid. Oh, good for them. I don't know. I don't care about who celebrities are are fucking. You know this about me. Come on. Well, I'm here for you. Exactly. That's why we have you on the podcast to tell me about these things. Exactly. That's what I bring to the table.
Yeah. Um, you know, the American girl doll, all the American girl doll names and who's married to who, uh, and who's married to who and who's fucking who. Yeah. Um, yeah so none of that Katy Perry, not in this movie. Um, Russell Brand, relevant at this point in 2008, we assume like, yeah, what is he from originally? Was he like a television presenter or that fake British job that people have there?
He was a stand-up comedian in the UK and just really outrageous. And I think this was like his what broke America. And then the fact that they followed this up with getting to the Greek just sort of like really like sealed that deal. And then the fact that he was talking in- There's a spin-off to this movie that I've never seen starring the two least appealing characters in the film.
We do have to ask the question. So Jonah Hill is in this movie as yes um as a hotel worker who works at the restaurant. He's a host at the restaurant. Jonah Hill is the lead I think. Wait, he's not the same character? No. Well, that's the question. It's, is Jonah Hill, because Jonah Hill's character is in love with Aldous Snow,
Yeah, that's like his whole deal. He like works at the hotel and he's constantly constantly like fawning over Russell. Yeah, Russell Brand's character. Yeah. And trying to give him his demo and, you know, get validation from Russell Brand. But um he's works for a production company, like ah for a record company that Oh, man, given to the Greek did not age well is run by P Diddy. Oh, no.
Give him the Greek as Russell Brand and P Diddy in it. We will not be covering Get Him to the Greek on this podcast. I mean, it's not a rom-com, right? It's not a rom-com. No. I mean, it's a friend-com. Sure, yeah. But the friends in this case are Jonah Hill and Russell Brand, two deeply unpleasant people that we don't want to talk about or think about. Yeah, and P Diddy. And not to mention Diddy, yeah.
Nice try, Diddy. You're not getting us to watch Get Up to the Greek.
But it's just... That joke is gonna age really well, I'm sure, by the way. Oh yeah, absolutely. Really, really well. So none of none of those characters are in this movie. Well, I guess Russell Brand is. So he plays Aldous Snow, who is the lead singer of what I assume to be must be a terrible British band, um if you can imagine such a thing. And he is like very sexual lyrics and everything. I guess like what they're trying to do is like maybe like pulp.
Um, yeah like he's like a Jarvis Cocker kind of thing, but like, you know 10 years after Jarvis Cocker and also like pulp is good Um, and this band is I mean in the world of like of the of the movie this this band is not good well, but Coldplay doesn't have that like Like they're not like a sexual like Chris Martin isn't sexy, you know, like ah There's a lot of women that would beg to differ that Chris Martin people are into Chris Martin I don't understand that. I don't understand that at all. Jennifer Lawrence freaking dated him for a hot minute. When she was 16 and he was 45. Oh, good for them.

Character Details and Real-Life Comparisons

No, I think she was 24 and he was like 40. Is he that young? i i don't um again I don't care. I don't care about Chris Martin.
Um, Chris Martin's gotta to be in his fifties. How old is Chris Martin? Now I have to know. See, this is your fault for bringing this up. Well, I'm sorry, but our maybe she was 28. Oh, my God. no Chris Martin is is much younger than I thought. Chris Martin's only 47 now. Did you not know what Chris Martin looks like? He's fine. So Russell Brand. That's all we're talking about Russell Brand in this movie. Jesus. um ah Unfortunately, we're gonna talk about it a lot more.
yeah like He's like the fourth lead in this movie. um Arguably, arguably the third, like he kind of has a bigger part than Sarah Marshall does because he has like an art. Yeah, yeah he kind of does. Also, there's a whole arc in there. And I mean, like, maybe we'll get to it when we get to it. But he's just a lot I did. I noticed it during this rewatch, that he's kind of sexist. Like he, his friends wants to be friends with Jason Siegel no matter what. It doesn't care about like the fact that, you know, that he used to- Yeah, he's not a good person. no He's not a good person at all. And he just constantly wants to be Jason Siegel's friend. And I'm just like, no matter like what happens. And like, even at the end, he's like really excited to like say goodbye after he and Sarah have like broken up.
He's like so like, see you later, dude. And I'm just like the man who literally says that he considers women to be like accessories and possessions that he can use and discard as he pleases. Yeah, he's a little sexy. I guess I guess that I just picked up on that.
Reasonable. I mean, here's the thing, like when I had not seen this movie in at least 10 years, so I didn't remember any of that stuff. Like when's the last time you saw it? um Last time I saw it was probably maybe like five years ago. I'm pretty sure it was part of like rewatch movie night. Maybe less than that because during COVID Charlie and I got really into movie nights. Um, yeah, do double features where I pick a movie and he picks a movie and this was like one of his picks, I think. Yeah.
