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12. The Numbers! They Just Keep Happening! image

12. The Numbers! They Just Keep Happening!

E12 · Soul Pod: The Podcast
31 Plays3 months ago

An endearingly human conversation about cosmic messaging.

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Hosts: Christina Bell & Molly Wilde

Music: The Confrontation, by Jonathan Boyle, licensed from Premium Beats by Shutterstock

Editing: Molly Wilde

Disclaimer: The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment and enjoyment. We are not professionals in any regard. We do not have professional knowledge, training, or education in physical health, mental health, or spiritual matters. Any suggestions or recommendations made during our episodes should be independently researched by the listener before considering implementation, or better yet, listeners should ignore everything we say. We cannot be held responsible or liable for anything we say, or any actions taken by any persons as a result of listening to our podcast episodes. Stay safe, stay informed, stay smart.


Is Mercury in retrograde?

Are we in, like, retrograde of some sort? Hey, I wonder. Hold on. I got to check. I'm starting to wonder now. I got to check the frickin' Mercury retrograde 2024. No. um The next retrograde is supposed to be November, start November 25th to December 15th. I wonder if there's a different planet in retrograde. Well, usually, Mercury is the one that's in charge of tech and communication. so um that it would be this one if it was causing these kinds of problems. So maybe it's just sometimes shit's just weird, man. Yeah, like today, today, like I said, felt like a weird day earlier. Yeah, felt weird to me. I mean, I if I felt weird too, but I was in more of like an up weird than a down weird. Hmm. I don't know if you ever went and listened to the card poll that I gave for the group. I did. Mm hmm.
Oh, I'm sorry. No, you're good. I, I, as soon as I started to yawn and then breathe in, I got that, like, I don't know what it's called, something cardio catch, like the, like sharp pain.
oh And so I immediately stopped yawning. I was just like, ooh. Because you know, when you breathe in deeper, it hurts worse. Yeah, yeah, yeah. like o Okay. I don't know what it's called. Something cardio catch. But it's a completely normal thing that happens randomly to anybody no matter, no matter what. So bodies are weird, man. Technology is weird. Body is weird.
huh man. Indeed.

Spiritual growth and project focus

The veil is thinning. It's also chilly today. yeah yeah And you think you're but more wet? Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. It's okay. um I think I'm more in tune with that this this year for some reason. Well, I think you're a little on a little higher higher frequency, higher vibration right now.
Like and compared to previous years. Yeah, compared to previous years. Yeah, it's possible. Like, I mean, we, I feel like it's obvious, um, just based on like, attending on a Hata's and like our focus on this project and like that sort of just inherently means we're focusing more on the spiritual in general. So yeah, it doesn't surprise me in the least.
But yeah. Oh, and you want to hear something else really kind of funky?

Intuition and psychic moments

Sure. I don't think that, I mean, it's nothing seriously funky or whatever, but.
um So Saturday, I had to come to Julie's to cut greens for my market Sunday. And so when I had to, I don't know what I was going to say, hold on. I had wanted to dye my hair a little bit before the market and I still just never made the time to do it. And I thought to myself, I should just bring it to Julie's and do it Saturday. And then I could sleep in it and then wash it out Sunday morning or whatever.
And then we all went out to eat at Mexican Village and she mentioned it. And she was just like, you should have just brought it to my house and done it in my house. I was just like, Oh my God. I was thinking the exact same thing earlier. It's like, there's some kind of psychic shit going on with me again, but it's just like the weird little dumb stuff that doesn't matter at all. Yeah. No, but for real.

First-time gardening experiences

Did I tell you that this is the first time I ever grew carrot? Now I'm losing my voice. Carrot or beet? I don't remember if you specified that it was the first time. Yeah. I thought you had grown carrot before. wait No, actually, I bought it a long time ago, but I never grew any until this time. Okay. And yeah, and the beet is rainbow beet. They're like,
couple of different colors of green and the hot pink, they're really pretty. Oh my god, you should take pictures and post them. Oh, I did take pictures of some in a container on Sunday. But I looked over, well, when I walked downstairs, I saw the tray, because I haven't dumped out any of the dirt and stuff yet. But a lot of them, sometimes more will keep growing.
After I cut and like I I saw I have a few that are sticking up and I'm like I Ran over and ate a couple before I came to my computer and they taste so good. Like I don't know. Do you like beef? Um, I I Didn't when I was a child the like but specifically like the very dark red beets That were like, I don't know if those are pickled or if like, I don't know like they always came in like the very dark red juice My mother loved them. She ate them all the time. Mm-hmm But like I think I tried them once or twice and just like could not they weren't super offensive of a flavor but like I just I was like I don't want to eat a whole thing of this like
Yeah, like ah like even a whole like chunk. like I would just like take a bite out of the side of it and be like, nah. Yeah, i don't know how I don't know what they do to them when they're canned like that, like from the store. But they they taste very bitty and they're yummy. Yeah, vegetables are fun. Very interesting concept of vegetable. All righty.
And we're off. And we're off. Woo. Oh, man. I don't know where to start. I hope you know where to start. I don't know what to do. No, I don't have a clue where to start, you guys.

