Podcast Intro and Banter
As you can see, i am not ready to go to work. so I was going say, you look beautiful. We're matching almost. We
You know, sometimes when...
What a great intro for the podcast. That would have been. Yes, I know. I know.
SNL 50 Episode and Related Discussion
I know. Did you watch the SNL 50? No. It was great.
I had good time. That's the end of that conversation. I just chose to drink some of my water. um ah Yeah, I think that you know we've ah we've we've established on this podcast before that that you are an SNL person and I am not. yeah Yes.
ah but i he ah i watched the the video that quest love made the the mashup of the uh of the the musicians which is amazing oh yeah oh it's so good so so good i mean there's like a bunch of there's that whole documentary series that they did as well which about it which is just fascinating um there's this i didn't watch that i just watched the the five minute opening intro bit that, yeah. Yeah, that Questlove did.
Um, they, uh... they did They closed it with this sketch that was from the OG 1972, 1975? Wait, 50. Yeah, 50 makes sense.
From the first season, that was a pre-taped bit with John Belushi at where he is going to visit all of his friends' graves and how he was the only one that survived.
And it's dark. it it was very dark and very sad because um he talked about like all the lives that like Gilda Radner lived and how that he why he is the only one left surviving and like he is not he he dead and she dead and it was just very like heartbreaking um because you were just like oh man that boy boy boy Anyways, ah you guessed it, guys.
Podcast Introduction and Theme
This is Go Get Your Girl. This is the podcast where Emma and you know, for different reasons, need some sort of... canine companion to improve their lives.
But also they're dating around and maybe they match with someone and they go on a really weird date and the dogs end up doing it. And you're like, whatever.
They're obviously spayed because this is modern day. ah this is a post COVID world. ah And turns out, nope, nope, no, they're not. And one of their dogs gets pregnant. And so then they have to go through a whole pregnancy with this other person because we're in the modern age and yes we treat dogs like babies and we're in the modern age
And then we slowly fall in love with that person. That's right, guys. I'm Emma. And I'm Katie. um
And today we're talking about puppy love. Yeah.
Discussion on 'Puppy Love' Film
I didn't write down the year. 2023? 2024? It was pretty recent. Yeah, it was pretty recent. 2023. Because they referred to COVID several times.
covid because they they referred to covid several times yeah yeah um yeah 2023's puppy love directed by nick fabiano and richard allen reed now the interesting thing about this movie having two directors is that one of these guys ah nick fabiano is is a is a dog director like oh All of his credits are like, he directed the Puppy Bowl.
He's directed a bunch of commercials that feature dogs. He's like, he's got this whole series called Puppy Hood that he directed. And the other guy, um Richard Allen Reed, is a like rom-com He's like a director director. He's directed movies, like with people in it.
So the way that they, you know, did this is that I assume... you know, he directed, who's there for the people and the other guy was there for the dogs, which is so much really successful because like, while this movie is not like, you know, an incredible movie or anything, it does have excellent dog footage.
like so so Like so much more like the last time we watched a dog movie, the dog was barely in it. Yes. What was that called?
Oh, that Hallmark movie. Yeah, I want to say like, you know, Kinsey McIntyre or something like that. It was the girl's name. Right? The Hallmark movie that was not ROM nor COM.
No, it was a mystery. Well, it wasn't even a it wasn't a mystery either. um it was absolute garbage, but it was called like a canine mystery. And I'm like, this is not a canine mystery. i picked it because I wanted more dog and there was no dog.
Well, there's lots of dog in this. Yes. yes yes This had, I like to say, four stars. Like, four, hu like, leads is what I meant. Yeah, yeah. But also, four out of four stars.
Grant Gustin, Lucy Hale, Essie, the Cocker Spaniel, and they got a Fancy Pants. And Fancy Pants, ah the whatever he is supposed to be. The mutt.
yeah i mean they're lady and the tramp they are they're lady and the tramp and it took his name is fancy pants yeah it took charlie and i um the moment that she's doing the
BuzzFeed Studio and Marketing Tactics
illustration of the two of them they were like i was like oh it looks like lady oh it's lady of the tramp yeah yeah she's a cocker spaniel and he's whatever he is yeah well she's a king charles cavalier oh my god okay Which you would never find abandoned because those dogs are expansive.
Oh, really? Yeah. Well, that's why that lady accuses him of being a breeder then. Yeah. It makes sense because it's like, that's a pure blooded King Charles Cavalier, which are the sweetest, most loveliest. Oh my God. i love King Charles Cavalier so much. Well, clearly, I mean, she's an angel. she's just,
She's very calm. She just lays there for most of the movie. yeah She's the perfect dog for him. Yes! They snuggle together. ah i love her so much.
She was my favorite. yeah ah Yeah. Caitlin was really attached to Fancy Pants as Channing Tatum. Oh, yes. Fancy Pants did a good job as well. Just maybe not so much my cup of tea.
Fancy Pants seems like you have to do a lot of like running around. I want dog that I can snuggle with. um yeah so this is a Lucy Hale rom-com. This is our first Lucy Hale rom-com. I think so, yeah.
Much like Emma Roberts makes a lot of rom-coms. She's one of the like five actors who makes contemporary rom-coms pretty regularly. There's not a lot of them anymore. Yeah.
Yeah. And this is also a movie by BuzzFeed Studio. Yep. Boy oh boy. And you know how they came back on their investment? Product placements.
Fucking product placements. yeah. In fact. erotic placement on amazon prime it says rated r includes product placement cigarette smoking foul language and sexuality or something like that well because there's like aggressive product placements like it's like every single scene there is some sort of like label that you are supposed to see to like know what it is you can be like oh gonna go buy that it's still not as bad as new girl new girl is the worst product placement in anything i've ever seen Is it really?
i never noticed. Have you never? Oh my God. You can YouTube it. There's, there's like multiple scenes where they like get into a car and Schmidt like explains the features of the car. And he's like, and this car is great because it does this. And the camera like zooms in on the like, you know, GPS or whatever.
