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Wrestlemania 36 Preview

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
Wrestlemania is finally here!! Sheena, Phil, and Marco are here to walk you through all 16 matches plus they discuss their weekly purchases, quarantine binge watching suggestions, and much more!!!

WrestleMania Preview & Show Format

Oh, it's the best time of the year, even though there's going to be nobody in the crowd. Welcome to the Chick Foley show. Welcome to our WrestleMania preview episode. Thank you for listening. That song was playing in my head for most of my childhood. I know you guys couldn't hear, but it's a WrestleMania intro song. What's going on, Sheena? How are you this evening?
I'm good, I cracked open my first Miller Lite. I'm enjoying it thoroughly after a wild bedtime routine tonight. Oh my god, yeah, I'm on my second high noon right now, so I'm feeling it as well. Marco, how are you? I am doing fantastic at these fine quarantine times I'm living in. I just started working from home and now my wife is working from home, so this can't end badly.
Oh my gosh, no. There's so many TikTok videos out there with kids filming their parents in quarantine together and they're like, I don't think my parents are going to make it. I mean, they're actually really hilarious. They're not sad. They're actually really hilarious. It's just like them taping their parents fighting about nothing. Eat the Doritos. Put them back in the cabinet.
Yeah, the guy was like I can't look he's like I can't look at you in this outfit anymore. She's like what what's wrong? He's like he's like it's been two weeks Carol So huge show we're actually gonna break this week up into two different episodes we're gonna do a separate episode of all of our the Mattel reveals today from Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder that would have been announced at access but there's
Tons of figures that could announce we're gonna put that into a separate episode that you'll be able to see and listen to exactly when this one gets released. But still have a ton of stuff to cover. We're gonna talk about Raw and SmackDown and NXT and AEW a little bit, get into our WrestleMania predictions.
talk about the latest episode of Dark Side of the Ring and all kinds of stuff, some binge watching while you're on quarantine and much more. I want to plug our new t-shirt designs done by the awesome Extra Cooler, at Extra Cooler on Instagram and Twitter. It's slash Chick Foley Show. You can check them out there. There's a ton of cool ones. If you do buy a t-shirt, make sure you tag us and post it to social media. We love to see that stuff.

Social Media & SmackDown Highlights

Uh, you can follow Sheena on Instagram at chick Foley. We are on Twitter at chick Foley show. Please give us a file there. Give us a five star review on iTunes. We're also available on Spotify and stitcher and all those places. And, uh, you can check us out at chick Foley So, uh, let's jump right into it guys. We'll talk about smackdown and raw real quick.
We're going inside the squared circle. This segment is brought to you in part by Chalkline. You can use code CHICKCHICK for 15% off of your order there. They have a ton of new WrestleMania stuff dropping here as WrestleMania week approaches. So check out their website at
I think we almost saw an attempted murder, Sheena. Corbin pushed Elias off of some sort of giant rigging thing and he's basically dead.
I feel like I've seen a lot of that after watching the new Jack documentary, like people trying to kill other people. I actually missed this SmackDown Friday night. I did not get to watch all of SmackDown. So what happened? Like Corbin, like was it a botch or was it actually like a spot that was meant to get Elias like
off of TV for a little while or, you know. They're fighting at WrestleMania, I believe. But do you remember the scene in The Lion King when Mufasa gets thrown down? Of course. Yeah. It was basically that. And then, which was weird and like an empty arena. But I guess it was just setting up their match. You know, it was off of like a 10 foot thing. I'm sure he landed onto something, you know.
Was court was was Elias trying to sing like I just can't wait to be king and it pissed Corbin off or what? I don't know. Yeah, it's a good question, but they're they're wrestling

Creative Matches & COVID-19 Impact

at WrestleMania. So that's a Interesting for you to say the least we learned that it's gonna be a Firefly funhouse match at WrestleMania Do you even know what a Firefly funhouse match is yet? I don't know
It's probably definitely different than a boneyard match, I would imagine, right? Yeah, one's in a funhouse, one's in a boneyard. That's pretty clear. Yeah. I think that's pretty clear. Yeah. Who knows? Maybe it means that all of Bray's little funhouse friends are going to be ringside. Maybe they're going to be on a pole.
and you have to like the first person to climb up and get Huskus the pig on a pole gets to use him in the match I know they're gonna fuck this all up but do you understand how cool they could make this WrestleMania and have it like so out there and like have like none of these matches in an actual ring like
film John Cena walking into a scary house of mirrors type of fun house thing or have AJ Styles in a graveyard full of fog or just do some cool shit because you tape this thing already. You're not tied to anything. Everyone's going to forgive you for whatever you do with this WrestleMania.
I just hope they you know with these these themes. I'm sure they're gonna do something different with it. So we'll we'll see but That match was set up for WrestleMania. We're gonna say
I was just gonna say yeah they really do have a really interesting opportunity here but the thing that kind of like stifles that creativity is I think like all the stuff that's going on you know the the COVID-19 and everything it's kind of like you have to be careful where you go what you do what you touch which kind of like is a is a buzzkill you know because I think I think we might literally just get like
you know, match after match in a, in a poor empty arena. Yep. Yeah. It's definitely what's going to happen. Um, and maybe it's safer that way, you know? Yeah, true. We're so, we're so pessimistic at this point. I, you know what? I'm going to say, I'm going to say open-minded. I'm going to, I'm going to think the best, you know? And like we said before, kudos
to them for continuing to entertain us regardless. Yeah. I mean, you can't take it away from them. They're there at least, you know, all the other sports have tucked their tails and left. So wrestling is still the only thing around. They canceled Wimbledon. They like, you know, it's like the first time since like World War II, I think is what I read. And I'm like, oh, yeah, these kids still think they're going to festivals this summer. And, you know, they canceled Wimbledon like, you know, no kids. It's not happening.

Tag Team Matches & AEW Criticism

the what's this triple threat tag team match at WrestleMania who's gonna be in that Marco I miss that it is the it's um it's a new day the Usos against more mr. Morrison
titles and it's a ladder match as well. Oh, okay. Oh shit. That's nice. That'd be good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm interested in that. So, and then we saw Tamina return on smackdown and probably the same crowd reaction. If there would have been a 40,000 people in there as zero. She's going to, she's going to fill in for somebody. We'll get into that in at the rest of menu preview a little bit later. Um, uh, moving over to raw from Monday, uh, really an awesome promo from undertaker in the kind of the, I guess he's bringing back the American badass gimmick, right?
Yeah, it kind of feels that way. I thought his promo was really good, too. However, I don't know when we just started calling people by their shoot names, and that became a thing. He said, since we're getting real here, I'm like,
Oh, I hate this like acknowledgement that like wrestling is fake. Like it's something that we all know, but I hate when it's just like, put like you bring the fourth wall down and you just blatantly put it out there in my face. Like, Oh, since we're being real, I'm like taker. No, you know, especially somebody like taker who was like so protective of his gimmick and business and like all that stuff. You know what I mean? I'm like, stop it right now.
But he did have some good points talking about the Styles Clash and Michelle and all that stuff. I still don't really know where Michelle fits into this. I don't really know what AJ's got against Michelle and The Undertaker and everything. I did like how Undertaker kind of alluded to AJ was a big fish in a small pond and he waited for all the big fish to leave WWE before he came in and stuff, which I thought was
You know, pretty, pretty true. You know, I mean, obviously we've seen AJ Styles have some epic matchups, but it is funny that, you know, he wants to take on Undertaker at this point in his career. Yeah, for sure. Still gonna be a good match, I think. We saw Shayna destroy Becky and that's setting up that match at WrestleMania. Montez Ford in a tag team match. Was that the main event, Marco? Montez Ford against Angel Garza in Austin Theory?
No, that was at the beginning. That was like the opening. Montes Ford went for like a top road suicido, whatever you want to call it. And basically, I guess Austin Theory was supposed to catch him. And Montes Ford landed right on his back on the metal ramp. And you could hear it all the way through the arena. And everyone on Twitter was like, why are we still doing these moves if so many people have gotten hurt? And they're not even that cool anymore. Everyone does that. I mean, that's how Michael Cole gets in the ring now.
I don't know. I don't know, man. When somebody flies over the top rope, I still pop for that. I'm not even going to lie. I mean, obviously, it doesn't feel the same in an empty arena. But when you have that moment where it's built to a fever pitch and somebody goes over the top rope and does a flip or whatever, I still think it's like, whoa.
We see it all the time. It's nothing, you know, totally unique, but I still pop for that. Okay. Well, it's okay to be a mark. No, no, no big deal. I mean, I'm excited for that tag team match. We'll get to that. Sorry. We're not just doing only submission moves all the time. Yeah. I just want like an arm bar for 45 minutes. Yeah.
Yeah, that's what gets the fans going, you know our NXT we saw some cool stuff NXT Dream versus Bobby Fish we saw the gauntlet match for the women's the women's number one contender ladder match I don't I don't know what is that who's gonna face the winner of the Rhea Ripley Charlotte match Why are we having a number one contenders match already? For yeah, whoever wants the it's basically whoever whoever wins out of Rhea Ripley and they've been doing this like the past couple weeks and
like trying to get like a number one contender set up for, for that title. So it's usually like after, like after a match, they would do that. Like we haven't even had the real Ripley Charlotte match yet. I guess Charlotte is actually the number one contender at this point. You know, she's the, you know, like whoever wins obviously. But I mean, she's contending for the title at WrestleMania. But anyway, that's neither here nor there. I mean, they gotta do something to keep the storylines flowing.
Yeah, AW, we need to talk about this. Lance Archer debuts former WWF superstar, WWE superstar, we were gonna say, and squashes Marco Stunt. So very reminiscent of WWE, WCW debut matches where just he's brought in just to beat up a small little dude, which whatever, whatever.
on the cutting edge of shit here. The Brodie Lee segment, the second week in a row, Marco, not working for me. He's one of my favorites in the ring if you just let him wrestle, but he is not the guy that I was going to say should be part of the exalted one. Now he's like,
I thought it was gonna be some sort of mystical like cultish thing and now he's like wearing suits and eating steaks it just it's just they're going too hard with the McMahon like I guess it's a lot of inside jokes about Vince McMahon like come on man move the fuck on. I don't know yeah he's kind of like a mob boss or something you know like it's very um it's not it's not cultish in the way that I know no right you know what I mean like
I've been watching a tiger cult for the last week, and I know what cults look like, and this is not doing it for me. But no, it's the Vince thing where he doesn't like when people yawn or sneeze. That's happened on some of these promos. Come on, man. How much are you going to talk about WWE over and over again? And it's getting in the way of you actually doing something with this guy who's actually a really good wrestler.
But they're just just not good. I mean, I don't think I put it out on Twitter and somebody was like, this guy has a star in the making. I said he's fucking 40 years old. When's it going to happen when he's 45 in the making? Yeah, in the making. Yeah. Jesus, man. Like I know he's up in summer, not not a bad shape or anything. But Christ, I mean, he's not like a 26 year old blue chipper.
I know I'm of the belief that if people really do have the it factor like it's it's not a matter of not getting the time or you know there's something about people who don't get that that that push that main of it push and that star level push they like they don't have it you know what I mean doesn't mean they're not a good wrestler doesn't mean that they can't you know cut cut decent promos or whatever but there there is a certain juge
that the top stars in wrestling have you know like Chris Jericho he's got it you know what I mean Seth Rollins got it Roman Reigns got it John Cena got it it's it's you can't compare those people to people like Luke Harper you know what I mean like there's a reason why he's he hasn't made it yet and I think everybody like when when people like a guy because he's a good wrestler and a good worker and he's put in his time I feel like people are just like
he should be a main event or he should be a champion and i'm like that's not how it works as much as you want to believe that that's how it works like that's not how it works he's missing it you know look at you know what that it go ahead know that it is it's basically personality yeah that's all look at look at angel garza it is
Look at Angel Garza. He has it. He's not a main eventer right now, but I mean, he has it. He has a personality. He makes me interested in what he does. Tune in. Yeah, exactly. He commands the presence of the audience and the viewers at home and you're listening to what he says. You're not just tuned out. And it's funny how people are so biased to their like,
people that they like, you know what I mean? I mean, we all know how Phil feels about Seamus, you know? Oh my God. Well, it goes back to the Cesaro thing. Everybody wants Cesaro to be a world champion. What happens when he's a world champion? He's the perfect example. Nothing's going to change when this guy gets a huge point. I mean, he's still the same person. He's going to learn how to be a better talker on the mic when he gets a title around his waist. That's not how it works. You get the title around your waist because you can do everything, you know?
Yeah, and he's an incredible athlete on all levels Cesaro could rest wrestle people under the ring like you know seven days out of the week But he just doesn't he just doesn't have he just doesn't have the it factor You know and I mean I think that's what we just need to realize that like people like that You know we can enjoy watching them, but Luke Harper is never gonna be a
I mean, I don't think he's ever going to be the AEW champion. Do you? No. I mean, it doesn't have, I mean, look at like sports, like a good baseball player that can like play for 10, 15 years. It doesn't have to, you don't have to be a Hall of Famer to be, I mean, we need, we need guys all over the, all over the show. It's a freaking two hour show every week. You know, we need some people that can hit a double or hit a single and get, you know, get to the Chris Jericho segment. You know what I mean? Like nothing wrong with that. You know, it's,
not everybody's going to be on top. You know, guys like, you listen to the Major Brothers and Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, they're happy with where they are. They know what they are and you need people all up and down the show. Just like you need in any company, you need someone from the top down that everyone's important. You have like the guys at the Ravens that wash the uniforms, they get a Super Bowl ring too. They didn't play on the field, but they worked their ass. You know, it's just like,
Um, it's just, it's just, it's a team effort. So, I mean, that's, that's how it works. Um, so AWW is really building to, I don't even know when their next show is. I mean, I know, I know we're in a weirder time right now, but I mean, what, what are we, I guess we had the blood and guts thing was canceled because there was going to be too many people in the ring. Are we building to an event? I think there's one in Vegas, but that's in June or July. That's, I mean, I'm
We're so trained to like WWE having so many pay per views that AEW just doesn't seem like they have enough. Like what are we doing right now? We're just kind of like swimming, like treading water at this moment.
Well, I think everybody's treading a little bit of water at this moment because we really don't even know what next week holds, right? I mean, everything could literally be shut down. Like WWE could shut down next week. AEW could shut down next week. We have no idea. So I think it's really hard for them to really forecast out what's going to happen in two or three months.
But I don't mind them. I feel like they do have a decent enough like weekly show and they do a lot of stuff in their weekly shows that I feel like WWE does not as far as like, you know, changing titles, like having meaningful storylines and things like that that are ongoing. I feel like WWE kind of like
um, gives us the same little bucket of, of content until like the pay-per-view, right? So I feel like AEW, even though they do stretch out their, you know, their time between shows, they actually do give us some really good stuff on their weekly, on their weekly shows. Sheena, tell me what wrestling fans would say if the WWE came up with a USA network championship belt.
What they would say oh Man, they would probably their heads would probably explode. I don't know I mean they probably about the same thing that happened when they revealed the 24-7 championship Yeah, so now we have the tournament for the TNT championship title, which I'm assuming there's gonna be kind of like their you know midcard intercontinental type of belt which is
You know, it's cool. They still don't have a single storyline for any of the women on the show, but we do need a second men's title, I guess. So it's going to be Kip Sabian versus Goldust, Lance Archer versus Colt Cabana, Sammy Guevara versus Darby Allen and Sean Spears versus Cody. I'm not sure what to make of this. So this is going to be on weekly. So this is going to be like a separate tournament or is this going to be like part of their weekly show?
Uh, it was announced on dynamite, uh, the match-ups and I think they start next week. The finals are going to be at double or nothing on May 23rd. So I guess that is their next. Oh, okay. So I didn't even know they had one. What's that?
I said I don't see that happening unless they do like an audience. Yeah, they're probably going to do a double and then an empty audience

