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Love and Basketball

Go Get Your Girl
35 Plays13 days ago

Emma & Katie walk about the 2000 Romantic drama Love and Basketball, and while this isn't a comedy, it's very romantic, and hey, we can do whatever we want, right?  

Also discussed: winter storm stories, hair stylist concerns, sex outside, nazi women, and Dick Vitale!  And also we both show off just how much we both know about sports. 

um I had a really crazy night last night. Yeah. So I don't know the East Coast weather has made the news,
Oh no, that's a lot of blizzards. I mean, it snowed here yesterday, but not heavily at all. Oh, it's, it was like a foot of snow that landed. Oh, shit. Yeah, it was like, it was, and it was like beautiful and I felt like were in Alaska.
It looks gorgeous. But of course, Charlie and I, so, oh, that was Thomas. of course. Charlie and started watching this movie yesterday while we were waiting for my cousin and her boyfriend Ben to get off of work so that we could go hang out with them.
And the plan was we were going to go because it had been like a hot minute since we had all hung out because their work schedule was crazy. um We had constant, you know, people coming into town.
It was just, you know, chips in the night. So we went, we got an Uber to Southington where Ben lives. And that's usually where we be meet up and we went to a bar.
And the plan was to go get a couple drinks and then Uber back before the snowstorm hit. Right. So I look outside around nine o'clock.
Uh, and snow starting to fall. Like, okay, maybe, maybe now's the time. Now was the time to get an Uber. But Charlie was like, I just got a beer. Can we wait till that?
I finished this beer. And I was like, okay. So 30 minutes later, was too late. Snow had picked up and we could not for the life of us get an Uber.
The only Uber that we could get was to Ben's house, which was like a two minute drive away. um and we couldn't get anyone to take us the 20 minutes back to Watertown.
And so we came up with some plans and The plan A was i was going to take my cousin's car and drive very slowly and drive back to my house. She was going to Uber to work and then I would just drop off the car today.
We get to Ben's apartment and snow is just blanketing down. And Charlie goes, I don't want to drive in this.
And I was like, okay. And we walk in and I'm like, Ben, can we crash on your couch? Yeah. And he's like, yeah. And so we all just continue drinking and snacking and watching the Aeros tour because he has surround sound.
This is the second time that we've watched the Heiress tour, the four of us. And I love it. that's nice. Yeah. He has an amazing TV a great surround sound. And so we drank and watched the Heiress tour.
And then I fell asleep on his couch and I woke up at like 6. six So you and Charlie both slept on the couch together? He has one of those like giant sectional couches though. That takes up the entire room.
So like we were like head to head. So I was one way and he was the other way. Um, so it was cause like at first I was like, Oh, Charlie was like, I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep on the couch. And I was like, that's very nice of you, Charlie.
I'm never going to hear the end of that, but that's very nice of Doesn't have bad back? Yeah, exactly. yeah um He was trying to be a gentleman. um But luckily Ben has like super couch, like a California king couch.
And so we were both able to sleep on the couch. um But I woke up at 6.30 this morning and I was like, I'm getting an Uber. It'll this home around 7.00. And so we got home and then we went back to sleep and I feel very refreshed.
We woke up at 11, but um that was a long roundabout way of me saying we watched the first half of this movie last night before going out.
The plan was to finish it when we got home, which wasn't until today. So I literally just finished this movie. And of course, I'm on max,
<unk>el max there's just max um because that's where it's streaming and it won't load on my tv like it won't continue playing it on my tv and i'm like i've gotta i gotta fit in the last hour of this movie i gotta watch this but finish this before you know this happens so then i'm just like we could have bumped you know like no made a commitment Um, I had my breakfast already. I had my coffee. I was like set, ready to finish Love and Basketball.
And, um, but HBO is not loading. It's not loading. And so I restart the TV. I find like, if there's another streaming service that has it. And so Tubi has it. I'm like, man, fuck, I gotta watch ads now.
So I start the ads and I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna try on my laptop. So then I open on my laptop. Max is working seamlessly on my laptop. So then i just finished watching it on my laptop in front of a TV like a millennial.
So yeah, that was my morning. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. How was your morning? Oh, fine. um yeah I've been up since about eight, I would say. yeah I already recorded two podcasts this morning. I'm...
ready for another one we're doing great it's my day off all of my days off are busier than my days at work usually so yay katie really can have it all i'm really gonna try to color my hair today i haven't colored my hair this year so oh should do it it's february i know mean it doesn't look bad but it could be redder it doesn't look great like No, it's honestly, I don't think I colored it in December either. I think it's been November since I colored it. and
Oh, you should color it. i colored my i color my hair once a month. Yeah, I know. That's that's the plan. um
It's just, i i've I'm at the point where i I think I need, like, I've done it by myself a lot of times, but, like, I really would rather somebody be here to at least tell me if I need help in the back because it's just so hard to see.
But, I don't know. I have so hair. You mean you can't see behind your head? have to use two boxes. It's embarrassing. oh holy that That's a lot of hair dye. Yeah. I have so much hair.
One box won't cover it. i mean, that's a blessing. wish I had so much hair. My hair, my you know, my hairstylist told me that I was like, you i know my hair is really thick. And she's like, the individual pieces aren't necessarily super thick. It's like medium, but you have more hair than anyone I've ever seen.
It's compliment. Per square millimeter or whatever. I just have more hair than should. i didn't know that was a possibility. i guess.
Apparently, like, I'm, don't that's the superpower I get. Some people yeah
have telepathy, I think, and I have too much hair. a lot of hair.
Anyways, carrier Pear plays a minor role in at least the first part yeah of yeah of our movie today. yeah what Who are are we? What is this?
um So that's right, guys. You guessed it. This is Go Get Your Girl. This is the podcast where Emma and Katie... you know, to put social norms to the side and just focus on their passion, which is basketball.
And they don't care that their mom wants them to be, you know, pretty little princesses. They just want to play but basketball. And so does their next door neighbor, who they kind of have a crush on.
