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Chick Quicky: AEW Unmatched 5 Review

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays2 years ago
Introducing “Chick Quickies”, a new minipod format from The Chick Foley Show. On this first edition, myself and Heel Husband will be doing a live review of the brand new AEW Unmatched Series 5, and settling an age-old debate in Listener Mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things Chick Foley at

Introduction of Chicks Quickies

Welcome, Chick Foley show.
what is up foley fam heel husbands here with the first ever edition of the chicks quickies. It's just me and the star of the show. Sheena, how you doing?

Concept of Chicks Quickies

Doing good, man. I'm excited for this. Yeah, some it's an idea we kind of been kicking around for a while and we finally got the inspiration to go and pull the trigger on it. Sheena tell all the foley fam and all the listeners out there what chicks quickies is going to be.
So sometimes there's things that, you know, we want to express feelings on things that may have happened throughout the week or, you know, a hot topic that pops up. Um, but there may not be enough content out there to just go ahead and do the whole hour, hour and a half, uh, full blown chick fully show, as you know, and love it. So, um, Seth and I thought it would be a good idea. Like every once in a while we could just jump on if there's something big happening or if we get a new set of figures or there's something noteworthy to talk about, we can just kind of.
jump on, do a quick 10-20 minute show for you guys and just kind of run down our thoughts, kind of express feelings on things and share our opinions. So hopefully you guys like this. We're going to try it. You know, it's tough sometimes when it's me and Seth because we're both on the show and we both have kids that like run wild. They're little ticking time bombs. Little ticking time bombs, yeah. So you know, it's a concept that we're excited about and hopefully it plays out.
Yeah, so definitely give us some feedback. Let us know what you guys think. There's just, we kind of talked about it. We're big fans of the NPR news podcast up first. It's a 15 minute daily podcast and there's really nothing like that for wrestling. So I don't see us in the near future going to this daily show, but it's definitely something we could bring you guys a few times a week if you dig

Inspiration from Ringside Collectibles

I wanna remind you guys to support ringside collectibles. They're really the inspiration for tonight's show since we just got unmatched five in the house. We're gonna be running down a quick live review and get Sheena's thoughts on all six figures from this set. But before we get into it, we gotta get a mini farm update. Sheena, what's

Winter Preparations and Maintenance

new on the farm?
So we're just getting everything prepped and ready for winter around here. The summer garden wrapped up the fall, like I got some fall squash, winter squash and stuff like that, that's finally ripening and everything. So harvesting all of that, then we'll clear out the garden beds and get them all prepped for winter. Get some things in the ground for the winter garden. Garlic likes to overwinter, so you put it in the ground, then you get to harvest it next spring. So working on that, staying the coop. I did some repairing of the fences and
Just kind of some upkeep on all of our infrastructure here, our goat barn and chicken coop and all that kind of stuff. Just kind of getting everything ready for the wintertime. Kind of shutting down the operations a little bit. If you got some extra stain that's been sitting in your garage or whatever, make sure you're stirring it occasionally and keeping that stuff good to go because that shit is expensive, man. I about walked out of the store at Sherwin-Williams, man, and they told me 70 bucks for a gallon of stain.
So we went, so I had, you know, this idea in my head, like the previous homeowners had left a big, like, you know, a giant jug of stain in the garage. And I had seen it and I was like, oh, we have enough, we have stain in the garage that we can just go ahead and stain everything. And, you know, me, I just, you know, doing the
Sheena thing. I just assumed that the stain was good to go. Well, I went out there opened it up and the stain was just like all like separated and gross and like beyond repair. So yeah, Seth had to go. He went and picked us up some stain. And yeah, I was shocked. I was thinking like 30 bucks max. Yeah. And Seth walked out of Sherwin Williams, you know, with a gallon of freaking paint and it was 65 bucks, I think.
Yeah. If it wasn't a color that they had custom mix for me, I may have just walked out of the store, but that would have been a real bad move too. Oh man. So yeah, take care of that shit. I mean, it went a long way. I stained the whole coop and had, I had quite a bit left and I was like, oh my God, dude, what is happening in the world? All right.

