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The Great Fyter Bash For The Fallen: Horror Show image

The Great Fyter Bash For The Fallen: Horror Show

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays4 years ago
Phil and Marco recap Week One of The Great American Bash and Fyter Fest plus they discuss their weekly purchases, Kenny Omega's alcohol abuse, Jake Hager's awful ring gear, fantasy book WCW 2.0, and much more! Become a member of The Foley Family!

Welcome and 4th of July discussions

Welcome to the sloppy shop. Welcome to the Chick Foley show. It's almost 4th of July, man. America's birthday, Marco. You believe it? One of my favorite holidays, bro. How are you? Doing good over here. Just, uh, just sweating it up. It's extremely like muggy for some reason in this tonight. Hasn't let up at all. Usually cools down a little bit around these parts, but, uh,
I'm not even drinking any liquor tonight, I'm actually like water bottles all over the place. Plus I'm trying to stay hydrated for the upcoming weekend so I'm going to save some of that drinking promise for the 4th of July weekend.

Podcast dynamics and Bret Hart tribute

Thank you guys for joining us. Sheena could not be with us tonight. She's on mommy duty, so she might pop in a little bit later, but it might be just boys' night tonight. Pretty big show. We got to talk about the first week of the Great American Bash, the first week of Fighter Fest.
some new COVID announcements, wrestling cancellations, some figure delays, and all kinds of stuff. I want to start out the show by wishing a good friend, friend of the podcast, and potentially a father of Sheena Phelps, Bret the Hitman Hart. Happy birthday to the Hitman. Best there was, best there is, best there was, best there ever will be. What's your favorite Bret Hart match of all time? Ooh, that's a tough one.
I can't even. I hate to go with like stone cold bread, but. Yeah, that's the obvious one. That's literally the best match ever. Although, let me see. Brett versus Owen at WrestleMania 10 was great. Yeah, him and Diesel wasn't bad either. I didn't hate that match at all. I just hate to go with the go-to matches all the time because he has so many really good matches.
I can't believe he was a two time WCW champion. I was so pissed when he left because I was a huge, you know, between him and Shawn, I was just huge marks for both. And I just refused to watch WCW again.
Uh, when he, when he went over there, uh, especially cause the attitude error was just starting. So, uh, I'm surprised you won the title twice, but good for

Wrestling merch and community engagement

him. And, uh, congrats to our, uh, podcast brethren, uh, Brian Myers, who had his second, uh, daughter a couple of days ago, earlier this week. So, uh, I think they're, uh, they're all doing good. I think they're back at home and everything. So, uh, he wasn't on the major brothers podcast this week. Uh, you know, rightfully so. So, uh,
him and Sheena are both, you know, they're both cutting out. We're both two man shows this week. So, uh, he was missed on his show. She don't be missed on our show, but I'm sure they'll both be back next week. But yeah, congrats Brian. Um, before we get into anything, let's get into some news. Uh, we have a huge sale going on right now, Marco at
And I believe it's 20% off until until I pull up the website and read the details, because I don't remember it off the top of my head. But we have all of our shirts there. slash Chick Foley Show. And it's 20% off until 4th of July. If you add 20% off, use Code America, until noon on the 4th of July. So pretty good sale. I always try to wait with our own shirts. I try to not buy any of our shirts until
They do these sales like four or five times a year. So this is a good time to grab some stuff. I know Matt Cardona, I know Brian Myers, and Major Brothers have a bunch of stuff up there. But basically any wrestler you've ever heard of, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Macho Man, all have shirts available up on
Check their check that website out. They do some awesome stuff I mean anyone indie wrestlers, you know legends all kinds of stuff So it's a great website to get some good wrestling merch and it's 20% off So you can't really beat that get our stuff there. I just started sending out Marco our chick Foley stickers one of our first ever Patreon prizes to people I sent it out to the mid-carter tier and above and
and our friends over at Sticker Mule made those for us. They look pretty dope, and we'll continue to do that every once in a while. I got yours. I had all of them. I was like, okay, I'm going to put these all in envelopes. My son, my five-year-old freaking somehow was smart enough to help me. He was like, huge help. Putting stamps on and sealing the envelopes was great.
And I was like, okay, anything left over, I'm just going to, because I ordered 50, either order like 50 or 100. So I got 50. I was like, okay, anything left over, I'm going to put in an envelope. I'm going to split it up between Marco and Sheena and send them out to them, and myself, obviously. When I was done, there was three stickers left, one for me, one for you, and one for Sheena. So we might have to order more.
But so it just I mean, it's cool. That means we have, you know, 47 folks. I think I gave my son one. So 46 folks that are that are that are paying and appreciating us and supporting our show. So thank you to all those folks. We got a really cool next up the pike. Another another idea for you guys. So that'll be coming out. That'll be even more mage than the stickers. So that'll be coming up pretty soon.

Patreon perks and wrestling recaps

But tell the people, Marco, about our Patreon page, please.
Yeah, so Patreon page is pretty, what did the kid say, lit nowadays? Pretty lit, yeah, yeah. It is pretty lit. Definitely a ton of articles on there. A lot of the things that we do is our Facebook group page where we have, you know, all the people that love the show, they love big collecting, they just love talking wrestling and other things. We all get together and we just banter back and forth. It's not all,
It's not all just professional wrestling 24-7 on our Facebook group page. It's live stuff. We talk about regular day-to-day things. Everyone has kids. So I talk about our kids and stuff like that, which is really cool. We made a lot of friends on there as well. We have some...
Yeah, we have some spawns, some podcast spawnage off of our Facebook group page too as well with the running pod. Those guys are great as well. We do weekly articles. Me, Marco, and Shane do some weekly articles on the website. Like Marco said, the Facebook page is a great place for about 170 of us now buying and selling and trading figures.
So that's fun. We do some bonus episodes me and Marco and Mike Lanham just recorded 1996 Royal Rumble Watch along that we posted the other day and then on 4th of July we're gonna post the Hasbro fig fed draft and you were you were the kind of the moderator for that Marco You didn't give me your thoughts. I didn't ask I meant to text you
after the fact, but it was me versus Mike. We did a Hasbro draft, both put a WrestleMania card together without giving any spoilers away. Who had the better card in your mind? How can I pick? They're both really good. I mean, you know, you're in a tough position. Yeah. I mean, be right there on the spot, have them run their cards down and
Um, the batches that they had set up were really, they were unique to each, each show. So they really did, uh, copy each other at all, which was really hard to as well. So if someone had like a similar match, I would've been like, Oh, this guy's automatically disqualified. I'm going to pick him, but, uh, um, I don't know. It's, it was, it was really, it was down the middle almost with both cards. I wasn't impressed with.
with both types of matches that you guys had for the main event, for the opening matches. You guys had killer opening matches, too. Yeah, I had a really good opening match. So yeah, check it out. That'll be available on 4th of July. We do all kinds of bonus episodes on boxing video. So it's the best way to support the show. It starts at $1 per month. So it's a great value, I would say. So go to If you want to sign up, we have a bunch of new Patreon subscribers that we need to get to and give them
Thanks for supporting us. Let's start at the top with Scott Hayes, Keith Caldwell, and John Dameron, three new Patreon subscribers. We had a bunch of folks that hopped up to the $5 tier to get that sticker and to get the bonus episodes. I know Kyle Haas was one of those folks, and I got a feeling a lot of people will be jumping up to a higher tier when we unleash the next giveaway.
Keep your eyes peeled for that. So let's get into Inside the Squared Circle. Marco, this is brought to you by our great friends at Chalkline. You can use code CHICK for 15% off there. Let's fly through SmackDown and Raw in literally two minutes here because there's nothing really that happened. And I don't really feel like I'd rather just get into the Wednesday Night Wars here.
Uh, Smackdown, what, uh, I know the biggest thing for me was, uh, I guess they tried to do a tribute, you know, kind of an undertaker tribute. They showed the Boneyard match Baron Corbin kind of shit on him. And then, yeah, it was very corny. And, uh, and then I think what did Jeff Hardy fought for his, uh, fought for the undertakers? Uh, you know, whatever.
I guess right. Far for his honor. He was the man to fight for Undertaker's honor that night out. Sure enough, Thundertaker appreciated that. He was definitely not even watching or cared about what happened on SmackDown, but it was a cool tribute to the Undertaker. They had all the wrestlers out on the stage at the beginning of the show, heels and faces all clapping for Undertaker, which was a little much. I mean, come on.
obviously the one of the biggest names in wrestling history probably retiring but you know they've never done this for that's why I think I mean I really think Marco and me me you and Mike have talked about this that I think they're just gonna do him for Hall of Fame when he gets in it's just gonna be him I mean they've done things for this guy they've done for anybody else you know I think Vince holds him in such high regard that you know when would you ever see someone you know Shawn Michaels retired but you know all these guys Rick flair retired you didn't have all the wrestlers come out and
basically turn a whole show around, you know, a whole episode of SmackDown around as a tribute to them. So yeah, I mean, it's well-deserved. Undertaker is one of the bad-ass guys that carried this company for three decades. So I'm not going to, I'm not sure on that. It was just kind of odd. Anything else on SmackDown before we move over to Raw? Nothing really. Just Nikki Cross winning the Fatal Four Way. So she's going to be facing Bayley at the Extreme Rules Horror Show for the
SmackDown Women's Championship. That was kind of surprising that she won the four away, but that's about they're probably trying to figure out something.
Alexa Bliss type of. Well, did you see that video where she was kind of talking to Alexa and Alexa had kind of like some shades of like being jealous and healish. So I'm assuming we're going to get a split up between those two sooner than later, which I love. Alexa, heal Alexa is, you know, 10 times better than face Alexa. So I'd be down for that.
I did forget to mention we reached 3500 followers on Twitter I think yesterday or the day before and we were going to give away this Elite Fiend figure that I purchased an extra one and we will announce that during the Go Figure segment so if you're waiting to hear if you won be sure to keep listening and we will do that later on in the show.