And slowly but surely, they fall in love with love and basketball. Basketball. Yes. Oh my god, you incorporated the title into it this time. Incredible. Yes, i did Woo!
I'm Emma. And I'm Katie, and this is Go Get Your Girl. Yes. I've noticed when editing the last one that we didn't mention the name of the podcast, and I think that there might be several episodes where we don't actually mention the name of the podcast, but you know, it's on your phone. Like, there's a little swan, and it says it right there, so you know what you're listening to.
Exactly, and we mentioned it in the outro. That's true. That's true. Yeah. um Today we are watching Love and Basketball from the year 2000.
The only year that gets the year put in front of it. a And it is written and directed by Gina Prince-Blythewood. This was her first movie.
ah She also made The Secret Life of Bees. She made Beyond the Lights. She made the action movie The Old Guard on Netflix. And The Woman King, which I have not seen any of those movies.
I have not either. I only know The Woman King from... She is... Daria DePose's BAFTA wrap. um I don't know what that is, but i am happy for you.
I wanted to see The Woman King. It was one of those things where Caitlin and I were like, let's go see that, and then we just didn't. um yeah I've heard it's very good. Yes. She is a very well-respected indie-ish auteur.
This movie is beloved. am Probably her, this is easily her most famous and and most well-loved movie, but um She is um one of those people who like she's been quietly writing and directing these movies for 25 years.
um I love that. And yeah, a lot of them are, you know, cult hits, not like huge movies or anything. The Old Guard was like this big giant action movie, but it went to Netflix, you know?
Oh, yeah. But I think the The Woman King was a hit and I think people really liked it. So that's something. got nominated for a bunch of awards. Yeah. no that's good yeah and ah because viola davis my woman king um you know the baptist rap by ariana devose if you say so it broke the internet did it
I know who Ariana DeBose is. And that yeah now that you've kind of explained it a little bit, I sort of remember that. But that's... yeah You have to understand, though, I watched... You watched this movie this morning because of extenuating circumstances. I watched to this movie this morning because if I didn't, I would have forgotten it by the time we recorded.
i have to minimize the amount of time between when I watch something and when we talk about it. Because otherwise I'm like, I mean, there's, there's those times we've rescheduled and and you're like, and then this happens. And I'm like, if you say so, i watched it a week ago. and Don't remember.
Charlie is very similar in that aspect. In fact, he would like the listeners to know that the big shocker Charlie's corner from Notting Hill yeah partially due to his memory. Yeah.
Yes, he texted me. He's like, I don't remember things. And I'm like, okay, I don't know what you're talking about.
Because again, he was texting you. He was listening to them, not in order. And weeks after they came out, so you had no idea. And months after I re-recorded it, so. Yes.
But yes, love basketball. also no context. not I'm listening to the Notting Hill episode. And when she says this, it's just, i have a bad memory. I'm like, I'm sorry, buddy.
What's interesting is that I don't have a bad memory. I just use all my hard drive space for the wrong things. Like, I i know i can, you know, tell you who all of these character actors are that nobody watches and what other movies they've been in. And I can name you the track listing off of my favorite records from the 1990s.
But I just, I don't have room for things that make sense in a practical way, even if it's about a movie. Yeah. I mean, that's fair. That's fair.
and We heard my sort of hardware space that was left in my brain for Anastasia Romanoff. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. I like to think that that is taking the place of where calculus should have been.
ah we We don't need calculus. We definitely don't need calculus. um i have I've never taken a calculus class. um Algebra was as far as I got. yeah um I took Algebra 1 and 2 in high school. And then they're like, you have to take another math class. And I'm like, la do I? ah So I took stat statistics, ah which was ah fine. I actually did. and It's the only math class I ever got um an A in.
Oh, nice. Because it was like about something concrete. I was good at chemistry too, because there's a lot of math and chemistry, but it's about something that's real. So it was easier for me to like, I don't know. Yeah. Versus like a Figure out in my head.
i think that I might have the, what is it? um Dyslogia? Like- like where Where instead of dyslexia, like with letters, it's like numbers. Like you see the numbers like switch around. Because I'll do that all the time. Like I'll put in the wrong passcode on my phone or I'll do i'll just have two of the numbers switched.
um And that happens to me all the time. Or I'll repeat. Or like at work or something, I'll tell somebody how much something is and I'll have two of the numbers switched. Yeah. um That's so bonkers. I've been noticing that a lot lately. That might be why I was bad at math.
And this has been Katie's Diagnosis Corner. Who knows what I've got? I've got a lot of stuff. Same, girl. And no medication. Yay! Not yay. That's not great.
The healthcare system is fucked. It's not the healthcare system. it's i mean It's me being stupid. I owe my psychiatrist $160. And sixty dollars and um until I pay her that, they won't make another appointment for me. And until they make another appointment, they won't prescribe me any more Adderall.
And so it's like, a yeah. So that was Katie's over shares. but What was it? find Katie's financial... Financial fumbles. yeah Fumbles.
Katie's financial fumbles. Yeah. Amazing. Love and basketball. Love and basketball. Um... This is ah just a, and not really, not a comedy. Not really a comedy at all. No. mean, there's some funny moments when they're, you know, like teasing each other and like being adorable and stuff.
Yeah. But it's not ha ha funny. No. It's like. It's a comedy in the Shakespearean sense in that it has a happy ending. Not for Tyra Banks. Well, you know what?
She did just fine, didn't she? um She's not a nice person.
and and yeah so and the movie's divided up into four sections and they call them quarters like a basketball game like a basketball game i it's a basketball game yeah but it's like a love story that's a basketball game um and uh we have we meet our main characters who are children and played by different actors in the first part uh but eventually they'll be played by um sana lathan and omar epps yeah um who are both in tons of stuff omar is probably best known for house yeah um md the television show which i've seen every episode of um
But also in a bunch of a bunch of other movies and stuff. And Sanaa Lathan a little bit. See, it's Lathan, but because her first name is like Sanaa, it makes me want to say Lathan to like match the cadence of that.
