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We recap Summerslam, discuss the latest in figure news, offer some outside the ring entertainment recommendations, uncover Roman Reigns theme being a ripoff, and answer your listener mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things Chick at The wrestling magazine site we discussed on the show

SummerSlam Weekend Recap

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back to review and recap SummerSlam weekend. It was an insane night of wrestling. It's been a lot of newsworthy stuff the rest of the week inside and outside the squared circle.

Introduction and Show Kickoff

But before we get into all that, let me introduce the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing? Doing good. Here with a fine ice cold beverage. I'm ready to talk wrestling with you guys. All right.
Dude, if I go, if I go long, you're always like, okay, well, we've officially turned into this kind of podcast or whatever.

Concert Experience: 50 Cent and Busta Rhymes

If I give you a truncated version, it's like, you're supposed to talk longer. I wasn't even mentally prepared to introduce Marco here, but Marco, what's happening?
Yeah, it's not like the last time we were all together. We had like a 10-minute intro talking about 50 Cent and all that stuff, but now I'm doing good. We were talking about the moon. Yeah, last time I rattled on about the moon for five, six minutes. I guess you got to balance out last week's episode, but yeah, Marco, how's life, man? Good, man. Just chilling over here. I started back up the open mic show, so yeah. Nice. You want to be dropping this weekend?
Yeah, that's it. How was the 50 Cent concert, dude? Oh, man, it was great. It was awesome. Busta Rhymes was awesome. I have a video of him doing the look at me now. He did it live. The whole verse, super fast, it was awesome, but 50 Cent was amazing. So mad, only gripe. I have one gripe. He had Tony Yale with him on the stage.
And they did not do, they didn't do so seductive. Yeah, I was telling you, it was a big hit, man. No Lloyd Banks. No, but it's, that would've went, that crowd was already like eating out of Paul of his hands. If they dropped that song, it would've been insane, but that's my only gripe. But other than that, it was amazing. If 50 Cent still looks like he's, you know, in his twenties, which is kind of crazy. What was his closer?
Let me think. I think it was, I want to say it was a big rich town. I want to say that, you know, the theme to power, you ever watch? Okay, gotcha. Gotcha. But he thought he came back and did some other, some extra songs and stuff like that too, so it was pretty sweet. Cool, man.

End of Summer and Sports Anticipation

Jordan, what's happening out in the Midwest?
Oh, just, uh, ready for school to go back. Zoe goes back to school tomorrow. So summer is officially cooked over here. Um, we're, uh, we're ready though, man. It's a, it's, it's summer always when your kid is, has to be in day camp all summer. It's a lot. So, um, yeah, we're ready to get it going again. And I'm just ready for football season to start again. So the countdown is on.
She's going into fifth grade. Yeah, man. This is our last year of elementary school. We went to meet the teacher last night and stuff. Ari has some emotions. I really don't give a shit. It's all school to me. Oh, man. Yeah. Brett, he didn't even have to go to day camp or anything, but he did three different camps this summer and it was a lot, man. It's getting him up every morning and hauling him back and forth to camp. Yeah, it's a lot.

Farm Life and Future Plans

All right, Sheena, tell us what's new on the farm. Just keeping an eye on my my does my goats, hoping to get them bred in the next month or so. Yeah, so we can, you know, have some have some kids around here, some baby goats and start milking our mamas and
just planning for the fall garden. If I'm going to do it or not do it, I don't know. I haven't decided yet. What all kind of stuff would you be growing in the fall garden? It's a lot of greens, a lot of brassicas. A lot of pumpkin spice, nutmeg. Little weed. Those things. Yeah, a little cannabis in the greenhouse. Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about.
Want to remind you guys to check out all of our fellow Pod Foundation shows at Turnbuckle Tavern, the extra cool show, and coming down the aisle wherever you find podcasts.

Social Media and Promotions

Gina, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram, at Chick Foley. Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. And you can join all the fun with all of our Facebook happenings at Yeah, that's where you can find us.
All right, everyone remind you guys use Code Chick Foley to save 10% on all your purchases at Ringside Collectibles. You guys ready to get into SummerSlam? Oh yeah. All right, Sheena, take it away.

Logan Paul vs. Ricochet at SummerSlam

All right, so we are going to kick it off with Logan Paul defeating Ricochet in a singles match. What are your thoughts on Logan Paul once again? Did he deliver once again? I thought he did. I think it was a little bit of a letdown compared to what it could have been, but I think we were just expecting to see some sort of crazy spot we'd never seen before, but it was really good, man. I think he does great, dude. I think he's awesome.
flew in his gear and showed up in his gear at his brother's fight. You know, they're just, they're just so smart. Like, you know, I mean, he could have totally changed clothes, but he just chose not to, to like promote WWE. Did he make it for the actual walkout? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Freaking wild, right? So, uh, nobody has any other thoughts. Jordan Marco, did you enjoy the Logan Paul Ricochet match?

Jake Paul's Fight Authenticity

I did. I don't think it really did anything for Ricochet, but definitely did wonders for Logan Paul, displaying his talents, because as we've seen on Raw, Ricochet was just thrown into a four-way and then, you know, back into obscurity. But other than that, I really enjoyed the match. I thought it was awesome.
Did you watch the Nate Diaz, and what the hell is his brother's name? Jake. Jake. Jake Paul. Jake Paul. Yeah, did you guys watch, did anybody watch that? I watched the highlights. It was, eh, it was, I don't think he wanted to be there at all, personally. Diaz was like- Jordan claims- It's a killer payday, dude. I was surprised to see, you know, Nate Diaz even, he's fallen that far, you know, he's gone from having mega matches in USC with Conor McGregor,
Uh, Jordan, man, I'm gonna put you on the spot. Jordan claims that all of these Paul brothers fights are fake. Can you elaborate on that, Jordan? No, dude. They're not fake. They're just rigged. Like, dude, there is no, I'm sorry, man. There is just no fucking way that anyone can convince me that
The Diaz boys who are like the kings of like throwing punches and boxing and UFC like tough some bitches They're barely even UFC fighters there They're more just like

Ronda Rousey's WWE Impact: Success or Failure?

boxers that are in a UFC ring and the the first five rounds It didn't even look like he even wanted to be there. I'm exactly I think every one of these Jake Paul fights is just rigged like there's no
There's no time on earth. Anyone can convince me that Jake Paul could stand in a ring with Floyd Mayweather for five rounds or whatever they did the last time he fought. I just That was actually Logan. That was in the ring. Either way, it's just all fucking hokey to me. I just, I don't get it. I mean,
Jordan officially has a conspiracy theory, dude. I feel like his wrestling on the wagon. His wrestling matches are realer than Logan Paul's wrestling matches are realer than Jake Paul's fights. Like there's just, there's nothing about those fights that I enjoy at all. And I, I love watching boxing fights and UFC fights. Like the number one boxer in the world is actually from Omaha. So like, I love watching boxing, but I just
What do you think the benefit is just because Jake is so popular just to get more eyes on the product? Like what's the benefit of having him there rigging fights? Okay, so like he's not he's never he's never fighting for like a world title. And these aren't like, WBA sanctioned fights or anything like that. Like, dude, this is just a clown show more than anything is all this is. And yeah, if I mean, if they're gonna keep selling out arenas, why wouldn't he do it? Like, it makes sense money wise why he does it. But it just
It's just such a fucking drain on boxing and boxing already has enough problems as is so we're not gonna get into that but Oh, I thought Tyson Fury was from like Scotland or some shit dude. He's from Omaha
You said the number one boxer in the world. That would be Bud Crawford not fucking Tyson Fury, bro. Every time Tyson Fury's on WWE, they say he's the lineal heavyweight champ, dude. How does that not make him number one in the world? Yeah, I mean, that's very true. Anything WWE says is fucking gospel. Yeah, this is just to be the desirable match of all time.
Bud Crawford is different. Bud Crawford's a machine, dude. He's the guy who had M&M out with him, right? Yeah.
If you have Eminem walk you to the ring, like there, there's no greater. Yeah, it's just, it's insane. But, um, as far as Logan Paul match goes, I said this last week, I had a bad feeling about this match. I think that was Logan Paul's worst match. Honestly, I don't know, man. It just, it felt like a lot of it was just them waiting around to do the next spot. And that's exactly what I was scared of. And yeah, just, I mean, it was fine. It just, it was not what it was hyped up to be.
Yeah, that's still a high bar though. Yeah, I think that's almost like a backhanded compliment that that was his worst match because it was still totally passable I guess like I said there was that there wasn't really that like OMG moment that you were expecting Out of these two and then the ending just this random security guard hands him some brass knuckles like yeah

LA Knight's Popularity and SummerSlam Battle Royal

at least you know reveal the security guard set up something for ricochet to do the next night, but
Uh, yeah, just, you know, it was like a C minus for me, man. It was a passing grade, but I, it was between that and, you know, the, the MMA rules match. We're going to talk about it for being like, we can skip that. We don't have to talk about that.
Well, we'll just get, we'll go right to that. We'll go ahead and breeze right through that. So Shayna Baszler defeated Ronda Rousey in an MMA rules match that we, none of us knew going into it, what the hell this was going to be, what it was going to look like, what was going to happen. And ultimately like WWE didn't know what it was supposed to be either because yeah.
I was actually, I saw some highlights, but I was actually putting Stella to sleep during this, you know, I had her in her sleeper hold up there while this match was going on. So I missed this glorious match, but it doesn't seem like I missed too much. They should have just, man, it was like a rush. I'm assuming if the rumors are true, and this is Ronda Rousey's last match, they just figured, hey, you know what?
We got to get in in the ring and maybe they always had an idea of doing a MMA rules match, but it felt rushed I feel like maybe they should have had like a couple of regular matches to build up to this and then dude either make it a fight pit match That's something we've seen where we know it's gonna be MMA heavy But not necessarily a straight-up MMA match or bring back the the lions den from you know Steve Blackman and Owen Hart something like that like go all in on the gimmick but this was just kind of like a half-assed effort to put a MMA gimmick match together and it just it died a death out there and
And both of them can wrestle. So I just don't know why they didn't just do what the, I mean, I guess they're both, they both can freaking fight, but that it's just a different, I mean, they weren't really fighting, but they were trying to pretend to fight, which just didn't resonate. They would have both been better served to get out there and just wrestle, you know, have a match.
Yeah. Any other thoughts on Shayna versus Rhonda? Totally forgettable, unfortunately, especially if this is Rhonda's last match. Yeah, the only thing I can think of is if they were to, if they were to, I mean, which they didn't, because they usually do last minute things anyway, but when they first like announced them facing each other at SummerSlam, it should have been announced then, like the MMA rules match, and they should have been like, you know, WWE is great at doing like video packages, and all that type of stuff, they could have hyped it up enough.
where we would be interested in it. And then, you know, know what to expect going into the into the actual match. But obviously that didn't happen. It was just like, you know, up until like the week of it was MMA rules match. And we're all like, what the hell is that? So I think I think you've properly positioned as a as a, you know, legit like type of match. I think they I think we wouldn't be like really that sour on it. We probably so would be, but not as much as we are.
now. Okay, so here's my biggest thing with this match. Like, okay, fine. You want to do an MMA rules match? That's fine. But dude, the minute they went outside the fucking ring, it ruined the entire fucking premise of the match. Like, yeah, rules means you're in the ring or the cage the entire time. There's no going outside the ring. Like,
I don't know, dude, Rhonda's matches down