And he's like, and it's so safe. that I'm like, what is happening? this is surreal. Fox did a lot of that and I don't know they still do but like the TV show Bones and New Girl and a lot of the stuff that was on in that period was horrible with product placement I guess they were broke that's why Disney bought them yeah they had to like make their money somehow
Rom-Com Tropes and Social Anxiety
it is. i mean that the it's I mean, I guess it's an ad for Bumble. I don't know. like They don't have a good date, but I guess they do fall in love eventually. But they in love eventually. And that's the thing is that like it's just like, give yourself a chance, man.
Just give yourself a chance. Yeah. So, yeah, they go PetSmart. There's dog food. There's lot it. Yeah. Oh, for sure.
yeah yeah ah for But this is also like an opposite Opposites rom-com. Yeah, it's Enemies to Lovers, Opposites Attract, Force Proximity.
Those are the the tags on AO3 for sure.
Love it. Caitlin, we can go ahead and do Caitlin's Corner real quick. Caitlin said, this movie is like an anxiety attack
this movie is like an anxiety attack for me, she Oh, wow ah um ah Well, it's just the the the social anxiety of it and then the like quit the birthing scene. and Yeah.
You know, I don't think rom-com is really Caitlin's genre. That's okay. Oh, I don't know if you i don't know if the the microphone is picking her up, but she disagrees with that. It's just...
A lot of times when we watch these movies together, she um she doesn't find the charm. that She's screaming, it's hetero nonsense right now.
And listen, i read I read a lot of rom-coms, and I think i think there's a lot of it in in queer rom-coms as well. Yeah. Yeah.
But ah yes, there is a lot of anxiety in this movie in general. um Grant Gustin's character, Max, is has a lot of social anxiety and is kind of an asshole.
um And Lucy Hale's character has like... um She's a hot mess. rejection Rejection sensitivity and is kind of an asshole.
um And we learn why. and we have some like, you know, conversations about it later on in the movie. Yeah. And they both have a lot of growth. Yes, they do. Yes, they do.
um But in the in the beginning, they're they're not neither one of them are in good places for either dog ownership or a new relationship, I would say. yeah or just being a person.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah. So, Grant Gustin's character has, like, it's, he said he quarantined Solo for two years. I assume it's supposed to be like 2022, maybe, when this movie is set.
um And he has not gone back to work yet, even though his his job is making him come back to work. yeah He continues working from home, and he's going to get fired. And ah Lucy Hale is... ah Her boyfriend breaks up with her because she doesn't want to, like, have a close relationship with him and can't even get his name right.
Yeah. Yeah. She cannot be emotionally open. To which she constantly says, I'm always open. I let him in. And her friend has to correct her to mean, not like sex, like, emotionally.
She says all the way in, which... I'm not 100% sure what that means. like is that a is that ah Is that an anal sex joke? Is that what they're doing there? I mean, or a pegging joke.
Well, that would be all the way in him. Oh, yeah, that's true.
Sorry, a DP joke. no Oh, well, yeah, um sure. yeah Because it's like all the way in. Yeah, I didn't think didn't think this would be the episode where we started talking about DPs, but, you know, whatever.
mark the explicit tag on this one that's true so true explicit tag is on every episode don't let your children hear this i i don't think i have been clicking the explicit tag when i do my edits oh really i i definitely yeah yeah i mean we i swear like a sailor so i think that the whole podcast is tagged as explicit think that's like yeah yeah That's good. At least nobody's being like, oh, let me let my seven-year-old listen to this.
True, true, true, true. yeah Yeah. You should not. You should not let your seven-year-old.
One of those things is not like the other. Um, okay. she is in, ah real estate. She is a home stager, which yep i didn't think that was a job.
It is. And he is, he is in it. Um, and, but neither of them are super passionate about their jobs. Both of them are artists. Yeah. Um, she likes to paint and he likes to write songs.
Um, and he is a great Gustin musical theater kid. ah So, you know, they're going to have him sing in the movie. I did not know that he was a musical theater kid. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. um He was on Glee.
He was? Wasn't he on Glee? I'm pretty sure he was on Glee. I don't think he was on I don't know. I didn't watch. I didn't watch Glee. watched Glee. Yes, he was on Glee. Yeah, he was on Glee.
Really? Maybe the later seasons. Yeah. ah Sebastian Smythe.
I don't know I'm not getting into this um yeah he was on Glee after I stopped watching it I watched like two seasons of Glee and I was like I can't fucking do this anymore it's the Ryan Murphy thing like I just I can't with him it'll do that it'll do that it's too much man it's too much um but uh yeah and there were like three musical episodes on the flash like he sings a lot Did you watch The Flash? No, I didn't. I didn't realize that he was The Flash.
I didn't know who this guy was. What did you know? Oh, really? Okay. Interesting. was like, I thought he was just some Canadian actor. No, he's The Flash, Emma. um the flashes no the flash is super The Flash is super fun for a while, and then it gets like too superhero-y, um like yeah dark nonsense. like It starts off as like, hey, this is like a superhero show if it was fun.
like if it was just like fun goof-em-up times, and then it gets bad. um Like a lot of those shows. You know who would love it? Charles. um Maybe, yeah, I don't know. um Oh! know who Sebastian Smythe is. That's what I thought. He went to the private school, all-boy school that Darian Chris was at, and he was in charge of that glee club, and him and Santana did, like, a Michael Jackson off, and yeah, don't worry about it.
There you go. There you go. Everyone's favorite, Darren Criss. um yeah
ah So yes, so they are both struggling in
Men's Mental Health and Therapy
various ways. ah Grant Gustin, ah who is a man who goes to therapy in this movie, so I've got to give him props for that. ah So many men in rom-coms do not go to therapy, and he does. And they need to go to therapy.
His therapist isn't great, I would say. um
she's not. She mocks him. Yeah. And then she tells him that it's a therapy technique so that she could like, I get where she's coming from, but then she does it sort of passive aggressively and like, yeah, it's because she doesn't, it's because she doesn't like him ah because he's a box.
