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What the heck is this?

The Trellis Podcast
15 Plays1 year ago
Just an intro to me and how I ended up a gardener, telling you guys about what I'd like to do with the pod. A catch up and hello.

Introduction to the Trellis Podcast

This is the Trellis podcast. My name is Sarah. Um, if you're listening to this, that means you are most likely from my Instagram community, which is super hecking cool. And so, Hey guys, thanks for clicking on a link that I threw up there. Appreciate you. Happy to see you here.
And if you're from my Instagram community, that means at some point in this life, I have likely met you or you are one of the lovely internet humans that I get to interact with on the daily now, which is super dope.

Naming the Podcast 'Trellis'

So I wanted to start, maybe I should say, the Trellis podcast. Why the Trellis? Obviously, first off, your girl's a garden girl. Duh. So a Trellis, like, so cute. Also, no one else had that yet. You'd be shocked at the amount of names that you just cannot have anymore because it's just already taken, man. Searching, it already comes up. Somebody's already got it.
I searched the Trellis podcast, searched it on Google, searched it on the gram, and here we are. Nobody had it. And I thought, what a beautiful name. I think that's

Exploring Stories and Learning from People

great. I think it hopefully will kind of give a good visual of my intention with this podcast. I have questions. I have people I want to talk to. I have a dog that won't stop barking. I have
just people that I want to talk to and stories that I do want to hear.
I listen to lots of podcasts and I think there's so many people that are so blessed to have had lovely people in their lives that they get to talk to. And I know some cool people. I've had some crazy people throughout my life that have sculpted the things that I know and understand. They have taught me so much. They have beautiful, crazy, intricate stories of their own. And what the heck?
Other people deserve to hear that. So the trial is podcast. I want to hear about it. I want to uplift you. I want to let you climb, let you explore. I want to learn things. I have things that I would love to talk about. So that's, you know, that's the intention. I would love to hear people's stories. If you have something freaking cool that you want to talk to me about, whatever, let's do that. Let's figure that out together.
It's such a cool idea, I think, to document these kinds of conversations and interviews and things like that. And to just ask questions and be curious and feel free to be like, I do not know anything about this. Like Michael Scott says, explain this to me like I'm five. And just asking questions. I don't know. That's all it really is to me is just an opportunity to ask.
people who know more than me in a subject, like tell me your stories, tell me what you know, tell me how you got there, explain it to me. And I think it's a beautiful opportunity to do that. Hopefully that makes sense.
So let me also tell me you a little bit about me, I guess.

Gardening Roots and Childhood Experiences

I'm going to give it to you from the perspective of gardening. That's like the way that I look at things, I guess. I am now a stay-at-home mom. That sounds so lame. Maybe it doesn't sound lame. That's not what I want to use. How do I want to say this? I don't have a traditional job. I am at home with my baby girl.
hanging out. Mostly gardening, dude. That's like the jam. That's what I love. That is what brings me the happiness and the joy that is my life. So where we get started, man, you know what? At some point, someone decided that young Sarah would be an afternoon kindergarten. And because of that, your girl had to go somewhere.
And I usually went landscaping with my dad, which was fresh as hell. Family landscaping business. Went landscaping most mornings before kindergarten. Grew up just, that's what I did. Most summers I was just hanging out, doing some fall cleanups.
There was a young version of Sarah that was very sure that the company could not function without me and my incredible mulching skills. Realistically, I was just a very small human being that could fit under bushes and stuff. So I was pretty good at mulching.
But that's kind of where it started. And I just like spent a lot of time outside, I guess. I don't know. Your girl was in Girl Scouts. I was just, I was a nature kid. That was my vibe. I was outside, running cross country, playing soccer, those sorts of vibes.
And then fast forward, you get to your year of high school and you go to the guidance office before you start paying college applications and

