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Blast from the Past

Go Get Your Girl
38 Plays1 month ago

Emma & Katie discuss the under loved 90's rom com with Brendan Fraser and Alicia Silverstone, Katie tells two stories that both coincidentally are from  the fall of 2013. Also: Baseball! Dead Grandparents! The Cuban Missile Crisis! Magic: The Gathering! 


Balancing a Busy Life

beautiful beautiful beautiful
we did not record this episode a month in advance like a lot of our previous episodes. so yeah If the vibes are weird, that's why. Yeah, this week's been weird. I had a breakdown at the bridal store.
And no yeah I had to take a mental health morning, because I was just like, I overscheduled myself again, and I overspread myself between like my standardized patienting stuff at UFON, and then um the bridal store, and then rehearsal. And so like I just was like so overwhelmed, and so just, you know, this week is shitty. And I had a bride and her mom who were just bitches, and I was just like this close to snapping.
But my lovely, lovely boss, Megan, like, checked in on me and she was like, are you okay? And I was like, I'm not, I'm not doing great. They don't like anything. They're not listening to me. They won't shut up.
The bride doesn't know what she wants. And so she was like, do you want, do you want to not finish the appointment? Do you want me to step in or do you want Michaela, who's really good with bitches and people that won't listen to step in? I was like, I don't know. I've never not finished an appointment before. And then I thought about it as I'm standing there holding this big old gown.
um Because the bride said she didn't she didn't like this certain gown, her favorite, because it was too full of a skirt. And then mom was like, well, like can you try on, well, then why don't you try on this one that I pinned, which is like this big, like giant ball gown with like a kerchief skirt. And I was like, I don't understand. That's more of a skirt. Yeah. Yeah, that's a bigger skirt.
That's the opposite of what you said you did. She just wanted to see her daughter in it, you know? Like, yes. But the daughter was like going along. I was i was so frustrated because it was like constant of that. And so I was like, I started crying um in the middle of the break room. I was just like, I can't.
I can't, I'm tired, I can't, I can't. So Michaela went and finished it and it was fabulous, it was wonderful. um And Megan was like, I think this is more about than just dresses. And I was like, yeah, it's more than just dresses. She was like, the vibes in this country are weird. And I was like, yeah, the vibes in this country are weird.

Introducing 'Go Get Your Girl' Podcast

Yeah, it's not good. It's a bad time. um yeah Speaking of a bad time, um the Cuban Missile Crisis,
Yes, so let's take you back all the way to the Cuban Missile Crisis. So, oh, before we even get it into that, um you guessed it, guys. This is Go Get Your Girl. This is the podcast where Emma and Katie live in a fallout shelter for 35 years.
Don't understand how to people because they were born there and only know 1960s traditional values, question mark? Yeah, kinda. And then go to the surface to Los Angeles, which has become a shit show. yeah The crazy 90s. The crazy 90s in the valley. and And attempt to get more supplies, question mark? And also find a wife. Find a wife. Yeah. I'm Emma.
And I'm Katie. um And today, of course, we've watched the 1999 classic Blast From the Past. And like, ab buddy i I guess I thought this movie was like better received than it was, but apparently it was both poorly received critically and commercially. But like, I loved this movie. Yeah, I saw this movie when I was a kid. I remember loving this movie too. Yeah. And Caitlin loves this movie. um But apparently it was not well loved at the time. um I think it's delightful. I think it's delightful. I think it's super fun. Yeah, that's basically what Charlie's Corner is, is that he was surprised at how charming it was. It's very, I mean, it's Brendan Fraser. Like, he's just, he's a charming person. He's a charming boy. Yeah, and then he gets so many just amazing actors in this. Yeah, for real. Yeah, three Academy Award winners in three of the four major roles. Yeah.
Jesus Christ. This movie is The Last from the Past from 1999. It was directed by Hugh Wilson, who directed Police Academy, which I don't know if you've seen that movie, but i have not about a year ago, I think, because it's like, you know, there were like nine sequels to that movie. It was crazy. yeah I had never seen it. Nobody I know has ever seen it. It was a very 80s thing, I think. But um my friend cassie um i hearn Cassie on a movie night about i might I think about about a year ago was like, let's watch Police Academy. Let's just see what it's about. And it's a really, really bad. um Yeah, horrible movie. I mean, despite the fact that it's about a bunch of cops, even if you ignore that, it's really bad, like politically, like yeah morally bad movie. Yeah. ah And then folks that just like don't age well,
Yeah, it's really racist um for sure. um And then the first Wives Club, which I think is pretty good. Yeah. I think the first Wives Club is excellent. Yeah, I mean, I haven't seen

