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Episode 009 - We AcoLIKE These Trailers... image

Episode 009 - We AcoLIKE These Trailers...

S1 E9 ยท Just Shillin'
53 Plays11 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about the same stuff they talked about last time. We talk about some of the cool trailers that were released, some exciting news, what we've been watching, and deep dive into the latest Bad Batch episodes.

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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:27 Catching Up
00:07:53 High Potion
00:09:22 News
00:33:29 The Acolyte Trailer
00:49:50 Baylan Skoll Hot Toy Update
00:51:34 What We're Watching
01:08:54 Bad Batch S03E08
01:43:22 Byeeeeee


Podcast Introduction

Hello and welcome to episode, I'm gonna start over again. What episode are we on? I have no idea. Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
Hello and welcome to just showing episode number nine.

Contact Information

It's number nine. I know it now. I know the episode number episode nine, uh, on this lovely March end of March week. Um, I am your host, one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And across the pond from me is the lovely Andy Bell. Um, I'm going to do the business at the front again. I kind of like doing it that way so we can just cut it off when we hit three hours.
If you are interested in following us in other places, you can find more more info on us, links to our pods, etc, etc, at our website If you want to send an email or a voicemail in, you can do that at feedback at I look forward to hearing your Discord boop emails or voicemails.
But I mean, yeah, that's, that's what I got. How you doing this

Weekend Recap

week, Andy? I know we just spoke, but how you doing? I'm good, buddy. I'm good, buddy. It hasn't been that long since we last spoke, but, um, I don't know, you know, three or four days later and it feels like a, it was definitely a new week and there's a lot to talk about. So, uh, yeah, I'm pumped, mate. Really am. I'm good. It's been a bit of a quiet week. Um, Oh, sorry.
No, go ahead. No, I want to hear about your quiet week. It's been a bit of a quiet week. I mean, like I said, it's only been what?
five days since we last spoke. So it's not been that long a time. After the previous two weekends or two weeks that were relatively hectic in both my personal and my work life, it was nice to have just to cut back at the weekend and not really do an awful lot. It was just Lucy and I this weekend. We took it very, very easy. We got up late. We did the chores around the house.
I spent a lot of time in the garden over the weekend, get it cutting back the remaining, uh, apple trees that needed to be sorted out before the blossom comes out and make sure we don't have an abundance of, uh, cooking apples that end up all over my garden. Um, and, uh, we took it really, really easy. So there's not an awful lot to talk about. And, um, but, uh, uh, I'm pleased to say with that in mind, there's an awful lot to talk about in pop pop culture this week.
What about yourself, mate? How's your five days been? It's been good. It's been good. Like yourself, it was a quiet weekend. Every once in a while, Madison and I will have a reset weekend where we purposely don't plan anything and just kind of...
I don't know, kind of were zombies for a weekend and doing whatever. So yeah, so that was this weekend. And I'm kind of glad we did because this, like, it's been quiet, I think until up until like the last like 24 hours. And it's just kind of been not chaotic in a bad way. But just like,
Like everything is, it's like, it's happening. It's all happening at once. It's like, we're getting, we're getting trailers. We're getting new shows. We're getting all sorts of stuff. We're getting like shows are getting exciting.
other other crazy stuff like things I'm getting myself involved in it's just like man it's been it's been exciting and a lot going on so yeah it was a kind of weird nice calm before the storm it's it's it's really weird it's it's it's all happened all at once it feels like certainly with the stuff we're gonna talk about later on it's it's all kind of happened all at the same time it's like have I missed have I missed a
It is St Patrick's Day, the kickoff point for all of these amazing trailers we're getting from this news coming

Blue Sky vs Twitter

our way. I don't know, but fair play. I'm up for it.
Like the sun started to shine in a couple parts of the world. Like people are coming out of winter and in the spring and it's like people are like pushing. We've got news. The marketing campaigns are building up steam and rocking and rolling. So I'm here for it. Slow winter is coming to an end.
and all that exciting stuff. So it's been kind of crazy here recently because as people may know, I'm a big pro blue sky guy.
Like I'm single-handedly trying to pull all of my friends over there because I just, I really don't like Twitter. Um, and, and I, then just like, I like the, the technical side of things that blue sky is doing. So like I've, I've been, I built Sean bot, which is just a, uh, a self, a self centered way of making a, a star Wars newsfeed of like pulling in from all these different sources that I've been working on expanding that and like.
But the problem is, like, so this is like, as I said, this would say, like, behind the baseball, like blue sky, like, activity is like, more people are coming over. And so it's actually like, making my shambha hard to work with, because it's,
just the vault, because the way it works, like the volume of content is just through the roof. So I'm getting like emails from my, my service providers. And I think I'm, I'm hitting the threshold of some of my free limits. And so I'm kind of reaching out to my friends who work for service providers, like, Hey, do you need those free credits and trying to juggle things. And so I'm just, I'm making my life more chaotic than it needs to be, just so I can keep
a feed of Star Wars news up and running for the four and a half people who consume it, which is, it's just like not, I mean, it's just a fun passion project for me. It's, it's big. It is big what you're doing because you're promoting a platform for folk that may not actually be particularly prolific on, on blue sky at the moment. I'm not, I'm not. I mean, the agreement that you and I have got is that you cover blue sky, I'm on blue sky, but you cover blue sky and I'll, I'll kind of,
with my many, many 60 followers that I have, I'll kind of promote as best I can.
uh, as an old fart on, uh, on X, but, um, you know, I don't do I necessarily like that platform? No, but I think we need to have a presence there because, because an awful lot of the folks that you and I engage with are still predominantly based on, on X and, and yet you're kind of, you kind of, what I, what I really appreciate what you're doing for the community is that you're providing a platform for these folks that may not currently have jumped in wholeheartedly on it on, on, on blue sky. So.
I'm with you, brother. I think you're doing a massive, massive service for these guys. I know that this isn't scripted anyway. I genuinely think that a lot of people appreciate what you're doing for them. I really do. I appreciate you saying that. I wish I could say it was for the greater good, but the ADHD is real and the hyper...
Well, I know. I mean, you're, you're, you're, you're an old school tech head. So I get it. So I get, I get your fascination with the whole thing. It just so happens to be, you know, the output from that is you're, there's an awful lot of people that benefit from what you're doing. So, you know, take, take, take the kudos, man. It's, it's, um, it's, uh, it's really is the other.

Shoutout from High Potion Podcast

The other thing that's happened in our combined world is we got a nice shout out from our buddies over at High Potion, Pauls and Steve. I mean, although they did try to sic their sycophants on us with voicemails and emails trying to bombard our podcast with Discord boops, but I think we are perfectly capable of handling that on our own.
over here we do not need them to sick everybody on us but you know that's all I'd say about that love those guys if you are if you aren't familiar with high potion you should check them out they're good guys and um you know i i still have me i still have to meet both of them face to face and when i do they'll they'll get an awful lot of um big old man love from me but um yeah they've been really supportive and i'm i'm eternally grateful for what they do for us so uh
Good guys. And I do recommend everyone listens to this week's or Monday's episode because Sean appears quite prominently here when it comes down to the emails and voicemails that are left by followers of the pod. I'll leave it as that, but it's quite funny.
One for the road. Anyways, what's, uh, what's, uh, what's, uh, if you don't have anything else, let's roll