Figure Review: Kenny Omega

So you ready to get into these figures, Sheen? Yeah, let's go. Again, we were talking AEW unmatched series five. It's finally here. It's at ringside collectibles right now. Again, what's the code, Sheen?
Chick Foley. Yes, she's going to save 10%. They also have their extreme rule sell going on right now. So there's a ton of figures from the last year. They got some serious markups and you can use Co Chick Foley to throw an extra 10% off of those already low prices on those. But we're going to kick it off with unmatched five Kenny Omega. Sheena, give us your thoughts.
I like it. I think it's cool that they tried something a little different with the jeans. They got the ripped look, the distressed look on the jeans. Obviously, this isn't Mad Reaper's work. Mad Reaper has the best custom jeans. He's the denim king. He's the denim king for sure. He made us an awesome Raven figure and obviously our all
Denim Brett and yeah, his his denim work is impeccable. He did that custom Scott Hall earlier this year, too That was just incredible. Yeah, I mean obviously he's doing one of ones so he can make it as detailed as he wants So I think jazz wears nice denim though Yeah produced I've seen denim I've seen
Mattel do a much poor job. Yeah, so this looks really cool. This is from Kenny's belt collector run of, you know, 2021. He was just rocking the crazy clothes. I can't remember off the top of my head. I think this might be the first street gear figure we've gotten for AW. We've gotten guys in suits, but I can't remember just getting a guy.
You know kind of swagged out like this. I think we had that Amazon exclusive Jericho Which was basically like a doll that came with like three different outfits was one. Yeah, this is pretty cool I feel like we need the bucks, you know, the bucks were always rocking some crazy gear on the back of some street gear books Yeah, you can actually see Nick Jackson in the fedora in the background on like the picture of the back of the box So that would be pretty cool to just kind of have those guys for display They had to roll this figure out before Seth Rollins got his trip God figure. Yeah, this would be on the front end and
This is really making me want Mattel to just knock it out of the park with a drip God Rollins. It's almost sacrilegious to say, but I would almost accept it if they made the first Seth Ultimate, like drip God Seth in a suit, you know what I mean? Because we definitely have seen a street gear ultimate figure yet. So if there's one that deserved it, it would definitely be Seth. But yeah, I think this is a pretty cool figure if you like the deep cuts of some of the big stars in AW.
Yeah, they put a lot of detail into this figure. Like I said, the jacket has several paint apps on it. He's got his little, you know, it's like a little molded necklace on there. His glasses have extra little paint apps on them, you know, to give him a little bit of depth and detail. The head scan looks great. Overall, it's a really good figure. I mean, it's just it's a niche figure, though, I think. Yeah, definitely. What's the what's the final verdict on Kenny Omega, Shane? How many chicks you giving him?
I give him three and a half chicks. Okay, three and a half chicks. You know my scoring is so poor on these things. Yeah, it's going to be all over the place. So don't try to... The score of one figure has zero relation to the next. Who do we got up next,

Figure Review: Sammy Guevara

We got the one and only, the sex god, Sammy Guevara. Remember, he's just the Spanish god now. Oh, yeah, sorry. They dropped the sex part of it after that whole Sasha Banks tweeting controversy. Yeah, he's a Spanish guy. Yeah, so this is Sammy Guevara from the first Blood and Guts match. You remember, the inner circle was all in the inmates here. If you remember, you got to go way back in your memory bank to remember this. Yeah, this was a while. I mean, what's the date? It's going to have the date on the back of the box.
It's a five, five 2021. It feels like it was longer than that. For some reason, I feel like that was in 2020. That's been a long time ago, dude. I mean, yeah, that's still almost a year and a half. But in my mind, that match was a long time ago. So much has happened in wrestling since then. But we already got Jake Hager. I think he was in the last unrivaled set. We're also got Jericho and Santana Ortiz on the way. So these are kind of must haves if you're a stickler for having factions with the same look.
Yeah, they are. But I mean, I just wish they would get them out a little quicker, man. Like I just feel like I understand only putting a couple in each set, but like one in each set is just a little bit. I mean, it's going to take forever to get these guys, you know, and this event was already so far, like so far back. I think it's a smart move from a business standpoint, because we saw it happen with that dark order set as a collector. I feel you. My collector heart is all about it. Like that was awesome.
that I believe it was unmatched series three when it was all dark order figures. Like that was great. When I found out that I was like, Oh, this is going to be the best set ever. And now it's like, it's just, you're, you're appealing, like really hard to people who are fans of that set. But if, you know,
You could end up bricking an entire series, man. Like there's going to be people that do not want one single figure from that whole set, you know, so I get spreading it around. But cool figure. I mean, the figure is whatever. It's just him in a black jumpsuit. It's going to look awesome once we have all of them, especially Santana and Ortiz with the dead president style face paint.
The big thing I'd say for this figure, which makes it a purchase is the head sculpt. So the first Sammy Guevara figure had like the tongue out to the side, just look kind of derpy. And that's the same head scan that they used on the target exclusive, which is also hitting right now. So I thought that was, that's a little bit of poor timing that we had the target exclusive hitting the same time as this one. But this figure has two great head sculpts. So I grabbed this one for the jumpsuit and then you can use the extra head sculpt on whichever you prefer to tire from.
The other Sami's are because both of these head scopes look better than the one that was on the, uh, this on the target exclusive this one right now. Do not like that head scam. Um, I give this one, you know, I give it a two and a half again. It's cool. It's great for the, like, once you have the whole set together, it'll really be, you know, it'll be awesome. I think this will be greater than its parts. It's like, it's like a two and a half on its own, but it would be like a four once you get the whole set nailed it.
All right, next up we have Red Velvet.

