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Episode 016 - The Scruffy Menace image

Episode 016 - The Scruffy Menace

S1 E16 ยท Just Shillin'
55 Plays10 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about a bunch of different stuff including Celebration tickets, cold-brew coffee, almost eye surgery, May the Fourth shenanigans (alone and with the Scruffy UK delegation), The Phantom Menace in theaters, Andy recording in-person, bootlegs, LEGO Star Wars, Turgle action figures, Furiosa, Blade Runner 2099, stuff we've been consuming, and the 6-episode drop of Tales of the Empire.

Links from the Episode
Oddball Star Wars Models:
Countdown to Celebration Japan:

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

00:00:00 Catching Up
00:53:33 News
01:07:25 Watching / Listening
01:16:12 Tales of the Empire


Opening & Personal Reflections

Hello and welcome to episode number 16 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am your other host, Andy Bell. How's it going, buddy? Really well. Nice. Really, really well. It's been a good week.
Wish we lived in the same country. Wish we lived in the same area. So you could have enjoyed some of the fun and games that's been happening the last week or so. But yeah, have a good week. Really, really good week. What about yourself? My week has been pretty good. Pretty good. Not a lot of complaints. Obviously, we've had a lot of stuff going on.

Star Wars Celebration Planning

It was crazy because on May the 4th, which was this last week, we got a sudden eight inches of snow on the 4th, which is all melted. It's crazy. Which it's all melted now. It's all gone already. But yeah, it was crazy because it's like I'm excited for spring and all that fun stuff.
So it dumped on us and I was pretty upset about it, but then I kind of like, we kind of spun it around. So I'm like, Oh, we're just, we're echo base, you know, made happy May the fourth and we're echo base and yada, yada, yada. And hopefully it all melts and it did. So that was, uh, got my heart, like my blood pressure up for no reason. Cause I'm, I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for the warm, uh, to get out and start doing some stuff. But yeah, other than that, it's been a, it's been a good, it's been good. Um,
Besides that, we can jump straight into kind of something I know that you got to take part in as well. We got our celebration tickets that went through that was painless, relatively painless.
Yeah. I have to think I owe you big time. I owe you big time and it will, we'll explain it later, but I was somewhat incommunicado last Thursday, my time at midnight to be able to get on there. And I was, I was looking at the frustration from some of our friends that were not able to get tickets while others were able to get tickets and celebrate and
It seems to me pretty much everyone's got what they wanted, which is cool, now. But of course, you did all of the heavy lifting for both of us, so I cannot thank you enough, mate, because...
Yeah, we got tickets and it's all thanks to you and you got mine for me. So, um, I, I owe you big time. Oh, I mean, it's, it's, you make it sound like I, we did a whole lot. It's like, I just, I clicked on the link and email and then it's like, you always, you always seem to forget when you, when, when this kind of stuff pops up, it's like, Oh, I gotta be there right on time and then I'm gonna get them and it's going to go really quick. But then I always forget that like, you kind of have to sit there for 30 minutes and like wait for the walking man to,
to get to the end of his little line. It's like, Oh, I forgot how I forgot what this was like in here waiting. But at least this time around, like we had group chats and stuff with our friends where we're all sitting there talking and you kind of really see how chaotic it is. Like people like our friend Brittany, she always seems to get in first thing and and get her tickets.
And then other people are just like, well, they're way behind. But everybody seemed to get them. I know that the the the three days sold out. The last time I checked, they were still single single days available. Yeah. And even now. And it's like, you know, I'm I wasn't worried about about things selling out. And and now I think this just kind of further furthers that point. I am ready for hotel information to come out. Yeah.
Fingers crossed that that comes soon. I was hoping it would come out around May the 4th, but.
We'll see, hopefully that's soon. So I think that's the only thing that's really blocking us from booking flights and really starting to plan the bigger trip. But yeah, we got tickets, we got some merch that we're gonna pick up while we're there. And starting the countdown. Oh, see if my website's still up. I put that website up to count down how many days. There are 344 days and five hours and 16 minutes and 37 seconds until Star Wars celebration.
So we're less than a year. Yeah. We're within a year. Yeah. That's really cool. Stay healthy. Stay healthy and stay safe everyone. We're less than a year away. That's really cool. Mate, I'm delighted for everyone that got their tickets. Listen, I know it was no big deal for you, but it was a big deal for me that you went out of your way and said, listen, just
there's an explanation for this. So I'll explain when we talk about what I've been up to this week as to why maybe it was a little bit less accessible for me to grab the tickets on Thursday evening. But no, I'm just grateful. I'm more chuffed that everyone got what they wanted. And yeah, it was kind of cool that I was
I was watching or experiencing the chat amongst you guys retrospectively the following morning, when we woke up the following morning and some folk like Catherine, bless her, she was pushed back, right? I mean, she had one minute, she's 40 minutes and then next to it, she's an hour and a half away and it was like, I couldn't.
it would definitely go up and down so it's like and that's the thing it's like it's it's like oh i'm like i i'm not going to worry about it you know then i'll jump back down again yeah it is it is heart-wrenching at times i'm like what if they do so out what if i can't go and i've got my hopes up yeah no i i definitely fell for her because she seemed to be on the tail end of a lot of it
But what I thought was really, really cool, again, whether it was the organizers or whoever did it, but the pricing I thought was quite cool in that if you did miss the three-day pass, you resorted to day passes, then the accumulative total of three days seemed to be on a par with the three-day pass, which I thought
That's fair. That's really fair and well done for doing that. So yeah, I was stoked that the folk that can make it can make it because they've got tickets now. And again, it's one step forward, sorry, one step further to it feeling very, very real. And this is happening now. So yeah, I'm stoked, mate. And again, thank you. Yeah, no problem.
We're all, the thing, uh, one thing, one takeaway I thought was interesting was, is that normally the last day, which is usually Sunday is usually discounted a little bit because it's not a full day. Usually it's partial day. Then most of the day is standing around waiting for either closing ceremonies, getting out early, or just trying to get last minute deals on the floor. But this, this time around it's the same price. So my assumption, especially since it's only three days instead of the usual four,
I bet it's going to be another I bet they're going to be three very full long days instead of doing three long days and a partial.
Like I'm curious to see how this shakes out, especially with like closing ceremonies. Like, are they going to want to do closing ceremonies? Like, but we can, we will talk about that as we do our road to celebration series, but I just thought it was interesting because that's something that's been in the back of my mind. Like, how are they going to do Sunday? Cause it's usually like a, a blah, a blood day where you're just kind of hanging out and doing stuff. But if it's going to be another big impactful full day, like that's be interesting to see how that shakes out. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. So.
We want to use what we've been up to in the last week or so to talk about May the 4th, the most important holiday of the year, of course. But is there anything else that you've been getting up to in the last week or so? Outside of Japan tickets and May the 4th? I've decided I've recently I've been experimenting with making my own cold brew coffee. It's going all right. You know, if anybody out there has tips or tricks, you know,
You don't have to send a voicemail in, but just ping me. Let me know what you're doing, how you're making it. That's the only other thing I've really been up to is watching the snow melt and playing with coffee. Okay. So, um, the only other bit of information I had for you was that on my side was outside of the main topics of discussion this evening. Um, I've, I don't know whether I talked about it just with you or on the pod either way. Um,
I was meant to go into eye surgery yesterday. It didn't happen. There was a bit of a mix up around lenses and expectations and stuff like that. So that's going to happen now on Monday. So that was a bit disappointing in that I was hoping to get that done and for my eyesight to be all clear and cool. But no, it's not the case. So hence the reason why I'm doped up at the moment with eye drops and dilation drops to make my
my pupils extremely, extremely large at this moment in time, but hopefully I'll have an update for you next week on how that went, which leaves, which leaves May the 4th. So, and I'm kind of, I'm a bit of a turncoat on this if I'm perfectly honest with you. When May the 4th as a thing or as a holiday or something to celebrate,
came out, what is it? I don't know, five, 10, 15 years ago, whenever it first came out. I kind of thought that's so cheesy. I'm not interested. It's just a means for retailers or companies to exploit the fandom to sell stuff. And here I am in 2024 and I love it. I absolutely love it because it wasn't about buying stuff. It wasn't about the things it was about for me.
meeting like-minded folk that I care an awful lot about, and I'll talk a little bit about that in a second, but how was your May the 4th? Did you do anything? Mine was interesting, so it kind of...
So to touch on my, my feelings of May the 4th, I think I've been in a similar boat