Rumors in Entertainment: MCU & James Bond

into news. What's, uh, what's new in the news for you? What's new in the news? That's, so there's a couple of, there's a couple of things that I've picked up on this week, again, only five days. And I think that between the two of us, I'm hoping we're covering everything that's been, has come our way in news. There's a couple of rumors. Some of them are more credible than others.
The first being that Henry Cavill is taking over the role of Wolverine.
in the MCU, whether it's part of some kind of multiverse event that happens during Deadpool 3 or something else, I'm not sure, but there is a rumor out there. I've heard some folks saying the source, and I'm not gonna go into the source because I really am ignorant when it comes down to who to follow and who is credible and who is not. I've heard some folks say,
the source that it comes from isn't particularly credible or shall I say they're a little bit random, they're a little bit more blunderbuss with their or scatter gun approach when it comes down to their reporting but hey if that's the case and Henry Cavill I know proportionally talking people are saying he's not he's too tall he's too he's got the he's got the he's broad enough but he's way too tall but hey look at Hugh Jackson he was not the
ideal physicality and he did an amazing job. So if it does happen, if that is going to be Henry's, if you like, longer term franchise that he gets involved with, then I'm all for it because I love the guy that bits and he's a proper, proper nerd. And I really appreciate that about him. I mean, he builds his own gaming PCs, he plays
Warcraft, you know, he does a lot of desktop gaming and the rest of it also a table gaming and I I respect that and he doesn't care he doesn't care either and is Irritately good-looking and and built like a brick shithouse. So yeah, I'm all up for that The second bit of news that's coming the last 24 hours or so. There's been a rumor for quite a while now that our and Taylor Johnson and
was being touted by the folks that Barbara Broccoli and those guys that run the 007 or the James Bond franchise. He's been touted as being a successor to Daniel Craig for the role of James Bond. Now, I'm not a massive, massive James Bond fan, but as a Brit, I feel as if I owe it to
Site whatever news there is out there about it. I think they're okay Certainly the newer ones are certainly a lot more palatable than some of the older ones Unless of course you consider the Sean Connery rears in which case they're classics But you know, let's not get into that conversation because like I said, I'm not a massive massive fan. But anyway Yeah, Aaron Taylor Johnson. You may remember him as being a very very young actor in
Uh, taking the lead for kick ass. Uh, and then in recent years, I'm trying to remember what he's been involved with. Um, probably the one that I remember him the most or most impactful for me was one of the assassins that were in a bullet train with Brad, Brad Pitt. And he did an amazing job in that respect. Really good actor. Um,
But looking like he may well be taking over the role of James Bond, this source is a little bit more credible. The studio themselves have confirmed that there are conversations going on. So it seems to be a little bit more credible, or certainly a little bit more founded than the Henry Cavill one. Please excuse me.
Yeah, I mean, I'm excited for this. I think like I'm not a huge fan of some of the past Bond films, like some of them I don't think aged well. I think there was like, I talk about this with Madison a lot. I'm like, I think James Bond is a hard franchise to move forward with without kind of a revamp because a lot of the foundation of it that is
the intrigue, I think a lot of it came from technology and gadgets and spy work of the like, what, like, kind of the fantastical side of the spy work, but I think any more, and I think they came across this with the Daniel Craig stuff, is like, it's hard to kind of continue with that path when so much of the, anything that they could come up with, somebody could argue today, it's like, well, we're not that far away from that. Or like, there's an idea that that could be conceptually real.
So I mean, I really like Aaron Taylor Johnson. I wish he was in more roles. Like, some of his stuff that he's done in the past, it's like, he's a really talented actor. And I wish he got better roles to play. And so I'm really interested to see what they do with this one, where they take James the James Bond story. Like, is it
Is it going to be like the Daniel Craig stuff where they completely revamp it and it was able to live on its own and be a thing? Are they going to bring it into the modern era? And I'd love to see what Aaron Taylor Johnson does with it. I'm intrigued to say the least.
Well, the one good thing about the James Bond franchise, outside of the films themselves, the performances, the special effects and where it goes and so on, is the fact that they've broken the mould or they broke the mould a long, long time ago and as such has become kind of commonplace, is that there doesn't have to be one actor. It doesn't
Canon is, doesn't exist with James Bond. There's no such thing as Canon. It just keeps reinventing itself for it starts again and it goes backwards and forwards in the timeline. It just, there is something quite liberating about the approach that that, that, that, that, uh, it was MGM. I don't know who's doing it now, but anyway, it's about the studio that, that the way that they approach it, I think is really kind of cool. And when we think about.
a lot of remakes that have been made or the way that we're using AI these days or sorry, not AI, sorry, we're using visual effects and CGI in particular around these digital facsimiles of people that have either passed on or no longer doing that role or we're de-aging those people.
The way that Bomb works is that they just find a new actor, which I think is really quite liberating and actually ensures the longevity of that particular franchise. And I think that other franchises could probably learn a little bit from that as well because, you know... You know the stakes. You know the stakes. You don't have to do an origin story. It's just like, you know who Bond is. He's a spy and that's really all that matters. And then what hijinks is he going to get into now?
Yeah, I just also think, and I think you know where I'm coming from. I'm talking about our mutual love of Star Wars. And you think about, you know, they're never ever going to get it right. Everyone, you know, there's going to be a faction or a bunch of folk that are unhappy with whatever is produced. And they're trying so hard to appeal to everyone that they end up pretty much
failing um by by trying to ease absolutely everyone and i just think you're spot on here's i i'm just gonna finish off with saying i'm an old fart i'm an old fart and the ot is my star wars uh i love the new stuff but the ot is my original star wars the idea of someone like
Um, other than Mark Hamill, you know, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher playing those roles is, is, um, five years ago, I would have probably thought you're crazy. There is these, these, these, these films and these people in particular and sacrosanct, but these days I'm thinking, do you know what? If it takes it, if it takes the whole thing forward and it liberates us from these shackles, which are.
almost self-imposed by the fan base in that we expect certain things and therefore the studios are trying to respond to that and ultimately someone's going to be disappointed, as I said. I just think it's going to be an awful lot more liberating. Anyway, we're back to Bond.
I like the sound of this. It's something a little bit different. It would have been very, very easy to find someone a little bit more rugged, a little bit more broken, like Daniel Craig, both in terms of physicality and both in terms of acting, but a very, very different actor on board. Let's see where he takes it. And it could be good fun. I mean, at the end of the day, James Bond itself is a generational thing. And if it means getting a younger actor like Aaron to play the role, and if it brings a whole new bunch of younger people in,
enjoy the franchise, then job done. It did a really, really good job. So yeah, looking forward to it. The next one was the Sorry, I'm gonna jump in real quick. I didn't mean to step on your toes a minute ago. But to the to your point, I think I think you're spot on with the with the bond thing.

Franchises and Actor Commitments

I think a lesson that they could take for bonds, like from bond and something like Star Wars is
When you do it, when you switch actors, the key is you have to at least commit for a bit. Don't make a solo movie where you have a different actor play solo and then only make one. If you commit and have at least two of something, even if it's a show or whatever, even just promotional materials or something or the general look of an individual in other mediums, it makes it,
makes it better instead of a one-off thing that's to be shameful or be ashamed of. I think that's where the Bond thing really works. You don't see a Bond movie very often, or it's one person. It's like, no, they build the story and the narrative around it. And to your point about the kind of catering to the fan base, it's like,
There is very much a like, don't step on the good things that I'm passionate about. That seems to be really prevalent, not just the fandom and stuff these days. But it's like, I just urge people to like lean into an optimism. Like, don't live in fear of things that you love being adjusted or trampled on because I mean, you still have that. It exists. Don't worry about the things that are,
Intangible at the moment just because they may happen. It's like that's you're just you're losing You're losing minutes of your life worrying about that kind of stuff if you lean into optimism It's like hey, I love it similar to what we talked about with the the the rogue squadron movie It's like I don't know what it I don't know what it's gonna be But you know, it's easier for me to lean into the optimistic side of things to say, you know I'm excited for it because
It could be anything. It could be total shit. And then when that happens, I'll deal with it accordingly. And I just won't watch it again. And then I'll move on. Like, life's too short for that, man. And I think some of the stuff you're saying was fell on. And once again, I didn't mean to jump in on your toes. I got a little excited. I was like, oh, I got a hand in this. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is what we do, man. I mean, at the end of the day, we've got stuff to talk about. And if there's something to expand on, let's just do it.
I'm guessing we want to talk about a trailer. So the first thing I want to talk about is the Furiosa trailer.

