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Elite 81 Live Review + Full Gear Fall Out + Coffee Enemas ?!? image

Elite 81 Live Review + Full Gear Fall Out + Coffee Enemas ?!?

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
Sheena, Marco, and Seth do a live review of the brand new Elite 81 from Mattel. We review Full Gear and talk about all the rest of the news in the world of pro wrestling this past week. Plus, Sheena explains what a coffee enema is ?!? Listen, Subscribe, Rate, Review Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Ringside Collectibles.

Introduction and Fan Appreciation

what's up foley fam we are here with episode 102 of the chick foley show let me start by introducing the star of the show chick foley what up boos and we got the MVP up in massachusetts marco marco how you doing tonight i'm doing good how you guys doing
We're doing good man. Awesome week of wrestling. I think we had arguably the show of the year. Yeah. It's pretty good TV so far this week. Lots of interesting stuff happening. A lot of stuff for us to discuss tonight. Before we go any further though, let's tell them where they can find you guys on social media. So you can find me at Chick Foley on Instagram. This is Chick Foley talking obviously. And you can find the MVP Marco Denton on Twitter at Chick Foley show. And once again, we want to thank all of our listeners out there for their continued support. We see it, you know, we see the love coming in for the show. We really appreciate you guys and
Just keep that support going. We're going to keep trying to grow this thing and make this better, better for you guys for the rest of this year and beyond.

International Community and Patreon

One thing I didn't want to talk about though is that we mentioned last week, we got some kind of random international listeners. You know, we get a ton of love in Canada, a ton of love in the UK.
And then it's kind of shotgun scattered around the rest of the world where we have listeners at. But we mentioned it and luckily one of them happened to pick up on it and reach out. Sheena, tell us about our friend in Germany that's a big fan of the show. Yes. So Daniel Rao, I think that's how you say his last name, Daniel Rao.
slid into my DMS and he said, Hey, she never garden your international listeners. I'm one of them sending you this from Germany. I'm a 37 year old filmmaker, lifelong WWE fan and longtime chick Foley show listener. Have a, have a nice day. So we were, we started just talking back and forth. Um, he said he loves Marco. He loves Marco's impressions. So it was really super cool to get the chat with, um, Daniel know that he's like all the way over in Germany listening to the chick Foley show. So Daniel, if you're listening to this, like, thank you so much for hitting me up. It like seriously made my day.
Yeah, so pretty cool. So anybody else that's out there and some of the other random countries, like France, Greece, some of these other places where we got the more scarce support at. We'd love to hear your story. I'm here where you're listening. I got a feeling our guy in Greece is David W. Figure Artist. We bought a ton of custom belts from him over the years, so I'm thinking that
He's starting to share our show with some of his friends because we do have a growing

Foley Fam and Community Spotlights

contingent. We started with like two or three and I'm noticing there's a couple dozen people every week that are listening out of Greece. Besides Canada and the UK, I think Greece is our next most popular country. Yeah, Daniel's a Steve Austin, Bret Hart, and Owen Hartmark. He's definitely our kind of people. Definitely. Dan, thanks for reaching out. Again, any other international Foley fan members, drop us a line and we'll talk about you here on the show.
Sheena, tell them about our new Patreon members we got. So we had four new patrons this week, so super excited. We got Norman Rogues. He signed up as Norman Bates on Patreon, which I was like really hoping that was like his actual name was Norman Bates. But it's Norman Rogues, so thanks for joining us, Norman. Speaking of international fully fam, he's actually based out of Mexico City.
Oh, that's right, that's right, yeah. He's joining us from Mexico City. And I also have Eric from Ottawa, so it's Eric DuCharm is his name. And then we got a couple of guys that we absolutely love. We got Brendan Gustadour, Donahue, and he's Gustadour at Gustadour on Instagram. He makes custom titles, figures, like he's just the man. He's made so many custom titles for us. Yeah, he's part of the triple threat of custom belt makers along with WWE figure artists who we mentioned earlier and then forbidden figurines. Yeah.
Yeah, really great stuff from the store. He currently is going through the ECW series right now. So he's got the tag belts and the ECW TV title on there, feeling to complete your Rob Van Dam elite.
Yeah, and lastly, our buddy Mike Jack, you guys probably know him at Fig Heel on Instagram and YouTube. If you don't know who he is, if you don't recognize at Fig Heel, you would definitely recognize his little, his figure museum that he has. It's like the most impressive thing I've ever seen. Like every time I see pictures of it, it's like so oddly satisfying. Everything looks so beautiful.
And he's gonna actually be on Ted wrestling for sales wrestling collectors next week So make sure you go over there and subscribe and he's gonna talk about all of his figures and stuff So I definitely want you guys to check that out and then go back and check out my episode as well Yeah, so the foley fam is growing every week. It's a ton of fun

Partnerships and New Show Segments

Like I said you if nothing else if you're not interested in the bonus content because there's so much stuff already out there and
The Facebook group, I promise you guys you'll get your money's worth. It's a dollar a month. We have a blast in there. A lot of tag teaming on figure hunts and stuff, but then it's just a lot of great discussion on wrestling and everything. So it's a ton of fun. I love checking in every day, see what's going on in there. So definitely hit it up. You can find the links on Sheena's Instagram page, or you can go to And speaking of the Foley fam, we're going to start a new segment of the show next week.
Yeah, we're going to start a fully fam spotlight segment. So, you know, we're going to reach out to a different member in the community each week and have them share a little bit about their collections, a wrestling fandom, and we're going to share it with you guys here on the show. So just to get to know our fellow family a little bit better, cause we have some amazing, amazing people in there and show you how to connect with them because I know there's a lot of people out there. Um, you know, and if you're a wrestling fan and you're not surrounded by wrestling fans, um, you want to meet some good people like connecting with the members of our fully family, they're just awesome people. So we're going to spotlight a few of those here throughout the next several weeks. So stay tuned for that.
And reminder that we have the Lucha Thing contest getting away in Elite 75 Callisto. We're going to announce the winner of that a little bit later on. And we're also going to be giving away the Andre the Giant WrestleMania Celebration figure. So stay tuned for the Go Figure segment later on today and we'll be announcing winners and giving details for our other upcoming giveaways. And now it is time to head inside the squared circle.
This is where we talk about all the news in and around the squared circle in the world of pro wrestling. We do this with the chicks, top six, going through the six big stories of the wrestling world for that week. But first, I want to let you know that this segment is brought to you by Amichina. Tell them a little bit about our new partnership we got with the guys at Amichina.
Yes, so Amage reached out recently. They just hit us up in the DMs and said they would love to partner with us. They love what we do. They've seen our other brand partnerships and stuff. We're huge Amage fans. The softest teams in the world. You've heard us talk about them here. Before we ever even started Chick-Foli, we were on Amage.
Um, they reached out. We're going to be posting links. We're going to get early access to like their, uh, drops and stuff like that. So we'll be able to let you guys know like what's, what's coming down the pipeline and stuff like that. And we'll be posting links to it with all their sales and everything. Uh, it'll help support the show. So definitely support

AEW Full Gear 2020 Review

homage. They have the like amazing set. They just dropped these new crew neck, uh, crew neck sweatshirts, um, that are like look amazing. The NWO one looks so sick. It's too sweet. Yeah, too sweet.
Yeah, so Definitely hit it up, you know be on the lookout for more and more Content coming from that and and you should his league because it helps support the show and it helps get you some awesome merch So let's get right to it. Number six story of the week full gear is now in the rear view I got my thoughts, but I'll go last you know, what were your overall thoughts on the show? Well, wait, wait before you go any further. We do need to announce that Sheena successfully defended her chip only show prediction championship. So
Yeah. Yeah. Marco, you need to, uh, you need to rep for the fellows, man. It's, it's, you got a pretty epic losing streak going now on these show predictions. Don't worry. Survivor series is coming up. Uh, that's what the heel has been more than me. He said it's such a wildcard. Yeah. There's no rhyme or reason for those winners of the survivor series. Exactly. And that's what I'm going forward. And, uh, we had, we had to talk about this, uh, earlier in the week, she and I about like, uh, picking, picking with your heart.
Yeah, so that's out the window. I gotta go a little bit hellish and I gotta think with logic and I think I think our survivors series is the is the turnaround. Don't worry Kingston pick that you picked with your heart man. He got you. He pulled up my heartstrings. What do you want me to do? Let's get back to it. She and what were your overall thoughts on this? Yeah.
I thought it was, I mean, you kind of touched on it at the top of the show, but I thought it was probably the best pay-per-view of 2020 that we've seen so far. I mean, just top to bottom, the show was exciting. It was fun. I felt like the pace, they kept it moving. You know, no matches were like, you know, too long. I loved having the quick little, you know, the cinematic experience to kind of break things up. I thought the pay-per-view as a whole was great. Marco?
Yeah, same here. The pacing of it was really, really, really done well. There were really no slow spots in it at all that I could think of. I was pretty entertained throughout the whole show. They did a phenomenal job with the presentation and everything. I was looking at the set and it reminded me of the early WWE, WWF.
Sets where they had like the like they had the full gear. They like the gears Giant gears on the side stuff like that and it just brought me back and I said man. I wish WW would do that a lot more often But uh, yeah, I was thoroughly entertained by this show. Yeah, I think it was easily the the best show 2020 and I had to go back it's been a while since I've seen a show that good the big matches all delivered how we expect them to and then the
The matches that were a little bit less high, they were all entertaining as well. So I thought it was an outstanding show. If I had one critique, I'd probably say that I think the Bucks and FTR probably should have main evented.

Favorite Matches from Full Gear

I think it would have been more of a main event feel than Mox and Eddie Kingston. But that's just a small gripe. I thought the whole show was amazing. And I'm just really excited to see where you go from here. It was just a hell of a show. So what was you guys match of the night?
Um, I'll go first. I mean, I think, I think the bucks versus FTR was definitely my match of the night. I just thought the storytelling was really great. Um, just every, I loved the, the part where, you know, cash kind of gets, he's, he's trying to do anything that he can to win. Right. So he goes for that 450 flip and, you know, misses and you know, they're not flippers, you know, like they say office, what's the office? No flips or no, no flips office or something like that. Just fists.
No flips, just fists. That's right. Um, and then, you know, that, that helped the young bucks get the win. Um, I thought it was awesome. Then reading a little bit more after the, the match, you know, I was going kind of reading the review and everything. And did you realize that their gear was representative of the Celtics and Lakers? Yeah. Yeah. I thought that, I thought that was pretty cool. You know, they, um,
You know, they just the the FTR was playing the role of the Celtics and then, you know, they had the Lakers come back and get the victory and it was kind of, you know, perfect timing because, you know, the Lakers just won and the Dodgers. So L.A. is having a hell of a year. So I thought it was pretty cool to pay homage that way. Marco, what was your message tonight?
Um, yeah, I probably say the bucks as well, but, um, I'm going to go a little bit left and go with the, uh, the cinematic match. The, uh, the, the should match was, uh, I was thoroughly entertained by that match. It had, it had gang growing it. Yeah. Well, the, the parents as well as the hurricane for no apparent reason, just, they both just showed up. Your expectation is seeing gang grill. Exactly.
I had to shake my head and be like, is this what I'm seeing right now? Is that really Gangrel? And sure enough. Yeah. And he really is a vampire because he pretty much looks the same. He doesn't look like he aged at all, which is kind of crazy. But yeah, he even had Senior Benjamin. And people pop when Senior Benjamin showed up on the screen. So I really enjoyed that match. I kind of closed that chapter of the Sammy Mad Hardy feud. I would hope so, yeah. And I like the- Basically murdered Sammy.
Yeah. And I like the, uh, I like the Hardy boys, uh, spots they were doing too with the, you know, the Swanton off the ladder and, um, twist of fate and all that stuff. It was actually, I enjoyed that match. That was, uh, that was a surprise. That was like a sleeper match for me.
Yeah, that's pretty funny. It's funny that you mentioned that because in the Bucks and FTR match, they were kind of paying homage to the hardy boys too. They were doing the Twisted Fates, Swan Top Bomb, and then they were obviously they did like the Heart Attack and the Steiner Drop and all kinds of stuff. So I thought that... Death Drop, they had DIYs finished here.
Yeah. The DIY. And I love the stereo sharpshooter too. And it was kind of reminiscent of their match with DIY when they were like holding hands so that they wouldn't tap out. I thought that was a really cool callback. And they actually said DIY on AWW television. I couldn't believe it. They're like, Oh, DIY. And I was like, wait a minute. Did they just say DIY on AWW? That's so weird. But yeah, that cinematic match was really, it was a lot of fun. It was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. I was thinking it could possibly be a train wreck, but it ended up being pretty awesome.
Yeah, I think I'd probably have to go with Kenny Omega and Adam Page for my favorite match of the night. That was just an awesome match. You know, Hangman gave it his best, just came out just a little bit short. I think there was a lot of meat on the bone for the rematch whenever that happens down the road, but great match. And again, the cool thing about the show is that we all three had three different matches of the night, so none of them seemed like a bad pick.
I got to go with honorable mention though to Moxon Kingston with him pouring that alcohol, like that straight alcohol, the thumbtacks. It was just disinfecting it for me. That's what I said. I was like, it's a COVID friendly match. He was trying to make sure that everything was sanitary,

