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Open Mic 16: Kyle Peterson image

Open Mic 16: Kyle Peterson

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays1 year ago
If you listen to the Chick Foley Show, there's one topic that we all love, and that's collecting action figures! This episode, The MVP goes fig hunting (not literally) with one of, if not, the best collectors out there, the one and only Kyle Peterson. We talk about the beginnings of his collecting, our love for the Ultimate Warrior, how he maintains his locks, and who he may be collaborating with in the future. Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things CHICK at

Introduction to Pod Foundation

Welcome everyone to another episode.
of open mic with the MVP Marco. I am of course your host, the MVP Marco. I mean, I feel like I'm doing these weekly. I try not to, but you know, I'm just pumping out as many interviews as I can. Cause it's fun. I love, I love talking to different people. And you know, I mean, if you're getting sick of me, I mean, I understand. If you don't want to hear my voice, that's tough because I'm pretty much everywhere. And I'm going to get to that in a few seconds because this show is brought to you by the pod foundation.
And if you haven't heard by now, the Pod Foundation, it's a collection of all the best content creators, the best podcasters. I'm biased because I'm on it. And obviously, that consists of the Chick Foley show, which I am on. I get my musings there sometimes from time to time. But yeah, we have Sheena's a part of that, Chick Foley, Seth, and Jordan, the Fig God.
rounds that whole crew

Motivation Behind Content Creation

out. Then we have the Turnbuckle Tavern. If you haven't heard the Turnbuckle Tavern, I mean, they literally have a podcast every single day of the week. That covers pretty much the gamut of everything. Not going to go down the rabbit hole, but more importantly, they do cover WWE. And I am actually a part of the Turnbuckle Tavern feed. I'm on their Rawdown show.
every Thursday night live at eight o'clock on the YouTube channel. Definitely check that out, which leads me to my partner on that show. Actually is J bone. He's also part of the pot foundation. He has this podcast coming down the aisle with J bone. So definitely check that out. Check us all out. You know, we, you know, we try our best to pump out as much content as we can. We're not getting paid for it. It's all free right now. So I mean, definitely check us out, but nonetheless,

Guest Introduction: Kyle Peterson

enough of us. Let's get to the person that I'm bringing on the show this week. Now, this individual is quite the figure, no pun intended, in the collecting community. You can look forward to, you know,
an amazing array of t-shirts on this guy. We're definitely going to get to that. My wife hates the fact that I have a million t-shirts. So I'm going to pick his brain to see how to combat that with his wife and everything. But let me just bring him on.
Mr. Kyle Peterson, how are you, sir? Well, I'm just smiling, hearing your musings about t-shirts. Yeah, I like I said, you know, before I brought you on, you know, I kind of limited my t-shirt collection. I had a ton of t-shirts and
My wife one day seen the piles and piles of t-shirts I had and she was like, you gotta get rid of some of these. This is getting ridiculous. And I was like, you might be right. So, you know, I did, I did my due diligence being a good husband and got rid of, you know, some t-shirts, but you know, I gotta, I gotta keep, you know, somehow, how does that

Kyle's T-Shirt Collection

work with you? Like, you know, how does that work with the t-shirts? Is, is, is she, is she fine with it? Your wife, is she, you know, does she just accept it? Is it adding to it?
Yeah, I've got a lot of t-shirts. I got a huge t-shirt collection, and I rarely ever throw out a t-shirt. I mean, it has to be ran through the gamut to get thrown out. But I've been collecting t-shirts forever, and I never get rid of any, like I said. And I think one thing that helps is we have separate closets. So she just does her closet. I don't know what's going on in her closet. She knows what's going on in mine. She does the laundry, thankfully. So she knows what's going on in mine.
I've got two closets full of shirts, and then I got a couple of dressers full of shirts. I got shirts everywhere, but luckily my wife is the most forgiving wife ever, in more ways than one. She's been on this channel many a times. Actually, we did a video series and slowly been putting them out. We filmed, I think, 15 videos going through my t-shirt collection. And I think we put like two of them on YouTube, but the rest are on my Patreon, and they'll get there eventually.
but one by one telling the story and just like any action figure i i got a story for about every t-shirt i've picked up so it's kind of funny i mean i i did see that i did see a few of those um that's why i brought it up because i was you know going through um you know me and my son watch our videos he's just he's he's
Uh seven right now. So he's into you know, he's not really into collecting he's into obviously, you know figures and stuff like that So we watch that my buddy my buddy jay brown Um before like, you know wrestling events if we're like, you know, just hanging out and stuff like that We'll throw on a few of your videos and unboxings and stuff like that just to watch my buddy's a fan of yours as

Ultimate Warrior's Influence

well. So uh
We did see we did see the t-shirt ones and uh, like I said that just you know struck a chord with me because I guess that my wife Hates the fact that I have a million t-shirts but some of I just can't get rid of like you said there's there's a story to every single Pretty much every t-shirt that I have And specifically this one. I am a ultimate warrior fanatic if you ever listen to uh fully You know that I love ultimate warrior. So does uh, jordan, uh, the fig god on the show as well wear warrior fanatics
Brothers yeah, and I actually my one of my videos my favorite videos from yours is the uh, when you count down the top ten Ultimate warrior figures and uh actually seen the I have the last one spoiler Ljn ultimate warrior. Yeah, definitely my favorite figure out of my whole collection. Yeah
do you share the same love for the warrior? Oh yeah I mean that in that warrior ljn I mean everybody always says what's your grail item probably a minimum card ljn warrior is going to be my item I mean that's got to be it I have a minty loose one of course and
I mean, I could go on about the warrior forever. I mean, he's affected so many aspects of my life. And it's weird too, because you're probably like me. I mean, it'd be weird if the warrior came along in this day and age. I don't think he'd be popular. I mean, it's just, it's like, if you weren't there, you weren't there. It's just one of those things. Like if he came here today, it wouldn't be the same, but just for the time and the place and
I know everybody and you know everything, all the bad stuff everybody says, but man, the little kids out there, little kids don't care about that backstage drama. They care about what they see. They care about what they're seeing and just, you know, the power of the warrior and the physique, obviously the over the top character. Yep. You know, I met him when I was a little kid briefly in a bathroom, but it was so cool to me just for that two seconds we interacted. I mean, he didn't have to be cool to some little eight year old kid. I mean, he did. Yeah.
And I'm sure you're a lot like me. I'm going to treat people how they treated me. And that's the way I'm going to be. But to Warrior, I mean, I based a lot of my life cut off of Warrior intensity and following through and all that kind of stuff. I mean, it sounds so cheesy, but it's one of those things. If you were there, you were there. You understand? Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely. Here's a funny thing. I always
think of like, you know, John Cena, in that sense, where, obviously, like you said, if the warrior showed up now, he probably wouldn't be taken seriously. And kind of the same thing happened with John Cena, you know, him wearing the bright colors and the crazy, you know, the crazy color shirts and combinations and all that stuff. And he kind of had that, like, that kind of the same flair that, you know,
It's totally different, but the same thing at the same time, because I've never thought about that ever in my life, but you're right. I mean, he doesn't got the face paint, all that, but he's definitely got the physique, he's got the colors, and he's got a passionate fan base and a polarizing fan base, in all honesty. So, I mean, it is a very good correlation. I never really thought about that. So, there you go.
Yeah, he was obviously when the warrior came back and he was doing his rounds and stuff like that. They interviewed all the people, all the current guys at the time anyway. John Cena said the same thing. He lived by the power of the warrior.
like you said, it ignited a lot of young people back then, including myself and you. Like Jesse, like you said, forgetting the bad stuff and not listening to any of that. Like you said, you had to be there in that position to actually get the joy that he brung, essentially. You can say the same thing with Hulk Hogan, man.
forever, forever a legend. I mean, obviously minus the bad stuff. I mean, he's always etched in the minds of literally everybody. He's the most iconic wrestler in the world. I mean, I remember I was back in, I was in college at the time and, uh, warrior was putting out videos, a lot of like inspirational messages and stuff on

Warrior's Broader Impact

YouTube. And like, he would be ready to go to the gym and here's his thoughts for the day. And I listened to those before I hit the gym every single day. I mean, I used to work out extremely hard back in the day, you know, like when we were younger and stuff.
So I would just fire up the Warrior going into the gym every day, getting those words of wisdom and stuff. And I listen to that stuff every single day. And I remember he did a, I don't know if you ever heard this, but there's a metal band called Winds of Plague. I'm not a big fan, but they're a pretty niche metal band. But Warrior actually sang lead on one of the songs. Oh, really? Look that up on YouTube. It's interesting. It's more spoken word, but it's pretty crazy. So I remember I used to listen to that thing to get me fired up back in the day too.
Huh. I did. I was speaking of bands. I did see you. I mean, you probably seem like the kind of, I think it was going to be a reality series on like VH1 or MTV. He was doing like a workout. Not really. I mean, he's pretty much like a drill sergeant to these young kids and stuff like that. And it was pretty entertaining. Oh, I love that.
I was going into that. I think that was the coolest thing ever. I think it was asking Alexandria was the band. Yes, that's what it was. There was another one that was filmed, too, that didn't get around. I don't know what's around anymore. But it's funny as I'm really good buddies with a guy that was in a band. We are a harlot. I don't know if you heard of them, but they they did the theme song for Raw.
a few years back, of course. So he was in a band with Danny from asking Alexandria. And I did ask him about that time, if he ever heard anything. So it's kind of funny, the full circle.
Yeah, he was pretty intense on that. And I was like, do these people know who this is? It's the ultimate warrior. Why aren't they listening to him? And he said, my buddy said, I think when he said he talked to him and asked him about that, they felt really bad about that because they didn't really understand who he was or know who he was. And they feel they gave him the proper respect he deserved. And they would love to cut back over.
Yeah, it's it's I mean, it's it's a different world too, especially if you're not into you know, the world of professional wrestling I mean, that's that that's a given I wouldn't really uh, you know, obviously like you said they felt bad, but I wouldn't I mean I wouldn't feel bad at all them being the way they were warrior being the way they were made for good TVs exactly Yeah, cuz if I I mean, I know who he is and if I'm on that show, I'm I
i'm gonna be like giddy and you know being a fan boy pretty much on that whole show i'm not gonna be terrible on that show because we listen to everything he says right back at all okay we just pass out during the year to work out and but uh oh man
But I could go on forever with Also Warrior. We'll do a sub stream of just warrior discussion. Yeah, I might have to have you back on. We can just do a warrior retrospective. There you go. Yeah, I just want to go back way in the beginning.
to, uh, to, to little, little, little Kyle will say, yeah. What, what started the whole, this mascot cause you don't just collect like wrestling figures, which is obviously, you know, why a lot of us have all like joined together and you know, we're all, we're all a part of each other's lives in some way, but you literally collect like everything.

