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Episode 017 - Nothing to Talk About image

Episode 017 - Nothing to Talk About

S1 E17 ยท Just Shillin'
52 Plays9 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about a bunch of different stuff including Andy's eye surgery, the aurora, May the 4th deliveries, HasLab leaks, trailer drops (Dune Prophecy, Rings of Power, House of the Dragon, Wicked, etc), X-Men 97 finale, Godzilla x Kong, Battlestar Galactica, Clarkson's Farm, New Lord of the Rings, Twisters, Megalopolis, Shogun, and the controversial Baby Reindeer

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

00:00:00 Awkward Intro
00:01:29 Catching Up
00:22:50 News
00:37:23 Trailers
00:59:42 Moar News!
01:22:00 Watching / Listening
01:25:12 SPOILERS Godzilla x Kong
01:25:53 Watching / Listening
01:37:57 Baby Reindeer
01:57:00 Farewell


Introduction to Just Schilling Episode 17

Hello and welcome to episode number 17 of Just Schilling. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am your other host, Andy Bell. And that's it for this week. Thank you, everybody. Thanks for listening.

Podcast Format and Improvements

What happened? What happened then? I just kind of brain farted. I'm like, should I just...
I don't wanna, I got myself stuck in the headspace of like, I don't wanna say like, so how you been buddy? Like, cause that's like, what do I say? It's like, should I put some business in here? Then by that point in time, like a second and a half have gone by and I'm like, oh, well. All right, that's it. We're going straight. We need an intro. We're going straight to 18.
We need an intro. We need to, we need to follow the line. You know, we need to, we need to, our next progression, we got a logo now, which is great. We started to do multimedia with sound bites and you know, with, with, with having guests on like the, the, the great Eric Struthers. We now need to go to the next level. We need an intro to where we can kind of just drop in and sound cool. And a sound board.
Well, I'll put that on the to-do list. I made notes here. Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,
So I have my eye surgery on Monday. Yeah.

Cataract Surgery Experience

So I had my troublesome cataract removed and a replacement robot eye stuck in its place.
And I'm now going through basically the next couple of days of working out which way is up and what the hell is going on because my pupil, my iris, sorry, is still very much dilated. And so I've got this huge amount of light going into my right eye, which was the one that needed to be fixed. And it's a little bit freaky.
I recommend anyone that has problems with their eyes to get them checked out. It has, at the moment, changed my life with the positive, but going through the entire experience has been absolutely weird. It's been really, really weird.
the what was a relatively painless process really simple just the thought of it was probably thought of it as more probably more scary than the actual procedure itself and they make a very small incision
remove the old lens your natural lens and put in a plastic one it's it sounds simple but it's also you know you are awake you have a local anesthetic and you see exactly what's going on until you lose your natural lens and
Are you just kind of like looking at something like you're like like look at the yeah, yeah Yeah, look at the dot and then you lose sight of the dot and I'm like, I've lost sight of the dot. Is that okay? And they're like, yeah, it's fine That's normal because you have no lens anymore. We're about to put a new one in okay cool fine. No problem
But it's really clever, it's really, really clever. I had an amazing team that were looking after me, of which there was a very animated surgeon that was talking to me about what he was going to do and the risks associated and I'm happy to proceed. In the meantime, his nicestist, that was the one that provided the local anaesthetic, was seeing 80s, really cheesy pop tunes.
Um, and they were hilarious between the two of them. They were absolutely hilarious. So they made me feel automatically at ease anyway. Um, I just went through the whole process with me because they have, they seem to have two types of patients, ones that, uh, don't know what's going on. I need to be covered up and the rest of it. And some that are, um, inquisitive like myself and a little bit perversely, uh, um, interested in what's going on. And I really was.
And they were cool. They were really, really cool. And I was singing with the rest of the crew as they were moving my lens. I didn't feel a thing. A little bit of pressure, a little bit of discomfort. The one thing I would say is because the guy said to me,
After the procedure, he said, what did you see? I said, what did you mean? He said, when I removed your lens, what did you see? Because people see different things. And all I saw was a star field. All I can explain is that it was like a burst of really bright light. As soon as you lose your lens, all type of filters or all type of
All the damage is gone, and it's just unfiltered. It's not even the damage. All the type of natural protection against bright light is all gone. It's a relatively dark operating theater, but everything all of a sudden appears really, really bright to the point where you can't see anything at all, let alone the two points of light they're asking you to look at. You can't see anything at all, so all you see is this
big shots, big halos of bright light surrounded by blue. And it just reminded me of hyperspace. That's the only way I could explain it to the guy. And because I said to him, it's like being in hyperspace or on a big acid trip. He said, oh, you're a Star Wars fan.
I went, yes, I am. And he went, yeah, I've seen one or two of you before. But it was, it was, it was really cool. And I'm still, you know, I'm three days in now, it's Thursday now, so I'm one, two, three, yeah. Wednesday now, sorry, two days in. And yeah, there's some things to go. I've got, I've got a, I've got a course of steroid drops to make sure everything heals, so that the, the lens,
aligns naturally with the eye and loads of other stuff. But in the great scheme of things, compared to what some of our friends have been up to recently, this has been the most simple procedure ever. And I'm, again, in awe of the people that looked after me. So the one thing I would say, and I don't want to be held liable for any of this, was that
I was quite surprised that I needed a cataract at my, I had a cataract, sorry, I needed treatment at my age. And one of the things that, and I said that to the folks that looked after me, and they said, well, we're seeing a lot more younger people, which made me feel good, obviously, a lot more younger people being treated for this kind of stuff in recent years. And typically they do an awful lot of,
vdu or a lot of monitor work or that they're in front of a pc a lot more and while there's an absolutely no absolutely zero uh medical um proof that that working behind a screen or a monitor is in any way associated with cataracts or anything like that at all because the uv from monitors today or new monitors today is very very low indeed it just seemed to be
quite a coincidence that these guys are seeing a lot more folk younger getting treated and that typically they do an awful lot of work in front of PCs or monitors. So all I'd say is don't reach any conclusions there and certainly don't hold me liable for any litigation, but just look after yourselves and get your eyes checked on a regular basis.
especially if you are working in an environment where you may well suffer from eye strain or anything like that, especially on top of that, you have other symptoms as well, like I do, that may well contribute to that, like things like high blood pressure or anything like that. So just look after yourselves. But no, the whole experience, weird, really, really weird. Glad I can see better, albeit a little bit blurred at the moment than I did this time last week.
and the guys that looked after me were a lot of fun as well which which made it quite pleasurable which sounds really odd i know but it's the way we are no i mean no it's like as somebody who uh i like to say i err i err on the side of not when it comes to like like not wanting to when it comes to like oh hey do you like going to the dentist it's like i don't i don't
Not like it, but I mean, I'd rather not if I didn't have to. But like it's it is a good feeling when you can go somewhere and be pleasantly surprised, especially if you have past experience with with maybe people who aren't.
Not that they don't care. It's just like they're not providing a magical experience. And it's like when you can come out of it with positive feelings of like, you know, I was a little anxious and they made me feel welcome and comforted and it was not like, would I go do it again next week? No, I wouldn't. I don't want to do it again, but it wasn't bad. And I enjoyed my time there and would recommend it to others.
That's a good thing. Yeah, no, they were funny. They were just funny. And let's face it, life is hard enough as it is. So getting someone in that profession being quite funny was a cool thing.

