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Episode 012 - Delayed by Hangover image

Episode 012 - Delayed by Hangover

S1 E12 ยท Just Shillin'
50 Plays9 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about life and the things they love. Shawn has had family visiting so we're catching up on 2 weeks of content with a nice little Bad Batch cherry on top.

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00:00:00 Catching Up
00:09:22 News
00:28:10 What We're Watching
00:44:00 The Bad Batch S03E12 & S03E13
01:17:13 Byeeeeee


Hosts Return with Updates

Hello and welcome to episode number 12 of Just Shilling. I know it's been a week and a half since our last episode. I apologize for that. I've been on vacation. But yeah, we're back and ready to rock and roll. My name is Sean Hoffman. I'm one of your hosts. And I'm Andy Bell, and I'm one of your other hosts. And that makes two. We're going to go to Freddie. Hi, and I'm Charlie, and I'm your third host.
We don't let him talk. He's a producer Charlie. How have you been dude? It's been a long time. I've missed you. It has been a long time. I've missed, I've missed you. I've missed everybody else, man. I've, I've been, uh, for those who don't know, and who've been reaching out like Madison's family came out to visit us and we, I thought I was going to have more time to keep up with, you know, with friends and things like that. But, uh, we, we made it a very busy week.
Uh, lots of hangovers, lots of fun stuff. Uh, so yeah, it was, here we are with, we took a week off. Um, but no, it was a good time by the skin of my teeth. Um, I think I'm going to not drink for just a little while, you know, let my body recover. Um, yeah, that's I'm at a loss for words to describe it, but it was, it was a really good time. I'm really happy they came out. We did a lot of cool stuff.
And you know that feeling when you get done with a vacation and you're like, I think I'm more tired now than I was before I left. Kind of in the recovery phase of that. But it was a really good time. And trying to catch up, they took off yesterday.

Vacation Recap and TV Catch-Up

So over the last 24 hours, I've been trying to catch up on Bad Batch and all the other stuff that I've missed to varying degrees of success. And so yeah, now I'm here, hanging out, talking to my buddy. Excellent.
Well, I haven't had quite as exciting a... Actually, no, I'll take it back. I haven't been as busy as you, put it that way. I certainly haven't been as busy on my liver as you have been in the last week or so. But yeah, it's been a worky fun
couple of weeks as usual, but a couple of things did happen while you and I haven't been speaking. I went vintage toy hunting with Chris and Kev from the Scruffy Looking Podcasters, and that was really good fun. So we met about halfway. So they live two or three, well, maybe 200 miles north of me.
and we met halfway in a city called Birmingham, the second city of the UK. We met there at the big National Exhibition Centre where there was the largest vintage toy fair
in Europe going on. I can't remember the name of it. I should have got that before we started recording. But anyway, point being is that we spent a lot of money. A good five or six hours there. I was laughing, actually, because I was waiting. I left the conference center or the hallway, sorry, earlier to use the bathroom. And I was waiting for the boys to come out, as you do.
And I was listening to a married couple talking to each other and she was saying to him, I think we did really well there. We did a good two or three hours and we pretty much got everything we wanted. Dude, we were there between five and six hours. We were there for a long, long, long time. And pretty much.
I mean, I was there for the shock and awe of the whole thing. I'm in awe of these amazing stands and these amazing booths that have the most bizarre and crazy vintage toys from pretty much every era represented there.
And so I've really got no idea what I'm looking for or what I'm looking at and what's a good deal and what's a bad deal. Kevin, Chris, they know exactly what they're doing. They've got a shopping list as long as your arm. They know exactly what they want and they know exactly what they're going to pay for it. They know their stuff. They've become quite the connoisseur of toy hunting.
and also doing deals as well. I was very, very impressed. I walked away with a couple of things. I mean, we've spoken about it before. My collecting has kind of dropped off significantly in recent years. And so I only really go for the bizarre and the obscure these days, the stuff that makes me giggle. So one of the
I get a tap on the shoulder. You know what it's like? It's a little bit like when we're at celebration where I'll go in one direction, Kev will go in another direction, Chris will go in another direction. We're mooching about looking at stuff that we're interested in, and then within five or 10 minutes, we'll hook up again. Anyway, I tap on the shoulder and Chris says to me, do you like bootleg stuff? I'm like, oh yeah, I love it. In fact, I find some of the bootleg stuff.
as fascinating, if not more fascinating than the real stuff, especially the old, you know, the Yuzai stuff or the Urzai stuff, the old Turkish bootleg stuff. Anyway, the point being is that he found a vendor that was selling Mexican bootleg Kenner action figures, of which he'd already put aside for me two of the most amazing Chewbacca bootleg toys you've ever seen in your life.
which I will grab for you now. So they are the same style. They're exactly, they're taken from the mold of the original power of the force, you know, the really muscular power of the force figures, but they've been supersized. So if you imagine a 3.75 figure that's been supersized to, well, what is six inches? It's that, but they are
so badly painted and so badly put together, they're absolutely perfect. So I got myself a couple of Chewies, one a standard Chewie, the other being the disguise that he takes on during the Shadows of Sith, where he disguises himself as a rookie bounty hunter with flat top and eye patch. But I don't know if you can see this, and obviously this isn't good for podcasting or for audio, sorry.
But I don't know if you can see his eye. His eye is basically, he's got a boss eye as well, which a massive, massive boss eye, which only makes it even more, even more lovely. I love it. I absolutely love it. It looks like somebody sneezed when they were trying to paint the eyeball on it. Like they were like about to touch the paint to the eye, then they just like just bopped it.
I'll be honest with you, mate. I think they pretty much had their eyes closed for the whole painting exercise. If I'm honest with you, it's like, well, what colors are wookie? Well, they're normally like a tan and a brown color. I'll tell you what will make him slate gray. In fact, let's not make him slate gray. Let's make him more like a clay color. It's bizarre, but I love it. Absolutely love it. The left hand special.
Yeah, exactly. So that was good fun. And I mean, I'll leave it for the scruffy boys on their pod to talk about what they bought. But I have to say that the winner of the day was Chris. He did rather well and came back with quite a large bag of booty to, I'm sure, get in a lot of trouble with his misses. But it was good fun. And then while we were there as well, we kind of made plans for the weeks ahead, or the weeks ahead in plural.