Upcoming Trailers: Furiosa & Alien Romulans

So the Furiosa trailer is the prequel to Mad Max. In fact, the original Mad Max, the Road Warrior, it's about the character that Charlize Theron, is that her name?
Did I get her surname correct? Thank you. Played in Mad Max Fury Road and it's her backstory and it involves, and there is a film coming out very, very soon. And I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know if you saw it, but I don't want to spend too long on it, but it looks, it looks ace. It's, it's a bit weird in that there's a different actress playing that role.
But i understand george miller well two things was it set a lot earlier so it makes sense for it to be a younger a younger actress but i also think that. What i heard and unfortunately heard this from scruffy's when i was on one of their pods a while ago there was some friction between.
between the main cast members on Fury Road that I didn't know anything about actually, but which kind of made George Miller, the director, rethink his approach towards this spin-off. But yeah, I'm looking forward to that because I love Mad Max as a kid.
Mad Max came out at the right time for me especially Mad Max 2 and Mad Max 3 came out the right time and that made me revisit the original but yeah it was as a teenager watching that stuff which was quite dystopian and a little bit different that was that was really cool and then when they released Fury Road quite a few years well a few years back now I loved it it was a non-stop
nonstop, ridiculous chase through the deserts of Australia or through the outback of Australia. And I loved it. Loved every minute of it. So I'm not really looking forward to this one. That'll be a day one watch for us. Madison is a huge fan of Fury Road. Oh, cool. That's for sure. Like we will have lots to say about this. And I love Anya Taylor Joy too. I don't know if you ever saw the menu, but she's phenomenal. And I'm really interested to see what she does with this movie.
Yeah, I didn't expect it to come out when it was coming out. And maybe I wasn't paying attention, but it's one of those things that a few of our friends, the Scruffies, well, Chris and Chris in particular from the Scruffies is equally as excited. So it's one of those events. It's going to turn into a bit of an event for us over in the UK where we're going to try and meet up as best we can around that time and go and sit together and celebrate. So yeah, really looking forward to it.
I don't want to talk about the next trailer I watched. And so I'm going to pass it over to you to view your news, because I think that we've both want to talk about the trailer. I was going to talk about that in some context. So, so you go ahead next, mate.
Yeah, these are fairly recent, so I don't have a lot of news. A couple comics came out this week for people who follow it. High Republic, number five. News miniseries, Django Fett, number one came out. I'm actually looking forward to reading that. And then I'm actually reading the Thrawn Alliances, and number three of that came out this week. So there's that. That's your quick, what comics came out. In terms of trailers, the Alien Romulans trailer,
I don't know when it was dropped, but I saw our good friend Emily Lind posted that to the friends and I watched that and that looks really cool. I'm probably not the most well versed with the lore and canon of the Alien franchise, but I am excited for this. I love that it is leaning
Well, first of all, that's how you cut a teaser trailer, in my opinion. It doesn't have that weird three seconds at the beginning where it shows you the highlights and it's like, and now starting is the trailer. And then it goes into the actual trailer. It gives you a couple of scary points and it doesn't give you the whole plot. And I'm like, yes, bring more of these kind of trailers out. It looks scary. It looked exciting.
I'm hoping it gets back to those roots and really kind of even amps it up for modern times. So I'm pumped for that. I don't know what your thoughts were. Well, as you know, I saw it five minutes before we started recording. I had no idea it was out there. So thank you, Emily. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Emily, for sharing that with us. Otherwise, I would have missed it this week. But yeah, I'm really hyped. Not only the tension, the tension that was
very palatable within the trailer itself. But I mean, it's almost what they didn't show was scarier than what they did show, as usual, which are really good, which are really good. You know, horror film or monster movie should should should do. But the aesthetics of it just look so sick. I'm not a hater.
of the prequels to the Alien franchise that Ridley pulled together in recent years. So Prometheus and Alien Covenant. I'm not a hater of those movies, but they were almost out of context to the original franchise. And what I mean by that is if you think about the original aesthetics, a lot of it
I think was based on Mobius stuff, but I could be wrong. Anyway, point being is that an awful lot of the aesthetics of the original film was boilerplate technology, very, very modular, standardized, very industrial and robust, grimy, grotty. And then when
I saw Prometheus and then followed up quickly by Alien Covenant. It seemed to get really clean and very high-tech very quickly with things like augmented reality when it came down to the controls of the spaceship, the control functions of the spaceship and whatever technology they were using at the time. It was very clean, very sterile.
And I do appreciate that different contexts, you think about the original Alien, it's a bunch of space truckers that are out there getting hammered by the Xenomorph. And then you've got Prometheus is very much based on the Wayland.
Weyland science mission that he'd pulled together that ultimately was financed by an awful lot of corporate money. So of course there's going to be a certain amount of advancements or sorry, more modern technology used, but it didn't really fit with me. This fits exactly with the original Alien.
are exactly with the original alien. It's exactly the same aesthetic. I don't know it's based between, I think it's based between alien and aliens, but aesthetically, it just feels as if it fits in there like really comfortably, really, really comfortably between those two particular movies. It's the concept of feeling timeless. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So like when we worked at Disney, they always like, they have a very specific look
Like a not so much anymore, but there for a while they had like a Disney look and because their whole justification was when you look at photos you want to not really like not look at it and say oh that was from 2005 that was the exact style of everything you want to have a timeless look and I really like that when movies do that where they say
Oh, we're not gonna do the fad of the week or the big trendy thing in tech in the real world. Like, oh, augmented reality. Okay, everybody's doing these like, put your hand down the air and move your hands around and control the ship because that's a big fad of the 2020s. And instead, stick with be timeless. So that way, if this movie's watched another 20 years, they can't tell necessarily if it was made in the 70s, because it uses a lot of that same aesthetic, or if it was made in the 2020s, because it's,
It's timeless and doesn't just follow the trends, uh, the technological trends of the time. Uh, yeah. Yeah. And you totally spot on us exactly where I was coming from. But I mean, I know that the aesthetics are not the be all and end all. So I need to kind of break myself away from that as well. It's the feeling, it's the feeling I had 10, 15 minutes ago when I first watched it. And it was very much about that. Yeah. Very much about the.
you know, one individual Xenomorph would scare the living shit out of me. And that's the original feeling I had back in the 70s when I watched Alien way, way too, too, too, too, too young to be watching it. But that's how I felt the time in that one singular, one single Xenomorph could do so much carnage and do so much damage and create so much terror. That's how I felt when I saw this, when I saw this, this trailer. So I'm really looking forward to it.
Next on the list is another one that we just we just watched was this is a gaming trailer.