Personal Anecdotes: Family Traditions and Purchases

The other thing that I did during the week,
was we had the girls back again, again, which is quite rare. We normally see them every month or so, every couple of months normally. You guys need to change the locks or something. I know, I know, I know, but they came out the weekend. Well, no, no, they were invited. They were invited this time. They came back at the weekend because, have you heard of Eurovision? I have. Okay, so Eurovision basically is an age-old
pop, can I say that word in this day? Yeah, it's a music contest between what was traditionally all the members of the old European Union.
to find the best song of that year and it gave birth to some really, really big, big bands like ABBA for example.
but but but knowing whoever are you'll understand that the whole thing is very camp very cheesy i miss it's it's good fun but it doesn't take itself too seriously at all anyway i typically don't subscribe to it because it's not my kind of music or anything but i'm very much uh in the minority in our household and um
The girls in my family, including my wife, enjoy it a great deal and we turn it into a bit of a party in our house. So typically every year, the girls will enjoy a whole bunch of ridiculous cocktails.
that they make for themselves while I'm at the back, barbecuing because the time of year it is, and just feeding them throughout the evening while they watch the magnificence that is Eurovision. And we did it again last weekend. And it was a good crack, and it was great to see the girls, and I basically stayed outside manning the barbecue because it was quite fortuitous that we had really, really great weather at the same time.
So I was outside cooking barbecue, drinking beer and just basically coming in with trays of hot dogs and burgers and grilled chicken and everything I can get my hands on and making up a potato salad and my potato salad is particularly good by the way.
but anyway potato salad and mozzarella salad so you've got the you know you've got the really really beefy the really really beefy buffalo tomatoes split between basil and olive oil and mozzarella as well and just oh jimmy jimmy should be here
Anyway, and we, yeah, we had a good time. We had a really, really good time. And then I, I finished cooking around about maybe half nine, 10 o'clock at night, at which point they were getting through to the scores part. I sat with the girls and carried on enjoying their homemade cocktails and had a good night as well. So it's been a, it's been a, been a weird week, but a really enjoyable week at the same time. What about yourself, buddy?
Well, first, I mean, Eurovision is so fascinating to me. Like, I think I just found out, just discovered it, I think last year. Right.
There was there's this goofy band that I somehow came across that I think they somehow they were talking about it. And then like that whole I learned about Eurovision was like, that's such a bizarre thing that I think it's really cool. I haven't watched anything from this year's, but I should do that. Yeah, the Madison hates that song that I that I love to play by. It's a band called Electric Callboy.
and they have this song called, We Got the Moves. It is so, the video and the song are so funny and I love it and Madison hates it. But yeah, that's my Eurovision experience. Is that what you were doing that made you miss the Aurora that was just blooming over your country? Oh God, I forgot about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the irony was I had no idea it was going on.
So I'm that insulated in my life. I didn't even know to look out for it. So Eurovision finished about, I don't know, 11, 11.30 at night, my time, at which time the Aurora was there. But in most cases, you couldn't see it unless you saw it through a camera lens because of the way that light is reflected. What's the word I'm thinking of?
Refracted. Refracted. The way that light works.
Yeah, exactly. Says the guy with the dodgy eye. Anyway, but the way that light is refracted is you couldn't see it anyway. So it looked like a beautiful blue sky or dark sky as far as I was concerned. So I missed all of it. So when it appeared as far south as we were in the UK, I was either oblivious
or secondly, at that point, in bed and asleep. Either way, I was given no pre-warning, or sorry, I didn't pick up any pre-warning whatsoever. I had no idea what was going on. But I've shared with you guys some of the pictures, some of our locals here.
That night, the girls went up the hill because they wanted to carry on partying. I'm like, carry on. They went up the hill with some friends of theirs and took the most amazing pictures, which you've now seen on Discord. No, we had no idea it was going on. I had no idea it was going on. I thought the girls were going out. Sorry. Oh, I hope I hope that your phone is on silent when you go to bed, because I apologize for blowing up your phone with like, no, wake up, go outside.
No, no, it was fine. It was fine. I didn't see it the next morning and I saw your, but if I saw your, I saw your message to me looking for photos before I actually spoke to the girls who had the photos that you were looking for. So, so there you go. All I can say is that you're more important than my children. So, um, so there you go. I'm going to clip that and save that.
for their wedding day for their wedding day this is what your father thinks of you by the way hi everybody my name is sean i'm sure you don't know me but uh i am pretty awesome uh but no

Podcast Updates and Online Leaks

um other than that um one thing that's funny is that i remember
Last week, if people remember, I was blabbering on about May 4th and how I'm not really into it. It's all this crap. I was like, blah, blah, blah, shopping, shopping, shopping, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. This week, all of the stuff that I forgot I'd ordered arrived.
So don't mind me, I gotta protect my eyes. I'm gonna put my new, the empire did nothing wrong, sunglasses on. I'm gonna drink out of my new Darth Vader mug. Yeah, so I was like, all of a sudden the boxes started arriving and I'm like, oh yeah. Oh dude. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
been dogging on it because clearly I did order some. So this is this is this is not the first time that you have. This was over something. OK. These are these are sober purchases that I did. OK, fine. OK, fine. OK. But you just forgot.
Yeah, but the mug. Yeah, that's cool. That is cool. That's very, very cool. I do like that. So they did that. That was fun. But the other things that have happened recently. So I got I got intrigued by some by some stuff that's happened recently. And I made an update. This is just more of an update for for people and what I've done kind of mixed together.
I updated the website. So now we have like a like an update. It's currently called updates because I couldn't come up with another better name. There's like almost like articles like I'm not gonna like I'm not a writer. So you're not going to find like long form reviews there. But you may check that out sometime. So we have one thing up currently. It is YouTube videos associated with the the prior episode where we had Eric on.
our good friend Eric Struthers. It has videos for all of our top five movie soundtracks. And so I figured it'd be kind of nice to have something that can accompany some episodes when we talk about certain things and we can share and do stuff like that. So we'll have more information on that as it comes along. But yeah, that's one of the things I've been working on.
uh this week and besides that oh god go ahead can i chip in you did that in a few days that's quite clever sorry well thank you well thank you you're quite a clever dude but it also builds
capacity for the future because I would love to keep this, this gig going. And if there's, you know, we talked a little bit earlier on about, um, before we started recording about the weekend that I have with Kevin, Chris, for example, over the scruffies, um, and the idea that we can post a, um, have a repository for our foot for what we're doing at any one time, be that either pictorial video or the rest, I think is, I think is
pretty awesome and you put it together in a couple of days, which I'm really impressed with. But also you might be underselling yourself because ultimately what I would do if I was, what I would do in your position is probably say, I took me about three or four months to do this. And then really drag the whole thing out. Drag the whole thing out and say,
It's taken a long, long time to do this. But despite the challenges I've endeavored and I've been able to do the unachievable. But no, mate, it looks great. It looks really, really great. And for our three listeners, please check out the website because it's only going to progress the better things going forward because of Sean. Not me, obviously, but because of Sean.
But I appreciate that a lot. I do save I do save those excuses and stuff for my my actual work to overuse it. It's like, that's that's going to take six months. Like, but and you can be you can I'm very particular about certain things. So you can you can trust that there's going to be no ads and we don't track anything or put anything on your computer. So.
That is a guarantee, now and forever. Yeah, that was cool. But other than that, man, the weather has changed. I know last episode I talked about how it snowed eight inches on May the 4th. It is now 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside during the day. We've been going on lots of walks. The weather is beautiful. I saw some really cool mama bear and her baby bears this morning, and that has just been the highlight of my day.
and uh i'm gonna be traveling soon like so we're gonna be going across to the east coast soon for some weddings and maybe meeting up with some people then my my old my my oldest eldest niece is graduating from high school and this i'm gonna be going to indiana and just not driving not driving this time we're flying we are flying so uh cool yeah i got all that stuff going on but yeah exciting times but i think that's i think that's all i have in terms of
the new, or what I've been up to is a better term. Would you like to hear about some of the stuff that I've come across in the news? I would love to, Sean. Go ahead. Alrighty. Like I snuck in there. I'm like, I'm taking it first. I want to talk first. Well, you've seen my list, right?
Yeah, I saw it. I'm like, I'm getting in. I'm getting in in front of us. Honestly, seriously, sorry. In all reality, we're not a particularly professional couple of people. We're not going to be particularly professional and save stuff for posterity. We were really worried this time last week that we'd have anything to talk about this week because there was nothing that we were mutually watching together.