Unique Experiences & Fan Community

for many, many years. Like I've kind of see it. I've always kind of seen it as like a black Friday kind of thing too. Like in the first, the first one or two. Yeah. We're really cool. Like there was really cool stuff on sale, but the, like the last couple of years, it's felt like it's almost too big now. Like I hate that that sounds like history, but it's just like, I think I made a joke on the discord. I'm like, I think that the star Wars license is a little too affordable.
these days when like there's hot sauces and like every, it's just bombarding. It's like, it's not even cool stuff anymore. And there's just so much, like the interesting news gets lost in the weeds. But all that say, I still love it. My May the 4th was actually more of a May the 3rd besides the snow on the 4th. So I decided to take off. So this is kind of what I watched. So I'm just going to yank it up a little bit.
I decided that I was like screw it. I'm gonna take some time off of work. I'm kind of It's kind of a slow period right now. Anyway, so I took some time off and I went to go see The Phantom Menace in on May the 3rd at the first showing at 10 a.m I was the only person in the theater It granted it was 10 a.m. Um
I drove about 30 to 45 minutes to get there because our local theater didn't have so I had to go over to Nevada to watch it. And I was inspired by your recent story about the 4DX or whatever those seats were, like the moving seats. And so the theater I went to had the D box seats, which are
similar like you said and you got the little controls of the intensity and it will vibrate and it doesn't like watery they get it's just like a Emotion seat and so what's funny as I booked in I was like how cool I can get really seats I picked it right in the center of the theater I get there the movie starts playing I am the only person in this gigantic theater sitting in these dumb vibrating seats and so I'm like I had to turn it down at first cuz I was like
Like you get going, it's like, okay, this is too much. Like this is distracting. And I feel ridiculous being the only person in here. If somebody walked in, they just see me just bouncing around. And it's like, no, I'm gonna turn down the sensitivity a little bit. But the funniest part of the whole thing was we got all the way to the point where they're underwater going, leaving Gungan City.
And like the big fish and stuff are chomping away at them. And all of a sudden, like the movie does always a bigger fish. Exactly. And the lights just turn on and the movie shuts off. And I'm like, well, all right. Oh, OK. And so, you know, trying to, you know, just see if it was like an issue or who knows what. So I just kind of sit there for a minute and like maybe.
Maybe something happens. Maybe some, maybe there was an error and the projectionist just needs to walk back over and go, whoops. So I sat there for maybe two or three minutes and finally I get like, no, I think something happened. So I go out to the concession stand and I'm like, Hey.
I'm in so-and-so theater and it just like shut off. And she's like, oh no. She's like, I didn't count the D box seats. She's like, I didn't think anybody was in there. I forgot to count like your row of like motion seats. So I didn't think anybody was in there. So we shut it off. And I'm like, I'm like, that's fine. I don't care. I'm the only one in there.
Like, I'm like, can you, she's like, we'll turn it back on. And I'm like, in my head, I'm like, are they gonna have to start it over? Like, I've never worked at a movie theater. I don't know how like the modern files work like.
So I'm like, okay, so I'll just go back in here. And she's like, yeah, we'll start it back up. So I go sit back down and then like the guy slides the paint open. He's like, hey, really sorry about that. But like, do you know where you were in the movie? And I'm like, all right. And so then you kind of go through that mental kind of back and forth in your head. I'm like, okay, how does this guy know this movie? Can I like reference a scene or is he gonna look at me like, yeah, I don't know what that means.
So I'm like, uh, I think I'm like 30 to 45 minutes in the part where they're like underwater with the fish. And he's like, okay. And the next thing you know, the pops back up and then you just see him like seeking through the movie. Like it's just changing scenes really quick on the screen. Like this is wild. I'm in a movie theater by myself. He goes, he goes way too far back. I'm like, no, you got to go back. Like,
10 minutes. He's like here might not a little bit more. And he's just you just see the whole thing just rewinding. He's like, is this good? I'm like, yeah, this is a little bit too far before. But I'll watch that scene again, like whatever. He's like, yeah, sorry about that. And just shuts the lights off and plays again. I'm like, Oh, cool. Like I hope
Thanks. And he's like, Oh, I'm really sorry about that. Then that's when I got done. I laughed. They're like, we're really sorry about that. Oh, we just had no idea. I'm like, it's not a big deal. Like, who cares? Like the movie came out 25 years ago. It's like, it's not a big deal. Like I was funny. It was an experience that I got to enjoy. And it's not like you were like, we can't start it over. You're going to have to come back later. So yeah, I mean, I'm fine. I mean, I'm fine, but the other guys in there are really pissed.
Yeah, they're really mad. If I didn't already have a giant blue IC, I would have been like, you can make it better by getting an IC. You are a legend. We picked up on... You shared this, obviously, with all of us.
And it became, honestly, it only adds to your legendary status. Only you, mate. It was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. The fact that they shut the whole thing down is crazy, but very, very cool. Put it this way, you'll remember it.
Oh yeah. You'll definitely remember it. Yeah. And the best part about it was, as at the end of the movie, like they have the Acolyte preview thing. And so I mean, there's nobody here. So I'm going to like, I can, I can save this for my own posterity and like I can watch it again.
Cause nobody's going to tattle on me. What are they going to do? So that was cool. I got to, I've got to see that a couple of times, but no, that was fun. What about you? What, I want to hear about your magnificent, like May 4th weekend, like Bonanza that you had.
It was good fun. It was really, really good fun. I told you guys that I was going to, that we have plans, I have plans to go and hook up with the UK contingent of the scruffies. And so Chris, Kev and I have been talking about this for a while. I was going up that way for work anyway. So it made sense to kind of kill two birds with one stone, bearing in mind that
the time of year that it is. And yeah, it was really, really good fun. And what I did badly was I gave a little bit of an audio diary or created a bit of an audio diary to explain what we were doing at any one time over
the two or three days that I was there. Now, it's really bad and I do apologize for it in advance. I took inspiration from seasoned professionals like Josh Chapman, for example, who does the most amazing interviews in live environments and the rest of it and events and everything.
And I thought, yeah, I could do that as well. And I failed miserably, and I'll explain why I failed miserably later on. But yeah, if you don't mind, I've set up a couple of... There are five sound bites that I recorded, not on any think more clever than my phone, but I thought I would try to save
the fun that we had this weekend for posterity. To give context, the first soundbite is literally me on my way up north on the day that I went up north. The second soundbite, if we can play them back to back because there's not an awful lot of difference between the two, but the second soundbite is when I get there.
And the first thing that I did was once I met up with Kev, I got there quite late because a lot of it wasn't planned. So I got there quite late and we immediately jumped over to Chris's place where we were treated to a Chinese meal with his family, which was awesome. But I got the chance to see his cave, what I'm calling his cave, which basically is
the part of the house that's dedicated to his collection, his podcasting recording area and his craft desk or work desk where he builds and where he does his painting, his drawing, he builds his amazing scratch built, but also
uh, kit bashed stuff that he's working on at the moment. And it's all in this very tight, but very, very expansive. If that makes sense. So like an oxymoron area, which is honestly, it's like an allowed in this cave. It's insane. You would love it. Um, his cave of wonders. Exactly. It's, it's like all of your, it's like adding all of your toys.
with all of your kits and all of your paints and it's everything in one room. I mean, it is, it's the ultimate of mancaves. I don't explain it very well at all in the sound bites, but hopefully my reaction will give you an idea of just how impressed there was with it. So if you can run the first two, that would be awesome.
All right. Well, this is the first time that we're doing sound clips on the pot. So that doesn't work. Well, then we'll figure it out. But here's it goes. Here goes. Number one. Hi, this is Andy. It is Thursday, the second of May. And I'm on my way in the car up north, 100 miles or so to
hook up with the UK contingent of the Struffy looking podcasters to spend a couple of days with them on high adventure and high jinks and seeing how much trouble we can get into. As promised to Sean, I'm going to try and
Be your roving reporter through this adventure and keep you updated as to what we're doing at particular times in the weekend and share the fun. Speak to you soon. All right, then here is number two. What are you doing? Wait. Right, I've arrived at the boys' place. We're at Chris's place at the moment and I'm going into the cave.
Oh my god. Oh my god. This doesn't make very good podcasting, but you wouldn't believe what I can see at the moment, Shaun. Honestly, I think I've got a semi. Oh my god. Right, I'll get back to you later, mate. See you soon. Cheers.
I heard dog tippy taps, that's the best part.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's his dog that was following me around everywhere. She is amazing and a beautiful dog. If any of you folk remember Fraggle Rock from days gone by, she is a carbon copy of Sprocket from Fraggle Rock. She is adorable, an absolutely adorable dog. Extremely lovable and very, very cool. So the next part is
The next part is when we went into town on the day to mooch about, have some food to make sure we ate, and to mooch about town, they gave me a very, very quick whistle stop tour of
of Nottingham, which had been to before, but it's changed an awful lot over the years. So we had a quick whistle stop tour of Nottingham, did a little bit of shopping, went to a few favourite places of theirs, but also mine as well. Bought a few things and generally were this was the approach to the countdown now towards what we were planning to do for the evening to celebrate the weekend.