Extreme Rules and wrestling storylines

Let's move over to Raw. We started out with the
Double contract signing and I did like I do like on raw when they start the show and people are already like beating the shit out of each other like yeah Like you're just like you just walk into the middle of it. It's like a good like Different way to start the show than just having like a 15 minute, you know interview or something like that So that was pretty cool. We saw the contract signing for the two title matches for extreme rules I think we talked about this last week extreme rules horror show Yeah, I think we like
I think we kind of like we weren't sure if it was actually called horror show at the time, because I think that was like the name floating around, but it is exactly Extreme Rules Horror Show, which I'm kind of curious now if every match is going to have some type of theme to it, or is it just going to be focused on the the the Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman non title match, by the way. Yeah. What is that about? Why? I don't know. I don't know. I don't think they could. Obviously, Bray Wyatt is probably going to lose.
Maybe they don't want another title loss on his character. So I don't know. Unless it's just a one-shot deal with the returning Bray Wyatt, the cult leader, Bray Wyatt. That's a Wyatt Swamp Fight. What the hell is a Wyatt Swamp Fight? Hey, we said the same thing about the Boneyard match. Who knows? Yeah, I guess. I mean, I feel like it's going to be something similar, right? Yeah. Right now, I think they're going to try to outdo the Boneyard match, especially if you have Bray Wyatt involved.
You can probably make that happen, but I'm not sure about what Braun Strom could do in a cinematic setting.
Yeah, they're calling it. They're saying a Bray Wyatt versus Braun Strowman. So they're not referring to him as the fiend here. So I guess he's going to come back with the Eater of Worlds gimmick for the match or something. I mean, it is interesting the way they're doing it. So we'll see where that leads. We still have until the 19th. So we have a couple of weeks left for that. What else did we see? A bunch of Rollins, Mysterio. I'm really sick of this, man. I am sick of this. This is going on way too long.
Yeah. Sorry, Shane. It's going to be the Ron's bashing segment of it. No, I'm joking. We're not going to bash Ron. Well, I mean, they're just totally, I mean, they were in a good place with him, but I mean, they've just like, perciferated on this Mysterio thing for, since WrestleMania, I feel like, right? I believe so. Yeah. It's just, it's, I think it's, they need to end it at some point. It's right. It's course. I mean, let's just try to keep it till summer slam, but I don't, I can't
You have June, July, August. So a few more months, are you going to drag this storyline out? One of the podcasts I listened to said they should have just had everybody involved in this angle just kind of had their eyes pushed into the stairs. By the time it's over, they're all wearing eye patches. And then somebody has both eyes poked, and they have just walking them around. Buddy Murphy is walking around with two eye patches, just can't see where he's going.
What a great wasn't too much else. I mean, we did see banks, Sasha Banks, make Oscar tap, right? And the main event and the champions versus challengers mixed tag match. Yeah, she's mouth enough to Drew McIntyre and Reagan.
They could ask a tap out. She was just taking over that whole match. Yeah, she was the star of the show. Two belts banks or whatever her nickname is. Gotta love that. Let's move over to NXT, which I did not watch. I watched AEW, or at least part of it. I was very behind. Me and Sheena were talking. Neither of us had watched anything up until today, just with crazy weeks. The holiday has been busy for alcohol sales, as you would imagine.
Oh, yeah, definitely, of course. What should I go back from this in the NXT? I'm going to go watch it this weekend. But should I watch the whole thing top to bottom? Was there anything that stood out for you? I mean, I know my boy, Oney Lorcan, is on the card, which I'm always a fan of. Him and Timothy Thatcher probably beat the shit out of each other. Oh, yeah. I mean, top to bottom, yeah, I would definitely watch the whole. Two hours. Yeah, put this out front. Both shows are great. And the AEW and NXT, they both fold very well.
NXT you see Tegan Nox. She became the number one that match actually went Maybe almost 30 minutes. Wow. Yeah, because I yeah, I had both shows running at once on my computer and they have lasted into the second match of AWW Wow just with the commercial breaks and also so that was a really great match definitely go back and watch that one definitely watch Timothy Thatcher and Oney Lorcan if you like and
If you like the technical side of wrestling and then it just turns into just hard hitting, just elbows and just kicking the shit out of each other, which is because at the beginning, they're doing all those like crazy catch wrestling moves and like trying to submit each other. And then at the end, they just like half this and they just start beating the shit out of each other. The only match you could really skip is the Rhea Ripley against Ali and Robert Stone. That was God awful. Everything else is great. Yeah.
Dexter with this with the strap and Roderick Strong in the strap match is awesome. They did some pretty cool stuff. The the the the main event, Io Shirai and Sasha Banks, that definitely has to be a either summer slam match or bring that back to WrestleMania. Really? Because that needs to be in front of a live club. Yeah. Yeah. That match was it was insane before the shenanigans happened at the end. But the just see they really gelled well together. There was no like
I didn't see any type of botches.
and kind of like a powerbomb position. And she slams her against the plexiglass and just throws her off the ground. Like a two-hit combo. It was pretty sick. With Sasha, kind of like she had that time period where is she going to leave? What's she going to do? Man, they need her desperately right now with Charlotte on the shelf for a month or so and Becky on the shelf for probably pushing out a kid.
Um, she, I mean, she stepped right into like, you know, she's pulling double duty almost on, on multiple shows and also, you know, the tag team division with, with, um, with Bailey and now moving over to MXT. So I mean, I like what they're, she can go obviously. I mean, she's just like 94 pounds, which is, uh, you know, I'm always, I'm always worried about her when she gets thrown through things like that. But, uh, you know, she, uh, she always shows out in the ring. So I'm going to definitely go back and watch that this weekend.

