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We discuss the huge returns from Survivor Series and where wrestling goes from here. Plus, Powertown Series 2, Retro Wrestling Recommendations, and Listener Mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things CHICK at

Introduction & Episode Tease

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Ollie fan? We are back after all the insanity from Thanksgiving weekend, ready to talk some wrestling with you guys.

CM Punk's Return Reactions

Let's get right into it by introducing the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing? I mean, I've been better. I mean, CM Punk is back in WWE. So, you know, I've definitely been had better days, but overall feeling good.

Thanksgiving Experiences

How was Thanksgiving? I mean, I know how your Thanksgiving was, but tell the listeners how your Thanksgiving was. It was good. It's always, you know, I was just cooking for just our family. So the stress level was low. It wasn't like, you know, putting on a show for guests or anything like that. But food turned out excellent. We did turkey legs, like we said before.
They were really good. So now, I mean, I've marked that off my list of things. So now I want to experiment. I want to try them smoked and fried and grilled. Stuffed. Stuffed. Yeah, I think we're going to do stuffed turkey legs for Christmas because I have four more. And there was plenty of meat on those damn things. They were like dinosaur legs. We probably could have got by doing two legs. If we weren't worried about leftovers, two legs would have fed the family for sure. Yeah, we definitely wanted to have some leftovers for the next day. So we made four. But yeah, Brett and Stella, they ate a little bit of turkey.
They didn't make a dent in their turkey leg. All right. Marco, man, how was Thanksgiving up in Boston? That was good. We actually started hosting Thanksgiving, so we had the family over. That's a lot of pressure. Yeah, it was definitely. But yeah, it was fun. It is what it is. We've been crowned the Thanksgiving go-to house for forever.
nice do you guys do you guys do like potluck style or does kim and you guys like just you know handle all the food and how does that it's pretty much it's potluck style so we have like the you know the family members bring uh the sides and all that stuff and we take care of the turkey situation so
Yeah, it works out very well. With you guys being up in that neck of the woods, do y'all go full pilgrim and get in the Protestant garb and reenact like the Plymouth Rock landing and stuff? We do not dress as colonizers during things. Technically, I probably wouldn't be allowed in my own house if we were doing that.
I probably have to stay outside though. So you're such a stickler for historical accuracy that you just end up getting awkward. Yeah, I got to go full giver. I got to kick myself out to stay outside in the field somewhere.
All right, man, Jordan, I already talked to you Monday night, dude, but for the folks that didn't listen to the goal line, which is the best football podcast in the biz, uh, tell them how you and Ari's Thanksgiving was. It was good, man. It was a, it was kind of low key this year. Um, we just did it at my mom's house and yeah, it was just, uh, just another weekend. Honestly, I just, I drank all weekend, as I said, I would last week. And yeah, we just, uh, we really reigned it in for Thanksgiving this year.
How did the had the Huskers do? Too soon. That was a little low. I can't believe you guys actually watch that game. Like we were rooting for that. I watched the whole second half. She don't watch the second half of the fourth quarter. We were literally because I was texting with Ari. She had because the game was on my birthday. You know, Ari texted me happy birthday. So we were kind of just talking. I was checking in to see how Jordan was doing. It was just, you know, it was a classic big 12 game, but I've gotten spoiled. Big 10.
Yeah classic well I mean there's like 14 teams in a now anyway so it's easy to get confused but it was a classic you know big 10 Midwestern game was a straight up rock fight you know I was telling Jordan they were setting offensive football back like 500 years of this game.
But I still thought they were going to win. And then, yeah, sure enough, dude, it seemed like they went out of their way to lose that game in the closing minutes. It was awful. Yeah. I felt bad for you, dude. I mean, we were joking around and I sent that video, sent a video to Jordan of me doing my impression of what Jordan was probably doing during the game. And then all of a sudden, it just kind of like, you know, the shit hit the fan. And I was like, oh, I didn't find any of that funny, by the way. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Dude, and it's so funny because Seth, we said, what do you think Jordan's going to say whenever he gets this text? And Seth said, I think he'll say, I'm glad you enjoy my misery. So yeah, you lived it to the hype. I'm glad you enjoyed it. We know you well, man.

Farm Life & Sustainability

Sheena, what is new on the farm?
Um, not a whole lot's new. I think I mentioned to you guys that we, we bred the goats. Um, I'm pretty sure one goat, one goat. Yeah. We're waiting for the one goats knocked up. So another one waiting for Lilo to go into heat. Um, but, uh, I'm, I'm really kind of in planning phase right now, obviously trying to like plan for next year's garden. And really, I'm trying to plan.
rabbits, we want to add rabbits to the homestead. And I'm just trying to figure out how we're how we're and where we're going to put them and you know, all that kind of stuff. So really in the planning stages of adding rabbits to the backyard. Jordan, would you eat rabbit? And I wouldn't turn it down. But it's on preparation.
Depends on who's cooking it. If fucking Sheena is going to fucking dry that bitch out, then probably not. But when have I ever served you dry food, Jordan? Sheena, we're just going to go along with the bit since you were making fun of you about the Huskers. So if I could say you're going to dry the food out and like, come on, bro, let's just get together here tonight. Marco, how about you? Did you down for some some Steve? I've had it before. Well, years and years ago, my dad used to cook it up. So, yeah, I've had I've had rabbit before.
I've had it one time. I had it at a really fancy restaurant in Hawaii and it was pretty decent. I mean, I wouldn't go out of my way to have it again, but if it was free race here in my backyard, I'd probably eat it. Yeah. The thing is, is, you know, rabbits, you know, a lot of people think you want to raise meat chickens, but I mean, rabbits are just so much more sustainable, right? Like the breeding practices, the feeding program, like everything is way more in your control and sustainable.
The meat is like, if you've ever had rabbit meat, I mean, if you served it up, you would not know that it's not chicken, especially if you eat like, you know, pastured chickens and things like that, that already kind of have a little bit of that pastured taste. Um, you would never know that it's not that you wouldn't know that it was this cute, sweet, cuddly bunny. I mean, I eat beef and I think, I think cows are freaking adorable, dude. You know what I mean? I, I love pigs and you know, I still eat pork. I think, I think all animals are cute, but they're not bunnies. True.
I mean these are these aren't really bunnies. See these are straight up rabbits. See they're freaking like ravage They're yeah, they're dinosaur rabbits. He has big big boys and girls You say that now to you looking in those little brown eyes looking up at you with that soft fluffy fur actually went to a rabbit processing workshop at a friend's house, you know a former like a not a former farmer a actual farmer and Yeah, I saw the whole process and everything and yeah, I mean anytime you take a life of any kind it's you know, it's
not fun. Nobody says, Oh, yeah, I can't wait to just go kill a bunch of chickens or rabbits do. But, you know, I think in the name of what I'm trying to do here, and I think it's just something I want to do. Sheena, what is your what is your killing weapon of choice when you're killing a rabbit? I'd really like to get the behind the scenes. They have the they have the hopper popper. No, you can get that breaks their necks.
It's not for me. That's not that's not the way, dude. I think it is a clean, a clean shot to the to the head, you know, like an air pistol or whatever, you know, one of those little like CO2 pistols. I know. I knew I could count on you for the savage kill.