So I have trouble saying it, but it's Sanaa Lathan. um She's been also been in a lot of other stuff. In fact, they were in a bunch of several other movies together, actually. love that. um ah they are 5 7 and 5 10 which is very short for basketball players yeah charlie made that uh uh he made that observation we were watching it and you're like at one of the high school basketball games where omar epps is playing and he goes he's the shortest guy on that team yeah and i was like yes but his dad's a celebrity yes that's true that's that's why he's getting so much attention
um His dad ah is Dennis Haysbert, who's probably most famous for the Allstate commercials, but was the president on 24 as well. Yes, he's also an actor.
but boy, did I want be saved by Allstate throughout this movie. and And the great Alfred Woodard is is Monica, Sonalathan's mom. Yes.
Yes. And, uh, yeah. so they are like 11 years old, I think in the beginning, in the very beginning, as they say later. Um, and she moves in into the house next door to him the boy, he and some of the boys in the neighborhood are playing basketball and she comes in and she wants to play and she takes her hat off.
But before that they go, Hey, you nice. yeah Yeah. Which made me laugh out loud. like that's the criteria yeah that's good that we should be encouraging children to do that like hey are you nice before like we invite you to but are you going to be nice you know um much better than like are you good at basketball are you nice yeah is much more important exactly you nice she's she's not that nice um to be later revealed yeah um and uh and yeah she loves basketball um and she has a sister who is will eventually be played by regina hall um yes we love regina hall fabulous fabulous regina hall
And they have this really cute little, like, 11-year-old kind of courtship thing where he's like, girls can't play basketball, and then she is good at basketball, and so he gets respect for her.
Yeah, exactly. Well, first he, like, pushes her, and then there's way too much blood for what is shown. She, like, falls on the grass, and then all of a sudden she's got this, like, gash on her face.
Yeah, I, um... Apparently that scene was added because the actress actually has a scar on her cheek like that. Oh, that's nice. Which is cute, but not necessary.
I mean, it no, it's, it worked. It's a good, it's a good like thing to have in the movie. It's, it's a, it's a nice beat, but um yeah, my guess is that there must've been a rock or something on the ground. Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but it just was like a lot of blood for what looked like not a big fall.
Yeah. um And it should be said that um younger Monica is played by Kyla Pratt. ah Disney star Kyla Pratt. Oh. Okay.
Yeah, Disney and child star. Kyla Pratt. Kyla Pratt. If I keep saying Kyla Pratt, will you remember who she is? Nope. Well, see, I never knew who she was, so remembering wasn't the issue.
yeah She's one of those like star Disney channel stars. Okay. What was she on? ah
Give me a second. See, you don't know. just know that I know her. Okay. I know that I know her. Kyla Pratt, what were you in?
So Monica is a tomboy. um She, ah her mother says, I found your box of dresses underneath some rags in the garage. And her sister is fixing her hair. And so the next day when um Quincy picks her... but It's Quincy. Yeah, Quincy picks her up on his bike to ride to school together because their moms agreed that he would do that.
um she She looks very different. And so like the whole you know juxtaposition between like her in these dresses and her dressing the way that she wants to dress is part of the the big like problem between her and her mother throughout ah the whole movie, honestly.
um because her older sister is much more traditionally feminine and has more like traditionally feminine interests and is closer to what her mother kind of like wants for her I think um and instead Monica's obsessed with basketball and so Quincy says you want to be my girl then and she says what do I got to do says we'll we'll play ball together and if I make you mad I'll buy you flowers and she goes i don't like flowers buy me a Twinkie?
It's so cute. And then he says, we should probably kiss then. And she's like, well, how long do we have to do that? And he's like, five seconds. And she's like, okay. And so they go around to the side yard and they kiss for five seconds.
And then
and then they get mad at each other and they argue and they get into a fight on the in the yard. Yeah. Cause she gets on her bike to like go off to like also ride off. And then he goes, well, if you're going be my girl, you should ride on my bike. Cause my dad always drives my mom around.
And she's like, but I want to ride my bike. And he goes, well, that's not how this works. And she goes, well then you're stupid. Big heads. Yeah, exactly. it was, it's very cute.
And then we fast forward to them in high school. Yeah, senior year of high school. um Yeah. And they're both on the basketball team. ah She's a hothead and yeah getting into trouble. And again, for things that would not get a man in trouble.
like Exactly. the The double standard for men and women in basketball is highlighted over and over again in this movie. where Yeah. You know, she honestly did nothing and gets a technical foul.
um yeah She just kind of like looks intimidatingly at this, this other, this, this woman on the other team and she gets a technical foul. And like, that is not something that would ever get called on, on a man in basketball.
We're led to believe again, I don't know anything about basketball as we are not sports people. um I like saying the word Yeah, it's like on New Girl, she keeps calling it Basketball.
Basketball? Basketball? There are two baskets, so it's Basketball. Um...
And ah yeah, and then he is like the star of his yeah team. She she keeps getting benched for her attitude problem. And he is the star of their of the the men's basketball team.
Yeah. Even though it will will note that like the women's basketball team is in the championship and the men's basketball team is not. Yeah. um But with the turnout, the turnout, the cheerleaders, like everything is like totally different. And that's, that's even true much, much later in the, in the, which is a whole thing with women's sports in general. I mean, like the, du I looked up the WNBA, the WNBA was founded in 1996, which is earlier than I thought.
um But, You do see some like WNBA people, especially in ah in Chicago. um People who are like really into the WNBA with like the the shirts and stuff.
But um it's still like night and day between yeah men's sports and women's sports. There's a WNBA team in Hartford, actually.