Angel numbers and personal growth

We're talking about numbers today. Numerology and kind of angel numbers. Kind of like, it's like a mixture of both. Yeah. And also. Because we're not like professionals.
How many times must we say it? We have not studied this up at all. And no we're not experts. So like, especially because like numerology, I feel is like such a a bigger subject than I can even conceive of. Yeah. You know, we can do a ah whole like episode on that some other time, but just, yeah we could, but also bring it in a little bit here today, but could we like realistically, like, or is it too much?
to even begin to cover. I'm just like, hold on, no. I don't know why I'm fucking with this book right now. I only have, it's like two, two or three pages. Hold on, let me look. Oh no, it's a little bit more.
Interesting. Okay, so we we were going to work from a book ah that's on numerology, but we don't have it with us right now. But the Lou Ellen's Big Book of Correspondences has some stuff on numbers, but it only has ah from 1 to 13.
But I assume that's like, it's mostly just covering the single digits. Yeah. That's interesting. There's like all sorts of associations with them i probably short this book before it falls off the desk. Okay. Um, I'm pretty sure that little book of numerology that I got was actually from when I was visiting you and we went to the little witchy store.
Oh, know what? That sounds right. That sounds familiar. Yeah. um Yeah. That'd be cool to go through, for sure. um So yeah, maybe we'll reserve like that like the deep dive of that for a future episode. But like yeah, like you said, Christina, the other or like other slash main focus is angel numbers as a form of cosmic me messaging.
And, you know, we're all ah once again, not going to be going through all the sets of angel numbers and like talking about what they mean. We're, we wanted to talk about them in the context of the ones that have like meant the most to us, each of us, because we have, they pop up, they pop up frequently for us both. And I get, I get a variety.
But there's one in particular that I've seen the most to the degree that I've actually gotten it tattooed on my body now, ah and which is 777. And it's always, for me, it's always the triple digits. And the fun thing about 777 is that you don't get to see that on a clock. Right.
Right. And I will, you know, obviously put the asterisk that I do work in accounting and I look at numbers all goddamn day, but still but the the three in a row, sometimes four in a row, but most often three in a row pop up almost every day for me lately. It's been almost a year that I've been seeing it that that often. Yeah. Which is that You got to take it seriously at that point, right? Yeah. So did you look it up and see what it means? Oh, forever ago. Forever ago. Okay. like that was That was the whole reason that i that resulted in me getting them tattooed. Okay. What does it mean? Because, hold on, I'm going to pull it up because I had it saved in a note on my phone.
777 is an indicator of self-discovery, personal growth, vibration spirituality independence slowing down slash finding stillness the tower in the tarot uh analysis and attention to detail and discernment that's amazing isn't it and i was seeing this everywhere repeatedly multiple times a day sometimes and
when looking it up, which I did, you know, on multiple different occasions, look up the meanings because I was like wanting to refresh my memory. Because this stuff just seems to like slip out of my head too easily. But, you know, in looking it up, I realized like this, I got to take this message pretty seriously. And I just think about the absolute catapult of growth that I've experienced since taking that message seriously. And like, that's the reason why I was like, this number and um and I mean, it kept showing up even after I was like, message received, okay, let's do it. And I started working on stuff. It was still showing up every day. And so I yeah just kept following the instructions, but just kept following the the message and kept working more and more and more. And, you know, by the time it was like April,
March or April of this year rolled around, I realized like, this is like, this is really changing shit for me. And it's showing up so consistently that I feel a very deep need to immortalize it and honor it, which is the reason that I got it tattooed. It is on the inside of my right forearm. So.
Yeah. I always liked the look of the, I mean, I don't know why, but like the slots at a casino when the 777 comes up. it's it's as so It's a very visually appealing set of numbers. o Yeah. I always liked that too.
i mean But it doesn't show up for me. that number it does not, I don't think, I mean, it has, it has a few times, but like, yeah, not nearly as much. No. And like but the one that I always see is the proverbial, always the 11 11 deal on the clock and shit. But for some reason lately, I've been seeing three threes or three fours.
Interesting. Yeah. And if you add them together, they become seven. so But anyway, but yeah I don't know what the significance to that one is, but like I took that picture and I said that to you today, earlier. It was 4, 4, 4, 7.
oh isn't it you know what It's kind of funny because I have a little bit and this is ah this is a dangerous thing to ah admit being in accounting. oh I have a little bit of number dyslexia and one of the most common numbers I get mixed up is four and seven.
I don't know why. Aside from the fact that they have like vaguely the same shape where there's like the more horizontal upper portion and the vertical to the bottom. Yeah. The horizontal portion sticks out to the left on both of them. That makes sense to me. I get it. Yeah. But it's like just like wild. I don't know. I don't know. But I love it. I love it. But yeah, 11-11 is fun too, especially because like Like, yes, it can show up on a clock, so it's like more common to see it there. But like even still, like it's... I would argue is i mean it's ah it's a classic, but it's one of maybe the more powerful angel numbers that you can come across. um And I'm not necessarily saying more powerful as in like you know that there's a supposed to be a comparison between any of them, but just like there's there's something a little more holy
about Yeah. it The wording that I heard before, it was a woman who was a numerologist on a talk show that I watched. She said something about 11 is a divine number. Got you. Yeah. And I don't know. I don't know exactly why, but 11 has shown up in my life a lot. Yeah. I mean, that's when you, when you did your life path number, that's what you got.
Yeah, that's that's adding the birthday the birth numbers altogether, right? The birthday numbers. Yeah, the birthday numbers all together. And you got 11, which obviously in like the normal process, you would still boil down to two. But like, you know, it is noted that you should pay attention to the 11, if not just stop there. Which is pretty fun, pretty fascinating. Right.