Social Media & Sponsorships

Who me? Yeah, I knew I got on you. It's actually so it's actually very humane because they don't even like they're just eating their little pellets and you know, how many times have you been killed as a rabbit?
I mean, I would rather, I would much rather somebody blow my brains out than snap, you know, put me in a hopper popper and pull my neck out of a joint, you know what I mean? Seth is a savage, man. He literally wants you to die in the worst way possible. Well, the hopper poppers- Don't start him on fire. Depending on what kind of rabbit you got, you can actually get a little bit of money for their pelts and the hopper popper is the best way to have absolutely no issues with the pelt. I mean, you can get, I mean, the head, I mean, you're not going to skin the head anyway. So I mean, the pelts are still intact if you, you know,
Kill them the way that I said so could always drown them you could throw them in like a three But the bet the drawback to the drown Oh my god the drawback to the hopper poppers that you could bruise the meat So then you know, it's kind of defeats the purpose. It always is the worst when you bruise your meat You would know
Sheena remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running the Twitter machine at chick Foley show You can find all of our Foley foot all of our Foley friends at chick And if you want to follow any of this, you know homesteading nonsense, you can follow me at penny acre. That's my
You know, my personal penny dot acre on Instagram. So yeah, you can, you can follow me over there if you're into this kind of the, you know, the last five minutes of everything that we've talked about. So.
All right, I want to remind you guys, this podcast is brought to you by Ringside Collectible. It's use code CHICKFOLY to save 10%. They still have the Cyber Week. Cyber Monday wasn't good enough. We got the Cyber Week sale going down right now. And there's a ton of stuff that just came in stock that we'll be talking about a little bit later on in

