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Only Figures! The Dust Settles From SDCC

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
You heard of Only Fans? This is Only Figures. For the first time EVER, maybe, we have an all-figures episode! The dust has settled from SDCC, and we discuss all the reveals, Mattel's first WWE Crowd Funded effort, and all the rest of the news from the biggest week of the year in action figures. Plus, Listener Mail! Check out the Pod Foundation Try Verb energy bars! Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline

Episode Kickoff and Host Introductions

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley fam? We are back with episode 138 of the Chick Foley show. It's a day late, but a better late than never. And we're going to be bringing it this week. Before we go any further, let me introduce the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing? I'm doing good. A little bit tired, but you know, I'm ready to bring it. You know, we're going to have a jam packed episode of action figure talk. So I'm ready to do the damn thing. Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts?

Marco's Moving Adventure

Doing good, just trying to settle into this new abode that we have here. So that was my, if we were going to go buy purchases this week. A weekly purchase? Yeah, my weekly purchase was a house, so there'd be no figures in sight for at least a little bit anyway. Dude, I feel you, you definitely win the tired award for the week because we've moved a few times now and it is never fun, ever. It's awful.
Yeah, I commend you for even jumping on here and being with us tonight because I know there's probably like a bajillion boxes stacked up all around your house that your wife's probably like, dude, we need to unpack this shit. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Did everything in the collection make it there safe and sound?
Of course, yeah. That was like the number one priority. Forget furniture and the TV. That had to be one of the most stressful things, especially because ours was like, we were trusting other people to get our stuff there. It wasn't like we were driving it across in a U-Haul. We literally packed up every action figure that we owned and it was on a freight from Hawaii all the way across the country here to Virginia. When those arrived safe and sound, it was definitely peace of mind.
Yeah, moving sucks. Yeah, it definitely does.

New Platform and Social Media Details

For the listeners, we're using a new platform this week. So if you hear a couple of minor glitches, that's why we're trying to work through some new stuff. It's all in the name of bringing you guys more and even better content. So bear with us if there are a couple of production hiccups this week. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. And you can join our fully fam at chick fully Thanks as always to all of our loyal patrons over there. We appreciate all of your support. We have new episodes of unboxed mania every week.

Giveaway Winner Announcement

We have our Royal rumble 93 watch along coming up. Um, and we actually have a Patreon exclusive giveaway winner to announce. So Seth's going to do that. Oh, yeah.
The winner of the comma elite figure is Eugene Evans. So Eugene, hit me up in the DMS, shoot me a message, and we'll get that fig sent right over to you. Congrats, man.

Community Engagement and Podcasting Challenges

All right, we also want to remind you guys to support the Pod Foundation. You go on Instagram at Pod Foundation to keep up with our partners in crime, Turnbuckle Tavern, Pyramid Wrestling, and The Extra Cooler Show. Pyramid Wrestling came back from a little hiatus to start up season two this week. Really, really great stuff over there. They're kind of just all things action figures, extra coolers, all things retro. We're going to talk about them in detail a little bit later on this week. And we want to thank those guys again for coming on our show last week.
Yeah, so much fun. I got to say, man, it was a lot of fun. It was pretty hectic for me. You guys, I'm technically the host of this show. And I'm directing traffic with five people on here. And I felt like I was a point guard in basketball, man. I'm trying to ditch the rock. I'm trying to keep everybody involved. I had Sheena and Matt. They're freaking Kobe and LeBron, just a man in the ball. They're taking it to the rack every single time.
You know Marco and micro countries on the wing knocking down three pointers and stuff, man So yeah, it was I was just I was really difficult being mindful of like let me make sure I give everybody a chance to talk, you know So anybody that's like a group moderator I feel for you, man Cuz I you know me and me and Sheena and Marco we got such a rhythm down that it's just easy It's a blast having guests on it's nice to mix it up every once in a while But it is it is a little hectic
people. Next up, we got to get six people on the show at a time. You got to keep us all in line. It was funny when we went on the extra cooler show, Marco and I, unfortunately, Seth had to work that night so he wasn't able to join us on the extra cooler show. But when we went, it was funny because they were talking about how Jim and Mike are always like,
They're kind of like the chatter boxes. Nick and Matt keep everybody in line. They're like, they bring the points home and then Marco and I kind of filled that role really nicely because we like to bring all of the cheater chatter. I think we do some good crossovers with those guys. I love having them on the show and it was a blast being on their show too. So if you haven't, go back and listen to the archives. They have some evergreen stuff, so definitely check out extra cooler stuff. We join them for
Money in the Bank 2014. Marco and I went on that show and recapped. So if you haven't got a chance to listen to that, definitely do so.
Yeah, Matt was ready to go, man. He was coming in hot. It was a couple of times that I was starting to like segue into the next segment, the next segment. And then Matt's just like, nah, player, I'm getting my shit in. I got one more thing to say. Hold on. Hold on. Maybe we could do a, we should get every, I'm not sure.

Zencastr and Guest Management

So Zencaster is the actual platform that we use. We'll give them a little bit of free advertising real quick. I don't know if there's actually a limit to how many people that you could have on the show. Maybe sometime we should just try to get like,
the entire pod foundation on one show. We can do a battle royale. I can just keep teeing you guys up with topics and anytime somebody has a bad take, I'll just kick them from the pod. We'll see who the last podcaster stands. What's the sports center show with the points? Oh my God. Around the horn.
Yeah, we could do around the horn style. I'll start meeting people and scoring stuff. If you could get a good interface to do that visually on YouTube or something, I think that would be cool. If something like that exists for wrestling, I haven't seen it yet. It's definitely a good idea. Maybe something in the future for the Pod Foundation. Follow all those guys. It's great shows.
We'll go ahead and plug them now before we play their ad. Turnbuckle Tavern, those guys have been killing it, man. They are the workhorses of the podcast issue. They're putting out, I think, four podcasts a week now. Plus, they have Big Friday every Friday. They just had a...
They had Sam Roberts on tonight on their YouTube show, and then they had Action Figure Attack on earlier this week. We'll get into details on that later on, though. One thing that's different for this week, it has been a little bit light on, or I wouldn't say light, but a little bit less eventful than usual in the actual in-ring news.
we're gonna go pretty much all figures you know we uh we debated we bounced around ideas for how to handle san diego comic con because the big wwe panel went down on friday as you guys know we typically record our shows on thursday we uh we bumped it back one night this week just because life happens you know marco moving me and she and i have had family in town
But we decided to go ahead and just give everything a chance to let the dust settle over the course of a week, which is good because we'll get into it. But there's a couple of topics that they really kind of took a week to play out. And there were even some big developments just this afternoon on them. That's what we call a tease here in the industry. So you guys have to listen up for later on in the show.
figure out exactly what we're talking about there.

AEW and Matt Cardona Discussion

I'm being intentionally cryptic. But yeah, Sheena, Marco, do either one of you guys have anything you wanted to discuss from inside the Squirt circle before we get into the meat and potatoes of the show this week?
No, well, I mean, you know, congrats to Nick Gage for making pizza cutters great again, you know? Yeah, I mean, yeah, you can't go. You have to give him a day, as they say in the sports. He had a killer pay review this past week, as well as made his mainstream debut.
on AEW so like obviously Matt Cardona congrats to him for winning his first world title. It doesn't help a match. Did you watch that Kill Marker? Oh of course yeah it was a lot bloodier than I thought it was gonna be.
Yeah when you watch like obviously you watch back i don't want to match that this past wednesday you see jericho there it's like not that i'm like i like thirst for blood but i was like that's that was nothing i mean macaroni was just like bleeding like a stuck pig when he got his arm cut that time that's when i thought they would might actually stop the fight man
Whenever he had his shoulder or what? No, he did. He cut something on his arm and his arm was just completely red, man. The pizza cutter on the head, that looked like standard, you know, blading and wrestling. It was a lot of blood, but it wasn't too crazy. The arm was the thing where I was like, oh shit, this might have gone seriously wrong.
Yeah. So if you've seen, uh, a W this past Wednesday might be your first and last time seeing Nick age on a live television, if you guys, if you guys watch the, yeah, it was bad. I mean, it wasn't the bad, the match wasn't bad. It was basically like the sponsors, um, dominoes in particular, uh, kind of didn't like the fact that he used a pizza cutter on Jericho. And is that real? I hadn't heard that. Yeah, they, yeah, they, yeah, they actually, yeah. They, they tweeted that out and then.
Are you sure? That's not, you know, are we getting worked Marco? You know, you and I like to get worked, you know, no, no shade to Marco because I'm the same with it. I mean, I wouldn't, I'm going to have to look this story up. So you're saying Domino's got pissed off because, uh, Nick, so Domino's is a sponsor, I'm assuming. And they get of a W and they got pissed off because he used to do if anything, I feel like that would put pizza cutters over.
You know, I mean, well, you're using the pizza cutter on human flesh, not the actual pizza. So yeah, I could see them getting upset about that, but.
Well, I have to eat some humble pie because I came on this podcast, I think a couple of weeks in a row and I said, there is absolutely no way that Matt Cardona is going to win that match. And sure enough, uh, the man, the man came through, he delivered, um, you know, just like dominoes. And, uh, yeah, they didn't even, uh, they didn't have to break that beautiful detail if they had set up at ringside.
I know. I thought that was going to come into play for sure. And, you know, they respected, they respected the figures. Yeah.
So yeah, so this week is gonna be basically all action figures We're skipping inside the squared circle because it's gonna be a super sized Go figure segment and then we'll have a couple of your favorite bonus segments there on the back end. We will remind you guys Anything that is available at use code chick Foley to save 10% and any burger show partners that you hear us mentioned throughout you can find links to those in our show notes to access those so you guys ready to get into the the San Diego Comic Con Bonanza and
Oh yeah.

WWE Action Figures from San Diego Comic-Con

Let's do it. Let's do it.
All right, Marco, it's going to be your show this week, man. You're quarterbacking this thing. Take us away with figure news. Oh no. I'm going to be like Garth on Wayne's run for the next season. I know. You usually got about anywhere from like a 25 to 45 minute warmup before I kick it over to you, man, to run the show for this, but not your audience. You can't be Garth.
That's my gimmick, you know. Yeah, let's jump in. There's a lot of, obviously, like you mentioned, there's a lot of WWE reveals.
the past week. So like you said, we let the dust settle. Hasn't been anything really popping up after that. I think everyone got their reveals out of the way last week. So thank you, because I couldn't hold on to any more stuff. There's a lot of information here. But let's start off with, let's just start off with the WWE SDCC reveals.
I want everything up to elite 92 so far, not everything, but you know, some figures here and there. Um, they just started revealing stuff, but you know, after the fact, um, you know, the P all the like wrestling figure database, all those, uh, types of guys started, you know, piecing together what figures are going to be in what series. So that actually helped when I was actually doing the notes for this. So, uh, hats off to them for doing that.
So we'll start with the Elite 88, and that's Rey Mysterio. But hold your horse, it's going to be one-eyed Rey, which I'm actually super psyched about. I don't know. They're making this happen, and I told you, I've really tried to black this period of wrestling out of my memory, you know?
I tried to close my eye to it. They just will not let it die. The only way I want that figure is if it comes with the little prosthetic that they had in the actual eye for an eye match. That's going to be in the Ultimate Edition. Oh yeah, definitely. But you're going to think you're not going to be able to escape the whole Ray losing his eye because you know they're going to have to come out with the Seth Rollins elite in that gear as well.
Oh yeah. Not the Rey Mysterio again, but the actual, like, jacket and the, you know, his whole gear. Yeah, we never really got the, like, standard, like, messiah look for Seth in Elite Four. Yeah, we got the basic, but yeah, not the Elite yet, so that's coming down the line. Next to mine, another Riddle, which is awesome, so it'll actually be Riddle, not Matt Riddle, like, as our first figure.
I would just pretty cool a new MVP, which I was super stoked about because we definitely need to do MVP. He was due. He's pretty much the MVP of the world. I still love my Elite One MVP, man. I love that figure, man. I think I actually sold you the Elite Nine one, right? Yes, with the other red and black one. That was pretty awesome. The new one's cool and it's good for everybody that got in the line because Elite One and Elite Nine were a long time ago.
dude Mattel knocked it out of the park on both of those figures man like uh i almost didn't tell you that elite nine dude because i was like i had it myself because i was like do i need two mvp's and then when i got ready to post it up i was like dude i this is a badass figure so uh yeah it's cool we got an updated one but i don't know if i'm actually gonna i think i may just stick with my original man
I mean, he has a different look too. So he has the, obviously it's the modern MVP, not the cornrows and the, you know, with the full MVP gimmick. So, especially if you try to do the hurt business faction. We need him to come with a, with a hurt business t-shirt, man. I think that would really set it off.
Yeah. I mean, that'll, we'll talk about it later, but obviously we have Bobby Lashley coming up too. So the, uh, the almighty Bobby Lashley. I have, uh, I have the hurt business in figure form right now, but it's, it's ratchet, bro. It's, it's Bobby with the trunks and the vest. It's the OG MVP. That's what I have. It's Shelton Benjamin with the blonde hair, you know, the gold standard Shelton Benjamin and then, you know, 205 live Cedric. So they look like, you know, just a motley crew of dudes, man.
Yeah, I need to hurt business in elite form. But yeah, so the other huge surprise is Zodiac. I'm assuming that's going to be the collector's, but then you have Trish Stratus as well. So she could be the collector's, but she's also the- I think she's going to change. I think Trish Stratus has the change in Zodiac, the collector's. Yeah, she's got the pink and black gear and red and white gear for- Did you guys call for that?
What's that? You see the Zodiac? Did you pop? I'm so stoked that we're getting a Zodiac. And I was already hyped. And then if you guys saw on the YouTube WWE panel, they showed that the Zodiac is going to come with the soft goods, like tassels, like arm dressing things that he used to wear and everything.
really really cool man hopefully we get the rest of Brutus's like random ass um gimmicks he had to remember he had a booty man with the uh booty man yeah yeah they could do i don't really know if we need a butcher figure man when he turned heel and he was Brutus the butcher beefcake and actually made a vented uh he actually made a vented a stargate against Hulk Hogan i really want the disciple though man i thought the disciple that was even though like the character kind of sucked
I think that would be so toy edit with Brutus with the long like bleach blonde hair and the letter vest and stuff. So that's kind of my most wanted Ed Leslie figure right now is the disciple.