Have you ever had a therapist that didn't like you? ah No, I am ah very funny and charming and all my therapists have really liked me and that's been my goal and because I've won therapy because that's a thing that you can do.
yeah That you can definitely win therapy. I feel like my first therapist didn't really like me that very, didn't like me very much. Really? Because like there would be time And I imagine much like me, it's important to you that people like you.
Yeah, it really bugged me, Katie. Yeah. And I feel like it added to my trauma to which then I talked to my second therapist about. Yeah. First therapist didn't like me.
I mean, was because I couldn't do a like weekly schedule because I'm an actor and I have 80 jobs. That's true.
it needs to be like, my my appointments would like switch around and she didn't like that. And so she would tell me that that was the wrong way to do therapy. And then also she didn't like the fact that like there was a lot of body shaming in um for being an actor. Yeah.
And she didn't like the fact that like, I mean, she's right. Well, yeah, but like, give me a break, man. And like, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, you can't help that for sure. I can't, I can't help that. um Yeah. Yeah.
And, uh, and also she didn't like the fact that, um, you know, there, uh, Oh, where was I going with that? She didn't like something else about, oh so, uh, there would be moments to where like, I wouldn't know how to start the conversation or start the session, you know, and i didn't know like what to talk about or where to go. And so we would just sort of like sit in silence for a hot minute.
um i feel like a good therapist would like i don't know ask me questions and that is kind of their deal yeah is to ask the questions you know instead of sitting and us both staring at the clock so um so yeah that was my first therapist yeah suck it patricia
and just decided that was her name It'd be weird if it was, right? I don't know. That's that's my grandma's name, but no. Oh, well, sorry. Suck it, retracted.
Max Adopts Chloe from a Shelter
um But in this movie, his therapist tells him that he should get a dog, which, again, don't know if he's ready for a dog. He can't be in a public space.
Yes, but I mean, to be fair, it does work. So who are we to say? So he goes to an animal shelter and he finds um Essie, the the name of the actor dog, ah who's a King James something? King Charles Cavalier.
i yeah i call him Prince Charles Cavaliers. um the
They've always been King Charles Cavaliers. They've been before King Charles. Elaborate setup for that joke. yeah i Very, very cute. ah ah He names her Chloe. Well, first he asks her what she wants to be called.
Of course, yes. He has a whole conversation and like gives her a tour and like talks to her like she's a person, like a new roommate living It's so sweet and so charming. shows her all of his nerdy stuff.
Yes! Now, now listen acute listeners of this podcast will know. Acute, astute listeners of this podcast. And acute. Will know. Letting know if you're an acute podcast listener, this is your first episode. Like, that's what acute means.
I thought acute means little. No, acute means sudden. Oh. Or short-lasting, rather. like Yeah, I never paid attention in school.
Yeah. Some vocab day. um ah Astute listeners of this podcast will know that we don't care for nerds on this show. Don't love nerds. But not in like a 90s bullying way. But yeah in a in the twenty twenty s nerds have too much power.
yeah Yeah. Nerds are going into government offices and demanding our sensitive information. Yeah. Like you can't you can't trust them. Yeah, and like nerds were just like burnt out on nerd culture.
Like it's, yeah we grew up with it yeah and like the whole like renaissance of reclaiming nerdom and blah, blah, blah. But like now it's gone too far and everything's nerd. Releasing Snyder cuts.
Oh my God. They're taking over our husbands. Like...
I mean, like, both of us have plenty of nerdy interests, and both of our spouses have are plenty of nerdy interests. So it's not like we're talking about the toxic male nerd-dom that has, like, invaded um America, at the very least, if not the rest of the world.
Yeah. um So he, but he's, i mean, he is kind of toxic, but he gets better. Yeah, he better. I think a lot of it is that he's he's toxic in a way that he just hasn't had to deal with other people in a long time.
So he's so very self-involved and very selfish because yeah hasn't really like left his house for two years. And his last, um you find out later on that his last like interaction with people in a relationship was with his girlfriend who gave him COVID from another dude.
So, like, he just, he's very sort of cynical. He's he's sort of, he's soured himself. Yes, yes. he's sat And he's lonely. And he spends a lot of time alone. and And he has a lot of, like, nerdy collectibles. Like, he's got lightsabers on the wall.
It's also a little dated. Like, I think that it's it's very millennial nerd kind of thing. Like, it's Star Wars. It's, like, cartoons. The guard father. Yeah.
The guard. Yes. The guard father. Um, yeah, there's a, yeah. And then it comes up again and again on this show. Uh, the Godfather references, um, I don't get it, which is, but it is, it is accurate. Like, I mean, there are people like that.
Um, ah over and, uh, But Star Wars nerds especially. I mean, just because a lot of the, like, um you know, misogyny involved in, like, the Star Wars discourse over the last, like, several years has really soured that specific, like, group of people, um I think, again, for me.
um And, like, i love I love Star Wars movies. i like Like, the original ones, like, my grandma showed them to me on VHS when I was a kid. And, like, I loved Star Wars when I was a kid. Yeah.
I think that out of the 12 or so movies and 15 TV shows, like four of those movies are good. So um nothing wrong with that. We just decided to piss everybody off in this episode. I guess I did rather.
I mean, we picked a movie about puppies. yeah to know in people are worse than other people star wars nerds suck um and to be fair we know many many many many many star wars nerds and not all star wars are alike um that's true but the ones that wanted that actress to kill herself are like those people suck wait which there's the whole thing my god um um i don't remember her name no uh um hold on um
I think that that is her name. I just want to Google it to make sure. No, that wasn't her name. I think I know what you're talking about. She was the one directed by The Last Jedi.
um Yes. the ah The woman who... She was like the quirky sidekick. in in Yeah, Kelly Marie Tran. Kelly Marie Tran. um And um she...
you know, she was a woman in a Star Wars movie. And so all these people were like, you know, saying that like her character was stupid because a woman wouldn't be able to do that. And so the actress should kill herself. And that was like a whole thing when that movie came out. Yeah.