Women's Division in AEW vs WWE

but even when he did that, it just made my skin crawl because I could feel the burning. I was like, oh my God. Was there anything that missed the mark or didn't connect for you guys?
I can't really think of anything. I'm trying to think of like the if there was any outcomes that I thought would have should have been I thought the women's match still kind of lacking there's just you know, the in-ring action was okay, but they were just kind of no no electricity to it No, do you seem like they can't it seemed like that was a match that was on the show because they thought they had to have a woman's match on the show
And we saw that they really didn't, there was no importance to that at all because on dynamite, there was literally no mention of any of that fallout. You know what I mean? Like they didn't have anything that would make you think like, oh, that was important. What happened on full gear. So yeah, you know, I know we bag on the women's division of AEW here a lot. And that's not our intention. I hope they get good, but it's just.
It's just not right now. So yeah, anytime the women are on the screen, I don't have very high expectations. So I think I've tempered my expectations to the point where it's I'm not really disappointed. I'm just kind of like, yeah, you know, that's what my expectations are.
Yeah, the only, the only thoughts I had during that match was like, I would love Sheeda and NXT to face like Io Shirai and like Tony storm and all that. Like she's definitely a talent that, uh, that I think needs like some better competition that, uh, the AW doesn't have right now, but they might have in the future who knows, but right now she needs, she needs that, she needs that caliber of wrestler like her and is not much in IAW right now. And that's not a knock. That's a.
Straight up fact. All right, so who goes our number five story of the week?
Going from a women's division that struggled into a women's division that is on fire. So Sasha and Bayley had their rematch for the SmackDown Women's Championship on Friday night on SmackDown. The numbers came in, 2.5 million people watched that match. It was the most watched match during the pandemic era, you know, since it started in mid-March. So clearly it's a ton of interest in those two's feud. We saw Sasha finally successfully defend her belt. What were you guys' thoughts on the match, on the big rematch?
Um, I mean, I thought that I thought the rematch was awesome. I mean, anytime we've, we've talked about it before, anytime Bailey and Sasha are together, it's going to be, it's going to be magic. You know, they're, they're going to put on a show. Um, I didn't like the fact that, I mean, I guess I, I guess I shouldn't say I don't like it.
Mela came out and it looks like it's going to be her next feud, her next challenger. I don't hate it. I'm just not super excited about it, but I do think it's a good cool off from Bayley because WWE sometimes they get something that's hot and they'll just freaking run it into the ground. You know what I mean? So I'm glad they're giving Bayley and Sasha a little bit of a cool off period before they ultimately
you know, go back at it. So, I don't know. I think she's a credible enough opponent. You know, she's a former Miss Money in the Bank. She had a significant championship run whenever she cashed in. She held that SmackDown Championship for a long time. True. She held off Asuka. You know, she beat Asuka a couple of times. Yeah. I mean, like I said, she's good. I just think, I don't know what this new character gimmick, like what it's got in store, but I think it's a good way. I think her, they're going to have some good matches and it's a great way for Sasha to build some championship momentum, you know, as she's like picking off
the women's division to kind of give her her title run some meaning you know i think uh you know i wouldn't sell carmela short she was really just hitting her stride i remember thinking when she you know she lost the belt in that triple threat with becky and charlotte when becky finally turned heel at summer slam 2018 and i just remember watching that match thinking carmela had finally
really hit her stride with the belt. It kind of took her two years to get back in the title picture, but I think she's going to give Sasha a run for money. She'd be a pretty interesting feud. Again, I think a lot is going to depend on the direction that her new character takes, like you mentioned. Where do you think Bailey goes from here, Marco?
Um, I think she, I think she sticks around. I'm not sure she's going to be the title pitcher. Um, they'll probably cool her off from that. Um, but I think there's a lot, there's a lot of new ladies on there to, for her to feed with. So I'm interested in her and getting some, uh, some new, some new foods. I got Bianca Belair, maybe, um, that'd be pretty awesome. Um, you think you're going to join the survivor series team?
that's a possibility too she could be on the survivor series team um but yeah i think they're gonna keep her out of the uh probably keep her around like you know lingering around like sting uh back in the ad wcw is up in the rafters looking on but uh she'll definitely be around that championship pitcher but uh i don't think she'll have her hands in it anytime soon i think um it's our time to either like
take a break or be, find some new blood to, to, to boost up. So Bailey's definitely good for that. I got some thoughts on that. You know, I think you get the new blood thing, right? Uh, what I think is, you know, Bailey, she got caught up in, what was it late 2016? Uh, her, her main roster runs been kind of hit or miss, you know, up and down. I don't think I've ever really delivered on the hype she had coming out of NXT until she won the belt last year, you know, and had that year long run with the belt.
I think it's time to go back home for a little bit. Go back down to NXT. You know, there's really nothing for you to do on the main roster. Now that we finally see the big feud with Sasha happening, NXT has without a shadow of a doubt, the best women's division in

NXT Championship Upset

the world right now. And let's just take it over the top. You know, it's already on fire with
with Tony Storm, Rhea Ripley, Io Shirai, Candice LeRae, all these amazing wrestlers down there, Ember Moon, you can keep going on and on. Why not throw some more gasoline on the fire and let's see Bayley go down there for a short run in the NXT before she comes back up for WrestleMania season? I'd be down for that. I think that'd be really interesting. And also, if it's a business at the end of the day, it'd be a good way to boost the ratings and help out against AEW. That's true, yeah. They see Bayley's a draw. So yeah, I agree. They might. That'd be a good move. I wouldn't be mad at that.
All right, let's stick with NXT for story number four.
Leon Ruff is the North American champion. So we're about a little over 24 hours since this went down. I'm still kind of scratching my head on what the hell just happened. Marco, I think you're a little bit more familiar with this guy than me and Sheena. Yeah, I got a comment from Marco. I made a post about this and I said, WTF, Leon Ruff, who? And then Marco writes, what do you mean? You've got to recognize. What do we need to recognize? Tell us about this guy, Marco. What do we need to know about Leon Ruff?
Um, so he, so if you guys do remember, he was, uh, he was carrying crosses, carrying, he was carrying across as a squash match the first time. I'm not sure if you guys remember that. So he was, he was, I don't remember it being him. No, I mean, I remember coming out and like squashing, but you know, I'm not paying attention to the squash. You had to recognize he's been in the ring with greatness. All right.
I'm carrying cross former former NXT champion by an Leon Ruffin's in the ring with no he's a he's actually an evolved to
He was a tag team champion of all, right? So he, you know, he's actually really good. Um, I don't know why they did this like goofy character where he just gets squashed and stuff like that. Uh, that's been his gimmick since he's been in NXT. Um, and I think if you've been following, uh, obviously following NXT long enough, you know, that's his gimmick and him winning last night was just like, Oh my God, it actually had, he actually won something. I'm not sure where they go with this, but, um,
He actually is really good. If you see like, uh, he has a lot of independent stuff on, on YouTube, not in Evolve, but just a different, different, he's kind of like, um, like a rich swan type of like, uh, like athlete, if you want to say like a lot of high flying and stuff like that. So he actually is really good. Um, if they let him, if they let him go.
but i mean you gotta be at a certain level of performance you know what i mean like they're not just gonna pick just you know joe schmoe off the street um i did i did appreciate that when uh damey and priest raised his hand up that the the belt fell down and triple h making light of it and literally uh tweeting out saying that's why we don't call him belts i thought that i thought that was funny yeah
Yeah, pretty wild. I definitely did not see it coming at all. It was a hell of a crucifix. It was a sweet crucifix to put on the pin. Johnny Gargano. But I'm thinking I think you'd get a pretty good about even money if you put the over under on his title reign is one week. You know, I got to imagine Johnny's going to get that belt back and become a three time champ sooner rather than later. Marco, you think this is the biggest upset in wrestling history?
I don't know. I'd have to go back in the archives. Right now it's in recent memory. You don't got to go back very far. You just go to Fiend Goldberg or, you know. I'm not sure that was a given. He wasn't going to happen with Goldberg. He's in a squash of Fiend.
Yeah, we're talking kayfabe upsets here. Yeah, that's a definite thing, but it's a big upset. I can't think of anything right now. There's only two at a really all-rest history. The thing about it is, typically in wrestling, it's not an upset because for the most part, the thing I think we kind of like about it is the familiarity in it, and you kind of know what the story beats are going to be, and it's just fun seeing them play out. But the two I could think of is obviously the classic
where 123 Kid beat Razor Ramon back in, I believe that was 1993. That one was a shocker. I think that's probably the sentimental favorite. But every huge upset was in May of 2017, Jinder Mahal defeats Randy Orton for the World Championship. Remember, Jinder had just been a straight up jobber.
on Raw, he gets drafted over to SmackDown, wins basically a random six pack challenge match to become number one contender. And next thing you know, he's beaten Randy Orton. So I think that would come out of nowhere. I don't think anybody could have predicted that the gender was actually going to be a WWE champ. So those are the two I think of.

WWE Championship Rematch Speculation

We'll see how this one holds up. You know, obviously, the 1-2-3 kid went on to be a legend. He's a WWE Hall of Famer now as X-Pac and a 6. And then, you know, Jinder did have a pretty significant run with the World Championship. So we'll see if Leon Ruff can follow in those two guys' footsteps. But obviously, it was a surprise. It's got people talking. And I'm very interested to see how this plays out. All right, so we are now halfway through with the Chicks Top 6, which means it's time for our weekly beverage break.
You guys know nothing goes better with wrestling than a little bit of adult beverage. So we always like to knock a few back while we are recording this show. And sometimes it'll be some instance, sometimes it'll be the tried and true, but we'll let you guys know what we're sipping on this week. So Sheena, what are you drinking?
So you guys know, I'm all for a theme. I've been trying to keep it, keep it theme-y. I love me a good Miller Lite, but this week I'm going with Sierra Nevada Celebration. It's their holiday brew. It comes in this like beautiful, you know, dark red label, which I really love. Gets me in the holiday spirit with like a snow covered cabin. Says it's got notes of citrus and pine and- You can taste the pine? I can taste the pine. It's like, it's like a straight up tree. I'm drinking a tree right here. But yeah, it feels like I'm out in the forest, but it's actually really good. I've been enjoying this.
Yeah, Celebration IPA is good. It's always got really good reviews on beard advocate. I've had it before, so you can usually find it. Obviously, I don't know what the bars are like this year, but usually you can find it on tap around this time of year at different places. Marco, what are you drinking, man?
I'm sticking with my eye. Is it Lord Hobo? Yeah, Lord Hobo. How did that know? We'll get a sponsorship from him, don't worry. It's like five minutes away from my house, the brewery, actually. They have a beer called Freebird. Nice. They're speaking of thieves because, obviously, you got the Michael Hayes figure coming out, so what better beer to drink than
and Lord Hobo Freebird, which is a really, really good, nice ale to drink, so. Nice. But yeah, and I'm chair dancing, too, to this beat, because the beat's- It's a vibe, right? Yeah. You gotta have that jazz flute, man, just sets it off. Yeah. That out in the future. Ain't Ron Burgundy. Okay. Yeah, so I'm sticking with the unofficial, official beer, Chick-Folly and Miller Lite. I'm gonna keep drinking it every week until they respond to me. Let's get that sponsorship, guys.
All right, let's get back into it. The number three story of the week. Randy Orton will be defending his WWE Championship in a rematch against Drew McIntyre on Raw this Monday night. So this announcement kind of came out of nowhere. Obviously anytime you got two guys, the biggest star as Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton, that could main event any pay-per-view anywhere around the world, but we're getting it for free on Raw. Let's get right into it. Sheena, what's your prediction? Who's gonna win? Drew or Randy?
Uh, I think, I think Randy's retained indeed. Marco. Of course the vapor radio and retains.
I got it. I got a funny feeling that Drew McIntyre is going to win this belt. I don't know why. I just got a funny feeling. If you guys look at survivor series, they didn't do it last year, but the two years before that, whenever we were doing the champion versus champion matches, there was always kind of a screwy title change right before a survivor series. Remember in 2017, AJ Styles beat Jinder Mahal just a couple of weeks before to set up a day in Brock Lesnar.
And then, uh, 2018 Daniel Bryan beat AJ and Daniel Bryan took it a couple of weeks out to face Brock. So, um, I don't know. I just, I feel like Randy and really one of these matches could be a WrestleMania main event, you know, Randy versus Roman or Drew versus Roman. But Drew's got that true baby face.
vibe though, you know what I mean? I feel like he's a better opponent for Roman at this point. Well, I'm just saying, yeah, I'm not talking about you being a better opponent for Roman because I think they both be great opponents for Roman. I'm saying, I don't know if they want to burn this match in a minionless survivor's match when this could be a money feud down the road, just looking at it from a business aspect. That's starting to make me think that maybe we see a wild card and possibly some shenanigans go down Monday night and we see the Miz
step in and win that belt. If I'm breaking kayfabe for a little bit, I got a much easier time seeing Miz and Roman going down at Survivor Series than I do Drew or Randy going against Roman right now. Because obviously nobody's touching Roman. And I don't know if we're going to see
I don't know if Drew or Randy need to go up against the force of nature that Roman Reigns is right now. Yeah, that's a really good call. That's a really good shout because I could see that happen. I try not to play fantasy Booker because it's really easy to get carried away with it, but if I was booking it, I think I have Miz cash in.
You know, it is beat down from Roman and then, you know, you could do a triple threat or something at the December pay-per-view and get the belt back on Randy or drew, whoever you want it to. I just, I, I have a hard time picturing, um, Randy and Roman fighting at survive Randy and Roman or drew and Roman fight at survivors. You've seen any of those guys lose right now. Cause they're all three. Just, they're just so strong in kayfabe right now.
It's possible, but yeah, I think I'll give away one of my predictions. Whoever Roman's facing, he's winning at Survivor Series. There's no doubt in mind. Even if it's Randy on his Graber that he's headed this year, even if it's Drew McIntyre, they're all losing. It doesn't matter who's in the ring with him. That's a definite thing. That could be on anybody. They're going to lose their own reigns at Survivor Series.
Shifting back into kayfabe only mode. Yeah, it is really really cool that we're getting this rematch on raw I love that we don't got to wait for pay review I'm a big fan of having the blow-off matches happen on regular TV and this does I'm getting the vibe that this is gonna be the last match one way or another of the Drew and Randy feud And there are some serious wild cards we could we could see him play obviously, you know Miz and Morrison are hanging around with the money in the bank contract They could get involved