The Phantom Menace Memories

here is number three. Morning folks, it is Friday the 3rd of May. What's the problem? The penultimate day to May the 4th. The day that we are going to watch the 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace. We are making our way into town to have a
mooch about maybe a little bit of shopping and a a bite to eat wonderful evening last night soon as soon as soon as i got there soon as i got there the pleasure was mine we uh we had an amazing chinese chinese meal and then um settled down to uh watch for me again the uh the finale of uh the the the bad batch so uh i'm gonna
Very quickly, grab Kev. Kev, what are your thoughts on the finale, mate? Mate, I loved it. It was great, wasn't it? Yeah, proper good stuff. Shit up, mate. Right to the end. A bit sad though, a bit sweet. Yeah, I really enjoyed it, mate. Top stuff. And what about the future?
I don't know now. They're setting loads up, aren't they? I can't. Think about the future. Think about the future. Yeah, we're going to get more Omega, aren't we? Yeah, got it. Maybe another animated show or... We were talking last night, weren't we? Maybe Rogue Squadron would be a useful one. Like some pilot. But then there's also Echo, isn't there? What's that squad called that they've got? Is it Domino Squad? Something like that. Sounds good. Yeah. I'll go with it.
Yeah, we'll see, mate. Yeah, definitely, mate. I really enjoyed it, mate. Really good. Happy that the ending for the old boys? Yeah. For the boys? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I think we all thought that... I mean, at one point, mate, I thought my boy, Wrecker, was going to meet his maker. But now they all survived and I'm quite happy with that. Yeah, it was cool, mate. Loved it. What about you, Chris? Is your top on it? Absolutely. Man a few words. Fantastic review, as always.
Well, we're driving in at the moment, so I'll catch up with you later on, folks. Cheers, Sean. Bye, mate. Okay. So, yeah, as I said, not particularly professional, but we'll have... The next two, four and five, are our way in to see... So,
All of this preamble is towards the end goal, which is for us to go and watch the 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace. The next two clips are our journey in, of which
The first clip, I think I finished it because Chris was being quite monosyllabic on his last, on his, on the last clip. I expected the same. And then I think I cut him off too early because he had an awful lot to say about his memories about watching the film for the first time and what it meant for him, which I captured in the last clip that we're all going to share at the same time. All right. Here is number four.
Alright guys, it's 7 o'clock in the evening and we're on our way to the cinema to go and see the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace. We're well oiled, we're well fed and we've done a little bit of shopping today and a little bit of fun and I think we're generally a little bit excited. Kev, how are you feeling mate? Why don't I bother talking to this crap?
That's nice, that's nice. Now I can't wait mate, it's been a long old time since I've seen, first time I saw this mate, you know the story in America, going to New York mate, so a bit closer for this mate, can't wait mate. He's excited, he might not sound it but he's excited at this moment in time. Chris what about yourself mate?
And we'll catch you guys on the other side. See you soon. That's all I get. No, you carry on, mate. That's all right. What are the thoughts you got there? Fast, mate. Fast. Fast. Fast. Think I messed up there. Cheers, kids. Bye. And then rolling straight into number five. So we're still in traffic. I cut us off a little earlier, earlier on or a little too early earlier on. And I want to ask
Chris about his memories because the Phantom Menace came at a time that was important to him as a young man and
Chris, tell me about the Phantom Menace when you were 19 years old, mate. 19, mate. Phantom Menace came out, off my tits are with me. Brilliant. I'm well-eyed, mate. I'm driving cars, and I'm fucking hyped. You know what I mean? Going to see my man tonight. Topples. Topples, mate. He's got big screens. Topples. Topples, mate. All right, people. Absolute grievous. He can fuck coffees.
Sorry. No, no. Yeah, mate. 1999, what a time to be alive. As 19... You've got your life ahead of you, haven't you? Yeah. I've just got some feels for this film, because it just makes me feel dead nostalgic for that life. Youthfulness. We're all in agreement that the 90s is the best decade of all time. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, Christ, you've got it. This was the end of it. It was coming to an end, and it was...
It's just all that shit everywhere. You couple in a shop without Darth Maul's face looking at your wrist packets or... Oh, the toys! It was like, I am a fandom, mate. I am a fandom and it was just notes, mate. Ridiculous. I was so hyped because, like, downloading a trailer with QuickTime, mate, QuickTime trailer took in, like, four bloody hours to download that trailer for Phantom Menace and then I was like... I must have watched it, like, 50 times.
like absolutely insane so we got obviously in the UK it got released in may in america i've told the story before we didn't get it until july no in the uk well as soon as it got released there was bootleg copies around floating around because it made national news over here that there was like bootleg copies
phone around in UK and I got a phone call one day from a friend of a friend basically saying I've got a copy of it. Do you want it? And I'm like do I fucking want it mate? What a stupid question. It's like it's 20 quid. We'll do it a 19 year old in 1999 mate.
inflation rates back with about 100 quid and I jumped on a bus mate, I took a three hour round trip mate to go and get this fancy dodgy coffee in 500 minutes and I fucking, I was driving back mate after I'd got it, I'm driving back, I walked the bus and it's wrapped up in my coat and I felt like a criminal doing that thing.
Imagine, like, a policeman gets on, like, what you got in there, sir? I've got nothing. I've got nothing, mate. You know when you stand by me when they're all asleep? And Jerry O'Connell is standing on guard, isn't he? And he's like, like... Every noise he has, mate. Every time someone got a bus, mate, I was like that. And this kid got on force, who I went to school with, so I left school in 97. So I'm... No, I left school in 96.
so I'm three years out of school and I've seen this kid in my year of school and he's coming home from work and he's got a shirt and tie on and a suit and he's just like spent the day at work it's 19th time and I'm sat there with my fucking greasy long hair and my metallic t-shirt with ripped jeans with a fucking bootleg copy of Phantom Menace
I almost had an after-body experience.
This kid's getting on in life, isn't he? He's doing all right. He's making it work, isn't he? He's making it work, this man. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He's making it work. He
And I didn't understand in me how, obviously you know both as adults, you can't just drop your life in an evening and drive like an hour to get to your bubble. Your brother's too far away from you mate. To watch a dodgy film. And I got dead angry with him both on the phone and I was like fuck you then, I'll watch it on my own.
I watched it, I watched it on this really tiny TV on my VCR and my Mum and Dad's Aspie. And was it any good? It was decent quality. It was really weird because the first 25 minutes or so from the start up until when they get to Trachowie and Qui Gon, Jar Jar, Padmรฉ,
The Queen wants to send her hand me. She's curious about the planet. No more commands from behind us today. Up until that bit, it was camcorder in the cinema.
and then it like went and it wobbled and it like transferred to like a laser disc copy. Ooh! Nice, yeah. From that point on it was semi-decent. Yeah. It was just like the contrast was slightly off on the colour. So you saw that then before cinema, didn't you? I saw it before cinema, yeah. So when I saw it at the cinema on opening night
I'd already seen it like about 10 times on Vietnam Chets but I'm still hyped as fuck like to go and watch it on big screen. I love this film. It gets panned obviously.
It's an important moment in time and we're going to enjoy it tonight. Catch you guys later. That was awesome. And that's it. That's it. I hope
You got the idea of what I was trying to achieve. Unfortunately, as was pointed out to me, I think by Kev the next morning was, you do realise we actually went and saw The Phantom Menace and then have followed up afterwards, don't you? I completely forgot. We had completely forgotten.
to follow up on what we thought of watching The Fat and Mads again after so long. And indeed, the acolyte snippet that we saw as well. So I'm trying, Sean, I am trying to be a proper podcast there. I'm just somewhat failing at the moment and I do promise, do a better job next time. But honestly,
All joking aside. Thank you, mate. My school reports reflect the same. Could do better. Okay, but could do better. Anyway, point being, it was a great weekend. It's been a long, long time since I spent
a decent amount of time laughing. And that's all we were was laughing. And I implore anyone that wants to know a little bit more about what we got up to this weekend to listen to the latest scruffy looking podcasters episode. And we spent a lot of time laughing, especially during the actual watching of the Phantom Menace. It was so funny because pretty much
the four of us because there was a really good friend of the guys, Graham, that joined us as well. We pretty much knew the script verbatim and pretty much called out the funny parts in advance or during the screening of it. It was really, really good fun. I've had a blinding weekend, mate. It's been really, really good.
Uh, and I enjoyed every, every minute of it and a massive, massive thank you to the boys in particular, Kev, that put me up at his place as well overnight. So, um,

