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Survivor Series Recap and Black Friday Deals! image

Survivor Series Recap and Black Friday Deals!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays6 years ago
Chick Foley and The Hot Take Kid recap the best and worst of Survivor Series. Does Nia deserve a push after what she did to Becky? Should AJ Styles have been on the card? How can they make Survivor Series "mean more"? Also they talk about the best Black Friday deals on the internet for every wrestling smark on your list!

Introduction & Thanksgiving Experiences

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Welcome to the Chick Foley Show. Happy belated Thanksgiving to everybody out there. It's Black Friday. If you're a wrestling figure, collector, this is one of your favorite days of the year. I'm here in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios in Baltimore. I want to wish everybody out there a happy belated Thanksgiving. And I have my better half on the line. Chick Foley is here. Well, she's in Hawaii, but she's here digitally. What's going on, Sheena?
Not a whole lot, man, coming down from all the Thanksgiving food that I ate yesterday, trying to still process all that. We talked about it before we hit the record button, but you had a pretty nice little spread. I had the traditional, whenever to the in-laws, they made traditional Thanksgiving meal, watched some football and stuff. And you had a little bit, you're out in Hawaii, so you had a little bit of a different vibe going on out there.
Yeah. Normally, you know, we make the big Thanksgiving spread and everything. I love, I love to cook all that and do all that, but this year, you know, we just kind of decided to, um, take

Health, Indulgence, and Holiday Meals

a year off, uh, from all of that. And we went out to eat to one of the resorts here. They had a big Thanksgiving spread. Um, and it was really nice and it was freaking delicious and we ate our weight and all the things. But, um, one thing that I totally didn't plan for was not having leftovers at the house, which is like one of the most crucial,
things about Thanksgiving, right? It's one of the favorite parts is like waking up in the middle of the night or the next day and having like a fridge full of stuffing and turkey and pies. And we didn't have that, which was kind of disappointing. Yeah. I do love like this, the Thanksgiving day after sandwich with the, with, you put a little mayonnaise, little cranberry sauce and stuff. Yes. A little gravy. Yeah. I got to say. Yeah. You people who have wah wahs, we used to get this thing called wah wah gobbler and it's like a Thanksgiving sandwich and man.
Good call. Good call. I do want to give you props, because if you follow Sheena on Instagram, she's, I would say, dedicated to the cause of staying fit and eating well and all that good stuff. And she's in peak physical condition. But you threw down. You posted a picture of the plate you had, man. You didn't hold back. I like that about you.
No, I, you know, I'm a health and fitness coach, and I definitely want people to live their healthiest, happiest, you know, most energetic lives. But at the same time, like I'm a creature of balance. And I don't think you have to be extreme to be in shape. And when the time comes, man, I don't play around like I like to enjoy life. I like to enjoy all the things that taste delicious. And when one big meal like that, it's not going to, you know, it's not going to ruin you. So when it when the time comes, I don't I go down.
You had something on there. There was something with a poached egg on it. What was that? Oh, delicious. Oh my gosh. It was. Yeah. It was this Turkey bacon Benedict. It would have been better if it was pork bacon, but it was Turkey bacon Benedict and it had like a cranberry on days on it.
Dude, it was so good. It was delicious. And I mean, there was lobster tail and, yeah, Colby beef and all of the things. I mean, it was just, it was spot on. Yeah, I used to work in a restaurant that did like a Thanksgiving buffet. And as much as I love doing traditional Thanksgiving at home, it is nice to be able to like, we would do a pretty nice spread. And I know a lot of restaurants do. And then you're done. Then you can go home and just kind of relax and watch football. You don't have to clean up or anything. So that might be a good idea one year to do, just to change tradition a little bit.
Yeah, it's good every once in a while and it was nice to like have a good meal and not have that buzzkill of like having to clean up the kitchen and do dishes because nothing is worse than like having an amazing meal and then looking in the kitchen and it's just like destroyed and you're like shit.
Yes. You live out in Hawaii, obviously. Do you miss this time of year? I know you're a big Christmas fan, a big Thanksgiving fan. Do you miss the weather and just kind of the feeling of the holidays? Or do you just rather live out in Hawaii and live it up?
The weather, no, I'm warm weather all day, every day, baby. Like if you give me the beach on Christmas and Thanksgiving, I'm for it. You know, the family part of