Um, yeah, I saw this movie when it came out. Um, I was, uh, uh, a fan of Jason Siegel at the time. Um, I mean, still, still am. Um, but, uh, that was definitely why I wanted to see it. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Uh, yeah. See you. Um, so where were we in the book? They haven't even broken up yet. So Kristen, he gets in the shower. We're not, we are not two minutes into this movie.
Kristen Bell gets home. Jason Segal is completely naked. Also, this movie was on um HBO Max or whatever, and it the log line was a full frontal comedy. but like I see what you did there. Yes. Ah. Because we did hog. This is the first hog we've seen in in a movie on this podcast, I believe, right? No.
We saw a very terrifying hog in anyone but you. Oh, right, right, right, right, right. Anyone but you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you probably blacked that out. But that was, I mean, that was a... I did black that out. That was probably a prosthetic, right? Like... We don't know.
yeah Yeah, we saw a hole. We saw a urethra in anyone but you. But we get hog not once, but twice. Oh, several times. Yeah, in the beginning, and the and we bookended book it did with hog. That's what this movie is. Hog bookends. Hog bookends.
um ah Jason Siegel. And again, like in most most male nudity, it's it's pathetic. like that's That's what the joke is.
yeah Male nudity in movies is almost never like sold to be sexy um because I mean, you can't show an erect penis even in like an R-rated movie. Really. I mean, I think they do it in some like art movies. They've gotten away with it. But like you almost almost never we're never going to watch a rom-com that's got a hard cock in it. Let's be real. I mean, we haven't gone through third of the rom-coms that are out there. We don't know. That's true. We haven't gone through a hundred of the rom-coms that are out there yet to find. That's the new tagline for this. Emma and Katie search for a hard cock in a rom-com. What if, how funny would it be if it turns out that the movie with the hard cock was a Hallmark Christmas movie? good at that Good for them. I hope so.
They're like, they're streaming now. They don't have to put it on TV. They can do whatever they want. Exactly. They can do whatever they want. They have to get married first in the Hallmark movie. And then it's just hardcore pornography for the rest of the like 20 minutes. Yeah. And it still turns out that he's Santa.
Instead of hot frosty, it's hard Santa. That's the movie.
i think we just i hope I hope that my mother has chosen this episode to be the first episode she listens to. Um, absolutely absolutely e way um so Jason Siegel, Kristen Bell breaks up with him. Uh, he is completely naked. Um, it is sad. It's very, it's very sad. Um, his nudity is played for pathetic reasons. Um, like most male nudity and in, in, in movies in general, but especially comedies. Um, and he.
Has a breakdown he is sobbing um and she does eventually tell him that she met somebody else. Yeah, and Oh, um, yeah. And it's done because he's just like, he's like, can I get a hug? And she like awkwardly hugs him because he's like completely naked and she's completely clothed. And to get out of it, she admits that there was someone else. And so then he's like, how awkward would that have been to film? Like, because he wrote this movie and he's yeah like, I'm going to be naked. And you too.
very attractive actresses have to hug me while I'm naked. And like wow i like nick anybody else that would be creepy, but it were it works for him. Like I'm sure, and I'm sure, and you know, these people are friends and I know that he has like a reputation of being like a sweet guy. um So I'm not like concerned for the actors in this, in this, in the shooting of this pre intimacy coordinator shot movie, but Damn, I'm sure that was awkward for for everyone, but especially for Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis. Oh god, yeah. I mean, I'm sure like when they actually hugged him, he's got something on, you know. Yeah, we just camp oh for sure. Yeah, they just probably do the nudity shots, but still he's like mostly naked. And also, Mila Kunis has to kiss him while he's all naked.
That's true. That's true. Jesus. What if he, can you imagine how stressful that would have been for Jason Siegel? Constantly being like, well, I can't, I can't, I can't get, I can't get turned on. Can't get turned on by this. I don't know. Again, I've never, I've never done, I've done like, I've had like, I've kissed people on stage. Um, I've never done any kind of like, anywhere close to, to like nudity and kissing. You have though, right? Um, I've done in my underwear.
Were you kissing somebody in your underwear? Yes. Was he in his underwear? Yes. Yeah. So like, but I mean, like, I don't think that's, that's not a danger in any kind of professional setting because it's not sexy to kiss somebody on stage. It was also a stage play. And so there's a lot of like other elements. And I guess like with a film, there's like so many people in the room, it sort of like sterilizes the environment.
But at the same time, as such an anxious person, I know that if I was in Jason Siegel's shoes, that's the one thing I would be freaking out about. I'd be like, I cannot at any point of this shot get an erection. Because then how am I going to explain that? How am I going to explain that? I cannot make this person uncomfortable. I cannot. Yeah.
I'm sure in the history of film at some point some man has gotten an erection during a a love scene despite all of those things being to the contrary um and I'm sure and um I'm sure many of those people were creeps and were into that but I'm sure at some point an innocent erection happened.
