Introduction and Episode Overview
Welcome to Pod Warriors number 17. We got a very special episode on deck for you guys. It's going to be a ton of fun. Me and Jordan are going to be discussing the life and times of WCW Thunder. Jordan, what is that my man? Oh man, just ready to talk some wrestling again.
Life Updates and WCW Thunder Nostalgia
It feels like we always have like a couple of months between these episodes, but it really hasn't been that long. It just feels like it has because life's been so damn busy lately.
Yeah, we're busy man being full-time jobs and full-time dads. It is not a Not a lot of free time for just kind of like brainstorming ideas for this. So I think it's it's kind of crazy We've been able to crank out 17 episodes of this in addition to the you know, the flagship chick Foley show over the last year and change now, but
This one's going to be a ton of fun this I got to give Jordan all the credit he had the idea for this one and I jumped on it you know that the mid to late 90s is really kind of our sweet spot for us in nostalgia so we definitely want to take this trip down memory
Promotions and Episode Focus Shift
lane. We'll get the plugs out of the way real quick make sure you guys check out all of our homies in the pot foundation the extra cooler show turnbuckle tavern and coming down the aisle with our buddy J bone.
and use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles. This is probably gonna be the lightest figure discussion episode that we've had. I think, you know, we'll touch on some stuff in listener mail, but not a lot of figure talk, not a lot of iconic figures came out of the WCW Thunder scene. Jordan, you got anything else you want to discuss, man, before we just dive into it? No, I'm ready to go.
Origins and Financial Context of WCW Thunder
All right, so I think we're going to kick it off with Jordan taking us to school, man. He's putting this professor, you know, his cardigan, his button up sweater on. He's got the spectacles on and he's going to give us a history lesson on the origins of WCW Thursday Thunder.
Alright, so original release of WCW Thunder was January 8th, 1998. The Swan song was March 21st of 2001. Kind of crazy, man. It only made it three years, but WCW went under, as we know, in 2001. Sucks though. So the popularity of WCW Nitro led Ted Turner to want to create a new show, which would eventually be named Thunder, as we talked about.
Eric Bischoff was originally reluctant to produce another two hour weekly show for a variety of reasons. One was they were in a hiring freeze and which would prevent Bischoff from bringing in any new talent. Second, he felt they did not have enough talent on the roster to produce second show. And third, according to Bischoff, TBS refused to pay the cost of producing Thunder, which was between 12 and $15 million a year.
I think that hiring freeze was due to the Time Warner merger also, man, which was, you know, really that was kind of the death knell for WCW.
Impact of Time Warner Merger and Bret Hart's Signing
As bad as it got towards the end, they were still doing really good numbers compared to everything else on cable, but Time Warner just wanted nothing to do with the wrestling business.
Yeah, it's crazy. This is one thing. I mean, I obviously knew about this, but at the time I didn't. Bischoff was also given permission to sign Bret Hart specifically as the high profile talent to perform on Thunder. So Thunder was being built around Bret Hart.
There's worse people to build a show around. Um, it originally debuted as a live weekly show, but the schedule was changed in August of 1998 due to complaints by wrestlers over travel demands. Tapings were expanded to four hours with the first two hours being live broadcast and the following week being a two hour tape show.
WCW Thunder's First Match and Set Design Nostalgia
uh first match ever on thunder featured chris adams against randy savage with miss elizabeth in his corner the gentleman chris adams man his name does not come up a lot in wrestling nowadays but he has had a big big impact
on the wrestling biz. He's the one who trained Stone Cold Steve Austin. He had his own wrestling school there in the Dallas area. So he trained and broke a legend like Steve Austin in the business. And he was the originator of the super kick. He's the one who really kind of introduced the super kick as a finish in wrestling. And that's who Shawn Michaels learned it from. So yeah, it's kind of cool, man. He didn't have much of a memorable run in WCW at all, but it is pretty neat that he's kind of at this historic footnote now.
It's pretty nuts just kind of thinking back on Thunder, just kind of remembering what you thought of it. There is one thing that me and you have talked about numerous times about Thunder, and until yesterday I did not realize I was wrong on this. So Glacier, we've talked about this numerous times about Glacier, the countdown and stuff on Thunder.
That was incorrect. He debuted long before Thunder was everything. He debuted in 1996. So, man, was I misremembering that. I thought the entire show was built around him debuting. Well, you know, the Thunder had the glacier color scheme, man. You know, it had the blues. Dude, you know what's crazy to me, man, about Thunder? Anytime Thunder pops up in my mind, I think about that set that they only had, I think the first two or three weeks. If you remember that,
That debut set, it looked like the fucking Agrocrag from Nickelodeon Guts. You remember it was like a mountain or like slash like iceberg type deal. And in my mind, that was the set the entire time for Thunder. But if you go back, that was only the set for like the first month or so before they switched to something a little kind of like sleep futuristic. It looked like basically an evolution of the WCW Saturday Night Spaceship set.
Yeah it's kind of weird to go back and watch that because yeah I had that in my head too for some reason that that was always the set and then going back and watching it but I don't know man I think like in my head I was thinking Thunder was way better than it actually was just because I loved WCW at this time I mean 98 WCW was I mean
It was pretty high up the list for me. So I guess I just for some reason thought this was better than what it was.
Childhood Memories and Quality Reflection
But we're going to talk about some moments off Thunder and man, watching these, I was like, Oh God, this is not good. Yeah.
I'm with you, man. I definitely look back at it with the rose colored glasses. And honestly, I think it was just the excitement, man. Like I said, in late 97, because it wasn't a whole lot of lead time when this got announced for Start Air. And I want to say it was actually December of 97 before they really started promoting and advertising it. And you couldn't tell 12-year-old me that this wasn't going to be incredible, man. So I already have Nitro and Raw on Mondays, and now I'm going to have Thunder.
on Thursday nights like this is awesome dudes more live wrestling you know and I think maybe I enjoyed it more because half the time I really wasn't sitting down to watch the shows usually I was sitting down and either putting on a card with my wrestling figures like it while Thunder's kind of just on the background or I remember I had a friend named RC and my friend Trey we were all three
really big wrestling fans. I'm really dating myself now, but we get on like the three-way phone calls and just, you know, chat wrestling and kind of book the territory while we're watching these shows, kind of just in the background, probably only, only half-assed paying attention to it, you know?
Yeah. Um, and, and this was on Thursday night, so I didn't really have a whole lot going on on Thursday nights when I was 13 years old, much like you, like what were we going to do? Like solve the world's problems. I think we were outside playing basketball or something and came in and watched thunder because dude, if wrestling was on, it was on my TV. I didn't care what it was. I was watching it.
Yeah, it's not like I'm going to watch like, you know, it's Thursday nights and like I'm watching fucking Seinfeld instead of WCW Thunder. Like, yeah, this was it was a very it was a much bigger part of my childhood than like now when I look back, like I don't remember hardly any of these moments. Like we're going to get into it in just a sec. Jordan put together a really nice curated list of some of the biggest moments in in Thunder history. And dude, I don't I damn near don't remember any of them. And I think out of that list you put on, I think I remember actually two of them watching them live.
Yeah, it's uh When I was putting this list together, I had four on the list that I knew I wanted to put on here It was a little tough. I am three other ones just because I mean like we said as time goes on things don't always hold up the way that we want them to and Thunder is definitely one of those things it is uh It's not great.
Macho Man's Legacy and WCW's Decline
Well, I mean the problem is is dude WCW was so bad in 2000 and 2001 that
I mean, this is just going to go right along with it. This was the B show for WCW and nitro wasn't even good at this point. So yeah, it definitely did not hold up very well. Yeah. If you listen to 83 weeks with Eric Bischoff, he's talked about it numerous times that they were just spread so thin when thunder got laid on them. They did not want to do it. He, you know, obviously we weren't in those, those boardrooms, so he could just be covering his own S now, but he has said repeatedly, um, that, that
Thunder was just a bad idea and it really weighed him down and I think I don't think it caused their downfall I think you could already start to see some of the cracks in the foundation of WCW, but I think this definitely It accelerated things man for where it got quality wise
Yeah it definitely took a huge downturn. I mean even some of these things we're going to talk about tonight were a pretty big downturn considering what it started as but still nonetheless important moments in WCW history. So we're going to run through them with you guys. Hopefully you guys enjoy some of these and you guys can go back and watch them. The good thing about these moments that we're going to talk about
pretty easy to burn through because all of them are about 10 minutes long. And unlike a lot of the old shows out there, every single episode of WCW Thunder is available on Peacock. Yeah, so it makes it really easy to watch. And like I said, the majority of these users fast forward to the last 15 minutes of the show and you can watch the whole thing.