Celebrating Phantom Menace's 25th Anniversary

As you know, it's the 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace this year, and so we've booked tickets, or Kev's booked tickets for us, to go and see it together. So I'm heading up north the weekend of the 4th of May, so I'll be going up just towards the end of the week, spend a couple of days with those guys just to
and have some fun in the cinema and watch the 25th anniversary special up there. But we're also going to take in the quarry. I don't know if you remember after celebration last year, our friend Catherine went up to see them and spend some time with them.
And they took her to the quarry that was used in Andor. Well, they've honored me with an invitation to that place as well. So we're going to break into the quarry and try and re-enact some scenes from Andor, which will be quite fun. So something nice to look forward to because, yeah, as I said, it's been fun and games again at work. So it's nice to do something a little bit different, a little bit fun.
So that's been my couple of weeks. What have you heard in the news, my friend? I mean, I'm assuming you have heard of any news? Okay, cool. I've heard of a couple things. I've made some mistakes based on some of them, but I debated whether to put this in the news or in our little what we've been up to section. So I decided to put it right in the middle. But like a week or so ago,
I was on another podcast. I got away from the Andy and I went and hung out with our lovely friend, Catherine and Brittany over on that geek pod where we talked about kind of Disney parks and Disney everything, some of the announcements that have come out and that was a really good time. Just kind of getting to hash it out with some other people that were deeply familiar with some of the inner workings of
Disney and can share in that excitement. So that was a good time. I thank Catherine and Brittany for letting me join him on that. That was really cool. Yeah, I heard it. I heard it. As soon as it went up, I downloaded and listened. It was good fun. It's really good fun to listen to. I mean, I love that we talk about other things than of the obvious, which is Star Wars, but I also love it when our friends do as well.
And I love it when we kind of go beyond the boundaries of what brings us together in the first place as friends. And no, it's good fun. And both you and Britt, wow, your knowledge is pretty amazing. Pretty amazing. There's a couple things knocking around up here in the old noggin, but hopefully other people find them interesting and it seems to be going well. So yeah, that was a good time.

Tales of the Empire Trailer Discussion

Outside of that,
Some of these, I'm sure you have in your news as well. I got to see the Tales of the Empire trailer, which was super duper cool. I'm excited for it. My big takeaway is I know on a previous conversation, I mentioned something about how I have a strong running theory that Marvel uses their What If series
as a way of kind of connective tissue and introducing concepts that are maybe a little more out there so that way the main content can run. Like, can just kind of get to it and be like, hey, by the way, zombies are here. Guess what? They're coming in the next movie. We don't have to like go into all that. This, this specifically, this Tales of the Empire series, I'm like, ah,
that my prediction, this is going to be their equivalent version of the what if kind of scenario where they're going to use Tales of the Empire as connective tissue for the
kind of the Filoni timeline. And I'm like, Ooh, it's all connected. Get the strings and the pins out. Here I go. Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. I thought it was awesome. And it was unexpected. And I thought, this is really good. And I, I know that, I mean, you and I have been swapping memes on, on, on, on how far, you know, this will take us, you know, tales from Jabba's palace, tales from
Watto's scrapyard, you know, his tales from wherever it can be for every day. And I hope they do that actually, because quite frankly, it's a bit dull and monotone. If it only goes, if it only stays around a bunch of superhuman force users with laser swords, it'll be a bit dull. So I do hope they do diversify a heck of a lot, a heck of a lot. But yeah, I'm inclined to agree with you. The fact that, the fact that it's those two specific characters,
The fact that it seems to be that they're focused very much on the inquisitors and what it is to be an inquisitor. And then secondly on the Dark Sisters as well. I can't believe it's just a coincidence and a nice story because Morgan was so
well received in Ahsoka and Mando season two. I can't believe that that would be the reason why. There's something here and there's something, as we'll talk about later on with Bad Batch, that may well imply that this is something to do with Necromancer or something. Or something. Yeah, no, I loved it, mate. I really did.
I'm excited. I'm excited for it. But it's a nice connected. It's a nice connected. It's not a, it's not a Ponda Baba and Dr. Everzan kind of connected, you know, and we were in Jeddah just as they blew up. Thank God we got off. You know, it's, it's, it's a nice kind of connected, which seems actually quite natural and not forced. So I'm cool with that. Yeah.

Evolution of Star Wars Animation

Cause I think like,
Cause the tales of the Jedi was probably, probably one of the lowest, like probably pretty low on my list of ones at my enjoyment level. Like it wasn't bad. It's just like, I don't, I don't really know what it was
for, not that it always has to be for something, it just kind of fell flat for me. But this one, it's like, all right, this one has, this one feels like it has a purpose. It has bigger, not that everything has to have bigger implications, but just I don't know, it just feels right. It feels like well timed. It's I like the I like you're using the word diversification. Like, it's like, yeah, it's like we can we can get something I know animation takes a lot of work, but it's also not a film production. It's like, cool, we can get
smaller pieces of content that's still meaningful and not throw away without it being like a huge ordeal of like, well, it's going to get pushed out a couple of years. It's like, no, it's just animation. Here it is. Not the big deal. So that's cool. And let's face it, the more and more that they use the same kind of animation. I mean, you think about the, you know, all the way back to the original Clone Wars animated film, which, you know,
was not great, but it started to hold the whole journey. And that animation style is, you know, today it's significantly more advanced than it was, but it essentially is a variation of the original theme in one way or another. It's not, you know, they diversified more when they went off to do Rebels and obviously Resistance, but certainly Rebels was
was a very, very different style. Whereas this is still very much harks back all the way to the original Clone Wars film, which means that essentially their asset library must be enormous. So yeah, animation's expensive, but I'm sure there's a heck of a lot of reuse.
heck of a lot of reuse, especially the way it's kind of built today and emulated today through computers and not obviously by pen and ink. Yeah, technology's come a long way over however long it's been since those came out, what, 05 or something? It's been a while. So for context- So what else have you heard? I graduated high school in 05.