Numerology and astrological insights

Yeah, I don't know. I, I've known nothing about life path numbers. It's just been, you know, what our Marco group discussed recently that I've learned. And I've also, my life, life path number being nine, nobody else in the group had a nine and nobody else had talked about it. Cause they were sort of talking about like, here's my number and here's what it, uh, you know, what it apparently means. And there are a few people that all like had like kind of the same one.
Like six came up a lot off pretty often, but nobody else had nine. And so I'm like, and I don't know. Not like I want to be all like, I'm special, but also like, what does it mean? Also considering too, the fact that, cause I was looking at correspondences to Mars, the planet, uh, this weekend, because Mars is my ruling planet.
Molly. Yes. It's 444. Oh my god. ah Sorry. The numbers, they just keep happening. Okay, continue. Oh my god. Okay, so anyway. ah Yeah, I was looking at correspondences to Mars because of the ruling planet or it being my ruling planet. And the thing that you had heard about if you develop a relationship with your ruling planet, your life just blasts off. um Which i I want to like learn more about like people's experiences is with that happening. like I want to hear people talk about it. yeah But also, like I just want to dive in. And so like that's another thing that's been a bit of a discussion. like how do want How does one develop a relationship with their planet their ruling planet?
Which is why I, you know, dove dove into um understanding more about Mars and learned that the number correspondence to Mars is 9 as well. and And Tuesday is Mars Day. And I was born on a Tuesday. That's so cool.
so i don't know if it means i don't know what it means i don't i don't know it doesn't mean i'm like just definitely from mars i'm a martian but but men are from mars and women are from venus o god anyway um But yeah, ah the last moon that we had, right, was a new moon in Pisces. Oh, yeah. Right. I believe. Well, it was a new moon in Pisces. Wasn't it a full moon? I think we're heading... I don't know. crazy hold that so Okay. My understanding is that when the sun is in a particular sign, the full moon is
in the opposite sign because it's on the other side of our planet. Because it's got the full face of the sun so we can see it. And so like full moon in Pisces would be when the sun is in Virgo, right? I don't know. And then look at the new moon. Yeah, because the new moon is when you can't see it at all, which means that it's like toward on the side like toward the sun. Right. Which means that The new moon is always in the same sign as the sun. Okay. Hold on. The current sun placement. Okay. Okay. So we had the new moon. Okay. October 2nd was the new moon and it was in Libra. Okay. Yeah. That's what I expected. Yeah. So then before that, it was the full moon and Pisces. So i it was the full moon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had it wrong. Sorry. So that was um September 17th.
Why did I think that Pisces was, um I don't know, maybe because it was Virgo season. It was still Virgo season, right? No. Yeah, it was still Virgo season. Oh shit, it was. That's weird. On September 17th. Okay. Yeah, that's right. And it changed to Libra season right after that. So. Yeah. Like the 22nd or something.
Yeah. So the next, um the next new moon, full moon, excuse me. I apologize if ah that was a big gulp right into the microphone. I didn't hear it. Good. but The next full moon is actually an Aries in into Taurus, which is interesting.