to be able to talk about. And then all of a sudden, an entire shitload of news came out this week, which I think will take an awful lot of time to go through. But it's almost like destiny. But yeah, carry on, please, mate.
So this, this is kinda, it's not really news, but it was, it was a bit that I was about to start doing for news until I changed my mind a couple of days ago. So on the most recent blue harvest, there was a random part where, where Haw's pulled up a YouTube video of, of a guy talking about like the old Phantom Menace toys, where it's like the, the Comtech chips and
The guy in the video happened to sound a lot like me. Like it sounded spot on. It was weird. Even I thought it before he said something. And I was like, wow, that's bizarre. And so I thought about going like doing a bit on our show about like talking about Phantom of the Menace Comtech chips, like they're new, like they're new. But I, I abandoned that for greener pastures. But yeah, that was that was very funny. So can you or can you not confirm it was you?
I I cannot you just have to listen to the most the upcoming I assume maybe Maybe it might be addressed in the next blue harvest episode. We'll see So even to your mate even to your mate you cannot confirm That back in
1999 you cannot confirm or deny whether you were the conship voice.
So it's not the voice of the comm ships. It's a, it's a, it's of a person may or may not be me in a YouTube video talking about the kind of like reviewing and playing. Oh, I see. Sorry. Oh, I see. Sorry. Sorry. My apologies. It wasn't, no, no worries. It's not, and it wasn't from 1999. It's fairly recent. So it could, it wouldn't be 12, 13 year old me. It would be modern me ish, modern ish me. Maybe, maybe, or maybe not. I don't know. I know. And no, I will not confirm or deny it. We'll see. We'll find out. I don't know.
Okay. Sorry. I was trying to understand what you were trying to say then. And my apologies for missing the point, but I've got you now. What would have been amazing is that 13 year old Sean Hoffman sounded like Sean Hoffman today and you were employed at a young age. Hence the reason why you live in a beautiful house with a beautiful partner.
in Lake Tahoe at this moment in time because you've made your fortune from being the Comchip King from day one back in 1999. But no, you've clarified that's not the case. Okay, fine. No problem. People I have heard before that I peaked too soon, but I don't think that's exactly what they meant.
But on to the real news. Here we go. Well played, sir. Well played.
Uh, so recently I saw, I saw a leak. It's not a, it's not a spoiler for anything, but for those that are familiar with has lab, the Hasbro super expensive, uh, crowdfunding platform, there's been some leaks, uh, recently that about an upcoming project. And have you, did you, have you caught wind of this, this leak? No, no.
Well, you're about to. It is rumored that they are going to be releasing or not releasing proposing a like a vintage collection cantina set. It's.
What's funny enough is the person who, I don't have it. I don't have top of my head. I'm not professional. Somebody on Instagram posted about it because they actively scrape the website. It's like techy, nerdy stuff. They're actively scraping the URLs on the website and it looks like they'd put up the pages privately.
Like testing and like filling them out and so they scraped those URLs and it has pictures and stuff and like the current pricing says it'll be $400 for like a base in a $500 for a deluxe But there's not it's not fully completed information. So one I'm hesitant to say like
to even go down this path of like, that's insane pricing. Because one, you don't see everything that's in it. Two, they're kind of dummy test pages that are probably still being sorted out. And I'm erring on the side of caution of like, I don't know what all comes with it. Because people are like, oh, that should be $120. You know the internet. The internet's going to internet. Yeah.
but I'm more in the camp of like, I'm intrigued to see what this has. Cause I've never seen them do a, like a playset, play sex. It's like walls, the bar, like stuff you could see. And it's like the business side of me looks and goes, okay, if they're asking for $400, just clearly a bunch more stuff that we aren't seeing in like these little grainy pictures. But I thought it was cool. It's like, I like has lab. The stuff and stuff is insanely priced. Um,
My heart is still broken that the three foot tall Cookie Monster wasn't funded. I don't think I wanted any of them more than that one. I don't know, because it's just Cookie Monster's Madison's favorite Muppet. And just having a full-size Muppet would be amazing.
But that one failed. They went through a series of failed projects, didn't they, for a while. And it wasn't long. It was only like six, 12 months or so. But I think the fans in inverted commas, the fans, the kind of
protesting by their votes or by their money by just saying that just work it out and work it out and don't make a has lab. I mean, I think about the Rancor, for example, don't turn what should be a mainstream product into something we need to crowdfund because
it should just be there. And it would have been so much better if it was just there, especially in light of what they knew was happening with the, again, inverted commas, the entertainment, sorry, air quotes for the US guys. In air quotes, the entertainment, it was down the road and it would have done so much better had
And it's the left hand and right hand that aren't talking to each other at all in that organisation at the moment. So, no, that's cool. That's really, really cool. I think they've had some absolute bangers and I'm only particularly interested in the
in the media that I love, but what they've done on Star Wars, for example, I think has been fantastic. I mean, despite what happened, I mean, I know everyone's having a joke about the fact that the Razor Quest blew up as soon as, was blown up as soon as the HasLab was created, but it was awesome, and that's a moment in time.
that if I was into that kind of collecting, I'd really, really been into. It's a fantastic bit. The sales bars, the sales bars are work of art. And I'm an envy of anyone that's got that at the moment, but I can't, I literally can't jump on that train because I'd have to get everything else to go with it because I'm that obsessive, sorry, as a person. What they're doing now with the,
What they're doing, what was the latest Star Wars one? I thought the Rancor was the most... Oh, the ghost. Was it the ghost? What did they do? They have. No, the ghost. They've done the ghost. Yeah, since the Rancor was the ghost. The ghost looks absolutely amazing. Absolutely amazing. Again, it gets me down a line that I don't wanna...
I would buy just for the ghost itself, not for the figure scale because I can't go down there. I cannot go there. It's only my love of the design of the ship itself would make me want to get it.
You know, they're doing all the right things when they touch the right points at the right time. Um, I mean, the whole thing with the rank or was just, um, really unfortunate, really, really unfortunate. Well, my issue with the, my issue with the rain core was that I felt like they got.
Like the business side got too greedy. They set the bars too high for the numbers. It's like you guys would have made money with the amount that you had. You set the goals, the stretch goals too high.
And, and then when you get into that realm, like you can't, you can't be flexible. Like you can't be like, well, we got close enough. Okay. We're going to give and we're going to go. We'll make it anyways. It's like, no, they have to be firm about it. And they set those goals. I think, I think they even set the goals too high on the ghost. The ghost stretch goals were
Insane especially since some of those same those same characters came out later. It's like you've already you're gonna make them So like why are you doing this as a bonus? It's not like it's the the sale barge where it's like Dude, we're we're just gonna like that one had like a mistake a mystique about it Like you get like the printed the printed Manufacturing book of like how we built this and the whole process you get all these other crazy bonuses and it's like but now it's the rank or was kind of the epitome of like
We just don't want to pay for the molds, so we need a lot of funding to make it worth it. Wasn't it the difference being that if you think about the sale barge, the
Sales Barge, the Razor Crest, and the Ghost are all 3.75, but the rank core is seven inch, right? Oh, sorry, six. Yeah, no, seven inch. Six inch, sorry. Sorry, six inch. Black Series. So wasn't it? That would have been the first HasLab for Black Series. It was just the wrong product at the wrong time because they hadn't
they hadn't thought about the entertainment that was preceding its launch. Had they done that as part of the Book of Boba Fett, it would have sold out like hotcakes. It would have gone. Well, I think the issue with the Marine Corps too is like,
I'm okay with companies making premium products. Like I think that's fine. As somebody who's got this giant stupid metal Voltron behind me, it's like, yeah, there's times that I'll pay for stuff that I really like. And yeah, it's not for everybody, but like, and sometimes it offsets and like, you just gotta, it's gotta be really important to you. But I think they miss them more with six inch. It's just like, it just wasn't worth it. Like you outpriced yourself.
for a subpar product. And so it'll be interesting to see why this cantina set shakes out. Yeah, but that's a good investment on your part because Voltron's already a classic. At the time, Book of Bea... Sorry, Book of Bea was not a classic. And at the time, at the time, Black Series didn't have, hadn't had, I believe,
please correct me if I'm wrong, everyone, didn't have a representative Haslab project. And the Haslab project they came out with was the Rankle, which is fine, but it was only in context of the OG. And what they should have done is maybe think about it as a project for the OG and
the narrative that was all the entertainment that was coming after that. And so that's where I was kind of like, oh, if it only waited two months, it only waited a little bit, they would have been okay with that. But anyway, no, I mean, I
Listen, I'm up for all of it because I think it's amazing stuff. I really am envious of everything, but that's not where my head space is at the moment when it comes down to buying. Because as a habitual collector, I'll go down a rat hole that I really would struggle to come out from at the moment.
Outside of that, the only other news that I have are a handful of trailers that I'd love to chitty chat with you about.