Early Collecting Experiences

Where did this start? How did this come to fruition? Being a little kid in the 80s, that's what I would say. In the 80s, you had all the television and all the properties, all the cartoons, all the classic ones. You had G.I. Joe, you had He-Man, you had Star Wars, Turtles, wrestling, obviously getting in the circle.
just being a child of the 80s and just different times in the 80s you know you were a little kid and there was that stuff around all time you came home to and from school those cartoons were very accessible we didn't have a million channels back then so your options were limited and the friends at school they played with GI Joe, He-Man or whatever so of course you're talking to them and going back and forth and
really started at an early age for me. I think I probably started with He-Man probably when I was like three years old. I mean, that's the earliest I remember getting an action figure would have been He-Man and it just kind of snowballed from there. Star Wars was basically out around that time too. It's got some Star Wars stuff and just worked my way into other properties and some fell off and some stayed forever really at the end of the day.
Did you, did you stay like, do you, so with your collection now, is it, is it a, is it a continuation? Did you, like you said, you dropped off. Did you like, is this like a, is this from your past, everything that you have, or is it reconnected?
I don't have a ton of vintage stuff and I kind of like it that way in a little bit. It's like, it's kind of like leaving my childhood behind. I don't know. There's probably something psychological in there somewhere, but I really, basically when I went away to college, I said, you know what? I got all these toys. I got all this kind of stuff. I should really sell this. This was like kind of the beginnings of eBay and things like that. eBay had been around a few years, so it was fairly known.
And I said, wow, I could sell all this stuff and probably get some money. And I wasn't one of those kids that was bashing his figures together. I kept my stuff pristine as a little kid. Like, I didn't invite friends over. And if I saw they were one of those mashers and breaking toys, okay, video games.
so I actually sold my whole collection almost my whole collection I kept my original GI Joe aircraft carrier which I still have a few other sentimental pieces I kept but I ended up selling the lion's share of my collection and uh definitely a regret in a lot of ways but in some ways I don't know you kind of have to go through that I think a little bit but then you know I've always collected I didn't stop buying stuff I just said hey I could sell this and obviously during college you don't quite have the funds you have when you're a full adult
You're sitting there and I'm piecing together.

Transition to Adult Collecting

I'm picking up bits and pieces of things. I'm always looking at the store. I mean, you're going to the grocery store every week anyway. So I'm going to take a look down the toy aisle. I've been doing that since I was a little kid. So I would see what's going on and kind of keep tabs on stuff and say, oh, man, I wish I could buy this. Wish I could buy that.
But, you know, you couldn't and you picked and choose what you bought. That's right. Get through college. But then once you get out of college, you start working, you get the working world, you get a little bit more income and it's like, okay, what's this Jax classic superstars line all about? That's kind of what really snowballed into this madness I'm in right now. Wow. Geez. Did you, um, so when you, what was the first line that you really like sunk your teeth into as far as collecting?
Yeah, I would say, I mean, as a kid, I mean, it was straight up with Masters in the Universe. And you know, my dad comes on the channel with me fairly regularly. Actually, my dad was over today. We filmed five videos, five videos back to back today. But my dad always understood collecting, I guess, from a child's brain a little bit. Yeah.
you know he would know like if we're getting gi joes and we're at the toys or us or whatever you know we're looking for stuff and if we saw it's a storm shadow and we don't see that very often he'd be like we better just buy this so i was very fortunate the fact that my dad would be like you know what i'm not going to come back here we're going to get it eventually we might as well just get this over with
yeah he would pick some of that up so really i'd say gi joe the old school gi joe is really where i intensified my collection as far as okay dad we're going to toys rest this friday i was good all week i didn't get in trouble whatever all right dad here's the plan we're gonna pick up dial tone now if dial tone's not there we're going down to mainframe if he's not there it's not ran it
even collecting wise until about three years ago. I mean, that's a whole story in itself. I never paid attention to collecting online. It was just something I did. And I never put two and two together like, yeah, I love heavy metal. I'm going to go to this heavy metal band site. I'm going to go to their Facebook group. I'm going to go to stuff like that. I never did that with collecting for some reason. I just didn't feel the need for whatever reason.
Um, but then the Jax class superstars, I just happened to stroll in Twitter. I see that ultimate warrior right there. And bam, that was the beginning of the end for me.

Commitment to Collecting

So it was like, okay, completionist on Jax class superstar. And then, you know, just going down the list and slowly adding new properties into the mix.
And so your father, does he collect himself at all? In the heyday of 80s and 90s, he was big into the starting lineup figures. You remember starting lineups? Oh, yes. Yeah, definitely. He was all in on starting lineups, and I was getting my GI Joe, my X-Men, all that kind of stuff. And starting lineups, it was the real deal. It's like people talk about the Cabbage Patch kids, and that was a little before my time.
dad had a collection very similar to me I mean that's what gave me inspirations for this is our he had a huge basement he built a house and he wallpapered his entire basement with starting lineup figures the whole thing I mean wow it was awesome so we'd go to the conventions and things like that
but so he was a collector and I remember it's like the greatest thing ever I wish my two daughters would love to do this but like he'd be like Kyle it's 7 a.m we got to get up we got to go to Toys R Us we got to go to Walmart we got to go and we're going to go to 10 of them in town and then we're going to travel out of town we're going to go to these Toys R Us's in Walmarts I mean
It was the greatest thing ever when you're a little kid. I still love looking for toys out there in the wild, and I do it every week. So that was a big thing. So my dad was right in there with me. And I was a little kid at the time. And my dad wasn't a guy that was going to run through the stores chasing when those doors open. But little 8, 10, 12-year-old Kyle, he had no shame. I did direct sprints when the doors opened. All these grown men chasing after me. I mean, if I really had cameras back then,
That's funny. Well, you know, my dad is is retired. He retired. I don't know. Gosh, 10 years ago or something like that. And he doesn't collect like he used to at all. But he's kind of got into it a little bit, especially the NECA universal monster stuff, because when he was a very little kid, he collected universal monsters, model kits and things like that. So he's all in on the NECA universal monsters. He picks and chooses on some G.I. Joes. And he dabbles in some weird stuff, too, like
World of Warcraft. He's collecting World of Warcraft figures, but he's never played the game, never seen the game. He just likes the figures, which I always think is just crazy when I come over. He's got a big display full of World of Warcraft figures. He likes how they look. So he buys stuff like that, like Street Fighter figures he's into. He's never played Street Fighter, but he likes Street Fighter figures. So he's a complicated guy. He's pretty interesting.
I was telling, I was actually, yo, I was telling my young son this, like he's seven years old, but I was actually telling him the same thing.
We were talking about something where, you know, you don't have to like something to, you know, collect something or you don't have to, and vice versa. Um, cause I think it was, we were playing like, uh, I, I bought him the, um, I shouldn't have anyway. Cause he's probably going to smash one of the pieces, the, uh, the, the game reverse, uh, Spider-Man figures. So the, uh, so the, you know, Spider-Man two figures. So it's a Peter Parker from the Spider-Man two game and the miles and the Spider-Man two games. So, cause he really loves that game. Um,
But he it was always like a weird thing where like, he's not really playing it now. And he's like, I don't know if I can play with these. I don't play the game anymore. I'm like, you don't have to play the video game in order to like the figures and play with them. It's that doesn't go handed to the two separate things. You don't have to like love one thing and love the other. And I think, I mean, your father doing that with like the World of Warcraft stuff, not even playing the game and just thinking they're cool figures, kind of like as a testament to that.
I'm in that same boat with the new NECA Dungeons and Dragons figures. I don't know anything about Dungeons and Dragons. I've never played it, never seen the movie, never saw the cartoon. I don't know anything about it, but I know a cool figure when I see a cool figure. So that's kind of where I'm at with that in the same kind of way.