WWE Survivor Series Discussion

the episode. You guys ready to talk some wrestling? Yeah. I feel like companies just do Cyber November now. It's not even a week. It's just one big.
Cyber week rolls into Chris. I literally was getting black email or black Friday emails All right, she take us away, all right, so we'll kick it off with the women's war games match It was a Bianca Charlotte shots II and Becky Lynch they defeated damage control it was Bailey Oscar EO and Kyrie saying in the women's war games match so I
What are your thoughts? I thought for a modern war games match, it was about as good as could be expected. I don't see myself ever going back and watching it again, but it was fun for what it was. And they kept it short, you know, 33 minutes. That's relatively brief for a war games match. I feel like a lot of times in recent years, they were pushing 40, 50 minutes. So, you know, I thought it was to the point and it served its purpose.
Do you think you have the cajones to put a metal trash can over your body and dive off of a high surface onto a bunch of people? If I'm paid enough, yes, I would do it. I think it was a relatively safe spot with the way the landing was. I don't think it was quite as, you know,
It's hard to compare it week and a half ago. We saw, we saw hangman and swerve basically try to murder each other on live TV. Yeah. I mean, it was a cool spot, you know, shout out to EO. It was definitely a cool spot, but it wasn't anything, you know, like we've seen her do it before. I said that Seth was like, Oh yeah. And I was like, nah, dude, we've seen that before. Uh, but it was in NXT. So, you know, those things don't exist, um, in the, in the WWE world. But, um, yeah, still regardless, even, even without the trash can jumping off of the top of that cage is insane, dude. Yeah.
What about Jordan? What do you guys think? Well, here's the thing. I didn't actually watch Survivor Series. I just watched highlights of it. Hey man, we're going to get into this as we go along, but I made a promise to the listeners and I stuck to it. If that dickwad came back, I wasn't watching and I stuck to it. But you didn't know he was coming back until the end, so that's not a...
Well, I was hammered at a friend's house, Marco. Okay. What do you want from me? Do you want me to throw WrestleMania or survivor series on the TV while we're watching? I've done that before. When they had the, uh, when they had the shields last ride, and this was actually the last time I was ever going to hang out with my friend Jesse in Hawaii and we were at their house for a barbecue and I had the shields last ride streaming on my iPhone, sitting at a table by myself.
says, says the guy who's hiding his wrestling fandom from half of his work. So I don't want to hear all of his work. Quiet down swaggy. Quiet down. Like let's, let's not, uh, let's not pretend that you're not doing the same thing I'm doing here. I'm not going to just throw on wrestling in front of my friends that are watching a college football game. So yeah, let's not, uh,
throw stones when you live in a glass house. You should promote. You should get them back into the product. You're the product's hot. You should get them back into the product. I would rather tell them you co-host a podcast. I do tell them that, but I would rather tell somebody to drip lava over their eyeballs and watch this turd waffle wrestling.
Oh boy, that's it. You know, you're talking about hiding fandom from your friends. She needs to do this thing that would just make me cringe so hard. Like we would, cause you know, I just, it's not even so much that I'm like embarrassed to be a wrestling fan, but I just don't really like having like random conversations with somebody and be like, Oh yeah. You know, I used to watch it when, you know, stone cold wrestled.
But Sheena had a habit of dropping wrestling terminology and random conversations with people. But it wasn't like I did that in our everyday life. That's how I spoke our everyday life. But then Seth would like, he's like, we're going to this work function. I can code switch, though. I don't talk with my coworkers the same way I talk with you at home. You know what I mean? But Sheena would just be like, oh, yeah, they were jobbing me out at the oil change place this week. I would see the confusion on people's face. Like, what is she talking about, dude?
You guys are making Christmas cookies with your friends and Sheena's like, those are mage. To the point where like if we were going to something that was like strictly my friends, like a work function of mine, I would tell her like, hey, make sure like no wrestling terms and stuff. We were talking to people. He's like, nobody, nobody knows your wrestling terminology. Nobody knows what it means when you say like they were like healing off on you or something.
Yeah, I think people would know. I think that's like in people like that. Somebody says he healed off on me. I think people would know that like what people know. Right. Like they'll they'll use that term. Like, oh, man, they do a lot of. Yeah, I mean, he that's kind of. Yeah. But still, you know, like what a baby face. I was like, she's like, I'm the boss. Like Ray trailer. Yeah, that's like Tom on the raw down show. You talk. He thought he like cut his head.
And he didn't cut his head. He thought he felt blood, and he was like, oh my God, I'm busted open. And I guess his wife was like, you're not a wrestler. Why use the term busted open? That's not like an actual term you use day to day. Do you say that? See, I would say that. See, that's just something that I would say. I would say, oh, man, he's busted open, dude. You know what I mean? I feel like that's a normal thing to say. I don't know. I mean, there's a lot of people that say shit that I don't know what the hell they're talking about all the time, you know?
Anyway, any other thoughts on Marco you got any thoughts on the women's war games? It was it was the better of the two war games matches. I'll say I think anyway, I think it was kind of you know, you know
Not to use Hawks terms, but paint by numbers pretty much. Um, like you said, it was a shorter, it definitely wasn't as good as last year's women's war games match up. So that was a lot better. Um, especially the men's one was a lot better last year too as well. But obviously we'll, we'll get into that. But yeah, it was. I think one good thing coming out of this man, they're teed up for a huge Bailey baby face turn. Cause you know, she's been so entertaining over the last year that I think people are ready to cheer her again.
And dude, if you watch that match, she saved her teammates over and over, dude. She was taking the big shots. She was saving them for getting pinned, but ultimately ended up being the one to take the L for them. So I see the rest of them blaming her and kind of booting her out, dude. Maybe even get Charlotte and Becky to come save her, get a little mini horsewoman reunion. But yeah, I think that's probably the one big thing they got coming out of this match storyline-wise. All right, moving on.
Gunther defeated Miz for the Intercontinental Championship. I thought it was one of Miz's best matches I've ever seen in Wrestleman. I thought Miz held his own in there. He looked like he belonged, which I would not have predicted at all. I agree. When we talked about this last week, we were calling for a straight up squash match, which I was surprised that it wasn't. But yeah, I was sports entertained by this.
Jordan didn't watch. What were your thoughts on Gunther versus? Yeah, no, I agree with you guys. I thought it was definitely better than how it looked on paper.
Miz can like adapt to any type of style. Like I think they gave that match a little bit more time. Obviously they had to like, you know, it's war games and that's going to take up the majority of it. But I think if they had more time, I think you would get like a pretty like one of Goother's like best matches if they actually let it go a little bit because Miz can get down and dirty. If he needs to, he can adapt to pretty much any type of style. You know, the way Goother was, you know, his selling to as well for for Miz.
Was pretty amazing. So yeah, I think if they had more time, I definitely want to see a rematch at some point. I'm hoping that I'm hoping they do it and give them a little bit more time to to, you know, create some more magic in the ring. But yeah, I liked it. That that double nut shot into the skull question finale was just a primo near fall, dude. I legit had me believe in like crap. The Miz is about to win this belt from Goethe.
All right, we won't go into detail any of these, but Santos Escobar defeated Dragon Lee, Rhea Ripley defeated Zoey Stark. But let's go ahead and talk about the men's war games match. So it was Cody and Seth, Jay, Sammy, and Randy Orton. iPod shuffle. That's a good, yeah. iPod shuffle. That's a great tag team name for them or a faction name for them. And versus the judgment day, which was Damian Priest, Finn Balor, and Dirty Dominik Mysterio with JD McDonough. Andrew. Oh, Andrew. Yeah, sorry, Andrew.
First off, dude, how jacked is Randy Orton, man? That dude has been on the freaking gas while he was gone, dude. I think it's so much easier because this happens all the time when you see they're gone for a while. I think it's just so much easier to train and maintain your gains and stuff like that. Not get tested.
That probably too, but I mean being on the road and traveling and all that stuff and like working out in hotel gyms and all that shit Like I feel like that takes a toll on you It just doesn't allow your body to be fully optimized and when you're wrestling all the time like your body just doesn't have that recovery Period so these guys always like when they're off They train like, you know the way that you're supposed to train and they just always a freaking amazing that's everything you're saying is a hundred percent true But if I see somebody