Roman Reigns and Surprise Figure Announcements

But Zodiac is going to be cool and I love the deep cuts whenever they dig deep into the mid card to grab some of these characters for figures.
Yeah, definitely. Trish Stratus. I mean, obviously it wasn't like an actual figure reveal, but you feel like we need another Trish Stratus or, I mean, it's not going to be a new one. Yeah, it looks like it's like the old school Trish Stratus, not like the updated. Yeah. From the evolution paper. I was hoping we would either get, cause that red and white gear, that's from WrestleMania 18, I believe. And we already got that in basic form. There was a really good basic that came out in.
I want to say they're... Back when basics used to be good. They used to be more elite. I shouldn't say good. They're still good, but you know. Yeah. I want to say it was early 2019. I think it was with the WrestleMania 35 basics that we got that figure. It was a little bit underwhelming. I was hoping we'd either get Trish with the cowboy hat and stuff or maybe just a really good version of Trish from when she came back to fight Charlotte at SummerSlam 2019. I was a little bit underwhelmed. That one's not going to make the cut.
It does come with the cowboy hat. Yes. Okay. That's pretty cool. The pink one comes with a pink cowboy hat and the red one comes with a red cowboy hat. Of course. Okay. I didn't see that on the renders I saw. Yeah. I was thinking maybe like, even, she even deserves like an ultimate edition at some point too. I would think if you go to, if you go to ringside Instagram, um, scroll down a little bit, you can see, uh, the, you know, the mockups of the, uh, Trish Stratus figure.
Yeah, Marco, to your point, I think a Trish and Lita Ultimate Edition series would be pretty damn cool. Oh, yeah. They should definitely be the pair. Like, would they do this? Because they doom and twos. Definitely Trish and Lita. Definitely do China at some point. She definitely deserves an Ultimate Edition. Yeah. You could have Lita with, like, swappable whale tails. You know, different colors. Oh, my god.
Yeah, you could do maybe a three-pack with Edge. Edge and Matt Hardy. I think she can't do Matt Hardy, so you have to change the name or something. Just keep his likeness. And they know why. If they did an ultimate three-pack of the Hardys and Lita, that would be insane. That would actually be pretty awesome, but obviously... It would be awesome. I'm not going to lie. Despite all the drama and whatnot, I think I would pop with that.
the, uh, the love triangle, um, ultimate edition three pack. Yeah. Um, uh, moving right along. Coshida, which is pretty awesome. I'm a, I'm actually pretty stoked that Coshida is, um, going to be in this line too. Uh, what do you guys think into the, I'm hoping he has the, uh, like the back to the future gear, but I'm not sure if that's, uh,
Yeah, that definitely looks like that's going to be the look for him. He was originally supposed to be an Elite 83. Remember Elite 83 was the one that there was only five figures in that set. That's because the unique tooling that they had for Kashida caused him to end up getting delayed at the last minute.
That was all we had, that kind of weird elites. He's got on the shorts over the knee pads and he's got the orange vest and he comes with the Bret Hart style silver shades. If you go to, like I said, all this stuff is on ringside, you can see the full color renderings. So yeah, that computer figure looks awesome.
That's it. That's just like, maybe think of something like if they start doing like, if NXT starts traveling again, they should definitely do something like where he does like the Bret Hart thing and he takes those shades and gives it to a child in the audience. I'm here for that. Yeah. Just to keep the tradition going because no one really does that anymore. I mean, obviously with what's going on in the world, you probably don't want someone else's belongings.
They'll be spraying you with sanitizer as you try to hand them the shades. Last but not least, in Elite 88, you have to say the best for last, right?
Oh yeah. Thunderdome Rome, the actual golden glove room. The man with the golden fist. He looks so good. He's got like a sneering face. It just, oh dude, it looks so good. According to my wife, he's- He's so muscular. I don't know if they updated the Roman torso, but dude, I mean, he's buff. Very, very buff.
Yeah, I'm super stoked about this one. My wife will probably want a version of this as well, even though she doesn't collect figures, because she's in love with Roman Reigns. Especially since the promo that he cut on Cena last week, I showed her that.
Oh yeah, I bet she was excited about that. She's a smith by him. Yeah. So that's good to know. I think this is the first Roman we've had that's kind of been designed from the ground up to be record Roman. You know, a shirt was Roman. We've gotten a couple that came with a t-shirt.
They still came with the vest and stuff also. This is the first real true tribal chief figure. I'm still hoping they get the lay in there, man. We need Roman with the lay when he was rocking from the first couple months of that run. I really dug that. Hopefully, they bring that back. Yeah, we don't want the bolt either. We want an actual lay with these. We want the material because that'd be pretty cool.
So we'll move on to Elite 89. This one's actually pretty cool. So this is another one I popped for. Goon. The Goons that have been in this one. Yeah, I never in my wildest dreams expected we were going to get the announcement of a Goon figure. He comes with the he's gonna come with the soft goods hockey jersey also.
Yeah, I mean, you talk about all the weird ones that they came up with, like the Red Rooster. People didn't think they would actually go for that. Just like the Shark, all that stuff. Yeah. I guess there is.
As a gank, I guess there is an audience for these types of figures. It's pretty cool that they're actually popping them out, or they could be feeling some pressure from the other companies out there snatching all these obscure characters. That's right. You might see a lot of these guys that start popping up in the elite lines. Yeah, like Freaky Bobby said, if you're not first, you're last.
Yeah, man. When you get that, get that foot on your neck, you have to, you have to do something about it. But yeah, no, it's pretty awesome that, uh, that goes into being a figure for them. So yeah. And it looks like you could easily swap it and make it into a Garth Algar figure. Um, you know, since we were talking about Garth earlier, you just get one of our, get one of our customizers to make you a little Garth head. Yeah. Game on. How would you make a way though, if you were to like, how would you, what figure would you to customize a Wayne?
Well, Wayne had, yeah, Wayne had hockey gear on too, so I think you could probably just sub. I mean, neither Garth nor Wayne were this buff, so I don't know. I mean, you definitely have to cover him up with some serious. You could grab any old Bret Hart head scan for Mike Myers too, because for whatever reason, Mattel, just their Bret Hart head scans are just like a generic Canadian guy, so yeah, there you go. So true, very true. That's true. So yeah, you could use a Bret Hart head scan and put a hockey mask on top of it.
That's what I'm actually pretty stoked for. Dominic Mysterio, first in line, first ever figure. Not to be confused with the other Dominic that we'll talk about. But yeah, so Dominic Mysterio is getting his own figure. It looks like he's wearing the gear from
The match he had with Seth Rollins right his first summer slam last year his first match. Yes That's gonna be really cool. We only got the little graphics from the front I'm wondering how they're gonna do his hood cuz remember he He for whatever reason he decided that he needed to wrestle in a sleeveless Thing it wasn't like a shirt because it was like a spandex type situation or like a pleather with a Hood doesn't wrestle in the hood, right? The hood comes off when he rests. That's just part of the entrance gear. Oh
Let me fire up the Google machine I could have swore that his match at SummerSlam the hood was on the entire match
Yeah, he's always, I mean, maybe he's evolved over time, but I feel like lately he's had the hood, but he hasn't wrestled in it, but maybe I could totally be 100% wrong on that. This gear is so bright. It's like a bright royal blue, red with yellow piping. Very, very loud. I've gone on record as saying I don't love Dominik Mysterio's gear. Nothing against Dominik.
It's just not my favorite. Sorry to interrupt, Sheen. I'm looking at it now. He definitely had the hood on at SummerSlam, but this isn't the actual gear. SummerSlam, he was rocking blue and black. I think this was the gear that he wore that next pay-per-view when him and Ray teamed up against Seth Rollins and the other yearly departed Buddy Murphy. Hopefully, we get a Ray that matches it perfect.
But yeah, that's a cool figure though that gears awesome on the the YouTube panel. Our good friend of the show big shot bill he actually said that they considered doing a basic of Dom just to get him in the line first but the deco on his gear was going to be so much that there was really no way that that figure could be done as a as a basic.
Yeah, I looked it up. So this is like when that whole Aliyah storyline was going on. So he's like him and Aliyah and Miss Mysterio and Ray are all walking down to the, to the ring with kendo sticks in their hand. Again, this was a very dark time and a very strange time in wrestling. So, um, I, I do not remember, I remember the storyline and all the shenanigans that went along with it, but this specific moment with all of them walking to the ring with kendo sticks, I don't, I do not remember that.
I remember that. Yeah, because I beat the crap out of Murphy. I just remember Ray's wife in the dark. Aliyah did. She was in love with Murphy. Those before, though. This was Z. This was before they fell in love. I just remember everybody just dripping in Louis Vuitton head to toe, man.
Gucci. They were Gucci'd from head to toe. Gucci, Louis. They just went in. Yeah, they walked down Rodeo Drive and just said, give me all you got. You know, they were so fucked.