There is. um And not to mention the UConn women's basketball team is like the pride and joy of Connecticut right now. but because there I mean, it's the they're the like most successful basketball team of all time. Right.
of yeah Of men or women. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so everyone's all about UConn women's basketball. We went to a UConn game. Yeah. And it was it was fun, you know, and it like the stands were packed like it was like, you know,
ah any other Hartford basketball team. It was like a pretty packed stadium. It was pretty cool. um like ah And I imagine that the reason there's a WNBA team in Hartford is because of UConn, probably. Yeah, exactly.
exactly Because like there's not any other professional sports team in Connecticut, right? No, no, no. We pride ourselves on being a state with no professional sports. So you can pick and choose.
yeah Except for the Connecticut WNBA team, which... Yeah, and then we have like a um a an amateur hockey team called the Huskies. But you can pick and choose your sports teams.
If you're closer to New York, go with the Jets or the Giants. If you're closer to Massachusetts, go with Massachusetts ones. I was about to say, that this is you naming those sports teams is very impressive.
um Massachusetts ones would be the Patriots. uh yep would be the football team yeah i don't think there's another one yeah so well that's basketball but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like are you ah red socks or are you a white socks fan no wait that's wrong are you a red socks or are you a yankees fan there you go there we go there boston boston ah This movie, however, is set in Los Angeles. yeah um so Quincy's dad ah plays for the Los Angeles Clippers, ah which is the was not a basketball team that I was aware existed, um but is the worst team in the and NBA, at least in 1988 or whenever that that's that scene takes place.
They're not the Lakers. Yes, correct. Um, and there's, there's a lot of family dynamics in play here.
Um, her sister is in college now. Her older sister played by Regina Hall is in college now and is. yeah She's well, the main thing she, Regina Hall is there in this second quarter only to be like, Hey, I told a guy at college about you so you can have a date to the spring dance.
The spring dance, yeah. yeah And she's going to do her hair for her and everything. Exactly. um That was jumping ahead a little bit. um Gabrielle Union ah is in this as Shawnee, a hoe, as described by the other characters, ah who likes Quincy and asks Monica to give him a note for her asking him to the the spring dance. So the spring dance...
And the championship game are the two big things that happen in this. yeah um Quincy's home life is ah is ah is kind of a nightmare. You know, his dad is this super rich like NBA player, but he's never there because he's always...
running around on his mom basically which is obvious from the beginning but like the characters don't know that um he's retired by the time of the second uh quarter of this and uh is apparently scouting but really he's like you know just um having sex with a bunch of random ladies uh we're led to believe um and his mom is like telling quincy like She found an earring in his room and she's like, these girls are trying to get you caught. And it's real like sexist rich kid shit.
um yeah Because of who you are, because of who your dad is, like these girls are going to try to trap you or whatever. Yeah.
There's um there's scouts coming to the game. And so Monica wants to like look. impressive in front of them and she screws up and misses the like game winning shot and loses the championship game yeah which like sucks and she's like really heartbroken and like torn up about it um and uh this is when is this the when we get our first um of them playing one-on-one
um no no Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's in yeah that's in his dorm room. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Because it happens a few times where they play one-on-one. Yes. And by a few times, I mean twice.
I thought it was happening way more. thought it was like a parallel. um She gets, she ends up getting recruited for USC. Yeah. And he's going to go there too.
um Oh, that's after the dance. First is the dance. Sorry. Yes. um And then, oh, his parents are arguing and he goes into, he knocks on her window and she lets him sleep on the floor of her bedroom because his parents are fighting.
Yeah. yeah And you're led to believe that this is just like routine for them. Yes. Yes. yeah like um and next door neighbors and they're super close. Yes. Yes. Their windows face each other. Just like in drive me crazy.
Yes, exactly. They go to the dance and she's there with this college guy who seems nice enough. um And he's there with Gabrielle Union and they're like, they're doing that thing where they're like, they're dancing with their there are various others, but they're like watching each other the whole time because they're in love with each other.
Exactly. They're in love with each other. um And then she goes home and she sees that she climbs in her window And she sees that there is a letter from USC on her side table that arrived while she was at the dance.
And as she gets real nervous about it. So she ah sees Quincy come home. So she gets his attention and gets him to come out. and she's like, um can you can you open it and like read it with me?
And he does. And so he tries to fake her out and be like, ooh. Pfft.
you got in! And she got in! And then they kiss for the first time, which yeah is very cute, and then quickly escalates. Well, they talk about, first of all, they talk about, like, you know, their various dates, and he was like, you know, I took her home, i didn't, I wasn't feeling it, and she's like, yeah, he was, like, kissing on me and feeling on me, and she's, like, she's wearing a dress, and her sister did her hair, and her mother gave her her grandmother's pearls to wear, and, like,
like sco yeah um She looks She looks different than she normally does. And like a bunch of the people like at school are commenting on it and stuff. Yeah, but that he was like kissing on her and feeling on her and like after the third time she accidentally kneed him in the balls, he took her home.
Yeah. yeah um So neither of them were were feeling it. and And yeah, so then they have sex. Yeah. Very quickly after their first kiss. Almost in the yard, which is like, almost don't do that.
Don't do that. um You ever had sex in your own front yard? um um I have never had sex in my front yard. um That seems, that's maybe a line too far.
Car, well The last time on it the last yeah i said, can you imagine, you were like, well, I've done it. So I just wanted to check with Well, I've it. I have not had sex in a yard. Me neither. No. Yeah. yeah That seems a little uncomfortable. I've had sex outside, but not in my own front yard. Yeah.
Yeah. No. ah I have had sex outside, but not in front In my own front yard. That's weird. Yes. Correct. Like, what if your parents wake up? ah guy ah what I I mean, like, your bedroom is not much safer if your parents wake up, but, like, at least it's, like, a bed. And there's, like, a closet for someone to hide in.
Have you ever had to hide in the closet from someone's parents? I've hid someone in the closet. Ooh. Did they find them? ah No. They did not find Oh, hell yeah.
yeah yeah my parents were weirdly okay with me like having sex as a teenager it's it was honestly weird in the other way like they wanted to talk about it like i don't want to talk about this let's just not talk about this my mom is constantly asking like so did have y'all have y'all what but have y'all done i'm like i absolutely 1000 no yeah nope that's that's a big old nope They have sex to this woman's work, which is a great song. It's a cover. I'm not sure who is singing that, but it's not Kate Bush.
ah But it's beautiful song. Not a bad song to have sex to. am And then it's the the third quarter and they're in college yeahp at USC together. yeah i i think it's just a year later. Yeah.