You know, I think Randy's 41 years old right now Maybe actually a little bit older than that check real tap Randy where his name road. See what his age is either way It's the oldest we've ever seen him. So he's even on that. So yeah, so if I see somebody coming back at 43
Um, and they are bigger and more jacked than they've ever been in their 20 year wrestling career. I'm immediately thinking they were some sort of, uh, enhancement. True. But I mean, it's not like Randy Orton hasn't always been just absolutely freaking like he has, which I know, which really makes you think something's up when it's noticeable how much bigger he is. I mean, like we got a question. I took a peek at the mailbag. People were asking if they're going to start using different parts on his action. Eddie Guerrero ultimate edition for so do you like, yeah.
I don't know, dude. I mean, Jordan, you said you saw highlights. Marco, you saw it, dude. What do y'all think? Is Randy Orton hitting the PEDs? Definitely does. Yeah, you got on the Triple H comeback routine. Yeah.
I mean, more power to him, dude. I don't really give a shit. I mean, at this point, we're past the time where people don't know the risks associated with this stuff. And I'm sure whatever he's on is some world-class shit that's probably not even that much of a risk as it would have been 10, 15 years ago. So I see more power to him. He did look like a million bucks, man. He looks even more of a main eventer than he did when he left. So it's cool with me, man. I don't mind him hitting the HGH or whatever it is that he's on.
Yeah, dude was freaking swole. Yeah, I think seeing as looking at the still pics now. Yeah, he's pretty. It wasn't like he came back as his best Randy. This is a brand. He's his capital. This is Randall. Randall Keith Orton now. Yeah. Yeah. He he definitely, definitely looked a lot a little bit meatier as they say. But it is kind of crazy. Like all these older like rest was obviously with, you know, you know, Billy Gunn in AEW. He's like almost in his fifties. He's like ripped out of his mind.
Bobby Lashley is 47. That's crazy. Me and my wife talking about all... That's insane. Are they doing that stuff? Who knows? Maybe they have a great regimen that they're going by, but man, I hope they gotta look like that in my 50s, just like a ripped monster.
Bro, I hope to God I look like that right now. What are you talking about? Yeah. Yeah. We would be lucky to look like that now. Yeah, dude. Speak to yourselves. Dude, it looks like from, you know, we'll talk about Randy Orton before we go down to the other big return, man. And I'm not talking about our truth.
It looks like he's going to be feeding with Roman Reigns, man. The only thing I would say is that, dude, it's a shame that this is going to end up probably being like a throwaway Royal Rumble feud, if that's the case. You know, he said he's going after the bloodline. You still got to imagine that Cody's the one penciled in for mania, dude. So I just feel like I feel like it's almost a waste of Randy Orton to just be, you know, bloodline cannon fodder for January. Yeah, I've been reading a few rumors. They obviously will get to
the man of the hour, but they're saying that there's two feuds so far for him. It's Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns is going to be a feud for CM Punk. So I'm assuming that's after WrestleMania, or I don't think he's going to be before that anyway, but who knows.
Yeah, because they labeled him as a free agent. He's not restricted to raw. He can go to SmackDown or raw. Same thing as Randy Orton. So we'll see what happens. Interesting. Yeah. Interesting. All right, so that was the last match on the pay-per-view. Overall, I was sports entertained by Survivor Series. I thought it was a good overall pay-per-view. It was fine. A far cry from what I wanted at Survivor Series, but it was a totally entertaining Saturday night. Yeah, it was great. 100%.
so you know everybody's you know we got the freaking iPod shuffle freaking won the the Survivor Series match everybody it's closing out the little logos come up and then all of a sudden the greatest song ever
Oh, wait a minute. Oh, such a good song. It is a banger. Yeah. CM freaking punk makes his return back to the WWE. Hell has officially frozen over. Yeah. Jordan.
No, don't start with me. Finish with me. I thought the moment was cool, man. I honestly like, I'll say the same thing I said when he debuted in AW, that's going to be the peak. I think when you look back the high point, uh, this run will be that returning survivor series. You guys know, I hate seeing punk man. I can't stand him. I was, I was on the side of Kenny and the bucks. I thought it was ridiculous how much Tony.
Tony Khan was just been over for this guy after everything, you know, really, I'd say after that MJF dog collar match, he really, when the stuff started with hangman, that's when it always all went sideways. You know, hangman's one of my favorite, probably tied with mocks for my favorite restaurant, AWN.
I've literally never heard anybody else have a bad word to say about hang man, except CM Punk. Everything we see hang man seems like just, you know, sweetheart of a dude, just a really great person. So when he started going to hang man, man, starting shit with him, that's when like the, the Rose was officially off the bloom for me with CM Punk. So I did think you can't help but love a good surprise if you're a wrestling fan, dude, you know.
That was a cool moment just to experience it live. But if they get one good WrestleMania match out of them this year before he gets hurt and or flames out, I think it'll be a success. He gets hurt before mania. I'm calling it now. I guarantee that this guy gets hurt before mania. There's just no way he's gonna stay healthy.
Do you want me to go? I'm going to toss it to Marco. We'll save Jordan for last because we already know pretty much his thoughts on it. If anyone says they weren't, they knew what was going to happen. They're lying out of there.
anuses pretty much. They did not know that CM Punk was going to show up. We can put that to rest. He's not the devil in AEW. So we can definitely do that. No, that would be better. It's probably going to be Jack Perry, which is going to be a huge surprise for everybody. Hell yeah. But yeah, I mean,
It's business. That's really what it comes down to. That's what the WWE does. Triple H pretty much said it at the presser after it. It's money. Hate him, love him. Like he said, he is who he is and people clamor to him. They watch his every move. They listen to his every word. He's a heat magnet if you want to say that.
Like I said, it is what it is. He's there. There's nothing you can do about it. All he could do is complain. That's pretty much it. I mean, I don't blame them. I just, to me, he adds, he adds nothing. He adds nothing to like the, like I said, the moment was cool. I think that's.
You know, cause we were just like, holy crap. Like I cannot believe we're hearing this song right now. And he comes out, you know, and it was like the whole thing. And I love seeing wrestling fans get excited. I think for me, like that's the biggest thing is just like seeing, you know, the pop and seeing everybody just, yeah, it's a, it's a moment. You know, you guys know, I love a moment, dude. And even if it does involve seeing punk, I love a moment. And, um,
And it was a legit surprise. I mean, we very rarely get surprises in WWE anymore. They're always announcing, you know, John Cena is coming back or so and so is coming back, but like, you know, seeing punk just showing up, it was just, it was cool. Um, but I don't think, I mean, it just doesn't mean.
And they played the dirt sheets like a fiddle. Remember how it came out that, like, they said, well, we announced Randy Orton. They leaked it that they announced Randy Orton's return on Monday. So that way people didn't get their hopes about seeing Punk coming back. Yeah, I thought Randy was the big. Yeah, they did. They definitely wrecked the dirt. Yeah. I kind of want to like, you know, I mean, we could probably talk a little bit about the, you know, the promo we cut and stuff like that on Monday. And, you know, he's talking about, you know, this is home and all that stuff.
I was like, like, if you go on Peacock now, they have like, you know, like they have like a section. If you go on the WWE section of Peacock, you can see all the CM pumps up alike. Here's the thing, like the dude's whole career was in WWE. And I know you guys didn't watch it when he was around. You're missing literally nine years that he was in WWE.
If you, if you, if you go back and look at it. Yeah. But I was here for the freaking however many years that all he did was talk shit about WWE too. And freaking, you know, get, like, keep, get pulled up a bunch of fucking legal battles and, you know, abandoned his best friends and, you know, talk shit about his friends and create drama in another wrestling company. You know what I mean? Like I've seen all of that. So to me, I'm just like, okay. I'm saying as far as like the work is concerned and the matches he's put on and stuff like that. Um,
Definitely if you are a fan of wrestling I definitely Encourage you to go back and watch those matches like his few with Jeff Hardy That he had when he was like way early in his career his time in ECW when they did the rebrand of ECW But he has his head his feud with Rey Mysterio All that stuff. I mean he