Yeah. And I mean, like, sometimes it is just sort of like your body reacts in like a natural way. Yeah. And it just sort of like happens. Um, I mean, they go into it in Birdman. But that's Edward Norton being a creep. um I do not remember that in that mostly forgettable you don't remember somehow Best Picture winner.
he He gets a hard on when

The Film's Impact and Relatability

he's in bed with Naomi Watts and um and then he tries to convince her to have sex with him on stage for like for um To be method and she's like absolutely fucking not I'm not doing that absolutely fucking not in the play and Yeah, that's all I remember about that but Yikes
Yeah, I don't like that movie.
Boring Slog, Birdman. Yeah. So Sarah Marshall breaks up with him, and then he gets really depressed. And so he gets in contact with his stepbrother, who is played by Bill Hader. Yeah.
At the, still on Saturday Night Live at this point, probably. Yeah, still Saturday Night Live. Yeah. Yeah. And he's great. Terrible haircut looks just awful for this movie. Oh, yeah. It's very 2008. There's so much 2008. And it's weird to say that this feels like, you know, a period piece almost, but so much of the costume. Well, it's 17 years ago. It's almost 20 years ago, Emma. No. No.
No, it's not. Yeah. Obama!
Obama's old as shit. I know. Can we go back to this? Oh, so he gets in contact with Bill Hader. Yeah, they go to a club and he's like, I want to, I need to, I need to fuck some people. And Bill Hader is like, I don't think you should do that.
And so then we get our montage, which Judd Apatow, I feel like puts in almost every movie, of terrible sex experiences with your protagonist. It's in Four-Year-Old Virgin. It's in this. It's in probably a thousand other Judd Apatow movies. um Yeah. And um so there's June Diane Raphael, who he meets at the at the club, and they has seemed to have sex successfully. That's not a weird sexual encounter until yeah afterward, he starts sobbing. Yeah.
yeah Yeah. And so then she's gets weirded out as anyone would. Um, and then it just, we have our montage of a bunch of other relevant
small actors from- Carla Gallo. Yeah, um from the early 2000s, or mid 2000s, doing, you know, funny things that girls do in bed. She's like, gag me.
Yeah, she's like, hi, hi, hi, hi. And he goes, can you just like, not, can you just like, not, not, not say hi? She goes, you could gag me. And then there's the girl who has absolutely zero emotion on her face that's going, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. And she goes like, she's like, I just came. I just came.
um So he doesn't he doesn't enjoy this ah Which makes sense because he's still in love with Sarah Marshall, which is what this whole movie is about um And so he decides that he needs to go on he needs to get out of Los Angeles he needs to not ah Think about her and not be confronted with her all the time because she's in a successful TV show That and he has to go he like his to go score a scene that she's in And and he has a freak out And so he decides he's going to go to Hawaii and stay at this resort, which Sarah had mentioned to him, which I give this a little bit of credibility to the fact that she ends up being there.
Exactly. And working at the desk is Mila Kunis, who is like, um which Jason Segal, Peter, Peter, Peter, he just shows up in Hawaii. And he's like, just thought I'd take my chances. And Mila Kunis is like, there's no vacancies. The only vacancy we have is the what is the kahuna suite? Yeah, it's July in Hawaii in like the most like fancy the fanciest resort that there is like, they'll be ridiculous.
Yeah, exactly. Use your brain. Yeah. ah So he can't afford the $6,000. And I could cook I don't know what it's called. It's not Kahuna. It's another. Yeah, I don't remember. but Yeah, it's actually the canned. Yeah.
kapui or something like that. it I don't know. Yeah, the kapua. So she sneaks him in there and the whole like all the hotel staff like feel sorry for him, which is kind of like a running thing in this because they know that Sarah Marshall is there. And they know who she is. And like, they know that she broke up with him. So yeah, everybody feels bad for Peter in this movie.
And then he meets Russell Brand who is there with her and finds out that she he is the one that she left him for. And eventually that she had been cheating on him for a year year ah with ah with this man.
Yeah. And all along, he's just trying to like, enjoy his time at this resort and like, get out of his funk by day drinking and doing attempting to learn to surf from Paul Rudd. Oh my god. There are so many endless cameos in this. Jack McBrayer is the virgin.
Oh my God, he's so funny. ah Jack McBrayer is on his honeymoon with this gorgeous red-headed woman and yeah ah can't fuck. He's terrified of sex. That's his whole deal. Yeah. Which is just like just perfect Jack McBrayer character. I mean, he's a muppet. um and So good. So, so fucking good. And so that's a little side plot. You've got Jonah Hill who works at the at the um hotel and is obsessed with Russell Brand and is just like, yeah constantly bowing and scraping to him in every scene. He brings a cake that he made. He makes him a coconut cake. He's like, I didn't make this. This is from the hotel. Right.
ah um So he's, been but he's constantly confronted with Sarah Marshall. So because she's right there, he got he came to Hawaii to get away from her. And of course that she's, she's there. but but yeah I literally laughed out loud where she goes, what are you doing here? And he goes, came here to murder you.