Star Wars Film Discussion

uh, yeah, it's been fun. It really has been fun. That was, that was fun to listen to because like to, to, to talk about the Phantom Menace and like talk about like what it was like to see it when you were, when you guys were younger, like that was.
I think that's what was exciting about watching it. And that was one of the reasons I found I broke down and went and saw it on the third on Friday. Yeah, as well. It's like it's it. I mean, I've seen that movie a million times and but I've only that was only the third time I've seen it in theaters. Yeah. One when it originally came out, one when The Force Awakens came out. I just moved to California and I did a seven movie marathon with my boss, who I knew for maybe three days before going to that.
that marathon, like just seven movies straight, which I mean, going to see it. It's different when you're excited for The Force Awakens, but and that's just a hurdle to get to it. And then this time seeing it by myself, like you just notice so much more when you see it in the theaters.
Like there's stuff that I saw in this version. I'm like, I've never I've never noticed that before. Like how how have I never noticed it? Like you're forced to pay attention when you're in the theater. And it also just it took me back to a time. So when I saw it originally in 99, like I was what, 12 years old and. Going on 13, and that's that's an impressionable time of your life.
And there was that, the force awoken, awaked, awakened in me that day. So I remember growing up in a small town in the middle of Indiana and like, we didn't have anything to do, especially at that age. So it's like, you got out of the movie theater and I remember vividly a buddy of mine and I, like we got out, we're like,
We need more of a certain thing. So we went to like this big Books A Million bookstore that was like right next door to it. We tracked down every Phantom Menace book we could find. We're like, who is this Queen Amidala? Like, I just need to like be 12.
And like just fine. I just need to like look at this like what like what what is happening to me. And I just watched it the other day. I'm like, yep. Yeah, I could see the why that like, why that shaped who I became. Like, at that time, I'm like, dang, that was my favorite part of that movie.
Funny enough, we talked about this over the weekend at various times. It's like, those were really good days, right? You heard me talking to Chris about the toys, the toys. Toys R Us was pretty much drenched in Phantom Menace merch with the old Darth Maul logo or Darth Maul branding to it.
It was also a time where information was shared about the film in advance of the film, like things like the books or a synopsis, or I remember at the time as well, in the very, very early days of that, maybe not so much for the Phantom Menace, but certainly for... Excuse me.
attack of the clones were dripping behind the scenes stuff going on as part of their PR. And you seem to be a lot more informed, heck of a lot more informed as to what was going on. And yet despite that, it didn't
in any way reduce the amount of excitement to go and see the film. It's a weird strategy these days. I know we talked a little bit last week about how the sausage is made and do we need to know the problems. Should we concentrate on some of the little viral
stuff that's a little bit more viral about the creation of the movie or what have you. Anyway, I don't know. Yeah, but no, it's a good time. One thing that I forgot to, I didn't want to
I didn't want to steal Chris's thunder because I thought his story around how he first got to see the Phantom Menace was awesome. What he doesn't know, because I didn't want to be one of those people that says, well, actually I've got a story as well, was I did something similar. I was working, I mean, Chris is a little bit old, younger, sorry, a little bit younger, older I wish, but he was a little bit younger than me. And I was actually working when Phantom Menace came out and I,
Again, going back to what Chris was saying, we got it later than you guys did. We got it some months later. That was pretty much the norm for most releases back in those days. A Guy at Work had the film on CD-ROM.
He had it at work on CD-ROM and he said, do you want to borrow my copies? I'm like, yeah, yeah, sure. That'll be ace. And they're on two CD-ROMs, very big storage CD-ROMs, but they still had to be on two CD-ROMs. And a little bit similar to Chris's experience in that the quality was not great. One disc was better than the other disc. They were clearly
two other two different recordings at the time or whatever it was, but they were very, very different. Anyway, the point I'm trying to get to is that like Chris, I had it a few weeks before
we were going to see it. So I had a party. Lucy and I had just got married. So we got married in 95, and this is 99. And I had a few friends of mine that I thought were
as equally geeky as I am. And I hadn't seen these CD-ROMs at all. But there's no way, in those days, there was no way of being able to... I didn't have the ability to be able to create an output between my old laptop, which was as thick as, I don't know,
an encyclopedia in those days with a CD-ROM in it. I had no way of connecting that to my TV, an old CRT TV. And so I borrowed a monitor from work and it was the biggest monitor that we had. And bearing in mind, these weren't widescreen. These were
the old monitors, the old CRT monitors that had a RS232 that I could plug into the back of my really clunky laptop so I could at least show
the output from this CD-ROM on a screen, but it was tiny. So you had about, there were three couples, so six plus us, eight people, eight people crowding around. We've got drinks, we've got nibbles, we're trying to do the decent host thing, we're trying to do the right thing. We're crowding around this very, very small
in comparison to today, monitor watching the worst copy or the worst quality version of The Phantom Menace that I think anyone ever owned.
We watched it, and I thought to myself, hmm.
That wasn't great. And I must admit, I wasn't particularly happy with the film at the time, which of course I've grown to love over the years, as a lot of diehard OT guys that poo-pooed on the prequels have done. And I thought, it must be down to the quality of the film. And it was really, really bad. And so when it came down to me then,
reaching out to the same people to say, hey, it's funny here at the cinemas. Do you want to come with me? They all said no.
And I blame the quality of the CD-ROM that I was presenting at the time. It was really, really bad, mate. Really, really bad to the point where, you know the adage where you've got people standing up in the cinema where it's been recorded. There literally was a lot of that. Certain scenes were completely missing because whoever was filming it,
from the back of the cinema was being caught out at some point and had to put the camera down. You've got missing pieces of not only film, but of dialogue as well from that. So I had a very similar experience to Chris, but I think he got off more likely than I did at the time.
Anyway, in conclusion, an amazing weekend. Really enjoyed it. And I just wish we all as friends could live closer to each other because if we could do more of that more regularly, it would be ace. Not just people in the UK, just all of us across the world. It would be fantastic. But no, for me, this has been bar none, the best May the 4th I've ever had. Hell yeah, man. That's awesome. That's really cool.
Now, now I want to go after the pod and see if I can try to find, like, see if anybody still has those bootleg copies. Yeah. Like similar to some of the other weird versions that I have. It's like, dude, I kind of want like a busted bootleg copy of the Phantom Menace now. I might have it. I might have it somewhere and I've done in a. Do you remember the old, do you remember the old CD-ROM?
Zip cases you used to be able to get to store all your dishes in. I might have it.
I'm on a mission. I've written on it with Sharpie, TPM one, TPM two. If I've got it, it's yours. You can have it. That's awesome. The one thing I did take away from the Phantom Menace was like, then this is no way of complaint at all. Like I love that movie. I love this. Like when you watch on the big screen, you definitely notice the special effects, like how of a time they were. And it just had me wondering, I'm like, I wonder what
similar conversations I've had recently about like, Toy Story, like the Toy Story movies, like, I wonder what love like the source material they still have, because that was all digital. And it's like, could they ever, like not special edition it, like where they add stuff and like, actively change things. But like, could they ever release a version where they just
refresh the CGI into something like not crazy, but just like, yeah, we'll do some new textures. Like not to replace it, but I just wonder what it would look like, because there are times where you're like, whoa, whoa, that's jarring. But it's cool. I still love that film. And I would not again never want to change it. But it's just interesting to know what they would have. But again, an awful lot of that is because you do know how the sausage is made. So, for example, we were we were talking