All right, Jordan, you want to start running us through the list? Yeah, let's, uh, we're going to go in a little bit different order than I'd sent you, but we'll, uh, we'll see. Yeah. It's dealer's choice, man. You, you, you be the DJ and we'll just, we'll discuss them as, as you want to pitch them out. All right. Let's start with a macho man's final appearance on May 3rd of 2000. Do you have any recollection of this?
I had do not, man. I was kind of 2000. I had really given up on WCW, man. The finger poker doom. After that, I kind of just, uh, I kept up with it just kind of at a glance, man. Okay.
WCW's Battle Royal and Macho Man's Role
I'm going to run through a little bit of the highlights of this and, uh, we can just kind of reflect on it after I run through this. So this was a 40 person battle Royal for a number one contender spot for the world heavyweight title at great American bash. Uh, this was during the millionaires club versus new blood era.
So basically what happened is here is they put all the members of both of these factions in the ring and did a 40 person battle royal. It's kind of hard to watch because you can't tell when someone gets eliminated or anything happens. Pretty much a big clusterfuck, which was basically WCW in a nutshell.
towards the end of the match, the macho man comes out, there's a ton of run ins in this match. Hacksaw Jim Duggan comes in, there's just a ton of run ins. Macho man comes out at the end, looking absolutely jacked to the gills. I think he was really on the dieselroids at this point.
Oh yeah. He was getting ready for bone. So dude, the crowd goes absolutely insane though. When he comes out, it is pretty cool seeing him because I mean, this was obviously, this was near the end of his wrestling run. So the, the amount of appearances he had left on his card were pretty low. So, um,
Um, Brett also comes out at the end of this match to screw Hogan, hits him with steel chair. Absolutely wild battle. Royal flair wins the match with a wild bat swing on Shane Douglas. Um, yeah, it kind of sucks that this is the way macho man goes out for WCW. Um, but I mean, nonetheless, it's still things kind of whack man.
I uh it was kind of cool though that it did end up with him and Hulk helping each other out dude for all the all the ups and downs the makeups and breakups of that friendship if you know i'm trying to put the most positive spin possible on thunder for this episode because i do want um i you know i do want our listeners man that the foley fam to
to go back and check some of the stuff out and, you know, kind of experience it for themselves if they weren't around to watch this or if they just didn't watch it back in the day. If I had to put one positive thing on this, it would be that, you know, macho man's last appearance was him helping Hulk out. And that's a pretty fitting ending. You know, if you eliminate all the rest of the nonsense around this whole thing.
Yeah. The, the craziest thing about this.
Critique of WCW's Booking and Storylines
So like I said, it was millionaires club versus new blood. The final four people in this rumble are from millionaires club, Hogan and flair from the new blood. It was Shane Douglas and Billy Kidman Christ almighty. What are we doing here? Like that should never be the final four in any rumble. Flair and Hogan are fine. The other two, I'm not sure what we're doing, especially in 2000.
The New Blood versus the Millionaires Club was so weird to me because the Millionaires Club were the baby faces, man. They had it backwards. The New Blood should have been booked as the faces coming up against the evil older generation holding them down. I can't remember, man, if it was creative did that or if it was just the fans organically just rejected the New Blood as baby faces, man.
It's definitely a weird dynamic, even though like the crowd was pretty hot for the moment. It's I can't imagine that it was you could just tell it's just not good for for the long term creative future for for WCW, man. It was so hokey to the way they film it with, you know, showing Macho Man's feet. Right. You only see from like the shin down. It's like, who is this guy walking towards the ring? We got like five or six clips of it. And then finally, when he comes out, you know, you see Macho in all his glory. So.
Macho Man is always going to be cool. I think, you know, Team Madness or whatever he was, whatever his like faction was that that last couple of years in WCW, that's probably my least favorite version of Macho Man at all his various gimmicks. But, you know, it's still the Macho Man Randy Savage.
Yeah, this is not something you want to remember him by more or less just because like you said, the macho madness or whatever the hell they called that team. It just it was not good. But again, I mean, dude, we had to sneak macho man into a seven list for his final appearance in WCW. So yeah, I enjoyed it just because getting to see macho man is cool at this point.
I mean, dude, again, this was 2000. It's not like any of these guys are young at this point, so. And he did bone saw, and I think he had one or two appearances for TNA that never went anywhere. They were literally just one shots. And that was it, man. Macho Man kept such a low profile up until his untimely death. Like, we did not see him, man. He wasn't really doing the cons. He wasn't doing any nostalgia runs, showing up for raw reunions on WWE. He was just gone when his time was up, man.
Yeah, this was one of the, you really won the last handful of glimpses. We got a macho man, bro. He was in a, um, TNA pay-per-view and he was actually in the match. I'm only saying he was in the match because he was physically there mentally and everything else. He was not there. He was balding really bad. It was just horrible, dude. I don't ever go back and watch it. I mean, I watched it live and it was like one of the worst things I think I've ever seen.
All right. Well, let's move to the next one. This'll be even more exciting than the last one. We're going to, this is a, and this is going to be kind of crazy to think about how many of these they did. Uh, this is a world title match from May 24th of 2000. It was Kevin Nash versus Scott Steiner. First, the champion, Jeff Jarrett.
Um, my notes on this match, Jared coming out in one of the greatest wrestling shirts ever, uh, accompanied by Vince Russo. If you remember this era, this was when he, this was all about the slap nuts era. So, uh, he had some bad-ass pyro in the ring too. This was not when he was doing the pyro out of the guitar yet, but it's still really cool seeing him, um, this way. Uh, the match starts with Nash chasing Russo into the crowd. Hot start right off the bat.
So then Nash finally gets back in the middle of the ring. This is not a good match, by the way. There's not a whole lot of technical wrestling in this match. Then during the match, about three minutes later, Rick Steiner and Tank Abbott come out and take Scott Steiner's girls, Shakira and Medasia.
to the back. So Scott Steiner runs off and is out of the match. Then Vince Russo comes out with his security, um, to keep another ref from getting into the ring. We'll get back to that. That's part of this whole moment. It's coming up. All right. Here's your peak WCW Russo interferes, Jared hits Nash with a bat. Nash knocks the ref down on a whiff.
then Russo hits the ref with the guitar, takes the red shirt off, slides it around his neck, tries to come into the match and just fast count Nash for the pin. Scott Steiner comes back into the ringside area and clotheslines every member of the
Security team. Dude, you got to do it justice, dude. The security team are lined up like in two ranks, right? They look like if you go back and watch the 90 Super Bowls when they would announce the starting offense and they'd all come out high five in a tunnel, that's what it is. And all the guys just stay there perfectly, end up with Scott Snyder just runs out double clothesline. He clotheslines two at a time, probably about fucking eight deep on his way to the rink. It's just ridiculous, dude.
so bad. Uh, anyway, it ends when Nash hits the Jackknife power bomb on Jared for the one, two, three, the most asinine part of this whole matches. So I, and I know Steiner and Nash were working together, but Steiner comes back into the ring after clothes lining everybody. And rather than him try to get the pin on Jared, he just chases Russo out of the ring. So Nash can win. Yeah. And then him and Nash celebrate, like it was a handicap match or something.
I mean, Scott Steiner was the US champion at this point, so whatever, I get it. But this was an eight-minute match, and all that stuff we just talked about happened in that eight minutes. It was absolutely insane. That is some absolute best or worst, depending on your perspective. That is some peak WCW right there. If you want to know why WCW died,
This match is a pretty big indicator of why it died. Vince Russo just an absolute idiot. That was what they were doing. That late era WCW just cramming 10 pounds of shit into a five pound bag, man. It's like, you can't even keep up with it. They're swerves for swerve's sake. And it's like, it was just like nothing mattered, right? It was just fucking nonsense. I mean, yeah, we'll get into it once we discuss all the matches, but
there is numerous title changes for a world title with a ton of lineage. Pretty embarrassing, honestly. I'm pretty sure Jared had just won this title less than a month before this, and then loses it on a random thunder in the middle of May. Like, what the like, how did anyone think that this was a good idea? Like, this is what
idiot fans would book if they were like, Oh man, I don't really like seeing a long champion. Let's have a set of Seth Rollins pin Roman Reigns on a Sunday night heat episode or something like this is just all over the place. And I think this was the problem with WCW and what eventually killed it. So you got any more to reflect on this match, Seth?
It was, like I said, man, it's comedy now. If you go back, like I said, I literally giggled out loud. I was actually at work, supposed to be paying attention to a conference call. I was online, but I just had my mic on mute and was watching these clips on YouTube. I literally giggled out loud at the part where Scott Steiner is coming out and just handing out clotheslines on the way down the ramp. It's got some comedy value, but
And it, it's not horrible to watch it as like a one off, right? Cause it is, you know, it's short, right? Like Jordan said, it's less than a 10 minute watch. And there's always some shit going on, right? Like there's, there's no, there's no down points. It's always some kind of crazy thing happening during this eight minutes. But I just kind of put myself back. If I'm like that hardcore WCW fan, you know, I've, I've mentioned them before a lot, dude, my Papaw Clyde.
couldn't give a fuck less about WWF, man. He was all about NWA WCW back in the day. And I just put myself in somebody's shoes that was still invested in this product that had this rich history going back to the freaking 60s. And they're watching it week in and week out. And this is what they're putting on the TV. This is the reward for all the time you're investing in this product. And it's just, it's just kind of sad because literally, you know, three or four years prior, man, they were hit the highest of highs is in the wrestling biz.