Diverse Collecting Interests

Another thing I want to do, like, do you collect any other
Besides like figures, do you have like a collection of like, you know, baseball cards, basketball cards, anything like CDs, movies? So I had a massive CD collection that I was collected basically since like
Jeez, I don't know. Whenever CDs kind of came out where they got normal, they were actually sold in stores and stuff. But I had a massive heavy metal collection. I'm a big heavy metal guy and I had some extremely rare stuff like a lot of first pressings from like Germany and Europe and things. I had almost 12,000 CDs in my collection.
During the height of COVID, as you know, with action figures, everything collectibles exploded. Yep. And I got the and I got sitting down here in my room. I had a CD room and I said, you know what? I could die from COVID. Who knows what this thing is? And then I never got COVID. I've never got it to this day for whatever reason. Wow. I got to be one of those weird people that are immune to it or something. I don't know. But
Uh, but I was thinking, I was like, you know, if, if I die or if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, you know, I got a lot of friends that know about action figures. I got friends that know about some of the other stuff I collect, but nobody knows about, Hey, this gravedigger first pressing from Scotland, what that's going to work.
and a
You know, I made an absolute fortune on that collection. I mean, I could imagine. It was the height of COVID and that stuff was already rare, a lot of it. I mean, and everybody's like, you sold your CDs for how much? It's like, oh, geez, I got some, you know, Britney Spears and NSYNC CDs. I'm like, nah, those are a dime a test.
hardcore, rare stuff. So that was one. And I've always had a collectible personality or, you know, it's one of those things I always say, it's a good thing I'm a totally straight edge. I don't drink. I don't smoke because I'd be one of those guys on the side of the street begging for money is what was probably a good thing. I don't do that.
But one time I owned 14 Jeeps in my collection. Really? My wife, I would just show up home. And it's like, oh, hey, I picked up this 1970 postal Jeep from a surplus auction. What the? Right hand drive. And I drove it three hours home. And there wasn't a seat. I sat on a milk crate. That's how I drove it home. Oh my god. Wild stuff like that back in the day. But then we moved to,
the more high-income place or whatever. So I was like, I can't store all these Jeeps here. And I would rotate it. Like, grandpa lived out in the country with my grandma, and I'd rotate Jeeps. And I was like, all right, time to sell all these off. So I only got, I think, three Jeeps currently.

Post-COVID Collectible Market

So, man.
every once in a while they're in there. I have like a, my favorite Jeep of all time is a, I have a 1989 Jeep Grand Wagoneer. You know, the Wagoneers deal with stuff. It's so funny how those were everywhere at one time. Now they're never, they've all rusted apart and fallen apart. And I actually bought one from California and got it shipped here because it was totally rust free.
And that's kind of my favorite Jeep of all time. It's like it's crazy. I absolutely love that thing. It's it's crazy how much value is on those Jeeps now is, you know, people want it for TV commercials, things like that in advertising and things about getting into that where I'd rent it out for like school pictures and things like that because people love the classic wood grain Wagoneer. So yeah, definitely. Wow.
The other, actually, I want to kind of go back to what you said before about like, you know, the COVID times and stuff like that, and, you know, selling and stuff. Do you think like now, since obviously, you know, COVID's not here anymore, that period of our lives, is it around anymore? Do you think as far as like the, you know, the selling part of it, do you think like values, obviously, have they changed, you think? Do you think they seem the same? Have they dropped drastically? Or do you think they just kind of like, you know, evened out after,
I think they've changed pretty hard compared to the height of COVID. Things have dropped pretty good. And I say it a lot on my channel. It's like, I love to collect. I love this stuff. I don't do it for the money. And I know some people try to invest. And I always say, man, that's a dangerous game if you're investing in figures to make money down the line.
You're way better off getting an IRA or a 401K. You'll get a better return on your investment all day long because one thing we've seen, and it's kind of a motto on my channel is, I don't care if we're talking about Hasbro, NECA, or Mattel. They want every dollar out of your wallet, every single dollar you have, and they're going to find a way. And we see it right now in the Mattel Greatest Hits line.
they're releasing figures that were grail pieces for a lot of people because you know what they see on eBay all these sales they say huh if we come back out with this what can we get for it they'd rather have the money than the eBay people so they see if there's a window things are going to get re-released and we see it with Hasbro we see it with NACA we see it across the board so
You know, one instance here coming up, it is almost the Halloween season. House of a Thousand Corpses movie, one of my favorite movies ever. Yes. And I sold my entire collection of NECA and real toys. I had a sweet collection of those, but they were going for such insane amounts of money. I sold them all and made out like a bandit. Well, now they're all getting re-released. So of course, just got away. So I'm like, I'm glad I sold that because, man, you know, they'd be not penniless or valueless, but definitely would drop down. So
Actually figures you got to do it for the love and I think that's a lot of the stuff love it because you love to display it I kind of view it as like artwork in my house I'm buying artwork in my house in a little bit or at least my section of the house. Yeah No, definitely Yeah, that's I definitely want to ask you about that because obviously, you know, they're you know We have those conversations sometimes on the chick Foley show about you know, we're doing figure talk and stuff like that And you know, are you you know, are you a mince on card? Are you you know?
Do you just open them all up? Like, how do you display these things? And obviously, there's no judgment either way. But, you know, I feel like the underlying thing sometimes, in my opinion, is, you know, there's going to be some value at some point with with these figures. And, you know, I think it's, you know, Sheena kind of convinced me because I was keeping everything bent on card. And like, I think one of the episodes we were waiting way, way back in the day when I was first on the show,
She was just like, you know, pretty much convinced me like, hey, what's the use that you just have it in a box? Just it's better when you display it. It's actually like when you have it in your hand, you're able to look at it, see the detail and all that stuff. And I was like, you know what? Let me let me try it. So I ended up doing it and never looked back ever since.

Action Figures: Mint vs. Open

I mean, I opened up.
Definitely arguments both way and I don't think either is right or wrong and honestly people say all you know Look at all these loose ones if I had it my way. I'd be been on card I would do that. Yeah, we all only have so much room and I collect I mean I got a lot of room more room than most people have obviously You know, it's like dedicated a wing of my house. Yeah
And you think about, you know, some of the cost to ship, things like that kind of stuff. It's not terribly different and obviously this takes up way less space. So I just think if you get more enjoyment out of it when it's out of the package too, you at least touch it. There's an experience with that. It's been on card, but to me, I just had to go loose because of space reasons.
Oh, yeah, no, definitely. That's that. And that's one of my main reasons. Like, I mean, not just not just because she convinced me to open them all up, but it definitely is a it definitely does shrink down the space that you have when you do have them all MOC. But when you start opening them up, you know, you can like display a certain way if you have certain like, you know, like on some of the displays I have, it's like I'll have like favorite matches of mine.
Yeah, especially if this the gear is specific like it's the actual you know gear of that figure in that match and stuff like that I can display things that way so like I have my own little ways of doing it and You know doing that with with a mint on car doesn't seem like the way to do it plus nowadays if you if you notice they're starting to slowly
get rid of the window on most of the packaging. I know like obviously Hasbro has pretty much went full blown into it. Now you're seeing Mattel with the new, especially with the new elites, they're this little window now. So I mean, the next packaging is just going to be completely gone. I think they're just trying to ease
everyone into the fact that these little windows are going to be gone. So yeah, it's interesting. I don't know if you've heard about like the new retro line, how you know, they got the slip case covers on those. And I guess they're getting around some of the plastic laws saying, well, this is what you store it in. It's supposed to be in there. It's not actually garbage. So yeah, that's a little bit of a workaround. And when Hasbro is coming back with the plastic packaging. So yep.
It's going to be interesting to see how that all nets out. But yeah, it's it's interesting. It's always going to be the eternal debate, though, with collectors. We don't card or loose. I mean, that's that's kind of the way it goes. Yeah, I know. Like in the in the Chick Foley group, we kind of joke around with each other and like, you know.
You know, obviously there's a bunch of people that do men on cards, a bunch of people that do loose. And it's, you know, it's not like, you know, we're not having a war with each other. We just kind of like, you know, bust each other's chops and how everything goes and stuff like that. Because Jordan's completely meant on card. He has nothing open. And we always like joke around that he needs to open something up at some point.
We also joke of if you send him something it could be anything inside the box because he's not gonna open it so Like the Hasbro stuff the plastic free how do you know I mean it's almost one of those things like how do you know you even have a figure? You could just be having a box. You really don't know exactly Yeah, so you have to you have to take their word for it. I guess once you just buy the box I'm sure somebody could sell you the box
I know. Definitely. Right. So as far as your, how do you feel your, your imprint is as far as the, the, the figure community, not just the wrestling figure community. Like, do you have a look at it that way? Like you're like one of the, you know, one of the prominent like figure collectors out there or do you just like, you know, I'm just a regular dude. That's, that's collecting stuff.
Yeah, I'm such a regular dude. I mean, I try to try with everybody. If somebody messages me or something, I mean, I got no problems talking to people. Obviously, if I'm in a meeting or something from my job, I can't answer you right away. Oh, yeah. It's crazy. Some people get all worked up. Like, they'll send me an instant message or something on Messenger or whatever. And it's like 40 minutes went by and I haven't answered. Like, what are you doing? Like, I'm in a two and a half hour conference call. Exactly. It's like,
I like, I'll answer anybody if I can, but it's like sometimes you're stuck in things and you know, like, Oh, you're too good to respond to my message. I was in a meeting and I was presenting the whole time. So I can't really hold on guys. Somebody messaged me, but I don't know. It's a weird thing because I really just think of myself as a, just a normal dude