Shaq in AEW and Celebrity Crossovers

with it. We got the fiend who's kind of had, you know run ins and
with both guys. And we know he loves to make random appearances matches. And then there's also Roman. As of right now, Roman Reigns and Randy Orton will be fighting at Survivor Series. It's going to be the first time they've gone one-on-one, I think at all. Definitely the first time one-on-one at a pay-per-view since SummerSlam 2014. So this is a huge match that we really don't see that often. Maybe Roman shows up Monday night. Maybe he sends Jay in.
Yeah, we can see Jay come in. There's all kinds of stuff. So a lot of different ways this match can go Monday night. It should be a good one. But just for the record, both you guys are picking Randy Orton. Yeah. All right. I'm sticking with Drew. I don't know why. I think somehow Drew, or I'll say this. Let me hedge my bets. I think it's either going to be Drew or the Miz. I think one of those two are going to walk out with the belt on Monday night. I don't think Randy Orton is leaving raw with the championship.
We'll see. I'm interested now. Now I'm hyped for raw. Yeah. All right, you're welcome to be. You've got our viewership. All right, let's get back to AEW. Story number two, Shaq is all elite. So we see Cody in the ring last night. All of a sudden, this kind of random, muscled up chick shows up in the ring, starts talking trash. What's her name, like, Jude Cargill. Jude Cargill or something. I can't remember what her name is. Cody. Cody Cargill. No. No. What's her last name? What's her first name, Marco?
I think, yeah, it's like, if I get, I seen it earlier, I just can't remember. Doesn't matter. Anyways, she's affiliated with Shaq dropping a bunch of hints on Cody that, you know, Shaq, you know, she knows the Giants going to come in here. We've got, we know Shaq's involved with TNT. Obviously Cody's in very good with TNT.
I think they're at least planting the seeds that down the road, we're going to see a pay-per-view match between Shaq and Cody. This wouldn't be Shaq's first time getting involved in the world of pro wrestling. He hosted Raw a couple of times. He was in the Battle Royal at WrestleMania 32. There were some, at least preliminary talks that he was going to fight Big Show at WrestleMania 33, but it kind of just fell apart for whatever reason. Marco, what's your thoughts on Shaq possibly coming in for a run in AEW?
Um, I don't hear it. Oh, he was, uh, Jane Cargill. Okay. Yeah. Um, sorry to any, sorry to any James that are listening to Jane Cargill. Sounds like a waitress at the waffle house. Where's Jake? She's a fast fact. Um, Sheena Sheena is that is the Irish form of Jane just for the record. So, you know, so don't insult the name Jane. Okay. Yeah. If you look it up in like a baby, baby name book.
She knows the Irish form of Jane. So Jane Cargill would be a boss name, but yeah, she is Jade anyways.
I don't hate it. I've been wanting to see Shaq in the ring since he had that face off with Big Show. So he's a little bit bigger now, but I wonder if he's trying to get in shape to do a wrestling match. But I mean, I'm used to it. If you're a wrestling fan, there's always that crossover with sports and sports entertainment. So I'm looking forward to it. If anyone's going to go crazy with it
put it over the top. It's definitely going to be AEW. Yeah. That's super charismatic. You know, he's going to be entertaining. Hopefully if, if he's not where he needs to be, as far as the entering talent, I'm totally cool with them on, on feuds like this, throwing all the shenanigans in there with outside interference, all the hijinks, but yeah, I have no doubt that it's going to be entertaining. So I'm kind of excited for this one too. A lot more than I was for, you know, stuff like Kane Velasquez and Tyson Fury coming in. What's some of you guys' favorite sports crossovers from the past in wrestling?
Are you talking about just like one-offs or like, are we including like Ronda Rousey and like? I'm talking more like the one-offs like Ronda Rousey. She just became a wrestler. I'm talking like, you know, special appearances or feuds and stuff. We talked about Rodzilla before, you know, you gotta, I mean, Rodzilla is pretty boss, especially after watching the last dance and seeing, you know, everybody's like, where's, where's Robin? Where are you supposed to be at? You know, practice. And then all of a sudden he just like comes out on freaking TV. So I thought that was pretty awesome.
Don't need an elite of Rob if anybody from Mattel is listening right now. Definitely need that to compare. I'd probably say in recent memory definitely Floyd Mayweather in Big Show. Yeah, that was pretty entertaining actually. Even though I cannot stand Floyd Mayweather. That was pretty good. That was WrestleMania 24.
Yeah, he broke his nose prior. Big Show made the mistake of letting a boxer punch him in the face. And he showed up for it. So there was a legit, he used it to kill Floyd Mayweather. If you ever see Big Show talk about it in interviews. But yeah, that's, in recent memory, yeah, definitely that one was, that was very entertaining. We've got Mike Tyson. You can't forget about Iron Mike. That's probably the best one. Oh yeah, of course.
Are you talking about his AW appearance? That was the best one. Old man, Mike. Sorry, Mike. You're listening to this. You guys anybody out there that you think would would do good coming over in the world of wrestling right now?
Of course, there's only one band that I want to see. It is in his car. Yeah, yeah. That's the number one on my list, too. I still know the thing about Connor. I think about who he who would he wrestle because I think he's smaller than even like some of the cruiserweights. You know what I mean? Like, Connor's not a big guy at all. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. He would kill them is just like the problems are doing. I think
I think Connor would be much better served if he showed up at AEW. I feel like his style, just because he's so unhinged and so unfiltered, I feel like the watered down WWE version of Connor McGregor, I don't know how it would translate, but the AEW version of Connor, I think I could be here for it.
That'd be cool. Him and, uh, Jon Moxley and, or him and, uh, even Eddie Kingston, some promos going back and forth. That'd be pretty awesome. Yeah. Actually, I liked that idea of him and AW. Yeah. I think it'd be better. Yeah. Connor Connor would definitely be, I definitely think he's going to have something to do with the pro wrestler.

AEW Games Announcement

You know, he's kind of, he's talked trash stuff before to some of the WWE wrestlers. So I think if the money's right, he'll be there and we'll see that sometime down the road. Once his MMA career is totally over with.
All right, let's go to our number one story of the week. AEW Games is here. We saw the big reveal. Kenny Omega, you know, addressed to Steve Jobs, presented all the stuff that AEW Games has coming out over the next year, year and a half or so. Marco, what did you think of it?
I was, I was excited. Uh, did you, did you actually get to see the, like the reveal, like the video that they did? Yeah, they're all dressed like Steve Jobs. They're just pretty cool. Uh, they like the turtleneck, the black turtlenecks with the, with the dad jeans and the mom jeans on and stuff like that. Um, that was pretty entertaining, but, uh, yeah, I like the idea that they're coming up with mobile games too.
So they can come up with different types of games that they want to. So it's kind of like a production company. They have like a fantasy booking game coming out. And then they also got a casino game coming out, which makes sense because they're always tied in with the casino motif.
Yeah, exactly. And then obviously, it'd be an event, the AW console game that's coming out, which I know everyone was excited about because of the person behind it or the company, which is Yukes, who did the earlier Raw vs. SmackDown. Yeah, so they actually went back and got the producer from No Mercy, which I think is pretty much widely regarded as the best wrestling game.
of all time yeah it's um i'm not even gonna try to pronounce his name but uh i don't know his name is iwashita but uh i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna try to do his first name but they call him gata is his um aka gata that's his like nickname but i rather got him to uh to do what he actually spoke he had views uh aw shirt on stuff like that so yeah i'm super excited it kind of looks like uh like a more uh
current version of Bill Marcy, the way the character models look. That's really all I want out of these games. If they could just take that gameplay, refine it a little bit, maybe add a few bells and whistles and add in all the features, but I think you'd have a hell of a game. It looks like they're going to do some type of inter-gender wrestling too.
because the other advertiser was like, it's going to be like unconventional when it comes to wrestling games. And it did show, uh, she, um, given, uh, the Falcon arrow, um, in the trailer. So that'd be pretty cool. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Cause that stuff is something that's been, for whatever reason, just been taboo and, uh, in WWE games over the last, you know, five to 10 years. Yeah.
But yeah, it's kind of crazy. WWE has really kind of opened up the lane for these guys to really excel. We know the debacle that 2K20 was. You guys follow on Sheena's account. I love these WWE video games more than just about anybody. I play a ton. I still play 2K19 on a weekly basis. With 2K20 being such a wreck, I think it's really down to just the hardcore guys like me who are still playing these games. Battlegrounds was a little bit of a letdown.
It's wide open. If AW delivers, you know, that the throne is there for them to take as the best wrestling video games. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I'm definitely looking forward to that type of what that engine, um, that no mercy had back in the day, how would, how would like fair today? Um, but you're not really solely focused on the graphic capabilities of the game, but more of the mechanics of it and how, how the moves that looks and stuff like that. So, um, they pick my, my, my interests on that. So I can't wait for that to drop.
Yeah, you know, you mentioned the graphics, if we could really nerd out for a second, one thing that was cool, it looks like they're going for a little bit of a stylized look. They're not going for the WWE 2K look where it's just trying to be as photo realistic as possible. I think you give yourself a little bit more grace when you go for a little bit of a stylized look where it could still, you know, it doesn't necessarily have to look like these guys come to life on, you know, Wednesday night, it could just be a little bit more
not necessarily cartoonish but just a little bit more artistic and you got a little bit more room for error there to still make it look good so yeah very excited for it um obviously ukes is great they're the ones that made 2k19 which you know no shade to no mercy but i think they would be 2k19 is the best video game ever with all the features and stuff that it has yeah
So I'm really excited