Yeah, it's pretty depressing to watch, honestly, from a big company. This is something you would expect from... I don't even know what company it is. It's an outlaw mud show, man. You're local indie or something, man. Yeah, like a fucking Vaseline match for the title or something. That's basically what I equate some of this to. It's so bad.
for no reason. There's so many good people in this company at this point. They had some serious talent. Yeah, dude, the roster was still loaded, man. It wasn't where it was in like 98, but the roster was still loaded with talent at this time. Dude, it's Nash versus Jeff Jarrett versus Scott Steiner. All three of those guys could have main evented any WCW show at this point. It was just like a clown show.
There's really nothing else you can compare it to. I mean, it literally is just a clown show. Russo inserts himself in every segment at this point. I mean, he was involved.
I don't think he's involved in every match. Well, he definitely wasn't involved in every match on this list that I went over, but he's involved in a lot of stuff at this point. And yeah, it just goes to show you if you know, Russo had some really good creative ideas. He really laid the groundwork for some of the best stuff to happen in the attitude era. But he needed that filter. He needed somebody checking him and keeping him.
you know kind of within that within the margins that was mr man right like russo a t at the ideas that vince and and pat paterson kinda okay then and and refine and stuff you know that they see that he just had carte blanche man to do what he wanted it'd be like if if she was not a part of the chick foley show anymore and it was just me and jordan make it up from week to week man like
Yeah, we'd go to some strange dark places if it was just the two of us every week. It'd be dead. Let's just call it for what it is. People like the podwares because we've advertised this as this is what we're going to do here. People tune into this because they know we're going to go off the rails at
at least once an episode. There's no question about it. If we were doing this on the flagship, it would have been dead a long time ago. I don't think it'd be dead. I'm not going to sell us that short. I think we could put together some quality pods on a consistent basis. I think we would slowly have an entirely different listener base, though. I think we would, all the normal Chick Foley show diehards would slowly tune out, and we'd attract a new cast of weirdos who were coming in week after week to see what we spit out.
Yeah, that's probably right. That sounds about something that me and you would do. Next, we're going to go to another thing WCW you love to do, the Goldberg Monster Truck Madness in 2000. Why are there so many monster trucks involved in the history of WCW?
I don't know, they were really leaning into that, the monster truck thing. I mean, we talked about the giant thing and all that stuff before, but dude, WCW had, Vince Russo must've loved monster trucks when he was a little kid or something. Cause man, they really leaned into everything. Goldberg had his own monster truck. It's just absolutely wild to look back on. So this starts off.
They're in the arena. Scott Steiner throws Rick Steiner and Tank Abbott onto the monster truck. First of all, let's talk about the fact that Rick Steiner and Tank Abbott are a team at this point. Like, what the fuck is that? Like, good God. Rick Steiner is being thrown with Tank Abbott, the one time three count member, Tank Abbott, like. Vince Frieser had a soft spot for Tank Abbott. Remember, there was a lot of rumors at the time he was really wanting to make Tank Abbott world champ.
So the problem with this one is there's not a ton of footage here, which probably is a good thing, but the monster truck heads to the parking lot out of the arena. The truck then smashes a bunch of cars in the parking lot, including what we're supposed to believe is Tank Abbott and Rick Steiner's cars.
I mean, there's not a whole lot to discuss in this, just the mere fact that they were doing this on a weekly episode of Thunder. And this was not the only time they brought Goldberg's monster truck into a Thunder episode. I'm pretty sure this happened on Nitro too, if I'm remembering right. They loved using Goldberg's monster truck.
Yeah, they were always getting Goldberg involved in some sort of vehicular mayhem I remember the, the night of the finger poker do remember he damn near had to get his arm amputated from the elbow down when he, he busted through that that limousine window and of course into WCW fashion they didn't take the time or didn't have anybody on staff to kind of gimmick the glass he just straight up put his arm through straight up limo window glass man so
Yeah, they definitely had a fascination on the vehicular chaos there in those last few years. It was really great. You ready to take the beverage break? I'm ready.
Beverage Break: Miller Lite and Busch Lite Reviews
I had to let that one play a little bit longer than usual. So it's time for the beverage break where we tell you guys what we're sipping on as we pod. Uh, I'll go first. I'm doing the, the basic thing, but with a twist drinking Miller white, you know, basically the unofficial official beer of the chick Foley show. Uh, but it's not my typical 12 ounce can, man. I sent Jordan these a couple of weeks ago. I went down to Texas for work
and was able to find the the Luke Combs beer never broke my heart 16 ounce cans. I don't know if it's just like a placebo effect if it's in my mind but I'm telling you dude I love the 16 ounce cans of Miller Lyda, you're able to top off that pint glass with them. And they just hit a little bit better man I can never find them here in Tennessee there was a little convenience store right down the street from me.
In Virginia, I could literally ride my bike down there and get a six pack of the tall boy cans. But I can't find them around here down here in the south, man, but I was able to go down to Texas and pick up a 12 pack of these. So yeah, definitely love drinking the 16 ounce Miller Lite cans. What are you sipping on, Jordan? I am sipping on a limited edition Busch Lite Peach.
And boy, oh boy, is this the drink of summer. I don't know. Did you ever have Bushlight apples, Seth? I had Bushlight apple. It was pretty good, man. I didn't mind it. I think this is a touch better than that, honestly. And man, when it's hot outside, these beers go down like freaking water. That's the problem when you drink Bushlight in general, but add a little bit of peach flavoring to it. Yeah, it's top notch.
Yeah, it makes total sense. I could totally see peach, bush, peach compliment in Bushlight because Bushlight's got such a, you know, pardon the pun, light flavor to it anyways. And I think a little bit of peach compliments a little bit better. Like the apple was was kind of strong and it was almost like drinking fucking, you know, it was almost like a hard cider. I mean, you definitely taste taste the peach flavoring in this, but I don't think it's as heavy as the apple was, if that makes any sense.
Yeah, I'm going to be on the lookout, man. I usually got to get my special bush cans up in Kentucky, dude. You know where I'm at here. I'm out here in the sticks, dude. And we're in Tennessee, even more so than Kentucky. It's like the freaking buckle of the Bible Belt. There's restrictions on beer you can get on Sundays and stuff. And I think it just turns off a lot of distributors from even messing with it down here. I hardly ever see any of the special edition bush cans.
I may have to tell my dad to keep an eye out for the Bush Peach up in Kentucky to grab me some because I definitely want to try it. So yeah, keep a look out for that, man. Bushlight, it's just, you know, it's delicious, dude. That's definitely the most crushable beer, even though Miller White's my go-to as far as like...
you know, big time mainstream beers go. Like if I was in like a beer drinking contest, you know, like I got to, I got to see how many beers I can drink
NWO Wolfpack Theme Debut and Fan Division
in an hour. I'm going Bushelite for sure. Yeah, it's definitely a crushable beer. So Seth played the Wolfpack theme as our beverage break today, which is a great lead into this moment on May 27th, 1998.
The NWO Wolfpack theme debuted to me. And I don't know how Seth feels about this, but this is one of the top three wrestling themes ever for me. I love this song.
I probably don't go top three. It's definitely one of my favorite though, man. I love this song. I love the Wolfpack dude, even though like looking back, like it's really, it would really be hard to explain like why the Wolfpack was even a thing and why people like Sting and Lex Luger joined up with it. But at the time it was the coolest thing ever dude. Like I love the freaking Wolfpack angle. They were the hottest thing in wrestling. It was really kind of the
The last time WCW caught fire before, you know, between that and Goldberg was really the last two kind of kind of fading, like, you know, hot streaks for WCW before they really just burn out. But yeah, the Wolfpack was awesome. And then this when this theme came out, it just took it to a whole nother level. Like I cannot believe this debuted on Thunder when you sent this in, when you put the list here, I was so surprised. Like I would have told you, you know, with anything on the line that
Did know the wolf pack team debuted on nitro, but now it was right there on the on Thunderman I went back and watch the clip first time we heard see murder, you know, no limit soldier Wrapping the wolf pack to the ring. So like the the craziest thing about this is too This was the the week they were trying to get sting to join the wolf pack Luger had just joined the wolf pack Dude
Yeah, the wolf pack as a whole is easily one of my favorites. And I know everybody rips on tomato face sting, but dude, I loved that sting. I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird. It was so cool because it was just something different, man. I mean, he'd been just black and white sting.