We were talking, we were watching it and it's like, we were looking at the Boonta Eve pod race. Yeah. And we all know that an awful lot of the shots of the far away shots are with the Krowry's Q-tips. Oh, Q-tips, yeah, yeah. They were Q-tips. It's like, yeah, you can see it. If you know what you're looking for, you can see it. So to answer your question, yeah, they probably could, but
Then you get into the pedantic. I don't want to open that box of like, Oh, we should be fixing things from the past. Cause that just, that's how you end up with stupid stuff. Like again, it's kind of like, it's kind of like, if you're going to do, I mean, I'm still, I'm still looking forward to a day where we have a choice as we did with the last, um,
the last three or four releases ago of the original trilogy of having the option to watch the original theatrical version or indeed the special editions. I'm looking for a 4K version of the original of the OT and for me to have the choice as to which version I want to watch. Ridley Scott did it. Ridley Scott did it for Blade Runner. A few years back, he
basically gave every single version of Blade Runner, he published them or gave permission with the studio to give them out there. So the original theatrical run with the narrative from Harrison Ford, the director's cut, the
There are four versions, the point being came in one set. The idea being is that these are four different versions of the movie. This is Ridley's
ultimate version. I can't remember the name of it at the moment, but I'm not going to worry about that. But the point being is that he left it down to the viewer or the fan to make their own mind up as to which version they wanted to watch. It didn't change the context of the story. It only gave nuance towards certain areas. So for example, when it came down to Deckard, is he a replica or not?
Ridley's final version leaves that question a lot more gapingly open than perhaps the original theatrical characters. I love it and I love trusting the audience to pick and choose their own and to establish their own definitive view, which actually may help in cutting down an awful lot of the
online discord and fanboy frustrations that are out there if they're able to have their own version of the movie and if not, give them a lot more leeway to create their own head cabin. So anyway, I'm waffling on. But yeah, no, I'll try and look for the
my version, my bootleg version, and I'll have a chat with Chris and find out if he's still got the original VHS. Mine was on CD-ROM, so it was, in those days, it was really quite advanced, although it was really bad. Anyway, news buddy, news buddy. So we've had a really good May the 4th, very different experiences.
But I would say equally as meaningful to our soul building. News. Have you got anything in the news that you picked up on this week? I have one item from the news. And that one item was a trailer that dropped for the new LEGO Star Wars Rebuild the Galaxy.
show, shorts, whatever, whatever it is. Star Wars, Lego, what if, that at first, like any time the new Lego Star Wars stuff comes out, like I watch them, but I'm not like, hell yeah, let's go. But this one I'm like, this looks cool. I'm excited for it. Like the fact that they're bringing in like Darth Jar Jar and like, it sounds like they're making merch, like Lego Star Wars related merch for this as well. Yeah, super from Mark.
Yeah, that's that that that if they do that that would be cool that that's the kind of bizarre bizarre crap I'd love Yeah, it's like a dark chewy or even just more dark ray merch. I don't know that stuff all seems really neat and Like just more of this like non-serious Content I think is really or like not Like I want movies. I want movies and I want the the the prestige shows and things like that. But I don't know just more more of this kind of stuff like
They're i'm not knocking the old lego star wars stuff, but like the freemaker adventures and those kind of things like they were cool, but this seems more Like it's what bring pulled forward a little bit so I can give in a little bit more thought um And maybe a little bit more entertaining than some of the other ones more I guess maybe more for everybody than it is for the the younger audience and so can fit everybody So i'm excited for it. I thought it looked really neat. Uh, did you have a chance to check it out or?
catch it in passing? No, I did. No, I did. And I think it's really akin to where my head's at at the moment with an awful lot of collecting and the mainstream seems a bit
I cherry picked the mainstream stuff because it seems a bit meh, but the obscure stuff at the moment I find quite funny. And I love anything that Lego does anyway, because they don't care. They really don't care. And also Lucasfilm seems to not
be in any way perturbed that they're being ridiculed or parodied by Lego because it's Lego, which I really... I love that mutual respect for each corporation. So now I saw it and I thought it was really, really quite funny. And you never know. You never know, right? I did have... I wouldn't want... I wouldn't... Sorry. Good, good. I wouldn't want...
it to be another reason for Hasbro to be remiss on their core business. So if it's Lego and they're going that way when it comes down to merch and the rest of it, go for it. You have every right to do it. It's your property. It's your spin on the Star Wars universe. My biggest concern around other
other merchandisers or people that have the Star Wars IP, especially Hasbro, is that they'll latch on to that to churn new product.
for the sake of churning new product in terms of meeting their quota and not actually addressing the fundamental problems of the license that they have and the way that they're executing against that license at the moment. Anyway, that's all I think.
So I did have one other bit of news that's kind of breaking. I'd known about it, but I forgot that that today was the day. And I think this is like the hour for it as well. Super random. But there is a a this will be short, I promise there is a.
a model maker that I've followed for a long time that has just released a bunch of pre-orders. They make kind of like really obscure characters for like 3.75 and six inch
Fig they make these for him. I don't I don't know if they're like doubt they're licensed But they they do say the actual like Star Wars they they're branded So maybe they haven't gotten in trouble for yet. I don't know but they just put some pre-orders up today for some ones that I'm I'm interested in and Maybe some of our friends are as well. So like with some of the ones that just came up today are
All of these are in three and three and three quarters and six inch forms. And oh, it's aces film models is who it is. They just released preorders for like the twins, the hut twins on their little dais thing from Book of Boba Fett. B2 emo. Therm scissor punch.
Jotaz or those giant blue monsters from Jedi survivor a cup a bunch of other Jedi survivor characters including turgle And Pilly Pilly walled. So that's cool and some of the ones they already have Have I told Hawse yet about turgle? Yeah I I mentioned it to him a while back when I found out about the pre-orders, but now that they're actually up It's like well, I may have to send him a message but they've got tons of these like really obscure characters like do you remember the
those weird, those weird like brothers or whatever they were from and or, or they, they just.
Dewey and Freedy or whatever their names were. Like one's got like a blade for an arm. Like they're like in a quarry and it's like when. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They've got they've got those guys and they've got all sorts of stuff. I'll put a link to it. I'll put a link to it in like a dozy donuts. And Chris Hall would love that they have a I have a bunch of different versions of gonk droids. Excellent. Like not just the normal one, but they have a bunch of different versions. But yeah, I'm excited for that because I'm at the pre-order some
pre-order some models. Well, I don't think it's a secret anymore. I mean, you know, I spoke to you a couple of weeks ago, Chris has dragged me down the rabbit hole of bootleg, which aligns with my obsession with the obscure at the moment.
which quite frankly, I don't know if it's going to change, but that's where I'm at at the moment. And he actually said on this week's pod with the scruffies that him and his buddy Dale are looking to do something very, very different. If you think of Dale as manufacturing and certainly Chris as the artwork and the design side of things, because he's a genius at that kind of stuff, they're looking to also jump down that rat hole as well. So
It's not for me to give an update and to explain what they're planning, but he just did talk about that this week, so I'm really looking forward to products that I believe are going to come that way in the very near future. It's awesome. It really is awesome.