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar Analysis

the stretch for me just became such a slog. Like there, there was nothing left for her to do in WWE. And you could kind of tell that she was on her way out for the last six months. I mean, when you watched her wrestle, it wasn't the same. So I get the premise of doing this and they always wanted to have an actual MMA match in UFC, but China could never get to UFC. So I get the premise of it. They're best friends, but dude. And the problem is is,
I mean, when you kind of quote unquote play fight, bad shit happens. And Shana did get hurt in that match. Like, yeah, that fire knee, she took straight to the freaking, something, something happened to her left arm too. Um, in that match, she said like, she like strained it or something. I don't know, but she was wearing a brace after the match. So I don't know, man. It just, this is exactly kind of what I expected and it was not good. So.
So if the rumors are true and it really was Ronda Rousey's last match in WWE, do you guys consider her overall run a failure or success?
It's tough, dude. I think there are parts of it that you can consider a success, but yeah, I think, well, there's recency bias too. I think if we need to be a little more further removed from- Talking from the moment she showed up at the end of Royal Rumble 2018 until SummerSlam. I mean, that was a moment, dude, when she showed up. Are we giving it the pass or the fail?
I'm giving it a pass. I think it was, I think it was passable. I think WWE could have done her a much better favor in the beginning, especially by giving her, um, you know, a Paul Heyman type character to go along with her. Somebody like, you know, MVP. Paul Heyman type. Just put Paul Heyman away.
But yeah, she really needed somebody to carry her on the mic do because they let her get up there and just kind of like bury yourself with bad promos and it really kind of killed her momentum and kind of her just like badassery. You know, you can't say you're the baddest woman on the planet get up there and just kind of like fumble around the first run she had she had like
Charisma with the way she performed in the ring, but yeah like never really developed the mic skills I still call it a success if for no other reason that she was you know involved with the first ever females made of any WrestleMania So that yeah, that's a huge win right there. I hear people all the time say, you know that only happened because of Becky But dude and if shot if Ronda Rousey is not involved in WWE I don't think that they pull the trigger on on having the main event WrestleMania 35 no matter how hot Becky was Yeah
Yeah, it just, I don't know, man, as it ever since she came back at the Royal Rumble last year, I just, oh, man, it ever since that it just did not feel the same as it did the first go around to me. It just, I don't know, it seemed like they're forcing everything with her.
But I think that I quit match she had with Charlotte at backlash after WrestleMania, where it was like, you know, you straight up had to say I quit. That was pretty bad ass. But other than that, I don't think I have any super fond moments, man. I just don't think she's into it, dude. I think especially ever since she, you know, had her baby and became a mom and everything like Ron does a straight up like homebody, dude, like she's a farmer, homesteader, like the whole thing. She likes to be at home. And I think especially after having her baby, her heart just wasn't in it. Her mind wasn't in it.
Obviously, the pay is there. I don't know what her contractual obligations were, but I think she's ready to be done. Yeah, I agree.
All right, moving on. Let's talk about the 25-man Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal. LA Knight won by eliminating Sheamus. I've been getting roasted by this from the comments and feedback we get on the pod, dude. I'm still a LA Knight denier, man. I don't think the dude's really over. I think it's a meme, man. I think it's just somehow
This became a thing that all the wrestling fans agreed that they were going to cheer for no matter what. And I think if they actually do put some steam behind him, I think it's going to be dead within a few weeks. I might have to agree with you on that. Yeah.

LA Knight as a Mid-Card Champion?

I have to see what happened on Monday night with him and the Miz. Miz owned him so bad on the mic, dude.
It was, uh, I don't know. Yeah, that, that right there, that his lines a couple of times. Yeah. To me, I think he's fine on the mic to me. It's just in the end ring, man. It's like, it's like, there's no there there for me, man. Like eventually the bells got a ring and like, you know, Cody's the number one baby face right now. Let's compare him to Cody. Like, do you see him? Could you see LA night going out and put on a match with, uh, you know, like Cody and Brock head? Cause I can't in my wildest, most optimistic visions. I can't see it happening.
I think, dude, I think the highest for LA night is like the U S intercontinental title. And I think that's a fine place for him. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm seeing people that are like, you know, he's not saying this dude might be the guy to dethrone Roman. That's the problem with wrestling fans, dude. That's the problem with wrestling fans. When there's, when somebody's like, you know, over, whether it's fake over or not, like, yeah, they feel like they have to be the top guy. Like if people are chanting these people's names, everybody's like, Oh, well they need to be, they need to be in the title picture. And dude, I freaking hate that man.
Yeah, he does need to be in the title picture. The US title or the intercontinental title, it brings some steam to those titles. Like, dude, their biggest problem right now is the US title has zero steam to it. Austin Theory has died a fucking slow death the last six months. Like they need to get that title off him immediately.
LA Knight has to be the dude that beats him. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, great. I'd like to see that, too. Yeah. And like you said, Jordan, there's nothing wrong with being a really, really over mid-carter and that's kind of what you level out at, you know? Yeah, so I don't know. We'll see. Time will tell, man. Maybe I'll end up eating my words and this dude, WrestleMania 40 ends with this dude holding up, you know, all three of Roman's belts. He is not. No. No. Zero chance. Yeah. I mean, the thing that kills me, too, is like they're they call it like the yeah movement, like as opposed to like the yes movement. I'm like,
No, God. You can't compare Daniel Bryan's movement at the time to this. It's not even a movement. It's just people just saying, yeah. It's just people repeating him. The Yes movement was like, Daniel Bryan was getting screwed every single week and they said he wasn't good enough. Yeah, there's no story behind this. It's just like, yeah, it's like the fucking what chant. Once they did that and then see what happened to him,
on Monday night with the Miz, I'm like, dude, they put him in the ring with one of the deadliest dudes on the mic, and he kind of fumbled a little bit. So yeah, that kind of, right when Seth said that, I was like, yeah, I'm on board with him just being kind of like a flavor almost for now. Yeah. Yeah. Love to talk to you.
Well, you guys between you and Marco I hit like four years and like a 30-second span. Yeah, maybe he is onto something Yeah
Yep. Well, you guys mentioned him, so I'm going to go on and move on to Cody Rhodes, not only defeated, but also de-pantsed Brock Lesnar. Awesome match. Awesome match. I officially said I'm a known Cody hater. I'm buying some Cody stock, just a nibble. I got a little nibble of Cody stock after that match. Did you hear that? Did you hear that, J.C. Snead? James Cody Cancer Berry is going to be doing free kid cartwheels.
To the portfolio such a cool moment brock put him over. We've really never seen that before It was like organic. Yeah from what I've read I think it was just straight up like rock doing Brock things I do want to see a WWE 24 style documentary though on Brock Lesnar shorts. We need like some
The pruder film super slow-mo and find out exactly what happened. It's just shred his shorts like that. I mean, I was like fucking grade a blowout right there. That's what we were talking about in the chat. It was like all you had to do to earn Brock's respect all these years is just blow his pants out, dude. They were right. He basically had like fucking it looked like the shorts buddy Murphy's wrestling with like the fucking yeah, a little thing. Thank God. He was a free ball.
That was a pair of drawers you got for Christmas when you were like 18 years old and you just hung on to them forever. That's what that reminded me of. This must have been like the original B shorts, just dry rotted. Some of those underwear you keep for just like way too long, start wearing the holes out and all over. Just reballing it a little bit with the
Well, that's what I was like, what's he got under there, dude? I was like, hopefully he's like, you know, protected. They were exploding. There was like three different strands of fabric popping out. It wasn't even like he just like tore a hole in the scene. It looked like he was wearing chaps by the end of it, dude. It was just like straight, like, you know, ass out, like legs open.
He's a cowboy, man. Cowboy Brock. Yeah, he's a freaking cowboy. Living the full gimmick. Living the gimmick. That's a really great moment. Cody looked like a million dollars coming out of that match, even before Brock putting him over, because he took an ass whooping there in that match.

Cody Rhodes' Upcoming Storylines

Yeah, he did.
Cody is definitely moving up the ranks again. But dude, getting the non scripted Brock hand raise, that's a pretty big fucking moment. He done that to anybody. Like we're talking the only time I've ever seen him
like show respect after a match. Hell in the Cell 2015 against the Undertaker. This was when they wrapped up that series of matches they had in 15. He didn't go near that far, but as he was leaving, he beat the Undertaker. And as he was leaving, he turned back and gave like a little head nod and like a little half ass salute to show some respect to the dead man. And that's about it.
like face to face like like forehead to forehead almost like made out with yeah and i know and i know cody's cody's a good actor and everything but you could see like the trepidation in cody's face like he was like what's about to happen please don't f5 me yeah yeah cody's like you know what am i supposed to be doing here and then he he got the handshake and the hug and everything so
I mean, Roxanne Reaver and giving that to Roman. Like, obviously we know those guys got to be at least a little bit tight backstage, man, with all the matches they've had. But yeah, that was a really big deal, man, him doing that for Cody. That's good, though. You know, we were talking about after WrestleMania, I was like, I don't know that Cody's ever going to get back up to the place that he was, dude. So this is a good start. That was a nice, yeah, that was a nice push. We need a banger of a story for WrestleMania season. I don't think Cody needs to win the Rumble. I don't think he needs to find a backdoor to,
to getting into that WrestleMania match, man. I don't think we need to see him. I think, you know, let him be the runner up in the Rumble, you know what I mean? And have to fight, do something to get into it. But yeah, we need a hell of a story this year. Because last year was really just straight up. He won the Rumble and challenged Roman. There wasn't even a whole lot of story between the two of them other than some promos. Yeah. I think we need to go all out some classic sports entertainment this WrestleMania season. So what's next for Cody Rhodes?
I think we get a little detour with him going after Seth. They teased that on Monday night. I can see him going for that and getting screwed out of it or coming up short somehow, or they could pivot somewhere else. I don't know. We could see a lot of things, man, but I think maybe we see a little mini program with him and Seth. If Gunther had lost, I feel like Gunther would have been a good one, but I don't see Cody going for the Intercontinental Championship.
Well, what would jump right into that match? Gunther defeated Drew McIntyre and retained the Intercontinental Championship. What were your... It was a cool match. I think, you know, it was a cool match. Not the better I expected. Yeah. Nothing bad at all, right? No, no. Good match, but I think it was just a good match. Solid match.
But not nearly what we all expected, right? I mean, I think we're just gonna be like a straight up like, banger. Yeah. You know, dude, I feel like with with the amount of matches they had, I feel like they had to hit on every match for this to be an all timer of a summer slam. And I just kind of feel like
they just, I don't know, the matches were just there. Like it wasn't matches were long to almost all the matches. We've talked about this before, when you're talking about pay-per-view, like what's going to make you go back and watch it again. And honestly, dude, out of this show, I mean, we'll get into the main event later, but
What else is making you go back and watch this show? Well, we'll get to. Rock and Seth and Finn get some rewatchability. Yeah, it's too bad. We'll talk about the main event. But yeah, can't wait for that because I put this is this is to me is like a like a slightly above like a mid card summer slam for me overall.

Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor Match Recap

Yeah. Yeah, it was enjoyable, though. I mean, I was sports entertained, but it's yeah, like you said, it just doesn't have the replayability that some of the classic summer slams have.
All right, let's jump into Seth freaking Rollins defeats Finn Balor, which I was expecting. I thought, I thought Finn was finally going to get, get over, but, uh, Seth defeats Finn. Um, Damien doesn't cash in. So. Well, like it was Finn's night, man. It definitely felt like it was Finn's night. He.
He had a great performance, just the interference from the judge, they ended up going wrong. I thought it was a good story that, you know, Damian Priest was just a broke, right? Like really, Finn lost just because he was paranoid and distracted, man. Like Damian Priest did nothing except try to help, help Finn win. And it just fucking backfired and set the skates with the belt.
I can see that being a thing, just like the whole Finn paranoia cause and like the complete downplay. They teased that on Monday. Finn was telling Damian Priest he needed to just give up the briefcase. I don't know. It felt like, to me, it felt like the Seth Judgment Day stuff was over after that match, but they kind of kept it going on Monday night. And then I don't know if you guys saw today, the official poster for Payback, our next pay-per-view, came out in the picture of all Judgment Day. So it seems like they're still going to be heavily involved in whatever the top story is on Raw.
Which that's fine, but I don't think that has to be I don't think Seth has to be involved with that, right? I mean, he's the number one champ on We don't think it's gonna be weird. I don't think Rhea and Raquel are gonna be the number one story for payback I mean, it looks like looks like Seth and Shinsuke though, maybe Maybe the match happened or the storyline the next storyline for Seth anyway, which I'm very excited about I
Yeah, it just seems a little played like Seth and, you know, he's been whooping Finn's ass, man. Like he's beat Finn three times in the last couple of months. So yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, why would we just keep, keep it rolling? Yeah. We'll see. I mean, you know, I love the match though. I thought the match was great. I thought both guys put on a hell of a performance. The ending sequence were really good. Some great near falls. Uh, yeah. So I got, I got no gripes at all. The pop was insane when the judgment day came out though.
Rhea and Dom showed up. They might be the most overacting WWE right now. Freaking nuts. There's no might be, they definitely are. Rhea and Dom are just completely over right now. Isn't that crazy? I don't know. They're single-handedly popping the ratings on NXT every time they show up. NXT's legit having ratings it had back in the black and gold days. I feel like we should have a moment of silence right now because Rhea got engaged to Buddy Murphy.
Oh, no. Dom's got to be in shambles. Yeah, he did. Oh, no. No, he's, um, I'm in shambles. He's smart. He got sick of all those memes of Dominic and Rhea and he was just like, nah, I got to put a ring on this. I got to, I got to put a kibosh on this right now. Yeah. Well, wise man said BFD engaged ain't married. So that is true. So we'll see. We'll see how it all plays out. Uh, you still got your shot, dude.
Bianca Belair defeated Asuka and Charlotte Flair and only to be shortly dethroned by Io Sky. And what were your thoughts on this match, guys? Dude, I'm fine with Bianca winning this match. I just I hate when they do this and then she immediately drops the title two seconds later. Like why couldn't Asuka have just won this match and then this happened to Asuka? I just
I don't know. That's how they pad the stats, bro. That's how you get Charlotte. I mean, I feel like Charlotte is definitely two or three times, bro. But I get it. That way, when Bianca comes out, they can say she's a five-time champ instead of a four-time champ. But it takes away from it so much, though, dude. You're barely even a champion at that point.
I get it, but it's just, it's so fucking weird to me. I'm, I'm happy EO is the champion. Cause definitely. I thought it was a way to get a surprise in the, under the, like a surprise finish for the most part, like the matches. We're kind of in line with the predictions, you know, going off the small sample size of fully picks league, which that's 35 pretty hardcore wrestling fans. Not one person picked Bianca to win. So if you want to, if you want to sprinkle in a little unpredictability on the show, if you know it really doesn't matter who wins the match, cause we're going to do the cash in, um,
I thought it was fine, and I liked the way they had another creative way for the mist to be involved in the finish. Yeah, that was cool. Yeah. Quick question. Me and my buddy were watching it.
For the cash-in, do you remember if there was a rule to the cash-in meeting? Didn't the other, not the challenger, but the person that had the title had to be standing on two feet with the bell rang? Yeah, that's definitely been a rule in KFA before. Before the bell could ring, they have to stand up. Yeah, right? Okay. I thought we were racking our brains. I was like, doesn't she have to be standing up?
Like, what's happening here? And then I was like, maybe it wasn't a thing. So yeah, I remember. So I got some thoughts on the whole Money in the Bank cash-in mechanics, man. I think it's sorely in need of an update. I think about everything else, how life works in 2023.
Why do you have to pack around this big-ass bookie briefcase for months, run down, physically hand it to the referee or the ring announcer or whatever, and get them to announce it and ring the bell? Like, dude, it's 2023. I think we need to have money in the bank NFTs. You just get a little digital asset. It's on your smartphone, and you just wirelessly transfer it to the ref or to Triple H or whoever. Yeah, but you get somewhere. Dude, have you never been somewhere where you're trying to Venmo somebody, and your fucking service ain't working? Yeah, exactly. And that's how you have the field
We got a whole new way to get failed cash ins now instead of somebody coming in, you know Knocking the briefcase up in the air when you go to cash in now fuck I don't got service or shit my phone died If you got a whole new way for failed cash ins to happen, man We need to go money in the bank in FT You could just have a big QR code hanging down from the ladder and they gotta climb up to the top and scan it This is like the worst mirror I've ever heard in my life
You got to get your phone out and get it lined up with the QR code to get it to scan. Somebody could knock it out of your hand or whatever. What about like now they do tap to pay like you get like a card and they put like a reader on the end of the ring and you tap in the ring lights of green to let everybody know your cash.
Yeah, you can have the little if we have an active money in the bank holder, you could have the little you know Like the console or whatever right next to the ringbell. So they just run up and hold their phone next to it Yeah, that's how they cash in there. They could refresh man. Yeah, they love marketing and so so much and they love advertisers They should do something with like PayPal
Do the same thing. I have a PayPal in the bank. You just PayPal somebody. You can sell these NFTs on WWE shop. People could have their own copies of them. That'd be straight profit because you don't even got to produce the fucking plastic reef case.
Bitcoin in the bank. I don't know. Maybe maybe make it interactive. Maybe like, like you said, you have like the, you know, like a, like a QR code, but like the fans can like vote whether or not the person should cash in at that moment or something like that. That'd be pretty cool. Like on the, the fans are a bunch of fucking superstars and then just make a, make all the, yeah, make all the gimmicks, e-gimmicks dude, where it's like, you know, Tuesday, that's when I'm pretty much going.
Taboo Tuesday could go for a refresh. I'm surprised we haven't really had that in the social media era, man. That would be great. But I feel like they don't want to... Because supposedly Taboo Tuesday was always a shoot. I don't think they would want to give that much freedom to the fans now. Not nowadays. People are so much more trolly and stuff nowadays. No, no, no. Roman would be losing the belt like a mid-carter if we did Taboo Tuesday.
When I first got back into wrestling in 2014, money in the bank was my favorite thing. I thought it was so cool, but I kind of low-key hate it now, man. I really think it's played out. I wish I would give anything for them to just make it alternate every other year, man. Like I said, one year, the men have the rumble and the chicks got the money in the bank and the next year, swap it. Just go like that. I just think that'd be way better because two rumbles is a lot and two money in the bank briefcases floating around is a lot.
It just diminishes both of them. I don't know. I think we need to shake up the money in the bank. I agree. All right. What was that? Is that it? The main event or to the main event? Wow. We got Roman Reigns defeats Jay Uso with the help of Jimmy Uso.

Roman Reigns vs. Jay Uso: Storyline Implications

to win the tribal combat. Spickable by Jimmy. I think in fairness, we can't fully judge this one until we see what goes down Friday night. But in the moment, I hated it, man. I thought it felt like an NWO type sword. No, I mean, I'm going to go ahead and say the match wasn't even good for me anyway. I didn't think it was up to the power that they've been putting on with these matches in the Bloodline storyline.
It just felt like everyone used to complain about like how Randy Orton would like Russell in slow motion. This is what this match felt like to me like even even slower just like the to me the action wasn't there and knowing that Roman got hurt in the middle of the match is even like
Now I know why they were slowed after the rest of the match. It was just yeah, it didn't. It just seemed lackluster to me personally, I might, I might be the only one out there that thinks that but I don't know. I didn't have any issues with the match. My knee jerk reaction when Jimmy came out, because Seth was already predicting this. So he'd already like planted this seed, you know, in my brain, not Jimmy coming in and turning on Jay. But yeah, my knee jerk reaction was like, holy shit, it actually happened. Then I was kind of sour on it. But now I'm like,
Why would I prejudge this? Everything that's happened in the judgment or the judgment day, the bloodline so far has been great. Why would I give the writers who have done this for the last two years the benefit of the doubt? You know what I mean? The big thing is Jimmy cannot go back to the bloodline. If Jimmy stays independent of Roman, you got a little something. If he goes back to the bloodline, it's all normal.
That's going to be gross, dude. Yeah. It's weird. It feels really weird because we have never seen the Uso. There'd be dissension between the Uso. Obviously, there was a little bit whenever Jay joined Roman, but it was never full blown like brother on brother warfare. This is really weird. I'm wondering how the explanation is going to shake out because that's going to be the telltale. What's really going on here?
I don't know. I'm not going to prejudge it. I'm hopeful that this is going to be just another turn that, you know, extends the bloodline and creates more awesome matches down the road. Do you think they bring back the Nikki Bella promo? He has to deliver it exactly the same way she did.
for the whole. You know that in the world. It's just something I will say Romans got some serious steam as a heel right now because he was right. Think about that promo when Jimmy finally turned on Roman.
And you know, him and Jay formerly left the bloodline. Yeah. Roman spelled it out, man. He spelled all this shit out. He said, every time when you've been main event, Jay, when you've been rising up, the guy who's been there trying to pull you back down and trying to hold you back is Jimmy. He said, he's been the anchor when I've been the wind beneath your wings, lifting you up, man. And Roman was fucking right. It's true. That is facts. That is straight facts.
Yeah, he said you can't be a twin in the- In the- In the tribal chief. In the tribal chief at the same time, you get to choose one. So he said that to both of them. But the match, like I said, I'm still going to say I didn't, I thought this was like not the worst of their matches, but I wasn't really, I thought this match wasn't that good. If you don't like the slow WWE main event style, then yeah, this match was definitely right in line for you to hate it. Yeah.
I didn't like it in the moment. I would have rather just dude just put roman over clean It's been for it's been forever since we've seen roman when I went a match clean man. Exactly Okay, so I think the worst thing about this match is that michael cole called it a trial by combat match instead of a tribal combat Too much game of thrones Jordan, I know you got some thoughts. I definitely have some thoughts and that's why I was waiting for you guys to be done with it because
dude, I feel like Romans matches are just running together for me at this point. Like every match concludes with interference or something along those lines. And I get it. I understand why they're doing it that way. But like, dude, nothing stands out to me anymore. It's just it all feels the same to me. Like we get 10 to 15 minutes of a one on one match.
And then either solo Jimmy or Jay comes out and saves the day. Like I just, I don't know, man, I just, it's taking away from how strong he is. Like me and Seth talked about this on Saturday night in the moment. And I just, I feel like this was the time for a Roman to go over strong. And like coming out of the match, he does not look strong. I mean, he needed help from Jimmy and solo to beat the guy that
That Roman kept saying you're not the main event pal. You're not that guy. Yeah, and yeah, I don't know man I just I feel like 40 minutes You know I mean like he like he couldn't put he couldn't put Jay away like 36 minutes, you know That's a long time for to you know, have Jay hanging around, you know all three times Romans fought Jay Jimmy's been the reason he lost so the first time they fought Second time
Jimmy came out and got put in a chokehold so that way Jay had to quit and now this time dude like Roman was right man I Jordan did have a fire ass idea dude. He's for a survivor series Instead of regular war games this year. We do war games double ring double cage, but it's just a fatal four way between the four bloodline members Yeah between solo and Roman
Did they announce of War Games? It seems like it's just Survivor Series. It's not Survivor Series War Games. I assumed it was going to be a yearly tradition. I guess maybe they go back to regular Survivor Series. Maybe they didn't like how it played out last year. There's not really a natural World Games match lined up. It could be a Hell in a Cell match. I don't really care. Dude, if you're going to do it a fair way, it needs to be in a Cell or something. They need to be locked in there altogether.
I don't know, but one thing that cannot get lost out of this match, Jay had one of the dopest entrances in WWE history. Dude, him doing the 3-1-3 thing from eight mile on top of the rope. That was so cool, dude. The crowd was so into Jay. The crowd was so into Jay. That camera work was awesome, too, because that was opposite the hard cam side. So they had to, they must have planned that out and just knew that it was going to hit, because they were opposite from the side they usually shoot from. They had that super wide angle shot.
Yeah, they've been doing a really good job on getting creative with the camera work on the inches. Remember, they use the drone and bad bunnies and treads down in backlash. That was incredible. Yeah, I like it.
I don't know how, that's why I know as much as we love the fantasy book on here, and I love to play universe mode on WWE 2K, I could never be a booker in real life, because if I would have seen that in that moment, I would have been getting in the red, the headset or the red, and be like, hey, fuck it, Jay's going over. Jay's going over. I don't know how you have the self-control to resist just cashing in on all that equity with the fans when you see that. Yeah, just having the fans just lose their freaking minds. Yeah, they would have freaking blew the roof off that place, man.
Yeah, good call Jordan. I forgot to mention that. That's just like two years ago in the Facebook group, but I remember we were having an argument. Somehow it came up, better career, British Bulldog or Seamus. Seamus obviously has the stats, but we talked about that moment of being as over as you can get. Being at the top of the mountain. It's summer slam 92.
And I feel like what Jay Uso had in the moment of that entrance, that's something that very few wrestlers ever achieved where you have, you know, 50,000 people who are 100% behind. Do you want to see you go and do your thing? Yeah, so good call Jordan. That was a hell of a goal. I think they should have done raw in Detroit and had Jay come out and do the 3-1-3 thing again, but instead of like the normal one, it should have been.
everybody from the three one three put your middle fingers up and boo jimmy alright we want to do uh do you do letter grades as we wrap up summer slam
Uh, sure. Let's go for it. So I am going to give SummerSlam a C plus. Wow. Pretty harsh. Sheena coming off the top rope on WWE. I know. I mean, I'll go B man. It didn't live up to my expectations, but it was still really, really good. WWE is just cooking right now. Yeah, it was good. So let me just say I was, I was the one last week that was saying like, I like a nice, um, you know, tight card where it's like, you know,
Not a ton of matches, not a ton of fluff. I feel like this card, specifically after watching it, could have used a little bit of fluff. You know what I mean? Where it's just to break up some of those longer matches because some of those longer matches exposed some of the wrestlers. Whereas if the match had been a little bit tighter, maybe we would have enjoyed it a little bit more instead of having it drug out.
Sometimes you need a little palate cleanser, too. Sometimes a little five-minute match that doesn't mean shit isn't the worst thing in the world. 100%. I feel like the triple threat women's match really suffered from going right after Seth and Finn, too. You know what I mean? It's just like the crowd couldn't get back up. So I feel like if you would have had a nice little filler match there, the crowd would have been into the women's match more. So yeah, for me, C+, high C+, I enjoyed it. High C+. It was a 79. Yeah, it was a 79.5. Yeah.
you guys at with it? I mean my excitement level going into this was the lowest out of the four of us. I said my excitement level was out of six and I'm sticking right there. I'm going with the C for the grade of the show. It kind of was exactly what I thought it was going to be honestly. It's just you guys are right like not having the fluff matches and giving people a chance to go to the bathroom getting a hot dog a beer like
I don't know, man, it just kills the live crowd when there's no like down moments other than Shayna and Rondo, which was fucking awful, but. Yeah. You know, Triple H is like, what the fuck? People always complain that there's too much stuff that doesn't matter on paper. Yeah. Now we give them this. Yeah, I know. We're fickle, dude. We are fickle, dude. You need some popcorn matches, man. Yeah. And we're all about hindsight, too. We're saying this, obviously, after all this is done and, you know, see how it all played out. So it's easy for us to be a Monday morning quarterback, you know? Yeah.
I'm gonna go B- for my grade. I'm not gonna go full-on C because I thought it was a good show overall.