Jesus Christ. And like, I mean, the nerds won, like they, they hated that movie so much, which again, it's the only good one that was made in 20 years, in my opinion, at least. Um, you know it's oh it's It's fun.
um And the nerds hated it so much because mostly because of woke. um They yeah they the the next movie that came out like pretended like that one didn't exist. It like unwrote everything that happened in that movie.
It was it was awful. Yeah. Absolute bullshit. So that was Star Wars Corner. um One of our eight. Star Wars Corner. our Star Wars Corner. Star Wars Corner. wow
I don't know why I was in middle. Yeah, yeah, no, I get it. I like it. Yeah. ah He likes Star Wars was a 10 minute way of saying that. Yep. Yep.
And she likes partying. Yeah, and she likes fucking, which, you know, who fucking and drinking and not cleaning her apartment. Yes.
Yeah. And she, ah she gets home one night and there's a stray dog outside of her
Comedic Moments with Pets
apartment. And she, after he's been there for like over a day, she decides to, to let him in and yes they both fall in love with these dogs.
And she takes him to the vet and the vet is Michael Hitchcock, who is a comedy actor who's been in a lot of stuff. He's very funny. A lot of the comedians, they get to do like the little, little bits in this are, are very there's very funny little bits in this. Like he's very funny. The pharmacist later is very funny as well. Oh yeah.
They're very, very funny. Who I saw on an episode of, um, The show that you hate makes some noise. The improv and show. I don't hate that show at all. I love make some noise.
I thought you hated it. No, I'm a big dropout fan. okay yeah yeah oh that's so fun oh i want to see that then yeah yeah i saw them on it and they did like a cw like the the prompt was um the cw version of make some noise and they came out and they had drawn like an eight 12 pack on themselves and nice like a sexy baby excellent love to hear it yeah um yeah so the um uh bert from crazy ex-girlfriend that's who michael hitchcock is the the vet
um he tells her that the dog doesn't have balls uh so he's neutered even though um in real life they give a dog a tattoo when they're neutered uh very specifically so you know this sort of thing so he's a bad vet yeah there's a little there's a little symbol i don't know what it is but there's a ah dogs have tattoos if they're if they're spayed or neutered yeah know
um yes so ah he says he must be neutered but he's not chipped uh and so you know kind of guilts her into keeping the dog because he's like i mean you could take it to a shelter and they'll probably kill it but you know that's up to you he really he he's really mean to her which i appreciate she needs it yeah she needs it um that and glass of water in the face Exactly. And Grey Augustine adopts the dog and they're like, okay. And she's like, she's young, I guess, but she's old enough to have puppies. So I don't know.
um the the the The dog shelter is like, okay, so bring her back in a week and get her spayed. And he's like, okay, great. so So that's the reason why the dogs aren't spayed and neutered. Yeah, because he forgets.
Well, and I don't know. i think I think it hasn't been that long. I think it's only been a few days, right? Yeah. Oh, I thought that it was he forgot. And that was the whole thing where like that whenever he finds out that she's pregnant, they go, well, wasn't she spayed? And he goes, oh, man.
Oh, OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he was supposed to go back and he forgot. okay well, I mean, how do you forget that, dude? Come on. He doesn't have his life together. He's not responsible enough to have a dog, to be fair.
No, but he does love Chloe with all of his heart. That's true. And Chloe. um we Chloe loves him. It's real sweet. yeah Oh god. So then they're both on Bumble. Product placement for Bumble.
yeah And he makes a profile. And ah they. um With a dog in it. um And she has a profile. With a dog in it. And yeah Chloe swipes on her. And so they match.
Yeah. Chloe I that was one of my my notes was oh my god the dog swiped yeah um and he's like she's out of my league and like maybe personality wise but like because like he's a he's a terrible personality um but in terms of like they're both very hot so I don't know about the he keeps talking about how he's like not that hot and I'm like ah do you have you have a mirror yeah he's extremely sexy the um the facial hair yeah is new uh that's not and he doesn't have that in uh in the in what i know him from and so that yeah it's um yeah he' but like also can we talk about how sexy is a guy whose apartment is spotless right how sexy i mean it's a little it's also a little suspicious though though you know what i mean like i feel like it's it's a little serial killer-y
But I mean, he's just like, everything's organized. ah Everything's clean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can't wear your shoes in the house.
Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Nothing sexier than you can I mean, but like, who wears shoes in the house anyway? Like, I don't know of anybody who lets people wear shoes in the house anymore. Like, it used to be like, when I was a kid, there would be like, only a few people whose like, moms would be like, take your shoes off.
Yeah. Yeah. um But like No I always you Like my parents when I was a kid didn't have that rule And then at some point we we started to Like it wasn't like there wasn't a meeting about it or anything It's just we just started taking our shoes off Because it became kind of like a cultural norm I think Yeah So you don't bring all the like crap from outside into the house But I guess like in the Plus I like my slippers Yeah I like my slippers too And it's an opportunity for some cute like comfy shoes exactly but uh in the 90s you potentially would wear your shoes and inside someone's house because of the mountains of lit cigarettes on the floor and you don't want to burn your feet what i was gonna go with heroin needles and i decided against that oh by god
ah Lit cigarettes is also deranged. um I don't know whose houses you were going into in the 90s, but... I'm not gonna lie, my brain is in a different place today, and I don't know what's going on.
Um, yeah, so they, uh, he gets some terrible dating advice from his yeah idiot
Rom-Com Dating Advice Critique
friend. Um, they're both yeah, they're both idiots. They're both just yeah the dumbest people in the world.
yeah Um, him and his friend rather. And his friend of course gives him the classic, uh, male dating advice in a rom-com, which is neg her, which has don't do it never, never worked.
It never works. Yeah. um I don't know why. It's because of like, like, ah you know, ah and pick up misogynist pickup artists. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's absolute bullshit.
And it's nonsense. And you know what, if someone if a guy insults me within the first five seconds of talking to me, I'm gonna get really sad and walk away. Yeah, was going to say, I thought you were going to say, i was I'll i will ill like just leave or like or yell at him or something. And i was like, I'd probably cry, but also just leave. cry i would probably cry. In fact, it has happened to me before.
um my God. Oh my God. Okay. Oh, a negging story? I mean, like it wasn't necessarily a negging story, but like this is just the best example I can think of off the top of my head. um When I was in college, there we were having post-Tony's.