As much as you want to hate on him and as much as like people, you know, poo poo them now, because, you know, the more recent stuff, his stuff is good back then, man. Like, like I said, it's nine years worth of his career was in WWE. So like, if you're just going by those like last two or three years or whatever of that whole time he was gone, actually even longer than that. Like, it's like, it kind of obviously it diminishes and outweighs it.
But I definitely encourage anyone that has any, they're on the fence about it, definitely go back and watch that stuff.
That's one of my recommendations. I'll give you a thing. I'm pulling a match from back in his early WWE days. That's going to be my retro recommendation that I hope everyone goes back and watches. But I feel like going back and watching that stuff now you're, you're going into it with the preconceived notion of what an absolute just douche monger this guy is. You know what I mean? So it's like, you're still, you're still watching it with, you know, biased glasses because you know, you just know that this guy's
Yeah. I mean, like I said, he's, he's there. No one can do anything about it. And he's probably going to be. Yeah, he's here. I mean, I'm here for it. That's what I think, you know, they, they definitely didn't need him. You know, WWE didn't need CM Punk at this point in time. So I think that's gonna, I think that's one good thing is it's not like he can say like, you know, well I'm here because you guys suck. Yeah. So I think I'm thinking, you know, I kind of joked about this on the raw down. If come WrestleMania weekend, if it's night one,
Uh, Seth and punk and then night to Cody. Yeah. I think that, I think punk beats, punk beats, Seth Rollins and Cody beats, uh, Roman Reigns. Yeah. I think the show's done. This house, this house. Yeah.
All right, so the moment you've all been waiting for, I'm going to go ahead and pass the floor to Jordan. I'm going to open up the floor to Jordan to get his thoughts on the return of- Can't be worth a talk. If you have children listening right now, just fast forward. I'm going to say this. You have to outdo Hawk from raw down because he was pretty
He went in, so hopefully he can do better. Nice. All right, so where do we begin? This guy 10 years ago was a complete douchebag, took his ball and went home because he couldn't main event of WrestleMania. So then he went to UFC and got his brains beat in twice because he couldn't cut it there. Facts. So then he goes to AW.
and talk shit about WWE on live television in front of MJF and the ring and says the grass isn't always greener on the other side. So don't go over there. And then he gets hurt because he can't hold the weight of the company on his back. So he has to leave again. Then he gets into a petty fight backstage with the bucks and Kenny because he can't handle the fact that those three guys are better than he ever has been. So then he's off for a year.
Tony grovels at him and lets him come back. What does he do when he comes back? He brings this garbage title that he didn't even earn and goes into the ring and wrestles one match, gets hurt again.
and then gets into another altercation with a guy that we've never heard anything bad about, which is Jack Perry. So like, just go ahead and circle that all into one shit storm and just like think about like, what we're all getting excited about here. Like, we're getting excited about a guy who's a known prick, takes his ball and runs home whenever he doesn't get what he wants. And I'm supposed to be excited about this guy coming back to WWE.
This is the same dude that shit on WWE because he didn't get his way. And then he comes back and dude, I lost so much fucking respect for Triple H on Saturday night. He should have said, no, this guy's still a dickhead, but you know what? All we care about here is money. That's all we care about is money.
and that's where he brings his money and that's what we're here to do is make money he can be the biggest asshole ever but we're just here to make money but he didn't he said he's a change man why cuz he shaved his fucking face and shaved his head he's still a dickhead
Fuck that dude. I lost so much respect for WWE for bringing this dude back. I get it. It's a money business. I get it. But dude, after everything that this dude did for the last 10 years for you to bring him back and act like this dude is going to be like the top star. Nah, ain't happening. This guy buying this garbage. That's it. All right.
So what are you gonna do when they put out the CM Punk Ultimate Edition? I'm not gonna buy it. You're gonna break your completist streak, dude. Don't let this man do this to you, dude. I can't, man. I can't, dude. I just, I cannot fucking do it. I'm gonna have one of those teeth for you anyways. Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on. I am a supreme completionist. You know which one I don't have? That one, because I ain't gonna get it.
All right, fair enough, dude. No, I mean, dude, I'm right there with you, man. I didn't care anything at all about, I was on record when he got fired, man. If we never see him in the wrestling world again, I was fine with it, dude. Again, the moment was cool. Saturday, if you asked me to put money on it, I think that's going to end up being the only thing that's really memorable about this run. Hopefully he can stay healthy enough to score Seth his first true WrestleMania main event, man.
Cody and, uh, Cody and Roman for night two and Seth and punk for night one would make for an awesome, uh, top billing there in Philly. Uh, I know the Philly fans would love that. And, uh, you know, I'm assuming I got to think Triple H put Seth over in that scenario and that would be worth seeing. Um, other than that, I don't give a shit about anything CM Punk is going to do on this run. So I'm not quite as impassioned, man. I'm still going to be along for the ride, but I'm kind of right there with you on the lack of excitement about Jordan.
Oh, did mine come up as a lack of excitement or I don't want to watch any of this garbage. That's where I'm at right now. Like I'm just kind of over the whole thing already. Yeah. So just, you know, before we move on to another thing. So obviously like the interesting thing is, you know, Randy Orton is now kind of like in the main event picture.
with the titles on the line. Cody Rhodes. I didn't expect this, him being in the Royal Rumble. I mean, I'm expecting him not to win it, so that's kind of strange that he's in the Royal Rumble. Obviously CM Punk is in the picture. Have you guys thought of like where
this is all going are they going to try to like blow stuff off at royal rumble since they have like so much like space in between that there's no shows coming up so now they can build a lot of stories do you think the cm punk stuff wrong with match will happen at royal rumble and not even wrestle media um
Since it will build to that, like, what are you, what are you guys thinking of like, yeah, Meltzer said punk and Rollins was building to, uh, to the rumble, um, that they're going to have a match at the rumble. So maybe, you know, maybe we see if I'm fantasy booking it, maybe I have CM punk baby face it up.
from now till the rumble you know changed man I'm home I'm a good guy punk and then maybe he cheats to beat Rollins and then we see Seth get the belt back at mania if that's the plan I could see something like that if they are gonna have Seth and punk at at the rumble
Cody, I don't think, I agree with you, man. I don't think Cody's winning the rumble. I think Cody's going to get the Kofi Kingston, you know, Daniel Bryan, Russell, mania 30 treatment. I think they're going to stack the hurdles ahead of him. He's going to go on, you know, the hero's journey, have obstacle after obstacle put in front of him to get back to that match with Roman to where it's just undeniable this year. Or maybe not, you know, maybe Roman just fucking smash his ass again. What a thing to see.
I'm still saying Roman wins, man. I think Roman is going to win at Mania again this year, dude. They've already gone this long, man. Fuck it. Let's go another couple of years and just get Bruno out of there. What if they flip the script and they make it fucking CM Punk and Roman Reigns at Mania?
I mean, that's probably the biggest money match they got, dude. Even though I don't give a shit, I know for most wrestling fans, that'd probably be a huge match. And CM Punk has talked cash shit about Roman Reigns over the years. So that would be huge, man. If I'm Cody, I'm definitely, I'm feeling a little bit less secure in my position than I was this time two weeks ago. Still feels like everything's there for Cody as long as he can keep his heat going. But yeah, I mean, Punk versus Roman would be a money match just from all the real life heat between those two.
be the first time I ever rooted for Roman Reigns.
And dude, I mean, it'd be such a cool story because the thing is, Roman has never chirped back at all. I mean, Roman has never said nothing about him. So it'd be a huge amount of intrigue just to get just to see Roman and see him punk in the ring. And Roman's got a mic in his hand. I think would be a big deal. Imagine Jordan front row with the Roman Reigns t-shirt on. Fucking Roman Reigns phone finger. The shield vest. No, no, no. You can't wear a shirt if you're in for Roman Reigns. I have to get tatted out and everything for this.
Get you a nice tribal. Yeah, was anybody else got anything they want to talk about from the world of wrestling before we get into some bigger talk? All right, we'll hit the beverage break first
All right, it's time for the weekly beverage break where we tell you guys what we're sipping