Final Thoughts on SummerSlam

Just like as we spoke through it all, there was some misses there. And like I said, for me, especially the main event, just kind of
I was expecting more from that main event. And then it just kind of, like Jordan said, just kind of ran, ran along with the other matches that Rovans has had in the past.
All right, so I'd say, you know, lukewarm ish reviews overall from the Chick-Bully show crew for SummerSlam. It was a good show. It was a good show, but maybe it didn't live up to quite the hype from last year's SummerSlam. All right, you guys ready to hit the weekly beverage break?

Gut Health Tips and Beverages

All right, the beverage break is where we tell you guys what we are sipping on while we pause. Sheena definitely has the lamest selection this week, so I'll let her go first. Preusual. I am drinking a raw milk.
kefir smoothie with banana and pineapple. Explain to the listener so you don't know what kefir is. Kefir is fermented milk. It's basically like cultured milk. It's one of the most beneficial foods for your gut microbiome that you can ingest. If you can get your hands on milk kefir, find somebody that's getting your local hippie group and get some
Milk if your grains or order them from cultures from health and start making your own you can make it from pasteurized milk too it's fine you don't have to have raw milk. I remember when little miss muffin saturn are tough eating your curds and way this is like the curds and way. It basically is just like i mean it doesn't taste bad it's like taste like liquid yogurt like it's like a drinkable
form of yogurt, but whereas yogurt has like five different strains of bacteria and, you know, yeast and all of the good stuff that's going to help your gut. Kefir has like 35, you know, so it's like, it's, it's hyper loaded. Like it's like the Roman reigns of the fermented realm. So yeah, um, get yourself some milk Kefir, get your gut in order. The, the, the gut is like the link to all the rest of your, your body cells. So if you're out there and you get a cold all the time, you can always stay sick. You don't feel good.
Get your gut in order, dude. Okay. I'm drinking a Chick-fil-E show favorite, Broken Skull IPA. Nothing to add. No further explanation necessary. No kafir in that, Seth. No kafir. It's also fermented barefoot, Seth. Fuck kafir, drink beer. Wow. Hell yeah. Gordon, what are you drinking, man?
I am drinking a Limbo IPA. This is from the Long Trail Brewing Company. This is the last of my Vermont beers. So this one's from Bridgewater, Corners, Vermont, Boston, Massachusetts, and Windsor, Vermont. So really good beer. It's got a ton of kefir in it, some hops. This is really good for your gut, if anybody wants to know. And it's really good for getting you drunk because it's 7.6%. That's what I'm all about.
Marco, are you sipping on that? I'm going with my nightly drink. I should say my Chick-Fully Show drink is some Mark and Ginger, so some Maker's Mark and Ginger Ale is happening right now over here.
Some maker's Marco and ginger, some spice, some spiciness is happening over here. Uh, maker's Mark on the 16th, they're going to be unveiled and they're going to release a 12 year aged version of, uh, of maker's Mark. So I'm not a, uh, I'm not a big, big bourbon snob, man. I enjoy my maker's Mark. And if somebody gets me a nice bottle of something else, I like it. Uh, Jordan, you know a lot about it, man. What do you think we could expect from a 12 year aged maker's Mark? Do you think it's going to be like significantly better than the regular off the shelf stuff?
I mean, so this is the problem, like these 12 year things and these 27 year things that they're coming out with now, they're never really fully aged. So that's the biggest problem with these things. How are you going to go to get fully aged? Well, because I mean, they advertise these things as like 12 year and like crown is doing like a 27 year age thing. But I mean, there's no possible way somebody's aging something for 27 years, like it's just
They're not doing it i mean they can advertise it ever they want me to nineteen ninety six is when they started aging that whiskey yeah there's no way that's happening i just i don't believe it so i think this is gonna be good though i've i've read some reviews online about this and about what to expect so definitely picking a bottle up first day i can so
Maybe we can review that on chick-fil-a. I've never had any product Maker's Mark release be bad either. They're very, at all like the big mainstream whiskey brands, they're probably, they do the least amount of like spin-offs and stuff. That cast drink was pretty freaking... That was potent. Take the enamel off your teeth. Strong. Maker's Mark, it just wasn't watered down any. That store pick Maker's that I brought to your house for WrestleMania weekend was delicious too.
Yeah. And then they did those special flavors. Remember they had like stores or region specific. Oh, yeah. Those were good. Yeah. Yeah. But they're very selective and it's never nothing crazy. It's never like, you know, banana flavored maker's Mark or no shit like that. Or like, you know, peanut butter flavored. Keep it classy. Yeah. It's all, it's all traditional makers with, you know, just a little bit of no shade because I love that fucking cookie dough bourbon. You know, dough ball, dough ball. Yeah. No shade to the flavored bourbon. Seth, did you have the new maker's Mark 46 French Oak? Have you had that yet?
I did, yeah, very tasty. That's very good. Yeah, you're not going to go wrong with Maker's Mark. It's easy to drink, too. So if you are like a big whiskey aficionado and you got some friends coming over who maybe aren't as into it, Maker's Mark is really, really smooth. That's an easy one to introduce people to, man, if you just want to try to get them into bourbon.
or just make up a big batch of kefir and serve it to all your friends. That's the best thing we could do. I mean, if you don't want to have friends anymore, I guess that's what you could do. Yeah, you definitely keep it all to yourself. All right, let's get into the figure four.
All right, it is time for the figure four where we discuss the latest in wrestling figure news talk about stuff We've added to our collection want to remind you guys this segment Like the rest of the podcast is brought to you by ringside collectibles use code chick Foley to save 10% Let's get right into it.

WWE Merchandise Recall

So first off the story of the week this kind of broke shortly after we recorded last week about that four pack getting
recall the, the target four pack we saw it at San Diego Comic Con, and some then now forever packaging somehow showed up. I will say it was like 48 hours after we saw it at Comic Con it showed up on the shelves and target this weird WWE 60th anniversary packaging.
lasted for about two weeks and then got recalled. People were trying to buy it and it was getting flagged at the register like, do not sell. They were taking them off store floors. I was lucky to get one. Zach Hertzberg hooked me up. Marco, I know you got hooked up. Jordan, did you end up getting one for yourself or did you just, that one you found just sending up to Marco? Nope, I found four. So I got me one, Marco one.
Uh, God, who else got one? It was all Foley members who got one, so. Big God, doing big God things, but yeah, pretty crazy, man. Another reason to join the Foley fam group. It seems like so insignificant. What do you think of them just pulling this ready to go product off the shelf over a packaging barrier? You know me, dude. I freaking hate the waste, dude. I'm like, where are these things going? They'll probably show up somewhere someday, but I'm just like, it's absolutely ridiculous, dude. People are out there paying.
I mean, how much was the set? Like freaking 80 bucks, dude. So people were paying 80 bucks for this thing, left and right, and you're just going to pull it off the shelves. I think it's ridiculous, dude. And I don't even think people really wouldn't know. I'm sure I wasn't the only person that noticed, but I remember when I was pointing this out to people, people were like, are you serious? And I would have to show them pictures to be like, oh shit, you're right. It wasn't like the new packaging is this dramatic difference. It's literally just basically plucks that WWE 60 logo off of it.
It's just weird. So yeah, I got a kick out of the rumor that was going out that was Vince McMahon himself that said that, you know, this need to get pulled off shelf. I can tell you guys right now, like Vince just had spinal surgery. He just got a survey of like another one or two indictments. He has no idea straight up like so.
Yeah, that was a funny story. Now, I'm sure there's somebody in WWE marketing that nicks this, and it's probably pissed off at Mattel that this... I'm assuming this was an initial sample or something that was into production before they changed it up. I'm sure they're probably angry that this came out, but I don't think it goes nearly up to Vince on the food chain. Yeah, and to me, it's just such a random set to cause such a
You know stink about you know what I mean like it's just that ww 60 logo You know they stop putting the numbers on WrestleMania because they don't want the the brand to seem old or whatever. Yeah
I think the thing is, why wouldn't they want it to seem old? Because they always talk about the history of WWE, and it's like, it's storied history and all of this. So it's like, we know it's old, dude. We all know Hulk Hogan is fucking old. Yeah. I mean, there are a lot of ways they can actually market on nostalgia. So I don't know. It was weird. I don't get it. It seems kind of dumb to me from a business standpoint, but I'm sure there was some serious thought put behind this.
Are you guys keeping your packaging variant MOC? I know Jordan keep everything MOC. Marco, you opening yours up? Yeah, I'll probably open it up. I'm not.
I don't care too much. I mean, like you guys just said, the packaging isn't too different from what they're going to re-release anyway. I already unboxed my figures, but I did make sure to keep that box pristine. I left all the extra hands in there. Just in case this thing somehow skyrockets in value, I can do a little repack action and get it out there.
Don't see this thing blowing up unless for some reason the follow-up set gets cancelled which I don't I wouldn't be shocked if that happened
You know what I mean? I could totally see them, even though the pre-orders are already up on target, I could see this already being such a debacle that they just scrap it and maybe we see, I mean, really the old man Austin and that Becky are the only figures that need to get re-released. The Rock and the Hogan can go away and I don't think anybody's gonna be shedding any tears. I can go now. Dude, that Becky is so sick, man. It could've been an Ultimate Edition. It looks awesome, man. They weren't all out on that Becky.
Just a weird set all the way around. Our daughter, our daughter saw it. She's like Becky's biggest fan. And you know, we have some we have some figures that are like we call them outside the office figures. And then we have like, you know, in the office figures that can only be played with in the office, you know, and Stella, when she saw that Becky, she thought that was for her man, she was heartbroken. She's like, guys stay in the office. She's like, but I want it, you know, so poor thing. She has no idea.
Yeah, like I said, weird set all the way around. It's even weirder now that we got this packaging debacle. All right, so KfaveHeroes, our old friend, SeanNG, his line finally went live. Did you guys pre-order your Mantaar figures? Did not. I did not. Man, Jordan, this dude's an Omaha native. You're really not going to add Mantaar to your collection? Yeah, so no, I'm not going to.
I am very, very skeptical that I'm ever going to get this figure, man.
We'll see, time will tell, but I figured it was worth it. I did like the look of it. I love the thought of having Mantar in my collection, so I was going to roll the dice. If I see it before the end of 2024, I'll call