AEW highlights and comments

I did watch AEW have some comments about that. Let's just start at the beginning here, Jurassic Express versus MJF and Wardlow. MJF comes out, it's kind of the mouthpiece for the tag team. I'm slightly getting sick of MJF, I just feel like it hasn't. They feel like they're definitely in a waiting period with him, you know what I mean?
Yeah. He's not like advancing. He's not in the title picture. I mean, they have him, you know, obviously on the card and he's, he's, you know, one of the best talkers in the business. But I just feel like he needs something like the thing with Cody fizzled out completely. You know, that was a great angle they had that they kind of rushed, I felt like.
So I don't know what's next for him. I mean, they lose this match, but of course, Wardlow takes the pin. I mean, I'm sure they're going to split those two up. I mean, he was constantly complaining to Wardlow about messing up and they did the tag team move where the guy hits him into Wardlow and that's what causes the end of the match. So I'm sure that'll be an angle coming up where those two will have a program together.
Yeah, we talked, we talked about Darby Allen. I mean, he's been nowhere. He had like a little vignette on this show, but he didn't wrestle. Uh, so, and then Scorpio Sky was nowhere to be seen. I think he's in a triple. He's in a six man tag next week with a SCU. So are the younger guys that we thought were really going to be kind of pushed to the forefront or now kind of, you know, just kind of waiting in the wings, which is good to have that talent there. Um, she diversified Penelope Ford. She keeps the title, but, uh, Penelope Ford look good, man.
Yeah, no, she's awesome. She's super athletic. I remember seeing her at the there was at the was at all in was a very furry first one that they did not a related. But yeah, I remember seeing her when she was with Joey Janela. I had who he faced at that pay per view. My memory is horrible. But she got involved in that match. And she was doing some super like lucha like type of stuff. So now she's she's always good. She's definitely something that they should
think about putting like not the forefront of the women's division, but have her in the ring more, I think, instead of just a valley that gets involved in matches and stuff like that. She's, she's really awesome, especially with like the, I mean, they do have a pretty decent town pool for the women, but definitely with the dentist out, you know, it's.
Yeah. And Chris Statlander out. So you've lost, you know, both companies have lost a couple of ladies. I'm sure both are driving hard to the hoop for Tessa Blanchard, which I'm sure we'll talk about a little bit who got released from Impact. She was their champion. So the rumors are she's going to land closer to WWE, but we will see with that. I have to talk about this Cody versus Jake Hager, Jake Hager, Jack Swagger match. First off in the promos, I can't believe they had a
press conference for this TNT title like you know it's like having a press conference for like the US title match or like Intercom like that never happens like if it wasn't Cody where they be would they be doing that probably not yeah someone needs to tell Jake Hager that he is on on television and he needs to like where he was basically wearing like
Underwear like like like boxer briefs like blue blue boxer briefs like the worst outfit I've ever seen a wrestler like nothing nothing written on it Nothing like totally nondiscrete someone you it like gonna create a wrestler in a video game is what he looked like
I actually, when I seen him, I was like, those are literally the same underwear that I wear. I was going to say, I was going to say, I wear it a bit. I was like, I can wrestle, though. Why do you become a wrestler now? They even had like the waistband and like everything. They probably was. He had black boots and black knee pads. It was like, you just look like a creator wrestler from WWE 2K. Just awful. And I saw how the, I mean, I feel like every Cody match ends with
bunch of people running to the ring and checking to see if he's okay and I guess what was our disqualification he beat the hell out of the ref
Yeah, yeah, he knocked the ref out. Horrible flop, like fall to the ground. It was bad. That's as far as I've watched. I mean, I watched some of the private party Santana Ortiz match, which was a really good back and forth. We need to talk about this Taz promo on Moxley, not competing. Yeah. What were your thoughts on that? I mean, it had some shades of Paul Heyman in it, which was good. Yeah, I mean, I was actually thinking about this earlier, but people forget that.
He was a student of Paul Haman. So when they draw comparisons to him and Paul Haman and the way they speak and the way he presents himself, that's going to happen. You can't take that out of him. And he was always a good talker, too. I enjoyed go back and watch any of the ECW, the early stuff, and watch his promos. I mean, obviously, a little bit vulgar, because they could swear and stuff like that. But he could cut a really damn good promo. So yeah, that was like no surprise.
the way he spoke. I'm surprised they let him actually say the things he said. I was more shocked at that. They've been giving people liberties on that show, which is good. He did take a shot at WWE, calls it the sloppy shop, because I guess so many people have tested positive. I really don't understand. I mean, I'm watching AEW. There's people in the crowd. None of the wrestlers have masks. None of the people in the crowd. I know they all get tested, but I mean, it's still-
It's coming up. They're not as clean as we think they are. Oh, I bet not. Yeah. And then the finale was Kenny Omega and Adam Hangman Page against the best friends. Maybe the best thing I've ever seen from AEW was the best friends pulling up in a minivan that one of their, I think Chuck Taylor's mom, or no, Trump really mom was driving. Fucking amazing. Awesome.
That's the kind of shit like that. You know, you'll get me to watch AEW do funny stuff like that. It isn't like corny or overdone because it's very reminiscent of, you know, the revival pulling up in their souped up pickup truck or whatever. Yeah. This match end with a schmaz because I saw here that the revival were in the ring with the young bucks and there was just kind of a eight man kind of like pushing and shoving type of thing. No, they won. They won clean.
FTR came in to celebrate they brought beers into the ring and try to celebrate with Kenny and the hangman and They passed the beers out and Kenny wasn't having any of it He grabbed the beer but opened it up and just dumped it in front of him and they took offense to him I would do a damn perfectly good beer What the hell is wrong with you? But no that the young bucks came out and because I look like they were gonna fight and all that stuff and then hangman was kind of getting mad at that Kenny Omega for doing it and
You know, that's still like a thing that they're like together, but they're not together. So who knows what they're doing with, but they always have the show with a bunch of. A lot of combustible elements here, Kang. There's going to be a powder keg in there, Kang. Yeah. I mean, there, I mean, whatever it's, I do like that the fact that they're, you know, leave you with a little bit of something, they're moving into two weeks, you know, so that we can finish up.
next week with some matches I think we saw we got the eight man tag match we I guess I don't know what they're gonna do I guess there's just not gonna have the title match but I know Nyla Rose is in action next week and I think you said Lance Archer versus Joey Janelle that should be a squash match man everybody's telling me how great Joey Janelle is and I've never seen that guy win a single match
AEW I think they it's his his gimmick. Not so much as in ring. So he can't wrestle. He can. Yeah, he definitely can. But I think it's more of his like antics outside the ring and what he does in the ring that people like draw to almost. He is a he is a character, definitely. But yeah, he isn't. I don't think he's one of his. I don't think he's won a match since he's been there. And if he did, it was on a W dark, which I don't really watch. I tried to anyway, but.
Oh, geez. I need to pause. I need to tell you something. I need to pause real quick. Oh, no. Nothing bad. OK. Oh, good. Nothing bad. Just wanted to share something with Marco without you guys listening. If you start off with a Patreon, I'll tell you what it was. It's not a big deal. Yeah. The other match we have next week is Jericho and Orange Cassidy. Yeah. That should be really entertaining. I mean, not like saying that it's not casting, but I think it will be.
because I don't know how good how good it will be. Yeah, no, definitely not to take his job. Obviously, Jericho is like a obviously he's a great wrestler, but at the same time, he is an entertainer and he is entertaining. And so it was an orange Cassidy. So I'm pretty sure they're going to cook up a really unique type of match. So I'm actually looking forward to that one since there's no championship match.
What do you think about NXT winning for the second week in a row, 792,000 to 748,000? Pretty surprising on a week where neither of them drew big numbers for both having kind of like pay-per-view-esque events going on. But this is two weeks in a row for NXT. I mean, are we canceling NXT? Yeah. So I have two.
Two things. Well, it's kind of I'm not sure there's like a hot take at all. But I think people I think there are genuine fans of AEW and the fans of like, actually, I think there's people that are fans of the people that wrestle in AEW. I don't think they're fans of the brand itself. They could be I could be wrong. They probably are. But I think more of the fans are it's like be the it's like B.B. from Boston, right? Obviously, Patriots, Celtics, all that stuff. But
I do love other guys from other sports. I like LeBron James. I like that type of stuff. So I don't like the whole team. I don't like all the Lakers. I just like LeBron James, that type of thing. So I think that's what it's like with AEW at some times. The other part of it, I think people just watch AEW because they don't just out of spite. I don't think they watch it just to enjoy it some of the times. I think they just watch it because they don't. Are you talking about me?
No, no, not you. No, because I watch AEW myself. I watch everything.
But I think there's a majority of the people that watch AEW just to spite WWE, because they hate WWE. Oh, I see what you're saying. OK. Yeah, that's what I've been thinking. Because some people think that I watch AEW just to hate watch it. Oh, no, no, no, not hate watch it. They hate, they watch it. They hate, they just want to watch anything but WWE, so they watch it. Yeah, so they just watch ads. Well, they're clearly not, because no one's watching. I mean, no one's watching. Well, you can only watch so much of AEW and then like realize it's like the same people
I'm sure I've all sounded like you right now. Yeah, I'm bringing you to the dark side. I mean, I always watch AEW over NXT just because, I don't know, maybe because I felt like NXT was taped for so long, it just doesn't have a live feel to me. I just feel like AEW has a better, if I have to watch one of them live, I'd rather watch AEW live. There'd be more things that people are gonna be talking about live on our Twitter or something like that.
Every week, the same type of matches, the same ending, that type of stuff.
But yeah, neither of them are doing great. But AW again finishes behind NXT in the ratings. We'll see what happens next week with Jericho in the ring. But Jericho was there, he was on commentary and- Yep. It was a pretty packed card. So we will see, we'll get to more of that in outside the squared circle brought to you by our friends at Collar & Elbow. I just ordered a Collar & Elbow shirt the other day and it shipped within four hours. It's amazing. So I should have that soon. I'll talk about that in my
weekly purchases. Use code CHICK for 10% off there. Love their stuff. They have a bunch of great cool wrestling shirts, shirts that if you wore them out to the bar or to the restaurant or something, no one's going to think you're a nerdy wrestling fan because you don't have some dude's face on your shirt. It's kind of more subtly stated.
You don't have it on the script here. I do want to get to a tweet that Chris Jericho sent out. Here's a lesson about television ratings, kids. Last night's AEW was number six in the 18 to 49 demo. This is a professional wrestler saying this about the show he's on. To TV networks and advertisers, it's the only number that matters, and we were up 31% in that area. So once again, AEW Dynamite is the real winner in the Wednesday night ratings war.
Unbelievable the saddest fucking thing I've ever read That a wrestler what you think you think stone cold gave a shit about the ratings when he was like back in the day like yeah when they were losing to WCW every week No, he was just trying to make a better product and just kick the shit out of WCW when he could I don't that that
That's kind of annoying. It's like you don't have to do that. No, it's stupid. Chris Jericho, don't tweet stuff like that at all. Yeah. Why? This is other people's jobs to worry about. You know what I mean? Yeah. You just go out and like wrestle. It's almost like, well, well, you did this, but well, we did this part better. So technically we're the better of the show. It's like, just take it. You lost. You lost in the viewership and that's just move on to next week. Make next week's better.
That's all you got to do is put on a damn good match that people are going to watch. I remember when it's all starting. I mean, before they started the show, you said this isn't like you kept saying like this isn't a war, you know, it's not a ratings war or whatever, but yeah, now it is. Now it is. Pretty, pretty lame. But, uh, and also, so you had that, you had the, uh, the comments from Taz and the promo about WWE, and then you had Cody commenting on the great American bash.

Cody's thoughts on NXT's Great American Bash

Um, that, uh,
What did he say? He hopes NXT does something special with great American bash and it's not a Starrcade situation. Yeah. So when they did like, they, like the Starrcade shows now that they have, they're all pretty much like how shows they're not really big or anything like that. So, um, obviously both things, creations of, uh, dusty roads. Um, so in the, in the interview that he did, he basically talks about how those two names are like, they're special to him and his sister.
Obviously, because his father created them. So those are out of any trademark, out of any property, he would want those more than anything, anything else, Cody. So Jesse was basically just saying, hey, he's happy, and he's actually bringing back the Great American Bash name. He just hopes that they do something special with it. Basically, make it like a big event, not just something where they just want to counter-program the fighter fest.
You know they want to and they need to do something on there to draw viewers in which it worked Technically the great American bash actually did draw more viewers in the AWW show this week anyway, but um He has basically the Starrcade situation He kind of shit on like the fact that it was a house show and there weren't that many people there But they called it Starrcade where Starrcade before was this big like glamorous event where everyone showed up so
He's just basically kind of shitting on that, but praising the fact that they brought back Great American Bash. I mean, come on, man, get over it. It's not, you know, it's like just. And AEW was supposed to be like this thing that was like totally different and like didn't care about anything all new, kind of like revolutionary. And like, we're going to complain about this. It's just a freaking, you know, I don't know.
Unbelievable. So yeah, let's move over. We talked about Tessa Blanchard before. The rumors are she's going to come to WWE. She was like, go by impact because she didn't want to leave Mexico and because of travel restrictions. But I'm sure if WWE comes calling, she's going to hop her ass on a flight real quick because
That's where the big bucks are for sure, I'm sure. I mean, I would love to see a Tess Blanchard-Charlotte match at WrestleMania or something. They could do a lot with this, and I think they need her right now. Especially NXT's got some talent, but they could use some main event level folks with Becky out for a while. What do you think? No, no, definitely, yeah. I mean, if I'm gonna pick something, obviously.
If you, if you followed her at all and followed her career, she's, she seems like she wants to be separate from her, from her father, like be her own person. And obviously her father is an AEW. Um, so maybe that's probably like a, almost like a, eh, I don't want to go there. I'd rather go to WWE and continue to, to make myself a brand name. Um, she already isn't pretty much of a big name. Um, if you want to call it that, um, from what I read, AEW, um,
They're looking not to take her mainly because of the like the locker room stuff that they heard about her and like her attitude and stuff like that. So, um, that's what I read. They basically said like their Nick, they're not even like in pursuing her at all, but I highly doubt that. Um, I definitely think WWE would be the better place for her. There's so many way better match ups and dream matches. If you want to call them at W and WWE Sasha Banks, Bailey, like you said, Charlotte.
definitely EO Shirai, Rhea Ripley, like any one of those ladies to get a run down the list, man, for sure. Yeah, no, she definitely belongs.
That's her, that's her home, I'm saying. People were like, oh, she's probably gonna go to AEW because her dad, you know. Who picks a job because her dad works somewhere? Yeah, so now that's the opposite. Think of this as like a normal job, like, oh man, I'm gonna pick, when my dad works here, I really want to work with my dad. What, no. No, dad, no. Come on.
I mean, I love my dad, but I don't want to freaking work with him. Jesus Christ.

