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Open Mic 25: Machoverse image

Open Mic 25: Machoverse

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays1 year ago
The MVP travels to the Kingdom of Madness and enters space because that is the place where you will find the man that is the tower of power, too sweet to be sour, and funky like a monkey. He is none other than Machoverse! We Snap Into what it takes to Be A Man, how the Machoverse was created, being a teacher, his time at Subway Mania, and much more!

Introduction and Pod Foundation Hype

Welcome everyone to another episode of open mic with the MVP Marco I am of course your host the MVP Marco
Why am I talking like this? I don't know. I think it's pretty cool. Just dragging out the words there. But anyway, I'll stop doing that because that's kind of annoying.
Um, anyway, uh, obviously I have no sponsors, but the only sponsor that matters for this show was the pod foundation. I say it every single episode. It's the greatest collection of content creators, podcasters, whatever, whatever you want to call them. They're the best at it. Um, obviously it's a chick Foley show who brings you the show, the open mic show.
Um, you have the turnbuckle tavern. They're the workhorses of the uh of the pod foundation, you know They pump our podcasts literally single every day of the week i'm on one of them on the raw down every tuesday at uh 9 p.m eastern. Um, i'll probably just barely make it tonight. Just break kayfabe. I am recording on the night We are doing this but this is a special episode. This is a special guest. So I would have no other way of doing this anyway
Uh, we also have the extra cooler show, uh, Nick and the team definitely fall extra cooler.

Guest Introduction: The Macho Verse

Um, one of the best artists out there, if not the best, um, check out his work definitely on his IG page and then coming down the aisle with J bone, he rounds out the pod foundation and, uh, he's actually my co-host.
On the raw down on Turnbuckle Tavern, where we talk all things WWE, current, some past things. You can hear our dumb musings on whatever our thoughts are. They're not really that great most of the time, but we do what we can do. Anyway.
Let's let's bring in this guest cuz I've been trying to get this this person for the past few months We finally nailed down a time to sit down and talk You know chat it up a little bit, you know, yeah, I'm using my hands a lot. So that's kind of giving you a little a Little signal if you're watching the video if you hear an audio, you're not seeing anything at all. But um, I like to describe this person as you know, he's known as that the Tower of Power and
Too sweet to be sour. He's funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit for this gentleman. And space is the place. Let me bring in the macho verse. What is going on? Oh, yeah. Cook the coffee in the green room. Yeah. Oh, Marco, great to see you, man. I'm sending out a virtual mega power. I always wanted to do that, the handshake.
Oh man, it's it's just slow and sits Man this is it this is exciting for me. I'm a first of first and foremost fair wrestler of all time Randy the macho man savage macho man Randy Savage however you want to say it the macho man the madness
The great he's literally, you know, he stands the test of time. Better than the best. Yeah, exactly. I mean, if you want to say if you.
When you, you know, he's everywhere. Like he, he, he extended his, like his likeness into the, into the me world. Um, you know, the, with the, with the denim suit, just sitting on the dock, you know, just, just pondering life. That's, that's never going to go away. No way.
But definitely that's an image that's never gonna go away that the promos they pop up everywhere. We actually use On the raw down. We have the get me to the it's gonna get me to the boiling point. It's gonna get me to the Every time there's a new macho man a meme video or merch have at least 50 to 100 people sharing
No, it's like I said, he's definitely a staple. He's definitely, to me, not the number two to the other guy. This guy here, he's definitely the number one of all time. He is a cream of the crop always. I mean, there you go right there. Oh, man. So let's get into this. How did the
How did the macho verse with the inception? Like, where did the start first off? I think my wig is crooked. So every now and then be going like this one cool dude. Yeah, seriously. It started off as a parody idea.

Origin of the Macho Verse

So my wife and I had just moved to New York city after working remotely in the pandemic.
We got here, you know, I have very few friends that still live in the city. I just moved from Westchester to Long Island to New York City. I'm here and one day I'm walking in the apartment and I'm thinking, wow.
Macha Man. That'd be funny if that was a Halloween costume. It was like Macha Man Ready Savage, but it was like green tea patterns and all like tea theme, you know, like the green of the crop. Yeah, the tea oil was really tough. And my wife would be Miss T Elizabeth. So she is a costume designer. She worked for Cirque du Soleil for like seven, eight years, a whole bunch.
So she made this costume for me. It was like a prototype. The Macha Man, right? And we went out to the New York City Halloween Parade 2021. I was Macha Man, and she was Miss T. Elizabeth. So she had a green Miss Elizabeth type dress. It was awesome. Had a blast. I killed my voice because I was talking. It was bad. Like Ned from South Park. Anyway, yeah. So we went to the Halloween Parade. Amazing time. I made a little Instagram account called The Macha Man.
Didn't really think much of it. Started going to wrestling shows as Macho Man. And I ran into a guy named Mike Romundi, who you might know, dresses up like Dusty Rhodes. Yes. I was like, wow, this is cool. I kind of want to do this every time now. We became friends, started meeting more of these people. Ended up doing a parody video for Disney's Moon Knight. But instead of turning into the moon knight, the guy turns into Macho Man. So it's called Macho Man. So I did that.
As a regular macho man, not the green one, saw the pictures and I was like, oh my God, I ended the video and I was like, this is amazing. So I ended up going to Brooklyn Comic Con, made two NWO costumes, their wife did the madness one and the black and white one with lightning bolts. And from then on, I'm like, wow, macho verse. I'm like, it's a multiverse of macho men. You have the macho man. And then I just started spitballing other ideas like macho claws and
We did Macho Hook, which my wife actually made, or Captain Hook mashup. We got Macho Juice, Beetlejuice. The Macho Dude, Big Lebowski. Yeah, there's a few, and there's some more eventually in the works. So yeah, that's how it started. You know, we got the Spider-Man, Spider-Verse stuff, and figuring why not with Macho Man? He's like the greatest cultural icon in wrestling history.
Of course. And you got the, uh, you know, I show my wife, actually the, uh, the, the macho juice one. And she was very, uh, she was very impressed by it. I was like, cause I showed the videos. Uh, I think it was a video of you, um, meeting Rick flair. Oh my God. He was like ear to ear, like he was smart. Like before you even like got to the table, he was like grinning, like.
Wow. And I just got done meeting Sting that morning because I had the photo ops signing, and the autograph signing, just met Sting, made a video with him signing the Macho Man Wolfpack shirt for 99. And then immediately after, my friends were like, dude, Rick Flair is doing a free signing, free photograph. My friend can get us to the front of the line. And I'm like, geez, got to the front of the line or waiting. And I'm like, you know, just getting ready, cutting promos, and like, oh, yeah, like, everybody around.

Macho Verse Meets Ric Flair

I'm like, where's this guy? Where's the coffee at?
Look at the mafia protecting him now. What's going on? Walking through and he's like, hey, what's going on? He shakes my hands laughing. He's laughing all the time. It was cool. Um, you know, it's a free autograph signing for an hour. People want to eat. Um, they got really mad at, uh, at Fitterman and to his credit, man, it's a free autograph signing free photo op dude's got everybody along. It's an hour. So shout out to that dude props. Cause that was an amazing experience. So yeah.