Surprise. Just the way his his line delivery on that is so funny to me. ah Very rarely especially why I watched this alone Well, Caitlin came home and she was like in she took a shower and stuff So at the at least parts of this movie and then she started watching with me, but Part of this movie I watched alone, and you know it's very difficult to laugh when you're watching a movie alone, but that I literally laughed out loud. um yeah Very funny to me. And so much of this movie, I'm so glad that it's written and played by Jason Siegel because nobody else can deliver some of these lines with such charm and such. Like it's that perfect balance of you feel sorry for him, but also at the same time, and you want to give him a hug, but also at the same time, like you're rooting for him.
And also, like, he can say the creepiest things and make them seem really sweet. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Can't like came here to murder you. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Also, Russell, but I wrote down Russell Brand, ah the first his first line in the movie outside of the song during Access Hollywood is he's chasing Kristen Bell and he goes, Come here, you little sex object.
That gives you a clue to his character. Yeah, yeah.
um Yeah, and everybody is in this. Oh, yeah, go ahead. Oh, I was gonna say, um, so the yeah Jason Siegel is just trying to like get through his vacation time. He's, he's slugging through this beautiful vacation in Hawaii. And he starts making friends with the staff. And the most beautiful woman in the world, Mila Kunis.
Exactly, the most beautiful woman in the world, Mila Kunis. And she he asks if she wants to like hang out. um And they go to, ah she's like, yeah, you want to come to this um like beach party where my ex-boyfriend is? um and Well, she doesn't tell him that.
Oh no, she doesn't, but then her ex-boyfriend shows up. The idea is that he's hanging out with the staff of the hotel, right? Because he's not really a guest, even. like he's yeah they let it um He's squatting at the hotel, yeah. Exactly. He just has to clean up after himself. But like what a place to squat. It's so nice. I remember after we rewatched this a few years ago, I was like, how much does it cost to Because Charlie and I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. It's like, how much would it possibly stay at that resort? It's ridiculously expensive. Oh, very much so. And the people who live there beg you not to come to Hawaii. Yes, do not come to Hawaii. Please. It's considered a moral um ah failing to vacation in Hawaii now. So I guess I missed my chance. I mean, I guess it was always bad. But like now everybody knows that it's bad. But yeah, my parents have been to Hawaii twice without me.
um when I was a teenager. um So yeah, I guess I'll never know. We've also been watching The White Lotus. Oh, nice. Have you seen it? Oh, yeah. I haven't seen the new season. Is the new season come out yet? It's not out yet. um But Caitlin had watched the first two seasons and I didn't. And so she finally has got me to to watch them now. And we watched the first season in like three days. yeah And we're about halfway through the second season now. um So we can watch the second season together.
It's, it's great. It's so yeah, it's, I mean, I don't know why I didn't watch it. I mean, I knew I would like it. It's Mike White. I love Mike White. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, the thing about like, yeah I just picture these other guests at the at the hotel to be like, you know, Steve Zahn and yes Connie Britton and those yeah it's horrible, horrible people that fill the they the cast of those shows.
right or We were watching it and like so but we're watching the second season now and again, I'm not all the way through it We're only about half into the season. So I don't know everything that happens to these characters yet, but Aubrey Plaza Caitlin Consistently keeps going that's you. That's what you're like. I'm like ah The person who can have no fun that's not me I'm very sweet she goes goes you are very sweet, but you could also be like that. I'm like, okay. Well, I

Jason Segel's Musical Ambitions

Are you just telling how it is? You're Jennifer Coolidge then, whatever. I mean, if you're out of breakfast and everyone is like talking and having a nice time, and then someone asks you a question, your and is your answer to the question? Well, you know, with everything that's going on in the world right now, I can really sleep. You mean how literally like two minutes ago, you were like, we've always wanted to go to Hawaii. And I'm like, they tell you not to go to Hawaii. It's a moral failing. Do you mean like that?
God damn it. Well, luckily Caitlin doesn't listen to this show so she's not gonna hear this evidence. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Maybe this will be the one episode. Hoisted on my own petard.
um Anyway, Sarah Marshall, the thing that- oh yeah okay yeah, tell us about the beach party. Oh, so they're at the beach party. They're having a nice time. And Mila Kunis' ex-boyfriend shows up with this guy who also works at the hotel that was nice to Jason Siegel at one point. And and he's nice to him again afterward. That's the best part. like Yeah, exactly. No hard feelings.