Nostalgic Memories and Movies

it. I watched that the day my grandfather died. Oh, dear.
You know, I don't think I've ever watched. I don't think I've ever watched a movie the day someone died that I remember at least.
I remember when Mr. Grandpa died and I went home from work and I bought myself some Chicago Mix popcorn and some Diet Coke and then I went and I watched the first wife's clip on the couch. Yeah, that makes sense. um I remember when my grandmother died, ah Kanye West's album Yeezus had just come out and I drove from where I was living at the time in Virginia to north to Durham, North Carolina, where she lived, and to meet my parents. and
And Caitlin wasn't there. I think Caitlin came later because I was driving by myself um and I listened to Yeezus. It had just come out ah on my iPod. I guess it was probably my phone. I don't know. I don't remember. um Yeah, who knows? It's good. It's a good record. Hey, so now every time you listen to Yeezus, you think of Grandma.
i don't you know i don't I don't get around to Yeezus very much anymore. i ah since yeah Since Kanye West kind of showed everybody what he's like, I i haven't really um it really had a lot of lot of time to listen to even the the old good stuff.
boy Boy oh boy, oh, oh my gosh, speaking of Durham, I forgot to tell you, I was cruisin' are the job ads the other day. Uh-huh. You know, lookin' for auditions, scoping them out. They're doing the next um movie to musical that Broadway's doing is Bull Durham. Oh, yeah, I think we, do we talk about this on the,
Did we? Oh, well, they're auditioning for it in the next pool like few weeks. Yeah. I think it's a a great movie on try what um New Jersey. What a masterpiece. You should audition for it. For what? For baseball? For a baseball player? You're an actor. You can pretend to know about baseball. You could be students. There's only two chicks and then a bunch of dudes. Yeah. Yeah.
it's going to be like can They can do that on Broadway. No, they're gonna change. though They're gonna change somebody to be a girl for sure. so That's what they always do, right? Yeah. They've got to, right? Like in Newsies. Although to be fair, in Newsies, the actual person was a woman that they changed to Bill Pullman in the movie and then changed back to a woman in the play. Yeah. Yep. yeah but um Probably not so in Bouldern.
um But anyway, this is not about Boulder. um This is about blast from the past. um So it's 1962. Oh, and it's written by ah Hugh Wilson, the director, and ah Bill Kelly, whose only other movie credit is Enchanted. Really? Which is delightful. Yeah. that is i we all This household loves Enchanted. Yeah, the first one is good, yeah. Yeah, I've never seen the second one.
It's not good. Yeah, I think that's why I didn't see it. Yeah. So we get an opening credits where they explain to the viewer what a bomb shelter was. Yep, yep. And Charlie immediately goes, is this Fallout? Are we watching Fallout? Yeah, I mean, this was a pre-Fallout, um at least Fallout the TV show. i think the I think the video game, the first video game was out by 1999.
Um, but it certainly wasn't in the popular consciousness the way it is now. Um, so we needed to explain to America what a fallout shelter was because it was, that it was 1999. Here's something else. I, this movie very clearly takes place in 1997, uh, because 62 plus 35 is 97. Um,
And so but I tried to find online like was this movie shelved was it shot like in 97 and then like it didn't come out for two years. I imagine that must be what happened. ah Because it came out in like April of 99. Oh, so you would think that they would have to like film it in 96.
for the timing to work. I mean, to be fair, I know the only thing I could find was that Brendan Fraser went directly from filming this to filming The Mummy. And I know the Mummy had so

Analyzing 'Blast From the Past'

many locations, it probably was a long shoot in multiple segments, but I didn't look up when exactly the Mummy shoot dates were, or this movie shoot dates. But it's explicitly set in 1997, which is odd.
yeah because I guess they couldn't pull them off. Or maybe it was just like 37 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis would be odd. Because also, Britain Fraser is like 29 when he shot this movie, if it was 97 at least. Yeah, it's it was also very weird the fact that they made him 35. Yeah, well I mean they wanted it to be the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, they do the thing where they're like, where the guy's like, you look a lot younger. And he's like, well, I guess yeah growing up out here ages you or something. Yeah. Cause he looks like a baby. I was like, there's no way Brendan Frazier is 35 at this movie. He looks like he's like 25. Yeah. Um, so yes. Uh, it's 1962. It's the Cuban Missile Crisis. Christopher Walken is the most annoying man alive. And, um,
Sissy Spacek is his poor, poor wife. Um, who has a miserable life. Um, she has to listen to him. Yeah. All the time. ah Um, right he has built an extensive fallout shelter beneath their, uh, house in Los Angeles yeah in, um, suburban Los Angeles. They've got a bunch of people over the Cuban they're having a dinner party.
She's pregnant, the Cuban Missile Crisis happens, and he tells everyone to go home. A fighter jet crashes into their house. They think it's the bomb being dropped and lock the fallout shelter doors for 35 years minimum. Yep, they have like a timer on it. Like they cannot undo this.
which seems insane. It is. I mean, there's the way, it's one of those things where it's like the elevator pitch on this is really cute, but then like you have to go through all of the coincidences that have to line up for it the plot to work itself out. So it's kind of ramshackle, but the his charm, I think um makes it work, right? Like it's so cute.
because there's there's all of these things, reasons why this plot shouldn't work in any case, but they have like little little coincidences that happen. Like for instance, yeah
they, so yeah, so he's he's born, she goes into labor when they're in the fallout shelter. He's born in the fallout shelter and lives 35 years. being raised by his insane inventor, genius, supposedly father, and his alcoholic, depressed mother. Yes. Who teach him how to do everything.
Yep, everything like from speaking Latin to speaking French, to math, to reading when he's like four, um to ah dancing beautifully. My one thing, and I know that this is part of the barrel of things that just don't make sense about this movie, and there is a bunch, but when he goes to the surface,
and he'd like see sun for the first time, it dawned on me. He would be so fucking pale. He's never seen sunlight. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, we don't know, right? Like, I mean, I don't, he's probably got like UV lamps down there or something. Yeah, but that's not gonna- Like that's part of the, like- Is that gonna give you like, like color on your skin? Well, sure, like tanning beds have UV lamps. Oh my gosh. I just figured he'd be like way more pale.
I mean, yeah, it would be, but, but then then, you know, you don't want the, the, the pasty weirdo who was actually born in the, in the fallout shelter is not the lead of a romantic comedy movie. Yeah. He's also got way more charisma and like personable skills for someone who did not spend 35 years around just his parents. Just his weirdo parents. Yeah. He's definitely like,
Yeah, he's definitely like a quick study because he does change really quite a bit throughout the movie. um oh yeah So yeah, 35 years go by, he's taught how to do everything by his parents. um his His father is like, okay, 35 years, let's open the the hatch. And he goes up there in like a hazmat suit and he, um okay, let's talk about Joey Slotnick. So yeah the first like,
10, 15 minutes of this movie are like the time passing, right? It's like one year later. five And like, so it's a clever and nice. It is. Yeah. There's a malt shop on top built on top of where their house was. um yeah And Joey Slotnick, character actor, you'd recognize him if you saw him, works there. And over the years, we keep checking in with him who works there for 35 years. Yeah.
and from mont toma yeah Yeah, to being a bar in the 70s. And the mom is just like, this place is just going downhill. And then to being like an even grungier bar in 1993.
ah Yeah, and you see through through time that this guy her son has become addicted to drugs and alcohol I assume he got a forehead tattoo, which looks like Charles Manson and It does. It's not a swastika, but it is. It's like a sun or something. Yeah. Yeah. It's very ja ah Charles Mansonie. Yeah. and And yeah. And he basically, he like asks his mom if he can buy the bar off of her and she goes, I'll just give it to you. This place is going downhill. To be fair, I don't think it's his actual mom. I think everyone calls her mom because it's like called mom's place. Yeah.