Influencer Impact in Collecting

for the most part. I'm just a guy that collects and I say it a lot in some of my videos too.
It's not like anything I do in a review is like, here it is. This is the law. This is the way it is. It's my opinion. And my opinion is no better than yours, no better than my dog sitting over here. We all got an opinion. Sometimes they align with people. Sometimes they don't. This is my thoughts. And that's about all it is. So I don't feel myself being better than anybody else or anything. It's a weird thing.
And I don't even want to say celebrity because that sounds weird. It just seems weird all around. But you know, I'll I travel for work like a pretty crazy schedule a lot and I'm traveling and you know, people recognize me. It's weird. People recognize me more when I travel than when they recognize me where I live, which is.
But, you know, people like nervous to talk to you or ask for a picture even or something like that. It's like, oh, man, I have no problems with any of that stuff. And hey, what's going on? You know, and it's just a weird, weird dynamic. It's weird. You know, I was at San Diego Comic Con this year. I was at PowerCon and I met a ton of people and a ton of people came up and talked to me. I mean, it was the coolest thing ever. I always appreciate that kind of stuff. And I'm I'm always down to talk action figures. At the end of the day, it's a big stress relief from the day to day grind is what that is. So.
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I know it's like a, I think I've asked like a lot, like pretty much literally everyone on my, that I've interviewed so far. I always ask like, you know, I know, I know like influencer is kind of like a, you know, dirty word out there, but like, do you feel like, do you, do you feel like you have like your,
You're a social media influencer. If you want to say that way, do what do you, like I said, do you look at yourself like, as it's like, you know, I'm just, I'm just a guy, I'm passionate about what I do. I put out, you know, I put out these videos and then if you like them, you like them. If you don't, you don't. Is that how is.
Yeah, yeah, kind of. It's a weird deal. Like even with my day job, it's like, you know, you got to kind of take a step back and anytime you're on a platform or presenting stuff, I could be giving a speech at the local library. I could be presenting at work. I could be having a holding court in a target store. I could be doing a video. I mean, you're talking and you are influencing one way or the other, whether you like it or not, I guess.
You know, there's there's nothing worse like I've had I've had issues on the channel where I've unboxed something that is broke and you know None of us like a figure breaking out of the package there and you know, like Omega spawn from a McFarland toys. I had an epic meltdown
I was so worked up and I, you know, you see the power of your actions as people say, well, that's a garbage figure. I'm not going to buy this. Oh, don't buy the Omega sponsor all around. And I said it in the video, but I mean, that's kind of how it goes. People take the meltdown moments, but they forget that I said, you know,
these things do happen. Anything that's mass produced, not everything's going to be perfect. There's always going to be one. And guess what? McFarland toys will make it right. All that kind of stuff. People don't necessarily take that kind of stuff out of it. So yeah. And I wouldn't say I watch what I say at the end of the day. I'm just myself right or wrong or whatever. But
It is a weird medium that you can maybe influence it and you see stuff in the comments too where I wasn't gonna get this figure but then I saw your review and I'm gonna get it and I guess if you look up dictionary that is an influencer. I guess I wouldn't say I wear it as a tattoo on my forehead or anything. I just like to try to think of it as just one guy's opinion and that's kind of my channel at the end of the day. That's kind of how I view my channel. It's a weird thing getting started on YouTube and doing all that kind of stuff but that's kind of

YouTube Channel Evolution

how I view it. It's just I'm a normal dude.
Yeah, I actually that's what I was gonna say that I like I like your videos because it does come across that way like You know that you're you know, yes a guy you know You do the unboxing you give it your opinions and that's pretty much it. You're not you're not pushing anything on anybody You're not you know, tell them not to buy it what to buy it how to buy it. I
And when I started, so here, like I said, I never looked at action figures and really in social media or anything really before I started on YouTube. I mean, the major pod group was about all I knew and I followed Zack Ryder because I, and I knew of Zack Ryder, but you know, I don't know how many years it took before I knew that Zack Ryder collected action figures, started following him about action figures and that was about it.
And then I started a YouTube channel. I had a buddy, David C Anderson. This is name. Yeah. So he's like, really, you've got a heck of a collection. You should really start a YouTube channel and all this. So it was at the beginnings of COVID basically, did a little bit of a video there and it just kind of snowballed into what it is now. But I never, believe it or not, I never watched any unboxings or reviews from other.
uh, toy people or anything. So I was like starting from scratch, which I really feel was something good because you don't have any bad habits. You're not copying anybody. You're just being yourself. Yeah. That's how I've been. And I, I said, okay, I want to do an action for your review. How would I do this? And I would want it like you and me sitting here talking and going through and talking about it. And like, you know, stupid jokes that we would probably say to each other, you know, throw in the pack. I mean, I've done that my whole life. I've always thrown the packaging when I unbox stuff and,
It's just kind of weird how it kind of snowballed into what it's become, I guess. It's very weird. So you said you started you started the page during the pandemic. Yeah, I want to say was it February or March of like 2019? I think it was. I think it was right, right at the beginnings, maybe.
I want to say, I don't know, my timeline's off, but it was, yeah. And then obviously, you know, you're stuck at home and you got more free time. So you started start doing it. Man. Yeah. Cause that's cause you have like a ton of subscribers too. So like, how did that, like, will you, will you like Florida at the amount of. Subscriptions you got from that, from the time that you started to like, you know, like what did, what did you see the influx of like, you know, like like that.
I didn't understand any of it. And I still don't really understand. I'm terrible with technology. Outside of my day job, I can do all that stuff. And I feel like there's only so much room in my head. And I feel like I can definitely do more technology stuff. But it was what my first video was just, hey, Kyle, you've got a heck of a collection. I'm in Facebook groups, things like that. You should show your collection. OK, I'll just do a video. How do I upload this? Oh, it's too long to put into Facebook or whatever. Well, I guess I'll just start a YouTube channel. I'll just put it up there. So it just snowballed from that, which was
you know, very weird. I did my collection tour video and obviously I got a lot of subscribers out of that. And then there was a lot of questions in the comments. So I was like, okay, I'll do a second video and answer these questions. And then, you know, a lot of people said, boy, you should do reviews. And I said, okay. And I mean, I think you go back to your first performance on the Chip Foley show. You probably just cringe and I'd probably. Oh yeah, of course. Where I'm at. And I'm sure 10 years from now, we'll both cringe at this video. I'm sure. Yeah, no, exactly.
As I always say on my channel all the time, constant learning,