For you know, basically two years and the thing was like yeah He changed the face paint to red but he also went back to acting like surfer sting when he was wolfpack sting Aside from the look his demeanor and the way he talked on the mic and you know, hell even the way he wrestled was surfer sting yeah, and he even wore like One of those like puka necklaces that everybody used to wear when we were like middle school When he went back when he went to tomato face sting. So yeah, he definitely embraced the surfer role. So
Dude, I love it. With all the fuck boys we're wearing back in 98. Exactly. I loved Wolfpack, and yeah, this theme just hits for me.
But yeah, yeah, it does. It holds up. And you said like going back and watching it, like it seemed like today and Shivani had no idea that this was even happening either. Like the Wolfpack is already walking to the ring and I don't even remember what they were talking about, but they're like, Oh, let's take a listen to the new Wolfpack theme. I guess we're getting that right now. Basically. It just seemed like they just started doing it. Nobody had any idea. And then Nash, it was so Debussy Debbie.
When Nash gets to the ring, he's like, I know we want to listen to that whole song, but I got something to say.
Yeah, it was just it was the best day Wolfpack was just a moment. Like I said, it's hard to hard to make it whole, you know, hold up as far as like logic wise goes man with with you know in kayfabe like why was this I guess you could you could kind of do the NWO split down the middle but why were these people who had been teamed WCW the whole time suddenly joining up with the NWO, you know, and it burned out pretty quick like
And the Wolfpack didn't last a real long time, but it was such a moment and like, you know, if I was my NWO share right now, I'd buy the black and red, dude. I remember at school, all the cool people were with the black and red. It was only the fucking jabronis who were still, you know, with the black and white NWO. That's because the black and white was like the hated NWO. Like you weren't supposed to like those guys. Like WCW and all the good guys were against NWO black and white. Like NWO black and red.
I don't hate anybody in that group. Like, dude, I liked all those people. Conan was awesome. Kevin Nash was awesome. Luger, take him or leave him. Sting. I mean, dude, what's not to like about that? Like, that's the kind of group. Macho man, bro. Macho man. Macho's in the wolf pack. Yeah, man. I love the wolf pack, dude. I'm down with the red and black for life. For life.
All right, that leads us into our next world title match. This one took place on January 26, 2000. Sid Vicious defeats Big Ron. Seth, what's your favorite Big Ron match? It's good. You know, I actually have a favorite Big Ron match. All right. WrestleMania 11, the Blue Brothers with Uncle Zeb take on the allied powers, baby boy Smith and Lex Luger,
Sid Vicious' Caged Heat Match and Potential
dude. That's my favorite Big Ron match.
Uh, and Kevin Nash, who was the champion coming into this match. Um, another, uh, real WCW moment here. So Sid had the belt stripped from him earlier in the night by Kevin Nash, who was the commissioner and then just anointed himself the champion. So yeah, real fucking solid start here, boys. Oh God. All right. This match was dubbed as cage heat, which was Helen Estelle.
I love that they didn't even try to hide. It was a total ripoff, dude. They were like, all right, they got hell in the cell. We're going to do our own cage with a roof on it. What can we do, man? It's hell in the cell. That's like if you spit into fucking chat GPT nowadays. Give me another name for hell in the cell. It would spit out caged heat.
I don't know. Dude, Caged Teeth. Caged Teeth doesn't give me like the Hell in a Cell vibes. It gives me more like a, it's a hundred degrees outside and you're fucking holding in a fart on a warm day. Like that's Caged Teeth to me. When I hear Caged Teeth, I'm picturing like a BDSM porno, dude. Like so fucking blonde with big old tits fucking strapped down in a cage, dude. Like that's what I hear when I hear Caged Teeth. Uh, if you guys have not learned yet, this is a R rated promotion with the pod warriors.
Yeah, don't let the kids listen along with five words. You know, Chick Foley show has been, we've been pushing the envelope here lately, dude. I'd say it's a soft R. We used to be like a hard PG-13 on the regular show, but it's a soft R now. Yeah, we're NC-17 over here, man. Do not let your kids listen. We'll put a disclaimer in the show notes.
All right, so this match is going on in the cage, obviously, to keep the NWO members out, which, okay, it's already a two on one against Sid. So I don't think we need to get any more NWO members out here. So Sid's just getting pummeled the entire match. It's just two on one. Sid has to pin Kevin Nash. Oh yeah, to add to the bullshit, Sid has to pin Kevin Nash to win and he cannot use the power bomb to win.
So basically this is just Sid getting the crap kicked out of him for it's about 10 minutes and then Sid out of nowhere grabs Nash puts him in a cross face and wins. Pretty nice cross face there. It was a good cross face.
Yeah, when you think like technical submissions, you don't think Sid Vicious, Psycho Sid, Sid Justice, whatever you want to call them. It's a pretty damn good looking cross face though, man. I'm not going to lie. That was the one thing, you know, when I went back and watched this, it was hard for me to get past the mental block of seeing one of the blue brothers or, you know, skull and chains from or skull and eight ball from DOA, seeing them in a world title match. But once I could get past that and just watch it, I was really, really impressed with that cross face that the big Sid locked on.
Yeah, my other note for this match was I really got nothing to say about it because I mean literally it's Sid getting beat on for eight to 10 minutes and then he just pulls Kevin Nash to the ground and straps on a cross face on him. Flair comes out to the ramp to clap for Sid. They said it was like a passing of the torch but I mean what torch were they passing at this point?
Yeah, they were trying to pump sit up there at the end to make him like the guy You know, obviously we know it ended with him snapping his leg damn near in half Some guys can't make the weight Yeah, literally. I am a big Sid fan dude I think Sid's a little bit on the underrated side as far as big man go like obviously if you're looking for a work grade That's not him but dude had an incredible look and a ton of just natural charisma without doing a whole lot So I'm a Sid guy. Where are you at historically with with Sid dude?
I love Sid. I think Psycho Sid was one of the best characters they had in WWF at the time. I feel like they underused him. I know he was in title matches and stuff, but I felt like Sid could have been the top guy in the company for a long time.
But yeah, dude, I love Sid. I think he's awesome. The whole master ruler of the world thing. The dude kind of scared the shit out of you without trying to scare the shit out of you. He's intense, bro. Well, obviously he was fucking, you know, just ripped, man. He was taller than Hogan, but he was just, you know, muscles stacked to the fucking rafters, dude. And he had those real piercing blue eyes and, you know, he had the
When you do his fucking promos man, like yeah, he was said was cool dude in WWE's defense. He definitely had that That ultimate warrior like super unreliable kind of deal going maybe that's what ultimately held him back from reaching his full potential But I like Sid man go back and watch some 95 96 Sid You won't be disappointed especially if you can catch some of the promos man some of the matches can be a slog depending on who he's working with but
But really, really cool, dude. I just, like I said, man, I couldn't get past fucking, even if they're just in there as like being lackeys for Kevin Nash, like, dude, the fucking Harris brothers are in the main event scene in WCW. I just, I was never in on them, dude. I actually liked them best as the, again, the Blue brothers, like the Hillbillies, like, wait, if you could get one Ron Harris figure, what do you want? Do you want, you know, Ron and Don from WCW? Do you want Skull and 8-Ball or do you want, uh,
Or do you want the blue brothers? I'm not going to lie to you. It'd be, it'd be a toss up between the blue brothers and skull and eight ball. Cause I kind of did like skull and eight ball. I got a soft spot for them, but yeah, I wouldn't, I would want school and eight ball. If I could get the whole DOA, if I could get crush chains and skull and eight ball. Yeah. I'm in on that. If I'm only getting, if I could only get the tag team though, I'd go blue brothers because I think they're a little bit more toyetic. Yeah, I could see that. But yeah, just
again. So the first match we talked about was May 24 of 2000. This was a month earlier, or sorry, three months earlier. And there was two title changes in the same night, three in a week, like
It's really, really hard to stick up for WCW when you're talking about shit like this, like pretty embarrassing, honestly. And this, this isn't the worst world championship related event we're going to talk about, you know, we're going to as a little tease for the rest of the episode.
David Arquette's Controversial WCW Title Win
All right. So next we're going to go with.
this is a sad moment to me honestly and uh i had to put this in here so it is bret hart's final appearance on thunder on september 6th of 2000 dude this would be his last appearance on you know mainstream pro wrestling television for pretty much 10 years man dude this is um if you want to watch bret in his um
Well, all the announcers are calling it his cry baby phase, but dude, this is like, this is Brett unleashing everything that he had inside. Yes, dude. He's shooting, man. Oh yeah. There's clearly no script. He's going off here. So I'm going to give you guys some of the highlights. He comes out, asks what the hell happened to wrestling. Talks about how he's the greatest professional wrestler in wrestling history. Says that all that has happened since he got WCW is he's gotten screwed over.