Social Media and Macho Verse

Yeah. That was, uh, it's, I love the fact that like, when you do, when you are doing like, you know, when you're, when you're meeting like the different wrestlers, you know, stay in the gimmick too. Like do they ever, do they ever get like, are they just like, Oh, what are you doing? Or are they, obviously Rick flair is a psych. I want to avoid that for sting. Cause I got the photo off, but you don't have really a chance to talk to him. He's like, Hey, looking good, Mod. I'm like, yeah.
Um, but when I did the autograph, right, I came back a couple hours later because the line was insane and there are four slots. So I'm like, all right, I'll go back to the four o'clock one, get there at three 45. And they're like, Oh, stay is leaving right now. Um, and he's like, do you ever have a ticket? I'm like, yeah, there was no one left. And he's like packing up and he's like, much hurry up, man. So I was myself. Cause I was a nervous and B I didn't want to waste his time. And yeah, like, you know, some jabroni and he's trying to get out of there. That's why I don't use the voice there. Um, people that are like, what the hell are you doing? Yeah.
I understand it's a business. A lot of guys want to get paid for the opp to interact with you. But I was at Russell Bash with my friend Dusty. And the night before, I'm like, what am I going to say if I run into this guy and that guy and this guy? I guess Macho Man. So I see Billy Gunn standing behind his table, and he's reached out his bag to get something, right? And I walk over a few feet away, and I'm like, ooh, yeah. He loves to lick him. Yeah, he loves to stick him. He's an ass man. Ooh, yeah, Billy. I got two words for you. Ooh, yeah.
I got that from Billy gun
And he just gave me this blank stare like, what are you doing? Do you know who he has that stare from? I mean, look, they might, I don't have their cup of coffee. I'm not knocking anybody. It was a funny experience. Another one was Million Dollar Man at Comic Con. The interaction, you might see him for a second, but I'm talking about Bagwell. I'm looking for Jake the Snake.
Right, because I'm wearing the gear. Yes. Yeah. And he just looked up and then just looked away. Steiner is doing his thing. He's in the zone. He's got his music on. He still was like, what's up, buddy? So it's hard to hear in these videos. That's why I always try to put subtitles because you can miss things very easily.
People are like, Oh, what's Simon's problem? I was like, you still said, what's up buddy? I mean, have to do that. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's no, no other thing too is I, I wouldn't, I would think they would like appreciate the, the, the amount that goes into the, uh, the look and stuff like that, especially like, you know, the snake around the arm. And then, yeah, yeah. Like, like me, uh, that was what you met Jake, the snake, right? With, with that, that was crazy.
Yeah. He looked, he really, he seemed like he was, he was into it, dude. Like he seemed like he was by the end of it. He was just like, all right, get this photo up over on that. Oh man. He was really into it. Yeah. Like I, I, like I appreciate the, the fact that like you're keeping, um, like that, like the name alive, like, you know, going around to these like conventions and stuff like that. And you know, not, not, not just wrestling conventions, that's any convention, the name of the, of the macho man alive. That's, I think that's,
Yeah, and it's not just in wrestling circles and wrestling shows. I'm in the New York City cosplay community now, and all these anime world people are like, macho man and stuff. And when I first went to Brooklyn Comic Con, I know a single person. I was just like, all right, here we go, man. I just got to stay in character and do my thing, get in the zone. Yeah. Yeah.
What's it like running into other, other macho bands or other macho cosplayers out there? Cause I seen a few videos, obviously with like machismo and all the, all the other ones and stuff like that. But like, what's it like, like besides that type of stuff, but like, is it like, uh,
Do you have like a, is there like a community of like an actual macho verse of different?

Subway Mania Experience

Well, I see one in Jersey. I'm like, uh-huh. I didn't know you weren't registered in this region. You scared me for a minute. You were a Hulk supporter trying to infiltrate. And then he picks out his badge. He shows me his card, you know, which macho region he's a council member for. Actually, it's funny you asked that. When I first got started, I was following some other macho man, mostly Brandon Savage, who shout out to him, was on Vice, played macho man. Amazing.
So I'd message him and I'd ask him questions about stuff. And he's like, Oh, don't worry, man. There's plenty of madness to go around. Yeah. So later on he had the idea of, Hey, we should go live one of these days, you and I, and Instagram, you know, be Macho Man. I'm like, that's a great idea. I was like, what if we did it with like four or five of us as Macho Man? That'd be cool.
So then people like their schedules are weird and we couldn't get synced up. So I was like, all right, I'm going to make an Instagram group chat. So now I think there's 14 of us. Wow. And it's, yeah, it's like, we call it the council of macho men. Uh, it's secret society of madness. Yeah. Um, it's a macho man, dude. You got one in California, you have like four or five up in Canada.
Um, you got one in, uh, on Long Island, this guy, Peter, who was an EMT, he was the first macho man cosplayer made all his own stuff. Like back in the nineties, man, like he's so good that there was a wrestling magazine and they had faces of a bunch of like the current wrestlers, like five of them. And they put him instead of macho man.
There's one in Florida, there's like Pennsylvania, Ohio. One of the best ones in Pennsylvania, Keith Bocanos. You might've seen him at some local conventions. He did my videos. I thought he was wearing a mask. The way his face is shaped. And I was like, are you wearing a mask? Because I have sunglasses on most of the time, so I can't really see that well. Oh, that's my face. So yeah, we have a whole region of matcha men.
We ask each other questions about gear, like, I don't have a picture of this back of this jacket, what's it look like, what color boots do you wear with this? We pick each other's brains, you know, sunglasses, the wigs, all sorts of stuff. And there's one guy we met named Chris Belion from CB Designs on Instagram, and he makes a lot of stuff for myself. Sunglasses, hand-painted, bandanas. He makes them for Matt Cardona, for Jay Lethal.
wrestlers and Macho Man enthusiasts. Man, wow. It's a Macho Man support group community, you know. And now, I'm sorry, the last thing, when we induct new people, you know, I'm like, what do you guys think? You know, you need to have at least two or three costumes, you know. They get so excited, like it's an Illuminati, like where I get to go, I got the job, you know. This is amazing. We're like, yeah, we'll get the team. Yeah.
It's like I said, it's it's about romance. One of those, you know, one of those, like, I don't even want to say properties, but it's just one of those. He's just one of those those guys. It's like this, this entity that, you know, that anyone can like once you take on the persona, it's like you just take it off. Like it's like, yeah, because he's that type of like, you know, you get the maneurysms down and all that stuff. I don't know if you're familiar with Andrew Dice Clay.
yes he didn't start off as that like he's the regular guy and that was a character he played and then over years he just became that guy um i don't want that to happen to me but when i'm i'll be talking to the kids and explaining stuff and i'm like oh yeah uh hindu is bleeding karma derma reincarnation and i'm like fighting and everything and i'm like oh man i'm doing macho man again and my wife will ask me stuff and i'll be like oh yeah or i'll be like uh is that right yeah i'm like
do it again so it's a lot of i'm already talking to my hands as an italian and italian jewish guy always talking to my hands in new yorker so it's it's more than ever now uh so it leaks out but oh man well if you well i'm i'm half italian as well my mother's italian my father's black you see you see me
I talk to my hands all the time, too, as well. So it's a thing. But the the the thing about, like I said, the thing about Macho Man, too, is when, you know, the looks that he has so many different showings of, you know, I mean, if you go back, like in the obviously the archives, you go on Peacock Search, just anything like there's some things that I've never seen before. Obviously, it's a lot of house shows that he did. And, you know, even he dressed like that outside of
like you know work if you want to call it um that was just that's how he just dressed like you know the you know the tassels and the glittery jackets like i i posted a video um it's obviously it floats around everywhere when he talks about you know he's on our city hall show and you know the impression from that yeah one of the one of the great that that's one of the greatest like
you know, things that I've ever seen that he's done, because I was like, genuine. It's like, you know, he's, you know, him being obviously him, you know, play off the words like the Macho Man, but you know, he himself, like you said, you know, I, you know, I cry, I'm not going to stop crying that like, just to hear something like that from, you know, that time in wrestling, where
It was, you know, no pun intended. It was all to like macho guys. Right. Being on shows, he always responded like witty, respectfully, funny. He was insulted, you know? So he was asked, is wrestling real or fake? And he's like, when I win, it's real. When I lose, it's fake, you know? Yeah. On the big breakfast in the UK with Paul. I forgot his name.
Comedian and he's he's dressed in drag and macho's not like oh, he's like, yeah, he's playing along laughing and joking So he's ahead of the curve ahead of his time. Um, he's on a show in the 70s or early 80s I see I I W a belief they're calling in and I see W and he you know a guy insults him and he said my brother says you're a wimp He's like, oh your brother. Yeah, you should listen to your brother's advice all the time. Yeah Do yeah instead of insulting them so
It's hard, but I try to do that online when people make stupid comments and after a while they're just so down in the comments like oh Yeah, like thanks jabroni. That's the yes You don't know I'm working out six things a week man. This is an old video. Yeah. Yeah Man, like I said, it's what it's just one of those things We're like well actually we'll get to that part of you know My one of my questions is as far as like so being on social media and having that presence like how was that?