Planetary influences and spiritual practices

it's It's not like one sign. It it shows Aries. So it must be just that like, okay, I think that's what it is because like,
the The Full Moon and Pisces occurred just at the end of Virgo season. So we're just like slightly on that like off kilter, where like the cycle is like slowly getting a little ahead of itself, where its yeah the next Full Moon will be Aries into Taurus because it's happening right on that cusp. That makes total sense. yeah Yeah. So anyhow, my point of bringing this all up was when there was a full moon in Pisces, I got all excited because I had just found, well, I knew that I um my i am a Pisces moon, right but then I just found out that my rising sign is ruled by the moon, yeah which um is the moon, is the planet
or the you know heavenly body that you're supposed to develop a relationship with. is so So you're a moon moon. To be specific, what Molly was referencing was something I had read that said, if you develop a relationship with the planet that rules your rising sign. um So if you figure out what your rising sign is and what planet rules it, then that is your ruling planet, apparently.
So that's how that works. Cool. So yeah, so I was like, oh gosh, moon, moon, moon, and I'm a Pisces moon and it's a new full moon and Pisces and blah, blah, blah, blah. Honestly, you know what it means is that you just need to moon the moon. I need to moon the moon. Yeah. I need to moon that bitch. Show the moon your taint.
Oh my lord. Oh my god. But I was not born on a moon day. No, you weren't. I was not born on a Monday. I was born on a Wednesday. Ooh, is that Venus Day? I think that's Venus Day. Well, that rules Libra, which is my sun sign. True. You know what, actually, because I have the complete book of those bonuses, I'm going to look. Yeah, yeah. There's timings in here too.
Wednesday continued. Hold on. I literally just flipped to the correct page. What the hell? is there butde da dadada Day of the week? Should be in here.