Anticipated WWE Figures and Design Details

You guys were setting up like three or four times.
That was so awful. That would beat the shit out of him and then like they would just be back together the next week. And I'm like, yeah, before they had a big break up last week. Yeah. Yeah. Love is, I mean, love, you can't, love is hard. Love is complicated. Yeah. They changed his Facebook status to it's complicated. I don't even know that. I don't even know that that's still a thing, but yeah, he changed it to it's complicated. Yeah. After AOP went down, it was like that whole storyline and that whole, you know, disciple thing, you just like disintegrated into nothingness.
Unfortunately. Am I crazy, or did Seth and Buddy start working together again after Seth came back from his baby leave? Did I just imagine that, or I could have swore Buddy came back and was showing loyalty to Seth again, or they teamed up a little bit. I think they started doing it, and then you all kind of faded away. I think I was going to remember that, yeah. Yeah, I want to hear the same of it. Yeah. I think you're right. Anyways, let's keep it moving. He was on a smackdown. Yeah. Let's not rehash one of the most repug story lines in recent history.
I hope it comes back again. Damien Priest is next to the elite 80 and 89. He already has a basic figure out with the taped up ribs. But that's what obviously, I'm not sure what gear it's from. I'm assuming it's from an NXT, not from like maybe or anything like that.
But yeah, Damien Preeze, you guys pumped for Damien Preeze's elite. Oh yeah, very cool figure, man. Caught full gear. I love it, man. We need Bad Bunny, man. I'm really disappointed that we didn't get the Bad Bunny elite reveal at this Comic Con. I feel like that's got to be in the works, man.
I think it's happening. Yeah, because as we go down the line, the other series aren't fully announced yet, so he might pop up in the next one. You never know. He might hop up in the next one because... Wow. Bad Bunny. I like that, Marco. I smiled to that.
Yeah, I like this Damien. I like this Damien figure. I like that it comes sans rib wrap. I felt like the rib wrap that came with the basic was just a little much. It looked like a whole rib cast. I'm just like- Yeah. We had this conversation the last we spoke about this. It was like the taped up ribs. What does that do? What does it even do? What's the point? It was just like putting tape on your ribs.
Diamond Dallas page became one of the hottest baby faces in the industry for in 1997 and that motherfuckers ribs were taped up the entire time My wife was like She she goes. Yeah, they use tape for like, you know, like Cesaro comes out with that tape on a tape. Yeah Yeah, that K tape. I'm like, yeah that that probably helps like that like but the
It's gauze. You're just wrapping gauze around someone's waist. What does that mean? Seth Rollins was wearing rib wraps when he beat Brock Lesnar, right? Wasn't that part of their whole storyline? He had his ribs wrapped all the time. Was he bleeding? I think the rib wrap, it's a misdirection because it paints such a bullseye on your midsection, your ribs that
Maybe if you had a bum knee or an ankle, just throw some rib wrap on. They'll ignore all the rest of the stuff and just keep working over your midsection while your real injury stays untouched. Sure. You could be a man like Stone Cold did that time on Rod. He just circled a target on his chest. Remember that? That night he was like, come after me. You started everyone that night. You could do that instead of just trying to
Just waiting for somebody to come out and like the back brace, you know, just like the support With like the little neck thing, you know, and just like all one piece That would be a real underdog story I would I would I would pop for that
I could see biz doing that. That's something that. Oh, yeah. Up his alley. A thousand percent. Let's see now. Yeah. That was a surprise because she hasn't had one in a long time. Well, the one that she did have was so freaking good that I mean, yeah, I don't think they really needed to play it back. I heard her other figure was just incredible, dude. I think it was damn good. I was actually a man. So yeah. Yeah. It was like that. It wasn't that the first one that came with the multiple head scans.
Yeah, it was definitely the first female that did and it was just yeah, I don't until she drastically changed up her look I don't think we need another Nia Jax figure
Now, that head sculpt is considered the best women's figure ever, probably. Yeah, it was awesome. I think it was definitely in our top five figures whenever we were ranking our chickies at the end of the year. The chase is the red, I'm assuming. There's purple gear. What color was her gear that she had in her original one? It was purple too, right?
Yeah, it was purple. Yeah, it was like purple and teal with the gear from WrestleMania 34. Yeah, so they're doing another purple Naya, which I think is kind of, you know, whack. I think they should have ventured out just a little bit, but the red looks really good. Yeah, hopefully this comes with the women's championship and not the Womaze championship like the last one. Yeah, hopefully they...
Definitely comes with a women's tag championship. We don't know if it's the updated or the, you know, the classic. They just throw a bunch of other ones in there of the same one, but let's move on. Drew McIntyre. So it looks like we get the updated drew, which is pretty cool. So once has been clamoring for.
The whole the whole the whole warrior look not all to worry about yeah Those silver things those are wrist gauntlets Yeah, okay I was wondering because I saw that on the rendering but like the way it looked on the rendering they had him like down by his knees So I was like this is like leg armor or some shit that he's had on his entrance. Yeah All right, that makes a lot more sense. I was kind of hoping they would save this for a
For an ultimate edition, looking at the rendering, I kind of get the vibe that it's going to be like the Roddy Piper style kilt that they've done, which is like a rubber kilt that just kind of fastens around. I really want to, I want like a soft goods and if they could like don't use the standard soft goods, like maybe a little mini like flannel dude. Like if you can make like a small flannel, which actually you could probably get on eBay and find like little 112 scale kilts.
Oh yeah. We're getting deep in the weeds on figure nerddom, but yeah, I think a tiny little flannel kilt would just really make it awesome. Maybe I'll save that for the ultimate edition. Because the normal material that they use for soft goods, I don't think it would translate well to a kilt.
Yeah, definitely. Sorry, I went off into the deep water on my own on that one. Sorry, guys. No, that's totally fine. That's what this episode's about, just full figured them. But I'm actually glad that they're updating the back entire look because pretty much everyone that's come out is pretty much the same. The only thing that changes really like the logo on the tights or a little design here and there, but pretty much same head sculpt, same
body comes with a belt or it doesn't. I think the latest ones don't come with the that the long leather jacket. He used to wear. So Duster. Yeah, Duster. I'm still rocking with Elite 71 Drew McIntyre for like my main Drew in my collection. That was the first one that had the hair all down in the face. I haven't gotten any of the Drews that have come out in the last year or so, just because like you said, they've all basically been the same figure outside of some minor deco changes.
Yeah. So we'll move on. Last but not least, the almighty.
Bobby Lashley, the actual almighty Bobby Lashley figure with the, the hurt business logo on the leg, um, all updated, not the, not the one that Seth was talking about earlier with the, uh, with the vest and the headband. He's got on his championship pants. Yep. He has a championship title with him too, as an accessory, man. If he, all he needs is the hurt business shirt and that thing will be perfect.
I mean, yeah, I mean, obviously there's people out there that can make you a herb business shirt if you need one. Oh, definitely. Definitely. A lot of people like the official stuff from Mattel, but yeah, I'm pretty stoked that Lashley actually has a pretty cool looking figure. I do have the Royal Rumble one. We'll use the ECW Champion. That one's pretty awesome.
Um, that's what I use for my, by her business faction, which I mean, the baby face is going to be so stoked that, uh, Bobby's getting an updated figure. He loves Bobby Lashley. So he's going to be, yeah, once, uh, yeah, I mean,
Who is it? I mean, who isn't a Bobby Lashley fan? I mean, I mean, I mean, Sheena, I've never spoken poorly about Bobby on this show. I don't know about any of you guys, but I've only ever put Bobby over on this show in the highest regards to in the highest regard. I have acknowledged him to the highest degree.
All right, so we'll move on to Elite 90. We'll start off with Reckoning, a.k.a. BAM. Has her first figure as Reckoning though, so obviously she's not going to be- Oh, I was like, wait a minute. She has a figure, but yeah, as Reckoning, yeah. I imagine this is the only Reckoning figure that we will ever see. Yes. Looks pretty cool.
Yeah. Toyetic. Obviously, here's a thing though. Since she didn't remove the mask, do you think the mask will be removable or do you think it'll be molded on? I think it's molded on, dude. I think that's straight up sculpted on, yeah. Because those types of masks and stuff like that,
I don't know. Unless you make it out of that really pliable rubber that the mankind mask and stuff is made out of or the Vader mask, it could really look bad, especially on female faces because they're so small. I could see that just totally overwhelming the figure's face if it wasn't actually sculpted on to the figure.
True, true. I hope it's removable. They executed Mustafa Ali. He had a mask like that that was detachable. But yeah, like you said, they may not be able to execute that with the female figures. And the thing about hers is it's over her hair. So it's like if you take the mask off, her hair is going to be still smushed down on the side. So it's not going to look right if it's a... My next question is, reckoning. Do you think we'll get the rest of
Oh, yeah. Yeah. We're going to get, yeah. Slap weasel and, you know. I mean, those guys are still doing their thing though. So maybe we will, maybe I could see them maybe if battle packs come back, maybe we get the, maybe we get Mia Yem as an elite and get the other guys in like some sort of battle pack execution, but battle packs aren't a thing right now. So maybe not.
Why would we get, why would we get reckoning without the other guys? Like that doesn't make any sense. Cause she was like one of the, she was like one of the lowest characters on the totem pole. Yeah. I mean, and later actually in this, uh, this line to elite 90, we have the Safa Ali. So, and he's actually with the, uh, retribution gear as well. So you might get the, you have to get the other guys, I guess he does have removable mass. T-bone or T-baws. I couldn't remember what is that. Yeah. Mason.
He was left in Chile. Oh, my God. But yeah, so next to the line for Elite 90 is Randy Orton with a still chill white trunks. If for some reason it looks like it is it a set of sunglasses? What the hell is that? That's the night vision goggles from that time on Raw when he went into the legends, killed all the legends in memory at the lights.
And then he turned on, he turned on the night vision goggles and attacked them all. And then whenever security came running, he pointed at the door to show him which way to go. Dude, what if he came with full janitor romper? That's what I'm saying. So they have that. They already have that from when Daniel Wyatt from that figure back in the week. I don't think that would fit Randy Orton though.
Yeah, but I mean, you get all that I'm saying they have, they've executed something somewhere before, you know, you could definitely do the, uh, cover the janitors coveralls. Yeah, that's a good idea. It would be like a two in one. You'd have Randy Orton from that night. And then also his, uh, his Russell mania 37 gear.
I might have to binge watch 2020 WWE, just to get all the weird stuff that I totally forgot about. Was who killed Roman or who tried to kill Roman? Yes. That was 2019. No, it wasn't 2019. Yes, that was Dana Bryan and Eric Rowan. Eric Rowan was still there.
Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Because we had Eric Rowan's twin. Okay. You're right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That wasn't right. 29. No, I didn't, we didn't say it was record. Roman was it who killed Roman? Like, remember that? That's what I'm saying. But I'm saying if it was 2020, it would have been record. Roman. Roman was record. Oh yeah. You're right. Yeah. No one's killing him. Yeah. We're now on the Roman verse now on smackdown.
Yeah. We'll move on to collector's edition, I'm assuming, which, yeah, looking at the, actually, I don't know, because there's another person that could be a collector's. No, it is. Yeah, Chief Jay Strongbow is the, he's the Chase, or the collector's, whatever. So there's, okay. So yeah, Chief Jay Strongbow with the,
But the collector's edition figure, this was another surprise to me that in elite form anyway. Yeah. I'm surprised we're going to see this figure just with the overall social climate now because it's obviously, you see the Washington Redskins have changed their name. They still haven't got a new name yet. Cleveland Indians changed their name.
Chief J. Strongbow, he's not even any type of Native American. He's an Italian guy. I think his name's like J. Scarnaccia or something like that. His actual name, he just worked a Native American gimmick. But we're getting Chief J. Strongbow with the full headdress. I'm interested to see how this headdress accessory fits because I always wanted to get the full headdress version of Tatanka. Tatanka would only bust that out for the big matches, but we need to go with our Tatanka figure as well.
This may be one that I got to snatch up two of him to throw an extra headdress on Tatanka. Yeah, definitely. Again, like we talked about with Zodiac, one of the deep cuts, and he's definitely a guy that's much needed in the collection.
Yeah, definitely. Like I said there, I mean, don't be surprised if you see like in the next, um, the next couple of lines, they're not fully announced yet, but see a lot of those obscure guys popping up. Um, cause I, like I said, the pressure's on and there's a lot of, uh, a lot of guys get, uh, signing contracts. The market is there. That's the crazy thing is like, they see all these people getting these contracts and how people are so stoked about it. So, I mean, how could they, they can't deny that, you know, again, that's why it's so amazing to have, you know,
competition in town because you have to step up your game. Yep. Uh, next we have the right, the right hand, Jay Uso and all white from the, uh, that was held at salary. He does come with a lay.
Yeah, he's got the lay. So this might be another one I got to get two up, man. I might need to get it. Actually, I may need three because I need a lay for Paul Heyman also. You remember WrestleMania, everybody was rocking the lays on the way down. Yeah, Roman's lay was red. You know, he's not going to be rocking the same lay as all the peasants that he works with. Yeah, so it's looking like we are getting that like the Hell in a Cell match.
between Jay Uso and Roman Reigns. So I'm assuming the Roman from Elite 88 is that gear? Because that's the first time we kind of like really seen him with a gold, he won a gold glove in that match. So yeah, that's actually pretty awesome. Yeah, because it backlash the match before that. He didn't even take a shirt off. He just came, remember he came out at the end of that triple threat match with a
Didn't even take his t-shirt off. Yep. Not yet. He had to like make sure it was, make sure his body was right before he could, uh, yeah, do it. So, you know, as a guy, you know, that is, you don't want to take your shirt off in front of people, uh, just in case. Yeah. I don't think Roman's shy about, uh, I don't think Roman's wearing the swim shirt at the public pool. You know what I mean? Yeah. He rocked that vest for a long time, man.
Yeah, he did. He wasn't, he wasn't, uh, even the Uso's over there. They used to wear the cutoff shirt. They weren't really confident about their body. Remember the rock was rocking that the rock was wrestling in the workout shirt for like six months right after he became boobs. Yeah. It's a thing with the, with the Samoan brothers, man. Yeah, man. Yoko Zuna was always shirtless, man.
Yeah, he didn't care. That's why he was like, he didn't give a shit. Yeah. He was beyond the threshold. So he was like, screw it. There's no hiding it. It's not like there's a little bit of bounce. You know what I mean? Or a little bit of jiggle that needs to be covered. Yeah. You can wrap Yoko in a freaking shower curtain. He was rapping. He was rapping for the big guys.
He was. I appreciate it. He's the biggest of the big dude season. My favorite Yoko look on his entrances when he'd have the robe on, but he wouldn't bother tying the sash. The robe would be on, but he would just be hanging out. I love that. That's a team move right there, dude. Yeah, that was boss-styled. Anytime I display a Yoko elite, that's how I have it displayed, the robe on, but open.
Yeah. That's basically waking up at first thing in the morning, you're sewing your robe, walk down the stairs, and let's say you don't even bother tying it up. Don't even bother tying it up. That was a Yoko look. But we'll move on. I already mentioned this by Mustafa Ali.
It looks like it's the Retribution version of Mustafa Ali we're getting.

Retribution Faction and Wrestling Figure Market

As I said, a lot of these figures are probably going to be pandemic era WWE figures. It's going to bring back some bad memories if you want to try to forget last year. Bring back some trauma for all of us. I can't believe Retribution was an actual thing.
It was presented as a main event faction also, and it was coming in. Remember, it was actually announced on A new faction will be debuting tonight, and they closed a few shows.
Yeah. Retribution had potential. That's the, that's the craziest thing. And then, you know, they came out and they kind of looked all crazy. And then they were like, this is T-bar and slap Jack. And we were all like, okay, it's over. That's it. That's the end. I don't care what kind of chainsaws you give these people. If his name is slap Jack, I can't, I can't.
Hopefully we get like a WWE untold on retribution sometime a few years from now. I got to think maybe there were supposed to be somebody else that was a part of the group and it just fell through last second or you know, Vince had a change of heart last second because I can't imagine that that was really the plan that it was going to be these guys in the main event. I'm thinking like, you know, we ended up getting Mustafa Ali is like the ringleader. I'm thinking maybe originally like maybe they maybe that was going to be how Roman came back because remember that was all around the same time frame or
Oh yeah. A fan or somebody. I don't know. I can't really think of who would have been the perfect choice for it. Remember, that was when the whole hacker angle was happening too. So like, you know, Raw was getting hacked and everything and we kind of were like, oh, who's the hacker, you know? And they kind of just tied those stories together. I don't think those stories were meant to be
Yeah, I think there was a last second change and something fell through man. So yeah, we need to do some some deep dive and figure out who what was originally supposed to happen with retribution because clearly yeah What they initially had planned is the rise and fall of retribution. That's what we need the the documentary
That'd be awesome. Definitely. Definitely looking forward to that. They come out with it. Um, that's what I'm actually pretty pumped for. The Bronson Reed, uh, with the band. Yeah. Thick boy, uh, Bronson Reed, um, super pumped about this. Definitely probably picking this one up. What'd you guys think when they, uh, revealed this?
Yeah, I think that was one of, uh, one of the best overall figures we saw at the San Diego Comic Con. Probably the best first time in the line that we saw. Um, I remember, I think that was takeover. I think that was the takeover summer slam weekend. I'd have to double check. I think that was, um, the gear he rocked in that awesome five man ladder match for the North American championship. I remember seeing them bigelow inspired gear.
I remember seeing that and being like, yeah, we definitely need this guy as a figure in that gear. And luckily, you know, big shot bill and action figure attack came through for us. Yeah, I think he actually. If I'm on Twitter, I think he had a lot of people were doing it, but I think he actually added like Mattel or something like that with that with with a picture of that, like the like the actual gear, like make this an action figure type of thing. So he do it out.
just like piggyback off of that like New Day does that as well when they obviously they want like the most like like awesome gear that they have like they kind of would obviously like Power Rangers stuff Mortal Kombat you've seen but they do that like just so they could get like action figures out of it
Oh, I say, yeah, whatever New Day is doing, if you want to make money, you just do that. Just do whatever New Day is doing because they are merch machines. Everything that they touch turns to gold. So yeah, I would definitely be, I'd be watching closely like, what are these guys doing? You know? Okay. Okay. Cool. Cool. I'm going to do that.
Yeah, definitely can't wait to get the Ko-fi Xavier Woods, like Mortal Kombat versions that they were wearing, especially the the now they're doing the Power Rangers inspired gear as well. They did the lap, the pay-per-view money at the bank. They did, I believe it was it was He-Man and Skeletor.
So I think Kofi was Skeletor with the purple and Xavier was a heebie. So just stuff like that is awesome. And they talk about it on their podcast, if they do that on purpose, obviously they want the best gear that's memorable, but they also think about merchandising as well. Do you ever think we're going to get their Brody tribute gear in action figure form? That might come first, I think, before anything.
You think so? I don't know if they would make that or not, man, because it actually had it had him like in basically his AEW book on there. But I don't know. New Day's got a lot of pool with the office. If they said they wanted it to happen, they could probably make it happen.
Yeah, I think you have to. I mean, I think, I think, I mean, he was an alumni of, of, uh, of WWE. It wasn't like he was just some AW dude that like passed away. So I got, I think, I think he had to let something slide. I'm hoping we get that kid. That'd be actually pretty awesome. If they, they went ahead and did that before any one of those gears that I actually just spoke about, but, uh, yeah.
I saw a new day in their most iconic gear, the blue and pink. Maybe we can get some ultimate editions of those three because for whatever reason, they just never got released. The new day, the original figures we got were in really before they were the new day that we know and love when they were just working like that babyface gimmick that just bricked in the blue gear.
And then by the time they got around to doing them again, they went to some of their other more like brighter colors. We had the orange set and then we had the set in the USA gear. The white and gold. Yeah, we never got like the, I don't know, I wouldn't call it like basic, but yeah, like the main gear that they had when they really became the new day. Yeah, their signature gear, like the blue with the pink hits, the pink accents and like the rainbows and unicorns and all that.
Yeah. I was actually thinking like the retro ones weren't really like that, right? That was like the- The retros were in that, yeah. Yeah, they were. The retros and basics and Funko Pops and even the Motu figures were in that, but we have not gotten elites for whatever reason. So basically every line, the ones we really want, but yeah, maybe we can just get them in Ultimate Edition. That would be awesome.
Oh, man. So next in line, last but not least, people are going to be serving some hard times. Big boss man in Georgia. Yeah, Cobb County, Georgia. It looks like I mean, he's kind of smirking it and then his head scan. So is it is this babyface boss man, you think? Or is it
Yeah, I think it is. He comes with the black ball cap. I feel like I remember episodes of like WWF superstars with babyface boss man rocking the ball cap down to the ring. And it looks a little bit more slim too. He slimmed up when he turned babyface. Yeah, this is like 1991 babyface boss man.
Yeah. That's when the low fat movement hit. You know what I mean? Like right in the 90s, he was living that 80s style where he was a little bit beefier. Yeah. He hit that low fat, no fat gimmick. Hopefully, I mean, since we're getting all these obscure figures, hopefully we get a nails elite at some point. I love it, man. I actually have a...
I haven't, I don't want it bad enough to actually like get it commissioned by one of our favorite customizers. I'll probably go with Mad Reaper if I was going to get this one. But I actually have a save search on eBay just for custom nails. I'm just hoping maybe somebody, because sometimes people make some cool customs and just throw them up on eBay. So yeah, we definitely need nails. He was such a memorable character, man. I think he gets a bad rap. I thought he was cut some pretty
pretty intimidating sounding promos and stuff you know go back and watch like summer slam 92 and watch his nails promo for that he sucked in the ring but i thought he was a cool character and definitely had a very um scary presence from i still remember his little kids seeing this guy and being legit terrified that he was going to kill the big boss man it's frightening
I think he inspired the movie in the early 90s called Death Warren, one of my favorite action heroes, Jean-Claude Van Damme.