Balancing Teaching and Macho Persona

Has that affected you? Has that changed the way you perceive? Have you thought of like stop doing macho at some point when someone says a bad comment, or do you get that one good comment? It's like, you know what? I'm going to continue doing this. How does social media play into? Yeah. So good question. It gets me to the gym more. So I'm working out more than I ever was before.
Yeah, I try to go for the least six at the most days a week. And that helps because if you're doing this, you kind of have to get in shape or have a little bit of muscle. So since that started, man, I've grown muscles like quite a bit.
I'm not like humble brat or whatever, but yeah. And also my wife is like, well, now you're really kind of getting famous in the wrestling community. Yeah. The Santa Claus for Macho Man, Santa Claus for wrestling fans. Yeah. So the day that I posted the Ric Flair video, a lot of people were salty of, I guess, past experiences or maybe feeling rushed at autograph signings by Fitterman Sports.
Um, so I said nothing. I just said, I just said, Oh, is that Goldberg? You know, um, but people trash this guy a hundred comments, um, of them saying, Oh, this guy's a jerk and this and that. And I didn't delete them. I probably should have now, but, uh, two days later, man, he starts applying to them. And, uh, cause I'm like, this guy's too big. He wouldn't even care what these people are saying. Right. He's the manager and Mike Tyson. So.
So he's, you know, it's offensive. I get it. He said replying to people saying like, look, it's a free autograph signing. It's an hour long, you know, we got to move people along. They even got a silver coin out of it. And and I responded right away. I'm like, I appreciate it. You know, that was amazing. Thank you. And I guess I got lumped in with people making the comments because he was like, he, you know, wasn't happy with me. So I DM the guy, we're going back and forth. And
I'm not trying to, I'm trying to be sincere and not like, Hey, I'm only apologize. I got caught. Um, you know, I, I got nothing to respect, you know, I, and no point that I bash you, you know, keep making comments. Uh, they don't know any better. I'll delete these. I'll take care of it. Next day, my wife's like, I can't believe it. You worked so hard for all this stuff. I worked on your costumes and you're burning bridges right now and you're blowing it by not moderating your own page.
Yeah. Yeah. You know, I've got to work. I do a story and I probably apologize. And I thank this guy, Ryan Fitterman. So, you know, it's something you've got to do. You can't be burning bridges, especially, you know, a big fan of all these wrestlers. And, you know, I appreciate every opportunity. I go out of my way to be respectful, although it's silly and goofy. Yeah. Respectful to these guys, you know, and I'm a big fan and I don't want to be obnoxious and try to walk that line. So, yeah. Yeah. So it's got the point where I guess I have an impact sometimes.
Yeah, yeah, no, like I was gonna say, like, you know, I talked to a lot of people doing the show, and a lot of like, obviously, social influencing is part of, you know, is part of the gig, essentially, when you when you when you get that big, and like you said, you get, you mean, you're like, kind of blowing up everywhere. So it's like, I tried to type of hear my hand either. Like, exactly. Yeah. Or yeah, exactly.
Have a nice can of soda. You don't have to be honest. But the like I said, I had like, you know, I've had like, you know, there's been a couple of people on that I've had on here that, you know, that talk about like, you know, the ups and downs of, you know, being an influencer, if you want to call it that. I'm not sure if that's really a term anymore with, you know, social media influence.
Yeah, the main thing is like they all don't see that as what they're doing. They see what they're doing on their accounts is just something that they love to do. They're not influenced or change anyone's opinions or anything or it's something they love to do. They're portraying it. And I think that's what's bringing those people to them. Right. And that's why I watch my responses too, because I'm like, if I really want to go in and be a real jerk and be like, oh, I got you. I'm like, that could come back to haunt me and bite me in the ass. And like, same thing with like, when Russ
Wrestlers are getting bashed in my videos. I'm like, no, man. Kevin Nash having an early morning, like it's a Saturday morning, like lay off the guy. Maybe he's having an off day. I guess that too, with like Scott Steiner. I probably got to leave those comments. People left about him or he's going to want to keep his. Yeah, I bet. No, I mean, when I met them a ways back, but when I met Steiner and Nash separately, they were, they were awesome to me. They were awesome. When I met him and got his autograph in the photo, you know, he's just,
I guess quiet. He answers, gives you the answer and boom. Nash was super tired, I guess, but like,
So when I met Nash, I was super excited. And I'm like, all right. I met him when I was a kid. He didn't want to be bothered. I get it. Now I'm an adult. I'm as macho man as one of his good friends. I'm trying to emulate and contribute. I get there. I cut a promo. He just stares at me. After it happened, I was like, man, that's disappointing. But I watched the video. And he would smile the whole time. He's like almost laughing. He's like, you know, I guess I took his lack of talking as like a bad thing. But you know, you don't have people going through early morning. Could be having a bad day. But I thought it was awesome.
Yeah, and you know, you don't think too is a if you if you think about like, you know, the amount of people they see, like you said, it's, you know, if they're sitting there, whether they're, you know, the, you're the first person or the last person, like, I think that kind of makes a difference to at the same time, you're like, you're portraying somebody that they actually like,
were like they see that they were when Eric Bischoff is like, wow, man, this is like you got