Balancing Job and Hobby

constant improvement. Every single morning, get up, constant learning, constant improvement. Try that. But yeah, just snowballed from there. And I've got a crazy work ethic I've always kind of had. And I never give up, never surrender. And I've never missed an upload. Basically, three years straight with an upload every single day. In the last two years, I've uploaded three videos a day.
And then I just started a brand new YouTube channel this weekend. So geez. Yeah. You know, it's funny when I spoke to my couple of months before this, Queen G 22 on Instagram, she's, you know, she said, you know, she collects in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
Pretty much everything. Her main character that she collects is Donatello. And she's, you know, we talked about, you know, she's just starting to do a lot of like a lot more content on her Instagram and stuff like that. You know, she has like the, you know, sponsorship from like Nickelodeon Paramount and all that stuff. And like she's getting all these things and she's going to start up a YouTube channel. And now she's, you know, she's hosting to her YouTube. We talked about like, you know, instead of just thinking about, you know, putting a video up, just put it up there.
You know, and just watch the progression. Like you said, it could be cringe, but as you go along, you're going to like see the process and how like your videos have either gotten, you know, hopefully they got better and not worse from the first time you did it. But you, you just have to do it. Just put it out there, see how it looks. And then, you know, don't take it down, leave it up there and see that, like that history of how everything started. So that's actually a very good, uh, that's very good advice right there. Just to do it. Just.
Yeah this is kyle how do you do youtube how do you do this i don't have any fancy equipment like hell here's how the sausage is made i got my wife's eight-year-old iphone that's what i fill my air drop that to an ipad and i edit it on i movie and there it is so it's. Pretty bare bones pretty bare bones.
Yeah, same here. Our rule was, especially with the Chick Foley show, if you listen to any of the old episodes, there's always stuff in it. We never went into editing or taking things out and all that stuff. But now I find myself doing this show, along with the Chick Foley show now.
finding myself that I not need to edit things up, but like, you know, if I hear like a silence and something, if I'm listening back, I'll like kind of cut that. If, you know, if I'm learning to like, you know, edit like music in between stuff, cause with YouTube, you can't really put any, you know, licensed music up cause they'll take your video down. So a lot of these videos that I'm going to start uploading won't have it, have a like intro song or an outro song. I'll just be the video itself. So learning that stuff. But yeah, it's, it's like you said, it's pretty bare-boned. It's,
you know, I'm very fortunate to as I speak for a living every single day. So I give speeches all the time for, you know, 1000 people to 50, whatever it may be. So I'm just talking. And I luckily don't really mess up very often. So the only editing I'm doing is pasting in pictures and videos and things like that. I'm not having to like, I'll take this chunk out and move things around. That definitely saves some time having to not having to do all that kind of stuff.
Oh yeah, definitely. I guess that's our number one rule. We don't take anything out. If it's like I said, we'll add the intro and outro music and that's pretty much it. I do the same thing on this, the audio version. I'll do the intro music, outro music, and that's all I'm going to do. I'm not going to go in and change anything if we say something mess. Unless you go back and say, hey, I said this, can you take it out? I'll do it for you. I'm not that type of person.
But yeah, no, I definitely, I just, I mean, with the shoot work and everything, or my actual job, I usually don't have the time to do that type of stuff. So yeah, I'm not gonna edit. I'm telling you now, I'm not editing now. I'm joking. That's one thing I do all the time too, is people say, well, I don't have the equipment, or I don't have the time. I work 40 hours a week. I'm like, man, I work 70 hours a week at first. Yeah.
Sundays, I film the lion's share of my stuff on Sundays and I usually film for about 12 to 15 hours straight every single Sunday. And that's my videos for the week. Wow. So I just go bam, bam, bam, get up extremely early and just get after it. That's what you got to do. That's what I was actually. Go ahead. Yeah, you just got to put in the work. Yeah, I was going to say a lot of a lot of you know, a lot of the
the term buckle guys are starting to do a lot of things on, on Sundays. Cause during the, some people like, like doing things during the week, as far as, you know, content and stuff like that. Cause you know, it's a work week that you're already in the, you're already in the mode to do things. Um, but sometimes it's hard to do that because sometimes after work,
you like me i might have it i think i'll probably have an interview sometime this week i try to do them on sundays but if it has to be moved during the week i might not be fully into the uh into into the interview at all so i try to do it on sunday nights because it's you know it's the end of the week
It's a, you know, it's nice, quiet, it's relaxing. There's no pressure at all. Just, you know, the beginning of the work week's fine. But when you're in the middle of it and you're going and you might have a bad week, you might have a bad work day, and then you got to do something at night, it's, it's usually not the best thing. So yeah, I can, it's, it's a, so, you know, doing it on Sundays is far the best. I mean, I mean, all around anyway, for me anyway, and a lot of other people out there, that would save.
My next question for you, this is totally off topic, the hair. So. There's only one other person I know that has great hair like you, and that's AJ Styles, only because my wife is like she watches wrestling with me sometimes, and she just like is enamored with AJ Styles hair routine. How do you get?
Give us a C, is there a secret? Can you give it away? If not, that's fine. I have always wanted to have my hair long once in my life. I said before I go gray, I want to have it long hair and COVID was the perfect opportunity. I said, oh my gosh, I'm not going to be. It was already, I was already cut COVID hit and I said, all right, I don't have to go through the awkward stages of growth in front of people.
And I haven't looked back and it's weird. I'm in an industry where beards and long hair are awfully frowned on. Yeah. Kind of changed perspectives of people. So it's really became a calling card for me in a lot of ways. Yes. It's crazy. A lot of people I do get that all the time is, did you know anywhere tell you look like AJ Styles? And then I've also got to tell you, you look like the big show. You look like the big show. Oh, yeah, I could see that.
all the time. And I get weird ones too, like Marty Gennady. Everyone's like, you look like Marty Gennady. I'm like, has Marty Gennady ever had facial hair? I've never seen him in facial hair. I don't think so. Not that I can recall anyway. He would, he'd probably say otherwise. So they call you Daniel Cormier, I think.
Yes, I do. Yeah, I get that. I get that all the time. I get at first it was my my wife's friend's husband, the very first time I met him. He's the very first person that said it to me. And I was like, Oh, that's kind of weird. But then after like, you know,
My wife would say like, Oh, hey, I was working with somebody and they said you look like him. And then we went to, we went to dinner one time. And then after we went for a drink at this bar and the guy at the door, the security guy, I thought I was Daniel Cormier. Then I was at a liquor store once and the guy freaking one guy, he's like, I don't want to say this to you. And I was like, go ahead. Say it. He's like, he's like, anyone tell you, you look like Daniel Cormier. I was like, yeah, I get it. I get it all the time.
But yeah, that's uh, I was because I was I was you know Like I said, I when I we watch wrestling together me and my wife She's always enamored with like how great AJ sounds here's like I'm like, I know a guy I know a guy that you could probably speak to and ask about his hair routine if you want to For my wife, I don't know anything. I'm so She buys me whatever shampoo I need and conditioner I need and stuff like that. I
Try to put it in a ponytail every once while or a man bun and I cannot figure that out I can't do it It's funny cheese So what are you so what are you what motivates you to to do this to continue?
collecting and going on. Yeah, it's weird. We all hit our we all hit our end. And I don't know when that's going to be because I got to remember that, you know, the back end of this, I got to get rid of all this one of these days. And I have two daughters and my daughters aren't too interested in action figures.
I figure when I do retire, I'll probably end up spending a couple of years probably selling this stuff as kind of a side hustle, I guess. Yeah. But yeah, I love it. I just love everything about it. I love the news that comes from here's what's coming up. I love the business side of things. I love getting them in the mail. I love opening them. I love reviewing them. I love displaying. I mean, there's so much fun along the way each time.
I don't know. It's just it's just wild. So, yeah, it's definitely a passion. It's definitely not something I'm doing to make a million dollars in. It's a lost leader, I think is what they call it. Yeah. Yeah. It's a passion thing and it's a stress relief and all that kind of stuff. So it's just a lot of fun. Really. Yeah. It's definitely a lot more spending than it is making. Oh,
I got my dog crazy. My dog does not agree with that, okay. He didn't even bring me to that comment right there. Oh man. That was wild. It was my wife. My wife's here. Hey, good to see Angie. She's plugging my phone or my computer in for me. There you go. That's perfect.
Do you ever get contacted by any, like any of the, uh, you know, companies like the, you know, the Battelle's, uh, the Hasbro's, uh, you know, the jazz wares of the world or are you, are you like frankly with any of the, the, you know, the, the people out there? It's weird. It's weird. Like, you know, I, I do a toy news video every single week and I kind of give my business thoughts on stuff and.
You know, I'm in business for a major company and I always say you can be selling food products, you can be selling shirts, you can be selling hammers, you can be selling action figures. If you're dealing with Amazon, Target, Walmart, it all relates. It all correlates. A lot of the same rules apply. So I've been in the trenches. I've been in Bentonville, Arkansas dealing with Walmart buyers firsthand. I've done Target up in Minneapolis. Like I've called on these companies and stuff.
I understand the plight of Steve from Mattel or maybe Ryan at Hasbro or whoever, but you just name dropping people, but I understand the plight of those guys. And I do feel bad about those guys too, because I know my job, I make a lot of decisions like they do, but I don't have people on message boards saying, Oh, can you believe Kyle made that new item? And he put a 12 pack instead of a 10 pack. What's he doing? And they get flamed all the time and they would love to fight back on that kind of stuff, but they just can't. They're, they're stuck.
Okay. So they, they can't, they're stuck and they can't, you know, fight back and say, well, this is why we did this. This is why we did that. So very crazy, um, relation there, but yeah, I've talked to a lot of those guys and stuff at a lot of these companies. I've seen them at, you know, power cons, San Diego comic cons of the world. Uh, it's just definitely interesting seeing, uh, seeing those guys and talking to them and you've seen them around for a long time to be able to talk to them and converse with them. And so it's definitely a little interesting.
Do they ever ask about any of the videos you put on stuff like that? Do they ever contact you directly and say, what the heck are you doing? That's a great idea. A lot of stuff's off the record with a lot of these guys on things. We'll have off the record discussions about stuff and I'm not going to put the stuff out there. But I've had it before where I've had issues with figures.
where the figure didn't work out quite and then they sent me a message saying, well, you did this wrong, this wrong. And then I have to explain myself. I said, well, you know, I'm not new at opening figures. I understand how these things work and should work. So that's some interesting conversations. And I've got some friends that designed some of these things as well for properties outside of wrestling, I guess. And, you know, I've definitely given my two cents and I like to feel that I've made a difference on some things that I'm very passionate about, I guess I could say.
Um, it's pretty fun little circle there. That's for sure. Yeah, definitely. Um, yeah, Steve's, uh, you know, action figure attack for those that don't know, um, great follower of the chick fully, uh, Twitter account.