Or even, no, it's only ah it's only a few months later, really, because they're a freshmen. Yeah. very true yeah they're both freshmen they're both on the basketball teams again and they're like a hot ticket item because they're both on the basketball teams and both basketball teams are like huge but you and he is he's starting immediately he's like he got recruited by a bunch of different teams and decided to stay and los angeles um and she barely made it like one of the the team the one of the other girls on the team um sidra tells her that the only reason you're on the team is because somebody got pregnant and decided to to leave so don't think too much of yourself and um she yeah she is struggling ah and he is not at this point yeah and kind of throughout the movie both of them kind of like go back and forth about you know which of them is doing well and which of them isn't
um And they play strip basketball in his dorm room, which is pretty hot. ah It's so sexy. Yeah, this movie is very sexy. Like, there this it's it's it's so beautiful. I love this movie. um There's so much, so much chemistry between the two of them. And it's so romantic. It's a deeply romantic movie. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. And they go on a really big journey. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. um Like, it's this thing where, like, yeah, it's this thing where it's, like, it's much like in real life. Like, sometimes, like, you're not ready for a relationship or you need to prioritize this other thing in your life. And, like, yeah you know, when things eventually, if it's meant to work out, like, you'll you'll be you'll you'll catch up with each other. You know, you'll be in a place where very you'll you'll work it out.
But she's, like, working she's working really, really, really hard. um i That should be said. Like, she is working her ass off to to, like, prove herself on this basketball team.
Yes, yes. She's, like, prioritizing Yeah, and you know to the to the detriment of other things in her life, which is just how life works. um There's this bit where um Sidra, the girl who is kind of mean to her, ah hurts her ankle, and so she's out for a few games.
And so in one of those games, um she ah Monica saves the game. um She... intentionally gets fouled by this girl to to block their their chance of getting a last ah shot, even though it was kind of her fault that they got the ball in the first place. um And the coach is like, good job. You know, you've become a team player. Like that was her problem. You know, she was kind of, she was,
she was the better player when she was the best player on her high school team. And that's true. Everybody in college, it's just like theater in that way. You know, like all of you were the best actors in your small pond. Right. And now you're, yeah.
yeah Now you're in a big sea and you've got to sort of change your expectations and get with the program. Yeah. And she tells her like, I want you to start the last two games of the season. And she's like, I thought Sidra was going to be okay by next game. And she's like, do you want the job or not?
And that reminded me of this drama I had with my ah hairstylist. oh What? Exactly. um Where...
Rachel, the woman who cut my hair, had a baby. And so she was gone, which, you know, nothing against her. But like, yeah while she was gone, I had my hair cut with somebody else and I liked her better.
I remember this. Yeah. When Rachel came back, I didn't want to have my hair cut by Rachel anymore. I wanted to switch over to Peyton. Yeah. And I felt really bad about it because like,
That's not very feminist. Like, this is the whole problem with like, people having babies in the workplace. And, like, you get replaced. And, like, you have to make these struggles between your your family and your career. and But at what I just felt very confused.
What? At what The cost of your care? Exactly. yeah I felt very conflicted about it. So anyway, it worked out really well because Peyton left that place. Also, they were like right next to each other.
and And so, and here's the thing. In reality, i bet Rachel didn't care. um You're just, we're anxious about it. I've created all of this in my head. Yeah. yeah Peyton left that place and opened up like her own little, like, she's got like a booth in like one of those things where you like you rent out places.
Oh, nice. And so then I started going to her there and I just never made another appointment with Rachel. So it all worked out. all worked out. I didn't have to have an uncomfortable conversation.
And I'm sure she probably, pretty sure it's not an uncomfortable conversation. I'm sure she probably hasn't thought of me once. Um, anyway. You think about her every day. no I don't.
Anyway, that's exactly like this bit with the coach and Sidra and Monica. um oh and then it is to be said that before this happens,
um ah Quincy is out with his dad and his dad just like casually drops- that there's a paternity suit against him. And he goes, I'm sorry, his dad sucks so bad. Yeah.
So bad. And he's like, yeah, just this like one girl from this, one of those parties that I went to for work is claiming that her baby is mine. And you know, it's stupid. It's not true.
And Quincy, because he believes his dad and he looks up to his dad and he idolizes his dad, he believes him. So he goes home and his mom is drinking in front of the pool and very upset.
And he goes, yeah, You just need to not sweat it. Like, it's going to be fine. Like, dad, you do believe him, right? Like, he obviously didn't do This girl's just crazy. um And his mom is like,
oh boy, let me drop some facts for you. and she's been having her his dad followed by a PI and she shows pictures of various times his dad has cheated on his mom.
And she's very upset and she's like, it's very possible that this kid could be your dad's. um and it's it it just sort of like crushes quincy because it's his entire idealization idealization of his dad is just it goes poof and it comes crashing down and so he's upset and he lets it like you know faster he's the same basketball number as his dad like he wears necklace with the number on it yeah his dad means a lot to him and so like he just sort of like he lets it fall into his basketball sorry
Yeah, he's and he starts struggling, and he has a bad game, and he's drinking, And starts cheating on... Monica.
Because... Well, the that happens after the ah the scene where they are talking about it, right? I... We skipped over that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he immediately goes to Monica, and the two of them are talking about it.
And he's like, you know, i they're having this very and like serious, like talk like that you do with your partner about like the worst, like the worst thing that's happened to him so far in his life. um This lack of, of trust with his dad. And she's, you know, she's, she's trying to, to talk to him about it, but then like, she notices the time and she's like, I have to go back to my dorm.
um Well, the thing is, she's she's like, can we go back to my dorm? And this is why she's not in the wrong here. ah Because she's like, we can go back to my dorm. And he's like, I don't want to go. I don't want to see anybody. I don't want to run into anybody on the way.
um Because he is like the star, one of the star players of this team. And like literally people on on campus stop him and ask him for autographs. Yeah. And she's like, well, i we have the basketball team has ah has a curfew. If I don't check in, like I won't suit up tomorrow. and i And she's only got two games left. This is important for her.