Interactions with Wrestling Legends

it down, brother. I'm like, holy shit. It was like a great video. I'm like, thank you. You know, yeah, Jay Lethal. I was like, hey, man, do you have any tips on doing the impressions? Like yours is pretty good, man. I'm like, I'm like, damn. Um, there was another one. I forget who, but yeah, it's just like, whoa, man. You know, it's all right.
Yeah, no, it's like I said, especially if you're getting that praise from like the, you know, the people that, like I said, have worked with him and, you know, seeing of an experience, that's, that's, I mean, that's a thing. Like with Nash, I would say like, if he's looking at you smiling, he might just be like, you know, thinking of like all the, you know, the times that he's, like later on you over him, say, wow, like that X-Pac and Macho and Sean costumes are awesome.
Yeah. Actually, you know what? Let's let's skip to that because I brought up X-Pac and stuff. Subway Mania. Oh, yeah. I've been trying to get I've been trying to get that dude on my show forever, but I'll try again. But anyway, like I see you appear and I was like, oh, man. I know. Now that you've now you made it, you're you're in Subway Mania. Nobody knew. They give it all for months. You should be on Subway Mania, man. I was like, I was on it. Watch the video. Yeah. That was crazy, man. That's
that's a hell of a story uh so if you guys are just listening um this week the new york times had an article on the subway mania subway rumble of 2023 back in february if you're not familiar it's a real rumble on a subway every time someone enters they enter from the previous car so the doors open that person enters and to get eliminated you get thrown off when the doors open at the stop
Um, so I watched that for a few years. Uh, I was like, man, these guys are awesome. So cool. So I started doing this and a couple of months into this stuff I was doing, uh, one day I got an Instagram and I do a story. I'm walking to a party and that's much man. I'm like, Oh yeah. How are you going to have a subway media? And I tagged Tim Rivera and he liked it. And he was like, Hey, uh, let's do like a video, like an Instagram live one of these days. I'm like, that sounds awesome.
We did that. And we just basically went back and forth as like Hollywood Hogan and Macha Man N.W.O. like roasting each other. We had a big turnout. Really, really fun. And then did something else with Tim. And in Times Square, we did a video with him and our buddy Spagg, who plays Kane and R.B.D. in Mankind. Shout out to him. But later on, they were like, do you want to be in subway media? And I'm like, hmm, my God, teacher, I don't know.
And then I'm like, geez. And I was a big, I was a big backyard wrestler in the 2000s. I went to wrestling school for a bit as well at Johnny Rod's in Brooklyn.
with I think Nana was there, Prince Nana, Matt Striker, Hale Collins. Wow. Kevin Matthews, yes. So good group of people. Anyway, so subway mania, right? So what happens, we're all supposed to meet up at 59th and Lex, right? Like downstairs, outside, like the steps above the station. So we're in the station, we're there waiting. People started showing up, we're all in costume. We got the New York Times with us. We got, I wanna say 50 to 60 people are with us.
I always say 70 but I exaggerate sometimes so signer math on that one all of a sudden you got a cop showing up what felt like
probably 10. I would say I said 20 originally. Um, yeah, probably 15 cops or even got the ones with the hats on hats. Like in the movie, Sargent's they're standing around. Tim's talking to them. It's on a Sunday night where there's no wrestling event. So we couldn't have been like, Hey, we're going to watch a pay-per-view at a bar event was on Saturday.
And, um, yeah, so, so that wasn't going to happen in the house of glory was on Friday. Right. So there were no wrestling shows. So we get on the train and we're like, fuck, this is going to happen. I'm the most flamboyant looking one of types. Chris Wayne is wearing a HBK vest, no shirt. Yeah.
over the silver sparkle robe, you know, the sparkly silver letters, the glasses, everything. I'm on the train and there's cops surrounding us, right? Not like, put your hands down, but they're on the train riding with us, waiting for something to happen, right? So we're like looking at each other, trying to give each other, you know, signals and stuff. Stop at the next station, we get off, we get on the next car, they get off, get on the next car. And I'm like, oh, let's do this. We do it again, they follow us, my Jesus. So I start acting and I'm like, you know what, man?
And I was like, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna go to Barb's and get out of here. You know, let's go, man. And me and two other guys, we get off and I text him and I'm like, yo, we're going to get off at this stop. We'll wait for your signal, right? We had a group check on it as well. So it turns out people start getting off. Um, and, uh, we all meet at a secret location. Um, and then I don't give it away. We get on the train, Tim's walking by, he's like, get on the train, go. So some dude, like doing a trench coat, basically he's walking by and not dressed up. Okay, let's go. We get on.
And man, I'm so nervous all that time in between of waiting. I'm so nervous. And I'm like, damn, what if I get arrested? And if it Rikers, and I work tomorrow, I'm a teacher and I think my spring break just started actually. And I'm like, what do I do? So I'm sitting there, everybody's stretching out on the one train on the train, you know, the car that we're all the green room train, the green room car, right? I was stretching out, taking pictures, warming up like this, trying to meditate, like, right.
The fans and everybody else, the audience, the cameramen, the photographers are all in the next car waiting for the show to begin. I'm looking at the guy, knocking on the witness, the guy on the, you know, beginning of the other car with the radio, and he's knocking, giving us cues, right? Macho Man's turn, I hear, dude, you know, the beginning of the song. Here we go, man. Music comes on, boom. I go into the zone, man. I'm taking my stuff off. My buddy Nelson, who's X-Pac and Seth and Roman in my videos. He takes on my stuff, I'm holding it, he's holding it.
And I'm like, all right, here we go. I run through. Boom. Hit somebody with a running elbow. I hit Chop on Jeff Hardy. Chop on Kevin Nash. I get up on the seat. I do an elbow drop on Nash to get him away, kids. You know? And then Undertaker comes over, American badass. I block his punch. I punch him twice. Wind up, another punch. Axe handle. Jeff Hardy jumps up. That was like a cross-body mess. I try to catch him. And now I'm getting, like, big booted by Nash, big booted by Undertaker.
My wife meanwhile was like, do not let your costume touch the ground. So I get kicked and then it's dropping my butt. I take a backbreaker on one point, I'm holding onto the rail. So I land the backbreaker and then I get up and I'm running around and grabbing my back like Ric Flair or something. I got to hit the ground, you know, like I got real quick for the elbow drop.
Yeah, so it's nerve-wracking. We had a plan, but you know what Mike Tyson says about plans? Yeah. Yeah. Got a plan to get punched in the mouth. Exactly. So we realize it there. So I'm like, where's the Hulkster, right? I'm winded, man. Camera's still on me. I'm waiting for the next person to come in. Eventually, Hogan comes in, and we stare each other down. The crowd's like, mega power. We do the two-suite, we do the handshake. Yeah.
Kevin Ash start kicking them together. Next thing I know, I have no idea. I didn't notice anything happen. The door opens, Hulkster throws me out, and I'm like, oh, man, I'm out. That was amazing. And what a thrill that night it was, man. The adrenaline was with me for the entire night. I felt like I was on a little bit too much madness.
Wild times, man. I remember bugging that journalist for months being like, hey, any idea when that's coming out? After a while, I'm like, all right, maybe it's not. And then a couple of days ago, and I'm like, holy crap. Yeah, seeing that. I was like, yeah, he posted about it, which is, that's pretty awesome. And just getting that notoriety and hopefully that becomes like, you know, next time they do an event like that, you know, you're not going to be surrounded by. Oh, yeah, I'm a staple now. I just don't want to be arrested.
Uh-huh. But I don't think we broke any laws. And then a couple weeks later, we got invited to Invictus Wrestling. Now I'm a Subway Media member of that. And we've been having a real segment with Tim, Ken Sars, and a few other guys, and a friend, John Tabenac, who does Nash.
And we actually were there for the halftime show and the wrestling show. And as someone who went to wrestling school, man, I'm like, oh, man, how am I going to be taking back saves? I'm not going to be like, who's this fucking mark? And he's got no respect. So the first thing I did, man, I remember wrestling school. You got to shake everybody's hand. I went to every single person who shook their hands. I'm like, I'm just trying to be right. I'm like, how's it going, man? I'm doing half the show. Good to meet you, Aaron. Went to Rod, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Made some good friends, made a lot of cool wrestlers backstage. Everyone was pretty cool to us. I still talk to a lot of those guys, really awesome.