Industry Connections

Um, you know, he's a, he's a good dude. Um, he's been on multiple, uh, episodes of, uh, uh, fig night on the turnbuckle tavern to give it out some tidbits and things like that. He's a really great guy. Have you ever met, um, uh, Jeremy?
Oh, I get Steve. And Steve is one of the best guys ever. He is one of the best guys in the action figure community game, whatever you want to call it. I mean, he works for Mattel, but I always say it. We're so lucky that he's a real collector. And that's the difference from the 80s and 90s, where these were just jobs to people. They had a job working for a toy company. Steve, Bill Mckenna, a lot of these people like that. You know, Ryan Ting over there at Hasbro.
A lot of those guys, they're passionate about this stuff. They actually would collect this if they worked there or not. And that's something very cool. And Jeremy Padour, I'm a weird dude. I don't have a lot of bucket list people I want to meet. But Jeremy Padour, ever since classic superstar series one, he has been on my bucket list. I want to meet Jeremy. How do I meet Jeremy? And I finally got that instance. And Jeremy and I talked for about a half hour.
And just an awesome guy. I love, I love Jeremy. I'm a big fan of what he's done forever. I followed him forever. You know, it was fun to get to tell how much he, Jeremy, this is how much you mean to me and stuff. And yeah, the face with the name, he'd heard of me, but didn't know me kind of thing. And now we're definitely, you know, we're, we're buddies now and stuff. And we might even have a project in the works together. We'll see what happens with that. So he got to the 10th there. So stay tuned to that in the future.
Can we be getting some Kyle figures? You never know what might be happening. That would be pretty cool. But I don't think anybody buy those. I might be able to sell my dad one maybe, if he could get one for free maybe. I don't know. But yeah, it's definitely surreal to be able to talk to Jeremy about some stuff too. And just how, you know, a lot of these guys, a lot of these guys from these companies is such a cool thing. And then just people that aren't even into toys, like
you know even like cody roads like good friend of the channel cody roads that's not a joke that's a real deal really cody i mean man more to come on that in the future i'm like dropping all these things in the future but cody's an amazing dude that's for sure i mean he he from everything i know he's quite the guy and like i said more to come in the future on that one so stay tuned
I'm like super jealous because I'm a Cody Rhodes. Again, if you listen to the Chick-Fully show, I'm a Cody Rhodes fanatic. The only one on the show. He's a big, he's a big He-Man guy. And that's kind of how our friendship started there is, you know, the attorney crowd fund there and, you know, reached out and we've conversed ever since that. And yeah, just a really good guy. You know, he tags me and stuff whenever he does figure stuff on social media, always tags me and that kind of stuff, which is always fun.
Like David Arquette, like David Arquette reaching out like, Hey, I watch your videos every night, man. I just want to say you're doing a good job. Like, wow. Weird stuff like that every once in a while. And you know, I was talking, I was talking about that Jeff George earlier, he said, we are harlot.
music a lot of stuff and I mean we've become quite good friends here I mean we're just texting before this and I mean an awesome guy we got a big plans and we got a lot of stuff coming up here in the soon together where we're going to be on some travel and some whirlwind tours so I got a lot of stuff for the pipeline and it's just it's crazy the opportunities that come one shout out to the band night demon I'm a big heavy metal guy night demon one of my favorite bands they've been around for I don't know about 10 years now
I mean, I've become friends with those guys kind of through my channel and they actually made theme music for my channel for me, which just like, how wild is that a band that you absolutely love and have toured and followed around and very passionate about that would take the time to do that for you. I mean, just absolutely wild, very, you got to pinch yourself sometimes.
That's crazy. Yeah, man. I'm so loud railing about the the Cody thing. The last. So yeah, he retweeted. I was a while back. I think Sheena was doing a unboxing of it was one of his figures. I figure a figure it was.
You know, we went on Twitter. I run the Twitter account. So posted the video for stuff like that And it was like on a Sunday I remember and we're just like, you know, I just posted it whatever hit up retweeting it you know commenting on it like hey, he's like Basically, he mentioned mention he's like I don't know why I'm do because it the the funny thing is like, you know like I said if you listen to the show Sheena and Seth not the biggest fans of Cody and
Yeah, but it was just funny that you know then she heard doing the unboxing of the figure and then he ends up You know doing the you know the reach we put pretty much putting us over in a sense with the with the video Which is pretty which is pretty cool He's a really good dude down to earth that's for sure which you know you don't have to be if you're in that position
Oh yeah. No, definitely. Yeah. You can definitely tell, uh, you know, the way he comes across on, you know, the interviews that he does and even on, you know, even in ring and when he's cutting his problems and stuff like that, you can obviously he has the intensity and stuff, but you can tell the walk to the rank when he's, you know, you know, he hands his belt off to, you know, to a kid or something like that. You could tell he's, you know, genuine in that sense. And he, you know, he really, uh, he really takes in, takes in the fans and stuff like that. So hopefully, um,
Hopefully yeah, I'm like very curious on what you what you have cooking up there. This is a I always yeah, I always get these weird tidbits like I had a I had extra cooler on a while back and he talked about some things that came down. He had coming down the pipeline and end up being the FTR stuff that he had going on in the in the Mac Cardona, the Indie God stuff that he designed with Mac Cardona.
He also revealed that I didn't even know this he was he he was the idea behind the ecto cooler drink That episode yeah, I thought he was joking at first
Yeah, no, it's his. Yes. His uncle worked for High Sea at the time. And, you know, he came to him as a kid and said, hey, you know, the the Ghostbusters, you know, they're looking for a movie crossover and they're looking for here's a bunch of names. What do you think? And he picked the extra cooler one. It's a good choice. I was like, holy, holy crap. I was like, I don't think I ever heard that story because I felt like I felt like it's been said already, but I never heard that in my my buddy generation. You know all about that. You know what that is. Oh, yeah.
Yep. Yeah. My, my buddy Jay, who I spoke about earlier, huge Ghostbusters fan in his house, in his basement. He has a whole room.
All Ghostbusters. He's a huge collector as well, but like he literally has a whole room. Ghostbusters, everything, nothing new. He hasn't really like the newer stuff that they release every all vintage, all old school, everything. So when I told him that story, he was like, what the hell is it? Get out of here. He's like the biggest fanatic in the world when it comes to that stuff. Do you have, I should just ask you, do you have like a, do you have a Ghostbusters collection or any Ghostbusters figures in your collection at all?
When I was a kid, I collected the old Kenner Ghostbusters back in the day, the Firehouse, all that stuff, had all that. I did buy, just for nostalgia reasons, I bought those re-releases that went to Walmart a couple of years ago. I do all that. I obviously got the Mattel Elite Ghostbuster crossover figures, and I think that's all I really have in my collection. I mean, I definitely love Ghostbusters. I'm actually maybe one of the weird ones, maybe not, but I always enjoyed the cartoon more than the movies. I like the movies.
But I like the cartoon a little bit more. Yeah, I think that makes sense, because a lot of the toys that came from the cartoon and stuff like that are really from the movies themselves. So yeah, I can definitely see the transition there. As far as, like I said, you can pretty much collect everything.
Is there a favorite thing that you collect out of the audio? I know it's probably hard to even even ask, like, is there like something that you love collecting more than anything else in your in your toy collection? It's always special when I get it. I mean, I have a complete Jax classic superstars collection and like a year or two years ago, what is time, as I say,
I'm not sure exactly when but I bought a second collection to unbox and have a loose set and mint one. And I'm still trying to track down some of those grail pieces like I'm missing a one of 100 Hulk Hogan. So I mean, it's fun to kind of be clocking that looking for that. Recently in the last year, I got three of the one of 20 Ultimate Warriors from those. And obviously, those are very rare. There's only 20 of them in the world and so rare.
That is like really fun and that kind of gets your blood pumping and the adrenaline flow and you're picking up something like that But I love the GI Joe classified line GI Joe is like that that wrestling over my two favorite properties as a kid Still pretty much are so the GI Joe classifieds very fun and nostalgic It's kind of I always say it's like my GI Joe's when I played with as a kid of how I imagined them how they are so
That's really fun. So I enjoy everything. And I always say I'm not buying stuff to unbox or do it if I don't like it and enjoy it. I mean, I'm not buying stuff to not like it. So sometimes people say, Oh, you're too positive. Well, I'm not going to buy something. It's just not going to happen. Oh, exactly. So as far as like
the, you know, the, I would say, I don't want to say if it's, I'm not saying it's a boo, maybe it kind of, it maybe is for the older.
older generation of toys like the retros and now ljns and obviously you know the major bros with the bendies and stuff like that do you see like do you see that like that latching on do you see like a Mattel start like maybe you think they'll dip back into the bendies or do you think they'll dip back into like the BCAs at some point do you see like any type of
uh any resurgent and older older type of figures i just i really don't i mean i can't see that like the titan trons coming back or something like that i mean anything is possible yeah but collecting is so weird because i always try to think about it too if you go to like an antique store i'm sure your antique store is no different than mine you go in there and there's a bunch of like milk jugs and then there's like yeah fine china and then there's yeah old dresses and
And weird stuff, it's weird to us. It's not weird to people that are 40 years older than us that collected that at one time. Exactly. And to me, that stuff's absolutely worthless. And I try to remember in the back of my head, a lot of this stuff in the future could very well be that same kind of thing. Yeah. It's a weird kind of deal because we're in a nostalgia period right now for kids of the 80s and 90s generations.
Um, but I think of people and kids, my, my kids age, you know, I have an eight year old, a 12 year old, and I don't know if they'll have the same nostalgia in the future. And they definitely don't have the nostalgia about our properties. I mean, there's all kids that their dad got them onto Ghostbusters or whatever.
the the
Yeah, the market's pretty slim for people that want that stuff then. So I don't know. Yeah. Weird thing to think about a little bit sometimes. Yeah. That's why they never invest for money purposes and action figures unless you really have to, I guess.
Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. I mean, like I said, with the, you know, I kind of like the fact that, you know, you know, we have like new LJNs, you know, obviously AEW, they have their LJNs and then, you know, the major bros have their LJNs and stuff like that. So I do like that niche type of collecting.
Cause it, cause you kind of seen it with, with, with, with retro, I can't talk with retros. Um, you know, a lot of companies that started to do different retro figures and things like that. So my thought is, you know, if it catches on like the L J N's, you know, AWS doing L J N's, um,
Do you think WWE might bring it back at some point or some type of because they did it with the with the Jax classic or the Jax line anyway, back in the day? I think the closest we're kind of getting from Mattel is the Coliseum collection. It's like kind of that Elton Nitch, but given updated stuff, because even the retros, I guarantee and I don't know anything, but I just feel like they're only sold to Mattel Creations. That tells you they won't feel it's viable for Walmart or Target or Target. Walmart is on whoever won't take them.
so they're definitely limited edition i'm sure they're not produced in the quantities of elites it's just the the fandom isn't quite there for whatever reason i mean and i think a lot of it is a younger collector they've moved on i mean when i was a kid at has rose it felt like it was the game was changed i was used to these ljans that didn't move now in our moves ahead
it doesn't get better than this it's kind of like video games you know like oh my gosh did you see the graphics on this new nintendo game it's amazing and then like night and day from that stuff oh yeah definitely and i think time marches on and things change and i i think it's tough to get there's always going to be some kids out there but it's tough to get that nostalgia bug if you didn't live it yeah definitely um
I have another question for you. We'll stay on the Mattel Creed. Well, not really that, but like, as far as like crowd funding, do you see that? Like, do you see that coming back at all? Do you see a different strategy going into, you know, we don't have to go into the, you know, yeah, that happened. But like, do you see, like, do you see where failed and where it can, you know, yeah, where it can improve?
it is so tough and i always say it's kind of the vocal minority is what we see on the internet and it's not just toys it's not anything in the world but some people are so down on things immediately they're wanting to poke holes in it and everybody's got their opinion there's nobody's opinions better than anybody else's but
It seems like almost every crowdfund, from the beginning, people are against it. It's like all rooting against it. And as we're filming this right now, the cat slayer from Super 7 ends tonight. So there's another crowdfunding one.
It's an interesting dynamic. Obviously, there's always continuous learning, continuous improvement, constant learning from these things.