Figure Review: Red Velvet

Seth called her Velvet Sky earlier. I was like, no, Seth. Yeah, I'm not a huge, I'm not gonna lie. I'd say that I'm like a diehard Red Velvet fan. She's a day one-ish though, dude. She's been around for a while, but she's just never really jumped off the screen to me. No, she has, especially when you got Jade, dude, who's just like, you know, magnetically. Yeah, always a fan though of getting first time in the line figures though. So this is, you know, probably the figure I'm most excited for out of this whole set.
Yeah, it's cool. I mean, her gear looks great. I love, um, the sculpting. I mean, sometimes, you know, Mattel, they just, they totally botched the women's like chest area, like the, with the paint, like it's just painted on details. Yeah, it's, it just looks horrible. You'll have molded details from another figure and they just paint over. They just paint over.
Yeah, so I really like this figure. The red and gold really pops. She looks good. I mean, it's a good head scan of hers. Yeah, super cool figure. I like it. This is from just dynamite, the crossroads from 3321. I believe she's got the chase in this set also. I can't remember what color other gear is, but I think she's the chase figure in this set too. Yeah, I give her, I give her a three and a half. Okay. Next up, we got the chairman.

Figure Review: Sean Spears

Oh boy.
Sean Spears, like one of the most obnoxious wrestlers that there is. So my knee jerk reaction is to like give this a one because just Sean Spears just makes my skin absolutely crawl. But he's just obnoxious. He is obnoxious. But this set, again, it's another set where the sum is greater than the parts, like, you know, all the white and purple. The other half of the inner circle. Yeah. So the white and purple gear from the pinnacle is going to be so mage. I like that chair. I like that you got the custom chair, even though I hate that, like, you know, trying to make the chairman happen, like,
At least I gave him it's not gonna happen. Yeah, I gave him a cool accessory He's got the white arm, you know compression sleeve or whatever that thing is tattoo detailing looks good. The head scan looks really great, too Yeah, overall great figure but person chair was a really really nice touch and I do love this gear Like I'm actually more excited to complete this set than the inner circle We've already got MJF and we already got Wardlow. So we're just waiting on FTR now. We'll have the whole white and purple and
Pinnacle which is gonna look really really cool and like like we said man, the personalized chair is just a nice touch It's always going to get a unique accessory like that I do like this figure better than the elite tie Dillinger from elite 57 You remember that when she and he had that entrance gear look like it was from the hunger games. It had that like And I think that figure really suffered
because he came out before Mattel was doing the interchangeable hands. He just had regular, like, wrestling hands. Yeah, why didn't he have 10 hands? Yeah, if he would have been in the air of the interchangeable hands, he would have had the 10 hands, and I think that would have made that figure a little bit better. But I'm going to say this is his best figure ever. You know, the guy's married to Peyton Roy, so he's definitely winning in life. Now he's got a really great action figure he can be proud of.
And he's joining the ranks of dad too. So, you know, so you gotta respect all the dad wrestlers out there. Um, yeah, good figure. Sean Spears is not my favorite character. Uh, but you know, first time in line, super cool. I give him a 2.75. Okay. 2.75 for the chairman. Up next, we got one that folks are really excited for.