Exactly. And um her ex-boyfriend was like, she had come with him to Hawaii. He's the reason that she moved there. And he was a surf pro. But then he cheated on her. And he's like super ripped. And ah they get into a fight. She like freaks out on him. And she's like, you're you can't be here. Why are you here? um She goes straight up Jersey Shore on him. Like she starts screaming and spitting. Yeah, it's very funny. Yeah.
um And so, ah then Jason Seagull's like, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I know, I know his friend, we're buddies, we're buddies. And he goes, hey dude, and um the guy goes, hey my dude, and then he punches him. And um then they, you know, are screaming and they stumble out of there and they go to a bar. And the bar, is it called the Jolly Roger?
No, it's called somebody's something. I don't remember. It's called like yeah, the name of the owner is it's like Johnny's something or something like that. Yeah, and so they go there and then There's a band playing and Jason Segal has left slip that he was working on a musical and that's his dreams to do this musical and He wants to do what kind of musical?
It's a musical about Dracula um because, you know, Dracula is just a man. However, it would be way more interesting if it was all done by puppets. That's correct. And so then she basically without his permission, um tells the band to step aside so that he can play his song from the Dracula musical. And the performance is great and amazing. And I don't know about you, but I definitely have that song on my iPod and would come up constantly on shuffle where are you just hear.
So good. His ridiculous dra Dracula puppet musical. And this is somebody who has written um a musical about a giant squid and a musical about zombies. um So I know from writing ridiculous musicals. um And we do get a little bit of the musical at the end because- Absolutely. yeah The best part of the entire movie it is the performance of the Dracula musical. yeah It made me want to see it. Absolutely. i I think the time has passed, but there was certainly a time where Jason Segal could have like got that made, I think. Oh yeah. Around the Muppet movie, I think he could have. yeah i think that i think you know
He probably had other things he cared about doing more, like, you know, Dispatches from Elsewhere and the Muppet movie and stuff like that. But this is, I mean, and this was like an audition for the Muppet movie because he even plays the Muppet theme song on the piano earlier in the scene. He loves the Muppets. And the Muppet movie is so good. I love the Muppet, the 2011 Muppets movie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, for sure. um So also in this bar in the bathroom, hanging over a terrifying urinal, which is but his looks like a horse trough. Absolutely not. There are a bunch of photographs of women flashing their their tits at the camera and Mila Kunis' photo is up there. And he asks her about it and he goes, do you know that there's a picture of ah you flashing the camera in the bathroom? And she goes, yeah, I talked to the owner to try to get it taken down and he won't do it. He says it ruins the collage.
is like, do you want me to talk? Do you want me to get it? And he's like, no, he'll kill you.
So log that away for later. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I wanted to say, uh, so, oh, so the, okay.
So this is the verse of Emma's Fun Facts, Emma's Fun Facts. So I want to say I remember an interview with Jason Siegel where he talked about, because a lot of this movie is based and written from things that actually happened to him in real life. Like um the breakup scene with him being naked happened to him in real life.
he got broken up with while he was standing naked. And I want to say that before he got big, between Freaks and Keeks and um ah how How I Met Your Mother, he wanted, he had the dream of doing a musical, of writing a like a Muppet musical.
Um, and that's where this idea comes from. Um, and I, I wanted to say that it was that, but I don't think it was that actual Dracula musical that he wrote. Um, and that's why it was so good. I think it's just a good song. It's just a good, I mean, yeah, he does, he does write music. He, he plays piano and a bunch of, and sings in a bunch of episodes of How I Met Your Mother. And, um, and he, you know, worked on the stuff in the Muppets as well with, uh, Brett McKenzie.
bri Um, so, uh, who won an Oscar? Uh, Jason Seagull didn't win an Oscar. Yeah. No, but Brett McKenzie did. And he won it with Kermit.
Yeah. Does Kermit have an EGOT? I don't know if Kermit has a Tony. Kermit doesn't have a Tony. Surely Jim Hansen has an EGOT. Jim who? Jim Hansen. Jim Hansen?
ah Jim Henson. Do you know the father of the Henson Brothers? Steven Spielberg.
Does Jim Henson have an ego? Oh my god. why No, he does not he definitely doesn't. Kermit the Frog doesn't have any awards. i That was a joke if Kermit had an ego.
Jim Henson probably has an Emmy and maybe a Grammy, I would say. but did Oh no, Jim Henson wouldn't have the Grammy, cause he didn't do the music. Cause what's his name? um ah Paul Williams did the music for those maybes. Yeah, that's true.