Wrestling rumors and new series

Even if I was somewhere I wanted to work, that wouldn't be one of the things that would attract me to a job. My dad works there? Come on. I'll get to see my dad more. Cool. WWE 365 Ricochet debuts on July 5th on the network, if you want to see.
his, um, descent from facing Brock Lesnar for a title match to moving over to main event. I guess I don't, what is this going to be about? It's his first year in the W roster or maybe like in between like the NXT stuff to the main roster. Um, so like they talk about, like if you read the description on the website, it's like aging his matches at AJ styles and
all that type of stuff, so his time on Raw. So yeah, it's something recent. So before the fall, yeah.
Yeah, before the before the the the crashing burn of his career in WWE died. He'll definitely he'll ricochet back. Oh, for sure. Right. He definitely he definitely will. I love that. That was a good dad joke. But yeah, I mean, forget he was in a main event. Was it like one of the Saudi shows against freaking Brock Lesnar for the title? And now he's like in a tag team with ricochet with Cedric Cedric. Cedric, I almost said Cedric the entertainer. Yeah.
That's what our truth calls him, right? I love that shirt, by the way. I never knew you had that shirt.
Oh yeah, the Ric Flair, Macho Man Woo. Yeah, I know. 92, yeah. It's like a light material, too. That's why I threw it on. I was looking at, yeah. This is not fat guy weather for, like, I need a fan on me. I don't have a fan on me when I'm sleeping now. It's like the worst sleep ever.
Um, gallows and Anderson rumored to be signing with impact. I think that's a good place for them. I think they are going to be able to still do some dates in new Japan once everything gets back to normal. So that's good for them. Uh, Seth impact set. Oh my God. Take a shot. Heath Slater teasing. He's going to go to impact. Is that what that date is that he's, uh, it's a, I believe it's a slave anniversary date. Um, their pay-per-view slave anniversary. Um, so.
It seems like he might show up. I'm not sure. Or he might be doing something totally different on that date. Who knows? But there's a lot of teases going on there. He had EC3. I'm not sure if anyone follows his Twitter. But he has some really awesome promo videos that he does on his Twitter page. Really? Yeah, he takes a brick wall. It'll be like an image of one of the rest.
AW, he did recently, I believe. He's an ROH in the background and he's does AW already. Yeah, AW did this time. And still people are like, oh my God, he's going to ROH. Oh my God, he's going to AW. Oh my God. But he's basically just saying like, he's above being, like you basically said something like on the AW was like, I'm not elite. I'm basically like the 1%. I'm basically better than all of you. And he kind of called out MJF on stealing his gimmick anyway on one of his promos.
Um, but she kind of, if you watch any of the earlier TNA impact stuff, yeah, yeah, really similar to, uh, MJF is kind of, I think he's kind of pulling from the, uh, the, uh, old EC3 gimmick, not the WWE one.
But yeah, they're really good. Definitely go back and scroll through the timeline and see if he's a really good promo guy. I'll tell you that much. Oh, yeah. I remember that was one of the shining things about him when he was in the title picture and facing off against Kurt Angle and all that stuff and TNA. We'll see what happens to him. And I know our buddy Brian Myers posted a video, I think today, recently, before we started recording it, but with that date on it too. So maybe he's going to make an appearance there for impact as well.
Somebody, I think it was WWE Retro Stars on Twitter, brought up the fact that they should have just, instead of releasing all these people, they should have just brought back the WCW brand and just had all of them go over to that, which obviously wouldn't solve the problem for WWE of having to pay these people, but as a fan, I would love it.
All the people need to have a fourth brand to switch people around with. Imagine Rusev and a main event picture with some of these guys and you'd have the Major Brothers as a tag team and you can move like Dana Brooke and Ruby Ryan and some of these people over there. It would thin out the roster a little bit. I don't know if that would be good or bad.
I mean there's just so many people that just don't have a chance to perform and then you go somewhere else and you realize they're, you know, they can wrestle. So I think it's a cool idea. You know, you have all the pay-per-view names, you probably own, I think you own Halloween Havoc, you own obviously Great American Bash and all these things.
Um, I wouldn't, I wouldn't hate that. I don't think it will ever happen. You know, but it probably should have happened. Like they should have brought back. That's a marketable name. Like they should do more with that. If they own WCW, like why are they not slapping that on a bunch of stuff? You know? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's maybe that old, uh, that old grudge where it was, uh, it was Ted Turner's, uh, his baby and man's not bringing that baby back at all. He's dead and buried.
pretty much talked about mostly being out for fighter fast after Renee young contracted the coronavirus. Hopefully she's okay. I think along with Adam, Adam Pierce and, um, one of the guys from the, uh, Jimmy noble was another, another person that had, uh, tested positive. So, uh, yeah.
We have to talk about that. I kind of talked about it when we were talking about Fighter Fest. But people are just so mad that there's rumors and everything. I don't know any of this stuff is true. But WWE was the first telling people that they should not to wear masks. And now they're telling people they have to wear masks because of all the backlash and stuff. And they weren't testing at first. Now they are going to test. And there was rumors that AEW was testing. But they aren't wearing masks. So it's just the Wild West, basically.
Yeah, there's a yeah. So there's a there was an article Ryan saying and posted about a supposedly a spectator at the fighter fest show. Not a wrestler, not a part of the the the crew, not a part of the company. I guess they invited like civilians to the to the show. They were supposedly not tested at all either. They were just told they were just told to wear a mask. That's pretty much it.
They're just let in I guess they're like up on a balcony area not near the talent so like the talents on the floor surrounded ring Yeah, the rest of the people are like up in the balcony area, so they were separate But they have basically then they've pretty much learned a sloppy shop as well Well, they did at the fighter fest anyway wait so this person supposedly test positive No, no, he's just he's just saying that they're not they're calling out WWE for all this stuff when
They're technically not doing it as well. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Yeah, he's doing. Yeah, that is pretty lame.
But people won't believe it. They'll be like, well, AWs, they're definitely on top of their testing. He's like, how do you know? You've never been there to any of the shows at all to know what they're doing. We're just going off of what the dirt sheets say, and they're going off of what two people removed say about something one guy said about something. It's like, how much truth is there to that stuff? Speaking of Bret Hart earlier in the show, whose birthday is today, Confessions of the Hitman is a new series I guess he's going to come out with.
Sounds like it's pretty comparable to like a something to wrestle with type setup I guess where there'll be a host and he just kind of runs through I don't know if it's a podcast or a video thing. I mean I saw like the kind of the trailer for it Yeah, it's something you have to sign up for obviously and pay for but I mean I'm sure he's got some great stories about how he won every match and You know
My impressions funny that I try I try really hard Well, you know, I was wrestling doing and you know, I was afraid of clowns, but I kept going, you know I was the best wrestler they had You know doing was pretty good, uh, he's a really good wrestler and stuff and uh, you know
But I was definitely funnier than him even though he was a clown. Do the dumpster dressing. You know, I took the trash out all the time. I mean, no one ever thanked me for that, you know? You know, the repo, man, I repossessed a few cars in my day. I don't know why it was a big deal with repo, man. Oh, my God.
Yeah. She doesn't hate us for this, by the way. Yeah, she's going to hate us for this. Check that out. Confessions of the Hitman. He's not paying us to say that. And you have on here Ravensburger, which I know they make two of my favorite things, by the way, Ravensburger, is making a, I think they're like a puzzle company, right? Aren't they a puzzle company? Yeah, yeah. They're making a WWE Legends card game? Yeah, it looks pretty cool. I was actually, they didn't give too many details on it.
Looks pretty sweet. You get, like, obviously all the legends. It's only legends, it looks like. So I'm assuming like all the Hall of Famers and stuff like that. It doesn't look like there's any new people in it. So, like, you know, the box art, it's March of Man, Razor Ramon, Rick Flair, Ultimate Warrior, of course, and a Booker T. Looks like you basically like a like a battle card game where you have like you have your wrestler that you have like different moves. That's pretty cool stuff like that that you can throw down. Yeah, I'm definitely going to pick it up.
Two to 10 players. Oh, that's nice. 20 bucks, too. Yeah, about 30 to 45 minutes of play. So nice little night with a wife. Like, hey, you want to play some Royal Rumble card game? Oh, yeah, my wife would love that. After a long day, she'd love to play a Royal Rumble card game with me. Who's this? Who's this?
That's why my husband said she was like, who's this? I don't know what this is. My wife wouldn't even care that much, you know. No, she would know some people, I would hope. Yeah, she probably knows all of them, just from watching with me and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, it'd be a fun game to play with friends or with the kid. Yeah. Let's get into our Go Figure segment, brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Money talk. Oh. Oh, damn.
There we go. There we go. Alright, here we go. Go figure segment. This is where myself and Marco and usually Sheena will let you know what we purchased during the week here. This is brought to you, like I said, by our good friends at Ringside Collectibles. This is one of the big boy shops. Okay, that's what you can say.
Use Code Chick-Fully for 10% off. This is with everything going on in the world. Don't be making unnecessary trips to Walmart and Target and tell yourself you're going for a Gatorade or something just so you can run out and possibly get sick trying to find a wrestling figure.
Shop like we do, go on ringside collectibles, get it before everybody else, get in perfect condition. You know, the Walmart employees don't care about the boxes. So, trust me, as many stores as I've been to in my life, the amount of figures I've found on the pegs is very small. So, do yourself a favor, save the gas money, go to, be glad that you did. Marco, let's start off with some pickups of the week.
Or should we get into who won our Fiend giveaway? Do that first. Let's see. Yeah, let's do the Fiend giveaway. Let's set it off. Set it off, man. You got all the young people in lingo. Would you watch Nick Jr. tonight or something? I mean, yeah. I mean, they had that
This past Friday, did you see on MTV, they did a flashback Friday with a whole day. I did hear about that. Old programming. I wish I would have watched it.