FTC's Midnight Express Set Critique

it a win. But yeah, without going into too much detail, this whole deal with this line has been, I think, sketchy would be the absolute best way to describe it, right? So far, and we'll see how it goes, man. What do you guys need? Do you guys think I will end up getting this figure by the end of next year?
Did you get which one did you get did you get variant a or variant B? I got the red card one the one that has I didn't get the one with the bull logo on it It's got like the traditional just like black like leather detailing or whatever you want to call it nice No, you're not gonna see that. Which one were you looking at? I can tell you had your eye on them that you even know that there's various which I'm looking at neither one because I think this is gonna be a loan that you're gonna give out for two years and eventually get the money back and
Cause if you notice the package says one of zero, zero, zero, you ain't ever getting this dude. It's cooked. Oh, Sean Angie is holding your money for two years, putting up a Ponzi scheme. And then you guys are out that money. Damn. All right. Speaking of being out some money, did you guys see the, these midnight express four packs that FTC is dropping? Oh my God. Yes.
Insane. Freaking. Did you see these, Jordan? I did. Yeah, so we got the four pack. The cheapest option starts at the low, low price of $230. Good, good. Not bad.
You got the deluxe box set $280 or you could get the rocket launcher set for $1,000. Now it comes with some items you're not going to be able to get right. You got some autographs for some people who are dead and gone. Um, you got a personalized autograph from Jim Cornette, but dude, I hate to say it, man. I love all wrestling figures, but these FTC figures are absolute bottom of the barrel. Yeah, there's zero chance I'm paying $200 for this.
You can call me a hater all you want, but it's just not even a chance I'm doing that. I would love, dude, if they were by Powertown or Mattel or Jazzwares, I would fucking, I would love to drop 125 bucks on a deluxe set of Midnight Express figures like this, but you just know the FTC, they're gonna suck, dude. It's probably like stickers that are on these jackets. They're probably gonna fall apart when you take them out of the box, man.
It's just a shame that that's just Craig of these out. Like think of what power town could do with these, man. I'd love to get an awesome Bobby Eaton figure and a Jim Cornette, man. We haven't had a solid Jim Cornette figure since the freaking Jack stays. How is that possible? I don't know, but yeah, it's just I saw this and yeah, it's cool. But I mean, do you look at the figures like are we fucking serious right now? This fucking looks like Jim Cornette looks OK, but the rest of them look like crappy customs, honestly, dude.
Yeah, it's just, there's no fucking way I'd pay that much for these figures. Absolutely no way. They have nine of the Rock-Out-Wetcher sets available. I'm going to toy around on the webpage and see if I can like, you know, just add 10 to my cart or add nine to my cart and see if it'll let me so I can figure out, you know, exactly how many of these are actually selling. Are you actually thinking about purchasing this?
No, I'm just curious to see if anybody actually buys the rocket. I wouldn't I wouldn't spend 50 bucks on this set, bro. I would not spend a grand on the rocket launcher one like I
I don't know if we can be friends anymore, honestly. If you're not, so I think what they're trying to target are those, because we know there's some die hard old school Southern wrestling fans, Jordan. We were right there in the mix of them. Maybe they're not collectors of any other line. Yeah, exactly. If you're not a hardcore figure collector, I could see you being into that because there is some really, really cool shit with that rocket launcher set.
But with being figure collectors and you got these figures as the base of it, we're, you know, it's going to be a hard pass. So I don't think they really made this for the true figure collector. But yeah, I'm just interested to see if they sell any of these nine rocket launcher sets.
Don't put those in your cart, you're going to accidentally check out. I'd cry, bro. I'd cry. I'd melt my phone down. I know, and it's way too fucking easy to do that shit nowadays. Just like your fucking thumbprint comes up to pay it and you buy it. Dude, I had bought stuff on Amazon on accident, dude. I'm like, oh, fuck. I totally did not mean to do that. I mean, it was something I was looking at clearly, but it was just like, buy it now. It's like, oh, yeah, shit.
I would die if you bought the whole 10 sets of the rocket launcher. Jesus, I don't even think about it. The same week. We got the big rubber guys, the LJN revival line by the major pod. Those are out, the newest sets pre-order out. We got Sergeant Slaughter, Marty Genetti, and Ric Flair. You guys at all in on this line? Hard pass. No, it's cool. I think it's really cool that they're doing it, but yeah, it's not for me.
Yeah, if I wasn't on LJNs, I'd be in on it. So they got good reviews so far. Marco, you picked up any of these yet? I have not. I've been kind of tennis balling it, going back and forth, seeing if I want to do it. But yeah, I haven't fully committed to these yet. Jordan, is there somebody that they could drop that would make you pull the trigger on one of these? Probably not.
I feel like if they did a really good Brett, I may have to just cave and get it man. Like not, not, it wouldn't have to be a redo the LJN. I want to see like a, you know, a 91 Brett, like with a leather jacket or something molded. I just don't think there's anything they can drop though. Get me into these. I mean, they are cool. It's just, it's not for me. I mean, at some point you have to just kind of tell yourself, all right, you you're collecting enough shit.
Yeah, especially if you don't have an LJN collection to me these are for folks who already have you know the stuff that they've been able to add to their collection over the years has been few and far between But I am a fan of the actual figure so far. They're cool Excuse me. We saw GameStop reveal the their exclusive Funko pops. This is gonna be their new Hall of Fame line WWE Funko pops I'm really intrigued by this because I'd love to see some more legends get some pops. We got the big boss, man I think this thing looks amazing man
Everybody in on this. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. I Would have looked I would love to see a variant of the heel boss man a little bit more heavy set with the sunglasses on I think I think we need to see that some point down the line But yeah, this is awesome. Who else would you guys want to see? You know Debbie to be Hall of Fame types that we haven't gotten in the Funko line yet Mmm
Marty Gennady. Stop. No, I'm joking. Have you guys watched The Dark Side of the Ring yet? Yes. Was it pretty good? No details, because we got it on DVR, but did it live up to the hype, Marco? Of course, man. I told this story before. Me and my friends actually hung out with Marty Gennady.
and here in Massachusetts when he was at a we were at a local show and uh yeah I know that definitely that that episode lives up to to everything that yeah yeah you can't say anything so I won't say anything just watch it yeah we'll just say that
I want to see another warrior Funko dude. There's a ton of WWE Funkos that are on clearance right now on GameStop. If you've been holding off on getting some of the Funkos and stuff, there's a ton of them that are on clearance right now on GameStop just so everybody knows. Nice. Nice. All right. Did you guys add anything interesting to your collections this week? Four pack.
And then I sent out everything. Oh, I had the Sting San Diego Comic Con exclusive.
Yeah, that thing was awesome. Shout out to Tristan who looked us up for the one man. Tristan, yeah. That beautiful figure, man. That's one that definitely hit a lot harder in person. Speaking of which, we got our San Diego Comic Con exclusive Muhammad Ali in today. Sheen, what was your thoughts on that one taking down the box, getting a look at it? I think it's super cool, man. It wasn't a must-have figure even though we still got it, but the packaging is really well done. There's so many details.
I love how they did the posing with the artwork and stuff like that on the bubbles. Yeah, it's great looking figures, dude. I liked it a lot more having it in hand than I did just when we ordered it. I ordered it just because he's a unique character, so you had to have him, but very, very nice release. I think Jordan, you said yours was getting there Friday. Marco, you got my Humidalee right, Marco?
Yeah, I haven't, I haven't gotten mine yet, but, uh, yeah, it's on, I'll probably get it next year, like to Cody. No, a lot of people in the group, so they hadn't even got their shipping. They're like, they said I went live and have not got my shipping. Yeah. So you guys have, have years come from Pennsylvania. Do you remember off the top of your head? Mine is Pennsylvania. Yeah.
Yeah, I was wondering if maybe it was like some of the distribution centers are just on it better, but nope, I'll wait till next year, probably till July. I saw Brian Harris just now got his Logan Pauls, man. We got those freaking months ago, it feels like at this point. That's crazy. And they have them on WWE shop, the Muhammad Ali figure. Yeah.
Yeah, kind of, I don't really know how they do their shipping.

Binge-Watching 'Succession'

I remember our new gen arena was like that. Our new gen arena got shipped like way later than anybody else's did. Yeah, they're just kind of all over the place. All right, let's get into keeping it Tronchilo.
All right, keep it a trunk, Hilo, is where we give you guys a suggestion for some outside the ring action or, you know, non wrestling related content to watch to keep you entertained. So, you know, you can kick it off.
So I'm, we're really behind on this, but we jumped on the succession bandwagon and we are, we have five episodes left. So three, three episodes left. Oh my gosh. So we only have three episodes left. Um, and uh, so if you haven't jumped on it, if you've heard all, you know, people talking about succession and you're like, eh, you know, watch it. It's really, really good. It's uh, just about,
all the shenanigans that are going on with this family that own this global media conglomerate and you know the dads and poor health and obviously all the kids are vying for their opportunity to take over and just all of the ridiculousness that goes down with you know owning a global media conglomerate. Like some of the worst people you've ever seen before. Yeah just I mean just completely tone deaf out of touch like billionaire rich people that just like yeah have rich people problems you know like it's just
They're throwing around money and throwing around power, like it's just absolute, it's just bananas to watch. But really, really good show. It's wild to me because I can't believe, you know, we're just now watching this show, like within the last, like we started like two months ago.

Theme Song Comparisons: 'Succession' vs. Roman Reigns

And Roman Reigns definitely stole his theme song from the theme song of Succession. Yeah, we got some audio lined up for you guys. Jordan, I know you said you haven't watched it. Marco, you watched Succession?
I have not. No, not yet. Okay. So let's do this. We'll see if, uh, remember this, the show debut in 2018, Romans themed debut in 2021. So I'm gonna play a little bit of the succession theme. Well, we'll do a little bit of Romans theme first. You can have that fresh in your brand and we'll hit the succession theme. So here's Roman.
All right. And this was succession that dropped two years earlier. Wow. Yeah. It's crazy, right? It definitely is. Holy shit. That's insane. We keep talking over it, but listen, it gets a little break down part.
Yeah, it's Christine at that one I first watched. Yeah, when I was an asset. Oh my god, that's Ronan's thing someone. Oh my god. Listen. Oh, yeah.
Holy shit. It's literally. Dude, it's spot on. And you know, it's just, you know, they take, obviously they, you know, kicked up the energy on Romans a little bit, dude, but yeah, they definitely freaking bit off of the succession theme for, I mean, it works. It definitely works. Yeah. Romans music's awesome. Yeah. That succession theme sounds like it could be like, you know, the freaking acoustic version of Romans theme song or something.
Well, wait, what came out first? Succession. Succession came out in 2018. On HBO, and yeah, Roman's theme dropped 2021.
If you watch Succession, you'll see there's some crossover between the storyline. But yeah, the theme song, anytime I hear it now, I just want to throw that one finger up in the air. A hundred percent, yeah. But yeah, Succession has been great, really enjoyed. It's on Max or HBO Max, whatever it's called. HBO Go, HBO Max, HBO. Check it out. What do you guys got for us?
Um, I got two things for you. I got a podcast and I got something for you guys to watch and do not fucking judge me for what I'm giving you guys to watch because I'm telling you it's good.

Dungeons and Dragons Movie Review

All right. So me and Ari dove into this last week as somebody told us it was good. We watched the Dungeons and Dragons movie on Paramount plus that movie is phenomenal. And I am not a Dungeons and Dragons fan. I don't do any of that stuff, but that movie is phenomenal. It's really good.
Yeah, I heard it was fun. You said it's on Paramount Plus. Yeah. And then a podcast.

Podcast and Movie Recommendations

It's called The Really Good Podcast. It's with Bobby Althoff. She's like a mom influencer from TikTok. But dude, this girl has four podcasts so far. The third one was Drake and she recorded the podcast from his bed.
Oh yeah. Yeah, Bobby. Yeah. And she recorded the podcast from Drake's bed and it's like the questions she asked are like uncomfortable questions. And it's just awkward. She did Mark Cuban last week and it's just fucking hilarious. Like I definitely read or what, dude. Huh?
Is she like, like a hottie or what? No, dude. She's just a normal chick. Like she's not like, she's just a normal like mom. Like it's all she is, but it's, it's really good. I mean, I've enjoyed every episode so far and there's only five, but it's really good. So I definitely recommend this. Cool. I'm going to go with a, uh, a kind of like a horror slash thriller movie that, uh,
made my wife very uncomfortable watching it. Not uncomfortable in the sense where it's gory or anything like that, just the tone.
And the theme of the movie is very off-putting. So it's called Soft and Quiet. Have you seen this? Sounds creepy. Yeah, when I watched that, when I was like 14, dude. So basically, it's played out in real time. So there's no edits. It's a one-camera shot movie.
So there's nothing going on. The camera follows that one character and if the camera pans away and the main character's gone, it's focusing on the other people. So it's a very cool shot in that way. I can't give away too much about it, but it's basically these women get together. They have kind of like a meeting. They're all airing their grievances and stuff like that and they end up
moving on from like the the place that they met up to like one of their houses and then they you know they on the way to go to the store and then they end up running into someone from one of the women's past and then it just leads to just like a just like a just like a volatile like kind of like chain of events that happen afterwards so I won't give away I think I believe it's on Netflix still that's where you watched it but yeah definitely I guess I'm gonna warning it is the
The language, the tone of it is, can be very uncomfortable, especially for nowadays standards. I'll just say that. It was made recently in 2022. 2022, yeah. Yeah. I prefer some uncomfortable language personally. I mean, if you're, like I said, it's very, very straightforward language. So yeah, definitely, if you have the, I don't want to say the stomach, if you have the mental capacity to watch it, I definitely recommend it.
Um, like I said, my wife is just like gritting her teeth with her mouth open the whole time. It's like, Oh, like just like, yeah. So I mean, it is spooky season after all. And anyone that says it's not, you can fuck off. It's spooky season dogs.