Marvel 1943 & Acolyte Trailers

At first, we didn't know if it was a gaming trailer or not, but it's the Marvel 1943 trailer. I am not the most well versed in gaming, but this looks cool. I like the Marvel universe. I like what they're doing. I like how it's not like beholden to the the canon. It's got.
Captain America, it's like based in 1943 obviously, it's got Captain America, it's got the Black Panther of that time, it's got, I can't remember the other two names, but it looks like you've got a place for characters, the story, the graphics looked amazing, I couldn't tell what was the difference, like what was possibly cinematic, if there was any.
like gameplay footage in there or not. I mean, I don't care. I'm not a big hardcore, like, what is this? But again, I saw this format. I saw this four minutes before we started press record. So when you told me to check it out before we started recording, I generally and it could well be because I'm working on split screen at the moment, but I generally thought we were looking at a movie. So it may well be the size of the
side of the screen that I was watching it on, or indeed it may well be my failing eyesight of being such an old fart. But either way, I thought, honestly thought it was Wyatt Russell. As I said to you earlier on, I thought it was Wyatt Russell. And I thought, this is crazy. Wyatt Russell's playing Captain America back from the 40s. And then it clicked to me after a good 10, 15 seconds. Ah.
It's a game. It's not live action. And again, it may well be my own eyesight and my own comprehension, but I thought it really sick, really, really good. Yeah, I'm excited for it. I mean, I don't think it comes out for another year plus, but I don't know. I think those superhero games are hard because it's
Yeah, I mean, it's 43.
It's 43, so can I be beating up Nazis, which is always a good thing anyway. But I love that kind of take on video, on franchises. I love the idea of something fantastical in a historic environment. I've been talking about what's lyrical about
For all mankind for last what eight episodes but Yeah, no, I'm looking for this isn't this is my kind of game because it's a little bit quirky and there's that there's that historical orbit a familiar element to it albeit With superheroes, which I think is kind of cool
Let's quit messing around and let's get to the trailer we actually, everybody's actually interested in hearing about. What was it called again? I can't remember what the show was. Do you happen to know off top of your head? No, I think it's called the acolyte. Or the aco. I don't know. Sorry, the acolyte. Is that French? I think that's French, right?
I have no idea, mate. I just tried to be funny. I failed miserably. Yeah, the Acolyte. So the Acolyte trailer came out, was it yesterday now? I can't remember. Yeah, yesterday. Came out yesterday. Looks exciting. Looks very, very exciting. I'm, as you know, I wouldn't say, I'm looking forward to
something new about force users the mythology of the force i'm looking forward to something very very new because well two reasons what two reasons being um
I've always been a fan of the secondary and tertiary characters that kind of make things happen in the background. You know, we talk about the Eddyman or the Everyman story quite a lot in your and my chats. But I'm also kind of, I wouldn't say I'm burnt out on the force, but I'm not
in any way being negative but I'm looking forward to something very very new when it comes down to the force and and the whole as I said the whole mythos around around what it is to be a Jedi a force user or indeed a Sith so I'm very very intrigued about this I don't know how you feel I am
Very excited for this for a multitude of reasons. I mean, I've been excited for this since we saw the trailer in London. This trailer has me. I mean, because I think when you're at celebration, you see something you're like, that was amazing. I already forgot all of it. This this was a different level because you could see on your own screen. The first thing that stood out to me was just the the depth of color and the the
The saturation that's what I'm looking for like the saturation Throughout this that trailer was like there's so many deep and dark colors and everything so colorful and it's like I'm excited to see Because I know it's kind of tied into the High Republic stuff. I'm like, I want to see this
this era and just like the universe in a different place than like, I love the dark and dingy and, and used and weathered Star Wars universe. That's what I that's like my main thing I love about it. So I'm not anti that, but I'm also interested to see what they do in some place new.
And like you, I tend to steer, be more intrigued by the content that I could see myself being put into. Like, I'm an everyday person. Like, what are the things I struggle? What are the things I feel? And like, I definitely love those feelings there.
And so there's always an element of, like, oh, great, more Jedi. No, there's a billion Jedi, which is cool. I'm a fan. But I'm also on the side of, like, I feel like this isn't necessarily going to be force-related mysticism, which is maybe what I'm kind of less excited about. But I feel like it's just going to have a lot of force users. And from what the looks of it is, it looks like there's going to be a lot of Jedi dying. Yeah.
which is not necessarily what I'm excited about, but I think it's a lot of Force users, but it's not about my Dave Filoni trope of like, oh, I don't have the Force and then this whole show is gonna be me discovering that I have the Force and I am now Force capable. That right there is kind of what I am worn out on and I don't feel like that's what this is gonna be. No.
I feel like this is going to be more kind of like the other shows that we watch where it's more about the cunning, what's in the shadows, who's the trickery of who's actually the bad person and the good people and what's the back and forth, but just happens to be with at the height of force powers or force users and there just happens to be a lot of Jedi floating around. So that I'm very excited for.
I'm excited to see a new cast. I love Manny Jacinto from The Good Place and a bunch of other stuff. Exciting to see him in it. It's cool. The poster's cool. The trailer's cool. The cast is cool. What's interesting is, obviously, I mean, the two things I thought of was the very, very beginning
of the of the of the of the of the ad was um excuse me um the very beginning of the ad i just got massive phantom menace nostalgia and i'm not talking about the entire the entire trailer i'm talking about the first five six seconds where
the Jedi master is talking and he's talking to his Padawans or the Padawan lesson that he's teaching. And it's not necessarily what he says. It's not necessarily how he says it. It's not necessarily that it's clearly in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. But for some reason, those first four or five seconds, it was
All I could hear was Samuel L. Jackson saying, so you believe the prophecy of whatever. You believe it's this boy. And I just got that vibe with that first five or six seconds, which I thought, wow, that really hit me. And then obviously it goes into other stuff as well.
Uh, and you're right, it's a lot cleaner. It's a lot. I mean, it's very, very, I mean, hence the reason why it also reflects with, with the Phantom of Menace as well. The other, for me, the other thing that I thought was really interesting as well was that, and I'm thinking about it to myself. Again, I'm blaming Samuel L. Jackson or, or, or Mace Windo, uh, or, or the council in general, they believe that the Sith have been
defeated for many, many, many, many years. And millennia, I think is what they say. And the point being is that, to your point, it's not a known threat, which I believe, and I'm really ashamed to say I have not jumped into the high republic as much as I would like to. It's a me thing, not a quality of content thing.
But the point I'm trying to make is that I believe that the Nile, who is the enemy certainly in stage one or act one of the High Republic, is a known threat. It's an entity that threatens the galaxy at large, but mainly the Jedi. Whereas in this trailer,
It's very, very hush-hush secret, secret, secret ninja-style assassinations going on, which would make sense on the understanding that if this is the start of the Sith Rising again prior to Plagueis, or including Plagueis, I guess, but prior to Plagueis and Palpatine,
then it makes sense that it's all undercover. And that part I find really, really fascinating. And that will placate or satisfy what I was saying about a different take on the Force, a different take on that. There was a way back, way back in the days of the Legends books, which at the time was called the EU, which was the EU, there was a Darth Maul
book that came out, I don't know if it was Saboteur. Anyway, the point being is that before the Phantom Menace and before the Sith revealed themselves again,
to the Jedi, Darth Maul was being used by Palpatine as an assassin, just going out and doing the occasional job, as part of his training, going out and doing an occasional job. And so I see this very much like that. And that will be sick, because again, like I said, and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but that would give a very, very different take on what we've had up until now of either, you know, these amazing individuals that become the chosen one, or they become
individual Jedi's of note, or there are tens of thousands of Jedi versus tens of thousands of Sith, this idea of subterfuge and under the radar type of sneaky, sneaky going on with the Sith before it's ready to reveal themselves would be absolutely sick and very, very satisfying. Sorry, I went off on one.
No, I think that's what I'm excited about too. I think one of the things that I'm hoping it doesn't do, like since it's 100 years, supposed to take place 100 years before the Phantom Menace. Yeah. I'm hoping it's not a literal...
Hey, here's Plagueis. Like, I would love it to kind of stand on its, I'm hoping that it's like, it's this thing that can stand on its own and be everything you just said, where it's like, it is the connective tissue from the High Republic into kind of the Phantom Menace kind of prequel era. But I don't want to, I hope it's not like directly on the nose. I hope it's not a episode, episode, episode. And at the end, it's like,
It's Plagueis and a young Palpatine, like, oh, we've been orchestrating this all along. It's like, just let it be the hints and the end of that story encapsulated not this literal
Like, don't let it be so obvious that it's the big connective piece to be like, we look into shadows and there's Plagueis and Palpatine orchestrating the whole thing and then like subtle ends to Phantom is like just like, let this series stand and let it be
I'd like it to lean more in the higher public era than it was the Phantom Miss. I wanted to connect. I'd love that and kind of be the hints of the foreshadowing that comes in the prequels. But I'm hoping that it is with us. But I'm excited. I'm super excited. I think we'll get like a two-episode premiere in June. Question. Yeah. Question. I've got a question.
because I don't know this. So, Revenge of the Sith. Sheev talks to Anakin about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.

Star Wars Speculations: Darth Plagueis & Acolyte

Darth Plagueis was able to extend life or bring people back from the dead and so on and so forth.
There's nothing in that film that actually says, that suggests he was Sheev's master. Yeah. Okay. We then get the novel, Darth Plagueis, you know, we then get a novel of them, which establishes, you know, just basically fills in those gaps. But we now know that's legends.
Is there anything in canon today that suggests that, I mean, you know, she talks about Darth Plagueis. I love this question. I love that. That could have been somebody else that could have been thousands of years ago. And it could have been somebody else who was his apprentice that could have that would have killed him for that secret. I, I don't know. Oh, sorry. Sorry. No, go ahead. You know what I mean?
I don't know if there's anything we've assumed, well, I've certainly assumed that Plagueis was Sheev's master because that's what I was told in Legends canon. But Legends canon doesn't exist anymore. And so what's saying that, well, Sheev might have the story of, like I said, and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, Sheev may have the story of Darth Plagueis.
But, but that could be like the way that I could recall the story of, I don't know, Moses. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah, you know, it's like, it's like, it's like, I didn't know the guy, but I know the story. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I don't I mean, I'm probably I'm sure there's someone smarter, wiser and
certainly more learned than me that can explain that you know that I'm completely wrong in this respect but or at least if I'm not wrong that at least this is the reference point you need to look at in new canon that suggests that you know that confirms that Plagueis was indeed Sheev's master. Well I mean you mean you've you've tickled my interest because it's like anybody who knows me knows that I'm on team
throw that shit out and let's do something new. So if Plagueis was never mentioned ever again, for as long as I'm alive, so be it. So we're not coloring in those predefined lines from legends that everybody has expectations for. I know Plagueis was a good book, but I'm not beholden to it.
No. There's me throwing it out the window. So if he was never even there and he's not part of this, fantastic. I'm excited. That means it's something new. The only thing that I know of in the new movies, sorry, the sequels and the new Disney live action is that Luke knew about Darth Sidious.
So he knew the name Sidious, as opposed to what he knew him as in Return of the Jedi, which was obviously Emperor Palpatine. So he knew the name Sidious, but he certainly doesn't mention
doesn't mention, I'm sure that, like I said, I'm sure someone, you know, Tom, for example, you know, King Tom, for example, will say, well, actually, you're an idiot. And this is where you can find this reference. But if it's not on the silver screen, we already know, yeah, but we already know that if it's not on the, if it's not in live action, then the guy that Disney okay with
poo poo in the whole thing anyway. So anyway, I didn't want to derail us too much, but I just it was just a thought I had anyway. I like that thought. I do. So we're excited. We're excited for the acolyte. Sounds like I'm more excited than Andy. Andy's being a big being a big bummer about it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm looking for I'm looking for something new or something really, really new. If you think of it at all, to put it into context, if you remember how excited I was about Balaam,
And the supposed bad guy or the dark force user in Ahsoka being somewhat grey, and I hate that word and I know that other people hate that word, but somewhat not necessarily the bad guy.
Um, but just looking for a different way. Um, and how exciting and interesting I found his story as a force user, we get more of that kind of not cookie cutter kind of thinking and execution around the force. I'd be well, happy really will be. So on that note, let's give, let's give the people what they want. What is the current status of the bail and skull hot toy? Has it been purchased?
or no, no, it hasn't, it hasn't, it hasn't been not at the moment, because at the moment, you know, why? Because at the moment, I'm struggling to find inexpensive cosplay because you're also putting me under pressure to do cosplay at Japan.