Predictions & Speculations

thing. But do you think this is a way to get Cody a title here to put him in a bigger role? Do you think this is going to be putting somebody else over? I'm sure there's some younger names in here. We can go around and say who we kind of predict to win this thing.
I could see Cody doing it. I think if you're going to introduce something like that, you actually need to have somebody with a little bit of clout to carry it. You know, be the be the torchbearer from the very beginning to give it a little bit of meaning. So, yeah, I definitely feel like Cody would be a good contender for that. What about you, Marco? To make that to make that title important. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I've been trying to like break down this tournament to see which way it could go. Just to see if it's if they're just trying to get it like a beat up between
Cody and why can I think of the guy that just debuted? Yeah, like just to get that as the final match cuz that whole thing would shake the snake or they could possibly do like a I'm not sure what side Dustin is on but they could do like a since it's double enough and they could do the brothers rematch or like part two type of thing for the title But either way
You're probably right, Cody's probably gonna go over as a as a champ since he can't technically go for the AEW title anymore He can win the TNT the prestigious TV TV, I mean TNT Title, why would you have why would you name it after a TV network? Like it's just it just seemed especially if it's gonna be defended on a pay-per-view like I used to love it when they had had the TV to not call it a
I don't think to call it just so they don't call it a TV title. Yeah, that would make much more much more sense. But yeah, I mean maybe maybe they're just paying their respects to TNT because TNT gave them a chance when they were literally nothing, you know, so maybe maybe that was part of the the agreement like listen, pal.
We're going to give you a shot here, but you're going to name a title after our network. Do you know how stupid I am? I just put together the fact that TNT is like a type of dynamite and their show is called dynamite. I just put that together. Are you serious? No way. No. I was like, oh, TNT is kind of like dynamite. Oh, it shows dynamite. I'm a retard.
Oh my gosh. Oh man, how long has that show been on? I know, man. I don't know. I've been watching every week. I don't know. TNT. Damn, I know. All right. Let's get into our WrestleMania preview here because I got a title to defend and I'm coming out swinging. Oh yeah. Marco, run down the match ups of this prestigious show and we will give our predictions here and our thoughts. This prestigious, where should we start? I don't even know.
Oh, man, I don't know. It's kind of crazy. Have they have they actually released a list of what shows are going to be on what or what matches are going to be on what night? So they haven't done the nights yet. So here's here's the thing. So tomorrow night, Smackdown, they're probably going to announce who Goldberg's in a face and at Wrestle meetings. They haven't announced that yet either. But they other matches are announced already. Like there's a match card already.
They didn't say what nights those matches are gonna be on and who what main events are gonna be on those? Night, so I'm assuming Brock is gonna be on one night and Goldberg's gonna be on the other other night as the main event I'm not sure how they're gonna split it up though Are they gonna have the bone yard match in the front house match on one aid or have the bone yard match on one day? You could have to to really gimmicked matches like that on the same night I feel like they're gonna split those up and
So I'm going to start from the bottom because they basically they have like a bottom up type of thing. So like start at the beginning. So the beginning match we'll start with is Otis getting his revenge against said that Mr. Stelia girl dog.
I feel like it's Otis' time to shine. I feel like it would be very cruel to have Otis not go over in this match, especially after dragging him along for this long. I feel like Otis is bound to just like finally just lose his shit and just come out swinging and get over on
the good-looking bully. I could see that. I could see that for sure. I think it came out that Dolph Ziggler's never had a singles match at WrestleMania. I think that, which is a crazy stat. Really? I could see that. Yeah, do some research if you can on that Marco, but I'm gonna say he's gonna put Otis over here. What about you Sheena?
Yeah, I'm going with Otis. I think Otis is getting the win here. For the time breaker, who does Mandy Rose leave with? Otis or Ziggler? She tried to screw him over and it doesn't work or does she screw over Ziggler or what? I think she leaves with Sonya Deville. Oh, wow. Okay.
I don't know that's that's a tough one because I don't know where they would go with with Mandy and Otis after this you know what I mean I feel like this is kind of one of those like means to an end type of things and what I would really love to see what would really be like validation for Otis is for him to just like like
Like, Mandy to come to him and be like, oh, my God, I'm so sorry. Like, you know, I should I shouldn't have believed off, but, you know, I should I shouldn't have like, you know, done all this and, you know, led you on and blah, blah, blah. And then Otis just like, no, bitch, back up. You know what I mean? Like, you know, I don't want your drama anymore. Like that. That would be like ultimate validation, I believe. Yeah, I could see both going with Otis. Both go with Otis. Yeah. OK. All right. Let's see. Next match will be.
Bobby Lashley versus Alistair Black, which I forgot that was actually happening, so. Wow. Yeah, I forgot it was happening until Raw and they like mentioned it like 45 times during Alistair's match. So like, what's he going to do against Bobby Lashley? Like they weren't even like paying attention to the actual match. It was just like talking about Alistair versus Bobby. I feel like. I think I think it's got to be Alistair Black, man, I feel like
they have big plans for him in 2020. If we even still have wrestling later on in 2020, but if 2020 continues to have wrestling, I feel like Black is going to have a really good year. So I'm going to pick Alistair Black to win this one.
Yeah, I'm with you. I think maybe we see Rusev get involved possibly. But yeah, I'm going to go Alistair Black too. I think this will be a great way to get him back on track and give him a huge push. I don't know where you really go with that character. But I mean, he's such a badass in the ring. There's multiple ways he can go. But yeah, I'm going to go Alistair Black too. So we're looking pretty similar so far. Oh, man.
All right. Shout out to Lana's, Lana's theme song. That song was one of my favorite. It's the worst song. It's the worst theme in wrestling. Oh, my God. It's a banger. Thank you, Mark. With that saxophone. Listen.
We need some sort of sax shirt, okay? If someone can design this, like practice safe sax or something.
My god, my mind is swirling now. Yeah. We will get a sax shirt. Why don't we think of this sooner? We should have, like, Phil and Sheena's Sax Camp? Oh, that's no, no. We can do, like, Sheena and Seth's Sax Camp. Oh. Live Sax Show you can do. There he goes. Yes. Live Sax Show. Clean Reads only. Empty out your spit valves.
So we got to go with the next Elias and King Baron Corbin, the death revenge match. Man, I'll go first here. I would love to see Elias get put over here, but I'm going to say King Corbin gets put back on the right track here. I mean, this is kind of a throwaway match, but both of these guys, I'd love to see them do more with. But I say King Corbin, they have a heel win here.
Okay. I'm going to go with Elias. I think this is a good time for, um, you know, Gronk to come in and get his revenge on Corbin from, you know, from, you know, just come in, come in and like mess things up because him and Corbin kind of have beef and then maybe like set up Gronk and Corbin for SummerSlam and you know, let, let Elias get over in this one.
Oh, man. Shout out to Baron Corbin. He's making some good brisket and stuff on his Instagram. He's got like a big egg. Oh, he's always cooking up some some delicious meats. Yeah. He's he's like a he's a grill master. He loves him a good steak or a good, you know, burger. He's he's he's always got some food porn on his page. Chef Corbin. Yeah. There you go. That'll be a cool gimmick. Oh, Chef Corbin. Actually, that probably would be. So this is another one.
another banger that's going to actually happen. I'm not saying that as like a sarcastic thing. Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins. Oh, this is going to be, this is going to be a banger. Um, I mean, I cannot, I'm not going to pick against Seth. I mean, I mean, uh, WrestleMania is never his worst day. So let's be real. I mean, Seth's gonna, Seth's going to do the job just like he always freaking does.
No, I think I think it's the opposite. I think Seth does do the job to Kevin Owens. I'm going to go to Owens here. Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, they're not really building Seth right now into like, I don't know. Into what? The Monday Night Messiah. It's like a title. You know.
It's kind of taking a little breather from the title picture. So what better way to give give Owens a little win here needs a win. Yeah, my my my bias might cause cost me the Chick Foley title, but I'm not I'm not picking against at WrestleMania. I mean, I just I mean, I'm going with the statistics. I'm going with the numbers. You know what I mean? I mean, I'm not going to pick against the numbers. Kevin Owens has zero wins at WrestleMania. Seth Rollins are six.
I don't like to infringe. I don't like to infringe on these. I don't like to like jump into these, but I just want to say one thing. You might want to use that as a flip side. It's Kevin Owens first. WrestleMania like one on one match. So is he going to is he going to lose this? I don't know.
Yeah, I mean, the cool thing about the cool thing about this this feud is I feel like it's something that they could really prolong even on like beyond WrestleMania. So even if Kevin Owens does win, which I hope he does not, even though I love Kevin Owens, I feel like they could still keep KO and Seth Rollins like through like SummerSlam potentially. Oh, for sure. I mean, that's good. I could watch that match every day of the week. Yeah. Mm hmm.
Alright, so the next one which we don't know what what the hell it is yet John Cena versus the Fiend Bray Wyatt and a Firefly Funhouse match Okay, so has maybe I don't know but has John Cena ever been in like a weird ish gimmicky WrestleMania match like this before Like he's usually
I mean, yeah, nobody's ever been in a Firefly Funhouse match before, but I feel like this is not going to be John Cena's forte. You know what I mean? Being in something that's like so over the top. I don't know. What do you guys think?
Yeah, I'm with you. I think this is a perfect way to give the feed like a huge shot in the arm after losing the title. Seeing this obviously not been around for a while. I'm trying to think of the last time he won at WrestleMania, but probably when he was with Nikki and that awful tag man. Yeah, that was. Yeah, it was. They beat Miz and Maurice. And then he proposed. How many more WrestleMania do you think we see John Cena at?
Oh, I think, I think, I mean, in a, in serious, well, I guess this isn't really like a serious match per se, if it's a Firefly Funhouse match, but I could see him popping up probably at least every two years, you know, he's, he's not ready to give it up just yet. How many more WrestleMania's do we have where John Cena, the Undertaker and Edge wrestle all on the same card?
Probably never again. I don't think this is ever happening. Really? No. I think Edge, yeah, I think the factor there is going to be Edge. I don't think he's going to make it to another WrestleMania. Not like, you know, not like he's not going to die, but I think I don't think he's going to wrestle long enough to go next year at Mania. Okay. I can see it. All right. So we both say Bray Wyatt on this one.
Yeah, I don't know. My heart's kind of like tugging because, you know, John Cena, he's like notorious for winning matches that he's like the odds are stacked against him. You know what I mean? So. But yeah, I don't I don't think they're going to have I think they're going to have the fiend win at at WrestleMania for sure. He still should have lost that year that Rusev rode in on a fucking tank. Oh, my God. Oh, man. Yeah. Aren't you there for that? Yeah, I was there. It was awesome. I mean, you know, that that was that was the peak.
of rusev's career i mean even even rusev day and like all of the amazing things that rusev has had after that like that was definitely the peak and that was my favorite version of rusev too is just like the bulgarian brute with like a bitchy heel lana by his side like being his mouthpiece like that that's my total favorite um rusev of all time and then the the her and the white coming down the ramp with him in the tank like that that was the peak
She's been on, uh, speaking of people on social media, she has been putting some pretty interesting videos on the old, uh, I guess it's tick tock. Yeah. Tick tock. Yeah. I mean, she posts them like everywhere else cause I don't have tick tock, tick tock or whatever it is. I'm too old for that shit. But, uh, yeah, she's doing some, some pretty fun dances. Yeah. Somebody, somebody, uh, the other day,
One of my friends put they were they really was like their birthday and they weren't gonna say how old they were There was like, yeah, I'm just too old for tick-tock too young for Social Security All right, what's next Marco All right. We have the we'll go for the next gimmick match because that's what's that's what I have here The Boneyard match between the undertaker and AJ Styles the phenom
versus a phenomenal one. This is the phenomenal one. The other taker saying that promo that he had is he had like two buddies or two like... Yeah. What was that about? Yeah, he alluded. So he basically said something like, he said, why don't you bring your two whatever, your two goons with you? Goons, yeah. Yeah, whatever. And then he goes, I'll bring the Holy Trinity with me. So people are like speculating that there's going to be two other people with him.
had media two appearances. I would assume one would be Kane. Yeah. What would the other one be? Nick Foley. That'd be pretty sick, but I don't think that'll happen. Maybe it's Michelle. Or Michelle. A lot of people are saying Alistair Black was going to show up, too, because he ended that feud with AJ Styles. If it's earlier, his match is earlier in the card, he could show up the next night or whatever as part of that holy trinity. So that's a possibility.
And I just think it's a little bit old to like be doing like a, like a marathon match with AJ Styles. So I could see him having two other guys and then the OC showing up and having it like a, like a six man. Okay. So how would this even work though? Because how is AJ Styles going to do the styles clash on the undertaker? I mean, the undertaker is, the undertaker is huge. You know, it's probably going to be Santino Morella is one of the guys and then he'll do it to him.