Merchandise adventures and figure collecting

Yeah, it was, my wife was like, and she was like so excited because it was like all 2000s, 99 2000s. So I get in sync and pack three boys and all that stuff. They actually had the 2000 MTV awards.
But they had that whole weird dynamic with Eminem and Christina when they're all there. Oh, yeah Kind of like weird tension and stuff like that and we're watching like oh my god I forgot this thing happened then after because I'm super old and I love it Nirvana and Nirvana unplugged they played after that so Definitely watch that it was great. Love that. I used to love I have the album for the Jay-Z unplugged, which is really good. I
Oh, Jay-Z in a plug is really good, too. That's right. The roots. Oh, yeah. I don't know why they don't just redo all that stuff. I'm sure it just costs more money than just playing Ridiculousness for 20 hours a day. And Catfish, they play. Oh, God, all the time. Yeah. Yeah. 16 and pregnant.
Yeah, even a Rob Dyrdek run MTV This is a total sidebar, but I had a friend I admit actually through Twitter and We just talked about football and stuff and I was up we were up in New York for something This is like the weekend I proposed to my wife. I think it was
And he was like, yeah, stop by man. He worked at MTV and we went there and I was like, oh man, MTV, this is going to be awesome, man. And it's literally like one floor of like an office building with like a green screen and then like a cubicle, like a, like a room full of cubicles and like an office. And that's it. Like it was like literally the most
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's just totally not like you'd think there'd be famous people running around or, you know, it just, I mean, how much, how much stuff do they film there anymore? You know what I mean? They had the room where they probably do like the news updates and shit, but I don't even know if they do that anymore. That was an old school thing.
All right, so let's get into it. We were shooting for 3,500 followers by the end of the summer. We got there much earlier. So we're going to give away this old, this Feen elite figure that I purchased from Ringside Collectibles. Minty Fresh in the box. Marco, myself and my son did a unboxing of this. I can't see myself. Oh, here you go.
Pretty nice looking figure. Hard to get. It's on back order until like 2021 or something. So let's see who's going to win here. Let me scroll through. I can't use my normal website because the tweet that I made about it is over 60 days old, of course. That's fucking fun. Keep scrolling. Okay. Our winner is Andrew.
Sharonco, Andrew Sharonco, you are the winner. A underscore Sharonco 97. Oh, he's a Steelers fan. Great. Damn it. OK. I can edit this out. I'm going to edit this part out. Let's give it to somebody else. No, I'm just kidding, Andrew. I'm just kidding, Andrew. I don't know how to edit things out. So you won. Just message us to your address, and we will get this sent out to you post-haste. Thank you for.
following us and supporting us and interacting with us on Twitter, man. So yeah, pretty cool. We also at the end of the show, we have our Patreon giveaway, which is a ton of cool stuff. So a lot of giveaways this week, a lot of giveaways. All right, so let's get into it here. You want to go through your pickups? You have anything new? What essential oils or bonnets like Sheena Bolt last week?
I actually did, yeah, she inspired me to get some essential oils and bonnets. Really? Of course. Yeah, candles, too, as well. Oh. So yeah, those are my pickups for the week now, I'm joking. Yeah, nothing figure-related, really. Well, technically, I'm seeing a lot of people get the Chris Jericho, a little bit of the bubbly ringside exclusive. So we'll talk about that a little bit. Really? People are getting there already?
I mean, someone said there's that video, that guy that unboxed and everything. That was Jerry Padour. That was a guy that made it. Oh, was it? I thought it was someone's TikTok or something. Yeah, there it is. Yeah, I don't know why. Oh, it was his TikTok. He's way too old to have TikTok, but. That's true, yeah. I was like, wow, it must be some young whippersnippers that got it, but no, definitely not. All right, so yeah, my pickup's pretty light. Just got my homage, my homage shirts, my two Warrior shirts.
The original design that they always had on there with the green lettering and the middle flexing. And then the new design that they came out with, where it's like his face and the warrior logo in the background with the veins and everything. Nice. Grab those two there. And got a sweet mask off of them, too, as well. Oh, those masks are nice. I have a couple of masks already, but that's by far my favorite one. I use that more than anything. Super soft. It's like a T-shirt material. Yeah, it's a T-shirt material. It's breathable.
Um, it's lightweight too. Like it's, no, it's great. Um, but other than that, no, no figures this week, uh, kept it pretty light on the figure side of things.
OK, cool. Before I talk about what I purchased, I did go out today, saw the numbers jump at one of my targets, went there, and I was like, oh, I'm excited. They weren't on the peg. So I asked some girl that was walking around. She was very helpful. Surprisingly, she had the whole box. She said, you want to just follow me over here and go through it? So she brought it over to the electronics counter.
Box was open, so I was like, okay, first one, Braun Strowman, I don't want that. The next one's Braun Strowman. Now they must have double-packed this case of two Strowman's here. Okay, all right, third one, Braun Strowman. Fourth one, Braun Strowman. Fifth one, Braun Strowman. I was like, oh, Jesus, what is this?
So I took them all. I was just laughing. It was her and a customer standing there. I just had a maniacal, joker laugh. I just cannot believe this is happening. None of my stories have gotten any cases of anything. I was hoping to hook up some people in the Foley group, which there's been a lot of people buying and selling figures in there.
It's been really cool now that we have 170 people in there. It's been finding stuff and they know to ask around and see if people need stuff. But I still wanted to do my part and help out too. The employee's like, oh yeah, on the side of the box here it says Braun Strowman. So it's an entire case of Braun Strowman figures. I don't know if it was meant to ship to ringside or one of these other stores or something. So I was like, do you want me to, I'll put these on the pegs for you if you want me to.
they're like no it's okay so I just like put my hands like okay just leaving I guess I felt bad just left them there but it was weird and I posted the picture everybody's like what the hell how did this happen and I guess somebody tweeted back in the one of their stores again a whole case of Tucker's so I don't know what's going on
that's even i don't know if that's worse or better than getting a case of this strowman's are going to be there until he gets he goes into the hall of fame probably most likely they'll probably get the top the top picks or the elites whatever those top elite things uh soon he's in that series too so
Oh, my God. Yeah, so just burn that target to the ground. I was like, when I got my car, I was like, at least it'll be an interesting story for the fucking podcast. Like, you know, when has this ever happened? Like a whole case of one person. Like, I don't know if I've ever seen that before. So obviously I didn't get anything there. And I was talking to Daris, my buddy Daris, about this
Otis for me is the perfect fig hunting figure because I don't really want like I don't really need Otis it doesn't fit any of my collections I'm gonna be like I want to get them just to just to get them I'll probably give it to my son but it's like it's just like just good enough where I want to like seek it out but I don't like I'm not upset if I don't have it like how I'm not gonna go to bed tonight and miss Otis
But even that whole set, I was never a fan of Christian. I got the Lacey because I need that for my women's collection. But the Cena is whatever, the Strowman is whatever. I'm not a huge fan of you, those two. So it is what it is. We'll see if any stores get more going forward. Our buddy Chris at Wrestle Gettin' Podcast sent out a tweet to us and put it on our Facebook group that there's a big sale going on. I think Ultimate Editions, Marco, are you frozen?
I think you're frozen. Marco, are you there? Yeah, I'm here. I thought you were just staring at me. I got staring contests, but you were frozen. Oh, no. I'm going to let it slide down. Here we go. Yeah, so Ultimate Editions, I think, are on sale for $20. So I'll pull up that picture real quick and give you that code, because he tweeted that out. And you can pop that into Popfinder.
And it'll tell you if there's any stores nearby that have, most stores have like one or two, but at least you can go there and check and see if they have any. I mean, you can get the, I mean, sorry, the Finn Balor one or the Triple H one for, you know, $10 off. So the number for that is 087160504. That's for the Ultimate Editions. Also the, those 12 inch tall, like Barbie doll ones are on sale for seven bucks.
And all of the Reckon figures, which I know a lot of the kids like, are on sale for $7.00, too, on target. And I think that just started already out. Today is Thursday. So it's a holiday weekend thing. But if you're listening to this, go check your targets for Ultimate Editions. Good way to start that collection for $20.00 for a figure that's going for over $30.00 on different websites. So check that out.
to the
, and
It's like a spice that you put on crabs. It's really freaking good. I'll mail you some of that, too. But they made like a hot sauce with that. So I'm dying to make some wings soon and put that hot sauce on there. So I ordered a couple of those off their website.
like a bookcase and I put three of the hanging wall shelves like the floating wall shelves up to add and I decided this is my this is it this is all the space I have in this room I'm splitting it basically my basement is split between my room here and my son's playroom so