I'm a theater kid. um A post-Tonys party at my apartment. Nerd. um Because we had watched the 2008 Tonys. We were all doing summer rep at school. And so we were all still on campus. and and 2008 Tonys. That's going to be um ah that's going to be um in the Heights.
No, sorry. two thousand and nine 2009. 2009. Oh, okay. Okay. It was ah what Billy Elliot versus Next to Normal.
Is that 2009? Really? Yeah. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. But, um, but yeah, it's when they had the really like cool mashup opening where there were so many technical issues.
Uh, um, but anyways, so we had a party that kept partying on at my apartment until afterwards. And we were all very drunk and my friends, um,
Obviously, as a musical theater nerd in college, my role model was Sutton Foster, because why not? um And ah my friend Dave came up to me just like randomly and he said, you know what, Emma?
I know that you think that you're Sutton Foster, but you're really an Andrea Martin. And I immediately started sobbing. oh my God. Yeah.
I was like, he was like, no, that's, I was like, why would you say that to me?
um I'm trying to think of like, I mean, I don't necessarily think that that that that either of those, that that that's a, mean let me look at a picture of Andrea Martin. Because like Sutton Foster, Sutton Foster is not like a super hot person. Like that's not her deal.
She's a musical theater person. Like she's, she's an amazing, like, you know, singer and, and, yeah Performer, yeah. But she's not like, I mean, Andrea Martin is older than Sutton Foster, I guess. I think that like the idea of it was, at least the way I took it was he was saying, you're not a leading lady, you're a character actor.
And I had been fighting against that for my entire span as a performer because I'm not size two. And so people want to automatically put you in as the character role, even if that's not the best role they built.
um Yeah, and especially in like college or something, that means you're playing like somebody's mom. Exactly. Exactly. And so like, I who was also in college in the, in the mid two thousands and had a small slight, you know, body dysmorphia, not healthy view of eating.
And so, um, that really like dug into my heart. Cause I was like, well, obviously you're saying that I'm untalented and fat. Yeah.
So I immediately started. Yeah, no, that totally, I totally get that. Yeah, that makes sense. It's, um, it is, that is what it, that's what theater and and performance wants to do. Uh, unfortunately is put everybody into categories, um, because it's easier to cast things that way. It's not, uh, good.
no, it is not. And it gives actors unhealthy complexes. Anyways, moving on puppy love. And a lot of people got into acting in the first place because they don't feel good about themselves or their bodies. so Exactly.
And that just sort of really twisted the knife. Exactly. Same. And then to have industry professionals, that's fine. It's it's a constant in...
my career as an actor is, um, people who are not me telling me how I should feel and think and be about my body. Um, I know Thomas, it's a shitty thing.
moving Well, you're playing you're you're you're playing a leading lady right now. so I am, which I'm very, very happy for. And I keep having to sort of like readjust my mindset and my brain set for that to sort of get ah over my own like bullshit about like imposter syndrome, essentially.
Yeah, of course, course. you know um well i should be you know 20 pounds skinnier playing this i should be skinnier people aren't gonna like me because i'm not skinny that's bullshit so thank you everyone in my career who told me i was too fat to be a leading role fuck you patricia fuck but not my grandma not a different patricia the different patricia The collective Patricia.
The collective Patricia. um ah Yeah. so they do not have a good time on their date. They meet in the park with their dogs. Yep.
She's weird and he's an asshole. yeah um She forces the hot ones challenge on him. Yes, she does. It's just it's ghost pepper. Like ghost pepper is very hot, y'all. I'm like, I like hot stuff.
And she sort of like goes into eating it by being like, this is the best chicken meal I've ever had. Like, just trust me. Just trust me. he's like I don't I don't know. Like, maybe like I don't eat from like, from boot carts.
And, you know, yeah, yeah. He's got some like germ issues and stuff. And he's like wiping down the bench they're gonna sit on. Which and taking the context of the fact that this is a few years after the pandemic still really tracks because that was still like a thing.
Totally, totally. um And ah yeah, I mean, like, I'm surprised he's not wearing a mask. I mean, if he wasn't attractive actor Grant Gustin that we need to see his face in this movie, he probably would be, you know? Yeah, in every single situation.
Yeah. Yeah. So, which, good for them. This is a pro-masking podcast, I should say. Yeah, exactly. If you wear a mask, wear a mask. Especially if you're not feeling well.
Yeah. Yeah. So um they have a terrible date where um she he tries to get her to talk about stuff and she's like, I'm not going answer that.
Humorous Date Disasters
And she forces hot chicken on him and he freaks out and screams at her ahhu and throws up. And has diarrhea in a porta potty while holding the dog. While holding the dog.
It's awful. It's so awful. But like, I understand he doesn't want to put the dog down on the floor. But he also. Yeah, or or or can't leave her outside the porta potty. Yeah. He's got to have diarrhea.
yeah it's really bad.
So that date ends badly. She says, lose my number. Oh, but first they find their dogs fucking. Yeah. the doctor there and the dogs yeah And so then some time passes.
Yep. ah She is home staging for someone with the implausible name of Hunter Fosterini,
which is so close to Hunter Foster, Sutton Foster's brother. i know. Right. How ironic. I feel like it has, it's, it's gotta be intentional or something. Yeah. Oh, but he's, um, He's an Italian douchebag who, like, crypto bro, yeah who sells his house for Ethereum, which, fuck you.
What the fuck? she's staging his house. He asks her on a date, of course. And ah they go to an ASMR restaurant, which I believe exists in Seattle, probably. Like, that seems like a Seattle kind of thing.
It's, again, similarly to Always Be My Maybe, I Why? Restaurant industry. Why? yeah Because people will pay for it. And rich people are stupid.
Yeah, rich people are stupid. um Where they like, put just hold a fish under your nose. Yep. And smell it. supposed to stickck your stick your hands in the soup? And so then they go to a food cart.