Oh, my gosh. That was a joke. I don't I don't I'm not that pessimistic. No, I don't think this is I don't think this is going to be a wrestling match at all. I don't think this is even going to be in a ring. I think this is going to be like, you know, like a fight in like some sort of dimly lit, like smoky house or like graveyard type of looking thing. And they failed. Yeah, they just like basically announced that this was a boneyard match before they canceled WrestleMania. Or was that was it after?
It was after okay, because I was like I was like they were anticipating that this was gonna be in a ring So I can't only imagine yeah, you had like the but the backyard the backlot brawl match They've done stuff before like you know that off off-site I mean, I don't I mean now it's a perfect opportunity to do something like totally cool and Game of Thrones II, you know But yeah
I'm going with AJ in this one. I'm picking AJ. What? Oh my god. What an easy win for me here. Undertaker all the way. God, thank you, Sheena. Keep this belt right here on my waist. Oh wow, jeez. Oh man, alright. You're gonna be mad when it's the heist of the century.
Okay. I'm going to come in and take your title quietly. Should we do a, should we, I should probably say this for the end, but should we do like a, a bonus, a bonus? Like you get two bonus points of each name, like one, one person appearing. That's not an average, like a, like an appearance, like a CM Punk. Oh yeah. Like a special appearance. There's a 50-50 chance that CM Punk is going to be there. I didn't want to bring that up again. Old wounds.
Well, we'll say that we'll say that for the end we'll try to think of what who could make an appearance here So we have the another gimmicky match which is the last man standing match between edge the returning edge This is a hard one actually this is hard Yeah, this is this one is really tough because this could go either way and it would be awesome. You know what I mean? Yeah I
I personally think that they're going to give Edge the win. He had a huge comeback at the Rumble. People have been so hyped to see him back. I can't imagine because they brought Sting back and made him lose at Mania.
But I can't imagine that they would bring Edge back and have him lose. And I feel like it's gonna be an amazing match between these two, but Edge is gonna go over on this one. I'm with you. I think it's gonna be pretty fun. I think they're probably gonna fight all over that arena and utilize everything. I don't know if they have concessions at the performance center, but I'm sure you can go all over the place. I'm sure they have multiple rings and you could do some cool shit.
But yeah, I don't think they brought edge back just to lose. I mean he did sign a three-year contract So maybe he gets a another match, you know summer slam or something like that But I mean, I think they gotta put edge over here Oh, man, all right, I didn't know we were getting same as a versus Daniel Bryan. That's me fucking banger Yeah, that's it. Yeah, I see title match. Yeah next match women's tag team title match and
Nikki cross and Alexa bless versus the kabuki warriors Okay, I feel like the kabuki warriors have wore wore out their welcome and really had an event list title
reign as tag champions. So I feel like it's time to pass the buck to somebody who could actually do something with it. And as much as I don't love, I still have not bought into Alexa and Nikki as a tag team. I'm going with them to get the win.
I'm going to go the opposite. I'm going to say we're going to get Kabuki Warriors win and then Alexa turning on Nikki Cross. He'll turn and we finally get, we finally, we got a Marco Moon out of that one. We finally get heal. We finally get heal Alexa back again. Finally, this fucking face shit. Oh my God.
Yeah, I'm gonna go kabuki kabuki warriors here. I don't know maybe they face off against fire and desire again later, but Man, I completely forget they have a women's tag team championship. It's insane Yeah, yeah, that's it's sad Next up ladder match like I said earlier from Smacktown Smackdown tag team titles new day versus the Usos versus
John Morrison and the biz. Have we ever gone, I mean, New Day and the Usas have fought 5,000 times, but have they ever just fought each other at WrestleMania in, like, just a two-on-two match? I feel like they fought once, and then I think the Bludgeon Brothers were in it one year, or somebody, you know, whatever they were called at that point. Like, I just want to see those four go at it, like, one time for the titles in a WrestleMania match, because they always put on a damn good match.
I don't know if I see Miz and Morrison losing the belts yet. Uh, the ladder match aspect is going to be fucking awesome. That's it's going to be, you know, there's going to be people flying all over the place, especially with Kofi in this match Morrison in this match. I mean, Jesus Christ, you got some dudes that could, that could really bounce around, you know?
Sheena is back here. Sheena, what do you think about this triple threat ladder match for the SmackDown tag team titles? I think it's gonna be awesome. I was just saying, I would just love to see New Day versus Usos for once, two on two for the titles at WrestleMania. But with Morrison and Kingston, with this ladder, it's gonna be reminiscent of that Money in the Bank ladder match from WrestleMania years ago.
Yeah, I think it's gonna be I mean, I think it's gonna be awesome action-packed high spot match I think I think this this match is definitely gonna need like proper placement, you know, like they need to use this match like not right before I
like the main event of the night, you know, because the main events have kind of been like, wow, I mean, granted, we're all happy to see Drew and whatnot. And obviously whoever the hell faces Goldberg. But I feel like if you put us, if you put a match like this, like right before the end, everybody's going to be burnt out because I feel like there's going to be a lot of amazing spots with the Usos and New Day and, you know, Miz and Morrison. As far as who I think, did you already do a prediction? Did you already? I said, I don't see them losing the title. So I'm going to go with the champs here.
Yeah, it's a very unpopular opinion, I think, but I almost have to agree. Let me, let me, let me bounce this around my head really quickly and make sure that I don't want to make like a hot take here. While you're doing that, if, if Kofi and Biggie don't throw pancakes to just empty chairs, I'm going to be very pissed off. Oh my God. Just like, just like, I need to see a thud on the floor, you know?
Yes. Oh my gosh. That would be genius. Uh, I don't know. I mean the new date, let's be real. As much as we were joking about seeing the new day and the Uso's like going head to head, like, I mean, they're two of the best freaking tag teams, like of all, like, you know, that we have in the company right now. So.
These two are top 10 all time for me. I mean, yeah, they're pretty, they're pretty freaking, they're pretty freaking awesome. Uh, God, I feel like this is going to be one of those matches that I'm pissed about whenever we're doing that. You're going to say, of course, of course. Usos won and knew they'd win, you know, after, but I mean, any of these guys, there's, it's one of those matches where any of these guys could win and it would make sense. Um, I'm going to go with,
I think they're gonna give, I think they're gonna give the Usos a shot. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go with the Usos. Um, even though I, somewhere deep down in my heart, I feel like they're going to let the, the heels retain. I feel like I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go with the Usos cause I wouldn't mind seeing the Usos like redeem themselves from their
shitty 2019 year that they had. Oh man. I'm going to have such an easy time keeping this belt, man. I'm too emotional these days. I'm not, I'm not as such a ruthless killer. I'm not so ruthless as I used to be. I've softened up a little bit. Oh man. Um, next match WWE into Cardinal title match between Daniel Bryan and CBC, which would be awesome as well.
Yeah, that WrestleMania you were at, Sheena, Dana O'Brien won the intercount title in the ladder match. That match was, I'm going to watch that match tonight, because that match was awesome. I forget who was in that thing. I think Stardust was in it. I think Luke Harper might have been in it. Yeah, there were several people in it. I think wasn't, no, Zack Ryder was the next year, right? Yeah, Dean Ambrose was in it, or John. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that was that was a good moment. I mean, I've always loved Daniel Bryan. So seeing him like stand tall, the latter at mania, I was like marking out. So that was that was a fun moment. I don't know. Let's see.
I'll let you I'll let you pick this. Okay, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say Dana Bryan is gonna win with Drew Lulak supporting him and Sami Zayn has Cesaro and Nakamura with him weird pairing We're shameless on this whole thing. We were told Seamus was coming back with some big push everybody else in the world on this carbon new Seamus and
Yeah, maybe he's maybe he's self isolating. Maybe he's doing the right thing. You know, yeah, he's trying to he's trying to flatten the curve. So he's staying home. Yeah, I want to go with Daniel Bryan. I think Daniel Ryan's going to to win. I can't I can't imagine they keep Sammy as the as the champ for much longer. I think Daniel Bryan makes is a much better fit. OK, or green greens there.
Alright, onto the next fun match. Raw tag team titles. Angel Garza, Awesome Theory versus the Street Profits. It was supposed to be Andrade, but then he got injured. So they just replaced him with Awesome Theory with him.
Yeah. He better, he better figure his shit out because they're moving on without him. You know what I mean? Between suspensions and injuries, motherfucker. Yeah. He's, he's really having a rough go at it. I'm like, dude, you gotta get yourself together. Cause this, this ball is keeping rolling. You know, Selena, uh, who almost said, almost said Selena Gomez.
Selena Vega She she's got her little faction going on. She's not ready. She's not ready to give up on business. She's like, nope We rolling we rolling with or without you I think I'm going to pick oh my gosh, I Gotta go with my dudes the street profits. I think the street profits retain the titles. I
Yeah, I mean this is a no-brainer. They're not giving the titles to freaking Angel Garza in Austin Theory. You never know. Stranger Things have happened. We're having a Firefly Funhouse match. I'm surprised they're moving Austin. They must be high on this dude because he's getting a WrestleMania tag team match already.
I guess it's just like whoever's like healthy and able to go, you know, because I think Ray Mysterio is quarantining. So he's out, Andrade's out, whatever. Yeah, I mean, Street Profits are going to win this. This should be like an opening card match.
Yeah, that would be a fun match to get the crowd hype. Get the at-home audience hype. Oh my gosh, yeah, I can't believe I had a momentary lapse there. I forgot what world we're living in.
It'd be a cool way to debut like a new wrestler to have them just kind of like walk in and like sit down front row, you know, like, oh, wait a minute. Is that Brody Lee from Dark Order? What's he doing? He's back. Brody Lee's in the impact zone. So next match, the fatal five way elimination match for for Bailey Smackdown women's title.
Lacey Evans versus Sasha Banks versus Naomi versus Tamina Snooker versus Bailey. It's definitely gonna be Tamina. Hands down, I don't even need to talk this through. I think Tamina is definitely taking this one. Are you serious? No. Oh man, I really like my acting though. If I convince you though, I feel good about that. Oh my gosh, okay.
Don't do not think more than five seconds about this shit ball match, please. OK, so well, I'm trying to I'm listening. I feel like I feel like I've made some wall picks, so I feel like I really need to be strategic here because this could be a match that, you know, really, really sets us apart as far as who keeps the Chick Foley show championship. I feel like Naomi is like she I feel like she is due her her time. You know, maybe maybe her and the usos are going to have
a full turnaround in 2020, because she would definitely be a good SmackDown Women's Champion again. But I could also see Sasha dethroning Bayley and that being the source of their contention. So I'm gonna go with Sasha Banks.
Okay. Nice. I'm hoping to take a piss so long that I can miss this entire match because I don't want to watch it at all. But this would be a good way to set up a Bailey, Sasha Banks, like, you know, oops, I, you know, I had, I was, I had to fight you because I was in the match. Yeah. You know, it's like kind of turn on her. Blame Paige. Paige's fault. Yeah. Paige here. How did she come down and have any kind of authority? I'll never know. But who's Tamina replacing?
Is it Dana Brooke either? Dana Brooke. Dana Brooke. Yeah, Dana Brooke. She's quarantining you. Oh my gosh.
I just got some Dana Brooke flashbacks in my brain. Now, I think Sasha Banks is the first one I think of here, too. Unless we see maybe Sasha cost Bailey the title and somebody else wins or something else, and that sets up. Well, that's true, too. Yeah. That could set up a Bailey-Sasha match, because you could do a Bailey-Sasha match without, you don't need the title for that. That's such a big, it's going to be a huge match.
draw without without that but I could actually see that more happening than Sasha now that you say that I feel like I could see her costing Bailey the title and then them have a feud outside of the title picture and then like somebody like I said like Naomi being the Smackdown women's champion because it wouldn't make sense for Sasha to win it and then for Bailey to like immediately challenge her back you know what I mean like nobody wants to see that like Bailey fighting for the title again I feel like it's it should be more of just like a
a blood feud than anything else. If Tamina wins this match, I'm going to get on Facebook live immediately and just, I don't know what I'll do. I'll eat my hat. I'll literally eat a hat live on Facebook live. Make sure you jot that down. Make sure you jot that down in case, Marco, so we can hold him accountable to that. All right, so we're both going with Sasha on that one? Yeah, we both got the boss.
OK, awesome thanks alright. Next up on this list anyway is the raw women's title match between Shayna Basler and Becky Lynch.
Basler. I've drank an entire beer since we've been going through these matches. That's how many matches are on this. I'm so glad this is two nights. It's a lot of matches. It's more than I even thought that it was. I was like, Oh my God. Like when Marco sent the card over, I was like, Holy, what? Yeah. Even eight matches is going to be like a four hour. They're probably both be four hours, right? There'll be some squash matches though. I think there'll be some fast ones. Yeah.