Wrestling Recaps and Fan Reactions

it, like the Hallmark touchy feely stuff. Yeah, I do kind of miss like the hustle and bustle of like, you know, shuffling around and seeing family and stuff. But, you know, like I talked about on my Instagram, like it kind of makes you make your own traditions and stuff, which is nice. But it does feel good to like, I was kind of getting emo yesterday, seeing everybody see their families and stuff.
You know, it is what it is. I can't complain about living in Hawaii. And if I have to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas in Hawaii, I mean, there's worse ways, right? Yeah, there's worse ways to live. We are going to do a Survivor Series recap. We'll get into a little bit of Raw and SmackDown. And we have a bunch of cool Black Friday and Cyber Monday kind of deals for you guys to score some wrestling marks. But you had a quick public service announcement for the people out there, didn't you?
Yeah. Um, if you followed Chick Foley this past week, uh, there was definitely some interesting conversation drummed up in the Chick Foley universe. After a survivor series, I made a post about my disgust with the fans, uh, turning on Ronda Rousey during, you know, the, after the match and, uh, it blew up beyond what I could have imagined. And there was a lot of butt hurts marks kind of sounding off, uh, in the comment section. So I just want to take a moment to give my two cents on, you know,
on the whole situation because the reason for the post is that wrestling fans are never satisfied and it makes it impossible for WWE to tell a clear story.
Because there's never gonna be a satisfying resolution because fans can't decide who they want to cheer for. And besides maybe Seth Rollins or AJ Styles, Ronda was one of the most consistently cheered and revered babyfaces on the entire roster. People cheered her so naturally, WWE starts to move the needle in her favor. And then all of a sudden, she's being crammed down our throats, she hasn't earned it, she's garbage.
That's the standard narrative that gets thrown around by wrestling fans any time WWE is giving someone that didn't spend 15 years wrestling in a high school gym a push. And it's so annoying because Ronda is a star. I mean, she's a world class athlete, an Olympian, a champion, and she's become a damn good wrestler in what has been her short time with WWE. And she had a five star match against Charlotte where she took a vicious,
Brutal beating which I doubt very few other superstars like let's be real Very few other superstars on the roster and especially none of the pencil neck marks sounding off in my comments Would have been willing to endure you know And then she gets booed out of the arena and people are chanting. Thank you Charlotte
And here's the thing, guys, it's not about cheering heels and booing baby faces. You can love and hate who you want to, right? There is a superstar on the roster for everyone, regardless of whether they're a good guy, bad guy, jobber, comedy act, or anything else for that matter. And I told you guys, I thought it was a mistake from day one for WWE to put Becky and Rhonda head to head. I knew this was gonna be bad news for Rhonda as far as people turning on her.
But that's not what this is about. Just for a second, you guys, try to enjoy what you're seeing without having this preconceived notion of what you think is going on or how it should be done, right? Just take a moment and try to understand the story that WWE is telling. And a lot of the so-called hardcore fans will legitimately just go against what they feel like WWE is doing because they're trying to be contrarian or because they think it makes them cool.
It's like they're afraid like someone's gonna see them enjoying WWE and not some backyard bullshit and judge them for being mainstream. You know what I mean? Like it's just why watch if you're so miserable and you know if you're gonna put every move under a microscope until you take all the fun out of watching wrestling like don't watch you know find something else to watch and if you don't like WWE there's tons of other
There's lots of other wrestling out there for you to watch. You know, um, guys, I mean, guess what? After being a hardcore loyal fan of the walking dead for years and years, I started to find myself bored and irritated with the way that the show was going. And guess what? I didn't stand in front of my TV and boo it or go on message boards and talk shit about Robert Kirkman. I just stopped watching. You know, like I just turned, like I spent my precious time on Sunday evenings tuning into something else.
And it's simple. You don't have to be mad or completely irritated by WWE because they don't owe you anything. They write the stories. You tune in and buy tickets or you don't. Period. And everyone coming on my post trying to justify the crowd's reaction and explain to me how WWE should handle their storylines and their talent. Guys.
Vince McMahon has built a global empire over the past 40 years, creating the longest reigning episodic television show in the world, which millions of people still tune into. Like you can say, Oh, WWE sucks and nobody watches it anymore, but millions of people still watch guys. And you know, the fact that you think that you know better than WWE does about how to tell a story is
Ludacris, you know, meanwhile, like you overcooked your hot pocket in the microwave because you couldn't read the instructions correctly. You know what I'm saying? So like, stop pretending like you know more than WWE. And if you disagree,
With my stance, I can appreciate that. It's totally cool. And that is your right. And there are hundreds of other wrestling accounts and podcasts that you can tune into or jerks just like you shit on the product every single week, no matter what is put out. But you know, this podcast and Phil and I are a podcast for the fans. We are for people who watch wrestling to be entertained. We are for people who use wrestling as an escape of all the other bullshit that's going on in the world.
And if I wanted to be bitter and angry about everything, I would just watch the news. So I watch wrestling to enjoy myself and be entertained. And I choose to watch the highest quality sports entertainment in the world, and that's WWE, hands down. So that's all I have to say about that. That is my stance on that. I didn't get to properly dictate myself on the comments section, but I just wanted to let everyone out there know this is where I'm coming from, guys.
well is very well said and i thought i wish i disagree with you because it would make for a great podcast that totally agree with everything you said and i've been watching wrestling prior a lot longer than most of these frickin haters on social media and i have no problem with ronda rousy i don't think she's getting pushed out of her she's been here the less than a year and she is awesome if you didn't know she was in the mma if you just watched only wrestling and didn't watch anything you didn't read anything you would think she's pretty good i mean she i don't think she's getting
push down anybody's throats. I have some problems with her character. We'll get to that more in the Survivor Series and the Raw stuff. But it's very, very tiny. I have no problem with watching her. I don't know why the fans do. It's similar to the Roman Reigns thing. And it's just, you wouldn't go to a Justin Bieber concert and just boo the entire time. You just wouldn't go. It's like, what are you doing? You don't have to watch Ronda Rousey for the entire three hours of Survivor Series. She's on there for 20 minutes. So sit on your hands if you don't like her, then watch the next match.
It is frustrating and wrestling fans are weird like that I don't there's not any other thing you can think of that like there's not Game of Thrones fans that hate a certain character and just You know right bad about them. It's like you know it's whatever. It's that's part of life. You don't have to like everything
You don't have to like every superstar. I don't like every superstar, right? But it's just, it's like when, when there's a story to be told, like you're basically, when you're at wrestling, you are basically at a, like a Broadway production. You know what I'm saying? Like there's a story there. Like it is athletic and it is, you know, entertaining, but like they are telling a story. So.
listen to the story they're telling like don't try to rewrite it during the show like when fans try to like take over the show like there is nothing worse than that and it's so disrespectful to the to the talent and to the superstars and you see like the talent goes on their twitter accounts and they blatantly like bash the crowds that do that they don't like that you know what i'm saying like if you think you're doing the the talent a favor by like
Taking over the show you're wrong. You know it they work so hard day in day out freaking traveling 350 plus days a year and you want to shit on what they're giving you you know and it's it's it's Crappy like get a better attitude
Ronda Rousey has wrestled 12 matches. Seven of them are on pay-per-view. So for her to be as good as she is right now, I think, says something. And I don't want to harp on this for too long. But I just think that's how wrestling fans are going to be. I don't think they're ever going to change. So maybe we'll do our little part to change them on this show and just tell them, just relax. Just have a cold beer if you don't like what you're watching.
go to the fridge for sure and one last thing i just want to touch on like your time in wwe does not equate to what you deserve in wwe or your talent so because it i mean no shade to alicia fox let me preface this by saying no shade to alicia fox but alicia fox is the longest like she has been with the company the longer than any
Female superstar on the roster so you're telling me that she deserves a main event push or that she should be Headlining WrestleMania just because she's been there longer than everybody else like just because Rhonda has only been there a Year does not make her any less qualified to be a superstar or a champion than anyone else like that's the bottom line straight up
When you said that, I thought of R-Truth, too. I mean, how long has he been around? He doesn't get title matches. But he's part of the show. I don't think everyone is going to be a world champion. And Ronda's reign on top is not going to last for 100 years. It'll also have an Oscar kind of ups and downs to her career. That's the problem with a lot of the fans is they think that everybody
Like everybody deserves a title push or a main event spot and that's just not the case. Like everybody plays a part in this big WWE machine, right? There are people that are mid-carders and they are mid-carders because we need mid-carders. There are people that are jobbers and we need jobbers, right? There are people that are comedy acts because, you know, we need comedy acts. Like not everybody is meant to be.
at the top of the mountain, you know? And that's just life. That's with anything in this life. And you just don't be entitled thinking that every superstar, just because you like them or just because they've been there long enough that they're getting buried because they're not in the main event picture.
Very well said. And you can follow Chick Foley on Instagram and Twitter at Chick Foley. You can follow me on Instagram at I hate JJ Redick. And if you have any questions, if you want to tell us how great we are, just shoot us an email, askchickfoli at We'd like to get some questions submitted there, and we'll answer them on the show.
So hit us up. We'd like to be interactive with you guys and definitely subscribe We're on iTunes stitcher Spotify Podbean any app that you find podcasts on we're probably there give us a nice iTunes review if you listen to us there We really appreciate it. We have one review right now, and I'm not gonna read it to you Sheena because it's someone Saying how mean you are
Oh, my gosh. This might be a perfect time to actually read it. And they didn't say anything bad about how the show is. They just said how mean you are to them. It must be someone like you went to high school with or something. But this is the one review we have. Yeah, it came from, I bet it stemmed from the post. Yeah, so I guarantee that's what it was, because there were lots of people sounding off saying, you're so mean. And guys, let's be real. I am not going to take my precious time
giving every single one of the 700 comments on that post a response, which is