But the segment was weird, man. I got a real Macha Man entrance, walking out of the rings. The NWO was waiting in the ring for me. I come down on the NWO Macha Man, you know, work the crowd, do the whole entrance. That was sick. I got in there and I did the worst Macha Man impression of the government. It made no sense. I flubbed my lines. The way I said it didn't sound like Macha Man. People's faces watching the video, they were like,
Some people I knew were like, yeah, awesome. And then there's someone, what the hell is going on? And then I threaten the Hulkster, and then I go to, I hit him once, and an X-Pac punched me, and they all beat me down. And Tim never did the leg drop before. So three of the guys in Subway Mania are wrestlers, the cult. And I'm like, yo, show them how to do a leg drop. I don't want them to land on my neck and screw this up.
and they showed him and he landed it perfectly. He hit it, you know, my legs went up in the air, I sold it, rolled out of the ring. That was an awesome experience too. I just felt like a huge jabroni mark. But I just wanted his experience. So, all about respect from the wrestlers and the business and you know, I try to do that.
Yeah, no, it's it's one of those things where like you get the opportunity to do something like that. I mean, like any any wrestling fan that is going to be asked to be in the ring, I think is going to take that chance to be in the ring. That's what I am. I am a fan. I'm a huge fan, you know. Yeah, like it's like I had a heel is on. Oh, she's actually. Yeah, she's actually my last. She was on my last episode, actually. That's out now. Yeah, she she talks about. I mean, she does a lot of stuff in Southern California.
Yes, like the indie shows she's gone in the ring. She's you know, she's hit you like tubes Yeah, like I've asked her about that and she said, you know Like I was like, would you ever do it? Would you ever take any bumps? She's like, yeah, I don't know about that But we'll see we'll see what happens. It's a different thing. Yeah, I spoke it to uh, there's another gentleman I have that I think it's probably he's actually out now to a field retro. Oh, yeah Really cool. He actually let me do some ring announcing in Brooklyn comic-con. Oh
Yeah. So he's a, he's a great guy. Really nice guy. Yeah. He's a, yeah. Turn, turn, turn buckle, tavern, a partner in crime. They are headed by the show.
Yeah. I know you mentioned them before. I want to podcast really fun time there. Yeah. Yeah. You're actually, he's actually, John's actually the reason why I got you on the, on here. Cause he was like, he's like, we're like talking and he's like, you ever get the macho verse on your show? And I was like, I was like, you know what? I was like, I never thought of like, you know, reaching out to, I was like, cause with, with this type of show, it's like an interview that and you reach out to people with DMS kind of weird and stuff like that. Right. Right. Right. Yeah.
I'm not sure if he's going to answer. He might be like, who the hell is this dude? But I was like, you know what? I'll give it a shot. He's like, no, dude. Love the bee gene.
Oh, yeah, I got the B&G and puppet. Yeah, that's madness. But no, you're right. Um, it's it's been fun. I I'm always so lazy, you know, I'm taking a nap and I'm like, oh, like I never want to like, I don't want to do this. And it's like meditation or work. Yeah, it's like, I'm glad I did that. You know? Yeah. Like, yeah, I'm like, oh, podcasts. I'm so hot. It's it's so cold out. Well, I'm like, nah, they're so much fun to talk to people, tell stories, you know, stuff. So it's like, yeah, love going on these.
One of the main things, one of the main reasons why I started the show is because all the amount of people I follow in the wrestling community, you know, different collectors and things like that. And, you know, I always, I always want to like, you know, what if I ever reached out to this person, would they ever respond back? And if they did, would they ever like, you know, would they be willing to come on, on a show and actually talk about like, you know, their passions and from what I've, you know, for what I see, most people are willing to, you know, come on. Yeah.
And like, and I want to know, like, you know, more about like, so this aspect of it. So you, you know, you have your shoot job and you have this, like, what's it like, you know, juggling those two things? Like, how is it? How does that work? Right. Um, at first I was like, uh, like I walked one day, I walked my principal and I was like, the macho man stuff, is it too much or what? And he's like, Oh no. He's like, I love your pages. He follows me. So that's a big, that's a big, uh, you know, big ops right there. Um,
I don't advertise to the kids. They know I'm a huge Macho Man fan. I'll mention sometimes about like, Hey, check out my page, the Macho version. Yeah. A thousand dollars or whatever. Um, yeah. So I try to do that when I went to, um, grand slam last year, I was on house of highlights and I guess they all follow that. I didn't even know what it was. And the next day, my second period class is like, mister, you're all over the internet. And I was like, Oh God.
But it was good. Most of them don't know, or they don't tell me about it, or they don't care. I was doing Saturday school this week. And this one girl was like, yo, mister, I've seen your page. I was like, oh, yes, you can see on Instagram. Like, cool. Did you just find it randomly? Or did someone send it to you? Oh, somebody shared it. Man, you got mad followers. It's the thing I do for fun. So
Yeah, one time when we had Grand Slam, I dressed up as NWO Macho Man at the end of the school day when the kids left because I had meetings still. So I did my meetings as Macho Man. My staff is seeing as Macho Man. I filmed like four or five sketch videos after school, like the Slim Jim one and some other ones with the letter in the storage room.
Um, so it's just, you know, I'm a teacher. I was always paranoid about like, Hey, you gotta be on my best behavior outside. You know, don't get too drunk or something, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Punch a cab driver. The daily news, you know, or TMZ like teacher, like, uh, yeah, teacher, um, you know,
the the
It's pretty clean. Um, yeah. So when I'm doing live, I'm always making sure, um, you know, I'm not, I'm not swearing too much also because I'm like a role model, but it's hard to do that. Yeah. I'm like son of a fish. I'll do the voice sometimes though. I'm just having a good day or it's like a day's almost over.
But I try to keep the job and this separate they're like hey you coming to Saturday school And I'm like I have a macho man thing I can't like so it's like Coaching baseball on top of that which is crazy. That's why I have a video where I'm coaching as macho man We had a scrimmage so I was like yeah, I'm just gonna bring my macho man stuff and like be a baseball coach macho man Man, yeah, what did uh what did you start? What what did you get like the what did you start watching wrestling? Sure um
I grew up in Bikipsi. So in Bikipsi, they had Moneynet Raw several times a year. OK. I wasn't going. I didn't ask my parents. I watched wrestling a few times here and there as a kid, like Nails, Beats Up, Big Boss Man, that sort of stuff. I saw it in somebody in a magazine, all of Boss Man's bruises. And I was like, oh my god. So years later, I'm at a sewer party. No, it's a pay-per-view at the kid's house. And the wrestling event, it's like a robot, the wrestling event. The WrestleMania is Stone Cold versus Shawn Michaels.
rock that one. Um, and I, I was like, Oh my God, wrestling was like cool again. And I fell in love with it. And I was obsessed. Like I had to watch that WCW and I found out about ECW. We started going to ECW, um, every, every three months and Bikipsi, when they came around, we'd sit front row, um, went to Royal Rumble and, uh, SummerSlam 98. So I was like full speed ahead. I was obsessed. We, I started going to wrestling school while backyard wrestling, which was like a secret at the time. We had a backyard wrestling fed.
of about five kids from five different high schools around the Poughkeepsie area. So all the strategies. It's crazy. And this is it for YouTube. Yeah. Literally every person at the turnbuckle Tavern, I think it has, it has wrestled backyard. I think so. Man, it was the same time I was doing it. So it's so relatable.
Oh my God. What brought, what brought the, um, so actually, you know what? I was gonna say your WrestleMania, Sean Michaels, Stone Cold. That's my, my, my, uh, my, uh, neck of the woods. Didn't get to go to it. I was very upset that I did, but I was able to go to the, um,
they had obviously the Saturday before they did like the they're at the Boston Common and they did that whole thing probably seen the pictures at Stone Cold wearing the Patriots jersey with 316 and all that stuff they did like a outside thing and all that stuff which is pretty cool but for so
For Macho Man, what drew you to Macho Man, like the character?