Wrestling Figures and Toys for Tots

for this. I hope it comes out in 2021. That's my only thing I need. I just will talk about a little bit later on. I got the new Xbox. I really need some games to play on there, though, because, you know, 2K 19 is only going to be able to hang for for so long. She got any thoughts on the games?
I haven't gamed in for so long. I can't even remember. Like ever since we've had kids, like, you know, Seth and I used to play, you know, Xbox together all the time. And, you know, now I'm like, hell no, I'm going to bed. I'm taking my ass to bed. All right. That wraps up chicks top six. It's now time for everybody's favorite segment of the week. Go figure. Here comes the money. Here we go. Money talk.
All right, go figure is where we talk about our weekly purchases and the latest news in the wrestling figure world, the segment sponsored by our friends at ringside collectibles. Make sure you guys using code chick Foley for 10% off all of your purchases there. They currently have their Thanksgiving sale going down. There's literally hundreds of figures with marked down prices and you can still use that chick Foley code to get an additional 10% off. Plus you get free shipping on any orders over 50 bucks. So we already picked up a couple of things from the Thanksgiving sale.
Encourage you guys to as well because ringside is the number one retailer and wrestling figure collectible So first off, let's start off with our giveaway. Sheena Nelson winner of our lucha thing giveaway
All right guys, so we had you guys tune in and send us screenshots of you listening to the podcast from last week. So our winner, we went ahead and did a drawing and it is Jared Colby. He's actually one of our Foley fans. So congrats Jared. And if you guys remember Jared was actually, he co-hosted the show with us for being one of our top tier patrons. He got to co-host the show with myself and Marco. So that was really super awesome. Jared, congrats. Hit me up, slide my DM, send me your info and we'll get that figure sent out to you.
And then Marco, you got to give away. You want to announce the giveaway of all the best figure giveaway that was going down on the internet last week. Oh yeah, definitely. Um, without a doubt. Uh, so, uh, Saturday, uh, during full gear, uh, I ran a giveaway. It was basically a full gear elite giveaway. So, um, it was, uh, all four members of the elite. So Cody, the bucks, uh, Kenny Omega.
All shipped up and ready to go all you had to do was follow the account Take a snapshot of yourself watching full gear that night. So I did pick a winner and the winner is Ben I don't have his last name because Donna
Yeah, I mean he that's that's true. It could be like Madonna. Maybe it doesn't have a last name. But his Twitter name is I fight giant. So the letter I fight giant. So if you're listening, you won enough to set me up at the DMS on Twitter and
I'll get the info and I'll send it out to you. But yeah, congratulations. You're a friend of iFight Giant. You better let him know because that is a killer freaking giveaway. Otherwise, we're going to have to donate those toys to the toy drive. You know what I mean? Yeah. Spread the word. Yeah. They're going somewhere else. But yeah, congratulations. And yeah, it was fun. I like to do a... I'm going to start doing a...
big pay-per-view giveaways and stuff like that. I think so. It was a hell of a giveaway. It was the hottest figures out right now. I know. I was like, why am I not eligible for this? We already have a state, but I still wanted to get in on it. I remember actually, I was like, so you got to pick four different people to each get one figure. You're like, nope, winner take all. I was just like, holy crap. Holy crap. Yeah, that was the best giveaway of 2020 so far.
Speaking of giveaways, the next one we got, we're going to be giving away the Andre the Giant WrestleMania Celebration figure. This thing is beautiful. It's cool if you're a loose collector, but if you're an MOC collector, I think this is the best MOC Andre the Giant that's ever been released. Packaging's awesome. Huge window. The figure looks great. The one good thing about the basics,
when they're MOC they look good because they're not broken up you know it's just a clean look on the figure and he looks great in that ring car it looks like he stepped right out of WrestleMania 3 into the box so all you gotta do for that is just be a patreon you know it's gonna be for the premium Foley fan members we're gonna give you know the higher tiers gets get a few more entries and stuff but yeah just be a member
Again, so in addition to all the other benefits you get from being a Foley fan member, you're also automatically entered in all of our giveaways. And that's it for this week. It's going to be a Patreon exclusive giveaway for the Andre the Giant WrestleMania Celebration figure. So before we get into figure news, Sheena, tell us about the toy drive.
awesome. So we just we recently just hit a couple stores and we were able to get a bunch of toys you guys have been sending in donations and we are so so grateful so keep that keep them coming we're gonna keep shopping we're gonna deliver everything to Toys for Tots on December 19th so make sure if you are sending anything to our PO box that it gets here before December 9th and if you're gonna send donations make sure it gets here before that so we have time to go.
to go shop for toys. But we are doing our Chick-fil-A show. This is our second annual Toys for Tots holiday toy drive. And it's just been so awesome to be able to buy toys knowing that these are going to make some kids very happy on Christmas morning. Like I've said it every week, but I just want to reiterate you guys, this has been a tough year for a lot of people. And if you're out there and if you're a parent and you got kids, just imagine
not not having the money or something to buy them toys on Christmas and like that it's just it's just heartbreaking you know so to be able to you know support Toys for Tots and their mission and what they do and providing holiday cheer for for kids in need um it's just super super important to me so um let us know i posted all the information on my instagram if you you know you can dm me if you can't find the information i'm going to be posting it in the stories again
But you can send monetary donations through our PayPal and we do have a PO box set up to receive to receive packages So guys, let's make some holiday magic this year. We want to try to double our our contribution from last year We were able to donate 300 figures from last year. So, you know, let's let's
all toys are eligible too. So we're not just, last year we did mostly just wrestling toys and it was a lot of fun to be able to give kids all those wrestling figures and retros and all those types of things. But this year we're just, we want to make a big impact as possible. So all toys, books, art supplies, any of that kind of stuff, as long as it's new, is able to be donated. So send it our way or send us a monetary donation and we will definitely shout you out and make sure that we spend your money wisely.

WWE Elite Series 81 Review

Yeah, this is, like I said, the most important thing we do all year long, so let's make it count. First off, we're getting to the proper figure news of the week. There was a little bit of buzz on the internet this week that the Natalia Decade of Domination figure
Looks like a familiar certain someone. Sheena, you want to talk about that? Yeah, so I got several messages this week asking about the new Chick Foley Elite. And I was like, what the heck? And they were all sending me pictures of the Natalia Decade of Domination figure. And I just thought it was so funny. Because I had seen that figure. I saw the reveal. And never once did I think, hey, that looks like the Chick Foley figure. But after reviewing it a little bit, I was like, you know what? That kind of does look like my face scan. She's got a very angular chin.
just kind of got the same eyes. The red hair, too. The red hair. I think it's that we never think about Natty with the red hair. True. So I think it looks a lot like you, and then also we just don't associate you with Natty. So it's kind of like, OK, people see you when they see you. They don't see Natty. That's true. That's very true. You always envision Natty with bright blonde hair, like pink streaks, cat ears, that sort of thing. So yeah, it does kind of disassociate Natty. I think a lot of people don't even remember
Natalia from that period, like her debut. And she wasn't really, even if you look back at pictures of her from that time period, she wasn't even that red headed. Like she was like kind of strawberry blonde, but the figure has, it's really, really red. It's like my color red. Maybe Bill made that figure specifically look like he has a peace offering since you guys have your Instagram feud going for years now.
I know. You know what? I'm going to reach out to Bill on Twitter, since I'm not blocked on there. And I'm going to say, you know what, Bill, thank you so much for creating this figure for me. Our buddy, Dougie Nunya, he made the then now forever picture with Sheena, the Naddie, and the Mae Young, which they literally gave me a belly ache from laughing so hard.
Really funny stuff and you know, everybody was asking for it. We're gonna make it happen I'm putting together our own the official chick Foley figure. So we got a basic 103 Becky Lynch coming in it's gonna be used for the body and then got a few different accessories We're gonna put together with it. I'll wait till we get some picks up to do the full reveal I'll show you guys but I think it's gonna come out pretty nice Hopefully by the episode next week. We'll have some picks up of the first ever chick Foley figure. So With that out of the way Marco take us to the the proper wrestling figure needs for the week
Awesome. Yeah. That inspired me because I actually have an extra DC or Daniel Cormier figure. We got to get the custom Marco. The custom Marco myself. That figure is too close. You need to hit M&M figure clothing with your favorite t-shirt and have him make it for you so that we can have the official custom MVP.
Yeah, I think I'm going to do that. I got some way they could do a Chick-Fully chalk line jacket in figure form also, man, if you need it. Oh, that'd be awesome. That'd be actually pretty cool. Now I'm not really going to do it.
Yeah, so figure news for the week. So it looks like on the Enrivaled Series 2, AEW Enrivaled Series 2, started shipping from Ringside. Basically, they went by pre-order at their earliest. Those are the ones that got their shipments. Anyone that got that email, I think we spoke about that last week, where there was a demo for the manufacturer, not from Ringside. Yeah.
Yeah, so they're going to do it in staggered shipments, essentially. So I did get one of those emails. So I'll be on that list. I think I created my like a little, maybe a few weeks after it went up for pre-order. So yeah, I can work for it. They do look awesome. You do get a photo, looking at all the pictures and stuff. And I'm like, damn, I need those. But yeah, I'm very excited to get it. That just gets me more in depth for the arrival and
When I get that shipment notice. So, but yeah. Um, did you guys preorder when you guys would have a store? No, we didn't. I was an idiot and I just kind of assumed that I'd be able to get these at Walmart. Cause I've always been pretty successful on, on figure hunting and everything. So. Yeah.
We held off on pre-order them and now I'm kicking myself because they're not even available. They're not even showing up on back order or anything on ringside. I already told Sheena, stay glued to the ringside notifications and if those things pop back in, just order them on site. Hopefully we can get them because they're going for a pretty penny on eBay right now. I hopped on eBay right before the show and there's a complete set on there right now. It's at an auction. It's $610 off the bids and counting.
That's we know these figures they're kind of like a flavor of the week type thing So the value will probably I think the value on these is gonna come down here in a little bit because there's to me There's no real like definitive figures in there that you absolutely have to have for your collection They're just cool because it's a w series too, but I definitely want them. I'm on the lookout I'm kind of kicking myself for not ordering these when we had the chance our buddy
Alex Pierce from the Foley fam. I know he got his in today and they look great. It looks like he got a really good set. I'm not sure if he's an MOC or a loose collector, but his came out really great. So cool figures. And yeah, be ready to... When these things start hitting pegs in Walmart, just be ready because I think these are going to be pretty scarce. Jeremy already came out and said that
for a number of reasons that the Series 2 is going to be a little bit harder to find than Series 1. And me personally, I never saw Series 1 on a page here in Virginia. I haven't seen a single AEW figure in the wild, period.
Yeah, I see one. I see now that the first series, uh, not, not super local, but yeah, there, and I was at just about one time, like when they first like started hitting. And then after that, haven't, haven't seen anything ever since it's always been, uh, zero, just empty pegs everywhere. So yeah, definitely. If they started hitting, uh, if you do find them this unrivaled series too, that, uh, hopefully you get your hands on them at some point. Um, yeah.
That's another reason to join the Foley fam because we have so many eyeballs out and we sell everything for retail plus shipping So if somebody comes across a case of these things, you know, and they're going to the group like they're going retail plus shipping So yeah join the Foley fam It seems like a lot of those figures hit like in the West Coast first and they start moving away like it led that East so any fully fan members out there
so you can help all of us over on the East Coast and the Midwest get our hands on those exclusive figures.
Moving on, you spoke about this earlier. Ringside's running their Thanksgiving sale. There's a ton of cool figures on here. I was actually just looking at it. There's actually some really new ones. So like China Triple H, the two packs on there as well. My favorite that I'm kind of tempted to get, but it's kind of weird that if I do the Matt Hardy wrestling buddy that they have on there. They're awesome. I'm sad. It just matters, Matt and Jeff on there.
Yeah, I wish they were both. It's a really cool thing. We got those for Brett for Christmas 2018. Yeah, we got the Finn, the AJ, and then the Hardy Boys. I'm really bummed that line didn't continue because we got off where they released. They were all awesome. They were definitely the closest thing we've had to the OG wrestling buddies.
of all the various lines like that that have been out over the years. And the material, in my opinion, I feel like that material is actually better than the OG wrestling. Oh yeah, they were softer, they were nicer. Yeah, they were really cool. And they had little extras, like AJ had the hood on his vest. And Finn had the tassels. Finn had the tassels. Jeff Hardy had his towel or whatever out of his back pocket. Yeah, they were really, really cool.
Yeah, I just liked the Matt Hardy because he's kind of doing like the, almost like the wonderful, the arms out almost. So, but even the, so the, the Macho Man Randy Savage and Andre the Giant figures are on there as well on that page too. So the new, the new WrestleMania 37 celebration are up on that, that Thanksgiving sale page. So definitely take a look at it. Definitely shop.
Pick up what you need. I'm not going to go through every single page or every single figure, but there's some really good ones out there, so definitely hit that up. Right when you go to the page, it's right there. Thanks, David. Just click on that and you'll see all the
All the wonderful figures that you could purchase. Moving on. Also, you put this up earlier, Elite Series 81 is shipped out. It's also in stock right now. We were going to do a little bit of a live review on the air. I'm going to hand them to Sheena and she can give us a quick 10-second review of these figures. We got the Rock. This is from his appearance on the debut episode of SmackDown on Fox.
Um, it's okay. It's not my favorite rock figure. Um, I think it's, you know, if you need a modern rock, he, you know, he's good. And he's also the rock in, uh, in track pants. You know, I think it's the first time we've actually had the molded track pants on the rock. So that's pretty cool. Cause you can pair them up with some of the accessories from previous rocks, but we just got off the chain. The head sculpt is incredible.
Oh, yeah, it looks I mean, he looks amazing. There's nothing there I can't I'm getting bad to say about him But we just got the ultimate edition rock. So it's just kind of like, you know, if you're a longtime collector Yeah, it's it's hard I think it could be a little bit more tricky to find a spot in your collection for this rock Unless you're just the hardest of hardcore rock collectors Up next Shinsuke Nakamura. This is the regular version. This is the blue version. I
Yeah, I love the blue version of Shinsuke. I love this outfit. I love the new Intercontinental Championship. First time we've gotten this belt. I think this fit, you know, hopefully the scumbag fig swapper stay away from this one because I think it's going to be popular. The new IC belt is pretty dope and it's right there front and center in the packaging.
Yeah, we saw some, I can't remember who posted it today, but they posted it. I think it might've been Vin posted a awful fig swap that was like, it was a Jeff Hardy and they literally just, oh my God, they put in, they put in a figure, I can't even- Psycho Sid. Psycho Sid, yeah. Psycho Sid, they had like bird damage on it. They had like ink, like they had it written on all over the face and all over the eyes and they just like, I don't know if they took it back or if they just swapped it in the store, but yeah, fig swappers are the worst. They're like the lowest form of human being. All right, so let's move into the real highlights of the set.
Whoo, yes, this has been a missing piece of the collection for a while. This stunning Steve Austin figure, super, super stoked. We got two of these because, I mean, you can't have the freaking stunning Steve without Brian Pillman, so. Yeah, we need to get Brian Pillman and we need to get that second WCW tag team belt. Again, same thing with the fig swappers. Watch out, because we got, for this set, it's got two belts that have never been released before. Yeah.
So it comes with the I don't know what this thing's called the director's like cut thing or whatever that him in Austin tell me used to bring out the rink with them so That's called like a slash slap
Really cool figure. Sadly, it's probably the best head sculpt we've seen of Steve Austin from the Mattel line. But yeah, we have an Elite 47 Brian Pillman and a second stunning Steve Austin figure coming in. We're gonna send him to... We mentioned him a couple segments ago. Our buddy Alex Pierce is gonna put us together at Custom Pillman to go along with this, to have the Hollywood Blondes. But very cool figure. And I really hope that this is the start and we get some more of these mid-90s WCW guys. Marco, was you a big fan of WCW back then?
I'm not too later. My father obviously grew up in the South, so I was definitely into WCW when I would visit all my family members in Midwest and down South and stuff like that. Not as much as I was with WWF.
I was definitely into it, but not super hardcore into WCW. I did appreciate obviously Ric Flair and stuff like that, but I was Hogan Warrior all the way. I was fighting my father's, my cousins and stuff like that. Like, what do you guys watch? This is horrible. Hulk Hogan's the best. Who's this Ric Flair dude?
Yeah, very similar for me. Me and my brother, we were at WWF house. My grandpa though, he was a big WCW slash NWA guy. So I remember being at his house watching WCW Saturday night at 6.05 every Saturday and stuff. So I was kind of very similar. So another little highlights from the set. Sheena's got in her hands right now, the Bianca Belair Elite. The strongest, the fastest, the toughest. The EST. The EST of WWE, Bianca Belair. This figure looks
Insane I love it the glasses they look like they have they're not sparkly or on the outside But they have like silver silver paint metallic paint. They look so good. She's got a soft goods like jacket and her ponytail like and The face scan is is on point like everything about this figure just looks amazing They did a really really good job on the basics. So yeah, you know, they kind of had a
I think they needed to do a lot to get the wow factor in on this, but it's definitely here. This figure is a stunner. The gear looks awesome. I love the paint apps on the gear. Her gear is her wearing her gear, the design. One of the notes Marco sent that I didn't even realize this until I saw it in your notes when you sent over for the show today was that she has articulated toes. That's something that we'd previously only seen
on the Ultimate Edition. So I hadn't heard this hyped up anywhere on any of the different Mattel forms or by action figure tech or any of those guys. So I'm wondering if maybe this was something that the factory just did because of a parts issue. Maybe they just had the boots from Charlotte or Becky Lynch that they used for this one for whatever reason. So I don't know if this is a thought out decision or something that kind of just happened, but very interesting. And I'll definitely look out for this in the future now because I'm always a fan of getting more articulation.
Yeah, I'm never gonna be mad about more articulation and figures. All right, and now for the, what I believe are the MVPs of this set, the Elite Street Profits. Yeah, they're in red gear. We got, you know, Montez Four with the crown. Again, he's got his glasses. He comes with a red solo cup, a molded vest, and then he's got gloved hands, like gold gloved hands.
The face scan is on point. Everything looks amazing. Then Dawkins comes with, um, the headband and he's got his, he's got a soft goods shirt, I think. So he has a molded, you know, a painted on, um, shirt, and then he comes with a soft goods jacket. Oh, his jacket comes over. Oh yeah. Yeah. So he's got a soft goods jacket that goes over. Um, yeah, both of these figures. I'm so, so happy that we finally have elites of these guys. We have the basics. Um, but now that we have the elites, these are going to definitely be the ones that stay in the collection.