Exactly. And he gets pissy oh away about it gets real pissy about it. He's like, no, it's fine. It's whatever. and she's like, yeah okay. He won't kiss her when she leaves? Like, fuck you, dude.
Right? And she's like, call me whenever I'll call you whenever I get back to, or call me whenever you get back to your dorm. Yeah. Like, she's given him so many opportunities to still, like, be- for her to be there for him.
And he's being a little brat baby. Yes, he is. um But it is complicated because, like, he is going through something serious at that time. So, um, and he's also 18 years old.
Yeah. The entire world revolves around you when you're 18. Exactly. um Especially if you're, like, a famous basketball player. player in college you know like basketball kids being becoming famous at sports when they're in college is fucking crazy like yeah awful absolutely nuts they go to the he confronts his dad um and um that doesn't go well um they say the fuck word in that scene yeah um which is the the one fuck word they get in the pg-13 movie yeah what does he utilize that
What's that? What's the line? do you Do you remember? oh he says something things should never fucking happen. Ah. To his dad. And his dad is like, there's like a lot of girls who come by and like, you know, what am I supposed to do? It's not fault.
You know, I just fell into her vagina. Yeah. And then he's like, you know, my mom, your mom trapped me. You know, she was 19 years old when she got pregnant. And like, yeah, his his dad fucking sucks.
Yeah, his So bad. um and um he uh they go to this party and she's like trying to talk to him and he's like talking to some other girl and they get into this fight um where he tells her like why are you boning me ah ah why don't you bone dick vital and so i looked up who dick vital is um and he's a uh sportscaster and he used to be a coach uh but he's most famously a sportscaster on um
SportsCenter and he's in this movie He's yeah the old guy Who's really weird When they're Doing little Yeah it's Robin Roberts yeah ahha And then him And he's the one who's like Obviously deranged When he's talking yeah He's talking like a um a Local furniture commercial salesman Yes yes but about college Basketball yeah about college basketball um He tells his dad that he's dropping out of um school to go pro and then he tells her that and she's like, oh, that's fucking stupid, man.
Yeah. And that's the third part. Yeah. Well, and then it it ends with a girl coming by his dorm to go on a date with him.
And she's like, I'm sorry. Wait, what? What is happening right now? And he's like, yeah, we're just we're going to go to Burger King. um you can come if you want the girl obviously is very con confused and does not know what's going on and so then they leave it at that and that's that's that the second quarter or the third quarter third quarter yeah third quarter and so in the fourth quarter we get them as adults yeah it's five years later and we're in spain yeah barcelona baby
Which is what, had what just, which is what women had to do to play professional sports yeah before the WNBA to play professional basketball. at least before the WNBA, you had to go to Europe. They, they talk about it with some of the other girls on the team in, um, in college, um,
And so she's like alone in Spain with a bunch of people who don't like who aren't from America. She's sitting. She's sitting by herself in the locker room and she's like the coach comes out to talk to them and then she asks one of the other women there is like, what did what did he say?
And she goes, he said to give the ball to you. um But she seems very lonely. But she is famous. Yeah, these little kids on the street ask for her autograph. There's a big, um there's like a post, a soda ad behind her with her on it.
um And this is the championship game. This is the championship game of the International Women's Basketball Professional League or whatever it's called. And they win. And then they're like, go to a Mexican restaurant afterward. Like, it's not...
it's not the same um and she runs into sidra who's playing for the italian team that they were playing against um she's got the uh monica has the championship cup on the table just like can do we have to have that and she's like oh this yes yes we do yes it's so funny that was another moment where i laughed out loud but yeah but they're talking about it and she's like you know, there's there's something there's something missing from it for her. And Sidra's like, i'm not i'm I'm never going back. I'm going to do this as long as I can.
we... um and we kind of get that that love of basketball that she had is has has dimmed yeah somewhat. And she's a star in Europe and Quincy is on the Los Angeles Lakers, but barely known.
he's he's that like that They've got like a 20 point lead, so they let the the second string or whatever play. And so yeah he gets to go on then. And immediately tears his ACL. Yeah.
Yes, immediately. um and so that's sort of like, um, Monica finds out about that and goes to visit him in the hospital.
And, uh, you know, they have this sort of like awkward, it's been five years since they've seen or talked to each other. Um, and he admits that he called her twice.
Um, and when when i remember the second time was when magic johnson retired but i can't remember what the first time was but no me neither but yeah um and uh she goes oh it must have been my cheap answering machine but i think she got positive um just probably didn't want to talk to her you know very correct Because it's 1993, we should say, at this point. Yes.
Very true. And so they're chatting and they're catching up and they're getting some of that chemistry back. and She's like talking about how she's going to stay back in l L.A. She's coming back.
She's just going to sort of like give it a rest. She's not feeling it that much anymore. And then Tyra Banks walks in. That's right. yeah um And Tyra Banks is playing someone named Kyra Flanks.
Yeah. um And it's I don't know if that's her last name, but her name is Kyra instead of Tyra. um She is his fiance and we presume that she's a model or something along those lines. She's an air stewardess.
Oh, wait, is she? ah totally missed that. Monica's mom mentions it in the next scene when she's like talking to her. She goes, oh, you mean that, that like stupid air stewardess? They're getting married.
And she's like, you met her? And she's like, yeah, Quincy's mom threw a barbecue last week or few weeks ago. I saw that. paid attention to that part. I just missed the air stewardess part. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Air stewardess. because it's a flight attendant as we call them now yes flight attendant um yeah so she has this confrontation with her mom this is the part that made me cry um where uh they have this like this big like confrontation um that that's kind of been simmering since they were kids where you know on a couple of, uh, like Alfre Woodard is very domestic. She's like always making cakes and stuff. Um, she, uh, you know, she's mentioned before that she always wanted to like open a catering business or something, but,
Instead, she hasn't because it would apparently it would be a threat to her husband's masculinity. um Monica's dad is barely in this movie. He has like maybe five lines. is a banker closer to him, but you never really see that.