Cosplay and Collectibles

So someone's gonna have to give me so
I wish I could use that as an argument to say like you get the hot toy now and then you could use that to inspire a cheaper, more affordable cosplay because then you'll have a reference photo that's close and you could make do because we're not trying to go like 501st level cosplay. At least not yet. I mean, this could rapidly spin out of control. I figured out my plan of attack yet.
I've got time, I've got time, give me some time. Listen, I do not have, you know I'm a cheery guy and I do not have a hot toy cheery, so the idea that I'm...
Ignoring my boy and going straight to, to Bailin is, um, is, uh, it's hard for me to, is a bit of pill for me to swallow. So, um, anyway, but just save your money, save your money for the new Chewbacca Wookie Wookie from the acolyte. Think of, he's got that buzzed haircut thing in the back going. Just think of all the like blocked merchandise that they're going to sell like a black series of flight. You just save your money for that. We don't need Chewbacca hot toy yet. He does. He does look pretty cool. I'm loving that. I'm loving the ponytail.
Right, let's move on before I break my bank. What are you watching, dude?
I mean, it's only been a couple of days. I haven't watched a whole lot. I'll skim through some of these. Madison recently read the No Country for Old Men book. I don't really know why. So therefore, last night, she wanted to watch the movie because she's never seen it. We watched it. I'm still in the camp after. So I I hate that film. I think it is. Oh, really? So dumb. Yeah, it is. I won't. I won't spend a ton of time on it. I don't get it. I'm dumb. It's I don't know. It's just like.
Is it just the violence? Is it the story? I don't know. I think it's really well acted. I don't know. Whatever. Send me an email or voicemail if you have an argument for that one, but I'm gonna right on whip right past that. She thought it was dumb too. I watched Shogun episode five. I won't talk about it because you haven't watched it yet. Yeah, I'm sorry, dude. That's my fault. It's okay.
I'll just scratch that one off the list. No. I did watch, I did start watching X-Men 97.

X-Men 97 and MCU Integration

I have been trying to watch the old X-Men cartoons from way back in the day. And maybe it's because I like,
You know, time is precious and whatever. I just couldn't. I'm like, no, I'm just going to hope they do a recap for X-Men 97. And they kind of did. And the first couple episodes that they released too, they kind of recap everything. They're like, hey, Xavier's dead. And here's all the characters. We're going to kind of lightly introduce them. And here's their differences. It's kind of cool.
It's interesting. It's I don't know if if you remember me talking about that Pokemon show that's on Netflix, like Pokemon concierge. It kind of reminds me of that. It's like I don't know who the audience is because it's it's definitely 97 animation. Like they've updated the characters to be more modern looking and kind of have their variations. But I'm like, is this is it for kids? Is it for adults? Because it kind of plays in both worlds really weirdly, but it's it's it's all right.
I felt the same way about He-Man revelation on Netflix when it came out. And it's, I actually like it. I actually, I did not, I was, He-Man came out from, I was too old for a He-Man. So He-Man came out, if you think about, you know, the early mid 80s, by which time I kind of was still obsessive about Star Wars, albeit I was in my teens now. So it was kind of like,
Heman was was a little bit younger for me and I didn't really get up and quite frankly if you look at the Regardless of all the nostalgia out there Watch a couple of the old Heman Cartoons They don't hold up so well
Anyway, my point being is that when Kevin Smith came out with his reboot, I watched it and it was really, really good. It was a liberating because there's an awful lot of... There's a lot of flat that he took around the diversity that he introduced with underrepresented characters from the original series. But it was actually quite a good story as well. It was really, really good.
But then I thought rather than, rather than the lesson of the week. Yeah. Um, don't do drugs kids. Um, with Orco, you know, the, the, the flying pink, the flying pink wizard dude. Anyway. Um, yeah, no, it was, uh, it, but I feel the same way. It was, I kept thinking to myself, this is great for me, but I'm not.
I shouldn't be the target demographic for this. So yeah, I'm with you and I haven't watched any of the new X-Men.
But yeah, I remember going back, you know, coming back from school, switching the TV on. Um, X-Men was there. It was great. Uh, it served a purpose at the time. Going back to that, it doesn't, it's not good viewing or sorry, the, the original ones, not great viewing. Yeah. So again, does this have legs? Fair play.
So I think that's the thing about it, that my final takeaway for it right now, because there's only two episodes, is if I put my overthinking hat on, it does feel like a decision. And I try not to go down the rabbit hole too much on it. For something like this, why are they releasing it?
weekly. Like, it's just like, is it are they going to try to tie it into something bigger? Like, it's not prestige television. I mean, neither is neither is bad batch. But that's as that has the weight of Star Wars behind it. Yeah. And, and I do feel like the bad batch is kind of catered to a it's catered to an all audiences a little bit better than I think maybe the first two episodes. I'm not saying it's bad in no way, shape or form. I'd saying it's bad. But like, there seems to be decisions with it that are like,
Why did they, okay, they did a two episode premiere, like they're trying to follow a similar formula, but it just, I don't see how it fits. Maybe there's some sort of...
surreal or extremely intricate plan that the marketing folk that have a lot bigger brains than I have are, you know, trying to find a way or a segue for expense to enter the MCU. Let's try to start this journey of
you know, really tapping into folks' nostalgia about how they felt about the good, what was perceived as the good X-Men, which of course was the cartoon, less so much the Brian Singer stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Brian Singer stuff. So that's my theory is that they're tying it all together, because it does lead in with the Marvel animation logo front, it's like a Marvel animation,
And so I'm like, okay, is this, they kind of handed out and stuff with the Marvels, like with the universe split that Rambo went into. And I'm like,
Is that gonna, like, are they literally gonna make X-Men 97 like a ramp up point to kind of give us more X-Men content and lead up to it becoming in the MCU, which is wild if you ask me. I'm here for it. I think it's gonna be cool. I'd love to see a live action Jubilee.
But I will say they did not get rid of any of the ridiculous tropes of Gambit speaking with a Cajun accent and some of the other stuff. It's funny how much it's the same, but it's also different. Yeah, I'm not gonna spend all episode on it. It is what it is. I probably won't watch it weekly, but I'll probably binge it when it's all done.
Yeah, but to your point, if it becomes a segue to something greater and bigger, then all good. All good. Cool. Anything else? What have you been watching? Nope, that's it for me. Okay. So, still watching Shogun. I thought I was caught up until you sent me a message earlier on today and I realized this is an episode I've missed. So thanks for that. Still watching Dick Turpin.
the comedy or the parody on Apple TV at the moment, it is actually quite funny. But then again, it's very, very, like I said, it's very, very surreal alternative British humor. So you may or may not like that, but it's right up my alley. Scrubs Battlestar Galactica, you know, rinse and repeat as and when they're
they're available. Finished master of the year. So did that last finished last night, my friend. Thank you very much. That recommendation thoroughly enjoyed it.

Master of the Year & Film Prop Auctions

Thought the ending was sat it was really, really satisfactory because I was.
I was expecting the worst for an awful lot of the last couple of episodes for our main protagonist so that was really great and then I also straight after was compelled to watch documentary that accompanies it which blew my head I didn't realize just how much of it was
was based off of real life. I mean, there's a few things in there that in the interests of families and people has been changed for posterity. But yeah, really, really good. And as a result, Lucy and I are now looking for our next watch. I'm already starting foundation.
Which I said, uh, series two, sorry, uh, which as you know, is something that I've been wanting to watch for a while because, um, uh, being a, should we say a, a real pure sci-fi fan, as well as the, the more mainstream stuff like, you know,
the pure stuff in terms of like June and Isaac Asimov Foundation and so on and so forth that I really enjoy that kind of stuff. So I've started watching that in my own time. And Lucy and I need to find out what is our next watch. And I think it's going to be Severance based on your recommendation, mate. So we should start that in the next couple of couple of days.
I watched the two other things I've been watching. The first thing is we are starting to go through our own journey through the Oscar list, the Oscar nominations, and we watched poor things when we got back from our our trip away last week. And Lucy enjoyed it. Lucy enjoyed it. I thought it was extremely well acted. I thought it was the
The design aesthetic and the way it was shot was beautiful.
I'm okay not to go back if I'm perfectly honest with you. I'm not being critical. There's many, many things I liked about it. But it reminded me of an art house movie. When I was a lot younger and I was a kid, I got to a particular time in my adolescence or my youth where I was really into these art house movies and really into reading an awful lot of
really philosophical stuff. And it was, you know, which have many, many facets to it. And, you know, the way that you interpreted that particular medium of art, being at book, being at art, or being at film, are things like Eraserhead, for example.
Um, you know, David Lynch, a raise a head and all that kind of stuff. It was, it was surreal stuff and I loved it. I lapsed it all up. And I'm kind of a little bit beyond that because I don't want to use my brain anymore. And I felt that with, um, with poor things, I guess, as I said, many, many positives.
really, really beautifully shot, extremely, extremely well acted. I mean, she deserved, Emma deserved everything she got from, in terms of the Oscar, but I've seen it now and I'm happy with it. I'm, I'm
I'm okay to move on to the next one. It's not a, it's not a pop it in and let's watch it again kind of movie. I'm glad I watched it, but it's not a, Oh man, let's, let's, let's rewind and, and, and roll out one again. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a, it's not a popcorn flick. You gotta, you gotta be, you gotta pay attention and wear glasses and, and headphones. It's you got, you gotta understand the whole thing. And then lastly, um,
I think I said to you that the week that we were on with the scruffies, so a week before last, um, there's a guy who might have been really last week. Um, there's, there's guys talk about the auctions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's some guys that I follow, um, again, to very, very, um, very, very successful writers, um, in TV.
And they have their own podcast, the stuff that Dreams are made of, and they've ramped up their new season for this year. And they're going through essentially what is the catalog for prop store inherited auctions, the March listings for those. They've only just started actually. So if you think of every year as being a new season for them, and I think they're in season seven now.
Anyway, point being is that now they're now back, they're now podcasting again, and they're actually, you know, podcasting pretty much every week at the moment. And they're going through that. So I'm listening to the stuff that is really catching their eye, that they're interested in buying and make some of the prices.
It's just, again, it's like, it's a different world. It's a different, different world. Money is no option, no object. They've got no problem, you know, chucking 20 or 30 grand at a particular prop and that will be loose change for them. I mean, as I said, I think it's David that got the X-Wing a while ago and that's well over a couple of million.
for essentially what is a, I don't know, a 40, 50 inch, 50 inch prop that was used in the film. It's, um, it's fascinating. So I go on. Yeah.
I would like to throw a correction out from last week. So I find they have a correction. I would like to apologize to heritage, heritage auctions, uh, for, for bad mouthing them. You know, if they ever want to sponsor us, that'd be fantastic. I encourage every day. I encourage every, uh, at the very beginning, I was like, don't sign up for them because you'll, you'll start getting emails and be tempted and yada, yada, yada. Do yourself a favor and listen to these two guys because they actually are sponsored by heritage and they're always giving them shit.
They're always giving them shit because they know, heritage know, these guys spend a lot of money with them. So don't worry about it.
There is a pro tip out there to jump into the modeling thing really quick or like anybody who cares about that kind of stuff. If you do sign up for them, they will start mailing you those booklets and they are a fantastic reference because they take a billion photos of like that X-wing. I still have that catalog where they were showing, they had a million pages dedicated thing taken all over the place. It's like the best reference photos that you can get. Yeah.
Around and so that's a little little fun. I mean the the actual The auction books what are they called prospectus what they call the The brochures, I mean, they're like there is, you know, they're sick as a viable, you know that that that's tick as hell I mean that they are and they're quite coveted and
They're actually quite coveted. I mean, these are $50 a piece if you wanted to buy them. If you weren't on their mailing list and you want to get one, they're $50 a piece. So it's certainly, you know, it's nothing to be sniffed at. I mean, their reference material must be amazing. But yeah, it's... What was it? Sorry. Yes, David. David that bought the... David that bought the X-Wing. They're funny guys. They really are.