Weekly Figure Hauls

Yeah, very cool figures, great set. Like I said, the Austin, the Bianca Miller, and the Street Profits, I think those are must-as in any collection. For sure. The rock's good if you're looking for a modern rock. For the fig photographers also, I think he's got a lot of potential, because it is a stunning head sculpt. It's a really cool figure, and the molded track pants look a lot better than the cloth track pants we got in the past. And then with Shinsuke, if you weren't able to pick up the Survivor Series Shinsuke from last year, this is the only other time we've gotten blue Shinsuke in the elite form. Bill loves a red Shinsuke.
Yeah, and it's the first time that we've got the the new Intercontinental Championship. So pretty cool set. And again, use Code Chick Foley if you guys pick yours up from Ringside Collectibles. Marco, what did you pick up this week for weekly purchases?
So from Elite Series 81, I actually did get just the three profits in Bianca Belair. I missed out on the studying Steve Austin. I'm very upset about that because I kind of wanted to put that. I've seen a lot of everyone kind of modifying their their pilgrims, just getting like a second Steve Austin and taking the head off and putting on the
the stunning Steve Austin body and putting the vest that came with the Pillman to good use. I'm kicking myself in the butt for not doing that, but I can probably just order it anyway and just wait for the back order ones to come in. No big deal about that. Would you say that the Steve Austin head scope was also stunning as well?
Oh, yeah, it looks it's stunning. It's. Did you get it right? It's stunning, Steve. Yeah, I'm thinking of laying down. Come on, Marco. That was a dad joke about died. I'm sorry. I had to throw it out there. You know, I love it. But yeah, that was that. Just see how the street profits and Bianca Belair now. That's not a bad pick up. Yeah. That's it.
Yeah, great set. For us, we were a little bit light on figures this week. We got to lead 81, obviously. I got Hasbro Sid Justice. Great figure. Still need an elite Sid Justice. Mattel did a pretty sweet basic Sid Justice, but I think we need the elite from that WrestleMania 8 main event against Hulk Hogan with the blue trunks and everything. Yeah.
I picked up the Roadkill Rodney's from NECA. I got two of those. So I didn't really need the Triceratron, the dinosaur, just because those dinosaurs are only in one episode. And just a little bit too obscure for me, even though I love everything that NECA is doing. But I had to get the Roadkill Rodney's. I remember those more from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game than I do the cartoon, funny enough.
Yeah, so got those and they definitely look great. I'm gonna be adding those in with my With my display For all my turtle figures. I picked up the undertaker Funko the new glow in the dark on the purple one I gotta say, you know, no shade to Funko. We love everything those guys do all kinds of amazing licensing and They're always putting out unique figures and I think they put a lot of TLC in her stuff but I'm a little bit let down so, you know the big hook on this thing was that
it's glow in the dark, right? And I don't know, maybe I'm just an idiot, but to me, I see the clear purple plastic, you know, it looked to me like the purple supposed to glow in the dark too, right? Was that your take on it, Marco?
Yeah, pretty much, yeah. I get this thing, you know, I charge it up. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in here, but, you know, I'm a pretty big glow in the dark aficionado. I'm just a sucker for it. Hadn't been since I was a kid. The only thing that glows on him is his damn eyes, dude. I couldn't believe it. You know, I got this thing. I was so hyped. I'm holding it up to the light in the bathroom for like 60 seconds. And I go in the closet, shut the door, expecting to see this awesome, you know, Undertaker purple glow coming off of it. And it's just his freaking eyes looking back at me, man.
I've stunned Marco into silence with this news that, yeah, Undertaker died. I know, it was very disappointing, very disappointing. Yeah. I guess that was like number one on your Christmas list or something. No. You did. I already told my kids that he was going to glow.
Yeah, I was I was actually gonna pick that up too, but uh It's still gonna look awesome on the shelf and stuff I am actually getting rid of my I'm kind of just doing like one pop per character unless it's like Bret Hart or Seth Rollins or something So he is gonna be my official Undertaker pop now I still looks cool But I would definitely was let down because I thought the purple bull in the dark was gonna be really really awesome
But anyways, you know enough of that still Funko nothing but love for everything you guys do You guys saw we

Xbox Series X Purchase Experience

went live last night. We did pick up the Xbox Series X Just a minor purchase. Yeah, just a minor purchase, you know, not that thing is awesome Everything you've read online about the design about you know, don't think that it you know, it's just plain It's true you get this thing in hand, you know, it looks like what a $500 console It looks and feels like what a $500 console should feel like this thing solid. It looks awesome The the top of the vent with like the green glow looks incredible
Just really really cool system. It was super. You know it did it was a pain It wasn't a pain they I set it up, but it took a long time So cool thing about it is if you already have an Xbox one You can do a thing called network transfer where it'll use your your Wi-Fi in your house And we'll copy over all your games all your saves all your settings over to the new system But unfortunately with these next-gen games it takes a long time Like I literally I fell asleep last night waiting for a thing to get copied over so bad He was so excited to play and then all of a sudden it was just like going like yeah
Yeah, it was definitely a buzzkill. Yeah, you guys remember, you know, like pretty much starting with like the PlayStation 2 earlier even kind of like with the Xbox 360 and ps3 You'd have that thing plugged in and playing within like an hour But but now this thing took a while, you know, I put in NBA 2k21. That was the the new game We got for it. That thing was a hundred gigs on the install. So just a ridiculously large game that took a very long time to To install but it is awesome, you know, I played 2k21 this morning
The NBA 2K21 for the Series X, that was actually the only game at launch that was solely produced for the Series X. Everything else is kind of just ports or like upgrades from Xbox One and PS4. But yeah, 2K21 on Series X is crazy. So anybody else on Series X, if you get the PS5 coming here today or the next couple of days, grab 2K21 if you want to show off to your friends what your new system can do. And then lastly, we talked about a little bit last week, but...

Thanksgiving Cajun Turkey Quest

We picked up our Popeyes Cajun Turkey. We've been calling around. Sheena got shut down trying to get a couple days before. You guys know I'm the man, not only just on figure hunts, but also on food hunts. I had to start making some phone calls and I hooked it up at my local Popeyes. I ran down the road, grabbed it, and it's currently sitting on our freezer, just waiting to get injected full of Cajun butter.
and served up on Thanksgiving Day. So again, if any of you guys are looking to go a different route this Thanksgiving, head to your local Popeyes, grab that cage in Turkey. You will not be disappointed. Now, I got to give a little bit of a warning on this. If you guys have listeners who are, you know, under the age of 13, maybe fast forward about 10 minutes or so to get to the quarantine and chill because
It's about to get it's about to get adult up in here for Sheena's weekly purchases.