This is how you know it's not scripted. He talks about the WWF and brings up Austin Taker and Vince by name in the promo. They showed the footage of the kick from Goldberg that ended his career.
And then Brett just literally lays a mountain of shit on Goldberg in this match or in this promo.
Bret Hart's Bitterness and Goldberg Criticism
Goldberg finally comes out to kind of just stick up for himself. Says that he had remorse and feels for Brett. Also said Goldberg or Brett was his favorite growing up to which Brett replies. Basically I don't give a shit. Um, Brett just keeps talking. Goldberg finally corners them. Then Scott center comes out, attacks Goldberg with a crutch and puts him in the Steiner recliner. Wow.
I like the promo from Brett. Like you said, dude, he's shooting. He's speaking from the heart. You could just tell, man. I don't think Brett was a bad promo. A lot of people will say Brett wasn't a good interview. I think Brett was a good interview, but he was just always reserved. He was never the big over the top Hulkamania, Hulk Hogan type deal. He just kept it grounded and realistic. That's what I liked about his promos.
you can see the passion coming out man like in like I said you could just tell it's real man like some some of the stuff is whatever is pro wrestling but some of the stuff he's saying is real and it's from the heart you can just feel all the you know the last basically three years of just
Frustration after frustration setback after setback coming out of him, man You know when Goldberg gets in the ring He gets so upset that he starts stumbling over his words a little bit at one point He's like, you know you ended the best wrestler career ever, you know, and he kind of just throws off He's like, you know, whatever, you know, you know the rest He's so pissed off man
And we've never talked a lot about the Brett Goldberg beef on the show, man. I do think Goldberg's gotten a raw deal on this. Obviously, Goldberg caused the injury, right? He was a little bit reckless on that sidekick that he threw to Brett at their match at Star K99. But that concussion Brett got from that went undiagnosed. Brett actually wrestled, I want to say, four or five more matches, man, before his concussion got fully diagnosed.
you know, if you follow the NFL, you know, you know, you're aware that when somebody has one concussion, it makes them super susceptible to getting another one very quickly, man. And, you know, my belief is that Brett's, you know, he had the big one against Goldberg, and then I think he suffered another two or three concussions over the next, you know, two to three weeks. And it just really did some serious damage. And that's what ultimately made it to where he couldn't wrestle anymore. And
I'm not a, you know, obviously I'm not a neurosurgeon or whatever, but I definitely think it contributed to him having that stroke in 2002. Um, so it's like he said, it's just kind of sad, man. Like I wish that the Montreal, I wish the whole Brett WCW run never happened. Like he,
There were some cool moments when he came back and wrestled Chris Benoit on that own tribute show, which we obviously we can't really celebrate that now because Benoit was involved. And then I want to say it was shortly after that the WCW title was vacated and Brett won the tournament to win the belt. Those were, those were cool. And the few blue Goldberg has some cool moments but I really wish the Montreal screw job would have been just the end of Brett's career because that would have been the perfect ending for him just
go out, they could never beat you, they had to take the belt from you. It was just a sad ending to a sad period in Brett's career. And you guys all know how important Brett is to me, man. It really hurt my heart watching this, even though it is a pretty entertaining promo.
Yeah, it is definitely sad seeing him like this because you can definitely tell he's not right even in this promo. Um, but I don't know, man, I kind of enjoyed it too. Just for the mere fact that this is Rob, right? Like this is, this is how he felt. And, um, I mean, wrestling kind of just screwed him over for a four year period. And this is just him unleashing all that. I mean, some people call it a cry baby. Like it'd be the same thing if like your, your work just screwed you over for the last four years.
Told you you were getting it raised. Told you you were doing this. Told you you were doing that. And I mean, this is just a raw emotion that came out of it. Like I said, it is sad, but I honestly like this promo. I think it's pretty cool. And I agree with you there, dude. Goldberg definitely got a raw deal out of this. Like he clearly was not trying to hurt him. Yeah. Goldberg was definitely reckless as a wrestler. And I think part of that is just, I don't know, just the way he works. I think I don't think it was meant to work
I don't think he was fully, I don't think he was trained that well. And I think he was coached up to go out there and give that edge of realism. You know what I mean? He was, people always compared him to, to Steve Austin, just cause the look, the, you know, the bald head, black trunks with the goatee. But to me, he was always WCW's version of Ken Shamrock, right? Like just this unhinged, like dangerous person. That's who I always compared him to.
One thing I think would have made the signal a lot better. I don't think you needed the Scott Steiner involvement. I think if it would have just ended with Brett telling them off, then maybe Brett kind of just backing down or walking away from Goldberg at the end of it would have been better. It seemed like it kind of cheapened it when Scott Steiner comes in and you got Brett just yelling at Scott Steiner like, you know, get them Scotty, get them Scotty.
it does kill it a little bit at the end of it but I mean they were setting up their match so I get it but yeah it would have been cool just to have maybe not even have Goldberg come out just have Bright just do his bullshit in the ring and then just kind of end it I don't even think this really needed Goldberg honestly all right we are to the main event
That's what you want to call it.
WCW Title Match Critiques and Audience Reaction
This is bad. This is really, really bad. I just want to, I want to go ahead and put that out there. So the last thing we're going to talk about is a world title tag match. You heard me right. This is for the world title and it's a tag match on April 26th of 2000, David Arquette and DDP, who DDP, who is the champion, Russell, Eric Bischoff and Jeff Jarrett.
All right, so let's just start it off with the fact that they're doing a tag match and whoever gets the pin wins the belt. Whether that be DDP's teammate, Eric Bischoff, whoever gets the pin wins the belt. DDP had just won the belt on Nitro three nights earlier. Kimberly is the ref in this match who had just filed for divorce from DDP.
The match quickly spills outside with DDP and Jerr facing off and Arquette and Bischoff doing whatever the hell they're doing as they get to the back. Kimberly refuses to count any pinfalls for DDP. Kimberly also rocking a whale tail that would make Lita proud. Arquette is in this match for
I didn't count it, but it was no more than one minute tops. He rolls in the ring, spears Bischoff, while Jarrett also hits DDP with the belt. Both guys go for a pin. Oh, mind you, Kimberly's in the corner nursing a nail injury. Both guys go for a pin, but the ref comes in, slides right past Jarrett going for a pin, and only counts for Arquette. And Arquette wins the belt. And this is the promotion for the movie, Ready to Rumble.
Uh, what the fuck? Yeah, this was done from it ready to rumble fun movie that movie is decent, right? Like I feel like it gets a lot of bad name with wrestling fans just because it's uh It's it's just kind of tied in with this moment in wrestling and you can go back if uh, you know Go back in the archives check out the pod warriors go to hollywood. Uh, we talk in detail about it But yeah ready to rumble is fun too
Uh, you know, you mentioned Kimberly being being a guest ref in this go back and watch 40 year old version. I never, I didn't realize this until years after I originally saw this, which, you know, 40 year old Virgin and good villas. That's my two favorite movies ever. The speed dating scene. There's a, uh, a female whose breast pops out of her t-shirt. You see full of nippleage and everything. That's actually Kimberly from WCW fame. So I didn't recognize the first one. I was watching it, but another fun fact for you guys, great movie and a bonus really good tit scene there.
But yeah, finally fucking Dewey Riley from the fucking Scream franchise wins, you know, the most prestigious championship in professional wrestling. Like, just disgraceful, man. That's all you can say, dude. Like, if all the celebrity stunts that have ever been done in wrestling, this is by far the worst. This wasn't even the only time he won the belt either is the worst part. Like, dude, he won the triple cage match, too.
Yeah, no lie, man. It's crazy, dude. I don't know, again, it cannot be said enough how bad the creative got for WCW.
I was leaving this till last, no matter what, just because of the mere fact of how assinine this is that they did this. And I get it, ready to rumble they needed to make money off that movie. They had almost all of the WCW roster in that movie. I completely understand it. But what the fuck are you thinking, dude? Like you said, this is the most prestigious title in wrestling at this point. Probably the only one that probably even had a,
run at it other than this would be the NWA world title, but I think at this time the world title was by far the most prestigious. But here's the problem. So we just discussed three world title matches. They were all in the same year
and they were all within four months of each other. And every one of them ended with a new champion. And they were all on thunder also. Yeah. So, okay. That's a problem right there in itself. Not one of these seemed like a big moment. The crowd did not pop for any of these. Like the Sid one probably got the best reaction, but that's not really saying much.
the Kevin Nash one they were throwing shit at the ring after the match the one that he won so not good either like it the whole all three of these are not good let's just call it for what it is three title matches all of them are shit this is obviously the shittiest of the three but
Dude, why is this necessary? I just, I don't get it, man. It's sad. And like I said, the fact that they did it in a tag match and DDP is just okay with losing his belt, like what the fuck, dude? I don't get it. You could've just had him be in the mix, man. Get a pinfall victory over somebody. There's no need to put the belt on him and just take a shit on all your hardcore fans.