Cosmic messaging and synchronicities

No, it is the day of the week. What the hell? Hold on. Wait a second. So there's Mercury. Wednesday is Mercury Day. Or or Hermes is the Greek version of that too. So you're you've got a connection to the god Mercury and the god Hermes.
Hmm. Which I understand because it's also, okay, even though you're a Libra, that's an air sign and Mercury is connected to Gemini, which is another air sign. So that that tracks for you. I like it. And then Venus rules the Libra sign. Okay. And you, cause you said ven Venus first and i I was like, Oh, well. Oh, it's the leader side but and for the day of the week, Venus rules Friday.
Okay. So I was wrong about that. Interesting. But some of them are easy, like Saturn is Saturday, Sun is Sunday, obviously. And then the one we haven't mentioned yet, Thursday is Jupiter. Cool. Yeah.
We gotta, we gotta talk more about astrology too. Yeah, for sure. Cause I want to, learn I want to look at your chart, like not even like, like reading a list of placements or reading like whatever ca cafe astrology comes up with. Like I want to look at like the circle thing of your chart.
Do you want me to send it to you right now? Sure. this numbers is a set amount yeah This Numbers episode is turning into an astrology episode, but whatever. It is what it is. This is great. um Numbers are also in astrology, so, you know, you know it's all connected.
um Yeah. So let me see. What does 333 and 444 mean? Can you look that up? I don't know. Look it up right now. sweet three three three angel number meaning don't tell me i don't want usa today i don't want reddit why am i ah okay you know what i'll accept cosmopolitan all right well angel number here we go this number is associated with feminine femininity creativity and intuition
Uh, when you come across this Angel number, think of it as a friendly love note to stop worrying so much. You could be in a stressful situation that's causing you confusion. In that case, Angel number 333 is reminding you of how intuitively connected you are. I dig it. Sweetie. I'm gonna look at 444 real quick. Cause that, I do see 444 somewhat often as well. Once again, which source do I want?
god okay i'll take glamour i'll take the ladies magazines please um okay in numerology 444 is a sign that what you've been preparing is going to happen imminently as long as you've been working on that strong foundation of course the number is thought to be a message from your angels that everything you've been building toward is on the horizon and your determination will be rewarded uh 4-4-4 comes to you as ah as a sign that your angels are with you guiding you step by step. Its appearance should act as reassurance that you're not alone and positive energy surrounds you every step of the way." Nice! Yeah.
Also, I just read a little further down, it says, when you see 4-4-4, your angels are asking you to watch for the signs from them. like it It's a sign from the angels saying, look for signs from angels. Okay. Sure. Regardless, like I do, I've seen, cause I have looked it up before, so like that was familiar, the whole like confirming that you are on the path that you want to be on and that your're your manifestations are coming to you. Yeah. Well, I just saw that on a car today, so. And on the clock, 13 minutes ago.
Yeah. And actually it was like right before three 33 today. Oh my goodness. That's amazing. I love it. I love it. Yeah. I love it. So do you want to talk a little bit about how, or what 11 11 has meant to you? I don't know. i I mean, I just know that it has shown up in a number of, and in certain dates.
in my life. It's my birthday number, right? My birthday added up is 11. Oh, that's your life path number. Right. But it yeah adds up to 11. Yeah, but that's that's what that is. Okay. Not your birth. I was like, your birthday's not 11, 11. No, I mean, like when you add your birthday together, that gives you your life path number. Yeah. Right? So it's a loving. That's right. But yeah, like, effectively, like, especially, I was gonna say with regards to just generally what it's meant to you, like, the fact that you've seen it everywhere, and have been for years and years.
like is an indicator just by itself that it is hugely significant to you. And so like, actually, have you ever looked up like what the actual, what the message is with it? With the number 11? 11, 11. I have. It's, it felt pretty generic to me, to be honest. I'm going to take a look because I'm curious. Okay, ah the number sequence is and is less important than the actual number itself. When you look at repetitive numbers,
It's basically the universe giving you a hint and telling you whatever want you want to manifest, you're going to get it and it's going to come to you soon. Yeah, I think maybe ah the the more important meaning is attached to the number 11 and the number 1 over 1111, totally. But actually, let's look at the book.
Yeah. And I'll read you what the AI says because no i i I hate AI, but go ahead. I hate it too. But it's using like other sources from the internet to compile this stuff. So yeah um the angel number 11 colon 11 is said to have several meanings, including divine guidance. You are on the right path and are being supported by your angels.
Trust your intuition, have faith in the journey ahead and trust in the divine plan. Isn't that literally what 444 meant? Yeah, it's like basically almost the same shape. That's why I'm like, I feel like AI is not understanding. um Well, I had always heard, okay, then this one is a spiritual awakening. You may be going through a period of spiritual awakening or enlightenment, um but it but the one that I kind of remembered was that you know it's a sign that your angels are around you. I got you.
Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, basically. That's it. Well, in the Llewelyn's Complete Book of Correspondences, we have, for the number one, we have, ah how many different vari varieties of association do you want to hear about? um I don't know, two or three, like the top two or three, I guess. Oh, well, I mean, because like, there's like the the intentions or like the the meanings, but there's also like the zodiac, the day, the rune, the colors, the energy, the the elements, metal, gods and goddesses. So did they list the number 11 in there? It does. Yeah. But I wanted to look at both. Okay. Let's focus on stuff that looks important. Colors are gold, orange, white, and yellow.
for one. Goddesses are Aphrodite, Diana and Vesta. I don't know Vesta as well, but I could look into her. And the gods are Apollo, Freyr, Hephaestus and Petal. And the angel is Raphael. And um the issues and intentions and powers accomplishment, action, ambition, beginnings, business, courage, creativity, determination, independence, inspiration, leadership, luck, money, optimism, peace, power, self-work, willpower. Good stuff. And then 11 is a little more sparse, but still good. The Zodiac it's associated with is Aquarius, probably because it's the 11th sign on the wheel.
The color is Aqua. um The gods are Neptune, Njord, and Poseidon. And the goddess is Tiamat. And the angel is Michael. The animal associated with the leaven is the lynx.
um And there's a much shorter list of issues, intentions, and powers. Darkness, destiny, fertility, insight, inspiration, introspection, intuition.
magic black power personal and spirituality black magic black magic oh goodness indeed yeah there's definite like even if there's way fewer associations with 11 i feel like there's so much more power in it For sure. Yeah. I'm a powerful bitch. You fucking are. Better not forget it.
Oh my god. I wanted to look at your chart though, because people have been talking about stelliums a lot. Yeah. I don't know jack shit about that. You don't know what a stellium is? No.
um I had to learn about it through our Marco group. The stellium is when you have three or more planets, or I don't know what to call it when it's not a planet, but it is like like a Chiron or like Midheaven or something like that. okay Like three or more placements in a particular site. And it looks like you do have a stellium in Libra, and that might be actually your only stellium.
Oh, the pattern used to not show Chiron. It's showing Chiron now. Hmm. Your Chiron is in Aries. That's cool. Um, this, uh, Oh my God. What? Okay. Are you looking at your app or are you looking at the screenshot I sent you? I'm looking at the pattern app. Why? Okay. Cause the screenshot I sent you has the Chiron.
And it's an old screenshot, but if you look at the screenshot that I sent you, look at the time in the corner.
Is that weird? Is that weird? From how long ago did you take this screenshot? I have to go back and look for it. The time in the corner for those listening is my birthday. That's really fun. Yeah. All right. Hold on. Wow.
When did I take the screenshots? I took it October 9th, last year. Today's October 8th.
Wow. October 9th, 2023 at 8, 25 AM. This is reminding me of a very weird, a very weird thing that occurred once. It's unrelated to astrology or numbers, really.
But I used to just sort of like think of poetic phrases to stick in my Instagram captions. ah And one day in 2021, I posted a picture in the forest and put the caption, the painful eagerness of unfed hope. And
A year later, I was watching Anne with an E on Netflix and I paused the episode and realized that the name of the episode was the painful eagerness of unfed hope. The exact same thing that you wrote. And the thing is, I don't understand. Okay. The episode titles from Anne with an E were extracted from the books, Anne of Green Gables.
Okay. But they're never actually said in the show. Okay. And to be clear, I had seen Anne with an E before I ever posted the picture with that caption, but I never paid attention to the episode titles. Weird. And so, and this was when ah when Tom was living with me and my ex. And I immediately like called him on the phone. I was like, get in my room right now. And he comes over.
And I was like, look at this Instagram caption and then look at the title of the episode. I posted this and then I looked and I was like, I posted this a year ago exactly to the day. And I was like, what the fuck is happening?
Literally, what the fuck is happening? Crazy. Synchronicities. Sometimes they come through and you're just like, what is this supposed to mean? hu It's truly, its it is truly not that this thing wormed its way into my subconscious and then I used it in an Instagram post. Like,
like, if anything like that were to happen, it would have to be audible, like I have to, I would have have to have heard it. Okay. Rather than read it. Because if I read it, I have to commit it to memory more. Okay. Then if I hear it, right? Maybe you read it to yourself. but Maybe you read it out loud the first time you saw and didn't realize. I never paid attention to the episode titles. I don't know a single one of the other ones. Like I only remember, I don't even remember when this particular episode, what occurs. Did you ever read her books? No. Or the books? Never. Okay. Never. That's very strange. Truly. I'm like, what the fuck?