Yeah, I don't think they're going to drag it out too much just considering the circumstances. I think they're just trying to get in, get out, give us a good show, and call it a night.
I think that Shayna Baszler is going to win this because if you had her go through and really just pretty much bury the riot squad and Natty at elimination chamber for no reason, you know what I mean? I feel like that was like that was like really trying to make a statement for her to like
win the raw women's championship i feel like it made her a legitimate contender um and just kind of showed like what a powerhouse and what a force she is so if they did that and then just have her lose at mania i feel like you're really gonna lose a lot of a lot of
it factor with Shayna Baszler. And I feel like Becky's already had her, you know, amazing run as, as champion. I mean, she's, you know, I mean, God, think about when we, when all this first started with Becky, you know what I mean? Like the ascent of Becky Lynch. Um, I feel like it's time to pass the torch and I feel like this is a good time. It's going to be a great match and I'm going with Shayna. Oh man. Uh,
I'm going to go Becky Lynch on this one. I think we see my prediction for somebody coming out. I think I've done this like four pay per views in a row. I'm going to say Ronda Rousey is going to come out. You guys made fun of me last time when I predicted it for elimination chamber. I'm just going to keep predicting at every pay per view and then I'll eventually be right and look smart.
Well my thing is I think I think they really planted the seeds this week with about Rhonda because you know Becky talked about Rhonda and about Shayna being in her shadow and all that so my thoughts are is that Shayna is gonna win and then Rhonda is gonna come out and
either at mania or the raw after mania and like congratulate her and they're gonna be friends and all this blah blah blah and then all of a sudden like shana is gonna be like you know what bitch like you did keep me in your shadow you know like you always thought you were better than me and here i am like the raw women's champion you know like uh and i think that could start a feud between shana and ronda i would be opposed that'd be pretty cool i like that
You're welcome. Yeah, we just we didn't talk about this. I don't want to go on a tangent or anything, but there's no raw after mania this year. Wait, what? What? There's like there's no like I shouldn't say there's no right after mania, but there's no like raw after mania. Like there's no like that crowd reaction when crazy things happen. Yeah, true. Oh, yeah. That's not happening this year. That's one of my favorite parts of wrestling. Yeah, there's no beach ball mania.
Yeah, it's gone. There's no crazy chance. There's no like there's no one appearing on Monday night. Well, there might be, but no crowd reaction to it. There's like that's gone. That's like insane to me that that's not happening.
I'm sorry. It's also for the best because I don't think we're going to see like in the years past where like we had four or five people come up from NXT. I don't think that's what they're doing anymore. So maybe those days would have been gone anyway. That's how we can kind of look at it. You know what I mean? Maybe those folks, they're staying in NXT now. They're not going anywhere. Um, all right.
That is that is weird to think about though like you know cuz that is that is a thing like raw after mania I mean I was like one of the most volatile crowds Ever after after WrestleMania 33, you know, it was like beach ball mania like all the things were happening It's pretty pretty crazy. Yeah, they have the USA like like does commercials on it's like the raw after media like they like yeah, but now it's just gonna be like yeah, I
Yeah, it became it became a real thing. I think like after After 30 was it 33 or 31? No, I thought was after the Ziegler I thought was that the we get the that Monday way he cashed in I think that's when it really started like it picked up. What was that? So the New York, New Jersey mania, which one was that possibly
I don't know. We're on a tangent here, but it has become a thing in recent years and they just started like advertising it, you know, like I am, you know, the raw after mania. That's just the last, the last few years. But yeah, I mean, like I said, I remember when like Roman reigns, I mean, literally like booed him out of the building whenever he beat undertaker, you know?
Oh yeah. Yeah. He sat there for like 15 minutes getting booed and then this is my year and walked away. Oh, that was beautiful. I loved it. All right. So we have a few matches left. Next women's title match would be the NXT women's title. That is Charlotte Flair versus Rhea Ripley. Who you got?
Whoo. Okay. I went first last time, so I'm going to let Phil give his prediction on this. Uh, I'm going to say Rip Ripley keeps the title puts, you know, Charlotte puts her over clean big time. And this is like, this is peak, uh, Rhea Ripley, like huge push. Um, Charlotte gives her the rub and then Charlotte goes back to, you know, raw or smack down and challenges somebody, you know,
Maybe we see Sasha, you know, maybe we see, uh, Sasha and Bailey feud, but you know, Lacey Evans wins the title and then we see a Lacey Evans Charlotte match and you know, she gets back into the title picture there.
Yeah, I'm going to go through Ripley retaining here too. I just feel like it's a huge misstep to give the NXT title to someone on one of the biggest superstars in WWE. I feel like they've really done a good job at making the NXT title look legitimate when they had
Shayna show up at when it was a survivor series, you know, and they were like, it was like NXT versus Rob versus Smackdown. And then, you know, all, all the things that have happened, like the Royal Rumble and whatnot, I feel like it would be a disservice to the NXT title to have Charlotte when it, even though, I mean, no, no, it's not, that's not a dig at Charlotte. It's just, I feel like it's kind of like a sacred thing, you know?
Yeah. Yeah. I hear what you're saying. I agree. And I think, yeah, this is just a way to hopefully build NXT up as legitimate and what better way to do that as beating Charlotte. So yeah, that makes sense. All right. Last two universal title match to be determined superstar versus Bill Goldberg. But here's the, here's the kicker. Here's what we can actually see who wins the chick fully prediction championship. Cause we should do something where you,
Who picks the right person that Goldberg will face? And then you're going to pick the winner of that match as well. That'll put you over even more. Say it again, Sadie. So you pick who's going to win the match, right? But at the same time, you're both going to pick who you think is going to take the place of Roman Reigns. OK, OK. Yeah. That'll give you double points if you pick the right winner of the match and the person that's going to be in the match.
So okay, so my gut is my gut is telling me it's gonna be someone like Braun Yeah, like that's what my gut is telling me. My heart is telling me that it's gonna be Matt Riddle Because I would love to see Matt Riddle and I especially after he sent out that tweet that says, you know If you need somebody if you need if you need anything, especially like an opponent at WrestleMania I'm here for you. Not your bro. You know, I thought that was really awesome. So I
I don't know if they'll follow through with that, but I would love to see it. I'm going to say Matt Riddle is going to face Goldberg because I'm putting it out there into the universe. And I think Matt Riddle is going to win. What the hell? What is going on?
50-50 chance, Phil. 50-50 chance. That's true. If Sia Punk can't do it, hopefully Matt Riddle can. I'm right there with both of those picks. I was going to say Braunstrom. I'm not just saying that because you said Riddle. I think I would personally go Riddle. I think I would rather see Riddle. I think it would be an awesome kind of end to all this behind the scenes social media feud they have going on. Yeah, it's a built-in.
plug and play story, you know? Yeah, especially because it's going to be, you know, a smarky group of people watching this, you know, like exactly exactly. But with that said, I'm going to go with I'm going to go with Braun. And I think Braun wins the title. Oh, yeah. The English is up and kicks Goldberg and then go nads. Yeah, boys. Yeah. I pick you.
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm I'm I'm. Oh, well, I'm sticking. I'm sticking my guts. No, no, no, no, no, no, go backs. I'm sticking with my heart. I think I think it's going to be. I don't know if we're going to come out of this new this new world that we're living in with Matt Riddle is the universal champion. That'd be crazy is this. That'd happen. That'd be crazy, though.
crazier things have happened. Let's just let's just leave it at that. I think Sheena Sheena should just win the title if that happens. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. OK, let's let's put let's put those stakes on the line. If Matt Riddle leaves WrestleMania as the universe champion, it doesn't matter what the what the other matches are. Yeah. What the other matches are, what the wins and losses take out to be. I'm going to win the championship.
Let's do it. All right. The last, the final match of the night. Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre, the chosen one. Oh, man, this is tough. I'll go first, Jason, to and first and last one. Oh, I had a feeling at Royal Rumble he was going to be the guy who's going to win the title here, but I don't know if they've.
I'm going to go McIntyre. I'm going McIntyre. I think this time for a fresh start, we'll have two new fresh champions as we head into post COVID-19 WrestleMania. Um, but I can totally see them keeping it on bra, but I'm going to go with my gut and say, say drew McIntyre as a new face face title champion for raw. You know,
I like in any other circumstance I would have picked McIntyre 100% like no no qualms about it but the sad thing is like you know back when it was scheduled to be in Tampa with with a freaking however many thousands of people like it was no-brainer but now I feel like it's such a disservice to give him that moment
at mania when there's nobody there like it just makes me so sad for him that i feel like they could potentially have something happen i don't think he's gonna lose clean to brock like something could happen um in the match you know somebody could come in and interfere uh and then they carry the storyline and like build continue to build drew up all the way and then have him get his big win at summer slam potentially
Um, because it would just make me really sad to see him like holding the belt over his head at an empty arena, you know, especially, you know, knowing his, his backstory and all this stuff. So.
I think I'm going to go with Brock Lesnar retains the title. The beast. Okay. We got some good differences here, man. This is interesting. I mean, yeah, we, we have good differences, but I feel like we both are justified in our answers. Like, you know, there's really, there's really no, you know, I can go either way. We have no idea. Yeah. This is very weird. Like, like I said, if it was just, if it was just business as usual Tampa Bay,
Raymond James, Raymond James Stadium. I would drew McIntyre like no questions asked, but I feel like they're going to save up his moment. But then again, you run the risk of him losing his spark and then just being like, yeah, no. So I don't know. I think Brock, I think Brock retains. I think, I think Brock retains, but not clean. I think something happens that, you know, something fishy happens to cost drew the match.
Huh. There it is. There is predictions right there. We'll see what happens. That was a marathon. I feel like I need a beer and a banana after that. Beer and a banana? Is that what you said? Yeah. Wow. What a combo. That's a combo. At the end of a marathon or a race, they always have a table full of bananas and you get a beer. You ever run a race?
Yeah. Sheena, come on. You really asked me that question. On that note. Yeah, there we go. Nice. So yeah, we will be on our Facebook page live during WrestleMania for all of our Patreon subscribers. And if you want to be a Patreon subscriber, you can be one pretty easily. It's slash Chick Foley show.
You can sign up there or go to I want to give a shout out to our 16 new Patreon subscribers. One or two of these I might have missed because they sign up like right as we recorded last week. Matt Hodge, Christian Garcia, Matthew Thomas from Matchbox 20, Ryan.
Randy Smith, James, Peter Pfeiffer, I'm butcher that, I apologize. Alex. Sorry, James. Yeah, sorry, buddy. Alex Eubank, Alex Pierce, Spencer Wohl, Devin Pack, Thomas Kilgore, Kyle Niblett, David Amorella, Darryl Jones, Alan Kilberg,
That'd be an awesome wrestler named Dan Allen Kilburg, Dan Fleger, and John Holt. So thank all of you, all 16 of you, for signing up for our Patreon group. We appreciate you immensely. Like I said, we're going to be on our Discord chat on Friday, on Saturday night and Sunday night, so we can chat with all of you guys in live time during WrestleMania.
Uh, but yeah, our, our Patreon group spent, I mean, it's during this quarantine time, it's been awesome. That's why I probably have so many people signing up, which is, you know, I'm not going to complain about it. It's awesome. It's the more, the merrier. Uh, we've been finding figs for each other and just like posting videos on boxing videos and, uh, all kinds of stuff. The other, I think over the weekend I just posted, I was like just cooking steak. So I just posted a video of like how I cook steaks and people seem to like it. So, uh, it's been pretty fun, Sheena. It's been, uh, you're like, you're like Baron Corbin.
Yeah, I'm like the Emeril Corbin. I'm like, Emeril Corbin. Yeah. I'm like Paula Deen Corbin Emeril. But yeah, it's been fun. It's been fun. That's the throwback name, right? But yeah, I mean, it's a fun group and everyone's super cool. We all like share our stories about collecting and just talk wrestling. It's been one of the highlights of my day to jump on there, you know, seven or eight times.
see all the new posts that people have had, so check it out. to sign up. It starts at a dollar per month, and I guarantee you're going to save a lot more than that without having to pay for stuff on eBay, because now we have 130 people strong out there hitting stores and posting figures to buy, sell, and trade. Safely. Safely. They're going to get their essentials. We're not promoting that people go out and
figure hunts during the pandemic. That is absolutely not the case. But if you're at Walmart picking up your teepee or your hand sanitizer and you swing through the toy section, I mean, by all means. But yeah, we're not promoting. Stay home, stay safe, self-quarantine, flatten the curve. We're all pro. Pro kill the pandemic.
All right, let's get on to our outside the squared circle segment.