This is bad. This is definitely something that leaves a sour taste for thunder So I guess let's go into what we what our overall thoughts are of thunder with with the Nostalgia glasses on it with I got I got
Sting's Return and AJ Styles' Debut
it. I got two more. I got I got two footnotes man I want to throw in so one
One moment I wanted to throw in that was probably my favorite from WCW happened or WCW Thunder happened on the first episode. Remember we heard Sting speak for the first time in about a year and a half, man. It was the hook to get people to watch the first episode of thunders. We were going to get the resolution from kind of the fuck finish we had from the match at Starkey 97, Sting versus Hollywood Hogan.
And then the rematch on Nitro and JJ Dillon decided to strip Sting of the belt and they were going to do a match, another match with him and Hogan at SuperBrawl. And Sting turns to JJ Dillon, grabs the mic. First time we've heard this guy speak since the middle of 1996. And he says, you know, you, you're a coward. And then he turns to Hulk Hogan and says, and you, you're a dead man. And I just remember being like, oh my God, this is fucking awesome.
And little did we know it was not awesome. No, it definitely wasn't, man. It ended up being a mess. The match at Stark at Superball actually ended up being probably probably the best of the Hogan trilogy. But at that point, it was just like, what are we doing here? Like the match they had at Superball is what they should have had at Starrcade. It's really crazy how bad they botched that whole angle after one of the best builds in wrestling history. OK, what do you got for your other foot note there, bud?
AJ Styles the phenomenal AJ Styles Legend first ballot Hall of Famer in any wrestling Hall of Fame in the world his first televised match happened in WCW on Thunder when him and air Paris took on Jamie Noble and Evan courageous so this was on the outside barely looking in just because
I had come up with the original seven and if anything was going to take it off, I just couldn't find anything that I wanted to take off here just because I wanted to talk about these seven moments. This was definitely up there just because of how much AJ Styles has meant to wrestling.
Yeah, it wasn't a huge moment by any means. And I didn't even know this. I was doing research for this show, but it's a pretty cool historical footnote. You know, wrapping it up, dude, like I said, the thought of thunder when I first heard it, I was I was cool with it. I was excited. So I'm not going to go. I'm not going to say that I caught it. It was going to be a disaster from the start, but it definitely turned into a disaster pretty quickly. Like
Again, if you had asked me to recall my favorite moments from thunder before we started doing research on this, I'd probably have Sting speaking. And that's about it, dude. Like I said, the rest of these, man, there were some stuff I remember. I remember David Arquette winning the belt and everything like that. But most of the cool stuff that happened on thunder wasn't cool enough for me to scratch out the mental bandwidth to remember that it actually happened on thunder. It didn't just happen on Nitro or some other WCW show.
Yeah, I get it. I completely understand what you're saying. Um, I'm still gonna go pretty high on this for like the nostalgia because I just remember being thoroughly entertained by this when I was 13 years old, you know? Um, but as time has went on, obviously it's gotten worse. Um, so yeah, I think if I was going with my nostalgia rating, I'd probably go,
I don't know, probably like a seven, seven and a half, just because I did enjoy watching this. And like I said, it was never another outlet to watch wrestling. So I couldn't complain too much. Now watching it back without the rose colored glasses on, I'd probably go closer to a four. Yeah. IMDB has has thunder overall is a six point five. I think that's way too high.
Yeah, probably I do. One thing I think is also as well. I love all the logos and like the color scheme, right? Like the all blue and gray color scheme and stuff. It's when I look back at it, it was always a nice looking show, you know, regardless of what was actually happening in the ring and stuff like it always looked nice. And I appreciate the vibe of it. Like if they release some, you know, if Mattel dropped the WCW Thunder like Ultimate Edition ring, I'd be all over that man. I'd buy some thunder like a thunder snap back or some thunder t-shirts like
I like the vibe of Thunder. It was just the in-ring creative content often, you know, left a lot to be desired. Yeah, I agree. You have a look of it. I even like the music we played at the beginning of this, the first Thunder theme. I even thought that was kind of cool. But yeah, I mean, outside of some moments that you're going to go back and possibly watch, this is pretty awful wrestling, if we're being honest, especially 2000 and 2001.
Those are just not good years for WCW period. Yeah, they weren't good and it seemed like they saved the worst for Thunder. Yeah, it sucks, man, but is what it is. But it's still fun to talk about it, man. It's fun to go back because you got to talk about the shitty stuff just as much as you got to talk about the good stuff because it's part of wrestling history. So it's still fun to talk about.
Oh yeah, for sure. So in addition to putting together a list of the top moments, we also looked at some of the best Thunder merch. There's not a whole lot out there, man. Like they never had a dedicated figure line. It's not a lot of stuff going on on eBay. There's a pretty cool crew shirt right now. If you look it up, it's got a lot of autographs on it. And this is June.
What do you say man? The 14th? Yeah, this is June 14th, 2023 as we're recording this. You know, pot foundation is always evergreen, but I want to give you guys a timestamp for what we're looking at as it's out. There was the video game though, man, the PlayStation video game.
WCW Thunder Video Game and Nostalgia
Did you, the WCW Thunder, did you have this one as a kid, Jordan? I actually still have this in my basement somewhere. So yeah, I have it.
I enjoyed it man. It was totally different from the weird thing about how WCW did their games. They had one licensing deal on developer for PlayStation, which I liked those games. I never minded Nitro and Thunder. I thought they were, I had fun with them. Like I liked the graphics and stuff on them, but then they had a separate developer for N64 with THQ and those games were just absolutely legendary. So, and we got a whole episode on those also, if you want to go to the archives, but I don't know, how did you like the Nitro and Thunder series on PlayStation, Jordan?
I thought it was cool. I mean, like you said, it was just completely different than anything else that we had seen before. Probably not as cool now as it was then. These definitely aren't going to age as well as the N64 games. But I mean, they're still cool.
this was a turning point in wrestling games for us. I mean, they all had like, they all said something or you heard the menu screen. Yeah, they would talk shit to you to get you to pick them. Yeah, I mean, it was pretty cool. So yeah, I mean, I have fond memories of this game. Like I said, I still have it in the basement. So
Yeah I like these games and it was just cool that they gave us different games man like how crazy is that you would never see something like that nowadays but it wasn't just straight ports we had actual different games depending on what system you had so if you got if you have a PlayStation one or if you got a good emulator out there.
go out and pick up WCW Thunder and it's worth an afternoon of fun. Let's see
AEW Collision's Launch and Expectations
here. So another thing going kind of topical, which we usually don't do. One of the main inspirations for this show is the fact that AEW collision is debuting this Saturday and there's been a lot of parallels drawn between when Nitro dropped Thunder
and now AEW branching out to collision, a second primetime show. This isn't like Rampage where it's on late night Friday and it's more akin to like Sunday Night Heat than anything else. This is supposed to be another primetime show and Dynamite's doing fine but it hasn't grown a lot from when it initially debuted in 2019. They're kind of just holding their core audience. So it's definitely a little bit shaky man with this launch. What's your kind of thoughts and how do you see this collision drop going, Jordan?
Um, so I think this first episode is going to tell us a lot about how this is going to do. Cause if this doesn't draw major ratings this Saturday, which, I mean, I'm expecting it to draw pretty damn good writings, aren't you? Yeah. CM Punk's coming back. Do the, do those numbers. The NBA finals are over the Stanley cup finals are over. Like there's nothing sports wise that other than the college world series, which that's college sports. So it only draws a certain audience.
This should do really well. And if it does not do really well, I do not have high hopes for collision lasting very long. Saturday night, dude, that is a bold decision. I miss summertime too, man. That's when people are outside doing things. I think the first episode is going to draw a number, right? Because it's the debut of this, people want to see what it's going to look like. And we're getting CM Punk for the first time.
Basically a year deep, but my concern is it really just comes down to the time slot the time of year It's launching days Saturday night it what it's gonna be seven o'clock Yeah Saturday at seven o'clock day like that's when people are doing stuff It's hard enough to remember to watch smackdown on Friday night Steve, but now we're got Saturday at seven o'clock
You know, and dude, here's the other thing, man. They were only a couple months away from college football starting to college baseball is one thing. College football is a whole different beast, man. Like I just I don't know, dude, I think you could do a second show because they have a loaded roster. There's not enough TV time to go around to everybody now. But I'm just very, very I feel like they're being sent out to die, dude, with that time slot. OK, so here is my argument against that.