I'm not expanding into his part, so once this is full, I'm starting to make cuts and getting rid of stuff. As hard as that's going to be. So we'll see. But I'll post some pictures of that on the Facebook group for people to see that. That was pretty cool. That was pretty fun.
I put the, so the wall that I put them on is like into my laundry room so there's no like, you can see, you can go over to the other room and see the back of the wall. So I did the first shelf fine, perfect. Took like five minutes, not even. I go to put the second shelf in and none of the drywall anchors will go in. I go around the corner to the wall. There's a two by four. The whole wall is just drywall. Just a drywall wall, nothing behind it. There's a two by four.
going vertically in one spot, and that's the spot I tried to drill in. So I had to, well, my wife did most of the work, full disclosure, to fix it. So she basically put putty on it, plastered over it, sanded it all down, repainted it, and did that a couple times. And then I just moved it down a little bit. It was fine. But I was like, come on, man. I was like, that would be my luck that there would be a random, the two by four is not even doing anything. It's just kind of like, you know,
tied to the wall or whatever. So whatever. So that's done. I stopped into Full Tilt Brewing who have made a couple of beers that we enjoyed. They made that Rick Flair and the John Cena beer. They are making a couple more beers. I think they said, I said Undertaker and a Shawn Michaels. So once those come out, I'll let people know. But they reached out to me and they said, dude, we need some figures.
Sorry. When we do these figures, we like to have like, uh, we do these beers. We want to have a figure to take pictures of him when he, when we're making the beers and say, can you find me a cane figure? So I was like, yeah, this is my favorite one. This hall of champions, but it's like a hundred dollars on eBay. They're like, no, we don't want to pay that. So I put it out to our Patreon Facebook group. And again, Chris from Russell Geddon pod, who's the MVP of the show so far.
Yeah, he's like, yeah, I got this one. It's like, uh, it's like the full cane outfit with the long sleeves and it's more black than it is red. I was like, dude, that's awesome, man. How much you want? He's like, oh, I'll just send it to you. It's like, uh, people are awesome. So I owe him big time for that.
I'm going to give that to those guys. They were making some, they had some, they're making a peach sour and a banana sour beer. They were adding, when I went there, they gave me a tour of the place. It's awesome. But they were pouring the fresh fruit puree into the beer. It looked delicious. I was like, I definitely have to buy some of this. I never heard of a banana beer. Me neither.
But that was pretty cool. Other than that, I finally got these WDF magazines in from our buddy Anthony who listens to the show and he follows me on Instagram. He was messaging me. He sent me like 11 different magazines at a great price, all ones I needed. This box was literally mailed out like June 19th and I just got it like June 9th. This guy lives in New Jersey. I was checking the tracking. He went to Denver.
for, like, a week. What the hell? Yeah, I don't know. Why is this in debt? I messaged him. I wasn't even mad at him. He didn't do anything. But it finally came. And these things are literally, like, fresh. Like, he went back into a time machine to 1994 and bought magazines. I mean, they're so nice. I'll post some pictures of those, too. And they still have all the cards in them. They even have, like, the little, like, the subscription cards used to rip out of, like, Rolling Stone to, you know, because they'd get in the way, you know, to subscribe to it. Those are all still in there.
So pretty cool. I have a bunch of stuff that hasn't gotten here yet that I'm going to talk about on next week's show. Usually I go into that stuff too, but I want to get that stuff in hand first. I am in search of Macho Man loyal subjects. I think they're at Walmart and Target.
they're like little little boxes like you can't tell what's inside they're like three inches big yeah from macho man so if anybody out there is at a Target or Walmart check those for me I don't know if you can see who's in each box or not but I could really use a macho man of those
And I think that is about it. I am going to buy some stuff on Pro Wrestling Tees this weekend with that sale. I have that 20% off so I'm going to get some Chick Foley shirts. Our buddy Extra Cooler is making us some new designs. What did you think of that new design brought out? She thought it was a little controversial.
It was a little controversial. I just want it for me. I just want it for me. I don't know if I want to promote it. I mean, we don't have to even put it on the Patreon or the website. I just want to wear it for myself. I mean, I had to take one. But like Eric Bischoff says, controversy creates cash. There you go. It's not a bad thing. I like that. So those are our pickups. Sheena, did you have anything?
No, OK. I got to pull up that Sheena Tron 5000. What'd you think of my haul this week, Sheena? It's large and impressive. Oh, thank you so much, Sheena Tron 5000. Appreciate that. Let's move on to quarantine and chill. What have you been watching? What's going on over there at the Denton household? Nothing too crazy. I threw up on here the
The Broken Skull Sessions with Mark Henry, if you haven't seen that yet, definitely go on your way to watch it. It's like an hour and 20 minutes, actually. It runs about the same time as a Rick Flair one, which is pretty crazy. But he, some interesting stuff. I don't think I've ever known about him. Especially, did you know he was like a nanny from Bret Hart? Mark Henry was? Yeah. When? When he was wrestling?
Yeah, he he took care of Bret Hart's kids He actually they he when he started really early when he started like 95 96 in the WWE So when he wasn't really like he didn't really know how to wrestle stuff like that He actually went up to Canada and they taught him how to wrestle so he actually wrestled Stu Hart actually taught him Wow
That's pretty cool. Did you know that? No, I had no idea. Yeah, yeah. They're from totally different eras, but I guess they can't overlap a little bit, you know, if it's not because he did can't remember him signing and then he just didn't like come in for a while. Like he must have like trained.
Yeah, that's right. So basically he did that. He drove people around here. I mean, who he said he drove around as he was like a chauffeur. Oh, Yoko Zuna. He's Yoko Zuna's driver. That's a big car for those two motherfuckers. And yeah, so he's a driver for Yoko Zuna. He is Brett Hart's nanny. At one point, he got stretched out by I love that. He said he like really like beat the crap out of him. And he basically gave like the biggest lesson. He's like, he's like, you're a big man. He's like,
He's like, you should be able to impose your power and do it basically like in an elegant way, sort of like how Keith Lee's zooming it out, that type of thing. Yeah. But yeah, because he was kind of like the last of the big dudes, because they started like, like you said, they started going to like the 6'2, 230 pound guys. The Undertaker was a big guy. Kane was a big guy. But a Majoria, the roster, was like smaller dudes, like Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Of course, yeah. It's so cold and all those guys.
He was like one of the, like the bigger guys. And then he went on, he was, it's actually really good. He talks about Farooq and how Farooq was a father figure to like everybody. Like all those guys, like the whole nation. Um, he's basically just like, you know, this is my thing. That's the nation thing. If you don't like it, like kick rocks, basically, if you don't, you don't want to do it. I'm going to tell you what to do because listen to me and we'll be successful type of thing. Um, he was like, yeah, you better believe. Uh, I did it. Um, he talked about a, uh, a meeting where, uh,
They were going to cut him, basically. He was in a room with Jim Ross and Vince McMahon. And they were just like, yeah, just catch your losses and pay them whatever and get rid of them type of thing. Wow. And he said that motivated him. And then when he won that title, the World Championship from Randy Orton, they did a segment where Jim Ross apologized to him. Do you remember that on it? It was on a raw. No, no. And he basically choked him with his tie for real. He was like, it was a shoot. He was like, I grabbed this tie and I just wrapped it.
did as tight as I could. Oh my god. He's like choked out Jim Ross on live. Mark Henry probably has so many cool stories, dude. Yeah, he's a really, like when I met him at that event that they did, it was like a toy drive. Yeah. He was really conversationally, like he was talking to everybody. Your personality, like talking about my jacket, talking about like the sneakers I was wearing and stuff like that.
Yeah, no, he's really, he's really awesome. Definitely go out of your way to watch the out of the Broken Skull sessions with Mark Henry. Yeah, I'd love to hear a podcast with him because he, you know, he definitely like has seen a lot of stuff. He was in a cool era where he kind of bridged the gap from like that Bret Hart showing Michaels into like the attitude era and then the Cena era. So it's around for a while. And now he's kind of like behind the scenes. I love him on the busted open radio show on XM.
Yeah. He talks about that too. I like what he does on there and how he, yeah, how he like, he, he tries to watch wrestling as a fan now, not so much as a analyst. So he like, he'll watch it first as a fan and then he'll like watch it again. So we could do like the, and he said he's not here to, he, I like, I like his approach. If you ever listen to him on busted open, he doesn't, doesn't do the behind the scenes stuff. He said he, he said there's enough of that on the internet and like on Twitter, people doing dirt sheets. He's like, I'm not a dirty guy. I'm just gonna,
Tell you what I think should have happened here, and that's pretty much it. He's like, I'm not going to. That's cool. It's kind of like a football analyst type of thing, you know? Yeah. I'll definitely check that out.