Social Media Backlash and Survivor Series Discussion

why I addressed everyone here on the podcast. So I hope some of those jerks listen in and maybe change their mindset a little bit. But guys, I'm not going to get into social media arguments battling with people who have their mind made up. You're not going to have a logical conversation with people who are illogical. Of course.
Yeah, but we have 22 five-star ratings and one one star rating It's from this this little snowflake, but if you do go on iTunes write a review It can be like five words long just say we're cool or we're great You like the show and give us five stars and how about this next time on the show here? We'll read some of the five star reviews that we do get and maybe we'll give away some cool stuff I have a bunch of a bunch of figs that we can give away. We'll figure that out before next week But yeah, leave us a review. It takes two seconds, but
Let's go inside the squared circle Sheena and Survivor Series was on Sunday Let's do a quick overview of that before we get into some individual matches. How did you feel about the pay-per-view? Did you like it? Did you love it? Were you in the middle? How'd you feel?
I thought it was great. I think, um, I thought survivor series was really, really fun. Um, again, you know, when those matches, like a lot of those matches like don't have any true, um, you know, weight to them. I don't have any, um, there's no bearings on the outcome. So, you know, you just kind of watch them to be entertained and for fun. Um, but like the big matches, obviously like, you know, Charlotte, um, and Rhonda and DB and Brock, like those were, those exceeded my expectations, honestly.
For sure. I agree with you. I think you have to, for me, Survivor Series is kind of a stale concept. It has to be something where there's some sort of, you know, something on the line, something at stake, whether it's a spot in the Royal Rumble or I don't know what you can do. But why is Bayley and Sasha Banks going to team up with these people just to defend the honor of Raw? Do they really care that much about
where they work. I mean, that's some dedication, I guess, but it didn't make much sense. And I just feel like these five on five matches, they're a cool concept. They sound more fun than they are to watch. It's just a lot of quick pinfalls and fruit roll ups and all that kind of stuff. And those matches aren't very memorable. I mean, last week we tried to pick some of our favorite Survivor Series matchups and none of them were
I mean mine was just because there was a bunch of big dudes and I'm sure the match wasn't very fun to watch and These were okay. They weren't bad. I enjoyed watching them, but I'll probably never go back and watch them again, right?
Yeah, it's definitely not something you're going to recommend to somebody like, oh my gosh, go back and watch the, the pre-show match, the, uh, the tag team, the raw and smackdown tag team. Like it was, you know, Epic like it's, they are those kinds of, you know, I don't want to say throwaway matches because they are, I mean, they are entertaining and there are some good, some good spots in those. Um, but like you said, I mean, what, what did Charlotte or what did Sasha and Bailey have to gain by joining the
the team. Like I, you know, after, after all the controversy and stuff, it's just kinda like, well, okay, we're going to give him, we'll do it.
Yeah, I had originally watched the Charlotte match and the Dana O'Brien match right after Survivor Series ended. I wasn't able to watch it live. And I was this morning at the house to myself, the wife and kids are out of town for a while. I sat down and watched everything from the beginning. And it probably didn't need to. There wasn't anything really that stood out to me. The Rollins Nakamura match was pretty good. Nakamura was dressed like a character on that 70s show or something. He hit like bell bottoms on. Oh my gosh, yeah.
we the the shirts were repug like they have to change that up like i'm so tired of the survivor series wearing the the t-shirt the branded t-shirts um you know i i get wanting to like you know differentiate maybe like having red or blue ring gear or like accents or something like that but there is no need for
like Shinsuke to be wearing a SmackDown Live t-shirt over his ring gear. And yeah, it is insane. It looks so ridiculous.
Yeah, even the Rollins shirt that's half and half. I was just wondering the whole time. How do they even make that? Is someone stitching that up by hand or something? Oh, yeah. They have their costume designers and stuff in the back that stitch all that stuff together for them. And it's just, I mean, in Rollins, wrestling in a shirt period is just weird. And then when it's a half and half Rollins branded t-shirt and a Raw t-shirt, it's just awkward.
I have a couple notes. Just from a couple matches, we can kind of go back and forth. The women's match won by Raw with the clean sweep, which they said 100 times on Raw for some reason that kept talking about that. Huge reaction for Asuka, which was cool to see that people still love her. I mean, I can see her getting back into the title picture, especially if Becky's out for any extended period of time.
I don't know how I feel about Nia Jax getting, I don't know if it's a push. I mean obviously she's the survivor here in this match, the sole survivor, and then she's going to get the title match at TLC against Ronda. Should she be rewarded for basically putting their hottest act on the shelf? I mean that's what it feels like. She's got tons of heat from the crowd, which is good for her character. I'm glad they're using that, but for her to get a push because of it seems kind of weird.
Um, it does seem weird, but kind of like what I touched on last week, I feel like possibly it was, it was better to not that, you know, I don't, I'm not glad that Becky got hurt by any stretch of the imagination. I never want any superstar to be hurt in real life ever. Um, but I mean, there was no way that they were going to be able to not.
Like highlight that or use that, you know, like, I mean, they have, they have to take what they're given and go with it because like Naya punching her in the face and causing her to be out of the survivor series match. Like if they had just brushed over that or glossed over that, I think it would have been a huge miss. Um, I don't, I'm not for the face breaker gimmick. I don't know why, but it's just like, I mean, I guess it's supposed to irritate me and like, you know, make my blood boil, but it's just so annoying, especially like with Tamina by her side and all of that.
But I mean, that's the reaction I'm assuming that WWE wants from people. And I definitely think her and Rhonda going head to head at TLC will, with Nia Jax having so much legitimate heat, I feel like she's got that hater heat for real because she injured Becky. I think it will help Rhonda get back to where she was with the fan base and being cheered and beloved and all of that.
You have to keep her heel now. I mean, now that she's got this legit heel, you gotta keep her heel for at least a year. I mean, I hate, that's one of my biggest complaints about the WWE right now is just switching people back and forth and now Miz is a face and like, it's just, I know they're trying to get away from the face and heel type stuff, but that's what works. And I feel like that's how you build storylines. You can't just have two people that are liked and, you know. Yeah, there's always gotta be a protagonist and antagonist.
Um, yeah, I agree. Um, I think I prefer. Heal Naya. I think Naya just kind of looks like a heel. Um, you know, I know she had a baby face room where she was like the anti bullying. Um, you know, that was kind of like her message and stuff, which I thought was great. And kind of, you know, I think a lot of young women and stuff need to hear, hear that message. Um, and I know WWE caters to that a lot, but personally I do prefer heal Naya. I think she's just someone who like, I think she's better suited for that role.
We touched on Seth and Nakamura. AOP, I guess they're not authors of pain anymore. They're just going to go by AOP against the bar. And we got to see the first ever, I don't know if I've ever seen anyone piss their pants on W television.
Yeah, that was strange. And then they obviously played it up on raw really big. I don't know where they were going with trying to humiliate him because he peed in his pants. I was like, this is so weird. I don't know why they're changing. They were doing the AOPP chant, which I thought was kind of funny, yeah. It's always one of those moments where imagine if you were watching this with someone who's never watched wrestling before, and you had to explain this to them. It's just so embarrassing.
I think that a lot, like when I'm watching wrestling with people who are like, you know, they're at the house, like we have family over and stuff in like wrestling. And I'm like, I wonder what these people are thinking about what is on the screen right now. Yeah. I mean, there's some great stuff, but then you have stuff like this. But AOP goes over the bar. I really like the Buddy Murphy match. I need to start watching more 205 Live because that was a really fun match. It was a perfect place on the card, too, which was good. Kind of a little little break between all the Survivor Series matches. Right. Yeah.