WWE Elite Figures and Character Discussion

The bad guy in it actually was kind of like Dale. He had the same voice and everything.
So I think they were kind of inspired by by Nail. So I always thought that I'm not sure if it was an actual thing, but the bad guy on that movie literally had the same voice and everything. He was a scary ass dude. So that was like one of my favorite early childhood movies. I don't know why, but they said JCVD for life. Oh, yeah.
Anyway, we'll move on. Actually, moving on to the next slide. We have someone that actually has that gimmick going for him. Elite91, not Hulk Hogan, but we have Elite91, we have Hulk Hogan, Bianca Belair, and Rob Van Damme making his return to the Elite line. Obviously, this is a shorter line because the other reveals haven't been announced yet. So yeah, we're getting more Hogans.
Yeah, I think it's 2005 Hulk Hogan from his SummerSlam match with Shawn Michaels. Super toy addict with the tie dye gear and the big boas. The RVD is the one I'm really excited for. Sheena actually posted like two weeks ago that we needed an elite of this RVD and they came here with the white tiger gear. I thought that this might end up being an ultimate edition. There are rumors that we're getting an ultimate edition RVD. So I figured it would be this gear or his gear from
uh, you know, one night only 2006 against, or one night stand 2006 against, uh, John Cena. When he, when he won the ECW champion, he won the world championship. So, uh, very cool figure with RVD. Unfortunately, when they had him signed back in that 2013, 2014 run, they were only able to get one elite out. Uh, we know this dude's got
crazy toy etiquette tires man he's always had the best gear with all the airbrush singlets and stuff so they could put out a new RVD every two degree series and I think people are still going to snap them up.
Yeah, definitely. The Bianca Bel Air, did you guys see the tons of accessories that come with it? It's pretty insane. She's got removable earrings, glasses. It looks like her ponytail is swappable, so you take the head off and the ponytail pops out, or sorry, the braid pops out, and then you can pop it on the other head. Pretty cool. She looks great. Yeah, it almost looks like an Elite.
I mean, she already kind of had that articulation on that last figure that she had with the feet, all the toes being able to like bend upward. Oh yeah, she did have the toe of articulation that time. Yeah, that was weird. Yeah, so that's what I thought it was when they announced the Bianca Bel Air. I thought it was like an Ultimate Edition, something like maybe like a side version of it or like a different, like a fan takeover version of it or something like that. Yeah, it feels ultimate though. I feel like it would have to come with the entrance coat.
You know, like her normal like little entrance stuff that she wears. We've gotten those sunglasses before with her other elite. I think they might be the exact same sunglasses. Yeah, I think so. Those little round. But the removable earrings, I mean, I'm interested to see how this works and looks and how effective or how they actually stay in. I see those things getting lost within about five minutes of unboxing.
I remember I lost those tiny little rings that came with Sasha Banks at our old house in Hawaii, like literally the day those things never turned back up. I mean, they're like microscopic, man. Yeah. Like the John Cena figure that comes with those two, with the word life. Word life. Yeah, those who get lost as well, definitely. But yeah, I mean, they're churning out the Hogan figures, which is, like you said, the NXT. The NXT.
The regular, the Taylor, the fan takeover, um, uh, Hulk Hogan that's coming out. That's sold out. Actually can't find it anywhere. Um, I was able to pre-order the Jeff Hardy before that one out, but Sam. So, I mean, what other, uh, Hogan figures or RVD, since he's kind of Mr. America, we need him. Jack's track. Jackson's going to do it. And it got canceled. We need Mr. America.
Yeah, I think so. What about you, Shatt? What was his name? Rip and no holds barred, right? I can't remember what was his last name. Yeah, Rip. We need Rip and we need Shatt Ramsey from Suburban Commando.
That should definitely be coming down the line, hopefully, judging from the new series that they have out. But just a quick hint. So Future Line, they didn't actually put these in any of the Elite series. So I'm assuming these will pop up in one of them or all of them. We have Raquel, Raquel Gonzalez. They revealed her figure.
I put gladiator cross by carrying cross with the gladiator gear that he's been rocking recently. That's going to be a dope build a figure.
Chad, baby boy, Dominic. Yeah. This is so, yeah, so cool. And it's cool that he's getting his, uh, first time in line elite and his first time in line, like baby build a figure all in one. Uh, I think that's pretty, uh, we've had figures of a kid and a grownup in the, uh, same person in the Mattel one.
Yeah, it's so funny. I mean, have we ever had a child action figure in the WWE line? No, this is the first time. Yeah, so this is the first ever child figure. No, we never got Nicholas. Yeah, that's right. We should be, we could make a sweet Nicholas custom with a little Dominic. I mean, Nicholas is a former tag team champ.
Could. I know. Or, you never know, but telling the creations might come up with a Nicholas figure, so who knows? I'll back that. Then after that it's out. Yeah. Oh, geez. Money up front. Chainsaw chart. Chainsaw Charlie we're getting as well.
At some point, not sure what series it'll be in, but that's pretty awesome that we're getting a chainsaw chair. Hopefully, the basket is actually cloth and not folded on or... A little paint, a little miniature pantyhose.
We know what we really need with him, man. I don't know if they could do it without it being like a ringside exclusive. You don't even got to make it plastic. They'd give us a big give us a little cardboard version of that wood crate that he cut out of on Monday Night Raw. Remember when he made his debut, there was just a wooden crate setting up on the stage of raw. And then at some point the chainsaw fires up and he cut through it. And that's how that's how he made his entrance, man. We need. Yeah, we need a little cardboard version of that so we can recreate that moment in figure form.
Did we get a chainsaw accessory with Finn before? Or is this our first chainsaw accessory? They made Finn from TakeOver Dallas. So I'm assuming it's going to be the same chainsaw. I don't see any reason to switch it up. Yeah.
Yeah. Um, I skipped over this one. So, uh, lead 92, uh, we have Adam Cole, um, as well as burnt feed. It looks like the toasted marshmallow. I'm really excited. Oh, first of all, I wish this gimmick would have lasted a lot longer. I was extremely disappointed that he just walked through some like, you know, ghost wall and turned back into, to regular fiend. Um, but I'm super excited to see like what the paint job looks like on this because he's got his sleeves rolled up and like his hands and his.
arms and the additional hands that come along with it are like Freddy Krueger style like burnt flesh. So I'm really curious to see how they how they execute this. Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. And Adam Cole, that's one of our most needed figures man with the the chase. I could care less about the regular one in the green gear but the chase is gonna have the gray camo so we'll finally have the entire undisputed era with the matching gear. Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, he actually went, he was on the STCC panel when they revealed that. He actually talked about that. He doesn't really care about that Campbell version of his figure. He only cares about the green, where he's kind of like by himself. Yeah. I mean, you got to keep it kayfabe, man. Yeah, I like it. He doesn't care about it. I don't dispute it anymore.
Yeah, he says he said it's pretty cool, but obviously he likes the other one because it's not, you know, UE inspired. But we'll move on to the Royal Rumble Elite Series. We have a Canadian earthquake, so it's earthquake with the the Canadian flag on his gear. It's pretty cool.
Yeah, OG earthquake. Yoko Zuna, because we spoke about him earlier. OG, big dude season. Another big dude season guy, Big E. I believe that's from... Is that from Royal Rumble, his gear, I think?
Yeah, that's the gimmick with the Royal Rumble line. They're all from different rumbles, but I'm not sure. I can't tell from looking at it on top of my head which rumble that was when it's when Woods it's when Woods was hurt because the gear says get well and it's got a picture of Xavier on the on the side of it. OK, yeah. So so it's like 20. Yeah, I think that's 20, 20, I think.
Yeah. Okay. Um, and then Dakota Kai, which I'm super excited about that. The only thing we had first so far is that basic. So it's good to get the elite upgrade. Yeah. I'm most hyped for that little figure Jimmy Hart, man, with the pink, uh, Jack. Yeah. That's what I'm most stoked for. She's got like the piano key, Ty. I love it.
Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Speaking of Dakota Kai, did you guys see her barbershop Raquel since that was? That's barking up the wrong tree, man. Raquel's so much bigger and stronger than her, but Dakota Kai's been in NXT so long. I'm glad she's finally getting her moment. She has been plugging away for, I think, almost eight years in NXT, man. So I'm glad it's finally her time.
And you know, if Raquel's got an eye on head up to the main roster, then Dakota Kyle might be able to sneak out of there with the women's championship. It would definitely be well deserved for as long as she's been down there.
Yeah. Did you, did we already talk about the Raquel there? We got a Raquel figure coming out. Yes. Oh, we did. Okay. I must've totally blacked out. Yeah. We kind of, we've got to do a lot of figures, man. It's a, it's hard to keep them all straight. Um, so, uh, obviously after Royal Rumble comes WrestleMania. Uh, so there's only two figures announced for this right now. Uh, AJ Styles, um, looks like it's the Boneyard. It's AJ Styles, which is awesome. And, uh, red gloves. Yeah.
Yep. Obviously you can match with the Boneyard Undertaker that was released earlier this year, which is pretty awesome. And then after that is Vince McMahon and Tuxedo from WrestleMania 3. Yeah, he's a builder figure. Yeah, it's been, it seems like the last, what was it, the last Vince McMahon was a, the announcer Vince McMahon, right?
Yeah, I was like late 80s announcer Vince McMahon. So yeah, it's really cool. We're getting WrestleMania three events such an iconic moment and he actually comes with the hand holding up three fingers. So, you know, you can you can really create that, you know, welcome to WrestleMania.
Um, I'm hoping we get like other iterations of Vince McMahon, uh, down the line. Cause it seems like the ACW champ Vince McMahon with the shade head and the do rag. That's my most wanted Vince right now. Oh my God. Yeah, that'd be actually pretty cool. I want.
I want post, uh, Bret Hart punching with the face or like black. Oh, that's the one. He could have the suit and you could do it so you could have regular, like you'd have like an angry yelling head sculpt where he's yelling at the time. You know, ring the fucking bell. You could have a heads full of the movie all over his face. And then you could have one with the black eye after Bret Hart punched his lights out in the locker room, man. Yeah.
I think the next Vince McMahon that's probably going to come out is the first time, the first stunt, the stunner with the black raw jacket. That'd be pretty cool. Yeah, we had an awesome Jax figure of Vince like that with the black denim jacket with the red sleeves.
You could keep him going in the pay-per-view specific sets. You could make him the build-a-figure for the next Royal Rumble set, and you could do post-war Royal Rumble 2005 where he blew out both his quads and had to sit there. Dude, you have to let me freak in mind. I was just about to say when you get gray pants, business suit. No articulation on the legs. Make him be stuck in the seated position. Legs out straight on his butt. That's the only way they do it.
It could come with it could come with a stretcher so you could just like you know If you want to keep the wrecking line going you could do Vince with the exploding limousine from that time when Vince McMahon died
Yeah, it's true. You could do that. That's right. Actually, yeah, that, that, I mean, yeah, he should have his own like elite series. It's like, man, elite series. The, uh, the higher power events with the robe you could do.
You could do this, but it's a Vince angle. What if we got a, I think we may have mentioned this a couple of months ago. We talked about when Vince and Shane fought Shawn Michaels and God, we need the Shawn Michaels and God, like two pack, like elite two pack.
Oh my God. Just like an FD package on one side. You pretty much have to keep an MOC. What would you do if you were a loose collector? Would you just say that you had a God figure and it's just there, man? You got to believe.
Oh my God. What if we got vents with removable pants and we could call it the kiss my ass figure. And so he'd be like, you can pull his pants down and you know, have all your other fingers kiss his ass. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. There's so many vents as you can do. You know, speaking of the McMahons, we need Linda. We need Linda in the wheelchair from the wheelchair being comatose. Yeah. That'd be awesome. Sure.
We definitely need Vince in the hospital bed with the freaking Stone Cold Steve Austin angle mankind. We need a three pack. We need mankind, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon. That would have been perfect if the epic moments line was still around. You could get all the accessories in there and you could even bring in that clown. I was trying to think of the clown's name. That's what got me tripped up. I couldn't remember the freaking clown's name.
Now I want to, uh, now I want to survive a series match between the McMahons and the Mysterios now that you guys are talking about families going at it. We need that. We need that to happen. Hopefully I would, Vince could, uh, can have a match. I know Stephanie and Shane are probably in good enough shape, but yeah, let's, I need that to happen at some point. Yurple, Yurple, the clown, for those of you who are keeping track. Oh my God. As the introduction of Mr. Sako too, by the way, another epic moment.
Oh man, bedpan. Yeah, that has to be a whole like- Bedpan accessory would definitely be a must.
put those casts and everything. It'll be so awesome. So moving on, Survivor Series. After WrestleMania, obviously, well, it'll be SummerSlam, but let's skip it to Survivor Series. Bayley, it looks like the entrance gear Bayley would like the head piece she used to wear, the jacket and stuff before she went super duper heel. This is kind of like her big weight heel-ish. Before she went super Karen. Yeah, before she went super Karen, that's right.
And Bret Hart, I know a lot of people have been asking for this Bret Hart inspired gear. It's been on our list. If you've listened to this show for any amount of time, I think we've mentioned this figure for like, you know, since the beginning.
We have the jacket on standby. We already got sabotage wrestling to custom make the jacket that goes along with it for this figure. Marco, I heard you mention the head scan. As we mentioned earlier, Mattel has never, never nailed Brett's head. I don't know what it is about his face or just the way he looks, but it's never perfect.
Yeah, he's just absolutely too good looking. He's too damn handsome for that freaking machine. Whatever technology they're using is not good enough because yeah, they never get it right. At this point, I've just accepted it that all the breaths are going to look a little bit off, but the gear is on point. That's all that matters. Thank God he wears glasses because you can always just put the glasses on the face and it really covers up a lot of it.
True, hopefully it doesn't have a five o'clock shadow as well, or a stumble. We also have Hulk Hogan, Survivor Series Hogan. Like I said, they're going to start churning out Hogan's, it looks like. So don't feel left out if you need to. They're trying to make up for lost time. Oh yeah, definitely. So expect more to come. That's an awesome figure, man. It looks really, really good with the cloth tank top.
You know that Ultimate Edition Hulk that's coming out.