Upcoming Series and Movies Discussion

One of them being the, which is fun, I'm gonna preface it with, it's almost like,
somebody a writer came forward in time listened to one of our podcasts and heard me say, Yeah, I don't really understand what's going on. Then went back in time proposed a show wrote it and then proposed Dune prophecy coming out this fall. Oh, because that looks awesome. I've watched that this morning and I knew you'd be I knew you're gonna be excited about it. So I want to get in there and jump on that one. No, prophecy looks sick. I
It came out of nowhere. I think everybody's been so caught up in everything else. I feel like a bunch of things just dropped. And it's to the point where it's like I'm even comparing them like something that if it would have dropped a week ago, I'd be like, oh, I'm excited for that. But now that I'm seeing everything comparatively, it's like, you know what? I don't think I really am excited for that. I'm not looking forward to that. And we'll get to that one in a minute.
But yeah, do you have any major takeaways for the Doom Prophets thing? Besides, it's like, what, 10,000 years before the current Apollotrades stuff? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's super cool. All I know is the original story of the original Genesis. I've used that word a lot recently. But Genesis of the Bene Gesserit.
It was a concept that I think was called the Sisterhood originally, which again, I didn't know anything about, which basically is about the Harkonnen, or Harkonnen folk, which are the baddies
or the bad guys in the current timeline or the timeline that we're enjoying at the moment with Denny on the Paul Atreides timeline about them essentially creating this religion to influence the galaxy with the whole purpose being that they will control the galaxy and it will be controlled by
by women, which these days is a very, very good attitude to have. But anyway, that's a personal opinion. But yeah, no, I didn't see this coming out of anywhere and I saw the teaser and it blew my socks off. And it was a friend of ours today on Discord that
made me aware it even existed. I had no idea and I'm really stoked for it and it looks actually quite cool. It looks quite
I mean, I don't know how many boundaries they've crossed in doing it, but because it's a TV series, it's being, um, uh, produced by Max, but, um, the, the idea that it's, it follows the same kind of iconography and, um, and there was a lot of similarities in the music to, um, our friends Hans Zimmer, um,
I think they're trying to replicate the at least style of what we've seen in the modern June movies with this. And hey, shit, I'm up for it. I'm really up for it because I don't know what to say. I honestly don't know what to say. I'm really stoked for it, but I had no idea it was coming our way. I really didn't. Same. I think.
It's like, yes, this is a franchise that I want to see more from. What I'm hoping is that if this is some sort of concerted effort to world-build and to build the universe,
I hope it takes away the pressure from the mainline films, from the main films that are coming out that an awful lot of the fanboys are complaining about around, oh, you missed this part out. You missed that part out. It's like, well, there's only so much you can do in two and a half hours or three hours. There's only so much you can do. So there are naturally, there's going to be some things that are cut out. And I hope that
I hope that this is a concerted effort across. I don't know who owns it. I've no idea who is trying to orchestrate this, but I hope this gives you the ability to be able to create the really rich world building that Frank Herbert originally created.
which everyone said was never ever filmable. It would never ever be possible to put into film. And I really hope this is the opportunity to be able to use little, sorry, not little, but TV as well as film to be able to compliment what is a really rich universe that I think everyone should be stoked about getting involved in. Sorry, mate.
No, no worries. I think that's I think it's part of this larger conversation that's going to spread across a couple of these things. I do think there's a trend that's I'm I'm happy about that's currently kind of going on in Hollywood with some things around like me personally, like I am sick of like the origin story. Like let's take a film and like set the scene. It's like
There's a film that I watched recently that did this perfectly. At first, I was like, whoa, what? Wait a minute. I'll talk about that in a minute. But I like this. It's like, yeah, we don't want to spend the Dune movies.
spending three and a half hours just setting the stage. It's like, no, we got a series that can help with that. That's coming in a couple months. It's like, yes, like let's get into the meat. Let's get to the stories and not this like, oh, how did Bruce Wayne's parents die this time? It's like, who cares? We know they die. Everybody knows they die. Just get into the next thing. I'm excited that they're building this world out because I think this is one of those ones where it's like,
It's kind of like the Star Wars Legends, a little bit of like, yeah, I could read all those, but I am not going to, because there's other stuff I'm going to do. It's like the Dune books, it's like, yeah, I could read them, but you know what's cooler? It's like they just keep making more content in this universe than I like. But it's deep. Yeah, yeah. To put it deep, it's a little bit like, I mean, the reason why
The reason why Peter Jackson's successful is because he cut through the dross, not the dross, the heavy narrative of Lord of the Rings to make it accessible and make it consumable in his movies. And I hope that whoever is looking at the
And again, I've got no idea if this is separate or aligned with what Denny's done before, but if you can make it consumable so it's easily understood, this is all great stuff because the narrative in the books is hard going, is really, really hard going. So I'm stoked, I'm really stoked.
So the next one, the next trailer that I saw directly affected by this, my my feelings was the House of the Dragon season two that comes out in June this year. And watching it.
Like I enjoyed Game of Thrones. I have strong opinions like the original Game of Thrones. I have strong opinions on what I think it's done to us culturally as a society and what we expect of stories and of writers and the expectations of like killing off main characters and shock for the sake of shock. Like this season, like I watched the first season
I really enjoyed in the beginning, not the very beginning of the first episode, but like the first when they were young, I enjoyed it. Yeah. Yeah. It just it just lost me when they all got old and and then like watching the preview for this season, like I just kind of watch it was like, I don't like I'll watch it. I'll probably enjoy it. But the feeling I had after watching all these other trailers, like I just don't care. Like I don't care to like
for their like, their squabble. They're like hyper violent squabbling for the sake of squabbling. I don't know. What did you if you saw the trailer, what what are your takeaways? And like, are you excited for House of the Dragon? What are you thinking? I am in the context that I see. And I don't want to. Well, I might as well. So I saw.
I saw House of the Dragon the same time as everyone did when the Rings of Power was its direct competitor in our streaming media. And I came away from that fight during lockdown. I think it was during lockdown, right? But the point being is I came away from that power play between the two media companies preferring
House of the Dragon more than rings of power. Not that I didn't like rings of power, and I was going to talk about that in my news, but it seemed more gritty. It seemed more ethereal. Sorry, not ethereal. It seemed more gritty. It seemed more grounded than the Lord of the Rings stuff, which in itself
Seemed a little bit more etheral and a little bit more fantastical I guess to the point where it was still entertaining but Didn't capture my attention as much. So I'm actually quite excited for season two and less so for season two of rings of power and that's not because of anything but
the power play that happened, what was it, two years ago, three years ago now, at the time for our media attention. And I really, really enjoyed the Game of Thrones stuff. Sorry. So that's what's funny. And that's what I love about this is because I feel the exact opposite.
Fine. I know. That's fine. That's all great. I respect your opinion. Like I'm excited. Like I'm excited to have somebody who's excited and will help bring me back over to the House of Dragon side. And hopefully I can do the same for you with rings of power because.
Like, and like we've like, we've talked about a million times before. It's like, obviously the things that you like at a certain point in time in your life are affected by the stuff you're going through in your life at that time. Like it's just, that's a piece of it. And it's also the story, the writing, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And it's like, for me, rings of power, like,
while sitting through most of the show going, I'm not really sure I fully understand what's going on. I'm not sure I fully fully grasped where this is going. I am excited for it because I think in this in this little window then and then also now it's like, I'm, I'm excited for that kind of like I miss that like Lord of the Rings high fantasy. Um,
less, less gritty. Like I really enjoyed the Willow series that came out like that, um, that Dungeons and Dragons movie that came out that was kind of like. Cornball, but it was actually really kind of enjoyable. Like that kind of like less gritty fantasy. Like, I don't know. That's like a scratch and an itch right now. So it's like the rings up. So go ahead. So, so, so for the record, Dungeons and Dragons with Chris Pine is awesome. Yeah. It's, it's a really good movie.
It's really, really good. And if you haven't seen it, watch it. It didn't get the play that it should have done. Watch it. It's fun. And when you can compare that to all of the really, really badly made
Dungeons and Dragons films before that. It's it's it's really, really good, really, really good. But unfortunately, it landed again in theater at the same time where the whole world was going to shit. And yeah, I think also it's a poor marketing. I think they were. I think they tried too much into the like exactly like it's a like it's more of a goofy comedy, like a like a far like a parody kind of movie. And then you watch it. That's the way it should be.
But it actually had a lot of meat on the bone though. It was good. It was actually like, it had a good story and a good narrative. It wasn't just Chris Pine looking attractive and smoldering and being the butt of every joke. It's like, no, there was actually like a story and depth to it that was actually really compelling. Yeah. So you are right. But anyway, going back to Little of the Rings, I guess from my point of view, I want it to move beyond
I want it to feel like the original Peter Jackson productions and not a subsequent Peter Jackson Hobbit productions. Does that make sense? Yeah, that makes sense. I feel very strongly about the original trilogy that he pulled together.