Character Dynamics and Humor in Film

It's called mom's malt shop. Oh, I just assumed it was his mom. Yeah. I mean, maybe it is. I don't know.
That's not the vibe. They really don't. So um he's there and it's been basically just like a like a heroin den or something after that. um yeah When Christopher Walken comes yeah comes up through the elevator and breaks open the floor with the elevator because he's like, I wish there's there's no there's no God, there's no higher power. None of this exists. And then immediately Christopher Walken burst through the floor in a hazmat suit. Yes. And ah Joey Slotnick basically thinks this is God. Christopher Walken says, leave my elevator alone. And he goes outside into the streets of Los Angeles and leave my elevator alone becomes like they're the name of their religion or whatever. They chant it. They chant it they write on walls.
um ah very 1990 thing happens. Christopher Walken goes out onto the sidewalk and immediately runs into a transgender sex worker, um which I'd be surprised if there wasn't some kind of joke about it, you know? It's just another, um har but he he calls her a mutant, literally. yeah Yep. Yep.
Well, because she says, I can be a girl or I can be a boy. And he doesn't understand what she's- I can be anything you want. I can even throw in, yeah, some lawn furniture. Yeah, yeah. He doesn't understand what she's talking about. Because when he described it, this is his basic later is like, people are mutated and they have multiple genitalia or something like that. Yeah. But just, you know, classic comedy at the expense of one of the only minorities in this entire movie.
Yeah, well that and then there was another moment when Brendan Fraser goes up that was sort of like a jump scare that you're just like, no, but he would act that way. And I just don't like that we had to put this in the movie when he sees a black lady. Yeah, yeah. um He goes, Oh, my lucky stars a the appropriate term for black people in in the 60s.
um And, but I mean, the thing is, like, he's and he's like, nice to meet you. ah Super nice to her. Yeah, he's so excited because he's never seen another person before, much less a ah ah black woman. Yes.
It was still very shocking to see that scene. It was just like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I remembered that scene very well. I had I had a friend in high school who used to say that all the time. This was a black person who would say it.
okay um but um it's so yeah that that line was very I knew that was coming one of the only things I really remembered remembered from this movie was that yeah yeah um but the uh yes so Christopher Walken is horrified by the I mean it's a bad neighborhood in Los Angeles that's that's cover that's that's come into where their house used to be I think they say it's the San Fernando Valley which yeah
but was at least in the in then in the late 90s. Not ah that area was not a good neighborhood. There's like a porn store and like it's ah the bars turned into like it's like a like a flophouse kind of thing. And yeah, yeah. Yeah. He sees somebody throw up on the street. Right. and He sees someone throw up on the street. He sees any calls in a porn bookstore, to which I'm just like a porn bookstore. Well, that's what it says. It says adult bookstore outside. Yeah.
Okay. um So, he goes back down and tells Sissy Spacek, everything's horrible, there's mutants up there, and he has a heart attack just thinking about it. Sissy, he's like, we're gonna lock the doors again, we're not going outside, and Sissy Spacek's like, under no circumstances. Am I gonna live down like here? He's just like, I cannot do this. Absolutely not. Yeah, because she has taken to drink over the course of 35 years, and um is i mean there's no living with him. Christopher Walken's the most annoying man in the world. She's insane.
just the worst. He's yeah obsessed with like inventing little things. And like you know to be fair, he's made a fallout shelter that's lasted 35 years, which is yeah impressive on its own, I suppose. but yeah Which Charlie made this comment several times throughout the movie. He goes, only in 1962, could you get a one income household ah hu Far be it from us that he is like a successful scientist. Still yeah just works, just a scientist, inventor, one income household ah that has a beautiful house in the San Fernando Valley and then can build another house underground and procure 35 years worth of supplies, which includes 35 years worth of Dr. Pepper. And 35 years. Hot Dr. Pepper.
Hot Dr. Pepper, disgusting. And 35 years of like meat and then like fish that you can grow and like air and water and all the things and cooking cherry and pipe tobacco. ah it's ah It's very silly, yes. um But ah that is what happens. And he's very positive about the whole thing, which is so annoying. oh yeah He's very pleased as punch to be living in the fallout shelter, basically. Yeah. He loves it. And then Sissy Spacek walks in and she goes, um, so sorry, but, um, could you put a ceiling on our bedroom, please? ah Yeah. And he's like, yeah, absolutely.
ah So ah yes, I mean, the Brendan Fraser's character in reality would have been deranged completely growing up in that environment. With no social skills. Yes, but instead ah he's charming and adorable because he's played by the great Brendan Fraser. Exactly, exactly. um so he is So his mom is like, you need to go up there and you need to get this list of supplies, which is very long list of supplies.
um And and you need we need to get, you know, cause your father, he can't do it, but we have to have this stuff. um I think he's okay. I think he had like angina or something. We don't, it wasn't really a heart attack. Or maybe it was just a panic attack, but um um so he has to go up to the surface. He goes up to the surface. He meets Joey Slotnick who's like, Oh, you're the son. He's like, that's right. yeah And I'll return. And so he starts a whole cult based on this.
Yup. Brendan Fraser gets on a bus and immediately loses the, the, the fallout shelter. Like he gets lost and can't find his way back there for the rest of the movie, basically. Cause he's just so excited to be on a bus. Yeah. Yeah. Um, also noticed that, um, the bar, the, uh, the bus driver, he yells at the bus driver. Please stop the bus. Yeah. Um, so that, that, uh, so Dave Foley is in this movie later as one of the major characters, but, um,