And she gets a FaceTime call from Grant Gustin. And it's been a while, I guess. And meanwhile, he and his idiot friend buy a pregnancy test for a dog. Which...
i I assume wouldn't work, right? Like, I don't know about dogs, like, um, uh, what proteins that they excrete in their urine or whatever, but I would assume that a human pregnancy test would not work on a dog or vice versa, but yeah I don't know.
Human. Oh, no. Oh, my God. I'm not the first person to try this. Oh, well, of course not. Google says um there are several. Can you use a human pregnancy test on a dog?
Can you use a human pregnancy test on a cat? Can you use a human pregnancy test on a horse? Oh, OK. Sure. Yeah. Is it bad to use phone during pregnancy? And is the answer yes, no, maybe? The answer is no. Human pregnancy tests cannot be used on dogs.
Yeah, that makes sense. I would imagine there'd be hormone differences. Yeah. um Absolutely. So these two idiots are holding the dog over the toilet and trying to get her to pee on the pregnancy test. And then they go back to they decide to buy the dog plan Right.
But there's already a baby. You can't use plan B if there's already ah baby. Which I imagine would, um could possibly kill a dog. Like, I don't know.
Like, that's, that that anyway. I'm not even going to Google that. but like Well, luckily the pharmacist stops them. yeah The pharmacist is so very mean to them, which again, they deserve.
Exactly. They're like, you're the two idiots that bought a human pregnancy test for your dog, aren't you? Yeah. Because she's like, they start asking about the plan B pill and she goes, okay, well, normally I, I, um, under, you know, I need to do a consult with the, a short little consult with the, um, patient before prescribing this.
And they go, oh, well, she's right here. And they pick up the dog and she's like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. She's like, get the fuck out of here. yeah um and so he has to call lucy hale and tell her that his dog is pregnant and she's like my dog was neutered and they have this big screaming fight about it which scares off hunter fosterini yeah um and then uh she decides to meet him at the vets and they go to the same vet because of course they do there's only one vet in seattle this movie of course um where he calls him a young abraham lincoln which i appreciate
And yeah, the dog's pregnant. So that the ah Channing Tatum, ah the name of Lucy Hale's dog, has ah some kind of like interior ball syndrome or something where his like, but I mean, because like a dog's, yeah, a dog's penis is like up inside it too. And so in this case, the balls are up there, but they are working. So um yeah ah so they go it so they go ahead and get him neutered, obviously, at the at the time. But They and the they're going to have four puppies or three, but five puppies, five puppies.
Yeah. And now they have to to deal with each other for ah for a little bit. They decide that it's in the best interests of the the dogs that they spend some time together. Their dogs miss each other. They're very sweet. Their dogs are in love.
Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. It makes me so happy. um But then Lucy Hale's apartment finds out that she has a dog and they're like, ah you can't have a dog in this apartment for your lease agreement.
You need to pick the apartment or the dog. So she
Forced Proximity and Romance
has nowhere to go. So she goes back to Nerd Bro's house and um she asks if he can like watch the dog while she tries to find a new place to stay.
But of course... Channing Tatum misses Lucy Hale! And so the only solution is if Lucy Hale moves in and lives on the couch. Obviously. Yeah, they have to move in together. They have to. It has to work out that way.
um And so that... like come Oh, yeah. Go ahead. No, no, no. Go ahead. i I was just gonna say. And then they fall into, like, a little routine. And they just sort of become closer and closer. And they have a lot of sort of, like, you know, grazes of the hams and...
Uh-huh. There's a lot of cute dog montages in this. There's like three different song montages of like just hanging out doing dog stuff, which is like, did a dog write this movie? like A dog definitely did not write this movie.
Don't worry about it. In fact, I actually totally forgot to mention the writers of this movie. I normally do that. Is it Ruff McGruff?
Oh my god. it's There's five writers. um It took four men and one woman to write this movie. um Greg Galena, Peter Stass, Don Shankman, Richard Allen Reed, one of the directors, and Kirsten Gunther all have credits for these movies.
Well, um Kirsten Gunther only has one credit, so she might be a dog. Yeah.
Everybody else has ah movie credits. ah The guy who wrote Meet the Parents. um Greg Galena. Yeah. oh um Dan Shankman.
Yeah. He's done a lot of other um kind of And you're sure that it's listed as writer and not dog actor. That's correct. Yes, yes, yes. IMDB doesn't do, doesn't tell me like,
which were teams and everything like the actual credits of the movie does where it's like you know the ampersands and the word and and all that yeah but uh those are all screenplay by there's not they're not story by credit so i assume the screenplay got moved around a bit you know interior at buzzfeed studios what else has buzzfeed studios even done well i have seen two movies by buzzfeed studios actually Uh-huh. The other, they have another rom-com ah called X-mas, like E-X-mas, which we'll probably watch at Christmas at some point. It's kind of cute.
Is that the ah Maybe I've seen that one. I don't know. I need to look. It's, hold on. It's right here because this guy was a producer on it. Let me click on it. It is, who is it? Oh, it's Leighton Meester and Robbie Amell.
Yes, I have seen that. and mike And Michael Hitchcock. And I thought it was so funny. I thought it was. Yeah, it was cute. Yeah. I remember liking it. Yeah.
The internet did not necessarily agree. But. Well, you know. You know. well. Anyways. So they're living together. They're having some cute moments.
They're, you know vibing. at one point, Lucy Hale. He's getting better. Like they're both like kind of. And she's opening up. um we meet We do meet her parents. We meet both their parents at one point. They beat they both have little scenes with their parents.
Her mom is Jane Seymour. Her dad died She, i assume, like, i don't know how old she's supposed to be. Like, they're roughly the same age. They're both in their 30s. um it But, like, she didn't go to college. But i maybe maybe it's grad school is what I'm guessing.
Like, an MFA is maybe what she was going to do. um It doesn't really say, but she was going to, she got into a college for art and didn't go because her dad was sick and she took care of her dad and then he died.
um And her mother and her sister are both very self-absorbed and she doesn't really have a good relationship with either of them. um Which is why when he asks her about like a family memory, she doesn't want to talk about it because it's, you know, her dad and her, her, you know, her family is not close after that.