Key Scenes and Emotional Depth

Cause like Richard Rodgers,
um Audrey Hepburn has an EGOT. We're gonna go through all the EGOTs. I'm trying to see because I put in Jim has you know who hasn't he got his fucking per second Paul I know who deserves an egot the least per second Paul Marvin the worst composers to have an egot so Sarah Marshall the thing about Sarah Marshall is that she sucks um which is I mean, I get she cheated on him for a year, which is enough to make someone suck, I think. But then she decides that she wants him back because she sees that he is having he's he is having a moment of happiness and she needs to ruin that. um So she goes in hand big dogs Mila Kunis first. Oh, yeah. Like she goes to the front desk and it's like I see her having like
fun with Peter like that's so nice he's a really good guy yeah like a really good guy it's like like oh my god you fucking bitch how dare you yeah um and you know uh god what is Mila Kunis's character's name um me Yeah, I think it's Mila Kunis. She's playing herself in this film. Yeah. um But like, so she doesn't, she doesn't fall for it either. I mean, like she doesn't get intimidated by that, which no, which is great, which is really, really great. And they have like her and Jason Siegel have this really nice connection. And they have these really great moments, like jumping off the cliff, um where he just sort of has to like, let abandoned happy, let abandoned happy, let abandoned happy. That's another thing where
That's another thing that happened where Caitlyn turned to me and goes, that would be you. Where you could just jump off the cliff and then Jason Segal kind of like fall like slides down too far and like puts himself in a terrible situation. And that would be me. That's what would happen to me. If I were trying to jump off a cliff, I would somehow bungle that. but you Easy as falling off a cliff.
In that scene, in that scene, Mila Kunis is wearing the world's shortest fucking shorts. Yes, she is. Yes, there it's so it's such a the the most 2008 thing in the world. she's where there they're're like like go I have underwear that are bigger than these shorts that she's wearing. Right? yeah And they're like rolled up. I'm like, girl, why do you want to It is Hawaii. It's hot.
That's true, but they're so short. Like, girls that wear those... They're yeast infection shorts. Yeah, they're yeast infection shorts. Like, girls that wore those in the 2000s, I always envisioned had Barbie privates.
like they're oh for sure yeah and no ass and like no god love Mila Kunis like i said most beautiful woman in the world she does not she has like a little boy body like it's yeah very little boy yeah straight yeah but like there's it's just a plastic shell down there which is how they can get away with this world's tiniest shorts yeah yeah Which good for her, no shade on Mila Kunis. As far as I know, I mean, has Mila Kunis canceled for some reason or another? I know like Ashton Kutcher kind of goes back and forth, okay. No, Mila Kunis still good, still great. Good for her. But so did a lot of Hollywood actors. Oh, I don't know about that either. Oh, they were just like trying to relate in their giant mansion in their guest house and people- Oh, of course, of course. Yeah, we're living in the guest house.
Were they part of the the most cringe, ah imagine ah video? Were they part of that? Okay, yeah, that's awful. Imagine there's no people. um speaking of Speaking of random celebrities, here's another one of Emma's Fun Facts. Emma's Fun Facts. So at one point, Jason Siegel is getting drunk and trying to make himself feel better at the bar, and he makes a Sex and the City joke. And he goes, oh, look at me, I'm Miranda, I'm Miranda, I'm Charlotte. It's so funny.
It's so funny. I'm Samantha. I'm old as shit or something like that. Yes. I don't remember what he says. I can't remember. Yeah. But he in that scene, I think that Cynthia Nixon was either on vacation or shooting something the same time on the island. And um she makes a cameo. She walks in the background when he says that name. No way. Yeah. yeah I did not. I did not notice that.
Yeah. So kind of like the ryan the fake Ryan Gosling in um Holiday, except for real. Exactly. But for real, it's actually Cynthia Nixon. Yeah. um Nice. Good for her. Yeah, exactly. Good for her.
um And so then, the um we they have this they have an orgasm off, which, you know, who among us has not had a had a ah battle between the wall. um yeah Like if your neighbor is having sex really loud, you're like, you think we should, should we try? Should we like go for it? We should definitely try. Yeah.
um And they do this, but Kristen Bell is overplaying it. um And pisses off Russell Brand. Yeah. And he's like, that's, that's the most pathetic thing. And he uses a lot of really bad language that, oh, the snow sucks.
He does suck, yes. Yeah, and he says, and Jason Siegel's great. um I will say, okay, so in defense of Kirsten bell kiten Bell's character, she has this little monologue when Jason Siegel, when she's like trying to get back with Jason Siegel, and then they sort of like have a moment where, you know, she's like, I want you back. And he's like, no.
um and he's like, you cheated on me. And, or, or he asks her why. Oh, yeah. and She, she explains it. And it makes, it makes you really kind of and like her a little bit. Like it feel kind of 100%. It's a well written character. Like it's, yes it's,
it's It's a well-rounded character who can be both of these things at the same time because people do cheat on each other and there are and that is that's a wrong thing to do to cheat on somebody. But there's also reasons why people cheat on each other and you can push somebody away. um It's still like you have to be honest with people and if someone is pushing you away, you have to like you know you can't just cheat on them. you have to You can break up with them for that reason. yeah You can talk to them, try to get through to them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because she talks about how, like, Jason Siegel just started, like, going into himself and sort of, like, retreating into his shell. And she tried everything. He was depressed before she broke up with him. Yes. Exactly. and But he couldn't be helped. She tried everything. And he couldn't be helped. She went to therapy. She tried talking to him. She tried doing all these other things. And nothing was working. So finally she just sort of, like, gave up.