Manners and Social Norms in 'Blast From the Past'

Scott Thompson, who was in the kids in the hall with Dave Foley, is the psycho on the bus next to him. He's just made up. Oh, I did not realize that. I didn't realize it either. I saw it in the cast, yeah. That's a Katie's Fun Fact, Katie's Fun Fact.
um um Yes, so he goes to the grocery store he he also has his dad's baseball cards because he runs out of money because of inflation Yes, and so he needs to get some more money. He has his dad's priceless baseball card collection um and he goes to a baseball card shop where a guy is about to um give him nothing for them. And Alicia Silverstone, who works at the um baseball card shop, I guess, which is at the time. Which is that thing? Yeah, I guess. um tell Yeah, there's a baseball card shop just not not far from ah um from our um our apartment, actually. I drive by it all the time. Really? I didn't realize those were still ah like that was even a thing, number one and number two.
there's so I don't know how they stay in business. I mean, obviouslyve I've never been inside it obviously, but yeah right on Montrose. Yeah near where Caitlin used to work So as as you know listeners know from the bull Durham episode we don't really know anything about baseball We know nothing about baseball. Also. I just had this realization Katie Would you agree with me that baseball cards are the cis white straight or the cis man's Pokemon cards? I think, I think Pokemon cards are probably the cis het man's Pokemon cards too though. But like, I feel like it, give it like 20, 30 years. I think they're the Calico critters. I think they're cis het man's Calico critters.
They're they're the the beanie babies, if you will. Yes, yes, yes. But like, I feel, because like, I would spend a shit ton of money for some of my childhood beanie babies now, and I get it, I get it. But like, give it maybe 20, 30 more years, I think Pokemon cards are going to start having the same value as some of those rookie cards.
um Maybe yeah, I don't I don't really know anything about ah Pokemon um um you do i new do i i'm just were a pokemon kid we other cars i know Oh, yeah um Well magic the gathering is that they have very expensive cards I think I mean I I worked at a magic the gathering store have we had this conversation oh i did not know you were Yeah, so in Virginia um We had a friend from home. Oh, no, I did know this. I did know this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She got a job at, so Magic the Gathering is a card game. It's like a gaming, it's like Pokemon cards. Except for nerds. Except more popular. Yeah. For nerds. Sure. It's fun, actually. It's complicated, but it's fun. And for nerds. I'm not, well, I mean, lots of things. You know what's for nerds? Podcasts about romantic comedy movies.
um So um it's ah yeah, it's the it's a game. um And it's very expensive. But ah we had a friend who worked at this this place in Roanoke. And she's like, I can get you a job there because I needed a job ah because I got fired, um which is a different story for a different day. And um I got this job where I would go into this massive, massive warehouse.
I would put in my headphones, I would listen to my audio book or my podcast or whatever, or just music. And for eight hours, I would go and get a piece of paper that have a list of cards on it. I would go through all of these racks and pull all these cards, put them in a little box, drop them off to somebody all day. um And nobody would bother me. And I didn't have to talk to anybody if I didn't want to.
and It was great. And then sometimes I would like, you know, pack boxes with like a little tape gun and stuff. And yeah, it's mostly like comic book stores would buy them. But the largest Magic the Gathering store in the world was in Roanoke, Virginia. yeah And Yeah, it's called Star City Games. um i think that I don't know if they're number one anymore. They've had a lot of upheavals. There's actually a whole other story about the woman who used to own it, which is actually very sad. But Caitlin's sister started working there, and then Caitlin's other sister started working there as well. um So it became a whole thing. Caitlin's older sister Meredith worked for was the um worked in there for years, actually. and she really like She became best friends with the woman who owned it, who died suddenly. um And then her ex-husband took it over and ran it into the ground
It's a whole thing, it's a long story. well But ah yeah, Magic the Gathering. Oh, how about that? I guess Magic the Gathering is the I mean, a woman owned the business, there are there are plenty of women in Magic the Gathering, but um it is yeah it's still, you know, nerd culture is still toxic too ah to, um in most corners, um yeah but that's not what we're talking about today. I think I've ranted about nerds before, yeah.
um he ah 40 minutes into this movie, Alicia Silverstone shows up and says, no, you can't screw him on this. you that Don't sell him him those cards. They're worth way more than that. And he falls in love with her immediately because, you know. It's Alicia Silverstone, yeah. Yeah.
ah she's charming and she's like a little bit like more like