Podcast Future Plans

That's it for me, mate. We've gone over a little bit. I'm afraid. Sorry about that. There's nothing good. There's no going over. I think we're, I think we're good. I think there's some, some good, some good news. I mean, we've had a lot come out. So I think it's, I think we, I think we've done good on time considering all that's been dropped in the last couple of days. Um, yeah. Should we, should we roll into the, uh,
let's roll in the bad batch actually well before we do that i just want to let the guys i mean there are a um i just want to let the listeners uh
which we appreciate know that we've got quite a lot of plans actually for this, for this podcast. Not only have we got a bunch of subjects that Sean and I want to talk about that we want to resurrect, um, after the, uh, the, the bad batch season is over. Um, but also we may well have a few guests coming up in the near future as well, which we're relatively excited about fact, very excited about, but don't want to overcommit ourselves until it actually happens.
Um, but um, we're so we're so excited that we haven't even asked these people to be on yet. And so we haven't had our dreams crushed yet. So we're like, we're, we're at the tower top of the moon. We have big plans. So, uh, if we ask you, don't, don't say no, because you'll, you'll crush, you'll break our hearts and ruin our dreams. So let's go into it, dude.
Um, oh yeah. So this, this episode is episode eight of the final season titled bad territory.

Bad Batch Episode Review

Um, do you want me to go over my, my high level first or do you want to do high level first? Well,
Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. You go over your high level because I'm trying to bring my notes up at the moment. All right. All right. So my quick notes were I know I'm on team. Let's complain about the lighting as well. Yeah. But I will say this week was better for me at least. I don't mean there were some dark scenes, but I think they were intended to be dark. But the lighting was improved.
really liked the swamp Bayou aesthetic that they went with on that planet.
There's just something about it that just felt so refreshing to me. It's the wrong word for the look, but it just felt so different. I love that they were on an airboat going through the swamps with the mangroves and the yellows and the colors. I don't know. I just thought it was a really neat episode, even though I'm sure there's people out there who are like, oh, I didn't progress anything, but who cares? I loved it. That was cool.
that I really, I've kind of had this theory in the back of my head and like something that I wanted from Star Wars that kind of goes on this, like, I wish they would have like, like, I get the nature of a bounty hunter, like, but sometimes they just make them out to be too big of dicks. Like, they're all out working for all these big scores, but they never show them like using it. It's like, and I think they really did that with Finnick this time of like, I'm out for all this money. It's like,
to what end, like, I don't know, show them in an episode, like, just like living lavishly, like throwing all their money away at a casino or taking a vacation because it's like, what is it all for? Like, I'd love to have a story that talks about that. The other high level note is, Saurus, that praying mantis thing, whatever that thing was, badass. Like, it took, what, four shots to knock that thing out at the end, like the thing they were hunting.
Uh, the, like, I've never seen anything. I think he's a, I think he's a verpine or a verpine, um, which if way back to the original, you know, to the, um, original, um, a new hope and, um, also the holiday special.
Did you know that or did you look it up? Did you look it up or did you know what that was called on top of your head? No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
I didn't want to do a correction next week, so I did validate that. And you remember that in the Mandalorian, in the cantina in Mos Eisley, that there's also one of those as well called Dr. Mandible.
which was the character. Oh, it's Dr. Manable. Same thing as that. Nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a verpine or a verpine based on the original creature costume that was in A New Hope, Oblique, The Holiday Special. But yeah, I did know that was a verpine because now I don't know how I remember this, but they were as far as I know, they were shipbuilders.
They were, they were shipbuilders. They were very, very, very, and I could be wrong, but I've got a feeling they were also used as slaves on, on the desktop, not in canon, obviously, but in, in the, in the, in the expanded, sorry, in the, in legends. And on top of that, I've got a feeling
And again, I haven't looked this bit up, so I could be completely wrong and it's going to kick me now because I'm going to say something and it's going to bother me. If you say it with enough confidence, no one's going to doubt you. So I've got a feeling that, you know, you know, um, fall on the bounty hunter. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think fall on is a verpine protocol droid. That's how they start out. The way, the reason why his head looks the way it does.
is because it's based off an insectoid species. So if you think about 3PO, his head is, his body obviously is exactly the same as most other, most other protocol droids, but his head obviously is mimicking a humanoid head. Whereas I have a feeling that forearm
is mimicking a different alien species, albeit from the neck down. It's exactly the same as C3PO. I could be completely wrong, but I remember that forearm does represent a different species, hence the look of his head. And now I'm going to shut up because I've probably got this wrong and I should have done my research before we were on this call.
That was a, that's a wild tangent that I'm here for. And I was not expecting, I was not expecting you to know any of that at all. And so I'm kind of sitting here in shock of like, I can't even believe you knew what a verpine was or a verpine. It's like, that was, that was awesome. I'm taking, I'm taking it all as fact. I don't know. I'm going to, if somebody mentions any of this, I'm going to perpetuate that.
with complete confidence going forward. Okay. I need to look it up there. But that insect thing, the bounty, I'm pretty sure it took four shots to knock them out. And that is awesome. That was cool. I thought that was a fun little, I thought the wrecker fighting the crocodiles was cool. I thought that was neat. I thought the boat running one over was
for some reason excessive, but it was awesome. The only things I had was, we can talk about one later of like, I really like Phoenix Shant and the whole like sell out, selling them out at the end. I was not a fan of, I mean, hopefully there's,
Like can't we just have one that's not a total D bag? But the final note is I know we have some Moldy Crow fans out there. If there's any ship that looks like the Moldy Crow, in my opinion, it is Phoenix ship and it's cool. Like I like that ship design and I feel like it is.
It has to be, it has to have been modeled after the Molykraut. No, no. Pull them up side by side. It's too fat. It's too fat. It's too chunky. Um, but you know, I'll, I'll, I'll give my view on this. I've, I've already got off a tangent, so I'm going to show that for a little bit. You're going to have a correction next week because of that. Just you wait. I know, I know, I know. I'm trying to, I'm trying to look it up now as we, as we start, as we're talking. Um, anyway.
No worries. No worries. No, I think, I mean, for me, the ship is a cool looking ship. But it reminds me of a, again, God, here we go. I think the cockpit looks like a quad jumper. So if you look at the cockpit of the quad jumper, that originally we originally saw in
Force Awakens and then we saw again in Andor. It looks like that kind of very, very exposed cockpit. But the body looks like an upside down, what's it called? It's a crate gunship.
So Crate Gunship was a vessel or a bunch of vessels that were part of the original Star Wars Galaxies game. And it was, I think they're made by Mandalorians. But anyway, it looks very much like, in my mind, an upside down Crate Gunship. It looks Mandaloresque.
Yeah, the Mouldy Crow is a lot sleeker in my mind than that. But, you know, it's their own and everything. But yeah, I thought it was a sick ship though. I loved it. Absolutely loved it. What were your other high level thoughts? That's all I had. That's all I had on my side.
Again, I've always got these random bullet points that I just write down in real time. So I'll just go through them. So bad territory. Good start. So I got the title. So that was a good start. Bounty Hunters. Number two, Fennec Shand. Number three, Starfleet space dock. So where the boys go look like two
Starfleet space docks. If you don't, if you remember, yeah, yeah, yeah. They look like two of them squashed together along the, along the central core there, which, you know, which was look great. Looks sick. Um, Oh God, this goes to show how my brain works. And honestly, I really shouldn't be on a podcast.
There's a siren that goes off in the space station when they're there. There's a siren goes off, and it's a police siren. It's an... And I'm sure it's a sound bite from Blade Runner. I could be completely wrong. But it sounds like the sound bite of the spinners.
of the police spinners from Blade Runner, and I could be completely wrong, but there's a sound bite there that I really booked up on. I've written here, Fenwick ship park, quad jumper park, crate ship from Star Wars galaxy. There you go. They're also written Space Florida. Am I right in saying that? That's kind of quite swampy and
It can. Yeah, there's there's like, like the Everglades and stuff like that. Yeah, I had it pinned more in like the Louisiana Bayou. But yeah, it's okay. Okay. Space alligators. Space alligators were cool. Thought that was great. Yeah. And then I my last I mean, you can see it here. My last I'll zoom in if you need me to
like Dr. Mandible. And that was the last of the notes I made. Was it, again, it was great to see Fennec. It was brilliant to see her. Again, it was progressive, but it was a bit, it left it a little bit of a, I wouldn't say a cliffhanger, but I felt a bit, I mean, I personally felt deflated. I'm sure the boys did as well. I felt a bit personally deflated that Fennec kind of,
bullshit at them at the end. It felt like there was no point. I think that's my point about the bounty hunters. I think there's times where they just make them jerks for no reason. They live through a code, but then they don't.
And it's like, ah, I said the saying, and now I'm going to completely rat you out. It's like, what the hell's going on? But also, also bearing in mind that, you know, Hunter and Rekha should be the most, you know, two of the most, the toughest hombres in the, in the galaxy at this moment in time. And they just keep getting shafted and look like jumps at the end of it, where they've been shafted by this bounty hunter for saying, Oh, well, you know, I know I started to give you the information, but I don't have the information, but I'll find it for you. Trust me. I'll get back to you later.
fade to black. It was like, hmm. And I'm sure it'll come round. I'm sure the story will progress. You know, we'll, we'll get an answer relatively quickly. Sorry, next week. But I was just a bit, oh, that was a bit of a, bit of a unsatisfying ending. I didn't, I didn't feel well fed for, you know what I mean?
It felt like it's a means to an end. It's like, well, we need to have Asajj come to them and surprise them instead of the other way around. Cause like last week I was talking about how I think she's a hermit somewhere, but no, but it does sound like she's a bounty hunter.
for whatever reason, like maybe hunt non-imcount people, which to your point last week of like, that feels kind of like an unsatisfying resolution to the book. And kind of all that was gained through that. And it's like, oh, so you're just kind of a jerk now. And so yeah, they need to give her, they need to do the power flip so she comes and finds them. But I think it could have been handled without
Like in a way like throwing Finn, her character completely under the bus as like a means to an end. Cause now it's like, dude, Finn kind of sucks. Like in some ways, like, especially cause you, we, we like, it'd be one thing if it was like a bunch of jerk people, like if it was other like shady individuals, but like the dudes from the bad badger just.
Unlike previous weeks, which other other folk may would have said, Oh, there wasn't a lawful lot going on. It, it, it, it, there was an end result at the end of the episode. There was an end result. There was, there was a reason for the episode. And this I'm sure is paving the way for more encounters with Fennec further down the line. But, you know, we're on episode eight. Is it eight? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was all right. Yeah. That was eight.
So we've got, we've only got seven left. Um, and they've got it again. I think, I think that was solely for the purpose of getting a size to show up next week. Like I.
Five. I don't think we're gonna see Fennec ever again. But then again, I also feel with Fennec, certainly in Mandalorian for obvious reasons, she has a code.
She has, you know, she's one of the honorable ones, unlike some of the shysters that we might have seen like Dengar and Bosque and some of the other bounty hunters. She seems to follow a particular code. She keeps talking to the bad batch about trusting her, you know, about, you know, about trust. And then the minute that
the minute she gets in a cockpit, she's calling someone and saying, hey, these two guys are looking for you, or these two guys are asking around. I thought you might be interested. I'll send you the details. It's like, well, so what is it? Is she a shyster? Like the rest of the, like the rest of the scum and villainy, sorry. Or does she have a code and is she a little bit more? I don't know.
Yeah, it was fine. It was absolutely fine. And I really enjoyed it. And I, you know, many, many parts of it I really, really did enjoy. I just perhaps have more expectations of unrealistic expectations of Fennec, bearing in mind her prowess or her impact on the Mandalorian and now Book of Boba Fett.
But hey, we'll see.