High School Advice and Career Path Search

stuff like that. And they're like, what would you like to do? And I was like, you know what? I do not know.
But I like landscaping. I enjoy landscaping. That's always been fun. I like being outside. That's pretty cool. And my guidance counselor straight up is like, I don't know what you would ever do with that. I don't think there's any money in that. Let's find something else for you. And I'm not blaming her. I certainly did not push back. I was like, sure, whatever. I don't know either way. So if you say no to that, it sounds good. I don't know.
Um, so I just like kind of dropped it. I guess I was like, not even that attached to the idea at that time, but I kind of dropped it and I just like went off to like different little community college, like did a year there. Um, wasn't too into it. Did a year at another college, like wasn't too into it.
And then I'm like deep in the belly of waitressing. I'm at like Texas Roadhouse and just vibing. If I picked you up along the way there, I love you so much.
the good old days at Roadhouse just rocking it out on Expo and screaming people's birthdays. It was the good times. But I was like pretty all set with that. It wasn't exactly it, you know. And there's like an ad, I'm like job searching and you're on Indeed, you know, and you're from Rhode Island. You're like, make the smallest circle around the area that you're willing to drive to. And

Flower Farm Experience

I was like just scrolling through and there was an ad for like a farm hand literally like just a farm hand at a flower farm and I was like this seems sick like I probably can get by I'm like what I have for resume just being a landscaper's kid um and like see what happens so I like wrote up a resume and a cover letter and I sent it in and like within literally an hour I got like a phone call from the owner
And just like he talks for so long on the phone. It was just like an hour long conversation. Then he's like, can you come in for an interview? I want to be like, bro, I want an interview. Whatever. I go there and I interview and it's like him and his son. And it was just like the best interview of my life for some reason. It was just so awesome. And I crushed it. And he was like, when do you want to start? And I was like, I'll be here tomorrow, dude. Like I'm in. So I like get to this flower farm and I spent
My whole first day, he literally stood there and was like, okay, you're planting this whole Dahlia field today. Sounds awesome. And he like showed me how to put the tubers in and then literally for eight hours just stood in front of me and just like talked while I'm just like dying out in this field like so hot out. It's the middle of May. I'm like, it was fantastic. But I was like a crazy day. And so it's like my whole first day. And then we just like
really clicked, like very vibe. One of the greatest bosses I've ever had. It was like so much fun. And I worked there for, it was actually just a month. It was the longest, most wonderful month of my entire life. And then just one thing led to another and the farm like didn't stay open.
and I like went back to waitressing and it was a lot harder to be back doing that after having spent this like glorious month on it was 15 acres three of them were planted he had
tons of greenhouses like five greenhouses three of them are filled to the brim with like award-winning orchids he had just hundreds of like first place prizes for orchids that he had bred and like created new speed like it's so so so cool what an incredible crazy opportunity and then for it to like end so abruptly

Career Transition and Cannabis Industry

And I found myself back in Waitressing and just couldn't do it. It was really hard to be there. It just was not fun. So off I go again on my job search. And I come across a trimmer at a cannabis company. And I was like, you know what? It's sort of farming, right? There's something there, certainly. And it's a huge cultivation facility and their processing facility or production facility.
OK, like, let me give this a shot. So I apply there and have an interview. It goes like really well, I think. I got a call a week later while I'm at my waitressing job and they're like, hey, like, we want you to start like, how soon can you come in? And again, I was like, I'll be there ASAP.
Get me in there. And so I start there. And I want to say that was like September of 2017-ish, somewhere around that time. And so I started there as like a trimmer. And it was the freaking coolest thing in the whole world. Like community there was insane. There's just like hundreds of people that are all just like having a great day at work all the time.
And you're just like, you're trimming me, dude. Like you're just hanging out. Like it was very, very chill. You're just in a room, you got like headphones on, like with all different stations that you can listen to. There's like half the rooms listening to like some crazy, like, I don't even know, like the grave that's always on on one station. Joe Rogan's on me.
there's always some other crazy thing on the third one like but it was so much fun and it was such a wonderful time and like being taken so far out of like where I grew up and like how I grew up and like who I thought I was and all this stuff and then like being inserted into this place where like I know it sounds silly to be like it was one state over like it's just in Massachusetts but like even just being like out of Rhode Island and just like doing something so outside of my comfort zone at the time was like so
amazing and life-changing. I met so many great friends while I was there. So nine months in, there's cultivation positions that open up. And I'm like, well, here's my opportunity. I want to be back growing things. Let's do it. So I interviewed for a cultivation spot and get the job. I don't think it was that crazy to get the job, but your girl got the job. I was Stoke City. And then I started working in their veg department first.
Ended up in the nursery after that. Met one of my best heckin friends in the world, Guillam, while working in the nursery. And I learned just like an incredible amount. Just being there for like just those first few months is like working in veg, working in the nursery. Meeting Guillam was like life changing for me. Such an incredible friend and just such a knowledgeable person. And then from there, so the plants are getting younger, like I made veg, and then I'm going down to the nursery.