Media & Industry Insights

Hell yeah, man. A little bit of fizzle there.
seven-day week dude, and I was out for pretty much four of them. So I'll be really quick. So the first being that the early reviews of Furiosa looked really good. So the Mad Max on anthology or the spinoff from Fury Road being Furiosa looked really, really positive and
some really high profile reviewers and critics are saying this is particularly brilliant, which I guess I didn't have any doubt about, but the fact that it's being revered in such a way, I'm really looking forward to that and I will be buying tickets this week to go for that.
Blade Runner. Blade Runner is a franchise that you know I love. I love the soundtrack. I mean, we talked about it with Eric. It's my happy place. If I say that Star Wars is my love, my true love, then Blade Runner is my happy place where I can relax and chill and just
unwind and switch my brain off. And there is a 2099 production being... It's in production, sorry, by Prime TV. It's in development. And it's with Michelle Yao, who's rumoured to be the lead, which I think is awesome because she is frigging brilliant. And
a major, major, major, major crush of mine and having her as the lead is particularly fantastic. I guess I'm a little bit disappointed it's not a movie.
because I think she can hold her own, and I think that her Oscar demonstrates that she can hold her own. But then again, I think this is where Hollywood's at the moment, in that they're not taking risks, unless it's a little bit like the gaming world where, unless it's a triple A title, let's just not do it. And with Hollywood, unless it's an absolute blockbuster, which of course, the original Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, despite it being the most amazing films,
They weren't big bucks in terms of ticket sales. It's a TV series, which I'm a little bit disappointed about. They're trying to franchise though. That's what they're doing. That's what they want to do. I was about to say, if that gives them the time and the opportunity to be able to drag the whole thing out and make it a lot more protracted story that will create
intrigue, interest into either follow-up series or even spin-offs from that series, then I'm all for that. And ultimately, like I said, it seems to be that the most innovative
productions at the moment are coming from the streaming companies. I think about how I feel about Fallout, for example. It's all coming from the guys that have the money at the moment to be able to invest speculatively
in this kind of media. So no, I'm all up for that. And then lastly, one thing that I didn't know was on the cards, but I only picked up this week was that Sony has offered 26 billion for Paramount.
And the reason why they've done that is, and again, this is the part that I didn't know anything about, was that Paramount were looking to merge with Sundance Pictures to create a conglomerate. And Sony have jumped in to try and scupper this deal or this arrangement that I think was on the cards.
to buy out Paramount completely, which will make the most very, very significant media company to envy the size of Disney. I don't know any more than that apart from that's big bucks. Yeah.
Again, I don't know the premise behind it, but it seems to be almost like a counter move to what was already happening or seems to be happening between Paramount and Sundance. But fair play. If it means that we get better content coming out of it, then great. What I hope it doesn't mean is that two, three, four years from now, we've only got really two or three
production houses that are actually making live action for the silver screen and not just for streaming. Again, it's kind of an associative conversation really, but interesting stuff anyway. Given some of the ding-dong moves that Sony's been making recently,
and back backdrop and stuff that they've been doing. It will be very interesting to see how this pans out, especially in the eyes of regulators, since there seems to be a little bit of an itchy trigger finger with some of these capital B deals that are going through, especially in like the likes of like media and things like that. It'll be interesting to see how that shakes. Well, especially how vocal they've been about
acquisitions, not just in movies, but in other media as well. They've been very vocal when they've been the downstream victim, if you like, of other companies that are purchasing stuff. It's really weird, but anyway, we'll see where this goes. What about, before we go on to
the main event, which is the conclusion of the May the 4th discussion, which for me very much tells the empire. Outside of that, what have you been watching or listening to or reading in the last week or so?
So my reading is still that Greek mythology book. I'm a very slow reader, but in terms of watching, I think I'm gonna have more updates next week since we have one more episode of X-Men 97, which will be very interesting.
to see its bananas, like I've said every other week. It's it's why that's inspired me to start doing a Deadpool rewatch since Madison's never seen them. So we watched the first one the other day. Awesome. We also watched Godzilla minus one. Her favorite part was the five minutes that she was awake for it. She's going to kill me for saying that. But I thought it was really cool. We could talk about that when more no time because I want to get straight this. And I'm also doing a Planet of the Apes.
Watch through. I've only seen a handful of them, but I haven't I've only seen one of the newer ones. And so I'm working my way through those to try to lead up to the next one. No way. Excellent. You and I, mate, honestly, seriously on the same planet. Anything else, mate? Tales of the Empire. That's all. I mean, there's other stuff, but those can all wait until I get deeper into them.
Okay. So, uh, finished constellation, finished it. How do I feel about it? It's set up for a second season. Um, and it's really, really clever, really, really clever. And it's, it's quite intelligent. I think I said when I first spoke to you about it, it's something that needs an awful lot of, uh, sorry, not something that needs an awful lot of concentration.
Because, again, the idea of four or five, three or four, I don't know how many it is, reality is crashing together with the same people and stuff spinning off and consequences. I hope it's not something that
there is never a conclusion to or an answer to. It's really interestingly ambiguous, but there were no answers by the end of season one, which I was hoping at least some of the threads would be tied up a little bit, leaving a hint of progression into season two, if indeed it does get a season two. But I have enjoyed it. It's quite smart. It's really intelligent. Like I said, it needs a little bit of brain power.
Um, we finished the Godzilla and Kong movie box set rewatch that Lucy and I were watching. And now, because in the next couple of weeks we have the impending new, um, Planet of the Apes movie, we're watching the Planet of the Apes movies. So, uh, our timing is superb, my friend.
And then obviously I also watched on Sunday being March the 5th, I caught up on Tales of the Empire, which we'll talk about in a second.
Um, still watching scrubs, still watching Battlestar Galactica reboot. Oh, which I need to pick up on. Um, because in interesting tip bit, because I haven't, you know, these, these are things that go on in the background for me. Um, as kind of our background noise while stuff is going on in the house. However, I didn't know that one of the Battlestar Galactica writers is also a writer for, for all mankind, which I love.
And it kind of makes sense now, the intelligence of the writing. I didn't know that until this week. And there's a reason why I didn't know that until this week, which I'll go into in a second. And then lastly, UK race, sorry, the race around across the world, the UK game show where they're trying to make it from A to B in Asia Pacific at the moment, and it's good fun. And I'm really enjoying it only in the context of
you know, we're gonna be there in that vicinity this time next year and I'm really, really enjoying it. What I've listened to...
is... And this goes on from the... I didn't know the writer, the BSG writer that is also a writer for All Mankind. I'm really, really heavily getting into the Sakoff show. So this is the Katie Sakoff podcast I was telling you about. Really, really enjoying it. Not this week, but last week.
She caught up with Kevin Smith, which immediately pricked my ears up because I love the guy and so many of my friends and family love the guy as well, and he's relatively meaningful for them.
An awful lot of the interview is him interviewing her, which shouldn't be the case, but he interviews her an awful lot. And then she kind of gets back the episode on the point, which is to interview him. But during that interview, that's when I found out that one of the guys that writes for All Mankind was a writer for the original Battlestar Galactica, which of course was her big break.
as a young, inspiring 20-year-old actress. And then secondly, the other podcasts I've been listening to, which is noteworthy this week, is the stuff that the stuff Dreams are made of, which are the two writers that I tell you about, where they talk about auctions, where they're buying, I mean, they're massive geeks, they're amazing, successful writers,
They have a shitload of disposable income that I don't have. And this week, they are talking about the legitimacy of what you buy in auctions and who owns it. So in particular, they're talking about stuff that's taken offset or
art in particular artwork and who is the owner of the original art that is out there being auctioned on the open market today. And they talked to John Alvin's widow, Andrea, on some of

Star Wars: Tales of the Empire Discussion

the dodgy stuff that sold at auction that was originally submitted and not so much the original poster art or the artwork around the movie that the artists create.