Ultimate Edition Figures and New Lines

Obviously, we know it's got the issue with the stubble still molded on. I think the Survivor Series figure is going to give it a run for its money for the best Hulk that's released this year. I'm looking forward to both of them. I don't think you need each of them in your collection along with the defining moments. That's going to be three really similar Hulks. I'm looking forward to getting all three in hand and seeing which one is really the best Hulkster 80s figure.
Did you see that the back of the tank top is slashed? So it's got the slashes on the back of the tank top already. Yeah. And it's cool. They did it in cloth because the, the prior run of Hulk Mattel figures, they were using the molded shirt, which looked pretty cool. You can't really get that ripping effect. Yeah. Yeah. You're never going to be able to pose your figure in that full on like Hulk Hogan hulking up, ripping the shirt off with those, uh, Polly pocket style coats or shirts.
Yeah, definitely. Um, let's see, uh, next. Oh, actually Keith Lee, Keith Lee survivor series, Keith Lee. Um, yeah. They gave us brawn after, after the fact. So, I mean, I think if they've already got this up there, we're going to get this Keith Lee figure.
Yep. Selena we got as well. So yeah, I mean, it's, it's an iconic Keith Lee too. Cause obviously he was the last survivor. Um, not the very last one, but the last of the, uh, NXT guys, and obviously he eliminated, uh, Seth Rollins went on to face Roman Reigns one-on-one and obviously came up on the loser again. But so yeah, definitely. His other figures had facial hair too, right? This is the first clean shaven Keith Lee we've had.
Yeah. Um, yeah. So definitely, uh, I mean, if you're going to pick up a Keith Lee, hopefully, I mean, if this is his last one, it's definitely an iconic one. Um, just cause of that performance alone. So I mean, yeah, I mean, we kind of talking badly. Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully. But, uh, hopefully he doesn't get released. I mean, it's, there's a stuff.
you know, just a little, uh, you know, little dip into the, uh, the WWE universe right now for him. So hopefully he makes it back to super stardom. Um, moving up, uh, to the RSC exclusive, Frank side exclusive, Tommaso Ciampa, the black heart.
with a mask. What takeover was that? Do you have that? I want to say this was on an episode of NXT, man. I thought this was on a... Was it? Yeah, I thought this was a big match he had on a regular Wednesday Night NXT, because the takeover, he came out with the face paint. I'd have to double check, man.
Oh no, it's from WarGames. So yeah, this was from the WarGames right after he returned. So this would have been that same Survivor Series weekend that Keith Lee showed out. They did say that he's going to have the soft goods, like jacket vest type thing that he was wearing also that time.
For a ringside exclusive, things like, I don't know, typically they seems like they go in a different direction, but I guess they thought that people were really clamoring for this figure. I'm hyped, but that's just because I'm a big chompa fan. I mean, this is only his third figure. We've got DIY, and then we've got the NXT Tommaso Chompa, and then, you know, or wait, was the, no, was it NXT line? His last... No, no, no, it was a... No, it was an elite. It was an elite line. The one that came with the camo pants and the crutch. Yeah, that was the regular one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The DIY came in the Hall of Champions line.
Oh, that's right. Okay. So he doesn't, he didn't even get an NXT figure. Interesting. Yeah. Um, there's actually some news about that too. So later on, but, um, Oh, good T's more move on to, yeah. So we'll move on to the, uh, ultimate edition, um, line. They announced a few of them, uh, but T's, uh, this one's actually pretty cool. Uh, this one, he comes with the, uh, the contracts, the smack down.
You know, raw contracts. I think he has a thumbs up, thumbs down, right? Is that one of the yeah, he's got the thumbs up hand pose, but I mean, all you got to do is turn it down and then you just turn it down and do the thumbs down. Comes with the world title as well. So it's that whole time when he's well, not with evolution anymore, but he's actually pretty. We were just we were just talking about it, man. Everything comes full circle. This is I can't. Yeah, this is actually going to be a
It's a Legends Ultimate Edition figure, so this one's going to be Target-exclusive, and it's going to be under the Legends umbrella, so that's a new thing that they're going to be starting up next year. We know how hit-or-miss Target is with their exclusives, so hopefully this thing's easy for everyone to get in their hands if they want it. Yeah, hopefully ringside gets it in their grasp. If everything just got a ringside, it would be the best, man.
Yeah, they use the word exclusive pretty loosely these days, you know, with the Amazon exclusive showing up at Ringside and, you know, all that kind of stuff. So let's hope that this shows up on Ringside collectibles. Please. Yeah. I'm a Batista guy, so definitely, definitely would love this figure. Next time we get the Brothers of Destruction.
Yeah, in ultimate form. Hopefully it's the one of the, obviously they're together anyway. Both with capes, which is pretty cool. I was going to say they're very caped up. Yeah, it looks like the original came when he first, that rare picture that they have of him floating around with the cape on.
Yeah, from the house. They kind of experimented with it. The first couple of appearances for Kane. This was on the it's got some figure history because the Bendom series that Kane was in his first Bendom's figure, the art on the back of the card, he had the cape on. I guess they got a hold of whatever. Just Toys, their packaging guy got a hold of some of the like, you know, promo photos that were taken, I suppose, before Kane debuted.
Uh, it's cool. I heard some people complaining because like, oh, you know, he never even worn this thing, but you got to have something to come with Kane. I mean, what accessories are really going to have, you know, the freaking tombstone or something like, no, I love that we got it.
It's gonna look it's super toy etiquette. It's gonna look awesome displayed with that and it's just a neat accessory So I don't know how anybody it is cool. Yeah, it is cool. But yeah, I feel like I do feel like for ultimate It is a little bit lacking on I mean, I don't know like again, like you said I don't know what it could have come with but you know, I feel like for the ultimate Edition, there should have been a couple more accessories or something. Yeah, they could have
Uh, package it with a, uh, hell in a cell door, just a door. Yeah. That would be cool. Cause yeah, look, you got, I mean, you got Batista, he's got three heads. He's got, you know, uh, three extra sets of hands, a championship belt, two sets of contracts and a t-shirt. Then you got Kane. Um, he's got the little, um, whatever that is down there. And then his, his little head and a championship belt and a cape. That's it.
Yeah, you could have, uh, I don't know how it'd be tricky to execute it because I think you'd have to swap the whole torso, you know, some for a while there, Kane switched and was rocking both sleeves. So we know that they can do swappable arms, but the problem is that in his sleeveless gear, the cutout is like inside of his shoulder, you know, so you'd have to find a way. Is that his little voice coder thing? His voice comes with his voice. Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah.
Yeah. I don't know why I was looking at it. I was like, what is that thing? Yeah. And it just dawned on me that that's his voice box. That came with his Elite 12. That's not the first time we've gotten that accessory in the Mattel line. I love it though. This is going to be awesome.
If you can do Ultimate Edition Kane, this is what it's got to be from the debut. So I am very stoked. I think this may be the most excited I've been for an Ultimate Edition series and that 98 WrestleMania 14 Undertaker, that's been one that collectors have been clamoring for for a long time. That was kind of the biggest gap in Mattel's awesome, awesome selection of Undertaker figures. And now we're finally getting it in Ultimate Edition and I'm stoked.
Yeah, we talked about this like a couple of years ago, where we were like wondering why they never like when the Ultimate Edition series started happening, and they're churning out more and more, we're like, where the hell is the Undertaker? How come he hasn't had a Ultimate Edition figure yet? I mean, obviously, we're getting one now, but it seems like it took a while for, you know,
Yeah, definitely. He's probably like their main guy like next to next to Hogan like he's the he's the lifer there so I was kind of aware that you know after the fact after he's gone they come out with the That's our ultimate addition, but true you got to think though I mean they probably trying to be very Strategic about what they placed in that spot because we have so many undertaker figures that I mean they just want to make
Yeah, they just want to make sure that it was something worth the Ultimate Edition moniker. Yeah. I still think the other one you could do is you could do one with gray and purple gear. You know, you could do, I don't know if it would make sense to do this as one figure, but I'm thinking like, so the base layer is the same. He can come with gray and purple tie. You could do the gray and purple hands, swapping them out. And then the head sculpts, you know, you could have one with the straight up red hair and then one with the darker hair from when he was rocking the purple gloves.
But then you'd also have to swap out the arms too, because when he first debuted, remember, he didn't know that many tattoos. His short sleeves. And then by the time he was rocking the purple gear, he was all the way sleeved up, man. So yeah, you may have to swap out the arm. I don't know. Action Figure Attack, if he's listening, he's probably like custom-y right now for like freedom of life and all these expensive-ass ideas and executions. You're like, no, dude, that's like three different figures that you just named off trying to get into one release.
Oh my God. Getting the collectors the deal. Yeah.
All the, uh, all those tattoos are, uh, thanks to, uh, the Godfather. Um, if you guys watch the, uh, broken skull sessions, he talks about that, how he's on that basically told undertaker to get his, get basically his first tattoo. And then from there, he was just, you know, he was addicted and just got sleeved up. And you basically, I think it's going to happen to me. I'm a, I'm a tattoo virgin right now. And I just need one person to talk me into getting a tattoo. And then you guys are going to see me a few months and I'm just going to be like,
Totally just inked out from the neck down to the tips of my fingers. Maybe it went under like a tear drop or something you never know. Yeah, I don't know if I'm tough enough for the face tattoo. I don't know if that's a thing. I used to see a lot of guys walking around the island with face tattoos and I always thought to myself, like, no, I'm not a face tattoo person.
Yeah, maybe maybe some arm tats but yeah on the faces a bridge too far So move on from the RSC exclusive I actually know the the ultimate addition to the Alexa
Oh, that's right. Yeah. So that's what I was kind of curious about because it looks like it's the like, it looks like it's the obviously the themed version or of Alexa, not like her and her, you know, previous iteration. So about the other part of it is I'm not sure why she would get an Ultimate Edition figure. I mean,
Well, do you think, I mean, obviously we just see like the renderings now. I think it will probably come with, you know, with Lily, you know. I don't know. We'll see. We don't have any color. This looks like pre-fiend Alexa though, like you said. I think this is just the base layer, Alexa. I don't think this is Firefly Funhouse, Alexa. So I don't know. She never wore those like crazy knotted buns like that until she was with the fiend, so.
I thought she did, because remember she used to do the Harley Quinn cosplay and stuff and everything, man. Yeah, she used to do that, yeah. Maybe that's an early, early render. That's what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping that that's just one that they got in the pipeline, and it's still cooking. Maybe a fan takeover, too.
Yeah i feel like she would i thought she'd be better is like a ringside exclusive execution could you do like a swing set and all that stuff you know that's that's what i think the ringside exclusive is good for giving us a ton of accessories and stuff that wouldn't really work on a normal retail release so and it would make sense because firefly bray. Firefly bray was a ringside exclusive also.
Yeah, I just don't get the like why she has an ultimate edition. I mean, when I look at the ultimate line.
It's like, it's almost like a, like a legend series. If you look at like the past, so like, I mean, obviously you shouldn't skays on a super legend, but I mean, he's legendary essentially Charlotte, uh, Rick flair, stone cold, the rock, John Cena, triple H fit baller. Like, I don't, I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but she's a multi-time women's world champ. Um, miss money in the bank tag champ. Uh, you know, I mean, she does, she does have quite quite accolades.
That is true. All right You convinced me that she she deserves one So we'll move on to the new series kind of do It's taking over the Masters of the Universe line. It's the WWE superstars Basically, it's the same idea as the Masters of the Universe, but obviously they don't have the that mashup going It looks like the first series is Bray Wyatt
Uh hollywood hogan rick flare and honky tonk man. Uh, what do you guys you guys added this to your uh, yeah, first of all you guys pio that they're actually Ending this line because you guys I would have been I would have been more Aggravated about motu coming to an end that last series of motu is weak also with the stone cold china and the ray like obviously we already got stone cold ray China wasn't the greatest. It's that wrestlemania 17 like lambazon china. Um
So it's whatever. I would be a little bit more pissed off about it if we weren't getting the superstars line because they're going to be basically the same form factor. So you can definitely display them together, especially when you strip down the Motu figures and make them look like just a rimcoast. These are really cool. I'm still the Hollywood Hogan and Honky Tonk Man especially are awesome. I'm puzzled by this Bray Wyatt. I don't know why they went with this one off Firefly Funhouse magician version.
But they're cool. I really hope we get a Brett in his regular ring gear in this line. And I'm excited to keep it going. I love the packaging too, man. It's so cool. And it's just neat that we got Remco's kind of back all the way now. It's not just kind of half ass like it was with the Motu. So hopefully BCA is going back next, man. Bone crunching action. That's like the one figures that still haven't come back yet. So that needs to be the next thing that either jazzwares or Mattel brings back for these retro lines. You never know.
a Bray Wyatt for
I mean, LJNs are making their way back by, by actually LJN though, they're actually making them. So you never know who knows. Yeah. BCA is 25 years old now, man. They debuted in 1996. So we're officially 25 years since the debut of Bone Crunching Action. So I think the nostalgia factor is going to be there.
I think, yeah, you're probably right. Obviously, you have AEW out there. They might come up with bone content action figures. You never know. It doesn't have to be WWE. It could be another company that makes them so. Either way, we'll probably get something like it. Maybe we'll get the Stomp series back too. You never know what the...
Well, like the action-oriented figures with the weapons and all that stuff that would be actually pretty pretty cool. So I'm actually looking forward to that if they actually do that'd be pretty funny if they brought that series back Hopefully our influence doesn't make that happen if we want one nostalgic. Thank you. Definitely be BCA is not the the stomp series. Hopefully You kind of mentioned this already the final series of the mo tu is Stone Cold Rave of stereo in China
Chad, it's probably the get out of this if you're going to pick one. Definitely. I feel like we got a better stone hold with the one that came with the Rattlesnake Mountain Ring and even the Ray. I kind of like the first Ray Mysterio that they released better than this one as well.
You don't like the bionic stone cold with the robot arm? Not for me, man. I like just a touch of a motif on them. I don't need them suits where they don't even look like a wrestler anymore. Yeah, I'll stick with the first stone cold. This one definitely feels like they just told somebody, hey, we got to get a couple more figures out. Just slap something together. I need something by noon for this last series of motifs, and they're like, all right, you got it, fam.
What do you think in Sheena about this line, the last and final mess of the universe? I think they could have added someone else, but this is me. Yeah. Again, I just echo what Seth said. I feel like it's a little bit underwhelming. I would have loved to have just some different characters. I feel like it's kind of weak going with the repetitive characters in such a small limited line. I feel like we needed to spread it out just a bit. You know what I mean? Show some other people some love.
Mark you mentioned that they could add somebody else so the rumor out there this hasn't been confirmed by anybody But it is rumored that the fourth figure from The last series was supposed to be the big show they were gonna have like a good guy giant to be able to fight with You could really reuse a lot of the parts and stuff But obviously, you know, he moved on to he's now all elite. So that's why that didn't happen. I
Dang. That would have been actually pretty awesome if they did something like that. Yeah, it would be cool. Well, so we went to the new Elite series that they have going. It's WWE Hollywood.
This is actually pretty cool, but I have a hot take on one of the figures here, but I'll let you guys speak your piece on these. So we have a Rowdy, Rowdy, Rowdy Piper from They Live, the Rock from Hobbs and Shaw, so obviously Hobbs, and John Cena from Fast9. They're pretty basic figures. I mean, I'm going to say they're pretty basic looking.
Especially the rock in John Cena. I mean the rock comes with, uh, it comes with, uh, like the Sirot, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then John Cena is like the most boring John Cena figure ever. It's just like John Cena. The Roddy Piper figure is really cool. I'm passing on it. She's done that a huge, like they live fan. Uh, but the Roddy Piper figure is pretty cool from this set. Yeah. What do you think, Cheetah?
I mean, it's cool. I think, again, I think this, we talked about this on my, on our live that we did unboxing some figures the other day. It is cool. I feel like we've gotten a better Roddy Piper from They Live from NECA, you know, so it's kind of just like a little bit, you know, I'm a little bit biased toward NECA figures when it comes to stuff like that.
But I just wonder how how far and wide this line is going to go. That's my only hesitation. It's like it's just going to be this weird one off series where it's just we're just trying to get some more John Cena and rock figures into people's hands, you know?
True. I was actually going to say the same thing you said. I have the, uh, I am a fan of they live and I do have the NECA Ronnie Piper and it's, uh, I want to say it's 10 times better than that. It's awesome. It costs twice as much, but it's like, it's still, it's just a better figure. Yeah. NECA doesn't miss, you know, when they, it can't exist in your elite universe. This is a, this is true.
Something to say that you have to ask yourself did we actually need roddy piper from they live to exist in our wwe universe no i don't but there's a figure from series two that we're gonna get to that i definitely do need in my figure universe so.
But yeah, I mean, if you're a fan of They Live, if you watch the movie, you know you can't do a Roddy Roddy Piper figure without the sunglasses that he wears in the movie, without the weapons that he has, because he actually has guns and stuff like that. I mean, it's kind of like a stripped down version of They Live. Well, he's got the sunglasses.
Oh, does he? Yeah, he's got sunglasses, no weapons. Extra set of hands. He's got a soft goods flannel shirt that comes off and then underneath he's got the, you know, white tank top. And then the jeans look really cool. I like the paint job that they did on the jeans, but yeah, extra set of hands, the flannel shirt and the glasses.
Well, the, yeah, the NECA one, it's all, everything's soft good. So like the pants, the flannel shirt, all that stuff. But yeah, I'm sick of what the NECA, I don't care if it's not in scale or anything like that. It's. Well, you're a huge, they live fan. I feel like you need to get this just because it's the whole set. I have, I have his, his partner too. I have the two.
Now the set with the two aliens from yeah, they live yeah, dude. I love that Oh my god, he said it on the show before I knew you liked it, but I didn't know you like liked it
I like it because it's like a woke movie before woke. Before woke, this was the thing. Yeah, I mean, it's by John Carpenter. So yeah, it's not everything that it seems on the surface. There's like a deeper meaning to it. Yeah, I get that. Yeah, yeah. It's basically like, yeah. So that's why I liked it mostly. But it's a campy 80s action movie on the top of it. But underneath, obviously, it has the message of like, it's got some stuff going on. I'll show you. OK. Yeah.
But yeah, so we'll move on to, this actually, the Series 2 looks a little bit better, I think, if you are going to jump into this series.