We have been saying for how long now that we would love for pay-per-views to be on Saturday night. It's easy to watch them on Saturday night, stuff like that. I know this is a weekly show, but I don't know, man. There's a lot of wrestling dudes that don't do a whole lot on the weekend. So maybe it's Saturday night time. And I'm not, I'm not judging anyone's life. I'm just saying.
dude. And I mean, a lot of times during summer, like we hang out at the house on Saturday nights. So, I mean, I'm going to watch this live a fair share of times this summer. I'm not saying I'm not this on where you're not going to feed back, just chilling out on a Saturday night. Yeah. I mean, this is a perfect patio watch, like have a couple of drinks on the patio, watch some wrestling. It's on for two hours by the time it gets over. It's only nine o'clock central. It's not like you're really wasting your whole night on this. I'm going to try to support this as much as I can because
dude I don't want AEW to die first of all and the more wrestling we can get on a weekly basis and like we said dude the roster is so bloated for AEW so I'm hopeful that this gets more people television time because
that's one of my biggest pet peeves with dynamite right now is I feel like they try to jam so much shit into two hours and not that I ever wanted them to go to three hours but dude they're doing a lot in a two hour time slot there's not a whole lot of yeah I'll give AW a lot of credit they don't do a ton of talking segments it's a lot of wrestling nothing really has a chance to breathe on dynamite it's like it's literally like one segment ends and bam next thing happens where you know WCW or WWE they'll give you like some recaps and
just a little bit more, more dead time, filler time, which that has its downside too. Dude, I'm rooting for it to succeed also, right? More wrestling is always a better thing. But one point I'll counter you on, dude. You said, you know, Saturday nights are kind of cool for wrestling. What about once a month? You know, WWE has moved to Saturdays exclusively for their pay-per-views, man. So like, you know, we got SummerSlam coming up, you know, first weekend in August, dude. You don't think that's going to absolutely demolish AEW that night?
It will, but I honestly think they've taken that into account. Like I think they know that when it hits football season, they're going to get demolished every Saturday night. And maybe they have a plan for that. I don't know. And now they're not running this live every week, right? Look, they're going to start out live for the first couple of months. And then it sounds like it's going to go to taped eventually. Correct.
I was under the impression it was going to be live and I thought it was going to be basically like the counterpoint to like a smack down is to raw. That's how collision was going to be to dynamite. I could be wrong on that man, but I was under the impression is going to be alive. Like you said, man, you know, Saturday, you know, Saturday evening, that is low stakes. So I can't imagine there's going to be a ton of pressure from TNT for them to do big numbers.
you don't want to be put on like you know fucking cm punk vs kenny omega or some shit like that and it's just you know a fart in the wind as far as as far as ratings go even though we know ratings are as important as they used to be there's still a good metric just let you know how much interest there is in your show maybe they're doing some of this for live audience too then if this is gonna be a live show because
Dude, a lot of parents have young kids and taking them to a Wednesday night show that lasts till after 10 o'clock and then getting your kids down when you finally get home. I mean, it's a lot for a week night, especially a school night. Dude, a Saturday night show, you're telling me if that comes within an hour of you, you're not going to go check that out on a Saturday night and take Brett to go watch that. I think you will. I think maybe that's what they're shooting for is maybe the live audience aspect of it because
I feel like their live crowds have kind of taken a step back. I feel like they're not drawing as much live audience, which it's a Wednesday night, I get it. But I feel like doing a Saturday night show, you should be able to draw some crowds on Saturday nights.
Yeah, it would be interesting. Like I said, we're all rooting for him here, man. I hope nothing but the best. But yeah, it's definitely going to be a big storyline over the summer, seeing exactly how this fares. You're going to get some listener mail, man, if we take this thing home. Yeah, let's do it.
Okay, so obviously Sam bro, you know, he's always coming through with some awesome questions for us. So I think he had the The same preconception that we had man that glacier was a big part of the debut at nitro even though he earned thunder No, it wasn't he says you guys think glacier would have been a successful gimmick
if he was debuted two years earlier. Also, I think they teased him for like five months. So yeah, obviously he was inspired by Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. And by the time he made his debut, the Mortal Kombat craze had kind of petered out a little bit. What do you think, man? How do you think Glacier would have done if he came out right when Mortal Kombat was still Red Hot? So Mortal Kombat was released, I think in 95, if I remember right. And then Glacier debuted in 96. No.
I think the five month lead time to him debuting killed it. I really do. I just, I think they really screwed the pooch on that. I get what they were trying to do, do a build for the guy. Here's the problem though. When you build someone up like that, they better come out and be like on fire the minute they hit the main roster. And I hate to tell you pal, Glacier was not on fire when he hit the main roster.
I think between the time they conceptualized this idea, found somebody to play the part, got everything ready for it and rolled it out. By that time the NWO was also happening and it was just hard to kind of have these two things on the same show. You got this ultra realistic gritty NWO angle along with these guys who came out of another fucking dimension between Glacier and Mortis and Wrath. And even though it's cool to look back on man, it just kind of doomed to fail from the start.
Sam bro says what was your favorite year at nitro? I'm rewatching nitro from 96 when Scott Hall came out and I just finished fall brawl and I'm absolutely loving it
Oh, this is an easy one for me. 1998, dude. This to me is still the biggest match they've ever had on weekly TV. So this automatically takes the year. Uh, Hogan and Goldberg on Monday, Nitro for the belt and the Georgia dome that year of, of Nitro is just really special to me too. Um, dude, Goldberg was absolutely on fire too, at this point. So Nitro was a weekly watch for me to see what Goldberg would do, see if he'd keep the streak alive. So yeah, I'll go 98.
You know that ties in man the Goldberg Hollywood Hogan match that wasn't even announced until the Thunder the Thursday before when JJ Dillon just came out and just dropped it out of nowhere that the main event Monday night was going to be Hogan and Goldberg. And look how awesome it was. All right what is your number one figure you'd like made from WCW from the 96 to 2000 time period.
Oh, it's Glacier 100% for me. I know Seth just got a custom done, but I'm pretty sure Seth would still not turn down an actual Glacier figure by Mattel.
If I didn't have our buddy Ivan's custom figgies, awesome customizer, Ivan Milanovich, also loyal Foley fan member. If I didn't have that, Glacier would be my answer. Since I got Glacier though, I'll go with Mortis because as goofy as the gimmicks were, super, super toyetic and it'd be awesome to have elites of either one of those two guys. I got some runners up too. I'll go Psychosis and Hooventud Guerrero as well. I think both of those would be absolutely awesome to get in figure form by Mattel.
I want LaParca also man. I really want a LaParca figure. I love LaParca. The problem with him is like, he's still around and still doing stuff. So I'd be really hard for them to get the rights to him right now.
Yeah, and he's for whatever reason, man. I mean, I assume it's something to do with money. He I've read that he is super squirrely about his like character rights and stuff, man. Like it's really hard to get him like on the dotted line to to do any kind of merch. I'm an idiot. What did you guys think? We're both idiots. The park, the real report could die in 2020.
Right, but there's a new guy. Well, so the guy, but all right, we'll go down this rabbit hole, dude. So the guy that, so he wasn't necessarily the real LaParca dude. So there was a dispute over the name, right? I guess he was a real LaParca, right? So there was like, there was a LaParca, like the real LaParca. And then there was this guy that started wrestling in WCW who also used the name LaParca. They had a big dispute about it. The real LaParca got to keep the LaParca name.
And the guy we know in WCW, he competes nowadays is L.A. Park. You know, that's his name nowadays, man. So he doesn't go by the park anymore. But the guy from WCW is still alive. OK. Yeah, it's it's it's a convoluted mess. Maybe that's why he's so touchy with his rights and stuff, because it was just such a such a headache dealing with all that.
Dungeon of Doom and WCW Title Belt Design
What did you guys think of the Dungeon of Doom? I remember as a kid thinking Kevin, Kevin saw them with someone's grandpa to escape from a nursing home and took on a wrestling career.
So I love the Dungeon of Doom. I thought it was really cool when it came out. Talk about a bunch of off-the-wall people in a group, though. Like, good god. I mean, dude, seeing the shark in a faction was really something. Wasn't the yete in it at one point, too? Yeah, the yete, the giant, Kamala, the shark. The barbarian.
Zeus was in it a Z gangsta. Yeah, it was a fucking wild cast of characters for sure. I like it again It's crazy. I think that you know from the goofy WC the dungeon of doom stuff They were doing with the cave and the waterfall, you know eight months later the NWO was on board But yeah, I love I love the dungeon of doom if they came out the dungeon of doom series of figures I'd be all over it
What was your favorite belt from WCW in 1996 to 2000? I'm going to go with the US title. I think that was one of the cleanest looking belts of the 90s, honestly. The flag right over on the top of it, right in the middle. I thought it was such a clean look for a title belt.