Pre-Ordering Star Wars Outlaws Game

You're welcome, Andy.
In oh five. Yeah, I was already ten. I was already ten years married no five. Holy shit, man Wednesday night with granddad What else have you heard I Saw the Star Wars outlaws trailer and subsequently
I immediately pulled the trigger on a pre-order. I'm not going to tell you which one, but I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Because I asked our friend, Eric Strava, the same question. I'll wager you went for the platinum or the ultimate, sorry, not the, you know, the Uber one, or did you go gold? Okay, so is it is Uber one up high gold and then regular? Is that how it goes?
I got the top one, like an idiot. I went with the high, I went with the one, I wanted three days early. Okay, there are four versions of the standard game.
Then there's the limited game or the, is it limited or exclusive game? It's the version of the standard game that they give to retailers as an exclusive. And depending on the retailer, they get some cosmetics to go with it.
Then you've got the gold, which is the three days early access, with the cosmetics, and the two DLCs, one of which will be available on day one, the two DLC packs. And then you've got the Uber Uber one,
which includes a digital playbook, which I don't, am I right? I need to, oh, we should have done our research. I'm gonna have to Google it right now. I'm gonna have to do it. We can just crop this part out. No, no, no, no. We're leaving it in, we're leaving it in. We're showing how the sausage is made. Yeah, the Ultimate Edition has the base game.
The season passed including two narrative expansions. One at launch, which is the highly contested and controversial hut escapade. You've got two lots of costume packs or skins for both you, your pet, and your vehicle, and your ship, sorry, and the digital art book. Now the difference between that and the gold version
is I think it's just a digital art book. Yeah. Well, I'm good. I'm going to be honest with you, Andy. I don't remember purchasing it, but I can tell you that I did. If that gives you any indication of maybe the state of mind that I was maybe in when I bought it. Well, I'll tell you a little secret.
I bought the gold, sorry, I bought the standard game first physical FPP. Okay. I bought this standard game because I wanted the free steel book that came with it from a, from a, only one retailer in the UK. And then I bought the digital ultimate one as well. So I've bought two versions of the game. Essentially. So I can see that you are, you're collecting has been winding down.

Strategy for Exclusive Star Wars Content

Yeah. But I bought the ultimate, I bought the ultimate edition. So that's what I got. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I was exchanging texts or messages with Eric earlier on. And he, I said, you know, what version did you actually go for? He said, I'm a dummy. I went for the ultimate. I said, well, I'm a dummy too. Cause I got the ultimate and the base game with a steel book. So, um, who's the more dummy? It's something physical and tangible, you know?
Yeah. Come the apocalypse when, um, when, you know, we lose the internet, at least I can play it. Um, obviously in hope that we still got electricity, but, um, yeah, at least I can still play it. I think assuming, assuming that our, our, uh, hardware doesn't phone home before when you turn them on and they're all not bricked because they can't make.
Well, of course, of course, it could be either a harbor actually to the ones that turn against us and create the apocalypse in the first place in which case Yeah, equally that's just as bad anyway Anything else my friend, but yes, I'm stoked for outlaw Yeah, I was gonna say it seems like a low risk no, no, no
Well, I really enjoyed and I did finish, I did complete, I didn't 100% unfortunately, but I did complete Survivor and it's a beautiful game. It's a stunning game, but it's Jedi and it's kind of like it takes skill and there's an awful lot of, it's a very
how can I put, how can I say it? It's a very- Very platformy kind of- Very platformy, but it's also kind of stressful. I can't think of a better word. Whereas I feel that with looking at this game, it's
I love that. Some people have been knocking on the graphics. I like the graphics because it takes me back to a certain time where it feels quite
cartoony, but believable, if that makes sense. So I love that. But I also love the kind of game that I can just mooch about in as well, without any consequences, without there being a problem. I love the idea that my decisions and the way that my affiliations with particular groups of people will change the behavior in the game a little bit like
kind of decision trees that happen in games like Mass Effect, which I really, really do like. So I'm looking forward to it, mate. Yeah, good. What else?