ECW and AEW Figure Lines

So WWE Elite Hollywood Series 2 has the rock as a scorpion king, which is pretty awesome. Very cool rock. It looks unique.
So Roman Reigns from Hobbs and Shaw, not a huge part at all. He was literally a flash cameo. Yeah. Yeah. Anything crazy, but whatever. See, I would have went with a different Andre the Giant, but this is the Andre the Giant. You've got to save Fezzik for later on. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. But here's the thing. So I'm not sure if it's happening because someone else is making that series of figures.
So i'm not sure that's making the princess bright figures who is that i saw that yeah now it's necka yeah i mean they live and they still got him i think i know this is another thing that's just rumored i haven't heard this straight from like the mouth of action figure attack or big shot bill or anything but i heard that basically they're restricted to stuff
movies that are under the NBC Universal umbrella. I'd have to get in and do a deep dive and see exactly which studio currently owns the rights to the Princess Bride and see if that's possible. Either way, dude, I had zero idea last week that this is something I even wanted in my collection, but I cannot wait to add Bigfoot, man. That Bigfoot figure is awesome, dude, with the full soft good suit.
I don't even know why. It's goofy as hell, but I think it's going to be awesome, man. It's not even going to be Andre the Giant. It's just going to be Bigfoot in my figure collection now.
Man, I shouldn't maybe you can like pose him as a Yeti for my WCW as a Yeti figure the Yeti But yeah, it's I mean I'm looking forward to the to this one not really the Roman Reigns figure I mean Like I said, he wasn't really huge and a lot of people that are asking for you know suburban commando might not happen if it isn't a NBC Universal movie, so I'll get your hopes up everyone with that one
I don't think so either. I think everyone's just, you know, maybe someone else will pick it up. We need people to support these lines enough to make Mattel maybe kind of branch out, man, if they see, because it's going to get slim pickings pretty quick if they're limited to one studio for wrestler cameos and movies. Yeah. Next is going to be, what other movies could they come out with? They could do the, what was it called? The Chaperone? Triple H figure you could do probably. You have Mr. Nanny with Hope Bowden. The Tooth Fairy with the Rock. Mr. Nanny, you could do if that's it.
Yeah, I mean if they ever see movies, you can definitely do that. Terry thought from Roadhouse, I remember he was like the bouncer at one of the bars. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about that. I want a whole Roadhouse line. NECA needs to jump on that ASAP. But we'll move on. Last but not least for WWE, retros, we want retros. They're back and they are in bundle form and they are going to be available on
to tell creations. Yep. So the retro bundle, uh, includes Ronnie, Ronnie Piper, uh, uh, cowboy, Bob or in the gene Oakland and Mr. T. Um, I thought it was going to be individual, um, but
It doesn't look like it. It looks like it's going to be just like a whole... I'll give another plug for Turmbuckle Tavern. If you listen to the Turmbuckle sessions from this past Wednesday, the OG Fig kid, Thomas Montalto, interviewed action figure attack, Steve Ozer, and he did detail that it's going to come in a box, but they are going to be individually carded inside the box. It's going to present quite the dilemma for MOC collectors. Is it MOC if you open up that outside box or do you need to have
I feel like if you're MOC you're going to need two because you're going to want to display it in the box totally unsealed because he said the outside packaging is going to be really nice, the big box they come in, but then you're going to have these four individually carded figures inside of it.
And he said that, uh, so what's some of the details he had? So as of now, the plan for retros, they're going to be like this released in bundles, maybe every three or four months on Mattel creations and kind of have all of them are going to have like a unifying theme. So obviously this first set is a WrestleMania one.
He thinks that's the best way to give collectors what they want because Bob Wharton probably never would have made it to retail pegs, you know, that's probably, I don't know a lot of kids are going to walk by and say, Hey, let me get cowboy Bob, you know. So that's why Mattel Creations is the best way for these to come out. But yeah, they are going to be individually carded. He said the carding is going to be even more authentic to the original Hasbro line than it's been before.
He's basically, he said they're going to get as close as they can without getting into any legal trouble to what the original Hasbro packaging was. So I'm really excited to see him. Awesome. That's great. So we will, let's see, we do have the news, but actually let me go back here real quick. So we'll jump into the heels and faces line real quick. So Mr. Hughes.
first time ever action figure. I should have had the cricket sound effect queued up, man. I mean, I'll probably get it just because just because it's a unique collect. That's a unique guy. And I'm a psychopath. And I need to have one of every character made. But I can't say that it's really, you know, really getting my get my juices flowing that we're getting a Mr. Hughes figure.
You know, come on, do you have to have a different reaction to Mr. Hughes getting an action figure, right? Meh.
Oh boy. Um, I thought it was pretty cool. Like you said, it's, it's a unique figured again. It's his first ever action figure. So I mean, that's pretty cool to have, I think. Um, the other cool thing too, about heels and faces is they actually reuniting, um, a little faction that, uh, ran around at ECW. Uh, so it was announced that Bill Alfonso has signed. Yeah. And, uh, did you watch that video?
Oh yeah, he's fucking annoying as he's ever been man. I could not stand Bill Alfonso back in the day. Like I would literally put those matches on mute man. I was getting so annoyed.
He kind of healed off on another toy company in that video if you guys are paying attention to it. Not going to start any beef or anything like that. I was going to say, go watch the video, his announcement video, and see who he was talking about. Because I was actually kind of surprised that he actually brought up another toy company in it. But that's not here or there. The other person on this faction that was signed is Rob Van Dam.
Yeah, that's interesting. So he's going to be having guys, figures coming out from two different companies at once. We didn't know Jake had a similar deal where he's basically on AEW every single week, but he's still got Mattel figures coming out the wazoo. So maybe it's some similar to that. Yeah. So you can actually reunite the faction right now with Hills and Fit Out right now, but in the future with RVD, Sabu,
And Bill Alfonso was the manager. They were a tag team one. So do you guys remember that tag team that they had? We watched Living Dangerously in 1999, just last weekend, man. So we need what has the, I can't remember, has Taz been signed by them yet?
or no, I can't even keep straight all the guys on the sailor snatch people up. So we need Taz, man. We need Taz to get signed with them. So that way we can recreate that few because that's the three guys that that's who they were always seem like they were messing with the most was old Taz man. So yeah, that would be great. And Taz is so Toyota anyways. He's one of the most underrepresented guys in in wrestling figure history. But yeah, I'm stoked to get these man. And I just I can't wait for for all the zombie sailor figures to start hitting.
I think, I think zombie should, uh, definitely sound like snatching up all the ECW guys that he can just like, yeah. Anybody balls Mahoney, like everyone FBI, if he, if he needs to Axel Rotten, everybody. Oh man. I would love a mega awesome retro. Please use one of my favorites back in the day.
He should try to recreate the entire original San Francisco Toy Makers ECW line in retro form. That would be awesome. That was actually a pretty cool toy line. I don't love those figures nowadays. I don't think they've aged so well, but it was really cool for the time. Some of those guys were just made to be action figures. Think about if we got new Jack in retro form. How cool that would be.
Get the natural born killers. Pitbull one and two. Yeah, the eliminators. Yeah, you hear that zombie jump on it. So that's snatching those guys up quickly. We need that to happen ASAP. This was actually announced today. I actually see this post. So I know you love them and I love them. Cody Rhodes.
has a chase variant of his LJN. That's exclusive. Did you guys see this? Yeah. I think it's a red, red tights, right? Yeah. It kind of reminds me of a, it's almost a Lance storm ask like the gear that he's wearing. Um, if you want to get it, I get about as excited for this figure as I do for a good Lance storm match also, man. So very good. Uh, yeah.
Oh man, I actually had to watch, I didn't have to, but my son's into, you know, what, like, basically like athletic guys like Ricochet, like Rabe of Serial do like, like High Flyers basically. So I was showing him Rob Van Dam, and there was a match with Lance Storm, and I was like, oh, he's definitely going to do some High Flyers stuff.
Not really. I mean, it's Lance Storm. He's not going to do high-fiving things over Lance Storm. So that was a mistake on my part. So I had to pull out Johnny Gargano versus Ricochet from NXT TakeOver. And he was lit up by that. Because first of all, Ricochet was supporting the
Miles Morales Spider-Man gear, the red and black inspired Spider-Man. So he popped for that because he's like really into Spider-Man now. So, but yeah, that was pretty awesome. Not sure where I was going with that, but anyway.
Speaking of AW, the AW luminaries line, which is basically kind of like the legends line, it seems like. Yeah. The stink pre-order. I've seen some people are kind of loving it and hating it at the same time, maybe because of the face paint. I love it, man. Why are they hating it? I didn't see people. I mean, I guess I don't check in to the deep message board. You're the happy land of
Instagram where everything's rainbows and flowers and puppies and kittens just following about, not on Twitter where it's a wasteland. Well, there's some of those people out there that unless it's a server Sting figure, they shit all over it, man, or they're thinking AEW is going to lead off with 1997 Crow Sting. No, I thought this figure was super cool. I can't wait to display it with my Darby Allen. Yeah, it's awesome, man. I like it more than just the regular AEW Sting that's coming out in the luminaries line.
Yeah, I've ordered a couple of those, man, just didn't, you know, on the off chance that maybe we meet Sting again at a mania or a Russell Con in the future. Cause I think it's going to be a really cool figure and it would look great getting autographed. Yeah. I like the half half Darby. Yeah. The face paint looks wicked.
Yeah, that's what a lot of people are upset about. They're like, why would they do that? Why would they make it half the RBF, saying it's like that's... That was the first match back in six years, dude. That's a hell of a freaking moment. Yeah. So yeah, why would you not want to commiserate it, man?
I mean, like you said, it's that hard. Him and Darby were like an awesome pair. They were so mage. You know what I mean? Like they were so over. So I just, I don't know why you wouldn't want to, you know, stamp that, that piece of history in action figure form. Yeah, they're still together. Just calling people out left and right. Yeah, I see that obviously.
But yeah, I mean, I loved it. Yeah, let's see. Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure. I mean, I think they're just baiting people to watch AWW. I don't think anything's happening anytime soon. That's my own personal take on it. But we'll move on to
Chella Toys, they have that uncensored line. So they actually announced Sabu is going to be a part of their uncensored line. That's going to be awesome. That's the in scale. That's kind of like the elite or unmatched or whatever we want to call it in scale versions of the figures that they have out now, which is pretty cool. So I'm actually pretty stoked that Sabu is getting that. What do you guys, what do you both think about the Sabu, kind of like an elite form?
Yeah, I'm a huge Sabu fan. I'm wondering how they're going to do the pants. I wonder if they're going to go soft goods or if they're going to go molded for that, you know what I mean? Because I could see that being kind of tricky to execute just in straight plastic, but it's going to be awesome. I love Sabu and it's been way too long that we've gone without having him in our, you know, a figure that could fit in with our elites in AEW line.
The rendering looks like it's molded pants and it looks like it's just like kind of like tucked into the boots. I mean, they're not as like flowy as like Sabu pants, you know, as you would imagine them, but it looks to me like they're going to be molded unless they put soft goods over top of it, which it doesn't look like it because they have the tassel, like the belt, you know, tassel hanging down, like sculpted in the back. So.
I mean, I guess, I mean, I'm trying to think of how that articulation is going to look on like the knee and stuff, though, those kind of it looks kind of weird. It looks a little wonky. There's like a big knee joint right in the front, you know, and it's it does kind of mess up the pants a little bit. You know, I'm not trying to nitpick. Obviously, I don't I couldn't make a better figure, you know, personally, but I just feel like. Yeah, it does look a little weird.
Yeah, I think they should opt for the soft goods with Sabu, especially with the crazy stuff you could do for obviously the figure photographers out there if they wanted, you know, do the articulation and stuff like that, you definitely want to go soft goods, but
Yeah, it will look weird for figure photography for sure, because yeah, it's not like just like regular jeans. His pants are not like regular jeans, you know, they don't like over the knee. Yeah. Have like lumps, lumpy legs pretty much, which is kind of strange. But yeah, so the other figure that they announced, this is not in their uncensored line, it's in their retro inspired line, haku.
Hell yeah. It's been way too long since we've had a Haku figure. I hope he's in the uncensored line as well, man. Give me all the Hakus.
Yeah, I think, I mean, it looks like they're doing like a retro version first. And then they, I mean, obviously they probably have to sign on for a, for an uncensored version or a different version of that figure. But yeah, I'm super stoked. We actually got to see him this past Wednesday, uh, walk up with, with his son for his, uh, for his title match and stuff like that. So, um, you know, I actually picked, uh, he could leave to win that match.
That I did not. I picked the worst part is in our picks league. That was the, I don't even want to talk about that event. I'm so pissed off. I was doing so good. And then yeah, I see everybody, everybody screwed me at fight for the fall. And I'm pissed off. I seen a lot of people, uh, that dark order, scary, that goddamn monster and screwed me frustrated with the goddamn word for it. That's right.
Oh, Shane, you should have cut that program right now.