SummerSlam Match Length Critique

As soon as August 1st hits, dude, I don't care if it's a hundred degrees outside. It's like the Halloween decorations out today. Yeah, that's right. We got some listener mail. Oh yeah.
All right, Tony Barker says, do you think this year's SummerSlam relied too heavily on long matches? To me, a lot of the matches tried a little too hard to be epic. Yep. That was a perfect explanation of this year's SummerSlam.
Yeah, that's, that's what, you know, we kind of talked about is I think, you know, when sometimes when you rely too heavily on those long matches, dude, it can overexpose people, which is, you know, never good for anyone. It doesn't mean somebody's a bad wrestler. It doesn't mean it's just, you know, some matches aren't meant to be freaking 25, 30 minute, you know, essays. And if anybody has still any doubts that Vince McMahon has any, uh, like part and creative, he does not do 35 to 40 minute matches every single match.
So that's all Triple H that you can blame on, because all his matches back in the day were 27 plus. If you ever go back to watch the Triple H match, they're always like 27, 30, 35, 40 minutes. He did a 60 minute with the Rock and Iron Man match. So that's all Triple H booking right there.
Triple H has always said his number one advice for new wrestlers is slow down. Then when you think you're going slow enough, slow down some more. He's on record. He's a big fan of that Harley race, Ric Flair style. Definitely. He definitely told Roman Reigns that in the main event. I can see it. I like the pacing of Roman's matches normally. It's just a slow start and then it picks up and crescendos right toward the end. I like Roman's

Exotic Liquors and High-End Champagne

Tony also says, what's the most exotic liquor you've ever sampled? I don't know. I can't. I've tried some of the tippy top end Pappy Van Winkle stuff and have not been impressed whatsoever. Like I said, it's probably more about me than about the actual Pappy, but yeah, I wasn't impressed by it. But yeah, some of the super high end stuff that's... I know Jordan's probably got some crazy stuff he's going to drop on us. Yeah. It's like 700 bucks.
Yeah, somebody gave him a dropper. I mean, dude, I've had some like really, I don't know if I considered exotic, but like, I've had some really expensive whiskies before. I mean, I've had a 30 year mixtures before and like, I don't know, man, it's just it's,
It's not for me just because I can't justify enjoying something that's that expensive. If you get a bottle of Pappy on the shelf and it's 120 bucks, that's fine. I still don't think it's worth that. I think Pappy's one of the most overrated whiskeys of all time, but I don't know. Paying that much for a bottle or even a two ounce pour of it is just
It's a lot for me. And this is coming from someone who has no problem spending money on good booze, good figs, good food. That is a fact. It's just, I mean, dude, I have, I have almost 200 bottles of booze in my kitchen right now. So I have no problem buying good booze. It's just, dude, some of the stuff just gets so far out there on what you're getting. And like I said earlier, I just don't, I don't believe that what they're actually telling you is exactly what you're getting.
I find it hard to believe that somebody's aging something for 30 years and it's never been touched. Like I just.
I don't know, man, it's, it's a lot like wrestling for me. What I'm looking for, dude. Like, you know, you give me a good steak. I can tell you, like, I can tell you what a good steak is and what it's supposed to taste like. And you know, their profiles and all that liquor. I'm lost. Like, I don't know. Cause it, I'm like, ah, it burns. Like, you know, like, is it, is that good? Like, you know, is that worth $75? Like when you get like a really good pour of, um, whiskey, you can definitely tell, um, even if it's higher proof, you can definitely tell that it's like higher end, but yeah.
I don't, I don't know. It's not worth it, but I mean, I know the difference between like a good, a good bottle of alcohol and like a rail bottle. You know what I mean? Like I'm not, you know, I'm not on that level, but I mean, when you start to get up in like, you know, the super high end, like, you know, specialty, I'm just like, I'm like Michael Scott, like Splenda. It's funny that you've run up like steak though, because last year for me and Ari's anniversary, we went to a steakhouse here and I got a Tomahawk Wagyu steak.
And like trying that compared to every other steak that I had ever had in my life. Like I thought I had good steak before, but when I tried that, like everybody was talking about like steak that like melts in your mouth. Like I barely even felt like I had to chew this steak. Like it just. Oh man.
It was like butter. Yeah. You just made the freaking hair on my arm. Stand up, dude. When, when, when you guys come here, I've already, me and Ari talked about this other night. We've made a list for when you guys actually come to own walk. Cause it eventually it'll happen. Eventually the times will line up and the dates will line up. Um, we we've already made a list for, uh, where to take you guys and stuff like that. And that steakhouse is definitely on the list. So, Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Sounds good. Marco, you ever had any, um,
Any liquor? Yeah. Any liquor? You ever had any liquor? No, so I've had actually Louis 15 champagne. I think it was around like, oh my God, I want to say three, she's 399. I think the bottle was just pretty insane. But I mean, it was, it was very good. It was probably the best champagne I've ever
tasted, to tell you the truth. Yeah. Y'all make me feel like a cheapskate, dude. I'm like, you know, what was it that I bought? I bought like a bottle of tequila, you know, a couple months ago and I was like, God dang, dude, tequila's gotten so high. It was totally like, it was like regular. It's $20, dang. I was like, regular has tequila.
Yeah. That's because you're out there buying $40 fucking couches or whatever you're drinking right now. I go to the farmer's market and make it rain on those mofos. I'll give you some wild arachros and you'll be fine. Does that bowl seem like back there?
Yeah. Tony also says, word searches, crossword puzzles, or, and then Phil Dunn, it adds, or Sudoku. Who? Yes, crossword puzzle, if I had to pick. Yeah, I'm a crossword guy.
I'm a word search person. I like word searches. Crossword puzzles, I get too frustrated. I don't know. Word searches are for kids. I'm a kid at heart, and I'm not good at math, so I don't do Sudoku. I don't even think I'm saying that right. Yeah, is it Sudoku? Sudoku. Tomato, tomato. Yeah. Jordan, crossword puzzles or word searches or Sudoku. Oh, crossword puzzles for sure.
Marco crossword Did I would actually pay good money if I could find like an eBay listing for if somebody had just pulled The crossword puzzle from every WWF magazine that ever came out just had those like stacked up I could plow through those I used to look I used to love doing those every month as a kid and
That would be awesome.

Wrestling Magazine Resource

Somebody's got to be able to make it happen, right? I'm sure you can probably find them. I think there's a site on the internet that has all of them scanned. There used to be on a... I think, does Tumblr still around or does Tumblr completely fold?
There used to be a tumbler that had every WWF magazine scanned, but it may have, I feel like I saw a tumbler went under. I think there's definitely got to be a market for that. I remember we had a coloring contest a couple of years ago in the Facebook group and Mike Lanham found this old WWE coloring sheets and scanned them all in the group for us, dude. Yeah, that was so much fun, dude. It had all those old ass coloring sheets, loved it.
Um, Brett Sharrow, how pointless was that swerve and where do you see the bloodline story going now? We kind of, we kind of touched on that question though. Very pointless. Yeah. Very pointless. Tyson, Neil Trevino, best. I know my.
I'm going to say Taco Flavor Doritos, probably the best. I agree. Taco Flavor for sure. Hey guys, so I just found this. We'll put a link in the show notes. There's a website called that has not just WWF magazine, you got some old PWI, some of the other old after mags, and it's got them all scanned on here. You got to pay for it? No, it works off donations.
Yeah, we'll throw the link in there. Pretty cool, man. You can definitely get your crossword fix on that one. Wow. Pretty neat, right? That's cool. That's very neat. Yeah, I'm sure I've seen it right now. Yeah, it's all PDF. So I will... We'll put the link to wrestling scans in the show notes. So you guys... Look at that Ahmed Johnson poster. Wow. That's cool. Yeah, taco flavored Doritos. They're basically like nacho cheese with a little bit of the cheese flavor turned down, a little bit of that just like umami meat flavor mixed in there. So yeah, I love the taco flavor.
Marco? Just for Doritos, right? Yeah. I've always been a cool ranch guy.
Typically, if we buy Doritos around here, we just get classic cheese Doritos. Dude, we got branch recently when my parents were here, and they've gotten so salty. I'm like, dude, I don't know because we don't buy a ton of chips. Every time we buy chips, I'm like, dude, have they just turned the salt factor up to 5,000?
I feel like chocolates have just been like salt bombs now. They used to be flavorful, and now it's just like straight up fucking MSG or whatever the hell they're putting on there. Definitely ruins the corners of your mouth if you eat too many. I felt like it was going to burn the skin of my tongue off, dude.
Jordan. I'm going with the original 3d Doritos from the 90s. Dude, the ones they released recently are not the same. Like the ones in the 90s, the nacho cheese 3d Doritos were like the my favorite thing. So yeah, I'll go with the 90s Doritos 90s. What a time to be alive.
Um, exactly. We were not a question, just a statement that MMA match was the shittiest thing I've ever seen, not just wrestling. It was the shittiest thing ever. So I think your, your, your picks in the Foley picks league would give it a run for its money. Oh man.