Character Growth and Film Conclusion

tough and like kind of streetwise than Cher in Clueless but yeah I wouldn't say this is like a great performance from Alicia Silverstein yeah I wouldn't say that I will say um I have a lot of feelings about her hair in this movie. Yeah. Uh-huh. There's, I mean, like the first scene is, is rough and it's like the jacket and the boots and everything that she's wearing is, is a little much, but yeah, but not necessarily her out. Some of her offers are very cute, but like her hair, they just like put in like big old rollers and like, it's just like ringlets.
And for a good chunk of like some of the scenes, she just has like a ringlet in front of her face. And I'm just like, girl, can you like do something with this? Can we do something with her hair? The scene where she's like talking, talking to Dave Foley, like sitting on the chair in her house. Like, yeah, her hair is like just completely in her face. It's like all in her face. And I'm like, can we? And it's like just one ringlet, just one giant, obviously not natural done with like a curling iron ringlet.
And I'm just like, this is just, can we like shake these out? Can we like do something with this? Like, this is insane. It looks insane. It was very 1997. Yeah, it was very 1997. And then the other note that I have is the 90s fucking love swing dancing. Yes, this is like the height of again, I think that's why again, I think 1999, I think we were past it, but 97 was right in the pocket.
That's when you get the gas conversion. For the swing revival. Yeah, because the squirrel nut zippers are on here. I don't know who sings the main song that does when they have the big dance scene. It's a woman singing it. Oh, I do. I do. This is the first of Emma's Fun Facts. Emma's Fun Facts.
The dance number Mr. Zoot Suit was a surprise one-hit wonder for the band, the flying neutrinos. It refers to a fashion trend that began among Latinos in Los Angeles in 1940 using the exaggerated approach. It featured, oh, and then just goes to explain Zoot Suits. Mm-hmm, and the Zoot Suit the zootu riots of the 30s, yeah, which um also, you know, the the famous song ah is, I guess, about that.
I don't know if it's really about the ah the to um massacre of cops on Latino youth, but it uses the same name. Yeah, I think it's more like these three words sound really great in a song. Yes, yes. Seems insensitive on the on the part of the a band that called themselves the Cherry Pop and Daddies, if you can imagine that.
gro from the
Um, but we do get, after we meet Alicia meet Alicia Silverstone's roommate, which I was actually very pleasantly surprised with, um, his whole character. It was not played for laughs. He's her. What's the actor's name? He's from kids. Dave Foley.
Yeah, Dave Foley. Dave Foley plays Alicia Silverstone's roommate and he's gay and very like 90s queer eye for the straight guy. Gay like wears all the clothes and like says all the things but like it's not a parody. It's like very played like subtly there. Yeah, it's not really make it's not making fun of gay people. I don't think I think it's a pretty um it's pretty good performance.
I mean, like yeah he did a lot of that on Kids in the Hall. um And again, one of his best friends, Scott Thompson, was gay. So I think that probably had something to do with it. Yeah. um Which was, ah yeah, it was it's a bits very mature kind of character for the time of straight up 30 years ago, basically, yeah. Yeah. Way to go, Blast from the Past.
um He um, yeah, he goes ah yeah, she goes he's gay of course and Um, Brendan Fraser not knowing what that means goes. Well good for you. He goes. Well, we we try ah The other thing is uh, he's up there he needs he wants to find a wife because He says to his mother. He says yeah, I've been thinking about it a lot for like the last 15 years or so and
is that I also was curious about is that like Brendan Fraser he doesn't know what sex is because he doesn't get the talk until now he knows I think he knows what it is but he doesn't know like there's no porn he doesn't know like he can I'm sure he gets these urges and these feelings but like he doesn't know what it is You think? Because she asks, have you had sex? And he says, no. And he's she's like, well, how is that possible? He goes, well, let me tell you why it's pop possible. It seems like he knows what it is. I mean, he has to have read books where they talk about it, if not necessarily like, if not pornography, like, you know, books where so there's, you know, where sex happens. Yeah, maybe it's just Christopher Walken gives him. Yeah, he gets the talk at the end.
Yeah, but it's like, you know, the sperm goes to the egg, you know, that kind of stuff. Yeah. Because he's a scientist, I guess. So I guess my question is, has he just been like wanking for 15 years, not knowing why? I mean, yeah, he's got to have been like, just pounding himself raw for 15 years at least.
but like he doesn't know what, I mean, the only women that he knows is his mom and then the lady from the honeymooners.
It is strongly implied that the only television show that they watch is the honeymooners. Yes. Which, a