Wellness and Biohacking: Coffee Enemas

So I'll give you guys a little tease as I'm walking up. I see on the doorstep. There's a box on the front that says in a bucket. All right. So that's like, yeah, on my front porch as I'm walking, I'm like, oh, we got a couple of packages. One of the packages says in a bucket on it.
And I'll hand it over to Sheena to explain. Oh my god, I cannot believe this. Okay, you guys, I'm gonna be as straightforward about this as I can. So as much as I'm into, you know, wrestling and sports entertainment, all the things like,
My other passion is wellness and biohacking and health. I geek out on all of this stuff. I listen to multiple biohackers and health and wellness podcasts a week. It's just something that I've been into for as long as I can remember. Well, this guy that I've listened to, Ben Greenfield, literally for the past probably eight or nine years, I've been listening to Ben Greenfield. He does coffee enemas.
And so...
It's like they're just making shit up now. They're just taking two words together. It is not. It's like mad libs for health scams. They just take two words, yeah, and stick them together. Coffee, enema. No, dude. Go to Starbucks and order that next time you go. First of all, herbalists have been using coffee for its healing powers for, I mean, thousands of years, okay? This is not a new concept, you know what I mean? Yeah, nothing like some boulders up the tailpipe to get you going.
First of all, you don't part of waking up caps as well It is not folders coffee, okay, like you have to make sure that you get organic like
Coffee that's been tested for like mold and mycotoxins and everything pesticides. Like you have to get, I use a brand called Keon. There's, you know, you can use Bulletproof. Those are all really great brands of coffee. There's coffee that is specifically designed for this purpose, but it helps with- So if you're drinking it, you're fine just getting whatever they're serving up at Starbucks or whatever, but if it's going up your butt, make sure it's working out. No, I also drink, I also drink Bulletproof coffee and, you know, Keon coffee. Like I like this, I'm bougie about my coffee, okay? Four Sigmatic coffee.
It helps with liver detoxification helps with skin it helps to eliminate parasites we live in a very toxic environment you know i mean like there's all kinds of chemicals and toxins in our food you know just five g like there's all kinds of things going on in the world that are.
Causing your body to be out of alignment, you know, so if you're taking a couple extra steps to put yourself back into alignment I don't think that's a bad thing. I like I don't understand why you don't like health one. It's just ridiculous Coffee enema like
Yeah, again, they're just making stuff up nowadays. No, research it. They use absolutely zero discretion on the packaging. That was the worst part for it. You know, blue chew or stuff like that. It's going to be shipped in the discrete package. Nobody's going to know what it is. It's literally shipped in a box that had coffee enema. Yeah, enema bucket was in big bold black letters on the side of the box.
You know, I know our mailman, you know, our mailman is like a really nice guy. Like our son, like we'll give him hugs and stuff. And like we wave at him and, you know, we have a little, you know, we're always shipping out figure stuff that we sold. So we, we know our mailman, you know, it's not, he's not just a business associate, you know, he's an acquaintance. And now he, you know, knows that we order animal buckets.
Our mailman is our mailman is like 60 probably pushing 70 years old and he looks like he's in good health He probably takes a little coffee up the butt to just I mean he walks probably like 30,000 steps a day delivering mail So, I mean he's doing something for his health. You know what I mean?
So I don't think coffee enemas are just the most out there thing. Listen, I like to experiment with things. I like to try things. I dabble in a lot of things. This isn't the craziest thing I've ever done, would you say?
Uh, on paper it is, at least. Yeah. Oh man. In lucky hours of like the delivery guy or like the male guy with that, I would have knocked up a door and I would have yelled it out loud. I was like, Hey, I have your animal bucket here. Everyone, I'm delivering her animal bucket here. The funny thing about that is it wouldn't embarrass me. It would just embarrass Seth. Like I don't care. I'd be like, thanks bro. It's stainless steel. It's good stuff. You know what I mean? So what's the animal bucket for?
So you put the coffee in the bucket and then it holds the bucket. So the bucket is stainless steel so it doesn't have any bacteria. Did you shove the whole thing up your ass or what? Did you shove the bucket up your ass? Do you know what an enema is? No, there's a tube. The coffee comes down from the bucket and then it goes into your butt.
So it's another question. So all these cool things that coffee can do for you by going up your butt with a tube. Can you just drink it and get the same type of great skin and
You know, there's like a ton of polyphenols or like there's a ton of antioxidant properties in coffee. Like coffee has a lot of health benefits on its own. Obviously not like, you know, your mocha joka latte from Starbucks, but like black coffee, if it's healthy, there's a lot of benefits to it.
The reason why it helps stimulate your liver is there's a nerve bundle right there on your side. So it like goes up there and the caffeine stimulates that little nerve bundle, which sends signals. I'm not going to get all nerdy on you, but send signals to your liver to have your liver dump all of the stuff that it's been holding onto because your liver is like your filter. You know what I mean?
your liver filters, all these Miller lights and all these Sierra Nevada, you know, celebrations and all the Taco Bell and shit that we eat, it helps to, you know, just cleanse out your liver so that your liver, it's like changing the oil in your car. You know what I mean? Like if your, if your filter's all gunked up, then it's not working properly, you know? So you gotta, you gotta clean that filter so that it can do its job. So that's what, that's what this is for is to help stimulate that liver to go ahead and dump all that extra stuff it's holding on to, to,
be able to function more properly. Because if you ain't got a good liver, I'm telling you, you ain't in good health. So, you know, if a little coffee at the butt can clean out my liver, I'm here for it. All right. On that note, we'll wrap up Bluely purses. I don't know if we're ever going to top that as long as we do this show with you purses. It is now time for quarantine and chill.

Quarantine and Chill Recommendations

All right, quarantine and chill is where you give you guys a recommendation for something to watch while we're still all for the most part staying in on the weekends and everything. So first off, I think Sheena's got a special thank you we needed to send Marco his way. Yeah, so while we're checking out Seth's recommendation for quarantine and chill, we're going to be sipping on a little bit of the bubbly.
Because, uh, the MVP Marco Denton sent us a surprise package. I meant to say this last week and somehow it just got like overlooked in the notes, but he sent us a surprise package of two bottles of Jericho's little bit of the bubbly. And I am so freaking stoked to put that on ice and try it and survivor series. We busted out, you know, we always traditionally, we always celebrate my birthday is November 24th. We always celebrate it. Nice.
on Survivor Series, we kind of just do a nice meal and some kind of big dessert. And that's just kind of when we actually have my...
birthday party or whatever excuse for birthday party we call it. So yeah, I'm thinking we bust out both balls of the bubbly. Our friend Jordan Wells, another Foley fan member, is gonna be out here visiting. So yeah, I think we see if we can get through both those bottles during the Survivor Series. Yeah, but it was in honor of our two-year Chick Foley show anniversary. Marco sent us over that gift. So Marco, I wanna publicly, I've already thanked you behind the scenes, but I definitely wanted to give you a public thank you for that because that was just too much. It was awesome. I marked out a little bit when I opened the box.
I mean, yeah, you have to get the best champagne for the best wrestler ever. 100%. Yeah. I mean, who needs a voo when you got a little bit of the bubbly? It's actually the nicest champagne I've ever drank, man. I do enjoy champagne, but all I've ever bought for myself is just Corville, which is decent stuff, but that's $12 off the shelf champagne. So I'm really pumped to try this out and see how it is.
Marko, what was your quarantine and chill recommendation for this week? Yeah, so don't forget, before we start quarantine and chill, it is sponsored by Ennimo Bucket. Oh, God. You have time to quarantine and chill, you have time to deliver, you know what I mean? That would be a nice t-shirt on Pro Wrestling T's Ennimo Bucket.
Hey, we heard you talking about, uh, animal buckets on your show. All y'all, all y'all are getting clean wet fart is the thing to describe when something just didn't connect with us. I think now we can just, you know, send certain wrestlers or certain segments to the end of my bucket from now on. Yeah. I like that. I like that idea. Bucket of the week.
We usually do podcasts, recommendations, or TV movie recommendations, even music we've done before, but we haven't done books yet that I can remember anyway.

Shinsuke Nakamura Book Review

I'm going to recommend a book for one of my favorite wrestlers right now, which is Shinsuke Nakamura. It's called The King of Strong Style, 1980 to 2014.
So it's basically about his life. The word it's written is pretty cool. It's written in like a interview style. So if you ever read like in your magazines, like Rolling Stone or any one of those things, when they do interviews with people, you see like their name. Did you see what they're saying? Did you see the interviewer's name? So that's how the books were read, which is, I've never seen that before. I've read a few like oral history books that are like that. I think I did like the oral history of ESPN stuff that was similar style to that, which we're talking about.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. If you see his on the network, I think he did a 24 maybe. Yeah, he did a documentary on him. Yeah, I love that one, man. He's a really pretty interesting guy. He's a very just chill dude. Obviously, when you see him on TV, he does all those crazy movements and stuff like that. But when you read about it, obviously, if you see that documentary, he's a huge fan of Michael Jackson.
Um, so that's why he, like, he kind of has like the, like the, if you see like his earlier gear, there's, um, thriller, like, yeah, like thriller and bad and all that stuff. So, um, he was using even his hairstyle, like, um, how it's like long and stuff like that and the movements he does. But, um, yeah, the books, the mix on it, like, is it, is it kind of like 50 50 between the wrestling stuff and the outside during stuff or like, what's kind of the mix on it?
Yeah, so it's basically his life and his career. So it starts off like with him as an amateur grappler. So he did fight an NNA as well. I think he talked about that on that documentary. The Shinkaso, his finishing move was actually done to him in an NNA match and a knock them out. So someone actually hit him with that knee.
It knocked him out, so that's why that's his finishing move, because it is a devastating move. But he was caught off guard by it when he was fighting. So he talks about his matches in New Japan with Kurt Angle. He faced Kurt Angle in New Japan, as well as Brock Lesnar. I'm not sure if a lot of people know that. And then Brock would tag Team Chance at one point.
Yeah. Yeah. So, um, and he was the youngest, I knew Japan progressed like heavyweight champion too. Um, at one point, I'm not sure in recent memory, there is a younger one now or anyone broke that record, but, uh, there's only 15 left in stock on Amazon. I was looking to see if they had the audible version. Cause I'm like, if it's not an audible, I don't get to read it anymore because, uh, you know, just, I either go to sleep while I'm reading, uh, but a bomb around the house and stuff with the kids I like to put in, uh,
Listen audible listen to books and stuff you know Christmas right around the corner to be really good gift idea Also guys if you got arrested in your life, she's also a shinsuke fan because like you mentioned that I think it was chronicle was the documentary he had a debut WWE Network and just yes super
super interesting guy. He loves to surf. I think that's kind of why he stayed in WWE as long as he has, even though he hasn't quite reached the heights. I think people had projected for him when he first came into NXT in 2016. I think he's just, you know, he's getting paid big bucks and he's getting the chill and just surf, you know. So I've always been a big fan of Shinsuke ever since I first saw him wrestle Sami Zayn. So I'll definitely be taking a look at this book also. My recommendation was the the new mortician documentary. You know, we got the 30 days of the dead men going on on
WWE right now celebrating 30 years of the undertaker and one part of that is they actually gave it they did a Documentary just on Paul bear, you know, so a lot of people don't realize that
Paul Bearer kind of had a, he had a full career before he even became Undertaker's manager as an actual mortician. And then his Percy Pringle and some of the various Southern wrestling territories. And he was just such a huge part of the early years of the Undertaker. You know, I think kind of, you know, once they went their own separate ways, even though Paul Bearer was still involved on the storylines, I think Undertaker was good enough to be on his own. But that original Undertaker character, when he really was like the dead man, like a zombie, he had to have somebody talking for him. Paul Bearer was that guy.
As over as he was when he first debuted, it really wasn't until Paul Bearer came along that it really, he became like a main event level act. Because a lot of people kind of just forget it by now that Brother Love was actually, you know, Bruce Prichard was the Undertaker's manager for those first, I want to say maybe three or four months. And then on an episode of, you know,
the brother love show, he kind of just basically sold Undertaker to Paul Bearer and that's when Paul Bearer came along. But yeah, I definitely think that without Paul Bearer being there, I'm not sure if Undertaker would have made it to the top or at least made it to the top as fast as he did. So Marco, did you get a chance to check this out yet?
Yeah, um, I actually, um, referenced a lot of the, uh, I think it was on something to wrestle. Um, they did a whole, um, episode on, on, uh, Paul Bear or Percy Pringle. So a lot of that stuff, um, they talk about his earlier career and, um, as a manager and as a mortician and stuff like that. So, um, that was actually really awesome. They actually, I like how they, they, you know, went into like the.
like the man if you want to say like himself and as opposed to just talking about Paul Bearer the whole the whole thing so that was pretty cool but yeah I really enjoyed it um I agree with you I'm gonna take it as a take off with uh without Paul Bearer um
He definitely did that mouthpiece and I think he would undertake I said it on that where he's like, you know He had this like dark brooding character when he did speak here this like low like monotone voice where you had Paul bear with his high pitch like, you know voice and stuff like that so they kind of like compliment each other and
Not sorry to interrupt you man, but one thing that our our German buddy said that I think it really appeals to the international fans is the impressions like he specifically mentioned I love Marco's impression So maybe could we get a little bit of Paul Barry action right now, man, not to put you on the spot
Oh my God. I don't even know if I could, I haven't done a Paul bearer impression of like in ages. I think you have to have like a knock the dust off Marco. Come on. Just, just give it up. Give us your best one. Yeah. Listen, if, if I can talk about my bucket, you can talk about.
I mean, you compared Paul Bearer to what you talked about. I don't want to say it. I don't want to say it. In his good graces, RIP Paul Bearer. How do you want to say what we were talking about earlier? I was going to carry it around like an urn, like Paul Bearer. Let's see. Let me be clear. Do a so-called fern the voice type of thing.
I think you're just being modest, man. That was pretty freaking good. Especially getting put on the spot, dude. That was for you, Dan. A little bit behind the scenes. We have an outline, a skeleton for what our show is going to be.
But that definitely wasn't in the script for Marco to bust out a Paul Bearer, per se. I'm impressed. So we've had Enema Bucket. We've had Marco doing his best Paul Bearer. And now it is time for random merch of the week.
All right, random merch of the week is where we scour the deep dark corners of the internet to find you guys some of the most random pro wrestling licensed or sometimes unlicensed merchandise that's out there. This segment is brought to you by our friends at Pro Wrestling Tee. So again, go to They have all the latest AEW, indie wrestling, legends, and most importantly, chick Foley show gear. So
Lots of great stuff there. They're always running sales. So definitely hit it up. And if you want to buy some Chick Foley shirts, that's a great way to support the share. So Marco, talk to us about this week's random merch.
Yeah, so I've seen things thrown around a lot in my travels for some reason on eBay. They always pop up. Yeah, I've seen them a lot through the years too. First time seeing a complete set. Yeah, I see like ones and twos or sets of two or sets of one. But these ones actually have the plastic over the heads too as well. So they'll just get to the WWF squirt.
heads. Have you ever heard of these? Are these actually by Hasbro? I've seen them a lot. I've seen them a ton in people's collections and stuff, but I never actually paid much attention to them. Did they come as a set or were they sold individually? They were individually. I remember seeing these things at Toys R Us as a kid.
Yeah, they're a certain individual. The company was a multi-toys corp, I believe it was called. It wasn't Hasbro or anything like that, but yeah, they're a certain individual. It's basically the heads of all the exclusive popular wrestlers back in the 90s. Big Boss Man, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Warrior, Ted DiBiase. Squirt Squad.
That's not an animal bucket joke, is it? Wow. Oh, no, squirt head. Squirt head. For some reason, I thought it's a squirt squad. I was like, oh my God. That does not sound like something you want to Google. Definitely don't do that. You want to squirt head, don't Google that. No, don't Google that. That's a category you don't want to go down. Yeah, I do. It's also, speaking of like, they're just weird.
Did you, did you own any of these? I definitely had toys like these. Like I want to say I had, I had a Ninja Turtles one that the thing was, it was basically like in the size of a, like a small like Nerf football, but yeah, the same, same concept. You squeeze it, put it under water, sucks the water in. And then, you know, it's basically like a, a, a lo-fi square gun. So I definitely, these, these kinds of toys were big.
back in the early nineties. But I don't think I ever had any of the WWF, but I remember seeing these at Toys R Us. I want to say they were like $2.99 at Toys R Us and they wouldn't even be in the wrestling section. They'd be up by like all the junk by the cash registers as you're walking out. You know, they'd have always, they'd have always like the really good candy there at the checkout at Toys R Us and then like the crappy toys. And I remember seeing these there.
Pretty cool. You know, there actually is some pretty good detail. The head sculpts are pretty good. And they definitely make for some awesome display pieces. If you had enough room for, you know, something like our buddy Fig Heels collection, where if you use that room with unlimited space, I'd love to add some of these to the collection. The sculpts are kind of funny. The way like the, you know, for lack of a term, the squirt hole is, it makes it look like everybody's got a good gap too. There's something, you know, but they're pretty cool figures. You know, I think I kind of like the Bushwhackers and the Road Warriors. The Road Warriors look the best, I think.
You can tell, you can totally tell I'm a mom now because I'm thinking to myself like, like you would never get all the water out of there. You know, like bats have toys that have whole squirt holes in them. You know what I mean? Like you can't, like they grow mildew and like mold in there. Like I would be like, Oh hell no. Like my kids not having that. You know, cause you, you see all those horror stories online now where parents like cut their, cut their kids bath toys open and they're just like black and slimy on the inside. That's all I can see now. And I see those little squirt heads. I'm like, Nope.
We'll be posting a we'll be posting a link to that in the in the Facebook group of stuff Anybody's interested in buying those on eBay. What's the what's the price right now on those on eBay? I saw I was pretty dang high. Yeah, so it's uh, so it's I believe this is from Canada so it's it's 600 Canadian US it's $459 and are they are they MOC or they're just in the bubble. I
They're the bubble. Yeah, they have the, uh, uh, the, but they do got the bubble. So they look, they look like they've been used just for display only. Um, so I'm doing a little bit of on the fly research here. It looks like they tried to bring it back during the attitude era. There's still, there's, and they're just called squirt heads again. So I'm assuming it's the same company. These ones just had a little cardboard tag and then they're in a little mesh net, but it was stone cold undertaker in the rock. Looks like the only three.
that they had. Um, and obviously it looks like it died out a little bit. This is definitely something from the early nineties, you know, these, these style toys, uh, but pretty cool nonetheless. And if you got, if you got the money for it, it definitely would be a nice display piece in the collection. Yeah. They didn't, they, I guess it's cause they came out early nineties for whatever reason, like those and same thing with the wrestling buddies, even though the wrestling buddies were by Tonka, like that stuff to me, I always just think Hasbro.
Yeah. If they were doing the attitude of everyone, do you think they messed up on the sunny one? Why would they make a sunny scored head at all? That's kind of just opportunity. I thought I was going to have the most horrible segment of the week with the bucket right now. Oh, my boy. We're cycling the drain now, folks. Sunny days ahead.
Yeah, so let's move on from squirting sunny head and get to, I actually think you could find that on video for a couple of years back. Let's go to our retro wrestling recommendation.