Figure Critique: Daniel Bryan

Probably the most hyped figure in this set.
Yeah. Uh, you guys know if you've, if you've been around Chick-fil-A for very long, you know that I love Daniel Bryan, Bryan Danielson, all iterations of, you know, the, uh, the man. I just think he's just awesome. However, this figure is dope. The, the head scans look great, but I mean, have you ever seen Daniel Bryan in that type of shape?
I mean, he's ripped. He is ripped right here. I mean, and Daniel Bryan looks good right now. I mean, he looks pretty good on the box. I don't know. Maybe he's just, I mean, action figures are always going to pop out a little bit. Look at those boobs. They're like humongous. He looks like Pac almost. Yeah. That's the build that they gave him. But I mean, he's an action figure. I've never really been a body guy on action figures unless somebody is like,
too skinny or something. You know, chest hair is my big thing on these guys. Yeah, well, Daniel Bryan doesn't have much chest hair to speak of, so he looks good. But yeah, the pecs are just, they just throw me off because they're so...
just noticeable and like big in the box. But overall, I love Burgundy, like signature, Daniel Bryan, or sorry, Bryan Danielson, kick pads, the whole thing. It's a really nice execution. I got some critiques, but let me kind of cage all my critiques by saying this is a very, very nice figure. And if you don't happen to have a Daniel Bryan, this is an excellent addition to any figure collection. My issues with it are that I feel like I've gotten
Daniel Bryan in this gear or gear very similar to it already like four or five times in the WWE elite line I know it's pretty much what he's been rocking But even maybe going with his black gear would have been really cool I know this fear is gonna be fun to play with because I love the articulation of the AW figures But I'm just really excited to get him in his white gear that he was rocking at all out
Think that's gonna look way better, and I'm really excited to add that because I do love the execution on this I'm just not a fan of the gear one thing I think really could have set this off You know something that was unique about Daniel Bryan when he first came to AW is he's kind of anti merch You know he's really about like anti consumerism and stuff and if you remember those first couple months He would always come out with just a white t-shirt And I think if they just would have included like just a plain white t-shirt on this figure I think that would have changed it from like a really nice figure to a must-buy because that's just something we haven't really seen
Um, with resting figures before. And I think it would have been a nice little wink and nod to that kind of a part of his gimmick. He had his first couple of months there in AWW. Yeah, great figure. Like I said, it's, I mean, he is a must have in the AWW line. So I'm glad we finally got him. He is a little bit big and a little bit tall, but I mean, like, like you said, Seth, I mean, he's, he's an action figure. So the kids aren't going to notice like the, you know, the people who are buying him to actually play with them. They're not going to, they're not going to care about that. It's only us collectors and fig photographers who are going to pick that apart.
Yeah, if you got a kid that's a Daniel Bryan fan, they'll love this figure. I can already tell this thing is going to be so much fun to play with. So I give this a four. I love Daniel Bryan. Yeah, I got no qualms with that rating. It is an excellent execution. Both the head scopes look really good and it's just a nice figure. I just feel like it doesn't stand out a lot to me in our collection.
All right.