Yeah, same. Really, really nice belt. Brett held it. You know, Ric Flair held it a bunch. I love that title. Yeah, no complaints. What was your favorite era of WCW? I hated anything early 90s, but was introduced to wrestling in 96 as a six-year-old doing crotch chops and flipping birds. I'd say 89, 90, 91, man. I love that super late 80s, early 90s WCW. Mine's definitely the Monday Night Wars era. I just
that 96 to probably end at 98 run was just, it was magical for me for WCW. And that was, that was my weekly watch. Like, yeah, I watched raw, but nitro was like, I had to tune in and watch it every week.
Favorite WCW Wrestlers and Event Memories
Sam bro says, who was your favorite wrestler in WCW for me? It's staying. Yeah.
Scott Hall is probably my favorite that was there, but I put him on like a combo platter like WCW, WWE, like Scott Hall and Razor Ramon are kind of like 50-50 in my eyes, like equal. So if I'm thinking favorite WCW wrestler, definitely Sting. Sam Rosenthal says, we talked about some of our favorite Thunder matches. He also asked, did you ever attend a Thunder taping? I didn't. I went to Nitro. I went to WCW Saturday night, but I never went to Thunder.
I did not either. I thought I had, I thought there was one in Omaha, the closest it came to me, which was Lincoln, which was only 45 minutes away, but I was in high school at that point and I was probably doing something else on that Thursday night. So no, I did not. Sambrough says, do y'all remember Jim Powers? I remember, I thought he was going to be awesome. I remember Jim Powers being around, can never say I thought he was going to be awesome. He was always kind of just there.
Yeah, same. I didn't, I don't really remember a bunch of them. Didn't Sam Rosenthal ask what our favorite Thunder match was too? Yeah. You got a favorite. Yeah. Ray Mysterio versus who've been to Guerrero for the cruiser way title. I'm pretty sure this is like the second or third episode of thunder if I remember right. But I just remember that match being killer. I don't even really got a favorite Thunder match dude. I guess I'd go with an Arquette one.
Yeah, David, our cat one, just because it was the most historically significant man. Tony Barker asked, what were your thoughts on the WCW Thunder video game? We talked about that. It says in your opinion, what could have made Thunder a bigger success? Would you entertain a roster split, more main event matches, or what ideas would you implement? Fire Vince Russo.
That would be, that would have been objective. Number one, like I said, dude, thunder definitely, they had enough wrestling talent on the roster at this point to make thunder a viable option. So I just think it was who ran it, dude. I think they ran it into the ground because Vince Russo was an idiot and had no idea what he was doing. And yeah, it's not good.
Let's so Tony Barker says if you could put out an elite line of all 99 to 2000 WCW figures, which ones would you choose? So let's do you can do three and I can do three, man. We can alternate dude on 99 to 2000 WCW. So I'm going to go just because I don't think we're ever going to get these people. I'm going to go with a couple of members from Raven's flock. So I'll start with Lodi.
Was Lodi still around in 99 though? I think he went late here in WCW, man. Like the Thunder Glory days, dude. I want Jeff Jarrett, dude. I wanted a lead of Jeff Jarrett with the flat top, the guitar, and the slap-nut shirt. Yeah, that's a good one. Fuck, I didn't even think of that. No, well, since I already mentioned it in my other ones, and they were honorable mentions, Hoovin' Dude will be my first one, Psychosis will be my second one. Both those guys were around.
Hey, I know this is a controversial pick, but I feel like we need him in the collection, dude. Vince Russo. Vince Russo with the fucking Yankees jacket, dude. Tell me you wouldn't get a Vince Russo figure. They put out Vince Russo with a mic and the fucking the Yankees jacket, dude. You wouldn't get that? I mean, I would, but I wouldn't be thrilled about it.
WCW Title Revival Debate and Listener Appreciation
That would be that that's my second pick and my third pick give me a Goldberg for the chase Give me Goldberg in street clothes, man Like I feel like Goldberg a lot of his later era memorable moments in WCW We're in like street gear like out of the ring type type stuff. So give me give me some version of Goldberg in street gear Mmm, that's a good one. I'm gonna go Can't use Chris Benoit
He could be the chase. You'd really have to find him hanging. Oh, my God, dude. I'm glad this was an hour and 15 minutes into the show. I'll go for my last one. You know what? I think we need another or no, I'll go Horace Hogan just because I don't think we're cool. Yeah, I liked him. I was between him or Brian Adams, honestly, for my last one. Yeah, both good picks.
But I just, I think we have to get people that we haven't gotten before. If you're going to do a line like this, like we need first time in the lines for all these, I feel like. Sam Rosenthal says, not a question, but I hope we get an ECW on TNN pod warriors. Who didn't watch that? That's a, that's a deep cut even for us, dude. I'd have to really go back. I was not in on that from the jump. I'd have to really go back and dig in to be able to, to put, you know, be able to talk enough about that show.
All right, I'll tell you what, Sam, I'll put it on the list. And I'll have to give Seth a monthly time if we're going to do this. And then we'll go from there. It's not a no, but it's definitely a hard maybe.
Matt Carlos says do you look back at Thunder and have good or bad memories? We kind of already answered that but I want to share his thoughts. He says I know Thunder is what spread WCW tooth in but as a 12 year old I love getting to watch the undercard. At the time I didn't even realize they were using more B talent. I found memories of watching Eddie Kidman, the Crippler, Headbutt off the cage, even Disco have good matches. Maybe it's just nostalgic color glasses but I remembered it as a fun show. Yeah I mean I think we kind of had pretty much the same sentiments like even though there was
A lot of crappy stuff there. When we look back on it, it's always a positive. Like I don't look back at Thunder and I'm like, man, that sucked. I look back at Thunder just thinking about how excited I was that it was even going to be a thing. Yeah, I 100% agree.
Zach Hertzer says, if you could bring back any WCW title, what would it be? Dude, like, I guess I'll go belt design and say that US belt. I don't think we necessarily need to bring any titles back. The one that comes to mind is the cruiserweight, but I feel like with the way the wrestling industry has changed, the way even the big guys work, I feel like a cruiserweight specific championship is kind of dead. You know, WWE brought it back in 2016 and kept it going until about 2020 and it had some success, but
It's just the cruiserweights aren't different enough from the heavyweights to even make it worthwhile anymore. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, is would a cruiserweight belt even work with the current state of wrestling? And I'm going to agree with you and say no. If we're just going to go belt design, can WWE please change their tag belts to the WCW tag belts? I love those belts. Yeah, those are nice.
I wouldn't, I would not mind that. That's the only belt we're waiting to get a revision on. Everything else has been, you know, redone within the last, last one or two years. I can't wait to get those, uh, the tag belts for raw that just look like a world title with a WWE globe in the middle and then like in small lettering underneath say tag titles.
They might do that, dude, while you're bullshitting. I would not be shocked if they did that just to keep it uniform. But, you know, we got the US and IC titles have unique design, so maybe they'll do something special for the tag belts. But yeah, you just kind of laid out the darkest timeline there. That thought hadn't even crossed my mind until you mentioned it. Now it's kind of all I can see with updated tag belts.
It ain't gonna be good when it happens. I'm hoping they just keep it as one tag title though. Since they've unified them now, don't give us two different. Just give us one set of tag belts and the tag champs can kind of balance back and forth between different shows, man. But yeah, they definitely gotta do something. The tag belts are our last ones that don't have custom side plates on them, so you know they're waiting to cash in on that. Can't wait.
And then Zach we already answered his question he asked which WCW wrestler would we have like to figure out that never gotten released so yeah thank you guys for all the awesome questions spark a little bit of discussion here at the end I can honestly say I'm surprised that there was this much interest generated from a WCW thunder episodes so appreciate the support we told you guys before we are continually humbled
At all the the listeners that decide to give some time there's literally you know hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there You can find a podcast for any whatever the tiniest niche of an interest that you have you could find it So the fact that so many you guys decide to give some you know give some time up for your your holes to listen to us each week We appreciate it, and we never take it for granted We want to keep giving you guys the content you're looking for so with that in mind Please drop us a line if you got an idea of something you want me and Jordan to talk about on pod warriors again. This is
Different from the chick Foley show where we're kind of just talking week to week wrestling action. We were going to go deep on whatever random topic. And if you just go back through the archives, through the shows we've done so far, there's really nothing off limits with us. Um, this was a fun one. Remember use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles, find links to all things chick Foley at WWE, WWE, man, really got rest on the brain.
Speaker And Jordan hit us with some closing thoughts where we let Garth play us out this week. So my closing thoughts this week are whenever you're thinking, is this an asshole move or is this something I shouldn't do? Just think to yourself, would Vince Russo do it? And then you have the answer to your question.
3.30 in the morning, not a soul in sight The city's looking like a ghost town on a moonless summer night Raindrops on the windshield, there's a star moving in He's heading back from somewhere that he never should have been
and the thunder roll and the thunder roll