Dark Side of the Ring & New Jack

The biggest news here is the second episode of the highly acclaimed Dark Side of the Ring featuring New Jack. We talked about this a little bit before we went on air, myself and Sheena. I'm familiar with who New Jack was. I've never seen him wrestle before, but my God, this is a must watch for anybody who couldn't
It's it's probably I mean you talk about Tiger King being a crazy story I mean this guy's career and some of the shit he did in it was just Like you couldn't you couldn't write this Marco. Yeah No, it's it's really it's really insane like we were talking like we were talking about briefly before we started recording You know, I'm a WWF child, you know blue-blooded through and through you know, why should watch some WCW and stuff like that, but I
ECW was like the third brand. Like I never really like got hardcore. Nope. No pun intended into ECW. So I missed a lot of new Jack, but holy crap. Like I mean, I knew he was crazy. I've seen highlights and you know, seen stuff about his story, but I had no idea. I had no idea just how whacked out this guy was. I mean, he's like dangerous. Like I can't believe this guy is still like out roaming the streets because
he's dangerous yeah it's uh... some of the stuff that uh... he did and got away with is insane we won't spoil anything for you uh... but uh... there's a lot of blood blood loss and uh... a lot of drug use and uh... and
this whole season. I'm excited. I mean, there's, there's like seven more episodes. This goes like for a while. I mean, if you don't have, I mean, if you have vice, you definitely need to check it out. It's on, uh, I mean, I have slang TV, it's on there and it's on demand. So it's on Hulu. It's on Hulu too. We have it on. That's what I watch it on. Marco actually came, uh, face to face with, with new Jack. So he survived an encounter with new Jack came back scar free. So, you know, he's,
Lived to tell the tale did I uh, did I say say that on the show last week or did I was that? We did a like pre-show thing Yeah, I think we were talking about it before the show or after the show went off yeah, but yeah Crazy he was scared. He was uh, he's very he's very Intimidating in person and I'll tell you that much cuz I already knew who he was
If it were you guys you gotta be like oh this guy seems very nice But now he's a he's he's like dressing like he had like this like really nice suit on that was one thing He wasn't like dress like like how he isn't in his matches and stuff like that But it was like his retirement match. It was this I Might even show this all around his PWS. It's pro wrestling syndicate. It's like an indie like company, but they were doing his like last match or whatever and He's facing this guy named Necro butcher
Uh, neck row butcher. Yes. That's his name. Yes. So mind you, we have front row seats. Um, they're really cheap. So we like sat like right at the guardrail, um, during this match and, and, um, obviously during the match, bodies get spilled over the guardrail. Um, and we all ran, uh, because there was a bloody neckl butcher and a bloody new jacket, like throwing chairs at each other as chair. This is.
yeah and you know it's pretty crazy you have no idea if newjack has like a wolverine blade like in his oh yeah that's yeah i mean like i really just don't know about this guy like i mean he literally like the possibilities are endless you know he has no fear or gives zero f's about oh yeah no he
Definitely not. So I think he remembered me because I did a meet and greet and I took a picture with him. I gotta find it so I can post it. But I think he remembered me from the meet and greet because he threw Necrobutch right almost on my lap. I actually had DVD. I should try to record it.
upload it to like mp4 so you guys can see me just running chair because I was scared out of my mind because obviously these guys are bleeding I didn't want to get blood all over me so you just see me like almost trip over chairs like folding chairs you just literally see the whole crowd just get up out of their seats and just run run away from these guys they're using staplers they're using fluorescent light bulbs
He shables himself in his own head with his own sampler. I would not put it past these guys to just drill a staple into an innocent bystander's face. I was scared. Legitimately, if you look at these dudes the wrong way, you could get a staple or a blade.
Right to the face, and he's like ah you know I've already done all the things that I've done and gotten off Scott Scott free Think about think about the things that he he did during his career like those those things that they were showing on dark side of the ring like How did he get away with that without any like charges some of it was some of it was really hard to watch man? Especially we won't give it away, but especially the last
Yeah, he had Paul Haman on his side, too, to like get him out of a lot of things, I think. Oh, yeah. He said he well, you know, he talked about that when Paul Haman was like putting on his best work and like the courtroom. And I can totally see that, you know. Oh, yeah.

Roman Reigns' Decision & Fan Reactions

Definitely. Like working the judge and the court and everything. So, yeah. Yes. Your honor. My name is Paul Haman. This gentleman was just doing his job.
video that they show with pretty much like on his end of his career.
Yeah, so just just to skip to the binge watch that's my binge watch recommendation is to just search YouTube and just search new jacket
Have fun watching some new jack matches. It's pretty crazy. The best part of the whole thing was they interviewed some guy who was like a promoter, and he was like, yeah, he's such a nice guy. He's a really good cook, too. And the interview guy was like, oh, what's he cook? What's he cook that's really good? And he was like, spaghetti? Oh, so he just boiled spaghetti and put sauce on it, and that's good? Oh, my god.
Oh, I thought that was hilarious too. He's like, he's a really good cook now. What's he cook now? Spaghetti. I'm like, oh, okay, cool. Like that, that makes you a good cook, but I'm fucking top chef.
You know, top chef in it over here. All right. Yeah. So definitely, definitely check that out if you haven't already. Yeah. I was going to say the other thing that happened outside the squared circle, and I kind of addressed it on my Instagram stories this week, is Roman Reigns had to go live on his Facebook page wearing his Bill Goldberg freaking, um, what's the movie I'm thinking of? Uh, Oh my God.
you guys i cannot believe i can't remember yes so he's wearing these like you know crazy outer space sunglasses but the point of all this is he had to address
the WWE universe because people were hitting him up and you know it had to be pretty bad because Roman Reigns probably gets shit talked to him like every single day all day on social media from from Marx all around the world right and like I said on my Instagram stories I usually use Marx as like a term of endearment but like when I'm talking about Marx in this sense I'm talking about like the the D bags of the wrestling community
And it had to be pretty bad for him to feel like he needed to go on and explain himself why he pulled out of WrestleMania because of health concerns. And he basically addressed it. He's like, you don't know what I got going on. Maybe it wasn't because of my health. You don't know if I got older family living with me or whatever. He's like, you don't know anything about me. So I just thought it was such
Bullshit that he had to like go on or that people would even have the balls to say that he was weak or a coward or anything like that for pulling out of WrestleMania because my whole point is like I feel like any of these superstars I mean Seth Rollins as far as we know Seth Rollins is healthy as a horse has no pre-existing conditions or whatever if Seth Rollins said hey I don't feel comfortable wrestling at WrestleMania under the circumstances like I would respect that right and
but if somebody who's immune compromised and literally like just recovered from a recurring bout with leukemia says you know what i don't feel comfortable wrestling during a global pandemic that's literally like wiping people off the map like left and right how can you not respect that and how can you like let your markdom
be so strong that you would hit him up on social media and ridicule him or criticize him for not entertaining you. Jesus Christ. Every other sport has like canceled everything, you know, and WWE still rolling and you still want to bitch and complain.
These are the the people that are doing this are the people that boo him there These aren't even the people that like them This is the same people that we have to block off of our Twitter account that then are still tweeting about that We blocked them like a year later like just that the losers of the loser like get over man There's a lot of shit going on right now And like if this guy doesn't want to be wrestling or or working it's his total progress It just boggles my mind that anyone would even like give him crap about this like obviously like
Dude, like it's just wrestling. These are these are these are human beings. These are people like these are real people with real real names. You know, as we've as we alluded to the last few raw, these people have actual real names and real families.
And they are not immune, no play on words intended, they are not immune to what's going on in the world. You know what I mean? As much as they're built up to be superstars and fearless and badasses, it doesn't mean that what's going on isn't affecting them and could not affect them or affect their families.
It's it's just mind-blowing that people cannot remove reality from Wrestling, you know when you're safe in your mom's basement that you know everything else. Yeah, you know like nothing so yeah, but props to Roman he does a lot of good charity stuff here in Baltimore with Jimmy's Jimmy's famous seafood and You know I s you know, we all support his decision here. We're big Roman Reigns fans. Yeah