NXT TakeOver and Future Talent Speculations

I don't know. I love the Daniel Bryan versus Brock match. But I don't know which I love more with Charlotte. Charlotte Ronda or DB versus Brock. What about you? Which one do you think won the night? Man, I hated the Daniel Bryan match. I thought it was just going to be a squash. And then they kind of told a story right in the middle of it. And he came back and just, it was a perfect way to like, obviously in real life, there's no way Daniel Bryan is going to compete with a guy like Brock Lesnar. And they kind of played up to that. And it was kind of, you know, he did a little dastardly deeds to kind of
Personally, I think
get back into the match, and it got pretty interesting at the end. I was into it all the way through. I liked Daniel Bryan fighting back, and I was worried about some of those suplexes he was taking after being out for a year plus with a concussion issue, so I'm surprised they went with that. But he was laying some blows onto Brock, too, some forearm shots, and it was a pretty brutal match, man. I liked that a lot.
a little bit more than the Charlotte match. I just didn't like the ending of that. I think the match was really fun. And I mean, they were beating the hell out of each other. And I'm excited, which I'm probably this is the reason they did this. I'm excited to see where this goes and how they build up to that, because I don't know how they're going to face each other going forward on different brands. But we'll see. What about you? Yeah, Daniel. I love the Daniel Bryan versus Brock match. And same as you, I was just like, oh, my God, they're just going to squash Daniel Bryan. And then
Whenever he went to Penn Daniel Bryan and he picked him up, I was like, oh.
something's happening here. Like they're about to give us like something, you know, because you, you know, in those situations, like you have to take the pin when, when it's time or like you're, you're screwed. It's like that classic, I don't know if you watch, you watch game of thrones, like the mountain and the viper, like you can't, you can't gloat. You know what I'm saying? Like you, you have to take the kill when it's presented to you. And I knew when Brock didn't take the kill, I was like, Oh man. Um, but the thing about Brock man is that,
You know, even with DB being like, what, like a quarter of his size, Brock sells so good. And, you know, you can hate on Brock or whatever, like, you know, for him being a part timer or, you know, whatever you want to say. But he makes people look strong, you know, and.
Yeah, he I mean for him to put Daniel Bryan over who like legit like let's be real if they met in real life like he would squash him with his thumb but you know he made Daniel look like a freaking rock star and again same as you I was very uncomfortable watching Daniel Bryan take those two plexus and I kept holding my breath to just hoping nothing horrible happened because I was like oh my gosh but you know it ended up being epic and it
Brought us the you know quote-unquote the new Daniel Bryan Which I'm interested to see where this goes with that weird, you know third-person promo that he cut on Smackdown that was really the only development on Smackdown was like the the new Daniel the emergence of the new Daniel Bryan But he's got a match with AJ lined up at TLC. No stipulations on that yet as far as I know but that should be another another instant classic and
Oh, for sure. Back to the Charlotte match. What do you make of her heel turn? We kind of touched on it a little bit. And what does that mean for WrestleMania? I guess we've already seen Charlotte and Asuka. I mean, that would make sense, but we've seen it before. I don't know what they do with her. Maybe Becky gets kind of the stone cold face turn. What do you think? I'm thinking, obviously, Ronda is going to fight Nia at TLC, and I think
Somehow they're going to set up, um, you know, Charlotte versus Rhonda at the rumble and maybe, maybe Becky interferes, um, and sets up some sort of like triple threat situation for mania. Um, I would totally be in for a Charlotte Rhonda Becky triple threat at, at mania. I think that could be, you know, a killer match.
What'd you think of AJ Styles not being on this card? It was kind of weird. I mean, obviously, he has some sort of injury. Maybe that's why they kind of played it up, and that's why he was in the mixed match challenge. And he's renegotiating his contract, too. Oh, what a man.
Yeah, I don't know what, you know, I don't know obviously what the goings on with that or, you know, what, what he's trying to do as far as that's concerned. But, um, you know, I do know that he is renegotiating his contract. And, um, I've heard like, you know, via just social media that are like the internet, I guess I shouldn't say social media, the internet that, um, maybe he's trying to go to more of like a part time schedule. Um, so, you know, we'll see how, we'll see how that, how that plays out. But, um, it was weird. It felt weird. Like they're like, it, it,
It's definitely not SmackDown. There's no sort of SmackDown event without AJ Styles. It just felt foreign. It's almost like Christmas without Santa Claus. I was just thinking the whole time how I'd love to see, maybe not Seth, but definitely somebody like Finn become the face of if AJ isn't on SmackDown or if he's a part-timer, they put him more on Raw.
and just have Finn be the kind of main face there because he's just kind of buried where he's at now and you know people love him he's a huge draw and I think he would have a good chance to develop we can maybe have a we're gonna start a patreon uh you and I where we're gonna have different tier levels maybe we'll have kind of a fantasy booking episode we'll see where we can move people around what would make sense make some tag teams and just you know fantasy book some stuff and
I just think Finn deserves a little bit better than where he's at now. It's just Raw is so stacked, and you have a part-time champ who's not there. And it just doesn't make sense for him to be in the main event picture right now. But he deserves to be, I think. He's a hell of a draw. Yeah, I could totally see that. And if they're going to capitalize on Finn, they need to do it. Finn's getting a little long in the tooth.