Plant Propagation and Personal Relationships

And then the next step before that,
is like the clone room and an opportunity like comes up and I get to be in the clone room and wow wow wow wow wow wow changes everything for me propagating plants holy cow my favorite thing in the whole stinking world um I found it I found it I found what I love
And the coolest part before that, while I'm in the nursery, so I met Aiden, my lovely husband, now husband, obviously, and me who has my husband. I didn't need to say that, you knew that.
Um, but yeah, I met, you know, I was there too. And it was like the coolest thing ever. I got into the clone room and at the same time they started like a mom department. So those are like big, huge plants that you grow out, not for flower, but for propagation cuts. So Aiden and I are working the same schedule, like 10 hour days, four days a week. He's growing moms. I'm cloning off the moms. We're in love. Um, for real, but.
It was such a freaking cool time. I had more fun at work than I ever thought that I could. I found what I like loved. Like, oh my God, growing plants, propagating plants. Like, I've just never had so much fun before and genuinely it was just an incredible time. And then eventually, yes, I love that so much, but like I have to like,
you have to move on eventually. You can only spend so much time doing the same thing for 10 hours a day, four days a week. There's only so much you can get to. I felt like I accomplished a lot in that department and it was just time to move on. I move away from cultivation and end up doing inventory for a little while, which I also just love so much. The organization, there's thousands upon thousands upon thousands of plants in this place.
It's now my job to track and make sure that they're up to the state standards of our tracking system, all that stuff, which was so sick. Had a great time doing that. Then from there, a data analyst research and development position opens at the company too. I apply for that and get that job. That one's background to 2020 pandemic hits.
the pandemic hits the first week or the same week that I find out that I'm pregnant which was I have so much to say and so little to say about that but it was absolutely wild and being in data analytics at the time like I didn't actually physically like need to be at work but like Aiden did and it was like the freaking pandemic and I'm pregnant

Pandemic Pregnancy and Remote Work

like what is going on um and thankfully the cultivation department like graced me with allowing me to come back and i actually spent most of my pregnancy and the pandemic in the clone room like taking care of clones again which was like such a blessing that i got to like be back doing something that i loved so much and connecting to plants and like being surrounded by them at that time like
uh growing a child is first of all exhausting but like it changes your life so much and it changes your perspective on so much so to be spending all of my time like at a place that I loved with people that I love doing what I love was like
I don't know if you can like ask for much more than that. It was like truly an incredible experience. And then in November, we have my little Noja King cat, my little baby girl. Best thing ever. So stinking cool having a kid. Wow. Wow. Wow. I absolutely freaking love it. And.
fast forward like we're like four we have a four month old like just so little peanut um and the opportunity like arises for us to like move to florida like holy cow um and that's like with aden's job my husband's job like he's still working at the same company at the time like we're still working together they offer the opportunity for him to go to florida and like he we like didn't even need to discuss it was like yes yes yes yes 100 always yes yes yes