Universal energy and connectedness

anyway crazy so uh yeah i guess ultimately like we're talking about cosmic messaging here and i know that like we've been a little all over the place but like it's there's just something so profound about realizing that what you're seeing is messages coming to you from the universe effectively. I've always had a little bit of a discomfort with the concept like with the phrasing of calling them angel numbers just because of the like Christian association with angels, even if like Mormons don't necessarily fully recognize angels except for like the angel Moroni or whatever. Which probably doesn't exist at all anyway.
Not like the angel, you know, Archangel Michael or any of those guys, you know? Yeah, but also I'm still not 100% sold that they're like, that they are true, real entities. and Or if they're just concepts that have been personified over years and years, you know? Well, do you believe in the Ascended Masters stuff? I still don't know. Okay.
Like i I want to, when I read about them, I sort of am suspending belief to just be like, what is it that I like need to understand about these things? But like, I just, I don't really know what to make of them, you know? Like I, if they are what we've been taught that they are, I completely understand why Jesus would fall in that category. And I do believe that Jesus was a real person.
Right. I guess historically speaking, it's been kind of proven that he did exist, by but... i See, the thing is, I've heard it both ways. I've heard like, oh, there's there has been proof found that Jesus did exist. And also I've heard it's impossible to prove that Jesus existed. Huh.
And so I don't know, but I believe it because like, i don't know like it I don't know, I don't know why I believe it. It just makes sense to me. It makes sense to me, but it's more so i believe of him I believe in him as a historical figure rather than a divine figure. I think that i think that probably the work he was doing was significant for the messages he was trying to bring to the world, but was he truly like immaculately conceived?
No. I think that he may have had healing abilities like, like a Reiki master. Yeah. And that because of those things, they didn't know how else to describe him besides saying like, Oh, he's, he's the son of God, or he's whatever. He's the Messiah. He literally has like God's power. Yeah. And it's like, I don't know. When you think about it that way, like we kind of all could wield God's power. Yeah. You know, if we, if we really tried.
that's, that's kind of the point, I think of the modern day spirituality stuff is like how we are all supposedly divinely connected, like we all are part of the universe, which the universe is God, technically, like if, I mean, if you're believing what, what, ah the more people I hear talk about this stuff, in that I'm, this I'm talking about like interviews on certain podcasts who Like there are people from all walks of life that get interviewed and they all have the basically the same exact belief system in terms of like the universe is all it's just energy and it's like we are all we all share the same and if you talk about quantum mechanics quantum physics, whatever quantum physics that
you know, atoms are literally, okay, like, okay.
oh So they say this whole thing is a, um it's like the matrix, right? It's all a simulation, right? And that matter isn't real, like literally, like even things that are hard. The holographic reading that universe.
Yeah, or whatever. like like Things that are hard that you can't put your hand through technically aren't even really solid anyway. right Just because the atoms are all like connected together in such a way that they don't break apart easily or whatever. But yeah you could technically break them apart if you had the right means to do it. yeah But anyway, I don't know.
just like everything in our life is supposedly a simulation. Our whole life is a simulation. It's all a figment of our imagination. I almost like can't allow myself to go down that road. I know, I know, I know. It's really, really crazy. But um that is what the quantum physics is all about.
Yeah, literally. And like how we are all the same person. And that was the thing that I had written down when we hither we had that ah class with Joe, yeah the non-duality class. yeah it was That was the thing that came to me was like, we are all the same person. Like we are all each other. I think that's the wording I used. We are all each other yeah because we all share atoms. like My atoms are reaching across the country to you, and mirrors are coming to me. and like like yeah and That's what psychic ability is as well, because you're picking up on energy, vibrations, atoms, atoms carry information. you know so It's all around us. and Some people are more sensitive to it than others, of course, but that's what it is.
and so That is where the whole concept about the universe is like God. It's not ah it's not a being. Yeah. It's not a being. It's it's matter. It's energy. The universe is God, is us. Right. Really? Yes. Exactly. Yeah. It's exactly it. Yeah. So we are all God. We are all part of God. We are all yeah little little... God is within us. We are in God, as above so below, as within, so without. Yeah. Yeah.
Like it's all, it's all true. Yeah. Yeah. There's just, you know, God, people want to have a specific view or a vision of it and they want to personify it. Like it's, yeah it's a person. It's a personal, it's like a being. The reality of it is too huge to grasp. And so to make it graspable,
it was turned into a man that we can understand.

God, aliens, and creative interpretations

But like, I don't like that. God could be an alien from the planet Voltaire. I mean, we don't know. it Just because, they I mean, people here want to say, we are created and in in God's image. We have a body shape that God has. like Well, God's body shape might be an alien. like We don't know. And that alien could look like a grasshopper. We don't know.
Oh my god. So that's what's just so funny. as I was literally thinking, you know how Stephanie Meyer is a Mormon? Yeah. And yeah she, in addition to writing Twilight, she wrote the, ah like, I don't remember if it ever became a series, but there was a book called like, The Host, or something. And it was basically a body snatchers book. Interesting. But like, in it,
the entities that have come to Earth. and are taking over are described to be and actually portrayed in the movie that was made, portrayed as like very glowy, iridescent, ah floating, centipede looking things. And it made me think of like, what if that's like, if we're created in God's image, what if that's what God is? And this is how we inhabit bodies. Yep. It's like, it doesn't make sense. And yet I'm just like, it could be. Yeah, yeah.
You never know. Truly never know. Oh my God. um Yeah, I know. I just, I'm... So where was I going with all of that? This was going to be an episode on numbers.