TV Show Renewals and New Projects

Have you heard anything else in your drunken stupor? No. No, that is literally it. Like, as you can tell, you can tell where my news cutoff is. It's like, it's about a week ago when all this stuff hits and it's like, I don't know anything else that's happened since then.
Right, I'll go through this quickly, because there's a lot that I heard last week, over the last week. Good news is, is June part three has been confirmed. So June part three or doom, sorry, part three has been confirmed, which will essentially take the what was missing.
in one and two and held back to pad out part three, plus June Messiah, the second book, sorry, which is a relatively slim book and quite a quick read. So that's exciting and very, very good. And that will complete Paul's journey or Paul's story. Monarch season two confirmed.
last week, which is good fun. Glad about that. And there is a reason why I'm glad about that. And I'll talk about that later about what I've been watching and that explain my excitement for monarch season two. Silo season three and four. So we haven't even got Silo season two out yet.
But Rebecca Ferguson's TV production on Apple about the folks that are living underground and fighting their way up to the surface. Silo season two is coming out, I believe in the next couple of months, but three and four rumored to be filmed back to back, which is exciting because I do like the story and I like the drama in general anyway.
I'm not a massive Star Trek fan, but I have to say because of some of our friends, because they are, I've been getting quite into a lot of the TV series that are out there at the moment and enjoying them, especially Strange New Worlds. That's a lot of fun. Harkens back to the days of the original series and it's very campy, good fun. I like it a lot.
But the new Star Trek movie is coming out and that's meant to be an origin prequel set before the Chris Pine movie. So if you remember the reboot where they split off the timeline because of a particular event back in 2009, something like that. Anyway, back in the late noughties. Yeah, they are going to do another film, but it's going to be a prequel.
um set before him um or them sorry so i'm assuming it'll be an all new cast which is a bit of a shame because it would have been good for them to have ended their stint on a high but there you go uh the running man do you remember the running man the steven king novel that was turned into an action blockbuster with arnie back in the 80s Arnold Schwarzenegger yeah that's being made but yeah yeah if you it's like um it's almost like um
think of it as like an early version with less people of the Hunger Games and that you've got these combatants that are out there that have got to survive this post-apocalyptic playground while being hunted by gladiators, by modern day or futuristic gladiators. So that's going to be remade and that's being remade which is like I could I was a bit
take it or leave it, but I found that's going to be developed by Edgar Wright of many, many different films, if you like, things like Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz and so on and so forth. So that's going to be interesting because I think his take on it will be very, very different to a typical action movie. And then lastly, it's a personal thing. One series that I regret
never seeing was black sales. Lucy watched it and she loved it and for some reason it was a point in time where work was batshit crazy and I missed it. I absolutely missed it and then it disappeared and then it only appeared and then it appeared on Prime as long as you subscribe to it. I think it was Paramount or Stars at the time or something along those lines.
Anyway, the point being around, I never got around to watching it. And I've been contemplating in the last couple of weeks, because I'm on this role now. I've got this habit of trying to binge watch great series. I was thinking about buying it, but news in this week, Black Sales is coming to Netflix. So they've got the rights to the whole catalog of Black Sales, and I'm really looking forward to that.
And that's the news I picked up on. I'm sure there's a shed load that I've missed myself, but what man can I do so much, right? I think you did a pretty good job. I think, you know, as somebody who brought Barry Little to the table, I think you did a pretty good job. So is it worth me asking you the next question? What have you been watching? What have you watched? What have you listened to? Anything at all? I actually have a couple items.
So anybody who's ever had like family or something over, it's like, you know, there's inevitable downtime. And so it becomes like a, like, well, what do we watch? What do we
You wanna watch some random YouTube videos or do you wanna do whatever? You don't have time for a movie? So one thing that we did that we found works really well, I think better than any other show we've ever tried. We did like a bit of a Ted Lasso rewatch and we got her family hooked on that. It's just such a good, I think this is my third time watching that show. We got made all the way through season one and then got them hooked and continuing on with it. Such a good show. Yeah, so we'll watch a little bit of that.
I did catch up on my X-Men 97. And that has been, it's funny how I'll always say something in one episode and be like, oh, you know, it's kind of, it's kind of lolling. It's kind of whatever. And then the very, the very next episode is just like an unreal quality for like, especially for animation. Like the last two episodes of X-Men have been
pretty well, especially the one from last week. I don't know enough about X-Men to be like, oh, this is that storyline and yada, yada, yada, but it's compelling. It's like, it's a good show and it's lightweight. You just bopping, bopping out and watching each week. And it's really cool. The other thing that we watched, we kind of finished. I got went, so for people who don't know, Madison and I are Bluey fans.
And I caught wind of there being like the end of season three, kind of a thing going on. So we just binged them all like last night, like the last five or six episodes. They're eight minutes long for the most part. So we just, bop, bop, bop, man, man, let me tell you what that, there was some heartfelt stuff in an eight minute long kids show that was like weirdly, like there's like a weird payoffs.
that were coming from like watching the show and it's I look forward to talking to some of our friends about it in the future. But yeah, it's just it's crazy. It's like we don't we don't have children. I grew up around him with my mom being a babysitter out of our home.
And so I'm familiar with a lot of kids programming growing up with it. And there's nothing that compares to this on an emotional level and intelligence level. It's crazy. So yeah, we've been watching that. I started to get caught up on Shogun, got distracted this morning. And so now I am still an episode and a half behind much to Andy's chagrin. No, no, no, to be continued because
All I'll say is to be continued next week because I think you will laugh, you will cry, you will throw chairs when you catch up on where you are at the moment. It's very, very good. That's all I'll say. Nice. That's all I've been watching, man. How about you? What's been on...
We've done loads. We've done loads. I have opened a can of worms with Lucy and we're in for the journey now. We're becoming very seasoned box set burners over the last couple of weeks. So first off,
Lucy was meant to go away last Friday with some friends. You and I were going to record actually and unfortunately that didn't happen in the end because I was meant to be a taxi driver for her and her friends. One of her friends was sick quite late. We'd already travelled to where we had to come all the way back
So on the way back, we decided to go and see Godzilla because there's nothing that when you meet Lucy, you'll see a very, very demure, very together, very solid person that is extremely confident, extremely eloquent. And you'll think, oh,
she must like the most classical of things. And no, one thing that most people don't know is she's a massive monster movie fan, massive monster movie fan. And I mean, she's never going to listen to this, so I can say it. What her friends don't realize is that she's going through the entire novel box set of The Meg at the moment. Now, The Meg is a film series that I don't particularly like.
I don't think it's anything like the classics like Jaws and the rest of it. She absolutely friggin loves this stuff. I didn't even realise they were novels before they were films. I didn't realise that anything like that on the silver screen could actually have any type of
Written word behind it. I thought it was just kind of made up the day that they started shooting But you know, there are novels and there's a massive massive box set and she's loving it Anyway on top of that she loves I think you already knew this. She does a Jurassic Park and she adores