Admiration for Macho Man's Style

He's just so loud and shouty and outlandish and ridiculous. He's so excited, which I love. And his voice, like every year, I used to do this thing right into my adult years, up until maybe like two years ago. I'd be someplace, and someone would be on the toilet, like at work, and I would be about to leave the bathroom, and they're still in the stall, and I'd go,
Oh yeah! And then I would just leave. So Macho Man's intensity, I always felt the connection is weird. Because I was always that hyper kid. So I'm like, snap it to a Slim Jim. Yeah. As far as I... So for the... As far as his matches and stuff like that, do you have a favorite of Macho Man or...?
One of my favorites is when he almost beat Hogan in WCW for the title by pin. And then Brett Hart, every time I watched, I'm like, Oh my God, he's going to do it. And then, yeah, that's one of my favorites. Uh, the steamboat one, obviously all the DDP stuff. So most of my macho from that era was from WCW.
Okay. Macho Man with Sid, like just random Macho Man stuff. Seeing him nowadays wrestle an old video against Jushin Thunder Liger in Japan, like amazing. The Shawn Michaels match, like sick. I'm still going back and learning. I've always been a big fan, but since I've been doing this, let's be honest. I'm becoming like, I gotta, I gotta know everything, you know, I gotta- Oh no, you definitely have to go back into the archives. Right, I gotta watch all those stuff over again, you know? Yeah.
But especially, yeah, especially like the WWF stuff, like obviously that's most of his, you know, things like that. And, you know,
the ultimate maniac warrior getting together their storyline. Actually, if you want to go back to like a, like a rivalry, that's a, I think that's like one of the underappreciated rivalries that, that macho man's head was him and warrior. They face each other a couple of times. They'd be obviously they were, they were a team. They faced each other. They had the retirement match where you know, warrior retired and stuff like that.
And, uh, just say this story, like, you know, warriors, the macho King, you know, costing warrior, the, uh, did I say warrior macho as the, uh, macho King costing warrior, the title against Sergeant slaughter that kind of kicked it off. And then, you know, that, that whole thing there, but yeah, just that stuff, the, obviously the mega powers storyline. And early on seeing him get bit by the, uh, by Damien, the King Cobra. I mean, that helped with my, uh, that helped make my snake fear worse after that in temple of doom.
So that's a big memory that was ingrained in my head. At Comic Con, I always said, hey, Marissa, you know, months before I joined my wife, I said, hey, can you make this costume that when you got bit by the snake and we can like put a snake on me or something? And it's a great idea. And two weeks before the convention, they're like, Jake, the snake's going to be there. And I'm like, what? And I kept choosing my schedule to see what day I'm going to wear that. It ends up being the fourth day when my voice is so gone that all I can do is match a man's voice. OK. Well, better than usual, because it's so recipe by default now.
Yeah. So I was like, whatever voice I have left, I have to save for, to me, Jake, the snake. And then I could just start shouting and whatever. Yeah. That day, man. Never worked out with boots before. They hurt so much that I was walking around in so much pain that I was walking as slow as Macho man does. And I was like, because it was so much pain, I was making the face. I was like,
Yeah, maybe that's why he was making those faces. I got to use the snake of my arm at Comic Con to get your crowds very easily and fast. So I'd be like, oh, get out of my way. I got a medical emergency. I need to see a man. I need to see a doctor. Get out of my way. And people would move. And then they'd see the stuffed animal in my arm. And they'd be like, that's what he does.
Yeah, so for the yeah, but the Jake the snake when he tells a story about that it's really You better take that bite first With that video where I almost sat in his chair and waited for him I
I had this crazy idea. I know I said it was wife or whatever. I said, well, I'm going to sit in his chair and wait for him to come back from the bathroom. And she's like, I don't think that's a good idea. And puts her hand down. And I'm like, you know what? That's not a good idea. I'm going to be lurking in the bathroom. Because that would have been. Yeah, that's like. He might have caught a chop to the chest or something. Yeah, close. Roni Mark, a teacher. Yeah, gets his ass kicked. Yeah, dig it. A little bit of a cool story. Oh, yeah.
You got beat up by Jake the snake in real life. That'd be pretty crazy. Yeah. Cool stories. Yeah. Another thing is I'm a teacher. I'm trying to injure myself as well. So like subway, mania, no bumps, no bruises. I did remember from wrestling school and backward wrestling.
So, when I did a rock concert segment of the Bloodline versus the Legends, Chic, Macho Man, and Dusty, during this segment of MTV VJ, that has a band, a guy named Kevin Kenny, the band is Big Trash, shout out, anyway. At the end, right, of the brawl, the whole thing's a clusterfuck, by the way, we all miss our cues.
It's a live show. It was disaster, right? We're like brawling in the mosh pit while the band's playing. And I'm like about to hit Dusty. And I'm like, we had a can of him, and he's on my team. I'm like, only the Usos and Roman. So that's going on at the end, right? A bunch of cues are missed. And I'm on the stage yelling at my friends what to do. And I felt like Vince when he tore his quads. And I'm like, ew, look, back in the ring. Do this. And every pressure stops him, by the way. So I'm like, ew, Roman.
Someone hit him. You need to be on the ground. Something about to be elbow drop. And I'm waiting and waiting. Elbow drops happen. The song is ending. And then Dusty comes over and hits Roman with the elbow. Roman's sitting up. And I see Sonny Kiss going like, jump, jump, jump. That's a concert. And I already did. I just did two axe handles already. And my friends are just doing axe handles. Do an axe handle smash.
So all of a sudden my friend sits up and I put the arms up in the air. I get up on stage. I jump as high as I possibly could. I come down, elbow, boom, right? I pin him one, two, three. I get up and my elbow is bleeding.
Like, uh-oh, I bled on Dusty's boot. There's still a stain there on his muscle suit. Got that off locally. On the MC's shirt, his Britney Spears shirt, on the guitarist's girlfriend's shoe. I go up to the bathroom, and I'm like, I got to get the bathroom. There's like 20 people in line for a gender-neutral bathroom, only one bathroom. I'm like, we get hand sanitizer, right? I get that in a napkin. I put it on. I'm like, oh!
they put two tiny band-aids giant gash i want to show the video but i don't know if it's in a band my account is it that's tricky um so so after that i'm talking to somebody it's bleeding again i'm like yo roman my friend nelson um let's go to that let's go to dwayne reed right i'm buying supplies i don't know what i'm doing i hope you love this by the way
looking for different medical supplies. I put a giant band-aid on it. We're walking to the hospital and people are like, Macho man, we take a picture. And in my last picture, I'm like, yo, dude, my elbow's bleeding. You gotta hurry up. And eventually I'm just like ignoring the macho calls, the cat calls from the cars. Yo, Macho man, Macho man. Like, oh, I gotta go, man.
I get to the hospital and so it turns out that I had missed my friend Roman Reigns and I had elbowed the concrete with my elbow. Wow. Yeah, elbow the concrete, split my elbow open, could have been really bad. I ended up getting two stitches, that's it. I was like, you know what? My friends were like, oh, it's not that bad, right? I'm like, should I go to the ER? I show them. And Chris Wayne is like, oh, that's,
And I'm like, that's bad enough. I'm going, I'm going to the hospital. I'm going to the hospital. I'm going through security. And they're like, what is this? And I'm like, ew, I don't have any pockets, so I can't take anything with me. I have a fanny pack. That's it, pal. And I get in there. The doctor's like, let's see the belt. Meanwhile, I think that I cut my arm on his wrestling belt. And I didn't, because I looked in slow motion. Doctor comes in, and she's like, what are the tape on your hands? Are your hands OK? I'm like, no, that's part of the costume. That's just, I just had them.
My friend records the whole thing. It's ridiculous. So then later on, a couple of days later, I post a picture of me in the ER as Macho Man, and my principal texts me and goes, is everything okay? And then my doctor comments, true story, my primary doctor comments and goes, well, this is the first time I've heard about a patient visiting the emergency room from Instagram, but there's something here.
I was like, I was in so much pain the next day. The night of, I was like just extra my arm and case because I have the adrenaline. I didn't feel any of the pain. And I, next morning, it was so much pain that I'm like, yo, I can't even do the voice. I don't want to get a macho man for a while. I shaved for the first time, like two years. My beard is gone. Two days later, someone's like, Hey, can you make this video for me? It was like a corporate thing. And I'm like, my beard on, is that okay? Like, yeah, it's fine.
I'm like, all right. But yeah, so I worry about being able to do my job and stuff, which I'm a humble brag. I do my job really well. So yeah, that's not an issue.
But yeah, it's just, you know, my principal, I want to I said, my wife told me it's never going to happen again and it will ever happen again. So yeah. Well, what about like, how's it? You know, you said your wife, you know, she does the costumes and stuff like how she's how has she taken the, you know, this newfound fame on your end?
she's very supportive um she just hates me while she's designing the costumes before comic con and i think she made five of them four or five of them for me uh this year um so she's like working outside of work non-stop
But besides that, she's very supportive. She doesn't really dress up with me much, but she did come out to Comic Con for two days. I was Macho Hook and she was Ultimate Smee. So we actually had a couple of things. She was an Undertaker for Halloween parade and I was Macho Deuce. So she likes it. I gave her her space. Some days she's like, I don't want to hear any Macho Man for a while.
Our apartment is either all like skull, voodoo looking stuff, or her Chilean stuff. Macho Man stuff or Pink Floyd stuff. So Macho Man is inevitable. People get me action figures and I'm like, I can't take this. I'm only a Macho Man, so please. I have a New York City apartment, man. I'm running out of space. But she made me this for Valentine's Day a couple of years ago. Me and Gene Dahl looks like a South Park Canadian, and I have a Hogan at the park.
Luckily if she wasn't I wouldn't be doing this so it's easy for us to you know live life and go out and Props my friends do have kids because they're they're doing their thing every now and then as well Yeah, man Wow I get to ask you this before because I have a couple more questions, but I get it I've always I get to ask you this question because I suppose your question it's a SDL
Uh, what was that interaction like?