Right. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Because he supports her playing basketball. Yeah. Um, but, uh, there's this one scene where she's like, oh, I'm so exhausted. um i just did too much today. I've got to go lay down. And then her husband comes, this is when, when they're still in high school, her husband comes in and it was like, Hey, which of these pants do you like, uh, better? And she's like, oh, these, he goes, will you iron them both tonight before, before me tomorrow? and And like, she's like, oh, sure. Whatever. Like she just, you know, yeah.
She never sacrifices everything for her husband. She never sticks up for herself. And so when um they have this this this fight where she's like, you know, I must have played a thousand games and I can only remember you at two of them. And she's like, you didn't want me to come to your games. and so You were ashamed of me because I was a housewife and I didn't live up to your like feminist ideal or whatever.
And she goes, I was ashamed of you because you never stood up for yourself. And then she hits her. Yeah.
Goodbye. ah Which is rough. And Alfre Woodard is like, you know, one of our finest actors. We love Alfre Woodard. um She nails it. um Yeah. this is also There's like a little shock in her face afterwards. Which is like, what did I just do?
Yeah. And there's also, and like, it doesn't, like, It kind of ends there. Like, it doesn't end, like, with the two of them, like, reconciling all these years of, like, it does it lets it it lets it be awkward and uncomfortable. And I really like that about this movie. Like, it's, that's not how fights with your parents don't always end in reconciliation and apologies and stuff like that.
Yeah. um There's also a scene earlier where um back in college, she comes home after this breakup with him and she um
she gets there and her mom is leaving and she's like, it's only a game. And she's like, what? And she's like, you know, it's just it's just a game. And then like leaves her. And it's like, you know, she came there presumably to see her family, to see her mom, to talk maybe talk about this like breakup that she's had and her mother doesn't have time for that and assumes that whatever's upsetting her, it's a silly little game, like something that she constantly um puts down and, and criticizes.
And, uh, and yeah, so that's very, uh, emotional. yeah And she goes next door and sees, um, or she's coming back from a job interview. Is that what's happening?
She's, she started working at the bank that her dad works at. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah. Cause she's wearing like a little pantsuit. Yeah. Or not a pantsuit, but a dress suit. Yeah. Yeah. yeah little dress suit. She's got little heels and it made me, um, the note I wrote down was man, work business casual in the nineties was rough.
Yeah. Oh God, I know. Yeah. But she looks like a box. She's in this like gray, like skirt and blazer hope combo. Yeah.
And she looks like a fricking box. Yeah. But, uh, she can't walk in heels. We've established that already. So yeah, she wore flats to the dance back at the spring dance.
Um, but yeah, she goes over to Quincy's, um, Quincy's room. Because she realizes that, you know.
Well, he's there because his fiance is out of town or whatever, like on a flight, I guess. And he's just being with his mom. Yeah. Because presumably, like, he has a house.
He doesn't live in his parents' house playing for the Lakers. Yeah. I mean, it's never established. Yeah.
But um she goes over and she's like, she realizes she's always been in love with him. She'll always be in love with him. Yeah. And she admits that to him and he goes, it's two weeks before my wedding. Well, that's at night. So this is during the day when they see each other there first. Yeah. And then later, i don't know if it's that night or another night where she's like, I've loved you since I was 11 years old.
um And he's like, yeah, I'm getting married in two weeks. yeah so then she says let's play one-on-one and he goes for what and she says for your heart ah because when i beat you when we played straight basketball you said it was because you wanted me to win and if i win now it'll be because you want me to win because you love me the same as i love you and and he goes well i don't or whatever and so yeah what happens if i win she goes i'll buy you a wedding present yeah
And then they, oh, it's so beautiful. Yeah. They play one-on-one. Yeah. And then she loses. Well, at first she's like dominating him and he's not trying. And then he like takes off his knee brace or whatever.
Oh, oh, well, back up, back up, back up. The point of them talking in the daylight is that he says he doesn't want to, he's getting the feeling, he goes, why didn't you want to play ball anymore? It's all, I've never known anybody who loved basketball as much as you did. And she said, she's like, I don't know. I,
You know, I don't want to talk about it, but it's just yeah something is missing for me. And she won't tell him what it is. And he's like, well, I'm feeling that way myself. And I'm going to, I'm going to quit. Like I tore my ACL. Like I could, you know, he could conceivably go back to the Lakers, but it's not gonna be the same. And he was never like, he never started for the Lakers in the first place. Right.
Yeah. Nobody knew who he was. Yeah. And he's like, I'm thinking about going back to school and like Kyra doesn't know about that, but yeah I'm sure she'll she'll freak out when she hears.
Because she's no longer with a basketball player. Yeah. And then that night she comes back and says, like, the thing that was missing was you. Yeah. Here's what made basketball so great.
Yes. So then they're playing and then he takes off his knee brace and then he starts really playing and then they and then she takes the ball from him and like they're they're back up to they're four they're at four they're playing to five and they're at four and four.
And she misses. And then he gets the... The thingy. I wanted to say rebounds. Rebound. Point guard! No.
She's a point guard. i think they're I think they might both be point guards. She's definitely a point guard. I don't think it mentions what position he plays. don't know what a point guard is. um Me neither.
I know. A center is the tallest one. That's what I know. Gotcha. And then there's a point guard. And then I presume there's another kind of guard? I don't know.
Who's the quarterback? If we had people who listen to this podcast, they'd be screaming at the podcast right now. umma
And then, so he he beats her and then she like starts walking away and then like it cuts back to him and he goes, hey. And she turns around and he goes, double or nothing.
And everybody screams. ah Oh, it's so And she smiles and they make out. And that's that basically the end of the movie. There's like a little scene afterward where the WNBA has been founded and she's playing for the Los Angeles Sparks.