and And it's just sort of like, I i really liked that monologue. I thought that was a really lovely moment to put them. It's a rare instance, especially of a male screenwriter writing a like villain ah woman with with empathy and respect. yeah Yeah, which is great. I love that.
where she, I mean, she has, she did something wrong, but like, you know, and she continues, she continues to do things wrong, but she's, she does have depth beyond, I mean, we just, we just said that she was a bitch and we, that she sucked, but yeah but she is, she is well, she is well rounded and, you know, maybe we'll change after this. Maybe we don't know. yeah Maybe, maybe on this side of her new move, her new show, uh, pet psychic or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Cause they make reference to it and get him to the Greek.
Sarah Marshall with The Fascinating Show. Animal Instincts. Oh, do they? Yeah. Well, no, it's after the credits and this. Oh, it is? Where she's a blind. With Jason Bateman. Did you not see it? Oh, I forgot about that. I didn't. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, damn it. I mean, it's like two minutes into the credits. It's not like all the way after the credits, but yeah. Yeah, but still. So basically,
So she finds out that the show's getting canceled and um she tells Jason Seagal, which is when they have that wonderful monologue, and then they have that orgasm off.
to which Russell Brand is like, youre that was the most pathetic performance I've ever seen. And so between those two things, she just sort of falls apart. And so Jason Siegel's walking past the um the front of the hotel and he runs into Russell Brand. He's like, hey, bro, what's up? And he's like, ah you're you're leaving? Where are you going? He's like, I'm going back to England. She's like, oh, you and Sarah are going back to England. And he goes, no, no, no. I broke up with her. um Yeah, she wasn't really, she was she was crazy. Bitches be crazy.
Yeah, and he's also, he's like, oh, I had sex with a maid earlier, so. Yeah, yeah. And he was like, cool. And so he goes to check in on Sarah. She starts to make out with him, to which he at first is like, I don't know. And then he's kind of into it. And then

Conclusion and Classic Rom-Com Themes

she- Well, I mean, again, he's not over her. Like he, not enough time has passed. Yeah. Exactly. But he can't get it up.
And um it's because he has feelings for Mila Kunis. And so yeah he he does, that being said, he yeah did make a mistake, but yeah he goes and immediately tells Mila Kunis what happened. Probably in a roundabout way, but- At her job at the front desk of the hotel where she works. like Exactly. Come on, man. Right.
uh yeah 10 to 15 seconds of um of oral sex from her is what he said yep 10 to 15 seconds to which she is upset rightfully so and tells him to get fucked and don't write don't call um get out of here Well, I mean that's the thing like it is it is another one ah an example of one of those rom-coms where the reason that they get broken up is not a misunderstanding It is not like it is not an artificial like third-party thing. It is a very real reason why people are
break up or don't get together in the first place because of this lack of trust also like it's she knows that like he's not over her in the first place so it's most vulnerable ah part of their of this burgeoning relationship gets like impacted immediately so exactly exactly and so he goes back to California um and respects her wishes and gets a hug and He sings a song. um The best song in the in the movie. ah Peter you suck. See you psychiatrist. I'm not going.
Yes. And ah well first before he leaves Hawaii, he goes to the bar, rips the photo off the wall good man of Kunis. The man beats the shit out of him. He runs to the hotel and just wordlessly puts it on the front desk and gives it to Mila Kunis.
Yeah, and leave so that's the gesture which is not related to a speech Yes, it's interesting different from a rom-com. Yeah. Yeah, it's like it's more of just it is it's just the gesture of Him being like I care about you so much that I'm gonna go get beaten up by this big muscly bouncer bartender dude and i and I'm not gonna ask for anything in return. And I'm just gonna leave and I'm gonna let you be. And so then he goes back to California, gets his life back together, puts together this musical to which he is in it and his step brother is in it. Bill Hader absolutely committed 100% to this role as as Van Helsing. I was gonna say he's Van Helsing, right? Yeah, yeah. um And he sends a invitation to opening night to Mila Kunis back in Hawaii.
um I assume is another gesture. I mean, it would be insane to think that she would actually fly and go from Hawaii to California for a play. um But I mean, part of the part of the thing about her character is that she's not she doesn't have like deep roots in Hawaii. Like she moved there for a guy. She is from California or we don't know that she's from America. from Well mainland America originally. you say Are you saying Hawaii is not America? Oh my God. Oh my God.
Um, but she, we she dropped out of school and she did want to go back to school, but hasn't thought about it and is kind of like a kind of adrift in life. So yes, her character is written to the point where maybe she would move somewhere to another move to be with a man again, which is don't do that again. You did it once. It then it out bad it it turned out badly. Come on. Exactly. Do stuff for you. Do stuff for you.