King Kong Godzilla. So on the way back, we decided to go and see Godzilla X Kong. And it's good. It's a good, good film. It's a really good riot. It's a lot of fun. It's a lot of crash bang wallop. And as a result of that, it was one of those things again, where we got home reasonably early. It's like, well, let's watch the rest. Like, okay. And of course, it's been such a while that an awful lot of them aren't on streaming services anymore.
So what does she do? She's gone and bought the entire back catalog box set of both King Kong Godzilla films that we're getting our way through over. We have been getting through this last week or so. But the one thing about this experience that I've got to share with you is the only tickets we could get were for 40X. Now, I don't know if you've ever done 40X. I've done it quite a few times.
I've done it quite a few times and it's fine. The last one I went to was probably The Rise of Skywalker and it was fine and it was good fun. Ooh, shooty shooty. We're hyperspace skipping. The Battle of Exegol, great, all of that kind of stuff. A little bit of water in the face. Anyway, I've never had a problem with it.
I don't know what happened last Friday evening, but they had that thing cranked up to 10. And quite frankly, we were thrown around to the point where towards the end, when obviously, I mean, it's a Godzilla movie, right? Everything goes to rat shit and all hell breaks loose. It got towards the end where I actually forgotten about what concentrating on the film quite frankly, because we were literally holding on for dear life. And I'm not being an old fart. I promise you, I'm not being an old fart because we had kids
in front of us and behind us saying, is it normally like this? Should it be like this? I mean, it was good fun. They're going to be wrong, but it was... I don't know whether they had either a fault or they're having a bit of fun with the settings, but it was... Yeah, popcorn was flying, drinks were flying. It was hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Watching on TV.
Finished Our Flag Means Death season two. Started and finished since you've been away, mate. So Our Flag Means Death, the comedy series, we wanted something that was as equally ridiculous as Dick Turpin. Finished Dick Turpin. So we went on to Our Flag Means Death. Season two is available. It's been out quite a while in the US, but it hasn't been out that long in the UK, so we started and finished that.
We started and finished, I think I started The Gentleman when I last spoke to you, the Guy Ritchie TV series. Yeah, we finished that as well. I'm telling you, man, we're on it at the moment, so we finished that as well. Do recommend that series. It's actually significantly better than the film, I would say. It's got rid of an awful lot of the, shall we say, questionable edginess that
was actually quite offensive, but it was in there just to be edgy, if you know what I mean? In the original film, they've gotten rid of that completely, and it's a really, really good yarn. So yeah, started and all finished, Our Flag means Death season two, The Gentleman, Dick Turpin, and I started and finished Fallout.
So Fallout came out last week, and we finished a lot. Did it in a day. It's that good. It really is that good. They dropped all the episodes at once? They did like a whole... Yeah, Prime dropped the whole season all at once, and I think they're gonna regret that. Or at least...
I'm not in media, so I've got no idea what the strategy was there, but it's really, really good. Really, really good. I always worry about video game to silver screen conversions or live action conversion. I mean, we're going to dedicate an episode about it one day, but they've done such a good job. They've been really smart about it.
We've spoken about this before, is they haven't followed the games. The history...
of how the world is the way that it is, is the same as the game. But the story isn't a bunch of vaults. I mean, it's not spoilers. People live underground in these vaults because there's been a nuclear war above ground and this is how they survive. And the story or stories across the Fallout games is that they slowly make their, or there's a reason to have to go to the surface.
And they meet all of the interesting and colorful people and animals that have survived on the surface while they've been safe underground. What I like about it is it's based in a bunch of vaults that we've never seen before. So it could be, it's a totally different story, but the premise behind it is so goddamn good. And the whole conspiracy and the whole, if you like, twist on what you think the narrative is about,
to the reality of our hero circumstances. And the reason why our hero has found her way above ground is it's really, really good. And I'm so goddamn pleased for them. I mean, it's definitely shown one or two live action shows. Again, I refer to Cowboy Bebop as just how to do a really, really good
live-action iteration of the game. We've spoken about it before. It's because they didn't try too hard to follow the original content. They did their own thing around that universe. Because of that, it's a lower risk. It doesn't have to achieve
um you know the gaming fanboys expectations i really enjoyed it really really i i employ you to watch it and it's funny it's dark but it's funny and gory very very gory it's very very pulpy it's it's it's funny as hell yeah wait it's on my list it's on my list to watch it's uh a night's tale right yeah
Yeah, no, I do recommend it. It's easy watching. A Knight's Tale. I don't know if you remember the film A Knight's Tale, for some reason. We had a craving to watch now, Alan Tudig, because Lucy and I were talking about Rogue One, and we ended up watching A Knight's Tale. And God, that's another film that holds up over the time. It's such a good film.
Very, very good fun. And we've started a new TV series. So we started this weekend, Constellation on Apple TV. It's a story about contemporary astronauts, scientists in space, and there's an accident in space and you are
There's a scientific accident that happens that essentially changes the situation and changes reality for the main protagonist. It's good, it's good. I wanted to watch it because it's got Numi Rapace in it. I hope I've represented her surname properly, but I love her. I think she's an amazing actress.
And so we started watching that and it's quite interesting, quite a slow burn, but it's quite interesting and the story is, and of course the acting is great. And what I like about it as well is it's multi-language as well, which is always nice because it's based in around folk from the European Space Agency. So it's a nice program.
And that's it, mate. The obvious is I'm, I'm still watching Shogun, Shogun, Scrubs, Battlestar Galactica, yada, yada, yada. I'm not going to go into too much detail about that, but, um, yeah, we've done a lot in a very, very short amount of time, mate. Nice. That's awesome. Yeah. I'm like, uh, I knew that fallout had come out, but I did, I didn't realize that they dropped all of them at once.
And on that note, I feel like that used to be something I wish more seasons would do. And it's like, oh, just drop them all. I don't want to wait. But now that we had that for a while, I'm surprised that anybody's still doing that. Because I think especially after the last season of Stranger Things, how it was really popular for like, because you need that social media buzz, you have to have it. It was popular for a week, and then it went away.
you these other shows like we need that I'm more in the camp of like do it do it weekly like don't do it like a soap opera where nothing happens but like 10 episodes whatever whatever and move forward um so that's interesting that they went with that well especially when especially when we're going to have this drought from the from the strikes
I would have thought that spreading it out over a period of time would, to your point, sustain the momentum around the hype. Keep that hype going. Have you seen this week? Have you seen this week? As we have with all the programs that you and I normally watch and talk about together.
Especially when you don't have anything to follow up with it. We are going to have this drought soon. You would have thought very quickly, our content's going to decline because we had a six months hiatus because of the strikes. Let's start spreading things out. Let's not just dump it in one go. It seems weird. Really, really strange.
Anyhow, did you or did you not manage to catch up on Bad Batch? Oh, I absolutely caught up on Bad Batch. I did make sure to get those in. Excellent.
So we've got two, it's a bit like one of those weeks where two actually drop, but we've got two that to talk about. So we had, this week we had Into the Breach and then last week we had Juggernaut. What are your thoughts on Juggernaut, man? What's funny is, like I enjoyed the episodes, but my takeaways are actually pretty minimal.