uh, mainly around the concept stuff. So when they, before they get to final production, of course, they create concepts for the director or the production crew to approve before it goes to final artwork. And often it's scrapped because it's, it's working, it's working material, but because of the, if you've got the prevalence of, of all the, the increase in value of, um, of movie history, particularly at the concept stage, um,
It's now a going concern on the open auction market and they talk about that. And John Alvin is the guy that has done
I would say he's as prolific as Drew Strujian. So if everyone at Star Wars fan knows Drew Strujian, he did the original Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Gremlins. He has done Poltergeist, sorry. He has done, he is the, and as the guys on the pod explain, he is the
it was always Drew and John as the main go-to guys in the film industry in the 70s and 80s and 90s for poster art, which of course is kind of a... Unfortunately, it's very much a... It's no longer a going concern because of course, everything is digital these days. But in those days, they were the two guys. And I didn't even know the guy's name much to my...
much to my shame, but it's a really, really good, it's already a good podcast because it makes me laugh because these guys spend money like it's, I don't know, they spend money like it's no object to buy these very, very expensive artifacts and props in auction. They have way, way too much money, but sometimes like this episode, they actually get into some meaningful stuff, which I find interesting.
Um, and that's pretty much it, mate. Um, that's what I've been watching, listening to in the last week. Um, which is cool. Um, which takes us onto the big discussion, which kind of closes out our discussion on Star Wars for a while, I guess. Yeah. Certainly until, certainly until June. The acolyte. Yeah.
Yeah. So May the 4th tells the empire. The second of the tales of series, or anthologies that were coming out, focused on particular characters, again, with two very, very different perspectives. What do you think? So my high levels,
For me, I really, I really, really, really like these. They are. No shade on details of the Jedi, but this was. For me, it was worlds better than than those way more captivating. Like I sat down and started watching them May 3rd that night, and I just I just I just blew through like on my laptop just.
Watching one after the other after the other it's like I mean as a high level like initially I enjoyed the morgan arc more While I was watching it But at the end of the barris arc it the the previous episodes like really grew on me So if that makes sense, it's like I enjoyed watching the morgan one
while watching it, but the barest one, I think has more. I enjoy it more looking back on it and there's more to take away the in the other high level thing was like the animation like I don't think they're going to go away from this like style of animation anytime soon, but they're going to but they're going to continue to kind of tweak it. And it's like it's it's incredible. Now, just I know I said it every time a new show comes out, but it's like this was a different level of thing. It's like I.
But yeah, those are my high levels. I'll talk about the individual arcs more once I I would love to hear what your high levels were. It's all right. I know. Just on that point about the animation, I really hope they don't change it because it's now synonymous with. With expert storytelling, I think about the original.
you think about the when the clone wars was originally the movie was originally released and you see this kind of very carved wooden type of angular angular angular style which was very very different to
what was around at the time, which was a little bit more realistic, or indeed a bent towards anime, which was a lot more fluid. And I thought to myself at the time, this is a bit weird, it's a bit weird, but now
I think about it and I wouldn't want it any other way because it's, um, it's synonymous. It's created a brand. The way that the way that that animation is, is, is, is, has been, has developed, um, but still feel relatively familiar with the original, the original, um,
Yeah, the original media I think is phenomenal. And it really, really is only synonymous with Star Wars animation. So I hope they keep it. I really do hope they keep it. No, I thought it was great. I really did think it was great. I thought it was an amazing
a couple of arcs. Can you remind me? One of the things I wrote down, and I'm not going to go through all the notes like I normally do, because quite frankly, we'll be here for hours. But the point being is that, remind me, were they released in sequential order last time? So you have Morgan, her three episodes, and then you have
Paris's three episodes. Weren't they broken up this time last year? They were interwoven, I thought. Yeah, there was like a Ahsoka episode, then a Dooku episode, then a Ahsoka, yeah. That's what I thought. Okay, cool. I'm glad they did this way, by the way.
Yeah, same here. It's like a part of me wishes they weren't individual, like short episodes, like a party. I've never felt this way before, but I'm like, I kind of just want to like take it and cut out the credits and just make it like two longer episodes. But I'm like, I have no patience or time for that. I like I like that they were like, you could get the arc over with. Not that over with, but like you could consume it at once instead of bouncing back and forth between between two things. But yeah.
Yeah, no, exactly. Exactly. No, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was really, really good. I have some questions, but I thought it was really smart. I thought Morgan's Ark, I mean, all of them started in the wars against the
the Separatists, then the middle episode was very much based on the... Actually, no, that was only Morgan, wasn't it? Morgan covered all three villages. She started in the Republic, then her middle episode was the Empire, then her final episode was during the Mando timeline.
whereas Barrasses ended before New Hope, because obviously the... The Inquisitor was still around. The Inquisitor was still around. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even though they made her look old. And that's my question is like, how much time it passed? Yeah, I've got a lot of questions. And if you don't mind, I'll ask them of you just so that we can speculate even if you don't have the answers.
Morgan's episodes, the path of fear, path of anger and the path of hate, I thought were absolutely superb and really quite clinical. I mean, you now understand the whole point of the four Dathomir sentiment that we saw in Ahsoka. She saw the brutal extermination of her fellow sisters, saved by the mountain clan, who also went through the same kind of crap, despite the thought that Morgan
thought that fighting the Empire was the, or sorry, the Republic, was the best way forward. What I found interesting was she lost her tattoos. So when the Nightsisters lost their magic, she lost her tattoos as well, which I thought was quite interesting. Yeah, I mean, the early parts were great. What I did find interesting was that
She was an administrator, sorry, or was of someone of influence trying to be part... Sorry, she was the genesis of the originator of the Thai Defender Program, which I never saw. Yeah, that's cool. I never saw that coming.
It's like, whoa, I never saw her as an engineering type, but the fact that she had, she was the one to sell that concept to the empire, which of course, the empire kind of poo poo and it takes someone like Thrawn to say, yeah, you hired, I'm up for this. The fact that it came from her in the first place, thought that was rather cool. I hope it's not
Squeezing a square peg in a round hole just to just to create a plot store a plot point But I thought that was really really cool And of course at that point we see The likes of Pelion his right-hand man and of course Rook Part of the story as well And then finally
We see her on Corvus, where she's the administrator, where she's kind of sacking the planet or raping the planet of its resources and its people, clearly to be part of the Thai Defender Program. This is where I had the questions. Why burn the tree? So if you remember when
the New Republic come in and say, hey, we're here. We want to make you part of the New Republic and you're going to be, you're going to answer to your crimes if you don't become part of this new gig.
They blew up the ship, but then a whole bunch of Morgan's troopers went out into the forest and started burning the forest. Is that to prevent the fire from spreading? Is that kind of like... It's not particularly explanatory. It doesn't matter. And then she says the fires will continue to burn. It's like, well, yeah, but what was the point? I didn't understand that. I don't have an answer, but I have a statement to make about it.
I think it's, so I don't, I don't know. And I thought the same thing, but I think what this is to me is this is that stuff that I'm hesitant. Like that's one of the things I didn't like about this arc and like.
you hear people online kind of complaining about like the end of bad batch or whatever like oh we didn't get this answer this answer this answer it's like I feel like that's one of those things where like we've the pendulum has swung too far the other direction and they're like well we have to explain why the trees are all dead when Ahsoka arrives it's like there is no reason I feel like it's just that well we've got to tie up
We've got to connect everything literally. And it's like, that didn't make sense. Like I don't need. You could, you could leave it. You just leave it. Yeah. Yeah. The second, the second question I had was, um, so when we get to the third episode, which is prior to.
Ahsoka landing on Corvus, and if you're putting the village to siege, what are they now making? The empire's gone, so what are they making now? That's not clear to me. So assuming that
She has used Corvus to create the tired offenders for Thrawn.