Podcast Drinks & Collectibles

on as we pod. I'll go first. I think I probably have the most boring option this week. Just keeping it easy with a Miller Lite. All right. Well, I will take it up a notch if you guys can even believe it. I spiked my coffee before this.
before this show started, I got a nice hot cup of coffee with a little bit of birthday cake dough ball in it. I'm really bummed, because I really want to start making my favorite Christmas cocktail, the Drunken Gingerbread Man, but I rolled through the Starbucks drive-through, because they have gingerbread syrup again this year, because they're doing some sort of gingerbread chai situation, and I was like, oh man, you know, I remember in years past, I always used to be able to go to Starbucks and buy the gingerbread syrup, and now they're not selling it. They're just, you know, they sell certain syrups,
But they're not selling the gingerbread syrup this year. So I think I'm gonna have to go get the the off-brand like the you know Tarani Amazon or eBay
for Starbucks syrup. What is any sort of gingerbread syrup? Yeah, you can get like the taurani, I think that's how you say it, T-O-R-A-N-I, the most like, you know, you see it everywhere. Do you see freaking coffee syrups? But they make a gingerbread one. It's good, but the Starbucks one just has a little extra zing to it that I kind of like. But yeah, we're, drunken gingerbread man's are happening in the future, so stay tuned.
All right, Marco, what are you drinking, man? I'm just keeping it classy, sipping on a an old fashioned. Just some some nice knob Creek whiskey just burning my chest right now. You like a good old fashioned old fashioned? Yeah.
Look that up on Urban Dictionary if you want to get Sheena's reference there. Jordan, what are you drinking? I'm keeping it pretty light as well. I'm just drinking Bushlight Peach tonight. This is my Wednesday networking day with the boys, so I've been drinking since about 2.30 today. You're sensing a little drunkenness in me. It's because I am.
I'm down to like my last eight bushlight peaches, so I'm saving those things like treasure. You want me to grab you another, you want me to grab you a 30 racquet up the street from me. They got like 70 left. Nice dude. Yeah. I'm saving. If I got like a big game on Madner, if it's like a, if I'm sitting down to watch like some old school wrestling that I'm really trying to get comfortable for, I'll break one out, man. But definitely being judicious with the, uh, with the Bushlight peaches. Those things were awesome. Hopefully they bring them back next summer. All right. Let's get into the figure talk.
Alright want to remind you guys this segment is brought to you by ringside collectibles use code chick Foley to save 10% on all of your purchases there so first things first two new sets in stock from ringside we got ours in yesterday, the WrestleMania 40 elites and greatest hits, series three Sheena do you get any, any thoughts on these two sets.
No, I mean, all the figures are great there. I don't, there was nothing that was just like over the top. Um, exciting for me. Um, but yeah, I mean, it was good sets of figs. I mean, obviously I'm super stoked to get Nicholas, the build a figure Nicholas. Um, I feel like that's something that we've, we've asked for a few times and talked about a couple of times on the show. So that was exciting.
Yeah. Nicholas is a figure I'd never thought was going to happen. I always joked about it being my most wanted. Uh, me and Brett opened up all the WrestleMania figures tonight and put Nicholas together. Very, very cool figure. Uh, aside from that, dude, I think this might be the worst WrestleMania set of figures we've ever gotten, dude. The Cena, the scene is fine, but you know, if you got one scene, you got them all the rock and Trish Stratus playing Jane figures and even the pet McAfee.
Like the articulation is cool, but I think I actually kind of like his basic better than his elite man Like they just I don't know what the deal was this seemed like it was like a budget saver wave because these figures are just very low deco Just nothing at all. Wow you about this man. You guys got any strong thoughts on the WrestleMania elites for this year? Nope, not good
It's just totally uninspiring set man. And I don't know what the deal was, you know, the WrestleMania basics even got canceled this year. So I don't know if I can, you know, our good buddy action figure attack and bill were just on a bender and like forgot that these figures would do. Yeah. I think they forgot like they were due until like, you know, 20 minutes before game time and they had to just fucking slap some shit together. And we're like, make me a set of wrestling figures. Yeah.
Um, but yeah, we're, we're at set, man. I think it's the rare miss from Mattel. But again, you got to have Nicholas, man. So maybe that's it. Maybe they just knew Nicholas was such a must have that they could throw any old four figures out and, uh, people snap them up. Are you guys adding Nicholas to your collection? No, cause I'm not buying these four figures cause none of them are good. So I'm going to pass. I'll just, I'll end up getting loose somehow. Yeah, that's it. I'm going to do the same. See if someone wants to see.
You could, I think all of the parts are the same, man. I think you really just need to get the, uh, the head sculpt and the shirt. And if you already have little kid Dom from last year, you could just kind of mix and match those two as long as you don't want to have them, have them both on display at the same time. Way to go swaggy. So how many, we have, we have three kids. We have, so we have negative one. We have Nicholas and we have little kid Dom. So we have three, three child figures. I don't really know if it's any other, are there any other kids that we could get figures of?
Kids you can have Bray Wyatt that creepy kid that helped very wide Yeah, he was on episode raw do that but I can't read it hasn't been a ton of kids involved in wrestling man None that are memorable enough to get a figure anyways I'm trying to think
All right. If anybody in the listeners knows any other kids, hit us up. Cause now I'm curious. All right. Uh, so figure news. I really have one bit of news for this week. Um, power town revealed series two of, uh, of their figure line, their ultras, their elite style, you know, AWW style figures that they have. Um, one sec, I'll get it pulled up. So it looks to be a very impressive lineup. It is going to be the junkyard dog.
Uh, I'm sure they're going to knock it out of the park with him. You're going to have Jack Briscoe to go along with that Jerry Briscoe elite from a few years ago. Wahoo McDaniel, Kamala, Dory Funk Jr. And the one that I'm most excited for my, you know, my misconnection, deuce deuce. Wow.
Were you guys in on Power Town series one? Those figures were excellent. I was not, no, but this time I am, because JYD's in this, so definitely have to scoop that one up.
Yeah, hopefully if they can, I hope they tweak the models a little bit, man. I love the figures. The scale was a little bit too big for elite and AW, but it was still close enough that like you could display them all together, but all the figures kind of had a little bit of a bow legged look like they went horseback riding all day long. I mean, not a huge deal, but that was just like my one critique on them. Um, but they knocked it out of the park, dude. The belts were cool. All the accessories, like that carry on Eric is.
We're gonna do our chickies here in a few weeks, but the carry von eric from powertown series 1 is in the mix for my favorite figure of this year And yeah, I mean my deuces in this set dude, so it's a bye Did you guys add anything cool to your collections this week? No, I actually received the AW4 pack from Amazon finally Nice man, I've been I've been kind of regretting passing on that
I haven't opened it up yet, but the belts are pretty phenomenal. You have the new women's title. And they're all wearing gold too. They have kind of like gold trim. Yeah, I saw that. OC's got the gold sneakers. Yeah, gold sneakers. MJF with the gold scarf.
Like that, um, yeah, no, it's they're they look pretty sick. I haven't opened it up but um From the inside they definitely I didn't know they were like what it says that one of 3,000 I know it was like a limited thing. Yeah. Yeah, it basically changed Yeah, that's the only thing I picked up or finally got anyway
All right, yeah, we didn't really add anything big either, man. Just kind of the usual stuff coming in. Nothing too exciting. It's that slow time of year around Christmas with Chinese New Year coming up. I'm not sure if we're even going to get any more new sets the rest of this year. So I think that greatest hits three in WrestleMania may have been it. So it's a good time to hit the sales and catch up on any stuff that you may have been on the fence on or been waiting all year to pick up. Let's get into retro wrestling recommendations.
all right retro wrestling recommendations where we guys give you a blast from the past something to check out as you are uh sitting around wrapping the kids christmas presents or something during the evening time all right we can't kick off retro wrestling recommendation without asking the heel husband which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he's wearing tonight so heel husband what you got on
So I got on some red HBKs. They've dropped, I think three or four different variations of the red HBK shorts. These ones are based off his tights from the February, 1996, in your house, Rage in the Cage. This is the one where the main event was Bret Hart and Diesel in the big blue steel cage and Undertaker pulled Diesel down under the ring. But Shawn Michaels was fighting Owen Hart at that event with the winner and going to WrestleMania. So pretty dang good match. Definitely gets kind of forgotten through history.
Definitely check out Sean and Owen from that match. You get a pick and a pair of shorts at the same time. I'll go first with my pick. This was on this day, November 29th, back in 1999 was when Triple H supposedly drugged Stephanie and married her. It was on this day.
I think that's probably still to this day the most memorable angle that Stephanie has ever been involved in. So I went with a Steph inspired pick and we'll go back to my favorite match of hers, SummerSlam 2014 against Brie Bella. Go check that one out. Make sure you watch the pre-match video to get all caught up on the soap opera-ness of everything and you're going to be in for a shock at the end. Nobody give it away because that was a while back. So it's probably a lot of people that haven't actually seen that little piece of business.
Yep. Let me go. Sure. All right. So I'm, um, since it'll be December Eve, when you guys are listening to this, if we drop this, Oh yeah, tomorrow's tomorrow's the 30. Yeah. So it'll be December's Eve. So, uh, I thought I would pick a, uh, December match for you. This happened December 17th, 1995 in your house, five bulldog versus Brett Hart for the WWF championship. Uh, yeah, I think everybody, um, you know, always remembers.
you know, 92 for the icy title match in Wembley Stadium, but this one gets a little bit overshadowed. If you haven't seen this one, it's definitely worth your time to watch because it's freaking excellent, dude. It's only a half step below the SummerSlam 92 match, man. It rocks, dude. You got a ton of blood also. So if that's your thing, it's there. You got awesome technical wrestling.
1995 wasn't wasn't a super bloody year. So when you saw this was probably the Probably the best match we got from heel Bulldog. You know either this or one of his battles with with Shawn's. Yeah, it's a great picture
Mahalo. All right, Marco, what you got for us? We're going back to SummerSlam, 2009-er. The main event, Jeff Hardy coming in as the World Heavyweight Champion against none other than CM Punk in a tables, ladders, and chairs match. 25 minutes of awesome that, yeah, no, definitely go back. It's Jeff Hardy in a, I don't have to explain it. It's TLC match. It's 2009 Jeff Hardy.
You have Hardy's tables, letters, chairs. Yeah, it's pretty insane. I was surprised. I totally forgot that was the main event. The co-main event was Randy Orton and John Cena. So they bumped them to the co-main event and Punk and Hardy closed out the show, which is pretty, pretty shocking to me, but.
Then again, he has no star power. So we'll move on to the next. Jordan, what you got for us? Her retro wrestling recommendation. I also am going with the December match. I'm going with Armageddon 2000, the Hell in a Cell between Kurt Angle, The Rock, Steve Austin, Triple H, The Undertaker, and Rikishi.
Do yourself a favor and watch the build up to this match like the raws and smack downs before this match are just phenomenal. The rock just goes in on every single person in this match leading up to it. So yeah, I love this match when I watched it live and I actually watched this this week and it's still really good. So yeah, definitely do yourself a favor and go back and watch it.
The second half of 2000, all the way up to WrestleMania 17 is in the mix for like all time greatest stretches of wrestling. You know, I talk about November 96 to November 97 a lot, but I think, I think it was May when Steve Austin came back that year. Really from that time, although until WrestleMania 2017, that's really the peak of the attitude there, man. I think a lot of people think about like 98, 99.
but they really got cooking dude. Cause the rock and triple H had both like fully arrived as main eventers. You had American badass taker there. And yeah, like that, that's an all time, as far as like star power goes, it's hard to find a match. It's got more than that from that Armageddon main event.
That whole show is great too. You can extend this one out to like 2002, but if you look at some of those pay-per-view cards from like 2000 to 2002, it's ridiculous the roster that they had back then. It is nothing but Hall of Famers. There's matches that are like the third match on the show and it's just like, how the hell was this not the main event?
They had cut, by that time they had cut a lot of the filler from the early attitude era out and they were just cooking, man. So yeah, I'd say, I know you picked that individual match, but dude, I'd say watch that whole dang show. Yeah, dude, the whole show is great. It's definitely phenomenal. So go back and watch it. All right. Do we have any listener mail, Shane? Oh yeah. We got a full mail bag this evening. Full bag. Full bag.