Like there was a lot that happened, but I feel like there wasn't, there wasn't a lot that you maybe weren't expecting. That really kind of gets the blood pumping for what's, it's all just ramp up in a ways. My kind of high levels were, it's interesting to see the people working in the facility on Tantis because some of them look like they are Emery clones, but then other ones are very clearly not.
Yeah, they're they're very they're very different. So it's like, OK, are there are there emery clones or is it just everybody has to use that same imperial uniform? Erebus call back to the the the prison worker planet. Beautiful. It looked like matte paintings like the backgrounds and stuff like it all really, really neat. I thought that was cool. I got excited for a minute.
because they thought one of the characters looked like a lassat, one of the prisoners, but when they showed them later, it's like, I don't think it is. I think it's something from like the OG, like OT kind of cantina scene, whatever, whatever that thing would be called. But I didn't really have many, many other takeaways. It's like, I was surprised that there wasn't a whole, like we, everybody always talked about like, oh, Hunter and,
crosshair gonna have a fight about letting her go and it was like record who said it and it was just kind of over like wow that surprised me that that wasn't something they leaned into not disappointed I was just like oh okay we're just we're rolling forward and going with it but what about you man like I mean I didn't really have any deeper I know you mean I know what you mean and I'm not saying it was a it was a slump for me but the
these last, I genuinely thought that the four last episodes will be 100% talented. And of course it is because of course Omega's there, but I really thought that they'd get back quickly or find the coordinates and get there quickly. But when you consider
the middle, should we say the middle part of the season has been relatively progressive, albeit small steps. Does that make sense? Where I felt the first half of the season so far was extremely progressive very, very quickly, very, very quickly.
And it's all adding to the tension, so I'm actually cool with it. I mean, as usual, I wrote some notes down. I mean, Admiral Rampart is back. That was nice. That was good to see him. I mean, at the end of the day, his demise, shall we say, in season one, didn't feel particularly complete. So I kind of had it in my gut that he was always going to find his way back.
A couple of things I wrote down again as usual. Fi also parks in the cave that everyone else has been parking in for the previous two episodes. It's like what is it with that cave? What is it with that cave?
Um, good to see juggernaut tanks back. I love that. Love that. A little bit of a call back to revenge and assist. I've been, I've been corrected. Apparently they're not identical to the ones of revenge and assist, but, um, what are you going to do? Um, I didn't realize, I don't know what I'm looking at. One thing I did like, uh, in terms of Starship porn was fee ship. I thought it was sick and.
We've seen her fly before, right? But it seemed like a different ship. Am I going crazy? But it seemed like a very, very different ship. It looked different, but I tried. I had that same thought. I'm like, is it just missing like a container? Is it missing cargo? That was it. I don't know whether in a previous episode she had a ship blown up that I'd just forgotten about or whatever, but
What I liked about it was if you look at it from behind, it's got the rear of a Lambda shuttle. It's like almost, I mean, talk about reusing digital assets. They've done exactly that. It's kind of got the rear of a Lambda shuttle. It's got the front of almost like
The Star Cruiser from Star Tours, it's got a very, very flat paneled front. And then the spine almost like a Nebulance Cruiser, like a medical frigate. I thought it looked fantastic. Really, really, I mean, complete kit bash, but I thought fair play because that's in the spirit of Star Wars. Again, no stun, they were definitely killing. The bad batch have got the gloves off.
I love the turbo tank ordinance. I don't think we ever saw that unless we might have done that. We might have seen it on Kashyyyk, but I can't remember all of the ordinance, sorry, and missiles and all that stuff coming out of that. I love that. I thought that was absolutely fantastic. I kind of thought they were more of a troop transport than an actual
offensive tank, which I thought was very, very cool. They made those a lot cooler than I've ever thought they were in the past. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They were like, they're very, you know, pew pew loved it. Loved it. One thing I did take away, though, that really solidified our theory that we had at the very, very beginning was Pershing explaining Omega's role in the whole of in the whole of this by, I mean,
she can replicate the M count from other donors with her blood. So we know now, I'd like to say categorically, but you know what it's like. It's open to interpretation of the people. I'm sure have different views, but in my mind, we know now that she is not force sensitive. There is something about her body. And I think you said it at the very, very beginning, she's a really good donor.
because her blood or makeup of her blood can replicate the M count from the original forced owner. It's not her M count that we're talking about, it's their M count and it's transferability into a new host or into a new body.
She's like type of blood. She's kind of like a universal donor and it's not going to like attack it or she's compatible. And so they're going to try to figure out what the source of that is and how to replicate that. I'm still curious if is that a natural thing or is this her bad batch Clone Force 99 kind of Nala say. Kind of figured it out and perfected and she's the output.
Yeah, or is this all accidental? I'm so curious if we ever get answers on that that piece Don't know man. Don't know don't know. I mean it is strange. It is strange. It's not it's not
It's not generic across the clones, and most importantly, and we've said this before, it's not generic across her sister. Her sister should have it. If they are a carbon copy clone of each other, albeit at different ages in their life cycle,
There is something unique about Omega, whether it's purposeful, whether it was done on purpose or whether it was done... It's a happy accident. No idea, mate. But yeah, I did enjoy it. And obviously, I'm loving the other forces of children that are in the vault.
Another question that came up around that that I had was I was kind of hope it's kind of something that's been the back of my mind and like have we ever gotten confirmation that Omega and Emery are clone copies of Django but just the female version or are they just clones but maybe of a different source and like Kaminoans they just do all sorts of like they clone all sorts of stuff like they have
Django clones who are like the fighter people the clone the clones we know and love and then like Because I did say that like she has their brother and sisters, but it's like is that just because they're all clones from Camino or they actually modified Django clones like because that's interesting to me because like Emory Emory's technically a clone similar same as Omega, so it's like
Is it just, there's a different source and maybe that's something we find out about later in the future, I don't know. So season one, episode nine, Bounty Lost. Omega is the last of two pure genetic replicas of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Whether intended or not,
Omega is also the first and likely only, at that time, female clone of Fett. Right, that begs the question. Emery. Is Emery a Django Fett?
Sorry, or is this or is this the kind of thing that's still TBD and the assumptions that we've made or put on the Star Wars dot com and Wikipedia? Like, well, this is what they said. But it's still in flux. So she's. So she was a she's a human female clone created from the genetic template, the Mandalorian.
um sorry just bear with me a second yeah dragon go fat supposedly is that on star wars dot com or wikipedia it's um wikipedia um the only thing is though is i would say is that she's got the she's not a
If Omega and Alpha, Alpha being Boba. So Omega is Omega and Alpha is Boba. If they were unaltered, the only two unaltered clothes, I don't think, well, Emery has been created from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty and the Jango Fett. She's obviously got accelerated aging. Yeah.
So I think she's being made out to be the same age as, if you like, the clones. The other clones. Yeah. Apart from that. Interesting. Apart from that, there's not a lot there. Anyway, yes, no, good fun. All good fun.