Consumer Price Adjustments

I'm sure Mattel, they got a whole war chest of notes and things. Hasbro has really struggled with some stuff lately. I think it's a little bit of the changing of the guards with price increases, not just toys, but across the board. Whenever there's big price increases like we've had the last couple of years, it takes the consumer
about another couple of years to get to the understanding of the price point. Yeah, that's why your eggs aren't $1.50 anymore, they're $3. And it just takes a couple of years to get used to that $3 price point. And I think we're still, maybe we're coming out of the back end of it, maybe we'll see, but we're still in a weird thing where people don't see the value the companies are trying to give, saying the cost X, they say, no, no, it should be $50, $100 cheaper. Well, they got the old mentality still of how things cost.
Yeah. And I always say it at work in my day job. And I say it on my channel is Mattel Hasbro, all these companies, they're not looking for to break even. They're not looking to lose money. They want to show profits on this stuff. They got to get it through.
And guess what? They got a heck of an overhead at Mattel. They got people, employees, 401ks, company cars, benefits, buildings, lights on. They got to turn a lot of stuff. And these crowdfunding things, these are bare minimum quantities. Because let's say it's 10,000 units for something like that. Well, an average Barbie is produced in 100,000 units and plus. So we have all that.
That's the other thing. So these crowd funders are giving hardcore fans, if it's wrestling, Hot Wheels, Marvel Legends, whatever it is, a chance to get something they normally wouldn't get. Now, if Toys R Us, of course, was still around, maybe some of that stuff could go to Toys R Us. But it's a weird dynamic right now. And I don't know if we need another year or so for prices to kind of really compute in everybody's head. And everybody will always complain about prices. But there's a lot of those costs, and I see it every single day, that it just doesn't seem like it should be, but it is.
Yeah, I know employees in factories and shipping and everything has gotten so much more expensive and people forget about that a lot of time that there's a lot more that goes into a price of any item than what it seems like on the surface.

Changes in Toy Retail

Yeah, like it you have also with like with jazz wares You know, they're gonna be launching the the vault. Yeah, what is it next year? I think I believe so
I mean, I'm not sure if they're going to be doing any crowdfunding type of things, but, you know, I think it's, you know, say for the, say for the, you know, the collector that wants to just, you know, you don't have to go out and buy anything. You don't have to like actually fake hunt to do anything. You can actually just go there and do it. And it kind of saves face for those lines that aren't going to sell. Oh, like you kind of said, like the retro line probably wouldn't sell in stores, uh, greatly. Um, you know, with jazzwares with the ROH line that they're launching, um,
I was kind of scared that they were going to do it in-store, go to a Walmart or something like that. No one's going to run to a Walmart or buy an ROH figure. So I was hoping it was going to be on like Ringside, for instance. It would be like a Ringside exclusive line, which would have been pretty cool. But obviously, they're launching their website. It's going to live on there. So I mean, it is safe.
all these companies are hoping for the day they can cut out the Amazon's targets, Walmarts, and probably the right side. How do I cut out the middleman and go straight to direct to consumer? Because then I keep more of my profits. And that's what jazzwares is doing. And I wouldn't be shocked. I mean, it's not called the AEW jazzwares vault. I think it's just called the thing. Yeah. Yeah.
So I wouldn't be shocked to see limited edition squish mellows up there, Pokemon stuff eventually. And they're going to go direct a consumer on some of that stuff and take more of the internal profits. So it makes a lot of sense. A lot of companies are hoping for that day. And that's why you see so many exclusives at Walmart and Target because Target wants an exclusive of Martha Stewart or whatever it is because it's something that Walmart doesn't have that's going to bring people in. And hopefully while they're here, guess what? They pick up a gallon of milk, they get a pizza, they get some other stuff when they're here. So.
Yep, yeah, I don't definitely. So as far as just a pivot a little bit, you said your your parent, two daughters, how do you balance?

Content Creation and Family

the, uh, you know, what you do here and being a father. Cause I don't, I mean, it's, it's hard for me anyway, but yeah, my kids, uh, you know, my kids, I have two girls, so they're not as into this as, uh, maybe some others. If, if you know, they were, uh, maybe boys of that same age, they might be all in here. I might be doing a father's son reviews. I'd be spending a heck of a lot more money because I'd be like, okay, you want wrestling too? All right. We're buying two of everything. I guess is what we would do. But.
But it's an interesting balance. My wife is a saint. I can't say good stuff about her. What's up with three kids, really, at the end of the day? I'm kind of a big kid in a lot of ways. She stays home from work, so that definitely helps out. So I work, and then she takes the kids to and fro and really deals with their schedules. I hate to say that's her job, but she kind of deals with all that. She knows the calendars and where they got to go and what time and all that.
definitely a lifesaver. Because if I had to add that onto my plate, it would be tough. But my daughters, we have a ton of fun. We do stuff. They're in a lot of my videos and things. But they're also at the age too where I don't need to change diapers. I don't have to wait on them hand and foot. So if they want to make a sandwich, they could probably make a sandwich. They could make some toast if they need to.
It's a lot easier than it would have been eight years ago. And the smallest one was one years old. I probably wouldn't have had the time for all this kind of stuff. But they're getting older. It seems like kids get older every single day, I guess. I don't know. So eventually, they're not even going to want to talk to me for a couple of years, I'm sure. We'll see how that goes. But I did have a funny thing the other day that my daughter went to her friend's house. And her friends were actually watching my video not knowing it was me.
That's how weird is that? I've had that a couple of instances before where people like knew of me, but didn't like for work. I went and had to call on a customer one time and I walked into this customer's office and he's like, wait, Kyle Peterson, what are you doing? He didn't know he was meeting with me from YouTube. So it's very surreal on stuff like that.
That's funny. I was in a, that was actually going to be your next question. Like with your daughters, how do they, how do they feel seeing their, you know, their dad on YouTube? Like you might, maybe you might show up in a, uh, you know, like a suggestion type thing on the side of one of the videos that they're watching. It's pretty funny. My daughter is really shy and she never like tells people these kinds of things.
Like she went to her friend's house and her friend's dad is a huge heavy metal guy. He's got all these Iron Maiden posters everywhere. And I'm like, tell him you've seen Iron Maiden three times. I was like, he'd probably think that's pretty cool that a 12 year old girl's seen Iron Maiden three times.
but stuff like that is pretty funny and you never know like i've had instances where like uh go to a wrestling show the wrestling revolver which is sammy callahan's promotion he runs shows here all the time you know moxley's there and all these guys all the time and i'll go to those shows and i get recognized that those shows a lot obviously that's kind of the fan base there's a lot of correlation there
And I'll take a lot of pictures and I'll even sign autographs. There was this cute little kid that came up to me at the last show, maybe four or five years old. And his dad said he wanted a picture with me and I autographed his poster, which is weird. I'm just doing my handwriting. In 10 years, he's not going to know what this says. I don't even know what it says. I need to work on my signature. But my kids were like, they could not believe this. Like, this was real. They're like, do you know them? And I'm like, no, they just watch the channel. And so it's very weird to them. I don't think they totally understand it sometimes.
That's great. You know, I'm not Mr. Beast. And if you're not Mr. Beast, you're nothing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's he's another. That's that's another another. Yeah, that's crazy. But yeah, the only the only I think the only bigger community like.
people I have an autograph from is from the fully posable guys. Um, which are, you know, I think they, they, they sent me a poster once that they did like a beat up a few years back at one of the, I think I think what WrestleMania was, uh, they were doing like a giveaway and you know, they ended up that we ended up like communicating stuff like that and going back and forth. And they ended up like, Hey, you want an autograph? I was like, yeah, fine. I'll take whatever. WrestleMania this year.
Oh, really? They're they're good Oakland A's fans like me. They're they're good brothers out there. They love their heavy metal too. So shout out to those guys.
So the, uh, that's, that's actually just brought me into my next question. Other interests besides, you know, collecting and wrestling and all that stuff. Like, obviously I'm assumed baseball. Not as much as I used to. I was like, you know, kid, the eighties nineties. Oh man. The Oakland A's team is good. Sanco McGuire, Ricky Henderson, but that was warriors. So.
Yeah. But yeah, outside of that, I mean, gosh, I'm doing my YouTube stuff. And then I work a pretty hectic, crazy job. So I'm dealing with that all the time. And you got to have a passion for that, I guess, a little bit. You know, we all we all curse our day jobs from time to time, but I do get a lot of fulfillment out of that. So I got that. And then, you know, dinner and stuff with the wife and kids, you know,
doing usual dad stuff running around but yeah outside of that you know heavy metal I love music I love a lot of that kind of stuff you know I wish I had more time to play guitar I used to play guitar a lot I don't play as much as I used to when I retire that's something I'm definitely gonna get back into there's you know I got a whole list of stuff I want to do when I retire hopefully it hits that day one day
But heavy metal shows I love a good concert and especially my earlier years when I used to travel for work like Constantly, I was going to like a heavy metal straws every night Well, I see a ton of shows and I still try to as much as possible so that's probably my biggest passion out of all action figures and stuff is this kind of music and heavy metal shows and stuff play with my dogs to have a lot of fun with them, so What about um?