Again, one of those things, a little bit like June, where it was a subject matter and a great deal of context that he could not include in... It was almost unfilmable. But he did it. He did it really, really well. And then what he did was create the Hobbit trilogy.
which almost took was the reverse of the original trilogy. Sorry, the original trilogy because one of it comes before the Lord of the Rings. Anyway, point being is that it's trying to condense some really rich content into a trilogy and then taking a very, very short story into expanding it into a trilogy. And I felt that way a little bit with
with the Rings of Power. That's not, you know, that's the only thing I would say. So I hope that, you know, we get into a little bit more original thinking and a little bit more narrative driven content going into season two. But I enjoyed it nonetheless, but I didn't like it as much as the other stuff.
The that's fair and I'm excited. I'm excited for all of it. I love I love discussing to see like where we where we shake out on a lot of this. The the final trailer that I saw today is it's a it's a hard left turn. Very, very. Change it change of pace was for the Wicked movie that comes out and part one that comes out in November with
Yeah, Madison, that's one of Madison's favorite musicals. She took me to go see that when we lived near San Francisco. We saw that, saw the musical there. I really, really enjoyed it. And this, I'm not a big musical person. I'll be very clear.
I don't say I hate something very often, but I hate Lamiz. Like I do not like that movie. If it's on, I will go somewhere else. But I am excited for this movie. I think it looks awesome. I'm a big Ariana Grande fan. I think she's awesome.
I don't know. It's different. I'm excited. We're probably going to go see it in theaters because probably because Madison will agree to go with me to the movie theater for once. But we'll probably see it there. And I think it's cool. I hate that it's split into two parts. That sucks. But I don't know. What do you think? OK, so.
I just dropped a lot on you. You could process that. No, we're cool. You know I have a very complex and very submissive relationship with my family. I have a very strong wife and I have two very strong and domineering children.
Both of them love musicals. Sorry, all three of them love musicals and all three of them love Wicked. How do I put this? It's the one musical. Bluntly. Okay. Okay. Fine. It's the one musical that I, I, I, my, my, my seat.
was a waste of money. I fell asleep during watching Wicked in the West End of London, which is meant to be one of the best places to watch the spectrum.
And I fell asleep and subsequently the girls have gone back and seen it again without me because it's not my gig. And I don't mean it's not my gig in the way that I don't like musicals. So I'm really interested to try to break this down and understand what's going on here.
I did not enjoy the musical and I was tired after working a long week and I'm going back quite a few years now and I fell asleep. Excuse me. I then tried to watch it retrospectively
on video and I fell asleep, the live production, sorry, and then fell asleep. And I know it means an awful lot to an awful lot of people. So I'm really cool with that. I don't see what others see in it at the moment and that's a failing on my part. So I'm really sorry for that. In the meantime, lame is, I could sit any day of the week.
I hated. I hated I hated the films. I hated the film. OK, so maybe that's all I've seen. I've never seen limits in life. Right. It's fine. Fine. Fine. OK, fine. OK. No, I just want the level set. So the films are awful, are absolutely awful. And, you know, even the, you know, even the, you know,
Even the latest one with Hugh Jackman and Eddie Redmayne and the rest of them singing their hearts out, it's nothing like the stage play. Stage play is something very, very different.
it's done in so much humility and so much passion that it's not about the individuals that are singing, it's about the message of people rising up and trying their hardest to push against oppression.
Um, so, so I love this, uh, and I've seen it probably more. I am not, I am not a theater guy. Um, but I've seen it in the theaters now about what, because I love it. And I would choose, I would choose to actually see that a theater if I ever had a choice. So, um, yeah. Um, yeah. Anyway, um, cool. Okay. It's coming out. It's coming out to film.
uh that would be cool uh i'm sure i'll go um to do my duty um to my family but um i i must admit i'm not particularly excited about it but yeah if it makes my family happy then i'll be excited about it it's fine you should get you should get the 4d tickets for that forum and then you can you could be like the flying monkeys back and forth in the seats
Defying gravity. Defying gravity. And we all get shot up in the air. Brilliant. Yeah, really good. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry, man. I want to explain my my dude, my it's that's that's the spice of life, man. It's, you know, yeah, maybe you maybe you'll see it and be like, you know what? It struck struck a chord. You know, it was and maybe I'll watch House of Dragons season two and I'll be like, whoa, it changed me.
I feel like thank you, Sean. For the better. Thank you, Sean. Thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you.
What's in your news, buddy? Right. We've got loads. We've got loads, dude. And again, I was really, really worried about anything to talk about. Right. So the maker himself has turned 80. So George Lucas is 80 years old. What a hero. What an absolute hero. And I really hope he's living his best life at this moment in time. He is 80. I hope he's not spending too much time listening to sad buggers like ourselves.
Critically pulling apart his work and the work of other people Around his franchise I suspect he's not I suspect that doesn't give a crap. But anyway, either way, I want to acknowledge that George Lucas this This last week has been 80 and fair play to you mate. Enjoy your retirement next Right on top of
our talk of Rings of Power there are new Lord of the Rings movies being developed by Peter Jackson with involvement from Andy Serkis. Now I don't really understand what's been going on because I don't really do the research that most professional podcasters would do but it seems to be that
There's a bunch of new Lord of the Rings movies coming out on top of Rings of Power and the rest of it that are ancillary to the original Peter Jackson films of which there's a
a prequel including Gollum i.e Andy Serkis but I don't really know much more than that either way it would be cool if it's done again back to my original point if it's done or treated the same way as the Lord of the Rings and not the Hobbit
Um, but that was quite interesting to hear. Um, Andy Serk has been quite prolific on social media talking about his back. Um, so let's wait and see. Yeah, I think it'd be cool. It's a, I was really excited when I heard they saying that Peter Jackson's doing a new movie, then they're like, and it's going to be called the hunt for Gollum. And it's like, wait, what? Why, why, why, why would they, but I'm, I'm still optimistic and looking forward to it. It just seems like a.
Why? Why that? That seems interesting. But I'm sure with those two, if those two are involved, it's going to be. Watchable at the absolute worst. And the Andy has. Kind of projected himself into a different. Different place these days, I mean, I know there's not a lot of people that are saying why was he part of the latest?
Planet of the Apes films. Why was he part of that? It's like, well, he's kind of gone beyond that whole mocha. What he has still has a company that the people are running that now. And he's now getting more into.
producer and director kind of roles these days. So, yeah, I like the guy. I didn't, ironically, but I do like the guy now. I thought he was a little bit overt, a little bit in your face, and it was a little bit
I generally thought the mocap thing was a bit of a here by night science or filming technique that will become and gone after a period of time. But the guy defined the whole thing. So, you know, as far as I'm concerned, fair play to him. Fair play to him. And he's built his own company based on it. So I'm really cool. And then subsequently he's earned his medals or he's
He's done his bit in proving that he's a credible actor in his own right as well on top of the technological technological advancements he's he's given the industry as well. I mean, look at his role in Andor, for example. I mean, that guy is the guy is cool. I think I picked up on was the there was a there's a sequel for Twister.
the original film that came out this week called Twisters. Yes, it's plural now. And that looks quite cool. It's not particularly mind bending. It doesn't look particularly complicated to work out apart from it's another film about very, very high winds. Yeah. And I'll tell you what, Lucy is absolutely stoked for it. Do you guys get do you guys get tornadoes in the UK? Like where you're at?
No, no, we get very high winds to stress about it. And high wind in the UK is about 50 to 80 miles an hour. We don't get tornadoes. Every now and again, there will be some sort of, when I say every now and again, talking about every kind of
50 to 100 years, there might be some sort of freak, freak weather. But apart from that, no, it's reasonably Monday. So is so somebody who grew up in Tornado Alley, Indiana and had my high school and had my high school destroyed by a tornado. So I spent some school. Yeah, we were in a trailer. I will not be seeing this in theaters, not because I'm scared of tornadoes. It's just like. No, thanks, I'm good, like.
But I'll probably watch it on streaming or something like that though. But you got it's normal life. It was and I'm glad I'm not there anymore. It'd be like going to LA and be like, we're gonna have a movie on an earthquake. And it's like, yeah, I'm okay. I don't need that. Okay, that's life. But no, it's it doesn't look cool. It does look I'm in I think I'm most intrigued to see how many people because I remember when the first twister came out and then like storm chasing became like the huge thing. I'm curious to see if this
a new generation of oh yeah, all the people with their cars that are like decked out super flat to the ground really heavy like little tanks, and they chase after them and they're like we're storm chasers. And it's like it was huge for a while. And I'm curious to see if this does the same thing. And it's like
Yeah as somebody who like grew up with that and like I'd see him and then so like and not to be like grim But like saw the absolute devastation that it caused like like I remember my baseball like I remember vivid memory one it destroyed my school to I remember going out to my baseball field and there was just a two by four from like somebody's home or wherever and it was like a
like four feet were sticking out of the ground and we're trying to get it out of the ground. This thing was embedded like eight feet into the ground. And it's like, yeah, this is nuts. It's like putting a piece of wood through trees, like toothpicks. It's like, yeah, I'm okay. I don't think I need to go see this in theaters. No D box or 4D seats for me, but it does look cool.
OK. And the other the other trailer I picked up on was the Megaloposis Megaloposis trailer from. Let's come out with from. I mean, it's it's it's. When was the last time he did a film?