Listener Q&A

All right, we got a swollen mailbag, so we'll dive right into it. Yeah, this is, we got tons of questions in, so I wanna give a shout out really quickly to our fully fan member, Brett Sharrow. He filled the mailbag up tonight, so. Filled it up. He filled it up. Filled that bag.
He got up in that. He got up in the mailbag tonight. So thank you, Brett, for your contributions. He says... Thank you, Brett. Thank you, Brett. Thank you, Brett. He said, do you think Punk and Hunter will find a way to make things work? Obviously, Punk could go back to his old asshole ways, but I'm hoping Punk's motivation to stick it to AEW leads him to doing good business. I'd really love to see him save his legacy and finish his career on positive terms.
I think there's going to be no tolerance for the BS. We'll CM Punk stay in line. History tells us no. I don't think you're going to see any of the nonsense we saw with AWW. For all his faults, I don't think CM Punk is a dumb person. No. I think he knows that he's on an extremely tight leash. Again, like Jordan said, and you said too, Shane, WWE does not need him. If they did cut him two weeks from now,
It's not it's gonna be a non-issue man. Yeah. So yeah, I don't I if I don't think you're gonna see a ton of backstage stuff But if you do it's he's just gonna be yeah, I'll tell you one thing you won't hear about triple H cowering under monitors and keyboards and shit. So
I don't know man, it just so happens CM Punk's first raw Triple H wasn't even there. So let's fucking draw the conclusion that Triple H still fears Punk.
Yeah, dude. And there were some people, so I posted some stuff about punk on the Instagram page. You know, that always gets the freaking marks fired up, dude. And people were like, you know, um, Oh, Tony Khan doesn't even want, you know, he fired him. And I'm like, dude, Tony Khan was forced to fight. Like there's no way Tony Khan, like they had to take CM Punk from his cold, dead fingers, dude. Like look at how much shit he lit.
freaking get over before he finally just had, he absolutely had to freaking let CM Punk go. He did not want to, dude. Like this hurts, this freaking hurts Tony Khan. I don't care what anybody says to you like that. Dude, the fact that he couldn't have like the managerial or leadership ability to get them to work it out and find a way to make some money off of CM Punk versus the elite, that's a huge black mark.
This is all the work dude, cuz I was like dude surely to God it'd be a great single ever Yeah, so I the fact that they those guys couldn't they couldn't get everybody in a room and get that hashed out Because we've seen people with way worse I mean dude freakin Matt Hardy and edge work together after their whole real-life love trying to lead a dude if they can work it out and getting the ring together than anybody can so yeah, that was a
Huge L for Tony con then yeah We already kind of touched on this Brett, but he asked what the main events for mania. We're gonna be I think we're all in agreement. Yeah, I think Yeah, I think he says that versus poem and cody which we all agree with Could be anything though. You never know. There's you know, lots of things in play right now
Brett also says what surprise returns do you think we could see at the Royal Rumble? I'd like to see Matt Cardona make his return to WWE He still may not reach main event level, but he's definitely earned his way back into the mid card in WWE I think Cardona be cool for one of those just one night only returns. We see that yeah a couple years They'll have somebody come in and have the do the rumble. Yeah, even though they're not on a contract Yeah, there's a whole lot of guys really even out there man, you know that punks back Randy Orton's back I can't off top my head I can't think of another big surprise out there to be had
Yeah, assuming we're going to have a women's rumble match, seeing AJ Lee come back would be interesting. Dear God. Would you say? Dear God. What are we just knocking out my most hated wrestlers tonight? Like, first we're talking about punk, now we're talking about Cardona. Like, dude, just stop. Do you hate AJ Lee, too? Brock's really the only one that's out there. I don't see any chance Brock's coming back, though. I think that ship sailed.
JCC James Cody Canterbury says, where is this Orton judgment day angle going? I thought it was weird. I thought it was a weird first angle. He said, I'll hang up and take my, my question off the air. I'll hang up and listen. I don't, I think Randy Orton's going with the bloodline. I think the judgment day stuff was kind of just something for him to dip his toe back in the water. Yeah. I don't know, but hopefully we get judgment day and Cody and Jay for another year. Cause this is really lighting up the masses. Yeah.
Yeah, he also, Brett also asked about Cody taking the belt and finishing the story. I don't know. After last year, I'm not sure I could ever root against Roman. He may not pull it off, but dude. I'm sticking with my prediction. Roman is going to win this year and Jey Uso is going to help him do it.
It's all there, dude, with Jay and Cody being such good friends, man. I think it's going to be against his will, dude. Jay's going to do it just to keep the... He's going to put the family first, like Drake said, and help Roman beat Cody. They already put the teasers in there. Randy said, as long as you're not in the bloodline, you're good with me. Jay's going to come out in the main event, try to screw Cody. Randy's going to come out and beat RKO. Roman reigns and Cody's going to get the thing. Probably, yeah. I can see that happening.
Well, the last three things came out and K.O. and Sammy. I think you're right. But then I think like solo is just going to like spike Cody again, dude. And then another spear. Roman wins. Whatever you see solo finally. Do anything.
Do anything I mean he did squash John Cena like only we've seen Brock Lesnar day at the last pay-per-view facts Yeah, I think so a little stronger than ever, but he's definitely a little bit I think that's maybe the story for after Roman loses the belt
Brett says, do we think Triple HGH should get an updated torso for his next figure? Bro is swole. Like we talked about, dude. Give him the Eddie Guerrero Ultimate Edition. Talk about Randy Orton.
He also wants to know what former punk figures would you like to see re releases of the obvious is elite 16 punk, which I see them fast tracking, but I'd like to see another straight edge society masked punk with the ECW punk as well. Hopefully greatest hits for is all CM punk so I can just avoid it all together.
I think what they're going to do, man, if I, if I know metalities, as long as I've been collecting at WrestleMania, you're going to see for like elite, what are we on now? Elite 106 is next. Like elite 112 is going to have CM Punk from survivor series and the street clothes. That's an easy one to crank out, right? Street clothes with a white tee. And then they'll announce like a crowd fund of like an ultimate edition from whatever he's wearing his first match back at the rumble.
And then they'll announce like defining moments or re-release that elite 16, man. There's definitely on the way, dude. Whatever. He's going to replace Hulk at the next figure reveal for, you know, most figures. Yeah. Yeah. Anybody else have any punks that they want to see? Yeah. I don't need another fun figure, man. I'm good. Yeah, dude. Sess actively unloading his, uh, his punk figures. Yeah. I sold Elite 16 the day after this driver series. Well done, sir.
Yeah. You got a strike while the iron's high. I have the Supreme one anyway, so I don't need any other punks. Do you think the recent rumors of, uh, do you think the recent rumors going around that we see a face term for Bailey when she's kicked out of damage control at Sasha Banks returns and the four horsewomen feud with damage control?
I don't know about Sasha coming back, but I think the rest of it, pretty much you can book it. Yeah. If punk came back, Sasha can come back. Yeah. As I'm saying, if punk can come back, anything's possible, dude. No, she could. I just, I feel like she's out, you know, kind of sowing her wild notes, man. I see. I think we're like a year away from her coming back to WWE. Yeah. I think you're probably right about that.
Johnny JB, any future plans to attend a WrestleMania in the future? If so, which city would you love to see one in? We're hoping, we're hoping Nash Vegas, baby. We're hoping that Nashville is gonna, you know, host, host WrestleMania and we get to go to that. So Jordan, Marco, any, any manias in the future? Hopefully they come back here. I mean, they had the birth of the Austin era happened here. So I'm hoping, hoping they, uh,
bring their way back here have to be at Foxborough which would kind of suck because it'd be in the middle of like April's pretty much winter around here so it'd be freezing cold. What if they did it a fin way man? What if they did it a fin way and just charged out the ass to make up for the legacy? Yeah, you definitely need to do Fenway. You have to do Gillette Stadium.
Is there so i'm not familiar at all with like that area this foxborough got the infrastructure to To host, uh, you know all the all the rest of the shit that goes along with wrestlemania. It's literally like a city That they built well foxborough is like 40 minutes away. Yeah, it's like it's like literally like where the patriots play at Yeah, but I would think if I mean obviously i've never been there, but I would think if they can host Yeah, there's like yeah the restaurant says regan the the hall of fame Building is there the page. It's hall of fame. All there's a bunch of shit there. Yeah, they could definitely
I think Minneapolis is going to get one soon. I'll probably go to that as long as CM Punk's not WWE and then hopefully Atlanta gets it again. Yeah, I'm surprised Atlanta hasn't got one with that stadium, dude. I feel like they would. Yeah, I need to do something with it. Yeah. Yeah. What are you talking about? We beat the Saints this week, Sheena.
Falcons are in first place. Yeah First place in the worst division Hey Sheena, maybe comment down a little bit with your Falcons. Hey, just chill out. It's okay It's not 2016. You know what? I don't even have I don't even have hate anymore for the Falcons. I just have complete like disinterest I think that's even worse dude. Like I used to I used to hate But now I just have disinterest when I go back and look at my Facebook memories It is pretty funny though how I used to be Jordan in you know, the the
don't ever think you were me. I almost have a heart attack every week. Like I almost died. I was just like tweeting, tweeting out into the ether about like my fantasy game. I will give her props for fanhood. She was on the couch crying 2010 when the Packers kicked that was so awful. You know, we were the number one seed George and the Packers just kicked our ass in the, no, I don't remember. Of course I fucking remember.
Yeah, she had tears that I had tears after we beat them in the regular season I thought that was our moment and then we actually got our moment
And still wasn't our moment. So anywho, Jamie will says, do you prefer war games gimmick, the smackdown versus raw or the traditional elimination matches for survivor series? We talked about that last week. I think we're all universal now with the traditional matches. Yeah, I think traditional matches too. He says he, and he liked the change up in 1998 and 2002 were surviving, uh,
Tournament 1998 in the first elimination chamber in 2002 I kind of like that idea like dude stick with you know Your baseline is the traditional survivor series, but if there's a storyline reason or a real good gimmick cooked up Then then yeah, do you roll out the elimination chamber or like the daily game tournament? You know, you can have a you don't got to be necessarily, you know, write it in concrete every single Yes, what you're gonna do, but I think that needs to be like the jumping off point. I
Yeah. The, uh, the OG fig kid, he just, he, he tapped into the, the raw down and said, uh, what happens to the Foley fan when punk beats Rollins and Cody beats Roman of night to mania. We're just going to give up, uh, give up wrestling. So.
Yeah. Uh, so I was, I was, I just, I skimmed over this. I didn't know if I should read this, but, uh, Jamie Will's hit his, uh, the end of his, the end of his comments says Randy Orton looks like someone poured peanuts in a condom. I have never, I have never heard that. That must be some across the pond. That's gotta be a freaking UK thing peanuts. Oh man.
Shout out to the three points of our team. Is that supposed to be attractive, though, or is it supposed to just be? I mean, it's just saying like, dude, I mean, think about what that would look like. Yeah, that's what Randy Orton looks like. Yeah, it looks like just freaking he's nodded up. You know, I've never heard that.
I've never heard that either. And I've heard a lot of freaking crazy shit like that. So I'm, you know, I'm from the South. So people say crazy shit all the time. I've never heard that. Zach Hertzler, favorite leftover food from Thanksgiving. Oh, I love the devil and eggs, dude. They aged the least.
Yeah, the deviled eggs definitely hold their form the best. All the flavors in the deviled egg mixture like meet each other. They actually get better. It gets better with age, yeah. But I don't have to say, I like it all and I like to just kind of mash it all up into like a smash plate, you know what I mean? And just nuke it and just eat it all. It's like a Thanksgiving bowl type situation.
Yes, and then top it with cold cranberry sauce. That's how I roll, dude. I heat up all the leftovers, kind of just like mush it together into a dog plate, and then like schmear cranberry sauce over the top of it. That's what I do.
This is what on Monday night I came home, I had to go to the store and get some bread. And I made a sandwich with turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, leftover noodles, corn casserole and gravy. The corn casserole put it over. That's commitment there to put corn casserole.
Of course, somebody from freaking Nebraska would put corn casserole on a sandwich. Do you see WWE or do you think WWE will have punk versus Roman at some point? Yes.