Wrestling Merchandise and Black Friday Deals

And I feel like if they're going to do something like that, sooner rather than later is always, always better.
We missed TakeOver. We probably should have done that first. But if you watched TakeOver before Survivor Series, you were probably let down because TakeOver was another burner. If you're not watching NXT or definitely the TakeOver pay-per-views, you need to because
It's an awesome wrestling. If you're complaining about anything on Survivor Series and you're not watching NXT, you're doing yourself a disservice because that's probably more of what you're looking for. It was a great event from top to bottom. I wasn't a huge fan of the War Games match. It's kind of similar to Survivor Series for me where it's like, okay, it's not something I look forward to every year. I don't know if you're on a different side there, but I think every match from top to bottom was really fun here.
Yeah, well, personally, I love the War Games concept. I think that they could tweak it a little bit to make it better. Personally, I did prefer last year's War Games match to this year's match. But even still, overall, it was awesome. I mean, when you put that much talent in the ring, or I guess two rings as it were,
Um, there's going to be some amazing spots. I mean, Ricochet, Pete Dunne, I mean, come on.
Yeah, it was pretty cool. The two out of three falls match was a good start-off match for me. I liked that a lot. I always like when I see a move that I've never seen before, and I've been watching wrestling so long. But there was a reversal by Kyrie Sane on the outside of the ring, where she basically reversed a suplex into a DDT right onto the edge of the ring. And I thought it was going to be pretty bad.
Shayna Baszler was good, man. These two are fun to watch. And I'm just worried about if they try to move Baszler up to the main roster. She's going to just basically kind of be a second fiddle to Rhonda, unless they put her on a SmackDown or something like that. But this was a really fun match.
Yeah, I think she's going to stay at NXT a little while longer now that they've got the three horse women. I guess it sounds kind of weird to say the three horse women. They have the three horse women down there. And I think we could see some, you know, like small feuds in the future between the three horse women and, you know, Dakota Kai, Lo Shirai and Kyrie Sane. You know, I think that that could be fun. And I mean,
those girls can go. That moonsault off of the ring post, I was like, oh, it was beautiful. I thought I liked Charlotte's moonsault, but then I was like, golly, man, she is amazing. It was funny that Dakota was one of the people that got hit by it and was like, what are you doing? I guess she's just going to do a moonsault. I don't really care who gets hurt by it.
Yeah. That's one of those moves. Like, it's just like, yeah, you never look, just go. We're just going to take out the whole whoever's down there and watch out. And Alistair black, Johnny Gargano was a brutal, brutal match, man. Gargano, I wasn't really feeling the heel turn for him, but he has kind of like the sniveling, like, uh,
Like a whiny baby. I feel like it's kind of like, you know, what about me? What about Johnny Gargano? You know, kind of feel to it. It's kind of like I'm, you know, he thinks he's he's the face in this, but he's really the heel, which is kind of fun. And Aleister Black had some some really horrendous kicks to Gargano's face and head. They were they were they rang through the entire arena, man. That was that was brutal. And you say the you think the Champa match was a match of the year, Canada. I have to agree that.
That was great. Velveteen Dreams, fun to watch. And this guy's put on a hell of a show. Oh my gosh. Like, you know, first of all, dream coming out as the Hollywood dream. I popped for that. I thought it was, you know, like you had the purple lights on at first and I was like, is he going to do it? Cause there had been rumblings that he was going to come out as Hollywood dream. Um, and the purple lights were on at first and I was like, I can't tell is he wearing black and white? Then he started like, you know, coming down the ramp and I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so hot. Um, and.
I mean, obviously I love, I love me some, some champa. He's just like, he's like the perfect heel. Um, and I think dream, I think dream is main roster ready, but I almost don't want him to leave NXT because I feel like he's just so amazing, amazing there. And you know, when you have a match where like I literally for most of the match had no idea when or how it was going to end and what the outcome was going to be. And that's always fun. You know, like every pinfall I was like,
This is it. I can't tell you how many times I said, well, that's it. And then it wasn't it. And that is always a lot of fun.
Yeah, dream local Baltimore boy, Patrick Clark. He's only 23 years old, which is pretty exciting. And yeah, I think he's going to be down there for another year or two. We also should do an episode of who should be called up from NXT around WrestleMania time, because there's a ton of talent down there. And I don't know where they're going to go. But we talk about people being pushed down the card. And that's going to push some people even further down the card, man, because there's a ton of talented people down there.
Uh, we touched on the war games match, uh, undisputed era loses. Yeah, but it was good to see all four of those guys back together again. Yeah. Yeah. Overall, I thought the whole, the whole takeover show was just awesome. Like, you know, like I said, start to finish, they had the, you know, Oh no, Matt riddle to like pop the crowd and get them excited. Um, and then they went into this, those four just bangers, um, which was fun, you know, because, you know, in typical
WWE pay per view fashion, you have like, you know, big match, then you have like, you know, a couple, like a popcorn match or you have a slower match and then it's, you know, you lead up to the main event, but like NXT takeover. I mean, it's just like you are on 100, 100% of the time.
Yeah, it was a great show. I definitely, I'm going to go back and watch those matches again because they were pretty fun. Rick Shea with a big move off the top of the cage onto a bunch of guys standing around getting ready to get hit, which was fun to see. But yeah, it was a great show and it was a cool weekend. I'm excited for next year in Chicago. I got some friends there. I hit them up on Facebook and
Kind of hint, hint, let me sleep on your couch. Me and the wife sleep on your couch for the weekend. We'll go to some wrestling shows. It should be pretty fun. Yeah, for sure. I've always wanted to do the whole weekend. I don't know if you're going to get a wrestling detox after that, because four straight days of wrestling, I don't know if I could. I don't know if my marriage could handle it. I don't know if I could handle it. But it'd be pretty fun to try.
Oh, it is so much fun. Like, you know, some of the most fun times like we've had, like it was like our mania weekends, um, you know, all the vacations and all the things that we've done, like just like being surrounded by people who are like, like you, I mean, they're just marks for wrestling. They love it.
Um, it is just so much fun because let's be real. Most people out in the real world, you can, you like, they have no idea what's going on in wrestling. You know, we're our own little WWE universe. And when you just bring everybody together and throw them in this one city, it is like mayhem and it is beautiful and glorious. And you leave there just feeling like totally reenergized and reinvigorated and it's awesome. So yeah, if you have the opportunity, you should definitely do it.
After a fun weekend, Raw and SmackDown didn't really deliver. There isn't too much to talk about. They kind of set up TLC. It looks like we're going to get a Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose match for the Intercontinental title. And we're going to get a
Brock Lesnar, Baron Corbin, TLC match at TLC, which makes sense because I mean, he announced it like it was a shocking thing to announce a TLC match at TLC. Right. But he's going to be out of commission, too. He's going to have shoulder surgery, I think. I think he'll be back definitely for the Royal Rumble, but I don't know if he'll be back for this match. So that puts a damper on things.
Yeah, for sure. I'm excited for, I'm excited for TLC. I think it's going to just really set the stage for, you know, the rest of the year and up into mania season. And I'm, I like TLC. I mean, I always think, I mean, those gimmick matches, I mean, you know what to expect from them, but they're always fun to see what new stuff people can come up, can come up with.
I think about all the people that are out now with some sort of injury. Roman Reigns, Owens, Jason Jordan, Sami Zayn. There's a ton of people, I'm sure I'm missing somebody, but there's a ton of talent that's out on that injury bug right now. I don't know if they're just waiting for them to kind of head back for WrestleMania. Obviously, Roman is a longer situation.
Honestly, I think, I think the WWE machine just keeps going. Like I feel like, you know, those guys go out, which is so sad for those guys. Cause sometimes those guys are really on a run and you know, then, then that happens. And I mean, like, look at Finn, you know, he was on a, on a run, he became the universal champion and then had to go out, um, to get shoulder surgery and hasn't really capitalized on, on that, you know, energy ever since. And so, um,
I, it's sad, but when those things happen, the show must go on. And I feel like it sucks when there's like a lot of injuries at once. It happened a few years ago. I can't remember exactly what year it was, but like literally it was like injury after injury after injury. And I was like, Oh my God, like seriously, like what are, what are they going to do? But that's why they have NXT. That's why they have that developmental is just cause they keep pumping people up and bringing them up and doing the things and you know,
Yeah, it's also good, on one hand, because then they can kind of take their time to get back. They're not starving for talent, especially with now the pay-per-views being co-branded. You can put together a card pretty easily. Right. So yeah, it was a cool weekend. And definitely checking out the WWE Network. I'm not getting paid to say that. But let's get into our Go Figure segment. We talk about our weekly figure purchases and some of the news and notes around there before we get into our Black Friday stuff. What did you buy this week, Sheena?
Oh man. So, you know, the last couple of weeks I've had some pretty bulky, bulky halls, but this week it was all about one figure and it was the ultimate warrior Mattel legends figure. It was one of five. It was made specifically for warrior to sell on his website. We didn't get an OG. Don't worry. We're not loaded like that. We ain't got that kind of cheddar on us, but, um, he'll has been found a prototype through some private channels and it is so amazing. So the ring gear is