Future Projects and Opportunities

What do you think? What do you see as the future of your branding?
know. I mean, I just kind of take it one day at a time. Like I said earlier, I got like six pretty wild things in the works right now. Like I would love to sit here and talk about a little bit. I'm just going to get, I'll just say you got to subscribe to my channel and stuff to find out the answers as they come. But you know, one of them was the second YouTube channel I just started this weekend here. So that was kind of the first domino to fall, but there's a lot of other stuff coming. And
I don't know. You know, it would be very cool to do this as a full-time job. I just don't ever see that. I don't see I'll ever be able to give up my current full-time job as much as I may want to. Yeah. I don't know. You never know. You never know. But, you know, especially right at the beginning, there was some crazy, I mean, I could talk about this, I've talked about it before, but I had a couple of TV interviews for like TV shows.
like people reached out and said, Hey, we want you to do screen tests and stuff like that. And I did like seven screen tests for home and garden TV, HGTV. Wow. And, uh, there was a show called everything, but the house, you can Google it or whatever, but it was kind of like a pond stars type show. And we're all familiar with pond stars, but it was like, um,
Like, let's say Marco's moving away. You're retiring and you're going to Florida and you've got to sell everything in your house. And they call in a team of experts and they wanted to know if I wanted to interview you for the action figure expert. So, you know, some episodes, if there was a bunch of action figures, I'd come in and say, oh, this is it. This goes with this. And then they do a big auction at the end of the episode or whatever. And then, you know, they get their money and all that. Everybody, you know, does their thing.
so i had a lot of screen tests for that i obviously didn't get the job and then actually the series never went in because that was covid was really took off at that time we had like six episodes filmed and then it never came back but uh so things like that there's been a few other ones of those kind of opportunities that have come up i mean it would be a very cool thing i would love to uh
You know, grab, oh, my buddy, Jeff George mentioned him a couple of times. Him and I go and hit the road. We go to toy stores. We do stuff. I mean, that would be quite the show. But it'd be cool to do something like that one day. I don't know if that is possible anymore. So much stuff has changed. I think it's in this reality, you do it yourself and you see what happens from that. So you start your own YouTube channel and your own YouTube show and you do that and see where it goes from there. That kind of stuff is changing.
I just, hopefully I just have fun. As long as I'm having fun, I'll do it. If it ever becomes a job or it feels like a job, it's like wearing at me or, oh my gosh, you better do this. That's when it's probably time to call it quits. But right now, having a lot of fun, just taking every opportunity as they come and see what happens. It's very surreal in a lot of ways, that's for sure.
That's awesome. Um, last question always before, before I let everyone go, I always ask them this, um, wrestling, obviously, because this is what brings everyone together that I, I mean, for the most part, not everybody that I do interviews with, there's some type of wrestling connection. Uh, some people aren't into wrestling, so I don't ask this question, but since you are, I'm going to ask you this question. Um, so you have, you have somebody that's not, you know,
They're on the fence about getting into pro wrestling. They're not, why are you watching that? That's crazy. I don't really get it. What match do you show that person that's going to instantly draw them in and become a fan right on the spot?

Impact of Terry Funk

Ooh, that's a really tough one. You know, Walt Warrior is my all time favorite. I don't know if I'd go with something Ultimate Warrior. I'd probably honestly go with something of Terry Funk's is probably who. Terry Funk is another all time favorite of mine. I got I got some history with Terry Funk working with him over the years a couple of different times and definitely obviously recently passed away. So I definitely
been thinking about Terry Funk more than ever and man just uh just an amazing guy in so many levels and to actually spend time with your hero uh he's been my favorite since 1989 with the I quit match with Ric Flair so that probably would be the match I would show and you know Terry is probably the most versatile performer of all time
I mean, go to garbage wrestling, extreme wrestling, comedy wrestling, straight wrestling. You know, he's done it all and did it all. So it would probably have to be something Terry Funk and I'd probably lean towards that. I quit match because it's a little bit of everything in that match. There is some hardcore spots. There's traditional wrestling. It's quite the story along the way. It's just that's probably where I'd go. Just off top of my head, at least. Awesome. Yeah, I bet. I bet Terry Funk. Oh, man, what WrestleMania was that?
WrestleMania 29 want to say maybe at a signing
at one of the WWE fan things. And I actually bought a, I remember I went to WrestleCon and there was this dude selling like a bunch of DVDs. And he sold the, I bought the, the, the IWA, the death match tournament one there. And so thinking nothing of it, you know, I go back to the hotel room, I open it up and he, the dude printed like laminated like, um,
tickets for it like it like the actual ticket it wasn't the actual ticket but it was like it was like he printed like laminated versions of it i was like oh that's pretty cool so uh when we went to the signing i actually had him uh sign the uh the the ticket um and he had like a quick conversation and he's like oh man he's like he's like man he used to run through tokyo and japan and
uh being cactus and I was it was it was every he was a really uh he was it he's a you could tell he's like a genuinely like yeah like nice guy like he would like you know you spark a conversation he's gonna kind of you know talk to you about it which is pretty cool I spent a whole weekend with Terry Funk as his handler and working with him and kind of I mean it was it was like one of the greatest experiences I'll never forget in my life and I actually that night uh Terry Funk and uh Mick Foley and I had dinner together the three of us
Really? Wow. Just so surreal sitting here with just wild. Just wild. Like for me being such a big fan of them and being young and stuff and just I don't know it was it was so surreal and I think back to that all the time that whole weekend of just being his handler and
Terry would always, you know, people would come up and it'd be like $20 for a photo, $25 for a shirt. And somebody would come up, could I get this for $10 instead? And he'd be like, I'd love to do it. But old Kyle over here, he's a slave driver. He's won $25 and he put all the heat on me. We had a funny thing going with that. Yeah, just a heck of a guy. That's for sure.
Yeah, dude. Yeah. I was actually just thinking about like when I, when I like handed him a ticket to like sign, he like, like looks at it and you could just, you could see like the wheels turn a little bit. And he just, that's what, you know, that sparked the, like the, like the quick conversation stuff like that. He was like, you know, talking about his Simon in Japan and all that stuff. And he, what he was doing down there besides the wrestling anyway. But yeah, it was, uh, yeah, it was, that's, that's pretty awesome that, uh, yeah, that's, uh, that's, that's pretty cool, man. That's like, that's definitely a surreal moment. Just sitting there in between.
Nick Foley and Terry Funk. That's insane. Being such a fan of his for a long time, then getting that job to sit with him and hang out with him. And then I met him on two other occasions as well. So it's just pretty wild when you get to meet your heroes and they're really cool to you back. It's a pretty cool thing.
Yeah, definitely a big loss for the wrestling community when that happened. I think that day we did like a kind of like a retrospective on him and Bray Wyatt after that happened. So yeah, he's out.
Definitely, definitely in the hearts and minds of all of us wrestling fans, especially have the LJN to which I love. I actually saw Tommy dreamer the night he flew in to my town for a show and I got to talk to him. I talked to Tommy a lot of times. We always talk about Terry Funk and he actually just flew in for the funeral. So I kind of got all kind of the lowdown for the funeral and all that. So yeah, yeah, it's just wild, wild. Yeah.
But yeah, man, thank you for, thank you for joining. This is, this is awesome. Glad to be able to sit down and actually to talk to you. I was like, I said, I watch your videos pretty much all the time. And it's just weird actually being able to speak to you and you know, it's a, you're, you're, you're, you're one of a kind of a person. I think Gary, you're just, you're, you're just great on the camera. You have, you're just, maybe that's why all those, all those like shows reach out to you. You just have like, like,
that presence. I like your welcoming. You're very warm. You have a warm presence to you. No, maybe one day, maybe one day I'll land that. I'm trying to get on like a soap opera or something. Maybe I can get one of those jobs. Oh, man. You get the hair. You get the hair flowing with the fan and everything. That'd be great. Let everyone know where you are. We can find you.
Yeah, you can find me on the x I guess it's called these days, isn't it, Sir Paul six for on the x and then the underscore Kyle underscore Peterson on threads and on Instagram and then of course on YouTube, just started a second YouTube channel it's going to be a little bit different than my current channel, you know I'm putting out three videos a day like I said earlier and I figured,
I've got a heck of a backlog of videos I have over 300 videos that haven't been on traditional YouTube yet I said that's a heck of a I mean I could basically stop and keep running so I started a second YouTube channel that I will Here in the next few weeks. I'm gonna do maybe a weekly live stream over there, so maybe I'll have you on one of those Oh Get rolling on that I love it
So I'll have that going on. And I'm going to do a weekly top five over there that's different than a wrestling top five. It might be GI Joe. It might be something else. And I'll have a turtle Tuesday segment with some Ninja Turtles on Tuesdays, a figure hunt each week over there, and then some bonus content. So building up that second channel with all the overflow, just a lot going on at all times. There's no doubt about it. So search me out on YouTube, Kyle Peterson 1980, Kyle Peterson 2.0. You can search Kyle Peterson. You'll get to me eventually.
Awesome. Again, thank you for joining me on this wonderful audio journey. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves listening to my musings and Cal's musings. Hopefully you can pick and choose who you like better. If you're sick of my voice, like I said, it's tough crap because I'm on like literally three times a week. So
You said we had fun talking to each other, even if nobody else wants to listen. Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's it's whatever. I mean, as long as as long as I got to talk to you, that's all that matters. But anyway, thank you, everyone, for listening and I'll talk to you soon. Say yes.