Gardening in Florida

Um, and so we make the move down to Florida with like just a sweet little babe and like our two puppy doggos at the time and we get to Florida and I In this move and in this transition with like jobs and stuff I decide that like going back to work with Nora is like not Something that I want to do so I like become a stay-at-home mom. Um, which was sick also
I never thought that that would be the path that I would take. I always assumed, especially at the job that I had, I was like, there's a career here for me. I'm going to spend years here. I can see myself doing a lot here. There's tons of opportunity. There's beautiful leadership in place. I can do this. So making that choice to become a stand-alone mom was not a difficult one, but one that I was surprised that that was the path I was going down.
And that brings us to Florida, baby. We're in Florida now. And everything grows here. All year, mostly. It gets like a little bit cold for like a few weeks. And then that's like it. I'm in central Florida, so it literally gets cold for like maybe a month here. And cold is like I have jackets that are like pretty sick, like nice thrifted jackets that I love with all my heart and I have not worn them.
because it does not get that gold down here. But it's a beautiful thing. And like, holy cow, we moved into our house and there was just no landscaping here. Like nothing was here. There was three trees up front, two of which were like, one was covered in a
fungus mildew i'm not even sure what it was but it was like not good and the other one was like halfway rotted out and then the third one we thought was dead but just like blooms at like a wild time makes no sense it's on its own time schedule there but yeah so there's no landscaping at my house whatsoever um the whole backyard is just empty it's just grass everywhere um so now i find myself in florida

Engaging the Instagram Community

Everything grows. It's beautiful here. There's opportunity to plant hundreds of thousands of plants, I swear, in my yard.
Um and that's how I ended up like it's so silly because my Instagram like community like half of you like I said are like from all of these different points of my life like I met you and you became part of my life and my story like at all these different crazy times and all these different versions and like sections of my life and like now I'm here and I'm settled and I feel like I'm doing the most what I love by like creating
this little plot of land that like I live on and kind of turning it back into like a beautiful landscape but be like part of nature and like really finally getting back to that which was like realistically like little Sarah like before after in kindergarten like your girls just five it out like
I'm like weeding quote unquote but like I'm staring at like all of the bugs in the ground and all the different clients and like how they interact like I realized now that that was like so much more of who I was and what I was learning about and now I'm back here and like watching my daughter do the same things and it's like a very very cool experience so that's me
Um, that's how I ended up here and just like, if, if you do, or if you're part of my community on Instagram, whatever that is or whatever that looks like. Um, I'm still not sure what that looks like. Um, I hate to say like, I don't know what I'm doing, but like.
All I know is that, like, you have to go out and try when it comes to, like, plants of any kind. And I think that people kind of come to it with, like, this mindset of, like, oh, I have, like, a black thumb, like, instead of green thumb. But it's like, no, you just...
There's you have to try like there has to be opportunity for you to try. First of all, it's like if you didn't grow up like landscaping, like maybe you've never even like cut your own grass before. Like you don't even know what tools you need because you've just never done that or you want to start gardening, but you've just like never done that before. You never had a garden.
Um, or you live in an apartment and like that's a challenge as well. So like find a place where you can garden, um, houseplants, like you've never had that. Like there's so many things where it's like, it's not that you have a black thumb. You just haven't had the opportunity yet. Um, so that's like a big thing for me. That's like, you got just like, God, just go and try.
That's all I'm saying. That's my whole thing all the time. You've got to go and try and you have to not be afraid to screw it up sometimes. It sucks. I would love to be on the page where you don't kill a single plant, take care of them. Everything is hunky-dory all the time. That is not how you learn things, obviously.
Um, you learn things by like sometimes like you kill some plants like I kill plants kind of all the time. So I am still learning and experimenting or I just like ignore the thing on the plant that says full sun and I'm like, I bet you do okay in partial sun.
Sometimes I write, and then other times your girl is wrong. And that happens too. That's cool. But that's like my whole shtick, I guess, on the gram is that I just want people to give it a shot. Man, throw some flowers out there. What the hell is the worst that's gonna happen? You're gonna get like two flowers. Like, okay, cool. Let's do two more flowers than you've ever grown before. Awesome. Incredible. Give it a shot. And then I've also found with like so many people that it's like,
their first year gardening and they crush it. Which I think is actually what happens more often is that if you just give it a shot and you like throw some stuff in the ground like uh plants are gonna grow. Plants won't grow whether you're there. If you help them along the way like fantastic but like you gotta just give it a shot man they're probably gonna do okay. Um for real um
Now I've just said it a ton of times, so I think that it's time to give this a shot in wrapping it