Angels, spirits, and spiritual beliefs

Yeah. um i know i You know what? Okay. I truly am just going to be like, I'm going to have to figure out what to title this episode.
Because it's okay can't it can no longer be cosmic messaging. It sure could still be. It still can be. ingens just say Cosmic messaging by itself. Cosmic messaging and general metaphysics.
No, it's too much. Absolutely. There's no. This is not going to work. I know. I'll figure it out. Okay, wait. Let's debate now about angels and if they're if they're real or whatever, because that's still part of angel numbers. so do you Do you think they are? I think they are, yes. Okay. I do. I think we have guardian angels that were protected, um that were that they kind of helped guide us.
who Like it's like part of our intuition, but it's also partly, you know, influenced from a slightly higher being than us. Yeah. i So like, i it's not that I've written the concept off. yeah That's not the case. I think I struggle with the word angel huh being so like steeply affiliated with Christianity. And like, I cannot hear angel and not think random, you know, human looking thing with wings, you know. And so, you know, like, like in the, um, cause I was reflecting on the, the stuff we learned in divine connections at Anahatas this year. Cause you know, that question came up when we went to that class together. Right. Um, which it didn't come up when I went alone the first day, but about like having an issue with angels, you know, with having like religious trauma.
Yeah. And I don't, I don't have religious trauma in that way. I don't think you can get religious trauma about angels or anything as a Mormon or as much as like the person I think was Catholic or something. Yeah. But it made me think, and I was like, yeah, I do kind of still don't love that word, but I was thinking about her talking about the spirit guide team and I was like, spirit, I can accept. Okay. And so if I, like, you know, I believe in guardian angels, but I don't think of them as angels, I think of them as spirits, whether they're a spirit, a member of the spirit guide team, or if they're just a loved one that's passed on already. Um, you know, I truly fully believe that like my dad is one of mine. yeah But like spirit is, yeah, spirit's a word I can accept because I do believe in spirits. I believe them in, I believe in them in terms of
like ability, like ones that like haunt buildings, yeah as well as ones that are there to help you. right in whatever capacity but yeah like when it comes to angels like I'm not sure about archangels like I'm not I'm not certain like I still like I'll sort of operate as though like they're probably there but like I'm a kind of person who does hold to needing to have hard evidence before I'm willing to subscribe to something fully even with everything that I already do believe you know
Um, like I felt that way about the numerology and the, like the, the angel numbers showing up, especially the 777, I was just sort of like, it could mean whatever. Like it doesn't have to mean anything. And then it was like so persistent that I was like, this has to mean something. And I've seen the evidence of like the way that my life has changed, you know, or, or the way astrology has changed, like understanding my birth chart has changed so many things for me. And now I'm like, 100% on board with astrology.
Like, I've been slowly, increasingly getting on board over the years, but like, now I'm like, it's 100% true and I don't give a shit what anybody says. yeah I'm not gonna go around trying to tell people, you have to believe this, but like, right hey I don't give a shit if you don't believe it. Like, you're not gonna convince me it's bullshit because it's not, you know? Yeah. um I just wanted to say something quickly. Yeah. the I'm trying to remember, I think it was in a podcast as well. Like somebody explained what they, what angels are and guardian angels and like there's different levels of them. And I think that it has to do with once a person has evolved enough with multiple lifetimes and they do do not any longer need to current reincarnate again or incarnate again, whatever on the earth, that their spirit then evolves to the level of an angel or a guardian angel.
And so then they're like an ascended master. You know what I mean? There's different levels of that. I remember her talking about that in the class, about there being levels of ascension that you go through in your soul evolution. So if you believe in reincarnation and the fact that people evolve continuously to better themselves, their better their soul, um that eventually they won't need to come back here again, then what happens to them? Then what? Where's their soul goal? Is it due? I do believe all of that. i think ah I really do think it just boils down to just not really loving the the word angels yeah to describe those beings.
um But yeah, anyway, this has been an absolute ADHD of an episode. we're We're talking about angel numbers and we brought it back down to the angels and the concept of angels. Very true. I mean, it's, it's sure been about cosmic messaging at the very least. Yeah. um Yeah. Sometimes, I guess, like ah like I think we've said, sometimes this is just going

Conclusion and listener engagement

to happen. And it is what it is. You're along for the ride with us and we're glad that you're here. Right. We are grateful. but Yeah. um We hope everyone has a beautiful day. We'll see you next week, you guys.
Yeah, thanks. Thanks for putting up with our crazy bullshit. They wouldn't be here still if they didn't love it. Oh, they love it all right.
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