I don't know, but isn't he like paying for this thing, like out of pocket? He's like, I wanna make this. I'm making this. 120 million out of his own pocket coming into this. And it's like, it looks really, really weird. Yeah, I was about to say, what's he gonna say? No, no, no, but my kind of weird, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. No, it looks awesome. The world's gone to shit. And there is someone who is our boy
Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren. And he's going to rebuild the cities of the future, albeit he's under some kind of pressure from local authority, pressure to build it another way. I don't really understand what's going on. And they've all got Shakespearean names, too. And it's like, ooh, this is intriguing.
I am really up for it. I'm really up for it. It looks really, really good. And it's I mean. I mean. I'm getting creator vibes like I don't know what to expect and I'm just going to be surprised. We're just waves of surprise washing over me.
But at least with creator, I understood kind of the premise from the trailer. I had to look up the background for this to understand what it's saying. And I don't really understand, but it's Capola, man.
everyone's got to watch it. I mean, I wouldn't want this to be his swan song, but you have to watch this. The guys are fucking genius. So everyone has to watch it. So it may well be an event for us, or me at least. But yeah, no, it looks really interesting.
Aesthetically, it looks amazing. But it's as ambiguous as I felt going into
I'm trying to think of the last film I felt... Tenant. Tenant is probably the last one. I felt what the hell is this about going into, which I know some folk like. Do we do the obligatory fuck tenant? No, no, no, no. This is years gone now. All right, Inception. All right, Inception. Impressive visuals, got no idea what the context is.
I felt a little bit about that with this trailer, but really looking forward to it because this is one of the masters coming back for a directorial resurgence. Like an interstellar kind of like, I'm looking forward to watching it then immediately coming home and getting on the internet.
It might be the last time that we see this from him, so yeah, I'm up for it. The next thing I want to say was Shogun, you and I, we love it. Still don't think an awful lot of our friends have watched it. We do know the friends that have watched it.
And I really hope at some point we can have a complimentary episode of this podcast and talk to them about how they felt about season one. But season two has been rumoured by deadline, has been approved, which is...
really really fascinating for me because obviously the book ends with our main man becoming the Shogun and they go and be on the book which I find really fascinating.
I really hope that we don't go down the lines of other properties that ran out of narrative to create their story. But at the same time, I'm also really excited that we will see the story go beyond the original novel and the original intent for this. I love season one. I'm really cool about it.
I am heartbroken that now that they're rumoring season two, it's like, damn, I was so close to getting Madison to watch it, but now that it's...
Not over. She's not going to watch it like she she'll wait. It's done. It's like because she doesn't watch shows. She won't watch shows that the series is not over because she doesn't she doesn't want to wait. And so now it's like, oh, when I said it's like, oh, it's one season. It's the book. It's done. She's like, OK, like, oh, we're going to watch it like if these are things and we'll watch it. Now that's like season two. It's like, no, you couldn't have waited until we watched it. Dammit.
Yeah, but it's so good. Season one was so good. I am. I have the same cautious optimism as you of like, please don't go down that like George RR Martin never wrote the book. So we're just going to like we're going to make it do whatever we want. Yeah. Yeah. Because I do think there's some I think the things about that show that were so solid not to go into that arrival of like it just it defied tropes and was like it stuck.
It did what it did best. And it's like, can you capture that lightning in a bottle again for a second season? It'd be interesting. I mean, I'll watch it the day it fricking comes out. I'm very excited for it, but it's like,
please please please do it right please don't mess this up it's a bit like everything where I'm you know when my head's out at the moment and I'm really I'm sorry I'm really shallow as a person but I mean at the moment anything's involved in Japan culture and have the rest of it because
I'm shallow and we've got tickets to go and see, to go to celebration. I'm just really interested in, despite that. I've always been interested in samurai culture anyway, and I was old enough to watch the original.
Richard Chamberlain series as well, so it'll be interesting to see where it takes it going forward. I think we've already said in previous pods that they've already broken the mould from the original 80s production because the Westerner is not the hero.
It's about the three of them, of which two are very, very, very prominent and appropriately Japanese represented individuals that are looking heroes in their own right, which I think is awesome. And the Wesseler, which was portrayed as the hero in the original 80s production, isn't portrayed as a hero and more of a
a more ambiguous character in the updated production. So I'm really chuffed and I really hope that they keep those principles together, albeit one of our characters is now gone. Anyway. When you watch a show, it says something about it that's quality, when you can watch it and it makes you enjoy
a different show, completely unrelated, but with the same actress or actor in it. Completely unrelated. You're like, I like Monarch season one better because of that show, just because it has a same actor in it. That says a lot about the quality of that content. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm with you.
Okay, next up is that Mr. and Mrs. Smith, season two has been confirmed, albeit we don't know, and the rumours are it may not appear the original characters, which makes sense. So Donald and the lady that I can't remember.
who played his wife at this moment in time. So is that a true detective kind of thing? Like where they're going to like, Oh, it's a new setting. Well, it's a little bit like, it's a little bit like, um, the original intention of Mission Impossible where, you know, anyone could be an MIB agent.
And the idea being that the original intent for season one of Mr. and Mrs. Smith was that anyone could be any male-female pairing could be appointed the name Mr. and Mrs. Smith. There were hundreds of them for various
nefarious means. And so there is confirmed a season two, which is cool, because I thought season one was ace. I'm a little bit biased because I thought season one was ace because of Donald, which is a man-crush on my part. But if they do it right, I'm really excited for season two if it involves a new Mr and Mrs Smith. And then maybe at some point, because we never see the ending
of the Season 1 characters. We assume they've died. We assume that they've gone. But there may well be, as in Season 1, we saw rather a Mr and Mrs Smiths returning, there may well be an opportunity for them to appear again. So I'm really stoked for that. And then
Next is that Variety have talked about The Last of Us Season 2 and they've demonstrated some or they've shown some on the website and in their articles they've shown some
first look appearances of them. I don't really want to go into this too much because if anyone's played the game, you'll understand why I don't want to go into it too much. Do you know what happened in the second game? Okay, I just want to... It looks cool. It looks really cool. I'm really stoked that it's got its season two. I didn't think there was ever a question. But that looks cool that we're starting to...
market it through the press at the moment. That's really cool. And then lastly, Sigourney Weaver is rumored to be in talks to join the... So the Mando and Grogu movie is in production this year and cited as being the first Star Wars
movie in theatre for theatre release coming out next year. And was it 2026? No, it's 2026. Sorry, my apologies. 2026. And that's going into production this year.
and apparently Sigourney Weaver is rumoured by deadline and I've got no idea how legitimate they are to be in talks to join that crew which would be fucking ace to get involved in that. I must admit as time goes by
I'm probably a little bit less excited about Mando and Grogo these days, and it might be because I thought that they reached their conclusion. But hopefully, some of the other spinoffs that we've got going on, such as Ahsoka, such as Skeleton Crew, could reinvigorate that kind of desire for an Avengers moment.
Um, but yeah, that's cool. They're bringing in big names like that. Um, and again, as always, as always the case, as long as they use them right. And as long as it's done right. Yeah. I think it's, I agree with what you're saying about like the Mando Grogu kind of like losing some steam for me. It's like, I am very excited to see where the arc and the culmination of all of this Filoni verse stuff goes.
but it is less so the Mando and Grogu aspect of it. In terms of like, I love Sigourney Weaver. I love her in the Avatar movies. I love her in all of her past work. I hope this is like the, but actually side of me that's like, I hope she's not
big face character if that makes sense like I hope I'd love it if they made her an alien or Some kind of like whatever that's not just like it's Sigourney Weaver It's not Jack Black and Lizzo in in in Star Wars. Ladies and gentlemen Sigourney Weaver Because I think yeah, I do think that's one of the things I've always loved like the more I think about the boys loved about Star Wars It's not that they pick nobodies but
They do have a strong tradition of picking like not big name actors. Like, exactly. You don't you don't see Tom Cruise strutting around being like, I'm a Jedi. It's like, no, it's it's really good actors and stuff like that. So I'm just hoping that like they'll do right by it no matter what. This is just me being like, well, I hope they don't know because it'll take me out of it for four and a half seconds. But then I'll be like, I was great.
I get you. It's like, oh, it's a Jedi. Oh, it's Tom Cruise playing a Jedi. No, I'm totally with you. It's a little bit like my little... I'm perfectly honest with you, with all your friends. A little bit about my reservations around Carrie Moss. Like, oh, it's Carrie Moss as a Jedi. Yeah. It looks at the moment like Trinity playing a Jedi.
But say if I had a dollar for every time somebody is like, oh, it's Trinity, the Jedi. It's like, oh, put another dollar in the jar. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm sure it was. I'm sure it won't be that way. But, you know, even if it is, even if it was, if it wins the win, if it if it wins cheap, you know, cheap fans, I don't care. Yeah, I don't care. Yeah. It's going to watch it. It is content. It's content. And it's it's good. That's because she says anyway. So, yeah, that's kind of
kind of what I picked up on this week in news, which is really good because I was really worried that we wouldn't have anything to talk about.