Retro Match Recommendations

like from, um,
a promo shoot that he did for like 1991 SummerSlam. And it's just patriotic and amazing. And we'll post some pictures. We haven't posted pictures on Instagram yet, but. I was about to look for them, yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty epic. And for a prototype, I mean, it looks really legit. It's not halfway done. The paint and everything is incredible. So yeah, we were pretty excited to get that in hand and to look at it and to make sure that we weren't getting played over by
this person who sold us the prototype. Yeah. No, that's awesome. I will get into it with the Black Friday stuff, but last night I jumped on Ringside Collectibles after their site stopped crashing and picked up some elites. They got some good sales on stuff. I got a Sami Zane for like three bucks and Tugboat Warlord. And what was the other one? Oh, the Berserker. Just some random figures. They were all like less than five bucks.
Yeah, fillers for the collection. Exactly. Yeah, you got to get all the shells filled. So that'll be cool. And I'm going to do some more shopping over the weekend and see what's out there. But there's a ton of good deals going on right now on different websites. But we were both excited about this Carmela elite that showed up at a Walmart in California. And we missed out on that. But that was pretty cool looking.
Yeah, we had all of our marks in California were so gracious, went out and looked to see if they could get them, but they had already handed them all out to people waiting to get them signed. They were only handed out to people who were getting them signed, but I thought that was pretty epic. I was sad that we missed that on that, but I'm happy for all the marks who got their Carmela figure. Only one has showed up on eBay as far as I know, and it went almost immediately. It's like the hottest figure on the block right now.
Yeah, today's Black Friday, the biggest day of the year for figure collecting. And there's a bunch of good deals going on right now. I have some listed here. We can run down all of them. Yeah, for sure. A lot of websites that we're friends with.