Classic Wrestling Video Games Retrospective

All right, Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week is where we give you guys a recommendation from years gone by, something to entertain you. So this segment is brought to you by our friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line has amazing jackets, shorts, and other gear. They got a lot of modern day stuff, but they really kind of focus on 90s and 80s nostalgia. So definitely hit up Chalk Line. And again, Christmas is coming up. A lot of great gift ideas for
your loved ones. So with the AW games coming out, I want to go in a slightly different direction for our retro wrestling pick this week and pick the kind of the four horsemen of the apocalypse of wrestling video games. These were all on Nintendo 64.
Again, Widely Regarded is definitely the best wrestling game engine ever made. And all four of these games still hold up. So they were WCW versus NWO World Tour, WCW versus NWO Revenge, WrestleMania 2000, and No Mercy for Nintendo 64. Marco, are you familiar with all four of these? Of course, yeah. I'm a huge fan of all of them.
especially, but I mean, I love WCW versus NWO. Um, that was a great game as well. But yeah, no, definitely all every single one of those. That's why I'm super excited about the, uh, AWW game that's coming out. Cause it's going to bring back those, uh, those nostalgic fields of that, of that gameplay. Not so much the graphics and those games are still how, like how old it today is like the best wrestling games ever made. So that, that goes to show you, uh, graphics don't always mean everything.
Oh, yeah. And I think the graphics still hold up to like, I still have a working in 64 and I got no mercy on there. And it doesn't look bad to me. Obviously, it doesn't look anything like WWE 2K. But because it's so stylized, like the graphics, it doesn't look ugly. You know what I mean? Like I still I still like playing that game and the graphics don't bother me any. Again, yeah, these were probably the four best wrestling games ever made. If you if you adjust the scale for, you know, what was available at the time technology wise, I think they're definitely the four best.
No mercy by that time. They kind of perfected the engine and all the features that create a player set. Me personally though, I played more WCW versus NWO revenge than anything else. That was the one I played the most, had the most fun with as a kid. I just remember that game had a huge roster. I can't remember the number off the top of my head, but there were so many guys on there. And I just remember me, my friend Dustin, my little brother Tad, and our friend RC.
would play battle Royal, you know, where you would just run through every wrestler. And if you got eliminated, it was no big deal. Cause whoever came out next to see you'd get, you know, so you'd be hoping that you'd get, you know, Kevin Nash or Scott Hall, but sometimes disco inferno would be who came out, you know, and I just, I remember playing, I was loving that game so much. I remember that. I think that was the first one that had Goldberg on it. And he was just a beast just like he was in real life back then. And
just a really, really awesome game. I still remember the intro to that with the NWO riding in on a garbage truck for whatever reason. I don't know how that made sense, but for whatever reason it worked. Yeah. So you know, no mercy was the best. I think WCW versus NWO revenge is the one that had the soft spot in my heart. What about you? Which one of these did you play the most? Um, probably
Actually, I played a lot. I played all of them pretty much pretty equally. Probably WCW versus the world is probably the one that I played the most of, mainly because the roster on it was pretty deep in that one as well. They had a ton of-
Really well-known Japanese wrestlers from from that time that would just have like a slightly different name or whatever So they had you know, I think they probably know getting sued if they try to do something like that nowadays But they had a lot of guys were like you you could go I remember going on the internet, you know going on like Geo City sites and stuff to really They would have roster translations, you know Like it had the name of who the character was on world tour and what wrestler it was actually supposed to represent. So yeah Yeah, really fun stuff. So yeah, if you got to go out, you know
Drop the money. If you want to get it working in 64, that's one of the best game consoles ever. And because it was all on cartridges, the stuff still works like a charm. You know, it's not like disk drives like we saw on the PlayStation line afterwards that fail. Those N64 systems still work perfect. Go pick one up and grab these games and then pick up some other amazing stuff in N64 too, because that wasn't just probably the best video game system of all time for my money. So that's it for retro resting recommendation. We're heading on the home stretch of the show now. But first we have our listener Q&A.
All right, this first question comes in from Good Brother Bob Zegler. Thank you so much, Bob, again for your donation to the Toy Drive. We love you, Bob. So this one says, I'm curious your thoughts on the Legends and Undertaker 30th shippers. Limited peg space prevents toy hunters from seeing frequent stock. But with these recent manufacturer modulars, we get a flood of product, if you get there in time, he has in quotations.
Is it just for the holidays or might figure companies do this more often? So basically like, you know, when they put those big shippers, they're like packed to the gills, right? So there's like more space for retail. So yeah, we saw that Target did this with the most recent Legends line. Obviously WWE's got the one coming out now with the Undertaker at Walmart.
Then there was jazzwares had one we never saw any of our local Walmart's but I saw a lot of pics of the jazzwares one with the AW figures in the UFC fix So I'm a big fan of this. Hopefully they do this more and more because I like get everything just dumped out there all at once, you know, because You guys there in the the patreon group you guys saw last Friday. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a Fresh shipper that just came out of Walmart, you know, I was able to
to bust that thing open and get a bunch of figures for the guy. So it's nice having everything come in all at once like that instead of just... You're not waiting for them to put it out. Exactly.
But WWE has been pretty good about this. Usually a couple of times a year at Walmart, we'll see one right around WrestleMania timeframe. You usually get one right at WrestleMania time and then there's kind of one other staggered out throughout the year. They do one for Ghostbusters. Yeah, Ghostbusters had one with those rock figures. So I don't know, I don't really know enough about the business side of it to know if it makes a lot of sense for them from that standpoint to do it or if it's just something they kind of randomly do. But as a collector, I'm a big fan and I'm all for you. I'd say screw the,
put them up in the house if they just did you know shippers coming out every month that i'd be a fan of that same and it's so funny to me like you know i'm such a rule follower i see these people like grabbing the shippers like taking them home with them like i would never be able to pull that off like you have been you know you if you listen to our interview with them.
Kenny from at the call up on YouTube. He was a little bit more ballsy than I do anything. Well, like I said, that thing wasn't even out. They were still stocking all the stuff. That was still on the pallet. And the one I found, it was still sealed up in the black box. Like at first off, I ripped it open and it had the tape and just to make sure that's what it was. Because I saw a giant cardboard box with WWE elite on the side. And then yeah, then I had to figure out how to get this heavy ass box off of the shipper to start plugging stuff for our, our, our, uh, probably fan members. Marco, are you a fan of the shippers or are you like the stuff just randomly showing up on the pegs?
maybe do like two different sets at a time so say if there's like a couple of sets that are already that have been out like say like ringside already had like 81 and 82 and now it's on to 83 and 84 and the stores are just getting those two that you can actually just send a shipper with both of those series on there and everyone can you know
Get out of this if you get there fast enough to get them all that out it seems like the ones hitting walmart an hour a little bit random to the one i found it had a little bit of seventy seven a whole lot of seventy nine anniversary set decade of nation and the collectors undertaker.
Yep. Awesome. Thank you, Bob, for that question. So this one comes in from Jonathan Rivera. He says, most of us were relatively young when wrestling hit its peak in the mid to late nineties. Although I remember watching Nitro, ECW, WWE's attitude era, I didn't really savor it because I was six to 10 years old during that period.
My question for each of you is given all the current metrics and factors, viewership, social media, COVID, shorter attention spans, product overexposure, a lack of original storylines and megastars, do you think wrestling has passed its prime entirely? Or do you think a resurgence to previous popularity levels and future boom periods are future possibilities? How much will it depend on new leadership for WWE as in someone other than Vince? Just curious about the opinions of fellow lifelong fans.
so i'll take this one and you know cut me off if i get going too long because i could really talk all day about this so yeah one um no i would say wrestling didn't peak in the 80s or the ads here it may peak mainstream but i think wrestling was at its peak right before the pandemic you know um i think the pandemics obviously kind of put the whole world really in limbo but so let's take that out of the equation let's talk about wrestling before that so first off you get two major promotions with
WWE and AWW all over TV.

Is Wrestling at Its Peak Now?