What episode are we on now? Oh, sorry. No, we haven't talked about talking about that in a second. Into the breach. Into the breach. What did you think of that episode? I mean, it's kind of continuation of the previous one, but any other thoughts to that one? The ending was very close. I had big. There's a couple of different times, even on the last episode, I'm like, records are gone or they're playing the music. It's getting loud. And like, this is another tech moment. And then same thing with Echo.
on the final episode and like, dang, we're about to start. Are they about to start just dropping clone or bad batch characters? Like, is it getting that serious? Excuse me. And the other part was like.
I feel like they can't help themselves in some of these shows. It's like, I feel like they were trying to do like sexy callus again with Rampart and like, oh, this is, this is sexy Rampart with his beard. And he's so rough, but he's just not a likable person though. Like he never comes around. He's an asshole. But I feel like there's still that round table where they're like, let's just do like rough and rough and sexy Rampart. And it's like, I don't think it's going to work the same.
I mean, he is a fucking tit. I mean, he's an absolute asshole, but he did make me laugh. It's when they kind of pass the uniform to him. He's like, it's a captain's uniform. It's like, oh, jog on. Dude, please. Really? Yeah, they do him well. They do him really, really well. But yeah, no, it's another progressive, you know, taking us in the right direction, at least they're on the right path now, right? At least they're on the way to Tantus.
It's a little McGuffany like I don't I enjoy I don't want to make something I didn't like these episodes but it did feel a little bit more than normal like like you said it like it feels like it should have we're kind of having this escalation to something really big and it kind of felt a little Okay, here's that go and then
We gotta go get Rampart, go save him, and then this, and now it's like, oh, I don't really know where it is, but we gotta go to this other place and then do the, like, Last Jedi, Kanto, Bitey, kind of, ooh, we gotta go here and know this, and then it all falls apart.
And lo and behold, they're on the way to save her and lo and behold, she's already broken herself out or in the process of breaking herself out, which you'd expect from Omega because she kicks ass. But it's a bit tropey in places, I agree, but I'm still enjoying it, really, really, really enjoying it.
I got a question for you because it came from my notes and I didn't know the answer. At the very, very beginning, the droids that are working in the vault, are they the original Uber droids? You know what I mean? Uber, Uber. That's what it looks like.
It is, isn't it? It is, I'm sure it is. It looks familiar and it kind of reminds me of like Phantom Menace or the prequels. Yeah, the ooh, bah, ooh. That's the one. When Luke and Leia are born. So they go from delivering the chosen one and his sister.
and to torturing young, four sensitive children. Good career move. Second question I had for you. Do you remember when they were waiting on those floating platforms, when they were waiting for Echo to turn up with the stolen shuttle? When obviously after they'd broken Rampart out. Is that Bespin?
Is that like on the other side? I know it's not Cloud City, but there are a bunch of floating platforms in the sky. Is that Bespin? I don't know. I'll have to look at that. I didn't pick up on that when we were in my first watch. But it's got that kind of orangey-pinky-hue sky, and they're in the clouds, and the towers look to be floating. And I thought, oh, it could be the opposite side of the planet or something, well away from Cloud City.
Wrote down at the captain's uniform, that made me laugh. Wrote down Omega taking charge and taking names. Like really, really, I mean, she's really in charge of, I mean, the knowledge and the leadership that she demonstrated in front of the other kids in terms of kind of organizing their breakout, I thought was awesome. It makes you realize how old she is now when she's up against small kids. Oh, yeah. It's like, oh, she's actually grown up a lot.
Yeah, and not necessarily physically or in age, although I do think that she was in Tantis for quite a few months, grown up mentally. Yeah, no, I agree with you. I mean, there's no naivety there anymore. One of the weird things was, again, it's the clone armour. The clone armour is no longer conspicuous.
Sorry, it no longer blends in. As part of the heist, as it were, to get the codes so that they can find the way to Tantus, they said, oh, we've stripped the armour down, but they still look
Really, really blatantly not, they're not going to fit in. And I'm probably being niggly and quite frankly, it's a kid show and I shouldn't be that hung up about it. But it's like, why don't you just steal some uniforms? Just steal some regular clone armor or regular Stormtrooper armor and figure out. I got hung up on it too. I didn't bring it up because I felt like I was being fiddly as well. But I'm like, there's a couple of things with like, you could still see the colors. Like it was still just faded.
I'm like, you almost wish they would have done the typical Star Wars thing and been like open a drawer. It's like, oh, here's some white spray paint. Now we're all going to walk out in goofy malformed clone, bad batch armor. And then there's another part along that same lines of like, why was wrecker sitting in the, the, the open like cargo area with his helmet off with just fully vibing. And it's like, Hey, what are you doing? He's like, uh, it's like, what the hell is going on?
Like it just seems reckless, but I know it's a kid show, but I felt the same way. I'm like, this seems weird.
And then the last of my notes is quite a trivial one, but it was a welcome return of the droid tube. The droid tube from the sand crawler that sucks up R2. That made an appearance and was quite prominent in this episode and I really enjoyed that. Apart from that, I didn't really make any more notes. Again, it was progressive. They've made their way by the skin of their teeth to attach themselves to the medical
freighter that's on its way out there and they're gonna make an effort to save Omega. I'm assuming... Was that episode 13? That was 12. 11 and 12. We got flash strike and the cavalry has arrived next. Are there any 14 is there? I believe I can keep going. Oh, okay. Okay.
I'm going to say it with confidence and then it's going to make it true. That was 13. I wrote down the wrong number. I'm done. Okay. You're right. 13, 12, 13. Okay. So, um, that's cool. That's cool. So you've got, you've got two more. So, um, want to speculate.
It's not a lot of time now, is it? There's not a lot left they can do. There's not a lot of... That's my point. I thought this would have been a four-episode arc, but the endgame, I guess, is going to be stretched only over two now, which is fine. You know, it's absolutely fine. So what do you think? I think if the last episode wasn't called a cavalry as a return, I feel like I'm torn in two different directions. I'm like, there's still two episodes and they can ramp this up.
But it's like where it ends, like I think I've kind of had this in my head the whole time. I'm like, this is going to be the culmination of like the clones as we know them. Like this is going to be the send off like the big triumphant clone saving clones and then the clones can choose the life that they have in front of them. And I think I was in that page of like, this is gonna be a four episode arc.
and there's gonna be enough. But now we're still two episodes away, and Omega's breaking herself out, and they're also just now kind of on the way, but nobody's really with them, besides Echo being the best and most competent individual in the universe, by far, never falls. So I'm kind of torn between this, like, okay, we're still gonna get a triumphant ending. Maybe there's not a lot of time, but I'm also kind of being pulled in this direction of,
It's not gonna be the big satisfying ending that I was hoping for. And what if Omega gets out with these kids?
separately from the clone saving clone. I don't know. It just feels like there's just a lot of loose ends to be tied up. And so like, is it going to lead into a separate a separate series? Are we going to get is anybody like not that somebody needs to die, but is anybody even going to die because you got to that takes a chunk of time to really kind of honor anybody who's meaningful. To have that it's just like there's not there's not the time. So I'm very curious. I'm not looking at it through a negative lens.
But it's a, what the hell are they gonna do? Like, but there's plenty of time. I've, I'm now, we've been doing quite a bit of cocky duty speculating over the last couple of weeks. And I think that with only two, with only two episodes left, uh, you know, don't roll your eyes, mate. I hope you're not disappointed. I don't think this is the end of it. I don't think this is the end of, I don't think it's the end of it. I think.