Recent Viewing Experiences and Recommendations

So which leads me on to what have you been watching this week, mate? Watching, listening to, or reading? So I'll do the ones that I believe that I've watched by myself. And continuing the path to preparing for Deadpool and Wolverine, we watch Deadpool 2, Madison Washington for the first time,
I'm of those movies are better than they have any right to be they are better than I remember they are They're what they are and they're they're good. I so that was that was that This sorry, sorry, sorry to interrupt but but bearing in mind the origins, you know, this is kind of like a start-up that Ryan himself Swept blood and tears over yeah, damn right, you know, they deserve their place
When you think about them retrospectively, and you haven't seen them as long as I saw them when they came out, and I think when you hear people talk about them, you remember them being like crude and just ridiculous, but they were good. But then when you watch them, it's like,
compared to the crap that's out these days or just whatever, where we've come since then, it's actually a really good story. There's actually a lot going on. And I hate to say it, but I'm actually really excited for Deadpool and Wolverine, which if you had asked me a year or two years ago, I'd have been like, yeah, I'll see it when I watch it at my house before it's released kind of thing. But I'm like, dude, I'm probably gonna go see this.
Yeah, cool. And I think a lot of it ties into the next one is, this morning, I watched the season one finale of X-Men 97. Dude, it's so good. I can't do it justice talking about it. Big shout out to the dudes at the Sith list, doing their Sith list reactions, and even on the pod. It fills in a lot of the blanks. I'll skim through it and just hear, oh, who's this? What's this have to do with?
The final episodes had so many, every Marvel character pretty much ever frickin' that's ever existed cameoed. Cliffhangers, there's gonna be season two, maybe whatever. It's so much better than the original cartoon, and it was so good. Jubilee blew a dude's face off into pieces. It's not a kid's show, but it's fantastic. And my prediction,
It's going to be connected to Deadpool and Wolverine somehow. I don't know how, but I think there's going to be connection, but it's really good. Highly recommend it for people who are open to what the X-Men have to bring to the table in animated form. It's definitely a hundred miles an hour. It's pretty cool. I enjoyed it. It's good. The other thing I watched.
I got a couple of things, minor one. I'm in about two thirds of the way in Godzilla versus Kong. But what, so quick, like it's not a spoiler, I don't care. I haven't finished yet, so I don't know how it ends, but I'm two thirds of the way. But I just have to- Hang on, hang on. Godzilla versus Kong? No, X Kong, X Kong new empire, the new- Okay, fine. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Yeah. I have to, spoiler for 40 seconds.
I laughed my ass off when he grabs that kid and start beating the crap out of people with the kid. So funny. I don't know. You've seen you've seen that, right? You've seen it. Yeah, you know, yeah. Oh, my God. I just had to I had to talk to you about it. I'm like, when he's. He just like started beating other people with the kid, the little one, and it's like, yeah, what?
What is happening? But I haven't finished yet, so I don't know how it ends. I have a feeling it's gone. But that was funny. OK, spoilers over. I had to stop watching it because this is interesting. Apparently, Amazon put out a version where the English and French vocals like the the speech.
Yeah, just stops two thirds of the way to the movie. You can still hear the sound effects and you can still hear the music. You can't hear English. You can't hear the the apes.
Gone. You can't hear any of that. It just stops. And it's still music. It's I thought it was me and my means of watching this, but I go online and it's it's a version that Amazon and Sky have released with like their their high definition surround version where it's just gone. The audio is just gone. The rest of the thing you can still hear the music. You can still hear the action sound effects. No monkeys, no humans.
only in English and in French. So if you were to switch off your surround sound or whatever you've got, your soundbar, would you get it back? You have to change the settings to actually be in stereo. Like it's not just turning it off. You actually have to switch the audio selection to stereo to like, and I just think that's fascinating. It's like somebody released
This version, literally on am I could through real means with like behind the scenes. It's almost like it reminds me of like X-Men or Wolverine origins came out like somebody snuck out the early version with all the green screens and you see all the stuff. It's like something got past that quality control. And I think it's very funny because all of a sudden it's like nobody's talking, but I can still hear stuff happening.
But the point being is you can get it back if you want to. Yeah, I just have not finished yet. You've got a compromise experience if you do carry on. Yeah, you have to get stereo. That's shit. It's crazy. It's like, how did this happen? So I thought that was cool.
I'll save the final thing I watched for a minute to talk to you about. One thing I've been listening to is the K.C. Musgrave's live performance on Apple Music. Highly recommend if you haven't heard her new album, it's really good.
cool stuff. And the other thing, thanks to your recommendation, as I've listened to the podcast, the the sack pack, Katie sock off, whatever it's called, cool, blah, blah, blah. The new name. I've listened to that one. I listened to her with Ming Na. I listened to the Kevin Smith. And I just listened to the Seth Green one yesterday. Oh, cool. Which was which was a trip. Yeah.
About halfway through, I'm like, I think he's too high. I think he's too high. But it was really, it's a really good episode. Did you do you listen to her hindsight afterwards? I mean, the guy's office tips, right? I mean, yeah, yeah. OK, cool. But what a podcast, right? Yeah, it was super good. I really appreciated the conversations around
I mean, not that there are sources of this information. I liked the conversation around the psychedelic experiences. I liked Katie's admission.
the vulnerability of talking about getting into cocaine, or issues with that, and like the drug use stuff. And it's like, I did not see that coming. And then just to talk like the frank honesty of their experiences in Hollywood. And then just kind of like how to cope and deal with how they go forward with life and what's important to them. I thought it was
Really good. There is a moment like I said, it's like we're set. I'm like, I think Seth is too high I think he's too high but it wasn't like a bad thing It's just like sitting listening to him like yeah, but she but she does eloquently explain what's going on afterwards, right? She explains, you know, the guy is He's comfortable. He's really comfortable which which I respect I'm jealous of the setup. I was like, I should be yeah, exactly Yeah, no exactly
So before we carry on, that's one of mine off the list, actually. The one before, I spoke to you guys last week about Kevin, and the previous week was Ming Na Wen. And then last week was, after we recorded, was Tricia Helfer, who most folk will know
unfortunately predominantly and only exclusively to her role in Battlestar Galactica, the reboot. And she played the ultimate, I don't want to call it sex bot because that's wrong, but the blonde haired lady that we see at the very, very beginning of the new reboot that essentially uses
her pervasive powers to be able to persuade her powers, to be able to convince Beltard to share with her the code towards what will be the ultimate end of the colonies. Amazing actress. And I really, really, really enjoyed Katie's session with her because
She particularly talks about her career in a very very open honest and vulnerable way that I really really appreciated because I love her as an actress.
And, um, I think what Kate is doing is really, really cool. And like you said, you know, the, the, the, the, the follow on this weekend with this week with, with, with Seth Green is, is really cool. Um, so yeah, I just want to add to your side. I've talked about it myself when I talk about what I've been listening to as well. The final thing I watched, I'll say for when you, cause I know you watched it as well. And that's, that's all I got. And I'll say that one for the end.
Okay, so I'll be quick as best I can. So if I think about watching, listen to and reading, so if I'm thinking about, you know, three of my five senses or whatever.
What I've read is my steroid prescription for my eye drops. That's all I've read in the last week. So I'm trying to stay healthy. What I'm watching and continue to watch is, again, I'm still carrying on with the UK version of Race Across the World just because of where they are at the moment.