Bret Hart Impressions and Figure Pack Discontinuation

I know. I didn't have time. The heel has been jumped in. He's always looking for a reason to do a bread impersonation, even though he's not very good at it, but he likes to... Any opportunity he gets, he's going to break the bread out. I guess today's the big showdown in Montreal.
least favorite one that he does. He'll just do it out of nowhere sometimes. He'll just be sitting there eating dinner and he'll just be like, the big shoulder in Montreal. I'm just like, no, that is not bread. That does not sound anything like bread. And then he'll just keep doing it to try to make it better and it gets worse.
I got to practice my bread. It's not really that good. It's tough, man. You got to be like a whisperer. Yeah, it's tough, man. We need OVP. We need Bill Caster. Bill Caster is the impersonator. Obviously, we got Marco, talented impersonator, but I feel like Bill Caster is just insane with his, our buddy Mike Bill Caster from Formula of Pyramid Wrestling. Now he's the star of Big Friday with Turnbuckle Tavern. Big Friday with Turnbuckle Tavern. Yeah.
When I do like stone cold because like the raspy because he because Brett kind of has a like kind of like a raspy to switch but not as as hard as stone cold is so I Was like I start to do it that it just turns to a stone cold Most of Brits like he's just super chill, you know, like that's the that's the thing about bread. He doesn't have any like super defining Things that he does. It's just like a very like kind of low-key like cool. Yeah, you know, yeah
Except for that promo that he cut in the cage match there, but yeah. But other than that, yeah, he isn't really super frustrated with things. Except for when he shot Michaels involved. That's when he's always... That's when he gets upset about stuff.
So we'll move on to ringside news. WWE two-pack. The Rocket Man kind are the last two-packs. That's a bummer, man. Two-pack for now on. I've really dug this line. Yeah, but they'll return sooner than later. So that's, that's, I mean. We need that Shawn Michaels and God two-pack. It needs to happen, man. They could save money. They could still charge full price for it. They would save so much money. I think people would buy it, man.
Yeah, I mean, they better not, they better not come back with a, uh, a show of Michael's Bret Hart survivor series two pack. Cause I'll be very upset. Cause I have that ringside exclusive, uh, Jack's one that should stand the test of time. You know, we need to make a new one of it. Just leave it as it is. Don't even bother.
Yeah. I just like, I like the, uh, the presentation of it too. Cause he has the, he has the Canadian flag at the back too. It was an accessory in the class, which is pretty awesome. It was just so beautiful, man. Yeah. They have that set is at a, uh, it's at the yester toys, the local, um, vintage toy shop that we have here. Uh, they have that set there and I look at it every time I go in there, man, and just.
If I collect the jacks, I would get it, man, but nah. It's a little sticker though. Rankside exclusive 2006, watching all Screwjob. It's just a funny title for a two-pack. It's hilarious.
But yeah, that's gonna be there. I'm not sure what they mean by it will return sooner than later. I'm assuming there's a lot of lines popping and stuff like that. Obviously the WWE Hollywood line is popping out, the Superstars line. Now you have Mattel Creations.
going full swing now. So maybe the lead two packs have to be put on a back burner for now on, which like you said, it's a bummer, but hopefully it comes back at some point. But what a way to end it. If you're going to end it, you know, with, with the rock and sock connection. I mean, one of the most celebrated tag teams in WWE history. I mean, come on now.
two megastars not even superstars so the new generation ring project I know we're gonna we should talk a little bit about this if it obviously if it succeeds they'll use the tooling on a modern ring and more down more down the line so like so basically you know what if this is if

Crowdfunding for WWE New Generation Ring

this is successful
more ranks that'll look just like this. So like with the wood, with the wood planks and all that stuff, more authentic scale rings from, um, from a towel. So, uh, this has been a little bit of a pain point for some collectors. This has been the most talked about thing in the, uh, the wrestling and the wrestling figure world this week. I got some thoughts, man. I think that, uh,
So first off, luckily, Mattel addressed today, actually, the biggest criticism on this is that unlike almost all crowdfunding projects and definitely all the crowdfunding projects that I've supported in the past, they were taking money upfront, right, instead of
instead of like most of them where you don't actually get charged until they get funded. So that turned a lot of people off because you're basically, if you pre-ordered on day one, you're basically giving Mattel an interest-free loan for a month. Why would you do that when you just hold it till the very end? Exactly. Yep.
So there was that. And I really think that had a cascading effect because they were doing it like that. It caused this thing to get off to a really, really slow start. And the problem with these crowdfunding things, you really want to catch in or cash in on people's FOMO, you know, their fear of missing out. People want to be associated with a winner. You know, you don't want to feel like you don't want to be one of like the, you know, three or 400 idiots that back something that everybody else was like, no, why do we do this? You want to like, you want to ride that wave, man. You want to get in on that and, you know,
Promote it with your friends get them to buy in on it. So that way you can start reaching some of the stretch goals and everything So I think that was problem number one. They've addressed that one, which is great The other stuff they're not really gonna be able to address which is they launched this right at Comic Con week man, which there's obviously you have it's
That's probably the most expensive week of the year for figure collectors, not just wrestling. Wrestling, there's already a shitload of stuff dropping, but most people collect more than online. So much other stuff. Yeah, you're going to collect turtles, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, whatever. So people were already shelling out a lot of money. There's not a lot of people that are in a position to additionally be able to throw out another 250 bucks for something that's not coming out for a year.
So I would have given it a month to hype it up and maybe drop it summer slam week. I gotta imagine WWE is gonna have a ton of momentum going right around that time, drop it then. I think that would have helped. And then the figures that come with it, they're just, I don't know, the diesel and doing kind of weird diesel is cool.
I don't know why they picked that attire though. That was like the most boring attire diesel they could have. We should have got like two dudes with an attitude diesel. Sheena had an awesome idea to do, you know, you could have it where it's a combo platter with fake diesel and fake Razor Ramon, you know, give us some head swaps where you get your diesel and Razor Ramon Ultimate Edition, but then you could do head swaps to fake diesel and fake
Yeah, I said it would just be cool to have some interesting figures like I would love to have fake diesel and you know I just feel like I feel like what they gave us was a little bit underwhelming and I think like awesome, but it's just Do I should come with dink like if we're if we're
We already have a really cool Doink Elite. I mean, I understand the Ultimate Editions are better, but I feel like if he would have come with Dink, I would have been like, holy crap, this is freaking awesome. I echo all the things that Seth said. I feel like it was just a bad rollout. It didn't get like a ton of hype before it actually dropped. I feel like that was kind of a big thing is like, you know, before it was kind of just like low-key, you know?
Um, and then I saw people kind of shitting on the new gin and I was like, you know, I know it was a weird time in wrestling, but I don't know how you can just like completely crap on new gin. And that entrance way is really, really cool. You know, I've got a cardboard version of that interest way that I've been using, um, for years, man. So yeah, I was stoked to see the light up one. A lot of people criticize like, you know, why are we paying extra money for the
the fake wooden planks under the ring, which, you know, it's fair enough. It's going to be cool putting that thing together, but I don't really know if I'm ever going to see those again. Like I heard people say that would have made more sense to do on like an NXT ring because we've seen a few NXT hardcore matches over the last few years where they cut the padding off and expose it. Like somebody on the WrestleFigs forums was like,
This is like if they advertise like realistic organs inside the figures, like you're never going to see them. It's hard to argue with that. If you really think about it, you're like, why am I excited for this? This is something that I'm going to see for like 30 seconds, but it's just cool knowing it's there. I really want this to succeed. They did announce today that they've changed the
the way the ordering process is, people aren't going to be charged until this thing actually gets funded on the 22nd. It does put a temporary hold on your account. That's one thing. It'll release after a couple of days, but I saw a lot of people saying they went ahead and backed it and it does put a temporary hold. I don't know how exactly it works or if it's different bank to bank, but it doesn't swipe the money out of your account, but there is some sort of weird thing where it does put a temporary hold on your funds.
I pointed out all the issues that myself and others have had with the release. All that being said, I'm in love with this product, man. I really am hoping that this thing gets funded, hopefully all the way to 8K, but at least to 5K, man. I feel like I got to have this ring. It's going to be hard for me to get over it if this thing ends up failing and we don't get this ring after being teased with it because I love a good action figure ring and I think this is definitely going to be
the best one that's ever been made. And the other cool thing is that they're going to keep this going if this thing's a success. Whereas if it's not, I don't think we're ever going to get, or I think it's at least going to be a long time before we get any more crowdfunding. Marco, what's your take, man? Are you in on this or are you out?
I mean, I'm not out on it. Obviously, I'm in a different boat because I just spent a lot of money on a house, dropping another 250 on a pre-order. But yeah, I definitely want this to succeed because they kind of mentioned, you know, they're kind of like hinting towards another project sort of like this.
Um, and if you see like the next tier with, with doing and the tier after that, I believe you get the different ring skirts skirts. Yeah. Um, so like maybe the next, the next thing might be the, like a raw set, like original raw local, like with the big, the big letters. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. So like, they might be thinking of doing something like that. And you know, maybe you get like a, um, a Lawler and actually you really can't do Jr.
I think he did say that the Ultimate Editions too, another selling point is that they're going to be individually packaged. I think they're going to have their own Ultimate Edition packaging. If you are an Ultimate Edition collector and you keep your stuff MOC, it's not like they're just going to come with the ring, packaged in the ring. They will come. You could get it and get the Ultimate Editions for your collection and then resell the ring. There's a lot of options for you.
And I think once people get this ring in hand, if it does get funded, I think people are really going to have FOMO once they see it. And I think there will be a resale market for it if you just want to resell the ring.
Not that I can donate sellers, but I feel like if you're, if you want, you're going to, you're going to feel if other people have these ultimate additions in their collection and you don't, it's going to be like, damn, you know, like if you, if you're trying to get, get all of them, you know, if you're a completionist, I mean, yeah, if there's one line, I always try to get is it's the ultimate edition line. And yeah, like even now, like I'm like kind of bumped that episode on the Hogan. So like, and obviously the Sergeant slaughter as well, we'll get it. We'll find a way. I've down to, I've got two ultimates.
So yeah, you definitely have Phobo if you're doing that. But the joint is pretty awesome. I'm putting on backing two of these, Marco. So come next summer when this thing finally drops, you can hit me up. Empty out them pockets, man, and I'll see what I can do for you, man, to get this set up. Oh, my god. Geez, I didn't want to know what to be so bad. You missed it. You and everybody bust this thing out.
But no, I definitely want the doink out of it. If it's, I mean, obviously the diesel would be pretty cool to have, but the doink with the three different versions of him, like the happy one that like the midway one and like the, the sad one, like the, with the, with the, the hair is all straggly and everything like that. Do you have, do you have an elite, do you have the elite doink?
Yeah, from the SummerSlam. Yeah. I have that doing. But definitely want the Ultimate Edition. It comes with the hammer and everything or the mallet. Very cool. You can use that mallet with the Fiend also.
Yeah, see, I mean, you could have a tree match if you want, joint versus a feed as well, so ultimate edition versions of those. I mean, I'm definitely going to back it. Obviously, I'm not going to run out of time. It's not August yet, so. Yeah, you saw that a full month. Yeah, but I think I'm going to do it. But yeah, I definitely want this to succeed because I can imagine what they have planned for the next iteration of this type of thing.
Hopefully it happens like it's hard to pick up some see you by seeing that after they made that announcement Yeah, they had a hundred new Pre-orders this evening and hopefully that word still trickling out, you know About the change in charge. I don't know if it's gonna reach the stretch goals, man I'm cautiously optimistic that it's gonna hit 5,000 in that last week Getting all the way to 8,000 is tough man. Maybe it'll hit seven I mean, I don't think it's hundred percent that it's gonna get to 5,000 but
He broke 1,000, so it's got 1,023 backers right now. I checked it right when that news dropped and it was at 9.16. That's pretty good because they've been getting maybe like 30, 35 people a day that have been actually pre-ordering it.
And like I said, they hit over 100 this evening. The first is a payday for a lot of people. So maybe we'll see a nice little boost there on the first. Typically, it's crowdfunding things. They get off to a hot start. Obviously, this one kind of bricked at the start. And then you get a big push right there at the very end. So hopefully, we just get a hell of a babyface comeback on this product. And it gets across the finish line there at the end of August.
They're going to have to keep the, I mean, a month is a long time. They're going to have to keep it at the forefront of people's minds because people just kind of forget if it's out of sight, out of mind, they're going to spend their money elsewhere and get other things and then they'll be like, oh, you know, I don't have enough money to back this. So they're going to have to keep this like, you know, rolling with this promotion for this thing.
I think we should start a GoFundMe, man. Marco, you need to come up with some weird illness that nobody has ever heard of or can prove or anything. And let's get some money raised for you. And then we'll go buy like 55 of these freaking rings.
Yeah. No, the human fund. I'll just do like George, George Costanza, Seinfeld, the human fund. Just donate, donate to the human fund. We'll do that. We'll collect donations and then we will, we'll do giveaways with the, with the, with the rings that we have. You're a human. I'm a human. Let's have each other out.
Donate to the fund but they should just have they should just have people donate have donations and every donation gets you an entry into to a giveaway so they could make it fun this thing you know you have a chance to get the ring you could donate fifty bucks and get fifty entries into the thing
You know and then so for fifty bucks you're supporting a good cause and you get fifty entries into winning a ring and i think that would be a good way to find it i can i just come together and nickel and dime this thing you know instead of asking five thousand people to give up you know two hundred fifty bucks you could ask like you know.
Anytime you buy a figure at Ringside, they have a little question like, would you like to round up to the nearest dollar to donate to the Ultimate Edition Ring? Somebody was wondering about that too. They were wondering if maybe Ringside would just buy like...
like a thousand of them, you know, just go in on like 250,000, get a thousand of these and they could sell them for what I really think if you look at the original Mattel real scale ring, which was really, really nice. It was a little bit nicer than the main event rings that they put out. That thing was going for around 400 bucks on eBay a couple of years after its release.
And this thing is miles nicer than it and it's coming with two ultimate edition figures. We know what the price of ultimate editions are looking like. So I think this thing is going to be north of $550, $600 on the secondary market. I think immediately after it comes out, because there's not going to be another chance to get it, you know, unless ringside does actually do that and get a large chunk of them at the end. I think that this thing is going to be sky high on eBay, man, because you're not going to have a cheap place to get this anywhere.
It'll be interesting. It's cool. It's something to kind of unite all figure collectors over the next month as we root for this thing to get across the finish line. And yeah, I'm still, like I said, I'm hoping it gets to 5,000. I think it's going to happen.
Yeah, definitely.