Um, but she goes because she moves. That's not what happens in rom coms though. We do things for other people. Yes. In a fictional reality where we assume they're going to make it and it's going to be worth it. Yes. Do that. And so she, she does kind of, but she like starts checking out. She says she's checking out some school. She's going to go back to school. Um, yeah.
And she goes to the musical. She loves it. It's great. They have a nice little moment. Because it rules. It's the Avenue Q people worked on the stuff. It's Kate Monster is playing the world interest. Yes. I know. I saw her and I was like, yes, Broadway. Making a comeback. It never went away. Yeah, it's still there. Yeah. Yeah.
um and then ah So they have this lovely moment out after the show and he goes back to his dressing room and it to get changed to like leave and she starts to like leave the area. She's like crossing the street, going to her car. yeah And she's like, oh no, ah but i I made a mistake. I need to go back and tell Peter how I feel. And Peter thinks the same thing, but he has to get out of his unitard, um his unitard. It's very uncomfortable.
And so he he decides to call her, um but he cannot waste any time. So he calls her butt-ass naked. And she walks in on him calling her butt-ass naked and immediately starts laughing. Yeah, because that's what you do. That's that's what happens. Exactly. But butt-ass naked, lock the door. That's true. Very true, God. ah um And then they and then they kiss and that's the end like just yeah get out end of movie Yeah, there's a a short teaser of the television show animal instincts coming this fall to NBC With Sarah Marshall and Jason Bateman playing the exact same character that Billy Baldwin play Yes, is it bad that I would watch that?
My God, if it were Kristen Bell and Jason Bateman, absolutely, 100%. Yes. Did you watch the girl across the street from the woman in the window? Of course I did. Yeah. I've watched it one and a half times because i I think I drunkenly started rewatching it and I was like, this is so great. It's so fucking good. Yeah, it was great. Yeah. It's so good. It's just they they hit every single nuance from all of those shows. And you're just like, what? Just because the pot hole. I made a casserole.
but then the giant glasses of wine. It's just, it's so good. And you know. We bought one of those. After that show, we bought one of the, it's a it's a glass of wine that holds a bottle of wine, yeah. I need one of those. I don't need one of those. No, you probably don't. We don't use it. um We've used it like once and we shared it, like. It's for gags. It's a gag, yeah. Sometimes you need the gag. Just like Carla Gallo in this movie, needs a gag.
Any other into being like, ask me about my. Oh, sure, sure, sure, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Don't, don't surprise people with that kind of stuff. You need to have a conversation about these things before. Yeah. Yeah. Discuss your limits.
Um, and with that, uh, that is, that's forgetting Sarah Marshall. Um, uh, Charlie had seen this movie before, I'm assuming he had, e he thought it was funny. Um, the only comments he said are what I said earlier, which is the,
two terrible jump scares that we got from Billy Bush and Russell Brand. And then I think he's actually the one that told me he was like, you know, you can never do get him to the grave. And I was just like, because I'd forgotten that Peter was in it. And I was like, oh, yeah. Russell Brand.
um P.D.D. shows up a lot in things, though, because like that might surprise us. We might pick a moody later and without realizing that P.D.D. isn't it? Because like music and lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. P.D.D. could be in that. like Any movie that's music industry adjacent, set from 2000 to 2016, there's a non-zero chance that P.D.D. is going to show up, because he did that kind of stuff. A non-zero chance? The chance is less like is more than zero.
Yes, exactly. P Diddy. We'll never knowingly do a rom-com with P Diddy in it, but he may show up. We can't promise. may show up We can't promise. just like We couldn't promise that we would never do a rom-com Billy Bush was in. That's true. That's true. I mean, we'll never do Home Alone 2 Lost in New York. Thank God. But if Donald Trump if donald trump shows up randomly in another movie that we don't remember, it's certainly possible.
It's certainly possible. people Rich people want lots of attention. That's so true. um What are we doing next week, Emma? Yes, next week it is a classic rom-com, which I have a very extensive Charlie's Corner on, but I'll save that for next week. Oh, ah oh that makes sense for that, yeah.
And ah it is the 90s classic Notting Hill. Hell yeah. Yeah. I love this movie so much. Brings me joy. It is a comfort watch. One of my favorite. Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat.
um Notting Hill is also where we get our sign off for this show. Yeah, exactly. Charlie brought that up too. And he goes, it's not you.
Is Charlie being played by Michael Palin in this? Apparently Michael Palin playing a woman. Playing Charlie, yeah. It's like you! It's like you! I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay. There's some lovely filth over here, Dennis. I don't think that. I think that's Terry Jones. I don't think that's Michael Palin, but either way. I don't know. Yeah, either way.
um So yeah, shall we outro? Yeah, let's outro. Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please
standing in front of the internet asking it to love to us. Good night. Good night.