Unsolved Mysteries and wrestling nostalgia

I started watching the world last night, actually. I used to love Unsolved Mysteries as a kid. Loved it. The song was scary as hell. Did you ever watch Unsolved Mysteries? Oh my god, yeah. I was afraid of that, too. Yeah, I was scared of it, too. But it was great. And they just brought out, Netflix just brought it back.
And it's more of like a documentary style show that is not like a host or anything. Of course, the first murder is in Baltimore. Shocker. Oh, my God. Yeah, but it's a really cool. I mean, the first one was really interesting and like had me on like, you know, it was like an hour long type thing. There's like five or six episodes. So I'm probably going to pound through those pretty quick. I loved this true crime. I know you I know you love those things, too. True crime type stories. Oh, yeah, definitely. What was that dude?
It was a host name. It was Robert Stack. Robert Stack, that's right. Oh, Robert Stack. Yeah, in like the smoky foggy street. Oh my god. So scary at night. When you like, I remember being, yeah, definitely watching that. Like a 10-year-old kid. Yeah, you didn't know what was going on. Oh my god. Yeah. I was frightened. That and America's Most Wanted used to frighten me too. Yeah.
because they would never catch anybody. All those guys are loose. Well, they would catch them, but it wouldn't be on like the show. Like, you know, they would catch them out and they would never even talk about it. Yeah. You would know if they got caught or not. You'd be like, wait, did they catch these guys yet? Or they could live in your city in Boston. This is in Boston message. Oh shit. Yeah. You're like, oh my God. They know it's true. It's like last year you did, but like, oh my God.
What is the update show? We forgot some of the news. I'm sorry. Let's go back to the go figure segment real quick. I jumped ahead. I'm sorry, man. That's why Sheena needs to be here. She keeps me on track. Yeah, she does. Keep things forward. Now you're in the Sheena row. You usually keep me on track, but you're Sheena now, and I need another Marco. The New Japan figures that were originally slated to come out, I think it was July. I've now been pushed back to October.
So, if you're keeping track, if you pre-order those, they've had your money for a year now, and they're going to have your money for about a year and a half. Obviously, they're blaming it on the coronavirus, which does make sense. The Lucha Bros figures are also, those are from Boss Fight, and those are delayed as two. I think those are in production, but they will not be out at the original date that they said they were going to be.
It does suck that these websites take your money when you pre-order and not when they ship, obviously, because then you would not have to be them just holding your money for a year. It could be in collecting interest in your piggy bank, but those figures will keep you updated on those whenever those come out. I know a lot of people have pre-ordered those.
The masters of the universe went live the another ring to pack this had Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin it sold out now Well, no the other figures were live. Oh, they were the new wave. Yeah, but they're also Yeah, if you go to DE freedom 30 on Instagram there are he posted pictures of all of them and then when you go to the website They're completely sold out every single one of them
Oh, man. I was talking about. Oh, you were talking about the, we talked about that a little bit last week. Yeah. Yeah. That's probably still sitting there because no one's paying $50 for that. But the other ones. I mean, it's bad because you get a ring and two figures for 50 bucks, whatever. But yeah, the other ones, hopefully those will show up in stores for the holidays. I like all four of those ones. Those are really cool.
We saw a quick like you said a young whippersnapper by the name of Jeremy Padour showed The unboxing of a little bit of the bubbly Chris Jericho package. So hopefully those will start shipping soon I meant to mention I actually got my shipping notification from ringside for I was in wave 2 I think it was probably wave 2 of the classy Freddy Blassie. So my oh, yeah, yeah, I've gotten that yet. So that should be shipping Tomorrow maybe we'll see
We'll see if I have that by next week's show. And then we also got the AEW Unrivaled Series 1 unboxing figures. And people had mixed reviews about these. And Jeremy Padour, again, was quick to show some photos of how different figures look in the light.
So I say, you know, I would say hold your judgment until you see them live, but I mean It's that's what the internet's for is to give people your thoughts on things when they you know It's a little too early for it. So I thought they were okay I think I don't want to get too much into it because we have a potential interview lined up with someone that I don't want to say anything bad here because
Because I didn't buy these figures to begin with. I do think the original pictures look better than the pictures that we saw this week. Yeah. But again, that could be because of the photos and the lighting. So we'll see how they look when they come out. What are your thoughts? Yeah, definitely. Because someone posted a picture of the Viscera figure in a certain lighting. And it was a fig photography person.
Jeremy responded was like yeah, he's like that's pretty see that's perfect lighting like it the figure looks great in this picture that type of thing so it does it usually it does depend on like what type of Lighting and photography you're doing when it comes in figures because it all all gonna look Great unless you see actually seen in person in a picture if it's not if it's not done the right way that it's gonna It's not gonna look good

Collectibles and classic wrestling matches

Yeah, we'll hold our thoughts until we get those in hand. I do love the packaging. The packaging is pretty awesome. It's very similar to the Mattel or the sort of the Jax Classic Superstars packaging. Yeah. So that's cool. I do like that. Yeah. OK, let's get into our... So back to quarantine and chill. Yeah, I've been watching the Unsolved Mysteries.
And there's a cool show on Hulu, I think it's called 24...Hula does a lot of these, and they're hard to find. Not cooking shows, but a lot of food shows. This one's 24 hours, and this dude is from Bon Appetit magazine. It's like eight minutes, literally eight minutes.
He worked at Franklin's Barbecue in Austin, Texas, which is supposedly the greatest barbecue in the world. There's people there. He got to work at four in the morning to change the briskets out or whatever. And he worked the whole day, 24 hours. And there was people in chairs, in folding chairs, waiting outside at 4 AM to go to this restaurant. That's insane. Yeah.
I mean, the food looks amazing. But he worked there for 24 hours and showed the whole process of, you know, they put the briskets in, they took the new briskets out and blah, blah, blah. I worked at a Chick-fil-A for 24 hours, which was cool. I worked at a Waffle House for 24 hours, which is one of my favorite places on earth. So pretty cool show.
So, yeah, those were really cool. Let's get into our random merch of the week. This is a WWE WWF foam undertaker finger. And I'm sure Zack Ryder is going to be all over this if he doesn't have it already. What is so special about this foam finger? It is the so it's so it's the original. It's a tombstone foam finger with our undertaker's likeness on it. Early undertaker. I remember this.
Yeah, so the other funny thing too is the description of it it says it came out not even a year After his debut so he wasn't even like Fully like a huge star yet, and they're already dropping merch which is pretty insane for I mean nowadays t-shirts come out whenever back then like no one had like a t-shirt was it was like Hogan and
Maybe macho like Jake to snake those guys. He was a heel, you know. Yeah, he was a he was he was even a good guy and he didn't talk at all. So just just someone to have like a foam finger like that. And it's pretty cool. Kind of looks like he has almost as an eye patch on it.
Yeah, it's the way that's like drawn but uh, it's it looks really old too. I mean it looks in pretty good condition as well It's for the low low price of 244 dollars at 95 cents by the way Especially with him retiring and well retiring quotation marks definitely want to
Get a piece of this. The back of it's pretty cool. It's actually a tombstone writing. It says R.I.P. on the back. Yeah, that's cool. It actually has a WWF logo on it and all the fine print, Titan Towers, all that stuff. Titan Sports. So, you know, it's I just fire up some random merch on Google. Most of the stuff shows up on eBay, but just random. It's like I basically feel like wrestling merchandise. Oh, yeah. The crazy stuff there. Yeah.
Get on eBay. You just put wrestling merchandise. There's some insane things that are being sold that you would not have thought have been sold at wrestling merch stands and stuff like that. The other part of this, too, is this is only sold at like the house shows. It wasn't sold at any like pay-per-views or anything like that, apparently. So it was like a limited edition type of product. So you had to have been there at like a at a local show to actually get this phone finger.
200 is pretty cool. Very cool. Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week, sponsored in part by our friends at Pro Wrestling Tees. Use code America for 25% off, right? No, 20% off on this weekend. Funny you picked this match. I was just listening to a podcast about this. This is Great American Bash, Ric Flair versus Dusty Rose. And this is in a cage match, correct? Yeah, it's a cage match. And they did say a Great American Bash and WA, not WCW.
by the way, but they used to do. So after there was like a couple of years where they did single shows, but then they started doubling the shows. They would do like one in July, then one in like late or early August. And they'd both be called Great American Bash. Yeah, yep. But they would have two, they would have different cards and all that stuff.
So this one, obviously, because it's dusty and obviously because it's Ric Flair, you have to go with this one. And it's a championship match as well. I was actually watching it earlier. There's no car. So it's in the hidden gem section of the WWE Network. OK. Because it's not it wasn't like a.
It was one of the, it was like a secondary show. It wasn't a pay-per-view, right? It wasn't a pay-per-view or anything. It was like kind of like a house show. That's like a special house show. Yeah. Then it became like, obviously WCW took over. It became like an actual pay-per-view. Um, but yeah, if you listen, like, cause there's no commentary, so you get to listen to the crowd reactions. You get to listen to those guys in the ring and stuff like you get to hear Dusty and Rick flair and the referee talking all that stuff, that crowd, like every single move that Dusty would do, like,
Crow would erupt, like a headlock. Crow would go nuts. Arm rock, crow would go nuts. Like literally, every little thing he did, they do a cool thing at the beginning where they show off their different struts. So like Rick Flair does is Rick Flair strut. And then Dusty shows off his little shimmy that he does. It's really good. And then they go at it. Obviously, if you never watch Rick Flair, young Rick Flair go at it. Definitely, this is something to watch.
They always talk about him making people look good. And he always wanted to make the other guy look good as well as himself. He definitely did that with Dusty. And obviously, they had the chemistry because they had a rivalry and stuff like that. So yeah, you definitely go back and watch this match. It's a cage match. So obviously, there's some blood involved. Rhodes must bleed. That does happen. Of course. It is a chain link fence cage. It's not the big blue like most people know about. So it's kind of like a hell in a cell cage almost.
But yeah, I'll definitely go back and watch it. It's it's great American bash It's I think I'm gonna for the retros for the rest of summer. They're all gonna be Summer themed so I like that bash at the beach obviously The bet actually if you want to go back if you want to scroll back at the patreon the first article I wrote was on the the the bash when WWE took over the great American bash and just cut off the great American part you made the bash and It had like the card of like
Ray Mysterio and Chris Jericho and I think John Cena was on and stuff like that. I'm not sure how far back it is in our Patreon page, but definitely go back and read my review. I try to be really funny about it. You can sort on there by video or article and stuff like that. Oh yeah, that's right. That's it. It's funny you picked this match because our friends at Off the Hop Rope, they do a watch-along every single week and they drink a different