Nostalgia with Darby Allin LJN

Last but not least a figure damn near a year in the making. This guy was originally supposed to be out in unmatched three, but the first prototypes or whatever we're, we're out of scale. We finally have LJN wrestling superstars Darby Allen. So
It's a cool figure. I am not the biggest fan of this revamp of the LJN line. I just don't think it's going to appeal to very many people. I don't think kids are going to want these. This is strictly a collector's item. I do love the packaging though. I love how they incorporate faces that you know on the packaging. You got Jeremy and Conrad on there.
I just think that that's really cool. It comes with a poster I think on the inside of Darby. Yep, that was a throwback to the original LJNs. Yeah, so you get the poster. I mean, he looks good. He's down on his little, his little booty shorts, black tights. It's a great looking figure. Yeah. The head sculpt looks awesome. The paint apps are on point. I think it's a really nice figure, but yeah, I'm kind of right there with you. For whatever reason, all the different LJN revivals have just not held the same charm to me as the Hasbro's have. I feel like
You know i love lj ends but for whatever reason i don't know i just none of them are really captured the feel of the originals to me yeah they don't they don't feel the same either i don't they're not like you know the thing about the lj ends is they have that like a great sticky rubbery like yeah you can squeeze your arms together yeah you could give him this is like a statue yeah you know more stiff and.
like the head scopes i feel like they do too good a little detail yeah i feel like the head sculpt should be a little bit softer i think that would maybe help capture some of the feel of it yeah um and the ljns weren't really ripped like that either you know what i mean some of them were they're like yeah like you had like paul orndorf like there were definitely some ripped ljns but but yeah a lot of them didn't have the definition it was few and far between um
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it is a cool figure. If you're a Darby Allen fan, it's a must have. If you're a completionist, obviously you got to have it. If you're a real big marker, LJ ends, but I don't know. To me, this has like limited shelf appeal, which I think is kind of evident in how the, uh, that Cody has been warming the pegs at Walmart the last few months.
Yeah, I just think, I mean, if you're only going to get one Cody figure, you're not going to buy the LJN. Same with Darby. You know, Darby has so many amazing figures so far with the AEW line. I feel like this is either, like you said, just a Darby completionist or LJN completionist or, you know, just overall. Like I just, I don't see any need for this figure in your collection, just as like a casual collector. Yeah. And guys, how many chicks in? Give us the final rating. I give it a two.
We want to remind you guys that all of our ratings and our critiques are just coming from our coat. Like basically how these things would fit in with our collection and our flavor of wrestling figures. There's not a bad wrestling figure in these set. All these figures are great. So if you're a fan of Darby, if you're a fan of Kenny, you know, red velvet, any of these folks go out and get these figures. Cause it was another home run set from AW. One of the best looking sets from top to bottom that they've had over the last few months.
Yeah, 100%. Everybody collects differently. We probably have some pieces in our collection that people are like, what the hell? Because we have a little bit of mix of everything. There's some people that don't like custom figures and they would be appalled that... That was us for the longest. We finally took the plunge. Yeah, and then once you did, man, it was like opening a can of worms. You were looking for custom everything. But yeah, I think, like I said, it's a cool figure. It's just not for me.
All right, we're gonna remind you guys, use code CHICK fully to save 10% on all AEW figures, really everything, at Ringside Collectibles. Sheena, do we got some listener

Seinfeld vs. Friends Debate

mail? Yep, we got one in from our buddy Francis Marino. He says, and this is an easy one for you and I, but I'll pose it to the audience as well. Friends or Seinfeld? He said, me personally, Seinfeld is my favorite four-camera comedy. Yeah, this is like Brock Lesnar versus Goldberg. It survived, she was 2016. Not even close. Just complete squashed.
Mean friends is whatever like it friends is like harmless and offensive, but I've never go out of my way to watch friends I see friends if I'm like flipping through the channels and I get distracted and I'm stuck on like TBS or something and a reruns on Seinfeld is in my Mount Rushmore of Comedy TV shows, you know, it's Seinfeld curb your enthusiasm eastbound and down in the office And there's a strong argument that Seinfeld is possibly the best TV show ever made. There's so many iconic Lines that are just part of every day, you know
terminology and stuff now It's just that have like that have like stood the test of time like that people say now that probably don't even know that they come from sign Yeah, and the great thing is Seinfeld never really had any ongoing storylines like almost 95% of that show was just always contained within one episode and it was outstanding. So yeah You could go back and just kind of keep that as like a show that's always in rotation just watching it from start to finish over and over and you're always gonna pick up new stuff and
New just funny little quirks and everything on the show. So yeah, this this one's not even close to me And I kind of got a question the moral character of anybody that does like friends more than Seinfeld Yeah, same if you like friends more than Seinfeld like you just you haven't watched Seinfeld close enough You know because it's it's outstanding
All right, so Shane, we're at 21 minutes. We're kind of pushing the outer edges of what we want to do on the Chicks Quickie. We're leaving Quickie territory and moving into like mid card status. You got any closing thoughts for the listeners before we head out on this first Chicks Quickie?

Listener Feedback and Tribute

No, just hit us up. Let us know what you thought about this episode. We will be back and have a great week.
Yeah, I want to remind you guys, it is September 28th as we recorded this. Shortly before we went on the air, we learned that 90s legend Coolio passed away. So we're going to leave you guys a little Coolio tribute as we hit the bricks this episode.