Again, all roads lead to the prequels, sorry, prequels, the sequels. I think we are setting up the next, the natural evolution of the bad batch will be
setting up the path, the hidden path. I genuinely think that that is the next story. And I think that lends itself nicely to, well, we've already talked about three things. There's the cloning,
It's amazing that a kids cartoon would actually be the, or animated series, sorry, I shouldn't call it kids cartoon, the animated series would be the linchpin or the connective tissue to so many different things that we're enjoying today. But the idea that the
that this season is the genesis, if you like, of Palpatine's return, that this series is the genesis of potentially the Dark Trooper program, that this series potentially is the genesis of the hidden path that we see a little bit of, not a lot of, but a little bit of 10 years later in Kenobi.
I wouldn't be surprised, mate, that the next animated season is exactly that. And then we'll get the folk that an awful lot of people, friends of yours and mine included, are waiting to see Quinn and Vos. We're waiting to see other Jedi that we do believe survived the Purge.
and somehow made it out. And in doing so, we'll get the story as to how Asajj Ventress was resurrected. Ironically, we might even see the prelude to that in Tales from the Empire if we look at Morgan's story.
I do think it's funny how we, when you talk about the path, similar to what we talked about last time, it's like, it is somehow the connective tissue between every, literally everything, every show that we've had so far, every, like all the Disney Plus series.
Even ties in Kenobi ties in all the bad batch ties in all these other future works. Skeleton crew is an interesting one, but we'll wait and see you figure that out. But it is the, the, the potential connective tissue. So then I think that begs the question. Okay. When are we going to get the announcement of the next show? Is that going to be celebration next year? That's all announced a new show like the followup.
Yeah, I can't believe we're going to wait that long. I can't believe we're going to wait that long. You know, we could be wrong, but I guess there's enough ammunition or there's enough in the pipe to keep us entertained until then, but not to have, you know, if you think about it, if you think about it, we've got acolyte, sorry, Tales from the Empire, acolyte, skeleton crew.
Looking like you know we and all will be early 2025. I guess that could take us up to April. Oh Got mando season three four as well, haven't we? Well have we have we I don't know have we I thought I thought that was 2025 for some reason Is that now the is that another film I can't remember I already forgot Welcome to just shilling anyway
a badly researched podcast. Anyway, yeah, whatever happens, whatever happens. The point being is you could be right. I'd find it really, really weird that the first time, if you think about when something should naturally drop after Andor would be two or three months late, I guess it's time for marketing. It seems weird to leave it that late to build up the hype train though.
You know, unless they did, unless they start airing it sooner and we get like a special preview or special viewing could be could be. But that would be also. I'm curious that breaks into the whole celebration conversation, because I think this celebration is going to be very different. It's the only three days being in Japan. It's it'll be interesting because they have to come with something to make it worthy of having, but.
I don't know. I am. I am. I just hope at some point in time, the clone, the clones as a whole get a. A fitting resolution to the the work they put in, like, because they clearly been working on phasing them out and stuff like that. And so it's like, when did they get the button, the button on their their little cherry on their little cake? So we can see I totally agree on stories over now. It's working on the path and free people.
Yeah, and I think that's a suitable ending because how do you take battle-hardened
guys that want to help and essentially are the ultimate soldiers. How do you take them and can you see it really being an adequate ending for them to retire somewhere with their feet up or would it be an adequate ending that their story ends with them establishing this amazing
underground railway for lost souls and for four sensitives to get away from the Empire. I think that would be fitting. I also think it'll be fitting for Omega as well. While
you would want a child of that age to have a childhood and to have fun and I think that she still can in despite her capacity for being very strategic, very trained. I still think she has an opportunity to have a child but I also think that she would be quite the leader in managing
quite in managing the hidden path as young as she is, despite how young as she is. So yeah, I'd be okay with that, mate.
You want to see a conclusion, but maybe that is the conclusion. And there is no, there is no happy ending. There is just a happy story or a happy conclusion that, that so many people survived and so many people got out and were safe because of these people. And that's a legacy and do stuff would be, would be good. I think, I think that would be satisfying to have that moment where like, there's, there's a hundred clones, 75 go this way to go help with the path and they show them that. And the other 25 are like, I'm good.
And like, and I think that would be enough of it's like, it's two episodes. I'm very curious to see what they pack in because you know, the last 10 minutes are going to be montage. Something, something of like, here's where people ended up. Hopefully. I mean, I don't know, but I'm excited. I'm excited for it. I'm I'm right. Crosshair, crosshair, crosshair walks the scorched earth as a as a Ronin and just to
to repay all of the ills he's done. He's he's a tortured soul, helping people from place to place like Kung Fu. That'd be sick. As long as I just hope there's not any like goofy like crosshair takes off the armor, then he puts on other armor that makes him somebody we've known that's never taken their helmet off. But let him be. Who they are, whatever.
He's Bill Burr's character's dad. We're all connected. That's too much. Yeah, that would be too much. That would be too much. I'm looking forward to it coming to my head now. Not that I'm in any way wishing it along, but
Yeah, it's gonna be interesting how it ends. As I said, really looking forward to Tales of the Empire. That's another one that's being just thrown out in one day, isn't it? All the episodes are coming out in one day. Yeah, yeah, I believe so. And it's like, I want to clarify something, because I feel like I was being kind of poopy on it. But it's like, I trust them that they care enough about Omega and the Bad Batch that they're gonna do the story right.
I just feel at a loss of what's gonna happen. And that's also a good thing, that you don't see what's about to happen coming. But I know that Omega's a beloved character, and I trust that they're gonna do it right. They're not gonna fumble this bag. It's got too much riding on it. It's just like, hmm, what are they gonna do? And Tales of the Empire is definitely helping soften that blow of the show ending. And so it's like, maybe I'm not thinking so much about
Bad batch, because I'm like, ooh, Tales of the Empire, new shiny coin. Let me go, let me go on and look at that shiny coin while this one, this is about to finish, but I'm excited for all of it. Yeah. Yeah, it's a good time to be a fan, right? It's a really good time to be a fan.
Mate, I think we've done it to death. I can't believe we got through so much, actually, in a pretty decent time as well. We haven't kept our friends having to listen to us for too long. Maybe I should go away next time. But no, we've done pretty well. 15 minute episode. Neither one of us have anything to talk about. And I'm hoping if all the stars align,
I'm hoping that we may be actually making up from our absence last week and recording another podcast this week, I hope, with a very, very special guest and a very, very special friend of ours. I don't want to commit just in case something happens because life generally does get in the way, but I'm super excited for that and hope we can pull that off. So yes.
Folks, thank you so much for listening as usual for those of you that do listen. And hopefully, like I said, in a couple of days, you may see us or hear us again. Sean, take us out, mate. Thank you all for listening. If you want to find our information, just go to our website at Maybe see you in a couple of days. If not, maybe see you in a couple more days. Until next time. Goodbye now.