Personal Reflections and Future Plans

extremely misogynistic television show.
Yep. And for all of that, for all of that, he is surprisingly not a terrible misogynistic male. Yes, no, he's he's he's a sweetheart. Yeah. Um, ah yeah Z. Yeah, the um so he's looking for a wife. And so he immediately, you know, falls in love with Alicia Silverstone, but she's like holding him at arm's length. Yeah. He checks into a Holiday Inn because that's where his mom told him to go.
Yes. He bribes her from the baseball card store to drive him to the hotel with a with a baseball card of some baseball player ah that's worth like $4,000. She feels bad because she feels like she doesn't deserve this money. So she brings it back to him. And he says, let me hire you. I need to get all this stuff. Yeah. And I need help like acquiring all of this stuff for supplies.
He doesn't tell her what it's for. He doesn't, yeah, he doesn't tell anybody. Like he just says he's from out of town and he's on business and he needs to get all these supplies. Yes. Excuse me. Nathan Fillion is her ex-boyfriend. I know. so To which I said, oh my God, it's Castle. And Charlie was like, it sounds like Castle, but it doesn't look like Castle. I was like, it's fucking Castle. Yeah. It's Richard Castle. It is.
and um yeah he's he's an asshole he's um uh her ex-boyfriend who won't leave her alone and she at one point still had a thing for her but now obviously she's moved on to burn in Fraser um slowly falling in love with him of course so over the course of a couple of weeks uh she and Dave Foley uh become his friends um and then oh oh my god it's so sweet where he goes like um I'll give you all the rest of the cards to like help me um find ah a wife. And she goes, and well, why you can't just buy me off like that. He goes, no, you're my best friend. Will you do it because you're my very best friend? and she's okay um Yeah. Yeah.
Like he goes to the, they take him rollerblading. He sees the ocean for the first time. He's like sitting in the rain, watching the rain fall on his fingers. Like he's never seen any of these things before. And it's just so sweet. Like it's not, it's really not that silly. Like in the moment, like thinking about it later, it's obviously silly, but it, he plays it so well. And the movie's like tone is balanced so well that like it's,
it's very It's very touching. um It's very touching. Also, it doesn't yeah hurt that in both of those scenes, ah especially the him sitting in the rain scene, um I went woof! Brendan Fraser. Yeah, I mean, Jesus Christ. like we We don't need to so tell you how hot Brendan Fraser was in the 90s. I love him. He does have his shirt on ah the entire movie, which is a shame, really.
But I mean, in Georgia the Jungle, he had his shirt off for the whole time. So he probably was like, can I keep my shirt on in this movie? And they were like, sure, Brendan. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, which actually brings me to another Emma's Fun Fact. Emma's Fun Fact. So I didn't realize this until I was reading these fun facts. um His coat was made, which was made by his mother, which was given to him on his 31st, 35th birthday. Nathan Fillion keeps making fun of it. Yeah.
Yep, it's made from the same fabric that his parents' bedspread is. Yeah, oh yeah, because they get him birthday presents, which are things that they made out of the things in the fallout shelter because, like, what are they gonna give him, you know? It's very sweet. Exactly, which I thought was very sweet. Yeah.
So they go to a they go to a swing club, which is, yep you know, it's what you did in LA in 1997. it's not a swingers club it's a swing dance club right right um which for some reason america had swing dance fever in the mid 90s and i can't explain it but it definitely happened yeah yeah bizarre and so he knows how to do it because his mom gave him a dance lesson every day of his life Yes, every single day. And he's so good at it. And I like always the scene where he's in like slow motion and like doing the like finger thing. And Alicia Silverstone is like realizing how much she actually loves him. That scene is just something that's like burned in my memory from my childhood. I just like I it is something that like I see it and I think of home.
Yeah, yeah. ah Yeah, he's dancing with these two girls. ah And it's that's when Lisa Silverstone starts to get jealous and realize that she likes him there. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and and this says something. it's got in Oh, yeah, yeah. And then Billy comes in and he beats him up repeatedly. Like he keep they keeps trying to sucker keeps trying to sucker punches like we shouldn't fight we shouldn't fight and he tries to hit him and then Brittany Fraser beats him to it repeatedly, over and over. Yeah, so good. So, so good. That's great. um Then, oh yeah, I was gonna say, I can't read what this is with the stars in it, but it's him blowing on her knee. Oh, that dude was so hot. Yeah, so she ah so he goes home with this other, because Alicia Silverstone leaves, and he goes home with this other girl ah that was flirting with him. They were talking to each other in French. um Yeah.
and ah he he She's gonna go get in at the car and he surprises her because he's there. ah He took a taxi back there because he didn't wanna be there. He says he wont be somewhere else he wanted to be And he scares her and she falls out of the car and she scrapes her knee and then so he ah sprays some bactine or something on her knee.
well and then blows on it to dry it. and We get a little bit of a shift because he's been this sort of like himbo like little boy curious about the world character.
Her roommate, I keep forgetting his name, mentions to, yeah, he mentions to Brendan Fraser, cause she's like stomping around and Brendan Fraser's like, I just can't seem to do anything right with her. And he goes, well, you see, here's the thing about Eve. Like she, you're a nice boy, but what she needs is a nice man. You get what I mean? And that clicks something, switches something in Brendan Fraser's brain and to where he then starts taking charge and like, I guess starts being more of a man. And he's like, sit down. But not in a toxic way. way. not a toxic way More about, I'm going to take care of you. Because that's all he's seen is his dad taking care of his mom and that to him is a man. And, um, and so like, he's just like, sit down. I know more about first aid, um, than you do. And then he takes her knee with that spray. He's like, these, these pants are ruined, obviously. Right. And she goes, yeah. And then he rips them open very sexily. And then he sprays disinfection on it and then sexily blows on it.