Podcast Plans and Interviews

up. But that is my, that's my me. That's my what the heck am I talking about on IG all the time. And then finally, like the pod. So this was my first one and I realized it was just mostly me rambling about gardening, I guess. I have no idea how I got here. I don't know. But in the future, the pod, I would love to be
interviews and conversations with people that just know about a topic that I don't know that much about and I just want to hear what you gotta say. Tell me what you know. I really believe that we all can learn something. I think it's why we all love Instagram so much. You get to see into people's stories and you get to
hear you get to hear what they know you get to experience what they know you get to experience what they're going through what their life looks like like what it looks like if you do x y and z instead of like what your current life is i'm like i think that's like a really cool thing actually like to experience other people's stories like that and to like experience life through so many other people's lenses it's like what a freaking cool thing that we do man um so i'd love to talk to you guys um seriously if you're
Like, you know what? I know a ton about butterflies or something. Like, you know a ton about butterflies. Are you... You know what? Here's some things I'd love to... Here's a list. I wrote one. I'd love to know more about fruit trees. I just don't know enough. I have so many in my yard. I have intentions of a full fruit grove. I don't think that I know enough for that.
I'd love to know more. Um, butterflies, absolutely obsessed with them. Still don't know enough, but no more. That's like 99% of insects. If you're obsessed with one type of insect, please hit me up to come on the podcast. I would love to hear about it. They're all so interesting and so intricate. It is absurd.
If you are a first year flower farmer and you want to talk about how that experience has been for you so far, if you have questions and want to know more about that, if you are 15 years into flower farming and you want to come on here and tell me what that has been like, what the market has done, what has changed, what you're looking for in flowers, like come on and talk to me about that. Are you a florist and you have some hints and advice of what you're looking for from flower farmers? Tell me about that.
community weekly market and you're looking for vendors in the area and this is what works and what we're looking for. Come and tell me about that. There's everybody has a story and everybody has like this niche of their life and I think that there's so much purpose in sharing that.
And I know all y'all and I want all y'all to know each other. I'm just trying to make that work and it doesn't. But yeah, and oh, and dude, not just about plants. Like, oh my God, let's talk about other stuff. You know who I think's awesome? Instagram resellers. I'll buy revenge and stuff. Thank you. You're gonna save me a trip to Savers and you're gonna curate a sick Instagram page where I can just buy stuff and I'll show up my house.
Thank you. Yes please. I want to do that. Tell me about that. What's that like? What's it like going to those estate sales? Tell me about estate sales. Is there a good way to go to an estate sale? Should I be scared of people that are at estate sale resellers? I don't know. Tell me about these things. I think that's about it

Inviting Listener Participation and Gratitude

Oh no it's not! Oh my god how did I- I told you about Gwilym, my sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet friend Gwilym. Incredible human being. Currently farming out in Cali. The coolest, just most knowledgeable- if you ask Gwilym
about almost anything, he's going to tell you something about it. Like there's information that Ghulam has about every topic I've ever asked him. I swear to you. And he, a lovely human being, has said that he would be so happy to come on and talk to me. So some episodes will be the Ghul and I chatting, other episodes I hope will be other
people doing some really cool interviews with me. Maybe it'll be me just talking by myself. I don't know, this was harder than I expected. I hope it sounded great. Hope y'all enjoy this. And we'll see. If you have made it this far, if you did click in, if you are listening to this, genuinely, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is like a really cool thing to do and something that I've been like trying to get started.
I also clicked play to start recording this and there's literally 30 seconds of silence because I was like stuck and couldn't say words. So actually doing this is such a cool thing. Any support is freaking awesome. But write to me, if you have somebody you think should be on, let me know who they are. If you would like to be on, reach out, dude. That's not crazy. Tell me that you want to be on the podcast. Hey, Sarah, I would love to be interviewed. Yes, let's do that. Let's chat. Let's have a conversation.
And yeah, dude, thank you so much for tuning in to the Trellis podcast episode one. The introduction, but what the heck is this? Yeah. All right. I'll catch you next time. Bye.