Fennec Shand's Role

It may well be someone that may well be someone completely different. I don't know that she's reaching out to. No idea.
And I think, I think that's my, my thing too. It's like, I enjoyed the episode. I thought it was fine, but I think it's just those, like, those, that, that, that last interaction where it just kind of like, it makes, it feels like it negates. Like, cause I, I really like Phoenix character and it just felt like they used her as a means to, and it's like, why did it even need to be Fennec? Like there didn't need to be, this is it.
And it's like, it didn't need to be her. It could have been anybody, but like, oh, we had to get those comments about Omega. And because it made it seem like it was going to go somewhere of like, oh, it must be really important to you. It's like, okay, this is going to have a payoff, but it didn't. It all just kind of went away. It's like, you just tried to get a cameo in with a character. It's like, it could have just been Rider Azadi. It could have been some other no name. It could have just been whatever. It could have been that lizard lady from the bar owner. Like it could have been anything. It didn't need to be this.
especially since she needed their help to get the guy and then she was like rubbing in their faces like you just saw what they did like it's two on one like you clearly weren't capable enough to take on that one by yourself and like it took all three of you to do it so like you know they're capable why would you be like
It's kind of like a, it kind of felt like a slime ball move where they're like, okay, I got my hand on the door. I'm going to say this thing and push the button and immediately fly away before you can do anything about it. Uh, it just didn't seem, it seemed really out of character, but it was a good episode. And I do, and don't get me wrong. I do think that, you know, Rekha and Hunter have an amazing, have amazing abilities, but
How inept are the other bounty hunters that never returned? If so many bounty hunters have been to pick him up before and they've never returned, how inept are they?
I mean, we never saw any of them. We never saw any dead bodies or anything. Did we? It's anyway, I'm nitpicking. I am nitpicking. If you turn the brightness up, you'll see that there was a bunch of blown up boats. So I assume that they got blown up by the land, by the mines in the, in the, in the mangroves and then the crocodiles eat them. And it's like, well, yeah, I mean, I'm less. Is that for real? Is that for real? Is what for real?
Yeah, I thought that's what I mean, there was a dark episode but I thought that's what it was when they pulled up and saw the mine. Oh, I thought they were like I thought there was wreckage but it could have just been dark crap for all I know. Okay. Okay. No, no, no, no. I didn't see that. I didn't see that. Okay, cool. Yeah, it makes me question the competence of bounty hunters to it's like, Oh, are they all just jerks who operate alone? And so they all get killed.
But then it's like, oh, if you actually like team up with somebody else, like it's actually pretty easy to go hunt these bounties. But then you just throw them under the bus. But I don't want to beat that dead horse. There was one note I had that I for some reason blazed right over. It's something that I really,