Listener Questions and Paranormal Beliefs

So we'll move on to the WWE Elite Series. So Elite Series 100. Betel is planning something special for this set. Now we know on the Basic Series, they did the, you know, they did the favorites. They did, was it Cena, Rock, Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker, right? What do you guys think? It's Elite, the Elite Series. It's gonna be the 100th.
What do you think they have planned for this? It's no way that they could do it with the various contracts and stuff and what people have going on. It would be awesome, I think, if they just redid Elite One with the modern technology and the upgrades of that, just symbolically. And I think do even the Elite One packaging. You know what I mean? Basically, re-release Elite One, but with true FX and whatever upgrades they could do from the technology over the last seven years. I think that would kind of be my pick.
Oh, what do you think? What do you think of Cheetah? What would be the, uh, what they have planned? Elite 100. I don't know. I mean, maybe they could just re redo the, the basics that they did, you know, um, and do them in elite form. I don't know. I have no creative ideas. We're pushing it. We're pushing midnight right now. And my, my brain is like, uh, totally fried, but I'm curious to see what they do. Um, um,
Cautiously optimistic because sometimes I feel like when they're like we're gonna do something really special and then it's like, oh, okay. Well, you know Yeah, they'll do something they'll do my idea and they'll just replay the the basics and everybody like weren't way Yeah, I mean, I mean I have no ideas as well it'd be pretty cool if they did go back to series one but I
We'll see. We'll see what they have planned. Maybe they'll make it an all ultimate edition line and every figure will be like ultimate edition articulation that we know is just to put in the series. Yeah. And they've hinted, uh, action figure tech hinted that they're looking at, you know, basically making the, they want to make the WWE figures, the absolute best in the marketplace. And obviously AEW figures, they pretty much have ultimate edition articulation out of the box. Um, so maybe this maybe series 100 could be where they debut that like basically.
The elites are basically the same articulation model as the ultimates and then the ultimates will just be like the deluxe versions of them. That's possible as well. Like Sheena said, we're pushing midnight and we're over the two hour mark. We got a couple loose ends. We'll toss those in to go figure next week. Sheena, do you have some listener mail for us? I got some listener mail.
All right. This question comes in from Johnny JB. He says, if you become a pro wrestler, who would be your first opponent or who would you want your first opponent to be? Can't be Bret Hart. So I'll go first. I think I would want to work with Undertaker. Historically, he's one of the safest in the biz. So I want to work with whoever's not going to break my neck, whoever's not going to hurt me. So I'm going to go with with Taker.
If I'm going to AW, I know I'm not really going to have a choice and it's going to be against Cody. I'll just say if it was... It's so true. If it was WWE, I think I'd like to come in on NXT, get my momentum up there, and I want to get in there with Johnny Gargano. That's a dude that just never has a bad match no matter what. That's true.
Marco huh, I'm gonna I'm gonna earn my bones here All right, if I'm just coming into the into the game and I don't have anything under my belt and I want to make a name for myself There's only one person right now that I would go after and have a match with and that's a dick age My first match would be a death match I would get your name out there somehow you have to get there on your bone somehow they're like Oh my god, did you see that death match with?
That guy has balls. You know, it's funny because Marco and I are historically on the same page with most things on this show. We tend to just like, you know, like march to the same, to the same beat. And here I am, I'm like, I want to work with the safest guy in the biz. And Marco's like, I want to get stabbed with a light tube, cut with a pizza cutter. You gotta get stabbed with a light tube, you gotta get sliced with a pizza cutter, just to make a name for yourself nowadays. So that's happening.
Um, I got Robert Gino here. He says, Hey guys, which Bret Hart match is your personal favorite to go back and watch? I know it's a tough question because there are so many iconic matches. I personally love his in your house match with Davey boy from December, 1995.
Yeah, that's a great one. Dude, it's tough for me to pick this one. Honestly, if I had to pick one, you guys are probably going to be surprised by this. It's Brett and Yoko at WrestleMania 10. I would not have picked that, yeah. I feel like even though that match wasn't one of Brett's greatest, that moment I think was really kind of the peak of
Bret Hart's career, you know, closing at WrestleMania 10 was obviously a monumental WrestleMania and it ended with Brett up on all the, uh, the baby faces shoulders and you know, he won the belt. He righted the wrongs from the year before at WrestleMania nine. So, and it's a short match too. It's a fun, it's a fun watch. The match is less than 10 minutes. Great crowd pop. Roddy Piper is awesome as the guest ref. Uh, so that's one of that kind of gone is that's, that's part of my like wrestling comfort food that I throw on. Um, so yeah, Brett and Yoko at WrestleMania 10.
Yeah, I got to go with WrestleMania 13. Somebody's got to say it, you know, Steve Austin. It's just, it's never boring to watch that match. So it always, it always, as our buddies over at Turnbuckle Tavern, it always goes down good. That's my all time favorite match. Yeah. So no doubt about that, but I, for whatever reason, Brett and Yoko is the one, if I just want to watch a quick Brett match, that's the one I throw on.
What about you, Marco? Uh, I have two, either, uh, Brett, Brett, Brett Piper, or, uh, uh, Brett and Owen at WrestleMania 10. Yeah. The opening, the greatest opening match in, uh, WrestleMania history. Yeah. Owen and, Owen and Brett was my, was my number two. I was going to, I was going to throw out there. That's an insanely good match. So yeah. All right. Hit us with one more shame. Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to hit us with something a little bit off the beaten path real quick. Let me pull my, my wrestler or my, uh, listener mail back up.
Okay, do you believe in ghosts and paranormal anything? This is from Zach Herzler. Do you believe in ghosts or anything paranormal? I don't know. Anything's possible, so I don't not believe in it. I'm just kind of, I'm waiting for proof.
I definitely believe in ghosts and paranormal activity and energy. I just feel like everything in this world has energy and when your body can no longer go and this vessel for that energy, it doesn't disappear. It just transfers to something else. I feel like sometimes those energies
can get stuck. They don't really transfer correctly. Think about how many times you try to go to transfer something into your computer and it gets hung. Can you imagine spiritual energy? There's got to be, it's got to be bouncing around. So I do believe there are ghosts in paranormal. I don't know about ghosts in the modern form. I don't think they're walking around with sheets over them, like Beetlejuice style.
But I definitely believe there's some places that have some really gnarly energy that could be good or bad. What about you, Marco? You believe in ghosts and paranormal? I didn't until I... When I roommate one of my best friends, we bought a house together and it belonged to the cycle.
It was an older couple that lived there. They obviously ended up passing away and stuff like that. Under mysterious circumstances. Yeah. There's a lot of weird things that happened at that house, we'll say. One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me was the kitchen in
Next to the kitchen was the basement. You would go down. So basically, you'd walk through the kitchen, base the doors on your left or right, on the left. So I was doing the dishes or whatever. A friend comes in. We had a fish tank. He's feeding the fish. And we built a workout area down in the basement. So you go down there. One of us would go down, work out, or go together, whatever. So I'm like, oh, you're going down there to work out?
He's like, yeah, I'm going down to like some washing dishes and I see something like go by it, like behind me, like in my peripheral, like a dark figure just walk past me to the basement. So I turned around. I'm like, Oh, you already, that's, you're going out later. I turn around and he's still over there feeding the fish.
So I was like, I didn't believe in ghosts at that point. They said that house was haunted. And I was just like, you know what? I, I have to, I have to believe cause that was, I literally seen someone walk by me like in my peripheral. Dude, I believe it. I believe it. Cause I feel like there's been, there's been time.
Yeah, there's been times when you just feel like there's just, there's an eerie feeling out of nowhere. Like you could be sitting there in your home and as someone who spent a lot of time like by myself, you know, Seth, he deploys, he does a lot of like things with his work where he like goes out for extended periods of time.
Like I've been in my house by myself before and you just get this overwhelmingly like weird feeling that something's either watching or in the room with you. So I fully 100% believe it. Again, I feel like there's like a stigma of you, like if you believe in ghosts, you believe in like, you know, demons and all this kind of stuff. I feel like there's just like paranormal energy that has not been
harness to wherever it is supposed to go that is that it's out there and you know Seth is like no I know I wish you guys could see Seth's face right now he's got like this the most like you know we're debuting the video pod next week if all goes well with this this test episode we're taping tonight so you guys be able to see
Yeah, these looks on my face. Thanks Zach for that question, man. It was a good question. You really teed Sheena and Marco up, man, to go in. We learned that Marco lived through his very own Amityville horror, and Sheena's the queen of paranormal activity, man. On that note, Sheena, remind the listeners they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine at chick Foley show. And you can join our Foley fam and get in all the fun shenanigans over there at chick Foley All right, Marco, you are the reigning defending undisputed chick Foley show prediction champion. Give us the final words for this week's episode.
by forfeit. Yeah, go back the new gen ring. That's my words of encouragement for this week. Just fear a collector, put the money forth, and get that damn ring in motion. Hell yeah.