WWE is on network TV for the first time ever. That never happened. That didn't happen in the 80s and that didn't happen in the attitude era where WWE is getting two hours weekly on network television. Alright, so that's already a first. And then for any more than that, just with all the technology we have available nowadays, you know, all the indie wrestlers have
Twitter have Instagram, they have YouTube channels. The indie promotions have YouTube channels where they can sell their shows and stuff and promote themselves. There's just way more awareness of everything that's happening out there in the wrestling world. There's something for everybody. Wrestling fans have never had as much choice as
as they have nowadays. Again, this is all pre-pandemic because things are kind of at a standstill right now. But if you didn't like what AWW is doing, go watch AWW. You don't like what AWW is doing either, you got NJPW. We have more access to New Japan than we've ever had. You're an old-school fan that likes the old-school feel, you get NWA on YouTube every week. This is stuff that wouldn't have even been possible back in the 90s or even the early 2000s. There's just so much choice out there, so much availability
I think we're in a peak now. Now will we ever have the mainstream numbers like they had during the 80s? No. And that's because nothing has numbers like that anymore. If you look at the ratings for the top TV shows in the 90s compared to now, it's just mind boggling to drop. And that's because there's so many more options. Back then you had whatever was served up by your
cable provider, that's what you had to pick for entertainment. But now you got what's coming on TV, you got Netflix, you got HBO Max, you got Amazon Prime, you got YouTube.
You have the ability to not watch it live too. When we were growing up, if you missed raw, you missed raw. You know what I mean? There was no YouTube highlights. You couldn't go and search social media or DVR it or watch it on Hulu. It just was gone. So I think now there's no...
Urgency to watch it so the numbers aren't going to reflect that so if you want to you know if you're just looking at the viewer numbers Yeah, it's never going to be what it was. That's just not going to happen, but You know I think what it is you may have a smaller amount of people that are watching wrestling than maybe it was in the 80s and 90s But I think the people that are watching it are more passionate or more invested than they've ever been
Um, and so again, I would, you know, I know it comes off as kind of like a hot take, but I think wrestling was at its peak in, in 2019, just based off of all the options and the availability of this out there. That's a mic drop. I mean, I don't, I don't, I don't really have anything to add. And I think, I think, you know, he's.
What you're kind of alluding to is that you know that like just like the the feel of everybody watching the same thing because there was only You know two dogs in town, you know There was WWF and there was WCW that were primetime viewing, you know But now like like Seth said you can watch whatever the hell you want whenever you want So the wrestling audience is more spread thin They're a little bit more watered down throughout all the different promotions and viewership and things like that So you're not gonna have everybody watching
monday night raw or everybody watching you know AEW like people are going to be watching different things whatever suits their their recommendations you know or their preferences i mean um so yeah i think i mean i totally agree what do you think marco yeah i'm going to jump in real quick and uh just to piggyback off of what Seth said yeah definitely i don't think i don't think it's at all at all with uh with uh people watching wrestling at all i think i think it's basically
Right now, where TV is in the main medium of watching wrestling, there's so many different avenues of doing it. I don't think you can gauge the viewership off of TV anymore when it comes to wrestling. There has to be a new way for them to gauge what people are watching and how they're consuming wrestling because you can
watch it on Twitter if you wanted to. You can watch it on YouTube. You can watch it on just a regular streaming site that's just showing clips and stuff like that. There has to be a new way of gauging viewership when it comes to watching wrestling. They love to plug their social media. They're like, we have 2 million YouTube subscribers. You know what I mean?
That's the only thing to look at, aside from TV, is every time there's a pay-per-view, WWE is at the top of the training topics on Twitter, like without fail. True, that's true. They're creating a buzz.
Exactly. Week to week when it's like AEW and NXT and it's like AEW has this many viewership and all NXT is, I don't know, it's came about. Who knows? We don't know if NXT's viewership, if the people that are watching NXT are watching it on TV. Maybe they're consuming it a different way. Maybe they're watching it on who? Maybe they're watching it.
You can follow, you can follow NXT or AEW without actually watching it. I can't tell you how many times, how many times I have, like I have just caught up on raw on Twitter or, you know, by, by watching highlights or, you know, watch like listening to, like listening to a podcast. Like there's times I haven't had time to actually sit down and watch the show, but I'm still keeping up with the product and I'm still keeping up with what's going on, but just not in front of the TV. You know what I mean? That was a really great question, Jonathan.
Thank you. That was a good one, man. I feel like we could almost do a whole special bonus at the show, breaking down all different issues of that. I had to give you guys a warning before I gave in because I could talk about that kind of stuff for hours. Thanks, John. A really great question, man. Our next question comes in from Jason Konig. He says, what NXT UK figs do you guys want to see next? I have a few that I'm
I'll let you take this one away. I can't lie. The one thing I probably spent the least amount of my bandwidth on is probably NXT UK, which I know I'm wrong for. Because I love that style. I really do. But I have not been able to find the time to... Since it restarted back up, I've not been able to find the time to get into it. So she's going to take it away and I'll kind of just give my thoughts on you guys picks.
So I would love to see the coffee brothers, Joe with a lot of coffee, like big dude season. I just, you know, you know, I love a big beef, a big beefy figure, you know. Joe that had the match with Pete Dunn at takeover. Yes. Yeah. I love that match so much. That like 35 minute match they had was freaking awesome.
So, so good. Yeah. And Mark Coffey, he's one half of the NXT UK Tag Team Championship. Also, Ilya Dragunov, he just had a banger of a match with Walter and he's so toyetic like with the red eyes and like he's, I don't know, he just really, I would love to have a figure. Jordan, I would say, I wouldn't say I would like to have one of Jordan Devlin, but I think he's kind of one of those guys that had some like problematic issues in the early days.
earlier in the year and I heard some people were like you know not high on Jordan Devlin so but I mean if for whatever reason they get that worked out I wouldn't mind having a Jordan Devlin fig. He's like a throwback as well. Trend 7 definitely deserves a figure at some point.
And we need Tyler bait too. We need him and Trent seven in like the UK, the British strong style jackets and stuff, man. Definitely. The ladies do a little bit lacking on his, uh, his elite. I was really happy with that one. Yeah. Um, you have the lady. So you have Kaylee Ray, Kaylee, right? She definitely deserves a figure at some point. Um, yeah, it doesn't, we could go on and on. Eddie, I like Eddie Dennis too. Um,
I'd say that whole roster, you could pretty much do like a whole line, but like NXT UK elite line. I would love to say NXT UK elite line. I need to make a little bit more time for it. I was doing good on watching it every week.
kind of back before they went on hiatus and stuff. But yeah, I think AEW Dark has kind of been getting my, like that's my background viewing. Because I used to rotate between like NWA Power, NXT UK and AEW Dark, but I just haven't been able to work NXT UK back in the rotation.
Yeah, definitely. Any one of them, definitely. They should consider that. If you're listening, Bill, definitely. Yeah. XCUK line. Give us some awesome black and white packaging. I think that would just be really, really freaking awesome. Or some really ornate packaging. You know what I mean? Kind of like the arena where they wrestle. I can't think of the name of it right now.
Yeah, well anyway, yeah, I would be stoked for a UK line, so thank you Jason Josh Basco he asks with our favorite Thanksgiving side dishes are we talked about that last

Favorite Thanksgiving Side Dishes

week? We're yeah Marco and our team stuffing and then Seth is a gravy man. Yeah, that was best dish overall best dish overall
So we're all team stuff. Let's everybody pick their next one. So if you didn't pick, besides stuffing, besides stuffing, I would have to say my next favorite Thanksgiving side.
Oh, it's not really a Thanksgiving side because you can eat it anytime. But I feel like the macaroni and cheese at Thanksgiving has a little more pizzazz to it. You know what I mean? It's got a little more fat, a little more yum yum. It's like WrestleMania mac and cheese. Yeah, it wrestles on every show all year round, but you just gotta bring something special. Yeah, bring something special to the table when you get the Thanksgiving mac and cheese.
Yeah. I'm a cranberry sauce. Cranberry sauce is an accessory though. It is not a side item on its own. Cause you get like the role in the cranberry sauce. I like the different, the stuffing in the cranberry sauce. I use it to accessorize all of my Thanksgiving pieces. You know what I mean?
Yeah. Sorry for me. I'll eat it by itself if I have to. Okay. Are you like, are you like a bougie cranberry sauce person? Like, do you like like the little berries and like, you know, are you like, are you a canned? Oh, a bit canned. Canned all day. Marco, I feel like you and I are soulmates. I feel like this is why the prediction championship is we're just always going to guess the same, you know, because we are soulmates. I am a canned
cranberry sauce person too. I like a good bougie cranberry sauce, but if I'm just choosing, I want it refrigerated, I want it in slices. It's sad if it was like, oh, they bought the cranberry sauce and it's like actual cranberries and I'm like, oh, well, I guess I'll eat this. I want the gel. I want this cranberry schmear. I want to see the shape of the can. I want you to just cut it open and just pop it. I want it ripped for my pleasure.
We have to throw an R rating. We have to throw an explicit label. Apple iTunes is about to flag this episode. Again, apologies. I know for a fact we have a lot of people that listen with their kids and stuff. Apologies, but hey, it's a little bit of adult sense of humor, never hurt anybody.
I'm going to go with a little bit of a hot take here. I'm going away from the carbs. They're kind of standard for your Thanksgiving size. I'm going with the deviled eggs. I think the... Oh, yeah. Ooh, okay. So now deviled eggs, they got a low floor and a high ceiling. So they could be really crappy if somebody has put effort into it, but a really
well executed deviled egg could really set the meal off you know it's just a nice little palate cleanser you know because everything else to kind of got the same flavor you know you got a lot of savory stuff on your Thanksgiving plate and then you just got this nice tangy bite to kind of just reset the palate you know before you go in for your next round
around the bend. So I'm going with deviled eggs for my favorite side dish. Deviled eggs are good. They gotta have a little bit of texture. You can't have your deviled eggs too smooth. You put a little, you know, a little relish in there, a little pickle juice and not squish the yellows up to where they're like super, super smooth. You know, you gotta have a little bit of like texture in there. But yeah, I'm here for a deviled egg.
Gotta be some high tang. I've had some deviled eggs that come across kind of sweeter. I want a lot of tang on my deviled eggs. Some people put sugar in their deviled eggs. Yeah, not a fan. I like the tangy. Salty, pepery, pickley deviled egg. All right, you guys need us more shina for this one. Last one. This is actually a good one. This is also from Josh Basco. He says, in honor of 30 years at The Undertaker, what is your favorite and least favorite version of The Undertaker?
so my favorite is definitely like black and purple taker after he came basically from the time when he came back at summer slam 94 up through summer slam 96 when pauberry turned against him you know when he was rocking the black and purple he had the stretch where
He had the, you know, the Phantom mask on after maybe we'll broke his face, even though that wasn't necessarily the most successful run for the undertaker he was never world champion that timeframe I just loved it, you know, some about just the color scheme and I think just the time of my life when I was watching wrestling and that was my little brother's favorite wrestler I still remember.
Going into Royal Rumble 96, Bret Hart was defending the World Championship against Undertaker. I still remember this when they announced the match. My mom was upset about it because she just knew that me and my little brother were going to be fighting for the next month over who was going to win. I think the match ended up in a DQ, so nobody had to have their feelings here. I just remember how hyped me and my brother were for that.
Yeah, so I think that one the mid 90s black and purple undertaker was my favorite least favorite Probably biker taker, you know, just cuz not that there was anything wrong with it I think he had some good matches I don't think there's really a bad version undertaker But that one was the least the one that connected the least with me was biker taker So yeah, I go mid 90s undertaker from my favorite marker
have a
Scary actually, he's actually uh, he said like the real evil side Of the undertaker those like I remember there was a Rob so I don't think you can watch on the network You can probably find on YouTube where they like drank blood and all that stuff. They had like a they had a like a I think it was uh, I think it was Midian. I think there was recruiting people in them. He had the acolytes and Midian. Yeah So he's a skater like he's just doing some really like
Freaky satanic type of things on there he had steve austin strung up on the freaking crucifix or whatever and then he had he was gonna marry stephanie stephanie yeah exactly and paul barris saw around too he had the he shaved his mustache too which is kind of that was kind of jarring for me as well i was like what the hell is going on right now yeah the mystery was really really cool until they revealed that the higher power was vince mcmahon then it was yeah it was me i said yeah that that was one of the all-time let downs man
Yeah, definitely. But yeah, Lee's favorite probably Mark and Badass Undertaker. I mean, I think it was cool for the Attitude Era, because he definitely needed a change in his character and stuff like that. But you got to see more of a human side of the Undertaker, too, which isn't a bad thing as well. But you kind of miss that mystique of the Undertaker and what he represented and stuff like that.
But yeah, I don't think there's a batter to take her at all. I think there's just ones that you don't really care for at the time, but I mean, he's in my top five, so I can't... Yeah, definitely. I think we need a Paul Bearer, double deep, double wide impersonation to take us out of this. Oh my God. My throat's like killing me right now. Come on.
With everything with all the with all the NC 17 stuff you guys been talking about again for our listeners Remember you guys ever heard of that stuff coming out of my mouth tonight Alright, so that's all Marco and Sheena be I think a double deep double wide would be the perfect way to end this episode Oh my god the casket for Kamala. Yeah, I know right. Oh, okay Right now, let's see
Oh yes! My Undertaker is gonna get you, Camille! Oh yeah! That animal bucket is waiting for you, Camille! It's waiting for you! Oh yeah!
Oh my God. Wow. All right. All right. You can find Paul Bear on Twitter at Chick Foley show. You can find myself in my bucket at Chick Foley on Instagram. And if you're interested in following the, I'm going to get the Elizabeth plug to find him over at Seth Phelps on Instagram. All right. Check us out. I'm taking her on a chick foley episode 102 is in the books.