Future Plans for Macho Verse

Oh, uh, yeah, that was, um, so step the lander, right? Great. Yes. Step the land. The crowd. Awesome. He'll he, so I'm at a house of glory show and I was like, I'm gonna be casual macho man tonight. Um, so I'm wearing new Japan tank top. I got like, you know, just like with chalk line shorts, whatever it is, but I'm still macho man. I got the sunglasses a couple of weeks after I shaved my beard. So it's coming back.
Finally um, and I'm next to the entrance and Matt Cardona at one point is like fuck you macho, man So she comes over and I'm next I'm saying it's the guardrail next to the ramp and then she goes and I go you're going nowhere because he was trying to leave the match He's the heels walking away. I'm like I got you for three minutes plate time and she looks at me stares me goes Oh, that's really good. Yeah, that's pretty good. Hey guy was surprised cuz I was expecting some shit talking, you know some heat or whatever. That's what I
Yeah, so I was surprised, and I was like, my jaw dropped, and she goes, you talking to us all night? Yeah, as much as I can. Oh, yeah, trying to do the best I can. Which was, wow, that's really good. It's really good. And it walks away, and I was like, well, thank you. And I did not expect that at all. So next time, next show I went to, everyone's like, oh, man, she's really digging you. Yeah, yeah, that was a good crowd. I'm like, yeah, man, you know, much of madness. More significant sex.
Um, so the next show I went to like a few weeks later, uh, GCW and, uh, I'm, I'm standing in the front when her and Mac are gonna walk out. Cause every show now they're giving me the finger and talking trash, but I never, I never have a video of it. Right. Um, so I'm like, yo, get this video. Right. So they come out and this time, um, she looks at me and like, does a wink and like the.
that thing. Yeah. Well, man, and I added in the macho man going well, man freak out. She understands the way I think right now. Like his real voice. Then like the next, like two days later, I think I saw her again in another show. And this time I was like, God, I got to escalate it. What's she going to do? Cause she's really fun. She keeps like doing stuff.
So this time I'm Macho King, and I haven't done that one yet, so I'm like, I'm gonna be Macho King, let's get fancy now. And I have a giant Slim Jim, and I'm in the same spot as her, but she's walking out, and I go, oh yeah, would you like my Slim Jim? And first off, she blows me a kiss and goes like this, and I'm like, oh, this is great. So she walks away,
And she throws the Slim Jam, and it knocks my Macho King crown off, unplanned. And immediately I look at the camera and I'm like, oh, Joe, supply a bleeding position I'd rather not be in. And this guy walks up and he's like, I cut another clip later, and he's like, what did she say? And I was like, oh, let's speak Australian. And I spit when I talked, and he was like, ah. And he backed up.
And I saw the video zoomed out later for another camera angle. She wasn't even looking man. She threw that blind. She was like walking on the runway like a model and was like, boom, like I'm hitting the keys. The building's blowing up behind me. She threw it, boom, and knocked it off my head. So that's amazing precision aim. If we had said that, it wouldn't have worked out so well. So I'm just wondering what she's going to do next time.
He also gave me a cool s show too a couple of time
Yeah, no, like I said, it's it's one of those he's one of those guys that's gonna you know, especially if you portray him You gotta get you know, yeah, you try like I don't think I have the best voice impression, but I'm like doing all the hands. So yeah, you do that. Yeah You have the bandurism sound I think that's all that really matters at the same time. Yeah, do the bandurisms. You love the gimmick. That's all I really The only thing harder than the voice is tying the bandana
Oh yeah, yeah. I was late to the show because I was tying it. And then I'm like, this might never work. And I'm like, no, I'm going to wear the good one. I don't want to half-ass it without the lightning. And I changed my outfit two times. I'm like, I have more in this. Yeah, I try to do respectfully, you know, classy with a sense of humor. So like my character of Macho verse is mostly like
It's like a Chris Farley, Macho man, in a way. Chris Farley, like silly Chris Jericho character. Okay. That type of thing. Like, like, I'm not going to jump across the table and choke someone. Um, so people are like watching videos and you're like, Macho wouldn't do that. You know, he wouldn't react like that. And I'm like, I'm not him. I'm a parody of Macho man. I'm like, yeah. Yeah. It's the essence, the essence of Macho, but I like it. Definitely don't change it. Uh, the only other, thank you.
Uh, as far as the, you know, the macho verse, uh, brand, if you want to call it, like, what is it? What do you, what are your future plans for it? What do you, going to WrestleMania 40, uh, never been to WrestleMania. I'm going with dark said a dark loco. He dressed up like the rock. He does LA night, a bunch of stuff. He's out. Our buddy dusty mic is coming. Uh, iron sheet. Chris is coming. Chris Wayne is coming. We had a whole giant group. Um,
We're just trying to get our Kevin Nash. There isn't that he's gone, but I'm like, you're gone. Broadway's gone. Come on. Yeah. So what's made it 40 is a big one. Um, we're doing December 9th. We're going to be a hidden treasures collectibles, um, in Livingston, New Jersey. Uh, we're going to meet and greet a bunch of us cosplayers from 12 to four. Um, so you want to come through then it's a Saturday, a lot going on, man. Um,