Her favorite person was her dad and her dad died. Yes. and um And so that's why she has she's closed off a bit. And his parents are like hippies. Yeah. Hippies.
Absolute polar opposites. Boy, oh boy. They are messy. and They live in like ah ah like ah like a trailer park.
yeah ah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. um And are just vibing and super chill, cool people. And he is nervous wreck. Yep. You know, boy, oh boy.
ah But yeah, so, oh, so then Lucy Hale wears backless dress that you could never wear a bra or any sort of underwear with.
um And it's very short and tiny. Well, I mean, you don't feel like I got like an adhesive bra, you know, like with the thing in the front that holds them together. yeah Yeah. So like the so the nipple covers, I call them the Barbie boobs.
Well, you've got the one. So like they are, but then they connect in the front. So it holds them up together, you know, for cleavage. My boobs aren't big enough for that. I don't need that. Well, I feel like we I think we've discussed previously that we have roughly similar sized boobs and my and my I have one of those. mine i do that.
You should try. You can get it at Target. I've got the Barbie boobs and I wear those all the time. What's the Barbie? Oh, I know what you mean. Like i like the thing on the Barbie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just to make sure that no one knows that you're nipping.
Right. there's a We don't want anyone to know we have nipples. That's the goal. Exactly. We want no one to know that we have nipples. Because then their eyes go from here to here.
and that's true yeah for the audio listeners that i was pointing at my eyes down to my nipples i feel like that was implied yeah yes yes um but yeah she's wearing this great like slip dress uh that i thought was a nightgown and she's going out he asks him if she if he wants to go out too and he goes what to like a bar with like people and stuff yeah He's like, just us. And she immediately bails on it. Like, she did mean just the two of them.
Yeah. But then she immediately bails on it when she hears it out loud. And she goes, no, no, no. I'm going to meet some other people. goes, no, no, no. Well, I got other plans. And she's like, great. Well, I'll come back later to walk the dogs then, since you've got other plans.
And he was like, yeah, totally. Cool. Whatever. And so she goes out and um with her friend that she constantly is is partying with, her best friend. And um italian crypto bro is there hunter fosterini yeah that guy because her friend texted from her phone to hunter fosterini with her location first of all first of all even if you're at a bar with your best friend Don't leave your phone on the bar when you go to the bathroom. Like, that's crazy. i would I would never in a million years do that. Yeah. What would you look at when you're peeing? Like, for a second of all.
And also, what if you get kidnapped? In the bathroom? Yes. Exactly. will people find you? Yes. Not find my friends. I'll tell you that much.
And secondly, you know, what if your friend responds to Hunter Fosterini texting you? Like, that's deranged. um None of my friends would ever do that. eggs Exactly. um Look at somebody. I mean, like, if I would maybe, like, you know, if somebody got a text and their phone was there, I'd probably i maybe be like look at it. But I wouldn't respond. That's crazy.
That's insane! I don't have questions. Also, she knows her friend's passcode. Lucy Hale, is your phone not locked? Like, seriously? mean, that character? 2022? Probably not.
This is why people's identities get stolen. That's why cell phones are bad for movies. Like, there's never been There's never been a plot that's been helped by a cell phone in a movie. oh yeah Just take them out. Take them out completely. No phones in any movies.
Yeah. Unless it's Bye Bye Bernie. No, no. Landlines are okay. Yeah. Landlines are okay. You get the split screen. It's cool. The split screen looks like a phone cord sometimes. It's great.
It's great. They have the little like um lightning bolt when they get mad. It's great. Mm-hmm. Yeah. listen to our episode on Down With Love. We're describing Down With Love. Yeah. Yes.
Anyways, so Hunter Costa Rini shows up. Yeah. And they get tipsy and then they make out a little bit. And then she brings him back to the house because she's got to walk the dogs.
But he's obnoxiously drunk. So the goal the idea is, I think, that they were going to go to his place, but she has to walk the dogs. She wasn't bringing him to his place to have sex with him. yeah Yeah.
exactly She wasn't bringing him to Grant Gustin's place. She was going there to walk the dogs because she said she would. And he comes inside because he's a rude asshole. Like, I imagine she was like, stay out here.
And then he comes inside because he does whatever he wants because he's a rich asshole. Yeah. Which, I mean, I'm sure that if they ended up having sex, that's the exact same situation they'd be in later. Yeah, exactly. Yikes.
yeah It was just there for the joking. No, no, you're right. Yeah, no, I know. i Yikes on him for of that being true. um The wordplay was on point.
Conflict and Reconciliation
Thank you very much. um So and then he starts touching all of Grant Gustin's things. He tries to smoke his godfather's cigar. Grant Gustin wakes up and ah they start to fight because they're men.
And... um He calls it, what does he call him Pig bitch? yeah Bitch pig? He calls him Spunk Man? Very funny.
Um, and he punches him in the face and Hunter Fosterini goes away, which yeah good. And then he and Lucy Hill say some very un, un, nice things to each other. yeah And the door has been open this whole time and poor Chloe has run out.
Um, so, yes so, uh, not Hunter Fosterini, but, uh, our main max stevenson max stevenson runs out and he's like i want you and i want channing tatum out of this house and he runs after to go find um chloe and of course it starts to rain and there's a very dramatic music moment as he's looking for her and i got very emotional and weepy yeah um yeah during this point it's very beautiful dog photography is really good
Yeah, the dog, the dog acting, in the dog photography, but he finds her and then they sit and then they have this beautiful sort of moment on a park bench in the rain together. I'm talking, of course, about Chloe and Max, the dog and the human, not two humans.
And you get really emotional and he brings her home and Lucy Hale has been there the entire time with Channing Tatum. And he's like, why why, are you still here? And she was like, I wanted I couldn't leave until I knew that you had gotten Chloe until you found her. yeah um And then they say more mean things to each other and she leaves with Channing Tatum and they're mad. Well, he's like, you got to take the dog. I'm not watching the dog. I'm not your babysitter, which is very mean.