Podcasts and Series: Themes of Transition and Mental Health

We're going to be a year from now. I'm finding the whole thing kind of fascinating and I'm like, I wish we were there now, but I'm enjoying that. Of course, carrying on with drugs, sorry, scrubs, and of course, battle cyclactica reboot. What I watched, what I have watched is
I don't know if you guys know this in the US, there's a UK journalist called Jeremy Clarkson, and it's quite an obnoxious misogynistic git, if I'm perfectly honest with you, when it comes down to
an individual, but whatever he has, he does it really, really well. And he's typically renowned for being a journalist around motor cars, around cars and the rest of it. You see an awful lot of memes about him where people talk about, oh, well, anyway, that's very much Jeremy Clarkson. Is he the Top Gear guy?
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's exactly right. And, you know, he's generally not a nice person, but he does some damn good media. And in recent years, he's slowing down and being less obnoxious, and he's bought himself a farm, and he's... He is...
documentizing his farm that he's trying to create for the best.
for the best of his business, but also for the best of the community and everything else as well. And it's called Clarkson's Farm, and anyone that follows him on Amazon will know that he's got Gran Turin. He's got his main motor car production, but he's also got Clarkson's Farm. We've been watching that, and it's been quite interesting actually, and not so much interesting in the
in the context of him following him, a rich guy with money buying a farm, but more about the bureaucracy of the UK around how farms should be regulated and how people that own farms
should be controlled or are controlled by the government and how little freedom they've got when it comes down to basically doing the best of themselves and for the community. So it's a perverse watch because I don't like the guy generally, but when it comes down to exposing
the system and inverted commas again in air quotes exposing the system. I find it really, really interesting and it's quite funny. Have you seen the movie The Biggest Little Farm? It's like a documentary. No. No. You should add that to your list. Okay. I mean, I won't. There's just another spoil, but just... Yeah, it's cool. I think you might be interested in that.
So that's what we've watched as well. Gotta move on a little bit, because I'll come back to what we've watched, because we watched together as friends. Listen to, again, the slack off show. Again, just implore anyone to listen to it. And also, our buddies over at High Potion, because they kind of stole enough thunder a little bit. I don't mean stole enough thunder in that we wanted
No, it's cool.
in that they've had the initiative to talk about really, really good video games interpretation to the silver screen. And I really want to talk to both Steve and Hawes if we can at some point talk to them about it directly, but they're already doing it at the moment on Hypocean. And they talked about
Fallout and their thoughts of Fallout and they've had two episodes this week and the previous week on what they think about Fallout. You already know what I think about Fallout and its interpretation from the digital to the silver screen. I just think it's phenomenal. I would implore anyone to listen to what they say because they know an awful lot more about gaming than I do.
their response to what they've seen on TV has been pretty cool. And that's kind of it, apart from something that you watched or started watching before I did, and then we started watching it before my operation and then carried on watching it.
And it's baby reindeer and it's on Netflix for us. Netflix, right? Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, mate. I'm going to put you on the point on point here. Can you explain what it's about?
Yeah, I mean, I'll give a quick preface too, so how this became to be. So it's interesting because one of Madison, a couple of Madison's coworkers were talking about it with her and like recommended the show. And then as we made our way through this show that was recommended to her, I kind of came up with the idea. I just looked at her one day. I'm like, I don't think your coworkers like you.
Like, why did they recommend? Why did they recommend this? Yeah. So the premise. OK, I'll do I'll do a big disclaimer. I. Enjoyed this show, but not in the typical sense. If you are sensitive to anything, anything related to any of these topics. Do not start
the show at all. If you're sensitive to stalking, sexual abuse, physical violence, anything that could be in any of those circles, do not pick this show up. It is a limited series based on true events about a severe case of stalking that happened
along with some very extreme abusive behavior on multiple people's accounts and just kind of the spiraling out of that, but it's a very real, very vulnerable look into the creator's lives and emotional state and experiences.
It is very difficult to get through the first couple episodes, but as you start to see the bigger picture in where it is going, I think the vulnerability that comes in the later episodes is very, very good. Good in a, not the usual sense, but it's one of those ones you kind of sit in silence and you're listening to and watching.
very well acted to the point where the individual that is the stalker. You you forget that she is acting. Yeah. It's that it's that good. You are not it is you're not meant to like people. It's not a story that you can watch and be like, well, they should have done this. It is upsetting and it is real.
I appreciated the vulnerability, because I know they said that the creator said that it's not truly factual. They did a lot of work to hide the identities of the people that were really involved. I don't think they did a good enough job at that. I know that there's a lot of conversations right now from the BBC and others who are criticizing Netflix that, how did this pass due diligence and review?
Yeah, I mean, it's very intense.
especially since people like Pierce Morgan appear to have found the individual that was doing the stalking who has from what appears to be some pretty intense mental health struggles and paraded them on the internet. So like, I think a lot of my big issues with this show are some of the things that have happened after the fact and outside of the filming.
the internet's like pitch forky, vigilantism of like, we need to find out who the real people are. It's like, it's meant to be consumed as a piece of art and it is hard to get through at times, but it is vulnerable. And I teeter on this edge of like, I did I enjoy watching it? Like I watched it in like, I'm
better for it. But did I enjoy it? I don't. I don't know. I don't know. Like it's had. No, like Madison said something the other day because we finished it last night. She's like, I think the hardest part is like seeing parts of yourself and your own behavior.
Like while you're watching this and it's like, and I hate, I hate like that realization and like seeing it. And like, it's uncomfortable. So it's like, yeah, but it doesn't mean it's not good art. But it's just like, Oh God, it's, it's hard. It's hard. I mean, I know I'm, I'm looping at this point, but I want to make it very clear to people. It's, it's not like, Ooh, there's gore, like it's the boys and yada, yada, yada. No, this is intense.
No, there's no gore. Well, there is violence, but there is no gore. Nothing is gratuitous. It's the progression of the narrative that
that is really confused me and then makes you think that it's so realistic because it is so confusing. Does that make sense? That makes no sense at all. So to your point, the point being is that one person is being stalked by
another person. Both individuals in this story have emotional issues. They have mental, it's not one, it's both of them have mental health issues. One of them is portrayed as being
psychotic and attachment issues. The other one is having issues with their sexuality and their identity. At which point they meet together, they collide together at the same time and they, for a moment, just for a moment, they have a meeting of minds.
And it's that meeting of minds that creates a narrative for one of them that becomes the stalker and another retrospectively because that person misses it later on down the line. And it's beautifully written, it's beautifully acted
It's beautifully directed. The cinematography is very, very basic, but extremely powerful. And as much as I admire it, I hated every minute of it because it was so raw and brutal. And every, you know, every single fiber in my body
was shouting out, why are you doing that? To the person that was being, that was under abuse or being stalked, the person that was being the victim, if you like, was making some really irrational decisions and had some really irrational feelings about the abuse that they were going under. And then on top of that,
them almost needing that abuse because it made them feel better about themselves. Honestly, mate, I was flabbergasted and almost brought tears on how
real that was, despite it being way too fantastical to be real. Does that make sense? No, it makes sense. Honestly, mate, I've never... Oh, I should never take your advice. I'm so glad I took your advice to watch it. But I came away from the whole season, sorry, the whole series, the whole stint, thinking,
I didn't enjoy any minute of that. Not one minute, but I couldn't not watch it. If that makes sense. If I had watched it by myself, if I'd started watching this show on my own, I wouldn't have finished it. Right.
It needed it needed that. Like I'm not I'm not somebody who I can suspend my disbelief pretty easily. I can watch a movie and like not be squirming in my in my seat. This had me squirming on my couch of just like I I don't I don't want to be here. Like I could be doing. Anything else.
than this, but then, like, but I don't want to oversell it. Like, I don't want to people be like, I don't want people to take away from this me saying like, Oh, but in the end, you get this great conclusion. And it's it all makes sense. It's like, it's not. There is no happy ending. There is no happy ending. No, not at all. It is a brutal.
like no rose colored glasses look into a situation and this the the state of the individual because the guy who was acting it is the guy right like exactly yeah he's he is the person and you just get this raw
self-aware look of like not just the situation he's in, but how he is making it worse. And like, and then just like the feelings that we've all gone through where and then he'll be dealing with somebody else and is knowingly shooting himself in the foot. And it's like,
You idiot, like you just talked about this and why you're doing this. And now you're just boldface lying or whatever it is. And it's like, it is that confrontational look. It's like looking in the mirror. It's like, I don't wanna, I know that about myself, but I don't wanna be, I don't want somebody to say it to me. It's kind of like that of like, yeah.
It's a it's a piece of art. It's a piece of art. It's like it is like a diary entry. It's not feel good at all. No, no, you're absolutely right. And
And I'd like to push the point that we're only talking about what we saw on TV, not what's come afterwards in the press, because the guy who wrote it and started it is the person that supposedly went through this kind of experience. And he's made it very, very clear that a lot of the details have been changed.
for artistic purposes or what have you, which may well be unheard by certain folk and therefore assume that the person that the rest of the media has assumed is the
is the person he's talking about when writing this is the same person that we were talking about earlier about Piers Morgan. It's very dangerous to think an experience that we all might have experienced is traumatic for us may well be based on something lesser, but we
we turn it into something that is bigger to make it something that is more marketable as media content. So I think we need to make it very, very clear, the jury's out at the moment as to just how severe his own experiences were. And I'm not trying to defend the person that supposedly
stalked him in real life. But either way, he has himself made it very, very clear on social media that the story is the story and it's based off his own personal experiences, albeit he's changed the details of his personal experiences so that we understand. Either way. The story is not about the stalker and the fact that people are trying to track down the real person that they have done this.
It's that's the part that I won't even watch the Pierce Morgan interview because I don't want to engage in this. This kind of thing, it's like the story is about him and his mental state, what he went through, what he put himself through. Separated from the reality and the people who are kind of doing this like.
don't fuck with cat's movie, vigilantism. Like, well, we need to find the people who did this. We need to track down, because there's other stuff that happens in this movie as well. And other people involved in this, the internet's kind of going after, and like, they're, they're making very real accusations against people in their lives, which could be true, could be not, but it's like, that's not the point of this movie. And it's not- But the point being in that dude is that, is that ultimately,
Let's take the series, the season, sorry, on face value. If everything in that season is correct, which the Gaia said it's not, it's been changed for posterity to make the story more dramatic. But let's ignore that and say that everything in the story is correct.
Everyone involved does not need to be demonized. They need help. They need help. Ultimately, what it is a story of is people with very, very severe mental health problems that need help, that need help, and the system is letting them down. That's the one takeaway that I took from all of this.
is that just how pathetic in the UK, it's based in the UK, how pathetic the
our judiciary system is, and most importantly, how we let people that need help out into the public without any support whatsoever. No, listen, dude, I'm really glad I watched it.
I'm really glad I watched it. Is it a repeat? No way near. I walked away from it last night thinking, I've been through 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. It was insane. I felt like Frodo dropping the ring. Yeah, exactly. It's done. It's done. Thank God. Yeah, exactly.
Anyone that can take it, I implore them to watch it, but good God, it really is an insight into the human condition.
What would I rate it? I wouldn't. Because I think any rating I give it is giving it a false sense of encouraging others to watch it. And that's not what it is. And, you know, we are a positive podcast and going back to Sean's earlier points, you know, it's superbly acted. It's superbly shot. It's superbly
positioned, uh, it gets the point across, but the point that needs to be put across is, is not, is not wholesome. It's not, you know, it's, it's, it's quite nasty. And it's about, like I said, it's about a reflect on, it's a reflection on making sure that we appreciate the, you know, our mental health and, and,
understanding that people need need help. It's not it's a non romanticized version of the peak behind the covers of humanity. It's yeah, there's too many times where it's like, Oh, you know, this person needs this it's and but it's always softened. It's always glamorized. It's always a Hollywood kind of portrayed version of it. This is not that and like I was gonna say,
A way I could phrase it to somebody is like, it's superbly acted, but I hope nobody wins an award because I don't want the wrong people to see the name and watch it because it's won awards. And then because the wrong people watching this, it's going to. It's it's it's brutal like it is. It's hard. It's and it's in your face. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, here we are.
on the 15th of May, or May 15th, sorry. I know how you guys screw up the calendar. Here we are thinking that there's not an awful lot to talk about, and we're at two hours.

Anticipation for 'Furiosa' Release

Well, if they wouldn't have dropped 19 trailers on us in the last 24 hours. Yeah, that's true. Fair play. Fair play. It's not our fault.
Yeah. I just hope there's one of our listeners, one of our four listeners who goes, who sees this runtime and goes, what? How? It's supposed to be shorter. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. So listen, listen. Hopefully there's no news next week or over the next week, which means that we can
talk about fun stuff, fun stuff. One bit of news I didn't tell you about, or one bit of thing, I've booked my tickets for Furiosa. A week Friday, I'm going to Furiosa, so I'm really looking forward to that. Is it coming out that soon? Yeah, a week Friday. Sorry, 24th, 24th, 24th.
So I've got that booked. So we're going out with a buddy of mine that still looks at me with very sympathetic eyes to say, aren't you too old for this shit? And I'm like, nah, he's coming with me. And we're going to see that next Friday. So all good. So two things. Yeah. One, if you record stuff, make sure to get the after the movie recording too.
like clips to those, those turned out really well. I thought that was a really cool segment. Uh, and it seems to have gone over really well. So I think, I think that was, I think that was rock solid. It was good. It was awesome to get to hear, but then I was sitting here listening to it, but I heard it on the pod. I was like, I like this. But then I have to, but then I have to admit to my buddy that I'm doing a podcast.
Oh, no, I'm not saying it's more of a general, like a general. OK. OK. All right. No, no worries. No worries. All right, dude. Well, thank you. I'm really sorry if we brought the whole tone down in the last half an hour or so, but chapters and people can skip. People can skip it if they want to. They're not. All right. So yeah. Put a public warning, you know, put a PSA in the in the in the notes to say that
The last part might be a little bit on the downside. But anyway, worth talking about because it honestly is an awesome piece of work, but good God, it takes some biting. It was therapeutic for me just to talk. I needed to talk about it. I just watched it and I'm affected. So I think it was good to get it out. Exactly. Exactly.
All right, buddy, let's let's let let let these guys go. Look after yourself, mate. I look forward to talking to you this time next week as well. Why don't you take us out?
Thank you everybody for listening to this Director's Cut version of episode 17 of Just Shillin. We really appreciate it. If you wanna send in any feedback or you just, I don't know, wanna look at our website, feel free to check it out at Links to our emails and blah, blah, blah are all there.
Until next week, thank you, thank you all. Thank you for liking, sharing all that fun stuff. Thank you for the shout outs on the pods. It really means a lot. It's validating that even though we're doing this because we're friends and we enjoy talking about this stuff, it is really cool to see all the positive, positive feedback from it. And we really, we really appreciate it. With that, until next week, thank you so much.
Bye. Stay safe, stay happy. Bye. Bye.