Yeah, I'm going to be in a video game. Yeah, a character based on Macho Man, Bo Jackson, and some Marvel villain that's very obscure. It's called Nostalgia Fighters. I'll let you know when that comes out. We're going to have a whole Kickstarter when that's ready. That's cool. Doing a lot, dude. I'm trying to, and I'm not going to quit my job, principal. Yeah. I love my job and I love my pension and my benefits. All right. You know, I'm not, you know, getting two stitches is going to cost me $5,000. So thank you, boss.
Yeah. So yeah, I'm hoping to do more stuff with it. I'd like, hey, I'd like to get hired by Slim Jim or somebody that would be awesome. That'd be sick. So yeah, if anyone's make it, if any podcasts or radio shows are, you know, signing a deal with Slim Jim or anything, you know, I'm your guy. A life goal. I'd like to eventually have some sort of macho man memorial convention or something like that. Party planners have spoken to me in the past.
I think eventually we could do it. I have another Macho Man supercut compilation coming out eventually across the Machoverse. I put out one last year. It kind of helped put me on the map after Subway Mania. It's got almost 20 reviews right now. It's just me meeting other Macho Man at conventions and interacting with them.
so I have part two with like all clips that are from different events like Halloween and You know Comic-con this year and wrestle bash and all these things. It's all never forcing stuff, dude I got like 40 more videos just shot from comic-con alone. It's crazy. I've got a piece of myself I'm very excited and we're going to see you for the end and I can figure out a Tron works I'll do that as well
Oh, that'd be great. And not be like, oh, yeah. Try to make money and then hate my life. Yeah, no. Free tickets for stuff. I'm down, guys. Hit me up. Oh, yeah. Of course. Always cameo. But again, right.
Oh yeah, no, definitely. Like that's, I, I, that's one of the questions I always ask everyone on the show is like what their, you know, future plans are for them. They want to take it further and stuff like that. But there's all the other wrestling cosplayers, you know, most of those people are still alive. So you could get their permission. You know what I mean? Like, I was hoping to get permission from Lanny Pafo. Um, if I asked the day before I was going to meet him at the photo, yeah, tragic and terrible. Yeah.
Um, so we'll see what happens. Um, I mean, I've talked to mushroom as limo driver, um, his designer. Now we spoke on the phone a couple of weeks ago. My wife's talking to him all the time now. Um, his original designer. Uh, yeah. So a lot of people that were connected to him, um,
managers that knew him. It's crazy to hear the stories. Today was Atriman's mailman I heard from on Instagram. I heard from Miss Elizabeth's cousin, Brandon. So it's wild, man. Yeah. Yeah. The people hit me up, like the relatives of my favorite wrestlers. Like I was talking to Alistair's daughter. I was a huge fan of him.

Sun Gym Contest and Gratitude

Yeah, I'm hoping I do hope that you get a you know some type of a blessing from the for the Macho man estate, right? Yeah
It'd be cool to get a shout out or like a spot. Yeah, like something. I really, we were really trying to win that sun gym contest. Chicago man. I say I have to work three hours and I'm shouting in my room with no one around. I film with my phone against like a cup and I'd be like, ah, in the screen and yell around for two minutes. And then I edit it together.
didn't win, a kid and his father won, W.B. Graham's great, they did amazing. So, I mean, kids always win. That was my, that was my adversary. I was like, if you win, please let me know so I can stop waiting. And he's like, hey brother, we won. Like, have fun man.
Oh man, but uh, man, this is uh, this is great dude. I'm glad you, I'm glad you came on. I'm glad you accepted my invitation. I'm glad I got to talk to you. This is, this is amazing. I guess to

Instagram and Future Projects

the mantra and being a teacher, I'm like, uh, I can't do like elite interviews unless there's no school before Thanksgiving. So of course. Yeah. Um, but then, no, thank you for coming on and, uh, tell everyone,
Tell me what way they could find you. You could find me, you could find me in the danger zone. Yeah. On the corner of madness avenue and a snap into a Slim Jim Boulevard. Yeah. You could find me mostly on Instagram, the macho verse. It's like the multiverse of madness, but the macho verse. Yeah.
Um, it's mostly that I just started a new Instagram page, uh, wrestling, uh, world wrestling cosplayers. So I'm going to put a lot of stuff there. That's not like particularly me. I have all this footage of my friends. I'm just going to collab with them. Um, check that out. I'm on all platforms, but mostly you're going to hear it here. First Instagram, eventually I'll make a website. You have a minute meetup pencil. Thank you. Show me a couple things.
I'm trying to get Instagram verified like without paying so put me your newspapers. Yeah Yeah, check me out the macho verse stay tuned man, um Eventually, you just might see a Hogan macho man subway mania. I don't know man. Yes Oh, you shall receive it's been looking like that for a while Yeah, I was thinking about going back to wrestling school, but I'm like I I'm a teacher I
Oh yeah. I'll bump a little bit maybe. A little bit of practice.

Conclusion and Promotions

That's what they do. I'm more on the comedy side of things though. But yeah man, that's a lot of stuff. Just the macho versions.
Just just uh, just look out for just everyone go to macho verse. It's a great great follow. Obviously you can see he's a great guy And uh save here definitely check me out at the MVP Marco and also YouTube Instagram Twitter Oh XR
You're watching the MVP open mic. I'm a macho person. Right now you're watching the MVP open mic. Do what you gotta do and watch it. Dig it. Ooh yeah. Amazing. Listen, listen to the bathroom. Yeah man, that was a lot of fun. You guys are great. Thank you. Thank you for being on it. I'll talk to you soon.
Oh, yeah. May the madness be with you.