Wrestling Aesthetics & Trivia

Do you prefer refs to wear the zebra stripes or the blue dress shirt and bow ties?
I really like a blue dress shirt and bow tie. I mean, I like seeing the blue shirt and bow tie when I'm watching old wrestling, but yeah, the zebra stripes look much sharper. Yeah. And I thought they'd look out of place. They brought it back. They would definitely look out of place nowadays, but they could do like, if they did like a retro show, like once a year, I think it'd be cool to bring it back. I think they should do this. Like, you know how the football teams were like their retro jerseys, you know, they should have like a retro, um, a throwback where, you know, all the guys just wear like trunks and monogram boots and shit. You know, I think they should wear, I think they should wear a zebra singlet to reference.
Uh, Danny Davis back in the day. Um, Brett Cheryl says with the possibilities available for the main events and booking that's been going on busted open today, they talked about the potential to make this WrestleMania possibly the best one ever. How do you feel about that possibility?
Best one ever, might be a little bit of a reach, but they definitely have all the pieces to make it an all-timer of a mania this year, assuming everybody can stay healthy on their road to mania. It's a ton of talent, a ton of people that are over, dude. I think the big thing that's, the best thing about this hot streak WWE is on right now is they've really gotten the fans back to buy in. Like the fans have, for better or worse, man, they got full confidence in Triple H, they're cheering the baby faces and they're booing the heels pretty much across the board.
even Roman, they've, they've choked off any of like the, you know, baby face reactions he was getting. Like it's, it's straight up like heels and faces and that's making it really fun. Um, so yeah, if they can put together a good card, I think it's going to be awesome. I mean, night one of WrestleMania last year was great. And then something weird happened. You know, we still haven't got the full story of if it's got heavily involved on night two or what the deal was. Uh, night two was kind of weird though.
All right, Brian Vermeer says, what was the last figure you got excited to find a figure in the store? I never get excited for elites, ultimates, or Supremes, but the superstar line makes me lose my mind. Really the only thing I'm finding in stores nowadays are the Target Legends, and I was super stoked to find Brother Love up in Minnesota over the summer. Yeah, it's been a long time since I've actively found
figures in store that we needed. They used to be so fun though. I used to love the hunt, but yeah, not so much nowadays. What about you guys? What was the last thing that you like found in the store and you were like, holy shit.
Mm, in a while. Yeah, I mean, she is gonna hate it, but it was definitely the the last thing that I found that was pretty cool to find was the I almost said Nia Jax, Nyla Rose. Oh, Rose. I already know where this is. Yeah, the Nyla was. Yeah. I mean, it was pretty cool finding a chase in the wild. So I mean, that's I know you hate the figure, but
The face, dude, the face gown, that figure is just, just not it, dude. I just hate it. I hate it. So yeah, I'm glad you were excited. More, more power to you. I get, I get high off other people's excitement. So that's going to wrap up our loaded mailbag again. Thanks. Thanks to Brett for, uh, loading our bag bag. That was, yeah, that was Jamie. Yeah. Jamie gets all the credit for, for that.
Sheena remind the listeners where they can find you on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. Marco run the Twitter machine at chick Foley show. Join our Foley fam, our private group over on Facebook at chick You'll also find the links to all of our pod foundation brethren. Make sure you're tuning in, subscribing to all of their shows to get all the wrestling content that you need for the week. We got coming down the aisle, the extra cooler show and all of the content that's being pumped out over at the term buckle tavern.
And we just dropped those Royal Rumble inspired hoodies there on the shop. You can also find it So check those out. Yep. Very nice. All right. I'm back in the hot seat for trivia before we went on the air. I guarantee that I'm about to break my own record for a trivia winning streak. So let's get it going. Hopefully I'll make a fool of myself here.
I don't think you are. Um, because I think, I think you got this one, dude. And, uh, it's an, it's an appropriately survivor series themed question. So one team at the 1991 survivor series was bulldog Piper Virgil. And do you think that was an easy question? Yeah.
I mean for you, yeah, 1991. Bulldog, Piper, Virgil. They fought Ric Flair's team of Heels. It's Bret Hart. Bret Hart is the answer, dude. That match ended with all... That was the lamest series match ever, because I remember being stoked for that. All seven people got counted out at the same time, and Ric Flair just happened to be the only guy left in the ring. So he was the sole survivor. It was garbage.

Closing & December Tease

Alright, so that's a wrap for this post Thanksgiving episode of the Chick Foley show. Thanks everybody for listening. We got a ton of fun stuff on your way throughout December leading up to Christmas. Chickies will be coming up in a few weeks where we give out our year in awards. And Jordan, man, I'm pretty sure I know what you're gonna say, but hit us with the closing thoughts for this week. You guys enjoy your CM Punk, but in this household, it's always fuck CM Punk.