Podcast recommendations and giveaways

This week they are doing this match, and they were drinking the beer that I mailed them from Burley Oak Brewery here in Maryland, and it was a cherry cola sour beer that was very delicious. And they give us high praise for the podcast. Mart Mark Sterling from the Major Brothers is one of the folks that hosts the show, and he was saying some very kind words about our podcast. Oh, nice. Yeah, it was pretty cool.
Yeah, it was a good lesson too, because all they do is watch along, so I'm like, oh man, these guys sound so much better than I do on our watch-along, because they're like, I don't know, they've done it so many times, they're like episode 100, so some to shoot for us, because they do a little more background than we do.
They're drinking some good beers, so I was a pretty cool listen and definitely you know It's a cool podcast if you like beer or if you like old-school wrestling Because they're doing all kinds of different watch longs every single week, so it's off the hop rope podcast on iTunes and Spotify check them out So yeah, this is a great recommendation Surprised it isn't I guess it isn't with the regular of great American bashes because it's not a pay-per-view but hopefully they add more of these old things on there because
It's out from what they said I mean I have I've never seen this match in my life But I want to go back and watch it now because it definitely sounded like it was a great like you know that both those guys are just so good in the ring so good together they both have such a good like mannerisms and like body chemistry not body chemistry what do you call it body like body language body there we go body language you know that where you know one move can really like you know turn the crowd like you were saying and
Oh yeah, so good. So shout out to them. Let's shout out some other podcasts that we're friends with. Our buddies at the Run-In Podcast are doing some really cool stuff. DJ and TJ over there, Tommy Paradise and DJ are doing some cool stuff. They talk about wrestling figures. They talk about wrestling, but they're also going off into G.I. Joe and Marvel stuff.
Sports so a little bit of everything so if you're if you're a fan of our show that you'll definitely like their show as well We talked about Russell Geddon a great wrestling figure podcast as well and our friends over at our vantage point Podcast it's a retro podcast Marco. I don't know if I turned you on to that show or if you knew about it before you knew me No, you know you turned me on to it because you were like oh you gotta listen to this podcast I kind of like they're like fans, but they like you know they
They kind of have like a something to wrestle slash like that type of.
Um, shit. They're both hilarious. They're hilarious. They have a, they have a way better, uh, Bret Hart, um, impersonation than I did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they've been working on it for longer than I have, but yeah, that's where I kind of get my inspiration from. So yeah, there's some great podcasts to listen to. Any other podcasts you enjoy that you want to give a plug to? Obviously the major brothers don't need a plug from us, but, uh, they're, they're one they should always listen to. Uh, one of my favorite podcasts, major wrestling figure podcast.
I don't know. Yeah, definitely the the new day. If you guys haven't listened to the new day part yet, that's probably one of the best podcasts out, especially if you like those guys on TV. They're they're pretty much the same on the podcast. They like they joke around and you can tell they're really close friends. They don't talk all wrestling stuff. I don't think I think they've done like maybe two or three or maybe four episodes out of like out of like the 10 that they have.
And they just talk about regular stuff and they have guests on they had um, they had a tupenga from boy meets world on there really do a running Yeah, cuz I'm Xavier woods has a huge crush on her. Oh, so they're doing that podcast with their regular regular podcast and um
They talk about their regular thing, and they're just like, oh, oh, who's this? And then she just pops in on their chat. And then you just see Xavier Woods crouch down and get all nervous. He's like, oh my god. He's all embarrassed. He's like, oh my god, Xavier Woods. But yeah, she does like the rest of the show with them and stuff like that. So yeah, I'll definitely listen to those guys. And really funny, obviously, Biggie's probably my favorite guy on that podcast, because he's Biggie. There's nothing else to say.
Yeah, I need to catch up on them. I've listened to the first three episodes, and I've just been so far behind. I mean, for being in my car all day, I'm not sure I don't have time. I have so many podcasts I listen to, but they all keep me entertained for sure, so thank you guys, and we love you.
Hit us up. We didn't talk about this at the beginning of the show, but if you want to find us on social media, you can. It's the best place to interact with us. It's at Chick Foley Show on Twitter. I run the Twitter account, and Sheena is on the Instagram. It's at Chick Foley. There, you can find Marco at IngloriousGent. I am also on Instagram at I hate JJ Redick. That's my Twitter as well. I decided, Marco, that I'm going to change my
Unformally, informally changed my Instagram to a buffalo wing review. Really? I do. All right. Every time I go, I'm going to rate it by size, flavor, celery crispness, and a couple other things. So if you're in the Baltimore area and you have a recommendation of where I should eat some wings, I am all about it, all about that chicken wing life.
I love delicious chicken and I love chicken wings, so I'm sure I'll be eating some this weekend as well. So check me out there. And we love to interact with you guys. Again, the best way to support the podcast is I promise you, you will get more than a dollar's worth of value from what we give you in a month's time between the interactions on the Facebook group, buying and selling and trading figures there. We do live watch-alongs on the page, which is pretty cool.
We write articles, we do bonus episodes, giveaways, all kinds of cool stuff. And speaking of giveaways, let's do our Patreon giveaway here before we sign off. So let me pull up what is in that crate. So here's what it is. This is our first ever Chick-Fully crate. And this is a bunch of cool stuff that we have assembled.
just in my day-to-day travels that I want to give away. So here it is. It's a Seth Rollins SummerSlam Elite, a Matt Harley SummerSlam Elite, a Seth Rollins Retro, a Jeff Hardy Retro, two Hasbros, a Doink and an Ultimate Warrior, a Daniel Bryan Autobiography, which is a really good read,
A couple high noon koozies, a WrestleMania 3 Funko lunchbox, a New Amsterdam t-shirt, a WrestleMania 11 and a WrestleMania 8 VHS, and perhaps the piece de resistance, a wall beard trimmer, which I have one, it's a great beard trimmer. And probably you can trim more than just your beard with it if you want, trim your head or whatever, I don't know. Your dog, I don't care.
OK, what you use it for, really, when you get it. But this is all going to go to one person. I'm going to mail this out to you. And it's going to be a randomly selected Patreon subscriber. Every Patreon subscriber is eligible from our first to our newest. Everyone, whether you spend $1 or $50 a month, everyone's eligible. So let me go ahead and scroll here. I have a whole list of people. I'm not looking at the screen, as Marco can tell. Just scrolling up and down.
I'm going to put these names into a randomizer, but I'm too lazy to do that. Okay. All right. I've settled on a name. It is Nick Spilakos. Nick Spiliakos. Nick Spiliakos. You are the winner.
of the first ever Chick-Foli crate. So, Nick, be sure to get me your information if I don't have it already. And I'll get all this cool stuff sent out to you, man. And I hope you're listening.
because we appreciate your support. We will do another one of these soon. I know Sheena has a ton of figures she's gotten, Marco, over the last couple months from our friends at Ringside, and we have a lot of giveaway stuff to do with that coming up in the next coming weeks and months, so stay tuned for that.
Next week, Marco, we will recap the second week of the Grand American

Safety reminders and meal promotions

Bash. We'll recap the second week of Fighter Fest. Before we get out of here, we want to wish everyone a very nice, happy Fourth of July. And stay safe, right, Marco? Don't blow off any fingers. Don't get a DUI. Just be a smart person. Yeah. Be a model citizen. Try to do that and keep it safe for everyone.
It's a time for celebration with all the stuff that's going on in the world. Let's just try to have some fun this weekend and don't do any crazy shenanigans.
Good enough of that. Yeah. If you're at a party, if you're drunk somewhere, call a cab, call an Uber, call one of us. If you're near me, I'll go drive and pick you up. I won't ask any questions of what you were doing. But seriously, have a good time and enjoy living in the greatest country in the world. And we appreciate your support. We will be back here next week, myself, Marco, and Sheena. And that's it. Any final words before we get out of here, Mr. Denton?
Uh, nothing. Just like I said, just be safe. Everyone stay safe out there on all aspects. Yeah. Not just the, not just the fireworks, but also the deadly pandemic that's happening. Uh, so yeah, we appreciate your support. We'll be back here next week. Stay classy marks. We'll talk to you soon.
What's up, everybody? This episode of the Chick-Fully Show is brought to you by our good friends at Jimmy's Famous Meals. Now, I know we've been telling you about Jimmy's Famous Seafood for a while, possibly the best seafood restaurant in the country, but check this out. For those of you looking to eat right, diet, and most importantly, substitute some high-quality food instead of fast food lunches, well, Jimmy's Famous Meals is for you. It's They ship nationwide free shipping
And there's so many meal delivery companies these days, but who's making that food? Well, this food is made at Jimmy's Famous Seafood here in Baltimore. Like I said, one of the best seafood restaurants in the country. They have over 60 pickup locations here in Baltimore. You can order your meals, have them picked up at your local gym, all over the Baltimore area. Or like I said, they ship nationwide for free. Any order over $50.
and I'm talking high quality meals here. Asian stir fry, Greek lemon chicken, Mexican burrito bowl, Korean barbecue, tuna poke bowl, or you can do what I do. Pick your protein, I do steak, I do mashed potatoes, I do broccoli,
Done. I do chicken and something else. Always a couple sides, but you can really customize this the best you can. They have paleo and keto options available. Over 30 other varieties. So there's something for everybody. So check it out You'll be glad you did.