And, um, yeah, it says that she's five, seven. They're like, this girl's six, one, this girl's six, five. And this girl's five, seven, five, seven. But she just, presumably that point ah presumably the point guard is the shortest person on the team. Well, I mean, there's that, there's that really, really, really short basketball player who was in space jam.
Yeah. Um, that's the most. i not but rapper I'm not going to remember his name, but so there are really short people who it's not LeBron. I don't how tall LeBron is.
No. um No, like he's really short. He's in Space Jam. I know who you're talking about, but I don't know what his name is. No, I don't know what his name is either. But there are presumably short people who play basketball.
Yeah. Nobody said you had to be tall. Right. It's just helpful because you got, I mean, I'm tall and I can't play basketball. Me and both of my sisters are all super tall and we can't play basketball for shit.
which sucks because yeah missed opportunity. I guess. None of us are particularly coordinated. um yeah. And then, uh, and Omar Epps is on the sidelines watching with their baby.
With their baby. Who's so cute. And goes, mama. Yes. And she like turns around and she sees her Omar Epps and she sees her baby and she's like ready to start this game.
And, uh, He's supporting her. Yeah, it's really good. It's really good. i will say, um, this was a sports movie that I actually enjoyed.
um I knew you would. really pay attention to the sports of it. But the story. The sports aren't necessary. Like, I mean, there's two championship games in this, but they're not shot in a way that's about who wins the game. It's about the personal, like, loss and personal win of this person being successful more than it's about...
like the team winning this game i think yeah you know maybe i like basketball rom rom-coms better than baseball rom-coms because there's a lot more like action and like moving and like that's true drama in basketball is very slow ah baseball's very slow and there's a lot of standing around and so you're just like come on um there's i'm sure there's another basketball rom-com i just don't know what it is oh
not a rom-com it took me a second to realize what you were saying the remake of othello i yeah yeah um does uh does everyone die in that because i haven't seen it uh i mean it's othello people die well sure but like you know lots of things are based on shakespeare and and nobody dies in them like what was it that we watched that was romeo and juliette It's like, I don't know, they don't kill themselves, so it's not really Romeo and Juliet.
Was it Warm Bodies? Oh yeah, was Warm Bodies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. and Then we talked about Gnomeo and Juliet and wondered if the gnomes in Gnomeo and Juliet killed themselves at the end.
I mean, you have to wonder but how guessing not direct to text are they making these adaptations? If there's no murder or death at the end of it, You cannot call yourself Gnomeo and Juliet.
Just because it's a fun-can words. yeah That's true. You have to be strict to your source material. Yes. Yes, exactly. DreamWorks. mean, no murder. Whoever made Gnomeo and Juliet. I think Gnomeo and Juliet is a sub-DreamWorks production.
Yeah, well, you know what else was a DreamWorks production? Ants. And that movie was scary as hell.
The Woody Allen starring cartoon Ants.
Which I saw as a kid could not tell you a single thing that happens in it. It came out the same year as A Bug's Life and Bugs Life ate its lunch. yeah Yep. Boy oh boy. Speaking of DreamWorks we watched The Wild Robot oh which was very good.
know. Yeah. We definitely cried. was going to say, it's going to destroy me. it's not It's not as bad as you think. yeah It didn't destroy me in the way that I thought it was going to. The trailer made me... Yes, exactly. it's It's not as good as the trailer makes it seem, but it is still good.
It's very beautiful. Sorry,
I'm eating pizza. which No, it's fair. It's lunchtime. Yeah. and Everyone knows eating while recording podcast. Super smart. People love it. Yeah. What are we doing next week, Emma? That's right.
Next week we are doing the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. Okay. Yeah. i have not seen this. Also, not so much a ROM, or not so much a calm as it is a ROM, but it is, there are very charming moments. It's a very cottagecore-esque movie.
Yeah, makes based on a famous book. Based on a famous book. It does feature Nazis. um Negative, I presume. Yes, in a negative way.
It's about the na a yeahro Nazi occupation. It's not pro-Nazi rom-com. It's not a pro-Nazi rom-com. I don't think that exists. At least I hope it doesn't exist. um I bet you that there's some German movie from the 30s that has since been destroyed and ah that was like, because I mean, they did, they were the Office of Propaganda, they made fiction for sure. um That's true. So they made the, like, you know, the, what's her name, that evil Nazi director?
Lenny Reifenstahl is her name. Oh, I've never heard of that. She was a Nazi propaganda filmmaker. And she was one of those people that was like, wow, this woman was really good at making movies. It's a shame they're all about how great the Nazis are. Yeah. Why? Why?
Why gotta do that? It was. Yeah. Yeah. She was a bad person. um Yeah. Even the sound music says Nazis are bad. good. Good. Good that those Nazis are dead.
I mean, like, have you have you seen Metropolis? Like the famous silent movie? Yeah. No, I have never. But the robot? I know what you're talking about. It's great. It totally holds up. You could totally watch it now. um Made by Fritz Long, not a Nazi.
ah um His wife, who wrote that movie, Faya, doesn't matter what her name is, um was a Nazi. ah They divorced and he fled to America um when the Nazi takeover happened. but um yeah And then she continued to write and act in movies after that.
um So they women were Nazis too. Women really can i do everything. Have it all.
I'm going to keep all this in. yeah, so now the Guernsey... Literary and potato pie society. Society. yeah The longest title of any movie we'll watch on this podcast, probably.
It's a very cute movie. I'm very excited about it. Yeah. Let me see. Shall we outro? Let's outro. Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
It helps out a lot and we would really appreciate it. Thanks to Andrew Milliken and Nick Spoboda for our theme music and Elena Henderson for our artwork. You can follow us on Instagram at gogetyourgirlpod or email us at gogetyourgirlpod at gmail.
You can follow me on social media at emilympizza. And me at katieofthelake. Until next time. i'm Until next time.
We're just two girls. Standing in front of the internet, asking it to love us. Good night.