Yeah, very slutty thing for a man to do. um And oh what well before also before this happened is um when they go to the club, ah he stops Dave Foley and says, ladies first, and lets her through the door first, which we'll come back to that in a minute. um And then later he like Dave Foley is like, cause Dave Foley stayed there at the club longer and hung out with him after Alicia Sullivan left. And he's like talking to her about things and he's like,
Did you know that um he says that ah that manner that good manners are a way to show other people that you respect their time? I thought it was just a way to feel superior to people. And he says that, you know, he thinks that I'm a gentleman and that you're a lady and that what that means is you make other people comfortable. And so all of these things, these like 60s archaic,
kind of mannerisms and stuff are framed in a way to uplift other people in this movie. Yeah. um Yeah, you know, the way that he's approaching these, like, we would say outdated behaviors are he was taught it's a way to respect other people, which I think is really the only way for it to work um yeah and makes it come across as sweet instead of misogynist. ah hu yeah you know yeah Which makes this movie work even more because it just makes it even more charming and likeful.
and um so He talk starts talking to her about My Fairy Lady, which be still my heart. ah And he's like talking about the song on the street where you live. And he's like, you know, he just wants to like, that's what I was thinking about when I took the cab over here. I just want like, he just wants to be on, he's happy just looking at the house that she lives in. yeah And, um which again, in another context is creepy, but it's not in this. In this, they make it very charming.
And then they kiss, and then she's like, have you ever had sex before? And he says no, and she's like, why? And he's and he's like, I have to explain. And then he says, when the bomb dropped in 1962, my parents were at a fallout shelter, and she's like, oh, he's crazy. Yeah. And she gets him to leave. Yeah.
um ah Well, the thing that makes her, that's sort of the final straw is he goes, so I was wondering, would you come down and live with me and my mom and my dad with us in the shelter? It's great down there. Yeah, Yeah, Alicia Silverstone is like, I gotta go to bed, you should go. Yes, yes. And so she tries to have him committed, which, yeah Again, if someone said, I wanna take you underground. Understandable. Understandable, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wanna take you underground it is a tough sell. That's a tough sell. Even if it's for an appraiser in the 90s. Don't say that. Yeah, yeah. um Getting a text from Charlie.
Oh dear. This is actually very sweet. oh I just saw a video which said you think you're having a bad day, but just remember, there's a woman out there who got a Tamlin tattoo after book one.
It's very sweet, Charlie. ah Did I tell you how he knows about Tamlin? No. Okay, so... Spoilers for Akatar, I suppose.
Spoilers for Agatar. oh So around our anniversary he didn't know what to get me and I was like just surprise me like you're good at gifts you just get in your head about it and then you just like give up so just like surprise me and so he he asked you and he asked um our friend Sarah and he asked like a bunch of other people like some suggestions and he got me a book and then he went on Etsy and he looked up like Akatar stuff because he knows that I i love the series and he got so confused. He was like it was very confusing because like every other item for Akatar was like a Tamlin smell smells like Tamlins being a little bitch candle. Is Tamlin bad?
Yeah, he is. Yeah, he is. Spoilers for Akatar. Yeah. um And we're back. At the Tower Corner. At the Tower Corner. um he um He goes out and he finishes getting his stuff. He finds the porn store with Dave Foley.
And he goes, he goes it like the it's very funny, the cult is all there. And they're like, just show us a sign. And Brendan Fraser literally bursts in waves and leaves. And they're like, oh, he passes out. that's That was a sign. Leave my elevator alone, written on a big sign. Leave my elevator alone.
arm ah Yes, so she tries to have him committed. He is like, okay, well, if that's what you want, I'll go with him. And then like he goes outside and then he starts running away. yeah He gets in the car and drives away. They try to stop him. The ah the social services woman assaults Dave Foley, which I thought was very funny.
and um And then, he kind of disappears. they go to So she goes a day fully and they go to the storage unit, all the stuff is cleared out. And then here's something that I noticed. At the hotel, he holds the door open for her when they go into his hotel room. And they find like his old like toothpaste that they don't make anymore. They found his stock certificates for IBM and um yeah whatever the other one was.
Um, and, uh, they find, um, and the baseball, the the baseball cards and everything, which he said that he wanted her to have like keep the baseball cards. He said, as he was running away in the truck from the, um, please also check out for me and pay my bill. Yeah. Um, uh, and, uh, and she's like, uh, and then, and then he go, they got to the car and Dave Foley opens the door, the car door for her before he gets in as well.
Um, which is very, it's very subtle and I, I don't think I'd ever noticed it the times I've seen this movie before, but I noticed it this time. Never noticed that before. And I love that. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, and they, she's, she's quizzing him and he's like, yeah, we went to, he went to some like porn store and she's like, he went to a porn store because now they're starting to believe that what he said was true because of like the evidence that they found like all of his clothes and stuff. Um,
And they're like, do you think that they built a porn store over the fallout shelter? And he's like, all this used to be like houses in the sixties. And so they go there and they're trying to find it. And I feel like this part doesn't quite work. I wish it was a little bit cuter because he just happens to be on the street and they drive by and she sees him. I wish there could have been like a little, like if if there had been something that she recognized that that that worked.