Listener Engagement and Future Plans

For starters, our buddy's an extra cooler who actually made the Chick-Foli logo. Their shirts are $14 today on Tea Public. And I posted a link onto our Twitter feed.
Yeah, hopefully it's going to be in stores soon. I know with the holidays, obviously they're going to push a lot of new stuff out.
You can get it there, and they have a bunch of cool stuff. I know your friends with those guys, they do a lot of cool retro Hasbro-type drawings, and you can kind of get them customized and kind of put in requests for stuff, but they do some cool work. Yeah, yeah. He's awesome. I mean, he's a great artist. I love his stuff. He's been doing it. He's been doing it for a while, and I just love to see how he's developed, and now he's a dad, and he's just doing his thing, and so I'm so proud of him for all of his success.
Um, definitely support him because he's great. Nice. What, uh, what you got on your list there? So for me, for my black Friday sales, um, chalk line has 35% off all their, all their merch. So you just use promo code CL35. Um, so if you've had your eye on any of their like fanimation jackets or like their legends jackets or anything like that, like definitely take advantage of 35% off because that's a killer deal. Um,
Our friends over at lapel. Yeah, they have 25% off of your purchase of $25 or more just use the code really big sale So if you you know if you're a pinhead or you you know want some six t-shirts that Marty scroll t-shirt that I have Is amazing it glows in the dark so definitely pick yourself up some of that and then? extreme sets you know the you know our ICW arena the extreme sets and
They have 20% off with promo code thank. And then the last thing on my list is wrestling for sale has 20% off site wide. So if you want to get some heat in your closet, wrestling for sale has it. And yeah, the code is thank you.
Very nice. Yeah, I want to go back to that chalk line. If you guys don't visit that site very often, there are huge wrestling marks. They must be, because they have a ton of cool stuff. Just go to And on the top, under Collections, go to WWE. They have this awesome old school WCW track suit with a track pants and jacket. They have a really cool gold dust entrance jacket. It kind of looks like his robe. And the piece de resistance, which I am
have my finger
A bunch of cool stuff, some tank tops. I know you've posted a bunch on your Instagram over the last 12 months or so. So check them out there. Those are some good deals that Sheena has listed there. I also wanted to bring up a good buddy of ours who is promoting his website. It's We find it here.
Speaker He's a buddy of ours on Instagram, figheal. And he sent a bunch to me. He actually worked. I DM'd him, slid into his DMs, and asked him if he knows any good deals. He said, I actually worked for a Black Friday website, which was super random. But Kmart has all WWE basic figures on sale today for $4.99. Target has buy one, get one half off on figures. I think that's elites or basics. Doesn't really matter.
GameStop is doing $27 for WWE 2K19. I got that on my list for the kid and for me, obviously, to play together. We're still on 2K17, so we need to upgrade. They're also doing 25% off all figures and statues at GameStop. And Walmart is doing WWE Championship belts for $17.97 and WWE rings for the same price.
So some pretty good deals out there. Pro Wrestling Tees as well, 40% off Pro Wrestling Tees merch, 30% off of New Japan merch, 20% off of everything else. So a bunch of good deals. We'll post these all to Instagram and to Twitter. And more than likely, some of these deals are probably going to run through the weekend, I would assume, through Monday. A lot of websites will capitalize on this weekend.
get stuff out. And I'm not sure if you know about Private Hell. Are you familiar with that Instagram account? No. You need to follow them. You need to go to their website, too. They basically make the coolest wrestling shirts ever. They're almost like a rock concert band look. If you saw these shirts, you wouldn't even think they're wrestling shirts.
But they have an awesome Becky Lynch one just calls the man and just has her Only thing in color is the blood on her face and her hair is red and then it you know She's in like black and white which is pretty sick and so it's like reminiscent of the old blood from a stone
Stone cold t-shirt. Exactly. The blood. Yeah, cool. They got some La Parco, some Elias, some Sandman shirts. And they're all just kind of like, almost like if you put a photo onto a shirt. Pretty cool. So check them out. It's They've always got some cool stuff. And it's not bad, like $25, $26. So it's not super expensive for t-shirts. I don't think they have any kind of Black Friday deal.
I want to give them some. Yeah, this is the time if you're, um, you know, if you're a Mark or, you know, you have any live events that you're going to attend, like this is the time to get your, get your swag. Cause, um, you know, at like so many sales, like I promise if you go to your favorite retailer right now, they have something going on.
So definitely take advantage shop small support those look those artists that are working their butts off You know to create all this stuff for you guys I mean obviously as much as I love WWE shop in the bigger places Those those artists they put their heart and soul into what they do and I always like supporting those guys
speaking of WWE shop, I think they have 25% off today on everything. And that includes, they have that three pack, the Adam Cole, why am I... Oh, the Undisputed Era? Yeah, Undisputed Era three pack and the Shield three pack on their website for like 49 bucks. So I don't think it's too much more than ringside. And then you get 25% off and free shipping on
Just a heads up on something non-purchasing related. Our friends at Jimmy Seafood are doing a toy drive. They do it every holiday season. If you're in the Baltimore area, if you're listening to this, check them out. Our friends at the major wrestling figure podcast are doing a holiday toy drive as well. Everything needs to be into them by December 11th. Check out their Instagram.
send them basically wrestling figures to Curt Hawkins wrestling school and they'll give them out to kids and they're going to match everything that they get. And you can actually go on to and put in the address for his wrestling school and it'll get sent there. You don't have to pay any kind of shipping. And there's a bunch of wrestling figures on that on ringside collectibles for, you know, three, four bucks. It'd be cool to grab a $10, $20 worth of them and send them over to some kids that need some toys during the holidays. Pretty cool.
thing they're doing. Maybe next year, me and you will get together on something like that for our listeners. It'd be pretty cool to give back this time of year. Definitely, definitely. As much hustle and bustle as the holiday season brings, I do think it is important to remember that there are families and kids out there that aren't having the happiest Christmas or the
best holidays and anything you can do to brighten them up is always awesome and it feels really good. Yeah, I have to remind my son. He's like, now this is the first Christmas he's about to be for. First Christmas where he's kind of really aware of everything and he's like, I want and I want and I'm gonna tell Santa I'm getting there. I'm like, you're not gonna tell Santa anything, man. You're gonna ask for it. Santa needs to decide. On the other hand, it's hard to not get him stuff because it's fun to buy him wrestling stuff.
Exactly, yeah. But it is important to instill those values and those reminders into our kids. Because we live in a time now where literally they can have anything they want at any time. It's not even like you have to go through the holiday catalog. You click on the internet and you can have something from Amazon delivered to your door in two days. So it's like this instant gratification type of system. So I think it's important to help your kids and to help yourself. I mean, even as adults, we need to be reminded that it's not all about us and to give back when we can.
Yeah, I forgot to mention Amazon. I don't know if they have any specific deals going on for Wrestling Merge or Figures, but they have a ton of WWE elites on their website. And they're ever-changing. They're always some pretty good deals. It's very different from day to day. So obviously, I don't want to plug Amazon too much. They don't need any help from us. But yeah, it's a little mom and pop. Help them out.
Yeah, help out the mom and pops. But speaking of action figures, did you guys see, I totally forgot to mention this, the Ultimate Editions reveal. Yeah, so it was, so they got the Ronda Rousey from the WrestleMania 34, like her in-ring debut with the, you know, the rowdy bra and then the black shorts. And then they have the warrior in his Halloween Havoc 1998 gear. So these are the Ultimate Edition figures.
They have double-jointed elbows. They have newly articulated toes, which I'm like, okay. The ab crunch torsos and then swivel wrists and double-jointed knees on the women's figure, which is kind of cool.
Um, and then, you know, with the warrior, they have like one where his, uh, they have a head scan swap where he's got like his paint is all distressed. So I'm like, that is so cool. Like if you, especially if you do like, you know, fig feds or fig photography or anything like that, you can start the match with his like full on face paint. And then by the end, you know, you can swap his head out and he's got like, you know, his.
His battle paint is all worn off. And then, yeah, they have, you know, Ronda Rousey with her, you know, you can put her arms on with like the leather jacket and the kilt. And then she's got like a few different head scans, which I think are pretty awesome. And then we saw the prototype of King Mabel and American Badass.
Undertaker which you know will be in the elite 68 wave so I'm pretty pumped about getting about getting King Mabel figure Yeah, I definitely need a King Mabel and it's cool to note that the ultimate Mattel ultimate collection is gonna be the same size as the elites and the basics They're gonna be on the same scale. I don't know what the price is gonna be for those I haven't seen a
price point just yet but they're supposed to be available in the spring I think spring 2019 so you know obviously we'll get more we'll get more news as they as they progress but yeah I'm I'm excited for this new line
Yeah, I did want to also the basic line 93. They announced it's going to be Jinder, Macho Man, Triple H, Undertaker, and Bailey, if you collect those basics. And so a lot of cool stuff coming out. I would follow, I just started following him. I'm sure you follow him already. Action Figure Attack is one of the Mattel guys. And he posts a bunch of cool pictures all the time with some stuff that's coming out. So give them a follow. You had a random merch of the week this week?