Crosshair's Character Arc

really liked about this episode that
the whole crosshairs hands arc and how they gave it to us in that episode. So it made it feel less wasted where it's like, oh, it's not physical. They kind of skimmed through a lot of it. They're like, it's not physical. Maybe it's in your mind and his native reaction to be like,
It's not my mind. And then it all capstones with the meditation scene. I would have really liked it personally. Like I'm a big fan of meditation, mindfulness, all that kind of stuff. I would have loved it if they didn't show the sunset and like sitting on a cliff and it's this big serene thing. It's like, I wish I was able to just let it be the two of them.
Yeah, meditating and being in that moment. But then it's like, then they kind of, I get why it's like, it's a it's a it's a beautiful scene. And then they kind of turned into like the last Jedi with like, it's a sunset. And it's like, like,
It was, it was so powerful already. And like that, that was beautiful. But like, I like that that's where they went. That's why that's where they're taking it. It's like, Oh, it's like, I'm always a big fan of mental health. And like, what'd they do to you? Nothing happened to me. It's like, let's, let's do this. So I thought that was cool. I liked I liked that, that element.
Well, it's like I said last week. I mean, she saved him. She has saved him. And she still is saving him. And I think that's awesome. Great callback to the Wookiees as well. I learned this with... Yeah. You went to Kashyyyk. It's like, yeah, I went to Kashyyyk. You've been gone. Yeah, that was really, really cool. I thought that was awesome.
I mean, for such a young, supposedly a young girl, she's extremely wise. Um, and like I said, I mean, she's, I still think there's big things coming for crosshair. I really do. I think he's going to turn into quite the leader, but that's my, which is my, my speculation. I mean, he's a hundred, he's a million percent going to be
the saving shot to something. Like he's he's gonna have a need and it's gonna he is gonna. I don't want to say like will himself to be better, but it's like through the course of this growth. It's leading towards his kind of like a hero, a hero moment of some kind. I hope it's not a sacrifice, but.
Oh, me too. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Because that would be the easy way out. And it's like, it's a typical redemption story in that. Oh, and now they die. We don't, we don't want that. But I do think that especially bearing in mind the screen time this week was very much focused on Hunter and Raka and yet the powerful, powerful stuff still sits with, with crosshair. Week on week, week on week is sitting with him. It's definitely his series at the moment.
Uh, which I think is a good thing, especially when we, you know, addressing some, some genuine stuff there with him. So it's, yeah, it's great. I, I, I'm great. What do you think is going to happen from here? Because like I said, I, I, I'm not hating on this this week. And I, I, life's too short for me to hate on anything, to be honest with you, but I would never would, would hate on this anyway. But I felt unfulfilled in that I didn't perhaps see.
I saw a promise of progression. I didn't see the progression that I've perhaps I've seen in every other episode before now. The promise of progression obviously being that, um, Fennec is promising to come back with, come back with the goods. Uh, what do you think is going to happen from here, mate? So it's looking into the crystal ball a little bit kind of cheating. Cause like next week's episode is called the harbinger. So.
Hala, Asajj is back, Asajj is here. I think that's, I'd put money on that one and I'm not a gambler. So I think it's similar to what I said last week. I think Asajj coming and explaining what is going on, giving everybody a sense of,
criticality, a seriousness to what needs to be done, which will probably look at my prediction is that they need in order to protect Omega, they need to not just free the clones, but they need to destroy the evidence of her
connection to the midichlorians, et cetera, et cetera. There's a couple extra episodes in there. So like episode 10 is identity crisis. So that makes me, I have this inkling in the back of my mind. That is, I don't think we are, that crosshair is completely in the clear with the allies yet. I feel like there is gonna be something that is going to happen that is going to
make people concerned again about his loyalty. Not that I think he is not loyal, but I think it all kind of stems from that, the assassin who was like, oh, they don't know who you really are, yada, yada, yada. And he kind of gets nervous and he's like, he seems to know a lot.
Yeah. So, so you mean the cloak, I mean, maybe not so much with the bad batch, but I agree with the, with the extended clones. I mean, if they do a lot more with Rex and Echo, for example, I think you're right. I think you're right. There's already some distrust there anyway, because they, they, they're not as, I don't know, close to crosshair, but I'm noticing next week is another, is another, um,
And a single, and then we've got April the 3rd as we have, we have a double. So I'm wondering if next week we get the conclusion. The, uh, the, uh, stuff in the midichlorian, like the m-count, the m-count work. Yeah, but then again, why wouldn't they have done a double this week?
Anyway, as I did with, you know, insertion and extraction, whatever it was called. We got to get to May 4th. We got to get it all the way up into the May 4th announcements. And then, and then, and then you got April the 3rd, you got two.
So which begs the question, is that that? Is that when they take go back into Tantis? Was that too early? I think I think Tantis is the end. I think it's those last four episodes juggernaut into the breach flash strike and cavalry has arrived. I think that is. Yeah.
That is the get everybody together. We all start attacking. Waves come. People people surprise and help and join and buttoning everything up. I feel like the sausages next week and then this fall, the doubles is going to be some some mid arc that's going to help contribute to either a. A crosshair or maybe.
hopefully not, I don't know. I mean, I don't know where I stand anymore, but it's like, or could it be a tech, a tech thing of good, good God, if it's assassin, if a tech is an assassin and he's just completely brainwashed. That'd be weird. That's a weird, that'd be a weird vibe of like tech with his mannerisms being an assassin. So, but, uh, it is, although they did let that, they did let that
Shadowtrooper or whatever you want to call it, the assassin.
they let him live. A, they stunned him and B survived. They purposely went out of their way to show that he survived the fall over the waterfall. So there's something about that person that's going to come back at some point. Anywho, we shall see. There are theories out there since we spoke about this. Have you heard about this?
Well, you, while you and I may well have talked about that being tech somehow brainwashed and, and, um, assimilated as a, as a, as an assassin. It's quite a few folks that think that might be, um, my God, it might be Cody. Thank you. Might be Cody.
Hmm. Question. In the Infiltration and Extraction episodes, who did Echo go get? Who did he go to get pickup? And who was in the ship with him when he came back? I need to watch it again, because I thought at the end of that episode, because the person was standing there, they were standing there. I'm like, is that Cody? Who is that? Who did they go get? It was the guy that they were
We do research before we record. No, we don't. That's why we're using Google right now. I don't know, mate. I don't know. It wasn't Houser, was it? Houser. I don't know. I don't know, mate. We're on it. I don't know. It'll be surprise to us either way, no matter who it is.
I don't think we know what Cody's story is, which is the reason why there's a lot of speculation out there, because obviously you've got Rex, and then obviously the yin to Rex's yang is Cody. What's his story? What happened to him? I believe that he was starting to see that the Empire wasn't right in previous seasons.
but he's still with the Empire. So what's that all about? But maybe we won't be overthinking it. I don't know. Don't know. But he was very, very prominent, don't forget, in the Clone Wars, which is the reason why a lot of people are asking where he is. We shall see. We shall see. It's like, what would it be, though? Like, if it's if it's if it's if it is Cody, like what? What are you?
I don't know. I mean, I'm assuming it's kind of, it's almost like the, you know, the reckoning between, um, between, um, crosshair and the bad batch that there needs to be something similar between, um, between Rex and Cody, um, because they were so tight. One was looking after, you know, one obviously was the, um, the commander for, um, uh, although the, the, the, yeah, the commander for, uh, Obi-Wan, the other one was the commander or captain for, um,
for Anakin, and because those two fought so closely together, clearly those divisional leads also fought so closely together as well, and there was a bond there. Unless you don't want to tell that story. Unless, unless, unless that's for a future animation. I know
We're looking as to what the conclusion of this story is going to be. And in turn, do we think this is going to be the conclusion of the clone story? It might not be. It may well not be. I mean, we spoke about it again with the Scruffy Boys. There is some time now between now and when we next see Rex, Gregor, and Wolf.
Um, you know, what happens between them is that, is this the, the way that the animated series is going to go? It's going to continue the line of the, of, of the clone walls, albeit, sorry, of the clones, uh, albeit in a different, a different subject matter. Let's go

Exploring New Star Wars Eras

back to.
Rex and Cody. Don't know. Don't know, mate. I mean, I would, I would like to actually see something different, but, um, yeah, maybe this isn't the end of the clones. Don't know. I would like to see something different there. I really would. I'd like to see a smuggler's animation or something, you know, animation about smugglers and, um,
the underworld and all that kind of stuff. Do something high republic with the Nile and like the... Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are they called? Is it the unknown or the unseen? What are they called? Whatever their names like. Just the aesthetic of the Nile would be cool in animation, I think it would be.
just like how gritty and stuff they are I think they'd be and just all the weird ways like the the hyperspace jumping and and stuff like that that they do and starlight beacon and all that like animate some of those books or even stories around those stories would be real like a really neat aesthetic I think would be cool but I'll take whatever they give me yes please we need to get Rick on really he can he can teach me about you know
Rick, can you please summarize the last 14 high republic books for us because in full detail, give me all of the critical parts, none of the cruft, and you know how to reach me. That was good, man. I think we've pretty much hammered the bad batch to death this week. Looking forward to next week, though. Like I said, let's have a little bit of a progression.
Let's see what let's see the movement back towards Mount Tantus. Let's save the clones. Let's see the the clone, the clone rebellion. Yes, I see some massage. I see some massage and let's I need some I need some sass in my life. Yeah. Yeah. Is that it? I think we're good. I think we are. I think we are.

Looking Ahead to 2024

We've done we've done pretty well.
I'm pretty well, lots to be excited about really a lot of, I mean, it's, it's, it's approaching 10 my time. So, um, I may come over as a little bit tired, but good God, the last couple of days, the news has come out of, uh, out of, uh, the media and pop culture at the moment is awesome. It's 2024 is going to be a good year.
I think people are hearing our our excitement crash over the last couple of days of exciting things. I think you can you can hear our like the the dopamine just draining out of us. Like, man, I am I am exhausted now. So I can get excited again. Yeah. Till the next one. Well, thank you, buddy. Do you want to take us out?
I can do that. Thanks again, everybody. It's been fun. Thanks for listening. Send us voicemails or emails or not. But thank you, Andy. Thank you, buddy. Take care, guys. Love you. Bye-bye.