but Yeah, he just happens to be there. And then they go to the fallout shelter and he introduces her to his family and he's like, all right, I'm gonna i'm going to fix this for you. Turn the lock for two months and I'll come back and get you. And they're like, okay. And then Alicia Silverstone narrates the end, which is weird.
yeah it was a weird sort of turn but also like at this point i was like the movie already like it felt a little long at this point i was like i feel like we could have condensed a little too long yeah i mean like again she doesn't show up for 40 minutes like the first part like the the his character is you know, the first half of the movie, basically, almost. And yes and she is pretty thinly sketched, you know? Like, we don't know anything about her family. We don't know, like, what her goals and aspirations are. How she can afford to live in this beautiful house. Yeah, she likes baseball cards. and We know that. That's about it. yeah ah Yeah. So it's a little lopsided. All of her family's divorced. That's true. She does say that. Yeah, she does say that. um
They and so she's like, it's amazing what you can do when you have unlimited money with his IBM stock certificates from the 60s. They're like billionaires. Yeah, I mean, or yeah, yeah, they have tons and tons of money. So they go they out in the in a field in the middle of nowhere, they rebuild this like mid century 60s suburban house for his parents, and they take them out there in a van, presumably blindfolded. Yes, to like slowly reintroduce them into society. Yeah, yeah. Because like the last scene of the movie is him explaining to his dad, he's like, the bombs never fell a plane crashed into our house. I found that he goes, Oh, that's what the Soviets want you to think.
Like you think they just collapsed, their government collapsed and they just kind of ended without a fight. Sure, sure. And he was like, no, actually that is what happened. That is what I mean. And at the end of the ask the West for help. Yeah. At the end of the movie, um he's complaining about commies and measuring out a new fallout shelter to build under their house. Yeah. And then Randy Newman's political scientist, which is a great song plays over the credits. The end.
um Yeah, I felt like we could have condensed the beginning. I think that was what made it sort of drag a little bit because things don't really start picking up and getting charming until they could have cut it down.
Yeah. um There's a couple of other things. I think I've got some starred things here. Oh, we have, surprisingly, um in this PG-13 movie, there's two uses of the fuck word, which is- Really? It happens sometimes, but it's uncommon. In the baseball card scene, when we first meet Alicia Silverstone, and she goes out with, she leaves with him after convinced, and after the guy fires her for for not letting him scam Bernan Fraser, he says, mazel fucking tov.
And then later when she hurts her knee, she's complaining in the bathroom while he's talking to Dave Foley. So it's almost inaudible, but it's on the subtitles where she's like, you know, just complaining about, about her knee. And she says something fucking something. Yeah. Yeah. Well, how about that?
um To keep their PG-13, however, they did blur out all of the porn. I noticed that. Yeah. It's probably harder to tell on like you know VHS and DVD and stuff, but now it's very obvious that all of the the porn video tapes are blurred out in the movie. Yeah.
Um, there is something else I noticed. There's ah this cute bit where, uh, early in the movie, um, somebody says, Oh my God. And he's like, please don't take the Lord's name in vain. And he has this, like, cause he was raised religious or whatever. But later in the movie, um, Dave Foley says, God damn it. And he goes, Oh, and, and Brendan Fraser says, well, Oh, look at that. And he exclaims cause they drove west the porn store.
And he goes, oh, I'm sorry, I took the Lord's name in vain. And Brenda Fraser's like, no, no, not that. Like, he doesn't care about that anymore. So that is like yeah character gross. Yeah, which is really nice. He also gets a sexy, sexy makeover. Oh, yes, absolutely. Yeah, they've got him in the... But again, it's so 90s, like the shiny, like blue dress shirt and the pinstripe pants or whatever. Yes, with the like the like bright blue lining. Oh oh my God.
Yeah, very 90s. I mean, he looks good. He's Bernie Fraser, though. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Um, yeah, I think that's about all I got. Hot Dr. Pepper. Hot Dr. Pepper, gross. Gross. Gross, gross, gross. But yeah, ah very charming, very cute, very adorable. um Great pick. Yeah. Surprisingly, for the most part, for a movie done in the 90s, held up.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. not not Not as much cringe as some other things we've watched, for sure. Exactly, exactly. um So it's my pick next week. It sure is. ah We're going a little, taking a little bit of a left turn here. Oh. Because, you know, State of the Worlds and all of that, I was like, I want a comfort movie. I need a comfort watch. And I'm a musical theater nerd.
We have yet to do a musical on this podcast. Ooh, uh-oh. I know. Don't get too excited. It's not the one you think it is. OK. I really want us to do Anastasia. ah OK. Yeah. OK. It technically is a rom-com. Yeah, it's a rom-com. There's some romance. there's some There's some comedy. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to do Anastasia.
Uh-huh, hell yeah. I mean, it's a John Cusack Meg Ryan movie, right? Exactly. And Bernadette Peters. Well, obviously, yeah. And Christopher Lloyd. Oh my God. Yeah, Christopher Lloyd. And Frasier. And Frasier. And also, oh my God, I forgot. It's got Angela Lansbury. Hank Azaria. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And Hank Azaria and Kirsten Dunst. Give him a ha and a hi-ya. And a ha and a hi-ya.
So we're gonna do Anastasia. Hell yeah. All right. Yes. Amazing. Shall we outro? Yes. Oh, and that's a lie. We have done musicals. Sorry. I'm just remembering Mama Mia. Oh, we did. mom We did to Mama Mia musicals. Yes, we sure did. Well, you know, animated. Anyways, let's outro. It is our first animated movie. Yes. Okay.
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Until next time, we're just two girls. Standing in front of the internet, asking it to love us. Good night. Good night.