Go Figure Segment & Merchandise

Yeah, we support you, Roman. We won't at you and tell you what a weak person you are. We love you. Let's get into our go figure segment. This is brought to you in part by our good friends at Ringside Collectibles, who are now back up and running. They get the okay that warehouses are essential business, so they are
Good to go. Now you can get your figures from Ringside Collectibles. Again, we are doing a full separate episode of all the Mattel figure reveals that happened today. So those will soon be available for pre-order on Ringside Collectibles. And if you need to, if you'd like to, you can use code CHICKFOLY for 10% off of your order. We appreciate that. And then if you do a screenshot of that order with that
Coupon code we will put you into a drawing for some cool shit. So let's get into our weekly purchases and then we'll get Out of here because like I said, we'll do those figure reveals on a separate episode that will be dropping at the same time as this episode Marco you got some cool stuff from one of our awesome patreon subscribers Yes, I did but before that I actually forgot something that I picked up last week it was the
the hall of fame Yoko Zuna with the tag team championships. Um, I figured what series that was actually for the elite cities and white pants. Yes, yes, exactly. Yeah. Um, as well as a, um, found a dusty floating around dusty. Wow. Yeah. That the, um, that actually at that, um, that, uh, comic book place that I,
Oh, dude, you need to do a live video from that place. You need to find a lot of cool shit from there. Yeah, the cell signals got awful there. So I'm going to try to get the... Tell them, hey, I'm going to fucking promote your store, man. Give me your Wi-Fi password. I'm sure they won't matter. All you got to do is you can just even record it and just post it, even if it's not necessarily live.
Oh, yeah, definitely. Oh, yeah. You can just do a video. Yeah. Come on, man. Yeah, it's true. You're the tech guy. You're the tech guy here. Yeah, that is true. Why? Yeah. He hasn't given me the the tips on doing things. And TNT, TNT dynamite, man. Come on. Jesus. But yeah, so the other so the haul that I got yesterday that I posted today was the the Walmart exclusive WrestleMania three.
pop set pretty much so like the so the t-shirt as well as the Hulk Hogan and Andre the giant because they they were not existent at my local Walmart the pin set as well as the lunchbox and that is from Sal I can never say his name his last name right
Is it good, Sarah? Sarah Garcia. You're correct. Yeah. I don't want to. I'll let you guys butcher it. We love you. So we're just we're just not good at things. Yeah. Thank you for risking life and limb to give me these things. He was already out doing things and he's actually just hit up Facebook and said, hey, anyone any of these? They just literally put the whole set out like the the Walmart he was at. It was like everything was just like fresh fresh out of the box.
There was plenty so I was it wasn't contaminated. Yeah, it was not contaminated Some of it was still inside the boxes too. So that was that was pretty good I'm still healthy. I've gotten sick yet. So that's that's good news. But yeah, no, these are awesome I actually did a little set up with uh with the Vince McMahon pop at the bee gene pop. They're saying at the front of the
the box that the T-shirt comes in, you can transfer them into a wrestling ring, the WrestleMania 3 ring. That's cool. You can put Hogan and Andre the J. Actually, all four of them fit in there, but they kept on falling over. So I just took the two out and just left Andre and Hulk in there. So, yeah, that's pretty awesome. Other than that, that's pretty much it. My travels have been really, really light. I haven't been out of the house in like a week.
I'm actually traveling anywhere, just like going outside to my backyard or front area. I haven't actually traveled anywhere at all, so I've been keeping my social distancing. It's good to us. Very proud of you.
Yeah, I got the Kevin Nash Chase Funko Pop from our, yeah, from our good, good, good buddy, Mike Lanham. I mean, if you don't have a friend like Mike Lanham, what are you even doing in life? Because that guy is the best. And he also sent over the WrestleMania 3, 10 lunchbox, which was super, super made. And I grabbed a set of the
Ace Ventura and Mache. I don't know if you guys know who Mache is, but he does like custom sneakers for like I mean, you know
high, high profile celebrities at this point. I mean, back when I started following Moshe, like you could like commission him. I don't even know if he does like regular individual commissions anymore for like, you know, us peasants, but maybe if we get Marco, maybe he might do it. He might do a commission for Marco since he's the president of the Fire and Things Club. But yeah, Chalk Line did a release of the Ace Ventura line that they did with a collaboration with Moshe. So they were actually on sale on the Chalk Line site. So I grabbed a pair of those shorts for the heel husband.
And then they dropped their Hollywood Hogan shorts today. So I grabbed those for the heel husband. Yeah. I haven't got them in hand, but those were my weekly purchases. Obviously I'm not getting out to do any big hunting, but yeah, that's what that's what's new in the Phelps house this week.
Very nice. I purchased a No Mercy 2001 VHS for $499 because it has Kurt Angle on the cover, so I've added that to my Kurt Angle collection, which is disgusting.
Someone posted on her Twitter, because our friends over at Boots of the Face are doing a hashtag WrestleMania t-shirts. I've been trying to post that. Someone posted this picture of a WrestleMania 26 t-shirt that has Undertaker versus Shawn and Brett versus Vince on it. I was like, oh, that's a pretty cool shirt, like some pretty big matches.
So I ran onto eBay and it was one on there for like $4.99 and I watched it till the end. It had zero bids. I put it in a bid for like $5.50 or something and won it. So it's in my size. It's all good. It'll be coming here. I'll give that a wash and then, you know.
It's amazing to find any kind of wrestling shirt without overpaying it for it by 1,000% on eBay. So I was pretty proud about that. What else did I pick up here? I have a list here. Oh, I picked up the Ultimate Warrior Ultimate Edition. I've added to my collection there. That was our good friends. And he's now one of our Patreon subscribers. He is at, or I guess it's not at, but it's on Instagram, J-N-J-C-O figures.
Great follow on there. He has a bunch of figures that he sells and he's actually gonna be doing a live Sale, I think it's gonna be April. We talked about it April 24th 25th In our Facebook group just for us a live video He's gonna just you know post a video live for everybody and we'll get that information of the date and time out to everyone in the Facebook group but just with a bunch of stuff that he has to sit sell from his store and we all can buy it and I
He'll ship it out to us, and it'll just be for us in the Patreon group. So yeah, give him a follow on Instagram. Good stuff. He always has a bunch of cool stuff for sale. And now that Ringside is up and running, I'm going to possibly purchase the Ronda and the Nakamura, because those are $14.99 for their new Easter sale. And I'm knee deep in this Ultimate Edition collection, which
Really looks a lot better in person than it did on the rings. You know, I love ringside There are sponsor bars and they probably don't provide these pictures but the pictures that Mattel gives them are are awful of these ultimate dishes they are awesome figures man and and you until you see them in person they Pictures do not do them justice at all. Then I don't think it's ringsides fault I think it's just Mattel or whoever is sending them pictures. So I
Yeah, I saw a guy crapping on the Ultimate Editions, like hardcore in a figure group that I'm in. And he was like, I'm not paying $30 for a figure, blah, blah, blah. And then he said, actually, Tom, it's a group that Tom's in. I think because he commented on it, Tom, one of our fully fam,
He, it came up in my feed, so I saw it and this guy was like, oh, the Ultimate Editions are crap. And everybody's like, have you ever seen them in person? Like, they're the best elites ever. He's like, no, I've never seen them, but they suck. And I'm like, OK. Like, you know, you don't get to have an opinion. You know, on the first set with the Ronda and the Ultimate Warrior, do they have like a like a like a book door that like opened up that you can see everything in?
No, no, they didn't like a like a flap that opened up on the front that I thought I thought they did. Oh, no, no. Yeah. The boxes, the boxes stayed the same the entire time, which is my which is my biggest issue. Granted, I collect loose. But if I was an inbox collector, I've said this like multiple times on the show, I feel like the boxing for the ultimate editions could be better.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I agree with that. I mean, they are pretty, I'll probably present them like out in like a big display or something, but yeah, I agree with you there. But like I said, we have a bunch of new stuff that's coming out soon. I don't know if there's, I mean, those are gonna come out anytime soon. We won't talk about the figures themselves, but the Decade of Dominance line is available for pre-order on Walmart's website. Yeah, 1999.
I think earlier today they were showing us July, they would ship and now it's 818 is when they're going to ship. So I don't know if they've just got so many pre-orders coming in. Again, we will break down those figures on our second episode this week. But yeah, that's Brett's birthday. Oh, very nice. Cool. It'll be four.
Not Bret Hart, Bret Phelps. Oh, Bret Phelps, okay. Oh, does it matter now that it's Bret Phelps? No, it doesn't matter. What the hell? No, it doesn't matter. So yeah, that's a pretty cool line, so check those out on the Walmart website, and they will charge your car right away, so it's not like you're not going to get charged until it ships in August.
I don't know how hard those will be to find in Walmarts, but if you want, I might as well pre-order them now and get it out of the way. Again, any other fake news? I did want to give a shout out to one of our buddies. This just happened in the last couple of hours. Alan Keohan on our Facebook group, he just had a baby in the last couple of hours. Alan, congrats to you and your wife, man. This is a good time to be quarantined. Congrats.
with that little one. So take care of the wife, make sure she's got whatever she needs, and your life will be blissful, sir.
Please don't, please don't get on a ship and leave her 10 days after you have your baby. See ya, bitch! That's not a good, yeah, not a good look. One of our other friends, who I can't say enough good things about, Collar & Elbow, it's a great website,, they're doing 20% off if you use the code
Mania 20, and they literally make the best wrestling t-shirts you've ever felt. They're super soft, and they do not shrink when you wash them. I'm a double XL guy, and then sometimes I'll get a shirt, and I'll fit perfectly, and then I'll wash it, and it'll look like I got it from fucking Baby Gap, but not anymore. Now with their shirts, I highly recommend them, and you can get 20% off. Bunch of cool stuff there. Our buddy Tom Sliny has been doing some cool card breaks in our Facebook group.
He's been buying some boxes of WWE cards. And for like two or three bucks, everybody can buy a pack and he opens them live on our Facebook group. So just another cool aspect of our Facebook group where before when we first started this thing, Sheena, we had to create discussions. We kind of went back and forth. And now we have so many awesome people in this group. And I wish I could run down all the names of the people that we have in our Facebook group.
I literally rather interact with those people than like text my friends that I haven't seen during this quarantine time because there's just so many cool people in there and Tom is definitely one of them. So Tom, we enjoy

Community Engagement & Quarantine Entertainment

having you in our group. I do want to give a reminder that Daryl Jones, one of our Patreon subscribers will be guest hosting our WrestleMania recap episode next week. So that'll be fun.
This will be a moment in history, man. This WrestleMania recap should be very interesting. So, you know, Darryl, you're going down in Chick Foley fam history here. Last week we tried to give away a Masters of the Universe Macho Man Randy Savage and the winner did not respond back. So what it did on Twitter earlier today was just said, hey, the next person that signs up for Patreon for whatever price you want, you can sign up for a dollar. I don't care.