Character Analyses & Speculations

The Empire is now dead, so there's no contract there. And even if there is a way that she's, you know, this, maybe this is prior to what we, what we learned in Ahsoka about her having a connection with her fellow sisters out in the distant galaxy, in the other, in the other galaxy and finding a way there. What is she producing?
in the meantime because the only thing I could think of was the eye. You know the ship that they took?
which they used as a lifeboat, if you like, or a massive lifeboat for the massive hyperspace ring for Thrawn's ship. That's all I could think of is what she's put them to work. And I guess that that would have been kind of cool if they'd have tied that up a little bit more than they did. And then lastly, the question I had for you was who did they call in the distress signal?
because good God, that sounded like Katie Sackhoff and not Hera. Sorry, it sounded like Bo. It didn't sound like Hera. It didn't sound like anyone that I could recognize from the Republic side. It seemed to sound like Bo, which would be random for that to be
I guess I didn't think stressing ago. I didn't think twice about it. I guess I just assumed it was some generic. OK. Republic. OK. First responder like a switchboard operator. But it could it could have been somebody that would be very if it was somebody like Bo. That's very weird. It is it is. But again, I it's one of those moments that I kind of rewound and thought that sounds like Katie.
Yeah, because I've been listening to her so much recently. It's like, that's like Katie. So I don't know, mate. Anyway, when your point about what they're making, what they're making, I think that's I don't once again, I don't have an answer. I think the eye would make sense or like just building preparatory stuff like and I guess maybe that's where I was another statement of like, I really enjoyed the Morgan stuff until it got to the end. That's like, oh, wait, like that cut off in a weird spot. Like I was hoping it would go more into the
post Thrawn is gone. How did she stay connected and start and kind of get these things in motion. But it's like we got the first three of nine. It's like the other six are what I thought we were going to really kind of get to. But it really like I knew she was pissed. Like we could all
assumed that, yeah, the Separatist sector planet. And then we got this whole like mountain clan side side plot of like, like, I don't need to hate her. Like she's kind of like a sub villain. But now it's like, but they seem like I like. But I love. I love her character in that. But then they kind of felt like the focus was like this weird like, oh, she's like super evil and super gone. It's like. I don't like I can assume her motivations, but like how
Like what happened after her and Thrawn met and like things like that. Like it just, it felt like a weird choice of timeline. Like maybe there's more coming. Yeah. Maybe they're going to explore. Like it is, it does feel like connective tissue for Ahsoka, like the series and that kind of thing, but it just felt like a weird cut off. Um, I could be what they're building or whatever.
That's kind of what I took away from it. And I'll run with that until somebody else tells me otherwise. Obviously, then we had the Barriss stuff, which was devoted realization and the way out. Tragic, really tragic.
I really enjoyed that story. I really enjoyed the story and it also, on the other hand, it also left it as open as the Morgan episodes as well. There's some stuff that I loved about it.
The connection with Kenobi, the Inquisitor from Kenobi was there. The aesthetics from Kenobi as well, like the same shuttle that the Inquisitors used. The fact that the Inquisitorium is being built, it's kind of cool. One thing I didn't check, and I don't know if you did, was the voice of the Grand Inquisitor. Was that Jason Isaacs or the guy that
I think it was Jason Isaacs. I believe it was him or somebody who did his voice but it sounded like him and not Rupert. I thought the testing that they went through to be inquisitors whether they had the metal or not was kind of cool. I love that kind of
PUBG, you know, the whole PUBG thing where the beam of death is gonna kill them and it's getting smaller and smaller. I thought that was kind of cool. But even then, she demonstrates empathy towards the person that she's fighting. There was already kind of signs that maybe, maybe, just maybe,
She's not going to be what we all thought she was going to be or what destiny would be. I thought that the benevolence that Barish showed when they were hunting Jedi, her and the fourth sister, I think it's the fourth sister. Yeah. In the second episode when they were hunting Jedi and the benevolence she showed towards, you know,
completing the mission so that the locals would be allowed to prosper. A very, very different take on where the inquisitors come from normally. I thought that having a... And I don't want to make a big thing out of it, but I thought that having a binary Jedi was quite cool in the episode as well.
I thought the way that having representation slipped in literally under the radar was a heck of a lot more natural and for me a lot more classy than perhaps other
productions, including Star Wars, have done to demonstrate that they're ticking their diversity box. I thought that was really, really cool. The other thing that I thought was quite cool, at the end, obviously she turns her back on the Empire.
The last episode, she's a healer or known as a healer, which I wrote these notes when I saw it on Sunday, but subsequently, there's one or two feeds that I plug into and that have similar views. I just want to say, I already thought this, but
you know, whatever. Barris in Legends is a healer. And there was a couple of books that in Legends called MedStar1, where she was essentially a Jedi healer during the Clone Wars to fix clones, to fix fellow Jedi, because she had that kinetic ability to be able to heal muscles and
and do the stuff that we eventually saw, actually, in the Rise of Skywalker. So I thought it was quite nice that she was known as the healer going into that last episode, because that was somewhat, in my mind, a call back to her original Legends stuff. I thought that, I don't know if you thought this, but I thought that she was a gateway to the path or a...
had connections with the path. She knew people that knew people. And again, it goes back to my fascination with the path and the hidden railroad or the underground railroad to get people in need out of their circumstances.
I thought it was inevitable when they started fighting that the fourth sister would eventually kill Barriss, but that was like five minutes before the end of the episode. And I don't know how it's ended, which has made me question the timeline on this.
Did this episode come out after? Bear in mind, time has passed and you see that embarrasses Faye. She's a lot older than she was when she first met the fourth sister.
It makes you think, is this after Kenobi? Because in Kenobi, the fourth sister is relentless, absolutely relentless, and knows her job and knows her mission. At the end of this episode, she
She saves Barris and she walks off with her, whether she saved Barris or Barris has died or whatever it is, she has embraced Barris and wants to help her, which would suggest that she's also going against her inquisitor roots and inquisitor lifestyle, which would suggest to me it's after Kenobi. So, yeah, lots of questions. But I loved it. I really enjoyed it.
I had a couple, I had a couple as well because I think when they went to the snow planet and they had like clearly, but this, the four sisters, she didn't look like she aged at all, but Barris looked like she'd, she's weather, she's weathered and old. Like when they had that little baby at first, like I was so confused about what the timeline was. I'm like,
Oh my God, is that Finn before he gets taken by before he gets taken? Like maybe something happens and he gets taken by the whatever. But it's like, wait, that then I was like, wait a minute, that timeline doesn't make sense at all. And like, you know me, I'm not a big like, well, what was the date? Like, I don't get into all that. Yeah, like I have an artistic license. But what's there's a couple other interesting things that happened there.
Well, my big question is like what roughly how long had it been and is it after Kenobi? There's a lot of people who are like, oh, it's it's Barris's redemption, which I'm kind of like in my head. I'm like, but Barris was never she was never evil. She did us. She did a stupid. She did a stupid thing with like like the bombing and stuff like that. But like she was never a bad guy. She was actually like right.
in a lot of ways, but she just did a bad thing, but she was never evil. Like she was never a Sith or anything like that. And so it's like, oh, it's her redemption. It's like, ah.
I guess I see that differently. And the other part was, there's a crazy amount of people, I usually like to stay away from this, but I just couldn't help seeing this being theorized a lot. They're like, oh, it's opening the door for Barris to do more things. It's like, no, for me, that was pretty conclusive. Barris is dead. It's not like, let me get you out of here and then like,
we'll go, I'll heal you and we'll move on and go do some and you'll reappear in like a soca. Cause I've seen a lot of people talking about that. It's like, Oh, I guess I took that as no, she's, she's dead. Like it's, and it was her sacrifice that took the four sister navigating her way out of that. And to be clear, I don't even know. They're like, Oh, and the four sisters going to become a good guy. Now it's like, I don't even know if that's true. I think that was more of a,
At most, or at a minimum, the Four Sister respected her and now is her friend and softened her shell of like, no, I need to get her out of here, but I don't know if she's not gonna be an inquisitor after this. I would like to believe she's not, but I don't think she's seen the light and totally changed. It's like, I don't know, she was pretty far down that rabbit hole.
Well, maybe just the sake of simplicity, she's just kind of saying, okay, fair game. Fair game. I have no beef with you anymore. I'll carry on what I'm doing elsewhere, but as far as you and I concerned, we're quits, our mission is done. I also think that
One of the interesting suggestions from an awful lot of this, which explains why, where were all these four sensitive people during the OT, which is something that I asked myself and you an awful lot, is that it's also kind of
And it's quite easy to assume that, oh, they flip from the light side to the dark side, or they flip from the dark side to the light side. And they're a good guy now. They're a bad guy now.
a more likely explanation, which is these guys get fucked off with the way things are in the universe and they just disappear into insignificance and just become nothing. And they hide, they just hide. And the galaxy's a big place too. Especially when you're talking about people that have been
conditioned, especially when it comes down to the Inquisitor's point of view, and from a lesser degree, Barris's point of view, especially if you've been told that the Jedi lied to you, you were a Jedi, you were training to be a Jedi. The Jedi lied to you. They did this, this, this, and this.
So you've been told that the light side is bad and then you see the actions or witness the actions or even conduct the actions of the dark side, which is bad. And you just say, I give up. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm just going to go help in my own way. Exactly. Exactly. I'll go my own way as the great Fleetwood Mac once said. But the point being is that it's kind of like...
The point being is that it's like, yeah, screw you all. This whole hypocrisy of what is order,
from two different perspectives screw you all it's about you know this is not balance and they do their own thing who knows and another maybe I'm looking too deeply into it but well I think I mean I think this is addressing the concerns and sucks like it's it's bringing like a little bit of reality to like those questions that we have like we're all the force sensitive users that's like well it's not like there were like
Booths on every planet that says like sign up for the rebellion. Come hang out It's like there could have been four sensitive people out there who wanted to help similar to like the real world But it's like you just you don't know what to do it. I thought the rebellion was like super open It's like hey, come come hang out. Come join us. Do your heart. It's like no it was And so like I think that that explains a lot of it too it's like there could have been people out there who like a Cal Kestis like maybe
like they just don't have the connections they don't have the the hero's journey luck of like oh hey you look like an old clone oh hi i'm rex and this is greg you want to come fight the the empire it's like they all but they all but but to my point they also also might be thinking
I look at the light side and you're kind of a bunch of stuffy fuckers. And then look at the dark side, it's like your evil gets. I don't want to be part of any of this. Any of this. It's not who I am. It's not who I want to be. I'm just trying to survive and do well for my family.
I don't need to get involved in all that. Like I got I got a kids. I got kids. I can't be going and fighting some space battle and doing the Empire. It's like, yeah, this sucks, but like it doesn't suck. There's that's somebody else. Like it's you can you can mirror the real world in some ways. It's like just because you have the ability doesn't mean that those people are going to go do. Take action. Well, I mean, you're capable of. Well, I mean, look at Luca. Look, look at Luke.

Reflections on the Jedi Order

as we find them in The Last Jedi, you know, it's time for the Jedi to die. And the Jedi should be the most, should be the governing body or not the governing body, the manifestation of what is everything, you know, everything that is good in the universe, everything that is great in the universe. But, you know, he talks about the hubris, he talks about the, exactly, exactly.
Anyway, very, very good. Really, really good. And it just gets me more excited about...
The ability for Lucasfilm to do more of that kind of stuff, the flexibility they've got where they don't have to rely too much on filming schedules and the rest of it, they can just get their heads down and keep an ongoing stream of animation going. I hope they do more of this kind of format.

Podcast Conclusion & Listener Engagement

I've talked about it before, the old
Tells the bounty hunters, tells from Jabba's palace or whatever it may well be. Um, that would be really, really cool. So we, we see what we've experienced only in, in written format, both originally and also in recent years. As these anthology sound bites, uh, it'd be good to get them, uh, in animation as well. Um, compliments the vision stuff very, very well too. Um, which is more conceptual, I know, but anyway, more of that would be great as well.
um yeah no looking forward to it like looking forward to it um i don't i don't really have any more thoughts apart from it's been a it's been a great weekend and i think that that's probably that's probably a good place to cut it off me i were right at our like usual time so oh jesus seriously dude
Well, we did have Tales of the Empire and May the 4th and the Phantom Menace. I know. All lumped into one day. We are. Honestly, we're fated. I'm interested to see what happens next week. Let's see what happens next week. Maybe next week will be an X-Men and Planet of the Apes. Heavy week. OK. Deal. Deal. Deal.
It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks though, isn't it? Because we've now got the rest of... Actually, it's already the eight. Not very much. We have a couple of weeks, yeah. Yeah, you've got a few weeks and then we kick off all over again. And I would like to progress to a broader repertoire, but it's also good.
All right, buddy. Well, thank you. It's great to catch up with you after what I thought was an amazing weekend. Look after yourself and take us out, buddy. Thank you for listening, everybody. Thank you for being in for the long haul.
Oh, if you want to send us a voicemail or email, you can go to our website,, and there are links to do that there. You know how to find us all the other ways? Yeah, come hang out, send us a voicemail, send us a message, or don't. That's it.
I was trying to think of something. I was like, there's something I was going to say, but I'm like, I already don't remember what it was. But yeah, make sure to leave a comment about Andy's recording in person abilities. I think it was pretty good. I thought it turned out great. And so, yeah. Thank you, guys. Look after each other. Look after yourselves. Stay safe. Love you lots. Till next week. Bye. Bye.