Yeah. and uh so she has to go to her apartment that she's not allowed to have a dog in with with her dog yeah and then like a couple of days pass and they kind of get over it um both of them have like come to jesus meetings with their best friends where both of their friends are like you're kind of an asshole um and here's why and which is an asshole yes which accurate um and at this point caitlin is like like how could you like be in love with someone who spoke to you that way. Like who have like these, and it's that's, said that's a, that's very true. Like, I think that there's a certain level of cruelty that happens in these rom-coms and stuff that is like, I mean, all of us have said things we don't mean to, to partners and stuff, but like, there's a, there's a level of of venom. I think that it's hard to,
hard to come back from. um And I mean, a lot of it is because you need, you need the dramatic tension and you need the... Of course. You have to have a third act. Exactly.
Exactly. It gets elevated for a reason. and And it's why, you know, these are fiction and they should not be reality. Don't speak to your partner about this.
Yeah. um And ah they... are They get back there. She comes back and she has Channing Tatum in a box with ah a little name, a little chalkboard that says, my mom is sorry. And they both apologize to each other, which is like very adult of them. Good for them.
Yeah. That's not something you see in rom-coms that often where they both apologize, not honestly. No, it was very refreshing. and it's like ti It's like a big gesture instead of an apology.
um Yeah, we got both. This is a medium gesture and both apologies. Yeah. yeah so And um he also helps her with her application to art school. And she has an interview which is coming up.
uh the dog is due chloe is due in three days they are going he's taking her to her interview and the course chloe goes into labor in the back seat of the car of course she does and they have the babies in front of a baseball little league field with a bunch of children watching to which and this extremely the parent was like you can't do that here and it's just like it's just it's a dog giving birth what the hell do you expect them to do yeah yeah yeah yeah um ah and And so all the kids are watching and screaming gross. And then the the crazy woman who accused him of being a dog breeder earlier find sees them.
And she's like, I knew you were a breeder. And they both scream, fuck off.
It's great. So good. um This movie is also rated r which I appreciate. i think we've talked about this before. Like a lot of these kind of, especially the straight to streaming, like, you know, maybe a Buzzfeed original.
Stuff is going to be really, it's going to be really tame. um yeah And I appreciate that this was, um this was made for adults.
Conclusion and Next Episode Teaser
um And they they were allowed to to talk about things that are are realistic and not like, you know, made for TV. So.
Indeed, indeed. And then the the the dogs come and they're very cute. And then they make out, ah basically. as well Yeah. And it's really sexy and beautiful and hot.
And the dogs. And they keep trying to they keep trying to hook up and the dogs are watching them, which like, you know, who hasn't had that experience? Yeah. yeahnna and um And then they have a party and they play Van Morrison's sweet thing. And it's like just really beautiful footage of a bunch of people hanging out with a bunch of dogs in an apartment. They have the dog's cake. Like, it's perfect ending.
It's so good. It's like, you know, one of the best songs of all time. ah bunch of dogs ah like hanging out in slow motion in an apartment eating cake. Like, what's not to like?
exactly what's not to like i loved it i thought i thought this movie was fun um it you know isn't is it the um godfather of rom-coms no uh yeah and i say that having never seen the godfather we're gonna watch it as a special sometime yeah yeah yeah we'll we'll do like a month of like dude bro movies um yeah and uh but it is a fun time it was very charming it was surprisingly fun i i heard buzzfeed original expecting garbage and i had a fun time yeah yeah i think buzzfeed original definitely uh set the the barrier low
Yeah. And it's a pleasant surprise. Yeah. And and honestly, most of it is is the two of them. um they're They're both great. Yeah. I mean, that if they were not good actors and had no chemistry, this movie would not work. And they're both very hot, we should say. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, that that helps a lot, too. Yeah. But yeah, Charlie's Corner is pretty much a reiteration of what I thought. he thought his movie was surprisingly charming um we both had a moment where uh chloe runs in wearing one of lucy hale's bras to which charlie and i both looked at each other and went there is absolutely no way that that is one of lucy hale's bras number one that character wears that kind of bra and number two right yeah ha is way too big
Yes, yes, yes. It was a, it was a double D bra. Yeah, it was double d just, like, nude, like, t-shirt bra. Yeah. Like, and she's been wearing, like, bralettes this entire time with, like, shirts that, like, show them off. And it's just, like, why would, it's not, just, just get one of the bras that the actress was actually wearing.
Why are you? Yeah, yeah. Like, they obviously, like, just, like, to it. Because without cups, it probably, the way that it hung out of the dog's mouth, you couldn't tell it was a bra.
Probably. Probably. But it was, I lost me there. Sometimes you gotta make concessions for for film, for for the way things look, as opposed to things being realistic. yeah I guess. That would be my guess. You know, obviously I don't know if that's true, but that would be my guess. Yeah. yeah Any other thoughts, feelings, questions, opinions?
Yeah. Um, but yeah, I think I got all of my um my stars. I got a star next to Bitch Pig Spunk Man. yeah.
Yeah, that's about it. Yeah, it was a cute movie. I watched it, I guess, when it came out. Yeah, I remember you talking about A couple years ago. Yeah. Just randomly, and I was like, wow, that was kind of cute. Yeah, super cute.
Adorable. Well, next week, we are, ah because I really leaned into the ROM and not so much the COM last time, we're going to lean into the COM next.
Real hard. um And in honor of SNL's 50th, this came to me last night and I would love for us to do They Came Together. Oh, hell yeah. Okay. Yeah. A parody of rom-coms. A parody. It's a satirical rom-com.
Yes, with Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd. Yeah. Very exciting. Very, very exciting. Well, shall we outro? Let's outro. And This time I go first.
Yes. Or you can do it since we screwed it up last time if you want. I mean, if you let's keep keep the tradition alive. Okay. And you go first.
All right. Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It helps out a lot and we would really appreciate it.
You can follow me on social media at emilympizza.com. And me, Katie of the Lake. Until next time, just two girls.
Standing in front of the internet. Asking it to love us. Good night. Good night.