You get this figure that was donated by the at the OG fig kid on Twitter when another one of our patreon subscribers and Another Alan Kilburg who I mentioned earlier he won the figure So he signed up for patreon for a dollar and got a free figure sent out to him. So enjoy that figure Alan We'll probably do some more of this if we have anything
laying around, I've seen if you have anything laying around, I'd love to do more of those and just say like, hey, if anybody signs up right now, you get a figure, you know, while we're all stuck inside, something cool to do. What else did I want to say? Oh, some new merch. We didn't even talk about this new merch on the WWE shop who usually some of their stuff has got awful, but the WrestleMania shirts that they've come out with are pretty awesome, aren't they?
Yeah, the in your house one is very tempting. I'm trying to be very selective with like my mark gear because I mean I literally purged so many of my wrestling shirts you know last year and then I did another purge this time because I mean you just like collect so many and Jesus like there's like so much draw space right and some of them you know you get them on a whim because like something awesome is happening and then all of a sudden it's outdated and you're like okay I'm done with that.
But this the in your house WrestleMania t-shirt that's on WWE shop right now is like I just love it so much obviously we have our chick Foley show in your house logo that I if you're gonna only get one obviously get the chick Foley show because that one's that one's primo, but The the WrestleMania one is pretty I think it's cool that they're being like they're acknowledging this they're not just acting like it's not happening like they're literally like making a
merch and stuff that is like in your house or too good for just one night you know they're kind of like not like poking fun at themselves a little bit and I appreciate that.
For sure, yeah, and like Mike Lanham said in our private Inner Circle chat that there's always a cool sale right, I think the day after WrestleMania or the week after WrestleMania for shirts. So if you're eyeing something up, definitely hold off until then and buy one of our shirts on Pro Wrestling Tees in the meantime instead. Yeah, so that's all of our purchases there. Those will be probably pretty limited over the next couple of weeks and months as like,
We can't go outside. There's not too much to buy, but I'll find something. I always have one thing at least a week to buy. Let's go into our quarantine and chill. This is vastly becoming one of my favorite topics. I know you guys both have some good stuff. I just want to touch on really quickly, as of April 1st, some of the new stuff that's dropped onto Netflix. I just watched Social Network today, one of my favorite movies. I don't know why I love Social Network so much. Oh, I was going to say, have you never seen that before? Oh, yeah.
the best movies. I love social network. It's a good background. Nothing really happens. It's not like a ton of stuff happens in one moment. It's kind of like a real well-drawn out story about the history of how Facebook started. So check that out. That's one of my favorite movies there. To piggyback off of that, if you've never listened to The Ringers rewatchable on the social network, that is a really, really good listen too.
Watch the social network if you've never seen it, and then go and listen to the rewatchables episode. It's a podcast from The Ringer, and it's really, really good. It's got Bill Simmons and all of their Ringer crew.
Another movie that a lot of people don't talk about is Road to Perdition, one of my favorite Tom Hanks movies, where he's like a 1930s gangster. Where he's not in space? He's not in space, and he's not a cop. He's not an island? Not an island, not a cop, not in space. Does he have the Rona?
It doesn't have the Rona and that's that's it for me. I'm trying to look through this any other movies that are coming out Despicable me on April 16th, so I'm sure my son will be watching that a lot I just finished Ozark by the way Ozark was pretty good. Yeah, I was gonna say Ozark I've never watched Ozark But I've had more people in the last like week tell me that I need to watch Ozark than I've ever I didn't even know Ozark was a thing until like this past week and everybody's like oh my god Do you watch Ozark? I'm like
No, then it was like blows their mind because like you need to be watching this so I might give it I might give it a shot and see
if it's kind of my bag. I mean, I've been really wrapped up in like Tiger King and like all the Tiger King memes that have been going around. That's been my source of entertainment as of late. Literally I was looking through a series of Tiger King memes the other day and it like had me laughing harder than I've laughed probably in months. So if you haven't yet and you enjoy some trashy TV, obviously don't support anybody that exploits animals.
for their own financial gain. I definitely do not support that, but the actual story that is like woven into this whole thing is like insane. Carol fucking basket. Yes. Carol effing basket. Oh my God. Like, did you know, did you know, um, AJ hit me up and told me that they reopened the case.
for her husband. So I'm like, oh shit. She thought she was getting a leg up, uh, doing this documentary, you know, on, on Joe and really like, you know, tearing into him when really she was like digging up her own skeletons in the closet. So yeah, I will be so interested to see how this all pans out and hopefully crime junkies, which is another one of my favorite podcasts. Crime junkies does a, a podcast on Carol's missing husband, Don, Don Lowe, I think is his name. Is that his name?
I don't know. Don, I can't remember what his last name is. Anyway, his name is Don, but I can't remember. Yeah, Don. Poor Don. All right. Poor Don. Darn it. What about you, Marco? You got any good quarantine and chill recommendations for the folks out here? Nothing too crazy. Just Tiger King, definitely. I've been watching. So David Spade, he has like a night, like a talk show he does.
on Comedy Central, so since he can't do it, interviews with everybody from Tiger King. Oh my gosh, wow. He bitches. Obviously they're funny, because obviously David's face is funny, but it's like new information, like a lot of new stuff that you didn't know about that's happened since the documentary and stuff like that. So the Carole Baskin thing, for instance, they do talk about that they have a ton of evidence and stuff like that
they didn't get to show the documentary a lot of stuff that they have from her and a lot of stuff that she did to them during that time that they were battling back and forth that they didn't get to like highlight on the documentary at all that they get to like try to bring forth. Um, and they actually do want to like put her in jail for, for the murder of, uh, and probably for other reasons, cause you know, it's a game of thrones world and that, uh, that tiger zoo, um, profession. So, but yeah, there's, it's,
If you get a chance, I definitely watch a lot of you pretty much like interviewed everyone so far on even the person that that was their arm. Oh yeah, I forget what her name is. Yeah, she was on there. She's a good spirit. So she's a.
She's so mad about it. She was obviously in good spirits. She was at work seven days after she lost her arm. Literally got out of the hospital and just showed back up at the tiger pen like, yeah, here I am. No big deal. And they told her like, hey, you can either do all this rehab and we can save your arm or we can just take it off. And she was like, I just take it off.
from 6 a.m. to midnight for $150 a week. Like, where are these people in the real workforce? You know what I mean? Like, there's people, like, they bitch about having, like, a four-hour shift working at, you know, Sephora. They're like, oh, my God, like, this is so hard. Like, if I have to do another mega application, I am going to die. And then these fuckers are like cleaning tiger shit and, like, getting their arms bit off, and they're, like, working for $150 a day or a week.
I'm like, oh my god, like this is, I need to find these people to like do work around my house. Because be like, you know, I mean, granted, you know, the whole, the whole like, you know, method aspect of it is kind of, you know, questionable. But at the same time, like, geez, man, those people are loyal to a fault.
But I have some other Netflix recommendations that I absolutely love. David Chang, I don't know if you guys know who he is, but he's a chef. I love everything about him. He has a couple of shows on Netflix that I highly recommend if you're into food shows. One is Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
has breakfast, lunch, and dinner with other celebrities, and it's super, super funny. And then he has a show called Ugly Delicious where they really dive into a certain aspect of food. They'll do different topics like they do steak, and they'll do chicken, and they do all these different Indian food.
and they really do deep dive and it's like they travel all everywhere and it's like super super awesome so I love those David Chang shows and also if you haven't watched it yet it's been out for a while but comedians and cars getting coffee like that is one of my favorite shows to watch like Seinfeld is just amazing and when you pair him with like another
Incredible comedian. It's just gold. So if you're looking for something just to binge out on those are three that I highly recommend What you said made me think of something else? I don't even know the name of there's a show on Hulu I think it's by by BuzzFeed and it's like all the episodes are like five or six minutes long But basically it's these two guys who are super annoying. So don't don't
don't quote me on the guys being fun but they go to like each episode is like they do one episode on steak and they go to like a place that's like a $10 steak then they go to a place that's like a $50 steak and they go to a place that's like a $300 steak and they like say which one is the best like bang for your buck basically
and it's pretty like it's like an awesome idea they had to like sushi they did like a pizza one and they went to like a spa go and got like the truffle pizza which is like a $400 pizza and like you know it just sounds stupid but they were both like oh my god this is like the best thing I've ever eaten in my life so it's a pretty cool idea like all the episodes are like you know like five minutes so it's a pretty quick like little watch
I will have to check that out. I love food shows. That's one of my guilty pleasures. I've watched Top Chef ever since it came out. I just love any kind of food documentary. Chef's Table is on Netflix too, I believe. That's a really serious, deep look into different
aspects and like foundations of food and culture and everything. But I do love, and I mean, obviously I loved everything that Anthony Bourdain did. So yeah, deep down, I'm like, if I can go back in my life, like I'm like, if people get paid money to like go around the world and eat food, like why did I not know that was a thing? Like they teach you in high school, you need to grow up and be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher. Like why don't they tell me like you could get paid to travel the world and eat food? Like that would have been like my A number one goal in life, you know?
I think the best part of the Tiger King show is when the girl got her arm ripped off and Joe Exotic had the time to grab his medical bomber jacket that had like this. It's like, where did you find that from, man? Now I want that jacket so bad now. It's such an awesome jacket. We've got a chocolate line. Are you listening? Yes, please make this chocolate. We need Joe Exotic.
Yeah. Then he walks into the gift shop and he's like, okay, everyone. A lady just got her arm bit off by a tiger. If you want a refund. Yeah, he's like, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but I don't know. Who's the worst? Who's the worst person on that show? I think it's Carol Baskin. Carol Baskin. No, I think it's this Doc Antle guy. He's a total scumbag piece of shit.
Yeah, it was really bad. He's really bad in a different way. Carol is bad in like a very overt type of way. Like Doc Antle is very bad in like a creepy sinister like cult leader type of way. I feel like Carol Baskin is just like ruthless manipulative like.
Like heartless biatch And it's pretty crazy when the most likable character in the whole thing is like that Mario dude And he like literally cut off an informant's head with a circular