Yes. Okay. Don't tell me you bought it. I'll say it on the script. Don't tell me you bought this. It wasn't me, but if it was one of our listeners or one of our followers, please speak up and don't be ashamed. But I have to say this is definitely the random merch of the week. There was a vintage, um, 1990s buff Bagwell t-shirt, um, on eBay and it sold for
$109 and 50 cents with width. So you didn't even get free shipping on this shirt. So $109 and 50 cents. And then they tuned you up for $5 and 50 cents in shipping. And it is under the sold items. So somebody out there was like,
I don't, like I said at the top of the show, there is a superstar out there for everyone. So yeah, somebody is a huge Buff Bagwell fan or has a Buff Bagwell fan in their family and they were trying to get them this shirt as a gift. Maybe it was Judy, maybe it was Judy Bagwell. Oh my God, so who the hell was it? She's like, I see this merch, like this is the only Buff merch on eBay, so I got to make sure that it gets sold.
But yeah, if it was you, if you're a chick-foliac and you're out there and you bought the Buff Bag Well shirt, please speak up. I want to know the story behind your love of Buff Bag Well. So that was the random merch of the week because I just could not believe it.
I don't know how this started, but I think vintage wrestling tees is kind of that like if it was a stock, it would be like Google or something. People are just selling them for crazy amounts of money. And I mean, they're pricing me out of the category here. I can't even spend over $100 for an Undertaker t-shirt anymore, especially when WWE Shop randomly comes out with some old school legend shirts for like $20.
Yeah, it is it is hard. Especially I mean I believe me I love vintage t-shirts like that I mean I have a vintage t-shirt a tank top story of my own my Bret Hart tank top that I searched high and low for lost it and then he'll husband spent months trying to replace it so I get I get it when you love something and you want it and you want an original but you're right like there's so many companies out there that do reproductions and they're you know WWE shop randomly drops, you know reproductions and so like I would be sick
If I spent, you know, a hundred, 200 bucks on a wrestling tee, and then all of a sudden, like, there's like a $20 repro that I'm like, Oh, well, yeah, it's always frustrating. Uh, so yeah, that's a few bought that random buff, white buff bag, well shirt and big up on you. And, um, yeah, keep on living the dream. Get some money. Oh man.
So, um, we have, uh, we have a, we're going into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. We do this every week, uh, because there is just so much amazingness to be seen on the WWE network. And you know, there's some gems out there that some of you may not know about, especially newer wrestling fans that, you know, weren't around when these things took place. You may not know about these epic matches. So, um, my retro wrestling recommendation of the week is survivor series 1991.
It was Undertaker versus Hulk Hogan. And fun fact, this was the first ever singles match at a Survivor Series pay per view. So that's a pretty big deal. It was the gravest challenge and Undertaker.
This was a year after he debuted. So if you know, debut Undertaker, he was terrifying. Like he was very, very scary. You didn't really know. You're kind of thinking to yourself, like if you were a kid, you were like, is this guy alive or is he really dead? I'm confused. Um, and you could see that as, as Undertaker was coming out in this pay-per-view, they were like going to all the children in the audience and some of them were crying. Some of them were shielding their faces. Some of them were burying their faces in their dads, like, you know, waste. Um, and the kids were so, so scared of, of the Undertaker, but.
So, like I said, this was one year after his debut at Survivor Series 1990. And Undertaker became world champ for the first time in this match, which was pretty cool to see. He went over Hogan. And fun fact, again, he lost it less than a week later at Tuesday in Texas to Hulk Hogan.
Oh, this actually ties into the retro pick from a few weeks ago, because these events ultimately led to the world title being vacated, and a new champ being crowned at the 92 Rumble, which was my retro pick from a couple of weeks ago. Oh, that's right. Yeah, so pretty awesome match. Heel husband and I watched it again the other day, and it's epic.
make sure if you have some extra time this weekend while you're online shopping, you want some background noise, tune in. It's about an eight minute match, so won't take you long to to watch. So well, Hogan won it back. How was it vacated? Well, because, you know, Undertaker won because Rick Flair intervened. And so, yeah, so it was kind of a shit finish. And then Undertaker had a or sorry, Hogan had a shit finish at at
tuesday in texas so they decided like okay both of you guys are out like we're you know we can't have the title be like this so we they vacated it and like i said they were going to crown the new the new champ at the the 92 rumble
I have also a Survivor Series pick and it's just Survivor Series 1998. It was one of my favorite kind of when I was in the prime of wrestling watching and right in the middle of high school and this is like prime attitude era wrestling and it's not the greatest show ever but it's a great concept. It was kind of the crowning of the rock as the corporate champion.
In a tournament style, they vacated the belt after some shenanigans between Undertaker and Kane and Austin. It was a cool show up top to bottom. You had The Rock and The Undertaker and Mankind and Shamrock and Stone Cold.
getting screwed out of the belt and it was a cool twist at the end for sure because you always thought that mankind was on the side of McMahon and it turns out it's the Rock and they double-cross them and it was a cool kind of like different type of Survivor Series card than it is the usual five-on-five and I wish they would do more tournaments. I love tournaments. I love the king of the ring. So this is always one that I remember very fondly.
Yes, two excellent picks this week. So yeah, definitely tune into those matches, you guys. Like I said, especially if you're a newer fan or a younger fan, I think you'll really, really enjoy some of these older matches. And if you're like us, and you're like me and Phil, and you're just an oldie, and you like the nostalgia feels, these will bring them all back too. All right, before we get out of here, we always have our listener mail segment. And we love for you guys to shoot us an email. Askchickfoli at is where you can send it. What is this week's question?
This week's question says, love the show so much. And I get so excited to listen to them. Thank you. This comes in from at Big Mouth AJ. So he said, what is your favorite NECA figure so far? Phil, I know you're not really big into collecting the NECA figures. I collect only the horror NECA figures. And it's a tough call for me because I love them all so much.
I would have to say my favorite right now is my leather face figure, just the detail that is in that figure. And I love, like, it's a big, like, heavy figure. And I love the extra head sculpts and the, you know, the meat hook and everything, all the accessories that come with it. And the packaging was very, like, it looked like the movie poster and it was just really, really great. So that would have to be my favorite, my favorite NECA figure for sure. And there's supposed to be,
I don't know how NECA missed out on the opportunity to release their Mike Myers figure in October when Halloween was coming out, but their figure kept getting pushed and pushed and now their Mike Myers, the new 2018 Mike Myers figure is being released in December. So it looks like it's going to be an epic figure, but it was just such a huge.
A huge loss on my part. Yeah, that would have been perfect. Yeah, that they didn't get it out during all the hype of the new Halloween. So that's definitely my favorite neck of figure. And what's cool about this listener mail is that Big Mouth AJ entered our survivor series
contest this week and sent his Survivor Series pick to our Instagram. So his pick was from Survivor Series 2014. He said he loved team authority versus team Cena and he actually won our gobbledygooker pin. So congrats Big Mouth AJ. Thank you so much for sending in your listener mail and thank you for entering our contest. Send us your details to Chick Foley's DMs and we will get that gobbledygooker pin out to you as soon as possible. Congrats buddy.
Good grass, big mouth. Yeah, he's been a big supporter of the show. We appreciate everybody listening. We appreciate you guys talking about us on social media. I've been trying to be pretty active on our Twitter account at Chick Foley Show. And of course, you can follow Sheena on Instagram. She dominates it over there at Chick Foley.
And next week, we will get more into the holidays. We'll probably do a quick TLC preview. We'll have some more figure news to talk about, and we'll get more into the holiday spirit. There's not ever really any wrestling Christmas pay-per-views, but I'm sure we can think of something. Maybe our favorite Christmas movies. I know I have some favorite Christmas horror movies. That's a subgenre of a subgenre.
I did that. I can get down with Christmas horror movies for sure. Yeah. We'll have to, we'll definitely have to touch on that. Well, we'll definitely have a themed episode because you know me, I love a theme and I love the holiday. So it'll be a lot of fun. We'll have some good, we'll have some fun giveaways for you guys too. You know, all you guys that loyally listen and follow and,
You know, again, we appreciate you so much. So make sure that you go over, you rate, review, subscribe. It takes five minutes before I had our own podcast. Like I can honestly say that I didn't go and review and rate podcasts, but it really does help our show out so much to take like the two minutes just to, you know, give us a little five stars keys. Tell us what you love about the show. And, uh,
You know, like I said, we'll read some of those and do some giveaways for those people who give us a nice review. Yeah, let's do this. We can get to 40 reviews. We will pick one on the show next week. And to be the winner, we'll read all the best ones we can. So feel free to make them funny, put some cool stuff in there. And we will pick one. We will send you two WWE elites, Connor and Victor from the Ascension, one of the top five tag teams of all time, according to Bruce Prichard.
But yeah, they're awesome looking figures. I picked them up for a quick giveaway, and that's what we're going to do next week. So if we get to 40 reviews on iTunes, so leave a five star, and then also just leave a quick couple sentences about the show. It really helps us out. We will give those away to one lucky reviewer. That's killer. Awesome. So for Sheena and myself, we appreciate you guys listening. We'll be back here next week, and stay classy, Marks.