MMA Match Quality Humor

Shots fired. Don't get that dude upset, man. He's
I'm convinced Phil's just like a gangster, dude. I think he has ties with like the British Mafia. He's an electrician. That's a mafia job. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Tony Soprano was a freaking garbage man, you know, so. Are you comparing Phil Donner to a garbage man? No, I mean, I'm just saying he's got, he's an electrician, which is totally a cover for being in the mafia. You heard it.
Zach says, favorite type of meat for tacos or burritos? If it's at home, I like shrimp tacos. If it's at a restaurant, I almost always go chicken tacos. That's kind of like my standard order. Yeah, if I'm just like a regular Mexican restaurant, yeah, probably chicken or I like carnitas too. I don't know. But I do love a good fish taco. When we lived on Oahu, there was a place on the North Shore that had bangin' fish tacos, dude. So if you can get a good fish taco, that's bomb.
Guys? Carnitas or barbacoa? Yeah. Yeah, I'm going with chicken. Chicken. Chicken, chicken. I'm going with chicken. James Zushi says, how do you like your chicken wings? Well, being the chicken wing expert here, you have to fry them in a lard. Jordan, get that box of lard.
Yeah dude oven baked chicken wings or air fryer chicken wings like they're good for just like a weeknight when you're just like trying to have some chicken wings for dinner you know you got to get the kids in bed and shit like that's fine but dude if you're really wanting to do it up and like serve yourself some some top-notch chicken wings or serve your friends chicken wings freaking fry those
Bitches in lard, dude, like it is so freaking good. And then obviously after that, it's dealer's choice on what kind of like, you know, seasoning and or sauce. Then your house smells like a pig processing plant afterwards. You probably want to do it outside. Anytime you're frying stuff because your house is going to turn into a fry shack. But
I'm not nearly as complicated. I like chicken wings in my mouth. I've had awesome primo fried wings, like Sheena said, but I've also had tremendous wings that cooked in the freaking microwave in the oven. No. I love Domino's wings, dude. Who did you ever have good microwave wings? Dude, if there was a box of TGI Friday's wings in the freezer right now, I would nuke those things as soon as we finished eating this pie.
I'm in those wings. I'm pretty sure those are freaking microwave. Those are delicious, super tender. There's no wrong way to eat a chicken wing, dude. There's better ways, but there's no way that I dislike. I'm not turning my nose up at any sort of chicken wing. So that's the answer is the only right answer. Thank you. The thing about those type of microwave bullshit chicken wings is they get so gummy and the fat never gets fully rendered or crispy. And so then you just got this mouthful of
Blardy chicken, slimy, saucy meat. It's delicious, dude. I'm not saying it's the best, but it's still pretty fucking good, dude.
Even the worst chicken wing is still pretty way up on my list of favorite foods. Jordan told me that my chicken wings were top tier. They are. Jordan's eat a bunch of freaking chicken wings. I'm just saying lard wings are top tier, so that's what I'm saying. I just said that you could eat really awesome. Like you said, fried in lard, smoked wings are really good. Yeah, I had some good wings the other night. They smoked them on the Traeger.
They put them on the grill after that. Those are really good wings. The char buff wings are a must. Yeah, those are really good wings. Those were up there with the fried wings if you don't want to fry, but yeah. I like most all chicken wings too, but I don't prefer. I didn't say I prefer them either. I said I like anything, dude. You literally completely take it out of context what I said.
James Zushi, how do you feel about the change of announcers on Raw? Being the host of the Raw down? What do you think? I don't really, I would prefer to keep them separate. Are you the host of the Raw down? Yeah, I'm a bad one. Go ahead, Marco. Marco. Oh no, I can't stand the team of Corey Graves and KP, so I'm glad Michael Cole's back.
Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Yeah. 100%. Michael Cole should be on both shows and thank God he's going to be because he definitely needs to be on both shows. Yeah. He's the best. I agree. It's probably better off for the show. I still prefer to have separate announced teams.
Yeah, it definitely does make the shows feel special when they have, you know, separate announced teams. But yeah, my goal kind of holds it all together. It's great getting to see him finally get some love since he doesn't get Vince blowing up his earpiece anymore. Dude's always been a really capable announcer. He was a freaking like decorated war correspondent before
I mean, dude, you have to be like people give Michael Cole so much shit. I'm like, these people can't even like, you know, scroll their phone and wipe their ass. You know what I mean? Like these people like Michael Cole literally has to deliver messages on TV while somebody's like talking in his ear while knowing where to look and what to think like calling matches. It's absolutely bananas. What is going on for these guys? And they're like, you know,
on TV doing it live. So when anybody talks shit about it, I'm like, people used to talk shit about Renee and I would get so mad. I'm like, guys, there's no way that you could do what she does. Like, absolutely not. So. I like Renee's interviewer. I did not like Renee as a commentator. I didn't love her on, you know, I didn't love her on commentary. I didn't think she was bad, but I didn't love her on commentary. I thought she is a great interview. So. They need to bring JBL back on the announce team so we can hear him yell. All right, Maggle. All right, Maggle.
Zach Hertzler, what wrestler would you pick as Mr. or Mrs. SummerSlam? I think Brett Hart and Brock Lesnar got the two, uh, got the two most, you know, the biggest claims like Brett's probably had the most championship success there. I think Brock's may have ended the most SummerSlam.
Brett Sharrow says, who is the greatest little person wrestler? Swaggle, Dink, Aleutia Minnie. He said, I'm currently, I'm going to a local fairgrounds for a little people wrestling show. And Phil Dunnet chimed in and said, Adam Cole, obviously. It's probably one of the old timers, dude. I feel like Sky Lolo maybe gets mentioned a lot.
There's actually been some really, really great talented ones, the ones that aren't just used as combiacs, but I couldn't give you a solid answer on who the absolute best is. Little beaver. Little beaver.
Yep. And speaking of little people matches, we've talked about speaking a little beaver. Do yourself a favor and watch the WLC match because it's outstanding. It's outstanding. Extreme Rules 2014 pre-show the WLC match. I've said it before, if somebody came down and said I had 15 minutes to convince someone to be a wrestling fan that's never seen it before, I would put the WLC match on for him. Super entertaining. Okay.
Brett Sharrow, do you listen to something to wrestle with? And if so, what's your favorite episode or story he's told? I think Seth, you've probably heard it almost every episode. The WrestleMania 7 episode is really good. The WrestleMania 7, that was kind of early on in the run. I want to say it was maybe
It was within the first 20 or 30 episodes, but that was a real eye-opener for me, because you guys know how hardcore of a wrestling fan I am. And that was the first episode where I really heard a ton of shit that I had not heard before. And I thought WrestleMania 7 was an event that I pretty much knew all the ins and outs on. So yeah, go back and find the WrestleMania 7 episode. It's from either late 2016 or early 2017, but that's a good one. Either of you guys got something to wrestle with that you like?
Have listened to exactly one episode ever of that. So no, I heard one episode. I don't know. I told you guys, dude, I don't do. What did we talk about on summer slam weekend last year? I don't fucking fund Conrad. Yeah, that's true. I told you guys I do not do anything that he does. I don't listen to any of those shows.
I mean, it's precious. He has all those great stories. But one of my favorite ones is the Sid episode, where he talks about Psycho Sid, Sid Vicious, Sid Justice, whatever you want to call him. And him in his softball antics and all that stuff. It's a pretty good episode.
Yeah, there's so much, dude, there's so much content. I feel like we've been listening to that show for like, I mean, when did it come out, dude? Seven years, God. Yeah. He's to episode 400 next week, isn't he? I saw it on Twitter. I never understood why they didn't use the
They changed the theme song and kind of reworded the Bonnie Bade song. I like the girl that did it. Yeah. Same. It was a lot cooler. They should do something to talk about, but change it to something to wrestle with. Like, let's give them something to wrestle with. They should do something like that.
Yeah. Zach says, do you have a favorite TV show that you watch anytime it's on regardless if you've seen it a bunch of times? Well, it's weird because you don't really like, we don't really watch things that are, I mean,
Nothing's on in syndication. You got to make a point to watch something. You have to actually put it on and you're not just channel surfing anymore. Yeah, you're not just channel surfing and running into Seinfeld. But the office is obviously my number one answer. But yeah, Vanderpump Rules, Seinfeld, any of those are on, I will watch. Yeah. Seinfeld, definitely. Fresh Prince is another one.
It's funny that this question comes up because we do watch Comedy Central every night because the office is on and last night the episode where they start the Michael Scott paper company and his condo is on. Oh good my whore is here.
Like, dude, there's so many great one-liners in that show. And then the very next episode is the one where he's riding in the PT Cruiser with the top down, listening to Britney Spears. It's Britney, bitch. Yeah. That's, I think the office is the definitely the top answer set. You got a show that you just watch.

Cinemax Movie Mix-Up Story

It's like background noise if you're like, you know, doing something. HBO Real Sex. I knew you were going to say yeah. Did they even have that to stream? Like, can you stream that? Backdoor Bitches Volume 12. We got to ask OG Fig Kid, Tom Montalco. He would know if Real Sex is available. I have a deep cut if anyone knows this. Oh, God. And may do well. That's another one that people usually watch. Oh, man.
Skinemax search that if you had a max movies were golden spider babe was always my favorite spider The max movies have one of my all-time like classic most fond nostalgic memories So me and my little bro, you know mom he had me listening cover your ears, but me and my brother We're watching a Skinemax movie. He was probably like 13 or 14. So I'm like 16 or 17 and This is great
It kicked off one of those classic Skinemax movie sex scenes, and it started up on a close-up of a butt. And my little brother tag goes, man, that's a nice ass. And it zoomed out, and it was the dude's.
That is the fence. I mean, it was totally like, you know, it was a gender neutral ass. We both laughed till we cried. What's up with you and your family members? His other cousin, one time they were driving by somebody. So I got another ass story with a family member. It's pretty funny, dude.
I know he doesn't listen, but I got this cousin, Aaron, who's like seven years younger than me, which great guy, dude. Got an awesome, beautiful family and stuff down in Kansas City, but always been a little bit of a goober, right? We've always treated him as such. And he came and visited us one year when we lived up in Northern VA. And I took him to DC for the day. We went to sneaker con and we're hitting a few other spots of driving around. We're in downtown DC, just cruising around.
And we see this chick two blocks up. I couldn't really scope her out. But Aaron Caesar, he goes, man, that ass though. And I was like, what? And we're looking. And we get a little closer. It was like a 65-year-old girl. I was like, why did you say that? He was like, I don't know. I just thought it would sound cool.
Look at the butt on that. He must work out. Yeah, that was my brother Ted on that skin of mine. Oh, for two. Yeah. All right.
Oh, Ari came in with a question. She says, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Oppenheimer, or Barbie?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Plans

If we were back in our pre-kids days, I could have totally seen me and Sheena doing like the Barbenheimer double feature. Barbenheimer, yeah. Oppenheimer and then going to Barbie right after. But as of now, just Ninja Turtles. We're going to go see Ninja Turtles next Friday. That's Bretman's sixth birthday. And so we got a whole weekend of festivities lined up. But we're going to kick it off by going to the movies on a Friday afternoon to watch Turtles. Yeah.
I saw two of these three this weekend. So I saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and then I took the girls to see Barbie last night. So how was it? I've heard nothing but good things. It's actually, it's really good. I mean, I was, I went into it with really low expectations, but it actually was a good movie. I mean, it,
It has a good message and stuff. It's definitely, there's some parts that are not for kids, but it's a good movie. I was surprised. We're going to try to see Oppenheimer either this week or next week. But Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is fantastic. They said, yeah, people are saying that's the greatest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.
since the last one. He thinks it's going to be really good since the last one. It's the greatest one since the last one. It does look pretty cool. They gave me some serious Spider-Verse vibes. Yeah, it's going to really give them when you watch it. It's made by the people that did Mitchell's versus the Machines on Netflix, which I really love that movie. Oh, yeah. The Mitchell's versus the Machines is really good. Yeah, that was really cool. Which are the same people that actually worked on the first. I'm not sure if they did the Across the Spider-Verse, but they worked on the first Spider-Man movie.
Nice. It makes sense. Yeah, it's got the same vibes. You gave it a thumbs up, Jordan, when you saw Turtles? Yeah, it was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Obviously, just like everybody on here, we grew up with Turtles. It's really hard to judge them compared to the cartoons we watched when we were kids, but they did a really good job with this one. There's some stuff I didn't like about it, but yeah, it was good.
All right, final question. James Zushi says, also, did you think Sami Zayn took the bloodline over the top?

Sami Zayn and the Bloodline Storyline

I think that was definitely when it was at its peak. Yes. I think he gave the bloodline just more juice, dude. I feel like the bloodline would have ended months and months and months ago if it wasn't for Sami Zayn. Well, that was when the bloodline was at its most baby-faced, dude, when they had Sami Zayn. People were nuts for the bloodline, man. I think about when
They showed up, the first time it was like, oh shit, Sammy Zane really is a part of this was when they showed up for that press conference for the Logan Paul fight in Saudi. Sammy just happened to be with them. Right. And then obviously as a survivor series man, when Jay finally accepted Sammy, like that was just an all time moment. Like that was so freaking cool.
Yeah, because I feel like with just the actual bloodline, there was only so far they would have been able to go and so many different webs they would have been able to weave. But Sammy just brought in a whole new flavor and was able to just shake things up in a way that without him, I feel like it just wouldn't be the same storyline. He definitely took it to a whole other level. Into the rest of the family's credit, for the most part, they've kept it at that level since he left, but it elevated it big time.
I felt like it really became this thing that just dominated the entire WWE landscape when he became a part of it. Whereas before it seemed like it was kind of just like the number one story on SmackDown for a long time. And dude, to Roman's credit, we talked about how Jay, like the crowd was at a fever pitch, dude, like the roof would have just blown off the place if somebody would have beat
Or if he would have beat Roman, dude. And he had that same effect on freaking Sami Zayn. You know what I mean? Obviously, he had the same effect on Cody, but Cody kind of had his own momentum coming in. But a guy like Sami Zayn and a guy like Jay Uso that had no business being in that position and having that much fan support
I feel like the common denominator there is Roman. Yeah, assuming that they end up sticking the landing on this storyline, you've really got to give a standing ovation for WWE's creative team for having the patience. Because it's been four times now, dude. They had it with Drew at Clash at the Castle, Sam at Elimination Chamber, Cody at WrestleMania, and Jay Uso at SummerSlam, where you had somebody white hot that the crowd fully supported. Because that's the hardest thing to do in modern wrestling, dude.
it's almost impossible in the post attitude error to book a baby face that the fans want to get behind me and it just that's so difficult they've done it four times and all four times they've said no roman wins um so you know like you said earlier hopefully you know our confidence isn't in them isn't you know being given in bad faith and they actually pay this thing off because it'll be a shame if they don't because you've already had four opportunities to to pass the belt to somebody else
True. And you know, at the end of the day, if for whatever reason, they don't stick the landing, dude, it's not going to sour me on everything that has been the bloodline.