Retro Wrestling & Episode Conclusion

saw I mean, I'm like that's the most likable guy He's like, you know freakin Tony Montana who cut who cut up an informant and we're like, yeah We like this guy like, you know, he just drugs so he could have more monkeys, you know, like that's all and
Um, and, uh, yeah, that tells you everything you need to know about the show. Well, what's his name's pretty bad too. Bandana hat guy, affliction guy. Um, I forget his name, but he's pretty, he's pretty bad too. All right. So that's our quarantine and chill. We'll have more recommendations for you next week. I'm sure. Uh, let's get into our random merch of the week. This is a WWF WrestleMania one program unopened. What the, huh?
Yeah. So if you go, if you click on the link, um, it's 79 79. There's a price. This guy legit has plastic factory sealed, wrapped. Wrestle media one official programs multiple. If you scroll through the pictures. Yeah. Here's multiple. Like they're factory sealed. That's insane.
Dude, yeah, they're they're all sealed together. So I guess I guess, yeah, it's it before he. Oh, man, it's not a bad price. That thing's going to be worth a lot of freaking money soon. And you know, the pristine condition you posted, you posted the the picture of the card from WrestleMania one. Oh, my God. So much talent on that. Yeah, that's pretty, pretty epic. And like it's actually I didn't know the dude that played doing was on the first WrestleMania. What the heck?
My link isn't working. I'll drive down there. I'll drive down there for you and help you, Sheena. You want to help me? I need some help opening this place. How's this link work? Do you just click this blue thing here? Do I have to put the w w w first or no?
That's funny. So yeah, if you want, if you want this program, just search, um, uh, what's it, what's it under here? Uh, Oh, talk about me. New old stock 1985 WWF WrestleMania official program. And, uh, yeah, insane. More than 10 availability. I can't believe it, man. Yeah. How's it taking this long and free shipping? Shit.
Oh, you can make an offer too. 79.79. You can make an offer. I bet it'll do 60. Yeah, 60 bucks. I'll take one of those.
I don't want my power just flicking here. It's getting windy out there. All right, let's move this along here. So that's our random merch of the week. Our retro wrestling recommendation of the week is sponsored by our friends at Pro Wrestling Tees. We just talked about them. We have WrestleMania 6 and WrestleMania X7 or 17 for the non redneck version.
Yeah, I did I did two because because the two-nighter thing because It's bigger than you know one night Yeah, but they so Tuesday was the anniversary of WrestleMania 6 I believe And then the next night was the anniversary of WrestleMania 17 both good cards I think anyway, I'm biased because it's Wario Hogan on our WrestleMania 6 so
Be biased in that one. And if you actually look at the match card, it's actually not bad. There's just some pretty decent matches on there. And obviously WrestleMania 17 with Hogan. Awesome in the Rock going at it. That one isn't bad as well. But yeah, I just figured just go back and watch. You can pick and choose. If you have the network, you can actually skip to the matches. You don't have to watch the whole thing. But definitely highlight the main events, which is Rock Austin.
for 17 and then Hogan Warrior for WrestleMania 6 where it's kind of like a passing of the torch on the WrestleMania 6 with Hogan going over. And obviously trying to always take the spotlight from people when they win titles. He did that to Macho Man when Macho Man won the title. He did it to Warrior and this one too as well. But yeah, definitely go back and watch those too. And it's actually two different eras too of like two of the most over people
for those errors. That's why I picked those two Wrestle medias to go back to backless. So very nice. I hear a baby stirring in the background. Let's keep this rolling here. So we talked about our giveaways. We'll have some more giveaways. We post to social media over the next coming days. And we appreciate when you guys retweet our episodes. Thank you so much for helping spread the word. We've having some
Great numbers over the last couple weeks and hopefully that continues. Shout out to our friends at Our Vantage Point Podcast, Marco. They gave us a nice shout out the other day earlier this week. Their show drops on Monday. I'm a huge fan of their show. And I almost like don't listen to their show so I can save it up and listen to like four of them in a row.
They kind of binge listen listen to them, but it's a it's a great field if you're an old-school wrestling fan They have some great content. You should check them out and become a patreon subscriber theirs, too So do that when you can We talked about our friends at boots to the face great podcast as well If you have any questions for us you want it We're gonna probably do a mailbag episode of the next week or so next month or so It's ask at chick Foley show calm
and again our patreon is slash chick foley show or just chick foley show dot com actually have a friend from high school who lives close to me who had coronavirus and is now you know all all good to go i was wondering on the man i wondering if i should do an interview with him if people would be interested by that
like how how it was and like you know it's not obviously so he got like he got like it tested and everything like you know he would they would not they would not test him because he already had like I guess you know it's weird now I don't only get to a rabbit hole here but they won't give you a test if you already have symptoms because they're just assuming you have it so they don't want to waste the test or something
So he went to Johns Hopkins and like, you know, I guess he went on the trip to, he worked for the secret service too. So it's like an interesting story. But he went to like Mexico and then he went to like Brooklyn, New York for something. And then he came home, he was achy and like had a cough and then, you know, so he was quarantined for a while. But it's a pretty cool story. So maybe I'll jump on with him and do an interview with him because that's a hot topic right now.
Yeah, check out our shirts at Pro Wrestling And again, if you're a Patreon subscriber, we'll shoot a link onto the page about Discord. Just download the Discord app and we can chat on Saturday night and Sunday night about WrestleMania and about how I'm going to keep my title.
My hot takes are going to pay off. Okay. We'll say 50-50 chance on that, Sheena. 50-50 chance. All right. We'll be back. We're going to hit the pause button and stop recording and we'll be back and do a separate episode. You get two episodes this week for the price of one. We're going to do a whole other episode of our Mattel reveal breakdown of what happened today and possibly what we'll see you over the next couple of days.
Thank you for listening for Sheena and Marco. This is the Hot Take It signing off. Stay classy, Marx, and enjoy WrestleMania. We'll talk to you soon.
No, why you wanna act like this buddy on my wrist, so she wanna have kids