Bloodline Storyline vs. Past Wrestling Stories

I feel like wrestling fans are just prepared to if, for whatever reason, they fumbled this whole thing with Jimmy, they're prepared to be like, Oh, God, you know, this is so stupid and yada yada. But like, dude, let's just take take a step back and just think about how awesome this last couple of years have been with the bloodline and how incredible this run has been and how historic
this run has been. Even if creative freaking fumbles at the finish line, dude, I feel like it's still fucking awesome. I feel you. You're right on what you're saying, but I got scars that still run deep from the Sting storyline in 96, 97. That's probably my favorite wrestling angle ever, and they completely fucked up the ending of that with that horrible finish of Starrcade 97.
That wasn't all but I feel like that's that's an exception dude like that's an all-timer of just an absolute just right but But when the story that comes ahead of it is built up to that peak. Yeah, it puts that much more weight on the ending so like I said, I got I don't know my my red flags are out man if they I
if they could end up screwing this thing up. I hope I'm wrong. Triple H has been pretty good for the most part. I don't know. What do you guys say right now? We'll close out the conversations week with a gut check. Yes or no? Are they going to stick the landing on the bloodline storyline? I'm going to go out. I'm going to say no. I'm going to say no as well. Wow. I'm going to say yes. I'm going to say yes, dude.
I think they can make something out of it, dude. My fear is that, I mean, they could definitely make something out of it. My fear is that business has been so good with Roman on top that you just, you don't want to cook your golden goose, right? Because we've seen it, it's already, like I said, it's been four times ready they could have ended it. I feel like if business is just humming, they're breaking records every single PLE, every single quarter, breaking records for earnings.
Why change? You know what I mean? Like Wolf of Wall Street. Let the fucking good times roll, dude. Let him keep it. I ain't fucking going nowhere. Because at a certain point, it's still the wrestling business. They're not winning any fucking Oscars or anything. If you're making money than you've ever made, at a certain point, it's like, you know what? We've got responsibility to the fucking shareholders. We're not going to fucking... We're not going to take this belt off this guy until we see business start to slip. From all indicators right now, business is going up and up.
That's my fear is that we end up seeing this thing and I love roman So I wouldn't be totally against it as long as they can make it make sense But you know, i'm still not convinced he loses it next mania, dude. He could go pass from some mania 40
That would be insane, dude. It was insane for him to go past the last WrestleMania, dude. Yeah, true. It was insane last mania, dude. I remember fucking me and Jordan going to make a fucking beer run right before night two. And I asked Jordan, I said, dude, point blank. I was like, do you think there's any chance he gets this, dude? Because I was trying to foster some hope that my dude was going to win. And he's like, no, it's not happening, man. And I agreed. I was like, yeah, I think you're right. As if the bell's getting closer to the bell ringing, man.
I feel like, yeah, there's zero chance he wins and he fucking won, man. So I don't know. What do you think, Jordan? How can they land this plane with all the amount of effort they put into the storyline? So like for me, we had talked about this so many times. It should have ended with Jay. I just I felt like that was the right ending. Yeah. I just I don't think there's going to be a proper ending at this point.
I think, I think we're building towards him wrestling Cody again at WrestleMania. Um, and I mean, dude, he, there's no, I mean, there is a way, but for the purposes of this conversation, there is no way that they can have Cody dropped to him two years in a row.
I just don't know what message that sends at that point killing Cody. And even if Cody does win, it'll almost feel like a letdown after he lost last year. You know what I mean? It's like, okay, of course, of course he won the second time. Right. I mean, dude, like storyline sense, like in my brain, like the history of wrestling of Roman Reigns, the most sense is Seth Rollins taking the belt off of him because he's the only guy he has not beat.
Like in my brain, that makes the most sense. But do I think that's actually what's going to happen? No. Um, I do feel like we're going to eventually get the four way, the bloodline four way. And I feel like it needs to happen. Um, if they completely take Jimmy and Jay out of the bloodline, and this is the last of, um, Jimmy or Jay in a bloodline storyline.
I'm going to hate it really bad. Like if this is all just building towards Jimmy and Jay wrestling at WrestleMania and they're, they're not involved in bloodline at all anymore. And it's just Roman Solo and Paul Heyman. I really hope Roman takes four months off. Honestly, I just, I feel like they're going to kill that story. Honestly.
Paul Heyman said at the SummerSlam press conference after a show, he said they're only in the bottom of the third inning with this storyline right now. Dude, there's no fucking way he's keeping the belt another six years. There's just... You'd have to go four years to break Bruno's record for the longest reign of all time. Four more years. I just don't... Dude, I don't think... In the year 27 discussing, who's he gonna lose the belt to? I just don't think that...
I don't know, man. I get what don't say. I mean, just his, just his, you can't see it. Doesn't mean it can't happen. We'll have to go to September of 2024 to break the next big. That's when he'd pass Hulk. He'd pass Hulk September of next year. And then he'd just have Bob Backlund and Bruno left in front of it. But dude, at what point does it lose too much steam and like people just stop watching? Cause he's, that's what I was saying. I think it's going to end up being a business decision more than a credit. I think so. Yeah.
Cause there's no reason Drew, I mean, Drew, you could have had drew beat him. There's really no reason that Cody or Jay shouldn't have beat him for the belt. Creatively. I mean, dude, those were like, Cody was so over at WrestleMania and then they just did it again with Jay at summer slime. Like he was so over.
dude the fucking jimmy thing just pisses me off more and more every time i think about it it really does like every time i rehash that moment in my memory like i legitimately thought he was about to lose until jimmy pulled him out like we already said it's on site bro we're jumping jimmy uso's ass if we see him out somewhere bro if we see fucking jimmy uso out somewhere we're fucking molly whopping his ass dude oh dude it's just i mean we're rehashing summer slam again and it's just summer slam and wrestlemania like
I thought it was a bad move at both of them. And like looking back now, like, dude, he should have lost to Jay. Even, even if Seth said, even if it was only, fuck, I don't even care if it was a week and he loses it on Smackdown this week. You already get an event called payback, the whole fucking concept of it set up for Roman to win the belt back, dude. Like, yeah. But give us, give us, give us the fucking, give us that moment.
that was the payoff dude that was the payoff of the entire bloodline storyline like nobody else in the solo is not taking the belt off roman there's just it's not fucking happening it it's cody or set that's the only two logical explanations goon there is like a horse that's like eight lengths back that could possibly do it but
Dude, there's no got no skin in the game, dude. I can't see you. I can't see a way how you get there in Roman like involved like that already has this crazy story with him and then Cody's got, you know, mania last year, you know, think there's there's rumors of like, you know, adding new members to the bloodline like from the actual family.
the guys that are like, you know, with like an MLW and all those other things like, and then they can also, they still haven't, we still haven't seen any of the like the elders show up on TV yet. Like we haven't seen Rikishi, we haven't seen Afa Asika yet on TV since that last time. So the still, you know, time for them to show up on TV and, you know, get them involved. So
I believe Paul Heyman, it definitely is. I think there's way more storytelling to go. I just don't think our brains can see it. We don't have the creative capacity to look that far ahead, and we're looking at it.
Seth said, we're not looking at it in a business sense. We're looking at a Mark sense of story. It has to be business because like Seth already said, there's no reason because the moment that it would have created when any of the guys that we mentioned would have beat Roman, it would have been monumental, dude. It would have been in the highlight clips for years and years and years. And now forever opening. Exactly.
Like there's no like unless there's just freaking making money hand over fist. There's no reason yeah, but then you gotta plan What happens next? That's the other part of it. So yay. We have this big happy ending Alright, what's what's the story with with whoever beats him who who's next in line to you know?
So someone else has to be built parallel to that person that's going to take out Roman. So you have to have three people. You have to have Roman, the person that's going to beat him, and then that next person right after that. So if you look at the roster now, who is that? Yeah, it's going to be nobody. It's going to be like the person who like, you know, replaced Tom Brady in New England or something like that. Yeah, you still have to have that next audio. WWE is going to go into its down freaking spiral, dude.
I don't think it is, dude. I think when the belt goes off Roman, it's back to normal for WWE.
dude, before Roman had the belt, like, I mean, every month you could have seen a chance that somebody was losing the belt. Like the only reason this is the way it is right now is because Romans had the belt for almost four years. Like, yeah, dude, WWE is going to be just fine. We're in unprecedented freaking waters here, dude. Like we don't even know. We are. But are you guys really telling me that if Cody beats him at WrestleMania, you couldn't see goon. They're taking the belt off Cody the very next month. Like,
It's going to go back to normal WWE again. Once Roman loses, it's going to go right back to the original cycle of WWE. I mean, is the original cycle of WWE? I mean, after we've experienced this where it's just like, you know, holy shit, you know, all the time, is it going to be enough?
I like a mix. I like a mix between the long reigns and then like, you know, hot potato it for a little bit. I don't think everybody should have a long reign. Yeah. Right now we have long reignitis going on. Anything besides the fucking women's tag team belts, like you're pretty much holding that shit for like, you know, four, five, six months. I know. There's no reason that Austin Theory should still have the freaking title, dude. Dude, LA Knight, if they do not have LA Knight take that belt off of them, they have completely fucked that up. And I mean, would it surprise me if they didn't? No.
I don't know, dude. I think, I think WWE is going to be just fine. And I think Roman as a part-time performer is going to be just fine when they take the belt off of him. This has been a historic rain. Nobody can ever take it away. I don't know. I just, I think WWE is going to be completely fine when they do take the belt off of him. But I do think there was. Okay. So like, let's just like fancy book this and say Cody does take the belt off of him. Does that feel like as big of a moment as
Sammy winning at elimination chamber because we forgot about that one. Cody winning at WrestleMania this year or Jay winning. I brought up Sammy. Yeah, no, dude. I said Sammy had that same momentum Jay had and it would have blown the freaking house up, dude. And then, yeah, Jay, same thing, dude. It would have just... There's no way you're going to recapture that organic energy that comes with a feud like this when like, you know, the good guy
could finally get his chance to get over on the the villain you know there's no there's no way you're gonna get the moment you would have got this year if any three of those guys would have beat him yeah but it's the moment part of it so like what happens after that moment
Yeah, but I mean, dude, the moments are what we remember, man. Dude, Cody beating me. It doesn't matter what happens. After the fact, it's all a wash, dude, because you're in fresh water. It's just like wiping the slate clean. I feel you, sometimes new does not always necessarily mean better in wrestling, but I just feel like this reign has been so epic and so well done. It needs a proper ending.
You know, like we said, dude, they had it with Cody, had it with Sammy. I don't think you can recapture Cody, man. I think they maybe have a shot if they built Seth back up, but it takes a ton of work with where Seth's, you know, with what he's doing now in general, and just his character. He cannot be here as that character. He's so far removed from Roman, too, right now. Yeah, he is. Like, Seth couldn't give a fuck less about... I think, to me, like, in my brain, like, kayfabe, like,
Seth's like, you know what? I know I got that guy's number. I didn't give a fuck about what he's doing. I'm doing my own thing. Also, like the character that Seth portrays now, like.
This is not like a knock on Seth because I mean, dude, Rollins is obviously one of the most incredible wrestlers in the world. But like this portrayal of Seth beating Roman just feels like such a downgrade at this point to me. He need to go back to like the King Slayer, the B Slayer character, if he's going to do it. He can't be coming up fucking singing his theme song and me trying to be excited about him beating Roman like I don't know, man.
Think that's half the reason I wanted Finn to win. I just I fucking hate this Rollins character so much, dude It's just it's a comedy. I like it. It's not it's not my favorite though How much prefer be you know the either the 2015 just the evil Seth or like that? 1718 19 babyface Seth is I like Seth is like a chicken

Seth Rollins' Character Portrayals

shit. He'll like asshole kind of character like the him like
serenading the crowd and having the crowd serenade him to me is just, that's not who he is at all. Like, yeah, I liked, I liked that version of Seth then, but I feel like he's outgrown that now. Like he's proven that he's like more than a chicken shit, you know, like cowering heel, right? Like I feel like he, he can't go, he can't go back there, even though that was probably one of my favorite portrayals, like Mr. Money in the bank and then winning WrestleMania 31, like love, love, love that version of Seth, but he, he just can't go back there.
I don't know why, dude. The curb stomp to me is just such a heel finisher, too. Like, I just... It is brutal, man. It's violent. I just don't. I don't know, man. It's just...
So I think, I think we're all on the same page here that like, I think they've already, I mean, Sheena and Marco still have hope, but I think me and Seth are on the same page. I'm like, I feel like they've already missed. I've been let down on so many times. I'm always hopeful to Game of Thrones. Let me down. Dexter let me down. All these things that I hang on to for way too. The ending is always the worst seed. Sopranos is always the worst because it's like they get themselves in these like uber complicated, like, you know, overplayed situations. And there's just really no,
Yeah, they overthought it again. There was three chances to make it right. Yeah, they set up a handful of perfect endings already. Maybe they can do it again, but it's going to take a hell of a story with Cody if that's where we're going for WrestleMania 40.
All right. Uh, so that wraps up. Sorry for leading us on, you know, a 20 minute, uh, bloodline deep dive there at the end. I thought we were going to just do a quick, uh, actually no, but I mean, it is compelling, dude. Love it or hate it. It's definitely the most compelling thing we've had in wrestling in a long time. Um, want to remind you guys, check out our pod foundation brethren, uh, turn vocal tavern, the extra cooler show and coming down the aisle everywhere you find podcasts. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you on social media. Find me on Instagram at chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine at chick Foley show.
Join all the fun in our Facebook group at And I am back in the hot seat for trivia, so Sheena, hit me with your best shot. I don't even want to ask you this question because it's like right in your freaking, you know. Nice, I love it. Bring it on. Right in your wheelhouse. So at the September 1995 in your house, who was Bam Bam Bigelow's opponent? Dude, I do not know that. Whoa. Oh, no.
Timber95 in your house. Bambigolo would have been fighting. What? I'll say Psycho Sid.
Damn the brand-new heel British Bulldog. Yeah, we just talked about We hadn't talked about Bulldog on this podcast in months. Yeah, sure dog came up tonight. I thought he was still feuding with the corporation at that time This is unprecedented That match is a total freakin blind spot for me man because Bulldog was in the main event that night I forgot about Bulldog pulling double duty. That's the the triple header
Main event with Sean and Hvk against supposed to be own in Yoko, but end up being Bulldog in your coast. It was like with Jay, but I'm rovin right now Take care of your gut ferment your milk